Partying- The Ultimate Guerrilla Movement Without A Cause (Don’t Worry, I Bring It Back) A centralized culture too safe to accommodate fresh ideas and too irreverent, and satirical to stream tributaries for any kind of movement towards something enlightening. Electronic music (mainly the free party movement in the context of this article) which occupies the nearest ‘something’ of an ‘alternative’ thought process paradigm for modern western culture does not offer up any kind of revolution, only a soundtrack to getting 'fucked up' (side wayzed, wrecked on cheese, anticlockwised, insert your own personal made up favourite here) in rebellion of a society they offer no feasible alternative to. Despite viewing glimmers of community and indeed artistic galvanism in the form of interesting posters, back drops, speaker set ups etc. I don't view much heart in this scene aside from asthetics, and the great inside boom feeling of loud music. Of course over analogy when describing any scene is quite unsatisfying seeing as it is often the overriding imagination and experience of revellers that perhaps adds the flesh to any kind of good time anyhow. And the idiomatic partyer is more aware than most of any such criticism, and it is perhaps this disapproval that creates the allusiveness nook that partyers feel at home and use as justification for the continuation of the so called movement. It is the 'Big Boom' feeling of loud music that explains my own favouring towards partying. That alongside a large amount of people also attending (bare missions going around seeing different people and talking about how fucked you are is a way better past time under the circumstances than it reads), having a bit of a dance with people who’ve also rejected the over-gloss and utter garbage of mainstream culture, and drugs are what makes partying a pretty sweet time if truth be told. Although remove the ole narcotta from the scene and I feel you're left with an introverted, rickety tunnel vision time of unmemorable hours that seemed way better than they probably were in the wake of purely chemically engineered emotions and mind frames. Backwardly I form this opinion under the age old argument for art upon the anxiety of time, and the sentiment I conversely hate that


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Journalistic styled article about partying

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Partying- The Ultimate Guerrilla Movement Without A Cause (Don’t Worry, I Bring It Back)

A centralized culture too safe to accommodate fresh ideas and too irreverent, and satirical to stream tributaries for any kind of movement towards something enlightening. Electronic music (mainly the free party movement in the context of this article) which occupies the nearest ‘something’ of an ‘alternative’ thought process paradigm for modern western culture does not offer up any kind of revolution, only a soundtrack to getting 'fucked up' (side wayzed, wrecked on cheese, anticlockwised, insert your own personal made up favourite here) in rebellion of a society they offer no feasible alternative to.

Despite viewing glimmers of community and indeed artistic galvanism in the form of interesting posters, back drops, speaker set ups etc. I don't view much heart in this scene aside from asthetics, and the great inside boom feeling of loud music. Of course over analogy when describing any scene is quite unsatisfying seeing as it is often the overriding imagination and experience of revellers that perhaps adds the flesh to any kind of good time anyhow. And the idiomatic partyer is more aware than most of any such criticism, and it is perhaps this disapproval that creates the allusiveness nook that partyers feel at home and use as justification for the continuation of the so called movement.

It is the 'Big Boom' feeling of loud music that explains my own favouring towards partying. That alongside a large amount of people also attending (bare missions going around seeing different people and talking about how fucked you are is a way better past time under the circumstances than it reads), having a bit of a dance with people who’ve also rejected the over-gloss and utter garbage of mainstream culture, and drugs are what makes partying a pretty sweet time if truth be told. Although remove the ole narcotta from the scene and I feel you're left with an introverted, rickety tunnel vision time of unmemorable hours that seemed way better than they probably were in the wake of purely chemically engineered emotions and mind frames.

Backwardly I form this opinion under the age old argument for art upon the anxiety of time, and the sentiment I conversely hate that all time in this world must be occupied with tangible task, and that sitting around not really achieving anything for hours is worthless. But I am also someone intrinsically obliged to finding value in life that offers everything that can be conceived, and I feel that maybe the ends (that are unclear within this generation) do not justify the means in something that is geared towards instant gratification (Constant drops) and unintentionally pacifying people within themselves as the music rattles on into the morn, seemingly to me without context.

Interestingly it is also seen as quite a dismiss-able subject to criticize a scene that slips so well into finding satirical humour at the whole scene it embellishes. Dirty to criticize as someone who’s had some pretty sweet nights consuming the above scene. But there must be some form of accommodation that can be found? An accommodation that stands at the crossroads of excessive everything from the free party scene (The worst public pollution of a single site I can think of – I’d be surprised even when organisers return to a site after a party that they can fully restore an area to its previous condition, typically massive amounts of litter everywhere that has unmitigated effects on wildlife) on one side, and what it means to be free in a country where death control is widely disguised as ‘protection from the state’ in the form of over empathetic police officers who wish to guard your safety, and the dogmatic notion of what ownership means when encroaching on ‘private land’ that now assimilates the map of the western world.

Because I think the thing that made something like UKTEK so brutal are clueless police forces who do not have the first idea how to deal with something so illegal in the eyes of the law, whilst openly

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going against public safety beating people to a pulp. Revellers clearly feel some sense of community and rightfulness otherwise they wouldn’t have defended the rig with such mass.

There's something very beautiful about walking 5 miles through bare muddy fields, with mass silhouetted coupé cars ambling across the landscape in the backdrop, and the shuddering noise of sound systems growing nearer as you walk the wrong way six times (only to learn in the light of morning that there was a perfectly usable footpath right beside where you walked, leading straight down to the party)

This is maybe not the best first entry back as my plans with these next array of articles is to engage people in the natures of right and wrong aside from the dogmatic principals that chillingly still reverberate from years of death control perpetuated by religion, but at the same time it (partying) is a very topical talking point of our time, especially within this perplexed generation that seeks a lifestyle in the wake of a conservative majority Britain.

After all, the origins of the current free party movement can be traced back to the last clinical phase of conservative Britain when the by product of Maggy Thatcher's Britain paved the way for an emphasis on personal wealth and a kind of self justified subsistence centring on the drastic array of privatization measures that took place under her government.

An interesting conversation I often have with a friend of mine (Buz) in the light of my own complete disinterest at partying is 'some people like us just sit around wherever smoking weed and them lot go partying and get on it'