2020-2021 Reception Information Book

Passport to Reception

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Reception Class Teachers

Mrs Fleck

Mrs Day

Miss Vale

Mrs Miller

Support Staff

Mrs Wilkes Mrs Muggleton

Mrs Craig

Ms Glenister

Miss Benson

Mrs Dendy

Ms Walsh

Mrs Holloran

Ash Class

Miss Vale will be the teacher in Ash class. Here are some

photographs of Ash class.

Birch Class

Mrs Day and Mrs Fleck will be teaching Birch class. Here are

some photographs of Birch class.

Beech Class

Mrs Miller will be the class teacher in Beech class. Here are

some photographs of Beech class.

The GREAT outdoors!

At Fairlands, we are very lucky to have a large outdoor

learning space. We spend time out here daily so don’t forget to

bring your rain coat! We also have some chickens and rabbits

at school…we hope you will help to look after them!

The GREAT outdoors!

We are a school that loves messy play. You will need a warm

rain coat and a pair of wellies. You can keep your wellies at

school to make sure you are prepared for all weathers!

School Uniform

• Grey trousers / dresses / skirts / tailored


• White polo shirts / shirts / blouses

• Navy blue school sweatshirt / cardigan or

plain navy sweatshirt or cardigan

• Grey tailored skirt / trousers or shorts

• Plain navy, grey or black tights; or white,

black or grey socks

• Blue gingham summer dresses

• A school book bag

• Jewellery – please check the school policy.

Information on the school website.

Ordered through www.yourschooluniform.com



P.E. Kit

• Navy blue jogging bottoms / shorts / leggings

• White t-shirt

• Children will need trainers for outdoor P.E.

• Children will be given a school PE bag when

they start

• Children do not need plimsolls

• Earrings should be covered and watches

removed for P.E. sessions.

Reception Timetable

In the autumn term (September to December), you will spend

time getting to know your new teacher and friends. We will

also be doing lots of learning through play. Here are some of

the activities we will be doing in the autumn term…

Home Learning

Every Friday your child will bring home a homework flyer.

This will contain information on:

• The sounds they have been learning in phonics that


• Words to learn

• General information on what is going on

• An activity to try at home


Every child will be given a reading book. Initially children

will be given one book a week starting with a lilac picture


Children will also be allowed to change their class library

book whenever they want.

Your child should bring their book bag to school every day. A

book bag can be purchased at the school office.

We usually visit the Stevenage Library in the autumn term -

why not become a member over the summer if you are not


Other services

• Breakfast Club (7.45-8.50am)

Children attending breakfast club should be dropped off

at the dining room on the upper site. Staff will bring

children down to the lower building for the start of the

morning session.

• Early Years After School Club (3.15-6.15pm)

The after school club is run by staff members on the

lower site. There is space for 24 children and bookings

should be made in advance online. The places will be

released a half term at a time. The cost will be confirmed

at the end of the school term.

*Cancellation policy – places must be cancelled by Friday

lunchtime of the week before, by calling the office,

otherwise a charge will be made.

• Games Library/Shared Reading (Friday 8.50-9.10)

You can borrow a range of exciting games and activities.

The Early Years Team can support you to find an activity

that suits your child’s ‘next steps’.

• After school clubs

You can find out more information about the after school

clubs that are available on the school website.


Once your child starts full-time in Reception and turns 5, it

becomes legally compulsory for him/her to attend school every

day. We will work very closely with you to help you achieve


Regular attendance is important, not just because the law

requires it, but because it is the best way of ensuring that a

child makes the most of the educational opportunities which

are available to him or her.

There may be rare occasions when a child has to miss school –

for example, if he or she is very unwell. Any other absences

should be kept to an absolute minimum. In particular, parents

should never take their child out of school during term-time in

order to go on holiday.

If your child is absent from school, we expect you to inform us

of the reason. Please contact the office by phone, text, email

or school gateway by 10.00am on the first day of absence.

If your child has an unavoidable appointment during the

school day, please ensure you inform the school office

beforehand. If the appointment means that your child will be

late and your child requires a school meal, please ensure you

book this in advance.

For further information on attendance, please refer to our

Attendance Policy on the school website.

Free School Meals

There are two different Free School Meal Schemes in school.

Universal Free School Meals

Children in Reception to Year 2 are all entitled to have a free

school meal each day under a Government run scheme called

Universal Free School Meals.

Free School Meal Status

Parents of any children in Reception to Year 6 who are

claiming one of the benefits listed below, are entitled to

register for Free School Meal Status.

Income Support

income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance

income-related Employment and Support Allowance

support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act


the guaranteed element of Pension Credit

Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to

Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of

no more than £16,190)

Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you

stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit

Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018

your household income must be less than £7,400 a year

(after tax and not including any benefits you get)

For each child who is registered the school will receive £1,345

Pupil Premium funding, which schools have the freedom to

spend in a way they think will best support the raising of

attainment for the most vulnerable pupils. For more

information, follow the link below to the Hertfordshire County

Council website.

If you are eligible for free school meal status, and have not

already registered your child/children, please do so and then

let the office know, so the we can update our dinner money


To apply for Free School Meal Status go to

www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals or call 0300 123

4048, providing your National Insurance Number and date of

birth. Alternatively, please contact the school office with

these details and we can apply for you.


We use an electronic system to communicate with our parents

and offer an on-line payment system for school meals, school

trips, breakfast and afterschool clubs. Please ensure you have

provided us with an up-to-date email address and mobile

phone number, so that we can keep you informed of school

activities. You can register and download the app at


Don’t forget to stay signed in to the app to ensure you receive

any communications.

What next…?

If you are new to Fairlands, complete the forms

(including medical information) sent to you in the post

and return them to school as soon as possible

All parents should use the online booking system to make

an appointment to speak to the Deputy Headteacher

(13.07.2020 – 17.07.2020) using the following link


The booking system will be open from 21.06.20-29.06.20

Download the children’s booklet from the Starting School

blog (on the school website) and complete the activities

with your child. The booklet will be available on the blog

from 06.07.2020. If you require a printed copy, please

email [email protected]

Over the summer holidays, talk to your child about

starting school. Use this booklet to talk about their new

teacher, classroom and routines.

If you are new to the school, you will be asked to book a

short, informal meeting with your child’s class teacher.

This is an opportunity for your child’s teacher to get to

know you and your child. Usually, we would carry out a

home visit so the meeting will replace this. You will be

sent a reminder on schoolcomms to book your slot on the

booking system.

Contact Information

General queries

Telephone: 01438 351053/ 07970 731154

Email [email protected]

Queries about starting school, please contact

Natalie Benson (Deputy Headteacher)

[email protected]

Miss Vale – Ash class teacher

Mrs Fleck / Mrs Day – Birch class teachers

Mrs Miller – Beech class teacher

Useful information

Bridge Road Children’s Centre

Website: www.hertschildrenscentres.org.uk/bridgeroad/

Contact number: 01438 202692

Family Lives

Family live hotline: 0808 800 2222

Family lives website: www.familylives.org.uk