PASS REVIEW 2015. 1. The new type of ship used during the Age of Exploration was the ______ a.Caravel b.Compass c.Astrolabe d.telescope

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1. The new type of ship used during the Age of Exploration was the ______

a. Caravelb. Compassc. Astrolabed. telescope

2. The route taken by Europeans that traded slaves and other good across the Atlantic Ocean was called _____?

a. Triangle tradeb. the Silk Roadc. the Atlantic waterwayd. the Spice Route

3. How were European trading posts set up across Asia?

a. Trading post were established in areas where there was no settlements.b. Europeans used guns and powerful ships to force rulers to allow the establishment of trading posts.c. Local rulers allowed the Europeans trading posts because they benefited from the trade.d. Europeans did not set up trading posts in Asia.

4. Why did the French establish trading posts in Canada?

a. To trade furb. To trade Native American goodsc. To trade tobaccod. To trade gold and silver

5. How did the “Glorious Revolution” change England’s government?

a. It provided a Bill of Rightsb. Parliament took over all powerc. It became a democracyd. Parliament signed a social contract

6. John Locke believed governments were based on a(n) __________ between rulers and the people.

a. Social contractb. Covenantc. Appreciationd. Natural law

7. According to Copernicus, what body was at the center of the universe?

a. Plutob. Sunc. Moond. Earth

8. Which Enlightenment philosopher argued that people have a right to abolish their government and create a new one?

a. Lockeb. Rousseauc. Montesquieud. Voltaire

9. What makes the United States’ constitution a “negative” constitution?

a. It places limitations on the governmentb. It does not require citizens’ approvalc. It cannot be changedd. It is a collection of traditions and not written

10. The constitution includes a Bill of Rights to

A. Replace the Articles of ConfederationB. Explain the system of checks and balancesC. Detail what is expected of citizensD. Detail certain rights that the government

cannot violate.

11. Which scientist discovered the laws of gravity and motion?

a. Newtonb. Copernicusc. Ptolemyd. Galileo

12. Which of the following was NOT a consequence for challenging traditional Church beliefs?

a. Excommunicationb. House arrestc. Public disgraced. knighthood

13. Which scientific instrument helped Galileo study the planets?

a. The barometerb. The microscopec. The themometerd. The telescope

14. Which of the following would NOT be a characteristic of an absolute monarchy?

a. Citizens have no recourse against the government

b. Citizens cannot restrict the actions of the government

c. Citizens permit the theory of Divine Right of Kings

d. Citizens share power by having a legislative body

15. Which of the following was a cause of the French Revolution?

a. The Third Estate’s dissatisfaction with the government

b. widespread faminec. Invasion from Austriad. Men between the ages 18 and 25 required to

join the army.

16. Which of the following rulers was executed following the English Civil War?

a. Charles Ib. Louis XIVc. Elizabeth Id. Henry VIII

17. Leaders of the Enlightenment believed that the best was to achieve a more perfect society was through

a. Reasonb. Moneyc. Terrord. Force

18. The scientific method was developed by

a. Francis Baconb. Galileo Galileic. Niccolo Copernicusd. Johannes Kepler

19. The French Revolution started because King Louis XVI

a. Ordered his soldiers to begin the Reign of Terror

b. Named Napoleon Bonaparte to head the military

c. Increased the taxes that had to be paid by the Third Estate

d. Wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizens

20. Napoleon tried to improve social conditions by

a. Creating new schools and a new legal systemb. Allowing free speech and freedom of the

pressc. Appointing himself First Consuld. Banning the tax system

21. Where did the first successful Latin American revolt against European rule occur?

a. Mexicob. Haitic. Cubad. Nicaragua

22. How were the people revolting in Haiti different from those revolting in Mexico?

a. They were enslaved Africans fighting for their freedom.

b. They were aristocracy that no longer wanted to pay taxes to France.

c. They were mainly women and children.d. They were free citizens that wanted to

govern themselves.

23. The industrial Revolution began in

a. United Statesb. Francec. Italyd. Great Britain

24. Which of the following contributed to the success of the Industrial Revolution in Britain?

a. An abundance of food and advances in medicine

b. Britain’s abundance of natural resourcesc. Technological advances in the United Statesd. Decrease in landowner’s income due to the

Enclosure Movement

25. What effect did the discovery of changing iron ore into iron have?

a. Iron became cheaper and production increased

b. Iron became more expensive and production decreased

c. Iron became cheaper but there was no affect on production

d. The discovery of this process had no affect

26. During the Industrial Revolution unsafe working conditions developed in factories. To protect workers, ________ formed.

a. The Enlightenmentb. Labor unionsc. Political partiesd. Factories

27. British rule brought order and new inventions to India. How did many Indians view British rule?

a. As a means of pushing the French out of the country

b. As an attempt to change their culturec. As support for the long-awaited change from

food to cotton productiond. As support for the local textile industry

28. According to the Meiji, what was most important thing the Japan had to do to become a great power?

a. Build a modern army and navyb. Write a new constitutionc. Industrialized. Expand education opportunities

29. What was the goal of the Boxer Rebellion?

a. To overthrow the Chinese emperorb. To end the sale of opium in Chinac. To dive foreigners out of Chinad. To establish spheres of influence in China

30. The term imperialism refers to the

a. Freedom to open a businessb. Building of an empirec. Increasing trade in a countryd. Promotion of industry

31. Which country controlled most of Africa during 19th century imperialism?

a. Great Britainb. Belgiumc. The United Statesd. Japan

32. Which of the following countries did NOT become a U.S. territory as a result of the Spanish American war?

a. Hawaiib. Puerto Ricoc. Guamd. The Philippines

33. What danger did the European system of alliances create?

a. More than one country competed for the same area as its colony.

b. An attack on one nation would involve many countries in that war.

c. The Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires contained many groups that wanted independence.

d. The alliances created a balance of power among European nations.

34. The Japanese expanded into Korea and Manchuria because

a. The Russians wanted them, not the Chinese, to control those areas.

b. They believed Japan needed colonies to be strong.

c. They had defeated the Russian navy.d. They were allies of the Chinese.

35. Why did the United States enter World War I?

a. The United States and Great Britain were allies

b. The Archduke Franz Ferdinand was shot and killed.

c. The Japanese were threatening the Hawaiian Islands.

d. German submarines were sinking American ships.

36. Which of the following was NOT a cause of World War I?

a. Militarismb. Nationalismc. Capitalismd. Imperialism