PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

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Page 1: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers


Page 2: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop Online @ PrecisionPlus.com!








fiSher Scientific





PreciSiOn Scientific







fluidS & OilS


cOnverSiOnS & cOmPariSOnS

crOSS reference

Pascal models, standard a, ac, c, cP, sd, c1 & c2 models, adP models dryPumP & rsV boosters

u series: u3.6 – u4.630

r5, huckePack, seco & cobra models

cryo-torr 8, 8f, 10, 400 & 500 models

a, aa, aas, est, esr dry PumP models

dP, QdP, iQdP dry PumP sPares, eh & Qmb boosters, em & rV series rotary Vane PumP models, esdP, Xds & gVsP scroll PumPs

maXima: 1st, 2nd, 3rd generation models

Vacsound eco models d05, d08, d12, d18, d28

kc, kt & ktc models

triVac “a”, “b”, “c” & “e”, “e” & “dk”, sogeVac & sogeVac “b”, ruVac booster, VaroVac “s”, sc scroll PumPs & tmP turbo PumPs

uno/duo, tPh/tPu turbos

d, dd, ddc, P/PX & Pc/PcX rotary Vane PumP models

Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits

microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

d & Vd, scroll PumP (dis) models

md 4, 8, me 2, 4, 8, 16, mV 2, mz 2, 4, 8 models

ds, sd, cd, cP, triscroll: 300, 600 & V turbo PumP models

chemstar, duoseal & directorr models

COnTenT quiCk LinkS

high Vacuum, usda h-2, hydrocarbon

kf, iso

atmosPhere, PumPing sPeed, Pressure units

alcatel, Varian, galileo, kinney

Page 3: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop Online @ PrecisionPlus.com!


Precision Plus is the recognized leader in ProViding high-quality, low-cost Vacuum PumP rePlacement Parts. our highly trained, Professional staff is dedicated to ProViding suPerior customer serVice, unsurPassed quality and excePtional Value.

with oVer 50,000 stocked Parts including filters, fluids and fittings for more than 650 PumP models, Precision Plus makes Vacuum PumP rePair and maintenance easy.

we are Pleased that you haVe shown an interest in our Products and serVices, and look forward to serVing you.


YOUR PRECISION PLUS CATALOGthis catalog has been constructed to better serVe you, our customer, by ProViding a durable, reusable Piece of literature that can be used year after year, without the hassle of awaiting a new Version.

check out the tiPs & tricks below to make your catalog last!

GET THE LATEST PRICING 24/7your catalog is shiPPed with the latest aVailable Pricing. but, from time to time we will change Prices. hard coPies will be generated by Precision Plus when enough changes haVe been made to significantly effect the catalog. at that time a new Price section will be shiPPed to you. until then you can...

dOwNLOAd THE LATEST PRICE LISTS wITH THE CLICk Of A mOUSE! find the latest Pricing online at:


simPly download, Print and Place in the ‘Pricing’ section of your catalog. or, get instant liVe Pricing by searching for your desired Part online.

NOT ONLINE? NO PRObLEm!contact a rePresentatiVe Via telePhone, email or fax and we’ll send a list out to you. contact information can be found on the ‘contact us’ Page at the end of this section.

STAY UP-TO-dATE ON NEw PROdUCTSyou don’t need a new catalog to be informed about our new Product offerings!

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dOwNLOAd SCHEmATICSdid you know that you can find many of the schematics you need right on our website?

simPly download, Print and Place in the ‘schematics’ section of your catalog.

find the most uP-to-date schematics offering online at:


dOwNLOAd mSdSdid you know that you can find the msds for each fluid & oil we sell right on our website?

simPly download, Print and Place in the ‘notes’ section of your catalog.

find the most uP-to-date msds sheets online at:


USE OUR wEbSITE 24/7no catalog? no Problem!

for those times your catalog is unaVailable Visit our website for the latest Products, Pricing & more! eVerything you see in the catalog aPPears on our online web store and is aVailable for Purchase Via credit card or Purchase order (if aPProVed). additional information can be found on the ‘contact us’ Page at the end of this section.

Visit us online at:


Page 4: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop Online @ PrecisionPlus.com!

Page 5: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop Online @ PrecisionPlus.com!

About Us

we understand that you need a trustworthy, comPetent business Partner who can ProVide you the Parts you need, when you need them, and at a fair Price. our years of exPertise, couPled with a determination to ProVide each customer with the best Possible exPerience, means that we are the right Partner for you.


100% CUSTOmER SATISfACTIONour customer serVice and sales rePresentatiVes ProVide PromPt and attentiVe assistance to your needs. comPlete satisfaction is our number one goal. if our Products or serVices eVer fail to meet your requirements or exPectations, we encourage you to let us know.

wHAT dOES bEING THE wORLd’S LARGEST VACUUm PUmP REPLACEmENT PART SUPPLIER mEAN? oVer 6,500 indiVidual Parts 650+ oem models coVered 50,000 items in stockfast & easy ordering readily aVailable Pricing & quoting order exPeditingdetailed Product sPecs technical suPPort & information custom kitting QUALITY PROdUCTS - ON TImE, EVERY TImE.

at Precision Plus you will find high-quality Products that we guarantee to meet oem Performance at uP to 45% less than oem Prices. we regularly conduct ongoing quality eValuations on all of our Product lines to ensure Product Performance and customer satisfaction.

Precision Plus was founded in 1984 with one guiding PrinciPle:to ProVide the highest quality rePlacement Parts and serVice at comPetitiVe Prices. since then, we haVe become the largest indePendent suPPlier of Vacuum PumP rePlacement Parts in the world. last year we shiPPed oVer 5 million indiVidual Parts to our customers. it is the mission of Precision Plus to excel as the world’s leading suPPlier of rePlacement Vacuum PumP Parts by ProViding adVanced technology Products and serVices of the highest quality which ensure long-term customer satisfaction.


CORPORATE STATEmENTPrecision Plus is dedicated exclusiVely to the suPPly of Vacuum PumP Parts and consumables. we suPPly Vacuum filters, rePlacement Parts, rePair kits, kf fittings, oils (fda aPProVed), rotors, stators, Plates, shafts, and more for anything from a minor rePair to a comPlete PumP rebuild. we stock ready-to-shiP Parts for Virtually all major oem PumP models including alcatel-adixen, becker, busch, ebara, edwards, fisher scientific, galileo, kinney, leybold-oerlikon, Pfeiffer, Precision scientific, rietschle, stokes, ulVac, Vacuubrand, Varian and welch. eVery genuine Precision Plus Part is guaranteed to meet oem sPecifications. most orders are shiPPed within 24 hours, and our customers saVe from 25% to 45% off the Price of oem rePlacement comPonents. we also back eVery Part we sell with resPonsiVe technical serVice and customer suPPort. as a Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. and edwards gbmh, Precision Plus is Positioned to offer an eVer-increasing range of Products. our highly-trained, Professional staff is dedicated to ProViding suPerior serVice, unsurPassed quality and excePtional Value. because we are dedicated exclusiVely to the suPPly of Vacuum PumP rePlacement Parts and consumables, we haVe the inVentory, the exPerience, and the on-site exPertise to offer you toP-notch Parts for less than what is tyPically charged by the oems. ordering is fast and easy. each Part we suPPly is numbered identically to its oem counterPart for clear cross-referencing. there is no minimum order amount, so you Purchase only the items you really need.

Page 6: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop Online @ PrecisionPlus.com!

Contact Us



ObTAINING CREdIT TERmS those customers that wish to obtain credit terms with Precision Plus must first comPlete a credit aPPlication. this aPPlication can be submitted along with the new customer form at time of order. Precision Plus is currently able to issue credit terms uP to 30 days with aPProVal. a credit aPPlication can be obtained by contacting a customer serVice rePresentatiVe Via one of the aboVe methods or online at www.PrecisionPlus.com . TERmS & CONdITIONS Of SALE Prices and sPecifications are subject to change at any time, without notice. this catalog is intended as a guide only. current Pricing will be Verified when order is Placed. current Pricing can also be obtained online at www.PrecisionPlus.com.

for full exPlanation of terms & conditions, Please refer to the ‘terms & conditions of equiPment sale’ found on our web site, www.PrecisionPlus.com, or contact your sales rePresentatiVe. mAkING YOUR PAYmENT INVOICE REmITTANCE:Precision Plus is a Part of edwards Vacuum inc. & edwards gmbh. as such, inVoices are generated and issued by edwards Vacuum. Please refer to the information included on your inVoice to make your Payment. Please note that Payment details may change from time to time. to be sure that your Payment will be receiVed on-time, Please refer to each inVoice indiVidually. this ensures that you receiVe the most current addresses and bank information aVailable. ACCEPTAbLE fORmS Of PAYmENT:Precision Plus currently accePts Visa, mastercard and american exPress credit cards. in addition, customers can aPPly for net30 credit terms, in which Payment Via check or wire transfer is accePted. Please see the ‘obtaining credit terms’ section aboVe for more information. SHIPPING INfORmATION freight charges are PrePaid by Precision Plus and added to your inVoice seParate from your order total, aPPlicable taxes, etc. unless otherwise sPecified at time of order. exPedited shiPPing is aVailable uPon request at an additional charge.OTHERwISE SPECIfIEd AT TImE Of ORdER. EXPEdITEd SHIPPING IS AVAILAbLE UPON REQUEST AT AN AddITIONAL CHARGE. RETURN POLICY all returns must be accomPanied by a return authorization number (ran) and comPleted health & safety form. a ran may be obtained by calling our customer serVice dePartment. Pending insPection, credit will be issued on the original inVoice amount (less any aPPlicable restocking charges). the customer will be resPonsible for all shiPPing charges (unless Prior aPProVal is giVen by a Precision Plus rePresentatiVe). customer must notify Precision Plus of their desire to return goods within 15 days of receiPt. if returning goods for rePlacement, customer will be billed for the rePlacement items and a credit will be issued uPon receiPt and insPection of the returned items. notification of incorrect shiPment by Precision Plus must be rePorted within 5 days of receiPt. a corrected shiPment will be made as soon as Possible at Precision Plus’ exPense.

dAmAGE OR LOSS:Please adVise Precision Plus of any damaged materials receiVed. damage or loss claims should be made directly with the freightcarrier. Precision Plus is not liable once the goods leaVe our facility.



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Page 7: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

1005/1010/1015/1021 SD, 2005/2010/2015/2021 SD


kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeATured SpAreS


mINOR REpAIR KITS minor rePair kits include o-rings, gaskets, washers, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pART NumbERALL 103911

mAJOR REpAIR KITS major rePair kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus Vanes, sPrings, sight glass & couPling element for major oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pART NumbER1005 SD 104622FR1010 SD 104623FR1015 SD 104643FR1021 SD 104644FR

2005 SD 103902FR2010 SD 103903FR2015 SD 103904FR2021 SD 103905FR

ROTORS mODEL(S) pART NumbER2005 sd (1st-lP stage) 657452010 sd (1st-lP stage) 657492015 sd (1st-lP stage) 657502021 sd (1st-lP stage) 657512005-2021 sd (2nd-hP stage) 65852 STATORS mODEL(S) pART NumbER2005 sd (1st-lP stage) 1035072010 sd (1st-lP stage) 1035122015 sd (1st-lP stage) 1035102021 sd (1st-lP stage) 1033932005-2021 sd (2nd-hP stage) 103409

pLATES mODEL(S) pART NumbER2005-2021 sd (center) 1034082005-2021 sd (front) 1034012005-2021 sd (rear) 103485

VANES mODEL(S) pART NumbER2005 sd (1st-lP stage) 65760fr2010 sd (1st-lP stage) 65757fr2015 sd (1st-lP stage) 65758fr2021 sd (1st-lP stage) 65759fr2005-2021 sd (2nd-hP stage) 65756fr

SHAFT SEALS mODEL(S) pART NumbERall (Viton) 82063

RECOmmENDED OILS TYpE pART NumbERPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (20l/5.28gal) PPff001fully synthetic oil



Page 8: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

1005/1010/1015/1021 SD

KIT ComponenTS


ALL ALL 1005SD 1010SD 1015SD 1021SDpART NumbER


SEAL 65875

mINOR 103911

mAJOR 104622FR

mAJOR 104623FR

mAJOR 104643FR

mAJOR 104644FR

71161 c-cliP,2004/8/12/20aac 1 1 1 1 152553 couPler,elastic,2004-20a/ac 1 1 1 1 1340024 deVice,abs,Viton,brown,70durom 1 1 1 1 171067 key,shaft 1 1 1 152700 leVer,asb,Viton,2012/20a&ac 1 1 1 154340V nib,asb,Viton,2004/8/12/20aac 182007 o'ring,Viton,10.77 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1 1320036 o'ring,Viton,12.1 X 2.7 mm 1 1 1 1 179148 o'ring,Viton,165 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 1320035 o'ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62mm 3 3 3 3 379509 o'ring,Viton,28 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 182025 o'ring,Viton,29.3 X 3.6 mm 4 4 4 4 4320109 o'ring,Viton,33 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 182014 o'ring,Viton,34.1 X 3.6 mm 1 1 1 1 1 182004 o'ring,Viton,5.7 X 1.9 mm 3 3 3 3 3320067 o'ring,Viton,63.09 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1 179537 o'ring,Viton,7.5 X 1.5 mm 1 1 1 1 140005 o'ring,Viton,9.25 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1 1 179513 o'ring,Viton,90 X 2 mm 4 2 4 4 4720007 Pad,felt,2010c2/15sd/05c1/21c2 1 1 1 1 1 171040 Pin,centering,2004-63aac-c 4 2 4 4 482604 Plug,drain,Plastic,2004a-2063c 3 3 3 3250011 ring,shouldered,2015sd/05c1 1 1 1 1 165846 ring,shouldered,standard 1 1 182063 seal,shaft,Viton 1 4 3 4 4 465784 sight glass,2010/15/21cP 1 1 1 1580031 sleeVe,gas,ballast,alcatel 1 1 1 1 165797 sPring 1 1 1 1 165799 sPring 1 1 1 1 152541 sPring,ValVe 4 3 4 4 453040 sPring,Vane,mw 8 2 6 6 8390007 ValVe disk,Viton 4 3 4 4 465791 ValVe,for Pascal PumP 1 1 1 1 165757fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265758fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265759fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265760fr Vane,gX,1st stage 2420029 washer,flat,steel,Zinc chromat 2 2 2 2 273460 washer,waVed,s.s.,m6 19 18 19 19 1973452 washer,waVed,steel,m4 4 4 4 4 473453 washer,waVed,steel,m5 1 1 1 1 1


Page 9: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

2005/2010/2015/2021 SD



KIT ComponenTS

All ALL 2005SD 2010SD 2015SD 2021SDpART NumbER


SEAL 65875

mINOR 103911

mAJOR 103902FR

mAJOR 103903FR

mAJOR 103904FR

mAJOR 103905FR

71161 c-cliP,2004/8/12/20aac 1 1 1 1 152553 couPler,elastic,2004-20a/ac 1 1 1 1 1340024 deVice,abs,Viton,brown,70durom 1 1 1 1 171067 key,shaft 1 1 1 152700 leVer,asb,Viton,2012/20a&ac 1 1 1 154340V nib,asb,Viton,2004/8/12/20aac 182007 o'ring,Viton,10.77 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1 1320036 o'ring,Viton,12.1 X 2.7 mm 1 1 1 1 1 179148 o'ring,Viton,165 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 1320035 o'ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62mm 3 3 3 3 379509 o'ring,Viton,28 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 182025 o'ring,Viton,29.3 X 3.6 mm 4 4 4 4 4320109 o'ring,Viton,33 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 182014 o'ring,Viton,34.1 X 3.6 mm 1 1 1 1 1 182004 o'ring,Viton,5.7 X 1.9 mm 3 3 3 3 3320067 o'ring,Viton,63.09 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1 179537 o'ring,Viton,7.5 X 1.5 mm 1 1 1 1 140005 o'ring,Viton,9.25 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1 1 179513 o'ring,Viton,90 X 2 mm 4 4 4 4 4720007 Pad,felt,2010c2/15sd/05c1/21c2 1 1 1 1 1 171040 Pin,centering,2004-63aac-c 4 4 4 4 482604 Plug,drain,Plastic,2004a-2063c 3 3 3 3250011 ring,shouldered,2015sd/05c1 1 1 1 1 165846 ring,shouldered,standard 1 1 182063 seal,shaft,Viton 1 4 4 4 4 465784 sight glass,2010/15/21cP 1 1 1 1580031 sleeVe,gas,ballast,alcatel 1 1 1 1 165797 sPring 1 1 1 1 165799 sPring 1 1 1 1 152541 sPring,ValVe 4 1 4 4 453040 sPring,Vane,mw 8 4 6 8 8390007 ValVe disk,Viton 4 1 4 4 465791 ValVe,for Pascal PumP 1 1 1 1 165757fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265758fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265759fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265760fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265756fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 2 2 2 2420029 washer,flat,steel,Zinc chromat 2 2 2 2 273460 washer,waVed,s.s.,m6 19 19 19 19 1973452 washer,waVed,steel,m4 4 4 4 4 473453 washer,waVed,steel,m5 1 1 1 1 1

Page 10: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

2005/2010/2015/2021 C1/C2/I



kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeATured SpAreSFRONT SEAL KITS mODEL(S) pART NumbER2005-2021 c1/c2/i 65612

mINOR REpAIR KITS minor rePair kits include o-rings, gaskets, washers, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pART NumbER2005-2021 c1/c2 104975

2005-2021 i 103912

mAJOR REpAIR KITS major rePair kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus Vanes, sPrings, sight glass & couPling element for major oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pART NumbER2005 c1 104976fr2010 c1 104977fr2015 c1 104978fr2021 c1 104979fr

2010 c2 104614fr2015 c2 104615fr2021 c2 104616fr

2005 i 103906fr2010 i 103907fr2015 i 103908fr2021 i 103909fr

ROTORS mODEL(S) pART NumbER2005 c1 (1st-lP stage) 656012005 i (1st-lP stage) 657452010 i (1st-lP stage) 657492015 i (1st-lP stage) 657502021 i (1st-lP stage) 65751

2010 c1/c2 (1st-lP stage) 658012015 c1/c2 (1st-lP stage) 658022021 c1/c2 (1st-lP stage) 65803

2010-2021 c1/c2 (2nd-hP stage) 1028542005-2021 i (2nd-hP stage) 103417

STATORS mODEL(S) pART NumbERall (2nd-hP stage) 1034092005 c1/i (1st-lP stage) 1035072010 c1/c2/i (1st-lP stage) 1035122015 c1/c2/i (1st-lP stage) 1035102021 c1/c2/i (1st-lP stage) 103393

pLATES mODEL(S) pART NumbER2005-2021 c1/c2 (front) 1033962005-2021 c1/c2 (center) 1034102005-2021 c1/c2 (rear) 103398

2005-2021 i (front) 1034012005-2021 i (center) 1034082005-2021 i (rear) 103411

VANES mODEL(S) pART NumbER2005 c1/c2/i (1st-lP stage) 65760fr2010 c1/c2/i (1st-lP stage) 65757fr2015 c1/c2/i (1st-lP stage) 65758fr2021 c1/c2/i (1st-lP stage) 65759frall (2nd-hP stage) 65756fr

RECOmmENDED OILS TYpE pART NumbERPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (20l/5.28gal) PPff001fully synthetic oil


Page 11: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

2005/2010/2015/2021 C1



KIT ComponenTS

ALL ALL C1 2005C1 2010C1 2015C1 2021C1pART NumbER


SEAL 65612

mINOR 104975

mAJOR 104976FR

mAJOR 104977FR

mAJOR 104978FR

mAJOR 104979FR

52553 couPler,elastic,2004-20a/ac 1 1 1 1 1340024 deVice,abs,Viton,brown,70durom 1 1 1 1 165789 gasket,sight glass 1 1 1 1 171067 key,shaft 1 1 1 1340023 nib,antisuck back,Viton 1 1 1 1 182007 o'ring,Viton,10.77 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1 1320036 o'ring,Viton,12.1 X 2.7 mm 1 1 1 1 1 179148 o'ring,Viton,165 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 1320035 o'ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62mm 3 3 3 3 479509 o'ring,Viton,28 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 182025 o'ring,Viton,29.3 X 3.6 mm 4 4 4 4 4320109 o'ring,Viton,33 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 182014 o'ring,Viton,34.1 X 3.6 mm 1 1 1 1 1 140007 o'ring,Viton,34.52 X 3.53 mm 182004 o'ring,Viton,5.7 X 1.9 mm 2 2 2 2 2320067 o'ring,Viton,63.09 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1 182003 o'ring,Viton,7.2 X 1.9 mm 1 1 1 1 179537 o'ring,Viton,7.5 X 1.5 mm 1 1 1 1 140005 o'ring,Viton,9.25 X 1.78 mm 179513 o'ring,Viton,90 X 2 mm 4 4 4 4 4720007 Pad,felt,2010c2/15sd/05c1/21c2 1 1 1 1 1 171040 Pin,centering,2004-63aac-c 4 4 4 4 482604 Plug,drain,Plastic,2004a-2063c 3 3 3 3250010 ring,shouldered,2010c2/2021c2 1250011 ring,shouldered,2015sd/05c1 1 1 1 182063 seal,shaft,Viton 1 4 4 4 4 465784 sight glass,2010/15/21cP 165786 sight glass,Pascal c 1 1 1 1580031 sleeVe,gas,ballast,alcatel 1 1 1 1 165797 sPring 1 1 1 1 165799 sPring 1 1 1 1 152541 sPring,ValVe 4 1 4 4 453040 sPring,Vane,mw 8 4 6 8 8390007 ValVe disk,Viton 4 4 4 4 465757fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265758fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265759fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265760fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265756fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 2 2 2 2230044fr Vane,gX,oil PumP 1 1 1 1 1420029 washer,flat,steel,Zinc chromat 2 2 2 2 284646 washer,waVed 1 1 1 1 173460 washer,waVed,s.s.,m6 16 16 16 16 1673452 washer,waVed,steel,m4 4 4 4 4 473453 washer,waVed,steel,m5 1 1 1 1 1

Page 12: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

2005/2010/2015/2021 C2

KIT ComponenTS


ALL ALL C2 2010C2 2015C2 2021C2pART NumbER


SEAL 65612

mINOR 104975

mAJOR 104614FR

mAJOR 104615FR

mAJOR 104616FR

52553 couPler,elastic,2004-20a/ac 1 1 1 1340024 deVice,abs,Viton,brown,70durom 1 1 1 165789 gasket,sight glass 171067 key,shaft 1 1 1340023 nib,antisuck back,Viton 1 1 1 182007 o'ring,Viton,10.77 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1320036 o'ring,Viton,12.1 X 2.7 mm 1 1 1 1 179148 o'ring,Viton,165 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1320035 o'ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62mm 3 3 3 379509 o'ring,Viton,28 X 3 mm 1 1 1 182025 o'ring,Viton,29.3 X 3.6 mm 4 4 4 4320109 o'ring,Viton,33 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 182014 o'ring,Viton,34.1 X 3.6 mm 1 1 1 1 140007 o'ring,Viton,34.52 X 3.53 mm 1 1 182004 o'ring,Viton,5.7 X 1.9 mm 2 2 2 2320067 o'ring,Viton,63.09 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 182003 o'ring,Viton,7.2 X 1.9 mm 1 1 1 179537 o'ring,Viton,7.5 X 1.5 mm 1 1 1 140005 o'ring,Viton,9.25 X 1.78 mm 1 179513 o'ring,Viton,90 X 2 mm 4 4 4 4720007 Pad,felt,2010c2/15sd/05c1/21c2 1 1 1 1 171040 Pin,centering,2004-63aac-c 4 4 4 482604 Plug,drain,Plastic,2004a-2063c 3 3 3250010 ring,shouldered,2010c2/2021c2 1 1 1 182063 seal,shaft,Viton 1 4 4 4 465784 sight glass,2010/15/21cP 1 1 1580031 sleeVe,gas,ballast,alcatel 1 1 1 165797 sPring 1 1 1 165799 sPring 1 1 1 152541 sPring,ValVe 4 4 4 453040 sPring,Vane,mw 8 6 8 8390007 ValVe disk,Viton 4 4 4 465757fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265758fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265759fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265756fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 2 2 2230044fr Vane,gX,oil PumP 1 1 1 1420029 washer,flat,steel,Zinc chromat 2 2 2 284646 washer,waVed 1 1 1 173460 washer,waVed,s.s.,m6 16 16 16 1673452 washer,waVed,steel,m4 4 4 4 473453 washer,waVed,steel,m5 1 1 1 1


Page 13: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

2005/2010/2015/2021 I



KIT ComponenTS

ALL ALL I 2005I 2010I 2015I 2021IpART NumbER


SEAL 65612

mINOR 103912

mAJOR 103906FR

mAJOR 103907FR

mAJOR 103908FR

mAJOR 103909FR

71161 c-cliP,2004/8/12/20aac 1 1 1 1 152553 couPler,elastic,2004-20a/ac 1 1 1 1 171067 key,shaft 1 1 1 1340023 nib,antisuck back,Viton 1 1 1 1 182007 o'ring,Viton,10.77 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1 1320036 o'ring,Viton,12.1 X 2.7 mm 1 1 1 1 1 179148 o'ring,Viton,165 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 1320035 o'ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62mm 3 3 3 3 379506 o'ring,Viton,212 X 3 mm 179509 o'ring,Viton,28 X 3 mm 1 1 1 182025 o'ring,Viton,29.3 X 3.6 mm 4 4 4 4 4320109 o'ring,Viton,33 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 182014 o'ring,Viton,34.1 X 3.6 mm 1 1 1 1 1 182004 o'ring,Viton,5.7 X 1.9 mm 3 3 3 3 3320067 o'ring,Viton,63.09 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1 179537 o'ring,Viton,7.5 X 1.5 mm 1 1 1 1 179513 o'ring,Viton,90 X 2 mm 4 4 4 4 4720007 Pad,felt,2010c2/15sd/05c1/21c2 1 1 1 1 1 171040 Pin,centering,2004-63aac-c 4 4 4 4 482604 Plug,drain,Plastic,2004a-2063c 3 3 3 3250010 ring,shouldered,2010c2/2021c2 1250011 ring,shouldered,2015sd/05c1 1 1 1 165846 ring,shouldered,standard 1 1 1 182063 seal,shaft,Viton 1 4 4 4 4 465784 sight glass,2010/15/21cP 1 1 1 1580031 sleeVe,gas,ballast,alcatel 1 1 1 1 165797 sPring 1 1 1 1 165799 sPring 1 1 1 1 152541 sPring,ValVe 4 4 4 4 453040 sPring,Vane,mw 8 8 8 8 8390007 ValVe disk,Viton 4 4 4 4 465791 ValVe,for Pascal PumP 1 1 1 1 165757fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265758fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265759fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265760fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265756fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 2 2 2 2230044fr Vane,gX,oil PumP 1 1 1 1 1420029 washer,flat,steel,Zinc chromat 2 2 2 2 284646 washer,waVed 173460 washer,waVed,s.s.,m6 19 19 19 19 1973452 washer,waVed,steel,m4 4 4 4 4 473453 washer,waVed,steel,m5 1 1 1 1 1

Page 14: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

1005/1010/1015/1021, 2005/2010/2015/2021



kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeATured SpAreS


mINOR REpAIR KITS minor rePair kits include o-rings, gaskets, washers, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul.. mODEL(S) pART NumbER1005, 2005-2021 65874

mAJOR REpAIR KITS major rePair kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus Vanes, sPrings, sight glass & couPling element for major oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pART NumbER2005 65885fr2010 65883fr2015 65882fr2021 65881fr

ROTORS mODEL(S) pART NumbER2005 (1st-lP stage) 657452005 (2nd-hP stage) 657292010 (1st-lP stage) 657492015 (1st-lP stage) 657502021 (1st-lP stage) 657512010-2021 (2nd-hP stage) 65728

SHAFT SEALS mODEL(S) pART NumbERall (Viton) 82063

VANES mODEL(S) pART NumbER2005 (1st-lP & 2nd-hP stage) 65760fr2010 (1st-lP stage) 65757fr2015 (1st-lP stage) 65758fr2021 (1st-lP stage) 65759fr2010-2021 (2nd-hP stage) 65756fr

RECOmmENDED OILS TYpE pART NumbERPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (20l/5.28gal) PPff001fully synthetic oil

Page 15: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

1005/1010/1015/1021, 2005/2010/2015/2021



KIT ComponenTS

All ALL 2005 2010 2015 2021pART NumbER


SEAL 65875

mINOR 65874

mAJOR 65885FR

mAJOR 65883FR

mAJOR 65882FR

mAJOR 65881FR

65861 blade,2005/10/15/21c&cP 1 1 1 1 152553 couPler,elastic,2004-20a/ac 1 1 1 1 165798 deVice,asb,Viton,2010/15/21c 1 1 1 1 165795 gasket,case,2005/10/15/21c 1 1 1 1 171067 key,shaft 1 1 1 165857 membrane 1 1 2 1 184149 o'ring,buna,16 X 2 mm 3 3 3 3 3320036 o'ring,Viton,12.1 X 2.7 mm 1 1 1 1 1 179148 o'ring,Viton,165 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 179509 o'ring,Viton,28 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 182025 o'ring,Viton,29.3 X 3.6 mm 4 4 4 4 482014 o'ring,Viton,34.1 X 3.6 mm 1 1 1 1 1 182004 o'ring,Viton,5.7 X 1.9 mm 3 2 2 2 2320067 o'ring,Viton,63.09 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1 179516 o'ring,Viton,66 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 179537 o'ring,Viton,7.5 X 1.5 mm 1 1 1 1 140005 o'ring,Viton,9.25 X 1.78 mm 179513 o'ring,Viton,90 X 2 mm 4 4 4 4 453474 oil,jet 1 1 1 165794 Pad,felt,2005/10/15/21c 1 1 1 1 1720007 Pad,felt,2010c2/15sd/05c1/21c2 171040 Pin,centering,2004-63aac-c 2 11 11 11 1182604 Plug,drain,Plastic,2004a-2063c 3 3 3 3250011 ring,shouldered,2015sd/05c1 165846 ring,shouldered,standard 1 1 1 182063 seal,shaft,Viton 1 4 4 4 4 465784 sight glass,2010/15/21cP 1 1 1 165792 sleeVe,gas ballast 1 1 1 1 165617 sPring 1 1 1 165797 sPring 1 1 1 1 165799 sPring 1 1 1 1 152541 sPring,ValVe 2 3 4 453040 sPring,Vane,mw 4 6 8 852655 ValVe,dschrg,Viton,2004-20aac 4 4 4 4 465791 ValVe,for Pascal PumP 1 1 1 1 165757fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265758fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265759fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265760fr Vane,gX,1st stage 465756fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 2 2 273301 washer,flat,Plated steel,m6 4 4 4 4 473304 washer,flat,steel,m5 2 2 2 2 284646 washer,waVed 1 1 1 1 173452 washer,waVed,steel,m4 4 4 4 4 473453 washer,waVed,steel,m5 1 1 1 1 173454 washer,waVed,steel,m6 10 18 18 18 18

Page 16: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

1005/1010/1015/1021 C/Cp, 2005/2010/2015/2021 C/Cp



kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeATured SpAreS

FRONT SEAL KITS mODEL(S) pART NumbER1005/2005 c, 2010-2021 c/cP 65612

mINOR REpAIR KITS minor rePair kits include o-rings, gaskets, washers, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pART NumbER1005/2005 c, 2010-2021 c/cP 65611

mAJOR REpAIR KITS major rePair kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus Vanes, sPrings, sight glass & couPling element for major oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pART NumbER2005 c/cP 65606fr2010 c/cP 65609fr2015 c/cP 65613fr2021 c/cP 65615fr

ROTORS mODEL(S) pART NumbER2005 c (1st-lP stage) 656012005 c (2nd-hP stage) 656022010 c/cP (1st-lP stage) 658012015 c/cP (1st-lP stage) 658022021 c/cP (1st-lP stage) 658032010-2021 c/cP (2nd-hP stage) 65824

SHAFT SEALS mODEL(S) pART NumbERall (Viton) 82063

GASKETS mODEL(S) pART NumbERall (case) 65795

VANES mODEL(S) pART NumbER2005 c/cP (1st-lP & 2nd-hP stage) 65760fr2010 c/cP (1st-lP stage) 65757fr2015 c/cP (1st-lP stage) 65758fr2021 c/cP (1st-lP stage) 65759fr2010-21 c/cP (2nd-hP stage) 65756fr

RECOmmENDED OILS TYpE pART NumbERPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (20l/5.28gal) PPff001fully synthetic oil

Page 17: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

1005/1010/1015/1021 C/Cp, 2005/2010/2015/2021 C/Cp



KIT ComponenTS

All ALL 2005 2010 2015 2021pART NumbER


SEAL 65612

mINOR 65611

mAJOR 65606FR

mAJOR 65609FR

mAJOR 65613FR

mAJOR 65615FR

65861 blade,2005/10/15/21c&cP 1 1 1 1 152553 couPler,elastic,2004-20a/ac 1 1 1 1 165798 deVice,asb,Viton,2010/15/21c 1 1 1 1 165795 gasket,case,2005/10/15/21c 1 1 1 1 165789 gasket,sight glass 1 1 1 1 171067 key,shaft 1 1 1 165857 membrane 1 1 1 1 1320036 o'ring,Viton,12.1 X 2.7 mm 182024 o'ring,Viton,12.37 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1 179148 o'ring,Viton,165 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 182022 o'ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62 mm 3 3 3 3 379509 o'ring,Viton,28 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 182025 o'ring,Viton,29.3 X 3.6 mm 4 4 4 4 482014 o'ring,Viton,34.1 X 3.6 mm 1 1 1 1 1 182004 o'ring,Viton,5.7 X 1.9 mm 2 2 2 2 2320067 o'ring,Viton,63.09 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1 179516 o'ring,Viton,66 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 182003 o'ring,Viton,7.2 X 1.9 mm 1 1 1 179537 o'ring,Viton,7.5 X 1.5 mm 1 1 1 1 179513 o'ring,Viton,90 X 2 mm 4 4 4 4 465794 Pad,felt,2005/10/15/21c 1 1 1 1 1720007 Pad,felt,2010c2/15sd/05c1/21c2 171040 Pin,centering,2004-63aac-c 2 2 2 2 252752 Plug,drain 3 3 3 2250010 ring,shouldered,2010c2/2021c2 165823 ring,shouldered,coated 1 1 1 182063 seal,shaft,Viton 1 4 4 4 4 465784 sight glass,2010/15/21cP 1 1 165786 sight glass,Pascal c 1 1 1 165792 sleeVe,gas ballast 1 1 1 1 165617 sPring 1 1 1 1 165797 sPring 1 1 1 1 165799 sPring 1 1 1 1 152541 sPring,ValVe 4 2 3 4 453040 sPring,Vane,mw 8 6 8 852655 ValVe,dschrg,Viton,2004-20aac 4 2 3 4 465757fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265758fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265759fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265760fr Vane,gX,1st stage 465756fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 2 2 273301 washer,flat,Plated steel,m6 4 4 4 4 473304 washer,flat,steel,m5 2 2 2 2 284646 washer,waVed 1 1 1 1 173460 washer,waVed,s.s.,m6 8 8 8 8 873452 washer,waVed,steel,m4 4 4 4 4 473453 washer,waVed,steel,m5 1 1 1 1 173454 washer,waVed,steel,m6 10 10 10 10 10

Page 18: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

2004/2008/2012/2020 A



kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeATured SpAreS

mINOR REpAIR KITS minor rePair kits include couPling, element, c-cliPs, o-rings, gaskets, washers, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhauls. aVailable in Viton or buna Versions. mODEL(S) pART NumbERall (Viton) 52610all (buna) 52610b

mAJOR REpAIR KITS major rePair kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus Vanes, sPrings & sight glass for major oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pART NumbER2004 a 52614fr2008 a 52613fr2012 a 52611fr2020 a 52982fr

ROTORS mODEL(S) pART NumbER2004 a (1st-lP stage) 525132008 a (1st-lP stage) 525122012 a (1st-lP stage) 525092020 a (1st-lP stage) 529562004-2012 a (2nd-hP stage) 527152020 a (2nd-hP stage) 52943

STATORS mODEL(S) pART NumbER2004 a (1st-lP stage) 525722008a (1st-lP stage) 525822012 a (1st-lP stage) 525742004-2012 a (2nd-hP stage) 52711

pLATES mODEL(S) pART NumbER2004-2012 a (front) 525752004-2012 a (center) 525732004-2012 a (rear) 52686

VANES mODEL(S) pART NumbER2004 a (1st-lP stage) 83946fr2008a (1st-lP stage) 53106fr2012 a (1st-lP stage) 83945fr2020 a (1st-lP stage) 52959fr2004-2012 a (2nd-hP stage) 83946fr2020 a (2nd-hP stage) 52958fr

SHAFT SEALS mODEL(S) pART NumbERall (Viton) 82063

RECOmmENDED OILS TYpE pART NumbERPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Page 19: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

2004/2008/2012/2020 A



KIT ComponenTS

ALL (V) ALL (b) 2004A 2008A 2012A 2020ApART NumbER


mINOR 52610

mINOR 52610b

mAJOR 52614FR

mAJOR 52613FR

mAJOR 52611FR

mAJOR 52982FR

82522 ball,gas ballast 1 1 1 1 171161 c-cliP,2004/8/12/20aac 1 1 1 1 1 183653 c-cliP,steel,2004/8/12/20a 2 2 2 2 2 252642 claPPer,eXhaust,buna 1 1 1 1 1 152557 claPPer,eXhaust,Viton 1 1 1 1 152553 couPler,elastic,2004-20a/ac 1 1 1 1 1 152755 gasket,case,2004/8/12/20aaccP 1 1 1 1 1 152555 gasket,fan Plate 1 1 1 1 1 183649 key,shaft 1 152750 leVer,asb,buna,2004/8/12/20a 1 1 1 1 153760 nib,asb,buna,2004/8/12/20a 154340V nib,asb,Viton,2004/8/12/20aac 1 184149 o'ring,buna,16 X 2 mm 2 2 2 2 2 282120 o'ring,buna,26.57 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1 1 179238 o'ring,buna,28 X 5 mm 1 1 1 1 1 182122 o'ring,buna,29.3 X 3.6 mm 1 1 1 1 1 183633 o'ring,buna,38 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 1 182105 o'ring,buna,5 X 2 mm 1 1 1 1 1 179030 o'ring,buna,82 X 2 mm 582033 o'ring,Viton,82 X 2 mm 5 5 5 5 552990 Pad,felt,2004a-2020cP 1 1 1 1 1 171050 Pin,dowel,2004/8/12/20a 1 1 1 1 1 154071 Pin,retaining 1 1 1 1 182604 Plug,drain,Plastic,2004a-2063c 2 2 2 282063b seal,shaft,buna 582063 seal,shaft,Viton 4 4 4 4 483546 sight glass,Plastic,w/seal 1 1 1 152563 sPring,gas ballast 1 1 1 1 1 152564 sPring,gas ballast,ball 1 1 1 1 1 152541 sPring,ValVe 4 2 3 4 453040 sPring,Vane,mw 12 14 8 852655b ValVe,discharge,buna,2004-20a 452655 ValVe,dschrg,Viton,2004-20aac 4 2 3 4 452562b ValVe,gas ballast,buna 1 1 1 1 1 152959fr Vane,gX,1st stage 253106fr Vane,gX,1st stage 283945fr Vane,gX,1st stage 252958fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 283946fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 4 2 273339 washer,flat,small o.d.,s.s.,m4 3 3 3 3 373460 washer,waVed,s.s.,m6 9 9 9 9 9 973461 washer,waVed,s.s.,m8 6 6 6 6 6 6

Page 20: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

2004/2008/2012/2020 AC



kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeATured SpAreS

mINOR REpAIR KITS minor rePair kits include couPling element, c-cliPs, o-rings, gaskets, washers, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pART NumbERall 52624

mAJOR REpAIR KITS major rePair kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus Vanes, sPrings & sight glass for major oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pART NumbER2004 ac 52614acfr2008 ac 52626fr2012 ac 52625fr2020 ac 52984fr

ROTORS mODEL(S) pART NumbER2008 ac (1st-lP stage) 525352012 ac (1st-lP stage) 525332004-2012 ac (2nd-hP stage) 527153

STATORS mODEL(S) pART NumbER2004 ac (1st-lP stage) 525722008 ac (1st-lP stage) 525822012 ac (1st-lP stage) 525742008-2012 ac (2nd-hP stage) 527111

pLATES mODEL(S) pART NumbER2004-2012 ac (front) 525752004-2012 ac (center) 526502004-2012 ac (rear) 52687

VANES mODEL(S) pART NumbER2004 ac (1st-lP stage) 83946fr2008 ac (1st-lP stage) 53106fr2012 ac (1st-lP stage) 83945fr2020 ac (1st-lP stage) 52959fr2004-2012 ac (2nd-hP stage) 83946fr2020 ac (2nd-hP stage) 52958fr

SHAFT SEALS mODEL(S) pART NumbERall (Viton) 82063

RECOmmENDED OILS TYpE pART NumbERPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (20l/5.28gal) PPff001fully synthetic oil

Page 21: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

2004/2008/2012/2020 AC



KIT ComponenTS

ALL 2004AC 2008AC 2012AC 2020ACpART NumbER


mINOR 52624


mAJOR 52626FR

mAJOR 52625FR

mAJOR 52984FR

82522 ball,gas ballast 1 1 1 1 171161 c-cliP,2004/8/12/20aac 1 1 1 1 171181 c-cliP,s.s.,2004/8/12/20ac 2 2 2 2 252557 claPPer,eXhaust,Viton 1 1 1 1 152553 couPler,elastic,2004-20a/ac 1 1 1 1 152755 gasket,case,2004/8/12/20aaccP 1 1 1 1 152555 gasket,fan Plate 1 1 1 1 183649 key,shaft 1 1 1 152700 leVer,asb,Viton,2012/20a&ac 1 1 1 154340V nib,asb,Viton,2004/8/12/20aac 1 1 182022 o'ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62 mm 2 2 2 2 282021 o'ring,Viton,19.8 X 3.6 mm 1 1 1 1 179133 o'ring,Viton,21 X 2 mm 1 1 1 1 179268 o'ring,Viton,26.2 X 3.6 mm 1 1 1 1 182025 o'ring,Viton,29.3 X 3.6 mm 1 1 1 1 182056 o'ring,Viton,37 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 182004 o'ring,Viton,5.7 X 1.9 mm 1 1 1 1 182033 o'ring,Viton,82 X 2 mm 5 5 5 5 552990 Pad,felt,2004a-2020cP 1 1 1 1 171050 Pin,dowel,2004/8/12/20a 1 1 1 154071 Pin,retaining 1 1 1 1 152752 Plug,drain 1 1 1 182063 seal,shaft,Viton 4 4 4 4 452683 sight glass,disc 1 1 1 183546 sight glass,Plastic,w/seal 1 1 1 152563 sPring,gas ballast 1 1 1 1 152564 sPring,gas ballast,ball 1 1 1 1 152541 sPring,ValVe 4 3 3 4 453040 sPring,Vane,mw 4 6 8 852655 ValVe,dschrg,Viton,2004-20aac 4 3 3 4 452562b ValVe,gas ballast,buna 1 1 1 1 152959fr Vane,gX,1st stage 253106fr Vane,gX,1st stage 283945fr Vane,gX,1st stage 252958fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 283946fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 4 2 273339 washer,flat,small o.d.,s.s.,m4 3 3 3 3 373460 washer,waVed,s.s.,m6 9 9 9 9 973461 washer,waVed,s.s.,m8 6 6 6 6 6

Page 22: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

2012/2020 Cp



kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeATured SpAreS

mINOR REpAIR KITS minor rePair kits include couPling element, c-cliPs, o-rings, gaskets, washers, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pART NumbERall 52833

mAJOR REpAIR KITS major rePair kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus Vanes, sPrings & sight glass for major oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pART NumbER2012 cP 52834fr2020 cP 52983fr

ROTORS mODEL(S) pART NumbER2012 cP (1st-lP stage) 525332012 cP (2nd-hP stage) 52715

STATORS mODEL(S) pART NumbER2012 cP (1st-lP stage) 525742012 cP (2nd-hP stage) 52711

pLATES mODEL(S) pART NumbER2012 cP (front) 525752012 cP (center) 526502012 cP (rear) 52687

VANES mODEL(S) pART NumbER2012 cP (1st-lP stage) 83945fr2020 cP (1st-lP stage) 52959fr2012 cP (2nd-hP stage) 83946fr2020 cP (2nd-hP stage) 52958fr

SHAFT SEALS mODEL(S) pART NumbERall (Viton) 82063

RECOmmENDED OILS TYpE pART NumbERPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (20l/5.28gal) PPff001fully synthetic oil

Page 23: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

2012/2020 Cp



KIT ComponenTS

ALL 2012Cp 2020CppART NumbER


mINOR 52833

mAJOR 52834FR

mAJOR 52983FR

71161 c-cliP,2004/8/12/20aac 1 1 171181 c-cliP,s.s.,2004/8/12/20ac 2 2 252557 claPPer,eXhaust,Viton 1 1 152553 couPler,elastic,2004-20a/ac 1 1 152755 gasket,case,2004/8/12/20aaccP 1 1 152555 gasket,fan Plate 1 1 183649 key,shaft 1 152700 leVer,asb,Viton,2012/20a&ac 1 179135 o'ring,Viton,10.5 X 2 mm 2 282022 o'ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62 mm 2 2 282021 o'ring,Viton,19.8 X 3.6 mm 1 1 179133 o'ring,Viton,21 X 2 mm 1 1 179268 o'ring,Viton,26.2 X 3.6 mm 1 1 1314003 o'ring,Viton,28 X 5 mm 2 2 282025 o'ring,Viton,29.3 X 3.6 mm 1 1 182056 o'ring,Viton,37 X 2.5 mm 1 1 182004 o'ring,Viton,5.7 X 1.9 mm 1 1 182033 o'ring,Viton,82 X 2 mm 5 5 552990 Pad,felt,2004a-2020cP 1 1 171050 Pin,dowel,2004/8/12/20a 1 152752 Plug,drain 1 182063 seal,shaft,Viton 4 4 452683 sight glass,disc 1 183546 sight glass,Plastic,w/seal 1 165149 sPring 1 1 152541 sPring,ValVe 4 4 453040 sPring,Vane,mw 8 852655 ValVe,dschrg,Viton,2004-20aac 4 4 452959fr Vane,gX,1st stage 283945fr Vane,gX,1st stage 252958fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 283946fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 273460 washer,waVed,s.s.,m6 9 9 973461 washer,waVed,s.s.,m8 6 6 6

Page 24: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

2033/2063 SD



kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeATured SpAreSmINOR REpAIR KITS minor rePair kits include couPling element, c-cliPs, o-rings, gaskets, washers, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 sd 54285

2063 sd 54485

mAJOR REpAIR KITS major rePair kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus Vanes, sPrings & sight glass for major oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 sd 54288kit

2063 sd 54487kit

RECOmmENDED OILS TYpE pART NumbERPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (20l/5.28gal) PPff001fully synthetic oil

ROTORS mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 sd (1st-lP stage) 541822033 sd (2nd-hP stage) 54125 2063 sd (1st-lP stage) 544392063 sd (2nd-hP stage) 54433

ROTORS - pASCAL w/25mm SHAFTS2063 sd (1st-lP stage) a214797s2063 sd (2nd-hP stage) a214794s

STATORS mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 sd (1st-lP stage) 541202033 sd (2nd-hP stage) 541222063 sd (1st-lP stage) 544112063 sd (2nd-hP stage) 54415

pLATES mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 sd (center) 54121bronZe bushing

2033 sd (rear) 54250bronZe bushing

2063 sd (center) 54413bronZe bushing

2063 sd (rear) 65505bronZe bushing

pLATES - pASCAL w/25mm SHAFTS2063 sd (center) 110543bronZe bushing

VANES mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 sd (1st-lP stage) 87941g2033 sd (2nd-hP stage) 87996g2063 sd (1st-lP stage) 54400g2063 sd (2nd-hP stage) 54401g


Page 25: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

2033/2063 SD



KIT ComponenTS

2033SD 2033SD 2063SD 2063SDpART NumbER


mINOR 54285

mAJOR 54288KIT

mINOR 54485

mAJOR 54487KIT

65079 assy,sight glass,2033/2063cP+ 1 1 1 154197 assy,sight glass,33/63 33c/63c820048 boX,white,14.5 X 10.5 X 2.5" 1 171668 c-cliP76261c c-cliP,2033/63 1 1 1 171188 c-cliP,2033/63c 2 2 2 271191 c-cliP,2033/63c54224 claPPer,2033/63 1 1 1 154091 couPler,elstc,blue,2030-2033c 1 154128 gasket,case,2033c 1 154356 couPling,elastic,2060/63c 1 154427 gasket,case,2063c 1 1103306 gasket,sight glass 1 1 1 154196 membrane,oil PumP 1 1 1 171338 nut 1 1 1 182109 o'ring,buna,10.77 X 2.62 mm 1 1 2 279010 o'ring,buna,128 X 2 mm 4 4 4 482112 o'ring,buna,15.54 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 184149 o'ring,buna,16 X 2 mm 1 1 1 182122 o'ring,buna,29.3 X 3.6 mm 1 1 1 183633 o'ring,buna,38 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 182129 o'ring,buna,40.64 X 5.33 mm 1 1 1 179051 o'ring,buna,41 X 3 mm 1 1 1 187926 o'ring,buna,44 X 3 mm 1 1 1 179234 o'ring,buna,8 X 2 mm 2 2 2 282108 o'ring,buna,9.19 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 182007 o'ring,Viton,10.77 X 2.62 mm82024 o'ring,Viton,12.37 X 2.62 mm 4 4 4 482067 o'ring,Viton,44 X 3 mm320067 o'ring,Viton,63.09 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 179134 o'ring,Viton,8 X 2 mm82015 o'ring,Viton,9.19 X 2.62 mm82027 o'ring,Viton,91.44 X 5.33 mm79136 o'ring,Viton,95 X 3 mm65059 Pad,felt,2033-2033cP+ 1 165538 Pad,felt 1 176261 Pin,cotter,2033/63 1 1 1 152752 Plug,drain82604 Plug,drain,Plastic,2004a-2063c 1 1 1 182925 Plug,fill,2033-2063c 1 1 1 175024 screw,socket head caP,ylw ch 1 1 1 179100 seal,shaft,buna 3 3 3 379101 seal,shaft,Viton 1 1 1 176135 sight glass, window,w/seal 1 1 1 1103307 sight glass,oil,glass105452r sight glass,oil,Plastic 1 1 1 154145 sPring 1 1 1 154149 sPring 1 1 1 165148 sPring54114 sPring,gas ballast 1 1 1 187954 sPring,ValVe 3 3 3 387942 sPring,Vane 9 953443 ValVe,dischrg,Viton 2033/63c 3 3 3 354134 ValVe,eXhaust,2033/63c 154400g Vane,gX,1st stage 254401g Vane,gX,2nd stage 265514g Vane,gX,oil PumP 1 173339 washer,flat,small o.d.,s.s.,m473446 washer,waVed,s.s.,m10 25 2573460 washer,waVed,s.s.,m6 16 1673461 washer,waVed,s.s.,m8 2 2


Page 26: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

one end coated

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

2033/2063 C1/C2



kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeATured SpAreS

mINOR REpAIR KITS minor rePair kits include couPling element, c-cliPs, o-rings, gaskets, washers, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 c1 542862033 c2 65123

2063 c1 544882063 c2 65552

mAJOR REpAIR KITS major rePair kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus Vanes, sPrings & sight glass for major oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 c1 54289kit2033 c2 65124kit

2063 c1 54489kit2063 c2 65553kit

RECOmmENDED OILS TYpE pART NumbERPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (20l/5.28gal) PPff001fully synthetic oil

ROTORS mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 c1 (1st-lP stage) 54182one end coated

2033 c2 (1st-lP stage) 65074both ends coated

2033 c1 (2nd-hP stage) 54183one end coated

2033 c2 (2nd-hP stage) 65075both ends coated

2063 c1 (1st-lP stage) 54439one end coated

2063 c2 (1st-lP stage) 65545both ends coated

2063 c1 (2nd-hP stage) 54440one end coated

2063 c2 (2nd-hP stage) 65546both ends coated

ROTORS - pASCAL w/25mm SHAFTS2063 c1 (1st-lP stage) a214797sone end coated

2063 c2 (1st-lP stage) a214806sboth ends coated

2063 c1 (2nd-hP stage) a214795sone end coated

2063 c2 (2nd-hP stage) a214808sboth ends coated

STATORS mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 c1/c2 (1st-lP stage) 541202033 c1/c2 (2nd-hP stage) 541222063 c1/c2 (1st-lP stage) 544112063 c1/c2 (2nd-hP stage) 54415

pLATES mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 c1/c2 (center) 54190carbon bushing

2033 c1/c2 (rear) 54251 carbon bushing

2063 c1/c2 (center) 54434carbon bushing

2063 c1/c2 (rear) 65506carbon bushing

pLATES - pASCAL w/25mm SHAFTS2063 c1/c2 (center) 110544carbon bushing

VANES mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 c1/c2 (1st-lP stage) 87941g2033 c1/c2 (2nd-hP stage) 87996g2063 c1/c2 (1st-lP stage) 54400g2063 c1/c2 (2nd-hP stage) 54401g


Page 27: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

2033 C1/C2



KIT ComponenTS

2033C1 2033C2 2033C1 2033C2pART NumbER


mINOR 54286

mINOR 65123

mAJOR 54289KIT

mAJOR 65124KIT

65079 assy,sight glass,2033/2063cP+ 1 154197 assy,sight glass,33/63 33c/63c 1 1820048 boX,white,14.5 X 10.5 X 2.5" 1 171668 c-cliP 1 176261c c-cliP,2033/63 1 171188 c-cliP,2033/63c 2 2 2 271191 c-cliP,2033/63c 1 1 1 154224 claPPer,2033/63 1 1 1 154091 couPler,elstc,blue,2030-2033c 1 1 1 154128 gasket,case,2033c 1 1 1 1103306 gasket,sight glass 1 1 1 154196 membrane,oil PumP 1 1 1 171338 nut 1 1 1 182109 o'ring,buna,10.77 X 2.62 mm79010 o'ring,buna,128 X 2 mm82112 o'ring,buna,15.54 X 2.62 mm84149 o'ring,buna,16 X 2 mm82122 o'ring,buna,29.3 X 3.6 mm83633 o'ring,buna,38 X 2.5 mm82129 o'ring,buna,40.64 X 5.33 mm79051 o'ring,buna,41 X 3 mm87926 o'ring,buna,44 X 3 mm79234 o'ring,buna,8 X 2 mm82108 o'ring,buna,9.19 X 2.62 mm82007 o'ring,Viton,10.77 X 2.62 mm 1 4 1 482024 o'ring,Viton,12.37 X 2.62 mm 4 482039 o'ring,Viton,128 X 2 mm 4 4 4 479137 o'ring,Viton,148 X 2 mm 4 482022 o'ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 182025 o'ring,Viton,29.3 X 3.6 mm 2 1 2 182056 o'ring,Viton,37 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 179303 o'ring,Viton,4.47 X 1.78 mm 2 282013 o'ring,Viton,40.64 X 5.33 mm 1 3 1 382067 o'ring,Viton,44 X 3 mm 3 2 3 2320067 o'ring,Viton,63.09 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 179134 o'ring,Viton,8 X 2 mm 2 2 2 282015 o'ring,Viton,9.19 X 2.62 mm 1 182027 o'ring,Viton,91.44 X 5.33 mm 1 179136 o'ring,Viton,95 X 3 mm 1 165059 Pad,felt,2033-2033cP+ 1 1 1 176261 Pin,cotter,2033/63 1 152752 Plug,drain 1 182604 Plug,drain,Plastic,2004a-2063c 1 182925 Plug,fill,2033-2063c 1 1 1 175024 screw,socket head caP,ylw ch 1 1 1 179100 seal,shaft,buna79101 seal,shaft,Viton 4 4 4 476135 sight glass, window,w/seal103307 sight glass,oil,glass 1 1105452r sight glass,oil,Plastic 1 154145 sPring 1 1 1 154149 sPring 1 1 1 165148 sPring 1 154114 sPring,gas ballast87954 sPring,ValVe 3 3 3 387942 sPring,Vane 9 953443 ValVe,dischrg,Viton 2033/63c 3 3 3 3


Page 28: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

2063 SD/C1/C2

KIT ComponenTS


2063C1 2063C2 2063C1 2063C2pART NumbER


mINOR 54488

mINOR 65552

mAJOR 54489KIT

mAJOR 65553KIT

65079 assy,sight glass,2033/2063cP+ 1 154197 assy,sight glass,33/63 33c/63c 1 1820048 boX,white,14.5 X 10.5 X 2.5" 1 171668 c-cliP 1 176261c c-cliP,2033/63 1 171188 c-cliP,2033/63c 2 2 2 271191 c-cliP,2033/63c 1 1 1 154224 claPPer,2033/63 1 154356 couPling,elastic,2060/63c 1 1 1 154427 gasket,case,2063c 1 1 1 1103306 gasket,sight glass 1 1 1 154196 membrane,oil PumP 1 1 1 171338 nut 1 1 1 182109 o'ring,buna,10.77 X 2.62 mm79241 o'ring,buna,148 X 2 mm82112 o'ring,buna,15.54 X 2.62 mm84149 o'ring,buna,16 X 2 mm82122 o'ring,buna,29.3 X 3.6 mm83633 o'ring,buna,38 X 2.5 mm82129 o'ring,buna,40.64 X 5.33 mm79051 o'ring,buna,41 X 3 mm87926 o'ring,buna,44 X 3 mm79234 o'ring,buna,8 X 2 mm82108 o'ring,buna,9.19 X 2.62 mm82007 o'ring,Viton,10.77 X 2.62 mm 1 4 1 482024 o'ring,Viton,12.37 X 2.62 mm 4 479137 o'ring,Viton,148 X 2 mm 4 4 4 482022 o'ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 182025 o'ring,Viton,29.3 X 3.6 mm 2 1 2 182056 o'ring,Viton,37 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 179303 o'ring,Viton,4.47 X 1.78 mm 2 282013 o'ring,Viton,40.64 X 5.33 mm 1 3 1 382067 o'ring,Viton,44 X 3 mm 3 2 3 2320067 o'ring,Viton,63.09 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 179134 o'ring,Viton,8 X 2 mm 2 2 2 282015 o'ring,Viton,9.19 X 2.62 mm 1 182027 o'ring,Viton,91.44 X 5.33 mm 1 179136 o'ring,Viton,95 X 3 mm 1 165538 Pad,felt 1 1 1 176261 Pin,cotter,2033/63 1 152752 Plug,drain 1 182604 Plug,drain,Plastic,2004a-2063c 1 182925 Plug,fill,2033-2063c 1 1 1 175024 screw,socket head caP,ylw ch 1 1 1 179100 seal,shaft,buna79101 seal,shaft,Viton 4 4 4 476135 sight glass, window,w/seal103307 sight glass,oil,glass 1 1105452r sight glass,oil,Plastic 1 154145 sPring 1 1 1 154149 sPring 1 1 1 165148 sPring 1 154114 sPring,gas ballast87954 sPring,ValVe 3 3 3 387942 sPring,Vane 9 953443 ValVe,dischrg,Viton 2033/63c 3 3 3 354134 ValVe,eXhaust,2033/63c 1 154400g Vane,gX,1st stage 2 254401g Vane,gX,2nd stage 2 265514g Vane,gX,oil PumP 1 1 1 173339 washer,flat,small o.d.,s.s.,m4 2 273446 washer,waVed,s.s.,m10 25 25 25 2573460 washer,waVed,s.s.,m6 21 16 21 1673461 washer,waVed,s.s.,m8 2 2 2 2


Page 29: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh




kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeATured SpAreSmINOR REpAIR KITS minor rePair kits include couPling element, c-cliPs, o-rings, gaskets, washers, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 54285

2063 54485

mAJOR REpAIR KITS major rePair kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus Vanes, sPrings & sight glass for major oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 54288kit

2063 54487kit

ROTORS mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 (1st-lP stage) 541242033 (2nd-hP stage) 54183

2063 (1st-lP stage) 544252063 (2nd-hP stage) 54433

STATORS mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 (1st-lP stage) 541202033 (2nd-hP stage) 54122

2063 (1st-lP stage) 544112063 (2nd-hP stage) 54415

pLATES mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 (center-bronZe) 541212033 (rear-bronZe) 54250

2063 (center-bronZe) 544132063 (rear-bronZe) 65505

VANES mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 (1st-lP stage) 87941g2033 (2nd-hP stage) 87996g

2063 (1st-lP stage) 54400g2063 (2nd-hP stage) 54401g

SHAFT SEALS mODEL(S) pART NumbERall (buna) 79100all (Viton) 79101

RECOmmENDED OILS TYpE pART NumbERPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (20l/5.28gal) PPff001fully synthetic oil

Page 30: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh


KIT ComponenTS



2033 2063 2033 2063pART NumbER


mINOR 54285

mINOR 54485

mAJOR 54288KIT

mAJOR 54487KIT

65079 assy,sight glass,2033/2063cP+ 1 1 1 1820048 boX,white,14.5 X 10.5 X 2.5" 1 176261c c-cliP,2033/63 1 1 1 171188 c-cliP,2033/63c 2 2 2 254224 claPPer,2033/63 1 1 1 154091 couPler,elstc,blue,2030-2033c 1 154356 couPling,elastic,2060/63c 1 154128 gasket,case,2033c 1 154427 gasket,case,2063c 1 1103306 gasket,sight glass 1 1 1 154196 membrane,oil PumP 1 1 1 171338 nut 1 1 1 182109 o'ring,buna,10.77 X 2.62 mm 1 2 1 279010 o'ring,buna,128 X 2 mm 4 479241 o'ring,buna,148 X 2 mm 4 482112 o'ring,buna,15.54 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 184149 o'ring,buna,16 X 2 mm 1 1 1 182122 o'ring,buna,29.3 X 3.6 mm 1 1 1 183633 o'ring,buna,38 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 182129 o'ring,buna,40.64 X 5.33 mm 1 1 1 179051 o'ring,buna,41 X 3 mm 1 1 1 187926 o'ring,buna,44 X 3 mm 1 1 1 179234 o'ring,buna,8 X 2 mm 2 2 2 282108 o'ring,buna,9.19 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 182024 o'ring,Viton,12.37 X 2.62 mm 4 4 4 4320067 o'ring,Viton,63.09 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 165538 Pad,felt 1 165059 Pad,felt,2033-2033cP+ 1 176261 Pin,cotter,2033/63 1 1 1 182604 Plug,drain,Plastic,2004a-2063c 1 1 1 182925 Plug,fill,2033-2063c 1 1 1 175024 screw,socket head caP,ylw ch 1 1 1 179100 seal,shaft,buna 3 3 3 379101 seal,shaft,Viton 1 1 1 176135 sight glass, window,w/seal 1 1 1 1105452r sight glass,oil,Plastic 1 1 1 154145 sPring 1 1 1 154149 sPring 1 1 1 154114 sPring,gas ballast 1 1 1 187954 sPring,ValVe 3 3 3 387942 sPring,Vane 9 953443 ValVe,dischrg,Viton 2033/63c 3 3 3 354134 ValVe,eXhaust,2033/63c 1 1 1 154400g Vane,gX,1st stage 287941g Vane,gX,1st stage 254401g Vane,gX,2nd stage 287996g Vane,gX,2nd stage 254451g Vane,gX,oil PumP 1 165514g Vane,gX,oil PumP 1 173446 washer,waVed,s.s.,m10 4 25 4 2573460 washer,waVed,s.s.,m6 16 16 16 1673461 washer,waVed,s.s.,m8 23 2 23 2

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

2033/2063 C



kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeATured SpAreS

mINOR REpAIR KITS minor rePair kits include couPling element, c-cliPs, o-rings, gaskets, washers, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 c 54286

2063 c 54488

mAJOR REpAIR KITS major rePair kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus Vanes, sPrings & sight glass for major oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 c 54289kit

2063 c 54489kit

ROTORS mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 c (1st-lP stage) 541822033 c (2nd-hP stage) 54183

2063 c (1st-lP stage) 544392063 c (2nd-hP stage) 54433

STATORS mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 c (1st-lP stage) 541202033 c (2nd-hP stage) 54122

2063 c (1st-lP stage) 544112063 c (2nd-hP stage) 54415

pLATES mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 c (center-carbon) 541902033 c (rear-carbon) 54251

2063 c (center-carbon) 544342063 c (rear-carbon) 65506

VANES mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 c (1st-lP stage) 87941g2033 c (2nd-hP stage) 87996g

2063 c (1st-lP stage) 54400g2063 c (2nd-hP stage) 54401g

SHAFT SEALS mODEL(S) pART NumbERall (Viton) 79101

RECOmmENDED OILS TYpE pART NumbERPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (20l/5.28gal) PPff001fully synthetic oil

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

2033/2063 C

KIT ComponenTS



2033C 2063C 2033C 2063CpART NumbER


mINOR 54286

mINOR 54488

mAJOR 54289KIT

mAJOR 54489KIT

54197 assy,sight glass,33/63 33c/63c 1 1 1 1820048 boX,white,14.5 X 10.5 X 2.5" 1 176261c c-cliP,2033/63 1 1 1 171188 c-cliP,2033/63c 2 2 2 271191 c-cliP,2033/63c 1 1 1 154224 claPPer,2033/63 1 1 1 154091 couPler,elstc,blue,2030-2033c 1 154356 couPling,elastic,2060/63c 1 154128 gasket,case,2033c 1 154427 gasket,case,2063c 1 1103306 gasket,sight glass 1 1 1 154196 membrane,oil PumP 1 1 1 171338 nut 1 1 1 182007 o'ring,Viton,10.77 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 182039 o'ring,Viton,128 X 2 mm 4 479137 o'ring,Viton,148 X 2 mm 4 482022 o'ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 182025 o'ring,Viton,29.3 X 3.6 mm 2 2 2 282056 o'ring,Viton,37 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 182013 o'ring,Viton,40.64 X 5.33 mm 1 1 1 182067 o'ring,Viton,44 X 3 mm 3 3 3 3320067 o'ring,Viton,63.09 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 179134 o'ring,Viton,8 X 2 mm 2 2 2 282015 o'ring,Viton,9.19 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 182027 o'ring,Viton,91.44 X 5.33 mm 1 1 1 179136 o'ring,Viton,95 X 3 mm 1 1 1 165538 Pad,felt 1 165059 Pad,felt,2033-2033cP+ 1 176261 Pin,cotter,2033/63 1 1 1 182604 Plug,drain,Plastic,2004a-2063c 1 1 1 182925 Plug,fill,2033-2063c 1 1 1 175024 screw,socket head caP,ylw ch 1 1 1 179101 seal,shaft,Viton 4 4 4 4103307 sight glass,oil,glass 1 1 1 154145 sPring 1 1 1 154149 sPring 1 1 1 187954 sPring,ValVe 3 3 3 387942 sPring,Vane 9 953443 ValVe,dischrg,Viton 2033/63c 3 3 3 354134 ValVe,eXhaust,2033/63c 1 1 1 154400g Vane,gX,1st stage 287941g Vane,gX,1st stage 254401g Vane,gX,2nd stage 287996g Vane,gX,2nd stage 254451g Vane,gX,oil PumP 1 165514g Vane,gX,oil PumP 1 173446 washer,waVed,s.s.,m10 4 25 4 2573460 washer,waVed,s.s.,m6 21 21 21 2173461 washer,waVed,s.s.,m8 23 2 23 2

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

2033/2063 Cp/Cp+



kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeATured SpAreSmINOR REpAIR KITS minor rePair kits include couPling element, c-cliPs, o-rings, gaskets, washers, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 cP 650602033 cP+ 65123

2063 cP 655402063 cP+ 65552

mAJOR REpAIR KITS major rePair kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus Vanes, sPrings & sight glass for major oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 cP 65061kit2033 cP+ 65124kit

2063 cP 65541kit2063 cP+ 65553kit

ROTORS (COATED-bOTH ENDS)mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 cP/cP+ (1st-lP stage) 650742033 cP/cP+ (2nd-hP stage) 65075

2063 cP/cP+ (1st-lP stage) 655452063 cP/cP+ (2nd-hP stage) 655463

STATORS mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 cP/cP+ (1st-lP stage) 541202033 cP/cP+ (2nd-hP stage) 54122

2063 cP/cP+ (1st-lP stage) 544112063 cP/cP+ (2nd-hP stage) 54415

pLATES mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 cP/cP+ (center-carbon) 541902033 cP/cP+ (rear-carbon) 54251

2063 cP/cP+ (center-carbon) 544342063 cP/cP+ (rear-carbon) 65506

VANES mODEL(S) pART NumbER2033 cP/cP+ (1st-lP stage) 87941g2033 cP/cP+ (2nd-hP stage) 87996g

2063 cP/cP+ (1st-lP stage) 54400g2063 cP/cP+ (2nd-hP stage) 54401g

SHAFT SEALS mODEL(S) pART NumbERall (Viton) 79101

RECOmmENDED OILS TYpE pART NumbERPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (20l/5.28gal) PPff001fully synthetic oil

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

2033/2063 Cp/Cp+

KIT ComponenTS



2033Cp 2033Cp+ 2063Cp 2063Cp+ 2033Cp 2033Cp+ 2063Cp 2063Cp+pART NumbER


mINOR 65060

mINOR 65123

mINOR 65540

mINOR 65552

mAJOR 65061KIT

mAJOR 65124KIT

mAJOR 65541KIT

mAJOR 65553KIT

65079 assy,sight glass,2033/2063cP+ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1820048 boX,white,14.5 X 10.5 X 2.5" 1 171668 c-cliP 1 1 1 176261c c-cliP,2033/63 1 1 1 171188 c-cliP,2033/63c 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 271191 c-cliP,2033/63c 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 154224 claPPer,2033/63 1 1 1 1 1 154091 couPler,elstc,blue,2030-2033c 1 1 1 154356 couPling,elastic,2060/63c 1 1 1 154128 gasket,case,2033c 1 1 1 154427 gasket,case,2063c 1 1 1 1103306 gasket,sight glass 1 1 1 154196 membrane,oil PumP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 171338 nut 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 182007 o'ring,Viton,10.77 X 2.62 mm 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 482024 o'ring,Viton,12.37 X 2.62 mm 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 482039 o'ring,Viton,128 X 2 mm 4 4 4 479137 o'ring,Viton,148 X 2 mm 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 482022 o'ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 182025 o'ring,Viton,29.3 X 3.6 mm 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 182056 o'ring,Viton,37 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 179303 o'ring,Viton,4.47 X 1.78 mm 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 282013 o'ring,Viton,40.64 X 5.33 mm 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 382067 o'ring,Viton,44 X 3 mm 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2320067 o'ring,Viton,63.09 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 179134 o'ring,Viton,8 X 2 mm 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 282015 o'ring,Viton,9.19 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 182027 o'ring,Viton,91.44 X 5.33 mm 2 2 2 279136 o'ring,Viton,95 X 3 mm 1 1 1 165538 Pad,felt 1 1 1 165059 Pad,felt,2033-2033cP+ 1 1 1 176261 Pin,cotter,2033/63 1 1 1 152752 Plug,drain 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 182925 Plug,fill,2033-2063c 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 175024 screw,socket head caP,ylw ch 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 179101 seal,shaft,Viton 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4105452r sight glass,oil,Plastic 1 1 1 154145 sPring 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 154149 sPring 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 165148 sPring 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 187954 sPring,ValVe 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 387942 sPring,Vane 9 9 9 953443 ValVe,dischrg,Viton 2033/63c 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 354134 ValVe,eXhaust,2033/63c 1 1 1 154400g Vane,gX,1st stage 2 287941g Vane,gX,1st stage 2 254401g Vane,gX,2nd stage 2 287996g Vane,gX,2nd stage 2 254451g Vane,gX,oil PumP 1 1 1 165514g Vane,gX,oil PumP 1 1 1 173339 washer,flat,small o.d.,s.s.,m4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 273446 washer,waVed,s.s.,m10 4 4 25 25 4 4 25 2573460 washer,waVed,s.s.,m6 21 16 21 16 21 16 21 1673461 washer,waVed,s.s.,m8 23 23 2 2 23 23 2 2

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

ADp 30/31/80/81



kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeATured SpAreS

mAJOR REpAIR KITS major rePair kits include low Pressure bearings, high Pressure bearings, teflon shaft seals, fomblin grease, shims, waVed washers, o-rings & other comPonents for major oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pART NumbERall 90576


bEARINGS mODEL(S) pART NumbERall 076561all 330017all 330023all 330039


RECOmmENDED GREASES TYpE pART NumbERfomblin (.5 oZ) 870012

drY pumpS

Page 36: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

ADp 30/31/80/81

KIT ComponenTS



ADpp30/31/80/81pART NumbER


mAJOR 90576

330023 bearing,roller,cyl,nu1006 1330039 bearing,ball,6005Z,PfPe 2076561 bearing,ceramic,krytoX,60052Z 2870012 grease,fomblin,.5 oZ tube 120011544 o'ring,Viton,144.5 X 3 mm 679452 o'ring,Viton,154.5 X 3 mm 1320166 o'ring,Viton,16 X 2mm 182114 o'ring,Viton,18.4 X 2.7 mm 2320116 o'ring,Viton,213 X 3 mm 1379237 o'ring,Viton,37.69 X 3.53 mm 182013 o'ring,Viton,40.64 X 5.33 mm 4320115 o'ring,Viton,44.5 X 2.5 mm 2320114 o'ring,Viton,52 X 2.5 mm 6320111 o'ring,Viton,57 X 2.5 mm 1320110 o'ring,Viton,73 X 3.5mm 151963 ring,shim 2079298 seal,shaft teflon 30X47X10 283546 sight glass,Plastic,w/seal 182502 washer,waVed 8

drY pumpS

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

151/301/601, 151/301/601 b



kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeATured SpAreS

bOOSTER SERVICE KITS booster serVice kits include friction rings, oil filter, ball bearings, sight glass, shims, seals, o-rings & other comPonents for comPlete oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pART NumbER151, 151 b 51990301/601, 301/601 b 51992

bOOSTER LIp SEALS mODEL(S) pART NumbERall 40095all (39.5X52X8) 79174




rSV BooSTerS

Page 38: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

151/301/601, 151/301/601 b

KIT ComponenTS



151,151b 301/601 & (b)pART NumbER




76522 bearing,roller,6006Z 4 458995 filter,oil,.70X.50X2.25 1 131339 filter,oil,1-1/4X1X1-1/16 1 182111 o'ring,buna,13.6 X 2.7mm 1 179072 o'ring,buna,165 X 3 mm 479405 o'ring,buna,218 X 3 mm 479005 o'ring,buna,24 X 3 mm 1 182129 o'ring,buna,40.64 X 5.33 mm 1 182108 o'ring,buna,9.19 X 2.62 mm 1 179404 o'ring,caPsulated,56.52 X 5.46 179569 o'ring,Viton,10.3 X 2.4 mm 579570 o'ring,Viton,12.0 X 2.0 mm 579464 o'ring,Viton,134.5 X 3.0 mm 1320124 o'ring,Viton,148 X 4 mm 179452 o'ring,Viton,154.5 X 3 mm 182114 o'ring,Viton,18.4 X 2.7 mm 5 5320123 o'ring,Viton,191 X 3 mm 1320189 o'ring,Viton,250 X 3 mm 282252 o'ring,Viton,30 X 2 mm 4 4320085 o'ring,Viton,37.47 X 5.33 mm 123970155 o'ring,Viton,60 X 3 mm 123970223 o'ring,Viton,80 X 3 mm 152117 ring,flat gasket 2 251983 ring,friction 4 479174 seal,shaft,teflon,39.5 X 52 X 8 4 460136 shim,adjustment,stainless steel,.001" 1060113 shim,adjustment,stl stl,.001" 1060116 shoe,teflon 1 183546 sight glass,Plastic,w/seal 1 260118 sPring,.256X.172X.780X.04wire 1 162826 sPring,.847X.728X1.122X.06wire 1 1420034 washer,10 X 14 X 1 mm 482510 washer,4 waVe,1.62 X 1.83 X .15" 6 682503 washer,conical,black oXide 24 2482573 washer,conical,black oXide 18 1873474 washer,crescent,electro Plate 473476 washer,crescent,electro Plate 2 2

rSV BooSTerS

Page 39: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop Online @ precisionplus.com!




bEARINGS076561 bearing,ceramic,krytoX,60052Z adP30,adP31,adP80,adP81,ads30,ads31,ads80,ads81330017 bearing,shielded,krytoX adP30,adP31,adP80,adP81,ads30,ads31,ads80,ads81330023 bearing,roller,cyl,nu1006 adP30,adP31,adP80,adP81,ads30,ads31,ads80,ads81330024 bearing,needle,PfPe 30076522 bearing,roller,6006Z 300,300b,600,600b,301,301b,601,601b

buSHINGS52637 bushing,carbon,ch 2004-20a/a 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,20252649 bushing,carbon,eP 2004-20aac 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,20252651 bushing,carbon,iP 2004-20aac 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,20254229 bushing,carbon,rP/ch 2033/63c 2033c,2063c54230 bushing,carbon,iP 2033-63c 2033,2033c,2063,2063c82902 bushing,bronZe,rP 2004-20aac 2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,2020ac,dd90,dd195,dd31082903 bushing,bronZe,ch 2004-20a/ac 2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,2020ac,dd90,dd195,dd31082904 bushing,bronZe,iP 2004-20aac 2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,2020ac,dd90,dd195,dd31082905 bushing,bronZe,iP 2033/63c 2033,2033c,2063,2063c82906 bushing,bronZe,2033-63c 2033,2033c,2063,2063c

COupLINGS52553 couPler,elastic,2004-20a/ac 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,20254091 couPler,elstc,blue,2030-2033c 2030c,2033c,ddc49554356 couPling,elastic,2060/63c 2060,2063c

ELEmENTS68881 filter,element”de”actiV.carbon

FILTERS31339 filter,oil,1-1/4X1X1-1/16 151,151b58995 filter,oil,.70X.50X2.25 300,300b,600,600b,301,301b,601,601b65787 filter,inlet,screen 1005,1010,1015,1021,2005,2010,2015,202168304 filter,demister,oil,2004-20a 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,d90,dd195,dd31068356 filter, oil 2033,2033c,2063,2063c68443 filter,eXhaust elmnt,2033/63c 2033,2033c,2063,2063c760020 alcatel eXh. silencer filter adP30,adP31,adP80,adP81,ads30,ads31,ads80,ads81

GASKETS103306 gasket,sight glass 2033c,2063c52555 gasket,fan Plate 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,20252755 gasket,case,2004/8/12/20aaccP 2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,2020ac,dd90,dd195,ddc195,dd53142 gasket,eXhaust,Viton,2030 203053317 gasket,eXhaust 203053425 gasket,eXhaust,2030c 2030c,ddc49553429 gasket,eXhaust,Viton,2030c 2030c,ddc49553457 gasket,intake,Viton 2030c,ddc49553484 gasket,inlet,Viton 2007c53690 gasket,eXhaust,buna,2060c 2060c53692 gasket,Viton 2060c53715 gasket,gas ballast 2060c53926 gasket,2007 200754128 gasket,case,2033c 2033,2033c54427 gasket,case,2063c 2063,2063c,2063cP,2063cP+65789 gasket,sight glass 2010c,2015c,2021c,dd200,ddc200,dd300,ddc300,dd4265795 gasket,case,2005/10/15/21c 2005/c/cP,2010/c/cP,2015/c/cP,2021/c/cP,dd200,dd83146 gasket,inlet,buna 200783300 gasket,flat,gas ballast 2004,2008,2012,dd90,dd195,dd31083650 gasket,case,2004/7/12 2004,2007,201287921 gasket,case,2030c 2030c,ddc49587923 gasket,buna 2030c,ddc49587973 gasket,2060c 2060c87976 gasket,case,2060c 2060c87978 gasket,inlet 2060c

HARDWARE420019 washer,waVed adP30,adP31,adP80,adP81,ads30,ads31,ads80,ads81420029 washer,flat,steel,Zinc chromat 1005sd,1010sd,1015sd,1021sd,2005sd,2010sd,2015sd420034 washer,10 X 14 X 1 mm rsV301,rsV301b,rsV601,rsV601b 65847 washer,Pascal,1005-2021 1005,1010,1015,1021,2005,2010,2015,202171067 key,shaft 2010c,2015c,2021c,ddc200,ddc300,ddc42071161 c-cliP,2004/8/12/20aac 2004,2008,2012,2020,2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,dd9071181 c-cliP,s.s.,2004/8/12/20ac 2004ac71188 c-cliP,2033/63c 2033,2033c,2063,2063c 71191 c-cliP,2033/63c 2033c,2063c71309 key,woodruff 2004,2008,2012,dd90,dd195,dd310

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

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HARDWARE (CONT.)71338 nut 2033,206371668 c-cliP 2033c,2033cP,2033cP+,2063c,2063cP,2063cP+73301 washer,flat,Plated steel,m6 1005,2005,2010,2015,2021,dd100,dd200,dd300,dd42073304 washer,flat,steel,m5 2010c,2015c,2021c,dd100,ddc100,dd200,ddc200,dd30 73339 washer,flat,small o.d.,s.s.,m4 2007c,2060c,2007,206073446 washer,waVed,s.s.,m10 2060c73452 washer,waVed,steel,m4 2010c,2015c,2021c,dd100,ddc100,dd200,ddc200,dd3073453 washer,waVed,steel,m5 2033,206373454 washer,waVed,steel,m6 2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,2020ac,ddc195,ddc31073455 washer,waVed,steel,m8 2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,2020ac,ddc195,ddc31073460 washer,waVed,s.s.,m6 2004a,2004ac,2008a,2008ac,2012a,2012ac,dd90,dd1973461 washer,waVed,s.s.,m8 2004a,2004ac,2008a,2008ac,2012a,2012ac,dd90,dd1973474 washer,crescent,electro Plate rsV301,rsV301b,rsV601,rsV601b73476 washer,crescent,electro Plate 151,151b75024 screw,socket head caP,ylw ch 2033c,2063c76261c c-cliP,2033/63 2033206382502 washer,waVed adP30,adP31,adP80,adP81,ads30,ads31,ads80,ads8182503 washer,conical,black oXide 151,151b82510 washer,4 waVe,1.62 X 1.83 X .15” 300,300b,600,600b,301,301b,601,601b82573 washer,conical,black oXide 151,151b83547 washer,seal 2060c83649 key,shaft 2012a,dd31083653 c-cliP,steel,2004/8/12/20a 2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,2020ac,ddc195,ddc31084646 washer,waVed 2010c,2015c,2021c,ddc100,dd200,ddc200,dd300,ddc387927 washer,seal,dowty,buna 2030c,2060c,ddc495

KITS103902fr kit,major,gX,2005sd 2005sd103903fr kit,major,gX,2010sd 2010sd103904fr kit,major,gX,2015sd 2015sd103905fr kit,major,gX,2021sd 2021sd103906fr kit,major,fr,2005i 2005i103907fr kit,major,fr,2010i 2010i103908fr kit,major,fr,2015i 2015i103909fr kit,major,fr,2021i 2020i103911 kit,minor,Pascal,all sd 1005sd,1010sd,1015sd,1021sd,2005sd,2010sd,2015sd103912 kit,minor,Pascal,i PumPs 2005i,2010i,2015i,2021i104614fr kit,major,fr,2010c2 2010c2104615fr kit,major,fr,2015c2 2015c2104616fr kit,major,gX,2021c2 2021c2104622fr kit,major rePair, alcatel Pascal 1005sd 1005sd104623fr kit,major rePair, alcatel Pascal 1010sd 1010sd104643fr kit,major,fr,1015sd 1015sd104644fr kit,major rePair,alcatel Pascal 1021sd 1021sd104975 kit,minor,Pascal,c1&c2 PumPs 1005c1,1010c1,1015c1,1021c1,2005c1,2010c1,2015c1104976fr kit,major,gX,2005c1 2005c1104977fr kit,major,fr,2010c1 2010c1104978fr kit,major,fr,2015c1 2015c1104979fr kit,major,fr,2021c1 2021c151990 kit,Parts,sPare,booster 151,151b51992 kit,maintenance rsV301,rsV301b,rsV601,rsV601b52610 kit,minor,2004/8/12/20a 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,dd90,dd195,dd31052610b kit,minor,buna,2004/8/12/20a 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a52611fr kit,major,rebuild,gX,2012a 2012a,dd31052613fr kit,major,rebuild,gX,2008a 2008a,dd19552614acfr kit,major,rebuild,fr,2004ac 2004ac52614fr kit,major,gX,2004a 2004a,dd9052624 kit,minor 2008ac,2012ac,2020ac,ddc195,ddc310,1004ac,2004ac52625fr kit,major,rebuild,gX,2012ac 2012ac,ddc31052626fr kit,major,rebuild,gX,2008ac 2008ac,ddc19552833 kit,minor,2012cP/2020cP 2012cP,2020cP52834fr kit,major,rebuild,gX,2012cP 2012cP52982fr kit,major,rePair,gX,2020a 202052983fr kit,major,rebuild,fr,2020cP 2020cP52984fr kit,major,rebuild,fr,2020ac 2020ac54285 kit,minor,1033/2033 1033,2033,1033sd,2033sd54286 kit,minor,2033c 2033c,1033,2033c154288kit kit,major,gX,2033 2033,2033sd54289kit kit,major,gX,2033c 2033c54485 kit,minor,1063/2063 1063,2063,1063sd,2063sd54487kit kit,major,gX,2063 2063,2063sd54488 kit,minor,2063c 2063c,1063,2063c1 54489kit kit,major,gX,2063c 2063c

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KITS (CONT.)650051 kit,major,cobra,ds700 ds70065060 kit,minor,2033cP 2033cP65061kit kit,major,rebuild,gX,2033cP 2 033cP65123 kit,minor,2033cP 2033cP+,2033c265124kit kit,major rePair,2033cP+ 2033cP+,2033c265540 kit,minor,2063cP 2063cP65541kit kit,major rePair,2063cP 2063cP65552 kit,minor,2063cP+ 2063cP+,2063c265553kit kit,major rePair,2063cP+ 2063cP+,2063c265606fr kit,major,rebuild,gX,2005c/cP 2005c,ddc10065609fr kit,major,rebuild,fr,2010c/cP 2010c,2010cP,ddc20065611 kit,minor,Pascal c/cP 1005c,2005c,2010c&cP,2015c&cP,2021c&cP,ddc100,dd65612 kit,front seal,Pascal,corrosiVe 1005c,2005c,2010c&cP,2015c&cP,2021c&cP,ddc100,dd65613fr kit,major,rebuild,gX,2015c/cP 2015c,2015cP,ddc30065615fr kit,major,rebuild,fr,2021c/cP 2021c,2021cP,ddc42065874 kit,minor,Pascal,standard 1005,2005,2010,2015,2021,dd100,dd200,dd300,dd42065875 kit,front seal,Pascal,standard 1005,1010,1015,1021,2005,2010,2015,2021,dd100,dd65881fr kit,major,rebuild,gX,2021 2021,dd42065882fr kit,major,rebuild,gX,2015 2015,dd30065883fr kit,major,rebuild,gX,2010 2010,dd20065885fr kit,major,rebuild,gX,2005 2005,dd10090576 it,rebuild,alcatel,dryPumP adP30,adP31,adP80,adP81,ads30,ads31,ads80,ads81

mISC.340023 nib,antisuck back,Viton 2005i,2010i,2015i,2021i,2005c1,2010c1,2015c1,202340024 deVice,abs,Viton,brown,70durom 1005sd,1010sd,1015sd,1021sd,2005sd,2010sd,2015sd40033 nib,asb,2nd 2012c,ddc31040095 silencer,eXhaust,dryPumP adP30,adP31,adP80,adP81,ads30,ads31,ads80,ads8152752 Plug,drain 2004ac52758 oil,jet,2008 2008a52990 Pad,felt,2004a-2020cP 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,20253760 nib,asb,buna,2004/8/12/20a 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,20254071 Pin,retaining 2020cP54196 membrane,oil PumP 2033,2033c,2063,2063c54340V nib,asb,Viton,2004/8/12/20aac 2004,2004ac,2008,2008ac,2012,2012ac,2020,2020ac,2020cPi,dd90,dd195,ddc195,dd310,ddc31060116 shoe,teflon 151,151b65059 Pad,felt,2033-2033cP+ 2033,2033c,2033cP,2033cP+65538 Pad,felt 2063c65794 Pad,felt,2005/10/15/21c 2010c,2015c,2021c,ddc200,ddc300,ddc42065798 deVice,asb,Viton,2010/15/21c 2010c,2015c,2021c,dd100,ddc100,dd200,ddc200,dd3065857 membrane 2005,2005c,2010,2010c,2010cP,2015,2015c,2015cP,2021,2021c,2021cP,dd100,ddc100,dd20071040 Pin,centering,2004-63aac-c 2004a,2004ac,2008,2008ac,2012a,2012ac,2020a,2020 2033,206371050 Pin,dowel,2004/8/12/20a 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,dd90,dd195,dd31071051 Pin,sPline 2004,2008,2012,dd90,dd195,dd310720007 Pad,felt,2010c2/15sd/05c1/21c2 all Pascal76261 Pin,cotter,2033/63 2033,206381260 ball,steel 2030,2060,ddc49582475 Pin,sPline 2060c82522 ball,gas ballast 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,dd90,dd195,dd31082604 Plug,drain,Plastic,2004a-2063c 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,2030c,2033c,2060c,2063c,82925 Plug,fill,2033-2063c 2033,2033c,2063,2063c,2060,2060c87929 Plug,fill,2030c 2030c,ddc49587930 Plug,drain,2060c 2060c

O-RINGS320035 o’ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62mm all Pascal320036 o’ring,Viton,12.1 X 2.7 mm 2005,2010,2015,2015sd,2021,dd100,dd200,dd300,dd4320067 o’ring,Viton,63.09 X 3.53 mm all Pascal320105 o’ring,buna,33.5 X 2.5mm 2015sd,d18/28,kVc18/28320109 o’ring,Viton,33 X 2.5 mm 1005sd,1010sd,1015sd,1021sd,2005sd,2010sd,2015sd320110 o’ring,Viton,73 X 3.5mm adP30,adP31,adP80,adP81,ads30,ads31,ads80,ads81 320111 o’ring,Viton,57 X 2.5 mm adP30,adP31,adP80,adP81,ads30,ads31,ads80,ads81320112 o’ring,Viton,41.5 X 5.3 mm adP30,adP31,adP80,adP81,ads30,ads31,ads80,ads81320113 o’ring,Viton,38 X 3.5 mm adP30,adP31,adP80,adP81,ads30,ads31,ads80,ads81320114 o’ring,Viton,52 X 2.5 mm adP30,adP31,adP80,adP81,ads30,ads31,ads80,ads81320115 o’ring,Viton,44.5 X 2.5 mm adP30,adP31,adP80,adP81,ads30,ads31,ads80,ads81320116 o’ring,Viton,213 X 3 mm320123 o’ring,Viton,191 X 3 mm rsV301,rsV301b,rsV601,rsV601b 320124 o’ring,Viton,148 X 4 mm rsV301,rsV301b,rsV601,rsV601b320166 o’ring,Viton,16 X 2mm adP30,adP31,adP80,adP81,ads30,ads31,ads80,ads81 320189 o’ring,Viton,250 X 3 mm rsV301,rsV301b,rsV601,rsV601b320270 o’ring, Viton, 8.73mm X 1.78mm d18,d28

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O-RINGS (CONT.)40003 o’ring,buna,6.07 X 1.78 mm 2004,2007,2012,1060,206040004 o’ring,Viton,6.07 X 1.78 mm 2007c,2012c,1060c,2060c40005 o’ring,Viton,9.25 X 1.78 mm 2007c,2012c,2015sd,1030c,2030c,ddc300,ddc310,ddc40006 o’ring,Viton,13.94 X 2.62 mm 2007c,2012c,1060c,2060c40007 o’ring,Viton,34.52 X 3.53 mm 1030c,2030c,ddc49540008 o’ring,Viton,18.72 X 2.62 mm 1060c,2060c40009 o’ring,Viton,37.77 X 2.62 mm 1060c,2060c,d05`,kVc540010 o’ring,Viton,82.22 X 2.62 mm 1030c,2030c,ddc49540012 o’ring,Viton,50.17 X 5.33 mm 1060c,2060c40015 o’ring,buna,7.65 X 1.78 mm 2004,2007,201240016 o’ring,buna,9.25 X 1.78 mm 1030,2030,d18/28,kVc18/2840017 o’ring,buna,13.94 X 2.62 mm 2004,2007,2012,1060,206040018 o’ring,buna,17.12 X 2.62 mm 2008ac,2012ac,2020ac,2008cP,2012cP,2020cP,ddc19540019 o’ring,buna,18.72 X 2.62 mm 1060,206040020 o’ring,buna,37.77 X 2.62 mm 1060,2060,d05/08/12,kVc5/8/1240021 o’ring,buna,82.22 X 2.62 mm 1030,203040023 o’ring,buna,34.52 X 3.53 mm 1030,203040024 o’ring,buna,23.39 X 3.53 mm 1060,1060c,2060,2060c 40028 o’ring,buna,27.94 X 5.33 mm 2004,2007,201240029 o’ring,buna,40.64 X 5.33 mm 2004,2007,2012,1030,203040030 o’ring,buna,50.17 X 5.33 mm 1060,206040031 o’ring,buna,53.34 X 5.33 mm 1060,206053474 oil,jet 2021,dd42071217342 o’ring,buna,8 X 2 mm sV58579005 o’ring,buna,24 X 3 mm 151,151b79010 o’ring,buna,128 X 2 mm 203379030 o’ring,buna,82 X 2 mm 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,dd90,dd195,dd31079051 o’ring,buna,41 X 3 mm 2033,206379072 o’ring,buna,165 X 3 mm 151,151b79133 o’ring,Viton,21 X 2 mm 2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,dd90,dd195,ddc195,dd310,ddc79133b o’ring,buna,21 X 2 mm79134 o’ring,Viton,8 X 2 mm 2033c,2063c79135 o’ring,Viton,10.5 X 2 mm 2012cP,2020cP,dc310,300,300b,301,301b,600,600b,679136 o’ring,Viton,95 X 3 mm 2033,2033c,2063,2063c79137 o’ring,Viton,148 X 2 mm 2063c79148 o’ring,Viton,165 X 3 mm 2010c,2015c,2021c,ddc100,dd200,ddc200,dd300,ddc379234 o’ring,buna,8 X 2 mm 2033,206379237 o’ring,Viton,37.69 X 3.53 mm 2033,206379238 o’ring,buna,28 X 5 mm 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,dd90,dd195,dd31079241 o’ring,buna,148 X 2 mm 206379268 o’ring,Viton,26.2 X 3.6 mm 2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,2020ac,2030cPi,2030c,dd90,d79303 o’ring,Viton,4.47 X 1.78 mm 2033,206379404 o’ring,caPsulated,56.52 X 5.46 rsV301,rsV301b,rsV601,rsV601b79405 o’ring,buna,218 X 3 mm rsV301,rsV301b,rsV601,rsV601b79452 o’ring,Viton,154.5 X 3 mm rsV301,rsV301b,rsV601,rsV601b79464 o’ring,Viton,134.5 X 3.0 mm 151,151b79506 o’ring,Viton,212 X 3 mm 2020i79509 o’ring,Viton,28 X 3 mm 2010c,2015c,2021c,dd100,ddc100,dd200,ddc200,dd3079513 o’ring,Viton,90 X 2 mm 2010c,2015c,2021c,dd100,ddc100,dd200,ddc200,dd3079516 o’ring,Viton,66 X 2.5 mm 2010c,2015c,2021c,dd100,ddc100,dd200,ddc200,dd3079537 o’ring,Viton,7.5 X 1.5 mm 2010c,2015c,2021c,dd100,ddc100,dd200,ddc200,dd3079569 o’ring,Viton,10.3 X 2.4 mm 151,151b79570 o’ring,Viton,12.0 X 2.0 mm rsV301,rsV301b,rsV601,rsV601b82003 o’ring,Viton,7.2 X 1.9 mm 2010c282004 o’ring,Viton,5.7 X 1.9 mm 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,2004cP,2008cP,2012cP,20282007 o’ring,Viton,10.77 X 2.62 mm 2033c,2063c 82008 o’ring,Viton,21.82 X 3.53 mm 2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,dd90,dd195,ddc195,dd310,ddc82013 o’ring,Viton,40.64 X 5.33 mm 2004a,2004ac,2008a,2008ac,2012a,2012ac,2020a,2022033,2033c82014 o’ring,Viton,34.1 X 3.6 mm 2010c,2015c,2021c,dd100,ddc100,dd200,ddc200,dd3082015 o’ring,Viton,9.19 X 2.62 mm 2030c,2063c,2033c,2060c,ddc49582018 o’ring,Viton,53.34 X 5.33 mm 2060c82019 o’ring,Viton,18 X 2.5 mm 2060c82021 o’ring,Viton,19.8 X 3.6 mm 2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,2012cP,2012cP+,2020ac,2020c82022 o’ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62 mm 2008ac,2012ac,2020ac,2008cP,2012cP,2020cP,ddc19582024 o’ring,Viton,12.37 X 2.62 mm 2004a,dd9082025 o’ring,Viton,29.3 X 3.6 mm 2063c82027 o’ring,Viton,91.44 X 5.33 mm 2033c,2063c82033 o’ring,Viton,82 X 2 mm 2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,2020ac,dd90,dd195,ddc195,dd 82034 o’ring,Viton,27.94 X 5.33 mm 2008ac,2012ac,ddc195,ddc31082039 o’ring,Viton,128 X 2 mm 2033c,2063c82051 o’ring,Viton,132 X 4 mm 2060c 82056 o’ring,Viton,37 X 2.5 mm 2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,2020ac,2030c,2033c,2060c82067 o’ring,Viton,44 X 3 mm 2030,2030c,2063,2063c,2033,2033c, 2060,2060c,ddc495

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O-RINGS (CONT.)82069 o’ring,buna,91 X 3 mm 203082070 o’ring,buna,63 X 1.5 mm 2004,2008,201282072 o’ring,Viton,90 X 3 mm 2030c,ddc49582104 o’ring,buna,5.28 X 1.78 mm 200482105 o’ring,buna,5 X 2 mm 2004ac,2020ac,dd9082108 o’ring,buna,9.19 X 2.62 mm 2030,2033,2060,2063,150,300,300b,301,301b,600,6082109 o’ring,buna,10.77 X 2.62 mm 2030,2063,2033,206082110 o’ring,buna,12.1 X 2.7 mm82111 o’ring,buna,13.6 X 2.7mm 2012,rsV301,rsV301b,rsV601,rsV601b82112 o’ring,buna,15.54 X 2.62 mm 2033,2063,206082114 o’ring,Viton,18.4 X 2.7 mm 151,151b82120 o’ring,buna,26.57 X 3.53 mm 2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,2020ac,dd90,dd195,dd31082122 o’ring,buna,29.3 X 3.6 mm 2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,2020ac,dd90,dd195,dd31082129 o’ring,buna,40.64 X 5.33 mm 2033c,2063c,2060c,150,300,300b,301,301b,600,600b82252 o’ring,Viton,30 X 2 mm 151,151b83633 o’ring,buna,38 X 2.5 mm 2004a,2004ac,2008a,2008ac,2012a,2012ac,2020a,2022033,2033c,2033cP2033cP+84149 o’ring,buna,16 X 2 mm 2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,2020ac,dd195,dd310,dd9087926 o’ring,buna,44 X 3 mm 2030c,2063c,ddc495

OIL/GREASES870012 grease,fomblin,.5 oZ tube adP30,adP31,adP80,adP81,ads30,ads31,ads80,ads81

pLATES103396 Plate,front,alcatel c1/c2 2005-21c1,2005-21c2103398 Plate,rear, alcatel c1/c2 2005-21c1,2005-21c2103401 Plate,front 2005sd,2010sd,2015sd,2021sd103408 Plate,center,Pascal,sd series 2005sd,2010sd,2015sd,2021sd103410 Plate,center, 2005,10,15,21 c1/c2 2005-21c1,2005-21c2103411 Plate,rear, i series/1015,21sd 2005-21i103485 Plate,rear 2005sd,2010sd,2015sd,2021sd110543 Plate,intermediate,brZ,25mm 2063sd110544 Plate,intermediate,2063,25mm 2063c1,2063c252573 Plate,intermediate,2004-12aac 2004a,2008a,2012a,2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,dd90,dd1952575 Plate,front,2004-12a/ac 2004a,2008a,2012a,2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,dd90,dd1952650 Plate,intrmedate,2004-12ac/cP 2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,2004cP,2008cP,2012cP,ddc19552686 Plate,rear,2004/8/12a & ac 2004a,2008a,2012a,2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,dd90,dd1952687 Plate,rear,2004/8/12ac,carbon 2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,ddc195,ddc31054121 Plate,intermediate,2033 203354190 Plate,intermediate,2033cP+ 2033cP+54250 Plate,rear,bronZe,2033 203354251 Plate,rear,carbon,2033/33c 2033,2033c54413 Plate,intermediate,bronZe,2063 206354434 Plate,intermediate,2063-63c, 2063,2063c65505 Plate,rear bushing,bronZ,2063 206365506 Plate,rear,cb,2063 & 2063c 2063, 2063c

RINGS250010 ring,shouldered,2010c2/2021c2 1005c,2005c,2010c,2010cP,2015c,2015cP,2021c,2021250011 ring,shouldered,2015sd/05c1 1005,1010,1015,1021,2005,2010,2015,202151963 ring,shim adP30,adP31,adP80,adP81,ads30,ads31,ads80,ads8151983 ring,friction 300,300b,600,600b,301,301b,601,601b52117 ring,flat gasket 151,151b65823 ring,shouldered,coated 2005c&cP,2010c&cP,2015c&cP,2020c&cP,ddc100,ddc2065846 ring,shouldered,standard 2005,2010,2015,2020,dd100,dd200,dd300,dd42071183 ring,retaining 2030c,ddc495

ROTORS102854 rotor,2nd stage,coated 2005c1,2005c2,2010c1,2010c2,2015c1,2015c2,2021c1103417 rotor,2nd stage 2005i,2010i,2015i,2021i52509 rotor,1st stage,2012a 2012a,dd31052512 rotor,1st stage,2008a 2008a,dd19552513 rotor,1st stage,2004a 2004a,dd9052533 rotor,1st,coated,2012ac/cP 2012ac,2012cP,ddc31052535 rotor,1st,1 end coated,2008ac 2008ac,ddc19552715 rotor,2nd stg,2004/8/12a&ac 2004a,2008a,2012a,2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,dd90,dd1952943 rotor,2nd stage,hP,2020a 2020a52956 rotor,1st stage,lP,2020a 2020a54124 rotor,1st stage,2033 2033,2033sd54125 rotor,hP,2nd stage,2033sd 2033sd54182 rotor,lP,1st stg,end coated,2033sd,c1 2033c,2033c154183 rotor,hP,2nd stg,end coated,2033c1 2033,2033c,2033c1,2033sd54425 rotor,1st stage,2063 2063,2063sd54433 rotor,hP,2nd stage,2063sd 2063,2063c,2063c1,2063sd

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ROTORS (CONT.)54440 rotor,hP,2nd stg,end coated,2063c1 2063c154439 rotor,lP,1st stg,end coated,2063sd,c1 2063c,2063c1 65074 rotor,lP,1st stg,ends coated,2033c2 2033cP,2033c265075 rotor,hP,2nd stg,ends coated,2033c2 2033cP,2033c265545 rotor,lP,1st stg,ends coated,2063c2 2063cP,2063c265546 rotor,hP,2nd stg,ends coated,2063c2 2063cP,2063c2 65601 rotor,1st stage,coated 2005c,2005c165602 rotor,2nd stage,coated 2005c65728 rotor,2nd stage 2010,2015,202165729 rotor,2nd stage 200565745 rotor,1st stage 2005,2005i,2005sd65749 rotor,1st stage 2010,2010i,2010sd65750 rotor,1st stage 2015,2015i,2015sd65751 rotor,1st stage 2021,2021i,2021sd65801 rotor,1st stage,coated 2010c,2010c1,2010c2,2010cP65802 rotor,1st stage,coated 2015c,2015c1,2015c2,2015cP65803 rotor,1st stage,coated 2021c,2021c1,2021c2,2021cP65824 rotor,2nd stage,coated 2010c,2010cP,2015c,2015cP,2021c,2021cP65852 rotor,2nd stage 2005sd,2010sd,2015sd,2021sdc,2030c,2033c,2060c,20 a214797s rotor,1st stage,lP,2063c1 2063sd,2063c1a214806s rotor,1st stage,lP,2063c2 2063c2a214794s rotor,2nd stage,hP,2063sd 2063sda214795s rotor,2nd stage,hP,2063c1 2063c1a214808s rotor,2nd stage,hP,2063c2 2063c2

SEALS079298 seal,shaft teflon 30X47X10 adP30,adP31,adP80,adP81,ads30,ads31,ads80,ads8179100 seal,shaft,buna 1033,2033,206379101 seal,shaft,Viton 1033c,2033c,2063c79174 seal,shaft,teflon,39.5 X 52 X 8 301,301b,601,601b82050 seal,shaft,Viton 1 060c,2060c82063 seal,shaft,Viton 2004a,2004ac,2008a,2008ac,2012a,2012ac,2012cP,202005,2005c,2005cP, 201082063b seal,shaft,buna 2008a,2005sd,2010sd,2015sd,2021sd,2010c1,2015c1,2021c1,2010c2,2015c2,2021c282065 seal,shaft,Viton 1030,1030c,2030,2030c,ddc49583533 seal,shaft,buna 1060,206083646 seal,bonded,2005/10/15/21c 2004,2008,2012,dd100,ddc100,dd200,ddc200,dd300,d87594 seal,shaft,buna 1030,2030,ddc495

SHImS60113 shim,adjustment,stl stl,.001” rsV301,rsV301b,rsV601,rsV601b60136 shim,adjustment,stainless steel,.001” 151,151b

SIGHT GLASSES103307 sight glass,oil,glass 2033c2,2063c2105452r sight glass,oil,Plastic 2033sd,2063sd,2033c2,2063c2,2033,2063,2033cP+,206352683 sight glass,disc 2012ac,2020ac,2012cP,2020cP,dd310,ddc31054197 assy,sight glass,33/63 33c/63c 2033c,2063c54199 sight glass,disc 2033c,2063c65079 assy,sight glass,2033/2063cP+ 2033cP,2063cP,2033cP+,2063cP+,2033,206365784 sight glass,2010/15/21cP 2010cP,2015cP,2021cP,dd200,ddc200,dd300,ddc300,d65786 sight glass,Pascal c 2005c,2010c,2015c,2021c,dd200,ddc200,dd300,ddc3076135 sight glass, window,w/seal 2033 (old),2063 (old)83546 sight glass,Plastic,w/seal 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,dd90,dd195,dd310,rsV301,83623 sight glass,2060c 2060c

SLEEVES580031 sleeVe,gas,ballast,alcatel 1005sd,1010sd,1015sd,1021sd,2005sd,2010sd,2015sd65792 sleeVe,gas ballast 2010c,2015c,2021c,ddc100,ddc200,ddc300,ddc420

SpRINGS52541 sPring,ValVe 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,20252563 sPring,gas ballast 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,20252564 sPring,gas ballast,ball 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,20253040 sPring,Vane,mw 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,2004cP,2008cP,2012cP,20253061 sPring,gas ballast,s/s 2030c,2060c,ddc49553699 sPring,Vane 2060c,206054114 sPring,gas ballast 2033c,2063c54145 sPring 2033,2033c,2063,2063c54149 sPring 2033,2033c,2063,2063c60118 sPring,.256X.172X.780X.04wire 151,151b62826 sPring,.847X.728X1.122X.06wire 151,151b65148 sPring 2033,2033c,2033cP,2033cP+,2063,2063c,2063cP,206365149 sPring 2 010cP,2012ac,2012cP,2015cP,2020cP,2021cP,ddc200

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop Online @ precisionplus.com!




SpRINGS (CONT.)65617 sPring 2010c,2015c,2021c,dd100,ddc100,dd200,ddc200,dd3065797 sPring 2010c,2015c,2021c,dd100,ddc100,dd200,ddc200,dd30 65799 sPring 2010c,2015c,2021c,dd100,ddc100,dd200,ddc200,dd3083169 sPring 2004,2012,2012c,ddc31087942 sPring,Vane 2030c,2063c,ddc49587954 sPring,ValVe 2030c,2063c,ddc495

STATORS103393 stator,1st stg,2021sd 2021sd103409 stator,l.P. 2005sd,2010sd,2015sd,2021sd103507 stator,1st stg,2005sd 2005sd103510 stator,1st stage,lP,2015sd 2015sd 103510 stator,1st stage,lP,2015sd 2015sd103512 stator,1st stg,2010sd 2 010sd52572 stator,1st stage,2004a/ac 2004a,2004ac,dd9052574 stator,1st stage,2012a/ac 2012a,2012ac,dd310,ddc31052582 stator,1st stage,2008a 2008a,2008ac,dd195,ddc19552711 stator,2nd stage,2004-12a/ac 2004a,2008a,2012a,2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,dd90,dd1954120 stator,1st stage,2033-33c 2033,2033c,2033c1,2033c2,2033sd54122 stator,2nd stage,2033/33c 2033,2033c,2033c1,2033c2,2033sd54411 stator,1st stage,2063/63c 2063,2063c54415 stator,2nd stage,2063-63c 2063,2063c

VALVES390007 ValVe disk,Viton 1005sd,1010sd,1015sd,1021sd,2005sd,2010sd,2015sd52557 claPPer,eXhaust,Viton 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,20252562b ValVe,gas ballast,buna 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,2020a52562V ValVe,gas ballast,Viton 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,2020a52642 claPPer,eXhaust,buna 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,20252655 ValVe,dschrg,Viton,2004-20aac 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,20252655b ValVe,discharge,buna,2004-20a 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,2020a52700 leVer,asb,Viton,2012/20a&ac 2012ac,2020ac,2012cPi,2020cPi,dd310,ddc31052750 leVer,asb,buna,2004/8/12/20a 2004a,2008a,2012a,2020a,2004ac,2008ac,2012ac,20253427 ValVe,flaPPer,Viton 2030c,2060c,ddc49553443 ValVe,dischrg,Viton 2033/63c 2033c,2063c54134 ValVe,eXhaust,2033/63c 2033,2033c,2063,2063c54224 claPPer,2033/63 2033,206365791 ValVe,for Pascal PumP 2005,2010,2015,2015sd,2021,dd100,dd200,dd300,dd465861 blade,2005/10/15/21c&cP 2005,2005c,2010,2010c,2010cP, 2015,2015c,2015cP,2021,2021c,2021cP,dd100,ddc100,dd20083186 ValVe,flaP,eXhaust,buna,200412 2004,2008,201283773 ValVe,discharge,2004/8/12 2004,2008,201287933 ValVe,flaPPer,2030/60c 2030c,2060c,ddc495

VANES230044fr Vane,gX,oil PumP 2010c2,2015c2,2021c2,2005c1,2010c1,2015c1,2021c152958fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 2020a,2020cP52959fr Vane,gX,1st stage 2020a,2020cP53106fr Vane,gX,1st stage 2007a,2008a,dd195,ddc19554400g Vane,gX,1st stage 2063,2063c,2063cP,2063cP+54401g Vane,gX,2nd stage 2063,2063c54451g Vane,gX,oil PumP 2033c,1033,2033c165042g Vane,gX,oil PumP 1063,2063,1063sd,2063sd65514g Vane,gX,oil PumP 2063,2063c65756fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 2010/c/cP,2015/c/cP,2021/c/cP,2005c1/c2,2010c1/c2,65757fr Vane,gX,1st stage 2010,2010c,2010cP,2010c1,2010c2,2010i,2010sd,dd20065758fr Vane,gX,1st stage 2015,2015c,2015cP,2015c1,2015c2,2015i,2015sd,dd30065759fr Vane,gX,1st stage 2021,2021c,2021cP,2021c1,2021c2,2021sd,2021i,dd42065760fr Vane,gX,1st stage 2005,2005c,2005cP,dd100,ddc10083945fr Vane,gX,1st stage 2012a,dd310,ddc31083946fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 2004a,2008a,2008cP,2012a,2012cP,ddc195,dd310,ddc3187941g Vane,gX,1st stage 2030,2030c,2033,2033c,ddc49587996g Vane,gX,2nd stage 2030,2030c,2033,2033c,ddc495

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

U 3.6/4.20/4.40/4.70


kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediatlY following cooresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FEaTurEd SparES

SEAL & GASKET KITS seal & gasket kits include o-rings, gaskets & shaft seals for minor maintenance. modEL(S) pArT nUmbEru 3.6 54900023900u 4.20 54900040300u 4.40 54900040500u 4.70, u 4.70 d 54900026100u 4.70 f (indeX# f,g & h) 5490002610f

mAJor oVErHAUL KITS major oVerhaul kits include all comPonents of seal & gasket kits Plus eXhaust filters & Vanes for major oVerhaul. modEL(S) pArT nUmbEru 3.6 33800200000u 4.20 33805600000u 4.40 33805700000u 4.70 (indeX# c & before) 33801200000u 4.70 d/e (indeX# d & e) 33801200-d0u 4.70 f/g/h (indeX# f,g & h) 33801200-f0

VAnES modEL(S) pArT nUmbEru 3.6 (reQ. 3) 90056100000u 4.20 (reQ. 3) 90058300000u 4.40 (reQ. 3) 90058500000u 4.70, u 4.70 d (reQ. 3) 90051100000

CoArSE SEpArATorS modEL(S) pArT nUmbEru 4.70, u 4.70 d (reQ. 1) 50600026200

EXHAUST FILTErS modEL(S) pArT nUmbEru 3.6 (reQ. 1) 96540600000u 4.20 (reQ. 1) 96541300000u 4.40 (reQ. 1) 96541400000u 4.70 (reQ. 1) 96540900000u 4.70 d (reQ. 1) 96541600000

rECommEndEd oILS TYpE pArT nUmbErPlus 77 (1l/1.06Qt) PP77001general PurPose

Plus 570 (1l/1.06Qt) 570001fullY sYnthetic

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid


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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

U 3.6/4.20/4.40



U3.6 U3.6 U4.20 U4.20 U4.40 U4.40pArT nUmbEr


SEAL&GSKT 54900023900

mAJor 33800200000

SEAL&GSKT 54900040300

mAJor KIT 33805600000

SEAL&GSKT 54900040500

mAJor 33805700000

90661140000 bearing,ball,6202 190664000000 bearing,ball,6204 174000101000 filter,becker,wk3 1/2 1 184040107000 filter,cartridge,c1112 184040105000 filter,cartridge,c75 196540600000 filter,eXhaust,becker u3.6 196541300000 filter,eXhaust,becker u4.20 196541400000 filter,eXhaust,becker u4.40 186780099559 float,assemblY 1 1 100300040300 gasket 1 100300040500 gasket 1 100310040300 gasket 1 100310040500 gasket 1 100700023900 gasket,case,u3.6s 1 191316300000 o'ring,buna,16 X 3mm 1 1320025 o'ring,buna,5 X 2.5mm 2 2 2 291311550100 o'ring,Viton 94.97 X 1.78 (as568-044) 2 2320177 o'ring,Viton,18X2.0mm 1 191311670100 o'ring,Viton,26 X 2mm 2 2320304 o'ring,Viton,28 X 2.5mm 1 191312700100 o'ring,Viton,31 X 2.5mm 1 191311650100 o'ring,Viton,34.52 X 3.53mm (as568-220) 2 2 2 223970416 o'ring,Viton,40 X 2 mm 1 191311680100 o'ring,Viton,60 X 2mm 1 1320024 o'ring,Viton,75.92 X 1.78mm (as568-041) 2 294790600000 ring sealing,24 X 17.5 X 1.5 mm 2 294803000100 ring,aluminum,.386X.250X.032" 3 3 3 394801310000 ring,sealing,aluminum 1 1300090 ring,sealing,coPPer,13.16 X 10.4 X .8mm 2 294800200000 ring,sealing,coPPer,17.8 X 12.5 X 1.3mm 4 4300087 ring,sealing,coPPer,19.75 X 14.50 X 1.3 8 8300091 ring,sealing,coPPer,21.75 X 16.4 X 1.3mm 1 194803000000 ring,sealing,coPPer,9.75 X 6.5 X .8 mm 8 8 2 2 1 194806200000 ring,sealing,fiber,32 X 27 X 1.9mm 2 2 1 1300086 ring,sealing,fiber,39 X 33.5 X 1.9mm thk 2 2 1 1300094 ring,sealing,fiber,46.7 X 40.0 X 1.9 mm 1 1300157 ring,sealing,fiber,49 X 42 X 1.9mm 1 1300093 ring,sealing,silicone,23.0 X 8.0 X 3mm 1 194802100000 ring,sealing,Viton,14 X 8 X 1.5mm thk 1 1 1 1300092 ring,sealing,Viton,22.8 X 8 X 2.8mm thk 1 191100200000 ring,star tolerance 1310097 seal,dowtY,18.5 X 11.8 X 1.5mm 8 890656600000 seal,shaft,Viton,18X32X8mm 1 190056100000 Vane,becker,u3.6 390058300000 Vane,becker,u4.20 390058500000 Vane,becker,u4.40 33070018700 washer,ValVe,coPPer,17.8 X 14.2 X 1.83mm 1 163070010700 washer,ValVe,Viton 1 1 1 1


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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

U 4.70




U4.70, U4.70d U4.70F (F,G&H InC.) U4.70 (C&bEForE) U4.70d (d&E InC.) U4.70F (F,G&H InC.)pArT nUmbEr


SEAL&GSKT 54900026100

mAJor 5490002610F

mAJor 33801200000

mAJor 33801200-d0

mAJor 33801200-F0

90662200000 bearing,ball,6206 2 2 290220010600 couPling,sPider,roteX,gr24 1 1 191750100000 disc,distance 2 2 284040107000 filter,cartridge,c1112 1 1 196540900000 filter,eXhaust,becker u4.100 196541600000 filter,eXhaust,becker u4.70d 1 186780099559 float,assemblY 1 1 100700026200 gasket oil tank coVer 1 1 1 1 1300155 gasket,buna,Psa 1 1 1 1 100300026200 gasket,coVer 1 1 1 1 100310026200 gasket,coVer 1 1 1 191311900000 o'ring,buna,70 X 3.0mm 1 1 1 1 191311560100 o'ring,Viton,11 X 1.5mm 2 2 2 2 291311570100 o'ring,Viton,126.72 X 1.78mm 2 2 2 2 291311670100 o'ring,Viton,26 X 2mm 2 2 2 2 291311650100 o'ring,Viton,34.52 X 3.53mm (as568-220) 1 1 1 1 194803000100 ring,aluminum,.386X.250X.032" 5 5 5 5 591760900000 ring,sealing 2 2 294801300000 ring,sealing,alum,31.76 X 27.5 X 1.86 mm 1 1 1 1 194802300000 ring,sealing,coPPer,15.8 X 10.4 X .8mm 8 8 8 8 894800200000 ring,sealing,coPPer,17.8 X 12.5 X 1.3mm 7 7 7 7 794803000000 ring,sealing,coPPer,9.75 X 6.5 X .8 mm 5 5 5 5 594802900000 ring,sealing,fiber 1 1 1 1 1300085 ring,sealing,fiber,31.8 X 27 X 1.9mm thk 2 2 2 2 2300086 ring,sealing,fiber,39 X 33.5 X 1.9mm thk 1 1 1 1 190652800000 ring,sealing,shaft,28X40X6mm 2 294802100000 ring,sealing,Viton,14 X 8 X 1.5mm thk 2 2 2 2 290656000000 seal,shaft,Viton,28X47X10 2 2 250600026200 seParator,coarse 1 1 190051100000 Vane,becker,u2.70,u4.70 3 3 33070018700 washer,ValVe,coPPer,17.8 X 14.2 X 1.83mm 2 2 2 2 263070010700 washer,ValVe,Viton 2 2 2 2 2420041 washer,ValVe,Viton,48 X 25 X 2.8mm thk 1 1 1 1 1

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

U 4.100/4.165/4.190



kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediatelY following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FEaTurEd SparES

SEAL & GASKET KITS seal & gasket kits include o-rings, gaskets & shaft seals for minor maintenance. modEL(S) pArT nUmbEru 4.100, u 4.100 (indeX# e & before) 54900026100 u 4.100 f/g/h (indeX# f, g & h inclusiVe) 5490002610fu 4.165, u 4.165 e (indeX# e & before) 54900026400 u 4.165 f (indeX# f inclusiVe) 5490002640fu 4.190, u 4.190 e (indeX# e & before) 54900026400u 4.190 f (indeX# f inclusiVe) 5490002640f

mAJor oVErHAUL KITS major oVerhaul kits include all comPonents of seal & gasket kits Plus eXhaust filters, bearings, couPlings & Vanes for major oVerhaul. modEL(S) pArT nUmbEru 4.100 (indeX# c & before) 33801400000u 4.100 d (indeX# d & e inclusiVe) 33801400-d0u 4.100 f (indeX# f inclusiVe) 33801400-f0u 4.165 (indeX# d & before) 33801600000u 4.165 e (indeX# e inclusiVe) 33801600-e0u4.165 f (indeX# f inclusiVe) 33801600-fou 4.190 (indeX# d & before) 33801800000u 4.190 e (indeX# e inclusiVe) 33801800-e0u 4.190 f (indeX# f inclusiVe) 33801800-f0

VAnES modEL(S) pArT nUmbEru 4.100, u 4.100 d (reQ. 3) 90051200000u 4.165, u 4.165 e (reQ. 3) 90050500000u 4.190, u 4.190 e (reQ. 3) 90050600000

CoArSE SEpArATorS modEL(S) pArT nUmbEru 4.100, u 4.100 d (reQ. 1) 50600026200u 4.165/4.190 (reQ. 1) 50600026400 u 4.165/4.190 e (reQ. 1) 50600026400

EXHAUST FILTErS modEL(S) pArT nUmbEru 4.100 (reQ. 1) 96540900000u 4.100 d (reQ. 1) 96541600000u 4.165 (reQ. 2) 96541200000u 4.165 e (reQ. 2) 96541500000u 4.190 (reQ. 2) 96541200000u 4.190 e (reQ. 2) 96541500000

rECommEndEd oILS TYpE pArT nUmbErPlus 77 (1l/1.06Qt) PP77001general PurPose

Plus 570 (1l/1.06Qt) 570001fullY sYnthetic

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

U 4.100/4.165




U4.100 & d U4.100 U4.100 d U4.165 & E U4.165 U4.165 EpArT nUmbEr


GASKET 54900026100

oVErHAUL 33801400000

oVErHAUL 33801400-d0

GASKET 54900026400

oVErHAUL 33801600000

oVErHAUL 33801600-E0

90662200000 bearing,ball,6206 2 290666200000 bearing,ball,6207 2 290220010600 couPling,sPider,roteX,gr24 1 190220900000 couPling,sPider,roteX,gr38 1 191750100000 disc,distance 2 291147200000 disc,distance,becker 2 284040207000 filter cartridge/c1337 l 1 1 184040110000 filter,cartridge,c15124/1 196540900000 filter,eXhaust,becker u4.100 196541200000 filter,eXhaust,becker u4.165,250 296541600000 filter,eXhaust,becker u4.70d 196541500000 filter,eXhaust,beckeru4.165,190,250e 286780099559 float,assemblY 1 1 1 100700026200 gasket oil tank coVer 1 1 1300155 gasket,buna,Psa 1 1 100300026200 gasket,coVer 1 1 100310026200 gasket,coVer 1 1 100300026400 gasket,filter coVer 1 1 100310026400 gasket,module 1 1 100700026400 gasket,oil tank 1 1 1320302 o'ring,buna,101 X 3mm 1 1 191311900000 o'ring,buna,70 X 3.0mm 1 1 191311560100 o'ring,Viton,11 X 1.5mm 2 2 2 4 4 491311570100 o'ring,Viton,126.72 X 1.78mm 2 2 291311710000 o'ring,Viton,145.7 X 2.62 mm 2 2 291311670100 o'ring,Viton,26 X 2mm 2 2 2 2 2 291312700100 o'ring,Viton,31 X 2.5mm 1 1 191311650100 o'ring,Viton,34.52 X 3.53mm (as568-220) 1 1 1 1 1 191311560300 o'ring,Viton,68 X 3mm 2 2 294803000100 ring,aluminum,.386X.250X.032" 5 5 5 5 5 591760900000 ring,sealing 2 291761100000 ring,sealing 2 294801300000 ring,sealing,alum,31.76 X 27.5 X 1.86 mm 1 1 1 1 1 194801310000 ring,sealing,aluminum 1 1 194802300000 ring,sealing,coPPer,15.8 X 10.4 X .8mm 8 8 894800200000 ring,sealing,coPPer,17.8 X 12.5 X 1.3mm 7 7 7 12 12 12300087 ring,sealing,coPPer,19.75 X 14.50 X 1.3 2 2 294803000000 ring,sealing,coPPer,9.75 X 6.5 X .8 mm 5 5 5 5 5 594802910000 ring,sealing,cu,20.5 X 17.75 X 1.3 mm 1 1 194802900000 ring,sealing,fiber 1 1 1 1 1 1300085 ring,sealing,fiber,31.8 X 27 X 1.9mm thk 2 2 2 2 2 2300086 ring,sealing,fiber,39 X 33.5 X 1.9mm thk 1 1 1 2 2 294802100000 ring,sealing,Viton,14 X 8 X 1.5mm thk 2 2 2 3 3 390657400000 ring,shaft sealing 2 2 290656000000 seal,shaft,Viton,28X47X10 2 2 250600026200 seParator,coarse 1 150600026400 seParator,coarse 1 190050500000 Vane,becker u4.165,165e 3 390051200000 Vane,becker,u4.100,100d 3 33070018700 washer,ValVe,coPPer,17.8 X 14.2 X 1.83mm 2 2 2 1 1 163070010700 washer,ValVe,Viton 2 2 23070512900 washer,ValVe,Viton,44 X 8.4 X 3 mm 3 3 3420041 washer,ValVe,Viton,48 X 25 X 2.8mm thk 1 1 1

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

U 4.190



U4.190, U4.190E U4.190 U4.190EpArT nUmbEr


GASKET 54900026400

oVErHAUL 33801800000

oVErHAUL 33801800-E0

90666200000 bearing,ball,6207 2 290220900000 couPling,sPider,roteX,gr38 1 191147200000 disc,distance,becker 2 284040110000 filter,cartridge,c15124/1 1 196541200000 filter,eXhaust,becker u4.165,250 296541500000 filter,eXhaust,beckeru4.165,190,250e 286780099559 float,assemblY 1 100300026400 gasket,filter coVer 1 1 100310026400 gasket,module 1 1 100700026400 gasket,oil tank 1 1 1320302 o'ring,buna,101 X 3mm 1 1 191311560100 o'ring,Viton,11 X 1.5mm 4 4 491311710000 o'ring,Viton,145.7 X 2.62 mm 2 2 291311670100 o'ring,Viton,26 X 2mm 2 2 291312700100 o'ring,Viton,31 X 2.5mm 1 1 191311650100 o'ring,Viton,34.52 X 3.53mm (as568-220) 1 1 191311560300 o'ring,Viton,68 X 3mm 2 2 294803000100 ring,aluminum,.386X.250X.032" 5 5 591761100000 ring,sealing 2 294801300000 ring,sealing,alum,31.76 X 27.5 X 1.86 mm 1 1 194801310000 ring,sealing,aluminum 1 1 194800200000 ring,sealing,coPPer,17.8 X 12.5 X 1.3mm 12 12 12300087 ring,sealing,coPPer,19.75 X 14.50 X 1.3 2 2 294803000000 ring,sealing,coPPer,9.75 X 6.5 X .8 mm 5 5 594802910000 ring,sealing,cu,20.5 X 17.75 X 1.3 mm 1 1 194802900000 ring,sealing,fiber 1 1 1300085 ring,sealing,fiber,31.8 X 27 X 1.9mm thk 2 2 2300086 ring,sealing,fiber,39 X 33.5 X 1.9mm thk 2 2 294802100000 ring,sealing,Viton,14 X 8 X 1.5mm thk 3 3 390657400000 ring,shaft sealing 2 2 250600026400 seParator,coarse 1 190050600000 Vane,becker u4.190,190e 3 33070018700 washer,ValVe,coPPer,17.8 X 14.2 X 1.83mm 1 1 13070512900 washer,ValVe,Viton,44 X 8.4 X 3 mm 3 3 3


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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

U 4.100/4.165/4.190




U4.100F U4.100F U4.165/4.190F U4.165F U4.190FpArT nUmbEr


GASKET 549002610F

oVErHAUL 33801400-F0

GASKET 5490002640F

oVErHAUL 33801600-F0

oVErHAUL 33801800-F0

90662200000 bearing,ball,6206 2 2 190220010600 couPling,sPider,roteX,gr24 190220900000 couPling,sPider,roteX,gr38 1 191750100000 disc,distance 291147200000 disc,distance,becker 2 284040207000 filter cartridge/c1337 l 184040110000 filter,cartridge,c15124/1 1 196541500000 filter,eXhaust,beckeru4.165,190,250e 2 286780099559 float,assemblY 1 1 100700026200 gasket oil tank coVer 1 1300155 gasket,buna,Psa 1 100300026200 gasket,coVer 1 100310026200 gasket,coVer 1 100300026400 gasket,filter coVer 1 1 100310026400 gasket,module 1 1 100700026400 gasket,oil tank 1 1 1320302 o'ring,buna,101 X 3mm 1 1 191311900000 o'ring,buna,70 X 3.0mm 1 191311560100 o'ring,Viton,11 X 1.5mm 2 2 4 4 491311570100 o'ring,Viton,126.72 X 1.78mm 2 291311710000 o'ring,Viton,145.7 X 2.62 mm 2 2 291311670100 o'ring,Viton,26 X 2mm 2 2 2 2 291312700100 o'ring,Viton,31 X 2.5mm 1 1 191311650100 o'ring,Viton,34.52 X 3.53mm (as568-220) 1 1 1 1 191311560300 o'ring,Viton,68 X 3mm 2 2 294803000100 ring,aluminum,.386X.250X.032" 5 5 5 5 591760900000 ring,sealing 2 291761100000 ring,sealing 294801300000 ring,sealing,alum,31.76 X 27.5 X 1.86 mm 1 1 1 1 194801310000 ring,sealing,aluminum 1 1 194802300000 ring,sealing,coPPer,15.8 X 10.4 X .8mm 8 294800200000 ring,sealing,coPPer,17.8 X 12.5 X 1.3mm 7 7 12 12 12300087 ring,sealing,coPPer,19.75 X 14.50 X 1.3 2 2 294803000000 ring,sealing,coPPer,9.75 X 6.5 X .8 mm 5 5 5 5 594802910000 ring,sealing,cu,20.5 X 17.75 X 1.3 mm 1 1 194802900000 ring,sealing,fiber 1 1 1 1 1300085 ring,sealing,fiber,31.8 X 27 X 1.9mm thk 2 2 2 2 2300086 ring,sealing,fiber,39 X 33.5 X 1.9mm thk 1 1 2 2 290652800000 ring,sealing,shaft,28X40X6mm 1 294802100000 ring,sealing,Viton,14 X 8 X 1.5mm thk 2 2 3 3 390657400000 ring,shaft sealing90656000000 seal,shaft,Viton,28X47X10 2 2 250600026200 seParator,coarse 150600026400 seParator,coarse 1 190050500000 Vane,becker u4.165,165e 3 390051200000 Vane,becker,u4.100,100d 33070018700 washer,ValVe,coPPer,17.8 X 14.2 X 1.83mm 2 2 1 1 163070010700 washer,ValVe,Viton 2 23070512900 washer,ValVe,Viton,44 X 8.4 X 3 mm 3 3 3420041 washer,ValVe,Viton,48 X 25 X 2.8mm thk 1 1

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

U 4.250/4.400/4.630



kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediatlY following cooresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FEaTurEd SparES

SEAL & GASKET KITS seal & gasket kits include o-rings, gaskets & shaft seals for minor maintenance. modEL(S) pArT nUmbEru 4.250, u 4.250 e (indeX# e & before) 54900026400 u 4.250 f (indeX# f) 5490002640fu 4.400/4.630 (indeX# c & before) 54900026700u 4.400/4.630 d (indeX# d) 5490002670d

mAJor oVErHAUL KITS major oVerhaul kits include all comPonents of seal & gasket kits Plus eXhaust filters, bearings, couPlings & Vanes for major oVerhaul. modEL(S) pArT nUmbEru 4.250 (indeX# d & before) 33802000000u 4.250 e (indeX# e) 33802000-e0u 4.250 f (indeX# f) 33802000-f0u 4.400 (indeX# c & before) 33805000000u 4.400 d (indeX# d) 33805000-d0u 4.630 (indeX# c & before) 33805200000u 4.630 d (indeX# d) 33805200-d0

VAnES modEL(S) pArT nUmbEru 4.250, u 4.250 e (reQ. 3) 90050700000u 4.400 (reQ. 3) 90058000000u 4.630 (reQ. 3) 90058100000

CoArSE SEpArATorS modEL(S) pArT nUmbEru 4.250, u 4.250 e (reQ. 1) 50600026400u 4.400/4.630 (reQ. 3) 50600026200

EXHAUST FILTErS modEL(S) pArT nUmbEru 4.250 (reQ. 2) 96541200000u 4.250 e (reQ. 2) 96541500000u 4.400 (reQ. 2) 9654100000Pu 4.630 (reQ. 2) 96541100000

rECommEndEd oILS TYpE pArT nUmbErPlus 77 (1l/1.06Qt) PP77001general PurPose

Plus 570 (1l/1.06Qt) 570001fullY sYnthetic

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

Page 55: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

U 4.250/4.400/4.630




U4.250,U4.250E U4.250 U4.250E U4.400,U4.630 U4.400 U4.630pArT nUmbEr


GASKET 54900026400

oVErHAUL 33802000000

oVErHAUL 33802000-E0

GASKET 54900026700

oVErHAUL 33805000000

oVErHAUL 33805200000

90666200000 bearing,ball,6207 2 290661750000 bearing,cYlindical,roller,na4909 2 290660000800 bushing,sealing,becker u4.400,u4.630 1 190220900000 couPling,sPider,roteX,gr38 1 191147200000 disc,distance,becker 2 29654110000 element,oil seParator,becker 284040122000 filter cartridge P234 1 184040110000 filter,cartridge,c15124/1 1 196541200000 filter,eXhaust,becker u4.165,250 296541500000 filter,eXhaust,beckeru4.165,190,250e 286780099559 float,assemblY 1 1 1 100300026400 gasket,filter coVer 1 1 100310126600 gasket,filter coVer,lower 1 1 100310026600 gasket,filter coVer,uPPer 1 1 100310026700 gasket,inside filter 1 1 100310026400 gasket,module 1 1 100310326600 gasket,module 1 1 100310226600 gasket,oil tank 1 1 100700026400 gasket,oil tank 1 1 1300158 gasket,ring,Viton 4 4 4300159 gasket,seal ring,Viton 4 4 4320302 o'ring,buna,101 X 3mm 1 1 1320305 o'ring,buna,148 X 4 mm 1 1 191311560100 o'ring,Viton,11 X 1.5mm 4 4 491311690100 o'ring,Viton,14 X 3mm 4 4 491311710000 o'ring,Viton,145.7 X 2.62 mm 2 2 291311750100 o'ring,Viton,221.84 X 3.53 mm 2 2 291311670100 o'ring,Viton,26 X 2mm 2 2 2 2 2 291312700100 o'ring,Viton,31 X 2.5mm 1 1 191311650100 o'ring,Viton,34.52 X 3.53mm (as568-220) 1 1 1 1 1 191311680100 o'ring,Viton,60 X 2mm 2 2 291311560300 o'ring,Viton,68 X 3mm 2 2 291311400100 o'ring,Viton,72 X 3mm 1 1 191311660100 o'ring,Viton,95 X 5mm 3 3 39654100000P oil seParation element 294803000100 ring,aluminum,.386X.250X.032" 5 5 5 2 2 291761100000 ring,sealing 2 294801300000 ring,sealing,alum,31.76 X 27.5 X 1.86 mm 1 1 1 1 1 194801310000 ring,sealing,aluminum 1 1 194802300000 ring,sealing,coPPer,15.8 X 10.4 X .8mm 12 12 1294800200000 ring,sealing,coPPer,17.8 X 12.5 X 1.3mm 12 12 12300087 ring,sealing,coPPer,19.75 X 14.50 X 1.3 2 2 2300089 ring,sealing,coPPer,25.75 X 21.2 X 1.4 m 3 3 394803000000 ring,sealing,coPPer,9.75 X 6.5 X .8 mm 5 5 594802910000 ring,sealing,cu,20.5 X 17.75 X 1.3 mm 1 1 194802900000 ring,sealing,fiber 1 1 1300085 ring,sealing,fiber,31.8 X 27 X 1.9mm thk 2 2 294806200000 ring,sealing,fiber,32 X 27 X 1.9mm 2 2 2300086 ring,sealing,fiber,39 X 33.5 X 1.9mm thk 2 2 2 1 1 194802100000 ring,sealing,Viton,14 X 8 X 1.5mm thk 3 3 390657400000 ring,shaft sealing 2 2 290659500000 ring,shaft sealing - 50 X 72 X 12 1 1 150600026200 seParator,coarse 3 350600026400 seParator,coarse 1 190050700000 Vane,becker u4.250,250e 3 390058000000 Vane,becker,u4.400 390058100000 Vane,becker,u4.630 33070018700 washer,ValVe,coPPer,17.8 X 14.2 X 1.83mm 1 1 1 2 2 23070026600 washer,ValVe,felt 2 2 23070512900 washer,ValVe,Viton,44 X 8.4 X 3 mm 3 3 3

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

U 4.250/4.400/4.630




U4.250F U4.250F U4.400d,4.630d U4.400d U4.630dpArT nUmbEr


GASKET 5490002640F

oVErHAUL 33802000-F0

GASKET 5490002670d

GASKET 33805000-d0

oVErHAUL 33805200-d0

90666200000 bearing,ball,6207 290661750000 bearing,cYlindical,roller,na4909 2 290660000800 bushing,sealing,becker u4.400,u4.630 1 190220900000 couPling,sPider,roteX,gr38 1 1 191147200000 disc,distance,becker 29654110000 element,oil seParator,becker 284040122000 filter cartridge P234 1 184040110000 filter,cartridge,c15124/1 196541200000 filter,eXhaust,becker u4.165,250 296541500000 filter,eXhaust,beckeru4.165,190,250e86780099559 float,assemblY 1 1 100300026400 gasket,filter coVer 1 100310126600 gasket,filter coVer,lower 1 1 100310026600 gasket,filter coVer,uPPer 1 1 100310026700 gasket,inside filter 1 1 100310026400 gasket,module 1 100310326600 gasket,module 1 1 100310226600 gasket,oil tank 1 1 100700026400 gasket,oil tank 1 1300158 gasket,ring,Viton 4 4 4300159 gasket,seal ring,Viton 4 4 4320302 o'ring,buna,101 X 3mm 1 1320305 o'ring,buna,148 X 4 mm 1 1 191311560100 o'ring,Viton,11 X 1.5mm 4 491311690100 o'ring,Viton,14 X 3mm 4 4 491311710000 o'ring,Viton,145.7 X 2.62 mm 2 291311750100 o'ring,Viton,221.84 X 3.53 mm 2 2 291311670100 o'ring,Viton,26 X 2mm 2 2 2 2 291312700100 o'ring,Viton,31 X 2.5mm 1 191311650100 o'ring,Viton,34.52 X 3.53mm (as568-220) 1 1 1 1 191311680100 o'ring,Viton,60 X 2mm 2 2 291311560300 o'ring,Viton,68 X 3mm 2 291311400100 o'ring,Viton,72 X 3mm 1 1 191311660100 o'ring,Viton,95 X 5mm 3 3 39654100000P oil seParation element 294803000100 ring,aluminum,.386X.250X.032" 5 5 2 2 291761100000 ring,sealing 294801300000 ring,sealing,alum,31.76 X 27.5 X 1.86 mm 1 1 1 1 194801310000 ring,sealing,aluminum 1 194802300000 ring,sealing,coPPer,15.8 X 10.4 X .8mm 12 12 1294800200000 ring,sealing,coPPer,17.8 X 12.5 X 1.3mm 12 12300087 ring,sealing,coPPer,19.75 X 14.50 X 1.3 2 2300089 ring,sealing,coPPer,25.75 X 21.2 X 1.4 m 3 3 394803000000 ring,sealing,coPPer,9.75 X 6.5 X .8 mm 5 594802910000 ring,sealing,cu,20.5 X 17.75 X 1.3 mm 1 194802900000 ring,sealing,fiber 1 1300085 ring,sealing,fiber,31.8 X 27 X 1.9mm thk 2 294806200000 ring,sealing,fiber,32 X 27 X 1.9mm 2 2 2300086 ring,sealing,fiber,39 X 33.5 X 1.9mm thk 2 2 1 1 194802100000 ring,sealing,Viton,14 X 8 X 1.5mm thk 3 390657400000 ring,shaft sealing 2 290659500000 ring,shaft sealing - 50 X 72 X 12 190653000000 seal,shaft,50X72X7mm 1 150600026200 seParator,coarse 3 350600026400 seParator,coarse 190050700000 Vane,becker u4.250,250e 390058000000 Vane,becker,u4.400 3 390058100000 Vane,becker,u4.6303070018700 washer,ValVe,coPPer,17.8 X 14.2 X 1.83mm 1 1 2 2 23070026600 washer,ValVe,felt 2 2 23070512900 washer,ValVe,Viton,44 X 8.4 X 3 mm 3 3

Page 57: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop online @ precisionplus.com!




bEArInGS90661140000 bearing,ball,6202 u3.690661750000 bearing,cYlindical,roller,na4909 u4.40090662200000 bearing,ball,6206 u4.7090664000000 bearing,ball,6204 u3.690666200000 bearing,ball,6207 u4.165

bUSHInGS90660000800 bushing,sealing,becker u4.400,u4.630 u4.400

CoUpLInGS90220010600 couPling,sPider,roteX,gr24 u4.7090220900000 couPling,sPider,roteX,gr38 sV200

ELEmEnTS9654100000P oil seParation element u4.4009654110000 element,oil seParator,becker u4.630

FILTErS50600026200 seParator,coarse u4.7050600026400 seParator,coarse u4.165,u4.190,u4.25074000101000 filter,becker,wk3 1/2 u4.2084040105000 filter,cartridge,c75 u4.2084040107000 filter,cartridge,c1112 u4.7084040110000 filter,cartridge,c15124/1 u4.165e84040122000 filter cartridge P234 u4.40084040207000 filter cartridge/c1337 l u4.10096540600000 filter,eXhaust,becker u3.6 u3.696540900000 filter,eXhaust,becker u4.100 u4.7096541200000 filter,eXhaust,becker u4.165,250 u4.16596541300000 filter,eXhaust,becker u4.20 u4.2096541400000 filter,eXhaust,becker u4.40 u4.4096541500000 filter,eXhaust,beckeru4.165,190,250e u4.165,u4.190,u4.25096541600000 filter,eXhaust,becker u4.70d u4.70,u4.100

GASKETS00300026200 gasket,coVer u4.7000300026400 gasket,filter coVer u4.16500300040300 gasket u4.2000300040500 gasket u4.4000310026200 gasket,coVer u4.7000310026400 gasket,module u4.16500310026600 gasket,filter coVer,uPPer u4.40000310026700 gasket,inside filter u4.40000310040300 gasket u4.2000310040500 gasket u4.4000310126600 gasket,filter coVer,lower u4.40000310226600 gasket,oil tank u4.40000310326600 gasket,module u4.40000700023900 gasket,case,u3.6s u3.600700026200 gasket oil tank coVer u4.7000700026400 gasket,oil tank u4.165300155 gasket,buna,Psa u4.70300158 gasket,ring,Viton u4.400 300159 gasket,seal ring,Viton u4.400300159 gasket,seal ring,Viton u4.400

HArdWArE03070018700 washer,ValVe,coPPer,17.8 X 14.2 X 1.83mm u4.7003070026600 washer,ValVe,felt u4.40003070512900 washer,ValVe,Viton,44 X 8.4 X 3 mm u4.165420041 washer,ValVe,Viton,48 X 25 X 2.8mm thk u4.7063070010700 washer,ValVe,Viton u4.70

KITS33800200000 kit,rePair/maintenance,becker u3.6sa u3.633801200-d0 kit, rePair/maintenance u4.70s u4.70d33801200000 kit,rePair/maintenance,gX u4.70 u4.7033801400-d0 kit, rePair/maintenance u4.100 u4.100d33801400000 kit,rePair/maintenance u4.100 u4.10033801600-e0 kit, rePair/maintenance u4.165e u4.165e33801600000 kit,rePair/maintenance,gX u4.165 u4.16533801800-e0 kit, rePair/maintenance u4.190e u4.190e33801800000 kit,rePair/maintenance,gX u4.190 u4.19033802000-e0 kit, rePair/maintenance u4.250e u4.250e

Page 58: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop online @ precisionplus.com!




KITS (ConT.)33802000000 kit, rePair/maintenance u4.250 u4.25033805000000 kit,rePair/maintenance,gX u4.400 u4.40033805200000 kit,rePair/maintenance,gX u4.630 u4.63033805600000 kit,major oVerhaul,u4.20 u4.2033805700000 kit,rePair/maintenance,gX u4.40 u4.4054900023900 kit,gasket, u3.6s u3.6 54900026100 kit,seal & gasket,becker u4.70 u4.70,u4.10054900026400 kit,seal&gasket,becker u4.165,190,250 u4.165,u4.190,u4.250 54900026700 kit,gasket, u4.400,u4.630 u4.400,u4.63054900040300 kit,gasket, u4.20 u4.2054900040500 kit,gasket, u4.40 u4.40

mISC.86780099559 float,assemblY u3.691147200000 disc,distance,becker u4.16591750100000 disc,distance u4.70

o-rInGS320024 o’ring,Viton,75.92 X 1.78mm (as568-041) u4.20320025 o’ring,buna,5 X 2.5mm u4.20320232 o’ring,Viton,16X2.31mm320302 o’ring,buna,101 X 3mm u4.165320304 o’ring,Viton,28 X 2.5mm u4.20320305 o’ring,buna,148 X 4 mm u4.40053598502 o’ring,Viton,120X3mm53598504 o’ring,Viton,12X2.31mm gVsP-30b,isb-500b esdP12 isP25053598514 o’ring,Viton,40X3mm91311400100 o’ring,Viton,72 X 3mm u 4.40091311550100 o’ring,Viton 94.97 X 1.78 (as568-044) u4.4091311560100 o’ring,Viton,11 X 1.5mm u4.7091311560300 o’ring,Viton,68 X 3mm u4.16591311570100 o’ring,Viton,126.72 X 1.78mm u4.70 91311650100 o’ring,Viton,34.52 X 3.53mm (as568-220) u4.7091311660100 o’ring,Viton,95 X 5mm u4.40091311670100 o’ring,Viton,26 X 2mm u4.7091311680100 o’ring,Viton,60 X 2mm u4.40091311690100 o’ring,Viton,14 X 3mm u4.40091311710000 o’ring,Viton,145.7 X 2.62 mm u4.16591311750100 o’ring,Viton,221.84 X 3.53 mm u4.40091311900000 o’ring,buna,70 X 3.0mm u4.7091312700100 o’ring,Viton,31 X 2.5mm u4.16591316300000 ’ring,buna,16 X 3mm u3.6

rInGS300085 ring,sealing,fiber,31.8 X 27 X 1.9mm thk u4.70300086 ring,sealing,fiber,39 X 33.5 X 1.9mm thk u4.70300087 ring,sealing,coPPer,19.75 X 14.50 X 1.3 u4.165300089 ring,sealing,coPPer,25.75 X 21.2 X 1.4 m u4.400300090 ring,sealing,coPPer,13.16 X 10.4 X .8mm u4.20300091 ring,sealing,coPPer,21.75 X 16.4 X 1.3mm u4.20300092 ring,sealing,Viton,22.8 X 8 X 2.8mm thk u4.20300093 ring,sealing,silicone,23.0 X 8.0 X 3mm u4.20300094 ring,sealing,fiber,46.7 X 40.0 X 1.9 mm u4.20300157 ring,sealing,fiber,49 X 42 X 1.9mm u3.690657400000 ring,shaft sealing u4.16590659500000 ring,shaft sealing - 50 X 72 X 12 u4.40091100200000 ring,star tolerance u3.691760900000 ring,sealing u4.7091761100000 ring,sealing u4.16594790600000 ring sealing,24 X 17.5 X 1.5 mm u3.694800200000 ring,sealing,coPPer,17.8 X 12.5 X 1.3mm u4.7094801300000 ring,sealing,alum,31.76 X 27.5 X 1.86 mm u4.7094801310000 ring,sealing,aluminum u4.16594802100000 ring,sealing,Viton,14 X 8 X 1.5mm thk u4.7094802300000 ring,sealing,coPPer,15.8 X 10.4 X .8mm u4.7094802900000 ring,sealing,fiber u4.7094802910000 ring,sealing,cu,20.5 X 17.75 X 1.3 mm u4.16594803000000 ring,sealing,coPPer,9.75 X 6.5 X .8 mm u3.694803000100 ring,aluminum,.386X.250X.032” u4.7094806200000 ring,sealing,fiber,32 X 27 X 1.9mm u3.694806600000 ring,sealing,fiber,49 X 43 X 1.9mm 0165d,0205d,0255d,0305d

Page 59: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop online @ precisionplus.com!




SEALS310097 seal,dowtY,18.5 X 11.8 X 1.5mm u4.2090656000000 seal,shaft,Viton,28X47X10 u4.7090656600000 seal,shaft,Viton,18X32X8mm u3.6

VAnES90050500000 Vane,becker u4.165,165e u4.16590050600000 Vane,becker u4.190,190e u4.190 90050700000 Vane,becker u4.250,250e u4.25090051100000 Vane,becker,u2.70,u4.70 u4.7090051200000 Vane,becker,u4.100,100d u4.10090056100000 Vane,becker,u3.6 u3.690058000000 Vane,becker,u4.400 u4.400 90058100000 Vane,becker,u4.630 u4.63090058300000 Vane,becker,u4.20 u4.2090058500000 Vane,becker,u4.40 u4.40

Page 60: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop online @ precisionplus.com!



Page 61: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

0012/0021 B, 0010/0016 B/C/D


kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

FILTER KITS filter kits include eXhaust filter elements, o-rings, oil drain Plug gasket & strainer baffle where aPPlicable. moDEL(S) paRT numBER0010/0016 b (oem eQu. 993.062.02) bfk0010010/0016 c/d bfk0020012/0021 b (oem eQu. 993.120.02) bfk003

GaSKET KITS gasket kits include o-rings, gaskets & shaft seals for minor maintenance. moDEL(S) paRT numBER0010/0016 b/c/d (oem eQu. 990.043.00) bgk0010012/0021 b (oem eQu. 990.050.02) bgk002

oVERHauL KITS oVerhaul kits include all comPonents of gasket kits Plus bearing sleeVes & Vanes for major oVerhaul. moDEL(S) paRT numBER0010 b (oem eQu. 993.066.02) bmk0010016 b (oem eQu. 993.096.02) bmk0020010 c/d (oem eQu. 993.096.01) bmk0030016 c/d bmk003a0012/0021 b (oem eQu. 993.121.02) bmk004

oVERHauL KITS w/EXHauST FILTERS oVerhaul kits w/eXhaust filters include all comPonents of oVerhaul kits Plus eXhaust filters & strainer baffle as reQuired.

noTE: kits sold in euroPe contain eXhaust filters with damPers where aPProPriate. moDEL(S) paRT numBER0010 b bmkf0010016 b bmkf0020010 c/d bmkf0030016 c/d bmkf003a0012/0021 b bmkf004

EXHauST FILTERS moDEL(S) paRT numBER0010/0016 b (reQ. 1) 532300010010/0016 c/d (reQ. 1) 5321052160012/0021 b (reQ. 1) 532510010012/0021 b (reQ. 1 w/damPer) 532917478

InLET FILTERS moDEL(S) paRT numBERall (reQ. 1) 53200500

RECommEnDED oILS TYpE paRT numBERPlus 530 (1l/1.06Qt) 530-001general PurPose

Plus 570 (1l/1.06Qt) 570001fully synthetic


r5 SerIeS

Page 62: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

0010/0016 B/C/D

KIT ComponenTS


0010B 0010B 0010B 0010B 0010C,D 0010C,D 0010C,D 0010C,DpaRT numBER




oVERHuaL BmK001




oVERHuaL BmK003


473103122 bearing,needle roller 2 2 2 2472105768 bearing,sleeVe 2 2 2 2532105216 filter,eXhaust,w/o'ring 1 153230001 filter,eXhaust,w/o'ring 1 1300070 flaPPer,buna,2mm 148021600 gasket 56X56X1 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1300072 gasket 70X70X1 mm 1 1 1 1 1 148010200 gasket,0010b/c/d&0016b/c/d 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 148023100 gasket,oil,sight glass 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 148027100 gasket,oil,sight glass,27X32X2 1 1 1 1 1 148401700 gasket,ring 4 4 4 4 4 448403400 gasket,ring 1 1 1 1 1 148402900 gasket,ring,coPPer 1 1 1 1 1 148650500 o'ring,Viton,22 X 2 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 148656100 o'ring,Viton,25 X 2 mm 1 1 1 1 1 123970436 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5 mm 2 2 2 2 2 248657600 o'ring,Viton,28X3.5 mm 1 1 1 1 1 148652100 o'ring,Viton,55 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 1 148652700 o'ring,Viton,66X2mm 2 2 2 2 2 243700100 Pin,taPer 4 4 4 4710000010 Plug,oil drain,1/2" nylon 1 1 1 171071200 ring suPPort 2 2 2 253405600 screen,inlet 1 1 1 148700200 seal,shaft,Viton 2 2 2 2 2 283623 sight glass,2060c 1 172457500 Vane,gX,0010b 3 372457300 Vane,gX,0010c/d 3 3


0016B 0016B 0016B 0016B 0016C,D 0016C,D 0016C,D 0016C,DpaRT numBER




oVERHauL BmK002




oVERHauL BmK003a


473103122 bearing,needle roller 2 2 2 2472105768 bearing,sleeVe 2 2 2 2532105216 filter,eXhaust,w/o'ring 1 153230001 filter,eXhaust,w/o'ring 1 1300070 flaPPer,buna,2mm 148021600 gasket 56X56X1 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1300072 gasket 70X70X1 mm 1 1 1 1 1 148010200 gasket,0010b/c/d&0016b/c/d 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 148023100 gasket,oil,sight glass 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 148027100 gasket,oil,sight glass,27X32X2 1 1 1 1 1 148401700 gasket,ring 4 4 4 4 4 448403400 gasket,ring 1 1 1 1 1 148402900 gasket,ring,coPPer 1 1 1 1 1 148650500 o'ring,Viton,22 X 2 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 148656100 o'ring,Viton,25 X 2 mm 1 1 1 1 1 123970436 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5 mm 2 2 2 2 2 248657600 o'ring,Viton,28X3.5 mm 1 1 1 1 1 148652100 o'ring,Viton,55 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 1 148652700 o'ring,Viton,66X2mm 2 2 2 2 2 243700100 Pin,taPer 4 4 4 4710000010 Plug,oil drain,1/2" nylon 1 1 1 171071200 ring suPPort 2 2 2 253405600 screen,inlet 1 1 1 148700200 seal,shaft,Viton 2 2 2 2 2 283623 sight glass,2060c 1 172457600 Vane,gX,0016b 3 372457400 Vane,gX,0016c/d 3 3

r5 SerIeS

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

0012/0021 B



KIT ComponenTS

0012B & 0021B 0012B & 0021B 0012B & 0021B 0012B & 0021BpaRT numBER




oVERHauL BmK004


947501331 assy,bearing,teflon 2 2472105768 bearing,sleeVe 2 253251001 filter,eXhaust,w/o'ring 1 148011200 gasket,cylinder 1 1 1 148010400 gasket,eXhaust 1 1 148202000 gasket,oil fill Plug 1 1 148023100 gasket,oil,sight glass 1 1 1 148027100 gasket,oil,sight glass,27X32X2 1 1 148401700 gasket,ring 1 1 148403400 gasket,ring 1 1 148405600 gasket,ring,coPPer 1 148650500 o'ring,Viton,22 X 2 mm 1 1 1 148656100 o'ring,Viton,25 X 2 mm 1 1 148651200 o'ring,Viton,35 X 4 mm 1 1 148652100 o'ring,Viton,55 X 3 mm 1 1 148663500 o'ring,Viton,56 X 2.5 mm 1 1 148656400 o'ring,Viton,72 X 2.5 mm 2 2 2550045 oil sight glass 3/4" bsP 1 1 1 143700100 Pin,taPer 4 4710000010 Plug,oil drain,1/2" nylon 1 1 1 171071000 ring,suPPort 2 253405600 screen,inlet 1 1484130591 seal,dowty,Viton,27X35X2.3mm 1 1 148700200 seal,shaft,Viton 2 2 253701700 strainer,baffle 153702300 strainer,baffle 1 1 171030100 Vane,gX,1st stage,rho 3 3

r5 SerIeS

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

0025/0040 B/C/E/F



kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

r5 SerIeS

FILTER KITS filter kits include eXhaust filter elements, oil filter, o-rings, oil drain Plug gasket & strainer baffle as reQuired. moDEL(S) paRT numBER0025/0040 b (oem eQu. 993.134.02) bfk0040025/0040 c/e/f (oem eQu. 0993.900.245) bfk005

GaSKET KITS gasket kits include o-rings, gaskets & shaft seals for minor maintenance. moDEL(S) paRT numBER0025/0040 b (oem eQu. 990.061.02) bgk003b0025/0040 c/e (oem eQu. 0990.990.248) bgk0030025/0040 f (oem eQu. 0990-101-464) bsk001

oVERHauL KITS oVerhaul kits include all comPonents of gasket kits Plus bearing sleeVes & Vanes for major oVerhaul. moDEL(S) paRT numBER0025 b (oem eQu. 993.138.02) bmk0050025 c/e (oem eQu. 0993.900.246) bmk0070040 b (oem eQu. 993.168.02) bmk0060040 c/e (oem eQu. 0993.900.247) bmk008

oVERHauL KITS w/EXHauST FILTERS oVerhaul kits w/eXhaust filters include all comPonents of oVerhaul kits Plus eXhaust filter, oil filter & strainer baffle as reQuired.

noTE: kits sold in euroPe contain eXhaust filters with damPers where aPProPriate. moDEL(S) paRT numBER0025 b bmkf0050025 c/e bmkf0070025 f (oem eQu. 0993.143.209) bmkf007a0040 b bmkf0060040 c/e bmkf0080040 f (oem eQu. 0993.143.318) bmkf008a

VanES moDEL(S) paRT numBER0025 b/c/e/f (reQ. 3) 722270000040 b/c/e/f (reQ. 3) 72230000

oIL FILTERSmoDEL(S) paRT numBERall (reQ. 1) 53100200

EXHauST FILTERS moDEL(S) paRT numBER0025/0040 b (reQ. 1) 532302010025/0040 b (reQ. 1 w/damP) 5329174770025/0040 c/e/f (reQ. 1) 53251201

InLET FILTERS moDEL(S) paRT numBERall (reQ. 1) 53200500

RECommEnDED oILS TYpE paRT numBERPlus 530 (1l/1.06Qt) 530-001general PurPose

Plus 570 (1l/1.06Qt) 570001fully synthetic

Page 65: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

0025 B/C/E



KIT ComponenTS

0025B 0025B 0025B 0025B 0025C,E 0025C,E 0025C,E 0025C,EpaRT numBER




oVERHauL BmK005




oVERHauL BmK007


47300300 bearing,needle,rna4904 2 2 2 247201500 bearing,sleeVe 20X25X38.5 2 253230201 filter,eXhaust,w/o'ring 1 153251201 filter,eXhaust,w/silencer 1 153100200 filter,oil 1 1 1 148015300 gasket 2 2 248011200 gasket,cylinder 1 1 1 1480000150 gasket,cylinder/eXh. boX 1 1 148010500 gasket,eXhaust 1 1 1 148202000 gasket,oil fill Plug 1 1 148023100 gasket,oil,sight glass 1 1 1 1 1 1 148401700 gasket,ring 3 3 3 3 3 348403400 gasket,ring 2 2 2 2 1 148406200 gasket,ring 1 1 148402900 gasket,ring,coPPer 2 2 2 2 2 242000500 nut,heX,m6 2 2 2 2486114368 o'ring,serVice block,Viton,sPecial 1 1 148653700 o'ring,Viton,108 X 3 mm 2 2 2 2 2 248650500 o'ring,Viton,22 X 2 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 148651200 o'ring,Viton,35 X 4 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 148655900 o'ring,Viton,44 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 1 148651600 o'ring,Viton,45 X 2.5 mm 1 1 148652100 o'ring,Viton,55 X 3 mm 3 3 348652600 o'ring,Viton,65 X 3 mm 2 2 2 2 2 243707000 Pin,taPer,threaded,m6X40mm 4 4 4 4710000010 Plug,oil drain,1/2" nylon 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1432107575 ring,retainer,Za18 1 143236700 ring,retaining 1 1 1 1433000309 ring,tolerance,an 18X10 1 153400900 screen,inlet 1 1 153401800 screen,inlet,conical 1 1 1 1484130591 seal,dowty,Viton,27X35X2.3mm 1 1 1 148700500 seal,shaft,Viton 2 2 2 2 2 283623 sight glass,2060c 1 1 1 1 1 1 147200400 sleeVe bearing,20X25X26.5 2 253701400 strainer,baffle 1 1 1 1916126769 ValVe,eXhaust,Plastic,Viton 2 272227000 Vane,gX,1st stage,0025 3 3 3 3

r5 SerIeS

Page 66: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

0025 /0040 F

KIT ComponenTS



0025F 0025F 0040FpaRT numBER





47300300 bearing,needle,rna4904 2 247201500 bearing,sleeVe 20X25X38.5 2 253251201 filter,eXhaust,w/silencer 1 153100200 filter,oil 1 148015300 gasket 2 2 2480109793 gasket,31X27X0.8 1 1 148011200 gasket,cylinder 1 1 1480000150 gasket,cylinder/eXh. boX 1 1 148202000 gasket,oil fill Plug 1 1 148027100 gasket,oil,sight glass,27X32X2 1 1 148401700 gasket,ring 2 2 248403400 gasket,ring 2 2 248402900 gasket,ring,coPPer 3 3 351200300 insert,driVe,couPling 1 173400300 membrane,eXhaust silencer,88X88X3 mm 1 1 1486114368 o'ring,serVice block,Viton,sPecial 1 1 148653700 o'ring,Viton,108 X 3 mm 2 2 248650500 o'ring,Viton,22 X 2 mm 1 1 148656100 o'ring,Viton,25 X 2 mm 1 1 123970436 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5 mm 1 1 148651200 o'ring,Viton,35 X 4 mm 1 1 148655900 o'ring,Viton,44 X 3 mm 1 1 148652600 o'ring,Viton,65 X 3 mm 2 2 248700500 seal,shaft,Viton 243707000 Pin,taPer,threaded,m6X40mm 4 4710000010 Plug,oil drain,1/2" nylon 1 1710000009 Plug,oil fill,Plastic,g 3/4 1 143236700 ring,retaining 1 148700500 seal,shaft,Viton 2 2916126769 ValVe,eXhaust,Plastic,Viton 2 2916139772 ValVe,return,oil,0025f-0100f 1 172227000 Vane,gX,1st stage,0025 372230000 Vane,gX,1st stage,0040 3

r5 SerIeS

Page 67: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

0040 B/C/E



KIT ComponenTS

0040B 0040B 0040B 0040B 0040C,E 0040C,E 0040C,E 0040C,EpaRT numBER




oVERHauL BmK006




oVERHauL BmK008


47300300 bearing,needle,rna4904 2 2 2 247201500 bearing,sleeVe 20X25X38.5 2 253230201 filter,eXhaust,w/o'ring 1 153251201 filter,eXhaust,w/silencer 1 153100200 filter,oil 1 1 1 148015300 gasket 2 2 248011200 gasket,cylinder 1 1 1 1480000150 gasket,cylinder/eXh. boX 1 1 148010500 gasket,eXhaust 1 1 1 148202000 gasket,oil fill Plug 1 1 148023100 gasket,oil,sight glass 1 1 1 1 1 1 148401700 gasket,ring 3 3 3 3 3 348403400 gasket,ring 2 2 2 2 1 148406200 gasket,ring 1 1 148402900 gasket,ring,coPPer 2 2 2 2 2 242000500 nut,heX,m6 2 2 2 2486114368 o'ring,serVice block,Viton,sPecial 1 1 148653700 o'ring,Viton,108 X 3 mm 2 2 2 2 2 248650500 o'ring,Viton,22 X 2 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 148651200 o'ring,Viton,35 X 4 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 148655900 o'ring,Viton,44 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 1 148651600 o'ring,Viton,45 X 2.5 mm 1 1 148652100 o'ring,Viton,55 X 3 mm 3 3 348652600 o'ring,Viton,65 X 3 mm 2 2 2 2 2 243707000 Pin,taPer,threaded,m6X40mm 4 4 4 4710000010 Plug,oil drain,1/2" nylon 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1432107575 ring,retainer,Za18 1 143236700 ring,retaining 1 1 1 1433000309 ring,tolerance,an 18X10 1 153400900 screen,inlet 1 1 1 153401800 screen,inlet,conical 1 1 1 1484130591 seal,dowty,Viton,27X35X2.3mm 1 1 1 148700500 seal,shaft,Viton 2 2 2 2 4 283623 sight glass,2060c 1 1 1 1 1 1 147200400 sleeVe bearing,20X25X26.5 2 253701400 strainer,baffle 1 1 1916126769 ValVe,eXhaust,Plastic,Viton 2 272230000 Vane,gX,1st stage,0040 3 3 3 3

r5 SerIeS

Page 68: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

0063/0100 B/C/E/F



kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

r5 SerIeS

FILTER KITS filter kits include eXhaust filter elements, oil filter, o-rings, oil drain Plug gasket & strainer baffle as reQuired. moDEL(S) paRT numBER0063/0100 b bfk0060063/0100 c/e/f (oem eQu. 993.902.118) bfk007

GaSKET KITS gasket kits include o-rings, gaskets & shaft seals for minor maintenance. moDEL(S) paRT numBER0063/0100 b (oem eQu. 990.081.02) bgk004b0063/0100 c/e (oem eQu. 0990.902.115) bgk0040063/0100 f (oem eQu. 0990.106.211) bsk002

oVERHauL KITS oVerhaul kits include all comPonents of gasket kits Plus bearing sleeVes & Vanes for major oVerhaul. moDEL(S) paRT numBER0063 b (oem eQu. 993.198.02) bmk0100063 c/e (oem eQu. 0993.902.116) bmk0120100 b (oem eQu. 993.228.02) bmk0110100 c/e (oem eQu. 0993.902.117) bmk013

oVERHauL KITS w/EXHauST FILTERS oVerhaul kits w/eXhaust filters include all comPonents of oVerhaul kits Plus eXhaust filter(s), oil filter & strainer baffle as reQuired.

noTE: kits sold in euroPe contain eXhaust filters with damPers where aPProPriate. moDEL(S) paRT numBER0063 b bmkf0100063 c/e bmkf0120063 f (oem eQu. 0993.143.319) bmkf012a0100 b bmkf0110100 c/e bmkf0130100 f (oem eQu. 0993.143.320) bmkf013a

VanES moDEL(S) paRT numBER0063 b/c/e/f (reQ. 3) 722330000100 b/c/e/f (reQ. 3) 72236000

oIL FILTERSmoDEL(S) paRT numBERall (reQ. 1) 53100200

EXHauST FILTERS moDEL(S) paRT numBERall (reQ. 1) 532302010063/0100 f (reQ. 2 w/damP) 532917477

InLET FILTERS moDEL(S) paRT numBER0063 b/c/e (reQ. 1) 532002000100 b/c/e (reQ. 1) 53200300

RECommEnDED oILS TYpE paRT numBERPlus 530 (1l/1.06Qt) 530-001general PurPose

Plus 570 (1l/1.06Qt) 570001fully synthetic

r5 SerIeS

Page 69: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

0063 B/C/E



KIT ComponenTS

0063B 0063B 0063B 0063B 0063C,E 0063C,E 0063C,E 0063C,EpaRT numBER




oVERHauL BmK010




oVERHauL BmK012


47300400 bearing,needle,rna4905 2 2 2 2820048 boX,white,14.5 X 10.5 X 2.5" 153230201 filter,eXhaust,w/o'ring 2 2 2 253100200 filter,oil 1 1 1 1480108718 gasket 1 1 148015000 gasket 1 1 148015300 gasket 1 1 148221000 gasket,40X33X2 1 1 148011200 gasket,cylinder 2 2 2 2 2 2 2480000150 gasket,cylinder/eXh. boX 1 1 148010500 gasket,eXhaust 1 1 148011500 gasket,eXhaust 1 1 1 148202100 gasket,oil fill Plug 1 148023100 gasket,oil,sight glass 1 1 1 1 1 1 148401400 gasket,ring 8 8 848401700 gasket,ring 3 3 3 3 3 348403400 gasket,ring 2 2 2 1 1 148402900 gasket,ring,coPPer 2 2 2 2 2 248406700 gasket,ring,coPPer 1 1 142000500 nut,heX,m6 2 242000700 nut,heX,m8 2 248653900 o'ring,Viton,128 X 3 mm 2 2 2 2 2 248650500 o'ring,Viton,22 X 2 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 148651200 o'ring,Viton,35 X 4 mm 2 2 2 2 2 2 248655900 o'ring,Viton,44 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 1 148651600 o'ring,Viton,45 X 2.5 mm 1 1 148652100 o'ring,Viton,55 X 3 mm 2 2 248652600 o'ring,Viton,65 X 3 mm 2 2 2 2 2 243707000 Pin,taPer,threaded,m6X40mm 4 4437000074 Pin,taPer,threaded,m8X50mm,din 79 4 4710000010 Plug,oil drain,1/2" nylon 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 143238000 ring,retaining 1 1 1 153400900 screen,inlet 1 1 153401800 screen,inlet,conical 1 1 1 1484130591 seal,dowty,Viton,27X35X2.3mm 1 1 1 1 148700800 seal,shaft,Viton,30X42X6 2 2 2 2 2 283623 sight glass,2060c 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 147200600 sleeVe,bearing,25X30X26.5 2 2472105822 sleeVe,bearing,25X30X38.5 2 253701500 strainer,baffle 1 1 1 1916126769 ValVe,eXhaust,Plastic,Viton 2 273001800 ValVe,inlet ball,Viton 172233000 Vane,gX,1st stage,0063 3 3 3 3

r5 SerIeS

Page 70: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

0063/0100 F

KIT ComponenTS



0063F,0100F 0063F 0100FpaRT numBER





473103123 bearing,needle 2 2532917477 filter, eXhaust, silencer, w/o-ring 9.9 2 253100200 filter,oil 1 148015000 gasket 1 1 148015300 gasket 1 1 1480109793 gasket,31X27X0.8 1 1 148011200 gasket,cylinder 2 2 2480000150 gasket,cylinder/eXh. boX 1 1 148202000 gasket,oil fill Plug 1 1 148027100 gasket,oil,sight glass,27X32X2 1 1 148401700 gasket,ring 2 2 248403400 gasket,ring 2 2 248402900 gasket,ring,coPPer 3 3 351200400 insert,driVe couPling 1 173400300 membrane,eXhaust silencer,88X88X3 mm 2 2 2486114368 o'ring,serVice block,Viton,sPecial 1 1 148653900 o'ring,Viton,128 X 3 mm 2 2 248650500 o'ring,Viton,22 X 2 mm 1 1 148656100 o'ring,Viton,25 X 2 mm 1 1 123970436 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5 mm 1 1 148651200 o'ring,Viton,35 X 4 mm 2 2 248655900 o'ring,Viton,44 X 3 mm 1 1 148652600 o'ring,Viton,65 X 3 mm 2 2 2437104545 Pin,taPer,threaded,8X40,din 7977 4437000074 Pin,taPer,threaded,m8X50mm,din 7977 4710000010 Plug,oil drain,1/2" nylon 1 1710000009 Plug,oil fill,Plastic,g 3/4 1 143238000 ring,retaining 1 148700800 seal,shaft,Viton,30X42X6 2 2 2472105822 sleeVe,bearing,25X30X38.5 2 2916126769 ValVe,eXhaust,Plastic,Viton 2 2916139772 ValVe,return,oil,0025f-0100f 1 172233000 Vane,gX,1st stage,0063 372236000 Vane,gX,1st stage,0100 3

r5 SerIeS

Page 71: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

0100 B/C/E



KIT ComponenTS

0100B 0100B 0100B 0100B 0100C,E 0100C,E 0100C,E 0100C,EpaRT numBER




oVERHauL BmK011




oVERHauL BmK013


47300400 bearing,needle,rna4905 2 2 2 2820048 boX,white,14.5 X 10.5 X 2.5" 153230201 filter,eXhaust,w/o'ring 2 2 2 253100200 filter,oil 1 1 1 1480108718 gasket 1 1 148015000 gasket 1 1 148015300 gasket 1 1 148221000 gasket,40X33X2 1 1 148011200 gasket,cylinder 2 2 2 2 2 2 2480000150 gasket,cylinder/eXh. boX 1 1 148010500 gasket,eXhaust 1 1 148011500 gasket,eXhaust 1 1 1 148202100 gasket,oil fill Plug 1 148023100 gasket,oil,sight glass 1 1 1 1 1 1 148401400 gasket,ring 8 8 848401700 gasket,ring 3 3 3 3 3 348403400 gasket,ring 2 2 2 1 1 148402900 gasket,ring,coPPer 2 2 2 2 2 248406700 gasket,ring,coPPer 1 1 142000500 nut,heX,m6 2 242000700 nut,heX,m8 2 2 2 248653900 o'ring,Viton,128 X 3 mm 2 2 2 2 2 248650500 o'ring,Viton,22 X 2 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 148651200 o'ring,Viton,35 X 4 mm 2 2 2 2 2 2 248655900 o'ring,Viton,44 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 1 148651600 o'ring,Viton,45 X 2.5 mm 1 1 148652100 o'ring,Viton,55 X 3 mm 2 2 248652600 o'ring,Viton,65 X 3 mm 2 2 2 2 2 243707300 Pin,taPer,threaded 4 443707000 Pin,taPer,threaded,m6X40mm 4 4437000074 Pin,taPer,threaded,m8X50mm,din 7977 4 4710000010 Plug,oil drain,1/2" nylon 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 143238000 ring,retaining 1 1 1 153400900 screen,inlet 1 1 153401800 screen,inlet,conical 1 1 1 1484130591 seal,dowty,Viton,27X35X2.3mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 148700800 seal,shaft,Viton,30X42X6 2 2 2 2 2 283623 sight glass,2060c 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 147200600 sleeVe,bearing,25X30X26.5 2 2472105822 sleeVe,bearing,25X30X38.5 2 253701500 strainer,baffle 1 1 1 1916126769 ValVe,eXhaust,Plastic,Viton 2 272236000 Vane,gX,1st stage,0100 3 3 3 3

r5 SerIeS

Page 72: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

0250 C, 0160/0202/0250/0302 D



kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

r5 SerIeS

FILTER KITS filter kits include eXhaust filter elements, oil filter, o-rings, oil drain Plug gasket & strainer baffle as reQuired. moDEL(S) paRT numBER0160/0202 d bfk0110250 c/d, 0302 d (oem eQu. 0993.900.557) bfk012

GaSKET KITS gasket kits include o-rings, gaskets & shaft seals for minor maintenance. moDEL(S) paRT numBER0160/0202 d bgk0060250 c/d, 0302 d (oem eQu. 0990.900.559) bgk009

oVERHauL KITS oVerhaul kits include all comPonents of gasket kits Plus bearing sleeVes & Vanes for major oVerhaul. moDEL(S) paRT numBER0160/0202 d bmk0190250 c/d, 0302 d (oem eQu. 0993.900.558) bmk020

oVERHauL KITS w/EXHauST FILTERS oVerhaul kits w/eXhaust filters include all comPonents of oVerhaul kits Plus eXhaust filter, oil filter & strainer baffle as reQuired. moDEL(S) paRT numBER0160/0202 d bmkf0190250 c/d, 0302 d bmkf020

VanES moDEL(S) paRT numBER0160/0202 d (reQ. 3) 7225165730250 c/d, 0302 d (reQ. 3) 722516729

pRESSuRE GauGES moDEL(S) paRT numBERall 54500400

oIL FILL CapS w/pRESSuRE GauGES moDEL(S) paRT numBERall 94610202

EXHauST FILTERS moDEL(S) paRT numBERall (reQ. 3) 53208201

InLET FILTERS moDEL(S) paRT numBERall (reQ. 1) 53200400

oIL FILTERSmoDEL(S) paRT numBERall (reQ. 1) 53100100

RECommEnDED oILS TYpE paRT numBERPlus 530 (1l/1.06Qt) 530-001general PurPose

Plus 570 (1l/1.06Qt) 570001fully synthetic

Page 73: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

0160/0202 D



KIT ComponenTS

0160D&0202D 0160D&0202D 0160D&0202D 0160D&0202DpaRT numBER




oVERHauL BmK019


47300500 bearing,needle 2 247200800 bearing,sleeVe,30X35X46 2 2720014 filter Pad,12" X 12" 1 1 153208201 filter,eXhaust,w/o'ring 3 353100100 filter,oil 1 1 1481502720 gasket 1 1 1481503784 gasket 1481503785 gasket 1481503786 gasket 1481516780 gasket 1 1 1481502721 gasket,boX,eXhaust 1 1 1481502719 gasket,coVer Plate,side 1 2 1 1481516781 gasket,cylinder to eXhaust boX 1 148202100 gasket,oil fill Plug 1 1 148210600 gasket,oil fill Plug 1 1 148023100 gasket,oil,sight glass 2 2 2 248403400 gasket,ring 1 1 148404000 gasket,ring 1 1 148202300 gasket,ring,47X55X2 148402900 gasket,ring,coPPer 1 1 142000500 nut,heX,m6 2 2486516620 o'ring Viton 34 X 3 mm 2 2 248206600-330mm o'ring,silicone,330mm long 1 148658700 o'ring,Viton,16.2 X 3mm 4 4 448654300 o'ring,Viton,186 X 3.5 mm 2 2 248650500 o'ring,Viton,22 X 2 mm 1 1 1 1923031 o'ring,Viton,42 X 2 mm 4 4 448652100 o'ring,Viton,55 X 3 mm 1 1 148652600 o'ring,Viton,65 X 3 mm 1 1 148653100 o'ring,Viton,87 X 3 mm 2 2 243707100 Pin,taPer,threaded 4 443707300 Pin,taPer,threaded 4 4710000010 Plug,oil drain,1/2" nylon 1 1 1 148206600 ring,gasket 171212503 seal,float Val.sV40/65/100/180 1 1 148701200 seal,shaft,Viton 4 4 483623 sight glass,2060c 1 1722516573 Vane,g11,0160d,0165d,0205d 3 347200600 sleeVe,bearing,25X30X26.5 2 2472105822 sleeVe,bearing,25X30X38.553701500 strainer,baffle 1 1916126769 ValVe,eXhaust,Plastic,Viton72236000 Vane,gX,1st stage,0100 3 3

r5 SerIeS

Page 74: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

0250 C, 0250/0302 D

KIT ComponenTS



0250C,D&0302D 0250C,D&0302D 0250C,D&0302D 0250C,D&0302DpaRT numBER




oVERHauL BmK020


47300500 bearing,needle 2 247200800 bearing,sleeVe,30X35X46 2 253208201 filter,eXhaust,w/o'ring 3 353100100 filter,oil 1 1481502720 gasket 1 1 1481502721 gasket,boX,eXhaust 1 1 1 1481502719 gasket,coVer Plate,side 2 2 2 2481516781 gasket,cylinder to eXhaust boX 1 1 148023100 gasket,oil,sight glass 2 2 1 148403400 gasket,ring 1 1 148402900 gasket,ring,coPPer 1 1 1482901835 gasket,seal,Viton,Vst 1 r 1/4 1 1 148206600-660mm o'ring,silicone,660mm long 1 1 148658700 o'ring,Viton,16.2 X 3mm 4 4 448654300 o'ring,Viton,186 X 3.5 mm 2 2 248650500 o'ring,Viton,22 X 2 mm 1 1 1 148651200 o'ring,Viton,35 X 4 mm 3 3 348652600 o'ring,Viton,65 X 3 mm 1 1 148653100 o'ring,Viton,87 X 3 mm 2 2 2437502718 Pin,taPer,internal thread 4 4710000010 Plug,oil drain,1/2" nylon 1 1 1 1484000233 seal,dowty,Viton 1 1 148701200 seal,shaft,Viton 4 4 483623 sight glass,2060c 1 1 153703300 strainer,baffle 1 153705100 strainer,baffle 1 1916529297 ValVe,eXhaust,Plastic,w/gaskets 3 3722516729 Vane,gX,250cd,0255d,0302d,0305d 3 3

r5 SerIeS

Page 75: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

0160/0250 B, 0165/0205/0255/0305 D


kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

FILTER KITS filter kits include eXhaust filter elements, oil filter, o-rings, oil drain Plug gasket & strainer baffle as reQuired. moDEL(S) paRT numBER0160/0250 b (oem eQu. 0993.900.556) bfk0080165-0305 d (oem eQu. 0993.908.853) bfk010

GaSKET KITS gasket kits include o-rings, gaskets & shaft seals for minor maintenance. moDEL(S) paRT numBER0160/0250 b (oem eQu. 990.111.02) bgk0050165/0205 d (oem eQu. 0990.908.851) bgk0080255/0305 d (oem eQu. 0990.908.867) bgk008

oVERHauL KITS oVerhaul kits include all comPonents of gasket kits Plus bearing sleeVes & Vanes for major oVerhaul. moDEL(S) paRT numBER0160 b (oem eQu. 993.045.01) bmk0140250 b (oem eQu. 993.046.01) bmk0150165/0205 d (oem eQu. 0993.908.852) bmk0170255/0305 d (oem eQu. 0993.908.868) bmk018

oVERHauL KITS w/EXHauST FILTERS oVerhaul kits w/eXhaust filters include all comPonents of oVerhaul kits Plus eXhaust filter, oil filter & strainer baffle as reQuired. moDEL(S) paRT numBER0160 b bmkf0140250 b bmkf0150165/0205 d bmkf0170255/0305 d bmkf018


r5 SerIeS

VanES moDEL(S) paRT numBER0160 b (reQ. 3) 722452000250 b (reQ. 3) 7225167290165/0205 d (reQ. 3) 7225165730255/0305 d (reQ. 3) 722516729

pRESSuRE GauGES moDEL(S) paRT numBERall 54500400

oIL FILL CapS w/pRESSuRE GauGES moDEL(S) paRT numBERall 94610202

EXHauST FILTERS moDEL(S) paRT numBERall (reQ. 4) 53208201

InLET FILTERS moDEL(S) paRT numBERall (reQ. 1) 53200400

oIL FILTERSmoDEL(S) paRT numBERall (reQ. 1) 53100100

RECommEnDED oILS TYpE paRT numBERPlus 530 (1l/1.06Qt) 530-001general PurPose

Plus 570 (1l/1.06Qt) 570001

Page 76: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

0160/0250 B, 0165/0205/0255/0305 D

KIT ComponenTS



0160B,0250B 0160B,0250B 0160B 0160B 0250B 0250BpaRT numBER




oVERHauL BmK014


oVERHauL BmK015


47300500 bearing,needle 2 2 2 247200800 bearing,sleeVe,30X35X46 2 2 2 253208201 filter,eXhaust,w/o'ring 4 4 453100100 filter,oil 1 1 148012300 gasket,0160,0250 1 1 1 1 148012400 gasket,0160,0250 1 1 1 1 1 148014300 gasket,coVer Plate 1 1 1 1 1 148010800 gasket,cylinder/eXhaust boX 1 1 1 1 148210600 gasket,oil fill Plug 1 1 1 1 148023100 gasket,oil,sight glass 1 1 1 1 1 148403400 gasket,ring 1 1 1 1 148404000 gasket,ring 1 1 1 1 148402900 gasket,ring,coPPer 1 1 1 1 142000500 nut,heX,m6 2 2 2 2482525646-330mm o'ring,silicone,4mm,330mm long 1 1 1 1 148654300 o'ring,Viton,186 X 3.5 mm 2 2 2 2 248650500 o'ring,Viton,22 X 2 mm 1 1 1 1 1 148651200 o'ring,Viton,35 X 4 mm 4 4 4 4 448652100 o'ring,Viton,55 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 148652600 o'ring,Viton,65 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 148653100 o'ring,Viton,87 X 3 mm 2 2 2 2 243707100 Pin,taPer,threaded 4 4 4 4710000010 Plug,oil drain,1/2" nylon 1 1 1 1 1 148701200 seal,shaft,Viton 4 4 4 4 483623 sight glass,2060c 1 1 1 153703300 strainer,baffle 1 1 153705100 strainer,baffle 1 1 172245200 Vane,gX,1st stage,0160 3 372245300 Vane,gX,1st stage,0250 3 3

r5 SerIeS

0165D-0305D 0165D-0305D 0165D,0205D 0165D,0205D 0255D,0305D 0255D,0305DpaRT numBER




oVERHauL BmK017


oVERHauL BmK018


537524514 baffle,strainer 1 1 147300500 bearing,needle 2 2 2 247200800 bearing,sleeVe,30X35X46 2 2 2 253208201 filter,eXhaust,w/o'ring 4 4 453100100 filter,oil 1 1 1481516780 gasket 1 1 148012300 gasket,0160,0250 1 1 1 1 1481516781 gasket,cylinder to eXhaust boX 1 1 1300068 gasket,eXhaust coVer,end 1 1 1 1 1 1300066 gasket,eXhaust coVer,front 1 1 1 1 1300067 gasket,eXhaust coVer,side 1 1 1 1 1481525294 gasket,oil fill,elbow 1 1 1 1 148023100 gasket,oil,sight glass 148658700 o'ring,Viton,16.2 X 3mm 4 4 4 4 448654300 o'ring,Viton,186 X 3.5 mm 2 2 2 2 248650500 o'ring,Viton,22 X 2 mm 1 1 1 1 1 179509 o'ring,Viton,28 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 148651200 o'ring,Viton,35 X 4 mm 4 4 4 4 4 4923031 o'ring,Viton,42 X 2 mm 4 4 4 4 4 448652600 o'ring,Viton,65 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 123970149 o'ring,Viton,8 X 2 mm 1 1 1 1 148653100 o'ring,Viton,87 X 3 mm 2 2 2 2 2437502718 Pin,taPer,internal thread 4 4 4 4710000010 Plug,oil drain,1/2" nylon 1 1 1 1 1 194806600000 ring,sealing,fiber,49 X 43 X 1.9mm 1 1 1 1 1 1484000233 seal,dowty,Viton 1 1 1 1 148701200 seal,shaft,Viton 4 4 4 4 476135 sight glass, window,w/seal 1 1 1 1 1 1916529297 ValVe,eXhaust,Plastic,w/gaskets 3 3 3 3722516573 Vane,gX,0160d,0165d,0205d 3 3722516729 Vane,gX,250cd,0255d,0302d,0305d 3 3

Page 77: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

0400/0502/0630 B


kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

FILTER KITS filter kits include eXhaust filter elements, oil filter, o-rings, oil drain Plug gasket & strainer baffle as reQuired. moDEL(S) paRT numBERall (oem eQu. 993.316.02) bfk013

GaSKET KITS gasket kits include o-rings, gaskets & shaft seals for minor maintenance. moDEL(S) paRT numBERall (oem eQu. 990.140.02) bgk010

oVERHauL KITS oVerhaul kits include all comPonents of gasket kits Plus bearing sleeVes & Vanes for major oVerhaul. moDEL(S) paRT numBER0400 b (oem eQu. 993.047.01) bmk0210502 b (oem eQu. 0993.912.855) bmk0220630 b (oem eQu. 993.048.01) bmk023

oVERHauL KITS w/EXHauST FILTERS oVerhaul kits w/eXhaust filters include all comPonents of oVerhaul kits Plus eXhaust filter, oil filter & strainer baffle as reQuired.

noTE: kits sold in euroPe contain eXhaust filters with damPers where aPProPriate. moDEL(S) paRT numBER0400 b bmkf0210502 b bmkf0220630 b bmkf023


r5 SerIeS

VanES moDEL(S) paRT numBER0400 b (reQ. 3) 722454000502 b (reQ. 3) 7225160540630 b (reQ. 3) 72245500

EXHauST FILTERS moDEL(S) paRT numBERall (reQ. 8) 53230401all (reQ. 8 w/damP) 532917864

pRESSuRE GauGES moDEL(S) paRT numBERall 54500400

oIL FILTERSmoDEL(S) paRT numBERall (reQ. 1) 53100500

InLET FILTERS moDEL(S) paRT numBERall (reQ. 1) 53200600

RECommEnDED oILS TYpE paRT numBERPlus 568 (1l/1.06Qt) 568-001general PurPose

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic

Plus 530 (1l/1.06Qt) 530-001usda h-2 general PurPose

Plus 570 (1l/1.06Qt) 570001usda h-2 fully synthetic

Page 78: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

0400/0502/0630 B

KIT ComponenTS



aLL aLL 0400B 0502B 0630B 0400B 0502B 0630BpaRT numBER




oVERHauL BmK021

oVERHauL BmK022

oVERHauL BmK023




47300900 bearing,needle,no slV. (race) 2 2 2 2 2 247201100 bearing,sleeVe (race) 2 2 2 2 2 253230401 filter,eXhaust,w/o'ring 8 8 8 853100500 filter,oil 1 1 1 148012800 gasket,0400,0630 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1481532126 gasket,coVer,float ValVe 1 1 1 1 1 1 148011100 gasket,cyl to eXh boX,400/630 1 1 1 1 1 1 148013100 gasket,eXh boX coVer,0400/0630 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1481529712 gasket,float ValVe 1 1 1 1 1 1 1480537332 gasket,oil cooler 2 2 2 2 2 2 248210600 gasket,oil fill Plug 1 1 1 1 1 1 148023100 gasket,oil,sight glass 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 148403400 gasket,ring 2 2 2 2 2 2 248404000 gasket,ring 2 2 2 2 2 2 248406200 gasket,ring 1 1 1 1 1 1 148402900 gasket,ring,coPPer 1 1 1 1 1 1 148013400 gasket,side cVr Plt,0400/0630 1 1 1 1 1 1 142000700 nut,heX,m8 2 2 2 2 2 248206600-420mm o'ring,silicone,420mm long 1 1 1 1 1 1 148656700 o'ring,Viton,140 X 5 mm 2 2 2 2 2 2 248650500 o'ring,Viton,22 X 2 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 148656100 o'ring,Viton,25 X 2 mm 2 2 2 2 2 2 248654900 o'ring,Viton,265 X 4 mm 2 2 2 2 2 2 2486903988 o'ring,Viton,266.3 X 3.53mm 2 2 2 2 2 2 279509 o'ring,Viton,28 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 148651200 o'ring,Viton,35 X 4 mm 8 8 8 8 8 8 848652100 o'ring,Viton,55 X 3 mm 4 4 4 4 4 4 423970149 o'ring,Viton,8 X 2 mm 2 2 2 2 2 2 248661100 o'ring,Viton,97 X 5 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 143708000 Pin,taPered,threaded 4 4 4 4 4 4710000010 Plug,oil drain,1/2" nylon 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 148703200 seal,shaft,Viton 4 4 4 4 4 4 483623 sight glass,2060c 1 1 1 1 1 1 147201000 sleeVe,bearing,45 X 52 X 22 2 2 2 2 2 253703400 strainer,baffle 1 1 1 153704200 strainer,baffle 1 1 173001800 ValVe,inlet ball,Viton 1 1 1 1 1 172245400 Vane,gX,1st stage,0400 3 3722516054 Vane,gX,1st stage,0502b 3 372245500 Vane,gX,1st stage,0630 3 3

r5 SerIeS

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

1000/1600 B


kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

FILTER KITS filter kits include eXhaust filter elements, oil filter, o-rings, oil drain Plug gasket & strainer baffle as reQuired. moDEL(S) paRT numBERall (oem eQu. 993.370.02) bfk014

GaSKET KITS gasket kits include o-rings, gaskets & shaft seals for minor maintenance. moDEL(S) paRT numBERall (oem eQu. 990.506.191) bgk011

oVERHauL KITS oVerhaul kits include all comPonents of gasket kits Plus bearings, bearing sleeVes & Vanes for major oVerhaul. moDEL(S) paRT numBER0400 b (oem eQu. 993.372.02) bmk0250502 b (oem eQu. 993.402.02) bmk026

oVERHauL KITS w/EXHauST FILTERS oVerhaul kits w/eXhaust filters include all comPonents of oVerhaul kits Plus eXhaust filter, oil filter & strainer baffle as reQuired.

noTE: kits sold in euroPe contain eXhaust filters with damPers where aPProPriate. moDEL(S) paRT numBER1000 b bmkf0251600 b bmkf026


r5 SerIeS

VanES moDEL(S) paRT numBER0400 b (reQ. 3) 722456000502 b (reQ. 6) 72245700

EXHauST FILTERS moDEL(S) paRT numBERall (reQ. 16) 53230401all (reQ. 16 w/damP) 532917864

pRESSuRE GauGES moDEL(S) paRT numBERall 54500400

oIL FILL CapS w/pRESSuRE GauGES moDEL(S) paRT numBERall 94610202

oIL FILTERSmoDEL(S) paRT numBERall (reQ. 2) 53100500

RECommEnDED oILS TYpE paRT numBERPlus 530 (1l/1.06Qt) 530-001usda h-2 general PurPose

Plus 570 (1l/1.06Qt) 570001usda h-2 fully synthetic

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

1000/1600 B

KIT ComponenTS



1000B,1600B 1000B,1600B 1000B 1000B 1600B 1600BpaRT numBER




oVERHauL BmK025


oVERHauL BmK026


47300700 bearing, needle, na 6911 2 2 2 2720017 filter Pad,15" X 24" 1 153230401 filter,eXhaust,w/o'ring 16 16 1653100500 filter,oil 2 2 248013300 gasket 1 1 1 1 148405700 gasket,33 X 28 X 1.5 1 1 1 1 148013200 gasket,cylinder/eXhaust boX 1000/1600 2 1 2 1 2 148013100 gasket,eXh boX coVer,0400/0630 2 2 2 2 2 248023100 gasket,oil,sight glass 1 2 2 2 2 248403400 gasket,ring 4 4 4 4 448407000 gasket,ring,36 X 42 X 2 1 1 1 1 148202300 gasket,ring,47X55X2 1 1 1 1 148402900 gasket,ring,coPPer 2 2 2 2 248405600 gasket,ring,coPPer 1 1 1 1 148406700 gasket,ring,coPPer 1 1 1 1 1 148013400 gasket,side cVr Plt,0400/0630 1 1 1 1 148610200 o'ring,buna,142 X 6mm 1 1 1 1 148607000 o'ring,buna,170 X 2.5mm 1 1 1 1 148610300 o'ring,buna,210 X 6mm 2 2 2 2 271217402 o'ring,buna,22 X 3 mm 2 2 2 2 248613600 o'ring,buna,25 X 4mm 2 2 2 2 248610400 o'ring,buna,310 X 5mm 2 2 2 2 248602800 o'ring,buna,35 X 4 mm 16 16 1648604000 o'ring,buna,55 X 3mm 2 2 2 2 248206600-330mm o'ring,silicone,330mm long 1 1 123970147 o'ring,Viton,16 X 2.5 mm 2 2 2 2 243736600 Pin,cylinder,16 X 60,din 6325 243707500 Pin,taPer,10 X 75,din 7977 243708000 Pin,taPered,threaded 4 4 4 4710000010 Plug,oil drain,1/2" nylon 1 1 1 1 148206600 ring,gasket 1 153402400 screen,inlet,flat 1 1 1 1 148702100 seal,shaft,buna,60 X 80 X 7/7.5 babsl 2 2 2 2 248702200 seal,shaft,Viton,60 X 80 X 10/8 ba cfw 2 2 2 2 283623 sight glass,2060c 1 1 1 147201300 sleeVe, shaft seal, 50X60X40 2 2 2 253704200 strainer,baffle 273001800 ValVe,inlet ball,Viton 1 1 1 172245700 Vane,busch,rc 1600 6 672245600 Vane,gX,1000b 3 3

r5 SerIeS

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

SV 1010/1016/1025/1040/1063/1080/1100/1140 B/C, SV 1063 B


kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

maJoR oVERHauL KITS major oVerhaul kits include Vanes, gaskets, filters, coPPer washers & body gaskets for major oVerhaul.

noTE: kits sold in euroPe contain eXhaust filters with damPers where aPProPriate. moDEL(S) paRT numBERsV 1010 b 994000017sV 1010 c 994528975sV 1016 b 994000014sV 1016 c 994528977sV 1025 b 994000015sV 1025 c 994528979sV 1040 b 994000016sV 1040 c 994528981sV 1063 b 994000018sV 1080 b 994000019sV 1100 c 983506675sV 1140 c 993506676



VanES moDEL(S) paRT numBERsV 1010 b (reQ. 7) 722000242sV 1010 c (reQ. 7) 722533535sV 1016 b/c (reQ. 7) 722000489sV 1025 b (reQ. 7) 722000189sV 1025 c (reQ. 7) 722533536sV 1040 b/c (reQ. 7) 722534079sV 1063 b (reQ. 4) 722000016sV 1080 b (reQ. 4) 722000017sV 1100 c (reQ. 4) 722000122sV 1140c (reQ. 4) 722500050

FILTERS moDEL(S) paRT numBERsV 1010 b (reQ. 1) 53203200sV 1010 c (reQ. 1) 53203100sV 1016 b/c (reQ. 1) 53203100sV 1025 b (reQ. 1) 53203400sV 1025 c (reQ. 1) 53203400 sV 1040 b (reQ. 1) 53203400 sV 1063/1080 (reQ. 1) 532000017sV 1100 c (reQ. 1) 532500080sV 1100 c (reQ. 1) 532500081sV 1140 c (reQ. 1) 532500045sV 1140 c (reQ. 1) 532500046

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

SV 1010/1016/1025/1040/1063/1080/1100/1140 B/C, SV 1063 B

KIT ComponenTS



SV1010B SV1010C SV1016B SV1016C SV1025B SV1025CpaRT numBER


maJoR 994000017

maJoR 994528975

maJoR 994000014

maJoR 994528977

maJoR 994000015

maJoR 994528979

53203100 filter,inlet,sV1010/16/25 1 1 1 153203200 filter,inlet,sV1010b 153203400 filter,inlet,sV1025c,sV1040b/c 1481000295 gasket 148129300 gasket 148129400 gasket 1 1 1 148401400 gasket,ring 3 3 3 3 3 3722000242 Vane,carbon,sV1010 7722533535 Vane,carbon,sV1010c 7722000489 Vane,carbon,sV1016 7 7722000189 Vane,carbon,sV1025 7722533536 Vane,carbon,sV1025c 7722534079 Vane,carbon,sV1040488000160 washer,felt 1 1 1 1 1 1


SV1063B SV1080B SV1100C SV1140CpaRT numBER


maJoR 994000018

maJoR 994000019

maJoR 983506675

maJoR 993506676

473000121 bearing,ball,double,sV1100c 1473500356 bearing,ball,double,sV1100c 1473000283 bearing,ball,double,sV1140c 1473000269 bearing,roller,single,sV1140c 1473000118 bearing,roller,sV1063/1080b 1 1473000262 bearing,roller,sV1063/1080b 1 1512000140 clutch,disk,118X42X16mm 1 1 190220900000 couPling,sPider,roteX,gr38 1532500080 filter, 50 X 148mm, w/gasket, sV1100532500081 filter,50 X 175mm,w/gasket,sV1100 & 1140 1532000017 filter,84 X 103mm,sV1063 & 1080 1 1 1532500046 filter,air w/seal 64X148mm 1532500045 filter,air w/seal 65X175mm 1482500108 gasket,cylinder 1482500041 gasket,cylinder,jacket 1480000295 gasket,filter 2 2482500111 gasket,filter,coVer 1482500089 gasket,filter,coVer,lower 1482500039 gasket,filter,coVer,lower 1482500040 gasket,filter,coVer,uPPer 148027100 gasket,oil,sight glass,27X32X2 1 148401400 gasket,ring 1 1487000140 seal,shaft,buna,30X40X7mm 1 1570000188a tube, clear, 1 X 2 mm X .44 m 1 1570000188b tube, clear, 1 X 2 mm X 1.2 m 1570000188c tube, clear, 1 X 2 mm X 1.4 m 1722000016 Vane,carbon,sV1063 4722000017 Vane,carbon,sV1080,170X44X3.9mm 4722500050 carbon Vane, 239.5 X 44.7 X 3.85mm 4722000122 Vane,carbon,sV1100,250 X 40 X 3.9 mm 4488000160 washer,felt 1 1

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

0429/0433/0437/0441 F


kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

maJoR oVERHauL KITS major oVerhaul kits include gaskets, bearings, bearing sleeVes, driVe belts, shims, shaft seals & Vanes for major oVerhaul. moDEL(S) paRT numBER0429 f 09935132520433 f 09935132530437 f 09935132540441 f 0993513255


HuCKepaCK SerIeS

VanES moDEL(S) paRT numBER0429 f (reQ. 11) 07225105450433 f (reQ. 5) 07225105450433 f (reQ. 6) 07225105460437 f (reQ. 11) 07225105470441 f (reQ. 5) 07225105470441 f (reQ. 6) 0722510548

CoGGED DRIVE BELTS moDEL(S) paRT numBER0429/0433 f (reQ. 3) 05135085270429/0433 f (reQ. 1) 05135085280437/0441 f (reQ. 3) 05135105170437/0441 f (reQ. 1) 0513511367

limited stock item. Please checkwith customer serVice foraVailability.


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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

0429/0433/0437/0441 F

KIT ComponenTS



0429F 0433F 0437F 0441FpaRT numBER


maJoR 0993513252

maJoR 0993513253

maJoR 0993513254

maJoR 0993513255

0473000231 bearing,ball,17X47X14mm 2 2 2 20473508910 bearing,ball,30X72X30mm 2 20473510542 bearing,ball,40X90X36.5mm 2 20473508911 bearing,roller,30X72X19mm 2 20473510541 bearing,roller,40X90X23mm 2 20472508919 bearing,sleeVe,inner,30X35X30 2 20472508948 bearing,sleeVe,inner,40X45X30 2 20513508527 belt,cogged,single,lw=1112mm 3 30513510517 belt,cogged,single,lw=1700mm 3 30513508528 belt,cogged,single,lw=587mm 1 10513511367 belt,cogged,single,lw=710mm 1 10460508925 bushing,sleeVe,coated,35X42X42mm 4 40460510818 bushing,sleeVe,coated,45X55X47mm 4 40512000001 couPling,clutch case,boweX m-14 1 1 1 10512000114 couPling,sPider,roteX 42 1 10512000116 couPling,sPider,roteX 55 1 10443513262 fitting,grease,90 degree,h3 4 40443000006 fitting,grease,straight,h1 4 40481000257 gasket 1 1 1 1300097 gasket,round,75 X 40 X .4mm 1 1 1 1300098 gasket,seal,d ring 1 1 1 10481000272 gasket,switch seal 1 1 1 10482000079 gasket,Viton 2 2 2 20486000711 o'ring,Viton,10 X 4 mm 8 8 8 80486000537 o'ring,Viton,108 X 3 mm 1 10486000612 o'ring,Viton,110 X 4 mm 4 40486000538 o'ring,Viton,118 X 3 mm 1 1 1 10486000758 o'ring,Viton,148 X 3 mm 2 20486000759 o'ring,Viton,150 X 3 mm 2 20486000616 o'ring,Viton,20 X 4 mm 1 1 1 10486515755 o'ring,Viton,220 X 3 mm 2 20486515756 o'ring,Viton,230 X 3 mm 2 20486000638 o'ring,Viton,25 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 10486508909 o'ring,Viton,30 X 1.5 mm 2 20486508947 o'ring,Viton,40 X 1.5 mm 2 20486000518 o'ring,Viton,48 X 3 mm 4 40486508906 o'ring,Viton,57 X 3.53 mm 16 160486000523 o'ring,Viton,60 X 3 mm 4 40486508907 o'ring,Viton,62 X 3.53 mm 24 240486000534 o'ring,Viton,94 X 3 mm 2 2 1 10486000707 o'ring,Viton,94 X 4 mm 4 40437000080 Pin,taPer,threaded,8X65,steel 4 40437000082 Pin,taPer,threaded,8X75,steel 4 40488508521 ring,sliP,carbon,44X54X10.5mm 4 40488508520 ring,sliP,carbon,55X67X10.3mm 4 40482000096 seal,buna 1 1 1 10487000044 seal,shaft,Viton,35X47X7 4 40487000055 seal,shaft,Viton,42X62X8 12 120487000115 seal,shaft,Viton,45X62X8 4 40487000063 seal,shaft,Viton,55X72X8 12 120433000060 shim,tolerance,ring,.05mm,s/s 3 30433511323 shim,tolerance,ring,.05mm,s/s 3 30433511322 shim,tolerance,ring,.075mm,s/s 3 30433511324 shim,tolerance,ring,.075mm,s/s 3 30433000059 shim,tolerance,ring,.1mm,s/s 3 30433511321 shim,tolerance,ring,.1mm,s/s 3 30442000020 sleeVe,fitting,4mm id,brass 8 8 8 80442500445 sleeVe,fitting,4mm id,coPPer 24 24 24 240442000021 sleeVe,fitting,6mm id,brass 1 1 1 10442500446 sleeVe,fitting,6mm id,coPPer 1 1 1 10472508918 sleeVe,inner,w/grooVe,30X35X16mm 2 20472510848 sleeVe,inner,w/grooVe,40X45X17mm 2 20438000001 sleeVe,insert,2mm od,brass 32 32 32 32

HuCKepaCK SerIeS

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

0429/0433/0437/0441 F



KIT ComponenTS (ConT.)

HuCKepaCK SerIeS

0429F 0433F 0437F 0441FpaRT numBER


maJoR 0993513252

maJoR 0993513253

maJoR 0993513254

maJoR 0993513255

0438000006 sleeVe,insert,4mm od,brass 2 2 2 20481000163 sPacer,PaPer,thick,white 4 40481000165 sPacer,PaPer,thick,white 4 40481000162 sPacer,PaPer,thin,brown 4 40481000164 sPacer,PaPer,thin,white 4 40754000055 tube,teflon,4mm od,8.5m long 1 1 1 10754000056 tube,teflon,6mm od,1.5m long 1 1 1 10541000028 ValVe,check,angle,r 1/8" 8 8 8 80722510545 Vane,gX,170 X 38,huckePack 11 50722510546 Vane,gX,250 X 38,huckePack 60722510547 Vane,gX,280 X 63,huckePack 11 50722510548 Vane,gX,420 X 63,huckePack 6

Page 86: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

DS 700



kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


maJoR oVERHauL KITS major oVerhaul kits include o-rings, bearings & Piston rings for major oVerhaul. moDEL(S) paRT numBERds 700 650051

pISTon RInGSmoDEL(S) paRT numBERds 700 (reQ. 12) 350019ds 700 (reQ. 22) 350020

BaLL BEaRInGSmoDEL(S) paRT numBERds 700 (reQ. 2) 330046ds 700 (reQ. 2) 330049ds 700 (reQ. 4) 330048

limited stock item. Please checkwith customer serVice foraVailability.


Page 87: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

DS 700



KIT ComponenTS (ConT.)


DS700paRT numBER


maJoR 650051

330049 bearing,ball,3307 2330048 bearing,ball,6306c3 4330046 bearing,ball,6306Zc3 279133b o'ring,buna,21 X 2 mm 353598502 o'ring,Viton,120X3mm 220011544 o'ring,Viton,144.5 X 3 mm 2320135 o'ring,Viton,15 X 2.5 mm 2320271 o'ring,Viton,202.79X3.53mm 206995974 o'ring,Viton,220 X 3mm 2320273 o'ring,Viton,240X3mm 2320167 o'ring,Viton,247.25 X 3.53 mm 2320276 o'ring,Viton,28X1.5mm 423970415 o'ring,Viton,30 X 2 mm 223963115 o'ring,Viton,38 X 3 mm 2320275 o'ring,Viton,53.57X3.53mm 2320274 o'ring,Viton,61.9X3.53mm 2320272 o'ring,Viton,80X5mm 471421340 o'ring,Viton,82.14X3.53 mm 2350019 Piston,ring 12350020 Piston,ring 24

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop online @ precisionplus.com!



IndIVIduaL SpareS

BEaRInGS0472508919 bearing,sleeVe,inner,30X35X30 0429f0472508948 bearing,sleeVe,inner,40X45X30 0437f0473000231 bearing,ball,17X47X14mm 0429f0473508910 bearing,ball,30X72X30mm 0429f0473508911 bearing,roller,30X72X19mm 0429f0473510541 bearing,roller,40X90X23mm 0437f0473510542 bearing,ball,40X90X36.5mm 0437f330046 bearing,ball,6306Zc3 ds700330048 bearing,ball,6306c3 ds700330049 bearing,ball,3307 ds70047200800 bearing,sleeVe,30X35X46 0160,025047201100 bearing,sleeVe (race) 0400,063047201500 bearing,sleeVe 20X25X38.5 0025c,e00040c/e472105768 bearing,sleeVe 0012,0021472105769 bearing,sleeVe (ir) 0025,0040472105770 bearing,sleeVe 0063,010047300300 bearing,needle,rna4904 0025,0025b,0025c,0025e,0040,0040b,0040c,0040e47300400 bearing,needle,rna4905 0063,0063b,0063c,0063e,0100,0100b,0100c,0100e47300500 bearing,needle 0160,025047300700 bearing, needle, na 6911 1000b47300900 bearing,needle,no slV. (race) 0400,0630473103122 bearing,needle roller 0025,0040473103123 bearing,needle 0063,0100947501331 assy,bearing,teflon 0012,0021

BuSHInGS0460508925 bushing,sleeVe,coated,35X42X42mm 0429f0460510818 bushing,sleeVe,coated,45X55X47mm 0437f

CapS94610002 caP,oil fill,w/Pressure gauge 0010b,0010c,0010d,0012b,0016b,0016c,0016d,0021b,0

025b,0025c,0025e,0040b,0040c,0040e,0055c,0055e94610102 caP,oil fill,w/Pressure gauge 0063,010094610202 caP,oil fill,w/Pressure gauge 0160,0250,0400,0630

CoupLInGS0512000001 couPling,clutch case,boweX m-14 0429f0512000114 couPling,sPider,roteX 42 0429f0512000116 couPling,sPider,roteX 55 0437f

FILTERS53100100 filter,oil 0160,025053100200 filter,oil 0025,0040,0063,010053100500 filter,oil 0400,0630,1000,1600532000017 filter,84 X 103mm,sV1063 & 1080 sV1063,sV108053200200 filter,inlet,0025-0063 0025,0040,006353200300 filter,inlet,0100 010053200400 filter,inlet,0160-0305 0160,025053200500 filter,inlet,0010-0012 0010,0012 53200600 filter,inlet,0400-0630 0400,063053203100 filter,inlet,sV1010/16/25 sV1010c, sV1016b, sV1016c,sV1025b, sV1040b, sV1040c53203200 filter,inlet,sV1010b sV1010b53203400 filter,inlet,sV1025c,sV1040b/c sV1025c53208201 filter,eXhaust,w/o’ring 0160,0250532105216 filter,eXhaust,w/o’ring 0010c,0010d,0016c,0016d53230001 filter,eXhaust,w/o’ring 0010,001653230100 filter,eXhaust,screw on 0100-111,0100-13153230201 filter,eXhaust,w/o’ring 0025,0040,0063,010053230401 filter,eXhaust,w/o’ring 0400,0630,1000,1600532500045 filter,air w/seal 65X175mm sV1140c532500046 filter,air w/seal 64X148mm sV1140c532500080 filter,50 X 148mm,w/gasket,sV1100 & 1140 sV1100,sV1140532500081 filter,50 X 175mm,w/gasket,sV1100 & 1140 sV1100,sV114053251001 filter,eXhaust,w/o’ring 0012,002153251201 filter,eXhaust,w/silencer 0025532917478 filter,eXhaust,silencer ,w/o’ring,5.1”720014 filter Pad,12” X 12” 0160d3flt,0202d720017 filter Pad,15” X 24” 1000b,1600b

GaSKETS0481000257 gasket 0429f0481000272 gasket,switch seal 0429f0482000079 gasket,Viton 0429f

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GaSKETS (ConT.)300066 gasket,eXhaust coVer,front 0165d,0205d,0255d,0305d300067 gasket,eXhaust coVer,side 0165d,0205d,0255d,0305d300068 gasket,eXhaust coVer,end 0165d,0205d,0255d,0305d300072 gasket 70X70X1 mm 0010b,0010c,0010d,0016b,0016c,0016d300097 gasket,round,75 X 40 X .4mm 0429f300098 gasket,seal,d ring 0429f480000150 gasket,cylinder/eXh. boX 0025b,0025c,0025e,0040b,0040c,0040e,0055c,0055e,0025c,0025e,

0040c,0040e,0063,0063b,0063c,0063e,0100,0100b,0100c,0100e,0063c,0063e,0100c,0100e48010200 gasket,0010b/c/d&0016b/c/d 0010b,0016b48010400 gasket,eXhaust 0160,025048010500 gasket,eXhaust 0025,0040,0063,010048010800 gasket,cylinder/eXhaust boX 0160,0250480108718 gasket 0063,0063b,0063c,0063e,0100,0100b,0100c,0100e48011100 gasket,cyl to eXh boX,400/630 0400,063048011200 gasket,cylinder 0012,002148011500 gasket,eXhaust 0063,010048012300 gasket,0160,0250 0160,025048012400 gasket,0160,0250 0160,025048012800 gasket,0400,0630 0400,063048013100 gasket,eXh boX coVer,0400/0630 0400,063048013200 gasket,cylinder/eXhaust boX 1000/1600 1000b,1600b48013300 gasket 1000b,1600b48013400 gasket,side cVr Plt,0400/0630 0400,063048014300 gasket,coVer Plate 0160,025048015000 gasket 0063,0063b,0063c,0063e,0100,0100b,0100c,0100e48015300 gasket 0025b,0025c,0025e,0040b,0040c,0040e,0055c,0055e,00


48021600 gasket 56X56X1 mm 0010b,0010c,0010d,0016b,0016c,0016d48023100 gasket,oil,sight glass 0010,0016,0012,0021,0025,0040,0063,0100,0160,02548027100 gasket,oil,sight glass,27X32X2 0012,0021480537332 gasket,oil cooler 0400,0400b,0400-2121,0502b,0630,0630b,0630-212,0400-

212,0502b,0630,0630b481000295 gasket sV1010b48129300 gasket sV1025c48129400 gasket sV1010c, sV1016b, sV1016c,sV1025b, sV1040b, sV1040c481502719 gasket,coVer Plate,side 0250c481502720 gasket 0160c,0160d 2flt,0160d3flt,0160d3flt,0202d,0250c,0250d,0302d481502721 gasket,boX,eXhaust 0250c481503784 gasket 0160c,0160d 2flt481503785 gasket 0160c,0160d 2flt,0160d 3flt481503786 gasket 0160c,0160d 2flt481516780 gasket 0160c,0160d 2flt,0160d3flt,0202d,0165d,0205d,,0255d,0305d481516781 gasket,cylinder to eXhaust boX 0160d3flt,0202d,0165d,0205d,0255d,0305d,0202d,025

0c,0250d,0302d,0250c,0255d,0305d481525294 gasket,oil fill,elbow 0165d,0205d,0255d,0305d481529712 gasket,float ValVe 0400,0400b,0400-2121,0502b,0630,0630b,0630-212,0400-

212,0502b,0630,0630b481532126 gasket,coVer,float ValVe 0400,0400b,0400-2121,0502b,0630,0630b,0630-212,0400-

212,0502b,0630,0630b48202000 gasket,oil fill Plug 0012,0021,0025,004048202100 gasket,oil fill Plug 0063,010048202300 gasket,ring,47X55X2 Vcah/eh10048203400 gasket,0160,0250 0160,025048210600 gasket,oil fill Plug 0160,0250,0400,063048221000 gasket,40X33X2 0063b,0100b,0063c,0063e,0100c,0100e482901835 gasket,seal,Viton,Vst 1 r 1/4 0165d,0205d,0255d,0305d48401400 gasket,ring 0063,0100, sV1010b, sV1010c,sV1016b, sV1016c, sV1025b,

sV1025c, sV1040b, sV1040c48401700 gasket,ring 0012,0021,0025,0040,0063,010048402900 gasket,ring,coPPer 0025,0040,0063,0100,0160,0250,0400,063048403400 gasket,ring 0012,0021,0025,0040,0063,0100,0160,025048404000 gasket,ring 0160,0250,0400,063048405600 gasket,ring,coPPer 0021,002548405700 gasket,33 X 28 X 1.5 1000b,1600b48406200 gasket,ring 0012,0021,0025,0040,0400,063048406700 gasket,ring,coPPer 0063,0100,1000,160048407000 gasket,ring,36 X 42 X 2 1000b,1600b

HaRDWaRE42000500 nut,heX,m6 0025,0025b,0025c,0025e,0040,0040b,0040c,0040e,0063,0063b,

0100,0100b,0160,0160b,0160d 3flt,0202d,0250,0250b

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HaRDWaRE (ConT.)42000700 nut,heX,m8 0063c,0063e,0100,0100b,0100c,0100e,0400,0400b,0400-212,05

02b,0502b,0630,0630b488000160 washer,felt sV1010b, sV1010c, sV1016b,sV1016c, sV1025b, sV1025c,sV1040b, sV1040c

KITS0993513252 kit,major,rebuild,0429f 0429f0993513253 kit,major,rebuild,0433f 0433f0993513254 kit,major,rebuild,0437f 0437f0993513255 kit,major,rebuild,0441f 0441f983506675 kit,major rePair sV1100c993506676 kit,major rePair sV1140c994000014 kit,oVerhaul,dry Vane,sV1016b sV1016b994000015 kit,oVerhaul,dry Vane,sV1025b sV1025b994000016 kit,oVerhaul,dry Vane,sV1040b sV1040b994000017 kit,oVerhaul,dry Vane,sV1010b sV1010b994000018 kit,major rePair sV1063b994000019 kit,major rePair sV1080b994528975 kit,oVerhaul,dry Vane,sV1010c sV1010c994528977 kit,oVerhaul,dry Vane,sV1016c sV1016c994528979 kit,oVerhaul,dry Vane,sV1025c sV1025c994528981 kit,oVerhaul,dry Vane,sV1040c sV1040cbfk001 kit filter 0010b 0016b 0010b,0016bbfk002 kit filter 0010c/d 0016c/d 0010c,0010d,0016c,0016dbfk003 kit filter 0012/b 0021/b 0012,0012b,0021,0021bbfk004 kit filter 0025/b 0040/b 0025,0025b,0040,0040bbfk005 kit filter 0025c/e 0040c/e 0025c,0025e,0040c,0040ebfk006 kit filter 0063/b 0100/b 0063,0063b,0100,0100bbfk007 kit filter 0063c/e 0100c/e 0063c,0063e,0100c,0100ebfk008 kit filter 0160/b 0250/b -116 0160,0160b 0160-116,0250,0250b,0250-116bfk009 kit filter 0160d 2filter 0160c,0160d 2fltbfk010 kit filter 0165d-0305d 0165d,0205d,0255d,0305dbfk011 kit filter 0160d 3filter 0202d 0160d 3flt,0202dbfk012 kit filter 0250c/d 0302d 0250c,0250d,0302dbfk013 kit filter 0400b/212 0630b/212 0400,0400b,0400-212,0502b,0630,0630b,0630-212bfk014 kit filter 1000b 1600b 1000b,1600bbgk001 kit gasket uniVersal 0010b,0010c,0010d,0016b,0016c,0016dbgk002 kit gasket uniVersal 0025,0025b,0025c,0025e,0040,0040b,0040c,0040e,0055bgk003 kit,gasket,0025/0040c&e 0025b,0025c,0025e,0040b,0040c,0040e,0055c,0055ebgk003b kit,gasket,0025b,0040b 0025b,0040bbgk004 kit, gasket ,0063, 0100 c & e 0063,0063b,0063c,0063e,0100,0100b,0100c,0100ebgk004b kit,gasket 0063b,0100b 0063b,0100bbgk005 kit gasket uniVersal 0160,0160b,0160c,0250,0250bbgk006 kit gasket uniVersal 0160c,0160d 2flt,0160d 3fltbgk007 kit gasket uniVersal 0160-11,0250-116bgk008 kit gasket uniVersal 0165d,0205d,0255d,0305dbgk009 kit gasket uniVersal 0202d,0250c,0250d,0302dbgk010 kit gasket uniVersal 0400,0400b,0400-2121,0502b,0630,0630b,0630-212bgk011 kit gasket uniVersal 1000b,1600bbmk001 kit oVerhaul gX 0010b 0010bbmk002 kit oVerhaul gX 0016b 0016bbmk003 kit,major,gX,0010c/d 0010c,0010d,0016c,0016dbmk003a kit,major,gX,0016c/d 0016c,0016dbmk004 kit major gX 0012/b 0021/b 0012,0012b,0021,0021bbmk005 kit major gX 0025 0025b 0025,0025bbmk006 kit major gX 0040 0040b 0040,0040bbmk007 kit oVerhaul gX 0025c 0025e 0025c,0025ebmk008 kit oVerhaul gX 0040c 0040e 0040c,0040ebmk010 kit major gX 0063 0063b 0063,0063bbmk011 kit major gX 0100 0100b 0100,0100bbmk012 kit oVerhaul gX 0063c 0063e 0063c,0063ebmk013 kit oVerhaul gX 0100c 0100e 0100c,0100ebmk014 kit major gX 0160 0160b 0160,0160bbmk015 kit major gX 0250 0250b 0250,0250bbmk016 kit major gX 0160c 0160d-2flt 0160c,0160d 2fil,ter Vers.bmk017 kit oVerhaul gX 0165d 0205d 0165d,0205dbmk018 kit oVerhaul gX 0255d 0305d 0255d,0305dbmk019 kit major gX 0160d-3flt 0202d 0160d 3flt,0202dbmk020 kit oVerhaul gX 0250c/d 0302d 0250c,0250d,0302dbmk021 kit major gX 0400 0400b 0400,0400bbmk022 kit,major,gX,0502b 0400-212,0502bbmk023 kit major gX 0630 0630b 0630,0630bbmk025 kit oVerhaul gX 1000b 1000bbmk026 kit oVerhaul gX 1600b 1600b

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KITS (ConT.)bmkf001 kit major gX w/filters 0010b 0010bbmkf002 kit major gX w/filters 0016b 0016bbmkf003 kit major gX w/filters 0010c,0010d,0016c,0016dbmkf004 kit oVerhaul gX w/filters 0012,0012b,0021,0021bbmkf005 kit major gX w/filters 0025/b 0025,0025bbmkf006 kit major gX w/filters 0040/b 0040,0040bbmkf007 kit major gX w/filter 0025c/e 0025c,0025ebmkf008 kit oVerhaul gX w/filters 0040c,0040ebmkf010 kit oVerhaul gX w/filters 0063,0063bbmkf011 kit oVerhaul gX w/filters 0100,0100bbmkf012 kit oVerhaul gX w/filters 0063c,0063ebmkf013 kit oVerhaul gX w/filters 0100c,0100ebmkf014 kit,major,gX,w/filters,0160/0160b 0160,0160bbmkf015 kit,major,gX,w/filters,0250/0250b 0250,0250bbmkf016 kit oVerhaul gX w/filters 0160c,0160d 2fltbmkf017 kit oVerhaul gX w/filters 0165d,0205dbmkf018 kit oVerhaul gX w/filters 0255d,0305dbmkf019 kit oVerhaul gX w/filters 0160d 3flt,0202dbmkf020 kit oVerhaul gX w/filters 0250c,0250d,0302dbmkf021 kit,major,gX,w/filters,0400,0400b 0400,0400bbmkf022 kit oVerhaul gX w/filters 0502bbmkf023 kit major gX w/filters 0025/b 0630,0630bbmkf025 kit oVerhaul gX w/filters 1000bbmkf026 kit oVerhaul gX w/filters 1600b

mISC.0437000080 Pin,taPer,threaded,8X65,steel 0429f0437000082 Pin,taPer,threaded,8X75,steel 0437f0443000006 fitting,grease,straight,h1 0429f0443513262 fitting,grease,90 degree,h3 0437f0481000162 sPacer,PaPer,thin,brown 0437f0481000163 sPacer,PaPer,thick,white 0437f0481000164 sPacer,PaPer,thin,white 0429f0481000165 sPacer,PaPer,thick,white 0429f054098 locknut, bearing, n-09 kt300c,kt300d0754000055 tube,teflon,4mm od,8.5m long 0429f0754000056 tube,teflon,6mm od,1.5m long 0429f430012 drain Plug,1.5 gas,1/8” taPPed 0160,0250,0400,0630437000074 Pin,taPer,threaded,m8X50mm,din 7977 0063c,0063e,0100c,0100e43700100 Pin,taPer 0012,002143707000 Pin,taPer,threaded,m6X40mm 0025,0040,006343707100 Pin,taPer,threaded 0160,025043707300 Pin,taPer,threaded 010043707500 Pin,taPer,10 X 75,din 7977 1000b43708000 Pin,taPered,threaded 0400,063043736600 Pin,cylinder,16 X 60,din 6325 1000b437502718 Pin,taPer,internal thread 0165d,0205d,0255d,0305d53400900 screen,inlet 0025,0040,0063,010053401800 screen,inlet,conical 0025,004053402400 screen,inlet,flat 1000b,1600b53404100 screen,inlet (cone shaPe)53405600 screen,inlet 0010b,0010c,0010d,0016c,0016d,0012,0012b,0021,0021b,0016b53701300 strainer,baffle 0160,0250 53701400 strainer,baffle 0025,004053701500 strainer,baffle 0063,010053701700 strainer,baffle 0010,001653702300 strainer,baffle 0012,002153703300 strainer,baffle 0160,025053703400 strainer,baffle 0400,063053704200 strainer,baffle 0400,063053705100 strainer,baffle 0160,0250537503047 baffle,strainer 0250c537524514 baffle,strainer 0165d,0205d,0255d,0305d54500400 gauge,Pressure 0010,0012,0016,0025,0040,0063,0100,0160,0250,040 1000, 160056100100 foot,rubber56100500 feet,rubber,for 0250 0250710000010 Plug,oil drain,1/2” nylon 0012,0021,0063,0100,016071010000 Plug,oil drain,1/2” nylon 0010,0016,0012,0021,0025,0040,0063,0100,0160,025

o-RInGS0486000518 o’ring,Viton,48 X 3 mm 0429f0486000523 o’ring,Viton,60 X 3 mm 0437f0486000534 o’ring,Viton,94 X 3 mm 0429f

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o-RInGS (ConT.)0486000537 o’ring,Viton,108 X 3 mm 0437f0486000538 o’ring,Viton,118 X 3 mm 0429f0486000612 o’ring,Viton,110 X 4 mm 0437f0486000616 o’ring,Viton,20 X 4 mm 0429f0486000638 o’ring,Viton,25 X 2.5 mm 0429f0486000707 o’ring,Viton,94 X 4 mm 0429f0486000711 o’ring,Viton,10 X 4 mm 0429f0486000758 o’ring,Viton,148 X 3 mm 0429f0486000759 o’ring,Viton,150 X 3 mm 0429f0486508906 o’ring,Viton,57 X 3.53 mm 0429f0486508907 o’ring,Viton,62 X 3.53 mm 0437f0486508909 o’ring,Viton,30 X 1.5 mm 0429f0486508947 o’ring,Viton,40 X 1.5 mm 0437f0486515755 o’ring,Viton,220 X 3 mm 0437f0486515756 o’ring,Viton,230 X 3 mm 0437f320186 o’ring,Viton,105 X 4 mm sV630,sV630f320271 o’ring,Viton,202.79X3.53mm320272 o’ring,Viton,80X5mm320273 o’ring,Viton,240X3mm320274 o’ring,Viton,61.9X3.53mm320275 o’ring,Viton,53.57X3.53mm320276 o’ring,Viton,28X1.5mm48206600-330mm o’ring,silicone,330mm long48206600-420mm o’ring,silicone,420mm long48206600-660mm o’ring,silicone,660mm long482525646-330mm o’ring,silicone,4mm,330mm long486000612 o’ring,Viton,110 X 4 mm 0400,063048601600 o’ring,buna,22 X 2 mm 0010,0016,0012,0021,0025,0040,0063,0100,0160,02548602800 o’ring,buna,35 X 4 mm 0010,0016,0012,0021,0025,0040,0063,0100,0160,025 48604000 o’ring,buna,55 X 3mm 1000b,1600b48607000 o’ring,buna,170 X 2.5mm 1000b,1600b48610200 o’ring,buna,142 X 6mm 1000b,1600b48610300 o’ring,buna,210 X 6mm 1000b,1600b48610400 o’ring,buna,310 X 5mm 1000b,1600b486114368 o’ring,serVice block,Viton,sPecial48613600 o’ring,buna,25 X 4mm 1000b,1600b48650500 o’ring,Viton,22 X 2 mm 0012,0021,0025,004048651200 o’ring,Viton,35 X 4 mm 0012,0021,0025,0040,0063,0100,0160,0250,0400,06348651600 o’ring,Viton,45 X 2.5 mm 0025,0040,0063,0100486516620 o’ring Viton 34 X 3 mm48652100 o’ring,Viton,55 X 3 mm 0012,0021,0025,0040,0063,0100,0160,025048652600 o’ring,Viton,65 X 3 mm 0025,0040,0063,0100,0160,025048652700 o’ring,Viton,66X2mm 0010b,0010c,0010d,0016b,0016c,0016d48653100 o’ring,Viton,87 X 3 mm 0160,025048653700 o’ring,Viton,108 X 3 mm 0025,004048653900 o’ring,Viton,128 X 3 mm 0063,010048654300 o’ring,Viton,186 X 3.5 mm 0160,025048654900 o’ring,Viton,265 X 4 mm 0400,063048655900 o’ring,Viton,44 X 3 mm 0025,0040,0063,010048656100 o’ring,Viton,25 X 2 mm 0012,002148656400 o’ring,Viton,72 X 2.5 mm 0012,002148656700 o’ring,Viton,140 X 5 mm 0400,063048657600 o’ring,Viton,28X3.5 mm 0010b,0010c,0010d,0016b,0016c,0016d48658700 o’ring,Viton,16.2 X 3mm48661100 o’ring,Viton,97 X 5 mm 0400,063048663500 o’ring,Viton,56 X 2.5 mm 0012,0021486903988 o’ring,Viton,266.3 X 3.53mm

RInGS0488508520 ring,sliP,carbon,55X67X10.3mm 0437f0488508521 ring,sliP,carbon,44X54X10.5mm 0429f350019 Piston,ring ds700350020 Piston,ring ds700432107575 ring,retainer,Za18 0025c,0025e,0040c,0040e43236700 ring,retaining 0025,004043238000 ring,retaining 0063,0100433000309 ring,tolerance,an 18X10 0025c,0025e,0040c,0040e71071000 ring,suPPort 0012,0012b,0021,0021b

SEaLS0482000096 seal,buna 0429f0487000044 seal,shaft,Viton,35X47X7 0429f0487000055 seal,shaft,Viton,42X62X8 0429f

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SEaLS (ConT.)0487000063 seal,shaft,Viton,55X72X8 0437f0487000115 seal,shaft,Viton,45X62X8 0437f42201000 seal,shaft,sleeVe 0400,0630484000233 seal,dowty,Viton 0165d,0205d,0255d,0305d,0202d,0250c484130591 seal,dowty,Viton,27X35X2.3mm 0012,0012b,0021,0021b,0025,0025b,0025c,0025e,0040,


48700200 seal,shaft,Viton 0010,0012,0016,002148700500 seal,shaft,Viton 0025,004048700800 seal,shaft,Viton,30X42X6 0063,010048701200 seal,shaft,Viton 0160,025048702100 seal,shaft,buna,60 X 80 X 7/7.5 babsl 1000b,1600b48702200 seal,shaft,Viton,60 X 80 X 10/8 ba cfw 1000b,1600b48703200 seal,shaft,Viton 0400,0630

SHImS0433000059 shim,tolerance,ring,.1mm,s/s 0429f0433000060 shim,tolerance,ring,.05mm,s/s 0429f0433511321 shim,tolerance,ring,.1mm,s/s 0437f0433511322 shim,tolerance,ring,.075mm,s/s 0437f0433511323 shim,tolerance,ring,.05mm,s/s 0437f0433511324 shim,tolerance,ring,.075mm,s/s 0429f

SLEEVES0438000001 sleeVe,insert,2mm od,brass 0429f0438000006 sleeVe,insert,4mm od,brass 0429f0442000020 sleeVe,fitting,4mm id,brass 0429f0442000021 sleeVe,fitting,6mm id,brass 0429f0442500445 sleeVe,fitting,4mm id,coPPer 0429f0442500446 sleeVe,fitting,6mm id,coPPer 0429f0472508918 sleeVe,inner,w/grooVe,30X35X16mm 0429f0472510848 sleeVe,inner,w/grooVe,40X45X17mm 0437f47200400 sleeVe bearing,20X25X26.5 0025,0025b,0040,0040b47200600 sleeVe,bearing,25X30X26.5 0063,0063b,0100,0100b47201000 sleeVe,bearing,45 X 52 X 22 0400,0400b,0400-212,0502b,0502b,0630,0630b47201300 sleeVe, shaft seal, 50X60X40 1000b472105822 sleeVe,bearing,25X30X38.5 sV65b

VaLVES0541000028 ValVe,check,angle,r 1/8” 0429f73001800 ValVe,inlet ball,Viton 0063,0063b,0400,0400b,0502b,0630,0630b,1000b,1600b916126769 ValVe,eXhaust,Plastic,Viton 0063c, 0063e, 0100c, 0100e916529297 ValVe,eXhaust,Plastic,w/gaskets 0160b, 0160c, 0165d, 0202d,0205b, 0205d, 0250b,

0250c, 0250d, 0255d, 0302d, 0305d,0400b, 0502b, 0630b, 1000b,1600b

VanES0722510545 Vane,gX,170 X 38,huckePack 0429f, 0433f0722510546 Vane,gX,250 X 38,huckePack 0433f0722510547 Vane,gX,280 X 63,huckePack 0437f, 0441f0722510548 Vane,gX,420 X 63,huckePack 0441f71030100 Vane,gX,1st stage,rho 0012,0021722000016 Vane,carbon,sV1063 sV1063722000017 Vane,carbon,sV1080,170 X 44 X 3.9 mm sV1080722000122 Vane,carbon,sV1100,250 X 40 X 3.9 mm sV1100722000189 Vane,carbon,sV1025 sV1025b722000242 Vane,carbon,sV1010 sV1010b722000489 Vane,carbon,sV1016 sV1016b, sV1016c72227000 Vane,gX,1st stage,0025 002572230000 Vane,gX,1st stage,0040 004072233000 Vane,gX,1st stage,0063 006372236000 Vane,gX,1st stage,0100 010072245200 Vane,gX,1st stage,0160 016072245300 Vane,gX,1st stage,0250 025072245400 Vane,gX,1st stage,0400 040072245500 Vane,gX,1st stage,0630 063072245600 Vane,gX,1000b 1000b72245700 Vane,busch,rc 1600 1600b722516054 Vane,gX,1st stage,0502b 0502b722516573 Vane,gX,0160d,0165d,0205d 0160d3flt,0165d,0202d,0205d722516729 Vane,gX,250cd,0255d,0302d,0305d 0255d,0305d722533535 Vane,carbon,sV1010c sV1010c722533536 Vane,carbon,sV1025c sV1005c

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

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IndIVIduaL SpareS

VanES (ConT.)722534079 Vane,carbon,sV1040 sV1040b, sV1040c724105206 Vane,gX,0010c/d,0016c/d 0010c,0010d,0016c,0016d72457300 Vane,gX,0010c/d 0010c,0010d,0016c,0016d72457400 Vane,gX,0016c/d 0016c,0016d72457500 Vane,gX,0010b 0010b72457600 Vane,gX,0016b 0016b

VBELTS0513508527 belt,cogged,single,lw=1112mm 0429f,0433f0513508528 belt,cogged,single,lw=587mm 0429f,0433f0513510517 belt,cogged,single,lw=1700mm 0437f,0441f0513511367 belt,cogged,single,lw=710mm 0437f,0441f

Page 95: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

CTI 8/8F/10/400/500

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FEaTurEd SparES

EXPANDER REPAIR KITSeXPander rePair kits include seal disPlacers (1 & 2), kaP-seal gland, inlet ValVe seal, driVe, ValVe & motor bearings, bushings & o-rings for comPlete eXPander PumP oVerhaul. moDEl(S) PART NumbERcti 8/8 f Pc08erkcti 10 Pc10erk

ARRAYS moDEl(S) PART NumbERcti 8 Pc08arraycti 8 f Pc08farraycti 10 Pc10array



limited stock item. Please check with customer serVice for aVailability.


DISPlACER SEAlS moDEl(S) PART NumbERcti 8/8 f/400/500 (#2) Pc3592009cti 8/8 f (#1) Pc8033109cti 10 (#2) Pc3657074 cti 10 (#1) Pc3657077

SCoTCH YoKES moDEl(S) PART NumbERcti 8/8 f Pc3588300

VAlVE boDIES & STEm moDEl(S) PART NumbERall (eXhaust) Pc3588084all (inlet) Pc3588085

bEARINGS moDEl(S) PART NumbERall (driVe) Pc3543018all (ValVe) Pc3543016all (motor) Pc3543017

SCoTCH YoKE GlANDS moDEl(S) PART NumbERcti 8/8f/10 Pc3588011

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

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bEARINGS Pc3543016 bearing, ValVe cti 8,cti 8f,cti 10,cti 400,cti 500 Pc3543017 bearing, motor cti 8,cti 8f,cti 10,cti 400,cti 500 Pc3543018 bearing, driVe cti 8,cti 8f,cti 10,cti 400,cti 500

KITSPc08erk kit, eXPander rePair cti 8,cti 8fPc10erk kit, eXPander rePair cti 10

mISC.Pc08array array, cti 8 cti 8Pc08farray array, cti 8f cti 8fPc10array array, cti 10 cti 10Pc3588011 scotch yoke glands cti 8,cti 8f,cti 10Pc3588084 ValVe body and stem cti 8,cti 8f,cti 10,cti 400,cti 500Pc3588085 ValVe body and stem cti 8,cti 8f,cti 10,cti 400,cti 500Pc3588300 scotch yokes cti 8,cti 8f

SEAlSPc3592009 seal, disPlacer cti 8,cti 8f,cti 400,cti 500Pc3657077 seal, disPlacer cti 10Pc3657074 seal, disPlacer cti 10Pc8033109 seal, disPlacer cti 8,cti 8f

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

AAS 20 N, AAS 200/300 WN, EST 101 WN, ESR 200 WN

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

OVERHAUL KITS oVerhaul kits include o-rings, PfPe PrePared bearings, Piston rings, shims, lock nuts, washers, sight glass & other comPonents for PumP oVerhaul. mOdEL(S) pART NUmbERaas 20 n Peaas20naas 200 wn Peaas200wnaas 300 wn Peaas300wnest 101 wn est101wnesr 200 wn Peesr200wn





SIGHT GLASSES mOdEL(S) pART NUmbERall (motor 50X6mm, round) 9819 all (module, 44X44X11mm) P322890all (module, 29X42X4mm) P322891

inVentory is limited on kits & sPares for ebara PumPs. Please check with customer serVice for aVailability and lead times.


Page 98: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

AAS 20 N, AAS 200/300 WN, EST 101 WN, ESR 200 WN



KIT ComponenTS








6006oring bearing,6006,tec,w/orings 46205oring bearing,6205,tec,w/orings 26206oring bearing,6206,tec,w/orings 27206aw bearing,7206aw,PfPe 27207aw bearing,7207aw,PfPe 26006ZPin bearing,ball,Pinned,krytoX 2 27204ms bearing,match set (2),7204 27206ms bearing,match set (2),7206 27208ms bearing,match set (2),7208 27306ms bearing,match set (2),7306 2 27206msc3 bearing,match set,(2) 7206aw 27207msc3 bearing,match set,(2) 7207aw 2330020 bearing,oPen,PfPe 26207e bearing,oPen,PfPe 4300137 gasket,ring,Viton 2480007l locknut,left hand,04 1480005l locknut,left hand,05 1480006l locknut,left hand,06 2 2 3 2480007 locknut,right hand,04 1480005 locknut,right hand,05 1480006 locknut,right hand,06 2 2 3 2480007lw lockwasher,04 2480005lw lockwasher,05 2480006lw lockwasher,06 4 4 6 4320231 o'ring,Viton (black),53.57X3mm 1320266 o'ring,Viton,115.41X3mm 1320134 o'ring,Viton,120 X 4 mm 153598504 o'ring,Viton,12X2.31mm 1320239 o'ring,Viton,13.95X2.34mm 202122097 o'ring,Viton,139.5 X 3 mm 2320135 o'ring,Viton,15 X 2.5 mm 3980342 o'ring,Viton,15 X 2.5 mm 8980343 o'ring,Viton,15 X 2.5 mm 3 2320240 o'ring,Viton,15.54X2.34mm 1402120037 o'ring,Viton,15.6 X 2.4 mm 7980352 o'ring,Viton,157 X 5.8mm 2320232 o'ring,Viton,16X2.31mm 15320137 o'ring,Viton,17 X 2 mm 5320265 o'ring,Viton,173X4mm 1320142 o'ring,Viton,192 X 5.6 mm 2981338 o'ring,Viton,200 X 5.65 mm 1320263 o'ring,Viton,209.3X5.7mm 1 3320143 o'ring,Viton,210 X 5.6 mm 1320144 o'ring,Viton,212 X 5.6 mm 2320242 o'ring,Viton,215.27X5.34mm 1320264 o'ring,Viton,219.3X5.7mm 1 2320244 o'ring,Viton,227.97X5.42mm 2320261 o'ring,Viton,229.3X5.7mm 1320146 o'ring,Viton,233 X 5.7 mm 1320262 o'ring,Viton,239.3X5.7mm 2320147 o'ring,Viton,240 X 5.7 mm 2 2 1320246 o'ring,Viton,240.67X5.34mm 1320260 o'ring,Viton,249.3X5.7mm 1320148 o'ring,Viton,25.12 X 1.78 mm 2320247 o'ring,Viton,26.65X2mm 2923034 o'ring,Viton,260 X 5.7 mm 171046292V o'ring,Viton,27 X 2mm 1320149 o'ring,Viton,28.3 X 1.78 mm 1 2320150 o'ring,Viton,30 X 1.78 mm 523970415 o'ring,Viton,30 X 2 mm 6 223970153 o'ring,Viton,30 X 3 mm 1320234 o'ring,Viton,300 X 5.7 mm 2320151 o'ring,Viton,31.47 X 1.78 mm 2 2320248 o'ring,Viton,32.99X2mm 6320249 o'ring,Viton,34.43X3mm 2980345 o'ring,Viton,37.5 X 2 mm 253598514 o'ring,Viton,40X3mm 2320112 o'ring,Viton,41.5 X 5.3 mm 1320251 o'ring,Viton,47.22x3mm 182018 o'ring,Viton,53.34 X 5.33 mm 185040944 o'ring,Viton,55 X 3 mm 223970121 o'ring,Viton,55 X 3 mm 1

Page 99: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

AAS 20 N, AAS 200/300 WN, EST 101 WN, ESR 200 WN



KIT ComponenTS (ConT.)








320156 o'ring,Viton,71 X 3 mm 102122084 o'ring,Viton,74.5 X 3 mm 9320157 o'ring,Viton,75 X 3 mm 2 6320182 o'ring,Viton,75X3.0mm 423970223 o'ring,Viton,80 X 3 mm 440010 o'ring,Viton,82.22 X 2.62 mm 4989169 o'ring,Viton,90 X 3 1085041782 o'ring,Viton,94 X 3 mm 2320158 o'ring,Viton,95 X 3 mm 2 4350015 ring,Piston 12350016 ring,Piston 12 4 8350017 ring,Piston 4350018 ring,Piston 8980033 shim,brass,14X7X0.01mm 12980042 shim,brass,37 X 30 X .05mm 16500016 sight glass,oil,Plastic 1500018 sight glass,oil,Plastic 1250015 sleeVe,sPlit,set,inner & outer,28 4420036 washer,waVe,3 waVe,ssr 4

Page 100: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhEbARA-4

ebaraAA 10/20/200, AA 70 W, AA 100 WN

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

OVERHAUL KITS oVerhaul kits include o-rings, PfPe PrePared bearings, Piston rings, shims, lock nuts, washers, sight glass & other comPonents for PumP oVerhaul. mOdEL(S) pART NUmbERaas 20 n Peaas20naas 200 wn Peaas200wnaas 300 wn Peaas300wnest 101 wn est101wnesr 200 wn Peesr200wnaa 200 Peaa200



SIGHT GLASSES mOdEL(S) pART NUmbERall (motor 50X6mm, round) 9819 all (module, 44X44X11mm) P322890all (module, 29X42X4mm) P322891

inVentory is limited on kits & sPares for ebara PumPs. Please check with customer serVice for aVailability and lead times.


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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

AA 10/20/200, AA 70 W, AA 100 WN



KIT ComponenTS

AA10 AA20 AA70W AA100WN AA200pART NUmbER







6005ZPin bearing,ball,Pinned,krytoX 2 2 26006ZPin bearing,ball,Pinned,krytoX 2 2 2330020 bearing,oPen,PfPe 2 2 2330021 bearing,oPen,PfPe 2 2 2 2330019 bearing,shielded,tec 2480005l locknut,left hand,05 2 2 2 2480006l locknut,left hand,06 2 2 2480005 locknut,right hand,05 2 2 2 2480006 locknut,right hand,06 2 2 2480005lw lockwasher,05 4 4 4 4480006lw lockwasher,06 4 4 423949217 o'ring,Viton,100 X 3 mm 1320134 o'ring,Viton,120 X 4 mm 1980343 o'ring,Viton,15 X 2.5 mm 12 4 202120037 o'ring,Viton,15.6 X 2.4 mm 13320136 o'ring,Viton,15.6 X 2.4 mm 12 10 5320138 o'ring,Viton,162 X 5.6 mm 2 2 2 2320267 o'ring,Viton,164X3mm 1320139 o'ring,Viton,168 X 3 mm 1320140 o'ring,Viton,171 X 5.6 mm 2 2 2 2320141 o'ring,Viton,176 X 3 mm 1 1320142 o'ring,Viton,192 X 5.6 mm 1320233 o'ring,Viton,195 X 3 mm 1981338 o'ring,Viton,200 X 5.65 mm 1320144 o'ring,Viton,212 X 5.6 mm 2 2320145 o'ring,Viton,219.3 X 5.7 mm 2320147 o'ring,Viton,240 X 5.7 mm 2 2320148 o'ring,Viton,25.12 X 1.78 mm 2 4 4 4314003 o'ring,Viton,28 X 5 mm 1320149 o'ring,Viton,28.3 X 1.78 mm 1 2 2 1320150 o'ring,Viton,30 X 1.78 mm 1 4 4320151 o'ring,Viton,31.47 X 1.78 mm 6320152 o'ring,Viton,50 X 3 mm 1 2 2320153 o'ring,Viton,56 X 3 mm 2 2 2 2320154 o'ring,Viton,60 X 3 mm 2 2 2 2320155 o'ring,Viton,65 X 3 mm 2 2 2 2320156 o'ring,Viton,71 X 3 mm 1 1 2320157 o'ring,Viton,75 X 3 mm 7 4 6350006 ring,Piston,32mm id 8 8 8 8350004 ring,Piston,37mm id 8 8 8980033 shim,brass,14X7X0.01mm 12 12 20 12980041 shim,brass,32 X 25 X .1mm 6 4 4980042 shim,brass,37 X 30 X .05mm 10 16250014 sleeVe,sPlit,set,inner & outer,22 id 4 4 4250015 sleeVe,sPlit,set,inner & outer,28 4 4420036 washer,waVe,3 waVe,ssr 4420037 washer,waVe,3 waVe,ssr 2 6 673454 washer,waVed,steel,m6 1

Page 102: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhEbARA-6

ebaraA 07 V, A 10/25 S, A 30/70/150 W

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

O-RING KITS mOdEL(S) pART NUmbERa 07 V Pea07Voringa 10 s Pea10soringa 30 w Pea30woringa 70 w Pea70woringa 150 w Pea150woring

OVERHAUL KITS oVerhaul kits include o-rings, PfPe PrePared bearings, Piston rings & sight glass for PumP oVerhaul. mOdEL(S) pART NUmbERa 07 V Pea07Va 10 s Pea10sa 25 s Pea25sa 30 w Pea30wa 70 w Pea70wa 150 w Pea150w



SIGHT GLASSES mOdEL(S) pART NUmbERall (motor 50X6mm, round) 9819 all (module, 44X44X11mm) P322890all (module, 29X42X4mm) P322891

inVentory is limited on kits & sPares for ebara PumPs. Please check with customer serVice for aVailability and lead times.


Page 103: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

A 07 V, A 10/25 S



KIT ComponenTS

A07V A07V A10S A10S A25SpART NUmbER







16006 bearing,oPen,PfPe 25205 bearing,oPen,PfPe 25207 bearing,oPen,PfPe 2 26207e bearing,oPen,PfPe 2 26004 bearing,shielded,tec,6004 26305ZZc3 bearing,shielded,tec,6305 2300051 gasket,motor sight glass 2 2 1h02122079 o ring 49.5 id X 3 29803441 o'ring,buna,21 X 2 mm 1 1980334 o'ring,Viton,130 X 3 mm 1 1 1980343 o'ring,Viton,15 X 2.5 mm 2 2 13 13 12980352 o'ring,Viton,157 X 5.8mm 1 1980353 o'ring,Viton,174.3 X 5.7mm 2 2980337 o'ring,Viton,188.56 X 5.65 mm 2 2320142 o'ring,Viton,192 X 5.6 mm 2980338 o'ring,Viton,195 X 5.65 mm 2 2980351 o'ring,Viton,214.3 X 5.7mm 2 2320145 o'ring,Viton,219.3 X 5.7 mm 223970016 o'ring,Viton,22 X 1.5 mm 2 2923069 o'ring,Viton,22 X 1.5 mm 2 2980339 o'ring,Viton,220 X 5.65 mm 2 2980340 o'ring,Viton,230 X 5.65 mm 1 1923034 o'ring,Viton,260 X 5.7 mm 1320184 o'ring,Viton,278.77 X 5.33mm 1980344 o'ring,Viton,28 X 2 mm 2 2 2 2 3900054 o'ring,Viton,28 X 5mm 1 1980345 o'ring,Viton,37.5 X 2 mm 4 4 4320119 o'ring,Viton,39.5X3 mm 2 2 2 1900068 o'ring,Viton,40 X 5mm 2 2989168 o'ring,Viton,40 X 6.0 mm 2 240012 o'ring,Viton,50.17 X 5.33 mm 1 1981154 o'ring,Viton,80 X 3.0mm 4980333 o'ring,Viton,85 X 3 mm 4 4980350 oring,Viton,65 X 3mm 2 2950001 ring,Piston 8980058 ring,Piston 8 8P322891 sight glass,module 19819 sight glass,motor,50X6mm,round 2 2 1

Page 104: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

A 30/70/150 W



KIT ComponenTS

A30W A30W A70W A70W A150W A150WpART NUmbER








5207 bearing,oPen,PfPe 4 4 25208 bearing,oPen,PfPe 26207e bearing,oPen,PfPe 4 4 26208 bearing,oPen,PfPe 2u30007193 carton white front locking 1300051 gasket,motor sight glass 2 2 2 2 29803441 o'ring,buna,21 X 2 mm 1 1 1 185039189 o'ring,Viton,.41.28 X 2.62mm 2980348 o'ring,Viton,100 X 4 mm 1 1980334 o'ring,Viton,130 X 3 mm 2 2 2 2 2 2320256 o'ring,Viton,136.12 X 3.53 mm 6 6980343 o'ring,Viton,15 X 2.5 mm 27 27 27 2702120037 o'ring,Viton,15.6 X 2.4 mm 28 28980335 o'ring,Viton,150 X 5.65 mm 1 1 1 1923028 o'ring,Viton,175 X 4 1 1980336 o'ring,Viton,185 X 5.7 mm 1 1 1 1980337 o'ring,Viton,188.56 X 5.65 mm 4 4 4 4 2 2980338 o'ring,Viton,195 X 5.65 mm 2 2 1 1923039 o'ring,Viton,200 X 5.7 mm 1 1923069 o'ring,Viton,22 X 1.5 mm 2 2 2 2 1 1980339 o'ring,Viton,220 X 5.65 mm 4 4 4 4 4 4980340 o'ring,Viton,230 X 5.65 mm 1 1923035 o'ring,Viton,240 X 5.7 mm 2 2923034 o'ring,Viton,260 X 5.7 mm 1 1 1 1980341 o'ring,Viton,278 X 5.65 mm 2 2980344 o'ring,Viton,28 X 2 mm 4 4 4 4 5 5900054 o'ring,Viton,28 X 5mm 1 1 1 1 13 13320234 o'ring,Viton,300 X 5.7 mm 1 1980345 o'ring,Viton,37.5 X 2 mm 8 8 8 8 4 4320119 o'ring,Viton,39.5X3 mm 2 2 2 2 2900068 o'ring,Viton,40 X 5mm 2 2 2 2989168 o'ring,Viton,40 X 6.0 mm 2 2 2 2923031 o'ring,Viton,42 X 2 mm 4 423970516 o'ring,Viton,42 X 5 mm 2 240012 o'ring,Viton,50.17 X 5.33 mm 1 1 1 1980333 o'ring,Viton,85 X 3 mm 8 8 8 8 4 4320158 o'ring,Viton,95 X 3 mm 4 4929015 ring,Piston 8980058 ring,Piston 16 16 8P322890 sight glass,module 1 1P322891 sight glass,module 1 2 2 29819 sight glass,motor,50X6mm,round 2 2 2

Page 105: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

40x20, 50x20, 65x40, 80x25, 150x40

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

O-RING KITS mOdEL(S) pART NUmbER40X20 Pe40205oring50X20 Pe50206oring65X40 Pe6540oring80X25 Pe80256oring150X40 Pe15040oring

OVERHAUL KITS oVerhaul kits include o-rings, PfPe PrePared bearings, Piston rings & sight glass for PumP oVerhaul. mOdEL(S) pART NUmbER40X20 Pe4020550X20 Pe5020665X40 Pe654080X25 Pe80256150X40 Pe15040





SIGHT GLASSES mOdEL(S) pART NUmbERall (motor 50X6mm, round) 9819 all (module, 44X44X11mm) P322890all (module, 29X42X4mm) P322891

inVentory is limited on kits & sPares for ebara PumPs. Please check with customer serVice for aVailability and lead times.


Page 106: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

40x20, 50x20, 65x40



KIT ComponenTS

40X20 40X20 50X20 50X20 65X40 65X40pART NUmbER








5207 bearing,oPen,PfPe 2 4 26207e bearing,oPen,PfPe 2 4 2300051 gasket,motor sight glass 2 2 2923029 o'ring,Viton,10 X 2 mm 1 1980334 o'ring,Viton,130 X 3 mm 1 1 2 2 1 1980343 o'ring,Viton,15 X 2.5 mm 13 13 22 22 13 13980335 o'ring,Viton,150 X 5.65 mm 1 1980336 o'ring,Viton,185 X 5.7 mm 1 1980337 o'ring,Viton,188.56 X 5.65 mm 2 2 4 4980338 o'ring,Viton,195 X 5.65 mm 2 2 2 2 2 2923039 o'ring,Viton,200 X 5.7 mm 2 2923036 o'ring,Viton,210 X 5.7 mm 2 2923069 o'ring,Viton,22 X 1.5 mm 2 2 2 2 2 2980339 o'ring,Viton,220 X 5.65 mm 2 2 4 4980340 o'ring,Viton,230 X 5.65 mm 1 1 1 1923034 o'ring,Viton,260 X 5.7 mm 1 1980344 o'ring,Viton,28 X 2 mm 2 2 4 4 2 2900054 o'ring,Viton,28 X 5mm 1 1 1 1 1 1980345 o'ring,Viton,37.5 X 2 mm 4 4 8 8320119 o'ring,Viton,39.5X3 mm 2 2 2 2 2900068 o'ring,Viton,40 X 5mm 2 2 2 2 2 2989168 o'ring,Viton,40 X 6.0 mm 2 2 2 2 2 240012 o'ring,Viton,50.17 X 5.33 mm 1 1980346 o'ring,Viton,55 X 4 mm 1980347 o'ring,Viton,70 X 4 mm 1 1 1 1923030 o'ring,Viton,75 X 5.7 mm 2 2981154 o'ring,Viton,80 X 3.0mm 2 2980333 o'ring,Viton,85 X 3 mm 4 4 8 8923032 o'ring,Viton,s36 4 4980058 ring,Piston 8 16 8P322891 sight glass,module 1 19819 sight glass,motor,50X6mm,round 2 2 2

Page 107: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

80x25, 150x40



KIT ComponenTS

80X25 80X25 150X40 150X40pART NUmbER






5207 bearing,oPen,PfPe 4 25208 bearing,oPen,PfPe 26207e bearing,oPen,PfPe 4 26208 bearing,oPen,PfPe 2300051 gasket,motor sight glass 2 2980348 o'ring,Viton,100 X 4 mm 1 1923033 o'ring,Viton,120 X 4 mm 1 1980334 o'ring,Viton,130 X 3 mm 2 2980343 o'ring,Viton,15 X 2.5 mm 22 22 32 32980335 o'ring,Viton,150 X 5.65 mm 1 1923028 o'ring,Viton,175 X 4 1 1980336 o'ring,Viton,185 X 5.7 mm 1 1980337 o'ring,Viton,188.56 X 5.65 mm 4 4 2 2980338 o'ring,Viton,195 X 5.65 mm 2 2923036 o'ring,Viton,210 X 5.7 mm 2 2923069 o'ring,Viton,22 X 1.5 mm 2 2 2 2980339 o'ring,Viton,220 X 5.65 mm 4 4 2 2980340 o'ring,Viton,230 X 5.65 mm 1 1923035 o'ring,Viton,240 X 5.7 mm 2 2923034 o'ring,Viton,260 X 5.7 mm 1 1980341 o'ring,Viton,278 X 5.65 mm 2 2980344 o'ring,Viton,28 X 2 mm 4 4 5 5900054 o'ring,Viton,28 X 5mm 1 1 1 1980345 o'ring,Viton,37.5 X 2 mm 8 8 4 4320119 o'ring,Viton,39.5X3 mm 2 2 2 2900068 o'ring,Viton,40 X 5mm 2 2 2 2989168 o'ring,Viton,40 X 6.0 mm 2 2923031 o'ring,Viton,42 X 2 mm 4 440012 o'ring,Viton,50.17 X 5.33 mm 1 1 1 1980333 o'ring,Viton,85 X 3 mm 8 8 4 4320158 o'ring,Viton,95 X 3 mm 2 4980058 ring,Piston 16 16P322891 sight glass,module 19819 sight glass,motor,50X6mm,round 2 2

Page 108: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop Online @ precisionplus.com!

IndIVIduaL SpareS



bEARINGS16006 bearing,oPen,PfPe a07V330019 bearing,shielded,tec aas20n,aas200wn330020 bearing,oPen,PfPe aa70w,aa200,aas200wn330021 bearing,oPen,PfPe aa10,aa205205 bearing,oPen,PfPe a07V5207 bearing,oPen,PfPe 150X40,40X20,50X20,80X25,a10,a30,a705208 bearing,oPen,PfPe 150X406004 bearing,shielded,tec,6004 a07V6006 oring bearing,6006,tec,w/orings Peaas200,Peaas3006205 oring bearing,6205,tec,w/orings esr200wn6206 oring bearing,6206,tec,w/orings esr200wn6207e bearing,oPen,PfPe 150X40,40X20,50X20,80X25,a10,a30,a706208 bearing,oPen,PfPe 150X406305ZZc3 bearing,shielded,tec,6305 a07V7204ms bearing,match set (2),7204 esr200wn7206aw bearing,7206aw,PfPe est101wn7206ms bearing,match set (2),7206 esr200wn7206msc3 b earing,match set,(2) 7206aw est101wn7207aw bearing,7207aw,PfPe e st101wn7207msc3 bearing,match set,(2) 7207aw est101wn7208ms bearing,match set (2),7208 aas300wn7306ms bearing,match set (2),7306 aas20n

GASKETS300051 gasket,motor sight glass a07V,a10s,a25s,a30w,a70w,150X40,80X25,50X20,65X40,40X20300137 gasket,ring,Viton esr200wn989336 gasket,large intercooler 150X40

HARdWARE420036 washer,waVe,3 waVe,ssr aa200420037 washer,waVe,3 waVe,ssr a a10480003lw washer lock km07 & bml07 a150w480004 nut,lock,right hand a150w480005 locknut,right hand,05 aa10,aa20480005l locknut,left hand,05 aa10,aa20480005lw lockwasher,05 aa10,aa20480006 locknut,right hand,06 aa70w,aa200,aas20n,aas200wn480006l locknut,left hand,06 aa70w,aa200,aas20n,aas200wn480006lw lockwasher,06 aa70w,aa200,aas20n,aas200wn

KITSest101wn kit,PumP&booster est101wnPe15040 kit,oVerhaul 150X40Pe15040oring kit,o ring 150 X 40Pe15040u kit,oVerhaul,intercooler 150X40Pe40205 kit,oVerhaul 40X20Pe40205oring kit,oring 40X20Pe4020i kit,oVerhaul,intercooler 40X20Pe50206 kit,oVerhaul 50X20Pe50206oring kit,o-ring ebara 50X20Pe5020i kit,oVerhaul,intercooler 50X20Pe6540 kit,oVerhaul 65X40Pe6540oring kit,o ring,65X40 65X40Pe80256 kit,oVerhaul 80X25Pe80256oring kit,oring 80X25Pe8025i kit,oVerhaul,intercooler,80X25 80X25Pea07V kit,oVerhaul a07VPea07Voring kit,oring a07VPea10s kit,oVerhaul a10sPea10soring kit,oring a10sPea150w kit,oVerhaul a150wPea150woring kit o’ring sPecial a150wPea25s kit,oVerhaul a25sPea30w kit,oVerhaul a30wPea30woring kit,oring a30wPea70w kit,oVerhaul a70Pea70woring kit o ring sPecial a70wPeaa10 kit,oVerhaul aa10Peaa100wn kit,major,aa100wn a a100wnPeaa20 kit,oVerhaul aa20Peaa200 kit,oVerhaul aa200Peaa70w kit,oVerhaul,aa70w aa70wPeaas200wn kit,oVerhaul aas200wn Peaas20n kit,oVerhaul aas20nPeaas300wn kit,PumP&booster aas300wnPeesr200wn kit,oVerhaul,PumP & booster esr200wn

mISC.290007 sensor,switch,oil leVel,ebara 40X20,50X20,65X40,80X25,150X40

inVentory is limited on kits & sPares for ebara PumPs. Please check with customer serVice for aVailability and lead times.


Page 109: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop Online @ precisionplus.com!

IndIVIduaL SpareS



mISC. (CONT.)350009 sPacer,rotor480007 locknut,right hand,04 esr200wn480007l locknut,left hand,04 esr200wn480007lw lockwasher,04 esr200wn

O-RINGS314003 o’ring,Viton,28 X 5 mm 150X40,40X20,50X20,80X25314005 o’ring,Viton,42 X 5 mm 150X40,40X20,50X20,80X25320134 o’ring,Viton,120 X 4 mm aa200320135 o’ring,Viton,15 X 2.5 mm rV3,rV5,rV8,rV12320136 o’ring,Viton,15.6 X 2.4 mm aa20320137 o’ring,Viton,17 X 2 mm aas20n320138 o’ring,Viton,162 X 5.6 mm aa10320139 o’ring,Viton,168 X 3 mm aa40w, aa70w320140 o’ring,Viton,171 X 5.6 mm aa10320141 o’ring,Viton,176 X 3 mm aa20320142 o’ring,Viton,192 X 5.6 mm a25s320143 o’ring,Viton,210 X 5.6 mm aas20n320144 o’ring,Viton,212 X 5.6 mm aa100wn320145 o’ring,Viton,219.3 X 5.7 mm a25s320146 o’ring,Viton,233 X 5.7 mm aas20n320147 o’ring,Viton,240 X 5.7 mm aa100wn320148 o’ring,Viton,25.12 X 1.78 mm aa10320149 o’ring,Viton,28.3 X 1.78 mm est101wn, aas200wn, aa10, aa100wn, aa200, aa40w320150 o’ring,Viton,30 X 1.78 mm aa20320151 o’ring,Viton,31.47 X 1.78 mm a100wn320152 o’ring,Viton,50 X 3 mm aa100wn320153 o’ring,Viton,56 X 3 mm aa10320154 o’ring,Viton,60 X 3 mm aa10320155 o’ring,Viton,65 X 3 mm aa10320156 o’ring,Viton,71 X 3 mm aa100wn320157 o’ring,Viton,75 X 3 mm aa100wn320158 o’ring,Viton,95 X 3 mm 150X40320184 o’ring,Viton,278.77 X 5.33mm a25s320233 o’ring,Viton,195 X 3 mm aa100wn320234 o’ring,Viton,300 X 5.7 mm a150w320239 o’ring,Viton,13.95X2.34mm est101wn320240 o’ring,Viton,15.54X2.34mm est101wn320242 o’ring,Viton,215.27X5.34mm est101wn320244 o’ring,Viton,227.97X5.42mm est101wn320246 o’ring,Viton,240.67X5.34mm est101wn320247 o’ring,Viton,26.65X2mm est101wn320248 o’ring,Viton,32.99X2mm est101wn320249 o’ring,Viton,34.43X3mm est101wn320251 o’ring,Viton,47.22X3mm est101wn320256 o’ring,Viton,136.12 X 3.53 mm 80X25320260 o’ring,Viton,249.3X5.7mm est101wn320261 o’ring,Viton,229.3X5.7mm aas200wn, aas300wn320262 o’ring,Viton,239.3X5.7mm est101wn320263 o’ring,Viton,209.3X5.7mm est101wn, aas200wn, aas300wn320264 o’ring,Viton,219.3X5.7mm aas300wn, esr200320265 o’ring,Viton,173X4mm aas300wn320266 o’ring,Viton,115.41X3mm esr200320267 o’ring,Viton,164X3mm aa10900054 o’ring,Viton,28 X 5mm 150X40900068 o’ring,Viton,40 X 5mm 150X40923028 o’ring,Viton,175 X 4 150X40923029 o’ring,Viton,10 X 2 mm 150X40923030 o’ring,Viton,75 X 5.7 mm 150X40923031 o’ring,Viton,42 X 2 mm 150X40923032 o’ring,Viton,s36 150X40923033 o’ring,Viton,120 X 4 mm 150X40923034 o’ring,Viton,260 X 5.7 mm 150X40,a70923035 o’ring,Viton,240 X 5.7 mm 150X40923036 o’ring,Viton,210 X 5.7 mm 150X40,a07923038 o’ring,Viton,95 X 5.7 mm 150X40923069 o’ring,Viton,22 X 1.5 mm 40X20,80X40,40X25923094 o’ring,Viton,219.1 X 5.5 mm 40X20,80X40,40X25980333 o’ring,Viton,85 X 3 mm 40X20,50X20,80X25,a10,a30,a70,80X40,40X25980334 o’ring,Viton,130 X 3 mm 150X40,40X20,50X20,80X25,a07,a10,a30,a70,80X40 980335 o’ring,Viton,150 X 5.65 mm 50X20,80X25,a07,a30,a70,40X20,40X25980336 o’ring,Viton,185 X 5.7 mm 50X20,80X25,a30,a70980337 o’ring,Viton,188.56 X 5.65 mm 40X20,50X20,80X25,a07,a10,a30,a70,80X40,40X25 980338 o’ring,Viton,195 X 5.65 mm 150X40,40X20,50X20,a10,a30,a70980339 o’ring,Viton,220 X 5.65 mm 150X40,40X20,50X20,a07,a10,a70,a30980340 o’ring,Viton,230 X 5.65 mm 150X40,40X20,a10980341 o’ring,Viton,278 X 5.65 mm 80X25,a70,80X40980342 o’ring,Viton,15 X 2.5 mm esr200980343 o’ring,Viton,15 X 2.5 mm 150X40,40X20,50X20,80X25,a07,a10,a30,a70,80X40,4

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop Online @ precisionplus.com!

IndIVIduaL SpareS



O-RINGS (CONT.)980344 o’ring,Viton,28 X 2 mm 150X40,40X20,50X20,80X25,a07,a10,a30,a70,80X40,49803441 o’ring,buna,21 X 2 mm a10,a30,a70980345 o’ring,Viton,37.5 X 2 mm 40X20,50X20,80X25,a10,a30,a70,80X40,40X25980346 o’ring,Viton,55 X 4 mm 40X20980347 o’ring,Viton,70 X 4 mm 150X40,50X20980348 o’ring,Viton,100 X 4 mm 50X20,80X25,a70980349 o’ring,Viton,140 X 3.5 mm 150X40980350 oring,Viton,65 X 3mm a07V980351 o’ring,Viton,214.3 X 5.7mm a07V980352 o’ring,Viton,157 X 5.8mm a07V980353 o’ring,Viton,174.3 X 5.7mm a07V981154 o’ring,Viton,80 X 3.0mm 150X40981338 o’ring,Viton,200 X 5.65 mm aa40w, aa70w, esr200989168 o’ring,Viton,40 X 6.0 mm 40X20,50X20,80X25989169 o’ring,Viton,90 X 3 40X20,50X20,80X25

RINGS350004 ring,Piston,37mm id aa10350006 ring,Piston,32mm id aa200350015 ring,Piston est101wn350016 ring,Piston est101wn350017 ring,Piston aas300wn350018 ring,Piston esr200wn929015 ring,Piston a150w950001 ring,Piston a07V980058 ring,Piston 40X20,80X40,40X25

SHImS980033 shim,brass,14X7X0.01mm aa10,aa20,aa70w,aa200,aas200wn980041 shim,brass,32 X 25 X .1mm aa10980042 shim,brass,37 X 30 X .05mm aa70w,aa200,aas200wn

SIGHT GLASSES500016 sight glass,oil,Plastic esr200wn 500018 sight glass,oil,Plastic esr200wn9819 sight glass,motor,50X6mm,round 40X20,50X20,80X25P322890 sight glass,module a150wP322891 sight glass,module 40X20

Page 111: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

DP 40/80, QDP 40/80, iQDP 40/80, QMB/EH 250/500/1200

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.

KITSFeaTured SpareS



MAJOR OVERHAUL KITS major oVerhaul kits include PumP & motor bearings, inner & outer rings, headPlate sleeVe, liP seals, o-rings, sight glass, couPling element, shims, ValVes, motor gaskets & other comPonents for major oVerhaul

MODEL(S) PART nUMBERdP/QdP/iQdP 40 a40130300d40dP/QdP/iQdP 80 a40130300d80

BOOSTER REPAIR KITS booster rePair kits include shaft seals, gaskets, sleeVes, shims, filters & bearings (as reQuired) for a comPlete oVerhaul of both the driVe section & PumPing mechanism of booster PumPs. booster kits are designed for use in either conical or Pre-conical Versions of PumP. MODEL(S) PART nUMBERQmb/eh 250/500 30151800Qmb/eh 1200 30551800

HEADPLATES MODEL(S) PART nUMBERdP/QdP/iQdP 40/80 (lV stage) a40090702

STATORS MODEL(S) PART nUMBERdP/QdP/iQdP 40 (2nd stage) a40001702dP/QdP/iQdP 40 (3rd stage) a40001703dP/QdP/iQdP 40 (lV stage) a40001704dP/QdP/iQdP 40 (hV stage) a40001741dP/QdP/iQdP 80 (2nd stage) a40101702dP/QdP/iQdP 80 (3rd stage) a40101703dP/QdP/iQdP 80 (lV stage) a40101704dP/QdP/iQdP 80 (hV stage) a40101741

SPACER SLEEVES MODEL(S) PART nUMBERdP/QdP/iQdP 40/80 (headPlt) a27820038dP/QdP/iQdP 40/80 (2nd stage) a27820030dP/QdP/iQdP 40/80 (3rd stage) a27820029dP/QdP/iQdP 40/80 (lV stage) a27820028

ROTORS (CLAW)MODEL(S) PART nUMBERdP/QdP/iQdP 40 (2nd X stg) a26401140dP/QdP/iQdP 40 (2nd y stg) a26401141dP/QdP/iQdP 40 (3rd X stg) a26401142dP/QdP/iQdP 40 (3rd y stg) a26401143dP/QdP/iQdP 40 (lV X stg) a26401144dP/QdP/iQdP 40 (lV y stg) a26401145dP/QdP/iQdP 80 (2nd X stg) a40191010dP/QdP/iQdP 80 (2nd y stg) a40191011dP/QdP/iQdP 80 (3rd X stg) a40191012dP/QdP/iQdP 80 (3rd y stg) a40191013dP/QdP/iQdP 80 (lV X stg) a40191014dP/QdP/iQdP 80 (lV y stg) a40191015

SHAFTS MODEL(S) PART nUMBERdP/QdP/iQdP 40 (driVen X stg) a26401733dP/QdP/iQdP 40 (driVen y stg) a26401732dP/QdP/iQdP 80 (driVen X stg) a26401775 dP/QdP/iQdP 80 (driVen y stg) a26401776

TIMInG GEARS MODEL(S) PART nUMBERdP 40/80 (Pair) a22903048

MOTORS MODEL(S) PART nUMBERQdP 40 230/460V - 60hz 3Ph a07113770QdP 80 230/460V - 60hz 3Ph a07115770

genuine kits & sPares: Precision Plus suPPlies genuine edwards oem kits, sPares & accessories for edwards dP/QdP/iQdP 40/80 dry PumPs.


Page 112: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhEDWARDS-2

DP 40/80, QDP 40/80, iQDP 40/80 (COnT.)

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.

KITS FeaTured SpareS

SILEnCER SERVICE KITS silencer serVice kits include all seals & other comPonents to comPlete regular PreVentatiVe maintenance of eXhaust silencers - recommended eVery three months. MODEL(S) PART nUMBERQdP 40/80 a38611400iQdP 40/80 a38611820

EXHAUST CHECK VALVE SERVICE KITS eXhaust check ValVe kits include all seals & other comPonents to comPlete regular PreVentatiVe maintenance of eXhaust ValVes (if fitted) - recommended eVery three months. MODEL(S) PART nUMBERQdP/iQdP 40/80 a44003820

TCV WATER VALVE REPAIR KITS MODEL(S) PART nUMBERQdP/iQdP 40/80 (danfoss) a28702019QdP/iQdP 40/80 (slotted) a52840830



iQDP ELECTROnICS MODULE FUSES MODEL(S) PART nUMBERPackage 2 d37207801Package 3 d37207802Package 2/10 each d37207803 GAS MODULES MODEL(S) PART nUMBERQdP 40/80 a52805000










WATER COnnECTORSMODEL(S) PART nUMBERfemale Quick connect h03530015male Quick connect h03530016

THERMAL SnAP SWITCHESMODEL(S) PART nUMBER88 degree c a2191340295 degree c 24867-020 uPgrade kit (80 to 88 deg c.) a53199011

Page 113: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

DP 40/80, QDP 40/80, iQDP 40/80, QMB/EH 250/500/1200


KIT ComponenTS




MAJOR A40130300D40

MAJOR A40130300D80

BOOSTER 30151800


218430250 1/4" bsw X 1/2" sss 3mm heX 2 227131-066 12 odX6 idX.7thk coPPer washer 327132-031 15 odX8 idX.7thk coPPer washer 3a52840217 3to4 interstage ValVe 1 121631-027 bearing ref 6205-2z-c3 221631-026 bearing ref 6206-2z-c3 220403025 bearing,ball,s-row,52X20X15 220403027 bearing,ball,d-row,62X25X25,Pack of 2 1 120404023 bearing,ball,s-row,62X25X17,Pack of 2 1 120403010k bearing,w/krytoX grease & Ptf 220403027 d-row bearing, 62X25X25 - Pack of 2 1 1a52880014 disk 1 1h02104008 dowty seal 1" bsP mkh 1a40430300 dP40/80 module kit (without bearings) 1 1a22302022 dust seal 2 2a22302008 dust seal felt42mm X 30.5mm X 6mm 4a22302021 felt filter 1 1a22302015 filter disc 5a22302016 filter disc 222302015 filter,felt 11a21071033 fleXible couPling element bo 1 1a25904605 gas ballast ValVe 1 1a27159548 gasket eh1200 Viton« was 501nit 127159438 gasket,eh250/500 127159547 gasket,Viton 1870017 grease, fomblin, 1 oz tube 1 1a20405030 inner ring 2 2a20405017 inner ring 25 X 30 X 16 2 2a20405049 inner ring eh240 eh250 4a20405050 inner ring for eh1200 edd1200 424301016 key, shaft, 8 X 7 X 30 624301013 key,shaft,8X5X20mm 124301021 key,shaft,8X7X16mm 8 1a20001085 label - direction arrow 1 1a52879002 label kit QdP80 6kw 1h02109053 liPseal QdP/ehb1200 4 4 4a20403031 main bearing eh/Qmb1200 4a27160001 motor gasket QdP 40 1 1a27160002 motor gasket QdP 80 1a20001235 motor rating label 2.2kw 1a20001237 motor rating label QdP80 4kw 1h02122033 o ring 1h02125260 o ring 022 Vor 4h02122055 o ring 0576-24 Vit 2 2h02124184 o ring 242.76id X 3.0sec Vit 1 1h02124025 o ring 28.oidX5sect (Viton) 1 1h02126165 o ring 61 X 9 id 3.53 Vit 4 4 2h02122031 o ring Vit 0096-24 2h02126028 o ring Vit 0218 4 4 6h02122159 o ring Vit 299.3id X 5.7 sec Pk1 223714-034 o ring Viton® 8h02124185 o'ring sPecial shaPed (Viton) 1 1h02122009 o'ring Vit 11.1id X 1.6 5 5h02122035 o'ring Vit 13.6id X 2.4 1 1h02122097 o'ring Vit 139.5id X 3.0 1 1h02122037 o'ring Vit 15.6id X 2.4 1 1h02122108 o'ring Vit 194.5id X 3.0 3 3h02122110 o'ring Vit 209.5id X 3.0 1 1h02122042 o'ring Vit 21.6id X 2.4 2 2h02122043 o'ring Vit 24.6id X 2.4 1 1h02122084 o'ring Vit 74.5id X 3.0 1 102120004 o'ring, buna, 6.1 X 1.5 2 202120065 o'ring, Viton, 25 X 3.53 1 102122079 o'ring, Viton, 49.5 X 3 2 202122009 o'ring,buna,11.1 X 1.6 mm 402120023 o'ring,buna,35.1 X 1.6 mm 402120077 o'ring,buna,42.5 X 3 mm 102122091 o'ring,Viton,109.5 X 3 mm 102125023 o'ring,buna,23.39 X 3.53 mm 1 102125055 o'ring,buna,85.09 X 5.33 mm 2 2

Page 114: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

DP 40/80, QDP 40/80, iQDP 40/80, QMB/EH 250/500/1200



KIT ComponenTS (ConT.)



MAJOR A40130300D40

MAJOR A40130300D80

BOOSTER 30151800


02126121 o'ring,Viton,15.54 X 2.62 mm 223714036 o'ring,Viton,150 X 3 mm 123714034 o'ring,Viton,19 X 3 mm 623714037 o'ring,Viton,233 X 3 mm 102126028 o'ring,Viton,31.34 X 3.53 mm 423712-041 oring Vit 44.6id X 2.4sec 423714-039 oring Vit 0.500id X.103sec!n! 1h02126121 oring Vit 0.625id X.103sec!P! 523714-038 oring Vit 174.5id X 3.0sec!n! 1h02126028 oring Vit 1.234id X.139 4 4 6h02126165 oring Vit 2.437id X.139 4 4 2a27160004 Printed gasket Qmb1200 1h02109053 Ptfe liP seal - dry PumPs 4 4 4a26410008 retainer 2 220405049 ring,inner,eh250/500 4h02109101 rotary shaft seal 2 223754-016 rubber bonded seal 5a27159439 rubber seal ring eh1200 120404023 s-row bearing, 62X25X17 - Pack of 2 1 1h02109093 seal, 30X42X8 u/d 1 102104008 seal,dowty,buna,1 bsP 123754016 seal,dowty,buna,1/2 bsP 222302005 seal,dust 402109120 seal,shaft,ccw(conical models) 102109052 seal,shaft,teflon,red case 402109075 seal,shaft,Viton 4a27165022 shim 0.03 dP40/80 4 4a27165023 shim 0.05 dP40/80 4 4a27165024 shim 0.10 dP40/80 4 4a27165025 shim 0.20 dP40/80 4 4a27165033 shim dP40/80 4 4a30751825 shim sPare set eh/Qmb12/26/4200 127165032 shim,.125mm,eh250/ eh500 327165008 shim,0.20mm eh250 327165009 shim,0.25mm,eh250/ eh500 327165018 shim,0.30mm eh250 327165010 shim,0.35mm eh250 327165011 shim,0.40mm eh250 3a29201004 sight glass 1 1 2 3a27801025 sleeVe hard eh250/500 2a27802027 sleeVe dP40 1a27820038 sleeVe dP40/80 2 2a27802021 sleeVe dP80 1a27802035 sleeVe hard dP250/500 1a27802036 sleeVe hard eh1200 127802035 sleeVe,hardened,conical 127801025 sleeVe,shaft,hard,eh250/500 2a27802031 soft sleeVe for eh1200 edd1200 2a30151805 sPares kit bearings dP40/250/500 1 1a52840800 sPares kit motor rePl. QdP40 1 1a30551815 sPares kit con c&o eh/Qmb1200 1a30551820 sPares kit module eh/Qmb1200 1h02109100 u/d liPseal lh Ptfe, 30X42X8 1 1h02126025 Vit 0215 o ring 4a20404020 Viton shield ball bearing 4h02109143 Viton« shaft seal 30X42X7 Qty 1 4h02109144 Viton« shaft seal 35X47X7 Qty 1 1e20001063 warning symbol 1 1

Page 115: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

RV 3/5/8/12

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

COMPLETE PUMP MODULES inner modules are fully assembled using new comPonents, and are tested and ready for installation. modules include all reQuired gaskets.

MODEL(S) PART nUMBERrV 3 a65201032rV 5 a65301032rV 8 a65401032rV 12 a65501032

BLADE KITS blade kits include Vanes, sPrings & Pins (as reQuired).

MODEL(S) PART nUMBERrV 3 65201130rV 5 65301130rV 8 65401130rV 12 65501130

CLEAn OVERHAUL KITS clean oVerhaul kits include couPling elements, o-rings, gaskets, airbleed assembly, ducting sheet, shaft seals & oth-er comPonents for routine maintenance.

MODEL(S) PART nUMBERrV 3/5/8/12 (Viton) P65201131rV 3/5/8/12 (buna) P65201137

MAJOR KITS w/BLADES major kits w/blades include all comPonents of clean oVer-haul kits & blade kits for major oVerhaul. MODEL(S) PART nUMBERrV 3 65201131rV3rV 5 65201131rV5rV 8 65201131rV8rV 12 65201131rV12


ROTORS MODEL(S) PART nUMBERrV 3/5 (1st-hV stage) 65201701rV 8 (1st-hV stage) 65401701rV 12 (1st-hV stage) 65501701rV 3/5 (2nd-lV stage) 65201703rV 8/12 (2nd-lV stage) 65401703rV 3/5/8/12 (oil PumP) 65201705

STATORS MODEL(S) PART nUMBERrV 3 (1st-hV stage) 65201700rV 5 (1st-hV stage) 65301700rV 8 (1st-hV stage) 65401700rV 12 (1st-hV stage) 65501700rV 3/5 (2nd-lV stage) 65201702rV 8/12 (2nd-lV stage) 65401702

UnIVERSAL MOTORS MODEL(S) PART nUMBERrV 3/5/8/12 (Phase 1) a65299500rV 3/5 (Phase 3) a65297000rV 8/12 (Phase 3) a65497000

MIST FILTERS & REPLACEMEnT ITEMS MODEL(S) PART nUMBERemf 10 (mist filter) 46226000emf 10 (filter element) 22304198emf 10 (odor elmt - 5Pk) 22304079


RECOMMEnDED OILS TYPE PART nUMBERultragrade 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PPug19001

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid


Page 116: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

RV 3/5/8/12


KIT ComponenTS




C & O (VITOn) P65201131

C & O (BUnA) P65201137

MAInT. 65201131RV3

MAInT. 65201131RV5

MAInT. 65201131RV8

MAInT. 65201131RV12

a65201005 air bleed assy rV 1 1 1 1 1 1a21071077 couPling element rV PumP 1 1 1 1 1 1a25908183 eXhaust diaPhragm rV - nit 1a25908123 eXhaust diaPhragm Viton® rVP 1 1 1 1 1a20402528 hV blade (rV12) cX2 2a20402525 hV blade (rV3) cX2 2a20402526 hV blade (rV5) cX2 2a20402527 hV blade (rV8) cX2 2h02109066 liP seal Vit 25 35 7 1 1 1 1 1a20402529 lV blade (rV3/5) cX2 2 2a20402530 lV blade (rV8/12) cX2 2 2h02120037 o ring 1 1 1 1 1 1h02120029 o ring 0076-24 nit. 1h02120036 o ring bs 4518 1 1 1 1 1 1h02120031 o ring ehb500-1200 123724-073 o ring nit 21.5 id X 3.0 sec 3 3 3 3 3 323724-071 o ring nitrile. inlet ValVe rV 1 1 1 1 1 1h02120077 o ring rear coVer 1 1 1 1 1 123724-072 o ring sight glass rV/e2m18/28/3 1h02122031 o ring Vit 0096-24 1 1 1 1 1h02122083 o ring Vit 695-30 1 1 1 1 1h02122055 o ring Vit dP40/80 1 1 1 1 1a20402500 oil blade rVP cX2 1 1 1 1a27160005 oil boX Printed gasket rV 1 1 1 1 1 1a25908129 oil Pressure ValVe rV 1 1 1 1 1 1a25908127 oldham couPling rV3/5/8/12 1 1 1 1 1 123724-070 oring nit 32.5id X 3.0 1 1 1 1 1 123722-051 oring nit 57.6id X 2.4sec!n! 123712-039 oring Vit 7.6id X 2.4 1 1 1 1 1h02126026 oring Vit 1.109id X.139 1 1 1 1 1 1h02109125 outer shaft seal sPacer rV 1 1 1 1 1 1a27160006 Printed gasket cartridge rV 1 1 1 1 1 1a25908226 rV dumP ValVe 1 1 1 1 1 1a65201029 rV reed ValVe 1 1 1 1 1 1h02109133 seal 20.30.7 Pln nit 1h02109132 seal 25.35.7 Pln nit 1a27160008 seal carrier gasket 1 1 1 1 1 1h02109124 shaft seal babsl 20 X 30 X 7 rV 1 1 1 1 165201019 sheet,ducting-mtr gs 1 1 1 1 120525-048 sPring (ballast control) st/st 1 1 1 1 1 120525-047 sPring (dumP ValVe) rV 2 1 2 2 2 220525-049 sPring (inlet ValVe) st/st rVP 1 1 1 1 1 1a27160007 toP Plate gasket 1 1 1 1 1 1a26501047 u seal rV - nit 1a26501040 u seal Viton 1 1 1 1 1a26501045 ValVe Pad - nit 1a26501046 ValVe Pad - nit 1a26501039 ValVe Pad - Viton 1 1 1 1 1a26501036 ValVe Pad e2m1.5 e2m18 PumP 1 1 1 1 127154-018 washer shoulder 1 1 1 1 1 1

Page 117: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

E2M 0.7/1/1.5

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

BLADE KITS blade kits include Vanes, sPrings & Pins (as reQuired).

MODEL(S) PART nUMBERe2m 0.7/1/1.5 37101132ed

CLEAn OVERHAUL KITS clean oVerhaul kits include sPrings, gaskets, seal & other comPonents for light oVerhaul.

MODEL(S) PART nUMBERe2m 0.7/1/1.5 37101131

MAInTEnAnCE KITS maintenance kits include all comPonents of clean & oVerhaul kits & blade kits for comPlete oVerhaul. MODEL(S) PART nUMBERe2m 0.7/1/1.5 37101800ed


STATORS MODEL(S) PART nUMBERmfg. after noV 2004 37101737

EnD PLATES MODEL(S) PART nUMBERe2m 0.7/1/1.5 37101702

HIGH VACUUM ROTORS MODEL(S) PART nUMBERe2m 0.7/1/1.5 26401059mfg. after noV 2004 26401207

LOW VACUUM ROTORSMODEL(S) PART nUMBERe2m 0.7/1/1.5 26401060mfg. after noV 2004 26401207

MIST FILTERS & REPLACEMEnT ITEMS MODEL(S) PART nUMBERemf 3 (mist filter) 46220000emf 3 (filter element) 22304197emf 3 (odor elmt - 5Pk) 22304081

OIL FILTER SCREEnS MODEL(S) PART nUMBERe2m 0.7/1/1.5 22305047


RECOMMEnDED OILS TYPE PART nUMBERPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid


Page 118: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

E2M 0.7/1/1.5


KIT ComponenTS


E2M0.7/1/1.5 E2M0.7/1/1.5PART nUMBER


CLEAn&O/H 37101131

MAInT. 37101800ED

a27929064 5mma/f allen key(la25904600 ballast ValVea00906077 blade sPringsa26501005 clamP Padh02104001 dowty seal 1/8" bsP mkah02104003 dowty seal 3/8" bsP mkc25907202 filter,ballast 1 122305047 filter,oil 1 1a27159606 gasket sPeediVac227159637 gasket,oil boX 1 137125020 gasket,sight glass 1 1a20402605 hV blade sPVac2 cX222305056 inlet strainer mesh 1 1a25908051 member,driVe 3 3a26501002 mounting Padh02120115 o ring seal sPeediVac2h02125013 o'ring nit id 13.94 sec 2.62mm02120009 o'ring,buna,11.1 X 1.6 mm 1 102120034 o'ring,buna,12.6 X 2.4 mm 1 102120094 o'ring,buna,124.5 X 3.0mm 1 102124002 o'ring,buna,15 X 5 mm 1 102120042 o'ring,buna,21.6 X 2.4 mm 4 402120065 o'ring,buna,25 X 3 mm 1 102120077 o'ring,buna,42.5 X 3 mm 1 102120118 o'ring,buna,52 X 5.7 mm 2 202120028 o'ring,buna,6.6 X 2.4 mm 1 102120037 o'ring,Viton,15.6 X 2.4 mm 1 102125026 o'ring,Viton,28.17 X 3.53 mm 1 102126116 o'ring,Viton,7.59 X 2.62 mm 4 4h02109028 oil seal 1635726501036 Pad,check ValVe,gas ballast 1 122302019 Pad,felt 1 125908119 Plug,oil drain,rV PumPs 1 100714012 Plug,oil drain,steel 1 102104001 seal,dowty 1 102104012 seal,dowty 1 102109078 seal,shaft 1 102109079 seal,shaft,Vit,uni-drt,w/mcase 1 102109099 seal,shaft,Viton 1 1a29201003 sight glass sP11/e2m0.7/1.527102010 sPring 127102016 sPring 2 227102021 sPring 1 127102034 sPring 1 1a02106012 sPringa27102005 sPringa27102010 sPring ballast em 1a00703019 sPring Pin27102036 sPring,ss,e2m30 2 2a26501004 ValVe rubber25906600 ValVe,ballast 1 126501035 ValVe,distributor,Viton 1 120402150fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 420402147fr Vane,gX,oil PumP,e2m1.5 1

Page 119: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

E2M 2/5/8/12

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

BLADE KITS blade kits include Vanes, sPrings & Pins (as reQuired).

MODEL(S) PART nUMBERe2m 2 36001129ede2m 5 36101129ede2m 8 36201129ede2m 12 37001129ed

CLEAn OVERHAUL KITS clean oVerhaul kits include sPrings, gaskets, seal & other comPonents for light oVerhaul.

MODEL(S) PART nUMBERe2m 2/5/8 34101131e2m 12 37001131

MAInTEnAnCE KITS maintenance kits include all comPonents of clean & oVerhaul kits & blade kits for comPlete oVerhaul. MODEL(S) PART nUMBERe2m 2 36001800ede2m 5 36101800ede2m 8 36201800ede2m 12 37001800ed



ROTORS MODEL(S) PART nUMBERe2m 2 26401725e2m 5 26401728e2m 8 26401731e2m 12 26401780

STATORS limited aVailability-check with customer serViceMODEL(S) PART nUMBERe2m 2 (1st-hV stage) 36001730e2m 5 (1st-hV stage) 36101730e2m 8 (1st-hV stage) 36201030

MIST FILTERS & REPLACEMEnT ITEMSe2m 2/5/8MODEL(S) PART nUMBERemf 10 (mist filter) 46226000emf 10 (filter element) 22304198emf 10 (odor elmt - 5Pk) 22304079

e2m 12MODEL(S) PART nUMBERemf 20 (mist filter) 46229000emf 20 (filter element) 22304199emf 20 (odor elmt - 5Pk) 22304077

RECOMMEnDED OILS TYPE PART nUMBERPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid


Page 120: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

E2M 2/5/8/12


KIT ComponenTS


E2M2/5/8 E2M12 E2M2 E2M5 E2M8 E2M12PART nUMBER


CLEAn & O/H 34101131

CLEAn&O/H 37001131

MAInT. 36001800ED

MAInT. 36101800ED

MAInT. 36201800ED

MAInT. 37001800ED

a11301045 ballast ValVe Ptfe 1 1 1 1 1 127159414sh distributor rubber 127159414 distributor,rubber 1 1 1 1 1 127159440 distributor,rubber 1 1 1 1 1 125907200 filter,ballast 1 1 1 1 1 122305003 filter,oil 1 1 1 1 1 127159616 gasket,oil boX 1 1 1 1 1 102125013 o'ring,buna,13.94 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1 1 102120041 o'ring,buna,19.6 X 2.4 mm 1 1 1 102120042 o'ring,buna,21.6 X 2.4 mm 1 102120072 o'ring,buna,35.5 X 3 mm 1 102120077 o'ring,buna,42.5 X 3 mm 2 2 2 2 2 202120004 o'ring,buna,6.1 X 1.6 mm 3 3 3 3 3 302120028 o'ring,buna,6.6 X 2.4 mm 2 2 2 2 2 202124086 o'ring,buna,86 X 2 mm 1 1 1 1 1 102125026 o'ring,Viton,28.17 X 3.53 mm 3 2 3 3 3 202126116 o'ring,Viton,7.59 X 2.62 mm 2 2 2 2 2 222302013 Pad,felt 1 1 1 1 1 126501029 Pad,ValVe 2 229203003 Pin,blade sPring,s/s 4 5 7 8 8 1000714012 Plug,oil drain,steel 1 1 1 1 1 102104001 seal,dowty 1 1 1 1 1 100906042 seal,filter,(o'ring) 1 1 1 1 1 102109066 seal,shaft,Vit,e1/e2m2/5/8,rVP 1 1 1 1 1 102109067 seal,shaft,Viton 1 1 1 1 1 127102016 sPring 1 1 1 1 1 127102021 sPring 1 1a27102010 sPring ballast em 1 1 1 1 1 127102032 sPring,distributor 1 1 1 1 1 100906077 sPring,mw 4 5 7 4 8 1027102029 sPring,mw 1 1 1 127102033 sPring,ValVe 2 2a26501017 ValVe rubber lV e2m-12 1 1 1 1 1 125906600 ValVe,ballast 1 1 1 127159417 ValVe,hV,rubber 1 1 1 127159418 ValVe,hV,rubber 1 1 1 120402081fr Vane,gX,1st stage 220402083fr Vane,gX,1st stage 220402085fr Vane,gX,1st stage 220402125fr Vane,gX,1st stage 220402079fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 2 2 2 220402158fr Vane,gX,oil PumP 1 1 1 1218990201 washer,waVed 1 1 1 1 1 1

Page 121: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

E1M 18, E2M 18/28/30

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

BLADE KITS blade kits include Vanes, sPrings & Pins (as reQuired).

MODEL(S) PART nUMBERe1m 18 34301041ede2m 18 36301020ede2m 28/30 37301135ed

SEAL KITS seal kits include seals, gaskets, o-rings & couPlings (as reQuired).

MODEL(S) PART nUMBERe1m 18, e2m 18 34301820e2m 28/30 37301820

CLEAn OVERHAUL KITS clean oVerhaul kits include seals, couPling element, o-rings, gaskets & other comPonents for light oVerhaul.

MODEL(S) PART nUMBERe1m 18, e2m 18 36301131e2m 28/30 37301131

MAInTEnAnCE KITS maintenance kits include all comPonents of clean oVerhaul kits & blade kits for major oVerhaul. MODEL(S) PART nUMBERe1m 18 34301800ede2m 18 36301800ede2m 28/30 37301800ed


ROTORS MODEL(S) PART nUMBERe1m 18 26401747e2m 18 26401746e2m 28/30 (1st-hV stage) 26401073e2m 28/30 (2nd-lV stage) 26401771

STATORS MODEL(S) PART nUMBERe1/2m 18 (1st-hV stage) 34301710e2m 18 (2nd-lV stage) 36301714e2m 28/30 (1st-hV stage) 37301730e2m 28/30 (2nd-lV stage) 37301731


E1/2M 18emf 20 (mist filter) 46229000emf 20 (filter element) 22304199emf 20 (odor elmt - 5Pk) 22304077

E2M 28/30emf 30 (mist filter) 46233000emf 30 (filter element) 22304057

RECOMMEnDED OILS TYPE PART nUMBERPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid


Page 122: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

E1M 18, E2M 18/28/30


KIT ComponenTS


E1M18,E2M18 E2M28/30 E1M18,E2M18 E2M28/30 E1M18 E2M18 E2M28/30PART nUMBER


SEAL 34301820

SEAL 37301820

CLEAn&O/H 36301131

CLEAn&O/H 37301131

MAInT. 34301800ED

MAInT. 36301800ED

MAInT. 37301800ED

a11301045 ballast ValVe Ptfe 1 1 1 1 1 1 1P212081133 c-cliP 1 1 126501032 couPling,element,e1/e2m18/30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1h02122012 d1bon 'o'ring 14.1X1.6 sec 1 1 127159430 distributor,rubber 1 1 1 1 1 1 102308043 filter,gas ballast 2 2 2 2 2 2 227159532 gasket,e2m28 1 1 127159635 gasket,oil boX 1 1 1 1 1 1 127159530 gasket,sight glass 1 1 1 127159638 gasket,sight glass 1 1 1 102308044 gauze,gas ballast 2 2 2 2 2 2h02122037 o ring e1/e2m80 102125300 o'ring,buna,107.6 X 2.6 mm 1 1 102122009 o'ring,buna,11.1 X 1.6 mm 2 202120033 o'ring,buna,12 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 102120067 o'ring,buna,27.5 X 3 mm 1 1 1 102124005 o'ring,buna,28 X 5 mm 102120068 o'ring,buna,30 X 3 mm 1 1 102120072 o'ring,buna,35.5 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 102120078 o'ring,buna,44.5 X 3 mm 2 1 2 2 2 2 202120028 o'ring,buna,6.6 X 2.4 mm 8 7 8 9 8 8 902120057 o'ring,buna,61.6 X 2.4 mm 1 1 1 102120085 o'ring,buna,79.5 X 3 mm 1 1 102120087 o'ring,buna,89.2 X 3 mm 1 1 102120089 o'ring,buna,99.5 X 3 mm 2 2 2 202122009V o'ring,Viton,11 X 1.5 mm 202120035 o'ring,Viton,13.6 X 2.4 mm 1 1 1 102122035 o'ring,Viton,13.6 X 2.4 mm 1 1 102122037 o'ring,Viton,15.3 X 2.4 mm 2 1 2 1 1 202120037 o'ring,Viton,15.6 X 2.4 mm 1 1 1 102122108 o'ring,Viton,194.5 X 3mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 102126026 o'ring,Viton,28 X 3.5 mm 202125026 o'ring,Viton,28.17 X 3.53 mm 2 2 2 2 2 202122083 o'ring,Viton,69.5X3mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 102126116 o'ring,Viton,7.59 X 2.62 mm 2 2 2 2 2 2 2a22305008 oil filter assy 1 1 1 1 1a01403030 oil filter seal 2 2 2 2 2 2 226501036 Pad,check ValVe,gas ballast 122302017 Pad,felt 1 1 1 1 1 1 126501029 Pad,ValVe 3 3 3 3 3 3 329203003 Pin,blade sPring,s/s 3 2 3 3 229203002 Pin,sPring 2 2 225908119 Plug,oil drain,rV PumPs 1 1 100714012 Plug,oil drain,steel 2 2 2a20404011 roller bearing em40 202104001 seal,dowty 2 2 2 202104012 seal,dowty 1 1 1 1 1 102104030 seal,dowty 1 1 102109064 seal,shaft,Viton 1 1 1 1 1 1 102109067 seal,shaft,Viton 2 2 2 202109094 seal,shaft,Viton 2 2 200307046 sPring 2 2 227102041 sPring 1 127102032 sPring,distributor 1 1 1 1 127102030 sPring,eXhaust ValVe 2 1 2 2 100906077 sPring,mw 3 2 3 3 227102033 sPring,ValVe 2 2 2 2 220402123fr Vane,gX,1st stage 2 220402153fr Vane,gX,1st stage 220402121fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 220402155fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 220402120fr Vane,gX,oil PumP 1 120402157fr Vane,gX,oil PumP 1218990201 washer,waVed 1 1 1 1 1

Page 123: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

E1M 40/80, E2M 40/80

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

BLADE KITS blade kits include Vanes & sPrings (as reQuired).

MODEL(S) PART nUMBERe1m 40 34401050ede2m 40 36401050ede1m 80 36501050ede2m 80 36501050ed

CLEAn OVERHAUL KITS clean oVerhaul kits include seals, couPling element, o-rings, gaskets & other comPonents for minor oVerhaul.

MODEL(S) PART nUMBERe1m 40, e2m 40 34401131e1m 80, e2m 80 34501131

MAJOR SERVICE KITS major serVice kits include all comPonents of clean oVerhaul kits & blade kits, Plus bearings major oVerhaul. MODEL(S) PART nUMBERe1m 40 34401814ede2m 40 36401814ede1m 80 34501814ede2m 80 36501814ed


ROTORS MODEL(S) PART nUMBERe1m/e2m 40 (1st-hV stage) 26401770e2m 40 (2nd-lV stage) 26401740e1m/e2m 80 (1st-hV stage) 26401781e2m 80 (2nd-lV stage) 26401742

STATORS MODEL(S) PART nUMBER2m 40 (1st-hV stage) 36401702e2m 40 (2nd-lV stage) 36401712e2m 80 (1st-hV stage) 36501772e2m 80 (2nd-lV stage) 36501744

MIST FILTERS & REPLACEMEnT ITEMSMODEL(S) PART nUMBERmf100 (mist filter) a46203000mf100 (filter element) a22304020mf100 (sPares kit) a46203800mf100ae (mist filter) a46211000corrosiVe

mf100ae (filter element) a22304052corrosiVe

RECOMMEnDED OILS TYPE PART nUMBERultragrade 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PPug19001

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid


Page 124: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

E1M 40/80, E2M 40/80


KIT ComponenTS


E1M40,E2M40 E1M80,E2M80 E1M40 E2M40 E1M80 E2M80PART nUMBER


CLEAn&O/H 34401131

CLEAn&O/H 34501131

MAJOR 34401814ED

MAJOR 36401814ED

MAJOR 34501814ED

MAJOR 36501814ED

22305035 assy,filter,inlet 1 1 1 122305050 assy,oil filter 1 1 1 119201007 assy,Piston,ballast 1 1a25904601 ballast ValVe e1m80 1 1 1 120404012 bearing 2 2820048 boX,white,14.5 X 10.5 X 2.5" 1 1 1 122426004 c-cliP 1 1 1 121071033 element,couPling,e2m40,e2m80 1 1 1 122305041 filter,felt ballast 2 2 2 2 2 222304041 filter,oil,nonazide,e1/2m40/80 1 1 1 127159629 gasket,oil boX,e1/e2m40 1 1 127159618 gasket,oil boX,e1/e2m80hfs 1 1 127159428 gasket,Viton 1 1 1 1 136501024 member,driVe 202120097 o'ring,buna,139.5 X 3 mm 1 1 102120101 o'ring,buna,157 X 3 mm 1 1 102125115 o'ring,buna,4.42 X 2.62 mm 2 2 2 2 2 202125044 o'ring,buna,46.99 X 5.33 mm 2 2 2 2 2 202120027 o'ring,buna,5.23 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1 1 102120057 o'ring,buna,61.6 X 2.4 mm 1 1 1 1 1 102120082 o'ring,buna,64.5 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 1 102125116 o'ring,buna,7.92 X 2.6 mm 5 5 5 5 5 502120031 o'ring,buna,9.6 X 2.4 mm 1 1 1 1 1 102126011 o'ring,Viton,10.77 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1 1 102124119 o'ring,Viton,12.42 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1 1 1 102125020 o'ring,Viton,18.64 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1a01403030 oil filter seal 1 1 1 1a20404011 roller bearing em40 2 202104001 seal,dowty 2 2 2 2 2 202104002 seal,dowty 1 1 1 1 1 102104014 seal,dowty 1 1 1 1 1 102104008 seal,dowty,buna,1 bsP 1 1 1 1 1 101403030 seal,filter,buna 1 127159415 seal,rubber,Viton 1 1 1 1 1 102109064 seal,shaft,Viton 1 1 1 1 1 102109094 seal,shaft,Viton 2 2 2 2 2 226501012 seal,sight glass 1 1 1 1 1 1a29201006 sight glass e1m80 1 1 1 127804004 sPacer,ValVe 4 6 4 4 6 627102024 sPring,mw 1 1 1 127102013 sPring,ss 1 1 1 1a19201007 ValVe Piston 1 1 1 125904601 ValVe,ballast 1 127159509 ValVe,eXhaust,Viton 1 1 127159514 ValVe,eXhaust,Viton 1 1 127159504 ValVe,lV eXhaust,Viton 1 1 127159515 ValVe,lV eXhaust,Viton 1 1 127159541 ValVe,lV eXhaust,Viton 1 1 120402089fr Vane,gX,1st stage 2 220402099fr Vane,gX,1st stage 2 220402087fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 220402101fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 220402418fr Vane,gX,oil PumP 2 2 2 2218990201 washer,waVed 1 1 1 1 1 1

Page 125: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

E1M 175/275, E2M 175/275

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

BLADE KITS blade kits include Vanes & sPrings (as reQuired).

MODEL(S) PART nUMBERe1m 175 34601134ede1m 275 34701134ede2m 175 36601134ede2m 275 36701134ed

CLEAn OVERHAUL KITS clean oVerhaul kits include seals, couPling element, o-rings, gaskets & other comPonents for minor oVerhaul.

MODEL(S) PART nUMBERe1m 175/275 34601131e2m 175/275 36601131

MAJOR SERVICE KITS major serVice kits include all comPonents of clean oVer-haul kits & blade kits, Plus bearings & other comPonents for major oVerhaul. MODEL(S) PART nUMBERe1m 175 34601831ede1m 275 34701831ede2m 175 36601831ede2m 275 36701831ed


ROTORS MODEL(S) PART nUMBERe1/2m 175 (1st-hV stage) 26401057e1/2m 275 (1st-hV stage) 26401058e2m 175/275 (2nd-lV stage) 26401777

STATORS MODEL(S) PART nUMBERe1m 175 (1st-hV stage) a34601779e2m 175 (1st-hV stage) a36601026e1m 275 (1st-hV stage) a34701026e2m 275 (1st-hV stage) a36701776e2m 175/275 (2nd-lV stage) a36601778

MIST FILTERS & REPLACEMEnT ITEMSMODEL(S) PART nUMBERmf 300 (mist filter) a46204000mf 300 (filter element) a22304021mf 300 (sPares kit) a46204800

EXHAUST VALVE UPGRADE KITSMODEL(S) PART nUMBERe1/2m 175 a27804004e1/2m 275 a36701825

RECOMMEnDED OILS TYPE PART nUMBERultragrade 19 (20l/5.28gal) PPug19004

Plus ff (20l/5.28gal) PPff004flushing fluid


Page 126: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

E1M 175/275, E2M 175/275


KIT ComponenTS


E1M175 E2M275 E1M175 E1M275 E2M175 E2M275PART nUMBER


CLEAn&O/H 34601131

CLEAn&O/H 36601131

MAJOR 34601831ED

MAJOR 34701831ED

MAJOR 36601831ED

MAJOR 36701831ED

h02109076 b1 direct Vit 30427 1 1 1a34601067 back uP washer 2 2 2 2a22305040 ballast filter e1m175 5 5 5a22305041 ballast filter felt 2 2 2a27159633 ballast gasket 1 1 1a27159614 ballast gasket dc501.5mm 1 1 1a27159615 ballast gasket dc501.5mm thick 1 1 1a25904601 ballast ValVe e1m80 1 1 1a27159628 boX gasket 1 1 1 1 1 1a27159416 diaPhragm edm15 1 1 1a27159413 distributor rubber 1 1 1 1 1 1 1a27159619 distributor ValVe body gasket 1 1 1 1 1 1h02104008 dowty seal 1" bsP mkh 1 1 1 1 1 1h02104004 dowty seal 1/2" bsP mkd 1 1 1 1 1 2h02104002 dowty seal 1/4" bsP mkb 6 6 6 6 6 6h02104001 dowty seal 1/8" bsP mka 1 1 1 1 1 1a25972004 driVe Plate for e2m175/275 1 121071030 element,fleXible couPling 1 1 1 1a27159621 end Plate gasket em175/275 1 1 1 1 1 1a27159620 eXhaust ValVe gasket 1.5mm thick 1 1 1 1 1 1a27159516 eXhaust ValVe rubber 1 1 1a27159517 eXhaust ValVe rubber 1 1 1a22304032 filter element em175/275 1 1 1 1a27159526 filter gasket em175/275 1 1 1 1 1 122305011 filter,inlet 1 1 1 1a34601070 gas ballast jet em175/275 1 1a27159428 gasket 1 1 1a27159429 gasket g/b assy e1m175/275 1 1 1a20405021 hardened sleeVe e1/2m1/275 1 1 1 1 1 1a27159506 hV eXhaust rubber ed 1 1 1a27159505 hV eXhaust ValVe rub 1 1 1a20405007 inner ring tyPe ir35 1 1 1 1 1 1b27158170 iso63 traPPed o ring seal Viton® 1 1 1 122305014 knitmesh 1 122305015 knitmesh 1 1a27159624 lid gasket em175 1 1 1 1 1 1a27159625 lid gasket em275 1 1 1 1 1 1a27159504 lV eXhaust rubber ed 1 1 1218963109 m6 oddie nut 1 1 1 1 1 1h02126047 o ring 1 1 1 1 1 1h02126050 o ring 2 3/41dX3/16 2 2 2 2 2 2h02120027 o ring bs 4518 0056- 3 3 3 3 3 3h02125026 o ring inlet filter 2 2 2 2 2 2h02126117 o ring seal e1m175 1 1 1h02126015 o ring Vit 0115 3 3 3h02126020 o ring Vit 0210 2 2 2 2 2 2h02126030 o ring Vit 0220 1 1 1h02125039 o ring Vor 1 1 1 1 1 1h02125011 o ring Vor 0111 1 1 1h02125091 o ring Vor 0448 1 1 1 1 1 1h02125116 o ring Vor 4a 1 1 1 1 1 1h02122036 o'ring Vit 14.6id X 1 1 1 1 1 102122036 o'ring,buna,14.3 X 2.4 mm 102125171 o'ring,buna,66.27 X 3.53 mm 102125181 o'ring,buna,78.74 X 5.33 mm 102126047 o'ring,Viton,56.52 X 5.33 mm 1a27159627 oil boX gasket 1 1 1 1 1 1a01601089 oil sight glass 1 1 1 1a00906058 oil sight glass caP 2 2 2 2P211284039 Pin,cotter 1a02800016 Piston face 1 1 1a26501020 Piston ring em175/275 1 1 1 1 1 126501020 ring,Piston 1a20404013 roller bearing nu208 2 2 2 2211284039 s/s sPlit Pin 1/16X 1 1 1 1 1 102109076 seal,shaft,Viton 1h02109077 simbrit seal 40-52-7 Viton« 3 3 3 3 3 327102019 sPring 1 1 1 127102023 sPring 1 1 2 2

Page 127: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

E1M 175/275, E2M 175/275


KIT ComponenTS (ConT.)


E1M175 E2M275 E1M175 E1M275 E2M175 E2M275PART nUMBER


CLEAn&O/H 34601131

CLEAn&O/H 36601131

MAJOR 34601831ED

MAJOR 34701831ED

MAJOR 36601831ED

MAJOR 36701831ED

a27102022 sPring e1m275 1 1 1 1a25904603 ValVe e1m175 1 1 1a34601042 ValVe Pad e1m175 1 1 1 1 1 1a19201007 ValVe Piston 1 120402127fr Vane,gX,1st stage 2 220402129fr Vane,gX,1st stage 2 220402087fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 2 220402098fr Vane,gX,oil PumP 1 1 1 1a21001117 Void fill fitting sP 1 1 1h02125023 Vor 0213 edm15 1 1 1 1 1 1h02125055 Vor 0340 edm15 1 1 1 1 1 1h02125171 Vor 1171 o ring 1 1 1 1 1 1h02125181 Vor 1181 o ring 1 1 1 1 1 1

Page 128: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhEDWARDS-18

XDS 5/5C, XDS 10/10C, XDS 35i

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


MOTOR BEARInGS MODEL(S) PART nUMBERXds 5/5c, Xds 10/10c 20408012

EXHAUST SILEnCER SPARES KITS includes element, foam block & installation manual.MODEL(S) PART nUMBER Xds 5/5c, Xds 10/10c a50597800Xds 35i a50597801

EXHAUST SILEnCERSMODEL(S) PART nUMBERXds 5/5c, Xds 10/10c a50597000Xds 35i a50597001

BALLAST KITSMODEL(S) PART nUMBERXds 5 a72501802Xds 10 a72601802Xds 35i a73001803

TIP SEAL KITS MODEL(S) PART nUMBERXds 5/5c, Xds 10/10c 72601805Xds 35i 73001801

ROUTInE SERVICE KITS routine serVice kits include angular contact bearings, shaft end caP, washers, screws, Plugs & o-rings for major oVerhauls. (note: tiP seal kit is not included and must be Purchased seParately) MODEL(S) PART nUMBERXds 5/5c, Xds 10/10c 72601823Xds 35i 73001802

Page 129: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

XDS 5/5C, XDS 10/10C, XDS 35i


KIT ComponenTS




SEAL 72601805

SEAL 73001801

a72601073 tiP seal Xds5/10 223714-034 o ring Viton® 1a73001032 tiP seal Xds30 2218231287 m4 X8 soc caP screw st stl 3218231289 screw caP stainless steelt. m4 X 12 3218315041 screw m5 X20 skt caPhd s/s 6218981307 wshr normal ss m4 3a26501066 eXhaust ValVe Pad 1 1a27102057 sPring 9.27 o/d X 19.5lg !c! 1 1a55665136 washer,m5,s/coil,rect. 6a72601840 suP inst, Xds rePlacement seal kit, en 1a73001840 Xds35i tiP seal and eXhaust kit manual 1h02122041 o'ring Vit 19.6id X 2.4sec!P! 1h02122045 o ring 29.6 od Vit 1 1h02122113 o ring 239.5 X 3 Viton 1h02122045 o ring 29.6 od Vit 1h02122109 o ring 199.5 X 3 1h02126012 o ring 1

Page 130: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

XDS 5/5C, XDS 10/10C, XDS 35i


KIT ComponenTS




SERVICE 72601823

SERVICE 73001802

a20408021 a-c brg, 7007beg 2rs-l260 2a20408004 angular contact brg f-236611.2 1a20408001 angular contact brg ld17/402rs 1a72601025 bearing retaining Plate. 1a25908257 blanking Plug 19mm 1a22426004 circliP em5-80 1a25908150 flange ring coVer 1a24301062 key 4X4X12lg form a-bs4235 Pt1 1218986607 m4 shakeProof ss washer 7 6218091295 m4 X 40long socket hd screw 4218435286 m4 X 8 soc hd blk button screw 3218231287 m4 X8 soc caP screw st stl 7218961000 nut thin ms m30X2.0 to bs3692 1h02122009 o ring 1 122185-033 o ring (g105) haadfg105 2h02122101 o ring 159.5 X 3 1h02122079 o ring 49.5 id X 3 123714-038 oring Vit 174.5id X 3.0sec 1h02122041 o'ring Vit 19.6id X 2.4sec 1a72601026 Plug, orbiting scroll. 1 1218092502 scr caP ht ni m6X.65 long 3218231335 scr caP m5X40 ss 6218430215 scr m6X20 csk skt hd grd10.9ht 1218430222 scr m8X25 csk skt hd grd12.9ht 1218430224 scr m8X35 csk skt hd grd12.9ht 1218231289 screw caP stainless steelt. m4 X 12 18a73001025 shaft end caP 1a72601027 shaft end caP, scroll PumP. 1h03517004 taPer Plug 1/8" bsP 3218430111 traPPed washer screw m4X12 8h02126026 Vit 0216 o ring 1218981307 wshr normal ss m4 3218982807 wshr s.coil m4 6

Page 131: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

ESDP 12/30, ESDP 30/30A, GVSP 30

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


CRAnK SHAFTS MODEL(S) PART nUMBEResdP 12 71002012esdP 30/30a, gVsP 30 71003012


TIP SEAL KITSMODEL(S) PART nUMBEResdP 12 P71002026esdP 30/30a, gVsP 30 P71004026

MAJOR SERVICE KITS major serVice kits include bearings, tiP seal kit, shaft seals, crank Pins, o-rings, ValVes & other comPonents for major oVerhaul.

MODEL(S) PART nUMBEResdP 12 P71005800esdP 30/30a, gVsP 30 P71004800

CRAnK PIn KITS MODEL(S) PART nUMBEResdP 12 71002006esdP 30/30a, gVsP 30 71004006

Page 132: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

ESDP 12/30, ESDP 30/30A, GVSP 30


KIT ComponenTS






870014 19.grease,tec,.5 oz tube 1 1a98881230 air flush assembly, scroll PumP 1330008 bearing,2 metal shields 1330007 bearing,6302zz 108884010 bearing,needle,20X28X13,PfP 108880020 bearing,needle,30X40X20,PfP 208884001 bearing,needle,crank Pin,PfPe 308880021 bearing,needle,scroll,PfPe 208884002 bearing,needle,scroll,PfPe 208884011 bearing,needle,scroll,PfPe 1085039449 couPling,sPider,l-075 171002006s crankPin,single 271004006s crankPin,single 308881000 element,couPling,black 108883002 g-seal,fs-1,scroll PumP 108883005 g-seal,fs-2,scroll PumP 108883001 g-seal,os,scroll PumP 207193002 grease seal, 20X28X4, gVsP30 108805041 guide,outlet ValVe 108805042 guide,outlet ValVe 198882270 kit,tiP seal,oem,gVsP12,isP250 198883240 kit,tiP seal,oem,gVsP30,isP500 120019794 o'ring, Viton, 17X1.5 1320121 o'ring, Viton, 36X1.5 102122009V o'ring,Viton,11 X 1.5 mm 453598504 o'ring,Viton,12X2.31mm 1320087 o'ring,Viton,13.5 X 1.5 mm 1320086 o'ring,Viton,14.5 X 1.5 mm 679506 o'ring,Viton,212 X 3 mm 1320189 o'ring,Viton,250 X 3 mm 123970304 o'ring,Viton,45 X 3 mm 1 1470014 ring,retaining,m16,472,s/s 1400033 screw,PhilliPs,"truss head" 4 6400068 screw,washer head,m3X4mm,steel 4 608882150 seal,grease,w/garter sPring 208804072 seal,shaft,26X37X6,gVsP30 108883004 seal,shaft,fs-1,scroll PumP 108883003 seal,shaft,fs-2,scroll PumP 108882100 seal,shaft,Viton,25X37X4.25mm 108885012 shaft seal, 20X32X8, gVsP30 108801050 sPring 1 108804390 sPring,eXhaust ValVe,esdP30a 1490055 sPring,ss 108805381 ValVe,eXhaust stem 108802390 ValVe,eXhaust,sdP-30a 108805380 ValVe,eXhaust,stem,esdP30 1420039 washer,seal,scroll,clear, mylar 4420038 washer,thrust,1.09 X .6 X .04 1

Page 133: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

EH/QMB 250/500/1200, EH 2600/4200

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.




BOOSTER REPAIR KITSbooster rePair kits include shaft seals, gaskets, sleeVes, shims, filters & bearings (as reQuired) for comPlete oVer-hauls of both the driVe section & PumPing mechanism of booster PumPs. booster kits are designed for use in either conical or Pre-conical Version of PumP.

MODEL(S) PART nUMBEReh/Qmb 250/500 30151800eh/Qmb 1200 30551800eh 2600/4200 307518

SHIM KITS shim kits include a comPlete set of shims reQuired to set the gear timing of boosters.

MODEL(S) PART nUMBEReh/Qmb 250/500 30151825eh/Qmb 1200, eh 2600/4200 30751825

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

EH/QMB 250/500/1200, EH 2600/4200


KIT ComponenTS


EH/QMB250-500 EH/QMB1200 EH2600,EH4200PART nUMBER


BOOSTER 30151800

BOOSTER 30551800

BOOSTER 30751800

a20403008 ball bearing tyPe 1220403025 bearing,ball,s-row,52X20X15 220403010k bearing,w/krytoX grease & Ptf 2h02104008 dowty seal 1" bsP mkh 1 1a22302009 dust seal eh2600 12a22302008 dust seal felt42mm X 30.5mm X 6mm 4a22302015 filter disc 5 18a22302016 filter disc 222302015 filter,felt 11a27159548 gasket eh1200 Viton 127159438 gasket,eh250/500 127159547 gasket,Viton 1a20405050 inner ring for eh1200 edd1200 4a20405051 inner ring for eh2600 eh4200 12a20403031 main bearing eh/Qmb1200 4a30751034 motor shaft sleeVe conical 2600 1h02122033 o ring 1h02125260 o ring 022 Vor 4h02122113 o ring 239.5 X 3 Viton 1h02126165 o ring 61 X 9 id 3.53 Vit 2h02122031 o ring Vit 0096-24 2h02126028 o ring Vit 0218 6 6h02122091 o ring Vit 109-5 3-0 1h02122159 o ring Vit 299.3id X 5.7 sec Pk1 2a27159549 o ring Viton« gasket eh260-4200 123714-034 o ring Viton® 8 723716-042 o ring Viton® sealing ring 202122009 o'ring,buna,11.1 X 1.6 mm 402120023 o'ring,buna,35.1 X 1.6 mm 4 602120077 o'ring,buna,42.5 X 3 mm 102122091 o'ring,Viton,109.5 X 3 mm 102126121 o'ring,Viton,15.54 X 2.62 mm 2 523714036 o'ring,Viton,150 X 3 mm 123714034 o'ring,Viton,19 X 3 mm 623714037 o'ring,Viton,233 X 3 mm 102125260 o'ring,Viton,25.12 X 1.78 mm 602126025 o'ring,Viton,26.57 X 3.53 mm 602126028 o'ring,Viton,31.34 X 3.53 mm 423712-041 oring Vit 44.6id X 2.4sec 423714-039 oring Vit 0.500id X.103sec!n! 1h02126121 oring Vit 0.625id X.103sec!P! 523714-038 oring Vit 174.5id X 3.0sec!n! 1a27160004 Printed gasket Qmb1200 1h02109053 Ptfe liP seal - dry PumPs 4a20405049 ring,inner,eh250/500 423754-016 rubber bonded seal 5a27159439 rubber seal ring eh1200 12104008 seal,dowty,buna,1 bsP 123754016 seal,dowty,buna,1/2 bsP 222302005 seal,dust 402109120 seal,shaft,ccw(conical models) 102109052 seal,shaft,teflon,red case 402109075 seal,shaft,Viton 402109077 seal,shaft,Viton 2a30751825 shim sPare set eh/Qmb12/26/4200 1 127165032 shim,.125mm,eh250/ eh500 327165008 shim,0.20mm eh250 327165009 shim,0.25mm,eh250/ eh500 327165018 shim,0.30mm eh250 327165010 shim,0.35mm eh250 327165011 shim,0.40mm eh250 3a29201004 sightglass 2 3 3h02109077 simbrit seal 40-52-7 Viton 2a27802036 sleeVe hard eh1200 127802035 sleeVe,hardened,conical 127801025 sleeVe,shaft,hard,eh250/500 2a27802032 soft sleeVe eh1200/eh2600 2a27802031 soft sleeVe for eh1200 edd1200 2a30551815 sPares kit con c&o eh/Qmb1200 1

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

EH/QMB 250/500/1200, EH 2600/4200


KIT ComponenTS (ConT.)


EH/QMB250-500 EH/QMB1200 EH2600,EH4200PART nUMBER


BOOSTER 30151800

BOOSTER 30551800

BOOSTER 30751800

a30551820 sPares kit module eh/Qmb1200 123741-069 sPecial liP seal eh2600-4200 1h02126025 Vit 0215 o ring 4 6a20404020 Viton shield ball bearing 4a27159441 Viton o ring eh/edd2600/4200 1h02109143 Viton shaft seal 30X42X7 Qty 1 4h02109144 Viton shaft seal 35X47X7 Qty 1 123714-040 Viton o ring eh2600/eh4200 1

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BEARInGS08880020 bearing,needle,30X40X20,PfP gVsP30,esPd3008880021 bearing,needle,scroll,PfPe esdP-12,isP-250b08880110 bearing,ball,w/snaPring,esdP30 esdP3008882000 bearing,ball,flange,esdP30 esdP3008884001 bearing,needle,crank Pin,PfPe gsVP30,isP500b08884002 bearing,needle,scroll,PfPe esdP-12,isP-250b08884010 bearing,needle,20X28X13,PfP esdP30,gVsP3008884011 bearing,needle,scroll,PfPe esdP-12,isP-250b08885100 bearing,w/snaP ring,esdP30 esdP3020403006 bearing eh50020403009k bearing,krytoX oil,PreP & 1 r eh25020403010 bearing,metal shield,1 side eh250,eh50020403010k bearing,w/krytoX grease & Ptf eh250,eh50020403025 bearing,ball,s-row,52X20X15 eh250,eh50020403027 bearing,ball,d-row,62X25X25,Pack of 2 dP40,QdP40,iQdP4020404011 roller bearing em40 e1m40,e2m28,e2m30,e2m4020404012 bearing e1m8020404023 bearing,ball,s-row,62X25X17,Pack of 2 dP40,QP40,iQdP4020408012 bearing,ball,d-row,single 330007 bearing,6302zz esdP-12,isP-250b330008 bearing,2 metal shields esdP30330013 bearing,ball,17X40X12,esdP30 esdP30330014 bearing,ball,25X52X15,esdP30 esdP306005zPin bearing,ball,Pinned,krytoX aa100wn6006zPin bearing,ball,Pinned,krytoX aa100wna20404013 roller bearing nu208 e1m175,e1m175s

BUSHInGS 20405021 seal,shaft,bushing e2m275

CAPS 26501006 sight glass,caP edm6,edm12,edm20 COUPLInGS 08881000 element,couPling,black gVsP30,esdP30a,esdP30b21071030 element,fleXible couPling e1m27521071033 element,couPling,e2m40,e2m80 e2m40,e2m8026501032 couPling,element,e1/e2m18/30 e1m18,e2m18,e2m28,e2m30a21071077 couPling element rV PumP rV3,rV5,rV8,rV12a25908127 oldham couPling rV3/5/8/12 rV12 ELEMEnTS 22304057 filter element mf30 mf3022304077 odour remoVal element emf20 Pk5 emf2022304079 odour remoVal element emf10 Pk5 emf1022304081 odour remoVal element emf3 Pk5 emf3,emf522304090 filter,element,eof2500,25c eof250022304197 filter oil element emf3 emf322304198 filter oil element emf10 emf1022304199 ilter oil element emf20 emf20a22304020 filter element mf100 mf100a22304021 filter element mf300 Pk1 mf300a22304032 filter element em175/275 e1m275, e2m175, e2m275a22304052 filter element mf100ae mf100aea22304057 filter element mf30 mf30 FILTERS01403026 filter,inlet edm6,edm12,edm20,ed75,ed100,ed150,ed20002308043 filter,gas ballast e1m18,e2m18,e2m28,e2m3022302015 filter,felt eh250,eh500,eh120022304041 filter,oil,nonazide,e1/2m40/80 e1m4022305003 filter,oil e2m2,e2m5,e2m8,e1m5,e1m8,e2m1222305011 filter,inlet e2m27522305035 assy,filter,inlet e1m40,e1m80,e2m40,e2m8022305036 filter edm6,edm12,edm2022305037 assy,filter,inlet e2m12,e2m18,e2m28,e2m30e1Version 22305041 filter,felt ballast e2m40,e2m8022305047 filter,oil e2m0.7,e2m1,e2m1.522305050 assy,oil filter e1m40,e1m80,e2m40,e2m8025907200 filter,ballast e1m5,e1m8,e2m2,e2m5,e2m8,e2m1225907202 filter,ballast e2m0.7,e2m1,e2m1.546220000 filter mist outlet emf3/ofm2 emf346226000 filter oil mist outlet emf10 emf1046229000 emf20 oil mist filter nw25 emf2046233000 emf30 outlet mist filter fits e2m28 emf30a22305008 oil filter assy e1m18,e2m18a27159526 filter gasket em175/275 e1m175,e1m275a46203000 emf100 outlet mist filter emf100a46203800 sPares kit mf100 emf100a46204000 emf300 outlet mist filter emf300

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FILTERS (COnT.)a46204800 sPares kit mf300 emf300a46211000 emf100ae filter corrosion resistant emf100aea46220000 emf3 oil mist filter nw10 emf3a46226000 emf10 oil mist filter nw25 emf10a46229000 emf20 oil mist filter nw25 emf20 GASKETS11101014 gasket,oil boX edm6,edm12,edm2027159428 gasket,Viton e2m40,e2m8027159500 gasket,eh250,eh500 eh250,eh50027159501 gasket,Viton eh120027159507 gasket,filter e1m27527159526 gasket,filter e2m175,e2m27527159530 gasket,sight glass e2m1827159532 gasket,e2m28 e2m2827159547 gasket,Viton eh250,eh50027159614 gasket,ballast e2m27527159615 gasket,ballast e2m27527159616 gasket,oil boX e2m2,e2m5,e2m8,e2m12,e1m5,e1m827159618 gasket,oil boX,e1/e2m80hfs e2m8027159619 gasket,ValVe body e1m275,e2m27527159620 gasket,eXhaust e1m275,e2m27527159621 gasket,end Plate e1m275,e2m27527159624 gasket,lid e1m275,e2m27527159625 gasket,lid e1m275,e2m27527159627 gasket,knitmesh e1m175,e2m175,e1m275,e2m27527159628 gasket,knitmesh boX e1m275,e2m27527159629 gasket,oil boX,e1/e2m40 e2m4027159633 gasket,ballast,e1m275 e1m27527159635 gasket,oil boX e2m18,e1m18,e2m28,e2m3027159637 gasket,oil boX e2m127159638 gasket,sight glass e2m18,e2m3037125020 gasket,sight glass e2m0.7,e2m1,e2m1.5a27159428 gasket e2m175 ,e2m275a27159606 gasket sPeediVac2 sPeediVaca27160004 Printed gasket Qmb1200 eh1200,Qmb1200a27160005 oil boX Printed gasket rV rV3,rV5,rV8,rV12a27160006 Printed gasket cartridge rV rV3,rV5,rV8,rV12a27160007 toP Plate gasket rV3,rV5,rV8,rV12

HARDWARE22426004 c-cliP e2m2,e2m5,e2m8,e2m12,e2m18,e2m30,e2m40,e2m8022426005 c-cliP e2m2,e2m5,e2m8,e2m1224301010 key, shaft e2m5,e2m824301013 key,shaft,8X5X20mm dP80,QdP80,iQdP8024301016 key,shaft,8X7X30mm,dP40/80 dP40,QdP40,iQdP4024301021 key,shaft,8X7X16mm dP40,QdP40,iQdP40,dP80,QdP80,iQdP8036413025 washer e2m40,e2m80400033 screw,PhilliPs,”truss head” esdP30,esdP30a,gVsP30400068 screw,washer head,m3X4mm,steel e sdP30,edsP30a,gVsP30,sc30d,isP500b420038 washer,thrust,1.09 X .6 X .04 esdP12420039 washer,seal,scroll,clear, mylar gVsP-30,isP-500bP212081133 c-cliP e2m28,e2m30218990201 washer,waVed e1m5,e1m8,e2m2,e2m5,e2m8

KITS13401811ed sPares kit sPeediVac 2 sPeediVac30151800 kit,booster,all serial #s eh250a,eh500a30151825 kit,shim,eh/Qmb250/500 eh250,Qmb250,eh500,Qmb50030551800 kit,booster,all serial numbers,eh1200 eh1200,Qmb1200 30751800 kit,sPares,booster eh2600,eh420030751810 kit,c&o,Pre-con,eh2600/eh4200 eh2600,eh4200(Pre-conical)30751815 kit,c&o,conical,eh2600/eh4200 eh2600,eh4200 (conical)30751820 kit,module serVice,eh2600/4200 eh2600,eh420030751825 kit,shim,eh1200/eh2600/eh4200 eh1200,Qmb1200,eh2600,eh420034101131 kit,clean&oVer,e1m5/8,e2m2/5 e1m5,e1m8,e2m2,e2m5,e2m834101820 kit,seal,e1/e2m5,e1/e2m8 e1m5,e1m8,e2m5,e2m834301041ed kit,blade,ed,e1m18 e1m1834301800ed kit,maint.,ed,e1m18 e1m1834301820 kit,seal,e1/e2m18 e1m18,e2m1834401050ed kit,blade,ed,e1m40 e1m4034401131 kit,clean&oVerhaul,e1/2m40 e1m40,e2m4034401050ed kit,blade,ed,e1m40 e1m4034401131 kit,clean&oVerhaul,e1/2m40 e1m40,e2m4034401814ed kit,major,serVice,ed,e1m40 e1m4034401820 kit,seal,e1m40/80,e2m40/80 e1m40,e1m80,e2m40,e2m8034501050ed kit,blade,ed,e1m80 e1m8034501131 kit,clean&oVerhaul,e1/2m80 e1m80,e2m8034501814ed kit,major serVice,ed,e1m80 e1m8034601131 kit,clean&oVerhaul,e1m175/275 e1m175,e1m275

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KITS (COnT.)34601134ed kit,blade,ed,e1m175 e1m17534601831ed kit,major serVice,ed,e1m175/s e1m175,e1m175s34601840 kit,seal,e1m175/275 e1m175,e1m27534701134ed kit,blade,ed,e1m275 e1m27534701831ed kit,major serVice,ed,e1m275 e1m275,e1m275s36001040 kit,distributor,e2m2/5/8/12 e2m2,e2m5,e2m8,e2m1236001129ed kit,blade,ed,e2m2 e2m236001800ed kit,maint.,ed,e2m2 e2m236101129ed kit,blade,ed,e2m5 e2m536101800ed kit,maint.,ed,e2m5 e2m536201129ed kit,blade,ed,e2m8 e2m836201800ed kit,maint.,ed,e2m8 e2m836301020ed kit,blade,ed,e2m18 e2m1836301131 kit,clean&oVerhaul,e1m18/e2m18 e1m18,e2m1836301800ed kit,maint.,ed,e2m18 e2m1836401050ed kit,blade,ed,e2m40 e2m4036401814ed kit,major serVice,ed,e2m40 e2m4036413820 kit,clean&oVerhaul,e2m40s e2m40s (su,(suPr PmP)36501050ed kit,blade,ed,e2m80 e2m8036501814ed kit,major serVice,ed,e2m80 e2m8036601131 kit,clean&oVerhaul,e2m175/275 e2m175,e2m27536601134ed kit,blade,ed,e2m175 e2m17536601831ed kit,major serVice,ed,e2m175 e2m17536601840 kit,seal,e2m175/275 e2m175,e2m27536701134ed kit,blade,ed,e2m275 e2m27536701831ed kit,major serVice,ed,e2m275 e2m275,e2m275s37001129ed kit,blade,ed,e2m12 e2m1237001131 kit,clean&oVerhaul,e2m12 e2m1237001800ed kit,maint.,ed,e2m12 e2m1237001820 kit,seal,e2m12 e2m1237101131 kit,clean&oVer,e2m0.7/1/1.5 e2m0.7,e2m1,e2m1.537101132ed kit,blade,ed,e2m0.7/1/1.5 e2m0.7,e2m1,e2m1.537101800ed kit,maint.,ed,e2m0.7/1/1.5 e2m0.7,e2m1,e2m1.5 37101820 kit,seal,e2m0.7/1/1.5 e2m0.7,e2m1,e2m1.537301131 kit,clean&oVer,e2m28/e2m30 e2m28,e2m3037301135ed kit,blade,ed,e2m28/30 e2m28,e2m3037301800ed kit,maintenance,ed,e2m28/30 e2m28,e2m3037301820 kit,seal,e2m28/e2m30 e2m28,e2m3065201032 cartridge kit (rV3) rV365201130 kit,blade,ed,rVP 3 rV365201131rV12 kit major serVice ed rV1265201131rV3 kit major serVice ed rV365201131rV5 kit major serVice ed rV565201131rV8 kit major serVice ed rV865201134 kit,shaft seal,Viton,rV rV3,rV5,rV8,rV1265201136 kit,shaft sleeVe,rVP rV3,rV5,rV8,rV1265301032 cartridge kit (rV5) rV565301130 kit,blade,ed,rVP 5 rV565401032 cartridge kit (rV8) rV865401130 kit,blade,ed,rVP 8 rV865501032 cartridge kit (rV12) rV1271002006 kit,crankPin,2 Pack esdP1271002026 kit,tiP seal, esdP12 esdP1271004006 kit,crankPin,3 Pack esdP30,esdP30a,gVsP3071004026 kit,tiP seal,esdP30/30a,gVsP30 esdP3072601805 Xds tiP seal kit Xds5,Xds5c,Xds10,Xds10c72601823 kit,routine serVice,Xds5/10 Xds35i73001801 tiP seal kit Xds35i zds35i73001802 kit,general serVice,Xds35i Xds35i98880240 kit,seal set,esdP30/30a esdP30,esdP30a,gVsP3098882270 kit,tiP seal,oem,gVsP12,isP250 esdP1298883240 kit,tiP seal,oem,gVsP30,isP500 esdP30a30151825 sPares kit shim eh/Qmb250/500a eh250,Qmb250,eh500,Qmb500a30551815 sPares kit con c&o eh/Qmb1200 eh1200,Qmb1200a30551820 sPares kit module eh/Qmb1200 eh1200,Qmb1200a38611400 QdP40/80 silencer kit QdP40,QdP80a38611820 sPares kit silencera40130300d40 kit,major,oVerhaul,QdP40 dP40,QdP40,iQdP40a40130300d80 kit,major,oVerhaul,QdP80 dP80,QdP80,iQdP80a44003820 sPares kit check ValVe cdPa44003820 sPares kit check ValVe cdPa50597800 silencer sPares kit Xds5,Xds10a50597801 silencer sPares kit, Xds20/30 zds35ia52840800 sPares kit motor rePl. QdP40 dP40,QdP40,iQdP40a52840800 sPares kit motor rePl. QdP40 dP40,QdP40,iQdP40a52840830 sPares kit water assy QdP40/80 QdP40,QdP80a52880800 sPares kit motor rePl. QdP80 dP40,QdP40,iQdP40a53220032 sPares kit temP. sensor motor iQdP all QdPa65201032 sPares kit cartridge rV3 rV3a65201130 blade kit rV3 rV3

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KITS (COnT.)a65201137 sPares kit c&o nit rV rV3,rV5,rV8,rV12a65201700 sPares kit stator hV rV3 rV3a65201701 sPares kit rotor hV rV3/5 rV3,rV5a65201702 sPares kit stator lV rV3/5 rV3,rV5a65201703 sPares kit rotor lV rV3/5 rV3,rV5a65301032 sPares kit cartridge rV5 rV5a65301130 sPares kit blade rV5 rV5a65301700 sPares kit stator hV rV5 rV5a65401032 sPares kit cartridge rV8 rV8a65401130 sPares kit blade rV8 rV8a65401700 sPares kit stator hV rV8 rV8a65401701 sPares kit rotor hV rV8 rV8a65401702 sPares kit stator lV rV8/12 rV8,rV12a65401703 sPares kit rotor lV rV8/12 rV8,rV12a65501032 sPares kit cartridge rV12 rV12a65501130 sPares kit blade rV12 rV12a65501700 sPares kit stator hV rV12 rV12a65501701 sPares kit rotor hV rV12 rV12P65201131 kit,clean&oVerhaul,rVP rV3,rV5,rV8,rV12P65201137 kit,clean&oVerhaul,buna,rVP rV3,rV5,rV8,rV12P71004800 kit,serVice,major,scroll esdP30,edsP30a,gVsP30,sc30d,isP500bP71005800 kit,rePair,major,scroll PumP gVsP-30b,isb-500b esdP12isP250u10000401 kit n2 inlet flowswitch QdP all QdP

MISC.00714012 Plug,oil drain,steel e1m5,e1m8,e2m2,e2m5,e2m802308044 gauze,gas ballast e2m18,e1m18,e2m28,e2m3002800016 Piston,face e2m2751403030 oil filter seal e1m40,e2m4020414003 ball,steel e2m2,e2m5,e2m822302013 Pad,felt e2m2,e2m5,e2m8,e2m12,e1m5,e1m8,e1m18,e2m1822302017 Pad,felt e2m18,e2m28,e2m30,e1m5,e1m8,e1m18,e2m1222302019 Pad,felt e2m122305014 knitmesh e1m175,e1m175s22305015 knitmesh e1m275,e2m27522305040 disc,felt e1m27522305045 mesh,inlet screen e2m122305056 inlet strainer mesh e2m0.7,e2m1,e2m1.524867-020 thermal snaP switch 95 degc25904601 ballast ValVe e1m80 e1m40,e2m4025908051 member,driVe e2m125908119 Plug,oil drain,rV PumPs e1m18,e2m1825908123 diaPhram,eXhaust,Viton,rVP rV3,rV5,rV8,rV1226501018 disc,face,Viton e2m40,e2m8026501029 Pad,ValVe e2m2,e2m5,e2m8,e2m12,e2m18,e2m28/30,e1m5,e1m8,e126501036 Pad,check ValVe,gas ballast e2m1,e2m12,e2m18,e2m40,e2m8027159413 distributor,rubber e1m27527159414 distributor,rubber e1m5,e1m8,e2m2,e2m5,e2m8,e2m12 27159414b distributor,rubber,buna e2m5,e2m827159416 diaPhram,e2m275 e2m27527159430 distributor,rubber e1m18,e2m18,e2m28,e2m3027159440 distributor,rubber e1m5,e1m8,e2m2,e2m5,e2m8,e2m1227804004 sPacer,ValVe e2m40,e2m80,e1m175,e1m275,e2m175,e2m27529203002 Pin,sPring e2m18,e2m40,e2m80,e1m5,e1m8,e1m18,e2m1229203003 Pin,blade sPring,s/s e1m5,e1m8,e2m2,e2m5,e2m836501024 member,driVe e2m8065201019 sheet,ducting-mtr gs rV3,rV5,rV8,rV1271002006s crankPin,single esdP1271004006s crankPin,single esdP30,esdP30a,gVsP30a00906058 oil sight glass caP e1m175,e1m175s,e1m275,e1m275s,e2m175,e2m275,e2m275sa02800016 Piston face e2m175,e2m275a11301045 ballast ValVe Ptfe e1m5,e1m8,e2m2,e2m5,e2m8a20405007 inner ring tyPe ir35 e1m175,e1m275a21913402 thermal switch 88 deg ‘c’n/ca22305040 ballast filter e1m175 e1m175,e1m275a22305041 ballast filter felt e2m175,e2m275a22305067 inlet strainer assy rV duo 10,duo 10ca22903048 timing gear Pair dP/QdP 40/80 dP40,dP80,QdP40,QdP80,iQdP40,iQdP80a25908118 oil filler Plug rV rV3,rV5,rV8,rV12a25908123 eXhaust diaPhragm Viton® rVP rV12a25908129 oil Pressure ValVe rV rV12a25908226 rV dumP ValVe rV12a25972004 driVe Plate for e2m175/275 e 2m175a26401207 high / low Vac rotor e2m 0.7/1.5 e2m0.7,e2m1,e2m1.5a27159614 ballast gasket dc501.5mm e2m175,e2m275a27159615 ballast gasket dc501.5mm thick e2m175,e2m275a27159619 distributor ValVe body gasket e1m175,e1m275a27159633 ballast gasket e1m175,e1m275a27802031 soft sleeVe for eh1200 edd1200 eh1200,Qmb1200a27802032 soft sleeVe eh1200/eh2600 eh2600,eh4200

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MISC. (COnT.)a28702019 rePair tc ValVe, danfossa34601067 back uP washer e1m175,e1m175sa34601070 gas ballast jet em175/275 e1m175,e1m175sa36121014 distributor ValVe e2m5/8/12 e2m2,e2m5,e2m8,e2m12a37101702 end coVer e2m0.7/1.5a46233000 mf30 outlet mist filter fits e2m28 mf30a52805000 QdP gas control module all QdPa52819000 QdP eXhaust silencer s/st all QdPa52840029 main manifold assy QdP40/80 all QdPa53199011 thermal snaP switch 88deg n/ca53207000 temP. sensor eXhaust gas nw40a53249000 water flow switch a65201005 air bleed assy rV rV12a65201029 rV reed ValVe rV3,rV5,rV8,rV12a73001803 ballast kit Xds35i Xds35ia98881230 air flush assembly, scroll PumP esdP30,edsP30a,gVsP30,sc30d,isP500bd37207800 electrics module iQdP all QdPd37207801 electrics module fuses iQdP Pk3 all QdPd37207802 electrics module fuses iQmb Pk3 iQmbd37207803 fuses electrics contl Pk10 X 2 sPared37208800 sensor monitor module iQ iQmbd37209000 hand held disPlay module iQ iQmbh02104001 dowty seal 1/8” bsP mka e1m175,e1m275h02104002 dowty seal 1/4” bsP mkb e1m175,e1m275h02104003 dowty seal 3/8” bsP mkc sPeediVach02104004 dowty seal 1/2” bsP mkd e1m175,e1m275h02104008 dowty seal 1” bsP mkh eh1200,Qmb1200h02109076 b1 direct Vit 30427 e2m175,e2m275h02122012 d1bon ‘o’ring 14.1X1.6 sec e2m28,e2m30h03530015 Quick connect socket QdP80 all QdPh02122012 d1bon ‘o’ring 14.1X1.6 sec e2m28,e2m30h03530015 Quick connect socket QdP80 all QdPh03530016 Quick connect maleP211174033 Pin,roll,dist.kit,e2m2/5/8/12 e2m2,e2m5,e2m8,e2m12P211284039 Pin,cotter e1m175,e1m275,e2m175,e2m275P212170154 Pin,sPring e2m2,e2m5,e2m8,e2m12

MOTORSa07113770 electric motor d9oi c QdP Pk1 all QdPa07115770 electric motor d112m c QdP Pk1 all QdPa65297000 motor uniVersal 3? rV3/5 rV5,rV5a65299000 motor euroPe/usa rV3/5 rV3,rV5a65497000 motor rV8/12 200-230/380-460/3Ph/50/60 rV8,rV12a65499000 motor euroPe/usa rV8/12 rV8,rV12

O-RInGS00906042 seal,filter,(o’ring) e1m5,e1m8,e2m2,e2m5,e2m802105115 o’ring,buna,id 4.75 sec 2.62mm02106010 o’ring,Viton,9.25 X 1.78 mm02120004 o’ring,buna,6.1 X 1.6 mm e1m5,e1m8,e2m2,e2m5,e2m802120009 o’ring,buna,11.1 X 1.6 mm e2m0.7,e2m1,e2m1.502120023 o’ring,buna,35.1 X 1.6 mm eh250a,eh500a02120027 o’ring,buna,5.23 X 2.62 mm e1m40,e2m4002120028 o’ring,buna,6.6 X 2.4 mm e1m5,e1m8,e2m2,e2m5,e2m802120031 o’ring,buna,9.6 X 2.4 mm02120033 o’ring,buna,12 X 2.5 mm e1m18,e2m1802120034 o’ring,buna,12.6 X 2.4 mm e2m0.7,e2m1,e2m1.502120035 o’ring,Viton,13.6 X 2.4 mm e1m18,e2m1802120036 o’ring,buna,14.6 X 2.4 mm,rVP02120037 o’ring,Viton,15.6 X 2.4 mm e1m18,e2m1802120041 o’ring,buna,19.6 X 2.4 mm e1m5,e1m8,e2m2,e2m5,e2m802120042 o’ring,buna,21.6 X 2.4 mm e2m0.7,e2m1,e2m1.502120051 o’ring,Viton,44.6 X 2.4 mm eh120002120057 o’ring,buna,61.6 X 2.4 mm e1m18,e2m1825908051 member,driVe e2m125908119 Plug,oil drain,rV PumPs e1m18,e2m1825908123 diaPhram,eXhaust,Viton,rVP rV3,rV5,rV8,rV1226501018 disc,face,Viton e2m40,e2m8026501029 Pad,ValVe e2m2,e2m5,e2m8,e2m12,e2m18,e2m28/30,e1m5,e1m8,e126501036 Pad,check ValVe,gas ballast e2m1,e2m12,e2m18,e2m40,e2m8027159413 distributor,rubber e1m27527159414 distributor,rubber e1m5,e1m8,e2m2,e2m5,e2m8,e2m12 02120065 o’ring,buna,25 X 3 mm e2m0.7,e2m1,e2m1.502120067 o’ring,buna,27.5 X 3 mm e1m18,e2m1802120067V o’ring,Viton,30 X 3 mm e2m1802120068 o’ring,buna,30 X 3 mm e2m28,e2m3002120072 o’ring,buna,35.5 X 3 mm e1m18,e2m1802120077 o’ring,buna,42.5 X 3 mm eh250a,eh500a02120078 o’ring,buna,44.5 X 3 mm e1m18,e2m1802120078V o’ring,Viton,44 X 3 mm e2m18

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O-RInGS (COnT.)02120082 o’ring,buna,64.5 X 3 mm e1m40,e2m4002120085 o’ring,buna,79.5 X 3 mm e2m28,e2m3002120087 o’ring,buna,89.2 X 3 mm e2m28,e2m3002120089 o’ring,buna,99.5 X 3 mm e1m18,e2m1802120094 o’ring,buna,124.5 X 3.0mm e2m0.7,e2m1,e2m1.502120097 o’ring,buna,139.5 X 3 mm e1m40,e2m4002120101 o’ring,buna,157 X 3 mm Vc 10002120118 o’ring,buna,52 X 5.7 mm e2m0.7,e2m1,e2m1.502120165 o’ring,buna,419.3mm X 5.7mm02122009 o’ring,buna,11.1 X 1.6 mm eh250a,eh500a02122009V o’ring,Viton,11 X 1.5 mm e2m18,e2m28,e2m30,d05/08/12,d18/28,kVc5/8/12,kVc1802122031 o’ring,Viton,9.6 X 2.4 mm eh500 old,eh600 old,(w/water,cooling)02122033 o’ring,Viton,11.6 X 2.4 mm eh500 old,eh600 old,(w/water,cooling)02122035 o’ring,Viton,13.6 X 2.4 mm e2m28,e2m3002122036 o’ring,buna,14.3 X 2.4 mm e1m40,e1m80,e2m40,e2m8002122037 o’ring,Viton,15.3 X 2.4 mm e1m18,e2m1802122055 o’ring,buna,57.6 X 2.4 mm02122057 o’ring,Viton,61.6 X 2.4 mm02122058 o’ring,Viton,61.6 X 3.5 mm d0502122079 o’ring,Viton,49.5 X 3 mm d18,d2802122083 o’ring,Viton,69.5X3mm e1m18,e2m1802122084 o’ring,Viton,74.5 X 3 mm02122091 o’ring,Viton,109.5 X 3 mm eh250a,eh500a02122097 o’ring,Viton,139.5 X 3 mm02122108 o’ring,Viton,194.5 X 3mm e1m18,e2m1802122159 o’ring,Viton,299.3 X 5.7 mm eh120002123027 o’ring,Viton,5.6 X 2.4 mm02124002 o’ring,buna,15 X 5 mm e2m0.7,e2m1,e2m1.502124003 o’ring,buna,18 X 5 mm e2m4002124005 o’ring,buna,28 X 5 mm e2m28,e2m3002124025 o’ring,Viton,28 X 5 mm duo 10, duo 10c02124086 o’ring,buna,86 X 2 mm e1m5,e1m8,e2m2,e2m5,e2m802124119 o’ring,Viton,12.42 X 1.78 mm e1m40,e2m4002124189 o’ring,Viton,60 X 3.5 mm ra5001,ra3001s02125011 o’ring,buna,10.77 X 2.62 mm02125013 o’ring,buna,13.94 X 2.62 mm e1m5,e1m8,e2m2,e2m5,e2m802125020 o’ring,Viton,18.64 X 3.53 mm e1m40,e2m4002125023 o’ring,buna,23.39 X 3.53 mm e1m175,e1m27502125026 o’ring,Viton,28.17 X 3.53 mm e1m5,e1m8,e2m2,e2m5,e2m802125028 o’ring,buna,31.34 X 3.53 mm02125039 o’ring,buna,91.67 X 3.53 mm e1m175,e1m27502125044 o’ring,buna,46.99 X 5.33 mm e1m40h02122012 d1bon ‘o’ring 14.1X1.6 sec e2m28,e2m30h03530015 Quick connect socket QdP80 all QdPh03530016 Quick connect maleP211174033 Pin,roll,dist.kit,e2m2/5/8/12 e2m2,e2m5,e2m8,e2m12P211284039 Pin,cotter e1m175,e1m275,e2m175,e2m275P212170154 Pin,sPring e2m2,e2m5,e2m8,e2m12 02125055 o’ring,buna,85.09 X 5.33 mm e1m175,e1m27502125091 o’ring,buna,240.67 X 6.99 mm e1m175,e1m27502125114 o’ring,buna,11.10 X 1.78 mm02125115 o’ring,buna,4.42 X 2.62 mm e1m40,e2m4002125116 o’ring,buna,7.92 X 2.6 mm e1m5,e1m8,e2m2,e2m5,e2m802125117 o’ring,buna,12.37 X 2.62 mm Vc20002125130 o’ring,buna,21.89 X 2.62 mm02125171 o’ring,buna,66.27 X 3.53 mm e1m175,e1m27502125181 o’ring,buna,78.74 X 5.33 mm e1m175,e1m27502125260 o’ring,Viton,25.12 X 1.78 mm eh120002125300 o’ring,buna,107.6 X 2.6 mm e2m28,e2m3002126010 o’ring,Viton,9.25 X 1.78 mm02126011 o’ring,Viton,10.77 X 2.62 mm e1m40,e2m4002126015 o’ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62 mm02126020 o’ring,Viton,18.64 X 3.53 mm02126025 o’ring,Viton,26.57 X 3.53 mm eh120002126026 o’ring,Viton,28 X 3.5 mm e2m28,e2m3002126028 o’ring,Viton,31.34 X 3.53 mm eh250a,eh500a02126028 o’ring,Viton,31.34 X 3.53 mm eh250a,eh500a02126030 o’ring,Viton,34.52 X 3.53 mm e1m175,e1m27502126047 o’ring,Viton,56.52 X 5.33 mm e1m175,e1m27502126050 o’ring,Viton,69.22 X 5.33 mm e1m175,e1m27502126116 o’ring,Viton,7.59 X 2.62 mm e1m5,e1m8,e2m2,e2m5,e2m802126117 o’ring,Viton,12.37 X 2.62 mm eh120002126121 o’ring,Viton,15.54 X 2.62 mm eh250a,eh500a06995973 o’ring,Viton,245X3,scroll PumP06995974 o’ring,Viton,220 X 3mm23712041 o’ring,Viton,44.60 X 2.4 mm eh120023714034 o’ring,Viton,19 X 3 mm eh250,eh50023714036 o’ring,Viton,150 X 3 mm eh250,eh50023714037 o’ring,Viton,233 X 3 mm eh250,eh50023714038 o’ring,Viton,174.5 X 3 mm eh1200

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O-RInGS (COnT.)23724-071 o ring nitrile. inlet ValVe rV rV1227159503 o’ring,buna,86 X 2 mm e2m5,e2m8,e2m12320038 o’ring,buna,6.6 X 2.4 mm e2m12 euro,e2m8euro,e2m5 euro,e1m5euro,e1m8 euro,e1m12euro,e2m2 euro320082 o’ring,Viton,44.04 X 3.53 mm e2m5,e2m8,e2m12320083 o’ring,Viton,86 X 2.5 mm e2m12320086 o’ring,Viton,14.5 X 1.5 mm esdP30,gVsP30320087 o’ring,Viton,13.5 X 1.5 mm320121 o’ring, Viton, 36X1.5h02120077 o ring rear coVer rV12h02120115 o ring seal sPeediVac2 sPeediVach02126020 o ring Vit 0210 e1m175,e1m275P23712039 o’ring,Viton,7.6 X 2.4 mm,rVP rV3,rV5,rV8,rV12P23724070 o’ring,buna,32.5 X 3 mm,rVP rV3,rV5,rV8,rV12P23724071 o’ring,buna,49.5 X 3 mm,rVP rV3,rV5,rV8,rV12P23724072 o’ring,buna,69.5 X 3 mm,rVP rV3,rV5,rV8,rV12P23724073 o’ring,buna,21.5 X 3 mm,rVP rV3,rV5,rV8,rV12

PLATES25976005 Plate,eXhaust ValVe,e1m80 e1m80a40090702 headPlate lV dP40/80 dP40,dP80,QdP40,QdP80,iQd-


RInGS26501020 ring,Piston e1m275470014 ring,retaining,m16,472,s/s esdP12a26501020 Piston ring em175/275 e1m175,e1m275

ROTORS26401057 rotor,1st stage e1m175,e2m17526401058 rotor,1st stage,e2m275,e1m275 e1m275,e2m27526401060 rotor,low Vacuum e2m126401073 rotor,1st stage,e2m28/30 e2m28,e2m3026401207 rotor,hV/lV,e2m0.7/.5 e2m0.7,e2m1,e2m1.526401725 rotor,assembly,e2m2 e2m226401728 rotor,assembly e2m5 e2m526401731 rotor,assembly,e2m8 e2m826401740 rotor,2nd stage,lV,e2m40 e2m4026401742 rotor,2nd stage,lV,e2m80 e2m8026401746 rotor,assembly,e2m18 e2m1826401747 rotor,assembly,e1m18 e1m1826401770 rotor,assembly,hV, e1/e2m40 e1m40,e2m4026401771 rotor,2nd stage,lV,e2m28/30 e2m28,e2m3026401777 rotor,2nd stage,lV,e2m175/275 e2m175,e2m27526401780 rotor,1st stage,e2m12 e2m1226401781 rotor,assembly,hV,e1/e2m80 e1m80,e2m8065201701 rotor,hV,rV3/5 rV3,rV565201703 rotor,2nd stage,rVP3/5 rV3,rV565201705 rotor,oil PumP,all rVP’s rV3,rV5,rV8,rV1265401701 rotor,hV,rV8 rV865401703 rotor,2nd stage,rVP8/12 rV8,rV1265501701 rotor,hV,rV12 rV12a26401059 rotor hV e2m1.5 e2m1.5a26401073 hV rotor e2m28/30 e2m28,e2m30a26401140 rotor 2nd stage X dP40 dP40,QdP40,iQdP40a26401141 rotor 2nd stage y dP40 dP40,QdP40,iQdP40a26401142 rotor 3rd stage X dP40 dP40,QdP40,iQdP40a26401143 rotor 3rd stage y dP40 dP40,QdP40,iQdP40a26401144 rotor XlV dP40 dP40,QdP40,iQdP40a26401145 rotor ylV dP40 dP40,QdP40,iQdP40a40191010 rotor 2nd stage X dP80 dP80,QdP80,iQdP80a40191011 rotor 2nd stage y dP80 dP80,QdP80,iQdP80a40191012 rotor 3rd stage X dP80 dP80,QdP80,iQdP80a40191013 rotor 3rd stage y dP80 dP80,QdP80,iQdP80a40191014 rotor XlV dP80 dP80,QdP80,iQdP80a40191015 rotor ylV dP80 dP80,QdP80,iQdP80a65201705 oil PumP rotor rV rV3,rV5,rV8,rV12

SEALS01403030V seal,filter,Viton e2m18,e2m30,e2m40,e2m8002104001 seal,dowty e2m1/1.5,e2m2/5/8,e1/e2m175,e1/e2m275,e2m12,e2m1 02104002 seal,dowty e1m275,e2m40,e2m8002104008 seal,dowty,buna,1 bsP eh250a,eh500a02104009 seal,dowty,1-1/4 bsP,buna e2m40,e2m80,e2m175,e2m27502104012 seal,dowty e2m40,e2m80,e2m175,e2m27502104014 seal,dowty e2m40,e2m8002104030 seal,dowty e2m28,e2m3002109008 seal,shaft edm6,edm12,edm2002109026 seal,shaft,liP,17 X 40 X 7mm edm6,edm12,edm2002109052 seal,shaft,teflon,red case e2m40,e2m80,eh250,eh500

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SEALS (COnT.)02109053 seal,shaft,Ptfe,bi-directional eh120002109064 seal,shaft,Viton e2m28,e2m40,e2m80,e1m5,e1m8,e1m18,e2m12,e2m1802109064b seal,shaft,buna e2m28,e2m40,e2m8002109066 seal,shaft,Vit,e1/e2m2/5/8,rVP e2m2,e2m5,e2m8,e2m12,e1m5,e1m8,e1m18,e2m18,all rV02109067 seal,shaft,Viton e2m2,e2m5,e2m8,e2m12,e2m18,e1m5,e1m8,e1m1802109067b seal,shaft,buna e2m2,e2m5,e2m8,e2m12,e2m1802109075 seal,shaft,Viton eh250,eh50002109076 seal,shaft,Viton eh1200,e1m175,e1m275,e2m175,e2m27502109077 seal,shaft,Viton e1m27502109078 seal,shaft e2m0.7,e2m1,e2m1.502109079 seal,shaft,Vit,uni-drt,w/mcase e2m0.7,e2m1,e2m1.502109094 seal,shaft,Viton e2m2,e2m5,e2m8,e2m12,e2m18,e2m28,e2m30,e2m40,e2m8002109094b seal,shaft,buna e2m2,e2m5,e2m8,e2m12,e2m18,e2m28,e2m30,e2m40,e2m8002109099 seal,shaft,Viton e2m0.7,e2m1,e2m1.502109120 seal,shaft,ccw(conical models) eh250,eh500,Qmb250,Qmb50008804072 seal,shaft,26X37X6,gVsP30 esdP30,edsP30a,gVsP30,sc30d,isP500b08882100 seal,shaft,Viton,25X37X4.25mm esdP30,esdP30a,gVsP3008882150 seal,grease,w/garter sPring sdP-30a,esdP30,gVsP30 08883001 g-seal,os,scroll PumP esdP12,isP25008883002 g-seal,fs-1,scroll PumP esdP12,isP25008883003 seal,shaft,fs-2,scroll PumP esdP12,isP25008883004 seal,shaft,fs-1,scroll PumP esdP12,isP25008883005 g-seal,fs-2,scroll PumP esdP12,isP25008885012 shaft seal, 20X32X8, gVsP30 esdP30,edsP30a,gVsP30,sc30d,isP500b09800043 seal,f/coVer22302005 seal,dust eh250,eh50022302008 seal,dust eh120026501012 seal,sight glass e2m40,e2m8026501012V seal,sight glass,Viton e2m40,e2m8026501040 seal,u,Viton,60 shore,rVP rV3,rV5,rV8,rV1227159401 seal,Viton edm6,edm12,edm2027159415 seal,rubber,Viton e2m40,e2m80a27160008 seal carrier gasket rV3,rV5,rV8,rV12h02109028 oil seal 16357 sPeediVach02109066 liP seal Vit 25 35 7 rV12h02109077 simbrit seal 40-52-7 Viton e1m175,e1m275h02109124 shaft seal babsl 20 X 30 X 7 rV rV3,rV5,rV8,rV12h02109125 outer shaft seal sPacer rV rV3,rV5,rV8,rV12h02109143 Viton,shaft seal 30X42X7 Qty 1 eh1200,Qmb1200

SHAFTS71002012 crankshaft,esdP12 esdP1271003012 shaft,scroll PumP,sdP-30 esdP30,esdP30aa26401732 hV rotor-driVen”y”dP40 Pk1 dP40,QdP40,iQdP40a26401733 hV rotor-driVing “X” dP40 Pk1 dP40,QdP40,iQdP40a26401775 hV rotor driVing dP80 QdP Pk1 dP80,QdP80,iQdP80a26401776 hV rotor driVen dP80 QdP Pk1 dP80,QdP80,iQdP80a26401776 hV rotor driVen dP80 QdP Pk1 dP80,QdP80,iQdP80

SHIMS27165001 shim,o.5mm eh500/1200 eh500,eh120027165008 shim,0.20mm eh250 eh250,eh50027165010 shim,0.35mm eh250 eh250,eh50027165011 shim,0.40mm eh250 eh250,eh50027165018 shim,0.30mm eh250 eh250,eh500a30751825 shim sPare set eh/Qmb12/26/4200 eh1200,Qmb1200

SIGHT GLASSES29201006 sight glass e1m80 e1m40,e1m80,e2m40,e2m80a01601089 oil sight glass e1m175,e1m175sa29201003 sight glass sP11/e2m0.7/1.5 sPeediVac

SLEEVES20405009 sleeVe,shaft e2m40,e2m80250014 sleeVe,sPlit,set,inner & outer,22 id aa100wn250015 sleeVe,sPlit,set,inner & outer,28 aa100wn,aa70wa27820028 sleeVe lV stage dP80 dP40,dP80,QdP40,QdP80,iQda27820029 sleeVe 3rd stage dP80 dP40,dP80,QdP40,QdP80,iQdP40,iQdP80a27820030 sleeVe 2nd stage dP80 dP40,dP80,QdP40,QdP80,iQdP40,iQdP80 a27820038 sleeVe headPlate dP40 dP80 dP40,dP80,QdP40,QdP80,iQdP40,iQdP80

SPRInGS00307046 sPring e1m18,e2m1800906077 sPring,mw e2m2,e2m5,e2m8,e2m12,e2m1800906077a sPring,ss e2m2,e2m5,e2m8,e2m12,e2m1808801050 sPring esdP12,esdP3008804390 sPring,eXhaust ValVe,esdP30a esdP30a09402048 sPring edm6,edm12,edm2020525-047 sPring (dumP ValVe) rV rV12

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

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IndIVIduaL SpareS



SPRInGS (COnT.)20525-048 sPring (ballast control) st/st rV3,rV5,rV8,rV1220525-049 sPring (inlet ValVe) st/st rVP rV1227102013 sPring,ss e2m40,e2m8027102016 sPring e2m1,e2m5,e2m8,e2m1227102019 sPring e1m27527102021 sPring e2m1,e2m2,e2m5,e2m827102023 sPring e1m27527102024 sPring,mw e2m40,e2m8027102029 sPring,mw e2m2,e2m5,e2m827102030 sPring,eXhaust ValVe e2m18,e2m3027102032 sPring,distributor e1m5,e1m8,e2m2,e2m5,e2m827102033 sPring,ValVe e1m18,e2m1827102034 sPring e2m0.7,e2m1,e2m1.527102036 sPring,ss,e2m30 e2m3027102041 sPring e2m2827106002 sPring,ss,edm6/12/20 edm6,edm12,edm20490055 sPring,ss gVsP-30b,isb-500b esdP12isP250a27102010 sPring ballast em e1m5,e1m8,e2m2,e2m5,e2m8a27102022 sPring e1m275 e1m175,e1m175s

STATORS34301710 stator,1st stage,hV,e2m18 e2m1834601026 stator,hV e1m17534701026 stator,1st stage,e1m275 e1m27536001730 stator,1st stage,hV,e2m2 e2m236101730 stator,1st stage,hV,e2m5 e2m536201030 stator,1st stage,hV,e1/2m8 e2m8,e1m836301714 stator,2nd stage,lV,e2m18 e2m1836401702 stator,1st stage,hV,e2m40 e2m4036401712 stator,2nd stage,lV,e2m40 e2m4036501744 stator,2nd stage,lV,e2m80/hfs e2m8036501772 stator,1st stage,e2m80 e2m8036601026 stator,1st stage,hV,e2m175 e2m17536601028 stator,2nd stage,lV,e2m275 e1m175,e1m275,e2m175,e2m27536701026 stator,1st stage,hV,e2m275 e2m27537001030 stator,1st stage,e2m12 e2m1237101737 stator,e2m0.7/1.5 e2m0.7,e2m1,e2m1.5 37301730 stator,1st stage,hV,e2m28/30 e2m28,e2m3037301731 stator,2nd stage,lV,e2m28/30 e2m28,e2m3065201700 stator,1st stage,rVP3 rV365201702 stator,lV,rV3,rV5 rV3,rV565301700 stator,1st stage,rVP5 rV565401700 stator,1st stage,rVP8 rV865401702 stator,2nd stage,rVP8/12 rV8,rV1265501700 stator,1st stage,rVP12 rV12a40001702 stator 2nd stage dP40 dP40,QdP40,iQdP40a40001703 stator 3rd stage dP40 dP40,QdP40,iQdP40a40001704 stator lV dP40 dP40,QdP40,iQdP40a40001741 stator hV dP40 dP40,QdP40,iQdP40a40101702 stator 2nd stage dP80 dP80,QdP80,iQdP80a40101703 stator 3rd stage dP80 dP80,QdP80,iQdP80a40101704 stator lV dP80 dP80,QdP80,iQdP80a40101741 stator hV dP80 dP80,QdP80,iQdP80

VALVES08802390 ValVe,eXhaust,sdP-30a gVsP30,esdP30,sdP-30a08805041 guide,outlet ValVe esdP3008805042 guide,outlet ValVe esdP-12,isP25008805380 ValVe,eXhaust,stem,esdP30 esdP3008805381 ValVe,eXhaust stem esdP12,isP25011101033 ValVe,eXhaust edm6,edm12,edm2019201007 ValVe Piston e1m40,e2m4025906600 ValVe,ballast e1m5,e1m8,e2m2,e2m5,e2m825908226 ValVe,dumP body,rVP rV3,rV5,rV8,rV1226501035 ValVe,distributor,Viton e2m1.527159417 ValVe,hV,rubber e2m5,e2m827159418 ValVe,hV,rubber e2m227159504 ValVe,lV eXhaust,Viton e2m80,e1m175,e1m275,e2m175,e2m27527159505 ValVe,eXhaust,rubber e2m17527159506 ValVe,eXhaust,hi-Vac e2m27527159509 ValVe,eXhaust,Viton e2m8027159514 ValVe,eXhaust,Viton e2m4027159515 ValVe,lV eXhaust,Viton e2m4027159516 ValVe,rubber,eXhaust e1m175,e2m275 27159517 ValVe,eXhaust e1m275,e2m27527159541 ValVe,lV eXhaust,Viton e2m8037001038 ValVe,dist.,caP,e2m12 e2m12a25904603 ValVe e1m175 e1m175,e1m275a26501017 ValVe rubber lV e2m-12 e1m5,e1m8,e2m2,e2m5,e2m8a26501036 ValVe Pa e2m1.5 e2m18 PumP rV12

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

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VALVESa27159516 eXhaust ValVe rubber e1m175,e1m275a27159517 eXhaust ValVe rubber e1m175,e1m275a27159620 eXhaust ValVe gasket 1.5mm thick e1m175,e1m275a27804004 ValVe sPacer medium & large em PumP e1m175,e2m175,e1m275,e2m275a34601042 ValVe Pad e1m175 e1m175,e1m275a44003000 eXhaust check ValVe dP180,gV80,il70,il600,ih80,ih1000,iQ80,iQ40gV160,

VAnES20402079fr Vane,gX,2nd stage e2m8,e2m12,e2m220402081fr Vane,gX,1st stage e2m220402083fr Vane,gX,1st stage e2m520402085fr Vane,gX,1st stage e2m820402087fr Vane,gX,2nd stage e2m8020402089fr Vane,gX,1st stage e2m8020402098fr Vane,gX,oil PumP e1m27520402099fr Vane,gX,1st stage e2m4020402101fr Vane,gX,2nd stage e2m4020402117fr Vane,fr,oil PumP edm2020402120fr Vane,gX,oil PumP e2m1820402121fr Vane,gX,2nd stage e2m1820402123fr Vane,gX,1st stage e2m1820402125fr Vane,gX,1st stage e2m1220402127fr Vane,gX,1st stage e1m17520402129fr Vane,gX,1st stage e1m27520402147fr Vane,gX,oil PumP,e2m1.5 e2m1.520402150fr Vane,gX,2nd stage e2m1,e2m520402153fr Vane,gX,1st stage e2m2820402155fr Vane,gX,2nd stage e2m2820402157fr Vane,gX,oil PumP e2m3020402158fr Vane,gX,oil PumP e2m2,e2m5,e2m8,e2m1220402418fr Vane,gX,oil PumP e2m40s,e2m80s20402500fr Vane,oil PumP,gX all rV

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

MAXIMA M 4/6/8 C (3RD GEN)

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


Fisher Scientific

MINOR REPAIR KITS minor rePair kits include o-rings, gaskets, shaft seals, keys, ValVes, driP Pads, couPling, sPrings, ValVes, washers & other comPonents for minor oVerhaul. MODEl(S) PART NuMbERall 0125749

MAJOR REPAIR KITS major rePair kits include all comPonents of minor rePair kits Plus Vanes needed for major oVerhaul. MODEl(S) PART NuMbERM 4 C m4camrkM 6 C m6cmrkM 8 C m8cbmrk

VANES MODEl(S) PART NuMbERm 4 c (intake) 616051m 4 c (eXhaust) 616052m 6 c (intake) 616050m 6 c (eXhaust) 616053m 8 c (intake) 616049m 8 c (eXhaust) 616052

GASKETS MODEl(S) PART NuMbERall (case) 660199all (shaft seal) 410643

RECOMMENDED OIlS TYPE PART NuMbERPlus ultra grade 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PPug19001general PurPose

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

3rd generation PumPs can be identified by the detachable Plastic electrical boX on toP of the motor, oil drain ValVe on the side of the oil boX & a single-Piece rotor inside the PumP mechanism.


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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

MAXIMA M 4/6/8 C (3RD GEN)


KIT ComponenTS

Fisher Scientific

All - 3RD M4C - 3RD M6C - 3RD M8C - 3RDPART NuMbER






616215 assy,seal,shaft,17mm 1 1 1 1660199 gasket,case 1 1 1 1616385 gasket,module 1 1 1 1410643 gasket,shaft seal 1 1 1 1413175 gasket,washer,nylon 1 1 1 1620014 key,woodruff,steel,#202 1 1 1 1412732 key,woodruff,steel,#403 1 1 1 1616030 knob,gas ballast 1 1 1 1620118 o'ring,tetraseal,#013 2 2 2 2660225 o'ring,tetraseal,ring,Viton 1 1 1 1660194 o'ring,Viton,158.42 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1612130a o'ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1412963 o'ring,Viton,2.57 X 1.78 mm 2 2 2 2660212 o'ring,Viton,23.47 X 2.62 mm 2 2 2 2660200 o'ring,Viton,28.17 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1612157a o'ring,Viton,3.68 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1 1413005 o'ring,Viton,4.47 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1 1660204 o'ring,Viton,58.42 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1660197 o'ring,Viton,6.07 X 1.78 mm 2 2 2 2619282a o'ring,Viton,7.65 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1 1660207 o'ring,Viton,71.12 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1619526 o'ring,Viton,75.87 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1620274 orfice,hose barb,.014" 1 1 1 1616084 Pad,driP,felt 1 1 1 1413390 seal,shaft,3/4" 1 1 1 1412962 seal,shaft,3/8" 1 1 1 1616002 seat,drain ValVe,teflon 2 2 2 2616038 sPider,couPler,buna,black 1 1 1 1616059 sPring,eXhaust ValVe,comP.,s/s 1 1 1 1612204a sPring,gas ballast,comP.,s/s 1 1 1 1619426 sPring,Plunger,comPression,s/s 1 1 1 1412996 sPring,Vane,comPression,s/s 4 4 4 4616057 ValVe,by-Pass PoPPet,interstg. 1 1 1 1612118a ValVe,gas ballast,Viton 1 1 1 1616058 ValVe,PoPPet,eXhaust 1 1 1 1660117 ValVe,Purge,stoPPer 1 1 1 1616052 Vane,eXhaust,gX 2 2616053 Vane,eXhaust,gX 2616049 Vane,intake,gX 2616050 Vane,intake,gX 2616051 Vane,intake,gX 2

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

MAXIMA M 2/4/8/12 C (2ND GEN)

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


Fisher Scientific

2nd generation PumPs can be identified by the sQuare metal electrical boX coVer on toP of the motor, oil drain ValVe at the center of the oil boX & a single-Piece rotor inside the PumP mechanism.


MINOR REPAIR KITSminor rePair kits include o-rings, gaskets, shaft seals, keys, ValVes, driP Pads, couPling, sPrings, washers & other comPonents for minor oVerhaul. MODEl(S) PART NuMbERm 2/4 c 0125717am 8/12 c 0125717b

MAJOR REPAIR KITSmajor rePair kits include all comPonents of minor rePair kits Plus Vanes for major oVerhaul. MODEl(S) PART NuMbERm 2 c m2cmrkm 4 c m4cmrkm 8 c m8camrkm 12 c m12camrk

VANES MODEl(S) PART NuMbERm 2/4 c (intake) 612178am 2/4 c (eXhaust) 612179am 8 c (intake) 619538bm 8 c (eXhaust) 619615am 12 c (intake) 619616bm 12 c (eXhaust) 619615a

GASKETS MODEl(S) PART NuMbERm 2/4 c (case) 612149bm 8/12 c (case) 619609bm 12 c (shaft seal) 410643

RECOMMENDED OIlS TYPE PART NuMbERPlus ultra grade 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PPug19001general PurPose

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

MAXIMA M 2/4/8/12 C (2ND GEN)


KIT ComponenTS

Fisher Scientific

M2C/4C M2C - 2ND M4C - 2ND M8C/12C M8C - 2ND M12C - 2NDPART NuMbER


MINOR 0125717A



MINOR 0125717b



612149b gasket,case 1 1 1619609b gasket,PumP,beaded 1 1 1410624 key,woodruff,cut 1 1 1411401d-01 kit,shaft seal,.750" 1 1 1620118 o'ring,tetraseal,#013 2 2 2612231 o'ring,tetraseal,ring,Viton 1 1 1 1 1 1612162a o'ring,Viton,14 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1612130a o'ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62 mm 2 2 2 1 1 1612159a o'ring,Viton,18.72 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1612155a o'ring,Viton,21.95 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1619284a o'ring,Viton,24.99 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1620211 o'ring,Viton,26.70 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1612157a o'ring,Viton,3.68 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1413005 o'ring,Viton,4.47 X 1.78 mm 2 2 2 1 1 1619527 o'ring,Viton,52.07 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1612128a o'ring,Viton,64.77 X 2.62 mm 2 2 2619282a o'ring,Viton,7.65 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1619526 o'ring,Viton,75.87 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1611178a orifice,brass,.010" 1 1 1619742 Pad,driP,felt 1 1 1619743 Pad,driP,felt 1 1 1413390 seal,shaft,3/4" 1 1 1412988 seal,shaft,5/8" 2 2 2413073 sleeVe,couPling 1 1 1412694 sPider,couPling,buna,black 1 1 1619561a sPring,eXhaust ValVe,comP.,s/s 1 1 1612204a sPring,gas ballast,comP.,s/s 1 1 1 1 1 1619582a sPring,ValVe byPass,comP.,s/s 2 2 2612119a sPring,ValVe,comPression,s/s 2 2 2611128a ValVe,backer 1 1 1619560a ValVe,by-Pass,eXhaust 3 3 3612118a ValVe,gas ballast,Viton 2 2 2 1 1 1611123a ValVe,intake 1 1 1612139a ValVe,isolation disk,buna 1 1 1660117 ValVe,Purge,stoPPer 1 1 1612179a Vane,eXhaust,gX 2 2619615a Vane,eXhaust,gX 2 2612178a Vane,intake,gX 2 2619538b Vane,intake,gX 2619616b Vane,intake,gX 2

Page 151: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

MAXIMA M 8/12/16 C (1ST GEN)

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


Fisher Scientific

1st generation PumPs can be identified by the round metal electrical boX coVer & a two-Piece rotor inside the PumP mechanism.


MINOR REPAIR KITS minor rePair kits include o-rings, gaskets, shaft seals, keys, ValVes, driP Pads, couPling, sPrings, washers & other comPonents for minor oVerhaul. MODEl(S) PART NuMbERm 8/12 c 619932m 16 c 0125717c

MAJOR REPAIR KITS major rePair kits include all comPonents of minor rePair kits Plus Vanes for major oVerhaul. MODEl(S) PART NuMbERm 8 c m8cmrkm 12 c m12cmrkm 16 c m16cmrk

VANES MODEl(S) PART NuMbERm 8 c (intake) 413479m 8 c (eXhaust) 413327m 12 c (intake) 413329m 12 c (eXhaust) 413327m 16 c (intake) 619571bm 16 c (eXhaust) 619570a

GASKETS MODEl(S) PART NuMbERm 8/12 c (case) 619637bm 16 c (case) 619609ball (shaft seal) 410643

RECOMMENDED OIlS TYPE PART NuMbERPlus ultra grade 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PPug19001general PurPose

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

MAXIMA M 8/12/16 C (1ST GEN)


KIT ComponenTS

Fisher Scientific

M8C/12C M8C - 1ST M12C - 1ST M16C - 1ST M16 - 1STPART NuMbER


MINOR 619932



MINOR 0125717C


619637b gasket,PumP 1 1 1619609b gasket,PumP,beaded 1 1619418b gasket,sPecial,for rePair kit 1 1619916 gasket,sPecial,for rePair kit 1 1413175 gasket,washer,nylon 1 1612229a glass,sight,oil 1 1412969 holder,sPring 1 1 1412732 key,woodruff,steel,#403 1 1 1411401e-01 kit,shaft seal,.625" 1 1 1411401d-01 kit,shaft seal,.750" 1 1620118 o'ring,tetraseal,#013 2 2612231 o'ring,tetraseal,ring,Viton 1 1 1 1 1612130a o'ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1 1412963 o'ring,Viton,2.57 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1619284a o'ring,Viton,24.99 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1660200 o'ring,Viton,28.17 X 3.53 mm 1 1612157a o'ring,Viton,3.68 X 1.78 mm 1 1413005 o'ring,Viton,4.47 X 1.78 mm 1 1619379 o'ring,Viton,55.25 X 2.62 mm 1 1619282a o'ring,Viton,7.65 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1 1 1619378 o'ring,Viton,82.22 X 2.62 mm 1 1619742 Pad,driP,felt 1 1616091 Plunger,oil feed,eXhaust 1 1412977 seal,shaft,.625",buna 1 1 1413390 seal,shaft,3/4" 1 1412962 seal,shaft,3/8" 1 1 1 1 1412988 seal,shaft,5/8" 1 1 1413073 sleeVe,couPling 1 1 1 1 1619385a sPring,byPass ValVe,comP.,s/s 3 3 3619561a sPring,eXhaust ValVe,comP.,s/s 1 1612204a sPring,gas ballast,comP.,s/s 1 1 1 1 1619388a sPring,relief,comPression,s/s 1 1 1619582a sPring,ValVe byPass,comP.,s/s 2 2412972 sPring,Vane,comP.,Plt. stl. 2 2 2412996 sPring,Vane,comPression,s/s 4 4 4 5 5619560a ValVe,by-Pass,eXhaust 3 3619371a ValVe,byPass,c-0599 3 3 3612118a ValVe,gas ballast,Viton 1 1 1 1 1413327 Vane,eXhaust,gX 2 2619570a Vane,eXhaust,gX 2413329 Vane,intake,gX 2413479 Vane,intake,gX 2619571b Vane,intake,gX 2660103 washer,rubber,Viton 2 2 2412678 washer,thrust 1 1

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop Online @ PrecisionPlus.com!

IndIVIduaL SpareS


Fisher Scientific

KITS0125749 kit,minor,rePair m4c,m6c,m8cm12camrk kit major rePair gX new style m12cm12cmrk kit major rePair gX old style m12cm16cmrk kit major rePair gX m16cm2cmrk kit major rePair gX m2cm4camrk kit,major,rePair,gX,new style m4cm4cmrk kit,major,rePair,gX,old style m4cm6cmrk kit,major,rePair,gX m6cm8camrk kit major rePair gX 2nd style m8cm8cbmrk kit major rePair gX new style m8cm8cmrk kit major rePair gX old style m8c

Page 154: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

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Fisher Scientific

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

D 05/08/12/18/28

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FEaTurEd SparES



SEAL KITSseal kits include couPling element, o-rings, gaskets, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pArT numbErd 05/08/12 985700212001d 18/28 985700228008

mAJOr SErVICE KITSmajor serVice kits include all comPonents of seal kits Plus Vanes & other comPonents for major oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pArT numbErd 05 985700205002d 08/12 985700212002d 18/28 985700228002

EXHAuST VALVES mODEL(S) pArT numbErall 380016

DISCHArGE VALVES mODEL(S) pArT numbErall 52655

SHAFT buSHInGS, InnEr mODEL(S) pArT numbErd 18/28 250012

VAnES mODEL(S) pArT numbErd 05 (1st stage) 230057gd 08/12 (1st stage) 230055gd 18/28 (1st stage) 230058gd 05/08/12 (2nd stage) 230056gd 18/28 (2nd stage) 230059g

SHAFT SEALS mODEL(S) pArT numbErd 05/08/12 310055d 18/28 310054

rECOmmEnDED OILS TYpE pArT numbErPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

Page 156: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

D 05/08/12/18/28


KIT ComponEnTS


D05,D08,D12 D05 D08,D12 D18,D28 D18,D28 u4.40pArT numbEr


SEAL & GSKT 985700212001

mAJOr 985700205002

mAJOr 985700212002

SEAL & GSKT 985700228008

mAJOr 985700228002

mAJOr 33805700000

580039 anti-suckback,shutter,Viton 1 1 1580040 anti-suckback,ValVe,shutter 1 1 1 1 1390008 ball,steel,9/32"dia. 1 1 1500501190001 element,couPling,yellow 1 1 1 1 1 1720012 filter,screen,st.stl. 1780030 filter,screen,st.stl. 1 1640015 foot,buffer 2 4 2300052 gasket,casing,cork 1 1 1300055 gasket,cork,1.5mm thick 1 1 1300053 gasket,cork,1mm thick 1 1 1300054 gasket,cork,1mm thick 1 1 1250012 inner ring,shaft,bushing 1320270 o'ring, Viton, 8.73mm X 1.78mm 1 1320126 o'ring,buna,3.0 X 1.0mm 2 2320131 o'ring,Viton,1.78 X 1.78mm 2 2 2 2 272591001 o'ring,Viton,10.82 X 1.78 mm 1 1 202122009V o'ring,Viton,11 X 1.5 mm 1 1 1 202124119 o'ring,Viton,12.42 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1 123970106 o'ring,Viton,13.3 X 2.4 mm 1 1 2320088 o'ring,Viton,15.6 X 1.78 mm 2 2 2 2 2320132 o'ring,Viton,2.9 X 1.78mm 2 2 2 2 1320109 o'ring,Viton,33 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 1 240009 o'ring,Viton,37.77 X 2.62 mm 1 1320113 o'ring,Viton,38 X 3.5 mm 1 1 1 1320119 o'ring,Viton,39.5X3 mm 1 1320072 o'ring,Viton,41 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1320108 o'ring,Viton,47.22 X 3.53mm 2 2 302122079 o'ring,Viton,49.5 X 3 mm 1 102122058 o'ring,Viton,61.6 X 3.5 mm 1 1 1 1 1320133 o'ring,Viton,7.65 X 1.7mm 1 1 1 423970101 o'ring,Viton,9 X 1.5 mm 1 8320269 oring,Viton,1mm X 3mm 2720013 Pad,felt 1 1720018 Pad,felt 1450034 Pin,cotter,hairPin 1 1 1 1450033 Pin,dowel,centering,6 X 12mm 4 4 4470013 ring,e-cliP,stainless steel 1 1310055 seal,shaft,12X24X7,Viton 1 1 1310054 seal,shaft,15X24X7,Viton 1 1 1619385a sPring,byPass ValVe,comP.,s/s 1490028 sPring,comPression,stl/st 1 1 1490029 sPring,comPression,stl/st 1 1490030 sPring,comPression,stl/st 1 1619561a sPring,eXhaust ValVe,comP.,s/s 3 3 3 3 3490031 sPring,torsion,sPecial ends 1 1490032 sPring,torsion,sPecial ends 1 1 3490033 sPring,torsion,sPecial ends 1 1490034 sPring,Vane 2 2 2 1380017 ValVe,buna 1 1 1 1 152655 ValVe,dschrg,Viton,2004-20aac 3 3 3380016 ValVe,eXhaust,Viton 3 3 3 3 3230055g Vane 1st stage gX 2230057g Vane 1st stage gX 2230058g Vane 1st stage gX 2230056g Vane 2nd stage gX 2 2230059g Vane 2nd stage gX 2

Page 157: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop Online @ precisionplus.com!

IndIVIduaL SparES



buSHInGS250012 inner ring,shaft,bushing d18/d28

FILTErS720012 filter,screen,st.stl. d18/d28

GASKETS300052 gasket,casing,cork d18/d28

KITS985700205002 kit,major rePair,d05,gX d05985700212001 kit,seal & gasket d05/d08/d12985700212002 kit,major rePair,d08,d12,gX d08/d12985700228002 kit,major rePair,d18,d28,gX d18/d28985700228008 kit,seal&gasket,d18,d28 d18/d28

mISC.390008 ball,steel,9/32”dia. d05450033 Pin,dowel,centering,6 X 12mm d05450034 Pin,cotter,hairPin d05580039 anti-suckback,shutter,Viton d05640015 foot,buffer d05/d08/d12/d28

O-rInGS320072 o’ring,Viton,41 X 1.78 mm d05320126 o’ring,buna,3.0 X 1.0mm d18/d28320131 o’ring,Viton,1.78 X 1.78mm d05320132 o’ring,Viton,2.9 X 1.78mm d05320133 o’ring,Viton,7.65 X 1.7mm d05

rInGS470013 ring,e-cliP,stainless steel d08/d12

SEALS310054 seal,shaft,15X24X7,Viton d18/d28310055 seal,shaft,12X24X7,Viton d05/d08/d12

VALVES380016 ValVe,eXhaust,Viton d05/d08/d12/d18/d28380017 ValVe,buna d05580040 anti-suckback,ValVe,shutter d05

VAnES230055g Vane 1st stage gX d08/d12230056g Vane 2nd stage gX d05/d08/d12230057g Vane 1st stage gX d05230058g Vane 1st stage gX d18/d28230059g Vane 2nd stage gX d18/d28

Page 158: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

KC 5/8/15

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


KinneyKC SerIeS

VALVE KITS ValVe kits include ValVe block, Plate, sPrings & screws to rePair the discharge ValVe. modEL(S) pArT NumbErkc 5/8 805430kc 15 805459

bEArING rEpLACEmENT KITS bearing rePlacement kits include bearings & bearing ring sPacers. modEL(S) pArT NumbErALL 809999

mINor mAINTENANCE KITS minor maintenance kits include shaft seals, gaskets, o-rings, sight glass & other comPonents for minor rePair. modEL(S) pArT NumbErKC 5/8 80946400BMKC 15 80946700BM

GASKETS modEL(S) pArT NumbErkc 5/8 (cyl. coVer) 802489kc 15 (cyl. coVer) 807354

SHAFT SEALS modEL(S) pArT NumbErall (mechanical) 065046kc 5/8 072061kc 15 072062

SIGHT GLASSES modEL(S) pArT NumbErall 805684

VALVE bLoCKS modEL(S) pArT NumbErkc 5/8 801620kc 15 802147

VALVE pLATES modEL(S) pArT NumbErkc 5/8 804221kc 15 802146

rECommENdEd oILS TYpE pArT NumbErPlus 100 (1l/1.06Qt) PP100001general PurPose oil (eQu. to lt)

Plus 100 (20l/5.28gal) PP100004general PurPose oil (eQu. to lt)

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus gold (20l/5.28gal) PPgold004fully synthetic oil

Page 160: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

KC 5/8/15


KIT ComponenTS

KinneyKC SerIeS

KC5/8 KC5/8 KC15 KC15 KC5-15pArT NumbEr



mINor 80946400bm


mINor 80946700bm

bEArING 809999

054133 bearing 2808170 disc,check 1 1066311 drain cock,brass 1 1805685 gasket 1 2802489 gasket,cylinder coVer 1807354 gasket,cylinder coVer 1808195 gasket,kc15 1071030 gasket,kc5,kc8 1808574 gasket,kc5,kc8,kc15 2 1050227 o'ring,buna,53.57 X 3.53 mm 2 2805706 ring,background 1 1805683 ring,housing 1 1064002 ring,retaining 1 1806372 ring,sPacer 2801578 screw,shoulder 2 2 2 2053416 screw,sight glass 4 4065046 seal,mechanical shaft 1 1072061 seal,shaft 1072062 seal,shaft,Viton 1805684 sight glass 1 1804567 sPring 2 2 2 2801620 ValVe,block 1 1802147 ValVe,block 1 1802146 ValVe,Plate 1 1804221 ValVe,Plate 1 1071062 washer,seal 1071083 washer,seal 1071108 washer,seal 1

Page 161: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

KTC 55/60/90/112

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


KinneyKTC SerIeS

prEVENTATIVE mAINTENANCE KITSPreVentatiVe maintenance kits include discharge ValVes, shaft seals, gaskets, o-rings, sight glass, bearings, driVe belts & other comPonents for oVerhauls of wear Parts. modEL(S) pArT NumbErktc 55/60 80947900bmktc 90/112 80948200bm

dISCHArGE VALVES modEL(S) pArT NumbErall 066161

bEArINGS SLEEVES modEL(S) pArT NumbErall 054111

bEArINGS modEL(S) pArT NumbErall 054104

SEpArATor CoVEr GASKETS modEL(S) pArT NumbErktc 55/60 806608ktc 90/112 804911

drIVE bELTS modEL(S) pArT NumbErktc 55/60 051155ktc 90/112 051123

rECommENdEd oILS TYpE pArT NumbErPlus 100 (1l/1.06Qt) PP100001general PurPose oil (eQu. to lt)

Plus 100 (20l/5.28gal) PP100004general PurPose oil (eQu. to lt)

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus gold (20l/5.28gal) PPgold004fully synthetic oil

Page 162: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

KTC 55/60/90/112


KIT ComponenTS

KinneyKTC SerIeS

KTC55/60 KTC90/112pArT NumbEr


mAINTENANCE 80947900bm

mAINTENANCE 80948200bm

054104 bearing,ball,srfs,30mm 1 1054111 bearing,sleeVe,1-1/4 2 2805991 gasket,bot,seP,Pl 1805952 gasket,bottom Plate 1804911 gasket,seP hsg coVer 1806608 gasket,seP,coVer 1804193 gasket,sight glass 1 1805951 gasket,toP Plate 1805990 gasket,toP,seP,Pl 1054097 locknut,bearing,n-06 1 1050227 o'ring,buna,53.57 X 3.53 mm 1050232 o'ring,buna,69.4 X 3.53mm (2-232) 1 2050233 o'ring,buna,72.5 X 3.5mm 1050151 o'ring,buna,75.87 X 2.62 mm 1050220 o'ring,Viton,34.52 X 3.53 mm 1 1808495 o'ring,Viton,34.52 X 3.53 mm 1 1802506 Pin,center wall,locking 3 3801262 ring,bearing,backuP 1 1064017 ring,retaining,1.31 eXt. 3064036 ring,retaining,1.37,eXtenal 1801237 ring,ss,backuP 1 1052506 screw,caP,10-24 X .5lg,s/s 4 4065112 seal,head assy,buna 1-1/4 1 1072065 seal,shaft,35X57.5X9,tyPe sb 1072064 seal,shaft,liP,1-3/8" id 1065100 seal,shaft,seat,ci,1-1/4 1 1802505 set screw,1/2-20 X .62 3 3804192 sight glass,oil,PleXiglass 1 1051123 V-belt, kt150 1051155 V-belt, ktc55/60 1066161 ValVe,discharge,assy,k 1-1/2 1 1066184 ValVe,interstage,kinney 1 1

Page 163: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

KT 150 C, KT 300/500/850 C/d

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


KinneyKT SerIeS

mINor mAINTENANCE KITS minor maintenance kits include discharge ValVes, shaft seals, gaskets, o-rings & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. modEL(S) pArT NumbErkt 150 c 80942000bmkt 300 c 80941700bmkt 300 d 80942800bmkt 500 c 80941400bmkt 500 d 80943100bmkt 850 c 80941100bmkt 850 d 80943400bm

prEVENTATIVE mAINTENANCE KITS PreVentatiVe maintenance kits include all comPonents of minor maintenance kits Plus sight glass, bushings, bearings, gaskets & other comPonents for comPlete oVerhaul. modEL(S) pArT NumbErkt 150 c 80942100bmkt 300 c (60 hZ.) 80941800bmkt 300 c (50 hZ.) 80970600bmkt 300 d (60 hZ.) 80942900bm kt 300 d (50 hZ.) 80970700bmkt 500 c 80941500bmkt 500 d 80943200bmkt 850 c 80941200bmkt 850 d 80943500bm

SHAFT SEAL-HEAd ASSEmbLIES modEL(S) pArT NumbErkt 150 c 065112kt 300 c 065114kt 300 d 065215kt 500 c 065116kt 500 d 065214kt 850 c 065118kt 850 d 065213

dISCHArGE VALVES modEL(S) pArT NumbErall 066161

rECommENdEd oILS TYpE pArT NumbErPlus 100 (1l/1.06Qt) PP100001general PurPose oil (eQu. to lt)

Plus 100 (20l/5.28gal) PP100004general PurPose oil (eQu. to lt)

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus gold (20l/5.28gal) PPgold004fully synthetic oil

Page 164: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

KT 150 C, KT 300 C/d


KIT ComponenTS

KinneyKT SerIeS

KT150C KT150CpArT NumbEr


mINor 80942000bm

prEVENTATIVE 80942100bm

054104 bearing,ball,srfs,30mm 1054111 bearing,sleeVe,1-1/4 2808476 gasket rePl,ValVe deck coVer 1 1807646 gasket,cyl-seP 1807644 gasket,seParator coVer 1 1804193 gasket,sight glass 1054097 locknut,bearing,n-06 1050227 o'ring,buna,53.57 X 3.53 mm 1050232 o'ring,buna,69.4 X 3.53mm (2-232) 2 2802506 Pin,center wall,locking 3801262 ring,bearing,backuP 1 1064036 ring,retaining,1.37,eXtenal 1801237 ring,ss,backuP 1 1052469 screw,caP,heX head,5/16-18 X .75" lg 12 12065112 seal,head assy,buna 1-1/4 1 1065100 seal,shaft,seat,ci,1-1/4 1 1802505 set screw,1/2-20 X .62 3804192 sight glass,oil,PleXiglass 1051123 V-belt, kt150 1066161 ValVe,discharge,assy,k 1-1/2 4 4

KT300C KT300C (60 HZ) KT300C (50 HZ) KT300d KT300d (60 HZ) KT300d (50 HZ)pArT NumbEr


mINor 80941700bm

prEVENTATIVE 80941800bm

prEVENTATIVE 80970600bm

mINor 80942800bm

prEVENTATIVE 80942900bm

prEVENTATIVE 80970700bm

065114 assy,seal head,1-7/8",buna 1 2 2065098 assy,seal seat,1-7/8",c.i. 1 2 2 1 1 1054115 bearing,ball,srfs,45mm 2 2 1 1054110 bearing,sleeVe,1-7/8 4 4 2 2807392 gasket,cyl/seP hsg 1 1807636 gasket,seParator coVer 1 2 2 1 1 1804193 gasket,sight glass 2 2 1 1808475 gasket,ValVe deck 1 2 2 1 1 1054098 locknut, bearing, n-09 2 2 1 1050245 o'ring,buna,110.72 X 3.53 mm 2 4 4 2 2 2050227 o'ring,buna,53.57 X 3.53 mm 2 2 1 1802506 Pin,center wall,locking 6 6 3 3064032 retaining ring 2.00 eXternal 1 1803423 ring,back uP,for bearing 1 2 2 1 1 1803422 ring,back uP,for shaft seal 1 2 2 1 1 1052469 screw,caP,heX head,5/16-18 X .75" lg 21 42 42 21 21 21065215 seal,head assy,buna 1-7/8 1 1 1802505 set screw,1/2-20 X .62 6 6 3 3804192 sight glass,oil,PleXiglass 2 2 1 1051122 V-belt, kt300 1 1051088 V-belt, kt300, sPecial, 50hZ 1 1066161 ValVe,discharge,assy,k 1-1/2 7 14 14 7 7 7

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

KT 500/850 C/d


KIT ComponenTS

KinneyKT SerIeS

KT500C KT500C KT500d KT500dpArT NumbEr


mINor 80941400bm

prEVENTATIVE 80941500bm

mINor 80943100bm

prEVENTATIVE 80943200bm

802158 802158ss backuP 2 1 1054105 bearing,ball,srfs,50mm 2 1054109 bearing,sleeVe,2-1/8 4 2807554 gasket 2 1808474 gasket rePl,ValVe deck coVer 1 2 1 1807415 gasket,cyl-seP 1807547 gasket,Plate,bottom 1807416 gasket,seParator coVer,s.h.coV 1 2 1 1804193 gasket,sight glass 2 1054099 locknut, bearing, n-10 2 1050245 o'ring,buna,110.72 X 3.53 mm 2 4 2 2050227 o'ring,buna,53.57 X 3.53 mm 2 1802506 Pin,center wall,locking 10 5802694 Pin,centerwall locking,t00500 5064008 retaining ring 2.50 eXternal 2 1052469 screw,caP,heX head,5/16-18 X .75" lg 24 48 24 24065116 seal,head assy,buna 2-1/8 1 2065214 seal,head assy,buna 2-1/8 1 1065108 seal,shaft,seat,ci,2-1/8 1 2 1 1802505 set screw,1/2-20 X .62 10 5804192 sight glass,oil,PleXiglass 2 1051120 V-belt, kt500 1 1066161 ValVe,discharge,assy,k 1-1/2 8 16 8 8

KT850C KT850C KT850d KT850dpArT NumbEr


mINor 80941100bm

prEVENTATIVE 80941200bm

mINor 80943400bm

prEVENTATIVE 80943500bm

054107 bearing,ball,srfs,55mm 1 1054108 bearing,sleeVe,2-1/2 2 2808473 gasket rePl,ValVe deck coVer 1 1 1 1807561 gasket,bottom Plate 1807460 gasket,cylinder,seParator 1807559 gasket,flange 1 1808391 gasket,oil PumP,(o-ring) 1 1807461 gasket,seParator coVer,s.h.coV 1 1 1 1804193 gasket,sight glass 1 1054100 locknut, bearing, n-11 1 1050245 o'ring,buna,110.72 X 3.53 mm 2 2 2 2802506 Pin,center wall,locking 5802694 Pin,centerwall locking,t00500 5 5064035 retaining ring 2.75 eXternal 1 1802090 ring,ss,backuP 1 1 1052469 screw,caP,heX head,5/16-18 X .75" lg 24 24 24 24065118 seal,head assy,buna 2-1/2 1 1065213 seal,head assy,buna 2-1/2 1 1065110 seal,shaft,seat,ci,2-1/2 1 1 1 1802505 set screw,1/2-20 X .62 5 5804192 sight glass,oil,PleXiglass 1 1051153 V-belt, kt850 1 1066161 ValVe,discharge,assy,k 1-1/2 12 12 12 12

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

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IndIVIduaL SpareS



bEArINGS054105 bearing,ball,srfs,50mm kt500c,kt500d054107 bearing,ball,srfs,55mm kt850c,kt850d054115 bearing,ball,srfs,45mm kt300c,kt300d054133 bearing kc15

GASKETS071030 gasket,kc5,kc8 kc5,kc8802489 gasket,cylinder coVer kc5,kc8804911 gasket,seP hsg coVer ktc90/112805685 gasket kc5,kc8,kc15805951 gasket,toP Plate ktc90/112805952 gasket,bottom Plate ktc90/112805990 gasket,toP,seP,Pl ktc55/60805991 gasket,bot,seP,Pl ktc55/60806608 gasket,seP,coVer ktc55/60807354 gasket,cylinder coVer kc15807392 gasket,cyl/seP hsg kt300d807393 gasket,Plate,toP kt300c,kt300d807415 gasket,cyl-seP kt500c,kt500d807417 gasket,Plate,toP kt500c,kt500d807460 gasket,cylinder,seParator kt850d807529 gasket,Plate,bottom kt300c,kt300d807547 gasket,Plate,bottom kt500c,kt500d807561 gasket,bottom Plate kt850d807636 gasket,seParator coVer kt300c,kt300d807646 gasket,cyl-seP kt300c,kt300d808195 gasket,kc15 kc15808574 gasket,kc5,kc8,kc15 kc5,kc8,kc15

HArdWArE052469 screw,caP,heX head,5/16-18 X .75” lg kt850c052506 screw,caP,10-24 X .5lg,s/s ktc55/60,ktc90/112053416 screw,sight glass kc5,kc8,kc15071062 washer,seal kc5,kc8071083 washer,seal kc15071108 washer,seal kc15801578 screw,shoulder kc5,kc8,kc15802505 set screw,1/2-20 X .62 ktc55/60,ktc90/112

KITS065098 assy,seal seat,1-7/8”,c.i. kt300c,kt300d065114 assy,seal head,1-7/8”,buna kt300c805430 kit,discharge ValVe,kc5/8 kc5,kc8805459 kit,discharge ValVe,kc15 kc1580941100bm kit,maintenance,minor,kt850c kt850c80941200bm kit,maint,PreVentatiVe,kt850c kt850c80941400bm kit,maintenance,minor,kt500c kt500c80941500bm kit,maint,PreVentatiVe,kt500c kt500c80941700bm kit,maintenance,minor,kt300c kt300c80941800bm kit,maint,PreVentatiVe,kt300c kt300c80942000bm kit,maintenance,minor,kt150c kt150c80942100bm kit,maint,PreVentatiVe,kt150c kt150c80942800bm kit,maintenance,minor,kt300d kt300d80942900bm kit,maint,PreVentatiVe,kt300d kt300d80943100bm kit,maintenance,minor,kt500d kt500d80943200bm kit,maint,PreVentatiVe,kt500d kt500d80943400bm kit,maintenance,minor,kt850d kt850d80943500bm kit,maint,PreVentatiVe,kt850d kt850d80946400bm kit,minor maintenance kc5,kc880946700bm kit,minor,maintance,kc-15 kc1580947900bm kit,PreV.maint.ktc 55/60 ktc55/6080948200bm kit,PreV.maint.ktc 90/112 ktc90/112809999 kit,bearing,rePlacement kc5,kc8,kc15

mISC.054097 locknut,bearing,n-06 ktc55/60,ktc90/112054099 locknut, bearing, n-10 kt500c,kt500d054100 locknut, bearing, n-11 kt850c,kt850d066311 drain cock,brass kc5,kc8,kc15802158 802158ss backuP kt500c,kt500d802506 Pin,center wall,locking ktc55/60,ktc90/112802694 Pin,centerwall locking,t00500 kt500d,kt850c,kt850d808170 disc,check kc5,kc8,kc15

o-rINGS050151 o’ring,buna,75.87 X 2.62 mm ktc90/112 050220 o’ring,Viton,34.52 X 3.53 mm ktc55/60, ktc90/112050227 o’ring,buna,53.57 X 3.53 mm kc5,kc8050232 o’ring,buna,69.4 X 3.53mm (2-232) kt150c050233 o’ring,buna,72.5 X 3.5mm ktc 55/60

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

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IndIVIduaL SpareS



o-rINGS (CoNT.)050245 o’ring,buna,110.72 X 3.53 mm kt300c,kt300d,kt500c,kt500d,kt850c,kt850d808495 o’ring,Viton,34.52 X 3.53 mm all

rINGS064002 ring,retaining kc5,kc8,kc15064008 retaining ring 2.50 eXternal kt500c,kt500d064017 ring,retaining,1.31 eXt. ktc55/60064032 retaining ring 2.00 eXternal kt300d064035 retaining ring 2.75 eXternal kt850c,kt850d064036 ring,retaining,1.37,eXtenal kt150c,ktc90/112801237 ring,ss,backuP kt105c801262 ring,bearing,backuP kt150c,ktc55/60,ktc90/112802090 ring,ss,backuP kt850c,kt850d803422 ring,back uP,for shaft seal kt300c803423 ring,back uP,for bearing kt300c805683 ring,housing kc5,kc8,kc15805706 ring,background kc5,kc8,kc15806372 ring,sPacer kc15

SEALS065046 seal,mechanical shaft kc5,kc8,kc15065100 seal,shaft,seat,ci,1-1/4 kt150c,ktc55/60065108 seal,shaft,seat,ci,2-1/8 kt500c,kt500d065110 seal,shaft,seat,ci,2-1/2 kt850c,kt850d065112 seal,head assy,buna 1-1/4 ktc55/60,ktc90/112065116 seal,head assy,buna 2-1/8 kt500c065118 seal,head assy,buna 2-1/2 kt850c065213 seal,head assy,buna 2-1/2 kt850d065214 seal,head assy,buna 2-1/8 kt500d065215 seal,head assy,buna 1-7/8 kt300d072061 seal,shaft kc5,kc8072062 seal,shaft,Viton kc15072064 seal,shaft,liP,1-3/8” id ktc55/60072065 seal,shaft,35X57.5X9,tyPe sb ktc90/112

SIGHT GLASSES804192 sight glass,oil,PleXiglass kt850c, kt500c, kt300c, kt150c, 850d, kt500d, kt300d, ktc55/60, ktc90/112805684 sight glass kc5,kc8,kc15

SLEEVES054108 bearing,sleeVe,2-1/2 kt850c,kt850d054109 bearing,sleeVe,2-1/8 kt500c,kt500d054110 bearing,sleeVe,1-7/8 kt300c,kt300d054111 bearing,sleeVe,1-1/4 ktc55/60,ktc90/112

SprINGS804567 sPring kc5,kc8,kc15

VALVES066161 ValVe,discharge,assy,k 1-1/2 kt150,kt300,kt500,kt850,ktc55/60066184 ValVe,interstage,kinney ktc55/60,ktc90/112801620 ValVe,block kc5,kc8802146 ValVe,Plate kc15802147 ValVe,block kc15804221 ValVe,Plate kc5,kc8

VbELTS051088 V-belt, kt500, sPecial, 50hZ kt300c,kt300d051120 V-belt, kt500 kt500c,kt500d051122 V-belt, kt300 kt300c,kt300d051123 V-belt, kt150 kt150c,ktc90/112051153 V-belt, kt850 kt850c,kt850d051155 V-belt, ktc55/60 ktc55/60

Page 168: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

D 1.6/4/8/16 B, D 16 BCS, S 8/16 B

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


SEAL KITS seal kits include couPling element, o-rings, gaskets, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul.

mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 1.6 b 19118d 4 b 19120b4d 8 b 19120b8d 16 b 19721b16d 16 bcs 19131bcs16

mAJOr KITS major kits include all comPonents of seal kits Plus Vanes, gas ballast ValVe & other comPonents for major oVerhaul.

mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 1.6 b 19118d1kfrd 4 b 19120d4kits 8 b 19120s8kitd 8 b 19120d8kits 16 b 19121s16kitd 16 b 19121d16kitd 16 bcs 19131d16kit

ArS/CFS/IGS rEpAIr KITS major kits w/blades include all comPonents of clean oVer-haul kits & blade kits for major oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 16 bcs - ars filter 72024014d 16 bcs - cfs oil filter 72024012d 16 bcs - igs inert gas 72024016

rOTOrS mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 4 b (1st stage) 32166160d 8 b (1st stage) 32166161d 4/8 b (2nd stage) 32166166d 16 b/bcs (1st stage) 32166162d 16 b/bcs (2nd stage) 32166168 STATOrS mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 4 b (1st stage) 23192014d 8 b (1st stage) 23192015d 4/8 b (2nd stage) 23192021d 16 b/bcs (1st stage) 23192016d 16 b/bcs (2nd stage) 23192022

pLATES mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 4/8 b (front) 20009544d 4/8 b (center) 26151137d 4/8 b (rear) 35111010d 16 b/bcs (front) 20040005d 16 b/bcs (center) 26151138d 16 b/bcs (rear) 35111011

VAnES mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 1.8 b (1st, 2nd stg) 20009289frd 4 b (1st, 2nd) 20039220s 8 b, d 8 b (1st) 20010658d 8 b (2nd) 20039220s 16 b, d 16 b (1st) 20010655d 16 b (2nd) 20010656

AF/ArS/CFS FILTErS & ELEmEnTS mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 4/8 b (af/ars elmnt) 18971d 16 b/bcs (af/ars elmnt) P18972d 16 bcs (cfs alum 1.0l) 18996d 16 bcs (cfs alum 1.3l) P18999

rECOmmEnDED OILS TYpE pArT numBErPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

Leybold-OerlikonTrIVaC B

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

D 1.6/4/8 B



Leybold-OerlikonTrIVaC B

D1.6B D1.6B D4B D8B D4B D8BpArT numBEr


SEAL 19118

mAJOr 19118D1KFr

SEAL 19120B4

SEAL 19120B8

mAJOr 19120D4KIT

mAJOr 19120D8KIT

20009111 collar,shaft sleeVe,d4/d8b 1 120009265 deflector,oil Plate 139026010 filter,demister,s4b,d4b 1 139026011 filter,demister,s8b,d8b 1 123973047 gasket,case 1 1 1 120010731 gasket,couPling,asb 1 1 1 123973043 gasket,d16bcs,d25bcs 1 1 1 123973044 gasket,flat 1 1 1 120010749 gasket,inner,s1.6b/d1.6b 1 123973037 gasket,module 1 1 1 120009260 gasket,oil coVer 1 123973057 gasket,sight glass 1 1 1 1P23955165 gasket,Viton 2 2 3 3 3 320009110 insert,couPling,s8b,d4b,d8b 1 1 1 120009255 leVer d1.6b 120009278 noZZle 139350013 noZZle 1 120009244 noZZle,oil 1 139350019 noZZle,silencer,d65b 1P23970108 o'ring,Viton,12 X 1.5 mm 1 1 2 2 2 223970147 o'ring,Viton,16 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 123970154 o'ring,Viton,17 X 3 mm 1 123970176 o'ring,Viton,18.42 X 5.33 mm 2 2 2 2 2 223970016 o'ring,Viton,22 X 1.5 mm 1 123970436 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5 mm 220010289 o'ring,Viton,27 X 3 mm 220008108 o'ring,Viton,28.3 X 1.78 mm 1 123970163 o'ring,Viton,38 X 2 mm 2 2 2 223970015 o'ring,Viton,40 X 1.5 mm 1 1 1 120009515 o'ring,Viton,43 X 1.5 mm 1 120009362 o'ring,Viton,64 X 1.5 mm 1 123970509 o'ring,Viton,70 X 5 mm 1 1 1 115108035 Pad,felt 1 1 1 123973146 seal,float,Viton 1 1 1 1 1 134861029 seal,gb 1 1 1 123953006 seal,shaft,Viton 1 1 2 2 2 220009264 sight glass 135001179 sight glass 1 120009358 sPider,d1.6b 1 122161208 sPring 122161040 sPring,s/s 1 122161031 sPring,sPlit 1 120009353 ValVe,eXhaust 140175014 ValVe,eXhaust,Plate 1 120010350 ValVe,gas ballast 1 120009610 ValVe,non return 134861028 ValVe,non-return 1 1 1 140159003 ValVe,Plate,Viton 1 1 1 1 1 140175023 ValVe,Pressure relief 1 120009289fr Vane,gX,1st stage 420039220 Vane,gX,1st,2nd stage 4 220010658 Vane,gX,hV,1st stage,d8b 2

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

D 16 B, D 16 BCS, S 8/16 B



Leybold-OerlikonTrIVaC B

S8B D16B D16B S16B D16BCS D16BCSpArT numBEr


mAJOr 19120S8KIT

SEAL 19721B16

mAJOr 19121D16KIT

mAJOr 19121S16KIT

SEAL 19131BCS16

mAJOr 19131D16KIT

23192026 bushing,shaft sleeVe 1 1 1 1 120009111 collar,shaft sleeVe,d4/d8b 139026012 filter,demister,s16b,d16b/bcs 1 1 1 1 139026011 filter,demister,s8b,d8b 123973047 gasket,case 120010738 gasket,couPling housing 1 1 1 1 120010731 gasket,couPling,asb 120009012 gasket,d16b,d16bcs,d25b,d25bcs 1 1 1 1 123973043 gasket,d16bcs,d25bcs 1 1 1 1 1 120039148 gasket,felt 1 123973044 gasket,flat 1 1 1 1 1 123973037 gasket,module 123973038 gasket,module 1 1 1 1 123973052 gasket,oil 1 123973057 gasket,sight glass 1 1 1 1 1 1P23955165 gasket,Viton 3 3 3 3 3 320009094 insert,couPling,black 1 1 1 1 120009110 insert,couPling,s8b,d4b,d8b 120009057 noZZle,oil 1 139350006 noZZle,oil 139350005 noZZle,oil,s16b 139350015 noZZle,silencing 1 1 1 1P23970108 o'ring,Viton,12 X 1.5 mm 1 2 2 2 2 223970147 o'ring,Viton,16 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 1 123970176 o'ring,Viton,18.42 X 5.33 mm 223970506 o'ring,Viton,27.94 X 5.33 mm 2 2 2 2 223970163 o'ring,Viton,38 X 2 mm 223970015 o'ring,Viton,40 X 1.5 mm 123970304 o'ring,Viton,45 X 3 mm 2 2 2 2 223970261 o'ring,Viton,52 X 3 mm 1 1 2 2 223970006 o'ring,Viton,55 X 2 mm 1 1 1 1 123970412 o'ring,Viton,6 X 2 mm 1 123970409 o'ring,Viton,60 X 2 mm 1 123970509 o'ring,Viton,70 X 5 mm 1 1 1 1 1 115108035 Pad,felt 123973146 seal,float,Viton 1 1 1 1 1 134861029 seal,gb 1 1 1 1 1 120009235 seal,shaft 2 223953004 seal,shaft,Viton 2 2 2 2 223953006 seal,shaft,Viton 235001179 sight glass 1 1 1 122161041 sPring 1 122161040 sPring,s/s 1 2 1 1 122161031 sPring,sPlit 1 1 1 1 120009015 ValVe,deflector Plate 140159004 ValVe,disc,Viton 1 1 1 1 140175015 ValVe,eXhaust,Plate 134861028 ValVe,non-return 1 1 1 1 1 140175019 ValVe,Plate 1 140175017 ValVe,Plate, d16b/bcs 1 1 140159003 ValVe,Plate,Viton 140175023 ValVe,Pressure relief 1 1 1 1 1 120010656 Vane,gX,2nd stage 2 220010655 Vane,gX,d16b/bcs,d25b/bcs 2 2 220010658 Vane,gX,hV,1st stage,d8b 2

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhLEYBOLD-4

D 25/40/65 B/BCS, S 25/40/65 B

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

SEAL KITS seal kits include couPling element, o-rings, gaskets, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pArT numBErs 25 b, d 25 b 19721b25d 25 bcs 19131bcs25s 40 b, d 40/65 b 19722d 40/65 bcs 19132

mAJOr KITS major kits include all comPonents of seal kits Plus Vanes & other comPonents for major oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pArT numBErs 25 b 19121s25kitd 25 b 19121d25kitd 25 bcs 19131d25kits 40 b 19122s40kitd 40 b 19122d40kitd 40 bcs 19132d40kits 65 b 19122s65kitd 65 b 19122d65kitd 65 bcs 19132d65kit

ArS/CFS/IGS rEpAIr KITS mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 25 bcs - ars filter 72024014d 25 bcs - cfs oil filter 72024012d 25/40/65 bcs - igs inert gas 72024016d 40-65 bcs - ars filter 72024015d 40-65 bcs - cfs oil filter 72024013

rOTOrS mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 25 b/bcs (1st stage) 32166163d 25 b/bcs (2nd stage) 32166169d 40 b/bcs (1st stage) 32166164d 40 b/bcs (2nd stage) 32166170d 65 b/bcs (1st stage) 32166165d 65 b/bcs (2nd stage) 32166171 STATOrS mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 25 b/bcs (1st stage) 23192017d 25 b/bcs (2nd stage) 23192023d 40 b/bcs (1st stage) 23192018d 40 b/bcs (2nd stage) 23192024d 65 b/bcs (1st stage) 23192019d 65 b/bcs (2nd stage) 23192025

pLATES mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 25 b (front) 20040005d 25 b (center) 26151138d 25 b (rear) 35111011d 40/65 b/bcs (front) 30151147d 40/65 b/bcs (center) 26151139d 40/65 b/bcs (rear) 35111012d

VAnESmODEL(S) pArT numBErs 25 b, d 25 b/bcs (1st stage) 20010885d 25 b/bcs (2nd stage) 20010655s 40 b, d 40 b/bcs (1st stage) 20010652d 40 b/bcs (2nd stage) 20010653s 65 b, d 65 b/bcs (1st stage) 20010886d 65 b/bcs (2nd stage) 20010652

AF/ArS/CFS FILTErS & ELEmEnTS mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 25 b/bcs - af/ars elmt P18972d 40/65 b/bcs - af/ars elmt P18973d 25/40/65 bcs - cfs alum 1.0l 18996d 25/40/65 bcs - cfs a./Part 1.3l P18999

rECOmmEnDED OILS TYpE pArT numBErPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Leybold-OerlikonTrIVaC B

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

D 25 B/BCS, S 25 B



Leybold-OerlikonTrIVaC B

S25B,D25B D25B S25B D25BCS D25BCSpArT numBEr


SEAL 19721B25

mAJOr 19121D25KIT

mAJOr 19121S25KIT

SEAL 19131BCS25

mAJOr 19131D25KIT

23192026 bushing,shaft sleeVe 1 1 1 1 139026013 filter,demister,s25b,d25b/bcs 1 1 1 1 120010736 gasket, module 120010738 gasket,couPling housing 1 1 1 1 120009012 gasket,d16b,d16bcs,d25b,d25bcs 1 1 1 1 123973043 gasket,d16bcs,d25bcs 1 1 1 1 120039148 gasket,felt 1 123973044 gasket,flat 1 1 1 1 123973038 gasket,module 1 1 1 1 123973052 gasket,oil 1 123973057 gasket,sight glass 1 1 1 1 1P23955165 gasket,Viton 3 3 3 3 320009094 insert,couPling,black 1 1 1 139350008 noZZle,oil 1 139350009 noZZle,oil,s25b 139350015 noZZle,silencing 1 139350010 noZZle,silencing,s25b 1P23970108 o'ring,Viton,12 X 1.5 mm 2 2 2 2 223970147 o'ring,Viton,16 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 123970506 o'ring,Viton,27.94 X 5.33 mm 2 2 2 2 223970304 o'ring,Viton,45 X 3 mm 2 2 2 2 223970261 o'ring,Viton,52 X 3 mm 1 1 2 2 223970006 o'ring,Viton,55 X 2 mm 1 1 1 1 123970412 o'ring,Viton,6 X 2 mm 1 123970409 o'ring,Viton,60 X 2 mm 1 123970509 o'ring,Viton,70 X 5 mm 1 1 1 1 123973146 seal,float,Viton 1 1 1 1 134861029 seal,gb 1 1 1 1 120009235 seal,shaft 2 223953004 seal,shaft,Viton 2 2 2 1 135001179 sight glass 1 1 122161041 sPring 1 122161040 sPring,s/s 2 2 1 122161031 sPring,sPlit 1 1 1 120009016 ValVe,deflector Plate 140159004 ValVe,disc,Viton 1 1 1 1 134861028 ValVe,non-return 1 1 1 1 140175019 ValVe,Plate 1 1 140175018 ValVe,Plate,s25b 1 140175023 ValVe,Pressure relief 1 1 1 1 120010885 Vane,gX,1st stage 2 2 220010655 Vane,gX,d16b/bcs,d25b/bcs 2 2

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

D 40 B/BCS, S 40 B



Leybold-OerlikonTrIVaC B

D40B D40B S40B D40BCS D40BCSpArT numBEr


SEAL 19722

mAJOr 19122D40KIT

mAJOr 19122S40KIT

SEAL 19132

mAJOr 19132D40KIT

820048 boX,white,14.5 X 10.5 X 2.5" 1 1 120009095 couPling,insert 1 1 1 120009137 deflector Plate,ValVe,set of 3,17-7st 120039108 disc,felt 1 139026014 filter,demister,d40-65b/bcs 1 1 1 1 120011245 finger,eXhaust 7 4 7 420009148 gasket,case 1 1 1 1 123973036 gasket,couPling housing 1 1 1 1 123973042 gasket,coVer 1 1 1 123973039 gasket,d40b,d40bcs,d65b,d65bcs 1 1 1 1 123973044 gasket,flat 1 1 1 1 120010746 gasket,lh-cfs ValVe 1 1 1 120039131 gasket,sight glass,d40/65b/bcs 1 1 1 1 1P23955165 gasket,Viton 3 3 3 3 339350007 noZZle,oil 1 1 139350019 noZZle,silencer,d65b 1 139350015 noZZle,silencing 123950121 o'ring,buna,68 X 3.5 mm 1 1 1 1 123970305 o'ring,Viton,10 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 1P23970108 o'ring,Viton,12 X 1.5 mm 1 1 1 1 123970008 o'ring,Viton,15 X 2 mm 1 123970147 o'ring,Viton,16 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 123970016 o'ring,Viton,22 X 1.5 mm 1 1 1 1 123970516 o'ring,Viton,42 X 5 mm 2 2 2 2 223970304 o'ring,Viton,45 X 3 mm 123970223 o'ring,Viton,80 X 3 mm 4 4 3 4 470120381 o'ring,Viton,85 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 123973146 seal,float,Viton 1 1 1 1 134861029 seal,gb 1 1 1 1 123192034 seal,shaft,bushing sleeVe 1 1 1 1 120039118 seal,shaft,Viton 30X45X8 2 2 223953007 seal,shaft,Viton,30X40X7 2 2 2 2 235001179 sight glass 1 1 1 122161041 sPring 1 122161040 sPring,s/s 1 1 1 122161031 sPring,sPlit 1 1 1 140050140 ValVe,disc 1 1 1 1 134861028 ValVe,non-return 1 1 1 1 140175023 ValVe,Pressure relief 1 1 1 1 120010652 Vane,gX,1st,2nd stage 2 2 220010653 Vane,gX,2nd stage 2 2

Page 175: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

D 65 B/BCS, S 65 B



Leybold-OerlikonTrIVaC B

D65B D65B S65B D65BCS D65BCSpArT numBEr


SEAL 19722

mAJOr 19122D65KIT

mAJOr 19122S65KIT

SEAL 19132

mAJOr 19132D65KIT

820048 boX,white,14.5 X 10.5 X 2.5" 1 1 1 120009095 couPling,insert 1 1 1 120039108 disc,felt 1 139026014 filter,demister,d40-65b/bcs 1 1 1 1 120011245 finger,eXhaust 7 7 7 720009148 gasket,case 1 1 1 1 123973036 gasket,couPling housing 1 1 1 1 123973042 gasket,coVer 1 1 1 123973039 gasket,d40b,d40bcs,d65b,d65bcs 1 1 1 1 123973044 gasket,flat 1 1 1 1 120010746 gasket,lh-cfs ValVe 1 1 1 120039131 gasket,sight glass,d40/65b/bcs 1 1 1 1 1P23955165 gasket,Viton 3 3 3 3 320009136 kit,ValVe,deflector Plate 139350007 noZZle,oil 139350018 noZZle,oil 1 1 139350019 noZZle,silencer,d65b 1 1 139350015 noZZle,silencing 123950121 o'ring,buna,68 X 3.5 mm 1 1 1 1 123970305 o'ring,Viton,10 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 1P23970108 o'ring,Viton,12 X 1.5 mm 1 1 1 1 123970008 o'ring,Viton,15 X 2 mm 1 123970147 o'ring,Viton,16 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 123970016 o'ring,Viton,22 X 1.5 mm 1 1 1 1 123970516 o'ring,Viton,42 X 5 mm 2 2 2 2 223970304 o'ring,Viton,45 X 3 mm 123970223 o'ring,Viton,80 X 3 mm 4 4 3 4 470120381 o'ring,Viton,85 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 123973146 seal,float,Viton 1 1 1 1 134861029 seal,gb 1 1 1 1 123192034 seal,shaft,bushing sleeVe 1 1 1 1 120039118 seal,shaft,Viton 30X45X8 2 2 223953007 seal,shaft,Viton,30X40X7 2 2 2 2 235001179 sight glass 1 1 1 122161041 sPring 1 122161040 sPring,s/s 1 1 1 122161031 sPring,sPlit 1 1 1 140050140 ValVe,disc 1 1 1 1 134861028 ValVe,non-return 1 1 1 1 140175023 ValVe,Pressure relief 1 1 1 1 120010886 Vane,gX,1st stage 2 2 220010652 Vane,gX,1st,2nd stage 2 2

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhLEYBOLD-8

D 2/4/8/16 A/AC, S 4/8 A

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

SEAL KITS seal kits include couPling element, o-rings, gaskets, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 2/4 a/ac 19102b2d 8/16 a/ac 19104b2d 8/16 a (buna) 19104b2bu

mAJOr SErVICE KITS major serVice kits include comPonents of seal kits Plus Vanes & other comPonents for major oVerhauls. ac kits include gold Plated eXhaust ValVe Plates. mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 2 a 10166kitd 2 ac 10166ckits 4 a 10161kitd 4 a 10167kitd 4 ac 10167ckits 8 a 10162kitd 8 a 10168kitd 8 ac 10168ckitd 16 a 10169kitd 16 ac 10169ckit

SIGHT TuBE rEpLACEmEnT KITSsight tube rePlacement kits include mounting bolts, gaskets, o-rings & glass tube.

mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 2/4/8/16 a/al 72211003rk

rOTOrS mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 4 a/ac (1st stage) 32166125d 4 a/ac (2nd stage) 48121243nsd 8 a/ac (1st stage) 32166123d 8 a/ac (2nd stage) 48121238nsd 16 a/ac (1st stage) 32166122d 16 a/ac (2nd stage) 48121239ns STATOrS mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 8 a/ac (1st stage) 23165121d 8 a/ac (2nd stage) 23158124d 16 a/ac (1st stage) 23165122d 16 a/ac (2nd stage) 23158124

pLATES mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 2/4 a (front) 30151138d 2/4 a (center) 26151132d 8/16 a (front) 30151137d 8/16 a (center) 26151131d 8/16 a (rear) 35155130

SHAFTSmODEL(S) pArT numBErd 2 a/ac 40157286d 4 a/ac 40157288d 8 a/ac 40157290d 16 a/ac 40157292

VAnES mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 2 a/ac (1st, 2nd/6 Qty.) 20010878d 4 a/ac (1st/3 Qty.) 20010879d 8 a/ac (1st,2nd /6 Qty.) 20010882d 16 a/ac (1st/3 Qty.) 20010881d 16 a/ac (2nd/3 Qty.) 20010882

rECOmmEnDED OILS TYpE pArT numBErPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

Leybold-OerlikonTrIVaC a

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

D 2 A/AC



Leybold-OerlikonTrIVaC a

D2/4A,AC D2A D2ACpArT numBEr


SEAL 19102B2

mAJOr 10166KIT

mAJOr 10166CKIT

72000129 bolt,mounting 2 223105107 disc,retaining 1 1 170100147 element,couPling,d2-16a/ac 1 1 139026121 filter,oil 1 1 123811123 gasket,case seal 1 1 123820147 gasket,d2a/ac,d4a/ac,s4a/ac 2 2 272590001 gasket,flat 2 2 223925227 gasket,flat,gas ballast 1 1 123973133 gasket,flat,gas ballast 1 1 123955172 gasket,sight glass,d2/4a 1 1 172590000 gasket,Viton 2 2 2P23955165 gasket,Viton 4 4 423973131 nib,asb,buna,50 dur 1 1 123973131V nib,asb,Viton,60 dur 1 1 172591001 o'ring,Viton,10.82 X 1.78 mm 2 2 223970176 o'ring,Viton,18.42 X 5.33 mm 2 2 223970410 o'ring,Viton,22 X 3 mm 1 1 123970148 o'ring,Viton,5 X 2 mm 3 3 323970409 o'ring,Viton,60 X 2 mm 4 4 472591000 o'ring,Viton,9.25 X 1.78 mm 2 2 223103101 ring,retaining 1 1 120127105 screw,Plug 4 3 323953124 seal,shaft,Viton 2 2 272211003 sight glass,tube 1 122161199 sPring 1 1 122162144 sPring 145174424 sPring 1 140050135 ValVe 140050136 ValVe,asb,disc 1 1 140164109 ValVe,Plate 140164121 ValVe,Plate,gold 120010878 Vane,gX,1st/2nd stage 6 645174425 washer,stiffening 1 1

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

D 4 A/AC, S 4/8 A



Leybold-OerlikonTrIVaC a

S4A D4A D4AC S8ApArT numBEr


mAJOr 10161KIT

mAJOr 10167KIT

mAJOr 10167CKIT

mAJOr 10162KIT

72000129 bolt,mounting 2 2 2 223105107 disc,retaining 1 1 170100147 element,couPling,d2-16a/ac 1 1 1 139026117 filter,oil 139026121 filter,oil 1 1 123811123 gasket,case seal 1 1 123811126 gasket,case seal 123820147 gasket,d2a/ac,d4a/ac,s4a/ac 2 2 272590001 gasket,flat 2 2 2 223925227 gasket,flat,gas ballast 1 1 123973133 gasket,flat,gas ballast 1 1 123925226 gasket,gas ballast 123820156 gasket,intake/eXhaust 223955171 gasket,sight glass 123955172 gasket,sight glass,d2/4a 1 172590000 gasket,Viton 2 2 2 2P23955165 gasket,Viton 4 4 4 423973131 nib,asb,buna,50 dur 1 1 1 123973131V nib,asb,Viton,60 dur 1 1 1 172591001 o'ring,Viton,10.82 X 1.78 mm 2 2 2 223970176 o'ring,Viton,18.42 X 5.33 mm 2 2 223970410 o'ring,Viton,22 X 3 mm 1 1 123970436 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5 mm 123970506 o'ring,Viton,27.94 X 5.33 mm 223970117 o'ring,Viton,29 X 3 mm 123970148 o'ring,Viton,5 X 2 mm 2 3 3 323970409 o'ring,Viton,60 X 2 mm 2 4 423970156 o'ring,Viton,86 X 2 mm 272591000 o'ring,Viton,9.25 X 1.78 mm 2 2 2 223103101 ring,retaining 1 1 120127105 screw,Plug 4 4 4 423953124 seal,shaft,Viton 2 2 223953142 seal,shaft,Viton,15X32X7 272211003 sight glass,tube 1 1 1 122161199 sPring 1 1 145174424 sPring 1 140050135 ValVe 1 140050136 ValVe,asb,disc 1 1 140050139 ValVe,asb,disc 140164109 ValVe,Plate 1 140164111 ValVe,Plate 140164116 ValVe,Plate 140164121 ValVe,Plate,gold 120010879 Vane,gX,1st stage 3 3 320010878 Vane,gX,1st/2nd stage 3 320010882 Vane,gX,1st/2nd stage 345174425 washer,stiffening 1 1

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

D 8/16 A/AC



Leybold-OerlikonTrIVaC a

D8/16A,AC D8A,D16A D8A D8AC D16A D16ACpArT numBEr


SEAL 19104B2

SEAL 19104B2Bu

mAJOr 10168KIT

mAJOr 10168CKIT

mAJOr 10169KIT

mAJOr 10169CKIT

72000129 bolt,mounting 2 2 2 270100147 element,couPling,d2-16a/ac 1 1 1 1 1 139026117 filter,oil 1 1 1 1 1 123811126 gasket,case seal 1 1 1 1 1 172590001 gasket,flat 2 2 2 2 2 223925226 gasket,gas ballast 1 1 1 1 1 123820156 gasket,intake/eXhaust 2 2 2 2 2 223955171 gasket,sight glass 1 1 1 1 1 172590000 gasket,Viton 2 2 2 2 2 2P23955165 gasket,Viton 4 4 4 4 4 423973131 nib,asb,buna,50 dur 1 1 1 1 1 123973131V nib,asb,Viton,60 dur 1 1 1 1 1 172591001 o'ring,Viton,10.82 X 1.78 mm 2 2 2 2 2 223970436 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 1 123970506 o'ring,Viton,27.94 X 5.33 mm 2 2 2 2 2 223970117 o'ring,Viton,29 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 1 123970148 o'ring,Viton,5 X 2 mm 3 3 3 3 3 323970156 o'ring,Viton,86 X 2 mm 4 4 4 4 4 472591000 o'ring,Viton,9.25 X 1.78 mm 2 2 2 2 2 223103104 ring,retaining 1 1 1 1 1 123105108 ring,snaP 1 1 1 1 1 120127105 screw,Plug 4 4 4 4 4 423953142b seal,shaft,buna,15X32X7 223953142 seal,shaft,Viton,15X32X7 2 2 2 2 272211003 sight glass,tube 1 1 1 122162143 sPring 1 1 1 1 1 122162141 sPring,mw 1 1 1 1 1 140050135 ValVe 1 1 1 1 1 140050139 ValVe,asb,disc 1 1 1 1 1 140164116 ValVe,Plate 1 140164125 ValVe,Plate,gold 1 120010881 Vane,gX,1st stage 3 320010882 Vane,gX,1st/2nd stage 6 6 3 3

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhLEYBOLD-12

D 30/60/90 A/AC, S 30/60/90 A/AC

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

SEAL KITSseal kits include couPling element, o-rings, gaskets, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul.

mODEL(S) pArT numBErs 30/60 a, d 30/60/90 a/ac 19106b2

mAJOr SErVICE KITSmajor serVice kits include all comPonents of seal kits Plus Vanes & other comPonents for major oVerhaul. ac kits include gold Plated eXhaust ValVe Plates. mODEL(S) pArT numBErs 30 a 10164kitd 30 a 10170kitd 30 ac 10170ckits 60/90 a 10165kits 60/90 ac 10165ckitd 60/90 a 10171kitd 60/90 ac 10171ckit

SIGHT GLASS TuBE rEpLACEmEnT KITS sight tube rePlacement kits include mounting bolts, gaskets, o-rings & glass tube. mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 30/60/90 a 72211004rk

rOTOrS mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 30 a/ac (1st/2nd stage) 32166119d 60/90 a/ac (1st stage) 32166120d 60/90 a/ac (2nd stage) 32166119 STATOrS mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 30 a/ac (1st stage) 23165118d 60/90 a/ac (1st stage) 23165107d 30/60/90 a/ac (2nd stage) 23158122

pLATES mODEL(S) pArT numBErall (front) 30151140all (center) 26151135all (rear) 35155132

SHAFTSmODEL(S) pArT numBErd 30 a/ac 40157294d 60/90 a/ac 40157296

VAnES mODEL(S) pArT numBErs 30 a (1st/3 Qty) 20010846s 60 a (1st/3 Qty) 20010880d 30 a/ac (1st/2nnd/6 Qty) 20010846d 60/90 a/ac (1st/3 Qty) 20010880d 60/90 a/ac (2nd/3 Qty) 20010846

SHAFT SEALSmODEL(S) pArT numBErall (2 Qty) 23953110

CASE GASKETSmODEL(S) pArT numBErall 23811142

rECOmmEnDED OILS TYpE pArT numBErPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

Leybold-OerlikonTrIVaC a

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

D 30/60 A/AC, S 30/60/90 A



Leybold-OerlikonTrIVaC a

S30A-D90AC S30A S60/90A D30A D30ACpArT numBEr


SEAL 19106B2

mAJOr 10164KIT

mAJOr 10165KIT

mAJOr 10170KIT

mAJOr 10170CKIT

40164117 assy,ValVe,Plate,gas ballast 1 1 1 172000129 bolt,mounting 2 2 2 2820048 boX,white,14.5 X 10.5 X 2.5" 1 1 140050137 disc,ValVe,asb 1 1 1 1 170100196 element,couPling,s/d30-90a/ac 1 1 1 1 123811142 gasket,case seal 1 1 1 1 172590001 gasket,flat 2 2 2 2 223925225 gasket,flat,gas ballast 1 1 1 1 123820158 gasket,intake/eXhaust 2 2 2 2 223955171 gasket,sight glass 1 1 1 1 172590000 gasket,Viton 2 2 2 2 2P23955165 gasket,Viton 4 4 4 4 423973131 nib,asb,buna,50 dur 1 1 1 1 123973131V nib,asb,Viton,60 dur 1 1 1 1 172591001 o'ring,Viton,10.82 X 1.78 mm 2 2 2 2 223970411 o'ring,Viton,122 X 3 mm 4 2 2 4 423970147 o'ring,Viton,16 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 123970436 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 123970516 o'ring,Viton,42 X 5 mm 2 2 2 2 223970304 o'ring,Viton,45 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 123970148 o'ring,Viton,5 X 2 mm 2 2 2 2 272591000 o'ring,Viton,9.25 X 1.78 mm 2 2 2 2 223103111 ring,retaining 3 3 3 3 323105108 ring,snaP 1 1 1 1 120127105 screw,Plug 4 4 4 4 423953110 seal,shaft,Viton,22X40X7mm 2 2 2 2 272211004 sight glass,tube 1 1 1 122162142 sPring 1 1 1 1 122162141 sPring,mw 1 1 1 1 122162140 sPring,s/steel 1 1 1 1 140050138 ValVe 2 2 2 2 240164113 ValVe,Plate 140164114 ValVe,Plate 1 1 140164124 ValVe,Plate,gold 120010880 Vane,gX,1st stage 320010846 Vane,gX,1st,2nd stage 3 6 6

Page 182: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

D 90 A/AC, S 60/90 AC



Leybold-OerlikonTrIVaC a

S60-90AC D60A,D90A D60-90ACpArT numBEr


mAJOr 10165CKIT

mAJOr 10171KIT

mAJOr 10171CKIT

40164117 assy,ValVe,Plate,gas ballast 1 1 172000129 bolt,mounting 2 2820048 boX,white,14.5 X 10.5 X 2.5" 140050137 disc,ValVe,asb 1 1 170100196 element,couPling,s/d30-90a/ac 1 1 123811142 gasket,case seal 1 1 172590001 gasket,flat 2 2 223925225 gasket,flat,gas ballast 1 1 123820158 gasket,intake/eXhaust 2 2 223955171 gasket,sight glass 1 1 172590000 gasket,Viton 2 2 2P23955165 gasket,Viton 4 4 423973131 nib,asb,buna,50 dur 1 1 123973131V nib,asb,Viton,60 dur 1 1 172591001 o'ring,Viton,10.82 X 1.78 mm 2 2 223970411 o'ring,Viton,122 X 3 mm 2 4 423970147 o'ring,Viton,16 X 2.5 mm 1 1 123970436 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5 mm 1 1 123970516 o'ring,Viton,42 X 5 mm 2 2 223970304 o'ring,Viton,45 X 3 mm 1 1 123970148 o'ring,Viton,5 X 2 mm 2 2 272591000 o'ring,Viton,9.25 X 1.78 mm 2 2 223103111 ring,retaining 3 3 323105108 ring,snaP 1 1 120127105 screw,Plug 4 4 423953110 seal,shaft,Viton,22X40X7mm 2 2 272211004 sight glass,tube 1 1 122162142 sPring 1 1 122162141 sPring,mw 1 1 122162140 sPring,s/steel 1 1 140050138 ValVe 2 2 240164114 ValVe,Plate 140164123 ValVe,Plate,gold 140164124 ValVe,Plate,gold 120010880 Vane,gX,1st stage 3 3 320010846 Vane,gX,1st,2nd stage 3 3

Page 183: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

D 8/16/30/40/60 C

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


GASKET KITS gasket kits include couPling element, o-rings, gaskets, shaft seals, ValVe disc & other comPonents for light oVerhaul.

mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 8 c 99710181d 16 c 99710281d 30/40/60 c 99710381

GAS BALLAST rEBuILD KITS gas ballast rebuild kits include comPonents reQuired for serVice of gas ballast assembly including caP, stiffening disk, gb coVer washer, ValVe Plate assembly & Various o-rings & gaskets.

mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 8/16 c 99710283d 30/40/60 c 99710383

mAInTEnAnCE KITS maintenance kits include comPonents for toP end mainte-nance of PumP including case gasket, ValVes, ValVe Plate, dirt traP & Various o-rings & gaskets. mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 8/16 c 99710284d 30/40/60 c 99710384

rOTOrS mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 8 c (1st stage) 32166123d 8 c (2nd stage) 48121238nsd 16 c (1st stage) 32166122d 16 c (2nd stage) 48121239nsd 30 c (1st/2nd stage) 32166119d 40/60 c (1st stage) 32166120d 40/60 c (2nd stage) 32166119 STATOrS mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 8 c (1st stage) 23165121d 16 c (1st stage) 23165122d 8/16 c (2nd stage) 23158124d 30 c (1st stage) 23165118d 40/60 c (1st stage) 23165107d 30/40/60 c (2nd stage) 23158122

pLATES mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 8/16 c (front) 30151137d 8/16 c (center) 26151131d 8/16 c (rear) 35155130d 30/40/60 c (front) 30151140d 30/40/60 c (center) 26151135d 30/40/60 c (rear) 35155132

SHAFTS mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 8 c 40157290d 16 c 40157292d 30 c 40157294d 40/60 c 40157296

VAnES mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 8 c (1st, 2nd/6 Qty) 20010882d 16 c (1st/3 Qty) 20010881d 16 c (2nd/3 Qty) 20010882d 30 c (1st, 2nd/6 Qty) 20010846d 40/60 c (1st/3 Qty) 20010880d 40/60 c (2nd/3 Qty) 20010846

SHAFT SEALS mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 8/16 c (2 Qty) 23953142d 30/40/60 c (2 Qty) 23953110

CASE GASKETS mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 8/16 c 20039988d 30/40/60 c 23811142

Leybold-OerlikonTrIVaC C

Page 184: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

D 8/16/30/40/60 C



Leybold-OerlikonTrIVaC C

D8C D16C D8/16C D8/16C D30-60C D30-60C D30-60CpArT numBEr


GASKET 99710181

GASKET 99710281

GAS BALLAST 99710283


GASKET 99710381



40164117 assy,ValVe,Plate,gas ballast 134975105 caP,d8a-90a 1 157042129-3 couPling, element 1 199999033 couPling, element 122204107 disc,stiffening,d8a-d90a 1 140050137 disc,ValVe,asb 1 139026117 filter,oil 1 1 1 120039443 gasket, dwg oil sight glass 1 1 120039988 gasket,case 1 1 123811142 gasket,case seal 1 123925225 gasket,flat,gas ballast 1 123925226 gasket,gas ballast 1 1 1 1P23955165 gasket,Viton 3 3 3 3 320039992 gasket,Viton,gas ballast 1 1 1 120039993 gasket,Viton,gas ballast 1 223973131 nib,asb,buna,50 dur 1 1 123970411 o'ring,Viton,122 X 3 mm 4 423970147 o'ring,Viton,16 X 2.5 mm 123970436 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 123970506 o'ring,Viton,27.94 X 5.33 mm 2 223970117 o'ring,Viton,29 X 3 mm 1 123970516 o'ring,Viton,42 X 5 mm 223970304 o'ring,Viton,45 X 3 mm 223970148 o'ring,Viton,5 X 2 mm 3 3 1 3 2 223970156 o'ring,Viton,86 X 2 mm 4 4 420040055 oring,Viton,29X5mm 1 123103106 ring,retaining 123104104 ring,retaining,int/d15X1 steel 1400066 screw,shcs,m5X16,s/s 420103217 screw,socket head caP 423953142 seal,shaft,Viton,15X32X7 2 223953110 seal,shaft,Viton,22X40X7mm 245174335 slinger,oil 1 122162142 sPring 1 1 122162143 sPring 1 1 1 122162141 sPring,mw 1 1 122162140 sPring,s/steel 141170121 traP,dirt 141170206 traP,dirt 140050135 ValVe 1 1 140050138 ValVe 2 240050139 ValVe,asb,disc 1 1 135020158 ValVe,assy,d8/16/30/60/90a&ac 1 140164114 ValVe,Plate 140164116 ValVe,Plate 120039970 washer 1 122202108 washer 4 8 422149207 washer,retaining 1 1

Page 185: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

SV 10/16/25/40/65/100/120/300/500 B, SV 630/750 B/BF

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


SEAL & GASKET KITS seal & gaskets kits include gaskets, o-rings, & shaft seals for light oVerhaul.

mODEL(S) pArT numBErsV 10/16 b 71422220sV 25 b 71419490sV 40 b 971427640sV 65 b 71420410sV 100/120 b 971427670sV 300 b 971464950sV 500 b, sV 630/750 b/bf 971437310

FILTEr SErVICE KITS filter serVice kits include eXhaust filters, eXhaust flange gasket & o-rings.

mODEL(S) pArT numBErsV 10/16 b 971444430sV 25 b 971423450sV 40 b 971427660sV 65 b 971423440sV 100/120 b 971427690sV 300 b 971464970sV 500 b, sV 630/750 b/bf 971437340

mAJOr rEpAIr KITS major rePair kits include all comPonents of seal & gasket kits and Vane kits Plus filters, ValVe Plates & other comPo-nents as reQuired for major oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pArT numBErsV 10/16 b 71422230sV 25 b 971423100sV 40 b 971427650sV 65 b 71420420sV 100 b 971427680sV 120 b 971427685sV 300 b 971464960sV 500 b, sV 630/750 b/bf 971437320

TOrLOn VAnE & mAJOr rEpAIr KITS Precision Plus offers Vane kits and major oVerhaul kits with torlon Vanes for the leybold sogeVac sV300b, sV630b & sV630bf model PumPs. due to sPecial manufacturing reQuire-ments, these kits are aVailable only by sPecial order. Please allow uP to four weeks for fulfillment of your order. mODEL(S) pArT numBErsV 300 b (Vane kit - set of 3) 971446880tVksV 300 b (major oVerhaul kit) 971464960tsV 630 b, sV 630 bf (Vane kit - set of 3) 971424540tVksV 630 b, sV 630 bf (major oVerhaul kit) 971437320t

EXHAuST FILTErS mODEL(S) pArT numBErsV 10/16 b (1 reQ) 71413280sV 25 b (1 reQ) 71416340sV 40 b (1 reQ) 71421180sV 65 b (1 reQ) 71417300sV 100/120 b (2 reQ) 71417300sV 300 b (3 reQ) 971431120sV 500 b (8 reQ) 971431120sV 630/750 b/bf8 (8 reQ) 971431120

OIL FILTErS mODEL(S) pArT numBErsV 40/65 b 71420980sV 100/120 b 71213150sV 300 b 71018850sV 500 b, sV 630/750 b/bf 71405318

VAnE KITS set of 3 Vanes.mODEL(S) pArT numBErsV 10/16 b 71413150sV 25 b 71416290sV 40 b 71420810sV 65 b 71416750sV 100 b 71418750sV 120 b 971445150sV 300 b 971446880sV 500 b, sV 630/750 b/bf 97142454

rECOmmEnDED OILS TYpE pArT numBErPlus 70 (1l/1.06Qt) PP70001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

Leybold-OerlikonSOGeVaC B

Page 186: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

SV 10/16/25/40/65 B



Leybold-OerlikonSOGeVaC B

SV10/16B SV10/16B SV25B SV25B SV40B SV40B SV65B SV65BpArT numBEr


SEA&GASK 71422220

mAJOr 71422230

SEAL&GASK 71419490

mAJOr 971423100

SEAL&GASK 971427640

mAJOr 971427650

SEAL&GASK 71420410

mAJOr 71420420

47201500 bearing,sleeVe 20X25X38.5 171418060 filter,ballast,stone,gas 171413280 filter,eXhaust,assy,sV16b 171416340 filter,eXhaust,assy,sV25b 171421180 filter,eXhaust,assy,sV40b 171417300 filter,eXhaust,assy,sV65b/sV100b 171420980 filter,oil 1 171420740 gasket,eXhaust,flange,Viton,5"l X 3 1 1 1 171416430 gasket,flat,cork,4.75"lX2.38"wX.0 1 171413240 gasket,flat,outlet,ifg 5500,2.88" s 1 171420750 gasket,flat,PaPer,6.5"l X 4.25" w 1 171416730 gasket,flat,PaPer,7"l X 4.5" w 1 171419730 gasket,flat,silicone,4.63"lX2.25"X. 1 1971423480 gasket,flat,Viton,4.38"lX3.25"wX. 1 171418070 kit,set screw,gb,m8X1.25 1 171417060 membrane,disk,Viton,12X2mm 1 1 1 171036722 o'ring,buna,27 X 2.5 mm 2 240023 o'ring,buna,34.52 X 3.53 mm 2 291311900000 o'ring,buna,70 X 3.0mm 2 282007 o'ring,Viton,10.77 X 2.62 mm 2 2 2 271237440 o'ring,Viton,110.72X3.53 mm 1 171417240 o'ring,Viton,126.59X3.53 mm 1 123970436 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5 mm 2 271217582 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5mm 1 1 1 179509 o'ring,Viton,28 X 3 mm 1 171217410 o'ring,Viton,33X3.5 mm 1 1 1 102126030 o'ring,Viton,34.52 X 3.53 mm 4 4900048 o'ring,Viton,4.42 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1923031 o'ring,Viton,42 X 2 mm 1 1 1 123970211 o'ring,Viton,50 X 3 mm 1 1 1 148663500 o'ring,Viton,56 X 2.5 mm 2 2 2 24070088 o'ring,Viton,6 X 2.2 mm 2 2 2 2320067 o'ring,Viton,63.09 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 179134 o'ring,Viton,8 X 2 mm 1 1 1 14070125 o'ring,Viton,8 X 2.0 mm 2 271421340 o'ring,Viton,82.14X3.53 mm 1 1 1 171417260 o'ring,Viton,9.12X3.53 mm 2 2 2 271237720 o'ring,Viton,93X3 mm 2 271416370 Plate,ValVe,17-7 stainless steel 171417090 Plate,ValVe,17-7 stainless steel 171418570 Plate,ValVe,17-7 stainless steel 171420830 Plate,ValVe,17-7 stainless steel 171416500 screw,non-return,m8X1.25 271042993 seal,anti-suckback ValVe 1 1 1 171212503 seal,float Val.sV40/65/100/180 1 1 1 1 1 171421000 seal,shaft,Viton,tc,25X47X6 mm 1 171417570 seal,shaft,Viton,tc,30X52X7 mm 1 171420820 seal,shaft,Viton,tc,35X52X7 mm 1 171417010 seal,shaft,Viton,tc,40X62X7 mm 1 171212428 sight glass,oil,sV40-sV300 1 1 1 1 1472105822 sleeVe,bearing,25X30X38.5 171420790 sleeVe,steel,30X35X17 mm 1971424900 sleeVe,steel,32X37X20 mm 171418310 sleeVe,steel,35X40X17mm 171421700 sleeVe,steel,35X42X36 mm 171416360 stoP,ValVe,hrs,1.50"lX1.20wX.08 171418580 stoP,ValVe,hrs,1.50"lX1.36wX.13 171420840 stoP,ValVe,hrs,2.86"l X 1.95"w 171417100 stoP,ValVe,hrs,3.15"l X 1.93"w 171015460 ValVe,intake,Viton 1 1 1 171416290g Vane,gX,2.36"lX.99"wX.17"thk 371413150g Vane,gX,2.40"lX.71"wX.15"thk 371420810g Vane,gX,3.93"l X 1.39"w X .170" 371416750g Vane,gX,3.97"l X 1.56"w X .171" 3

Page 187: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

SV 100/120/300/500 B, SV 630/750 B/BF



Leybold-OerlikonSOGeVaC B

SV100/120B SV100B SV120B SV300B SV300B SV500-750 SV500-750pArT numBEr


SEAL&GASK 971427670

mAJOr 971427680

mAJOr 971427685

SEAL&GASK 971464950

mAJOr 971464960

SEAL&GASK 971437310

mAJOr 971437320

971425960 bearing,ball,6309c3 171403880 bearing,ball,6409c3 171237760 bearing,dbl seals,6304 2330051 bearing,oPen,6207c3 2400070 bolt,heX,m10X20mm long 1400069 bolt,shoulder,m6X16 long 6510043 bushing,bearing,sV300b 2971425870 cliP,float 1

couPling,eur Version,sV300b 171418780 couPling,nylon,boweX m-28 1 1

couPling,us Version,sV300b 1420049 disc,couPling,stl,sV300b 171249660 disc,couPling,stl,sV630/750b 271417300 filter,eXhaust,assy,sV65b/sV100b 2 2971431120 filter,eXhaust,sV300b 3 8971431120 filter,eXhaust,sV630/750b 3 8971464130 filter,mann,ballast,gas,3 flow 171018850 filter,oil 171213150 filter,oil 1 1 171405318 filter,oil,mann w/950 1 171040762 filter,PaPer,gas ballast 171417210oem float assembly,sV630/750b 171418890 gasket,eXhaust,flange,PaPer 1 1 171418940 gasket,flat,PaPer 1 1 1300156 gasket,flat,sV300b 1 1300161 gasket,ring 2 2971460230 glass,sight,oil,gas 1" 171029600 glass,sight,oil,gas 1-1/4" 1PP820-80 grease,high temP.,820,80g syringe 1

971437830kit,ValVe,anti-suck back,sV630/750b 1 1

971457690 kit,ValVe,anti-suckback,sV 300b 1 171417060 membrane,disk,Viton,12X2mm 1 1 1300160 membrane,Viton,gas ballast 1 1971426150 membrane,Viton,gas ballast 1 1410013 nut,heX,m10,Zinc Plated 5971269640 o'ring,buna,94.62X5.33 mm 1 171237140 o'ring,molded,buna 1 182007 o'ring,Viton,10.77 X 2.62 mm 2 2 202126011 o'ring,Viton,10.77X2.62 mm 1 1320199 o'ring,Viton,110X5 mm 2 271436722V o'ring,Viton,117X3.5 mm 1 123970417 o'ring,Viton,11X2.5 mm 1 1320307 o'ring,Viton,11X3.5 mm 3 371237570 o'ring,Viton,120.7X5.33 mm 1 171237100 o'ring,Viton,123X3 mm 2 271417240 o'ring,Viton,126.59X3.53 mm 1 1 1320306 o'ring,Viton,12X5.3 mm 2 2320195V o'ring,Viton,158.12X5.33 mm 2 2320324 o'ring,Viton,158X3.5 mm 2 2320309 o'ring,Viton,15X3.5 mm 1 1320200 o'ring,Viton,165X5 mm 1 171237060 o'ring,Viton,17X2.5 mm 2 202126020 o'ring,Viton,18.64X3.53 mm 7 7320308 o'ring,Viton,20X3 mm 1 1320328 o'ring,Viton,21X4 mm 2 223970410 o'ring,Viton,22X3 mm 2 2320323 o'ring,Viton,241X3.5 mm 2 2320106 o'ring,Viton,25.07X2.62 mm 1 1 1 1971424700 o'ring,Viton,253.37X5.33 mm 1 1320106 o'ring,Viton,25X2.63 mm 1 1 1 1971424690 o'ring,Viton,266.07X5.33 mm 1 171217582 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5mm 1 1 1 1 1320184 o'ring,Viton,278.77X5.33 mm - 2 2320322 o'ring,Viton,279X3.5 mm 1 179509 o'ring,Viton,28X3 mm 2 2971424620 o'ring,Viton,304.17X5.33 mm 2 271217410 o'ring,Viton,33X3.5 mm 1 1 1 2 2 2 271237502 o'ring,Viton,380.37X5.33 mm 2 2900048 o'ring,Viton,4.42 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1 1

Page 188: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

SV 100/120/300/500 B, SV 630/750 B/BF


KIT COmpOnenTS (COnT.)

Leybold-OerlikonSOGeVaC B

SV100/120B SV100B SV120B SV300B SV300B SV500-750 SV500-750pArT numBEr


SEAL&GASK 971427670

mAJOr 971427680

mAJOr 971427685

SEAL&GASK 971464950

mAJOr 971464960

SEAL&GASK 971437310

mAJOr 971437320

900048 o'ring,Viton,4.42X2.62 mm 1 1 1 1 1923031 o'ring,Viton,42 X 2 mm 1 1 1320082 o'ring,Viton,44.04X3.53 mm 2 271237560 o'ring,Viton,456.06X5.33 mm 1 1320310 o'ring,Viton,4X2.5 mm 2 223970211 o'ring,Viton,50 X 3 mm 1 1 148663500 o'ring,Viton,56 X 2.5 mm 1 1 171237210 o'ring,Viton,60X2.5 mm 1 1320067 o'ring,Viton,63.09 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1 1320067 o'ring,Viton,63X3.5 mm 1 1 1 1 1320319 o'ring,Viton,73X2.6 mm 2 2320320 o'ring,Viton,76X2.6 mm 2 279134 o'ring,Viton,8 X 2 mm 1 1 171421340 o'ring,Viton,82.14X3.53 mm 1 1 14070125 o'ring,Viton,8X2 mm 1 1 1 171417260 o'ring,Viton,9.12X3.53 mm 3 3 3320312 o'ring,Viton,9X2.5 mm 1 1370004 Plate,end,sV300b 271418830 Plate,ValVe,17-7 stainless steel 1971445141 Plate,ValVe,sV120b 1380026 Plate,ValVe,sV300b 1971425901 Plate,ValVe,sV630/750b 2971425911 Plate,ValVe,sV630/750b 2470019 ring,retaining,metric 40 1971424570 ring,Viton,8.30X29.5X6.34mm 1 1 13802719 screw,heX,m12 271212503 seal,float Val.sV40/65/100/180 1 1 1 1 1 1 1310096 seal,molded,buna 1 1310098 seal,shaft,Viton,40X62X7 mm 2 271417570 seal,shaft,Viton,tc,30X52X7 mm 2 2 271212503 seal,ValVe,return,oil 1 1 1 1 1 1 171403120 set,seal,shaft 1 171212428 sight glass,oil,sV40-sV300 1 1472105822 sleeVe,bearing,25X30X38.5 2 271410050 sleeVe,shaft,50X60X25 1971425952 sleeVe,shaft,50X60X28 171418310 sleeVe,steel,35X40X17 mm 2971425990 sPring,ss,anti-suck back 171418840 stoP,ValVe,hrs,5.62"lX 2.12"wX.4"thk 1 1380027 stoP,ValVe,stl,sV300b 1971425920 stoP,ValVe,stl,sV630/750b 4971464940 ValVe Plate & ValVe stoP kit 171015460 ValVe,intake,Viton 1 171418750g Vane,g11,6.69"l X 1.56"w X .171"thk 3971446880s Vane,g11,single,sV300b 3971424540s Vane,g11,single,sV630/750b 3971445150s Vane,g11,sV120b 3420019 washer,4 waVed 2420047 washer,lock,m10,Zinc Plated 53600701 washer,lock,m12 2420052 washer,Ptfe Per rick & ron(,12X18X1. 4 471403190 washer,waVe 4 1971425972 washer,waVe 4 1

Page 189: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

SV 300 B, SV 630, SV 630 BF



Leybold-OerlikonSOGeVaC B

SV300B SV300B SV630B/BF SV630B/BFpArT numBEr


TOrLOn VAnE 971446880TVK

mAJOr 971464960T

TOrLOn VAnE 971424540TVK


71403880 bearing,ball,6409c3 1971425960 bearing,ball,6309c3 171237760 bearing,dbl seals,6304 2330051 bearing,oPen,6207c3 2400070 bolt,heX,m10X20mm long 1400069 bolt,shoulder,m6X16 long 6971425870 cliP,float 1360059 couPling,siteX 38,white 1420049 disc,couPling,stl,sV300b 171249660 disc,couPling,stl,sV630/750b 2971431120 filter,eXhaust seParator,sV b 3 853203400 filter,inlet,sV1025c,sV1040b/c 1971464130 filter,mann,ballast,gas,3 flow 153100100 filter,oil 171405318 filter,oil 171417210oem float assembly,sV630/750b 1300161 gasket,ring 2971460230 glass,sight,oil,g1 171029600 glass,sight,oil,gas 1-1/4 171403120 kit,seal,shaft,two,w/steel sPacer 2971446880tVk kit,Vane,torlon,sV300b 3971424540tVk kit,Vane,torlon,sV500/630/750b 1300160 membrane,Viton,gas ballast 1971426150 membrane,Viton,gas ballast 1410013 nut,heX,m10,Zinc Plated 5410007 nut,heX,nylon,m6,Zinc 3 8971269640 o'ring,buna,94.62X5.33 mm 171237140 o'ring,molded,buna 12126011 o'ring,Viton,10.77 X 2.62 mm 123970417 o'ring,Viton,11.3 X 2.4 mm 1320199 o'ring,Viton,110 X 5mm 271436722V o'ring,Viton,117.07 X 3.53mm 1320307 o'ring,Viton,11X3.5 mm 371237570 o'ring,Viton,120.7X5.33 mm 171237100 o'ring,Viton,123X3 mm 2320306 o'ring,Viton,12X5.3 mm 2320195V o'ring,Viton,158.12 X 5.34mm 2320324 o'ring,Viton,158X3.5 mm 2320309 o'ring,Viton,15X3.5 mm 1320200 o'ring,Viton,165 X 5mm 171237060 o'ring,Viton,17X2.5 mm 22126020 o'ring,Viton,18.64 X 3.53 mm 7320308 o'ring,Viton,20X3 mm 1320328 o'ring,Viton,21X4 mm 223970410 o'ring,Viton,22 X 3 mm 2320323 o'ring,Viton,241X3.5 mm 2320106 o'ring,Viton,25.07 X 2.62 mm 1 1971424700 o'ring,Viton,253.37X5.33 mm 1971424690 o'ring,Viton,266.07X5.33 mm 123970436 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5 mm 171217582 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5mm 1320184 o'ring,Viton,278.77 X 5.33mm 2320322 o'ring,Viton,279X3.5 mm 179509 o'ring,Viton,28 X 3 mm 2971424620 o'ring,Viton,304.17X5.33 mm 271217410 o'ring,Viton,33X3.5 mm 2 271237502 o'ring,Viton,380.37 X 5.33 2900048 o'ring,Viton,4.42 X 2.62 mm 1320082 o'ring,Viton,44.04 X 3.53 mm 271237560 o'ring,Viton,456.06X5.33 mm 1320310 o'ring,Viton,4X2.5 mm 271237210 o'ring,Viton,60X2mm 1320067 o'ring,Viton,63.09 X 3.53 mm 1320319 o'ring,Viton,73X2.6 mm 2320320 o'ring,Viton,76X2.6 mm 2 24070125 o'ring,Viton,8 X 2.0 mm 1 171237142 o'ring,Viton,89 X 4mm 1 2320312 o'ring,Viton,9X2.5 mm 1370004 Plate,end,sV300b 2

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Page 190: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

SV 300 B, SV 630, SV 630 BF


KIT COmpOnenTS (COnT.)

Leybold-OerlikonSOGeVaC B

SV300B SV300B SV630B/BF SV630B/BFpArT numBEr


TOrLOn VAnE 971446880TVK

mAJOr 971464960T

TOrLOn VAnE 971424540TVK


380026 Plate,ValVe,sV300b 2971425901 Plate,ValVe,sV630/750b 2971425911 Plate,ValVe,sV630/750b 2470019 ring,retainer,metric 40 13802719 screw,heX,m12 271212503 seal,float Val.sV40/65/100/180 1 1310096 seal,molded,buna 1310098 seal,shaft,Viton,40X62X7 mm 271410050 sleeVe,shaft,50X60X25 1971425952 sleeVe,shaft,50X60X28 1250013 sleeVe,steel,,1.5"lX.98"dia. 171418310 sleeVe,steel,35X40X17mm 2490054 sPring,comP.,s/s,eXh. filter 3 8971425990 sPring,ss,anti-suck back 1380027 stoP,ValVe,stl,sV300b 1971425920 stoP,ValVe,stl,sV630/750b 4971457690 ValVe,anti-suck back,sV300b 1971437830 ValVe,anti-suck back,sV630/750b 1971424540t Vane,torlon,single,sV630/750b 3 971446880t Vane,torlon,sV300b 3420047 washer,lock,m10,Zinc Plated 53600701 washer,lock,m12 2420052 washer,teflon 471403190 washer,waVe 4 1971425972 washer,waVe 4 1420019 washer,waVed 2

Page 191: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

SV 16/25/40/65/100/180/200

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


SEAL KITS seal kits include gaskets, o-rings & shaft seals for light oVerhaul. buna & Viton Versions aVailable.

mODEL(S) pArT numBErBUNA SEAL KITS sV 16/25 97197152sV 40/65 97197252sV 100 97197452sV 200 97197552

VITON SEAL KITSsV 16/25 71230010sV 40/65 71403490sV 100 71403500sV 200 71401990

mAJOr KITS major kits include all comPonents of seal kits, oil & eXhaust filters, Vane kit, couPling, ValVe Plate(s) & bearings as re-Quired for major oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pArT numBErsV 16/25 71241270sV 40 71403540sV 65 71403550sV 100 71403560sV 180 71403580sV 200 71436190

EXHAuST FILTErS mODEL(S) pArT numBErsV 16/25 (1 Qty) 71232023sV 40/65 (1 Qty) 71064763sV 100/180 (2 Qty) 71064763sV 200 (4 Qty) 71064763

OIL FILTErS mODEL(S) pArT numBErsV 40/65 (1 Qty) 71212718sV 100 (1 Qty) 71213158sV 180/200 (1 Qty) 71018858

VAnE KITS set of 3 Vanes.mODEL(S) pArT numBErsV 16/25 71234370sV 40 71401060sV 65 71401070sV 100 71234170sV 180/200 71412000

rECOmmEnDED OILS TYpE pArT numBErPlus 70 (1l/1.06Qt) PP70001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid


Page 192: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

SV 16/25/40/65




SV16,SV25 SV16,SV25 SV16,SV25 SV40,SV65 SV40,SV65 SV40 SV65pArT numBEr


BunA SEAL 97197152

VITOn SEAL 71230010

mAJOr 71241270

BunA SEAL 97197252

VITOn SEAL 71403490

mAJOr 71403540

mAJOr 71403550

71017993 assy,rlf VlV seal disc,sV40/65 1 1 1 1360029 element,couPling,sV40/65 1 171064763 filter,coalescing eXh. 1 171232023 filter,coalescing eXh.,br2 171212718 filter,oil,sV40/65 1 171042874 gasket,case 171231514 gasket,case 1 1 1300073 gasket,crush,coPPer,10mm 4 4 4 4300074 gasket,crush,coPPer,12mm 8 8 8 8300075 gasket,crush,coPPer,14mm 2 2 2 2300076 gasket,crush,coPPer,16mm 2 2 2 271212413 gasket,inlet flange,sV40/65 1 1 1 171018048 gasket,joint,sV40/65/100 1 1 1 171028173 gasket,sV40/65 1 1 1 171212473 gasket,sV40/65/10/100/180/300 1 1 1 171212473 gasket,sV40/65/100/180/300 1 1 1 171001173 gasket,sV65 1 1 1 1550044 glass,sight,Plastic,sV16/25 1085-019-755 o ring 4 7/8" id X 5 1/8" od X .139 sect 171001222 o'ring,buna,102 X 2 mm 2 2 271029972 o'ring,buna,123 X 3 mm 1 1085019755 o'ring,buna,125.8 X 3.53mm 171217042 o'ring,buna,15.1 X 2.7 mm 1 140019 o'ring,buna,18.72 X 2.62 mm 1 171237072 o'ring,buna,20 X 3 mm 1 171217402 o'ring,buna,22 X 3 mm 1 171046292 o'ring,buna,27 X 2 mm 3 3 371036722 o'ring,buna,27 X 2.5 mm 3 3 371062412 o'ring,buna,27.5 X 4.5 mm 2 271032252 o'ring,buna,28 X 3 mm 3 3 371217332 o'ring,buna,32 X 3.5 mm 1 1 179051 o'ring,buna,41 X 3 mm 1 1320183 o'ring,buna,52 X 2.5 mm 3 3 371217342 o'ring,buna,8 X 2 mm 1 171040362 o'ring,buna,89 X 4 mm 1 171001222V o'ring,Viton,102 X 2mm 271229972 o'ring,Viton,123 X 3 mm 171029972V o'ring,Viton,123 X 3mm 1320135 o'ring,Viton,15 X 2.5 mm 140008 o'ring,Viton,18.72 X 2.62 mm 171237082V o'ring,Viton,20 X 3mm 123970410 o'ring,Viton,22 X 3 mm 171217582 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5mm 371046292V o'ring,Viton,27 X 2mm 371062412V o'ring,Viton,27.5 X 4.5mm 279509 o'ring,Viton,28 X 3 mm 302126028 o'ring,Viton,31.34 X 3.53 mm 171237312 o'ring,Viton,41 X 3 mm 1 1320114 o'ring,Viton,52 X 2.5 mm 379134 o'ring,Viton,8 X 2 mm 171237142V o'ring,Viton,88.5 X 3.53mm 1550045 oil sight glass 3/4" bsP 1 171041323 Plate,ValVe 171401051 Plate,ValVe 1 171231810 screw,machine,m5 X 12 471042993 seal,anti-suckback ValVe 1 1 171015463 seal,anti-suckback ValVe,sV4 1 1 1 171212503 seal,float Val.sV40/65/100/180 1 1 1 2 1 1 171041388 seal,relief ValVe 171020112 seal,shaft,Viton 1 1 1 171041292 seal,shaft,Viton,30x40x7 1 1 171231653 seat,relief ValVe 1 1 120405009 sleeVe,shaft 3 371041303 stoP,ValVe,crs 171000974 ValVe,stoP 171234370g Vane,gX,1st stage,sV16/25 371234890 Vane,gX,1st stage,sV40 371235370 Vane,gX,1st stage,sV65 3420033 washer,flat,m5,s/s 4

Page 193: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

SV 100/180




Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

SV100 SV100 SV100 SV180pArT numBEr


BunA SEAL 97197452

VITOn SEAL 71403500

mAJOr 71403560

mAJOr 71403580

71017993 assy,rlf VlV seal disc,sV40/65 1 2 1 271031562 bearing,needle,sV180-sV300 290220900000 couPling,sPider,roteX,gr38 171213243 diaPhram 170100197 element,couPling,yellow 171064763 filter,coalescing eXh. 2 471213158 filter,oil 171018858 filter,oil,sogeVac sV180/300 1300073 gasket,crush,coPPer,10mm 4 4 4 6300074 gasket,crush,coPPer,12mm 8300075 gasket,crush,coPPer,14mm 12 12 12 12300076 gasket,crush,coPPer,16mm 2 2 2 8300077 gasket,crush,coPPer,18mm 2300058 gasket,flat,sV200 171212413 gasket,inlet flange,sV40/65 1 1 171028184 gasket,inlet Plate,sV100 1 1 171010264 gasket,joint Plate,sV100 1 1 171017854 gasket,joint Plate,sV180 171018048 gasket,joint,sV40/65/100 1 1 1 171010414 gasket,sV100 1 1 171001894 gasket,sV180 171046164 gasket,sV180,sV300 171213273 gasket,sV180,sV300300043 gasket,sV300 171212473 gasket,sV40/65/100/180/300 1 1 1 171029972 o'ring,buna,123 X 3 mm 2 271017702 o'ring,buna,148.83 X 3.58mm 271046292 o'ring,buna,27 X 2 mm 3 3 371036722 o'ring,buna,27 X 2.5 mm 3 3 171032252 o'ring,buna,28 X 3 mm 3 3 271217332 o'ring,buna,32 X 3.5 mm 1 1320183 o'ring,buna,52 X 2.5 mm 3 3 371229972 o'ring,Viton,123 X 3 mm 223970106 o'ring,Viton,13.3 X 2.4 mm 223970436 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5 mm 479509 o'ring,Viton,28 X 3 mm 102126028 o'ring,Viton,31.34 X 3.53 mm 123970261 o'ring,Viton,52 X 3 mm 3550045 oil sight glass 3/4" bsP 1 171015463 seal,anti-suckback ValVe,sV4 1 1 171015473 seal,anti-suckbk.Val.sV180/300 171217808 seal,dowty,sV180/300 3 371217848 seal,dowty,sV180/300 4 471212503 seal,float Val.sV40/65/100/180 1 1 1 171020112 seal,shaft,Viton 1 1 171001522 seal,shaft,Viton,28X40X7 271223182 seal,shaft,Viton,32X47X7mm 1510042 sleeVe,bearing,hardened 120405009 sleeVe,shaft 371001674 ValVe,Plate,sV100 1 171001664 ValVe,stoP,sV180 1 171234170g Vane,gX,1st stage 371412000g Vane,gX,single,sV180/sV200 3

Page 194: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

SV 200




SV200 SV200 SV200pArT numBEr


BunA SEAL 97197552

VITOn SEAL 71401990

mAJOr 71436190

71017993 assy,rlf VlV seal disc,sV40/65 2 2 271031562 bearing,needle,sV180-sV300 290220900000 couPling,sPider,roteX,gr38 171213243 diaPhram 1 1 171064763 filter,coalescing eXh. 471018858 filter,oil,sogeVac sV180/300 1300073 gasket,crush,coPPer,10mm 6 6 6300074 gasket,crush,coPPer,12mm 8 8 8300075 gasket,crush,coPPer,14mm 12 12 12300076 gasket,crush,coPPer,16mm 8 8 8300077 gasket,crush,coPPer,18mm 2 2 2300058 gasket,flat,sV200 1 1 171017854 gasket,joint Plate,sV180 1 1 171018048 gasket,joint,sV40/65/100 1 1 1300138 gasket,ring,Viton,sV300 4 471046164 gasket,sV180,sV300 2 2 171213273 gasket,sV180,sV300 1 1 1300041 gasket,sV300 4300043 gasket,sV300 1 1 171212473 gasket,sV40/65/100/180/300 1 1 171436722 o'ring,buna,117.1 X 3.5mm 1 1 140017 o'ring,buna,13.94 X 2.62 mm 2 2 271017702 o'ring,buna,148.83 X 3.58mm 2 2 271217402 o'ring,buna,22 X 3 mm 2 2 271046292 o'ring,buna,27 X 2 mm 3 3 371036722 o'ring,buna,27 X 2.5 mm 1 1 171032252 o'ring,buna,28 X 3 mm 2 2 271217332 o'ring,buna,32 X 3.5 mm 1 1 1320183 o'ring,buna,52 x 2.5 mm 3 3 371436722V o'ring,Viton,117.07 X 3.53mm 123970106 o'ring,Viton,13.3 X 2.4 mm 2 2 240006 o'ring,Viton,13.94 X 2.62 mm 271017702V o'ring,Viton,148.83 X 3.53mm 223970410 o'ring,Viton,22 X 3 mm 271217582 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5mm 171046292V o'ring,Viton,27 X 2mm 379509 o'ring,Viton,28 X 3 mm 223970261 o'ring,Viton,52 X 3 mm 371235521 Plate,ValVe 171231364 Plate,ValVe,stoP,crs,sV200 171015473 seal,anti-suckbk.Val.sV180/300 1 1 171212503 seal,float Val.sV40/65/100/180 1 1 171223182 seal,shaft,Viton,32X47X7mm 1 1 1310045 seal,ValVe,asb,sV300 2 2 271219488 sight glass,leybold 1510042 sleeVe,bearing,hardened 171412000g Vane,gX,single,sV180/sV200 3420040 washer,steel,38X30X2mm 2

Page 195: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

SV 280/300/500/585/630/750, SV 630 F

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


EXHAuST FILTErS mODEL(S) pArT numBErsV 280/300 (4 Qty) 71064773sV 500 (8 Qty) 71064773sV 585 (6 Qty) 71064773sV 630/750, sV 630 f (10 Qty) 71064773

OIL FILTErS mODEL(S) pArT numBErsV 280/300 (1 Qty) 71018858sV 585 (1 Qty) 71405318sV 585 (1 Qty) 71212718sV 500/630/750 (1 Qty) 71405318sV630 f (1 Qty) 71405318

VAnE KITSset of 3 Vanes. mODEL(S) pArT numBErsV 280/300 71412010sV 500 71412020sV 585 71029380sV 630, sV 630 f 71412020sV 750 71412020

rECOmmEnDED OILS TYpE pArT numBErPlus 70 (1l/1.06Qt) PP70001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid


SEAL KITSseal kits include gaskets, o-rings & shaft seals for light oVerhaul. buna & Viton Versions aVailable.

mODEL(S) pArT numBErBUNA SEAL KITSsV 280 97196641sV 300 97197652sV 585 97196671sV 500/630/750 97197701 VITON SEAL KITSsV 300 71402000sV 500/630/750 71405380

mAJOr rEpAIr KITS major kits include all comPonents of seal kits, oil & eXhaust filters, Vane kit, couPling or driVe belt (as reQuired), ValVe Plate(s) & bearings (as reQuired) for major oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pArT numBErsV 280 71403581sV 300 71436200sV 500 71419360sV 585 71221740sV 630, sV 630 f 71405390sV 750 71418560

TOrLOn VAnE & mAJOr rEpAIr KITSPrecision Plus offers Vane kits and major oVerhaul kits with torlon Vanes for the leybold sogeVac sV300b, sV630b & sV630bf model PumPs. due to sPecial manufacturing reQuirements, these kits are aVailable only by sPecial order. Please allow uP to four weeks for fulfillment of your order. mODEL(S) pArT numBErsV 300 (Vane kit - set of 3) 71412010tVksV 300 (major oVerhaul kit) 71436200tsV 630, sV 630 f (Vane kit - set of 3) 71409560sV 630, sV 630 f (major oVerhaul kit) 71418550

Page 196: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

SV 280/300/500




SV280 SV280 SV300 SV300 SV300 SV500 SV500pArT numBEr


BunA SEAL 97196641

mAJOr 71403581

BunA SEAL 97197652

VITOn SEAL 71402000

mAJOr 71436200

VITOn SEAL 71405380

mAJOr 71419360

71017993 assy,rlf VlV seal disc,sV40/65 2 2 2 2 271403882 bearing 171031562 bearing,needle,sV180-sV300 2 271403872 bearing,sV630 171403990belt belt 490220900000 couPling,sPider,roteX,gr38 1 171213243 diaPhram 1 1 1 1 171064773 filter,coalescing eXh. 4 4 1071405318 filter,oil 171018858 filter,oil,sogeVac sV180/300 1 1300073 gasket,crush,coPPer,10mm 6 6 6 6 6300074 gasket,crush,coPPer,12mm 8 8 8 8 8300075 gasket,crush,coPPer,14mm 12 12 12 12 12300076 gasket,crush,coPPer,16mm 8 8 8 8 8300077 gasket,crush,coPPer,18mm 2 2 2 2 2 4300084 gasket,flat,50 X 42 X 2 2 171017854 gasket,joint Plate,sV180 1 1 1 1 171018048 gasket,joint,sV40/65/100 1 1 1 1 1300138 gasket,ring,Viton,sV300 4 4 471046164 gasket,sV180,sV300 1 1 1 1 271213273 gasket,sV180,sV300 1 1 1 1 1300041 gasket,sV300 4 4300042 gasket,sV300 1 1 1 1 1300043 gasket,sV300 1 1 1 1 171212473 gasket,sV40/65/100/180/300 1 1 1 1 1840036 instruction,for Vane,fitting 1 1 1840035 instructions,for ValVe Plates 1 1 171403120 kit,seal,shaft,two,w/steel sPacer 2 2085-019-689 o ring 2 3/8" id X 2 1/2" od 2320198 o'ring,buna,107 X 2mm 1 1320197 o'ring,buna,110.72 X 3.53mm 1 171436722 o'ring,buna,117.1 X 3.5mm 1 1 1 171029972 o'ring,buna,123 X 3 mm 2 240017 o'ring,buna,13.94 X 2.62 mm 2 2320107 o'ring,buna,148.8 X 3.5mm 271017702 o'ring,buna,148.83 X 3.58mm 2 2 2320195 o'ring,buna,158.12 X 5.33mm 1 171217402 o'ring,buna,22 X 3 mm 2 2 3 3320204 o'ring,buna,22 X 3mm 1 1320194 o'ring,buna,255 X 5mm 2 271046292 o'ring,buna,27 X 2 mm 3 3 3 371036722 o'ring,buna,27 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 2320203 o'ring,buna,27 X 2.5mm 1 171032252 o'ring,buna,28 X 3 mm 2 2 2 2320201 o'ring,buna,28 X 3mm 4 471217332 o'ring,buna,32 X 3.5 mm 1 1 1 1320196 o'ring,buna,42 X 2mm 1 1320193 o'ring,buna,44.04 X 3.53mm 2 2320183 o'ring,buna,52 X 2.5 mm 3 3 3 3320202 o'ring,buna,8 X 2mm 1 1320186 o'ring,Viton,105 X 4 mm 1 1320198V o'ring,Viton,107 X 2mm 1 1085041040 o'ring,Viton,110 X 3.1mm sec. 1320199 o'ring,Viton,110 X 5mm 2 171436722V o'ring,Viton,117.07 X 3.53mm 123970106 o'ring,Viton,13.3 X 2.4 mm 2 240006 o'ring,Viton,13.94 X 2.62 mm 271017702V o'ring,Viton,148.83 X 3.53mm 2320195V o'ring,Viton,158.12 X 5.34mm 1 1320200 o'ring,Viton,165 X 5mm 2 123970410 o'ring,Viton,22 X 3 mm 3 1 171237482 o'ring,Viton,255 X 5mm 4 223970436 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5 mm 1 171217582 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5mm 1 2 171046292V o'ring,Viton,27 X 2mm 379509 o'ring,Viton,28 X 3 mm 2 5 502126028 o'ring,Viton,31.34 X 3.53 mm 171237502 o'ring,Viton,380.37 X 5.33 2 1923031 o'ring,Viton,42 X 2 mm 1 171217382 o'ring,Viton,42 X 5mm 4 2

Page 197: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

SV 280/300/500


KIT COmpOnenTS (COnT.)


Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

SV280 SV280 SV300 SV300 SV300 SV500 SV500pArT numBEr


BunA SEAL 97196641

mAJOr 71403581

BunA SEAL 97197652

VITOn SEAL 71402000

mAJOr 71436200

VITOn SEAL 71405380

mAJOr 71419360

320082 o'ring,Viton,44.04 X 3.53 mm 2 271237562 o'ring,Viton,456.06 X 5.33 mm 1 1320114 o'ring,Viton,52 X 2.5 mm 323970149 o'ring,Viton,8 X 2 mm 1 171237142 o'ring,Viton,89 X 4mm 2 1550045 oil sight glass 3/4" bsP 171237522 oring,Viton,58 X 4mm 10 1071001914 Plate,ValVe 271403222 race,bushing 45mm X 50mm X 35mm 171403862 race,bushing 50mm X 60mm X 25mm 271015473 seal,anti-suckbk.Val.sV180/300 1 1 171212503 seal,float Val.sV40/65/100/180 1 1 1 1 1 171001522 seal,shaft,Viton,28X40X7 2 271223182 seal,shaft,Viton,32X47X7mm 1 2 1 1 171403132 seal,shaft,Viton,tyPe sc 50 X 65 8mm 2 1310045 seal,ValVe,asb,sV300 2 2 276135 sight glass, window,w/seal 171219488 sight glass,leybold 1510042 sleeVe,bearing,hardened 1 171403331 stoP,ValVe,sV630 & sV750 471403321 ValVe Plate, sV630/630f 271403701 ValVe Plate, sV630/630f 271218554 ValVe Plate,sV280/300 br2 2 271412720 ValVe,anti-suckback,sV630f 171049444 ValVe,asb,Viton/ss,sV585 1390011 ValVe,by-Pass,Viton,31 X 2.5mm 4390012 ValVe,by-Pass,Viton,31 X 5mm 471218544 ValVe,Plate,sV300 171218574 ValVe,Plate,sV300 2 2 271412010g Vane,gX 3 371412020g Vane,gX,sV630 & sV750 3300083 washer,coPPer,17 X 21 X 2mm 271403192 washer,sPring,waVe,steel 2420040 washer,steel,38X30X2mm 2 2

Page 198: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

SV 585/630/750, SV 630 F




SV585 SV585 SV630-750 SV630(F)-750 SV630-630F SV750pArT numBEr


BunA SEAL 97196671

mAJOr 71221740

BunA SEAL 97197701

VITOn SEAL 71405380

mAJOr 71405390

mAJOr 71418560

71017993 assy,rlf VlV seal disc,sV40/65 3 371403882 bearing 1 171029462 bearing,cylindrical roller,45X85X23 271403872 bearing,sV630 1 171403990belt belt 471064773 filter,coalescing eXh. 6 10 1071405318 filter,oil 1 1 171212718 filter,oil,sV40/65 1300073 gasket,crush,coPPer,10mm 3 3300075 gasket,crush,coPPer,14mm 8 8300077 gasket,crush,coPPer,18mm 5 5 4300078 gasket,crush,coPPer,22mm 5 5300084 gasket,flat,50 X 42 X 2 1 2 1 1300060 gasket,flat,round,sV585 2 2300061 gasket,flat,round,sV585 1 1300059 gasket,flat,sV585 1 1300062 gasket,flat,sV585 1 1300063 gasket,flat,sV585 1 171078893 gasket,round,buna,sV585 1 171077088 gasket,striP,silicone,sV585 1 171029608 glass,sight 1 171403120 kit,seal,shaft,two,w/steel sPacer 2 2 2320185 o'ring,buna,,215.49 X 3.53mm 2 2320198 o'ring,buna,107 X 2mm 1 1 1 1320197 o'ring,buna,110.72 X 3.53mm 1 1 1 171029972 o'ring,buna,123 X 3 mm 2 2320195 o'ring,buna,158.12 X 5.33mm 1 1 1 1320204 o'ring,buna,22 X 3mm 1 1 1 1320194 o'ring,buna,255 X 5mm 2 2 2 271036722 o'ring,buna,27 X 2.5 mm 2 2320203 o'ring,buna,27 X 2.5mm 1 1 1 171032252 o'ring,buna,28 X 3 mm 3 3320201 o'ring,buna,28 X 3mm 4 4 4 440029 o'ring,buna,40.64 X 5.33 mm 3 3320130 o'ring,buna,41.0 X 1.78mm 1 1320196 o'ring,buna,42 X 2mm 1 1 1 1320193 o'ring,buna,44.04 X 3.53mm 2 2 2 271217342 o'ring,buna,8 X 2 mm 1 1320202 o'ring,buna,8 X 2mm 1 1 1 171040362 o'ring,buna,89 X 4 mm 3 3320186 o'ring,Viton,105 X 4 mm 1 1320198V o'ring,Viton,107 X 2mm 1 1085041040 o'ring,Viton,110 X 3.1mm sec. 1320199 o'ring,Viton,110 X 5mm 1 2 1 1320195V o'ring,Viton,158.12 X 5.34mm 1 1320200 o'ring,Viton,165 X 5mm 1 2 1 123970410 o'ring,Viton,22 X 3 mm 1 171237482 o'ring,Viton,255 X 5mm 2 4 2 123970436 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5 mm 1 171217582 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5mm 1 2 1 179509 o'ring,Viton,28 X 3 mm 5 571237502 o'ring,Viton,380.37 X 5.33 1 2 1 1923031 o'ring,Viton,42 X 2 mm 1 171217382 o'ring,Viton,42 X 5mm 2 4 2 2320082 o'ring,Viton,44.04 X 3.53 mm 2 271237562 o'ring,Viton,456.06 X 5.33 mm 1 1 123970149 o'ring,Viton,8 X 2 mm 1 171237142 o'ring,Viton,89 X 4mm 1 2 1 171237522 oring,Viton,58 X 4mm 10 1071029584 Plate,ValVe 271403222 race,bushing 45mm X 50mm X 35mm 1 171403862 race,bushing 50mm X 60mm X 25mm 2 171212503 seal,float Val.sV40/65/100/180 171029452 seal,shaft,Viton,42 X 55 X 8mm 2 271403122 seal,shaft,Viton,60X80X8mm 471403132 seal,shaft,Viton,tyPe sc 50 X 65 8mm 1 2 1 1310045 seal,ValVe,asb,sV300 3 376135 sight glass, window,w/seal 1490042 sPring,s/s,sV585 2 271029368 sPring,s/s,sV585 1 1

Page 199: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

SV 585/630/750, SV 630 F


KIT COmpOnenTS (COnT.)


Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

SV585 SV585 SV630-750 SV630(F)-750 SV630-630F SV750pArT numBEr


BunA SEAL 97196671

mAJOr 71221740

BunA SEAL 97197701

VITOn SEAL 71405380

mAJOr 71405390

mAJOr 71418560

71403331 stoP,ValVe,sV630 & sV750 4 471210732 V-belt,single,sV585 3 371408670belt V-belt,single,sV750 471403321 ValVe Plate, sV630/630f 2 271403701 ValVe Plate, sV630/630f 2 271412720 ValVe,anti-suckback,sV630f 171049444 ValVe,asb,Viton/ss,sV585 1 1 1 1390011 ValVe,by-Pass,Viton,31 X 2.5mm 4 4390012 ValVe,by-Pass,Viton,31 X 5mm 4 471029380g Vane,gX,single,sV585 3 371412020g Vane,gX,sV630 & sV750 3 3300083 washer,coPPer,17 X 21 X 2mm 2 271403192 washer,sPring,waVe,steel 2

Page 200: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

SV 300, SV 630, SV 630 F




SV300 SV300 SV630/630F SV630/630FpArT numBEr


TOrLOn VAnE 71412010TVK

mAJOr 71436200T

TOrLOn VAnE 71409560

mAJOr 71418550

71017993 assy,rlf VlV seal disc,sV40/65 271403882 bearing 171031562 bearing,needle,sV180-sV300 271403872 bearing,sV630 171403990belt belt 490220900000 couPling,sPider,roteX,gr38 171213243 diaPhram 171064773 filter,coalescing eXh. 4 1071405318 filter,oil 171018858 filter,oil,sogeVac sV180/sV200/sV280/sV3 1300073 gasket,crush,coPPer,10mm 6300074 gasket,crush,coPPer,12mm 8300075 gasket,crush,coPPer,14mm 12300076 gasket,crush,coPPer,16mm 8300077 gasket,crush,coPPer,18mm 2 4300084 gasket,flat,50 X 42 X 2 171017854 gasket,joint Plate,sV180 171018048 gasket,joint,sV40/65/100 1300138 gasket,ring,Viton,sV300 471046164 gasket,sV180,sV300 171213273 gasket,sV180,sV300 171046164 gasket,sV180,sV300 1300042 gasket,sV300 1300043 gasket,sV300 171212473 gasket,sV40/65/100/180/300 1840036 instruction,for Vane,fitting 1840035 instructions,for ValVe Plates 171403120 kit,seal,shaft,two,w/steel sPacer 271409560 kit,Vane,torlon,set of 3,sV630/750 171412010tVk kit,Vane,torlon,sV300 1085-019-689 o ring 2 3/8" id X 2 1/2" od 2320198 o'ring,buna,107 X 2mm 1320197 o'ring,buna,110.72 X 3.53mm 171436722 o'ring,buna,117.1 X 3.5mm 171029972 o'ring,buna,123 X 3 mm 240017 o'ring,buna,13.94 X 2.62 mm 271017702 o'ring,buna,148.83 X 3.58mm 2320195 o'ring,buna,158.12 X 5.33mm 171217402 o'ring,buna,22 X 3 mm 3320204 o'ring,buna,22 X 3mm 1320194 o'ring,buna,255 X 5mm 271046292 o'ring,buna,27 X 2 mm 371036722 o'ring,buna,27 X 2.5 mm 2320203 o'ring,buna,27 X 2.5mm 171032252 o'ring,buna,28 X 3 mm 2320201 o'ring,buna,28 X 3mm 471217332 o'ring,buna,32 X 3.5 mm 1320196 o'ring,buna,42 X 2mm 1320193 o'ring,buna,44.04 X 3.53mm 2320183 o'ring,buna,52 X 2.5 mm 3320202 o'ring,buna,8 X 2mm 1320186 o'ring,Viton,105 X 4 mm 1320198V o'ring,Viton,107 X 2mm 1320199 o'ring,Viton,110 X 5mm 1320195V o'ring,Viton,158.12 X 5.34mm 1320200 o'ring,Viton,165 X 5mm 123970410 o'ring,Viton,22 X 3 mm 171237482 o'ring,Viton,255 X 5mm 223970436 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5 mm 171217582 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5mm 179509 o'ring,Viton,28 X 3 mm 571237502 o'ring,Viton,380.37 X 5.33 1923031 o'ring,Viton,42 X 2 mm 171217382 o'ring,Viton,42 X 5mm 2320082 o'ring,Viton,44.04 X 3.53 mm 271237562 o'ring,Viton,456.06 X 5.33 mm 171237562 o'ring,Viton,456.06 X 5.33 mm 171237522 oring,Viton,58 X 4mm 1023970149 o'ring,Viton,8 X 2 mm 171237142 o'ring,Viton,89 X 4mm 1

Page 201: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

SV 300, SV 630, SV 630 F


KIT COmpOnenTS (COnT.)


Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

SV300 SV300 SV630/630F SV630/630FpArT numBEr


TOrLOn VAnE 71412010TVK

mAJOr 71436200T

TOrLOn VAnE 71409560

mAJOr 71418550

71403222 race,bushing 45mm X 50mm X 35mm 171015473 seal,anti-suckbk.Val.sV180/300 171212503 seal,float Val.sV40/65/100/180 1 171223182 seal,shaft,Viton,32X47X7mm 171403132 seal,shaft,Viton,tyPe sc 50 X 65 8mm 1310045 seal,ValVe,asb,sV300 276135 sight glass, window,w/seal 171219488 sight glass,leybold 1510042 sleeVe,bearing,hardened 171410050 sleeVe,shaft,50X60X25 271403331 stoP,ValVe,sV630 & sV750 471403701 ValVe Plate, sV630/630f 271403321 ValVe Plate, sV630/630f 271218554 ValVe Plate,sV280/300 br2 271412720 ValVe,anti-suckback,sV630f 171049444 ValVe,asb,Viton/ss,sV585 1390011 ValVe,by-Pass,Viton,31 X 2.5mm 4390012 ValVe,by-Pass,Viton,31 X 5mm 471218574 ValVe,Plate,sV300 271218544 ValVe,Plate,sV300 171412010t Vane,torlon,sV300 371412020t Vane,torlon,sV630/750 3300083 washer,coPPer,17 X 21 X 2mm 271403192 washer,sPring,waVe,steel 2420040 washer,steel,38X30X2mm 271403102 washer,waVe,sV630 2

Page 202: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhLEYBOLD-34

D 1.2/2.5/5/10/16 E

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

mInOr KITS minor kits include gaskets, demister filters, sPrings, o-rings, seals, Vanes, sPacers & sleeVes for light oVerhaul.

mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 1.2 e 20040025minord 2.5 e 20040026minord 2.5 e 2 series 100000347minord 5 e 20040038minord 5 e 2 series 100000348minord 10 e 20040039minord 10 e 2 series 100000349minord 16 e 20040040minor

mAJOr SErVICE KITS major serVice kits include Vanes, hardware, gaskets, demis-ter filters, sPrings, o-rings, seals, ValVes, sPacers & other comPonents for major oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pArT numBErOEM EQUIVALENT w/OIL PUMPd 1.2 e 20040025kitd 2.5 e 20040026kitd 2.5 e 2 series* 100000347kitd 5 e 20040038kitd 5 e 2 series* 100000348kitd 10 e 20040039kitd 10 e 2 series* 100000349kitd 16 e 20040040kit

*2 series kits contain oil PumP rotor with two bearing sur-faces. OIL PUMP NOT INCLUDEDd 1.2 e 20040025kitnrd 2.5 e 20040026kitnrd 2.5 e 2 series 100000347kitnrd 5 e 20040038kitnrd 5 e 2 series 100000348kitnrd 10 e 20040039kitnrd 10 e 2 series 100000349kitnrd 16 e 20040040kitnr

VAnES mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 1.2 e (1st, g11/2 Qty) 230046gd 2.5 e (1st, g11/2 Qty) 230048gd 1.2/2.5 e (2nd, g11/2 Qty) 230047gd 5 e (1st, g11/2 Qty) 230049gd 10 e (1st, g11/2 Qty) 230051gd 16 e (1st, g11/2 Qty) 230052gd 5/10/16 e (2nd, g11/2 Qty) 230050g

DEmISTEr FILTErS mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 1.2/2.5 e 720010d 5/10/16 e 720011

OIL pump rOTOrS mODEL(S) pArT numBErd 1.2/2.5 e 200090d 2.5 e 2 series 200115d 5/10 e 200091d 5/10 e 2 series 200113d 16 e 200092

rECOmmEnDED OILS TYpE pArT numBErPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

Leybold-OerlikonTrIVaC e

Page 203: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

D 1.2/2.5 E



Leybold-OerlikonTrIVaC e

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

D1.2E D1.2E D2.5E D2.5E D2.5E 2 SErIES D2.5E 2 SErIESpArT numBEr


mInOr 20040025mInOr

mAJOr 20040025KIT

mInOr 20040026mInOr

mAJOr 20040026KIT

mInOr 100000347mInOr

mAJOr 100000347KIT

360051 couPler,sleeVe,Viton 2 2 2 2 2 2720010 filter,demister 1 1 1 1 1 1300047 gasket,flat seal,Viton 1 1 1 1 1 1300049 gasket,oil boX,Viton 1 1 1 1 1 1300045 gasket,ring,Viton,17X22X1.5mm 1 1 1 1300046 gasket,ring,Viton,22X27X2mm 2 2 2 2 2 2300044 gasket,sight glass,Viton 1 1 1 1 1 1P23955165 gasket,Viton 2 2 3 3 3 3640013 insert,tube,Viton 4 4 4 423970436 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 123970120 o'ring,Viton,37 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 1 123963115 o'ring,Viton,38 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1320160 o'ring,Viton,8.2 X 2.4 mm 4 4320117 o'ring,Viton,92X3 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1450030 Pin,Vane,guide,s/s 1 1 1 1 1 1450031 Pin,Vane,guide,s/s 1 1 1 1 1 1490020 retainer,restrictor,sPring 1 1 1 1 1 1440022 ring,sPacer,alum,11.5X8X1mm 1 1 1 1440023 ring,sPacer,stl.,35X29X1mm 1 1 1 1200090 rotor,oil PumP 1 1200115 rotor,oil PumP,e2 series 120103017 screw,flat hd caP,m5X12 4400065 screw,shcs,low hd,m5X6mm,stl. 1 1 1400064 screw,shcs,m5X10mm,s/s 2 2 2400063 screw,shcs,m5X20mm,s/s 4 4 4400062 screw,shcs,m5X40mm,s/s 2 2400061 screw,shcs,m5X65mm,s/s 2 2 223973146 seal,float,Viton 1 1 1 1 1 1310047 seal,shaft,liP,w/ dust liP 1 1 1 1310049 seal,shaft,liP,w/ dust liP 1 1310048 seal,shaft,liP,w/o dust liP 1 1 1 1 1 1490026 sPring,comPression,conical,s/s 1 1 1 1490035 sPring,comPression,s/s 1 1490021 sPring,comPression,steel 1 1 1 1490022 sPring,comPression,steel 1 1 1 1 1 1490023 sPring,comPression,steel 1 1 1 1 1 1490024 sPring,comPression,Vane,s/s 2 2 2 2 2 240050135 ValVe 1 1 1 1 1 1580034 ValVe,bracket,s/s 1 1 1 1 1 1580046 ValVe,holder 1 1580037 ValVe,holder,s/s 1 1 1 1580032 ValVe,nib,sealing elem.,Viton 1 1 1 1 1 134861028 ValVe,non-return 1 1 1 1580036 ValVe,sPacer,s/s 1 1 1 1580038 ValVe,stoPPer,steel 1 1 1 1580041 ValVe,stoPPer,steel,e2 series 1 1580033 ValVe,tandem,steel 1 1 1 1 1 1230046g Vane,gX,1st stage,hV 2230048g Vane,gX,1st stage,hV 2 2230047g Vane,gX,2nd stage,lV,fV Vane 2 2 2420033 washer,flat,m5,s/s 6 6 6420032 washer,orfice,g.b.,s/s 1 1 1 1

Page 204: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

D 5/10/16 E



Leybold-OerlikonTrIVaC e

D5E D5E D10E D10E D16E D16EpArT numBEr


mInOr 2 0040038mInOr

mAJOr 20040038KIT

mInOr 20040039mInOr

mAJOr 20040039KIT

mAJOr 20040040mInOr

mAJOr 20040040KIT

360052 couPler,sleeVe,Viton 4 4 4 4360053 couPler,sleeVe,Viton 4 4720011 filter,demister 1 1 1 1 1 1300048 gasket,flat seal,Viton 1 1 1 1 1 1300050 gasket,oil boX,Viton 1 1 1 1 1 1300045 gasket,ring,Viton,17X22X1.5mm 1 1 1 1 1 1300044 gasket,sight glass,Viton 1 1 1 1 1 1P23955165 gasket,Viton 2 2 2 2 2 2640013 insert,tube,Viton 4 4 4 4 4 4320120 o'ring,Viton,118X3 mm 1 1320118 o'ring,Viton,119X3 mm 1 1 1 123970436 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 1 120010289 o'ring,Viton,27 X 3 mm 2 2 2 2 2 223963115 o'ring,Viton,38 X 3 mm 1 1320119 o'ring,Viton,39.5X3 mm 1 1 1 123970211 o'ring,Viton,50 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1450032 Pin,dowel,6X40mm 4450031 Pin,Vane,guide,s/s 1 1 1 1 1 1490020 retainer,restrictor,sPring 1 1 1 1 1 1440022 ring,sPacer,alum,11.5X8X1mm 1 1 1 1 1 1440023 ring,sPacer,stl.,35X29X1mm 1 1 1 1440024 ring,sPacer,stl.,42X34X1mm 1 1200092 rotor,oil PumP 1200091 rotor,oil PumP,e series 1 1400065 screw,shcs,low hd,m5X6mm,stl. 1 1 1400064 screw,shcs,m5X10mm,s/s 2 2 2400063 screw,shcs,m5X20mm,s/s 4 4 4400062 screw,shcs,m5X40mm,s/s 2 2 2400060 screw,shcs,m5X90mm,s/s 2 2 223973146 seal,float,Viton 1 1 1 1 1 1310049 seal,shaft,liP,w/ dust liP 1 1 1 1310051 seal,shaft,liP,w/ dust liP 1 1310050 seal,shaft,liP,w/o dust liP 1 1 1 1310052 seal,shaft,liP,w/o dust liP 1 1490026 sPring,comPression,conical,s/s 1 1 1 1 1 1490021 sPring,comPression,steel 1 1 1 1 1 1490022 sPring,comPression,steel 1 1 1 1 1 1490023 sPring,comPression,steel 1 1 1 1 1 1490025 sPring,comPression,Vane,s/s 1 1 1 1 1 1640014 striP,sealing,silicone 1 140050135 ValVe 1 1 1 1 1 1580035 ValVe,bracket,s/s 1 1 1 1 1 1580037 ValVe,holder,s/s 1 1 1 1 1 1580032 ValVe,nib,sealing elem.,Viton 1 1 1 1 1 134861028 ValVe,non-return 1 1 1 1 1 1580036 ValVe,sPacer,s/s 1 1 1 1 1 1580038 ValVe,stoPPer,steel 1 1 1 1 1 1580033 ValVe,tandem,steel 1 1 1 1 1 1230049g Vane,gX,1st stage,hV 2230051g Vane,gX,1st stage,hV 2230052g Vane,gX,1st stage,hV 2230050g Vane,gX,2nd stage,lV,fV Vane 2 2 2420033 washer,flat,m5,s/s 6 6 6420032 washer,orfice,g.b.,s/s 1 1 1 1 1 1

Page 205: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

S 100/160/250 C/F, S 400/630 F/FL

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


VAnES mODEL(S) pArT numBErs 100 c/f (2 Qty) 41155233s 160 c/f (2 Qty) 41155232s 250 c/f2 (2 Qty) 41155231s 400 f/fl (2 Qty) 20011313s 630 f/fl (2 Qty) 20011099

BEArInGS mODEL(S) pArT numBErs 100 c/f (2 Qty) 20012183s 160 c/f (2 Qty) 20012184s 250 c/f (2 Qty) 20012185s 400 f/fl (2 Qty) 20011200s 630 f/fl (2 Qty) 20011200

OIL FILTErSmODEL(S) pArT numBErs 400/630 f/fl 18934

EXHAuST FILTErS mODEL(S) pArT numBErs 100 c/f (2 reQ) 20011155s 160/250 c/f (2 reQ) 20011156s 400 f/fl (4 reQ) 20011381s 630 f/fl (4 reQ) 20011365

rECOmmEnDED OILS TYpE pArT numBErPlus 70 (1l/1.06Qt) PP70001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid


GASKET KITSgasket kits include gaskets, o-rings & shaft seals for light oVerhaul.

mODEL(S) pArT numBErs 100 c/f 19709s 160 c/f 19710s 250 c/f 19711s 400 f/fl 19712400s 630 f/fl 19712630

FILTEr KITS filter kits include demister filters & oil boX gasket. mODEL(S) pArT numBErs 100 c/f 39026146k100s 160 c/f 39026144k160s 250 c/f 39026144k250s 400 f/fl 72187073s 630 f/fl 72187038

mAJOr rEBuILD KITSmajor rebuild kits include gaskets, demister filters, sight glass, bearings, shaft sleeVes, Vanes & other comPonents for major oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pArT numBErs 100 c/f 19709100ks 160 c/f 19710160ks 250 c/f 19711250ks 400 f/fl 19712400ks 630 f/fl 19712630k

Page 206: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

S 100/160 C/F




S100C/F S100C/F S100C/F S160C/F S160C/F S160C/FpArT numBEr


GASKET 19709


mAJOr 19709100K

GASKET 19710

FILT&GSKT 39026144K160

mAJOr 19710160K

1000243 bearing 220012184 bearing 270100330 couPling,sPider,trasco 28,yellow 170100329 couPling,sPider,trasco 38,yellow 118980 filter,eXhaust,af 2 218985 filter,oil mist,s160f/s250f / af100-250a 2 239026151 filter,sogeVac 1 120011245 finger,eXhaust 720012197 gasket,coVer 1 1 120012194 gasket,coVer,s100c 1 1 170120220 gasket,ring 1 1 1 123955158 gasket,ring,VmQ,10X20X1 mm 1 1 1 123721128 gasket,ring,white felt,52X40X3 mm 2 223721127 gasket,ring,white felt,62X49.5X3 mm 2 220012206 gasket,sQuare 1 1 1 123721125 gasket,striP,white felt,4X5X191 mm 1 1 1 120012193 gasket,VaroVac 1 120012195 gasket,VaroVac 1 120012196 gasket,VaroVac 1 120012198 gasket,VaroVac 1 1P23955165 gasket,Viton 2 2 2 222680141 glass,sight 1 1870016 grease,bearing 1 123970001 o'ring,Viton,110 X 3 mm 2 223970900 o'ring,Viton,12.29 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 123970263 o'ring,Viton,130 X 3 mm 2 223970153 o'ring,Viton,30 X 3 mm 2 223970416 o'ring,Viton,40 X 2 mm 2 2320108 o'ring,Viton,47.22 X 3.53mm 1 123970211 o'ring,Viton,50 X 3 mm 1 1 1 123970261 o'ring,Viton,52 X 3 mm 1 1 1 123970509 o'ring,Viton,70 X 5 mm 1 1 1 123970510 o'ring,Viton,72.39 X 5.33 mm 1 1 1 123970116 o'ring,Viton,8.3X2.4 mm 3 3 3 323953231 seal,shaft,Viton,sc,40X52X7 mm 2 223953230 seal,shaft,Viton,sc,50X62X8 mm 2 220011129 sleeVe,seal,shaft,35X40X20mm 223192221 sleeVe,shaft,crs,45X50X20.4,ir455020 220011249 ValVe Plate 541155232 Vane,gX,o.e.m. 241155233 Vane,gX,VaroVac s100k 2

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S 250 C/F, S 400 F/FL




Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

S250C/F S250C/F S250C/F S400F/FL S400F/FL S400F/FLpArT numBEr


GASKET 19711

FILT&GSKT 39026144K250

mAJOr 19711250K

GASKET 19712400

FILT&GSKT 72187073

mAJOr 19712400K

20011200 bearing 220012185 bearing 270100329 couPling,sPider,trasco 38,yellow 120011353 couPling,sPider,trasco 55,yellow 120011238 disk,aluminum,60X9X6mm 120011381 filter,coalescing,eXhaust 4 453100500 filter,oil 218985 filter,oil mist,s160f/s250f / af100-250a 2 239026151 filter,sogeVac 120011245 finger,eXhaust 1220011078 gasket,coVer,s400/s630 1 1 120011237 gasket,disc,Viton,d60X9X2 mm 1 120011201 gasket,felt 1 120012199 gasket,rectangular 1 120012200 gasket,rectangular 1 1 120012201 gasket,rectangular 1 170120220 gasket,ring 1 1 2 222401207 gasket,ring,coPPer,10X14X1 mm 2 223820109 gasket,ring,coPPer,8X11.5X1 mm 1 123955158 gasket,ring,VmQ,10X20X1 mm 1 1 1 120011133 gasket,ring,white felt,100X79.5X 3 mm 2 220011134 gasket,ring,white felt,65X38X2 mm 1 123721124 gasket,ring,white felt,72X54.5X3 mm 2 220012206 gasket,sQuare 1 123721125 gasket,striP,white felt,4X5X191 mm 1 120011314 gasket,VaroVac 1 120011315 gasket,VaroVac 1 1P23955165 gasket,Viton 2 2 1 122680141 glass,sight 1 1870016 grease,bearing 2 220011130 head,ValVe 123970511 o'ring,Viton,104.14 X 5.33 mm 1 123950224 o'ring,Viton,105 X 3 mm 1 123970900 o'ring,Viton,12.29 X 3.53 mm 1 123970419 o'ring,Viton,125 X 5 mm 1 123970418 o'ring,Viton,150 X 3 mm 2 223970432 o'ring,Viton,235 X 3 mm 2 223970117 o'ring,Viton,29 X 3 mm 1 123970434 o'ring,Viton,45 X 2 mm 2 248651600 o'ring,Viton,45 X 2.5 mm 1 1320108 o'ring,Viton,47.22 X 3.53mm 1 123970148 o'ring,Viton,5 X 2 mm 1 123970211 o'ring,Viton,50 X 3 mm 1 1 1 123970261 o'ring,Viton,52 X 3 mm 1 1 1 123970155 o'ring,Viton,60 X 3 mm 1 120011198 o'ring,Viton,64 X 3 mm 2 223970509 o'ring,Viton,70 X 5 mm 1 123970510 o'ring,Viton,72.39 X 5.33 mm 1 1320216 o'ring,Viton,75.79X3.53 mm 5 523970116 o'ring,Viton,8.3X2.4 mm 3 323973146 seal,float,Viton 2 220011205 seal,radial,shaft,Viton,sc,80X100X10 mm 2 220011300 seal,radial,shaft,Viton,tc,40X62X10 mm 1 120011137 seal,ValVe,Viton 1 123953229 seal,Viton,55X72X8mm 2 223192217 sleeVe,seal,shaft 220011129 sleeVe,seal,shaft,35X40X20mm 120011128 sleeVe,seal,shaft,70X80X25mm 241155231 Vane,gX,,VaroVac s250k 220011313 Vane,gX,VaroVac s400k 2

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

S 630 F/FL




S630F/FL S630F/FL S630F/FLpArT numBEr


GASKET 19712630

FILT&GSKT 72187038

mAJOr 19712630K

20011200 bearing 220011353 couPling,sPider,trasco 55,yellow 120011238 disk,aluminum,60X9X6mm 120011365 filter,coalescing,eXhaust 4 453100500 filter,oil 220011078 gasket,coVer,s400/s630 1 1 120011237 gasket,disc,Viton,d60X9X2 mm 1 120011201 gasket,felt 1 170120220 gasket,ring 2 222401207 gasket,ring,coPPer,10X14X1 mm 2 223820109 gasket,ring,coPPer,8X11.5X1 mm 1 123955158 gasket,ring,VmQ,10X20X1 mm 1 120011133 gasket,ring,white felt,100X79.5X 3 mm 2 220011134 gasket,ring,white felt,65X38X2 mm 1 120011075 gasket,VaroVac 1 120011076 gasket,VaroVac 1 1P23955165 gasket,Viton 1 122680141 glass,sight 1870016 grease,bearing 220011130 head,ValVe 123970511 o'ring,Viton,104.14 X 5.33 mm 1 123950224 o'ring,Viton,105 X 3 mm 1 123970419 o'ring,Viton,125 X 5 mm 1 123970432 o'ring,Viton,235 X 3 mm 2 223970117 o'ring,Viton,29 X 3 mm 1 148651600 o'ring,Viton,45 X 2.5 mm 1 123970148 o'ring,Viton,5 X 2 mm 1 123970211 o'ring,Viton,50 X 3 mm 1 123970261 o'ring,Viton,52 X 3 mm 1 123970155 o'ring,Viton,60 X 3 mm 1 120011198 o'ring,Viton,64 X 3 mm 2 2320216 o'ring,Viton,75.79X3.53 mm 5 523973146 seal,float,Viton 2 220011205 seal,radial,shaft,Viton,sc,80X100X10 mm 2 220011300 seal,radial,shaft,Viton,tc,40X62X10 mm 1 120011137 seal,ValVe,Viton 1 120011129 sleeVe,seal,shaft,35X40X20mm 120011128 sleeVe,seal,shaft,70X80X25mm 220011099 Vane,gX,VaroVac s630k 2

Page 209: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

E 75/150/250, DK 100/200

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


GASKETS mODEL(S) pArT numBEre 75 (motor) 991819275E 75 (EXHAuST) 61400534e 150, dk 100 (eX. boX) 61300908d 250, dk 200 (eX. boX) 61300615

pISTOn BuSHInGS mODEL(S) pArT numBEre 75 27027120all 27027211all 20066099

BEArInGSmODEL(S) pArT numBEre 250, dk 200 26101110

rECOmmEnDED OILS TYpE pArT numBErPlus 77 (4l/4.23Qt) PP77004general PurPose oil

Leybold-OerlikonrOTarY pISTOn

GASKET KITSgasket kits include all comPonents of sight glass kits Plus motor & eXhaust gaskets.

mODEL(S) pArT numBEre 75 19243e 150, dk 100 19253e 250, dk 200 19263

SIGHT GLASS KITSsight glass kits include sight glass & gaskets. mODEL(S) pArT numBErall 20011kit

Page 210: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

E 75/150/250, DK 100/200



Leybold-OerlikonrOTarY pISTOn

E75 E150, DK100 E250, DK200 ALLpArT numBEr


GASKET 19243


GASKET 19263


20012210 gasket,coVer,motor 1 161400534 gasket,eXhaust 161300615 gasket,eXhaust boX 161300908 gasket,eXhaust boX 1991819441 gasket,motor 1 1 1991819275 gasket,motor e-75 120012429 gasket,motor,50hZ 1 1 123002001 gasket,ring,Viton 123953162 gasket,sight glass,housing 123925101 gasket,Viton 5 4P23955165 gasket,Viton 4300012 gasket,Viton,sight glass 1200111 glass,sight,insert 123970417 o'ring,Viton,11.3 X 2.4 mm 1 1 1320059 o'ring,Viton,121 X 3 mm 123970517 o'ring,Viton,185 X 4 mm 123970518 o'ring,Viton,192 X 3.5 mm 1 1 123970415 o'ring,Viton,30 X 2 mm 1 1 123970159 o'ring,Viton,30 X 3.5 mm 1 1 123970403 o'ring,Viton,300 X 3 mm 2 2 223970519 o'ring,Viton,330 X 4 mm 123970304 o'ring,Viton,45 X 3 mm 1 123002109 seal,dowty 1 1 123002113 seal,dowty 1 1 123959111 seal,shaft 1 1 123953423 seal,shaft,Viton 1 1 1

Page 211: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

SC 15/30 D

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


SHAFTS mODEL(S) pArT numBErsc 15 d 71002012sc 30 d 71003012

Leybold-OerlikonSCrOLL pumpS

mAJOr rEBuILD KITSmajor rebuild kits include tiP seals, crank Pins, bearings,o-rings, shaft seals & other comPonents for major oVerhaul.

mODEL(S) pArT numBErsc 15 d P71005800sc 30 d P71004800

TIp SEAL KITSmODEL(S) pArT numBErsc 15 d 71002026sc 30 d 71004026

CrAnK pIn KITSmODEL(S) pArT numBErsc 15 d 71002006sc 30 d 71004006

Page 212: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

SC 15/30 D



Leybold-OerlikonSCrOLL pumpS

SC15D SC30DpArT numBEr


mAJOr p71005800

mAJOr p71004800

870014 19.grease,tec,.5 oZ tube 1 1a98881230 air flush assembly, scroll PumP 1330008 bearing,2 metal shields 1330007 bearing,6302ZZ 108884010 bearing,needle,20X28X13,PfP 108880020 bearing,needle,30X40X20,PfP 208884001 bearing,needle,crank Pin,PfPe 308880021 bearing,needle,scroll,PfPe 208884002 bearing,needle,scroll,PfPe 208884011 bearing,needle,scroll,PfPe 1085039449 couPling,sPider,l-075 171002006s crankPin,single 271004006s crankPin,single 308881000 element,couPling,black 108883002 g-seal,fs-1,scroll PumP 108883005 g-seal,fs-2,scroll PumP 108883001 g-seal,os,scroll PumP 207193002 grease seal, 20X28X4, gVsP30 108805041 guide,outlet ValVe 108805042 guide,outlet ValVe 198882270 kit,tiP seal,oem,gVsP12,isP250 198883240 kit,tiP seal,oem,gVsP30,isP500 120019794 o'ring, Viton, 17X1.5 1320121 o'ring, Viton, 36X1.5 102122009V o'ring,Viton,11 X 1.5 mm 453598504 o'ring,Viton,12X2.31mm 1320087 o'ring,Viton,13.5 X 1.5 mm 1320086 o'ring,Viton,14.5 X 1.5 mm 679506 o'ring,Viton,212 X 3 mm 1320189 o'ring,Viton,250 x 3 mm 123970304 o'ring,Viton,45 X 3 mm 1 1470014 ring,retaining,m16,472,s/s 1400033 screw,PhilliPs,"truss head" 4 6400068 screw,washer head,m3X4mm,steel 4 608882150 seal,grease,w/garter sPring 208804072 seal,shaft,26X37X6,gVsP30 108883004 seal,shaft,fs-1,scroll PumP 108883003 seal,shaft,fs-2,scroll PumP 108882100 seal,shaft,Viton,25X37X4.25mm 108885012 shaft seal, 20X32X8, gVsP30 108801050 sPring 1 108804390 sPring,eXhaust ValVe,esdP30a 1490055 sPring,ss 108805381 ValVe,eXhaust stem 108802390 ValVe,eXhaust,sdP-30a 108805380 ValVe,eXhaust,stem,esdP30 1420039 washer,seal,scroll,clear, mylar 4420038 washer,thrust,1.09 X .6 X .04 1

Page 213: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Sp 250/630, Sp 630 F

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


SEAL KITSseal kits include inlet filters, o-ring, gasket, felt striP & adjustment key.

mODEL(S) pArT numBErsP 250 ek110000837sP 630 ek110000814

rECOmmEnDED OILS TYpE pArT numBErPlus 555 (1l/1.06Qt) 555001general PurPose oil

Plus 555 (4l/4.23Qt) 555004general PurPose oil


mAInTEnAnCE KITS - LEVEL 1leVel 1 maintenace kits include o-rings, oil filter, felt striP & coPPer gaskets and are aVailable with or without PumP fluids as noted below.

mODEL(S) pArT numBErsP 250 ek110000820sP 250 (without fluids) ek110000820wosP 630, sP 630 f ek110000792sP 630, sP 630 f (without fluids) ek110000792wo

mAInTEnAnCE KITS - LEVEL 2leVel 2 maintenace kits include o-rings & inlet screen.

mODEL(S) pArT numBErsP 250 ek110000821sP 630, sP 630 f ek110000793

mAInTEnAnCE KITS - LEVEL 3leVel 3 maintenace kits include bearings, o-rings, coPPer gasket & shaft sleeVes.

mODEL(S) pArT numBErsP 630, sP 630 f ek110000794

Page 214: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Sp 250/630




Sp250 Sp250 Sp250 Sp630 Sp630 Sp630 Sp630pArT numBEr


mAInT L1 w/OIL EK110000820

mAInT L1 EK110000820wO

mAInT L2 EK110000821

mAInT L1 w/OIL EK110000792

mAInT L1 EK110000792wO

mAInT L2 EK110000793

mAInT L3 EK110000794

330052 bearing,7211 2110002435 felt,striP 1 1700005 filter,oil,sP250/630 1 1 1 1300164 gasket,ring 1 1420050 gasket,ring,coPPer 2 2420051 gasket,ring,coPPer 1 1420048 gasket,ring,coPPer 6560013 inlet, screen 190103 key,female,hollow sQ. 7mm 1 1 1 1555001 oil,Plus 555, 1 liter 3 3555004 oil,Plus 555, 4 liter 1 323970511 o'ring,Viton,104.14 X 5.33 mm 171237100 o'ring,Viton,123X3 mm 2320331 o'ring,Viton,276.07X3 mm 2320330 o'ring,Viton,330X3mm 2320329 o'ring,Viton,46X3mm 1 1 1 123970510 o'ring,Viton,72.39 X 5.33 mm 1430015 Plug,oil,g1/2 1 1300157 ring,sealing,fiber,49 X 42 X 1.9mm 1 1560012 screen,inlet 1310100 sleeVe,shaft,sP630 4

Sp250 Sp250pArT numBEr


SEAL EK110000837

SEAL EK110000814

110002435 felt,striP 1700005 filter,oil,sP250/630 1 190103 key,female,hollow sQ. 7mm 1 1430016 oil,Plug,m30X1.5 2320329 o'ring,Viton,46X3mm 1 1430015 Plug,oil,g1/2 1300157 ring,sealing,fiber,49 X 42 X 1.9mm 1

Page 215: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

25/50/100 B, 25/50/100 p, 25/50/100 S

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


SILEnCEr FILTErS mODEL(S) pArT numBErall 13750

DIrT TrApS mODEL(S) pArT numBErall 41070116

CErAmIC BALL BEArInGSmODEL(S) pArT numBEr25/50 b/P/s (2 Qty) 20078048100 b/P/s (2 Qty) 20010574


mAInTEnAnCE KITSmaintenance kits include o-rings, gaskets, bushing, shaft seals, bearings, eXhaust silencer, oil filters & other comPonents for major oVerhaul.

mODEL(S) pArT numBEr25/50 b 899551100 b 89955425/50 P 899552100 P 89955525/50 s 899553100 s 899556

mAInTEnAnCE KITS w/VEnTSmaintenance kits include o-rings, gaskets, bushing, shaft seals, bearings, eXhaust silencer, oil filters & other comPonents for major oVerhaul. mODEL(S) pArT numBEr25/50 b 899551V100 b 899554V25/50 P 899552V100 P 899555V

inVentory is limited on kits & sPares for leybold dryVac PumPs. Please check with customer serVice for aVailability and lead times.


Page 216: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

25/50/100 B, 25/50 p




25/50B 25/50B 100B 100B 25/50p 25/50ppArT numBEr


mAInT 899551

mAInT w/VEnTS 899551V

mAInT 899554

mAInT w/VEnTS 899554V

mAInT 899552

mAInT w/VEnTS 899552V

20010149 bearing,ang.contact,sgl.row,7207 4 420010152 bearing,ball 1 120078047 bearing,ball 4 4 4 420078049 bearing,ball 2 2 2 2330011 bearing,ball 1 1 1 1 1 1330012 bearing,ball 1 1 1 1 1 120010574 bearing,ball,ceramic 2 220078048 bearing,ceramic 2 2 2 220077142 bushing 2 2 2 220078023 bushing 2 2 2 220011762 caP 1 1 1 1 1 120010562 disk,retaining,100 b/P/s 2 220078716 filter,oil,25P,50P,25b,50b 1360033 ftg,swagelok 1 1 1360034 ftg,swagelok 1 1 122401201 gasket,coPPer 1 1 2 2 1 120010345 gasket,flat 1 1 1 1 1 120010346 gasket,flat 1 1 1 1 1 120013179 gasket,flat 6 6 2 2 6 620027018 gasket,flat 7 7 15 16 7 820010154 gasket,flat,alum. 15 16 24 25 15 1622401205 gasket,sealing,coPPer 2 2 2 220078497 gasket,Viton 1 1 1 1P23955165 gasket,Viton 3 3 2 2 3 320078028 housing,shaft seal,eXhaust 1 1 1 120078056 housing,shaft seal,inlet 1 1 1 120078585 insulation,foam 1 121115103 lug,lifting 1 1 1 1 1 1c10514368 nw25 blank flange aluminium 1 1 1 1c10514403 nw25 swing clamP aluminium 2 1 1 1c10514395 nw25/25 centring Viton® s/s Pk1 1 1 1 1c10516403 nw32/40 swing clamP aluminium 1 1c10516368 nw40 blank flange aluminium 1 1c10516395 nw40/40 centring Viton® s/s Pk1 1 120019794 o'ring, Viton, 17X1.5 2 223950113 o'ring,buna,28 X 5 mm 1 1 1 123970305 o'ring,Viton,10 X 3 mm 3 3 3 3 3 323950224 o'ring,Viton,105 X 3 mm 1 123970010 o'ring,Viton,12.42 X 1.78 mm 12 1220077030 o'ring,Viton,12.5 X 1.5 mm 1 123970106 o'ring,Viton,13.3 X 2.4 mm 3 3 6 620011543 o'ring,Viton,132 X 3 mm 1 123970327 o'ring,Viton,139.5 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 1 123970112 o'ring,Viton,14 X 3 mm 1 1 1 120011544 o'ring,Viton,144.5 X 3 mm 1 1 1 123970008 o'ring,Viton,15 X 2 mm 2 2 2 223970418 o'ring,Viton,150 X 3 mm 1 1 1 123970147 o'ring,Viton,16 X 2.5 mm 3 323970154 o'ring,Viton,17 X 3 mm 1 1 2 223970303 o'ring,Viton,170 X 3 mm 5 5 5 523970113 o'ring,Viton,19 X 3 mm 3 3 1 323974140 o'ring,Viton,19.3 X 2.4 mm 2 2 4 4 2 270120348 o'ring,Viton,230 X 3 mm 8 823970115 o'ring,Viton,24 X 3 mm 1 1 1 123970191 o'ring,Viton,25 X 2 mm 2 2 2 2 2 223970117 o'ring,Viton,29 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 1 123970415 o'ring,Viton,30 X 2 mm 6 6 4 4 6 623970262 o'ring,Viton,32.2 X 3 mm 1 1 2 2 1 123970157 o'ring,Viton,36 X 4 mm 1 1 1 1 1 123970120 o'ring,Viton,37 X 3 mm 1 120010146 o'ring,Viton,38 X 2 mm 4 423970015 o'ring,Viton,40 X 1.5 mm 6 623970516 o'ring,Viton,42 X 5 mm 2 220009660 o'ring,Viton,43 X 3 mm 1 1 2 220008103 o'ring,Viton,47.35 X 1.78 mm 2 223970148 o'ring,Viton,5 X 2 mm 1 1 4 4 1 123970261 o'ring,Viton,52 X 3 mm 2 2 1 1 2 223970121 o'ring,Viton,55 X 3 mm 3 3 3 320008105 o'ring,Viton,67.95 X 2.62 mm 2 2

Page 217: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

25/50/100 B, 25/50 p


KIT COmpOnenTS (COnT.)


Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

25/50B 25/50B 100B 100B 25/50p 25/50ppArT numBEr


mAInT 899551

mAInT w/VEnTS 899551V

mAInT 899554

mAInT w/VEnTS 899554V

mAInT 899552

mAInT w/VEnTS 899552V

23970510 o'ring,Viton,72.39 X 5.33 mm 1 1 1 1 1 120077031 o'ring,Viton,9.5 X 1.5 mm 12 1223002003 ring,gasket 8 8 6 6 15 1523002108 ring,gasket 4 423393301 ring,outer suPPorting 1 1 1 1 1 120010138 ring,Piston 32 3220010513 ring,Piston 32 32 6 6 32 3220010560 ring,Piston 6 622401203 ring,sealing 5 5 2 2 5 522401214 ring,sealing 2 3 2 3 1 2310041 ring,sealing 2 220010259 ring,sealing,(triangular o'rin 2 2310042 ring,sealing,dowty 7 720078510 screen,filter 2 2360036 screw,Plug 1 120010142 screw,socket head 2 220103216 screw,socket head 3 320017739 screw,socket head caP 6 6 6 620078686 screw,socket head caP 6 620103217 screw,socket head caP 6 6 6 6 6 620078103 seal,shaft,ccw 1 1 1 1310040 seal,shaft,ccw,eXhaust,red 1 1 1 120010188-c seal,shaft,ccw,red 1 120078102 seal,shaft,cw 1 1 1 120010188-cw seal,shaft,cw,blue 1 1310039 seal,shaft,cw,inlet,blue 1 1 1 120078575 seal,shaft,motor retrofit kit 1 1 1 1 1 120010201 shim 8 820010236 shim 6 613750 silencer,eXhaust,25,50,100b&P 1 1 1 1 1 120077143 sleeVe,shaft seal 2 220078089 sPring,washer 32 32 32 3220078090 switch,eXhaust Pressure,4 Psi 1 120078091 switch,eXhaust Pressure,7 Psi 1 141070116 traP,dirt 1 1 1 1 1 1360035 ValVe,Packless 1 1 120010144 washer,sPring 4 420078227 washer,tabbed lock 3 3 1 1 3 3

Page 218: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

100 p, 25/50/100 S




100p 100p 25/50S 100SpArT numBEr


mAInT 899555

mAInT w/VEnTS 899555V

mAInT 899553

mAInT 899556

20010149 bearing,ang.contact,sgl.row,7207 4 4 420010152 bearing,ball 1 1 120078047 bearing,ball 4330011 bearing,ball 1 1330012 bearing,ball 1 120010574 bearing,ball,ceramic 2 2 220078048 bearing,ceramic 220077142 bushing 220078023 bushing 220011762 caP 1 1 120010562 disk,retaining,100 b/P/s 2 220078568 foam insulation set 1360033 ftg,swagelok 1360034 ftg,swagelok 122401201 gasket,coPPer 2 2 120010345 gasket,flat 1 1 1 120010346 gasket,flat 1 1 1 120013179 gasket,flat 9 9 8 720027018 gasket,flat 16 17 6 1120010154 gasket,flat,alum. 24 25 9 1820077165 gasket,flat,Viton 2 2 223925101 gasket,Viton 2 4 2P23955165 gasket,Viton 5 5 2 320078585 insulation,foam 1 121115103 lug,lifting 1 1 120078258 noZZle 1 2c10516403 nw32/40 swing clamP aluminium 1 1c10516368 nw40 blank flange aluminium 1 1c10516395 nw40/40 centring Viton® s/s Pk1 1 120019794 o'ring, Viton, 17X1.5 2 223970305 o'ring,Viton,10 X 3 mm 3 3 3 623950224 o'ring,Viton,105 X 3 mm 1 1 123970417 o'ring,Viton,11.3 X 2.4 mm 3 3 323970010 o'ring,Viton,12.42 X 1.78 mm 12 1220077030 o'ring,Viton,12.5 X 1.5 mm 1 123970106 o'ring,Viton,13.3 X 2.4 mm 4 4 720011543 o'ring,Viton,132 X 3 mm 1 1 123970327 o'ring,Viton,139.5 X 3 mm 1 1 1 123970112 o'ring,Viton,14 X 3 mm 120011544 o'ring,Viton,144.5 X 3 mm 123970008 o'ring,Viton,15 X 2 mm 223970418 o'ring,Viton,150 X 3 mm 123970147 o'ring,Viton,16 X 2.5 mm 3 3 623970154 o'ring,Viton,17 X 3 mm 1 1 1 123970303 o'ring,Viton,170 X 3 mm 523970113 o'ring,Viton,19 X 3 mm 323974140 o'ring,Viton,19.3 X 2.4 mm 4 4 2 123970016 o'ring,Viton,22 X 1.5 mm 2 270120348 o'ring,Viton,230 X 3 mm 8 8 823970115 o'ring,Viton,24 X 3 mm 3 223970191 o'ring,Viton,25 X 2 mm 2 2 4 423970506 o'ring,Viton,27.94 X 5.33 mm 123970117 o'ring,Viton,29 X 3 mm 1 1 123970415 o'ring,Viton,30 X 2 mm 4 4 6 223970262 o'ring,Viton,32.2 X 3 mm 2 2 1 123970157 o'ring,Viton,36 X 4 mm 2 2 1 123970120 o'ring,Viton,37 X 3 mm 1 1 1 120010146 o'ring,Viton,38 X 2 mm 5 5 323970015 o'ring,Viton,40 X 1.5 mm 6 6 223950115 o'ring,Viton,42 X 5 mm 123970516 o'ring,Viton,42 X 5 mm 2 220009660 o'ring,Viton,43 X 3 mm 120008103 o'ring,Viton,47.35 X 1.78 mm 2 2 223970148 o'ring,Viton,5 X 2 mm 6 6 1 223970261 o'ring,Viton,52 X 3 mm 1 1 2 123970121 o'ring,Viton,55 X 3 mm 320008105 o'ring,Viton,67.95 X 2.62 mm 2 2 223970510 o'ring,Viton,72.39 X 5.33 mm 1 1 1 123970101 o'ring,Viton,9 X 1.5 mm 4 4 4

Page 219: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

100 p, 25/50/100 S


KIT COmpOnenTS (COnT.)


Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

100p 100p 25/50S 100SpArT numBEr


mAInT 899555

mAInT w/VEnTS 899555V

mAInT 899553

mAInT 899556

20077031 o'ring,Viton,9.5 X 1.5 mm 12 1223002003 ring,gasket 6 6 20 1223002108 ring,gasket 4 4 123393301 ring,outer suPPorting 1 120010138 ring,Piston 32 32 3220010513 ring,Piston 6 6 32 620010560 ring,Piston 6 6 622401203 ring,sealing 2 2 5 222401214 ring,sealing 2 3 2 1310041 ring,sealing 2 220010259 ring,sealing,(triangular o'rin 2 2 2310042 ring,sealing,dowty 7 720078510 screen,filter 2 220103103 screw,m6 X 20 shcs,s/s 1360036 screw,Plug 120010142 screw,socket head 2 2 220103216 screw,socket head 320017739 screw,socket head caP 620078686 screw,socket head caP 14 14 620103217 screw,socket head caP 6 220078103 seal,shaft,ccw 120010188-c seal,shaft,ccw,red 1 1 120077349 seal,shaft,ccw,red 120078102 seal,shaft,cw 120010188-cw seal,shaft,cw,blue 1 1 120077348 seal,shaft,cw,blue 120078575 seal,shaft,motor retrofit kit 1 120010201 shim 8 820010236 shim 6 6 213750 silencer,eXhaust,25,50,100b&P 1 1 1 120077143 sleeVe,shaft seal 2 2 220078089 sPring,washer 2220078090 switch,eXhaust Pressure,4 Psi 1 1 1 120078091 switch,eXhaust Pressure,7 Psi 1 1 1 141070116 traP,dirt 1 1 1 1360035 ValVe,Packless 120010144 washer,sPring 4 420078227 washer,tabbed lock 1 1 3 1

Page 220: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhLEYBOLD-52

Tmp 150/151/250/250S/360/361/450/1000


rEpAIr KITS rePair kits include bearings & seals.

mODEL(S) pArT numBErtmP 150/151 Pl150rktmP 250, tmP 250 s Pl250rktmP 360/361 Pl360rktmP 450 Pl450rktmP 1000 Pl1000rk

TOOL KITS & mAnuALS tool kits include sPecialty tools & instructional steP-by-steP cd for turbo PumP bearing rePlacement. mODEL(S) pArT numBErtmP 150/151 Pl150tktmP 360/361 Pl360tktmP 450 Pl450tktmP 1000 Pl1000tk


Page 221: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

wA/wAu 150/151/250/251/500/501/1000/1001/2000/2001

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


BEArInGS mODEL(S) pArT numBErwau 150/250 P26101171wau 150/250 P26101301wau 500 20013093wa 1000/1001 26101175

COmprESSIOn rInGS mODEL(S) pArT numBErwa/wau 150/250 62702426wa/wau 500 62703426wa/wau 1000 62704426wa/wau 2000 62705426

pISTOn rInGSmODEL(S) pArT numBErwa/wau 150/151 23179256wa/wau 500/501 23179259

COupLInG ELEmEnTS mODEL(S) pArT numBErwa/wau 150/151/250/251 70100197wa/wau 500/501/1000/1001 70100198wa/wau 2000/2001 70100198

SHAFT SEALS mODEL(S) pArT numBErwa/wau 150-501 72027012wa/wau 150-501 20013031wa/wau 151/251/501/1001/2001 23002110wa/wau 151/251/501/1001/2001 20013486wa/wau 1000/2000 20013455wa/wau 1000/1001/2000/2001 72027019

Leybold-OerlikonruVaC BOOSTerS

SEAL & GASKET KITSseal & gasket kits include o-rings, shaft seals, gaskets & other comPonents for light oVerhaul.

mODEL(S) pArT numBErwa 150/250 19366awa 150/250 (teflon) P29366awa 500 19371awa 1000 19376awa 2000 19381awa/wau 151/251 19460wa/wau 151/251 (teflon) P29460wa/wau 501 19464wa/wau 1001 19468wa/1001 (teflon) 29468wa/wau 2001 19472wau 150/250 19366auwau 150/250 (teflon) P29366auwau 500 19371auwau 500 29371auwau 1000 19376auwau 2000 19381au

Page 222: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

wA/wAu 151/251/501/1001/2001



Leybold-OerlikonruVaC BOOSTerS

wA&wAu151/251 wA&wAu151/251 wA & wAu501 wA & wAu1001 wA & wAu1001 wA & wAu2001pArT numBEr








20013571 disc,felt 1 1 170100198 element,couPling,sV180/300 1 1 170100197 element,couPling,yellow 1 1 123880504 gasket,teflon 4 4 4 4P23955165 gasket,Viton 4 423970435 o'ring,Viton, 35 X 2 mm 1 5 5 123970139 o'ring,Viton,100 X 5 mm 2 223970511 o'ring,Viton,104.14 X 5.33 mm 1 123970111 o'ring,Viton,11.5 X 3 mm 4 4 423970142 o'ring,Viton,120 X 5 mm 1 123970419 o'ring,Viton,125 X 5 mm 123970327 o'ring,Viton,139.5 X 3 mm 1 1 123970526 o'ring,Viton,150 X 5 mm 123970512 o'ring,Viton,151.77 X 5.33 mm 123970154 o'ring,Viton,17 X 3 mm 4 4 423970424 o'ring,Viton,180 X 3 mm 4 423970432 o'ring,Viton,235 X 3 mm 423970115 o'ring,Viton,24 X 3 mm 1 1 123970191 o'ring,Viton,25 X 2 mm 4 423970433 o'ring,Viton,274 X 3 mm 4 423970415 o'ring,Viton,30 X 2 mm 423970262 o'ring,Viton,32.2 X 3 mm 1 1 123970124 o'ring,Viton,355 X 4 mm 423970416 o'ring,Viton,40 X 2 mm 423970127 o'ring,Viton,40 X 5 mm 2 223970504 o'ring,Viton,55 X 5 mm 123970155 o'ring,Viton,60 X 3 mm 1 1 123970129 o'ring,Viton,65 X 5 mm 2 2 123970510 o'ring,Viton,72.39 X 5.33 mm 1 1 123970223 o'ring,Viton,80 X 3 mm 1 1 123970302 o'ring,Viton,90 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 1 120013180 reflector,a501 1 1 1 1 1 120013441 ring,felt 1 1 120013486 seal,bonded 4 4 4 3 3 323002110 seal,bonded 1 1 120013032 seal,shaft 2 172027013 seal,shaft,teflon 172027019 seal,shaft,teflon 172027011 seal,shaft,teflon,inner,red 172027012 seal,shaft,teflon,outer,blue 120013031 seal,shaft,Viton 2 220013455 seal,shaft,Viton 1 1

Page 223: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

wA 150/250/500/1000/2000



Leybold-OerlikonruVaC BOOSTerS

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

wA150-250 wA150-250 wA500 wA1000 wA2000pArT numBEr







70100198 element,couPling,sV180/300 1 1 170100197 element,couPling,yellow 1 123880504 gasket,teflon 7 7 7 7 523955140 gasket,Viton 1 123955162 gasket,Viton 1 1 123970435 o'ring,Viton, 35 X 2 mm 423970511 o'ring,Viton,104.14 X 5.33 mm 123970111 o'ring,Viton,11.5 X 3 mm 4 4 423970411 o'ring,Viton,122 X 3 mm 1 123970418 o'ring,Viton,150 X 3 mm 123970512 o'ring,Viton,151.77 X 5.33 mm 123970154 o'ring,Viton,17 X 3 mm 4 423970303 o'ring,Viton,170 X 3 mm 123970424 o'ring,Viton,180 X 3 mm 4 423970202 o'ring,Viton,210 X 3 mm 123970432 o'ring,Viton,235 X 3 mm 423970191 o'ring,Viton,25 X 2 mm 8 423970433 o'ring,Viton,274 X 3 mm 423970415 o'ring,Viton,30 X 2 mm 423970124 o'ring,Viton,355 X 4 mm 423970416 o'ring,Viton,40 X 2 mm 423970127 o'ring,Viton,40 X 5 mm 1 223970129 o'ring,Viton,65 X 5 mm 323970510 o'ring,Viton,72.39 X 5.33 mm 2 1 123970302 o'ring,Viton,90 X 3 mm 1 162702426 ring,comPression 1 162703426 ring,comPression 162704426 ring,comPression 162705426 ring,comPression 120127105 screw,Plug 520013032 seal,shaft 2 272027011 seal,shaft,teflon,inner,red 172027012 seal,shaft,teflon,outer,blue 120013031 seal,shaft,Viton 3 320013455 seal,shaft,Viton 1 1

Page 224: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

wAu 150/250/500/1000/2000



Leybold-OerlikonruVaC BOOSTerS

wAu150-250 wAu150-250 wAu500 wAu500 wAu1000 wAu2000pArT numBEr








70100198 element,couPling,sV180/300 1 1 1 170100197 element,couPling,yellow 1 123880504 gasket,teflon 7 6 7 6 7 723955140 gasket,Viton 1 123955162 gasket,Viton 1 1 1 1P23955165 gasket,Viton 1 123970435 o'ring,Viton, 35 X 2 mm 423970139 o'ring,Viton,100 X 5 mm 223970511 o'ring,Viton,104.14 X 5.33 mm 123970111 o'ring,Viton,11.5 X 3 mm 4 4 4 423970142 o'ring,Viton,120 X 5 mm 123970411 o'ring,Viton,122 X 3 mm 1 123970419 o'ring,Viton,125 X 5 mm 123970418 o'ring,Viton,150 X 3 mm 1 123970526 o'ring,Viton,150 X 5 mm 123970512 o'ring,Viton,151.77 X 5.33 mm 123970154 o'ring,Viton,17 X 3 mm 4 423970303 o'ring,Viton,170 X 3 mm 123970424 o'ring,Viton,180 X 3 mm 4 4 123970202 o'ring,Viton,210 X 3 mm 123970432 o'ring,Viton,235 X 3 mm 4 423970191 o'ring,Viton,25 X 2 mm 4 423970433 o'ring,Viton,274 X 3 mm 423970415 o'ring,Viton,30 X 2 mm 4 423970124 o'ring,Viton,355 X 4 mm 423970416 o'ring,Viton,40 X 2 mm 423970127 o'ring,Viton,40 X 5 mm 2 223970129 o'ring,Viton,65 X 5 mm 2 2 2 223970510 o'ring,Viton,72.39 X 5.33 mm 1 1 1 123970302 o'ring,Viton,90 X 3 mm 1 1 1 162702426 ring,comPression 1 162703426 ring,comPression 1 162704426 ring,comPression 162705426 ring,comPression 120013032 seal,shaft 2 272027011 seal,shaft,teflon,inner,red 1 172027012 seal,shaft,teflon,outer,bl 1 120013031 seal,shaft,Viton 3 320013455 seal,shaft,Viton 1 120013031 seal,shaft,Viton 2 220013455 seal,shaft,Viton 1 1

Page 225: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

wS/wSu 150/151/250/251/500/501/1000/1001/2000/2001

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


BEArInGS mODEL(S) pArT numBErws 501 20013403

COmprESSIOn rInGS mODEL(S) pArT numBErws/wsu 150/250 62702426ws/wsu 500 62703426ws/wsu 1000 62704426ws/wsu 2000 62705426

pISTOn rInGSmODEL(S) pArT numBErws/wsu 150/151 23179256ws/wsu 1001 23153217

GASKETS mODEL(S) pArT numBErws 151/251/501/1001/2001 23880504ws/wsu 501/2001 23955162ws/wsu 151/251/501 P23955165

Leybold-OerlikonruVaC BOOSTerS

SEAL & GASKET KITSseal & gasket kits include o-rings, shaft seals, gaskets & other comPonents for light oVerhaul.

mODEL(S) pArT numBErws 150/250 19366sws 500 19371sws 1000 19376sws 2000 19381sws/wsu 151/251 P19462ws/wsu 501 P19466ws/wsu 1001 19470ws/wsu 2001 19474wsu 150/250 P19366suwsu 500 19371suwsu 1000 19376suwsu 2000 19381su

Page 226: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

wS 150/151/250/251/500/501/1000/1001/2000, wSu 151/251/501



Leybold-OerlikonruVaC BOOSTerS

wS150,250 wS500 wS1000 wS2000 wS151-251 wS&wSu501pArT numBEr








23880504 gasket,teflon 3 6 6 6 4 423955140 gasket,Viton 123955162 gasket,Viton 1 1 123970435 o'ring,Viton, 35 X 2 mm 4 1 123970511 o'ring,Viton,104.14 X 5.33 mm 123970111 o'ring,Viton,11.5 X 3 mm 4 4 4 423970411 o'ring,Viton,122 X 3 mm 1 123970418 o'ring,Viton,150 X 3 mm 123970512 o'ring,Viton,151.77 X 5.33 mm 123970154 o'ring,Viton,17 X 3 mm 4 423970303 o'ring,Viton,170 X 3 mm 123970424 o'ring,Viton,180 X 3 mm 4 423970202 o'ring,Viton,210 X 3 mm 123970432 o'ring,Viton,235 X 3 mm 4 423970191 o'ring,Viton,25 X 2 mm 4 523970433 o'ring,Viton,274 X 3 mm 423970415 o'ring,Viton,30 X 2 mm 4 420013975 o'ring,Viton,35 X 2.5 mm 1 123970124 o'ring,Viton,355 X 4 mm 423970416 o'ring,Viton,40 X 2 mm 423970127 o'ring,Viton,40 X 5 mm 223970504 o'ring,Viton,55 X 5 mm 123970129 o'ring,Viton,65 X 5 mm 2 123970510 o'ring,Viton,72.39 X 5.33 mm 1 1 1 123970149 o'ring,Viton,8 X 2 mm 1 120013532 o'ring,Viton,86 X 3 mm 123970302 o'ring,Viton,90 X 3 mm 1 120013180 reflector,a501 1 162702426 ring,comPression 162703426 ring,comPression 162704426 ring,comPression 162705426 ring,comPression 162704426 ring,comPression 1

Page 227: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

wSu 150/250/500/1000/2000/2001



Leybold-OerlikonruVaC BOOSTerS

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

wSu150-250 wSu500 wSu1000 wS&wSu1001 wSu2000 wS&wSu2001pArT numBEr








23880504 gasket,teflon 3 6 6 4 623955140 gasket,Viton 123955162 gasket,Viton 1 1 1P23955165 gasket,Viton 423970435 o'ring,Viton, 35 X 2 mm 4 5 123970139 o'ring,Viton,100 X 5 mm 2 223970511 o'ring,Viton,104.14 X 5.33 mm 1 123970111 o'ring,Viton,11.5 X 3 mm 4 423970142 o'ring,Viton,120 X 5 mm 1 123970411 o'ring,Viton,122 X 3 mm 123970419 o'ring,Viton,125 X 5 mm 1 123970418 o'ring,Viton,150 X 3 mm 123970526 o'ring,Viton,150 X 5 mm 1 123970512 o'ring,Viton,151.77 X 5.33 mm 1 123970507 o'ring,Viton,155 X 4 mm 1 123970154 o'ring,Viton,17 X 3 mm 4 4 4 423920303 o'ring,Viton,170 X 3 mm 123970424 o'ring,Viton,180 X 3 mm 4 1 123970202 o'ring,Viton,210 X 3 mm 123970432 o'ring,Viton,235 X 3 mm 423970191 o'ring,Viton,25 X 2 mm 423970433 o'ring,Viton,274 X 3 mm 4 423970415 o'ring,Viton,30 X 2 mm 420013975 o'ring,Viton,35 X 2.5 mm 1 123970124 o'ring,Viton,355 X 4 mm 4 423970416 o'ring,Viton,40 X 2 mm 4 423970127 o'ring,Viton,40 X 5 mm 223970304 o'ring,Viton,45 X 3 mm 123970129 o'ring,Viton,65 X 5 mm 2 223970510 o'ring,Viton,72.39 X 5.33 mm 1 123970149 o'ring,Viton,8 X 2 mm 2 123970302 o'ring,Viton,90 X 3 mm 1 1 120013180 reflector,a501 162702426 ring,comPression 162703426 ring,comPression 162704426 ring,comPression 162705426 ring,comPression 1

Page 228: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhLEYBOLD-60

rA 3001/5001/7001/9001, rA 3001/5001/7001/9001 S

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

FrOnT EnD SEAL KITS front end seal kits include o-rings, shaft seals, sleeVes & couPlings.

mODEL(S) pArT numBErra 3001 ra3001fra 5001, ra 3001 s ra5001fra 7001 ra7001fra 9001, ra 5001/7001 s ra9001f

COmpLETE SEAL KITS comPlete seal kits include all comPonents of front end seal kits Plus additional o-rings.

mODEL(S) pArT numBErra 3001 ra3001sra 5001, ra 3001 s ra5001sra 7001 ra7001sra 9001, ra 5001/7001 s ra9001s

mAJOr rEBuILD KITS major rebuild kits include all comPonents of seal kits Plus Piston rings, sleeVes & bearings . mODEL(S) pArT numBErra 3001 ra3001mra 5001, ra 3001 s ra5001mra 7001 ra7001mra 9001, ra 5001/7001 s ra9001m

BEArInGS mODEL(S) pArT numBErra 3001 (set of 4) ra3001bra 5001, ra 3001 s (set of 4) ra5001bra 7001 (set of 4) ra7001bra 5001/9001 (set of 6) ra9001bra 7001 s (set of 6) ra9001b

pISTOn rInGS mODEL(S) pArT numBErra 3001 (set of 16) 70120242ra 5001/7001 (set of 16) 70120243ra 3001 s (set of 16) 70120243ra 9001 (set of 16) 70120241ra 5001/7001 s (set of 16) 70120241

SLEEVES mODEL(S) pArT numBErra 3001 70120251ra 5001/7001, ra 3001 s 70120252ra 9001, ra 5001/7001 s 701202502

Leybold-Oerlikonra BOOSTerS

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rA 3001/5001/7001/9001, rA 3001/5001/7001/9001 S



Leybold-Oerlikonra BOOSTerS

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rA3001 rA3001 rA3001 rA5001,3001S rA5001,3001S rA5001,3001SpArT numBEr


FrOnT SEAL rA3001F

COmp SEAL rA3001S

mAJOr rA3001m

FrOnT SEAL rA5001F

COmp SEAL rA5001S


70120268 bearing,radial,ball,50X110X27 mm 470120270 bearing,radial,ball,65X120X23 mm 370120269 bearing,radial,ball,65X140X33 mm 170120254 couPling,sPider,trasco 48 1 1 1 1 1 123956110 gasket,flat,buna 1 1 1 170120296 o'ring,buna,132.72X5.34 mm 1 1 123950740 o'ring,buna,153.72X5 mm 1 1 1 123950759 o'ring,buna,160X4 mm 1 1 123950739 o'ring,buna,227.51X 4.93 mm 2 2 2 223950727 o'ring,buna,268.36X 5 mm 2 2 2 223950310 o'ring,buna,52.07X3.00 mm 4 440000 o'ring,Viton,29.74 X 3.53 mm 4 4 4 4 4 402126030 o'ring,Viton,34.52 X 3.53 mm 4 4 4 4 4 470120298 o'ring,Viton,40.8X3.5 mm 1 1 170120295 o'ring,Viton,440X3.00 mm 4 4 470120300 o'ring,Viton,545X3 mm 4 4 402124189 o'ring,Viton,60 X 3.5 mm 5 5 5350013 ring,Piston,cast,3.38X3.09X.12 16350014 ring,Piston,cast,3.81X3.49X.12 16310107 seal,shaft,45X65X8,sPecial 1 1 1310108 seal,shaft,55X80X10/8,sPecial 1 1 170120248 seal,shaft,Viton,sc,45X65X8 mm 1 1 170120246 seal,shaft,Viton,sc,55X80X10/8 mm 1 1 170120251 sleeVe 1 1 170120252 sleeVe 1 1 1

rA7001 rA7001 rA7001 rA5001S,7001&S rA5001S,7001&S rA5001S,7001&SpArT numBEr


FrOnT SEAL rA7001F

COmp SEAL rA7001S

mAJOr rA7001m

FrOnT SEAL rA9001F

COmp SEAL rA9001S

mAJOr rA9001m

70120270 bearing,radial,ball,65X120X23 mm 370120269 bearing,radial,ball,65X140X33 mm 1330026 bearing,radial,ball,80X140X26 mm 5330027 bearing,radial,ball,80X170X39 mm 170120254 couPling,sPider,trasco 48 1 1 1360056 couPling,sPider,trasco 65 1 1 123956110 gasket,flat,buna 1 1 1 1320220 o'ring,buna,104.37X3.00 mm 4 4 423950740 o'ring,buna,153.72X5 mm 1 123950759 o'ring,buna,160X4 mm 1 1 1320221 o'ring,buna,180.96X4.00 mm 1 1 123950739 o'ring,buna,227.51X 4.93 mm 2 223950727 o'ring,buna,268.36X 5 mm 2 2 2 2 2320224 o'ring,buna,351.76X5.00 mm 1 1 123950310 o'ring,buna,52.07X3.00 mm 1 140000 o'ring,Viton,29.74 X 3.53 mm 4 4 4 4 4 402126030 o'ring,Viton,34.52 X 3.53 mm 4 4 4 4 4 4320222 o'ring,Viton,346.76X5.00 mm 2 2 279237 o'ring,Viton,37.69 X 3.53 mm 3 3 370120298 o'ring,Viton,40.8X3.5 mm 1 1 170120300 o'ring,Viton,545X3 mm 4 4 402124189 o'ring,Viton,60 X 3.5 mm 5 5 570120290 o'ring,Viton,625 X 3.00 mm 2 2 4350014 ring,Piston,cast,3.81X3.49X.12 16350012 ring,Piston,cast,4.63X4.25X.12 16310108 seal,shaft,55X80X10/8,sPecial 1 1 170120246 seal,shaft,Viton,sc,55X80X10/8 mm 1 1 1310081 seal,shaft,Viton,sc,65X85X12/10 mm 1 1 1310101 seal,shaft,single liP 1 1 170120252 sleeVe 1 1 170120250 sleeVe,steel,2.56X2.17X2.95 1 1 1

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BEArInGS054104 bearing,ball,srfs,30mm kt150c20010149 bearing,ang.contact,sgl.row,7207 100b,100P20010152 bearing,ball 100b,100P20010574 bearing,ball,ceramic 100b,100P20011200 bearing s400f,s400fl,s630f,s630fl1000243 bearing s100f,s100c20012184 bearing s160f,s160c20012185 bearing s250f,s250c20013093 bearing wau50020013403 bearing,ball,oPen,ws501 ws50120078047 bearing,ball 25P,50P,25b,50b20078048 bearing,ceramic 2 5P,50P,25b,50b20078049 bearing,ball 25b,25P,50b,50P26101110 bearing e250,dk20026101175 bearing ws1001330011 bearing,ball 25b,25P,50b,50P,100b,100P330012 bearing,ball 25b,25P,50b,50P,100b,100P330026 bearing,radial,ball,80X140X26 mm ra9001,ra5001s,ra7001s330027 bearing,radial,ball,80X170X39 mm ra9001,ra5001s,ra7001s330039 bearing,ball,6005Z,PfPe adP30,adP31,adP80,adP81,ads30,ads31,ads80,ads8170120268 bearing,radial,ball,50X110X27 mm ra300170120269 bearing,radial,ball,65X140X33 mm ra5001,ra3001s70120270 bearing,radial,ball,65X120X23 mm ra5001,ra3001s71029462 bearing,cylindrical roller,45X85X23 sV58571031562 bearing,needle,sV180-sV300 sV30071403872 bearing,sV630 sV630,sV630f71403882 bearing sV630,sV630fP26101171 bearing wau150,wau250P26101301 bearing wau150,wau250ra3001b bearings,set of 4 ra3001ra5001b bearings,set of 4 ra5001,ra3001sra7001b bearings,set of 4 ra7001ra9001b bearings,set of 6 ra9001,ra5001s,ra7001s

BuSHInGS 20066099 bushings,Piston (set of 2) e75,e150,e250,dk100,dk20020077142 bushing 25b,50b,25P,50P,25s,50s20078023 bushing 25b,50b,25P,50P,25s,50s23192026 bushing,shaft sleeVe d16bcs,d25bcs23192034 seal,shaft,bushing sleeVe d40bcs,d65bcs27027120 bushing,Piston e7527027125 bushing,shaft e75,e150,e250,dk100,dk20027027211 bushing,Piston e75,e150,e250,dk100,dk200d2/4cbb bushing,bronZe,center d2a,d4ad2/4fbb bushing,bronZe,front d2a,d4ad2/4rbb bushing,bronZe,rear d2a,d4ad30/60fbb bushing,bronZe,front Plate d30a,d60a,d90ad30/60fcb bushing,carbon,fP,front d30a,d60a,d90ad30/60ibb bushing,bronZe,inter. Plate d30a,d60a,d90ad30/60icb bushing,carbon,iP,intermediate d30a,d60a,d90a,d30ac,d60ac,d90acd30/60rbb bushing,bronZe,rear Plate d30a,d60a,d90ad30/60rcb bushing,carbon,rP,rear d30a,d60a,d90a,d30ac,d60ac,d90acd8/16fbb bushing,bronZe,fP d8a,d16ad8/16ibb bushing,bronZe,iP d8b,d16bd8/16rbb bushing,bronZe,rP d8a,d16a

CApS20103206 screw,caP d4b,d8b,s4b,s8b34975102 caP, d2a/d4a d2a,d4a34975105 caP,d8a-90a d60a

COupLInGS20009094 insert,couPling,black d16bcs,d16b,s16b,d25b,s25b20009095 couPling,insert d40bcs,d65bcs20009099 couPling,d16b d16b20009110 insert,couPling,s8b,d4b,d8b s8b d4b,d8b20009358 sPider,d1.6b d1.6b20011353 couPling,sPider,trasco 55,yellow s400f,s400fl360029 element,couPling,sV40/65 sV40 br1,sV40 br2360051 couPler,sleeVe,Viton d1.2 e,d2.5 e360052 couPler,sleeVe,Viton d5 e,d10 e360053 couPler,sleeVe,Viton d16 e360056 couPling,sPider,trasco 65 ra9001,ra5001s,ra7001s57042129-3 couPling, element d8c57042132m couPling,comPlete,metric d30a70100147 element,couPling,d2-16a/ac d2a,d4a,d8a,d16a,d2ac,d4ac,d8ac,d16ac,s4a,s8a,s470100196 element,couPling,s/d30-90a/ac d90a,s30a,s60a,s60ac,d60a,d60ac,d90ac,-s30ac,d30a70100197 element,couPling,yellow wa150,wau150,wa151,wau151,wa250,wau250,wa251,wau70100198 element,couPling,sV180/300 wa500,wau500,wa1000,wau1000,wau501,wa1001,wau100

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COupLInGS (COnT.)70100329 couPling,sPider,trasco 38,yellow s160f,s160c70100330 couPling,sPider,trasco 28,yellow s100f,s100c70120254 couPling,sPider,trasco 48 ra300171017722 couPling sV180,sV200,sV280,sV30071034330 couPling,sV40/65 sV40,sV6571213192 element,couPling,sV100 sV10071251410 couPling,insert,sV40/65 sV6571418780 couPling,nylon,boweX m-28 sV100b99999033 couPling, element d30c,d40c,d60c

FILTErS18934 filter,oil,s VaroVac VaroVac s18970 filter,eXhaust,fe d1.6b18971 filter,eXhaust,fe d4b,d8b,d4a,d4ac,d2a,d2ac18973/s filter,eXhaust,fe ars40,ars6518980 filter,eXhaust,af d30a,d60a,d90a,d30ac,d60ac,d90ac18985 filter,oil mist,s160f/s250f / af100-250a s160f, s250f18990 filter,1.0 liter Part. cf4/25,cfs16/25,cf40/65,cfs40/65 18991 filter,Partic,0.5 liter cf4/2518996 filter,alum.,1.0 liter cf4/25,cf16/25,cf40/65,cfs40/6520009804 filter,Particulate,1.6 liter cf40/65,cfs40/6520011155 filter,eXhaust s100c20011156 filter,eXhaust s250c,s160c20011365 filter,coalescing,eXhaust s63020011381 filter,coalescing,eXhaust s40020078716 filter,oil,25P,50P,25b,50b 25P,50P,25b,50b39026010 filter,demister,s4b,d4b d4b,s4b39026011 filter,demister,s8b,d8b s8b,d8b39026012 filter,demister,s16b,d16b/bcs s16b,d16b,d16bcs39026013 filter,demister,s25b,d25b/bcs s25b,d25b,d25bcs39026014 filter,demister,d40-65b/bcs d40b,d65b,d40bcs,b65bcs,s40b,s65b39026117 filter,oil s8a,s8ac,d8a,d8ac,s16a,s16ac,d16a,d16ac39026121 filter,oil d2a,d4a,s4a39026151 filter,sogeVac s100f,s100c41070116 traP,dirt 100b,100P,25P,50P,25b,50b41170121 traP,dirt d30c,d40c,d60c41170206 traP,dirt d8c,d16c532917477 filter,eXhaust,silencer,w/o’ring.9.9”71018850 filter,oil,sV300b sV300b71018858 filter,oil,sogeVac sV180/300 sV180,sV280,sV200,sV30071064763 filter,coalescing eXh. sV40,sV65,sV100,sV180,sV20071064773 filter,coalescing eXh. sV280,sV300,sV500,sV580,sV585,sV630,sV630f,sV75071212718 filter,oil,sV40/65 sV40,sV6571213150 filter,oil sV100b71213158 filter,oil sV10071232023 filter,coalescing eXh.,br2 sV16 br2,sV25 br271405318 filter,oil sV630,sV630f,sV75071413280 filter,eXhaust,assy,sV16b sV16b71416340 filter,eXhaust,assy,sV25b sV25b71417300 filter,eXhaust,assy,sV65b/sV100b sV65b,sV100b71418060 filter,ballast,stone,gas sV25b71420980 filter,oil sV40b,sV65b71421180 filter,eXhaust,assy,sV40b sV40b720010 filter,demister d1.2 e,d2.5 e720011 filter,demister d5 e,d10 e,d16 e898505 filter,fullers earth of-1000898506 filter,hydroPhillc,of1000 of-1000898507/10 filter,Partic,10 micron,of1000 of-1000898523 filter,alumina of-3000898599/10 filter,Partic,10 micron,of3000 of-3000971431120 filter,eXhaust seParator,sV b sV b99171128 filter,smoke elim.,rePl.,re2-4 d2a,d4a99171129 filter,smoke elim,re8-16 d8a,d16aP18972 filter,eXhaust ars16/25P18973 filter,eXhaust kit,fe d40b,d65b,d40bcs,d65bcsP18999 filter,alum/Partic.,1.3 liter cfs16/25,cfs40/65P898504 filter,alumina of-1000

FITTInGS22161034 clamP s16b,d16b,s25b,d25b360033 ftg,swagelok 100b,100P,25b,50b,25P,50P360034 ftg,swagelok 100b,100P,25b,50b,25P,50P360038 ftg,reducer 100b,100P,25b,50b,25P,50P43171254 connecting Port

GASKETS20009012 gasket,d16b,d16bcs,d25b,d25bcs d16bcs,d25bcs,d25b,d16b,s25b,s16b20009148 gasket,case d40bcs,d65bcs,d40b,d65b20009260 gasket,oil coVer d1.6b20009400 gasket,ring cfs16/25,cfs40/65

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GASKETS (COnT.)20009401 gasket,ring cfs16/25,cfs40/6520009482 gasket,ring cfs16/2520009483 gasket,ring cfs16/2520009514 gasket,Viton igs16/25,igs40/6520009752 gasket,flat igs16/25,igs40/6520009780 gasket,flat d40bcs,d65bcs20009880 gasket,Viton lss16/25,lss40/6520010154 gasket,flat,alum. 100b,100P,25P,50P20010319 gasket,flat cfs16,cfs2520010325 gasket,flat d16bcs,d25bcs20010345 gasket,flat 100b,100P,25P,50P,25b,50b20010346 gasket,flat 100b,100P,25P,50P,25b,50b20010731 gasket,couPling,asb d4b,d8b,s4b,d8b20010736 gasket, module s16b,d16b,s25b,d16bcs,d25bcs,d25b20010738 gasket,couPling housing d16b20010746 gasket,lh-cfs ValVe d40bcs,d65bcs20010749 gasket,inner,s1.6b/d1.6b s1.6b,d1.6b20010752 gasket,flat ars16/2520011075 gasket,VaroVac s630f,s630fl20011076 gasket,VaroVac s630f,s630fl20011078 gasket,coVer,s400/s630 s400,s63020011133 gasket,ring,white felt,100X79.5X 3 mm s400f,s400fl20011134 gasket,ring,white felt,65X38X2 mm s400f,s400fl20011201 gasket,felt s400f,s400fl20011237 gasket,disc,Viton,d60X9X2 mm s400f,s400fl20011314 gasket,VaroVac s400f,s400fl20011315 gasket,VaroVac s400f,s400fl20012193 gasket,VaroVac s100f,s100c20012194 gasket,coVer,s100c s100c20012195 gasket,VaroVac s100f,s100c20012196 gasket,VaroVac s160f,s160c20012197 gasket,coVer s160,s160c20012198 gasket,VaroVac s160f,s160c20012199 gasket,rectangular s250f,s250c20012200 gasket,rectangular s250,s250c20012201 gasket,rectangular s250f,s250c 20012206 gasket,sQuare s100f,s100c20012210 gasket,coVer,motor e75,e150,e250,dk100,dk20020012429 gasket,motor,50hZ e7520013179 gasket,flat 100b,100P,25b,25P,50b,50P20027018 gasket,flat 100b,25P,50P,25b,50b20039131 gasket,sight glass,d40/65b/bcs d40/65bcs20039148 gasket,felt d16bcs,d25bcs20039443 gasket, dwg oil sight glass d8c20039988 gasket,case d8c20039992 gasket,Viton,gas ballast d8c20039993 gasket,Viton,gas ballast d30c,d40c,d60c20077165 gasket,flat,Viton 100P20078497 gasket,Viton 25b,50b,25P,50P22401201 gasket,coPPer 100b,100P,25P,50P,25b,50b22401205 gasket,sealing,coPPer 25P,50P,25b,50b22401206 gasket,sealing,coPPer d222401207 gasket,ring,coPPer,10X14X1 mm s400f,s400fl22401215 gasket,sealing,coPPer d222401223 gasket,sealing,coPPer d223002001 gasket,ring,Viton e150,e250,dk100,dk20023020105 gasket,d2 d223020106 gasket,d2 d223721124 gasket,ring,white felt,72X54.5X3 mm s250f,s250c23721125 gasket,striP,white felt,4X5X191 mm s100f,s100c23721127 gasket,ring,white felt,62X49.5X3 mm s160f,s160c23721128 gasket,ring,white felt,52X40X3 mm s100f,s100c23811123 gasket,case seal d2a,d4a23811126 gasket,case seal d8a,d16a23811131 gasket,d2 d223811142 gasket,case seal d30a,d60a,d90a23820109 gasket,ring,coPPer,8X11.5X1 mm s400f,s400fl23820147 gasket,d2a/ac,d4a/ac,s4a/ac d2a,d4a,d2ac,s4a,s4ac,d4ac23820156 gasket,intake/eXhaust d8a,d16a,s8a,s8ac,d8ac,s16a,s16ac,d16ac23820158 gasket,intake/eXhaust d30a,d60a,d90a,s30a,s30ac,d30ac,s60a,s60ac,d60ac23877104 gasket,d2 d223880504 gasket,teflon wa151,wa251,wa501,wa1001,wa2001,ws151,ws251,ws5023925101 gasket,Viton e150,dk10023925225 gasket,flat,gas ballast d30a,d60a,d90a,d90ac,s30a,s30ac,d30ac,s60a,s60ac23925226 gasket,gas ballast d8a,d16a,s8a,s8ac,d8ac,s16a,s16ac,d16ac23925227 gasket,flat,gas ballast d2a,d4a,s4a,s4ac,d4ac23953162 gasket,sight glass,housing e75,e150,e250,dk100,dk20023955140 gasket,Viton e150,e25023955158 gasket,ring,VmQ,10X20X1 mm s100f,s100c 23955162 gasket,Viton wa501,wa2001,wau251,wau2001,ws501,ws2001,wsu501

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GASKETS (COnT.)23955171 gasket,sight glass d8a,d16a,d30a,d90a,d90ac,s8a,s8ac,s16a,s16ac,d8a 23955172 gasket,sight glass,d2/4a d2a,d4a,d2ac,d4ac23956110 gasket,flat,buna ra300123956113 gasket,d2 d223956123 gasket,d2 d223972112 gasket,flat lss23973036 gasket,couPling housing d40b,d40bcs,d65b,d65bcs23973037 gasket,module d4b,d8b23973038 gasket,module d16b/bcs,d25b/bcs23973039 gasket,d40b,d40bcs,d65b,d65bcs d40bcs,d65bcs,d40b,d65b23973042 gasket,coVer d40bcs,d65bcs23973043 gasket,d16bcs,d25bcs d16bcs,d25bcs23973044 gasket,flat d16bcs,d25bcs,d40bcs,d65bcs23973047 gasket,case d4b,b8b23973052 gasket,oil d16bcs,d25bcs23973057 gasket,sight glass d4b,d8b,d16b,d25b,d16bcs,d25bcs,d40bcs,d65bcs23973133 gasket,flat,gas ballast d2a,d4a300012 gasket,Viton,sight glass e75,e150,e250,dk100,dk200300041 gasket,sV300 sV280300042 gasket,sV300 sV300300043 gasket,sV300 sV300300044 gasket,sight glass,Viton d1.2 e,d2.5 e,d5 e,d10 e,d16 e300045 gasket,ring,Viton,17X22X1.5mm d2.5 e,d5 e,d10 e,d16 e300046 gasket,ring,Viton,22X27X2mm d1.2 e,d2.5 e300047 gasket,flat seal,Viton d1.2 e,d2.5 e300048 gasket,flat seal,Viton d5 e,d10 e,d16 e300049 gasket,oil boX,Viton d1.2 e,d2.5 e300050 gasket,oil boX,Viton d5 e,d10 e,d16 e300058 gasket,flat,sV200 sV200300059 gasket,flat,sV585 sV585300060 gasket,flat,round,sV585 sV585300061 gasket,flat,round,sV585 sV585300062 gasket,flat,sV585 sV585300063 gasket,flat,sV585 sV585300073 gasket,crush,coPPer,10mm sV100 br1,sV100 br2300074 gasket,crush,coPPer,12mm sV200300075 gasket,crush,coPPer,14mm sV100 br1,sV100 br2300076 gasket,crush,coPPer,16mm sV100 br1,sV100 br2300077 gasket,crush,coPPer,18mm sV630,sV630f300078 gasket,crush,coPPer,22mm sV585300084 gasket,flat,50 X 42 X 2 sV630,sV630f300138 gasket,ring,Viton,sV3 0 sV20041160120 gasket,seal d261300615 gasket,eXhaust boX e250,dk20061300908 gasket,eXhaust boX e150,dk10061400534 gasket,eXhaust e7570120220 gasket,ring s100f,s100c71001173 gasket,sV65 sV6571001894 gasket,sV180 sV180 br1,sV180 br271010264 gasket,joint Plate,sV100 sV10071010414 gasket,sV100 sV10071017854 gasket,joint Plate,sV180 sV180,sV280,sV200,sV30071018048 gasket,joint,sV40/65/100 sV40,sV65,sV10071028173 gasket,sV40/65 sV40,sV6571028184 gasket,inlet Plate,sV100 sV10071042874 gasket,case sV16,sV2571046164 gasket,sV180,sV300 sV20071077088 gasket,striP,silicone,sV585 sV58571078893 gasket,round,buna,sV58 sV58571212413 gasket,inlet flange,sV40/65 sV100 br1,sV100 br271212473 gasket,sV40/65/100/180/300 sV40,sV65,sV10071213273 gasket,sV180,sV300 sV180,sV30071231514 gasket,case sV16,sV2571413240 gasket,flat,outlet,ifg 5500,2.88” sQ. sV10b,sV16b71416430 gasket,flat,cork,4.75”lX2.38”wX.04”thk sV10b,sV16b71416730 gasket,flat,PaPer,7”l X 4.5” w sV65b71418890 gasket,eXhaust,flange,PaPer sV100b71418940 gasket,flat,PaPer sV100b71419730 gasket,flat,silicone,4.63”lX2.25”X.021”t sV25b71420740 gasket,eXhaust,flange,Viton,5”l X 3.75” sV65b71420750 gasket,flat,PaPer,6.5”l X 4.25” w sV40b72590000 gasket,Viton d2a,d4a,d8a,d16a,d30a,d60a,d90a,s4a,s4ac,s8a,s8a72590001 gasket,flat d2a,d4a,d8a,d16a,d30a,d60a,d90a,s4a,s4ac,s8a,s8a804193 gasket,sight glass 807416 gasket,seParator coVer,s.h.coV 500c/500d807461 gasket,seParator coVer,s.h.coV 850c/850d807554 gasket 500c/500d807559 gasket,flange 850c/850d807644 gasket,seParator coVer 150c808391 gasket,oil PumP,(o-ring) 850c/850d

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GASKETS (COnT.)808473 gasket rePl,ValVe deck coVer 850c/850d808474 gasket rePl,ValVe deck coVer 500c/500d808475 gasket,ValVe deck 300c,300d808476 gasket rePl,ValVe deck coVer 150c971423480 gasket,flat,Viton,4.38”lX3.25”wX.036”thk sV25b991819275 gasket,motor e-75 e75991819441 gasket,motor e75,e150,e250,de100,dk200P20009121 gasket,ars coVer d40bcs,d65bcs,ars40/65P23955165 gasket,Viton d1.6,d4,d8,d16,d30,d40,d40bcs,d65bcs,ws151,ws25123721124 gasket,ring,white felt,72X54.5X3 mm s250f,s250c23721125 gasket,striP,white felt,4X5X191 mm s100f,s100c23721127 gasket,ring,white felt,62X49.5X3 mm s160f,s160c23721128 gasket,ring,white felt,52X40X3 mm s100f,s100c23811123 gasket,case seal d2a,d4a23811126 gasket,case seal d8a,d16a23811131 gasket,d2 d223811142 gasket,case seal d30a,d60a,d90a23820109 gasket,ring,coPPer,8X11.5X1 mm s400f,s400fl23820147 gasket,d2a/ac,d4a/ac,s4a/ac d2a,d4a,d2ac,s4a,s4ac,d4ac23820156 gasket,intake/eXhaust d8a,d16a,s8a,s8ac,d8ac,s16a,s16ac,d16ac23820158 gasket,intake/eXhaust d30a,d60a,d90a,s30a,s30ac,d30ac,s60a,s60ac,d60ac23877104 gasket,d2 d223880504 gasket,teflon wa151,wa251,wa501,wa1001,wa2001,ws151,ws251,ws5023925101 gasket,Viton e150,dk10023925225 gasket,flat,gas ballast d30a,d60a,d90a,d90ac,s30a,s30ac,d30ac,s60a,s60ac23925226 gasket,gas ballast d8a,d16a,s8a,s8ac,d8ac,s16a,s16ac,d16ac23925227 gasket,flat,gas ballast d2a,d4a,s4a,s4ac,d4ac23953162 gasket,sight glass,housing e75,e150,e250,dk100,dk20023955140 gasket,Viton e150,e25023955158 gasket,ring,VmQ,10X20X1 mm s100f,s100c23955162 gasket,Viton wa501,wa2001,wau251,wau2001,ws501,ws2001,wsu501,23955171 gasket,sight glass d8a,d16a,d30a,d90a,d90ac,s8a,s8ac,s16a,s16ac,d8a

HArDwArE20010142 screw,socket head 100b,100P,100s20010144 washer,sPring 100b20017739 screw,socket head caP 25b,50b,25P,50P,25s,50s20039970 washer d8c,d16c20078227 washer,tabbed lock 100b,100P,100s,25b,50b,25P,50P,25s,50s20078686 screw,socket head caP 100b20103017 screw,flat hd caP,m5X12 d2.5e20103103 screw,m6 X 20 shcs,s/s 25s,50s20103216 screw,socket head 100b20103217 screw,socket head caP 100b,100s,25b,50b,25P,50P,25s,50s20127105 screw,Plug d2a,d4a,d8a,d16a,d30a,d60a,d90a,d2ac,d4ac,d30ac,20152106 stud,threaded d30a20152108 stud,threaded d60a,d90a20152110 stud,threaded d16a22116022 key,sQuare22116024 key,b5X5X22,din 688522116026 key,gear PumP d40bcs,d65bcs22116070 key,rotor22116151 key,couPling s16a,d8a,d16a22116156 key,rotor,16/8a 1.5aunoduo22116179 key,couPling d30a,d60a,d90a,d30ac,d60ac,d90ac22116188 key,rotor d30a,d60a,d90a,d30ac,d60ac,d90ac22149207 washer,retaining d30a,d60a,d90a22202108 washer d8c,d16c300083 washer,coPPer,17 X 21 X 2mm sV630,sV630f360036 screw,Plug 100b,100P,25P,50P400060 screw,shcs,m5X90mm,s/s d5e2400061 screw,shcs,m5X65mm,s/s d1.2e,d2.5e400062 screw,shcs,m5X40mm,s/s d10e,d10e2,d16e,d2.5e,d5e,d5e2400063 screw,shcs,m5X20mm,s/s d1.2e,d10e,d10e2,d16e,d2.5ed5e,d5e2400064 screw,shcs,m5X10mm,s/s d1.2e,d10e,d10e2,d16e,d2.5e,d5e,d5e2400065 screw,shcs,low hd,m5X6mm,stl. d1.2e,d10e,d10e2,d16e,d2.5e,d5e,d5e2400066 screw,shcs,m5X16,s/s d5e2420032 washer,orfice,g.b.,s/s d10e,d10e2,d16e,d2.5e,d5e,d5e2420033 washer,flat,m5,s/s d1.2e,d2.5e,d5e,d10e,d16e420040 washer,steel,38X30X2mm sV20045174425 washer,stiffening d2a,d4a,d2ac,d4ac71231810 screw,machine,m5 X 12 sV16,sV2571403192 washer,sPring,waVe,steel sV63071416500 screw,non-return,m8X1.25 sV10b,sV16b72000129 bolt,mounting d2a,d4a,d8a,d16a,d30a,d60a,d90a,d2ac,s4a,s4ac,s8

KITS100000347kit kit,major,d2.5e,gX,e2 series d2.5e100000347kitnr kit,major,d2.5 e2,gX,no rotor d2.5e100000347minor kit,minor,d2.5,e2 series d2.5e

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KITS (COnT.)100000348kit kit,major,d5e,gX,e2 series d5e2100000348kitnr kit,major,d5e,no rotor,gX d5e2100000348minor kit,minor,d5e,e2 series d5e2100000349kit kit,major,d10e,gX,e2 series d10e2100000349kitnr kit,major,d10e2,no rotor,gX d10e2100000349minor kit,minor,d10e,e2 series d10e210161kit major rePair kit, s4a s4a10162kit kit,major,rePair,s8a,gX s8a 10163kit kit,major,rePair,s16a,gX s16a10164kit kit,major,rePair,s30a,gX s30a10165ckit kit,major,rePair,s60ac,gX s60a,s60ac10165kit kit,major,rePair,s60a,gX s60a10166ckit kit,major,rePair,d2ac,gX d2ac10166kit kit,major,rePair,d2a,gX d2a10167ckit kit,major,rePair,d4ac,gX d4ac10167kit kit,major rePair,d4a,gX d4a10168ckit kit,major,rePair,d8ac,gX d8ac10168kit kit,major,rePair,d8a,gX d8a10169ckit kit,major,rePair,d16ac,gX d16ac10169kit kit,major rePair,d16a,gX d16a10170ckit kit major rePair d30ac gX d30ac10170kit kit,major,rePair,d30a,gX d30a10171ckit kit major rePair d60/90ac gX d60ac,d90ac10171kit kit,major,rePair,d60/90a,gX d60a,d90a19102b2 kit,uniVersal gasket,d2a/d4a d2a,d2ac,d4a,d4ac19104b2 kit,gasket,d8a/d16a d8a,d16a19104b2bu kit,gasket,buna,d8a/d16a d8a,d16a19106b2 kit,uniVersal gasket,d30a/d60a/d90a s30a,s60a,d30a,d60a,d90a,d30ac,d60ac,d90ac19118 kit,gasket,d1.6b d1.6b19118d1kfr kit,major,rePair,gX,d1.6b d1.6b19120b4 kit,gasket,d4b d4b19120b8 kit,gasket,d8b d8b19120d4kit kit,major,rePair,gX,d4b d4b19120d8kit kit,major,rePair,d8b d8b19120s8kit kit,major,rePair,gX,s8b s8b19121d16kit kit,major,rePair,d16b d16b19121d25kit kit major rePair d25b d25b19121s16kit kit,major,rePair,s16b s16b19131d25kit kit,major,rePair,g11,d25bcs d25bcs19132 kit,gasket,d40bcs/d65bcs d40bcs,d65bcs19132d40kit kit major rebuild gX d40bcs d40bcs19132d65kit kit major rePair gX d65bcs d65bcs19243 kit,gasket,e75 e7519253 kit,gasket,e150/dk100 e150,dk10019263 kit,gasket,e250/dk200 e250,dk20019366a kit,blower,wa150/wa250 wa150,wa25019366au kit,blower,wau150/wau250 wau150,wau25019366s kit,blower,ws150/ws250 ws150,ws25019371a kit,blower,wa500 wa50019371au kit,blower,wau500 wau50019371s kit,blower,ws500 ws50019371su kit,gasket,wsu500 wsu500 19376a kit,gasket,wa1000 wa100019376au kit,gasket,wau1000 wau100019376s kit,blower,ws1000 ws100019376su kit,blower,wsu1000 wsu100019381a kit,gasket,wa2000 wa200019381au kit,gasket,wau2000 wau200019381s kit,gasket,ws2000 ws200019381su kit,gasket,wsu2000 wsu200019460 kit,gasket,w/Viton,w/seals,wa/ wa151,wa251,wau151,wau25119464 kit,gasket w/Viton,wa501/wau5 wa501,wau50119468 kit,seal,wa1001/wau1001/wa1000 wa1001,wa100,wau100119470 kit,seal,ws1001 & wsu1001 ws1001,wsu100119472 kit,seal,wa2001/wau2001 wa2001,wau200119474 kit,seal,ws2001 & wsu2001 ws2001,wsu200119709 kit,gasket s100f,s100c19709100k kit,rebuild,major s100f,s100c19710 kit,gasket s160f,s160c19710160k kit,rebuild,major s160f,s160c19711 kit,gasket s250f,s250c19711250k kit,rebuild,major s250f,s250c19712400 kit,gasket s400f,s400fl19712400k kit,rebuild,major s400f,s400fl19712630 kit,gasket s630f,s630fl19712630k kit,rebuild,major s630f,s630fl19721b16 kit,minor,rePair,d16b d16b19721b25 kit,minor,rePair,d25b s25b,d25b19722 kit,minor,rePair s40b,d40b,d65b20009136 kit,ValVe,deflector Plate d65bcs

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KITS (COnT.)20011kit kit,sight glass,e75/150/250,dk e75,e150,e250,dk100,dk20020040025kit kit,major,d1.2e,gX d1.2e20040025kitnr kit,major,d1.2e,no rotor,gX d1.2e20040025minor kit,minor,d1.2e d1.2e20040026kit kit,major,d2.5e,gX d2.5e20040026kitnr kit,major,d2.5e,no rotor,gX d2.5e20040026minor kit,minor,d2.5e d2.5e20040038kit kit,major,d5e,gX d5e20040038kitnr kit,major,d5e,no rotor,gX d5e20040038minor kit,minor,d5e d5e20040039kit kit,major,d10e,gX d10e20040039kitnr kit,major,d10e,no rotor,gX d10e20040039minor kit,minor,d10e d10e20040040kit kit,major,d16e,gX d16e20040040kitnr kit,major,d16e,no rotor,gX d16e20040040minor k it,minor,d16e d16e29371au kit,gasket,w/tef shaft seal wau50029468 kit,seal,teflon wa1001,wau1001,wa1001f39026144k160 kit,filter,VaroVac s160k s160c39026144k250 kit,filter & gasket,s250c s250c39026146k100 kit,filter & gasket,s100c s100c71029380 kit,Vane,gX,set of 3,sV585 sV58571221740 kit,major,rePair,gX,sV585 sV58571230010 kit,seal&gasket,Viton,sV16/25 sV16 br2,sV16 br2,sV25br1,sV25 br2 71234170 kit,Vane,gX,set of 3,sV100 sV100 br1,sV100 br271234370 kit,Vane,gX,set of 3,sV16/25 sV16 br1,sV16 br2,sV25br1,sV25 br271241270 kit,rePair,major,gX,sV16/25 sV16 br1,sV16 br2,sV25br1,sV25 br271401060 kit,Vane,gX,set of 3,sV40 sV40 br1,sV40 br271401070 kit,Vane,gX,set of 3,sV65 sV65 br1,sV65 br271401990 kit,seal&gasket,Viton,sV200 sV200 71402000 kit,seal&gasket,Viton,sV300 sV30071402000 kit,seal&gasket,Viton,sV300 sV30071403120 kit,seal,shaft,two,w/steel sPacer sV630,sV630f71403490 kit,seal&gasket,Viton,sV40/65 sV40 br1,sV40 br2,sV65br1,sV65 br271403500 kit,seal&gasket,Viton,sV100 sV100 br1,sV100 br271403540 kit,rePair,major,gX,sV40 sV40 br1,sV40 br271403550 kit,rePair,major,gX,sV65 sV65 br1,sV65 br271403560 kit,major,rePair,gX,sV100 sV100 br1,sV100 br271403580 kit,major,rePair,gX,sV180 sV180 br1,sV180 br271403581 kit,rePair,major,gX,sV280 sV28071405380 kit,seal&gasket,Viton sV500,sV630,sV630f,sV75071405390 kit,major,rePair,sV630/630f sV630,sV630f71412000 kit,Vane,gX,set,sV180/200 sV180,sV20071412010 kit,Vane,gX,set,sV280/300 sV280,sV30071412020 kit,Vane,gX,set of 3 sV500,sV630,sV630f,sV75071418070 kit,set screw,gb,m8X1.25 sV25b71418560 kit,major,rePair,gX,sV750 sV75071419360 kit,major,rePair,gX,sV500 sV50071419490 kit,seal,rebuild,sV25b sV25b71420410 kit,seal,rebuild,sV65b sV65b71420420 kit,rePair,sV65b sV65b71422220 kit,seal,rebuild,sV10/16b sV10b,sV16b71422230 kit,rePair,sV10b/sV16b sV10b,sV16b71436190 kit,major,rePair,gX,sV200 sV20071436200 kit,major,rePair,gX,sV300 sV30072024012 kit,rePair,cfs,oil filter cfs16,cfs2572024013 kit,rePair,cfs,oil filter cfs40,cfs6572024014 kit,rePair,ars eXhaust filter ars16,ars2572024015 kit,rePair,ars eXhaust filter ars40,ars6572024016 kit,rePair,igs inert gas,16-65 igs16/25,igs40/6572187038 kit,filter & gasket,s630f/fl s630f72187073 kit,filter,VaroVac s400f/fl s400f,s400fl72211004rk kit,rePlacement,sight tube,d30a-d90a d30a,d90a899551 kit, maintenance, 25b/50b 25b,50b899551V kit,maint.,w/Vent kit,25b/50b 25b,50b899552 kit, maintenance, 25P/50P 25P,50P899552V kit,maintenance,w/Vent kit,25P/50P 25P,50P899553 kit,maintenance,50s/25s 25s,50s899554 kit,maintenance,100b 100b899554V kit,maint.,w/Vent kit,100b 100b899555 kit, maintenance, 100P 100P899555V kit,maint.,w/Vent kit,100P 100P899556 kit,maintenance,100s 100s971423100 kit,rePair,sV25b sV25b971423440 kit,maint/serVice,sV65b sV65b19121s25kit kit,major,rePair,s25b s25b19122d40kit kit,major,rePair,d40b d40b19122d65kit kit,major,rePair,d65b d65b19122s40kit kit,major rePair,s40kit s40b19122s65kit kit,major,rePair,s65b s65b

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KITS (COnT.)19131bcs16 kit,gasket,d16bcs d16bcs19131bcs25 kit,gasket,d25bcs d25bcs19131d16kit kit major rePair gX d16bcs d16bcs19131d25kit kit,major,rePair,gX,d25bcs d25bcs19132 kit,gasket,d40bcs/d65bcs d40bcs,d65bcs19132d40kit kit major rebuild gX d40bcs d40bcs19132d65kit kit major rePair gX d65bcs d65bcs19243 kit,gasket,e75 e7519253 kit,gasket,e150/dk100 e150,dk10019263 kit,gasket,e250/dk200 e250,dk20019366a kit,blower,wa150/wa250 wa150,wa25019366au kit,blower,wau150/wau250 wau150,wau25019366s kit,blower,ws150/ws250 ws150,ws25019371a kit,blower,wa500 wa50019371au kit,blower,wau500 wau50019371s kit,blower,ws500 ws50019371su kit,gasket,wsu500 wsu500 7142010tVk kit,Vane,torlon,sV300 sV30071436200t kit,major,rePair,torlon,sV300 sV30071409560 kit,Vane,torlon,set of 3,sV630/750 sV630/630f71418550 kit,major,rePair,torlon,sV630/630f sV630/630f971423450 kit,maint/serVice,sV25b sV25b971424540 kit,Vane sV500b,sV630b,sV750b,sV630bf,sV750bf971427640 kit,seal,rebuild,sV40b sV40b971427650 kit,rePair,sV40b sV40b971427660 kit,maint/serVice,sV40b sV40b971427670 kit,seal,rebuild,sV100b sV100b 971427680 kit,rePair,sV100b sV100b971427685 kit,major,sV120b sV120b971427690 kit,maint/serVice,sV100b sV100b971437310 kit,seal sV500b,sV630b,sV750b,sV630bf,sV750bf971437320 kit,major rePair sV500b,sV630b,sV750b,sV630bf,sV750bf971437340 kit,filter serVice sV500b,sV630b,sV750b,sV630bf,sV750bf971444430 kit,filter serVice sV10b,sV16b971445150 kit,Vane sV120b971446880 kit,Vane sV300b971464950 kit,seal sV300b971464960 kit,major rePair sV300b971464970 kit,filter serVice sV300b971446880tVk kit,Vane sV300b971464960t kit,major sV300b971424540tVk kit,Vane sV300b/300bf971437320t kit,major sV300b/300bf97196541 kit,seal&gasket,buna,sV180 sV180 br1,sV180 br297196641 kit,seal&gasket,buna,sV280 sV28097196671 kit,seal&gasket,buna,sV585 sV58597197152 kit,seal&gasket,buna,sV16/25 sV16 br1,sV16 br2,sV25br1,sV25 br297197252 kit,seal&gasket,buna,sV40/65 sV40 br1,sV40 br2,sV65br1,sV65 br297197452 kit,seal&gasket,buna,sV100 sV100 br1,sV100 br297197552 kit,seal&gasket,buna,sV200 sV20097197652 kit,seal&gasket,buna,sV300 sV30097197701 kit,seal&gasket,buna,sV630/750 sV630,sV75099710181 kit,gasket,d8c d8c99710281 kit,gasket,d16c d16c99710283 d8/16c gas ballast rebuild kit d8c,d16c99710284 d8c, d16c maintain kit d8c,d16c99710381 kit,gasket,d30,40,60c d30c,d40c,d60c99710383 d30/40/60c gas ballast rebuild kit d30c,d40c,d60c99710384 d30,40,60c maintain kit d30c,d40c,d60cek110000792 kit,maintenance, leVel 1, sP630 sP630/630fek110000792wo kit,maintenance, leVel 1,w/o oil,sP630 sP630/630fek110000793 kit,maintenance,leVel 2,sP630 sP630/630fek110000794 kit,maintenance,leVel 3,sP630 sP630/630fek110000814 kit,seal, leVel 1,sP630 sP630/630fek110000820 kit,maintenance,leVel 1,sP250 sP250ek110000820wo kit,maintenance, leVel 1,w/o oil,sP250 sP250ek110000821 kit,maintenance, leVel 2,sP250 sP250ek110000837 kit,seal, leVel 1,sP250 sP250P19366su kit,blower,wsu150/wsu250 wsu150,wsu250P19462 kit gasket ws151/251 wsu151/25 ws151,ws251,wsu151,wsu251P19466 kit gasket ws501/wsu501 ws501,wsu501P29366a kit,gasket,w/tef shaft seal,w wa150,wa250P29366au kit,gasket,w/tef shaft seal,w wau150,wau250P29460 kit,gasket,w/teflon s/seal wa151,wa251,wau151,wau251ra3001f kit,seal,front end ra3001ra3001m kit,rebuild,major ra3001ra3001s kit,seal,comPlete ra3001ra5001f kit,seal,front end ra5001,ra3001sra5001m kit,rebuild,major ra5001,ra3001s ra5001s kit,seal,comPlete ra5001,ra3001s

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mISC.13750 silencer,eXhaust,25,50,100b&P 25b,25P,50b,50P,100b,100P15108035 Pad,felt d4b,d8b20009057 noZZle,oil d16b,d16bcs20009244 noZZle,oil d4b,d8b20009255 leVer d1.6b d1.6b20009265 deflector,oil Plate d1.6b20009278 noZZle d1.6b20009335 coVer,gas ballast d 16b,d25b,d40b,d65b,d40bcs,d65bcs20009413 noZZle d1.6b20010045 coVer,cfs d16b,d25b,d40b,d65b,d8bcs,d65bcsd30ac,d90ac,s60a,s60ac20010562 disk,retaining,100 b/P/s 100 b/P/s20011238 disk,aluminum,60X9X6mm s400f,s400fl20011245 finger,eXhaust d40bcs,d65bcs,d40b,d65b20011762 caP 100b,100P,100s,25b,50b,25P,50P20013180 reflector,a501 ws1001,wsu100120013571 disc,felt wa1001,wa100,wau100120039108 disc,felt d40b,d40bcs,d65b,d65bcs20078090 switch,eXhaust Pressure,4 Psi 25P,50P,100P 20078091 switch,eXhaust Pressure,7 Psi 25P,50P,100P20078258 noZZle 100P20078510 screen,filter 25P,50P20078568 foam insulation set 25s,50s20078585 insulation,foam 25P,50P21115103 lug,lifting 25b,25P,50b,50P,100b,100P22102036 disc s16b,d16b,s25b,d25b22204107 disc,stiffening,d8a-d90a d2a,d4a,d8a,d16a,d30a,d60a,d90a23105107 disc,retaining d2a,d4a23973131 nib,asb,buna,50 dur d2a,d4a,d8a,d16a,d30a,d60a,d90a23973131V nib,asb,Viton,60 dur d2a,d4a,d8a,d16a,d30a,d60a,d90a24103010 Pin,dowel24103586 Pin,alignment d30a,d90a24103590 Pin,alignment d2a,d4a,d8a,d16a,d30a,d60a,d90a24103593 Pin,alignment d30a,d60a,d90a,d90ac,s30a,s60a,s30ac,s60ac,d30ac27980308 foot,rubber d2a, d4ad8a, d16a32106131 Pin,Piston d30a,d60a,d90a,s30a,s30ac,d30ac,d90ac,s60a,s60ac 32106151 Piston34861037 foot,rubber s4b,d4b,s8b,d8b,s16b,d16b,d16bcs,s25b,d25b,d25bcs360037 tube,Purge 100P39225107 noZZle,oil,d4/2a d2a,d4a39225113 noZZle,oil,d16/8a s16a,d8a,d16a39225124 noZZle,oil, d60/30a d30a,d60a,d90a39225204 noZZle,air d30a,d60a,d30ac,d60ac,d90ac39350005 noZZle,oil ,s16b s16b39350006 noZZle,oil s8b39350007 noZZle,oiil d40bcs39350008 noZZle,oil d25b,d25bcs39350009 noZZle,oil,s25b s25b39350010 noZZle,silencing,s25b s25b39350013 noZZle s4b,d8b39350015 noZZle,silencing s8b,d16b,d25b,d16bcs,d25bcs39350018 noZZle,oil d65bcs,d65b39350019 noZZle,silencer,d65b d4b,d40b,d65b,d40bcs,d65bcs40157313 disc,centering,dia 76X11 gg s/d,16b,25b43131161 tube,air inlet,d4/2a d2a,d4a43131174 tube,air inlet,d60/30 d30a,d30ac,d60a,d60ac,d90a,d90ac43131177 tube,air inlet d8a,d16a,d8ac,d16ac43165116 Port,intake d30a,d60a,d90a,s30a,s30ac,d30ac,d90ac,s60a,s60ac43360115 Port,eXhaust d30a, d60a,d90a,s30a,s30ac,d30ac,s60a,s60ac,d60ac43360117 Port,eXhaust,d16a d8a,d16a450030 Pin,Vane,guide,s/s d1.2 e,d2.5e450031 Pin,Vane,guide,s/s d1.2 e,d2.5 e,d5 e,d10 e,d16 e450032 Pin,dowel,6X40mm d16e45174335 slinger,oil d2a,d90a,d4a,d8a,d4ac,d8ac,d2ac,d16a,d16ac,d90ac490020 retainer,restrictor,sPring d1.2e,d10e,d10e2,d16e,d2.5e,d5e,d5e249160111 bracket,retaining,d60 d60a50036123 switch,centrifugal d2a,s4a,s4ac,d2ac,d4ac,d4a50036128 switch,centrifugal,d8/16 d8a,d16a,d8ac,d16ac,s8a,s8ac,s16a,s16ac50036147 switch,centrifugal,d30/60 d30a,d60a,d90a,s30a,s60a,d90ac,s30ac,d30ac,d60ac640013 insert,tube,Viton d10e,d10e2,d16e,d2.5e,d5e,d5e2640014 striP,sealing,silicone d16e71041303 stoP,ValVe,crs sV16 br1,sV16 br2,sV25br1,sV25 br271213243 diaPhram sV20071231653 seat,relief ValVe sV16 br2,sV16 br2,sV25br1,sV25 br271403222 race,bushing 45mm X 50mm X 35mm sV630,sV630f 71403331 stoP,ValVe,sV630 & sV750 sV630,sV630f71403862 race,bushing 50mm X 60mm X 25mm sV630,sV630f71416360 stoP,ValVe,hrs,1.50”lX1.20wX.08”thk sV10b,sV16b71417060 membrane,disk,Viton,12X2mm sV65b71417100 stoP,ValVe,hrs,3.15”l X 1.93”w sV65b71418580 stoP,ValVe,hrs,1.50”lX1.36wX.13”thk sV25b

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mISC. (COnT.)71418840 stoP,ValVe,hrs,5.62”lX 2.12”wX.4”thk sV100b71420840 stoP,ValVe,hrs,2.86”l X 1.95”w sV40b72211003rk sight tube, rePlacement d2a-d16a d2a,d8a,d16a840035 instructions,for ValVe Plates sV300840036 instruction,for Vane,fitting sV300

O-rInGS20008103 o’ring,Viton,47.35 X 1.78 mm 100b,100P20008105 o’ring,Viton,67.95 X 2.62 mm 100b,100P 20008108 o’ring,Viton,28.3 X 1.78 mm d1.6b20009362 o’ring,Viton,64 X 1.5 mm d1.6b20009402 o’ring,Viton,58 X 2 mm d40bcs,d65bcs,cfs40/6520009515 o’ring,Viton,43 X 1.5 mm d1.6b20009660 o’ring,Viton,43 X 3 mm d16bcs,d25bcs,25P,50P,25b,50b20010146 o’ring,Viton,38 X 2 mm 100b,100P20010289 o’ring,Viton,27 X 3 mm d1.6b,d5e,d10e,d16e20011198 o’ring,Viton,64 X 3 mm s400f,s400fl20011543 o’ring,Viton,132 X 3 mm 100b,100P20011544 o’ring,Viton,144.5 X 3 mm 25P,50P,25b,50b20013532 o’ring,Viton,86 X 3 mm wa151,wa25120013975 o’ring,Viton,35 X 2.5 mm wa151,wa251,ws151,ws251,ws501,wsu151,wsu50120019794 o’ring, Viton, 17X1.5 100b,100P20040055 oring,Viton,29X5mm20077030 o’ring,Viton,12.5 X 1.5 mm 100b,100P20077031 o’ring,Viton,9.5 X 1.5 mm 100b,100P23920303 o’ring,Viton,170 X 3 mm wsu100023949217 o’ring,Viton,100 X 3 mm aa100wn23950113 o’ring,buna,28 X 5 mm 25P,50P,25b,50b23950115 o’ring,Viton,42 X 5 mm 100b,tmP150Vh,tmP360Vh,tmP450,tmP1000,tmP1500,tm23950121 o’ring,buna,68 X 3.5 mm d40bcs,d65bcs23950197 o’ring,buna,30 X 5 mm d223950224 o’ring,Viton,105 X 3 mm 100b,100P23950310 o’ring,buna,52.07X3.00 mm ra300123950727 o’ring,buna,268.36X 5 mm ra300123950739 o’ring,buna,227.51X 4.93 mm ra300123950740 o’ring,buna,153.72X5 mm ra300123950759 o’ring,buna,160X4 mm ra5001,ra3001s23963101 o’ring,buna,66.5 X 2.5 mm d223963115 o’ring,Viton,38 X 3 mm tmP50,tmP150Vh,tmP360Vh,tmP450,tmP1000,tmP1500,t23970001 o’ring,Viton,110 X 3 mm s100f,s100c23970006 o’ring,Viton,55 X 2 mm d16b,d25b23970008 o’ring,Viton,15 X 2 mm d40bcs,d65bcs,25P,50P,25b,50b20078091 switch,eXhaust Pressure,7 Psi 25P,50P,100P20078258 noZZle 100P20078510 screen,filter 25P,50P20078568 foam insulation set 25s,50s20078585 insulation,foam 25P,50P21115103 lug,lifting 25b,25P,50b,50P,100b,100P22102036 disc s16b,d16b,s25b,d25b22204107 disc,stiffening,d8a-d90a d2a,d4a,d8a,d16a,d30a,d60a,d90a23105107 disc,retaining d2a,d4a23973131 nib,asb,buna,50 dur d2a,d4a,d8a,d16a,d30a,d60a,d90a23973131V nib,asb,Viton,60 dur d2a,d4a,d8a,d16a,d30a,d60a,d90a24103010 Pin,dowel24103586 Pin,alignment d30a,d90a24103590 Pin,alignment d2a,d4a,d8a,d16a,d30a,d60a,d90a24103593 Pin,alignment d30a,d60a,d90a,d90ac,s30a,s60a,s30ac,s60ac,d30ac27980308 foot,rubber d2a, d4ad8a, d16a32106131 Pin,Piston d30a,d60a,d90a,s30a,s30ac,d30ac,d90ac,s60a,s60ac23970010 o’ring,Viton,12.42 X 1.78 mm 100b,d25bcs,d16bcs,100P23970015 o’ring,Viton,40 X 1.5 mm d4b,d8b,100b,100P23970016 o’ring,Viton,22 X 1.5 mm d40bcs,d65bcs,a0723970101 o’ring,Viton,9 X 1.5 mm 100P,d18/28,kVc18/2823970102 o’ring,Viton,24.8 X 1.5 mm d40bcs,d65bcs,cfs16/25,cfs40/6523970103 o’ring,Viton,9 X 2.5 mm igs16/25,igs40/6523970106 o’ring,Viton,13.3 X 2.4 mm 100b,25P,50P,100P,25b,50b,d08/12,kVc8/1223970111 o’ring,Viton,11.5 X 3 mm wa151,wa501,wa150,wa250,wa500,wau150,wau250,wau523970112 o’ring,Viton,14 X 3 mm 25P,50P,25b,50b23970113 o’ring,Viton,19 X 3 mm igs16/25,igs40/6523970115 o’ring,Viton,24 X 3 mm w501,d4b,d8b,25P,50P,25b,50b 23970116 o’ring,Viton,8.3X2.4 mm s100f,s100c23970117 o’ring,Viton,29 X 3 mm d8a,d16a,s8a,s8ac,d16ac,s16a,s16ac,100b,100P,25P23970120 o’ring,Viton,37 X 3 mm 100b,100P,d1.2e,d2.5e23970121 o’ring,Viton,55 X 3 mm d40bcs,d65bcs,25P,50P,25b,50b23970124 o’ring,Viton,355 X 4 mm wa200123970127 o’ring,Viton,40 X 5 mm wa151,wau15123970129 o’ring,Viton,65 X 5 mm wau151,wau251,wa151,wa251,wa501,wau50123970139 o’ring,Viton,100 X 5 mm wa151,wa251,wa50123970142 o’ring,Viton,120 X 5 mm wa100123970146 o’ring,Viton,165 X 5 mm wa2000

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O-rInGS (COnT.) 23970147 o’ring,Viton,16 X 2.5 mm d16bcs,d25bcs,d40bcs,d65bcs,d30a,100b,100P 23970148 o’ring,Viton,5 X 2 mm d2a,d4a,d8a,d16a,d30a,d60a,d90a,d2ac,d4ac,d8ac,d23970149 o’ring,Viton,8 X 2 mm wa151,wa251,ws151,ws251,ws501,ws1001,ws2001,wsu123970153 o’ring,Viton,30 X 3 mm s100f,s100c23970154 o’ring,Viton,17 X 3 mm wa1001,wa2001,100P,25b,50b23970155 o’ring,Viton,60 X 3 mm wa151,wa50123970156 o’ring,Viton,86 X 2 mm d8a,d16a,d8ac,d16ac,s16ac,s16a23970157 o’ring,Viton,36 X 4 mm 100b,100P,50P,25P,25b,50b23970159 o’ring,Viton,30 X 3.5 mm e75,e150,e250,dk100,dk20023970163 o’ring,Viton,38 X 2 mm d4b,d8b,100b,100P23970176 o’ring,Viton,18.42 X 5.33 mm d1.6b,d4b23970191 o’ring,Viton,25 X 2 mm ws150,ws251,100b,25P,50P,100P,25b,50b23970202 o’ring,Viton,210 X 3 mm wa200123970211 o’ring,Viton,50 X 3 mm d16b,d65bcs,d5e,d10e,d16e23970223 o’ring,Viton,80 X 3 mm d16bcs,d25bcs,d65bcs,d40bcs,wa151,wa251,wa501,wa23970224 o’ring,Viton,4.2 X 1.9 mm lss16/25,lss40/6523970261 o’ring,Viton,52 X 3 mm d16b,d25b,100b,100P,25P,50P,25b,50b23970262 o’ring,Viton,32.2 X 3 mm 100b,100P,25P,50P,25b,50b 23970263 o’ring,Viton,130 X 3 mm s160f,s160c23970302 o’ring,Viton,90 X 3 mm wsu250,wsu500,wau250,wau500,wau501,wau251,wsu50123970303 o’ring,Viton,170 X 3 mm wa1000,25P,50P,25b,50b23970304 o’ring,Viton,45 X 3 mm d16b,d25b,d40b,d65b23970305 o’ring,Viton,10 X 3 mm d40b,d65b,s40b,s65b,d40bcs,d65bcs,100b,100P,25P,23970327 o’ring,Viton,139.5 X 3 mm 100b,25P,50P,100P,25b,50b23970402 o’ring,Viton,56 X 2 mm d16bcs,d25bcs23970403 o’ring,Viton,300 X 3 mm e75,e150,e250,dk100,dk20023970409 o’ring,Viton,60 X 2 mm d16bcs,d25bcs23970410 o’ring,Viton,22 X 3 mm d2ac,d4ac,d2a,d4a23970411 o’ring,Viton,122 X 3 mm d30a,wa501,wau501,ws501,wsu50123970412 o’ring,Viton,6 X 2 mm 1.5a,004a,012aunoduo23970414 o’ring,Viton,14 X 2 mm tmP50,tmP150Vh,tmP360Vh,tmP450,tmP1000,tmP1500,t23970415 o’ring,Viton,30 X 2 mm e75,e150,e250,dk100,dk200,100b,25P,50P,100P,25b,23970416 o’ring,Viton,40 X 2 mm wa2001,s160c23970417 o’ring,Viton,11.3 X 2.4 mm tmP50,tmP150Vh,tmP360Vh,tmP450,tmP1000,tmP1500,t23970418 o’ring,Viton,150 X 3 mm wau501,25P,50P,25b,50b23970419 o’ring,Viton,125 X 5 mm wsu2001,wau2000,wau2001,wsu200023970424 o’ring,Viton,180 X 3 mm wa151,wau151,ws151,wsu151,wa251,wau251,ws251,wsu23970432 o’ring,Viton,235 X 3 mm wa500,wau500,ws500,wsu500,wa501,wau501,ws501,wsu23970433 o’ring,Viton,274 X 3 mm wa1000,wau1000,ws1000,wsu1000,wa1001,wau1001,ws123970434 o’ring,Viton,45 X 2 mm d16bcs,d25bcs23970435 o’ring,Viton, 35 X 2 mm wa151,wau151,ws151,wsu151,wa251,wau251,ws251,wsu23970436 o’ring,Viton,27 X 2.5 mm d8a,d16a,d30a,d60a,d90a,d8ac,d16ac,d30ac,d60ac,d23970504 o’ring,Viton,55 X 5 mm wau501,wsu501,wau500,wsu50023970506 o’ring,Viton,27.94 X 5.33 mm d8a,d8ac,s8a,s8ac,s16a,s16ac,d16bcs,d25bcs,d16a,23970507 o’ring,Viton,155 X 4 mm ws1001,ws2001,wsu1001,wsu200123970509 o’ring,Viton,70 X 5 mm d16bcs,d25bcs23970510 o’ring,Viton,72.39 X 5.33 mm wa150,wa250,wa500,wau150,wau250,wau500,ws150,ws223970511 o’ring,Viton,104.14 X 5.33 mm wa1000,ws1000,wau1000,wsu1000,wa1001,ws1001,wau123970512 o’ring,Viton,151.77 X 5.33 mm wa100123970516 o’ring,Viton,42 X 5 mm s30a,s30ac23970517 o’ring,Viton,185 X 4 mm e150,dk10023970518 o’ring,Viton,192 X 3.5 mm e75,e150,dk20023970519 o’ring,Viton,330 X 4 mm dk200 23970526 o’ring,Viton,150 X 5 mm wau2000,wau2001,wsu2000,wsu200123970900 o’ring,Viton,12.29 X 3.53 mm igs23974102 o’ring,Viton,2.57 X 1.78 mm ars16/25,ars40/6523974140 o’ring,Viton,19.3 X 2.4 mm 100b,100P,50P,25P,25b,50b320059 o’ring,Viton,121 X 3 mm e75320085 o’ring,Viton,37.47 X 5.33 mm 151,151b320088 o’ring,Viton,15.6 X 1.78 mm cfsd30a,cfsd60/90a,d05/08/12,d18/28,kVc5/8/12,kV320107 o’ring,buna,148.8 X 3.5mm sV300320117 o’ring,Viton,92X3 mm d1.2 e,d2.5 e320118 o’ring,Viton,119X3 mm d5 e,d10 e320119 o’ring,Viton,39.5X3 mm d5 e,d10e,d08/12,kVc8/12,a30w 320120 o’ring,Viton,118X3 mm d16 e320160 o’ring,Viton,8.2 X 2.4 mm320183 o’ring,buna,52 X 2.5 mm sV100 br1,sV100 br2320185 o’ring,buna,,215.49 X 3.53mm sV585320193 o’ring,buna,44.04 X 3.53mm sV630,sV630f320194 o’ring,buna,255 X 5mm sV630,sV630f320195 o’ring,buna,158.12 X 5.33mm sV630,sV630f320195V o’ring,Viton,158.12 X 5.34mm sV630,sV630f320196 o’ring,buna,42 X 2mm sV630,sV630f320197 o’ring,buna,110.72 X 3.53mm sV630,sV630f320198 o’ring,buna,107 X 2mm sV630,sV630f 320198V o’ring,Viton,107 X 2mm sV630,sV630f320199 o’ring,Viton,110 X 5mm sV630,sV630f320200 o’ring,Viton,165 X 5mm sV630,sV630f320201 o’ring,buna,28 X 3mm sV630,sV630f320202 o’ring,buna,8 X 2mm sV630,sV630f

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O-rInGS (COnT.)320203 o’ring,buna,27 X 2.5mm sV630,sV630f320204 o’ring,buna,22 X 3mm sV630,sV630f320220 o’ring,buna,104.37X3.00 mm ra9001,ra5001s,ra7001s320221 o’ring,buna,180.96X4.00 mm ra9001,ra5001s,ra7001s320222 o’ring,Viton,346.76X5.00 mm ra9001,ra5001s,ra7001s320224 o’ring,buna,351.76X5.00 mm ra9001,ra5001s,ra7001s70120290 o’ring,Viton,625 X 3.00 mm ra9001,ra5001s,ra7001s70120295 o’ring,Viton,440X3.00 mm ra300170120296 o’ring,buna,132.72X5.34 mm ra300170120298 o’ring,Viton,40.8X3.5 mm ra5001,ra3001s70120300 o’ring,Viton,545X3 mm ra5001,ra3001s70120348 o’ring,Viton,230 X 3 mm 100b,100P70120381 o’ring,Viton,85 X 3 mm d65b,d16bcs,d25bcs,d40bcs,d65bcs71001222 o’ring,buna,102 X 2 mm sV6571001222V o’ring,Viton,102 X 2mm sV40 br1,sV40 br2,sV65br1,sV65 br271017702 o’ring,buna,148.83 X 3.58mm sV18071017702V o’ring,Viton,148.83 X 3.53mm sV20071029972 o’ring,buna,123 X 3 mm sV10071029972V o’ring,Viton,123 X 3mm sV16 br2,sV16 br2,sV25,br1,sV25 br271032252 o’ring,buna,28 X 3 mm sV100 71036722 o’ring,buna,27 X 2.5 mm sV10071040362 o’ring,buna,89 X 4 mm sV16,sV2571046292 o’ring,buna,27 X 2 mm sV10071046292V o’ring,Viton,27 X 2mm sV20071062412 o’ring,buna,27.5 X 4.5 mm sV16,sV2571062412V o’ring,Viton,27.5 X 4.5mm sV16 br2,sV16 br2,sV25br1,sV25 br271217042 o’ring,buna,15.1 X 2.7 mm sV16 br1,sV16 br2,sV25br1,sV25 br271217332 o’ring,buna,32 X 3.5 mm sV10071217382 o’ring,Viton,42 X 5mm sV630,sV630f71217402 o’ring,buna,22 X 3 mm sV16,sV25,sV30071217410 o’ring,Viton,33X3.5 mm71217582 o’ring,Viton,27 X 2.5mm sV630,sV630f71229972 o’ring,Viton,123 X 3 mm sV16,sV2571237052 o’ring,Viton,17.5 X 2.5 mm sV16,sV2571237072 o’ring,buna,20 X 3 mm sV16,sV2571237082V o’ring,Viton,20 X 3mm sV16 br2,sV16 br2,sV25br1,sV25 br271237142 o’ring,Viton,89 X 4mm sV630,sV630f71237142V o’ring,Viton,88.5 X 3.53mm sV16 br2,sV16 br2,sV25br1,sV25 br271237312 o’ring,Viton,41 X 3 mm sV16,sV2571237440 o’ring,Viton,110.72X3.53 mm sV40b71237482 o’ring,Viton,255 X 5mm sV630,sV630f71237502 o’ring,Viton,380.37 X 5.33 sV630,sV630f71237522 oring,Viton,58 X 4mm sV630,sV630f71237562 o’ring,Viton,456.06 X 5.33 mm sV585,sV630,sV75071237720 o’ring,Viton,93X3 mm sV25b71417240 o’ring,Viton,126.59X3.53 mm sV65b71417260 o’ring,Viton,9.12X3.53 mm sV65b71421340 o’ring,Viton,82.14X3.53 mm71436722 o’ring,buna,117.1 X 3.5mm sV20071436722V o’ring,Viton,117.07 X 3.53mm sV20072581004 o’ring,buna,164.69 X 3.53 mm72591000 o’ring,Viton,9.25 X 1.78 mm d2a,d4a,d8a,d16a,d30a,d60a,d90a,s4a,s4ac,s8a,s8a72591001 o’ring,Viton,10.82 X 1.78 mm d2a,d4a,d8a,d16a,d30a,d60a,d90a,s4a,s4ac,s8a,s8a72591003 o’ring,Viton,21.9 X 2.6 mm 300P23970108 o’ring,Viton,12 X 1.5 mm s8b,d1.6b,d4b,d8b,d16b,d25b,d40b,d65b,d16bcs,d25bc

OIL/GrEASES870016 grease,bearing s100f,s100c

pLATES20039117 Plate,centering d40bcs,d65bcs26151131 Plate,intermediate, d8a-d16a d8a,d16a26151132 Plate,intermediate,d2a/d4a d2a,d4a26151135 Plate,intermediate d30a,d60a,d90a26151138 Plate,intermediate,d16/d25 d16b,d25b26151139 Plate,intermediate,d40/d65 d40b,d65b,d40bcs,d65bcs 30151137 Plate,front, d8a-d16a d8a,d16a30151138 Plate,front,d2a/d4a d2a,d4a 30151140 Plate,front d30a,d60a,d90a,s30a,s30ac,d30ac,s60a,s60ac,d60ac30151147 Plate,front end,s40/s65b,d40/d65b d40b,d65b,d40bcs,d65bcs35111011 Plate,rear,d16b/d25b d16b,d25b35111012 Plate,rear end,d40b/d65b d40b,d65b,d40bcs,d65bcs35155130 Plate,rear, d8a-d16a d8a,d16a,s8a,s8ac,d8ac,s16a,s16ac35155132 Plate,rear bushing,w/bronZe d30a,d60a,d90a,s30a,s30ac,d30ac,d60ac,d90ac,s60a71001914 Plate,ValVe sV280 br171029584 Plate,ValVe sV58571041323 Plate,ValVe sV16,sV2571235521 Plate,ValVe sV20071401521 Plate,ValVe sV100,sV180

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rInGS20010138 ring,Piston 100P,100b20010259 ring,sealing,(triangular o’rin 100b,100P20010513 ring,Piston 25b,50b,100b,25P,50P,100P20010560 ring,Piston 100P,100b20013441 ring,felt wa151,wau151,wa251,wau251,wa501,wau50122401203 ring,sealing 100b,100P,100s,25b,50b,25P,50P,25s,50s22401214 ring,sealing 100b,100P,100s,25b,50b,25P,50P,25s,50s23002003 ring,gasket 25b,50b,100b,25P,50P,100P23002108 ring,gasket 100b,100P23103101 ring,retaining d2a,d4a23103104 ring,retaining s30a,s60a,d30a,d60a,d90a23103106 ring,retaining d8c,d16c23103111 ring,retaining d30a,d60a,d90a,d90ac,d30ac,d60ac,s30a,s30ac,s60a23103129 ring,retaining e7523104009 ring,retaining d16bcs,d25bcs,s16b,d16b,s25b,d25b23104104 ring,retaining,int/d15X1 steel d30a,d60a/d90a23105108 ring,snaP s16a,s60a,d8a,d16a,d30a,d60a,d90a23153216 ring,Piston wa2001,wau200123153217 ring,Piston ws1001,wsu100123179256 ring,Piston wa150,wa151,wau150,wau151,ws151,wsu151,ws251,wsu23179259 ring,Piston wa500,wau500,wau501,wa50123393301 ring,outer suPPorting 25b,50b,100b,25P,50P,100P310041 ring,sealing 100b,100P310042 ring,sealing,dowty 100b,100P350012 ring,Piston,cast,4.63X4.25X.12 ra9001,ra5001s,ra7001s350013 ring,Piston,cast,3.38X3.09X.12 ra3001 350014 ring,Piston,cast,3.81X3.49X.12 ra7001,ra5001,ra3001s440022 ring,sPacer,alum,11.5X8X1mm d2.5 e,d5 e,d10 e,d16 e440023 ring,sPacer,stl.,35X29X1mm d1.2 e,d2.5 e,d5 e,d10 e440024 ring,sPacer,stl.,42X34X1mm d16 e590009 ring,retaining62702426 ring,comPression wa150,ws150,wau150,wsu150,wa250,wau250,ws250,wsu62703426 ring,comPression wa500w500,wau500,ws500,wsu50062704426 ring,comPression wa1000,wau1000,ws1000,wsu100062705426 ring,comPression wa2000,wau2000,w2000,ws2000,wsu200070120241 ring,Piston,set of 16 ra9001,ra5001s,ra7001s70120242 ring,Piston,set of 16 ra300170120243 ring,Piston,set of 16 ra7001,ra5001,ra3001s71412521 ring,shaft sV630,sV630f971424570 ring,Viton,8.30X29.5X6.34mm sV100b

rOTOrS200090 rotor,oil PumP d1.2e,d2.5e200091 rotor,oil PumP,e series d5e,d10e200092 rotor,oil PumP d16e200113 rotor,oil PumP,e2 series d5e2,d10e2200115 rotor,oil PumP,e2 series e2 series32166119 rotor,2nd stage d30a,d60a,d90a,d30ac,d60ac,d90ac32166120 rotor,1st stage d60a,d90a,d60ac,d90ac32166122 rotor,1st stage d16a,d16ac32166123 rotor,1st stage d8a,d8ac32166125 rotor,1st stage,d4a d4a32166159 rotor,gear PumP set d65b,d40b,cfs30a,cfs60/90a32166160 rotor, first stage lPhV d4b d4b32166161 rotor,first stage.,lPhV, d8b d8b32166162 rotor,assy,1st stage,d16b d16b,d16bcs32166163 rotor,assy,1st stage,d25b d25b,d25bcs32166164 rotor,assy,1st stage,d40b d40b,d40bcs32166165 rotor,assy,1st stage,d65b d65b,d65bcs32166166 rotor, second stage, hPlV d4/8b d4b.d8b32166168 rotor,2nd stage d16b,d16bcs32166169 rotor,2nd stage,d25b/bcs d25b,d25bcs32166170 rotor,2nd stage,d40b/bcs d40b,d40bcs32166171 rotor,2nd stage,d65b/bcs d65b,d65bcs48121238 rotor,2nd stg shft assy,d8a/ac d8a,d8ac48121238ns rotor,2nd stg.,w/o shaft,d8a d8ac,d8a48121239 rotor,2nd stge w/shaft,d16a/ac d16a,d16ac48121239ns rotor,2nd stg.,w/o shaft,d16a d16a,d16ac48121242 rotor,shaft assembly,d2a/ac d2a,d2ac48121243 rotor,2nd stage w/shaft,d4a/ac d4a,d4ac48121243ns rotor,2nd stg.,w/o shaft,d4a d4a,d4ac

SEALS20009235 seal,shaft d16bcs,d25bcs 20010188 ccw seal,shaft,ccw,red 100b,100P20010188 cw seal,shaft,cw,blue 100b,100P20011137 seal,ValVe,Viton s400f,s400fl20011205 seal,radial,shaft,Viton,sc,80X100X10 mm s400f,s400fl20011300 seal,radial,shaft,Viton,tc,40X62X10 mm s400f,s400fl20013031 seal,shaft,Viton w151,w251,w501,wa150,wau150,wa250,wau250,wa500,w

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SEALS (COnT.)20013032 seal,shaft wa2000,wa2001,wa1000,wau1000,wa1001,wau2000,wau220013455 seal,shaft,Viton wa1000,wa2000,wau1000,wau200020013486 seal,bonded wa151,wau151,wa251,wau251,wa1001,wau1001,wa2001,20039118 seal,shaft,Viton 30X45X8 d40bcs,d65bcs20077348 seal,shaft,cw,blue 25s,50s20077349 seal,shaft,ccw,red 25s,50s20078028 housing,shaft seal,eXhaust 25b,50b20078056 housing,shaft seal,inlet 25b,50b20078102 seal,shaft,cw 25P,50P,25b,50b20078103 seal,shaft,ccw 25P,50P,25b,50b20078575 seal,shaft,motor retrofit kit 1 00b,100P23002109 seal,dowty e150,e250 ,dk100,dk20023002110 seal,bonded wa151,wa251,wa501,wa1001,wa2001,wau151,wau251,wa23002113 seal,dowty e7523953004 seal,shaft,Viton d16bcs,d25bcs,d16b,s16b,s25b,d25b23953006 seal,shaft,Viton d1.6b,d4b,d8b23953007 seal,shaft,Viton,30X40X7 d40b,d65b,s65b,s40b23953110 seal,shaft,Viton,22X40X7mm d30a,d60a,d90a,s30a,s30ac,d30ac,d60ac,s60a,s60ac23953110b seal,shaft,buna d30a,d60a,d90a,s30ac,s30a,d30ac,d60ac,d90ac,s60ac,23953115 seal,shaft d223953121 seal,shaft d223953124 seal,shaft,Viton d2a,d4a,s2a,s4a,s8a,s16a23953135 seal,shaft d223953142 seal,shaft,Viton,15X32X7 d8a,d16a,s8a,s8ac,d8ac,d16ac,s16a,s16ac23953142b seal,shaft,buna,15X32X7 d8a,d16a,s8a,s8ac,d8ac,d16ac,s16a,s16ac23953159 seal,shaft,buna e75,e150,e250,dk100,dk20023953229 seal,Viton,55X72X8mm s250f,s250c23953230 seal,shaft,Viton,sc,50X62X8 mm s160f,s160c23953231 seal,shaft,Viton,sc,40X52X7 mm s100f,s100c23953423 seal,shaft,Viton e75,e150,e250,dk100,dk20023959111 seal,shaft e150,dk200,e75,e150,e25,dk10023973146 seal,float,Viton d16bcs,d25bcs,d40bcs,d65bcs,d1.2e,d2.5e,d5e,d10e310039 seal,shaft,cw,inlet,blue 25P,50P,25b,50b310040 seal,shaft,ccw,eXhaust,red 25P,50P,25b,50b310045 seal,ValVe,asb,sV300 sV200 310047 seal,shaft,liP,w/ dust liP d1.2 e,d2.5 e310048 seal,shaft,liP,w/o dust liP d1.2 e,d2.5 e310049 seal,shaft,liP,w/ dust liP d5 e,d10 e310050 seal,shaft,liP,w/o dust liP d5 e,d10 e310051 seal,shaft,liP,w/ dust liP d16 e310052 seal,shaft,liP,w/o dust liP d16 e310081 seal,shaft,Viton,sc,65X85X12/10 mm ra9001,ra5001s,ra7001s310101 seal,shaft,single liP wa & wau100134861029 seal,gb d16b,d25b,d40b,d65b,d16bcs,d25bcs,d40bcs,d65bcs70120246 seal,shaft,Viton,sc,55X80X10/8 mm ra5001,ra3001s70120248 seal,shaft,Viton,sc,45X65X8 mm ra300171001522 seal,shaft,Viton,28X40X7 sV180,sV28071015463 seal,anti-suckback ValVe,sV4 sV40,sV65,sV10071015473 seal,anti-suckbk.Val.sV180/300 sV180,sV30071020112 seal,shaft,Viton sV10071029452 seal,shaft,Viton,42 X 55 X 8mm sV58571041292 seal,shaft,Viton,30X40X7 sV16,sV2571041388 seal,relief ValVe sV16 br1,sV16 br2,sV25,br1,sV25 br2 71042993 seal,anti-suckback ValVe sV16,sV2571212503 seal,float Val.sV40/65/100/180 sV40,sV65,sV100,sV16 br1,sV25 br1,sV16 br2,sV25 br271217808 seal,dowty,sV180/300 sV180,sV 30071217848 seal,dowty,sV180/300 sV180,sV30071223182 seal,shaft,Viton,32X47X7mm sV30071403122 seal,shaft,Viton,60X80X8mm sV75071403132 seal,shaft,Viton,tyPe sc 50 X 65 8mm sV630,sV630f71417010 seal,shaft,Viton,tc,40X62X7 mm sV65b71417570 seal,shaft,Viton,tc,30X52X7 mm sV65b71420820 seal,shaft,Viton,tc,35X52X7 mm sV40b71421000 seal,shaft,Viton,tc,25X47X6 mm sV40b72027011 seal,shaft,teflon,inner,red w150,w500,wa150,wau150,wa151,wau151,wa250,wau25072027012 seal,shaft,teflon,outer,blue w150,w500,wa150,wau150,wa151,wau151,wa250,wau25072027013 seal,shaft,teflon wa1000,wa2000,wau1000,wau2000,wa1001,wa2001,wau172027019 seal,shaft,teflon wa1000,wa2000,wa1001,wa2001,wau1000,wau2000,wau1

SHAFTS40157286 shaft,d2a/ac d2a,d2ac40157288 shaft,d4a/ac d4a,d4ac40157290 shaft,d8a/ac d8a,d8ac40157292 shaft,d16a/ac d16a,d16ac40157294 shaft,d30a/ac d30a,d30ac40157296 shaft,d60a/ac,d90a/ac d60a,d90a,d60ac,d90ac

SHImS20010201 shim 100b20010236 shim 100b,100P,100s

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SIGHT GLASSES20009264 sight glass d1.6b 20011003 assy,sight glass e75,e150,e250,dk100,dk200200111 glass,sight,insert e75,e150,e250,dk100,dk20022680139 sight glass,150/250 150,25022680141 glass,sight s100f,s100c,s160f,s160c,s250f,s250c,s400f,s400fl35001179 sight glass d16b,d25b,d40b,d65b,d16bcs,d25bcs,d40bcs,d65bcs550044 glass,sight,Plastic,sV16/25 sV16,sV2571029608 glass,sight sV585,sV630,sV630f71212428 sight glass,oil,sV40- sV300 sV40,sV65,sV100,sV280,sV58,sV585,sV1200,sV30071219488 sight glass,leybold sV6572211003 sight glass,tube d2a,d4a,d8a,d16a,s4a,s8a,s4ac,s8ac,d2ac,d4ac,s1672211004 sight glass,tube d30a,d60a,d90a,s30a,s30ac,d30ac,d60ac,d90ac,s60a

SLEEVES20009111 collar,shaft sleeVe,d4/d8b s8b,d4b,d8b20011128 sleeVe,seal,shaft,70X80X25mm s400f,s400fl,s630f,s630fl20011129 sleeVe,seal,shaft,35X40X20mm s400f,s400fl,s630f,s630fl20077143 sleeVe,shaft seal 100b,100P23192217 sleeVe,seal,shaft s250f,s250c23192221 sleeVe,shaft,crs,45X50X20.4,ir455020 s160f,s160c510042 sleeVe,bearing,hardened sV20070120250 sleeVe,steel,2.56X2.17X2.95 ra9001,ra5001s,ra7001s70120251 sleeVe ra300170120252 sleeVe ra7001,ra5001,ra3001s71418310 sleeVe,steel,35X40X17mm sV65b71420790 sleeVe,steel,30X35X17 mm sV40b71421700 sleeVe,steel,35X42X36 mm sV65b971424900 sleeVe,steel,32X37X20 mm sV40b

SprInGS20009794 sPring d40bcs,d65bcs20009805 sPring,sPlit20078089 sPring,washer 25b,50b22161031 sPring,sPlit d16bcs,d25bcs,d40bcs,d65bcs22161040 sPring,s/s d16bcs,d25bcs,d40bcs,d65bcs22161041 sPring s40b,d40b,d65b22161199 sPring d2a,d4a22161208 sPring d1.6b22161234 sPring,sPlit igs16/25,igs40/6522162140 sPring,s/steel d30a,d60a,d90a,d90ac,d30ac,d60ac,s30ac,s30a,s60a22162141 sPring,mw d8a,d16a,d30a,d60a,s8a,s16a,s8ac,s16ac,d8ac,d16a22162142 sPring d30a,d90a,s30a,s60a,s30ac,s60ac,d30ac,d60ac,d90a22162143 sPring d8a,d16a,s8a,s8ac,d8ac,d16ac,s16ac,s16a22162144 sPring d2a,d4a,d2ac,d4ac,s4ac,s4a 45174424 sPring d2a,d4a,d2ac,d4ac490021 sPring,comPression,steel d5e,d10e490022 sPring,comPression,steel d1.2e,d10e,d10e2,d16e,d2.5e,d5e,d5e2490023 sPring,comPression,stee l d1.2e,d10e,d10e2,d16e,d2.5e,d5e,d5e2490024 sPring,comPression,Vane,s/s d1.2e,d2.5e490025 sPring,comPression,Vane,s/s d5e2490026 sPring,comPression,conical,s/s d10e,d10e2,d16e,d2.5e,d5e,d5e2490035 sPring,comPression,s/s d10e2,d5e2490042 sPring,s/s,sV585 sV585580021 ValVe stoP sPring,d60a d8,d16,d30,d60,d90a,d90ac71029368 sPring,s/s,sV585 sV585

STATOrS23158122 stator,2nd stage d30a,d60a,d90a,d30ac,d60ac,d90ac23158124 stator,2nd stage d8a,d16a,d8ac,d16ac23165107 stator,1st stage d60a,d60ac,d90a,d90ac,s60a23165118 stator,1st stage d30a,d30ac,s30a,s30ac23165121 stator,1st stage d8a,d8ac23165122 stator,1st stage d16a,d16ac23192016 stator,hV,1st stg,d16b d16b23192017 stator,hV,1st stg,d25b d25b,d25bcs23192018 stator,1st stage, d40b/bcs d40b,d40bcs23192019 stator,1st stage d65b,d65bcs23192022 stator,lV, 2nd stg,d16b d16b,d16bcs23192023 stator,lV,2nd stg,d25b d25b,d25bcs23192024 stator,2nd stage,d40b/bcs d40b,d40bcs23192025 stator,2nd stage d65b,d65bcs

VALVES20009015 ValVe,deflector Plate d16bcs20009016 ValVe,deflector Plate d25bcs20009137 deflector Plate,ValVe,set of 3,17-7st.st d40bcs20009353 ValVe,eXhaust d1.6b20009610 ValVe,non return d8b20010350 ValVe,gas ballast d1.6b20011130 head,ValVe s630f

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VALVES20011249 ValVe Plate s100f,s100c20011376 ValVe,corr.eX,d40bcs d40bcs28153101 leVer,hinge Pin,d30/60/90a d30a,s30ad90a,d30ac,s30ac,d60a,d90a,d90ac,s60a,d28153102 leVer,hinge Pin,d8/16a d8a,d16a,s8a,s8ac,d8ac,d16ac,s16a,s16ac28153130 leVer,hinge Pin,d2/4a d2a,d4a34861028 ValVe,non-return d16b,d25b,d40b,d65b,d16bcs,d25bcs,d40bcs,d65bcs,35020158 ValVe,assy,d8/16/30/60/90a&ac d60a360035 ValVe,Packless 100b,100P,25b,50b,25P,50P 37358103 ValVe d2a,d4a37358106 ValVe,stoP d30a,d60a,d90a,s30ac,s30a,d30ac,s60ac,s60a,d60ac37358107 ValVe,stoP,d8/16/a/ac d8a,d16a,d8ac,d16ac390011 ValVe,by-Pass,Viton,31 X 2.5mm sV630,sV630f390012 ValVe,by-Pass,Viton,31 X 5mm sV630,sV630f40050129 ValVe,Plate d240050135 ValVe d4a,d16a,d1.2e,d2.5e,d5e,d10e,d16e40050136 ValVe,asb,disc d2a,d4a40050137 disc,ValVe,asb d30a,d60a,d90a40050138 ValVe d60a40050139 ValVe,asb,disc s8a,s8ac,s16a,d8a,d16a,d8ac,d16ac40050140 ValVe,disc d40bcs,d65bcs40159003 ValVe,Plate,Viton d4b,d8b40159004 ValVe,disc,Viton d16b40164109 ValVe,Plate d2a,d4a40164111 ValVe,Plate s4a40164113 ValVe,Plate s60a40164114 ValVe,Plate d30a,d60a,d90a40164115 ValVe,Plate s16a40164116 ValVe,Plate d8a,d16a40164117 assy,ValVe,Plate,gas ballast d30a,d60a,d90a,d30ac,d60ac,d90ac40164121 ValVe,Plate,gold d2ac,d4ac40164123 ValVe,Plate,gold s60ac40164124 ValVe,Plate,gold d30a,d60a,d90a40164125 ValVe,Plate,gold d8ac,d16ac40175014 ValVe,eXhaust,Plate d4,db40175015 ValVe,eXhaust,Plate s4,s8b40175017 ValVe,Plate, d16b/bcs d16b,d16bcs40175018 ValVe,Plate,s25b s25b40175019 ValVe,Plate d25b,d25bcs,s16b40175023 ValVe,Pressure relie f d16bcs,d25bcs45174046 ValVe,stoP,eXhaust d16b580032 ValVe,nib,sealing elem.,Viton d1.2 e,d2.5 e,d5 e,d10 e,d16 e580033 ValVe,tandem,steel d1.2 e,d2.5 e,d5 e,d10 e,d16 e580034 ValVe,bracket,s/s d1.2 e,d2.5 e580035 ValVe,bracket,s/s d5 e,d10 e,d16 e580036 ValVe,sPacer,s/s d1.2 e,d2.5 e,d5 e,d10 e,d16 e580037 ValVe,holder,s/ d1.2 e,d2.5 e,d5 e,d10 e,d16 e580038 ValVe,stoPPer,steel d1.2 e,d2.5 e,d5 e,d10 e,d16 e580041 ValVe,stoPPer,steel ,e2 series d10e2,d5e2580046 ValVe,holder d2.5e71000974 ValVe,stoP sV65 br1,sV65 br271000984 ValVe,Plate, sV40/65 sV40,sV6571001664 ValVe,stoP,sV180 sV100 br1,sV100 br271001674 ValVe,Plate,sV100 sV100 br1,sV100 br271015460 ValVe,intake,Viton sV65b71017993 assy,rlf VlV seal disc,sV40/65 sV40,sV65,sV10071049444 ValVe,asb,Viton/ss,sV585 sV630,sV630f71218544 ValVe,Plate,sV300 sV300 71218554 ValVe Plate,sV280/300 br2 sV280,sV30071218574 ValVe,Plate,sV300 sV30071231364 Plate,ValVe,stoP,crs,sV200 sV20071401051 Plate,ValVe sV40 br1,sV40 br271403321 ValVe Plate, sV630/630f sV630,sV630f71403701 ValVe Plate, sV630/630f sV630,sV630f71412720 ValVe,anti-suckback,sV630f sV630,sV630f71416370 Plate,ValVe,17-7 stainless steel sV10b,sV16b71417090 Plate,ValVe,17-7 stainless steel sV65b71418570 Plate,ValVe,17-7 stainless steel sV25b71418830 Plate,ValVe,17-7 stainless steel sV100b71420830 Plate,ValVe,17-7 stainless steel sV40b72000080 kit,ValVe,gas ballast,d30-90a d30a,d60a,d90a72000080s stem,ValVe,gas ballast d30a,d60a,d90a

VAnES20009289fr Vane,gX,1st stage d1.6b20010652 Vane,gX,1st,2nd stage d40bcs,d65bcs20010653 Vane,gX,2nd stage d40bcs20010655 Vane,gX,d16b/bcs,d25b/bcs d16b,d25b,d16bcs,d25bcs20010656 Vane,gX,2nd stage d16b20010658 Vane,gXhV,1st stage,d8b d8b20010846 Vane,gX,1st,2nd stage d30,d60,d90

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VAnES20010878 Vane,gX,1st/2nd stage d2a20010879 Vane,gX,1st stage d4a20010880 Vane,gX,1st stage d60a,d90a20010881 Vane,gX,1st stage d16a20010882 Vane,gX,1st/2nd stage d8a,d16a20010885 Vane,gX,1st stage d25b,d25bcs20010886 Vane,gX,1st stage d65bcs20011099 Vane,gX,VaroVac s630k s630f,s630fl20011313 Vane,gX,VaroVac s400k s400f,s400fl20039220 Vane,gX,1st,2nd stage d4b,d8b230046g Vane,gX,1st stage,hV d1.2 e230047g Vane,gX,2nd stage,lV,fV Vane d1.2 e,d2.5 e230048g Vane,gX,1st stage,hV d2.5 e230049g Vane,gX,1st stage,hV d5 e230050g Vane,gX,2nd stage,lV,fV Vane d5 e,d10 e,d16 e230051g Vane,gX,1st stage,hV d10 e230052g Vane,gX,1st stage,hV d16 e41155231 Vane,gX,,VaroVac s250k s250f,s250c41155232 Vane,gX,o.e.m. s160f,s160c41155233 Vane,gX,VaroVac s100k s100f,s100c71029380g Vane,gX,single,sV585 sV58571234170g Vane,gX,1st stage sV10071234370g Vane,gX,1st stage,sV16/25 sV16,sV2571234890 Vane,gX,1st stage,sV40 sV4071235370 Vane,gX,1st stage,sV65 sV6571412000g Vane,gX,single,sV180/sV200 sV180,sV20071412010g Vane,gX sV30071412020g Vane,gX,sV630 & sV750 sV630,sV630f71413150 Vane,gX,2.40”lX.71”wX.15”thk sV10b,sV16b71416290 Vane,gX,2.36”lX.99”wX.17”thk sV25b 71416750 Vane,gX,3.97”l X 1.56”w X .171”thk sV65b 71418750 Vane,gX,6.69”l X 1.56”w X .171”thk sV100b71420810 Vane,gX,3.93”l X 1.39”w X .170”thk sV40b

VBELTS71077572 belts,set of 4 sV58571210732 V-belt,single,sV585 sV58571403990belt belt sV630,sV630f71408670belt V-belt,single,sV750 sV75040175019 ValVe,Plate d25b,d25bcs,s16b40175023 ValVe,Pressure relief d16bcs,d25bcs45174046 ValVe,stoP,eXhaust d16b580032 ValVe,nib,sealing elem.,Viton d1.2 e,d2.5 e,d5 e,d10 e,d16 e580033 ValVe,tandem,steel d1.2 e,d2.5 e,d5 e,d10 e,d16 e580034 ValVe,bracket,s/s d1.2 e,d2.5 e580035 ValVe,bracket,s/s d5 e,d10 e,d16 e580036 ValVe,sPacer,s/s d1.2 e,d2.5 e,d5 e,d10 e,d16 e580037 ValVe,holder,s/s d1.2 e,d2.5 e,d5 e,d10 e,d16 e580038 ValVe,stoPPer,steel d1.2 e,d2.5 e,d5 e,d10 e,d16 e580041 ValVe,stoPPer,steel,e2 series d10e2,d5e2580046 ValVe,holder d2.5e

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

UNO/DUO 35/65, DUO 35/65 M

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS



VANES MODEl(S) PARt NUMbERuno/duo 35, duo 35 m 230073(1st stage)

uno/duo 65, duo 65 m 230071(1st stage)

duo 35/65, duo 35/65 m 230072(2nd stage)

SHAFt SEAlS MODEl(S) PARt NUMbERall 310104

SEAl KItS seal kits include sight glass gasket, o-rings, & shaft seals for minor maintenance. MODEl(S) PARt NUMbERall Pke20001t

OVERHAUl KItS oVerhaul kits include all comPonents of seals kits Plus sight glasses, sPrings, ValVes, Vanes & other comPonents for PumP oVerhaul. MODEl(S) PARt NUMbERuno 35 Pke22001tuno 65 Pke22003tduo 35 Pke22005tduo 65 Pke22011tduo 35 m Pke22010tduo 65 m Pke22012t

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

UNO/DUO 35/65, DUO 35/65 M



KIT ComponenTS

UNO/DUO 35/65 UNO 35 UNO 65 DUO 35 DUO 35M DUO 65 DUO 65MPARt NUMbER


SEAl PKE20001t







390014 ball,stainless stl., 7mm 1 1 1 1 1 1390015 ball,stainless stl., 8mm 1 1 1 1 1 1640019 buffer,30 X 30 X 3.2 4 4 4 4 4 4360060 couPling,sPider 1 1 1 1440026 disc,distance ring 1 1 1 1 1 1780032 filter,mesh,sieVe ii 1 1 1 1780034 filter,mesh,sieVe,uno 35 1780033 filter,mesh,sieVe,uno 65 120011245 finger, eXhaust 2 4 2 2 3 3300167 gasket,sight glass 2 2 2 2 2 2 24070166 o'ring,Viton,10 X 2.5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2320332 o'ring,Viton,12 X 1.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1320337 o'ring,Viton,132 X 2.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 14070259 o'ring,Viton,15 X 2.5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2320210 o'ring,Viton,2.1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14070420 o'ring,Viton,24 X 2.5 4 4 4 4 4 4 44070465 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1320338 o'ring,Viton,270 X 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 14070621 o'ring,Viton,38 X 3.0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1900068 o'ring,Viton,40 X 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3320333 o'ring,Viton,42 X 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 148655900 o'ring,Viton,44 X 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 24070065 o'ring,Viton,5 X 1.5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2320152 o'ring,Viton,50 X 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 24070874 o'ring,Viton,59 X 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 14070088 o'ring,Viton,6 X 2.2 1 1 1 1 1 1 191311560300 o'ring,Viton,68 X 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1320334 o'ring,Viton,78 X 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1320335 o'ring,Viton,85 X 2.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1320336 o'ring,Viton,94 X 2.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1580044 Piston, hydraulic, Viton 1 1 1 1 1 1440025 ring,distance 1310104 seal,shaft,25 X 37 X 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2780031 screen,filter for oil PumP 1 1 1 1 1 1500023 sight glass, 4.5 X 1 X .5 1 1 1 1 1 1490059 sPring,.8 dia X 8.4 X 11 lg. 1 1 1 1 1 13838132sV sPring,Pfeiffer uno1.5a 1 1 1 1 1 1490052 sPring,Pressure,stainless stl 2 5 4 4 7 7380018 ValVe Plate, blue sPring stl 1 1 1 1 1 1230071 Vane,gX,1st stage 2 2 2230072 Vane,gX,2nd stage 2 2 2 2230073 Vane,gX,2nd stage,uno/duo 35 2 2 2

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

DUO 2.5/5/10/20, DUO 2.5/5/10/20 C

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

SEAl KItS seal kits include gaskets, o-rings, & couPlings for minor maintenance. MODEl(S) PARt NUMbERduo 2.5 Pke00002tduo 2.5 c Pke00020tduo 5, duo 5 c Pke30005tduo 10, duo 10 c Pke30001tduo 20, duo 20 c Pke30008t9

MAJOR OVERHAUl KItS major oVerhaul kits include all comPonents of seals kits Plus eXhaust filters, leak noZZles, hydraulic Pistons, sight glasses, sPrings, ValVes & Vanes for major oVerhaul. MODEl(S) PARt NUMbERDUO 2.5 PKE02008TDUO 2.5 C PKE02030TDUO 5 PKE32008TDUO 5 C PKE32006TDUO 10 PKE32001TDUO 10 C PKE32004TDUO 20 PKE32011TDUO 20 C PKE32013T


SHAFt SEAlS MODEl(S) PARt NUMbERduo 2.5, duo 2.5 c 310061

CASE GASKEtS MODEl(S) PARt NUMbERduo 2.5 (cork) 194081duo 2.5 c (Viton) 194081V

SIGHt GlASSES MODEl(S) PARt NUMbERduo 2.5, duo 2.5c 500015duo 5/10/20 c 550046

RECOMMENDED OIlS tYPE PARt NUMbERPlus 19 (20l/5.28gal) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001

fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (20l/5.28gal) PPff001flushing fluid


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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

DUO 2.5/5, DUO 2.5/5 C


KIT ComponenTS


DUO 2.5 DUO 2.5 DUO 2.5C DUO 2.5C DUO 5/5C DUO 5 DUO 5CPARt NUMbER


SEAl PKE00002t


SEAl PKE00020t


SEAl PKE30005t



640017 buffer, foot, .75" dia 4 4420043 couPling, washer,crs,Pfeiffer duo 2.5/2 1 1360054 couPling,Quick,Viton 1 1 1300166 felt Pad 1 120011245 finger,eXhaust 1 1194081 gasket,case,cork 1 1194081V gasket,case,Viton 1 1300165 gasket,cork 1 1300057 gasket,ring,Viton,brown 1 1 1 1194109 gasket,sight glass,Viton 1 1 1360055 half couPling 1380020 leak noZZle, 304 ss,Pfeiffer duo 5/20 1 179569 o'ring,Viton,10.3 X 2.4 mm 2 2 2 2 1 1 14070259 o'ring,Viton,15 X 2.5mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1320176 o'ring,Viton,15X1.5mm 1 1 1 1 2 2 2320174 o'ring,Viton,16 X 1.0 mm 1 1 2 24071536 o'ring,Viton,165X3.0mm 1 1 14070321 o'ring,Viton,18 X 5.0 mm 3 3 2 2 2 2 2320210 o'ring,Viton,2.1 X 1mm 1 1 1 123970016 o'ring,Viton,22 X 1.5 mm 2 2 2 223970410 o'ring,Viton,22 X 3 mm 1 1 14070420 o'ring,Viton,24 X 2.5mm 1 1320180 o'ring,Viton,25X3.0mm 1 1 123970436 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5 mm 1 1 123963115 o'ring,Viton,38 X 3 mm 1 1 1320181 o'ring,Viton,48.9X2.62mm 1 1 14070065 o'ring,Viton,5 X 1.5 mm 1 1 2 24070874 o'ring,Viton,59X3.0mm 1 1 14070088 o'ring,Viton,6 X 2.2 mm 3 3 2 2 3 3 34070949 o'ring,Viton,65X5.0mm 1 1 1320182 o'ring,Viton,75X3.0mm 1 1 123970149 o'ring,Viton,8 X 2 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1580044 Piston,hydraulic,Viton 1 1 1 1310061 seal,shaft,Viton,single liP 1 1 1 1550046 sight glass, 2.5 X.78 X.11 inches 1 1500015 sight glass,assembly, Pfeiffer duo 2.5/2 1 1490046 sPring,Pressure,Pfeiffer duo 2.5/2.5c 1 1490037 sPring,Pressure,stainless steel 4 4490041 sPring,Pressure,stainless steel 1 1490036 sPring,Pressure,stainless stl. 4 4640018 ValVe buffer,aluminum,Pfeiffer duo 1 1580043 ValVe flaP,long,stainless steel 1 1580042 ValVe flaP,round,stainless steel 1 1570002 ValVe Plate assy, Pfeiffer duo 2.5/2.5c 1 1380018 ValVe Plate, steel .005"thk,Pfeiffer 1 1192122 ValVe,Plate,Vitnib uno/duo1.5a 1 1230061 Vane,gX,Pfeiffer 1 1230062 Vane,gX,Pfeiffer 2230063 Vane,gX,Pfeiffer 4230064 Vane,gX,Pfeiffer 1 1230060 Vane,gX,Pfeiffer, duo 5, duo 10 2230063c Vane,Peek,duo 2.5c 4230062c Vane,Peek,duo 5c 2230060c Vane,Peek,duo 5c/10c 2

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

DUO 10/20, DUO 10/20 C


KIT ComponenTS


DUO 10/10C DUO 10 DUO 10C DUO 20/20C DUO 20 DUO 20CPARt NUMbER


SEAl PKE30001t



SEAl PKE30008t



390010 ball,stainless stl,5mm 1 1 1 1640017 buffer, foot, .75" dia 4 4 4 4400056 cheese head screw,Zinc-Plated,m4X8 1 1360054 couPling,Quick,Viton 1 1 1 1 1 120011245 finger,eXhaust 1 1 1 1194109 gasket,sight glass,Viton 1 1 1 1 1 1a22305067 inlet strainer assy rV 2 2380020 leak noZZle, 304 ss,Pfeiffer duo 5/20 1 1 1380021 leak noZZle, 304 ss,Pfeiffer uno 30m/duo 179569 o'ring,Viton,10.3 X 2.4 mm 1 1 123949217 o'ring,Viton,100 X 3 mm 2 2 24070259 o'ring,Viton,15 X 2.5mm 1 1 1 2 2 24071536 o'ring,Viton,165X3.0mm 1 1 1320177 o'ring,Viton,18X2.0mm 1 1 1320213 o'ring,Viton,205 X 3mm 1 1 123970410 o'ring,Viton,22 X 3 mm 1 1 1320180 o'ring,Viton,25X3.0mm 1 1 1900178 o'ring,Viton,26 X 3mm 1 1 123970436 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 1 102124025 o'ring,Viton,28 X 5 mm 2 2 2 2 2 24070542 o'ring,Viton,32 X 3mm 2 2 2 2 2 223963115 o'ring,Viton,38 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1320181 o'ring,Viton,48.9X2.62mm 1 1 223970211 o'ring,Viton,50 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1320152 o'ring,Viton,50 X 3 mm 1 14070088 o'ring,Viton,6 X 2.2 mm 1 1 1 3 3 3320212 o'ring,Viton,62 X 2.5mm 1 1 148652700 o'ring,Viton,66X2mm 1 1 1320182 o'ring,Viton,75X3.0mm 1 1 123970149 o'ring,Viton,8 X 2 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1320215 o'ring,Viton,88 X 3mm 1 1 1580044 Piston,hydraulic,Viton 1 1 1 1470016 ring,retaining,10X1 mm 2 2550046 sight glass, 2.5 X.78 X.11 inches 1 1 1 1400057 socket head caP screw m5X10 in-V1 a2-70 1 1490052 sPring,Pressure,Pfeiffer duo 20 4 4490037 sPring,Pressure,stainless steel 4 4490040 sPring,Pressure,stainless steel 1 1 1 1640018 ValVe buffer,aluminum,Pfeiffer duo 1 1380018 ValVe Plate, steel .005"thk,Pfeiffer 1 1 1 1192122 ValVe,Plate,Vitnib uno/duo1.5a 1 2230068 Vane,gX, Pfeiffer duo 10 2230065 Vane,gX, Pfeiffer duo 20 2230066 Vane,gX, Pfeiffer duo 20 2230061 Vane,gX,Pfeiffer 1 1 1 1230060 Vane,gX,Pfeiffer, duo 5, duo 10 2230068c Vane,Peek,duo 10c 2230065c Vane,Peek,duo 20c 2230066c Vane,Peek,duo 20c 2230060c Vane,Peek,duo 5c/10c 2

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhPFEIFFER-6

UNO/DUO 1.5/004/008/012/30 A, UNO/DUO 30 M

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

VANE KItSuno & duo 1.5 a Vane kits include Vanes, leak noZZle, sPring & washer. MODEl(S) PARt NUMbERuno 1.5 a 080030itduo 1.5 a 080130it

MODEl(S) PARt NUMbERuno 004 a Vane kits contain Vanes only.uno 004 a 080430it

MODEl(S) PARt NUMbERduo 004 a Vane kits contain Vanes & thrust Plate.duo 004 a 080530it

MODEl(S) PARt NUMbERduo 30 a Vane kits contain Vanes, couPling washer & centering ring.duo 30 a Pke081130t

SEAl KItSseal kits include couPling, sight glass gasket & o-rings. MODEl(S) PARt NUMbERuno 30 m Pke30006t

REPAIR KItSuno/duo 1.5 a rePair kits include sight glass, oil boX gasket, shaft seal, ValVe Plate, flaP ValVe, centering ring, Vane sPrings, locking caPs & o-rings. MODEl(S) PARt NUMbERuno/duo 1.5 a 080010

uno/duo 004/008/012 a rePair kits include sight glass, Pil boX gasket, shaft seal, suPPort rings, Vane sPrings, rotor key, o-rings & washers.

MODEl(S) PARt NUMbERuno/duo 004/008/012 a 080410

uno 30 m rePair kits include all comPonents of seal kits Plus Vane sPrings, sight glass, Pressure ValVe, hydraulic Piston & other comPonents needed for routine PumP maintenance.

MODEl(S) PARt NUMbERuno 30 m Pke32009t

SHAFt SEAlS MODEl(S) PARt NUMbERuno/duo 1.5 a 4083174uno/duo 004/008/012 a 4083269

CASE GASKEtS MODEl(S) PARt NUMbERuno/duo 1.5 a (cork) 192124

uno/duo 004-012 a (cork)


SIGHt GlASSESMODEl(S) PARt NUMbERuno/duo 1.5a 192127uno/duo 004-012 a 192127uno 30 m 550046

RECOMMENDED OIlS tYPE PARt NUMbERPlus 19 (20l/5.28gal) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001

fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (20l/5.28gal) PPff001flushing fluid


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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

UNO/DUO 1.5/004/008/012 A


KIT ComponenTS


UNO 1.5A DUO 1.5A UNO/DUO 1.5A UNO 004A DUO 004A U/D 004-012APARt NUMbER


VANE 080130It

VANE 080130It

REPAIR 080010

VANE 080430It

VANE 080530It

REPAIR 080410

192124 gasket,cork,oilboX,uno/duo1.5a 1210136 gasket,cork,unoduo 004-012a 122116156 key,rotor,16/8a 1192126 locking caP, uno/duo 1.5a 2220170a noZZle leak Pfeiffer uno1.5a 1 14070333 o'ring,Vit.19X2.5mm,uno/duo1.5 14070015 o'ring,Vit.2.2X1mm,uno/duo1.5a 14070259 o'ring,Viton,15 X 2.5mm 24070262 o'ring,Viton,15 X 5mm 24070420 o'ring,Viton,24 X 2.5mm 1 24070488 o'ring,Viton,28 X 5mm 24070542 o'ring,Viton,32 X 3mm 123970412 o'ring,Viton,6 X 2 mm 4 54071016 o'ring,Viton,71 X 3mm 14070166 o'ring,Viton.10 X 2.5mm 1 1220135 Plate,thrust,duo 004a 1210166 ring, centering, uno/duo 1.5 a 1 24088022 seal,dowty,uno/duo 1.5a 14083269 seal,shaft 14083174 seal,shaft, uno/duo 1.5a 1192127 sight glass,uno/duo 1.5a 1 13838132sV sPring Pfeiffer uno1.5a 1 1004522 sPring, Vane, uno/duo 004/012a 103836534 sPring, Vane-uno/duo 1.5a 4210227 suPPort ring 14085450kV suPPort ring Vi. 1192348 ValVe flaP,uno/duo 1.5a 1192122 ValVe,Plate,Vitnib uno/duo1.5a 1116650g Vane gX Pfeiffer uno004 2 4192109g Vane gX Pfeiffer uno1.5a 4 44085450aV washer domed 13502860 washer, flat, steel 1192121 washer,couPling,Pfeiffer 1 1

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

DUO 30 A, UNO 30 M



KIT ComponenTS



VANE PKE081130t

SEAl PKE30006t


390010 ball,stainless stl,5mm 1640017 buffer, foot, .75" dia 4360054 couPling,Quick,Viton 1 1194109 gasket,sight glass,Viton 1 1380021 leak noZZle, 304 ss,Pfeiffer uno 30m/duo 123949217 o'ring,Viton,100 X 3 mm 1 14070259 o'ring,Viton,15 X 2.5mm 2 2320213 o'ring,Viton,205 X 3mm 1 1900178 o'ring,Viton,26 X 3mm 1 123970436 o'ring,Viton,27 X 2.5 mm 1 102124025 o'ring,Viton,28 X 5 mm 2 24070542 o'ring,Viton,32 X 3mm 2 223963115 o'ring,Viton,38 X 3 mm 1 123970121 o'ring,Viton,55 X 3 mm 1 14070088 o'ring,Viton,6 X 2.2 mm 3 3320212 o'ring,Viton,62 X 2.5mm 1 123970149 o'ring,Viton,8 X 2 mm 1 1320215 o'ring,Viton,88 X 3mm 1 1580044 Piston,hydraulic,Viton 1580045 Pressure ValVe,assy 4520015 ring,centering,Pfeiffer duo 30a 1560011 sieVe, aluminum eXPanded metal 1560010 sieVe, ss wire mesh 1550046 sight glass, 2.5 X.78 X.11 inches 1004522 sPring, Vane, uno/duo 004/012a 4490040 sPring,Pressure,stainless steel 1640018 ValVe buffer,aluminum,Pfeiffer duo 1380018 ValVe Plate, steel .005"thk,Pfeiffer 1230069 Vane,gX, Pfeiffer duo 30a 2230070 Vane,gX, Pfeiffer duo 30a 2230061 Vane,gX,Pfeiffer 1230067 Vane,gX,Pfeiffer 2420042 washer,couPling,Pfeifffr duo 30a 1

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

tPH/tHU 050/060/062/065/071/170/190/260/330/510/520




REPAIR KItS rePair kits include bearings, seals & oil wick or felt washer. MODEl(S) PARt NUMbERtPh/tPu 050 Pb050rktPh/tPu 060 Pb060rktPh/tPu 062 Pb062rktPh/tPu 065 Pb065rktPh/tPu 071 Pb071rktPh/tPu 170 Pb170rktPh/tPu 190 Pb190rktPh/tPu 260/261/262 Pb260rktPh/tPu 330 Pb330rktPh/tPu 510 Pb510rktPh/tPu 520 Pb520rk

tOOl KItS & REPAIR MANUAlS tool kits include sPecialty tools & instructional steP-by-steP cd for turbo PumP bearing rePlacement. MODEl(S) PARt NUMbERtPh/tPu 050 Pb050tktPh/tPu 060/062/065 Pb060tktPh/tPu 062 Pb062tktPh/tPu 170 Pb170tktPh/tPu 190 Pb190tktPh/tPu 260/261/262 Pb260tktPh/tPu 330 Pb330tktPh/tPu 510 Pb510tktPh/tPu 520 Pb520tk

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

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IndIVIduaL SpareS



CAPS192126 locking caP, uno/duo 1.5a 1.5aunoduo

COUPlINGS360054 couPling,Quick,Viton duo 5, duo 5c420043 couPling, washer,crs,Pfeiffer duo 2.5/2 duo 2.5,duo 2.5c500501190001 element,couPling,yellow d05

FIltERS780030 filter,screen,st.stl. d05

GASKEtS192124 gasket,cork,oilboX,uno/duo1.5a 1.5aunoduo194081 gasket,case,cork duo 2.5194081V gasket,case,Viton duo 2.5c194109 gasket,sight glass,Viton duo 5, duo 5c210136 gasket,cork,unoduo 004-012a 0 04a,012aunoduo300057 gasket,ring,Viton,brown uno/duo 2.5a,duo 2.5, uno 5a

HARDWARE192121 washer,couPling,Pfeiffer 1.5aunoduo3502860 washer, flat, steel 004-012a uno/duo400056 cheese head screw,Zinc-Plated,m4X8 duo 10400057 socket head caP screw m5X10 in-V1 a2-70 duo 10400067 screw,set, m5 X .08 X 5mm lg, 3004085450aV washer domed 004-012a uno/duo420042 washer,couPling,Pfeifffr duo 30a duo 30a660103 washer,rubber,Viton m8c,m12c

KItS080010 kit,rePair,uno/duo 1.5a 1.5a uno/duo080030it kit Vane g11 1.5a w/Parts 1.5auno080130it kit Vane g11 1.5aduo w/Parts 1.5aduo080410 kit,rePair,uno/duo oo4-012a 004-012a uno/duo080430it kit Vane g22 uno004a 004a uno080530it kit,Vane,g11,004a duo,w/Parts 004a duoPb065rk kit,rePair tPh/tPu065Pb071rk kit,rePair tPh/tPu071Pb1600rk kit,rePair tPh/tPu1600Pb190rk kit,rePair tPh/tPu190Pb190tk kit,tool and rePair manual tPh/tPu190Pb520rk kit,rePair tPh/tPu520Pb520tk kit,tool and rePair manual tPh/tPu520Pke00002t kit,set of seals duo 2.5Pke00020t kit, seal, duo 2.5c duo 2.5cPke02008t kit,major oVerhaul,duo 2.5 duo 2.5Pke02030t kit,oVerhaul,duo 2.5c duo 2.5cPke081130t kit,Vane,duo 30a duo 30aPke20001t kit,set of seals,uno/duo 35-65 uno/duo 35/65, duo 35/65 mPke22001t kit,oVerhaul,uno 35 uno 35Pke22003t kit,oVerhaul,uno 65 uno 65Pke22005t kit,oVerhaul,duo 35 duo 35Pke22010t kit,oVerhaul,duo 35 m duo 35 mPke22011t kit,oVerhaul,duo 65 duo 65Pke22012t kit,oVerhaul,duo 65 m duo 65 mPke30001t kit, seal, duo 10, duo 10c duo 10, duo 10cPke30005t kit, seal, duo 5, duo 5c duo 5, duo 5cPke30006t kit,set of seals,duo 30m duo 30mPke30008t kit, seal, duo 20, duo 20c duo 20, duo 20cPke32001t kit,oVerhaul,duo 10 duo 10Pke32004t kit,oVerhaul,duo 10c duo 10cPke32006t kit,oVerhaul,duo 5c duo 5cPke32008t kit,oVerhaul,duo 5 duo 5Pke32009t kit,major oVerhaul,uno30m uno 30mPke32011t kit,oVerhaul,duo 20 duo 20Pke32013t kit,oVerhaul,duo 20c duo 20c

MISC.210227 suPPort ring 004-012a uno/duo220170a noZZle leak Pfeiffer uno1.5a 1.5aunoduo380020 leak noZZle, 304 ss,Pfeiffer duo 5/20 duo 10380021 leak noZZle, 304 ss,Pfeiffer uno 30m/duo duo 10c390010 ball,stainless stl,5mm duo 5, duo 5c4085450kV suPPort ring Vi. 004-012a uno/duo580044 Piston,hydraulic,Viton uno 2.5, uno 2.5a, duo 2.5a,uno 5a, duo 5, duo 5c640017 buffer, foot, .75” dia duo 10820048 boX,white,14.5 X 10.5 X 2.5” d40bcs,d65bcs

O-RINGS320174 o’ring,Viton,16 X 1.0 mm uno 5a 320176 o’ring,Viton,15X1.5mm duo 5 duo 5c

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O-RINGS (CONt.)320174 o’ring,Viton,16 X 1.0 mm uno 5a 320176 o’ring,Viton,15X1.5mm duo 5 duo 5c320177 o’ring,Viton,18X2.0mm duo 5, duo 5c320180 o’ring,Viton,25X3.0mm duo 5, duo 5c320181 o’ring,Viton,48.9X2.62mm duo 5, duo 5c320182 o’ring,Viton,75X3.0mm duo 5, duo 5c320210 o’ring,Viton,2.1 X 1mm duo 2.5c320212 o’ring,Viton,62 X 2.5mm duo 30m320213 o’ring,Viton,205 X 3mm duo 30m320215 o’ring,Viton,88 X 3mm duo 10, duo 10c4070015 o’ring,Vit.2.2X1mm uno/duo1.5a 1.5a4070065 o’ring,Viton,5 X 1.5 mm uno/duo 2.5a,duo 2.5, uno5a4070088 o’ring,Viton,6 X 2.2 mm uno/duo 2.5a,duo 2.5, uno5a4070125 o’ring,Viton,8 X 2.0 mm4070166 o’ring,Viton.10 X 2.5mm uno/duo 1.5a4070259 o’ring,Viton,15 X 2.5mm 004-012a uno/duo4070262 o’ring,Viton,15 X 5mm 1.5a uno/duo4070321 o’ring,Viton,18 X 5.0 mm uno/duo 2.5a,duo 2.5, uno5a4070333 o’ring,Vit.19X2.5mm,uno/duo1.5 1.5a uno/duo4070420 o’ring,Viton,24 X 2.5mm 1.5a uno/duo4070488 o’ring,Viton,28 X 5mm 004-012a uno/duo4070542 o’ring,Viton,32 X 3mm 004-012a uno/duo4070874 o’ring,Viton,59X3.0mm duo 5, duo 5c4070949 o’ring,Viton,65X5.0mm duo 5, duo 5c4071016 o’ring,Viton,71 X 3mm 004-012a uno/duo4071536 o’ring,Viton,165X3.0mm duo 5, duo 5c900048 o’ring,Viton,4.42 X 2.62 mm sV65b900178 o’ring,Viton,26 X 3mm duo 30m

PlAtES220135 Plate,thrust,duo 004a 004a duo

RINGS210166 ring, centering, uno/duo 1.5 a 1.5a,004a,012aunoduo470016 ring,retaining,10X1 mm duo 10520015 ring,centering,Pfeiffer duo 30a duo 30a

SEAlS310061 seal,shaft,Viton,single liP uno 2.5a,duo 2.5a,duo 2.5,uno 5a310104 seal,shaft uno/duo 35/65, duo 35/65 m4083174 seal,shaft, uno/duo 1.5a 1.5a uno/duo4083269 seal,shaft 004-012a uno duo4088022 seal,dowty,uno/duo 1.5a 1.5a uno/duo

SIGHt GlASSES192127 sight glass,uno/duo 1.5a 1.5a,004a,012aunoduo500015 sight glass,assembly, Pfeiffer duo 2.5/2 duo 2.5,duo2.5c550046 sight glass, 2.5 X.78 X.11 inches duo 5,duo 5c

SPRINGS004522 sPring, Vane, uno/duo 004/012a 004-012a uno duo3836534 sPring, Vane-uno/duo 1.5a 1.5a uno duo3838132sV sPring Pfeiffer uno1.5a 1.5a uno duo490028 sPring,comPression,stl/st d05490029 sPring,comPression,stl/st d05490030 sPring,comPression,stl/st d05490031 sPring,torsion,sPecial end s d05490032 sPring,torsion,sPecial ends d05490033 sPring,torsion,sPecial ends d18,d28490034 sPring,Vane d05490036 sPring,Pressure,stainless stl. uno/duo 2.5a,duo 2.5, uno5a490037 sPring,Pressure,stainless steel duo 5, duo 5c490040 sPring,Pressure,stainless steel duo 5, duo 5c490041 sPring,Pressure,stainless steel duo 5, duo 5c490046 sPring,Pressure,Pfeiffer duo 2.5/2.5c duo 2.5,duo 2.5c490052 sPring,Pressure,Pfeiffer duo 20 duo 20

VAlVES192122 ValVe,Plate,Vitnib uno/duo1.5a 1.5a unoduo192348 ValVe flaP,uno/duo 1.5a 1.5a unoduo380018 ValVe Plate, steel .005”thk,Pfeiffer duo 5,duo 5c,duo 10,duo10c,duo 20,duo 20c390009 Plate,ValVe couPler,s/s & Viton uno 2.5a,duo 2.5a,uno 5a570002 ValVe Plate assy, Pfeiffer duo 2.5/2.5c duo 2.5,duo 2.5c580042 ValVe flaP,round,stainless steel uno/duo 2.5a,duo 2.5, uno5a580043 ValVe flaP,long,stainless steel uno/duo 2.5a,duo 2.5, uno5a640018 ValVe buffer,aluminum,Pfeiffer duo 5,duo 5c,duo 20,duo20c

VANES116650g Vane gX Pfeiffer uno004 004a uno192109g Vane gX Pfeiffer uno1.5a 1.5aunoduo

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

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IndIVIduaL SpareS



VANES (CONt.)230060 Vane,gX,Pfeiffer, duo 5, duo 10 duo 10230060c Vane,Peek,duo 5c/10c duo 10c230061 Vane,gX,Pfeiffer duo 10230062 Vane,gX,Pfeiffer duo 5230062c Vane,Peek,duo 5c duo 5c230063 Vane,gX,Pfeiffer duo 2.5230063c Vane,Peek,duo 2.5c d uo 2.5c230064 Vane,gX,Pfeiffer duo 2.5,duo 2.5c230065 Vane,gX, Pfeiffer duo 20 duo 20230065c Vane,Peek,duo 20c duo 20c230066 Vane,gX, Pfeiffer duo 20 duo 20230066c Vane,Peek,duo 20c duo 20c230068 Vane,gX, Pfeiffer duo 10 duo 10230068c Vane,Peek,duo 10c duo 10c230069 Vane,gX, Pfeiffer duo 30a duo 30a230070 Vane,gX, Pfeiffer duo 30a duo 30a

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

D 25/75/150

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


precision Scientific

BEARING REPLACEMENT KITS minor kits include o-rings, gaskets, ValVes, washers, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERd 25 d25ad 75 d75ad 150 d150a

MAJoR KITS major kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus Vanes, sPrings & sight glass for major oVerhaul. MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERd 25 (g11 Vane) d25bitd 25 (cast iron Vane) d25bd 75 (g11 Vane) d75bitd 75 (cast iron Vane) d75bd 150 (g11 Vane) d150bitd 150 (cast iron Vane) d150b

VANES MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERd 25 (g11 / 4) 535797gd 25 (cast iron / 4) 535797d 75 (g11 / 4) 525418gd 75 (cast iron / 4) 525418d 150 (g11 / 4) 525471gd 150 (cast iron 4) 525471

SHAFTS MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERd 25 528398d 75 528399d 150 528400

SHAFT SEALS (MECHANICAL) MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERd 25 342005d 75 342003d 150 342004

GASKETSMoDEL(S) PART NuMBERd 25 (coVer) 525682d 75/150 (coVer) 525433d 25 525694d 75 525432d 150 525473

RECoMMENDED oILS TYPE PART NuMBERPlus duo (1l/1.06Qt) PP100001general PurPose oil (eQu. to duoseal)

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

D 25/75/150


KIT ComponenTS

precision Scientific

D25 D25 D25 D75 D75 D75 D150 D150 D150PART NuMBER











325017 c-cliP 1 1 1325018 c-cliP 1 1 1325023 c-cliP 1 1 1525433 gasket,coVer 1 1 1 1 1 1525682 gasket,coVer 1 1 1525473 gasket,d150 1 1 1525694 gasket,d25 1 1 1525432 gasket,d75 1 1 1245074 grommet 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1232095 o'ring,buna,7.65 X 1.63 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1525419 Pin,sPring 2 2 2525420 Pin,sPring 2 2 2525686 Pin,sPring 2 2 2525724 Plate,ValVe,s/s 1 1 1 1 1 1342005 seal,shaft,mechanical,1/2" 1 1 1342004 seal,shaft,mechanical,3/4" 1 1 1342003 seal,shaft,mechanical,5/8" 1 1 1280017 sight glass,Push in tyPe 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1280027 sight glass,threaded tyPe 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1532112 sPring,ValVe 1 1 1 1 1 1528387 sPring,Vane, d25 2 2 2525422 sPring,Vane,d150 2 2 2525421 sPring,Vane,d75 2 2 2532784 ValVe,eXhaust 1 1 1525418g Vane gX 4525471g Vane gX 4535797g Vane gX 4525418 Vane,cast iron 4525471 Vane,cast iron 4535797 Vane,cast iron 4525497 washer 1 1 1 1 1 1525476 washer,seal,s/steel 2 2 2525436 washer,thrust 1 2 2525437 washer,thrust 2 2 2525683 washer,thrust 2 2 2525475 washer,thrust,s/steel 2 2 2

Page 261: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

DD 90/195/310

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


precision Scientific

MINoR KITSminor kits include couPling element, c-cliPs, o-rings, washers, gaskets, ValVes, washers, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERall 52610

MAJoR KITSmajor kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus Vanes, sPrings, sight glass & drain Plug for major oVerhaul. MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERdd 90 52614frdd 195 52613frdd 310 52611fr

RoToRS MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERdd 90 (1st-lP) 52513dd 195 (1st-lP) 52512dd 310 (1st-lP) 52509all (2nd-hP) 52715

STAToRS MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERdd 90 (1st-lP) 52572dd 195 (1st-lP) 52582dd 310 (1st-lP) 52574all (2nd-hP) 52711

PLATES MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERall (front) 52575all (int) 52573all (rear) 52686

VANES MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERdd 90 (1st-lP) 83946frdd 195 (1st-lP) 53106frdd 310 (1st-lP) 83946frall (2nd-hP) 83946fr

RECoMMENDED oILS TYPE PART NuMBERPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhPREC SCI-4

DD 90/195/310

KIT ComponenTS

precision Scientific



MINoR 52610

MAJoR 52614FR

MAJoR 52613FR

MAJoR 52611FR

82522 ball,gas ballast 1 1 1 171161 c-cliP,2004/8/12/20aac 1 1 1 183653 c-cliP,steel,2004/8/12/20a 2 2 2 252642 claPPer,eXhaust,buna 1 1 1 152557 claPPer,eXhaust,Viton 1 1 1 152553 couPler,elastic,2004-20a/ac 1 1 1 152755 gasket,case,2004/8/12/20aaccP 1 1 1 152555 gasket,fan Plate 1 1 1 183649 key,shaft 152750 leVer,asb,buna,2004/8/12/20a 1 1 154340V nib,asb,Viton,2004/8/12/20aac 1 184149 o'ring,buna,16 X 2 mm 2 2 2 282120 o'ring,buna,26.57 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 179238 o'ring,buna,28 X 5 mm 1 1 1 182122 o'ring,buna,29.3 X 3.6 mm 1 1 1 183633 o'ring,buna,38 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 182105 o'ring,buna,5 X 2 mm 1 1 1 182033 o'ring,Viton,82 X 2 mm 5 5 5 552990 Pad,felt,2004a-2020cP 1 1 1 171050 Pin,dowel,2004/8/12/20a 1 1 1 154071 Pin,retaining 1 1 1 182604 Plug,drain,Plastic,2004a-2063c 2 2 282063 seal,shaft,Viton 4 4 4 483546 sight glass,Plastic,w/seal 1 1 152563 sPring,gas ballast 1 1 1 152564 sPring,gas ballast,ball 1 1 1 152541 sPring,ValVe 4 2 3 453040 sPring,Vane,mw 12 14 852655 ValVe,dschrg,Viton,2004-20aac 4 2 3 452562b ValVe,gas ballast,buna 1 1 1 153106fr Vane,gX,1st stage 283945fr Vane,gX,1st stage 283946fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 4 2 273339 washer,flat,small o.d.,s.s.,m4 3 3 3 373460 washer,waVed,s.s.,m6 9 9 9 973461 washer,waVed,s.s.,m8 6 6 6 6

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

DDC 195/310

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


precision Scientific

MINoR KITS minor kits include couPling element, c-cliPs, o-rings, washers, gaskets, ValVes, washers, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERall 52624

MAJoR KITS major kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus Vanes, sPrings, sight glass & drain Plug for major oVerhaul. MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERddc 195 52626frddc 310 52625fr

RoToRS MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERddc1 95 (1st-lP) 52535ddc 310 (1st-lP) 52533all (2nd-hP) 52715

STAToRS MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERddc 195 (1st-lP) 5258ddc 310 (1st-lP) 52574all (2nd-hP) 52711

PLATES MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERall (front) 52575all (int) 52650all (rear) 52687

VANES MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERddc 195 (1st-lP) 53106frddc 310 (1st-lP) 83945frall (2nd-hP) 83946fr


RECoMMENDED oILS TYPE PART NuMBERPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

Plus gold (1 gal) PPgold004fully synthetic oil

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhPREC SCI-6

DDC 195/310

KIT ComponenTS

precision Scientific



MINoR 52624

MAJoR 52626FR

MAJoR 52625FR

82522 ball,gas ballast 1 1 171161 c-cliP,2004/8/12/20aac 1 1 171181 c-cliP,s.s.,2004/8/12/20ac 2 2 252557 claPPer,eXhaust,Viton 1 1 152553 couPler,elastic,2004-20a/ac 1 1 152755 gasket,case,2004/8/12/20aaccP 1 1 152555 gasket,fan Plate 1 1 183649 key,shaft 1 152700 leVer,asb,Viton,2012/20a&ac 1 154340V nib,asb,Viton,2004/8/12/20aac 1 182022 o'ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62 mm 2 2 282021 o'ring,Viton,19.8 X 3.6 mm 1 1 179133 o'ring,Viton,21 X 2 mm 1 1 179268 o'ring,Viton,26.2 X 3.6 mm 1 1 182025 o'ring,Viton,29.3 X 3.6 mm 1 1 182056 o'ring,Viton,37 X 2.5 mm 1 1 182004 o'ring,Viton,5.7 X 1.9 mm 1 1 182033 o'ring,Viton,82 X 2 mm 5 5 552990 Pad,felt,2004a-2020cP 1 1 171050 Pin,dowel,2004/8/12/20a 1 154071 Pin,retaining 1 1 152752 Plug,drain 1 182063 seal,shaft,Viton 4 4 452683 sight glass,disc 1 183546 sight glass,Plastic,w/seal 1 152563 sPring,gas ballast 1 1 152564 sPring,gas ballast,ball 1 1 152541 sPring,ValVe 4 3 453040 sPring,Vane,mw 6 852655 ValVe,dschrg,Viton,2004-20aac 4 3 452562b ValVe,gas ballast,buna 1 1 153106fr Vane,gX,1st stage 283945fr Vane,gX,1st stage 283946fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 2 273339 washer,flat,small o.d.,s.s.,m4 3 3 373460 washer,waVed,s.s.,m6 9 9 973461 washer,waVed,s.s.,m8 6 6 6

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

DDC 100/200/300/420

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


precision Scientific


MINoR KITS minor kits include o-rings, ValVes, washers, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERall 65611

MAJoR KITS major kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus Vanes, sPrings, sight glass, couPling element & drain Plug for major oVerhaul. MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERddc 100 65606frddc 200 65609frddc 300 65613frddc 420 65615fr

VANES MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERddc 100 (1st) 65760frddc 100 (2nd) 65760frddc 200 (1st) 65757frddc 200 (2nd) 65756frddc 300 (1st) 65758frddc 300 (2nd) 65756frddc 420 (1st) 65759frddc 420 (2nd) 65756fr

RoToRS MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERddc 100 (1st-lP) 65601ddc 200 (1st-lP) 65801ddc 300 (1st-lP) 65802ddc 420 (1st-lP) 65803ddc 100 (2nd-hP) 65602ddc 200/300/420 (2nd-hP) 65824

RECoMMENDED oILS TYPE PART NuMBERPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhPREC SCI-8

DDC 100/200/300/420

KIT ComponenTS

precision Scientific



SEAL 65612

MINoR 65611

MAJoR 65606FR

MAJoR 65609FR

MAJoR 65613FR

MAJoR 65615FR

65861 blade,2005/10/15/21c&cP 1 1 1 1 152553 couPler,elastic,2004-20a/ac 1 1 1 1 165798 deVice,asb,Viton,2010/15/21c 1 1 1 1 165795 gasket,case,2005/10/15/21c 1 1 1 1 165789 gasket,sight glass 1 1 1 1 171067 key,shaft 1 1 1 165857 membrane 1 1 1 1 1320036 o'ring,Viton,12.1 X 2.7 mm 182024 o'ring,Viton,12.37 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1 179148 o'ring,Viton,165 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 182022 o'ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62 mm 3 3 3 3 379509 o'ring,Viton,28 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 182025 o'ring,Viton,29.3 X 3.6 mm 4 4 4 4 482014 o'ring,Viton,34.1 X 3.6 mm 1 1 1 1 1 182004 o'ring,Viton,5.7 X 1.9 mm 2 2 2 2 2320067 o'ring,Viton,63.09 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1 179516 o'ring,Viton,66 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 182003 o'ring,Viton,7.2 X 1.9 mm 1 1 1 179537 o'ring,Viton,7.5 X 1.5 mm 1 1 1 1 179513 o'ring,Viton,90 X 2 mm 4 4 4 4 465794 Pad,felt,2005/10/15/21c 1 1 1 1 1720007 Pad,felt,2010c2/15sd/05c1/21c2 171040 Pin,centering,2004-63aac-c 2 2 2 2 252752 Plug,drain 3 3 3 2250010 ring,shouldered,2010c2/2021c2 165823 ring,shouldered,coated 1 1 1 182063 seal,shaft,Viton 1 4 4 4 4 465784 sight glass,2010/15/21cP 1 1 165786 sight glass,Pascal c 1 1 1 165792 sleeVe,gas ballast 1 1 1 1 165617 sPring 1 1 1 1 165797 sPring 1 1 1 1 165799 sPring 1 1 1 1 152541 sPring,ValVe 4 2 3 4 453040 sPring,Vane,mw 8 6 8 852655 ValVe,dschrg,Viton,2004-20aac 4 2 3 4 465757fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265758fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265759fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265760fr Vane,gX,1st stage 465756fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 2 2 273301 washer,flat,Plated steel,m6 4 4 4 4 473304 washer,flat,steel,m5 2 2 2 2 284646 washer,waVed 1 1 1 1 173460 washer,waVed,s.s.,m6 8 8 8 8 873452 washer,waVed,steel,m4 4 4 4 4 473453 washer,waVed,steel,m5 1 1 1 1 173454 washer,waVed,steel,m6 10 10 10 10 10

Page 267: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

DD 100/200/300/420

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


precision Scientific


MINoR KITS minor kits include o-rings, gaskets, ValVes, washers, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERall 65874

MAJoR KITS major kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus Vanes, sPrings, sight glass, couPling element & drain Plug for major oVerhaul. MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERdd 100 65885frdd 200 65883frdd 300 65882frdd 420 65881fr

VANES MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERdd 100 (1st) 65760frdd 100 (2nd) 65760frdd 200 (1st) 65757frdd 200 (2nd) 65756frdd 300 (1st) 65758frdd 300 (2nd) 65756frdd 420 (1st) 65759frdd 420 (2nd) 65756fr

RoToRS MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERdd 100 (1st-lP) 65745dd 200 (1st-lP) 65749dd 300 (1st-lP) 65750dd 420 (1st-lP) 65751dd 100 (2nd-hP) 65729all (2nd-hP) 65728

RECoMMENDED oILS TYPE PART NuMBERPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

Page 268: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhPREC SCI-10

DD 100/200/300/420

KIT ComponenTS

precision Scientific



SEAL 65875

MINoR 65874

MAJoR 65885FR

MAJoR 65883FR

MAJoR 65882FR


65861 blade,2005/10/15/21c&cP 1 1 1 1 152553 couPler,elastic,2004-20a/ac 1 1 1 1 165798 deVice,asb,Viton,2010/15/21c 1 1 1 1 165795 gasket,case,2005/10/15/21c 1 1 1 1 171067 key,shaft 1 1 1 165857 membrane 1 1 2 1 184149 o'ring,buna,16 X 2 mm 3 3 3 3 3320036 o'ring,Viton,12.1 X 2.7 mm 1 1 1 1 1 179148 o'ring,Viton,165 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 179509 o'ring,Viton,28 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 182025 o'ring,Viton,29.3 X 3.6 mm 4 4 4 4 482014 o'ring,Viton,34.1 X 3.6 mm 1 1 1 1 1 182004 o'ring,Viton,5.7 X 1.9 mm 3 2 2 2 2320067 o'ring,Viton,63.09 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1 179516 o'ring,Viton,66 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 179537 o'ring,Viton,7.5 X 1.5 mm 1 1 1 1 140005 o'ring,Viton,9.25 X 1.78 mm 179513 o'ring,Viton,90 X 2 mm 4 4 4 4 453474 oil,jet 1 1 1 165794 Pad,felt,2005/10/15/21c 1 1 1 1 1720007 Pad,felt,2010c2/15sd/05c1/21c2 171040 Pin,centering,2004-63aac-c 2 11 11 11 1182604 Plug,drain,Plastic,2004a-2063c 3 3 3 3250011 ring,shouldered,2015sd/05c1 165846 ring,shouldered,standard 1 1 1 182063 seal,shaft,Viton 1 4 4 4 4 465784 sight glass,2010/15/21cP 1 1 1 165792 sleeVe,gas ballast 1 1 1 1 165617 sPring 1 1 1 165797 sPring 1 1 1 1 165799 sPring 1 1 1 1 152541 sPring,ValVe 2 3 4 453040 sPring,Vane,mw 4 6 8 852655 ValVe,dschrg,Viton,2004-20aac 4 4 4 4 465791 ValVe,for Pascal PumP 1 1 1 1 165757fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265758fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265759fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265760fr Vane,gX,1st stage 465756fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 2 2 273301 washer,flat,Plated steel,m6 4 4 4 4 473304 washer,flat,steel,m5 2 2 2 2 284646 washer,waVed 1 1 1 1 173452 washer,waVed,steel,m4 4 4 4 4 473453 washer,waVed,steel,m5 1 1 1 1 173454 washer,waVed,steel,m6 10 18 18 18 18

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

P/PX 100/200/300/420

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


precision Scientific

VANES MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERP/PX 100 (1st-lP) 65760frP/PX 200 (1st-lP) 65757frP/PX 300 (1st-lP) 65758frP/PX 420 (1st-lP) 65759frall (2nd-hP) 65756fr

RoToRS MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERP/PX 100 (1st-lP) 65745P/PX 200 (1st-lP) 65749P/PX 300 (1st-lP) 65750P/PX 420 (1st-lP) 65751all (2nd-hP) 65852


RECoMMENDED oILS TYPE PART NuMBERPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid


MINoR KITS minor kits include o-rings, gaskets, ValVes, washers, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERall 103911

MAJoR KITS major kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus Vanes, sPrings, sight glass, couPling element & drain Plug for major oVerhaul. MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERP/PX 100 103902frP/PX 200 103903frP/PX 300 103904frP/PX 420 103905fr

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhPREC SCI-12

P/PX 100/200/300/420

KIT ComponenTS

precision Scientific



SEAL 65875

MINoR 103911

MAJoR 103902FR

MAJoR 103903FR

MAJoR 103904FR

MAJoR 103905FR

71161 c-cliP,2004/8/12/20aac 1 1 1 1 152553 couPler,elastic,2004-20a/ac 1 1 1 1 1340024 deVice,abs,Viton,brown,70durom 1 1 1 1 171067 key,shaft 1 1 1 152700 leVer,asb,Viton,2012/20a&ac 1 1 1 154340V nib,asb,Viton,2004/8/12/20aac 182007 o'ring,Viton,10.77 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1 1320036 o'ring,Viton,12.1 X 2.7 mm 1 1 1 1 1 179148 o'ring,Viton,165 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 1320035 o'ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62mm 3 3 3 3 379509 o'ring,Viton,28 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 182025 o'ring,Viton,29.3 X 3.6 mm 4 4 4 4 4320109 o'ring,Viton,33 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 182014 o'ring,Viton,34.1 X 3.6 mm 1 1 1 1 1 182004 o'ring,Viton,5.7 X 1.9 mm 3 3 3 3 3320067 o'ring,Viton,63.09 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1 179537 o'ring,Viton,7.5 X 1.5 mm 1 1 1 1 140005 o'ring,Viton,9.25 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1 1 179513 o'ring,Viton,90 X 2 mm 4 4 4 4 4720007 Pad,felt,2010c2/15sd/05c1/21c2 1 1 1 1 1 171040 Pin,centering,2004-63aac-c 4 4 4 4 482604 Plug,drain,Plastic,2004a-2063c 3 3 3 3250011 ring,shouldered,2015sd/05c1 1 1 1 1 165846 ring,shouldered,standard 1 1 182063 seal,shaft,Viton 1 4 4 4 4 465784 sight glass,2010/15/21cP 1 1 1 1580031 sleeVe,gas,ballast,alcatel 1 1 1 1 165797 sPring 1 1 1 1 165799 sPring 1 1 1 1 152541 sPring,ValVe 4 1 4 4 453040 sPring,Vane,mw 8 4 6 8 8390007 ValVe disk,Viton 4 1 4 4 465791 ValVe,for Pascal PumP 1 1 1 1 165757fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265758fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265759fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265760fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265756fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 2 2 2 2420029 washer,flat,steel,Zinc chromat 2 2 2 2 273460 washer,waVed,s.s.,m6 19 19 19 19 1973452 washer,waVed,steel,m4 4 4 4 4 473453 washer,waVed,steel,m5 1 1 1 1 1

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

PC/PCX 100/200/300/420

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


precision Scientific

VANES MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERPc/PcX 100 (1st-lP) 65760frPc/PcX 200 (1st-lP) 65757frPc/PcX 300 (1st-lP) 65758frPc/PcX 420 (1st-lP) 65759frall (2nd-hP) 65756fr

RoToRS MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERPc/PcX 100 (1st-lP) 65601Pc/PcX 200 (1st-lP) 65801Pc/PcX 300 (1st-l) 65802Pc/PcX 420 (1st-lP) 65803all (2nd-hP) 102854


RECoMMENDED oILS TYPE PART NuMBERPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid


MINoR KITS minor kits include o-rings, gaskets, ValVes, washers, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERall 104975

MAJoR KITS major kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus Vanes, sPrings, sight glass, couPling element & drain Plug for major oVerhaul. MoDEL(S) PART NuMBERPc/PcX 100 104976frPc/PcX 200 104977frPc/PcX 300 104978frPc/PcX 420 104979fr

Page 272: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhPREC SCI-14

PC/PCX 100/200/300/420

KIT ComponenTS

precision Scientific



SEAL 65612

MINoR 104975

MAJoR 104976FR

MAJoR 104977FR

MAJoR 104978FR

MAJoR 104979FR

52553 couPler,elastic,2004-20a/ac 1 1 1 1 1340024 deVice,abs,Viton,brown,70durom 1 1 1 1 165789 gasket,sight glass 1 1 1 1 171067 key,shaft 1 1 1 1340023 nib,antisuck back,Viton 1 1 1 1 182007 o'ring,Viton,10.77 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1 1320036 o'ring,Viton,12.1 X 2.7 mm 1 1 1 1 1 179148 o'ring,Viton,165 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 1320035 o'ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62mm 3 3 3 3 479509 o'ring,Viton,28 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1 182025 o'ring,Viton,29.3 X 3.6 mm 4 4 4 4 4320109 o'ring,Viton,33 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 182014 o'ring,Viton,34.1 X 3.6 mm 1 1 1 1 1 140007 o'ring,Viton,34.52 X 3.53 mm 182004 o'ring,Viton,5.7 X 1.9 mm 2 2 2 2 2320067 o'ring,Viton,63.09 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1 182003 o'ring,Viton,7.2 X 1.9 mm 1 1 1 1 179537 o'ring,Viton,7.5 X 1.5 mm 1 1 1 1 140005 o'ring,Viton,9.25 X 1.78 mm 179513 o'ring,Viton,90 X 2 mm 4 4 4 4 4720007 Pad,felt,2010c2/15sd/05c1/21c2 1 1 1 1 1 171040 Pin,centering,2004-63aac-c 4 4 4 4 482604 Plug,drain,Plastic,2004a-2063c 3 3 3 3250010 ring,shouldered,2010c2/2021c2 1250011 ring,shouldered,2015sd/05c1 1 1 1 182063 seal,shaft,Viton 1 4 4 4 4 465784 sight glass,2010/15/21cP 165786 sight glass,Pascal c 1 1 1 1580031 sleeVe,gas,ballast,alcatel 1 1 1 1 165797 sPring 1 1 1 1 165799 sPring 1 1 1 1 152541 sPring,ValVe 4 1 4 4 453040 sPring,Vane,mw 8 4 6 8 8390007 ValVe disk,Viton 4 4 4 4 465757fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265758fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265759fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265760fr Vane,gX,1st stage 465756fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 2 2 2230044fr Vane,gX,oil PumP 1 1 1 1 1420029 washer,flat,steel,Zinc chromat 2 2 2 2 284646 washer,waVed 1 1 1 1 173460 washer,waVed,s.s.,m6 16 16 16 16 1673452 washer,waVed,steel,m4 4 4 4 4 473453 washer,waVed,steel,m5 1 1 1 1 1

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop online @ PrecisionPlus.com!

IndIVIduaL SpareS


precision Scientific

GASKETS525432 gasket,d75 d75525433 gasket,coVer d75,d150525473 gasket,d150 d150525682 gasket,coVer d25525694 gasket,d25 d25

HARDWARE325017 c-cliP d75325018 c-cliP d150325023 c-cliP d25525436 washer,thrust d75525437 washer,thrust d75525475 washer,thrust,s/steel d150525476 washer,seal,s/steel d150525497 washer d75,d150525683 washer,thrust d25

KITS0125717a kit minor rePair m2c,m4c0125717b kit minor rePair m8c,m12c0125717c kit minor rePair m16c619932 kit,minor,rePair m8c,m12cd150a kit,minor,d150 d150d150b kit,major,cast iron,d150 d150d150bit kit major rePair gX d150d25a kit,minor,d25 d25d25b kit,major,cast iron,d25 d25d25bit kit major rePair gX d25d75a kit,minor,d75 d75d75b kit,major,cast iron,d75 d75d75bit kit major rePair gX d75

MISC.245074 grommet d150525419 Pin,sPring d75525420 Pin,sPring d150525686 Pin,sPring d25720013 Pad,felt d18,d28,kVc18,kVc28

o-RINGS232095 o’ring,buna,7.65 X 1.63 mm d150

PLATES525724 Plate,ValVe,s/s d75,d150

SEALS342003 seal,shaft,mechanical,5/8” d75342004 seal,shaft,mechanical,3/4” d150342005 seal,shaft,mechanical,1/2” d25900153 seal,shaft,teflon,40 X 55 X 8 call

SHAFTS528398 shaft,d25 d25528399 shaft,d75 d75528400 shaft,d150 d150

SIGHT GLASSES280017 sight glass,Push in tyPe d25,d75,d150280027 sight glass,threaded tyPe d25,d75,d150

SPRINGS525421 sPring,Vane,d75 d75525422 sPring,Vane,d150 d150528387 sPring,Vane, d25 d25532112 sPring,ValVe d75,d150

VALVES532784 ValVe,eXhaust d25

VANES525418 Vane,cast iron d75525418g Vane gX d75525471 Vane,cast iron d150525471g Vane gX d150535797 Vane,cast iron d25535797g Vane gX d25

Page 274: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop online @ PrecisionPlus.com!


precision Scientific

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

VGD 10/20, VCA/E 25/40/60, VCAH/EH 100

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS



EXHAUST FILTERS moDEL(S) pART nUmbERVca/e 25 (reQ. 1) 313658Vca/e 40/60 (reQ. 4) 731399(after 2000)

Vca/e 40/60 (reQ. 4) 730946(before 2000)

Vcah/eh 100 (reQ. 4) 731400(after 2000)

Vcah/eh 100 (reQ. 4) 730936(before 2000)

Vgd10/20 731023

ALUmInUm VAnES moDEL(S) pART nUmbERVca/e 25 (reQ. 3) 522265Vca/e 40 (reQ. 3) 526676Vca/e 60 (reQ. 3) 524802Vcah/eh 100 (reQ. 3) 521556

RECommEnDED oILS TYpE pART nUmbERPlus 70 (1l/1.06Qt) PP70001general PurPose

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic

Plus 530 (1l/1.06Qt) 530-001 usda h-2 aPProVed general PurPose

Plus 570 (1l/1.06Qt) 570-001usda h-2 aPProVed fully synthetic

EXHAUST FILTER KITS moDEL(S) pART nUmbERVgd 10/20 731023kVca/e 25 464Vca/e 40/60 (after year 2000) 466Vcah/eh 100 (after year 2000) 467

GASKET KITS gasket kits include gaskets, o-rings & shaft seals. moDEL(S) pART nUmbERVca/e 25 1021150101Vca/e 40 1021160101Vca/e 60 1021170101Vcah/eh 100 1021610201

mAJoR REpAIR KITS w/VAnES major rePair kits w/Vanes include all comPonents of eXhaust filter kits & gasket kits Plus o-rings, Vanes, bearings, cou-Plings, sight glass & other comPonents for major oVerhaul. moDEL(S) pART nUmbERVca/e 25 3142Vca/e 40 3143Vca/e 60 3144Vcah/eh 100 3145

Page 276: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

VCA/E 25/40


KIT ComponenTS




GASKET 1021150101

mAJoR 3142

GASKET 1021160101

mAJoR 3143

602059 bearing,ball,single-row deeP grooVe 6304 2 2520913 couPling,buna,.35"id X .70"od X .63"thk 4 4731399 filter,eXhaust 4313658 filter,eXhaust,cast aluminum,Vca/e 25 1526372 gasket,h-shaPe,c-4401,3.50"lgX3.38"wX.04 1 1300120 gasket,mesh,c-4401 1 1316708 gasket,mesh,c-4401 1 1316709 gasket,mesh,c-4401 1 1520571 gasket,rectangular,c-4324 1 1520573 gasket,rectangular,c-4324 1 1312870 gasket,rectangular,c-4401 1 1512895 gasket,rectangular,c-4401 1 1512971 gasket,rectangular,c-4401 1 1520611 gasket,rectangular,c-4401 1 1300121 gasket,ring,7.16idX26odX2mm 1 1704043 gasket,ring,buna,black,21idX29odX2thk mm 1 1420044 gasket,ring,coPPer,.253"idX.384"odX.032" 1 1 1 1704019 gasket,ring,coPPer,.330"idX.541"odX.032" 1 1 1 1704020 gasket,ring,coPPer,.410"idX.620"odX.032" 9 9 7 7704021 gasket,ring,coPPer,.566"idX.698"odX.032" 1 1 1 1704563 gasket,ring,coPPer,.680"idX.897"odX.05"t 1 1 1 1510581 gasket,ring,Viton,black 6 6 3 3502564 gasket,round,c4401 1 1 1 1704044 gasket,sealing ring,oil caP 1 1520615 kit,gasket,PaPer,rietschle Vca 60 1 1 1 1618005 nut,lock,heX,nylon,m8 4 4320229 o'ring,buna,29.87X1.5mm 1 1 1 1320228 o'ring,buna,7.65X3mm 1 1 1 1512551 Plate,leVel,oil,3003 aluminum,3.2lX1.6w 1510756 ring,distance,1018 steel 4 4622300 ring,nilos,steel,2.04"odX1.18"idX.012"th 1 1 1 1622007 ring,retaining,eXternal,16.5idX1.20mm 1 1622003 ring,retaining,eXternal,9.3idX1.00mm 4 4515839 screen,inlet,ss,.18"odX1.00lgX.009"thk 1 1604605 seal,shaft,Viton,sc,20X40X7 mm 2 2 2 2725013 sight glass,assembly,aluminum 2725015 sight glass,assembly,aluminum,m16X1.5 2522265 Vane,alum 6061-t6,2.36"lgX1.41"wX.16"t 3526676 Vane,aluminum 6061-t6,3.74"lX1.42"wX.16t 3620007 washer,flat,Zinc,m8 4 4622051 washer,sPring,waVe,sPring stl 1 1

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

VCA/E 60, VCAH/EH 100


KIT ComponenTS




GASKET 1021170101

mAJoR 3144

GASKET 1021610201

mAJoR 3145

602059 bearing,ball,single-row deeP grooVe 6304 2 2520913 couPling,buna,.35"id X .70"od X .63"thk 4 4731399 filter,eXhaust 4731400 filter,eXhaust 4512612 gasket,frenZelit (green),rectangular 1 1520649 gasket,h-shaPe,c-4401,6.8lX3.5wX.04"thk 1 1520559 gasket,h-shaPed,c-4401 1 1312750 gasket,large rectangular,c-4324 1 1316705 gasket,mesh,c-4324 (graPhite coated) 1 1316726 gasket,mesh,c-4401,5.75"lX4.38"wX.50"thk 1 1300123 gasket,rectangular,c-4324,3.13"X.88"X.04 1 1520659 gasket,rectangular,c-4324,5.75"lX4.25" 1 1513477 gasket,rectangular,c-4401,5.50"X5.0"X.04 1 1313793 gasket,rectangular,sieVe,c4401 1 148202300 gasket,ring,47X55X2 1 1300121 gasket,ring,7.16idX26odX2mm 1 1420044 gasket,ring,coPPer,.253"idX.384"odX.032" 3 3704019 gasket,ring,coPPer,.330"idX.541"odX.032" 1 1704020 gasket,ring,coPPer,.410"idX.620"odX.032" 4 4 8 8704021 gasket,ring,coPPer,.566"idX.698"odX.032" 1 1704563 gasket,ring,coPPer,.680"idX.897"odX.05"t 1 1 3 3510581 gasket,ring,Viton,black 6 6 8 8502564 gasket,round,c4401 1 1 1 1704044 gasket,sealing ring,oil caP 1 1 1 1521434 gasket,traPeZoid shaPe,c-4324 1 1520553 gasket,traPeZoid shaPe,c-4401 1 1704017 gasket.ring,coPPer,.253"idX.385"odX.033" 5 5520615 kit,gasket,PaPer,rietschle Vca 60 1 1618005 nut,lock,heX,nylon,m8 4 4320229 o'ring,buna,29.87X1.5mm 1 1 1 140015 o'ring,buna,7.65 X 1.78 mm 5 5320228 o'ring,buna,7.65X3mm 1 1 1 1512551 Plate,leVel,oil,3003 aluminum,3.2lX1.6w 1 1510756 ring,distance,1018 steel 4 4622300 ring,nilos,steel,2.04"odX1.18"idX.012"th 1 1 2 2622007 ring,retaining,eXternal,16.5idX1.20mm 1 1622003 ring,retaining,eXternal,9.3idX1.00mm 4 4515839 screen,inlet,ss,.18"odX1.00lgX.009"thk 1 1604605 seal,shaft,Viton,sc,20X40X7 mm 2 2 4 4725013 sight glass,assembly,aluminum 2 2524802 Vane,alum 6061-t6,5.51"lX2.19"wX.19"thk 3521556 Vane,alum 6061-t6,7.08"lgX1.41"X.16" thk 3620007 washer,flat,Zinc,m8 4 8622051 washer,sPring,waVe,sPring stl 1 1

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhRIETSCHLE-4

VC 50/75/100/150/200/202/300/303/400

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

VaCFoX rietschle

EXHAUST FILTER KITS eXhaust filter kits include eXhaust filters & access Panel o-rings (as reQuired). moDEL(S) pART nUmbERVc 50/75 474Vc 100/150 475Vc 200 468Vc 202/303 478Vc 300 469Vc 400 470

InLET FILTER KITS inlet filter kits include inlet filters & sealing ring gaskets. moDEL(S) pART nUmbERVc 400 3211f

FILTER SERVICE KITS filter serVice kits include eXhaust filters, inlet filter, access Panel o-rings & sealing ring gaskets. moDEL(S) pART nUmbERVc 100/150 Vc100150fskVc 200 Vc200fskVc 300 Vc300fskVc 400 Vc400fsk

GASKET KITS moDEL(S) pART nUmbERVc 100 1026512001Vc 150 1026522001Vc 200 1021600201Vc 202/303 1027280101Vc 300 1025670101Vc 400 1025681001

mAJoR REbUILD KITS w/VAnES major rebuild kits w/Vanes include all comPonents of eXhaust filter kits & gasket kits Plus o-rings, Vanes, bearings, couPlings, sight glass & other comPonents for major oVerhaul. moDEL(S) pART nUmbERVc 100 3237Vc 150 3238Vc 200 3226Vc 202/303 3259Vc 300 3227Vc 400 3211

EXHAUST FILTERS moDEL(S) pART nUmbERVc 50/75 (reQ. 3) 731468 Vc 100/150 (reQ. 4) 731468Vc 200 (reQ. 4) 731401Vc 202/303 (reQ. 5) 731630Vc 300 (reQ. 7) 731401Vc 400 (reQ. 4) 731400Vc 400 (reQ. 7) 731401

ALUmInUm VAnES moDEL(S) pART nUmbERVc 100/150 (reQ. 3) 528129Vc 200 (reQ. 3) 521638Vc 202/303 (reQ. 3) 528833Vc 300 (reQ. 3) 521639Vc 400 (reQ. 3) 512740

oIL boX GASKETS w/mESH FILTER moDEL(S) pART nUmbERVc 200 314088Vc 300 313504Vc 400 312817

RECommEnDED oILS TYpE pART nUmbERPlus 70 (1l/1.06Qt) PP70001general PurPose

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic

Plus 530 (1l/1.06Qt) 530-001 usda h-2 aPProVed general PurPose

Plus 570 (1l/1.06Qt) 570-001usda h-2 aPProVed fully synthetic

Page 279: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

VC 100/150/200


KIT ComponenTS


VC100,VC150 VC100 VC100 VC150 VC150 VC200pART nUmbER



GASKET 1026512001

mAJoR 3237

GASKET 1026522001

mAJoR 3238


70100330 couPling,sPider,trasco 28,yellow 1 1513258 disc,filter,gas ballast 1731401 filter,eXhaust 4731468 filter,eXhaust 4 4 4730503 filter,intake,42/2 1527529 filter,screen,mesh,inlet 1527601 gasket,inlet 1 1 1 1 1314088 gasket,oil boX,with mesh 1527986 gasket,rectangular,c-4324,6.7X5.3X.04 1 1 1 1527832 gasket,rectangular,c-4401,11"lgX6"X.04"t 1 1 1 1300121 gasket,ring,7.16idX26odX2mm 1 1 1 1704038 gasket,ring,c-4401,1.09"idX1.26"odX.07"t 1 1 1 1704020 gasket,ring,coPPer,.410"idX.620"odX.032" 4 4 4 4704021 gasket,ring,coPPer,.566"idX.698"odX.032" 1 1 1 1704532 gasket,ring,coPPer,.57"idX.78"odX.052" t 4 4 4 4704014 gasket,ring,coPPer,.84"idX.1.05"odX.052" 1 1 1 1704044 gasket,sealing ring,oil caP 1 1 1 1 102120101 o'ring,buna,157 X 3 mm 2 2 2 2320229 o'ring,buna,29.87X1.5mm 1 1 1 1320231 o'ring,Viton (black),53.57X3mm 1 1 1 182018 o'ring,Viton,53.34 X 5.33 mm 1 1 1 1212967 Plate,ValVe,Plastic,assy w/Viton o'ring 1 1 1 1622009 ring,retaining,eXternal,23.2idX1.18mm 1 1622730 ring,retaining,internal,steel2.35idX.078 1 1706467 ring,sealing,coVer,220mm 1604725 seal,shaft,Viton,sc,30X42X7mm 1 1 1 1725013 sight glass,assembly,aluminum 2 2600080 sleeVe,shaft,steel,30idX34odX20mm 2 2716292 sPring,comPression,steel,1.6"X1.6"X.04" 1 1528129 Vane,alum 6061-t6,6.89"lgX1.84"wX.19"t 3 3

Page 280: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

VC 200/300


KIT ComponenTS


VC200 VC200 VC300 VC300 VC300pART nUmbER


GASKET 1021600201

mAJoR 3226


GASKET 1025670101

mAJoR 3227

602020 bearing,ball,single-row deeP grooVe 6307 2 2520913 couPling,buna,.35"id X .70"od X .63"thk 8 8731401 filter,eXhaust 4 7 7730503 filter,intake,42/2 1 1 1317020 filter,mesh,inlet 1 1317021 filter,mesh,inlet 1 1520981 gasket,filter,inlet mesh 1 1521410 gasket,filter,inlet mesh 1 1521409 gasket,h-shaPe,c-4324 1 1520980 gasket,h-shaPe,c-4324 (graPhite coated) 1 1313504 gasket,oil boX,with mesh 1 1 1314088 gasket,oil boX,with mesh 1 1513498 gasket,rectangular,c-4324 1 1513924 gasket,rectangular,c-4401 1 1521421 gasket,rectangular,c-4401 1 1 1 1704024 gasket,ring,c-4401 1 1 1 1704039 gasket,ring,c-4401 1 1 1 1704020 gasket,ring,coPPer,.410"idX.620"odX.032" 4 4 5 5704021 gasket,ring,coPPer,.566"idX.698"odX.032" 1 1 1 1510581 gasket,ring,Viton,black 9 9 14 14507973 gasket,round,c-4401 (green) 2 2 2 2704044 gasket,sealing ring,oil caP 1 1 1521420 gasket,traPeZoid shaPe,c-4401 1 1 1 1704017 gasket.ring,coPPer,.253"idX.385"odX.033" 6 6 9 9300119 kit,gasket,PaPer,rietschle Vc 200 1 1 1 1618005 nut,lock,heX,nylon,m8 8 802125117 o'ring,buna,12.37 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1320229 o'ring,buna,29.87X1.5mm 1 1320230 o'ring,buna,39.35X2mm 1 1512551 Plate,leVel,oil,3003 aluminum,3.2lX1.6w 1 1510756 ring,distance,1018 steel 8 8622552 ring,nilos,steel,3.15"odX1.88"idX.012"th 2 2 2 2622019 ring,retaining,eXternal,27.9idX1.50mm 2 2622003 ring,retaining,eXternal,9.3idX1.00mm 8 8706467 ring,sealing,coVer,220mm 1 1 1706471 ring,sealing,coVer,290mm 1 1 1515839 screen,inlet,ss,.18"odX1.00lgX.009"thk 1 1604511 seal,shaft,Viton,sc,32X52X7 mm 4 4 4 4725013 sight glass,assembly,aluminum 2 2521638 Vane,alum 6061-t6,5.51"lX2.19"wX.19"thk 3521639 Vane,aluminum 6061-t6,5.51"lX2.19"wX.19t 3620007 washer,flat,Zinc,m8 8 8622721 washer,nylon,fits 1/4 screw 4 4622053 washer,sPring,waVe,sPring st 1 1

Page 281: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

VC 202/303/400


KIT ComponenTS


VC202/VC303 VC202/VC303 VC400 VC400 VC400pART nUmbER


GASKET 1027280101

mAJoR 3259


GASKET 1025681001

mAJoR 3211

600017 bearing,roller,45X100X36mm wide 2404177 couPling,buna,.68"id X 1.13"od X 1.04"th 127311844 couPling,sPider 1 1730080 element,filter,inlet 4 4731400 filter,eXhaust 4 4731401 filter,eXhaust 7 7731630 filter,eXhaust,Vc202/303 5730503 filter,intake,42/2 1 1 1212308 float,ValVe 1 1519665 gasket,coVer,inlet filter 1 1 1529997 gasket,oil boX coVer,380X230X1.5mm 1 1312817 gasket,oil boX,with mesh 1 1 1519666 gasket,rect,c-4324,12"sQX.04"thk 1 1509306 gasket,rect,c-4324,12.00"sQX.04"thk 1 1512700 gasket,rect,c-4324,12.00"sQX.04"thk 2 2510325 gasket,rect,c-4324,19.25"lgX2.00"X.04"t 1 1704039 gasket,ring 1 1704063 gasket,ring 2 2704044 gasket,ring,buna 1 1704024 gasket,ring,c-4401 3 3704039 gasket,ring,c-4401 2 2704038 gasket,ring,c-4401,1.09"idX1.26"odX.07"t 4 4300126 gasket,ring,c-4401,1.67"idX1.92"odX.07" 1 194800200000 gasket,ring,coPPer 2 2300087 gasket,ring,coPPer 6 6704020 gasket,ring,coPPer,.410"idX.620"odX.032" 3 3704021 gasket,ring,coPPer,.566"idX.698"odX.032" 2 2704552 gasket,ring,coPPer,.645"idX.86"odX.052"t 4704563 gasket,ring,coPPer,.680"idX.897"odX.05"t 1510581 gasket,ring,Viton,black 8 8509401 gasket,round,c4324,4.88"dia X .02"thk 2 2704044 gasket,sealing ring,oil caP 1 1529070 inlet screen 102125117 o'ring,buna,12.37 X 2.62 mm 1 1320230 o'ring,buna,39.35X2mm 1 140015 o'ring,buna,7.65 X 1.78 mm 2 2320253 o’ring,Viton,69X3 1 1706612 o’ring,Viton,105X3 3 3706583 o’ring,Viton,188X3 3 3706191 o'ring,Viton,78.74X5mm 2 2512662 Plate,leVel,oil,3003 aluminum 1304226 Plug,fill,oilwgasket 1622007 ring,retaining,eXternal,16.5idX1.20mm 12622084 ring,retaining,eXternal,35.2idX1.75mm 1622755 ring,retaining,internal 1706467 ring,sealing,coVer,220mm 1 1 1706471 ring,sealing,coVer,290mm 1 1 1506407 ring,sealing,filter,inlet 4 4 4506408 ring,sealing,filter,inlet 4 4 4604732 seal,shaft,35X47X7 1 1604508 seal,shaft,Viton,sc,40X55X7 mm 1 1604513 seal,shaft,Viton,sc,40X62X7 mm 1 1725013 sight glass,assembly,aluminum 2600087 sleeVe,teflon 2528837 ValVe,fingers,eXhaust 1213081 ValVe,Plate,eXhaust 1214012 ValVe,inlet 1 1528833 Vane,alloy 3512740 Vane,aluminum 6061-t6,12.19"lX3.13wX.23t 3622721 washer,nylon,fits 1/4 screw 8622054 washer,sPring,waVe,sPring steel 2

Page 282: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhRIETSCHLE-8

VC 500/700/900/1100/1300

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

VaCFoX rietschle

EXHAUST FILTER KITS eXhaust filter kits include eXhaust filters & access Panel o-rings (as reQuired). moDEL(S) pART nUmbERVc 500/700 471Vc 900 472Vc 1100/1300 473

InLET FILTER KITS inlet filter kits include inlet filters & sealing ring gaskets. moDEL(S) pART nUmbERVc 500/700 3212fVc 900/1100 3214f

FILTER SERVICE KITS filter serVice kits include eXhaust filters, inlet filter, access Panel o-rings & sealing ring gaskets. moDEL(S) pART nUmbERVc 500/700 Vc500700fskVc 900 Vc900fsk

GASKET KITS moDEL(S) pART nUmbERVc 500/700 1025701001

mAJoR REbUILD KITS w/VAnES major rebuild kits w/Vanes include all comPonents of eXhaust filter kits & gasket kits Plus o-rings, Vanes, bearings, couPlings, sight glass & other comPonents for major oVerhaul. moDEL(S) pART nUmbERVc 500/700 3212

EXHAUST FILTERS moDEL(S) pART nUmbERVc 500/700 (reQ. 14) 731401Vc 900 (reQ. 8) 731400Vc 900 (reQ. 14) 731401Vc 1100/1300 (reQ. 8) 731400Vc 1100/1300 (reQ. 21) 731401

ALUmInUm VAnES moDEL(S) pART nUmbERVc 500/700 (reQ. 3) 526584

oIL boX GASKETS w/mESH FILTER moDEL(S) pART nUmbERVc 500/700 312865Vc 900 312881

RECommEnDED oILS TYpE pART nUmbERPlus 70 (1l/1.06Qt) PP70001general PurPose

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic

Plus 530 (1l/1.06Qt) 530-001 usda h-2 aPProVed general PurPose

Plus 570 (1l/1.06Qt) 570-001usda h-2 aPProVed fully synthetic

Page 283: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

VC 500/700/900/1100/1300


KIT ComponenTS


VC500,VC700 VC500,VC700 VC500,VC700 VC500,VC700 VC500,VC700pART nUmbER





GASKET 1025701001

mAJoR 3212

600017 bearing,roller,45X100X36mm wide 2404177 couPling,buna,.68"id X 1.13"od X 1.04"th 12730080 element,filter,inlet 6 6 6731401 filter,eXhaust 14 14 14730503 filter,intake,42/2 2 2519670 gasket,coVer,inlet filter 1 1 1519671 gasket,filter,rect,neoPrene,14.7X8.5X.13 1 1312865 gasket,oil boX,with mesh 1 1 1510325 gasket,rect,c-4324,19.25"lgX2.00"X.04"t 1 1511168 gasket,rect,c4324,17.5"lgX12"wX.04"t 1 1512807 gasket,rect,c4324,17.5"lgX12"wX.04"t 2 2704039 gasket,ring,c-4401 2 2704038 gasket,ring,c-4401,1.09"idX1.26"odX.07"t 4 4704020 gasket,ring,coPPer,.410"idX.620"odX.032" 3 3704021 gasket,ring,coPPer,.566"idX.698"odX.032" 3 3704552 gasket,ring,coPPer,.645"idX.86"odX.052"t 8 8704563 gasket,ring,coPPer,.680"idX.897"odX.05"t 1 1510581 gasket,ring,Viton,black 12 12509401 gasket,round,c4324,4.88"dia X .02"thk 2 2300124 gasket,round,Plastic,248idX280odX.15t mm 2 2704044 gasket,sealing ring,oil caP 1 1 102125117 o'ring,buna,12.37 X 2.62 mm 1 1320230 o'ring,buna,39.35X2mm 2 240015 o'ring,buna,7.65 X 1.78 mm 3 3706191 o'ring,Viton,78.74X5mm 3 3512662 Plate,leVel,oil,3003 aluminum 1622007 ring,retaining,eXternal,16.5idX1.20mm 12622084 ring,retaining,eXternal,35.2idX1.75mm 1706471 ring,sealing,coVer,290mm 2 2 2 2506407 ring,sealing,filter,inlet 6 6 6506408 ring,sealing,filter,inlet 6 6 6604508 seal,shaft,Viton,sc,40X55X7 mm 1 1604513 seal,shaft,Viton,sc,40X62X7 mm 1 1725013 sight glass,assembly,aluminum 2526584 Vane,aluminum 6061-t6,17.75"lX3.13"wX.23 3622721 washer,nylon,fits 1/4 screw 8622054 washer,sPring,waVe,sPring steel 2

VC900 VC900 VC900,VC1100 VC1100,VC1300pART nUmbER






730080 element,filter,inlet 5 5731400 filter,eXhaust 8 8 8731401 filter,eXhaust 14 14 21730503 filter,intake,42/2 2519674 gasket,coVer,inlet filter 1312881 gasket,oil boX,with mesh 1704044 gasket,sealing ring,oil caP 1706467 ring,sealing,coVer,220mm 2 2 3706471 ring,sealing,coVer,290mm 2 2 3506407 ring,sealing,filter,inlet 5 5506408 ring,sealing,filter,inlet 5 5

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Shop online @ precisionplus.com!

IndIVIduaL SpareS



bEARInGS600017 bearing,roller,45X100X36mm wide Vc400602020 bearing,ball,single-row deeP grooVe 6307 Vc200602059 bearing,ball,single-row deeP grooVe 6304 Vca/h25

CoUpLInGS404177 couPling,buna,.68”id X 1.13”od X 1.04”th Vc400520913 couPling,buna,.35”id X .70”od X .63”thk Vca/h25

ELEmEnTS730080 element,filter,inlet Vc 400,Vc 500,Vc 700,Vc 900

FILTERS313658 filter,eXhaust,cast aluminum,Vca/e25 Vca/h25317020 filter,mesh,inlet Vc200317021 filter,mesh,inlet Vc300527529 filter,screen,mesh,inlet Vc 100,Vc 150730503 filter,intake,42/2 Vc400730936 filter,coalescing eXhaust730937 filter,coalescing eXhaust730946 filter,coalescing eXhaust731023 filter,coalescing eXhaust Vgd10,Vgd20731399 filter,eXhaust Vca/e40731400 filter,eXhaust Vc400,Vc900731401 filter,eXhaust Vc200,Vc300,Vc400,Vc500,Vc700,Vc900731468 filter,eXhaust Vc100,Vc150731630 filter,eXhaust Vc202,Vc303

GASKETS300120 gasket,mesh,c-4401 Vca/e40300121 gasket,ring,7.16idX26odX2mm Vca/e40300123 gasket,rectangular,c-4324,3.13”X.88”X.04 Vcah/eh100300124 gasket,round,Plastic,248idX280odX.15t mm Vc500,Vc700300126 gasket,ring,c-4401,1.67”idX1.92”odX.07” Vc400312750 gasket,large rectangular,c-4324 Vca/e60312817 gasket,oil boX,with mesh Vc 400312865 gasket,oil boX,with mesh Vc500,Vc700312870 gasket,rectangular,c-4401 Vca/e25312881 gasket,oil boX,with mesh Vc 900313504 gasket,oil boX,with mesh Vc 300313793 gasket,rectangular,sieVe,c4401 Vcah/eh100314088 gasket,oil boX,with mesh Vc 200316705 gasket,mesh,c-4324 (graPhite coated) Vca/e60316708 gasket,mesh,c-4401 Vca/e40316709 gasket,mesh,c-4401 Vca/e25316726 gasket,mesh,c-4401,5.75”lX4.38”wX.50”thk Vcah/eh100420044 gasket,ring,coPPer,.253”idX.384”odX.032” Vca/e25502564 gasket,round,c4401 Vca/e25507973 gasket,round,c-4401 (green) Vc200509306 gasket,rect,c-4324,12.00”sQX.04”thk Vc400509401 gasket,round,c4324,4.88”dia X .02”thk Vc400510325 gasket,rect,c-4324,19.25”lgX2.00”X.04”t Vc400510581 gasket,ring,Viton,black Vca/e25511168 gasket,rect,c4324,17.5”lgX12”wX.04”t Vc500,Vc700 512612 gasket,frenZelit (green),rectangular Vca/e60512700 gasket,rect,c-4324,12.00”sQX.04”thk Vc400512807 gasket,rect,c4324,17.5”lgX12”wX.04”t Vc500,Vc700512895 gasket,rectangular,c-4401 Vca/e25512971 gasket,rectangular,c-4401 Vca/e40513477 gasket,rectangular,c-4401,5.50”X5.0”X.04 Vcah/eh100513498 gasket,rectangular,c-4324 Vc300513924 gasket,rectangular,c-4401 Vc200 519665 gasket,coVer,inlet filter Vc400519666 gasket,rect,c-4324,12”sQX.04”thk Vc400519670 gasket,coVer,inlet filter Vc500,Vc700519671 gasket,filter,rect,neoPrene,14.7X8.5X.13 Vc500,Vc700519674 gasket,coVer,inlet filter Vc 900520553 gasket,traPeZoid shaPe,c-4401 Vca/e60520559 gasket,h-shaPed,c-4401 Vca/e60520571 gasket,rectangular,c-4324 Vca/e25520573 gasket,rectangular,c-4324 Vca/e40520611 gasket,rectangular,c-4401 Vca/e25520649 gasket,h-shaPe,c-4401,6.8lX3.5wX.04”thk Vcah/eh100520659 gasket,rectangular,c-4324,5.75”lX4.25” Vcah/eh100520980 gasket,h-shaPe,c-4324 (graPhite coated) Vc200520981 gasket,filter,inlet mesh Vc200 521409 gasket,h-shaPe,c-4324 Vc300521410 gasket,filter,inlet mesh Vc 300521420 gasket,traPeZoid shaPe,c-4401 Vc200521421 gasket,rectangular,c-4401 Vc200521434 gasket,traPeZoid shaPe,c-4324 Vcah/eh100

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop online @ precisionplus.com!

IndIVIduaL SpareS



GASKETS (ConT.)526007 gasket,eXhaust filter Vgd10,Vgd20526372 gasket,h-shaPe,c-4401,3.50”lgX3.38”wX.04 Vca/e40527601 gasket,inlet Vc 100527832 gasket,rectangular,c-4401,11”lgX6”X.04”t Vc 100527986 gasket,rectangular,c-4324,6.7X5.3X.04 Vc 100704014 gasket,ring,coPPer,.84”idX.1.05”odX.052” Vc 100704017 gasket.ring,coPPer,.253”idX.385”odX.033” Vc200704019 gasket,ring,coPPer,.330”idX.541”odX.032” Vca/e25,Vca/e40,Vca/e60,Vca/h25,Vca/h60704020 gasket,ring,coPPer,.410”idX.620”odX.032” Vca/e25704021 gasket,ring,coPPer,.566”idX.698”odX.032” Vca/e25704024 gasket,ring,c-4401 Vc200704038 gasket,ring,c-4401,1.09”idX1.26”odX.07”t Vc400704039 gasket,ring,c-4401 Vc200704043 gasket,ring,buna,black,21idX29odX2thk mm Vca/e25704044 gasket,sealing ring,oil caP Vca/e40704532 gasket,ring,coPPer,.57”idX.78”odX.052” t Vc 100704552 gasket,ring,coPPer,.645”idX.86”odX.052”t Vc500,Vc700704563 gasket,ring,coPPer,.680”idX.897”odX.05”t Vca/e25

HARDWARE618005 nut,lock,heX,nylon,m8 Vca/h25620007 washer,flat,Zinc,m8 Vca/h25622051 washer,sPring,waVe,sPring stl Vca/h25622053 washer,sPring,waVe,sPring st Vc200622054 washer,sPring,waVe,sPring steel Vc400622721 washer,nylon,fits 1/4 screw Vc400

KITS1021150101 kit,gasket,rietschle Vca/e 25 Vca/e251021160101 kit,gasket,rietschle Vca/e 40 Vca/e401021170101 kit,gasket,rietschle Vca/e 60 Vca/e601021600201 kit,gasket,rietschle Vc200 Vc2001021610201 kit,gasket,rietschle Vcah/eh 100 Vcah/eh1001025670101 kit,gasket,rietschle Vc 300 Vc3001025681001 kit,gasket,rietschle Vc400 Vc4001025701001 kit,gasket,rietschle Vc500/700 Vc500,Vc7001026512001 kit,gasket,rietschle Vc 100 Vc 1001026522001 kit,gasket,rietschle Vc150 Vc150300119 kit,gasket,PaPer,rietschle Vc 200 V c2003142 kit,major,rebuild Vca/h253143 kit,major,rebuild Vca/e 40 Vca/e403144 kit,major,rePair Vca/h603145 kit,major,rebuild,Vce/Vca100 Vcah/eh1003211 kit,major,rebuild,Vc400 Vc4003211f kit filter inlet Vc 4003212 kit,major,rebuild,Vc500 Vc500,Vc7003212f kit filter inlet Vc 500,Vc 7003214f kit filter inlet Vc 900,Vc 11003226 kit,major,rebuild,Vc200 Vc2003227 kit,major,rebuild,rietschle Vc 300 Vc3003237 kit,major,rebuild,Vc100 Vc1003238 kit,major,rebuild,Vc150 Vc150464 kit,filter,eXhaust Vca/e 25 Vca/e 25466 kit,filter,eXhaust Vca/e40,Vca/e60467 kit,filter,eXhaust Vcah/eh 100 Vcah/eh 100468 kit, eXhaust filter Vc200469 kit,filter,eXhaust Vc300470 kit, eXhaust filter Vc400471 kit, eXhaust filter Vc500,Vc700472 kit, eXhaust filter Vc900473 kit, filter, eXhaust, Vc1100, Vc1300 Vc1100, Vc1300474 kit, filter, eXhaust, Vc50,Vc75 Vc50, Vc75475 kit, eXhaust filter Vc100,Vc150520615 kit,gasket,PaPer,rietschle Vca 60 Vca/e25731023k kit,filter,eXhaust Vgd10,Vgd20Vc100150fsk kit filter serVice Vc 100,Vc 150Vc200fsk kit filter serVice Vc 200 Vc300fsk kit filter serVice Vc 300Vc400fsk kit filter serVice Vc 400Vc500700fsk kit filter serVice Vc 500,Vc 700Vc900fsk kit filter serVice Vc 900

mISC.212967 Plate,ValVe,Plastic,assy w/Viton o’ring Vc 100512551 Plate,leVel,oil,3003 aluminum,3.2lX1.6w Vca/e40512662 Plate,leVel,oil,3003 aluminum Vc400513258 disc,filter,gas ballast Vc 100,Vc 150515839 screen,inlet,ss,.18”odX1.00lgX.009”thk Vca/h25

Page 286: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop online @ precisionplus.com!

IndIVIduaL SpareS



o-RInGS320228 o’ring,buna,7.65X3mm Vca/e25320229 o’ring,buna,29.87X1.5mm Vca/e25320230 o’ring,buna,39.35X2mm Vc300320231 o’ring,Viton (black),53.57X3mm Vc 100706191 o’ring,Viton,78.74X5mm Vc400

RInGS506407 ring,sealing,filter,inlet Vc400506408 ring,sealing,filter,inlet Vc400510756 ring,distance,1018 steel Vca/h25622003 ring,retaining,eXternal,9.3idX1.00mm Vca/h25622007 ring,retaining,eXternal,16.5idX1.20mm Vca/h25622009 ring,retaining,eXternal,23.2idX1.18mm Vc100622019 ring,retaining,eXternal,27.9idX1.50mm Vc200622084 ring,retaining,eXternal,35.2idX1.75mm Vc400622300 ring,nilos,steel,2.04”odX1.18”idX.012”th Vca/e25622552 ring,nilos,steel,3.15”odX1.88”idX.012”th Vc200622730 ring,retaining,internal,steel2.35idX.078 Vc100706467 ring,sealing,coVer,220mm Vc200706471 ring,sealing,coVer,290mm Vc300

SEALS604508 seal,shaft,Viton,sc,40X55X7 mm Vc400604511 seal,shaft,Viton,sc,32X52X7 mm Vc200604513 seal,shaft,Viton,sc,40X62X7 mm Vc400604605 seal,shaft,Viton,sc,20X40X7 mm Vca/e25604725 seal,shaft,Viton,sc,30X42X7mm Vc 100

SIGHT GLASSES725013 sight glass,assembly,aluminum Vca/e40725015 sight glass,assembly,aluminum,m16X1.5 Vca/h25

SLEEVES600080 sleeVe,shaft,steel,30idX34odX20mm Vc100

SpRInGS716292 sPring,comPression,steel,1.6”X1.6”X.04” Vc100

VAnES512740 Vane,aluminum 6061-t6,12.19”lX3.13wX.23t Vc400521556 Vane,alum 6061-t6,7.08”lgX1.41”X.16” thk Vca/e100521638 Vane,alum 6061-t6,5.51”lX2.19”wX.19”thk Vc200521639 Vane,aluminum 6061-t6,5.51”lX2.19”wX.19t Vc300522265 Vane,alum 6061-t6,2.36”lgX1.41”wX.16”t Vca/e25524802 Vane,alum 6061-t6,5.51”lX2.19”wX.19”thk Vca/e60526584 Vane,aluminum 6061-t6,17.75”lX3.13”wX.23 Vc500,Vc700526676 Vane,aluminum 6061-t6,3.74”lX1.42”wX.16t Vca/e40528129 Vane,alum 6061-t6,6.89”lgX1.84”wX.19”t Vc100,Vc150528833 Vane,aluminum Vc202,Vc303

Page 287: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

212/412 H-11

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FEaTurEd SparES



SEAL & GASKET KITS seal & gasket kits include mechanical shaft seal(s), o-rings, claPPer or PoPPet ValVes, gaskets, sight glass & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr212 h-11 (claPPer ValVe) 4296389k412 h-11 (claPPer ValVe) 42963812k212 h-11 (PoPPet ValVe) 4296389kP412 h-11 (PoPPet ValVe) 42963812kP

rEpAIr KITS rePair kits include all comPonents of seal & gasket kits Plus V-belts, solenoid coil, bearings (as noted) & other comPonents. mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr212 H-11 (claPPer ValVe) 4296389212 H-11 (claPPer w/bearings) 4296389B412 H-11 (claPPer ValVe) 42963812412 H-11 (claPPer w/bearings) 42963812B 212 H-11 (PoPPet ValVe) 4296389P212 H-11 (PoPPet w/bearings) 4296389BP412 H-11 (PoPPet ValVe) 42963812P412 H-11 (PoPPet w/bearings) 42963812BP

bLOCK rEbOrE pACKAGES block rebore Packages include new hinge bars & sPacer. oVer-boring of hinge bar bore. aVailable in north america only. all items shiPPed to Precision Plus must be striPPed & cleaned. contaminated items will not be accePted & will be returned at customer’s eXPense. mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr212 H-11 21211REBORE412 H-11 41211REBORE

pISTOn SLIdES mOdEL(S) pArT numbErall 243595011

HInGE bArS mOdEL(S) pArT numbErall (standard siZe) 297857004all (1/32 oVersiZe) 297857006all (1/16 oVersiZe) 297857007all (1/8 oVersiZe) 297857012

HInGE bAr SpACErS mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr412 h-11 (standard siZe) 268788001412 h-11 (1/32 oVersiZe) 268788002412 h-11 (1/16 oVersiZe) 268788003412 h-11 (1/8 oVersiZe) 268788007

ECCEnTrICS (CAmS) mOdEL(S) pArT numbErall (hollow) 278575001all (solid) 252459001

SHAFTS mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr212 h-11 252616012412 h-11 262992005

SHAFT SEALS mOdEL(S) pArT numbErall (mech) 085029600all (liP) 427121002

VALVE ASSEmbLIES mOdEL(S) pArT numbErall (stainless) 263840004all (Zytel) 263840006all (PoPPet j) 607417001

Page 288: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

212/412 H-11




212H-11 212H-11 212H-11 212H-11 212H-11 212H-11pArT numbEr


SEAL (CLAp) 4296389K

SEAL (pOp) 4296389Kp

rEpAIr (CLAp) 4296389

rEpAIr (pOp) 4296389p

rEpAIr /brGS (C) 4296389b

rEpAIr /brGS (p) 4296389bp

085-044-345 ball bearing 50mm X 90mm X 30.2mm 2 2276-781-002 claPPer ValVe Zytel 4 4 4085-034-799 dome PyreX with glass dome gasket 1 1 1 1 1 1264127001 gasket,coVer,reserVoir 1 1 1 1 2 2246765002 gasket,housing,212h-10/ 212h-11 1 1 1 1 1 1085038817 gasket,oil indicator,buna 1 1 1 1 1 1085038818 gasket,oil indicator,Vitond 1 1 1 1 1 1246763002 gasket,Plate,ValVe coVer 1 1 1 1 1 1243926002 gasket,ValVe Plate 2 2 2 2 2 2607-416-001 insert, ValVe caP 148 212 412 4 4 4085-024-135 kit o ring for check ValVe 1 1 1 1 1 1085-036-101 leVel sight gauge 2" od 1 1 1 1 1 1085019755 o'ring,buna,125.8 X 3.53mm 2 2 2 2 2 2085-029-600 rotary oil seal 212/412j 2 2 2 2 2 2085-030-950 solenoid coil 220/240V 50/60hZ 1 1 1 1274-172-001 sPring ValVe 4 4 4085024138 sPring,check ValVe,s/s 1 1 1 1 1 1085013669 V-belt,single,212h-11 3 3 3 3607-415-001 ValVe PoPPet 148 212 412 4 4 4085-052-306 ValVe sPring 148 212 412 4 4 4

412H-11 412H-11 412H-11 412H-11 412H-11 412H-11pArT numbEr


SEAL (CLAp) 42963812K

SEAL (pOp) 42963812Kp

rEpAIr (CLAp) 42963812

rEpAIr (pOp) 42963812p

rEpAIr /brGS (C) 42963812b

rEpAIr /brGS (p) 42963812bp

085-044-345 ball bearing 50mm X 90mm X 30.2mm 2 2085013726 belt,"V",set of 4 1 1 1 1276-781-002 claPPer ValVe Zytel 8 8 8269043001 gasket,housing,412h-11 1 1 1 1 1 1269037001 gasket,oil seParator 1 1 1 1 1 1243926002 gasket,ValVe Plate 4 4 4 4 4 4085034530 indicator,oil flow,412h-11 1 1 1 1 1 1607-416-001 insert, ValVe caP 148 212 412 8 8 8085-024-135 kit o ring for check ValVe 2 2 2 2 2 2085-036-101 leVel sight gauge 2" od 1 1 1 1 1 1085019755 o'ring,buna,125.8 X 3.53mm 2 2 2 2 2 2248-411-011 oil reserVoir coVer gasket 1 1 1 1 1 1085-033-232 roller bearing 2.1654" id X 3.9370" od 1 1085-029-600 rotary oil seal 212/412j 1 1 1 1 1 1085-029-430 solenoid coil 220/440V 50/60hZ 12w 1 1 1 1274-172-001 sPring ValVe 8 8 8085024138 sPring,check ValVe,s/s 2 2 2 2 2 2607-415-001 ValVe PoPPet 148 212 412 8 8 8085-052-306 ValVe sPring 148 212 412 8 8 8


Page 289: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

212/412 J

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FEaTurEd SparES



SEAL & GASKET KITS seal & gasket kits include PoPPet ValVes, gaskets, o-rings, mechanical shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr212 j 429638016412 j 429638015

rEpAIr KITS REPaiR KiTS iNCLUDE aLL COMPONENTS Of SEaL & gaSKET KiTS PLUS V-BELTS, SOLENOiD COiL, BEaRiNgS (aS NOTED) & OTHER COMPONENTS. mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr212 J 429638016RK212 J (w/bearings) 429638016RKB412 J 429638015RK412 J (w/bearings) 429638015RKB

bLOCK rEbOrE pACKAGES block rebore Packages include new hinge bar & sPacer. oVer-boring of hinge bar bore area. aVailable in north america only all items shiPPed to Precision Plus must be striPPed & cleaned. contaminated items will not be accePted & will be returned at customer’s eXPense. mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr212 J 21211REBORE412 J 41211REBORE

pISTOn SLIdES mOdEL(S) pArT numbErall 243595011

HInGE bArS mOdEL(S) pArT numbErall (standard siZe) 297857004all (1/32 oVersiZe) 297857006all (1/16 oVersiZe) 297857007all (1/8 oVersiZe) 297857012

HInGE bAr SpACErS mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr412 j (standard siZe) 268788001412 j (1/32 oVersiZe) 268788002412 j (1/16 oVersiZe) 268788003412 j (1/8 oVersiZe) 268788007

ECCEnTrICS (CAmS) mOdEL(S) pArT numbErall (hollow) 278575001all (solid) 252459001

SHAFTS mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr212 j 252616012412 j 262992005

SHAFT SEALS mOdEL(S) pArT numbErall (mech) 085029600

VALVE ASSEmbLIES mOdEL(S) pArT numbErall 607417001

rECOmmEndEd OILS TYpE pArT numbErPlus 77 (20l/5.28gal) PP77020general PurPose oil (eQu. to V-lube b)

Page 290: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

212/412 J





212J 212J 212J 412J 412J 412JpArT numbEr


SEAL/GASKET 429638016

rEpAIr 429638016rK

rEpAIr w/brGS 429638016rKb

SEAL/GASKET 429638015

rEpAIr 429638015rK

rEpAIr KIT w/brGS 429638015rKb

085-019-757 ball bearing 2 2276-781-002 claPPer ValVe Zytel 4 4 4 8 8 8269-037-001 gasket oil seParator 1 1 1243-926-002 gasket ValVe Plate 2 2 2 4 4 4607-416-001 insert, ValVe caP 148 212 412 4 4 4 8 8 8085-050-116 o ring 1 3/4" id X .139" section 1 2 2 2 2 2085-050-115 o ring 1/2 id X .139 w -206 1 1 1 2 2 2085-050-117 o ring 13 1/2" id X .139" section 2 2 2 2 2 2085-050-737 o ring 15.375" X .210" section 1 1 1085-050-192 o ring 15/16 id X .139w -213 1 1 1 2 2 2085-050-761 o ring 18" id X .210" section 1 1 1085-050-118 o ring 23" id X .210" section 1 1 1085-050-119 o ring 28 1/4" id X .210" section 1 1 1085-019-755 o ring 4 7/8" id X 5 1/8" od X .139 2 2 2 2 2 2085-041-609 o ring 5/8" id X .139" section Viton½ 4 4 4 4 4 4085-033-232 roller bearing 2.1654" id X 3.9370" o 1085-029-600 rotary oil seal 212/412j 2 2 2 1 1 1085-050-128 screen wire mesh 24 X 24 .014 1 1 1 2 2 2085-050-120 seal 1/4 id X 5/8 od X 3/16 tk 1 1 1 2 2 2085-029-430 solenoid coil 220/440V 50/60hZ 12w 1 1 1 1274-172-001 sPring ValVe 4 4 4 8 8 8085-013-669 V belt a section 91.3"Pl set of 3 1 1085-050-126 V belt b section set of 3 1 1085-050-122 ValVe chk crtg brs body 1"d X 1 1 1 2 2 2246-763-002 ValVe coVer Plate gasket 1 1 1607-415-001 ValVe PoPPet 148 212 412 4 4 4 8 8 8085-052-306 ValVe sPring 148 212 412 4 4 8 8 8

Page 291: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

212/412 H-10

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FEaTurEd SparES



SEAL & GASKET KITS seal & gasket kits include shaft seal kits, o-rings, claPPer ValVes, gaskets, sight glasses & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr212 h-10 4296388k412 h-10 42963811k


bLOCK rEbOrE pACKAGES block rebore Packages include new hinge bar & sPacer. oVer-boring of hinge bar bore area. aVailable in north amer-ica only. all items shiPPed to Precision Plus must be striPPed & cleaned. contaminated items will not be accePted & will be returned at customer’s eXPense. mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr212 H-10 21210REBORE412 H-10 41210REBORE

pISTOn SLIdES mOdEL(S) pArT numbErall 243595011

HInGE bArS mOdEL(S) pArT numbErall (standard siZe) 297857004all (1/32 oVersiZe) 297857006all (1/16 oVersiZe) 297857007

HInGE bAr SpACErS mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr412 h-10 (standard siZe) 248407004412 h-10 (1/32 oVersiZe) 248407005412 h-10 (1/16 oVersiZe) 248407006

ECCEnTrICS (CAmS) mOdEL(S) pArT numbErall (hollow) 278575001all (solid) 252459001

SHAFT SEALS mOdEL(S) pArT numbErall 085018189

VALVE ASSEmbLIES mOdEL(S) pArT numbErall (stainless h) 263840004all (Zytel h) 263840006

rECOmmEndEd OILS TYpE pArT numbErPlus 77 (20l/5.28gal) PP77020general PurPose oil (eQu. to V-lube b)

Page 292: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

212/412 H-10





212H-10 212H-10 412H-10 412H-10pArT numbEr



rEpAIr 4296388


rEpAIr 42963811

085013726 belt,"V",set of 4 1276-781-002 claPPer ValVe Zytel 4 4 8 8085-039-008 comPound Primer n .02 fl oZ 4 4 2 2085-039-009 comPound retaining .5ml 2 2 1 1246764002 gasket,coVer Plate,212h-10 1 1248413002 gasket,housing 1 1246765002 gasket,housing,212h-10/ 212h-11 1 1248409002 gasket,oil seParator 1 12661351 gasket,oil seParator 1 1243926002 gasket,ValVe Plate 2 2 4 4085-024-135 kit o ring for check ValVe 1 1 2 2085010163 o'ring,Viton,2-7/8 id X 1/8" 2 2 1 1248-411-011 oil reserVoir coVer gasket 1 108518189ss seal,shaft,212/412h-10 2 2 1 152114 sight glass,oil leVel 1 1 1 1085-030-950 solenoid coil 220/240V 50/60hZ 1085-029-430 solenoid coil 220/440V 50/60hZ 12w 1274-172-001 sPring ValVe 4 4 8 8085024138 sPring,check ValVe,s/s 1 1 2 2085013669 V-belt,single,212h-11 3

Page 293: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

148/149 H-11

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FEaTurEd SparES



SHAFT SEAL KITS mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr148 h-10 085018194 149 h-11 085029599

SEAL & GASKET KITS seal & gasket kits include all comPonents of shaft seal kits Plus o-rings, claPPer ValVes, gaskets, sight glasses & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr148 h-10 4296384k149 h-11 4296386k

rEpAIr KITS rePair kits include all comPonents of seal & gasket kits, Plus V-belts, solenoid coil, bearings (as noted) & other comPonents. mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr148 h-10 4296384148 h-10 (w/bearings) 4296384b149 h-11 4296386149 h-11 (w/bearings) 4296386b

HInGE bArS mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr148 h-10 (standard) 254688007148 h-10 (1/32) 254688008148 h-10 (1/16) 254688009149 h-11 (standard) 247689013149 h-11 (1/32) 247389004149 h-11 (1/16) 247389005

ECCEnTrICS (CAmS) mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr148 h-10 254-612-005 149 h-11 247-394-008

pISTOn & SLIdES mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr148 h-10 254-609-001149 h-11 247-392-005

SOLEnOId VALVES (InCLudES COIL) mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr149 h-11 u30011271

FLOw IndICATOrSmOdEL(S) pArT numbErall 085034799

bEArInGS mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr148 h-10 085016211149 h-11 085019247

CLAppEr VALVES mOdEL(S) pArT numbErall (Plastic) 276781002all (stainless) 272963002

rECOmmEndEd OILS TYpE pArT numbErPlus 77 (20l/5.28gal) PP77020general PurPose oil (eQu. to V-lube b)

Page 294: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

148/149 H-11





148H-10 148H-10 148H-10 148H-10 149H-11 149H-11 149H-11 149H-11

pArT numbEr


SHAFT SEAL 085018194

SEAL/GSK 4296384K

rEpAIr 4296384

rEpAIr w/brGS 4296384b

SHAFT SEAL 085029599

SEAL/GSK 4296386K

rEpAIr 4296386

rEpAIr w/brGS 4296386b

085-019-247 ball bearing 35mm id X 72mm od 2085016211 bearing,roller,45mm 2085015088 belt,"V",63" long 1 1276-781-002 claPPer ValVe Zytel 2 2 2 3 3 3085-039-008 comPound Primer n .02 fl oZ 2 4 4 4085-039-009 comPound retaining .5ml 1 2 2 2085-034-799 dome PyreX with glass dome gasket 1 1 1 1 1257654001 gasket,148h-10 1 1 1257663001 gasket,148h-10 1 1 1247404003 gasket,149h-11 1 1 1264127001 gasket,coVer,reserVoir 1 1 1263475001 gasket,housing 1 1 1085038817 gasket,oil indicator,buna 1 1 1 1 1085038818 gasket,oil indicator,Vitond 1 1 1 1 1247381002 gasket,oil seParator 1 1 1243926002 gasket,ValVe Plate 1 1 1085-036-101 leVel sight gauge 2" od 1 1 1 1 1 1085014704 o'ring,buna,101.19 X 3.53mm 2 2 2085010102 o'ring,buna,85.32 X 3.53 mm 2 2 2085024131 o'ring,Viton,12.37 X 2.62mmng 1 1 1 1 1 1085024132 o'ring,Viton,15.54 X 2.62mmng 1 1 1 1 1 1085-024-133 rePlacement Pt.-back uP ring 1 1 1 1 1 1085-029-599 rotary oil seal 149 PumP 1 2 2 208518194ss seal,shaft,148h-10 1 2 2 2085-030-950 solenoid coil 220/240V 50/60hZ 1 1 1 1274-172-001 sPring ValVe 2 2 2 3 3 3085024134 sPring,for #230b-2PP-2PP 1 1 1 1 1 1085-013-615 V belt a section 76.3"Pl set of 3 1 1

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh


kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FEaTurEd SparES



SEAL KITS seal kits include shaft seals, shaft sleeVe, Primer & retaining comPound. mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr306/310 4240891

SHIm KITS shim kits include (4) each of a Variety of shims ranging from 0.002” to 0.062”. mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr607/615/622 424097001

bOOSTEr rEpAIr KITS booster rePair kits include shims, shaft seals, coVer gaskets & other comPonents reQuired for booster rePair. kits are offered in clockwise or counter-clockwise rotation, with or without bearings (as noted). mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr306/310 424094001607 (cw) 424096003cw607 (ccw) 424096003ccw615/622 (cw) 424096002cw615/622 (ccw) 424096002ccw615/622 (cw / no bearings) 615cwnb615/622 (ccw / no bearings) 615ccwnb

bEArInGS mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr306/310 085037645306/310 085037646607/615/622 085044345

SHAFT SEALS mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr306/310 (ccw-blue) 085040198615/622 (radial liP) 085040707615/622 (cw-red) 085043463615/622 (ccw-blue) 085043469

SHAFT SLEEVES mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr306/310 429296005607 430726008615/622 430726002

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh





306,310 306,310 607,615,622 607 607pArT numbEr


SEAL 4240891

bOOSTEr 424094001

SHIm 424097001

bOOSTEr 424096003Cw

bOOSTEr 424096003CCw

085-044-345 ball bearing 50mm X 90mm X 30.2mm 4 4085-037-646 ball bearing double row 1.1811" id 3085-037-645 ball bearing single row 1085-039-008 comPound Primer n .02 fl oZ 1 2085-039-009 comPound retaining .5ml 1 1085-040-199 o ring 1 1/8" id X .070" section 1085-040-011 o ring 1 3/4" id X .070" section 1 1022-002-240 o ring 2-1/8 id X 2-3/8 od 1085-038-990 o ring 4-3/8" id X .103" section 1085038990 o'ring,buna,111.1 X 2.62mm 1085040199 o'ring,Viton,28.6 X 1.78mm 1085-040-116 oil seal 1 3/8" id X 1 7/8" od 1 1085040198 seal,inner,ccw,blue 1 1085040707 seal,shaft,radial liP 1 1085-043-469 shaft oil seal 2 shaft ccw 1085-043-463 shaft oil seal 2 shaft cw 1429-296-005 shaft sleeVe 1430-726-008 shaft sleeVe 1 1085-038-847 shim arbor 1-1/8 id X 1-5/8 od 5085-038-838 shim arbor rd stl 1-3/4 id X 4 4 4085-038-843 shim arbor stl 1-1/8 idX1-5/8 3085-038-839 shim rd st .002 X 1-3/4 id 4 4 4085-038-846 shim rd st .005 X 1-1/8 thd 4085-038-837 shim rd st .007 X 1-3/4 id 4 4 4085-038-836 shim rd st .008 X 1-3/4 id 4 4 4085-038-844 shim rd st .015 X 1-1/8 id 1085-038-835 shim rd st .025 X 1-3/4 id 4 4 4085-039-031 shim rd st .031 X 1-1/8 id 1085-038-834 shim rd st .031 X 1-3/4 id 4 4 4085-038-833 shim rd st .062 X 1-3/4 id 4 4 4085-038-845 shim rd stl 010 X 1-1/8 id 1429296005 sleeVe,shaft 1431-240-001 stePPed key 1 1

615,622 615,622 615,622 615,622pArT numbEr


bOOSTEr-Cw 424096002Cw

bOOSTEr-CCw 424096002CCw

bSTr-Cw nO brGS 615Cwnb

bSTr-CCw nO brGS 615CCwnb

085-044-345 ball bearing 50mm X 90mm X 30.2mm 4 4424338002 gasket,coVer 1 1 1 1431240001 key,stePPed 1 1 1 1085040011 o'ring,Viton,44.17 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1 1085043469 seal,shaft,ccw,blue 1 1085043463 seal,shaft,cw,red 1 1085040707 seal,shaft,radial liP 1 1 1 1085-038-838 shim arbor rd stl 1-3/4 id X 4 4 4 4085-038-839 shim rd st .002 X 1-3/4 id 4 4 4 4085-038-837 shim rd st .007 X 1-3/4 id 4 4 4 4085-038-836 shim rd st .008 X 1-3/4 id 4 4 4 4085-038-835 shim rd st .025 X 1-3/4 id 4 4 4 4085-038-834 shim rd st .031 X 1-3/4 id 4 4 4 4085-038-833 shim rd st .062 X 1-3/4 id 4 4 4 4430726002 sleeVe,shaft,615 & 622 1 1 1 1

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh


kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FEaTurEd SparES



mInOr KITS minor kits include o-rings, gaskets, ValVes, sPrings, couPling elements & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr005 424092001009 429319001013 4240761017/023 4240781

mAJOr KITS major kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus Vanes, sPrings & bushings for major oVerhaul. mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr005 424091001kit009 429320001kit013 4240771kit017/023 4240791kit

VAnES mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr013 (1st-lP) 4276051g013 (2nd-hP) 4276061g017/023 (1st-lP) 4276074g017/023 (2nd-hP) 4276081g

buSHInGS mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr013 (front Plate) 428219001013 (int. Plate) 428218001013 (end Plate) 428219001017/023 (front Plate) 428219001017/023 (int. Plate) 428218001

COupLInGS mOdEL(S) pArT numbEr013 085039449017/023 085039480

rECOmmEndEd OILS TYpE pArT numbErPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh






005 005 009 009pArT numbEr


mInOr 424092001

mAJOr 424091001KIT

mInOr 429319001

mAJOr 429320001KIT

428-219-001 bearing 1428-810-001 bearing end Pl 1428-809-001 bearing front Pl 1427-716-001 disc gas ballast ValVe 1 1 1 1429-009-001 gasket gas ballast 1 1429-488-002 key rotor 1085-007-754 key woodruff 5/32 X 5/8 X 5/8 1430-184-003 leaf sPring 1 1085-040-564 loVejoy couPling sPider 1 1085-037-672 o ring .644" id X .087" section 2 2 2 2085-040-204 o ring 1 1/16" id X .103" section 1085-039-333 o ring 1 1/8" id 1 1 1 1085-039-642 o ring 1 11/16" id X .103" section 1 1085-023-256 o ring 1 11/64" id X .116" section 1 1085-027-613 o ring1/2" id X .103 section 1085-039-700 o'ring .644 id X .818 od 1085-038-218 oil seal 3085-039-187 oil seal 2085-039-629 oil seal .375" id X 1" od X 1/4" 1429-004-003 orifice 2429-004-001 orifice gas ballast 1427-647-001 Pin gerotor driVe 1429-473-002 Pin sPring guide 1428-121-002 reserVoir gasket 1 1429-487-003 reserVoir gasket 1 1428-825-001 rotor key 1085-040-406 sPring comP .360 o.d. X .026 1 1 1085-039-280 sPring comP 55 .120 o.d. .020 3 5429-314-001 sPring eXhaust ValVe 3 3430-322-001 sPring eXhaust ValVe 2 2429-937-002 ValVe disc 1 1 1429-345-001 ValVe eXhaust 2 2 3 3427985004g Vane gX 1st stage 11 cfm 2429471006g Vane gX 1st stage 7 cfm 2427986004g Vane gX 2nd stage 11 cfm 2429472005g Vane gX 2nd stage 7 cfm 2429474002g Vane gX oil PumP 7 cfm 1

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh





013 013 17,023 17,023pArT numbEr


mInOr 4240761

mAJOr 4240771KIT

mInOr 4240781

mAJOr 4240791KIT

01855 ball,steel 1 1428-217-001 bearing end 1 1428219001 bushing,front Plate 2 1428218001 bushing,intermediate Plate 1085-040-224 comPression sPring ss 1 1085039449 couPling,sPider,l-075 1 1085039480 couPling,sPider,l-095 1 14279502 gasket,case 1 1427749001 gasket,reserVoir 1 1427649001 key,steel,3/4" X 3/16" 1 1085039877 o'ring,Viton,.1.78 X 1.78mm 1 1085039252 o'ring,Viton,.19.05 X 3.53mm 1 1 1 1085039189 o'ring,Viton,.41.28 X 2.62mm 1 1 1085039191 o'ring,Viton,.41.28 X 5.33mm 1 1 1 1085037672 o'ring,Viton,.644 X .087" 2 2 2 2085039235 o'ring,Viton,.65.07 X 2.62mm 1085018635 o'ring,Viton,1-13/16 id X 3/32" 1 1 1 1085027613 o'ring,Viton,12.70 X 2.62mm 1 1 1 1085039448 o'ring,Viton,17.17 X 1.78 mm 1 1085040204 o'ring,Viton,26.64 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1085040225 o'ring,Viton,261.4 X 2.7 mm 1 1427-647-002 Pin,gerotor driVe 1 1085039187 seal,liP,oil 2 2 2 2085039263 seal,shaft,liP,Viton 1 1 1 1085039279 sPring,comPression,s/s 1 1085039280 sPring,comPression,s/s 6 6429314001 sPring,eXhaust ValVe 4 4 4 4429345001 ValVe,eXhaust 4 4 4 4427716001 ValVe,gas ballast,disc,teflon 1 1 1 1429925001 ValVe,rubber,anti suck back 1 14276051g Vane,gX,1st stage 24276074g Vane,gX,1st stage 24276061g Vane,gX,2nd stage 24276081g Vane,gX,2nd stage 2

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bEArInGS085-019-757 ball bearing 412j,412-14085-033-232 roller bearing 2.1654” id X 3.9370” od 412j-14,412h-11085016211 bearing,roller,45mm 148h-10085019247 bearing,ball,35mm id X 72mm od 149h-11085037645 bearing,ball,radial,single row 306,310085037646 bearing,ball,radial,dbl.,1.1811 id 306,310085044345 use - 085-044-345 607,615,622428-219-001 bearing V-009-2

buSHInGS256732001 bushing,center428218001 bushing,intermediate Plate 013,017,023428219001 bushing,front Plate 013,017,023

CAmS247-394-008 eccentric 149 149h-11252459001 eccentric,cam,solid,412 212h-10,412h-10254-612-005 eccentric 148 148h-10278575001 eccentric,cam,hollow,212/412 212h-10

COupLInGS085-040-564 loVejoy couPling sPider V-005-2085039449 couPling,sPider,l-075 013085039480 couPling,sPider,l-095 017,023

GASKETS085038817 gasket,oil indicator,buna 146h-11085038818 gasket,oil indicator,Vitond 146h-11243926002 gasket,ValVe Plate 412h-11246763002 gasket,Plate,ValVe coVer 146h-11246764002 gasket,coVer Plate,212h-10 212h-10246765002 gasket,housing,212h-10/ 212h-11 212h-10,212h-11247381002 gasket,oil seParator 149h-11247404003 gasket,149h-11 149h-11248409002 gasket,oil seParator 412h-102484092cork gasket,oil seParator 412h-10248413002 gasket,housing 412h-10257654001 gasket,148h-10 148h-10,148-41257663001 gasket,148h-10 148h-10263475001 gasket,housing 149h-11264127001 gasket,coVer,reserVoir 146h-112661351 gasket,oil seParator 212h-10269037001 gasket,oil seParator 412h-11269043001 gasket,housing,412h-11 412h-11424338002 gasket,coVer 607615427749001 gasket,reserVoir 017,0234279502 gasket,case 013428121002 gasket,reserVoir V-009-2429-009-001 gasket gas ballast 009429-487-003 reserVoir gasket 005

HArdwArE085-007-754 key woodruff 5/32 X 5/8 X 5/8 V-005-2264523001 key,woodruff,1-3/8” X 1/4” 149h-11,212h-10,212h-11,412h-10,412h-11264524001 key,woodruff,1-1/2” X 3/8” 1 49h-11,212h-10,212h-11,412h-10,412h-1127154-018 washer shoulder rV3,rV5,rV8,rV12400047 screw,shcs,5/16-18X3/4”l 212h-11,412h-11408-324-005 sQuare key for ecc 412h-11427649001 key,steel,3/4” X 3/16” 013429-488-002 key rotor V-005-2431-240-001 stePPed key 607431240001 key,stePPed 607,615247389004 hingebar,oVersiZe,1/32”,149-11 149h-11247389005 hingebar,oVersiZe,1/16”,149-11 149h-11247389013 hingebar,standard siZe,149-11 149h-11254688007 hingebar,standard siZe,148-10 148h-10254688008 hingebar,oVersiZe,1/32”,148-10 148h-10254688009 hingebar,oVersiZe,1/16”,148-10 148h-10297857004 hinge bar,standard 2 12h-10,412h-10297857006 hinge bar,o/s,1/32” 212h-10,412h-10297857007 hinge bar,o/s,1/16” 212h-10,412h-10297857012 hinge bar,o/s,1/8” 212h-11,412h-11

KITS085-024-135 kit o ring for check ValVe 412h-11085018194 kit,shaft seal,148h-10 148h-10263840006 ass’y,eXhaust ValVe,std.,nylon claPPer 212h-11,412h-114240761 kit,minor,013 0134240771kit kit,major,gX 013

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

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KITS (COnT.)4240781 kit,minor,017/023 017,0234240791kit kit,major,gX 170234240891 kit,blower seal,306/310 306,310424091001kit kit major rePair gX 7 cfm V-005-2424092001 kit,minor rePair,V-005-2 005424094001 kit,Parts,306/310-401 306,310424096002 ccw kit,booster,counter clockw,615 607615424096002cw kit,booster,clockwise,607/615 607615424096003ccw kit,rePair,counter clockwise,607 607424096003cw kit,rePair,clockwise,607 607424097001 kit,shim,607/615 607,615429319001 kit,minor rePair,009-2 009429320001kit kit major rePair gX 11 cfm V-009-2429638015 kit,maintenance,412-14j 412j429638015rk kit,rePair,w/coil 412j,412-14429638015rkb kit,rePair,w/bearings & coil 412j,412-14429638016 sPares kit 212j-14 212j429638016rk kit,rePair,with coil 212j429638016rkb kit,rePair,with bearings and coil 212j42963811 kit,rePair,standard,412h10 412h-1042963811k kit,seal&gasket,412h-10 412h-1042963812 kit,rePair,w/coil 412h-1142963812b kit,rePair,w/bearings & coil 4 12h-1142963812bP kit,rePair,w/ bearing & coil,,PoPPet42963812k kit,seal&gasket 412h-1142963812kP kit,seal & gasket,PoPPet,412h-11 412h-1142963812P kit,rePair,w/ coil,PoPPet,412h-11 412h-114296384 kit,reP.,std,wo/brgs,148h-10 148h-104296384b kit,std.,w/bearings,148h-10 148h-104296384k kit,seal&gasket,148h-10 148h-104296386 kit,rePair,standard,149h-11 149h-114296386b kit,rePair,w/bearings,149h-11 149h-114296386k kit,seal&gasket,149h-11 149h-114296388 kit,rePair,standard,212h-10 212h-104296388k kit,seal&gasket,212h-10 212h-104296389 kit,rePair,w/coil 212h-114296389b kit,rePair,w/bearing & coil 212h-114296389k kit,seal&gasket 212h-114296389kP kit,seal & gasket,PoPPet,212h-11 212h-114296389P kit,rePair,w/ coil,PoPPet,212h-11 212h-11615ccwnb kit,blower,w/o brngs,607/615 607615615cwnb kit,blower,w/o brngs,607/615 607615

mISC.01855 ball,steel 013085-024-133 rePlacement Pt.-back uP ring 148h-10,149h-11 085-034-799 dome PyreX with glass dome gasket 148h-10,149-11085-036-101 leVel sight gauge 2” od 412h-11085-039-008 comPound Primer n .02 fl oZ 148h-10085-039-009 comPound retaining .5ml 148h-10085-040-224 comPression sPring ss 013085-050-128 screen wire mesh 24 X 24 .014 412j085021037 indicator,ball,flow,bronZe085021873 Plug,eXPansion,1-7/8 od X .083” thk.,s/s 412-h11 085034530 indicator,oil flow,412h-11 412h-11085034799 dome,PyreX,w/glass dome gasket 148h-10,149-11408-867-004 belt guard assy 412h-11411-381-002 belt guard assy 212h-11427-647-001 Pin gerotor driVe V-009-2427-647-002 Pin,gerotor driVe 013428-217-001 bearing end 013428-809-001 bearing front Pl V-009-2428-810-001 bearing end Pl V-009-2429-473-002 Pin sPring guide V-005-2430-184-003 leaf sPring 005606-766-001 belt guard assembly consisting 212j607-416-001 insert, ValVe caP 148 212 412 412j

O-rInGS022-002-240 o ring 2-1/8 id X 2-3/8 od 306,310085-019-689 o ring 2 3/8” id X 2 1/2” od sV300085-023-256 o ring 1 11/64” id X .116” section V-005-2085-038-218 oil seal V-005-2085-039-187 oil seal085-039-333 o ring 1 1/8” id 005085-039-629 oil seal .375” id X 1” od X 1/4” V-009-2085-039-642 o ring 1 11/16” id X .103” section V-005-2085-039-700 o’ring .644 id X .818 od V-009-2085-040-116 oil seal 1 3/8” id X 1 7/8” od 306,310085-041-609 o ring 5/8” id X .139” section Viton½ 412j

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

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O-rInG (COnT.)085-050-115 o ring 1/2 id X .139 w -206 412j085-050-116 o ring 1 3/4” id X .139” section 412j085-050-117 o ring 13 1/2” id X .139” section 412j085-050-118 o ring 23” id X .210” section 412j085-050-119 o ring 28 1/4” id X .210” section 412j085-050-192 o ring 15/16 id X .139w -213 412j085-050-737 o ring 15.375” X .210” section 212j085-050-761 o ring 18” id X .210” section 212j085010102 o’ring,buna,85.32 X 3.53 mm 148h-10085010163 o’ring,Viton,2-7/8 id X 1/8” 212h-10,412h-10085014704 o’ring,buna,101.19 X 3.53mm 149h-11085018635 o’ring,Viton,1-13/16 id X 3/32” V-013-2,017-2,023-2085019755 o’ring,buna,125.8 X 3.53mm 412h-11085024131 o’ring,Viton,12.37 X 2.62mmng 148h-10085024132 o’ring,Viton,15.54 X 2.62mmng 148h-10085027613 o’ring,Viton,12.70 X 2.62mm 013-2,017,023085037672 o’ring,Viton,.644 X .087” 013,017,023085038990 o’ring,buna,111.1 X 2.62mm 306,310085039189 o’ring,Viton,.41.28 X 2.62mm 149h-11,013,017,023085039191 o’ring,Viton,.41.28 X 5.33mm 013,017,023 085039235 o’ring,Viton,.65.07 X 2.62mm 017,023,d18,d28085039252 o’ring,Viton,.19.05 X 3.53mm 013,017,023085039448 o’ring,Viton,17.17 X 1.78 mm 013085039877 o’ring,Viton,.1.78 X 1.78mm 013,017,023085040011 o’ring,Viton,44.17 X 1.78 mm 615085040199 o’ring,Viton,28.6 X 1.78mm 306,310085040204 o’ring,Viton,26.64 X 2.62 mm ts300,013,017,023085040225 o’ring,Viton,261.4 X 2.7 mm 017,023085040915 o’ring,Viton,79 X 3 mm 75cd,120cde085040928 o’ring,Viton,45.7 X 3 mm 08519755V o’ring,Viton,123.42 X 3.53 mm 212h-11,412h-11248-411-011 oil reserVoir coVer gasket 412h-11429-004-001 orifice gas ballast V-009-2429-004-003 orifice V-005-2

pISTOn SLIdES243595011 Piston slide 212/412 212h-10,412h-10247-392-005 Piston & slide 149 149h-11254-609-001 Piston & slide 148 148h-10

SEALS085018189 seal rot 1-7/8 id X 2-5/8 od 212h-10,412h-10085029599 seal,shaft 149h-11085029600 seal,shaft,mechanicial 212h-11,412h-11085039187 seal,liP,oil 013085039263 seal,shaft,liP,Viton 013,017,023085040198 seal,inner,ccw,blue 306,310085040707 seal,shaft,radial liP 607,615085043463 seal,shaft,cw,red 607,615085043469 seal,shaft,ccw,blue 607,615,62208518189ss seal,shaft,212/412h-10 212h-10,412h-1008518194ss seal,shaft,148h-10 148h-1008538203ss seal,shaft,149h-11 149h-11427121002 assy,seal,o.e.m. 212h-11,412h-11

SHAFTS252616012 shaft, 212h-11, 212j 212h-11, 212j 262992005 shaft,412h-11 412h-11, 412j262992005 shaft,412h-11 412h-11, 412j

SHImS085-038-833 shim rd st .062 X 1-3/4 id 607,615085-038-834 shim rd st .031 X 1-3/4 id 607,615085-038-835 shim rd st .025 X 1-3/4 id 607,615085-038-836 shim rd st .008 X 1-3/4 id 607,615085-038-837 shim rd st .007 X 1-3/4 id 607,615085-038-838 shim arbor rd stl 1-3/4 id X 607,615085-038-839 shim rd st .002 X 1-3/4 id 607,615085-038-843 shim arbor stl 1-1/8 idX1-5/8 3 06,310085-038-844 shim rd st .015 X 1-1/8 id 306,310085-038-845 shim rd stl 010 X 1-1/8 id 306,310085-038-846 shim rd st .005 X 1-1/8 thd 306,310085-038-847 shim arbor 1-1/8 id X 1-5/8 od 306,310085-039-031 shim rd st .031 X 1-1/8 id 306,310

SIGHT GLASSES52114 sight glass,oil leVel 412h-10

SLEEVES429296005 sleeVe,shaft 306,310

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop Online @ precisionplus.com!

IndIVIduaL SparES



SLEEVES (COnT.)430726002 sleeVe,shaft,615 & 622 607,615430726008 sleeVe,shaft,607 615,622

SOLEnOId COILS & VALVES085-029-430 solenoid coil 220/440V 50/60hZ 12w 412h-11085-030-950 solenoid coil 220/240V 50/60hZ 146h-13,148h-10,149h-11,212h-10,212h-11085680033 coil, solenoid, 240/60, 220/50 212,412085680034 coil, solenoid, 480/60, 440/50 212,412u30011271 solenoid ValVe 1/4” nPt 7/32” orifice 149h-11085030713hV ValVe, solenoid, 240/60, 220/50 212,412085030713lV ValVe, solenoid, 480/60, 440/50 212,412

SpACErS248407004 sPacer,standard,412h-10 412h-10248407005 sPacer,oVersiZe,1/32”,412h-10 412h-10248407006 sPacer,hingebar,1/16” os,412-10 412h-10268788001 sPacer,hingebar,standard,412-11 412h-11268788002 sPacer,hingebar, 1/32” oVersiZe,412h-11 412h-11268788003 sPacer,hingebar,1/16” os 412h-11268788007 sPacer,hingebar,1/8” os,412-11 412h-11 SprInGS085-039-280 sPring comP 55 .120 o.d. .020 V-005-2,V-009-2085-040-406 sPring comP .360 o.d. X .026 005085024134 sPring,for #230b-2PP-2PP 148h-10085024138 sPring,check ValVe,s/s 212h-10,212h-11,212-41,412h-10,412h-11085039279 sPring,comPression,s/s 013,017,023085039280 sPring,comPression,s/s 01308539768a sPring 013,017,02308539768b sPring 013,017,023274172002 sPring,ValVe,s/sel 212h-11,412h-11429314001 sPring,eXhaust ValVe 013

VALVES085-050-122 ValVe chk crtg brs body 1”d X 412j085-052-306 ValVe sPring 148 212 412 412j246-763-002 ValVe coVer Plate gasket 212j263840004 assy,eXh. ValVe,hd,s/s,claPPer 212h-11,412h-11272963002 ValVe,claPPer,stainless steel 148h10,149h-11276781002 ValVe,claPPer,Zytel 148h-10403-626-003 ValVe caP 212h-11,412h-11403-636-002 ValVe seat 212h-11,412h-11427716001 ValVe,gas ballast,disc,teflon 013429-345-001 ValVe eXhaust 005429-937-002 ValVe disc 005429345001 ValVe,eXhaust 013,017,023429925001 ValVe,rubber,anti suck back 013,017,023607-415-001 ValVe PoPPet 148 212 412 412j607417001 assembly,ValVe,PoPPet 212h-11,412h-11

VAnES4276051g Vane,gX,1st stage 0134276061g Vane,gX,2nd stage 0134276074g Vane,gX,1st stage 170234276081g Vane,gX,2nd stage 17023427985004g Vane gX 1st stage 11 cfm V-009-2427986004g Vane gX 2nd stage 11 cfm V-009-2429471006g Vane gX 1st stage 7 cfm V-005-2429472005g Vane gX 2nd stage 7 cfm V-005-2429474002g Vane gX oil PumP 7 cfm V-005-2429474002g Vane gX oil PumP 7 cfm V-005-2

VbELTS085-013-615 V belt a section 76.3”Pl set of 3 149h-11085013669 V-belt,single,212h-11 212h-10085013726 belt,”V”,set of 4 412h-10,412h-11085015088 belt,”V”,63” long 148h-10

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

D 330/650/950 K/DK, VD 301/401, VS 1501/2401

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS



VANE KITS Vane kits include 1st & 2nd stage Vanes only. designed to work in either belt or direct driVe PumP model. moDEL(S) pArT NUmbErd 330 k/dk 330Vkd 650 k/dk 650Vkd 950 k/dk 950VkVd 301 301VkVd 401 401VkVs 1501 1501VkVs 2401 (Versions 1 & 2) 2401Vk

LIGHT mAINTENANCE KITS light maintenance kits include shaft seals, o-rings, ValVes, sPrings & other comPonents (as aPPlicable) for general serVice of the PumP module. k/dk PumP kits aVailable with either buna or Viton seals & o-rings. moDEL(S) pArT NUmbErd 330 k/dk (buna) 330lmkbd 330 k/dk (Viton) 330lmkVd 650 k/dk (buna) 650lmkbd 650 k/dk (Viton) 650lmkVd 950 k/dk (buna) 950lmkbd 950 k/dk (Viton) 950lmkVVd 301 (Viton) 301lmkVd 401 (Viton) 401lmkVs 1501 1501lmkVs 2401 (Ver 1) 2401lmkV1Vs 2401 (Ver 2) 2401lmkV2

mAJor oVErHAUL KITS w/VANES major oVerhaul kits include the comPonents of Vane kits Plus shaft seals, bearings, o-rings, ValVes, sPrings & other comPonents (as aPPlicable) for general serVice of the PumP module. k/dk PumP kits aVailable with either buna or Viton seals & o-rings. moDEL(S) pArT NUmbErd 330 k/dk (buna) 1001802d 330 k/dk (Viton) 1011474d 650 k/dk (buna) 1001804d 650 k/dk (Viton) 1028029d 950 k/dk (buna) 1001803d 950 k/dk (Viton) 1005862Vd 301 (Viton) 301mokVd 401 (Viton) 401mokVs 1501 1501mokVs 2401 (Ver 1) 2401mokV1Vs 2401 (Ver 2) 2401mokV2

VANES moDEL(S) pArT NUmbErd 330 k/dk (1st stage/2 reQ.) 1010278d 330 k/dk (2nd stage/2 reQ.) 1010282d 650 k/dk (1st stage/4 reQ.) 1010278d 650 k/dk (2nd stage/2 reQ.) 1010278d 950 k/dk (1st stage/6 reQ.) 1010278d 950 k/dk (2nd stage/2 reQ.) 1010282Vd 301 (1st stage/2 reQ.) 1027512Vd 301 (2nd stage/2 reQ.) 1027513Vd 401 (1st stage/2 reQ.) 1029270Vd 401 (2nd stage/2 reQ.) 1027513Vs 1501 (1st stage/2 reQ.) 1030830Vs 2401 (all) (1st stage/2 reQ.) 1030888

rECommENDED oILS TYpE pArT NUmbErPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

D 330 K/DK



KIT ComponenTS

D330K/DK D330K/DK D330K/DK D330K/DK D330K/DKpArT NUmbEr



mAINT (b) 330LmKb

mAINT (V) 330LmKV

mAJor (b) 1001802

mAJor (V) 1011474

1002008 bearing,ball,6205,25 X 52 X 15 sus 1 1 1 11000243 bearing,roller,nu205c3, 25 X 52 X 15 sus 1 1 1 11011249 gasket,oil leVel gauge 49 X 29 X 1 mm 1 1 1 1300143b gasket,suction Port,buna,52 X 37 X 3 mm 1 1300143V gasket,suction Port,Viton,52 X 37 X 3 mm 1 11006094 hose,teflon tube,6 X 4 X 240 mm 1 1 1 1410011 nut synfleX,sn 1/4b brass (1260 x 4) 2 2 2 21006067b o'ring,buna,as568-262 177.39 X 3.53mm 1 11002011b o'ring,buna,jis g-35, 34.4 X 3.1 mm 1 11006065b o'ring,buna,jis g-40, 39.4 X 3.1 mm 1 11006064b o'ring,buna,jis g-85, 84.4 X 3.1 mm 1 11005048b o'ring,buna,jis P-18, 17.8 X 2.4 mm 2 21006066b o'ring,buna,jis P-38, 37.7 X 3.5 mm 1 11006067V o'ring,Viton,as568-262 177.39 X 3.53mm 1 11002011V o'ring,Viton,jis g-35, 34.4 X 3.1 mm 1 11006065V o'ring,Viton,jis g-40, 39.4 X 3.1 mm 1 11006064V o'ring,Viton,jis g-85, 84.4 X 3.1 mm 1 11005048V o'ring,Viton,jis P-18, 17.8 X 2.4 mm 2 21006066V o'ring,Viton,jis P-38, 37.7 X 3.5 mm 1 1550047 oil leVel gauge sight glass,49 X 5 mm 1 1 1 11002009 Pckng/gas ballast, 14 X 2.5 X 1 mm 1 1 1 11003205b seal,shaft,tc255212,buna,25 X 52 X 12 mm 1 11002004b seal,shaft,tcb325211,32 X 52 X 11 mm 1 11002007b seal,shaft,Vc30425,buna,30 X 42 X 5 mm 1 11002004V seal,shaft,Viton 1 11002007V seal,shaft,Viton 1 11003205V seal,shaft,Viton 1 11003889 seal,washer,8d,teflon 4 4 4 4410012 sleeVe synfleX,sn 1/4b brass (1260 x 4b) 2 2 2 21003881 ValVe,Plate 2 2 2 21010278 Vane,gX,1st stage,ulVac 2 2 21010282 Vane,gX,2nd stage,ulVac 2 2 2

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

D 650 K/DK



KIT ComponenTS

D650K/DK D650K/DK D650K/DK D650K/DK D650K/DKpArT NUmbEr



mAINT (b) 650LmKb

mAINT (V) 650LmKV

mAJor (b) 1001804

mAJor (V) 1028029

1002008 bearing,ball,6205,25 X 52 X 15 sus 1 1 1 11000243 bearing,roller,nu205c3, 25 X 52 X 15 sus 1 1 1 11011249 gasket,oil leVel gauge 49 X 29 X 1 mm 1 1 1 1300144b gasket,suction manifold,buna 1 1300144V gasket,suction manifold,Viton 1 1590024 hose,teflon tube,6 X 4 X 300 mm 1 1 1 1410011 nut synfleX,sn 1/4b brass (1260 x 4) 2 2 2 21006067b o'ring,buna,as568-262 177.39 X 3.53mm 1 11002011b o'ring,buna,jis g-35, 34.4 X 3.1 mm 1 11006064b o'ring,buna,jis g-85, 84.4 X 3.1 mm 1 11005048b o'ring,buna,jis P-18, 17.8 X 2.4 mm 2 21006066b o'ring,buna,jis P-38, 37.7 X 3.5 mm 1 1320289b o'ring,buna,jis P-44, 43.7 X 3.5 mm 1 11006068b o'ring,buna,jis V-55, 54.5 X 4 mm 2 21006067V o'ring,Viton,as568-262 177.39 X 3.53mm 1 11002011V o'ring,Viton,jis g-35, 34.4 X 3.1 mm 1 11006064V o'ring,Viton,jis g-85, 84.4 X 3.1 mm 1 11005048V o'ring,Viton,jis P-18, 17.8 X 2.4 mm 2 21006066V o'ring,Viton,jis P-38, 37.7 X 3.5 mm 1 1320289 o'ring,Viton,jis P-44, 43.7 X 3.5 mm 1 11006068V o'ring,Viton,jis V-55, 54.5 X 4 mm 2 2550047 oil leVel gauge sight glass,49 X 5 mm 1 1 1 11002009 Pckng/gas ballast, 14 X 2.5 X 1 mm 1 1 1 11003205b seal,shaft,tc255212,buna,25 X 52 X 12 mm 1 11002004b seal,shaft,tcb325211,32 X 52 X 11 mm 1 11002007b seal,shaft,Vc30425,buna,30 X 42 X 5 mm 1 11002004V seal,shaft,Viton 1 11002007V seal,shaft,Viton 1 11003205V seal,shaft,Viton 1 11003889 seal,washer,8d,teflon 4 4 4 4410012 sleeVe synfleX,sn 1/4b brass (1260 x 4b) 2 2 2 21003881 ValVe,Plate 3 3 3 31010278 Vane,gX,1st stage,ulVac 4 4 41010282 Vane,gX,2nd stage,ulVac 2 2 2

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhULVAC-4

ulvacD 950 K/DK, VD 301/401

KIT ComponenTS

D950K/DK D950K/DK D950K/DK D950K/DK D950K/DKpArT NUmbEr



mAINT (b) 950LmKb

mAINT (V) 950LmKV

mAJor (b) 1001803

mAJor (V) 1005862

1002008 bearing,ball,6205,25 X 52 X 15 sus 1 1 1 11000243 bearing,roller,nu205c3, 25 X 52 X 15 sus 1 1 1 11011249 gasket,oil leVel gauge 49 X 29 X 1 mm 1 1 1 1300145b gasket,suction manifold,buna 1 1300145V gasket,suction manifold,Viton 1 1590025 hose,teflon tube,6 X 4 X 360 mm 1 1 1 1410011 nut synfleX,sn 1/4b brass (1260 x 4) 2 2 2 21006067b o'ring,buna,as568-262 177.39 X 3.53mm 1 1320291b o'ring,buna,jis g-105, 104.4 X 3.1 mm 1 11002011b o'ring,buna,jis g-35, 34.4 X 3.1 mm 1 11005048b o'ring,buna,jis P-18, 17.8 X 2.4 mm 2 21006066b o'ring,buna,jis P-38, 37.7 X 3.5 mm 1 11006068b o'ring,buna,jis V-55, 54.5 X 4 mm 1 1320290b o'ring,buna,jis V-70, 69.0 X 4.0 mm 2 21006067V o'ring,Viton,as568-262 177.39 X 3.53mm 1 1320291 o'ring,Viton,jis g-105, 104.4 X 3.1 mm 1 11002011V o'ring,Viton,jis g-35, 34.4 X 3.1 mm 1 11005048V o'ring,Viton,jis P-18, 17.8 X 2.4 mm 2 21006066V o'ring,Viton,jis P-38, 37.7 X 3.5 mm 1 11006068V o'ring,Viton,jis V-55, 54.5 X 4 mm 1 1320290 o'ring,Viton,jis V-70, 69.0 X 4.0 mm 2 2550047 oil leVel gauge sight glass,49 X 5 mm 1 1 1 11002009 Pckng/gas ballast, 14 X 2.5 X 1 mm 1 1 1 11003205b seal,shaft,tc255212,buna,25 X 52 X 12 mm 1 11002004b seal,shaft,tcb325211,32 X 52 X 11 mm 1 11002007b seal,shaft,Vc30425,buna,30 X 42 X 5 mm 1 11002004V seal,shaft,Viton 1 11002007V seal,shaft,Viton 1 11003205V seal,shaft,Viton 1 11003889 seal,washer,8d,teflon 4 4 4 4410012 sleeVe synfleX,sn 1/4b brass (1260 x 4b) 2 2 2 21003881 ValVe,Plate 4 4 4 41010278 Vane,gX,1st stage,ulVac 6 6 61010282 Vane,gX,2nd stage,ulVac 2 2 2

VD301 VD301 VD301 VD401 VD401 VD401pArT NUmbEr



mAINT 301LmK

mAJor 301moK


mAINT 401LmK

mAJor 401moK

51035 couPling, m-84 sPdier insert 1 1 1 1380022 eXhaust ValVe Plate, 22.8 X 22.8 X 1.47 1 1 1 1380023 eXhaust ValVe Plate, 39.85 X 18 X .21 1 1 1 1300139 gasket, distribution VlV 1 1 1 1300140 gasket, eXhaust ValVe 1 1 1 179537 o'ring,Viton,7.5 X 1.5 mm 3 3 3 3320285 o'ring,Viton,iso-267, 209.14 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1320287 o'ring,Viton,jis P-10, 9.8 X 1.9 mm 2 2 2 2320283 o'ring,Viton,jis P-10a, 9.8 X 2.4 mm 1 1 1 11005048V o'ring,Viton,jis P-18, 17.8 X 2.4 mm 1 1 1 1320278 o'ring,Viton,jis P-36, 35.7 X 3.5 mm 2 2 2 2320281 o'ring,Viton,jis P-40, 39.7 X 3.5 mm 1 1 1 1320286 o'ring,Viton,jis P-8, 7.8 X 1.9 mm 4 4 4 4320280 o'ring,Viton,jis s-105, 104.5 X 2 mm 3 3 3 3320284 o'ring,Viton,jis s-18, 17.5 X 1.5 mm 1 1 1 1320282 o'ring,Viton,jis s-60, 59.5 X 2 mm 1 1 1 11006068V o'ring,Viton,jis V-55, 54.5 X 4 mm 2 2 2 2590022 oil leVel guage housing 2 2 2 2590023 oil leVel tube, teflon, 10mm X 8mm X 5" 1 1 1 1310091 seal shaft, Viton, 23 X 40 X 8 mm 2 2 2 2310092 seal shaft,Viton, directional 1 1 1 1490056 sPring, eXhaust ValVe 1 1 1 11027512 Vane,gX,1st stage,ulVac Vd301 2 21029270 Vane,gX,1st stage,ulVac Vd401 2 21027513 Vane,gX,2nd stg,ulVac Vd301 2 2 2 2

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

VS 1501/2401 (VErSIoNS 1 &2)



KIT ComponenTS

VS1501 VS1501 VS1501pArT NUmbEr



mAINT 1501LmK

mAJor 1501moK

330050 bearing,ball,nu208 2 2360058 couPling, m-132 sPdier insert 1 1300146 gasket,coVer a (6 holes) 3 3300147 gasket,coVer b(7 holes) 1 1300153 gasket,eXhaust ValVe 1 1300154 gasket,oil gauge,ValQua, 120X106X1 mm 1 1320299 o'ring,Viton,as568-254, 139.29 X 3.53 mm 2 2320298 o'ring,Viton,as568-262, 177.39 X 3.53 mm 2 2320301 o'ring,Viton,as568-282, 405.26 X 3.53 mm 1 1320296 o'ring,Viton,jis g-110, 109.4 X 3.1 mm 1 1320294 o'ring,Viton,jis g-30, 29.4 X 3.1 mm 1 11002011V o'ring,Viton,jis g-35, 34.4 X 3.1 mm 2 2320295 o'ring,Viton,jis g-75, 74.4 X 3.1 mm 1 1320283 o'ring,Viton,jis P-10a, 9.8 X 2.4 mm 7 7320292 o'ring,Viton,jis P-14, 13.8 X 2.4 mm 1 11005048V o'ring,Viton,jis P-18, 17.8 X 2.4 mm 3 3320293 o'ring,Viton,jis P-28, 27.7 X 3.5 mm 1 1320278 o'ring,Viton,jis P-36, 35.7 X 3.5 mm 1 1320297 o'ring,Viton,jis V-100, 99.0 X 4.0 mm 1 1320290 o'ring,Viton,jis V-70, 69.0 X 4.0 mm 1 1310094 seal,shaft,tcV456812,45 X 68 X 12 mm 1 1310093 seal,shaft,tcV507212,50 X 72 X 12 mm 2 2380024 ValVe,Plate (a),3 fingers 2 21030830 Vane,gX,ulVac Vs1501 2 2

VS2401 (VEr 1 & 2)

VS2401 VEr 1

VS2401 VEr 2

VS2401 VEr 1

VS2401 VEr 2

pArT NUmbEr



mAINT 2401LmKV1

mAINT 2401LmKV2

mAJor 2401moKV1

mAJor 12401moKV2

330050 bearing,ball,nu208 2 2 2 2360058 couPling, m-132 sPdier insert 1 1 1 1300152 gasket,coVer (13 holes) 2 2300149 gasket,coVer a (6 holes) 3 3300150 gasket,coVer b(7 holes) 1 1300148 gasket,eXhaust ValVe 1 1 1 1300154 gasket,oil gauge,ValQua, 120X106X1 mm 1 1 1 1320298 o'ring,Viton,as568-262, 177.39 X 3.53 mm 2 2 2 2320300 o'ring,Viton,as568-264, 190.09 X 3.53 mm 2 2 2 2320301 o'ring,Viton,as568-282, 405.26 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1320296 o'ring,Viton,jis g-110, 109.4 X 3.1 mm 1 1 1 1320294 o'ring,Viton,jis g-30, 29.4 X 3.1 mm 1 1 1 11002011V o'ring,Viton,jis g-35, 34.4 X 3.1 mm 2 2 2 2320295 o'ring,Viton,jis g-75, 74.4 X 3.1 mm 1 1 1 1320283 o'ring,Viton,jis P-10a, 9.8 X 2.4 mm 7 7 7 7320292 o'ring,Viton,jis P-14, 13.8 X 2.4 mm 1 1 1 11005048V o'ring,Viton,jis P-18, 17.8 X 2.4 mm 3 3 3 3320293 o'ring,Viton,jis P-28, 27.7 X 3.5 mm 1 1 1 1320278 o'ring,Viton,jis P-36, 35.7 X 3.5 mm 1 1 1 1320297 o'ring,Viton,jis V-100, 99.0 X 4.0 mm 1 1 1 1320290 o'ring,Viton,jis V-70, 69.0 X 4.0 mm 1 1 1 1310094 seal,shaft,tcV456812,45 X 68 X 12 mm 1 1 1 1310093 seal,shaft,tcV507212,50 X 72 X 12 mm 2 2 2 2380024 ValVe,Plate (a),3 fingers 1 1 1 1380025 ValVe,Plate (b),4 fingers 2 2 2 21030888 Vane,gX,ulVac Vs2401 2 2 2

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhULVAC-6

ulvacDIS 250/251/500/501

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

SHAFTS moDEL(S) pArT NUmbErdis 250/251 71002012dis 500/501 71003012

TIp SEAL KITSmoDEL(S) pArT NUmbErdis 250/251 P71002026dis 500/501 P71004026

CrANK pIN KITSmoDEL(S) pArT NUmbErdis 250/251 71002006dis 500/501 71004006

mAJor rEbUILD KITSmajor rebuild kits include tiP seals, crank Pins, bearings, o-rings, shaft seals & other comPonents for major oVerhaul. moDEL(S) pArT NUmbErdis 250/251 P71005800dis 500/501 P71004800

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

DIS 250/251/500/501



KIT ComponenTS

DIS250/251 DIS250/251 DIS500/501 DIS500/501pArT NUmbEr


CrANK pIN 71002006

mAJor p71005800

CrANK pIN 71004006

mAJor p71004800

870014 19.grease,tec,.5 oz tube 1 1a98881230 air flush assembly, scroll PumP 1330008 bearing,2 metal shields 1330007 bearing,6302zz 108884010 bearing,needle,20X28X13,PfP 108880020 bearing,needle,30X40X20,PfP 208884001 bearing,needle,crank Pin,PfPe 308880021 bearing,needle,scroll,PfPe 208884002 bearing,needle,scroll,PfPe 208884011 bearing,needle,scroll,PfPe 1085039449 couPling,sPider,l-075 171002006s crankPin,single 2 271004006s crankPin,single 3 308881000 element,couPling,black 108883002 g-seal,fs-1,scroll PumP 108883005 g-seal,fs-2,scroll PumP 108883001 g-seal,os,scroll PumP 27193002 grease seal, 20X28X4, gVsP30 108805041 guide,outlet ValVe 108805042 guide,outlet ValVe 1P71002026 kit,tiP seal,oem,gVsP12,isP250 1P71004026 kit,tiP seal,oem,gVsP30,isP500 120019794 o'ring, Viton, 17X1.5 1320121 o'ring, Viton, 36X1.5 1002122009V o'ring,Viton,11 X 1.5 mm 453598504 o'ring,Viton,12X2.31mm 1320087 o'ring,Viton,13.5 X 1.5 mm 1320086 o'ring,Viton,14.5 X 1.5 mm 679506 o'ring,Viton,212 X 3 mm 1320189 o'ring,Viton,250 X 3 mm 123970304 o'ring,Viton,45 X 3 mm 1 1470014 ring,retaining,m16,472,s/s 1400033 screw,PhilliPs,"truss head" 4 4 6 6400068 screw,washer head,m3X4mm,steel 4 608882150 seal,grease,w/garter sPring 208804072 seal,shaft,26X37X6,gVsP30 108883004 seal,shaft,fs-1,scroll PumP 108883003 seal,shaft,fs-2,scroll PumP 108882100 seal,shaft,Viton,25X37X4.25mm 108885012 shaft seal, 20X32X8, gVsP30 108801050 sPring 1 108804390 sPring,eXhaust ValVe,esdP30a 1490055 sPring,ss 108805381 ValVe,eXhaust stem 108802390 ValVe,eXhaust,sdP-30a 108805380 ValVe,eXhaust,stem,esdP30 1420039 washer,seal,scroll,clear, mylar 4420038 washer,thrust,1.09 X .6 X .04 1

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

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IndIVIduaL SpareS



bEArINGS1000243 bearing,roller,nu205c3, 25 X 52 X 15 sus d3301002008 bearing,ball,6205,25 X 52 X 15 sus d330330050 bearing,ball,nu208 Vs1501

CoUpLINGS360058 couPling, m-132 sPdier insert Vs150151035 couPling, m-84 sPdier insert Vd301, Vd401

GASKETS1011249 gasket,oil leVel gauge 49 X 29 X 1 mm d330300139 gasket, distribution VlV Vd301, Vd401300140 gasket, eXhaust ValVe Vd301, Vd401300143b gasket,suction Port,buna,52 X 37 X 3 mm d330300143V gasket,suction Port,Viton,52 X 37 X 3 mm d330300144b gasket,suction manifold,buna d650300144V gasket,suction manifold,Viton d650300145b gasket,suction manifold,buna d950300145V gasket,suction manifold,Viton d950300146 gasket,coVer a (6 holes) Vs1501300147 gasket,coVer b(7 holes) Vs1501300148 gasket,eXhaust ValVe Vs2401 Ver 1300149 gasket,coVer a (6 holes) Vs2401 Ver 1300150 gasket,coVer b(7 holes) Vs2401 Ver 1300152 gasket,coVer (13 holes) Vs2401 Ver 2300153 gasket,eXhaust ValVe Vs1501300154 gasket,oil gauge,ValQua, 120X106X1 mm Vs1501

HArDWArE410011 nut synfleX,sn 1/4b brass (1260 X 4) d330 KITS1001802 kit,major oVerhaul,w/Vanes,buna,d330 d3301001803 kit,major oVerhaul,w/Vanes,buna,d950 d9501001804 kit,major oVerhaul,w/Vanes,buna,d650 d6501005862 kit,major oVerhaul,w/Vanes,Viton,d950 d9501011474 kit,major oVerhaul,w/Vanes,Viton,d330 d3301028029 kit,major oVerhaul,w/Vanes,Viton,d650 d6501501lmk kit,light maintenance,Viton,Vs1501 Vs15011501mok kit,major oVerhaul,w/Vanes,Viton,Vs1501 Vs15011501Vk kit,Vane,ulVac,Vs1501 Vs15012401lmkV1 kit,light maintenance,Viton,Vs2401 Ver.1 Vs2401 Ver 12401lmkV2 kit,light maintenance,Viton,Vs2401 Ver.2 Vs2401 Ver 22401mokV1 kit,major,w/Vanes,Viton,Vs2401 Ver. 1 Vs2401 Ver 12401mokV2 kit,major,w/Vanes,Viton,Vs2401 Ver. 2 Vs2401 Ver 22401Vk kit,Vane,ulVac,Vs2401 Vs2401301lmk kit,rebuild,Viton,light maint. Vd-301 V d301301mok kit,major oVerhaul,w/Vanes,Viton,Vd301 Vd301301Vk kit,Vane,ulVac Vd 301 Vd301330lmkb kit,light maintenance,buna,d330k/dk d330k/dk330lmkV k it,light maintenance,Viton,d330k/dk d330k/dk330Vk kit,Vane,gX,ulVac,d330k/dk d330k/dk401lmk kit,rebuild,Viton,light maint. Vd-401 Vd401401mok kit,major oVerhaul,w/Vanes,Viton,Vd401 Vd401401Vk kit,Vane,ulVac Vd 401 Vd401650lmkb kit,light maintenance,buna,d650k/dk d650k/dk650lmkV kit,light maintenance,Viton,d650k/dk d650k/dk650Vk kit,Vane,gX,ulVac,d650k/dk d650k/dk950lmkb kit,light maintenance,buna,d950k/dk d950k/dk950lmkV kit,light maintenance,Viton,d950k/dk d950k/dk950Vk kit,Vane,gX,ulVac,d950k/dk d950k/dk

mISC.1002009 Pckng/gas ballast, 14 X 2.5 X 1 mm d3301006094 hose,teflon tube,6 X 4 X 240 mm d330380022 eXhaust ValVe Plate, 22.8 X 22.8 X 1.47 Vd301, Vd401380023 eXhaust ValVe Plate, 39.85 X 18 X .21 Vd301, Vd401590024 hose,teflon tube,6 X 4 X 300 mm d650590025 hose,teflon tube,6 X 4 X 360 mm d950

o-rINGS1002011b o’ring,buna,jis g-35, 34.4 X 3.1 mm d330k/dk, d650k/dk, d950k/dk1002011V o’ring,Viton,jis g-35, 34.4 X 3.1 mm d330k/dk, d650k/dk, d950k/dk, Vs1501/2401 (Ver 1), Vs2401 (Ver 2)1005048b o’ring,buna,jis P-18, 17.8 X 2.4 mm d330k/dk, d650k/dk, d950k/dk,Vd301,Vd4011005048V o’ring,Viton,jis P-18, 17.8 X 2.4 mm d330k/dk, d650k/dk, d950k/dk, Vs1501/2401 (Ver 1), Vs2401 (Ver 2), Vd301/4011006064b o’ring,buna,jis g-85, 84.4 X 3.1 mm d330k/dk, d650k/dk1006064V o’ring,Viton,jis g-85, 84.4 X 3.1 mm d330k/dk, d650k/dk1006065b o’ring,buna,jis g-40, 39.4 X 3.1 mm d330k/dk1006065V o’ring,Viton,jis g-40, 39.4 X 3.1 mm d330k/dk1006066b o’ring,buna,jis P-38, 37.7 X 3.5 mm d330k/dk, d650k/dk, d950k/dk1006066V o’ring,Viton,jis P-38, 37.7 X 3.5 mm d330k/dk, d650k/dk, d950k/dk

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

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IndIVIduaL SpareS



o-rINGS (CoNT.)1006067b o’ring,buna,as568-262 177.39 X 3.53mm d330k/dk, d650k/dk, d950k/dk1006067V o’ring,Viton,as568-262 177.39 X 3.53mm d330k/dk, d650k/dk, d950k/dk1006068b o’ring,buna,jis V-55, 54.5 X 4 mm d650k/dk, d950k/dk,Vd301,Vd4011006068V o’ring,Viton,jis V-55, 54.5 X 4 mm d650k/dk, d950k/dk,Vd301,Vd401320278 o’ring,Viton,jis P-36, 35.7 X 3.5 mm Vs1501, Vs2401 (Ver 1), Vs2401 (Ver 2), Vd301, Vd401320280 o’ring,Viton,jis s-105, 104.5 X 2 mm Vd301, Vd401320281 o’ring,Viton,jis P-40, 39.7 X 3.5 mm Vd301, Vd401320282 o’ring,Viton,jis s-60, 59.5 X 2 mm Vd301, Vd401320283 o’ring,Viton,jis P-10a, 9.8 X 2.4 mm Vs1501, Vs2401 (Ver 1), Vs2401 (Ver 2), Vd301, Vd401320284 o’ring,Viton,jis s-18, 17.5 X 1.5 mm Vd301, Vd401320285 o’ring,Viton,iso-267, 209.14 X 3.53 mm d330k/dk, d650k/dk, d950k/dk320286 o’ring,Viton,jis P-8, 7.8 X 1.9 mm Vd301, Vd401320287 o’ring,Viton,jis P-10, 9.8 X 1.9 mm Vd301, Vd401320289 o’ring,Viton,jis P-44, 43.7 X 3.5 mm d650k/dk320289b o’ring,buna,jis P-44, 43.7 X 3.5 mm d650k/dk320290 o’ring,Viton,jis V-70, 69.0 X 4.0 mm Vs1501, Vs2401 (Ver 1), Vs2401 (Ver 2), d650k/dk320290b o’ring,buna,jis V-70, 69.0 X 4.0 mm d950k/dk320291 o’ring,Viton,jis g-105, 104.4 X 3.1 mm d950k/dk320291b o’ring,buna,jis g-105, 104.4 X 3.1 mm d950k/dk320292 o’ring,Viton,jis P-14, 13.8 X 2.4 mm Vs1501, Vs2401 (Ver 1), Vs2401 (Ver 2)320293 o’ring,Viton,jis P-28, 27.7 X 3.5 mm Vs1501, Vs2401 (Ver 1), Vs2401 (Ver 2)320294 o’ring,Viton,jis g-30, 29.4 X 3.1 mm Vs1501, Vs2401 (Ver 1), Vs2401 (Ver 2)320295 o’ring,Viton,jis g-75, 74.4 X 3.1 mm Vs1501, Vs2401 (Ver 1), Vs2401 (Ver 2)320296 o’ring,Viton,jis g-110, 109.4 X 3.1 mm Vs1501, Vs2401 (Ver 1), Vs2401 (Ver 2)320297 o’ring,Viton,jis V-100, 99.0 X 4.0 mm Vs1501, Vs2401 (Ver 1), Vs2401 (Ver 2)320298 o’ring,Viton,as568-262, 177.39 X 3.53 mm Vs1501, Vs2401 (Ver 1), Vs2401 (Ver 2)320299 o’ring,Viton,as568-254, 139.29 X 3.53 mm Vs1501320300 o’ring,Viton,as568-264, 190.09 X 3.53 mm Vs2401 (Ver 1), Vs2401 (Ver 2)320301 o’ring,Viton,as568-282, 405.26 X 3.53 mm Vs1501, Vs2401 (Ver 1), Vs2401 (Ver 2)550047 oil leVel gauge sight glass,49 X 5 mm d330k/dk, d650k/dk, d950k/dk590022 oil leVel guage housing Vd301, Vd401590023 oil leVel tube, teflon, 10mm X 8mm X 5” Vd301, Vd401

SEALS1002004b seal,shaft,tcb325211,32 X 52 X 11 mm d3301002004V seal,shaft,Viton d9501002007b seal,shaft,Vc30425,buna,30 X 42 X 5 mm d3301002007V seal,shaft,Viton d9501003205b seal,shaft,tc255212,buna,25 X 52 X 12 mm d3301003205V seal,shaft,Viton d9501003889 seal,washer,8d,teflon d330310091 seal shaft, Viton, 23 X 40 X 8 mm Vd301, Vd401310092 seal shaft,Viton, directional Vd301, Vd401310093 seal,shaft,tcV507212,50 X 72 X 12 mm Vs1501310094 seal,shaft,tcV456812,45 X 68 X 12 mm Vs1501

SLEEVES410012 sleeVe synfleX,sn 1/4b brass (1260 X 4b) d330

SprINGS490056 sPring, eXhaust ValVe Vd301, Vd401

VALVES1003881 ValVe,Plate d330380024 ValVe,Plate (a),3 fingers Vs1501380025 ValVe,Plate (b),4 fingers Vs2401 Ver 1

VANES1010278 Vane,gX,1st stage,ulVac d3301010282 Vane,gX,2nd stage,ulVac d3301027512 Vane,gX,1st stage,ulVac Vd301 Vd3011027513 Vane,gX,2nd stg,ulVac Vd301 V d3011029270 Vane,gX,1st stage,ulVac Vd401 Vd4011030830 Vane,gX,ulVac Vs1501 Vs15011030888 Vane,gX,ulVac Vs2401 Vs2401

Page 314: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

MD 4/8, ME 2/4/8/16, MV 2, MZ 2/4/8

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FEaTurEd SparES



SEAL KITSMoDEL(S) pART NUMBERme 2 696810me 4, me 4 r/P, mz 2, mz 2 d/t/V 696811md 4, md 4 t, me 8, mV 2, mz 4 696812me 2 c 696813me 4 c 6968134cme 8 c 6968138cme 16 c 69681316cmd 4 c, mz 4 c 696815md 8, me 16, mz 8 696819mV 2 696822mz 2 d 696835

DISCS MoDEL(S) pART NUMBERmd 4 c, mz 4 c 580047me 2/4/8/16 c 580047md 4/8, md 4t 637238me 2/4/8/16, me 4 r/P 637238mV 2 637238mz 2/4/8, mz 2 d/t/V 637238

VALVES MoDEL(S) pART NUMBERmd 4 c, mz 4 c 580048me 2/4/8/16 c 638440me 2/4/8/16, me 4 r/P 639803mV 2 639803mz 2/4/8, mz 2 d/t/V 639803

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

MD 4/8, ME 2/4/8/16, MV 2, MZ 2/4/8


KIT ComponEnTS




SEAL 696810

SEAL 696811

SEAL 696812

SEAL 696813

SEAL 6968134C

580047 disc,clamPing diaPhragm 1 2637238 disc,clamPing diaPhragm 2 4 8320276 o’ring,Viton,28x1.5mm 8580048 ValVe639803 ValVe 2 4 8638440 ValVe,Ptfe 2 4



SEAL 6968138C

SEAL 69681316C

SEAL 696815

SEAL 696819

580047 disc,clamPing diaPhragm 4 8 4637238 disc,clamPing diaPhragm 16320276 o’ring,Viton,28x1.5mm 16580048 ValVe 8639803 ValVe 16638440 ValVe,Ptfe 8 16



SEAL 696822

SEAL 696835

637238 disc,clamPing diaPhragm 8 4320276 o’ring,Viton,28x1.5mm 8 40486000518 o’ring,Viton,48x3mm 2639803 ValVe 8 4

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

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IndIVIduaL SparES



DISCS580047 disc,clamPing diaPhragm d18/d28637238 disc,clamPing diaPhragm d18/d28

KITS696810 kit,seal,me 2 me2696811 kit,seal,mz 2,me 4 me4/me4r/me4P/mz2/mz2d/mz2t/mz2V696812 kit,seal,mz 4,md 4,md 4t,me 8 me8/md4/md4t/mV2/mz4696813 kit,seal,me 2c me2c6968134c kit,seal,me 4c me4c6968138c kit,seal,me 8c me8c69681316c kit,seal,me 16c me16c696815 kit,seal,mz 4c,md 4c md4c/mz4c 696819 kit,seal,mz 8,md 8,me 16 md8/me16/mz8

o-RINGS320276 o’ring,Viton,28x1.5mm md4t,md8,me8,me16,mV2,mz2d mz4,mz80486000518 o’ring,Viton,48x3mm mzd2

VALVES580048 ValVe d05638440 ValVe,Ptfe d05639803 ValVe d05/d08/d12/d28

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

SH 100/110, TS 300/600

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS



CRANK PINS model(S) PART NumbeRts 300 (reQ. 3) 350010ts 600 (reQ. 3) 350011

SHAFT SeAlS model(S) PART NumbeRts 300/600 (32X42X4) 310057ts 300/600 (8X15X3) 310058ts 300 (24X32X4) 310059ts 600 (22X30X4) 310060

CRANK SHAFTS contact customer serVice for aVailability.model(S) PART NumbeRts 300 4711001ts 600 4811001

beARINGS model(S) PART NumbeRts 300/600 4718001ts 300/600 4718005ts 300/600 4818002ts 300/600 4818003

KRYToX GReASe model(S) PART NumbeRall (5oZ) 870013

TIP SeAl KITS tiP seal kits include tiP seal & o-rings.

model(S) PART NumbeRsh 100/110 sh0100tsts 300 tss0300tsts 600 tss0600ts

mAJoR RePAIR KITS major rePair kits include tiP seal, shaft seals, bearings, crank Pins, sPrings, cliPs & all o-rings for comPlete oVer-haul. model(S) PART NumbeRts 300 tss0300mkts 600 tss0600mk

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

TS 300/600




TS300 TS300 TS600 TS600PART NumbeR


mAJoR TSS0300mK


mAJoR TSS0600mK


870014 19.grease,tec,.5 oZ tube 1 1 1 1350010 assembly,sync crank Pin 3350011 assembly,sync crank,600 34718005 bearing,ball,2 seals,PfPe 1 14818003 bearing,ball,7205w,krytoX 1 24718001 bearing,ball,PfPe 1 14818002 bearing,ball,PfPe 1 1330024 bearing,needle,PfPe 3 3085039449 couPling,sPider,l-075 1 1320170 o'ring,Viton,10.69 X 3.53 mm 1417320 o'ring,Viton,10.77 X 2.62 mm 3320169 o'ring,Viton,113.97 X 2.62 mm 1 1320171 o'ring,Viton,13.87 X 3.53 mm 140006 o'ring,Viton,13.94 X 2.62 mm 2320088 o'ring,Viton,15.6 X 1.78 mm 6 6320035 o'ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62mm 1 172591003 o'ring,Viton,21.9 X 2.6 mm 3320159 o'ring,Viton,221.85 X 3.53 1 1320167 o'ring,Viton,247.25 X 3.53 mm 1 1085040204 o'ring,Viton,26.64 X 2.62 mm 1320168 o'ring,Viton,36.17 X 2.62 mm 1 1619527 o'ring,Viton,52.07 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1320111 o'ring,Viton,57 X 2.5 mm 1 1619378 o'ring,Viton,82.22 X 2.62 mm 1 1470018 ring,retaining,15mm 3 3470017 ring,retaining,18mm 1 1400067 screw,set, m5 X .08 X 5mm lg, 6 6300056 seal, tiP, Varian 1 1 1 1310058 seal,shaft, 8 X 15 X 3,buna tyPe kb 3 3310060 seal,shaft,22 X 30 X 4 1310059 seal,shaft,24X32X4 1310057 seal,shaft,buna,32X42X4mm 2 2540002 sleeVe,nylon 1 1490053 sPring, comPression, stainless 3 3860012 threadlock,loctite 242,.5ml 1 1860013 threadlock,loctite 567,6ml 1 1

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

dS 300/600

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


VarianSCrOLL pump

CRANK SHAFTS model(S) PART NumbeRds 300 71002012ds 600 71003012

TIP SeAl KITSmodel(S) PART NumbeRds 300 P71002026ds 600 P71004026

CRANK PIN KITSmodel(S) PART NumbeRds 300 71002006ds 600 71004006

mAJoR RebuIld KITS major rebuild kits include tiP seals, crank Pins, bearings, o-rings, shaft seals & other comPonents for comPlete oVer-haul. model(S) PART NumbeRds 300 P71005800ds 600 P71004800

Page 322: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

dS 300/600



VarianSCrOLL pump

dS300 dS600 dS300 dS600PART NumbeR


CRANK PIN 71002006

CRANK PIN 71004006

mAJoR P71005800

mAJoR P71004800

870014 19.grease,tec,.5 oZ tube 1 1a98881230 air flush assembly, scroll PumP 1330008 bearing,2 metal shields 1330007 bearing,6302ZZ 108884010 bearing,needle,20X28X13,PfP 108880020 bearing,needle,30X40X20,PfP 208884001 bearing,needle,crank Pin,PfPe 308880021 bearing,needle,scroll,PfPe 208884002 bearing,needle,scroll,PfPe 208884011 bearing,needle,scroll,PfPe 1085039449 couPling,sPider,l-075 171002006s crankPin,single 2 271004006s crankPin,single 3 308881000 element,couPling,black 108883002 g-seal,fs-1,scroll PumP 108883005 g-seal,fs-2,scroll PumP 108883001 g-seal,os,scroll PumP 27193002 grease seal, 20X28X4, gVsP30 108805041 guide,outlet ValVe 108805042 guide,outlet ValVe 1P71002026 kit,tiP seal,oem,gVsP12,isP250 1P71004026 kit,tiP seal,oem,gVsP30,isP500 120019794 o'ring, Viton, 17X1.5 1320121 o'ring, Viton, 36X1.5 102122009V o'ring,Viton,11 X 1.5 mm 453598504 o'ring,Viton,12X2.31mm 1320087 o'ring,Viton,13.5 X 1.5 mm 1320086 o'ring,Viton,14.5 X 1.5 mm 679506 o'ring,Viton,212 X 3 mm 1320189 o'ring,Viton,250 X 3 mm 123970304 o'ring,Viton,45 X 3 mm 1 1470014 ring,retaining,m16,472,s/s 1400033 screw,PhilliPs,"truss head" 4 6 4 6400068 screw,washer head,m3X4mm,steel 4 608882150 seal,grease,w/garter sPring 208804072 seal,shaft,26X37X6,gVsP30 108883004 seal,shaft,fs-1,scroll PumP 108883003 seal,shaft,fs-2,scroll PumP 108882100 seal,shaft,Viton,25X37X4.25mm 108885012 shaft seal, 20X32X8, gVsP30 108801050 sPring 1 108804390 sPring,eXhaust ValVe,esdP30a 1490055 sPring,ss 108805381 ValVe,eXhaust stem 108802390 ValVe,eXhaust,sdP-30a 108805380 ValVe,eXhaust,stem,esdP30 1420039 washer,seal,scroll,clear, mylar 4420038 washer,thrust,1.09 X .6 X .04 1

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

V 60/70/250



VarianTurBO pumpS

RePAIR KITS rePair kits include bearings & seals to comPlete bearing rePlacement.

model(S) PART NumbeRV 60 PV60rkV 70 PV70rkV 250 PV250rk

Tool KITS & mANuAlS tool kits include sPecialty and common tools & instructional steP-by-steP cd for turbo PumP maintenance. model(S) PART NumbeRV 60 PV60tkV 70 PV70tkV 250 PV250tk

indiVidual sPare Parts for turbo PumPs are not aVailable sePerate from the below kits.


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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhVARIAN-6

dS 102/202/302/402/602

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


SeAl KITS seal kits include couPling element, o-rings, gasket, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. model(S) PART NumbeRds 102/202/302 985700212001ds 402/602 985700228008

mAJoR SeRVICe KITS major serVice kits include all comPonents of seal kits Plus Vanes & other comPonents for major oVerhaul. model(S) PART NumbeRds 102 985700205002ds 202/302 985700212002ds 402/602 985700228002

VANeS model(S) PART NumbeRds 102 (1st stage) 230057gds 202/302 (1st stage) 230055gds 402/602 (1st stage) 230058gds 102/202/302 (2nd stage) 230056gds 402/602 (2nd stage) 230059g

SHAFT SeAlS model(S) PART NumbeRds 102/202/302 310055ds 402/602 310054

SHAFT buSHINGS (INNeR)model(S) PART NumbeRds 402/602 250012

ReCommeNded oIlS TYPe PART NumbeRPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

Page 325: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

dS 102/202/302/402/602




dS102-302 dS102 dS202,dS302 dS402,dS602 dS402,dS602PART NumbeR


SeAl 985700212001

mAJoR 985700205002

mAJoR 985700212002

SeAl 985700228008

mAJoR 985700228002

580039 anti-suckback,shutter,Viton 1 1 1580040 anti-suckback,ValVe,shutter 1 1 1 1 1390008 ball,steel,9/32"dia. 1 1500501190001 element,couPling,yellow 1 1 1 1 1720012 filter,screen,st.stl. 1780030 filter,screen,st.stl. 1 1640015 foot,buffer 2 4 2300052 gasket,casing,cork 1 1300055 gasket,cork,1.5mm thick 1 1300053 gasket,cork,1mm thick 1 1 1300054 gasket,cork,1mm thick 1 1250012 inner ring,shaft,bushing 1320270 o'ring, Viton, 8.73mm X 1.78mm 1320126 o'ring,buna,3.0 X 1.0mm 2 2320131 o'ring,Viton,1.78 X 1.78mm 2 2 2 2 272591001 o'ring,Viton,10.82 X 1.78 mm 1 102122009V o'ring,Viton,11 X 1.5 mm 1 1 102124119 o'ring,Viton,12.42 X 1.78 mm 1 1 123970106 o'ring,Viton,13.3 X 2.4 mm 1 1320088 o'ring,Viton,15.6 X 1.78 mm 2 2 2 2 2320132 o'ring,Viton,2.9 X 1.78mm 2 2 2 2320109 o'ring,Viton,33 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 140009 o'ring,Viton,37.77 X 2.62 mm 1 1320113 o'ring,Viton,38 X 3.5 mm 1 1 1320119 o'ring,Viton,39.5X3 mm 1 1320072 o'ring,Viton,41 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1320108 o'ring,Viton,47.22 X 3.53mm 2 202122079 o'ring,Viton,49.5 X 3 mm 1 102122058 o'ring,Viton,61.6 X 3.5 mm 1 1 1 1 1320133 o'ring,Viton,7.65 X 1.7mm 1 1 123970101 o'ring,Viton,9 X 1.5 mm 1320269 oring,Viton,1mm X 3mm 2720013 Pad,felt 1720018 Pad,felt 1450034 Pin,cotter,hairPin 1 1 1450033 Pin,dowel,centering,6 X 12mm 4 4 4470013 ring,e-cliP,stainless steel 1 1310055 seal,shaft,12X24X7,Viton 1 1 1310054 seal,shaft,15X24X7,Viton 1 1619385a sPring,byPass ValVe,comP.,s/s 1490028 sPring,comPression,stl/st 1 1 1 1490029 sPring,comPression,stl/st 1 1490030 sPring,comPression,stl/st 1 1619561a sPring,eXhaust ValVe,comP.,s/s 3 3 3 3 3490031 sPring,torsion,sPecial ends 1 1490032 sPring,torsion,sPecial ends 1 1490033 sPring,torsion,sPecial ends 1490034 sPring,Vane 2 2 2380017 ValVe,buna 1 1 1 1 152655 ValVe,dschrg,Viton,2004-20aac 3 3 3380016 ValVe,eXhaust,Viton 3 3 3 3 3230055g Vane 1st stage gX 2230057g Vane 1st stage gX 2230058g Vane 1st stage gX 2230056g Vane 2nd stage gX 2 2230059g Vane 2nd stage gX 2

Page 326: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhVARIAN-8

Sd 91, CP 451

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


FRoNT SeAl KITS front seal kits include shaft seal, felt Pad, shoulder ring & o-rings. model(S) PART NumbeRsd 91 65875cP 451 65612

mINoR KITS minor kits include o-rings, gaskets, ValVes, washers, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. model(S) PART NumbeRsd 91 103911cP 451 104975

mAJoR KITS major kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus Vanes, sPrings, sight glass, couPling element & drain Plug for major oVerhaul. model(S) PART NumbeRsP 91 103902frcP 451 104616fr

RoToRS model(S) PART NumbeRsd 91 (1st-lP stage) 65745cP 451 (1st-lP stage) 65803sd 91 (2nd-hP stage) 65852cP 451 (2nd-hP stage) 102854 VANeS model(S) PART NumbeRsd 91 (1st-lP stage) 65760frsd 91 (2nd-hP stage) 65756frcP 451 (1st-lP stage) 65759frcP 451 (2nd-hP stage) 65756frcP 451 (oil PumP) 230044fr

ReCommeNded oIlS TYPe PART NumbeRPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

Page 327: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Sd 91, CP 451




Sd91 Sd91 Sd91 CP451 CP451 CP451PART NumbeR


SeAl 65875

mINoR 103911

mAJoR 103902FR

SeAl 65612

mINoR 104975

mAJoR 104616FR

71161 c-cliP,2004/8/12/20aac 1 152553 couPler,elastic,2004-20a/ac 1 1 1 1340024 deVice,abs,Viton,brown,70durom 1 1 1 165789 gasket,sight glass 171067 key,shaft 1 152700 leVer,asb,Viton,2012/20a&ac 1340023 nib,antisuck back,Viton 1 154340V nib,asb,Viton,2004/8/12/20aac 182007 o'ring,Viton,10.77 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1320036 o'ring,Viton,12.1 X 2.7 mm 1 1 1 1 1 179148 o'ring,Viton,165 X 3 mm 1 1 1 1320035 o'ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62mm 3 3 3 379509 o'ring,Viton,28 X 3 mm 1 1 1 182025 o'ring,Viton,29.3 X 3.6 mm 4 4 4 4320109 o'ring,Viton,33 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 182014 o'ring,Viton,34.1 X 3.6 mm 1 1 1 1 1 140007 o'ring,Viton,34.52 X 3.53 mm 182004 o'ring,Viton,5.7 X 1.9 mm 3 3 2 2320067 o'ring,Viton,63.09 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 182003 o'ring,Viton,7.2 X 1.9 mm 1 179537 o'ring,Viton,7.5 X 1.5 mm 1 1 1 140005 o'ring,Viton,9.25 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1 179513 o'ring,Viton,90 X 2 mm 4 4 4 4720007 Pad,felt,2010c2/15sd/05c1/21c2 1 1 1 1 1 171040 Pin,centering,2004-63aac-c 4 4 4 482604 Plug,drain,Plastic,2004a-2063c 3 3250010 ring,shouldered,2010c2/2021c2 1 1250011 ring,shouldered,2015sd/05c1 1 165846 ring,shouldered,standard 182063 seal,shaft,Viton 1 4 4 1 4 465784 sight glass,2010/15/21cP 1 1580031 sleeVe,gas,ballast,alcatel 1 1 1 165797 sPring 1 1 1 165799 sPring 1 1 1 152541 sPring,ValVe 4 1 4 453040 sPring,Vane,mw 8 4 8 8390007 ValVe disk,Viton 4 1 4 465791 ValVe,for Pascal PumP 1 165759fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265760fr Vane,gX,1st stage 265756fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 2 2230044fr Vane,gX,oil PumP 1 1420029 washer,flat,steel,Zinc chromat 2 2 2 284646 washer,waVed 1 173460 washer,waVed,s.s.,m6 19 19 16 1673452 washer,waVed,steel,m4 4 4 4 473453 washer,waVed,steel,m5 1 1 1 1

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhVARIAN-10

Sd 90/200/300/450

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


mINoR KITS minor kits include couPling element, c-cliPs, o-rings, gaskets, ValVes, washers, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. model(S) PART NumbeRsd 90/200/300/450 52610

mAJoR KITS major kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus Vanes, sPrings, sight glass & drain Plug for major oVerhaul. model(S) PART NumbeRsd 90 52614frsd 200 52613frsd 300 52611frsd 450 52982fr

RoToRS model(S) PART NumbeRsd 90 (1st-lP stage) 52513sd 200 (1st-lP stage) 52512sd 300 (1st-lP stage) 52509sd 450 (1st-lP stage) 52956sd 90/200/300 (2nd-hP stage) 52715sd 450 (2nd-hP stage) 52943

STAToRS model(S) PART NumbeRsd 90 (1st-lP stage) 52572sd 200 (1st-lP stage) 52582sd 300 (1st-lP stage) 52574sd 90/200/300 (2nd-hP stage) 52711

PlATeS model(S) PART NumbeRsd 90/200/300 (front) 52575sd 90/200/300 (int) 52573sd 90/200/300 (rear) 526861

VANeSmodel(S) PART NumbeRsd 90 (1st-lP stage) 83946frsd 200 (1st-lP stage) 53106frsd 300 (1st-lP stage) 83945frsd 90/200/300 (2nd-hP stage) 83946fr

ReCommeNded oIlS TYPe PART NumbeRPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

Page 329: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Sd 90/200/300/450




All Sd90 Sd200 Sd300 Sd450PART NumbeR


mINoR 52610

mAJoR 52614FR

mAJoR 52613FR

mAJoR 52611FR

mAJoR 52982FR

82522 ball,gas ballast 1 1 1 1 171161 c-cliP,2004/8/12/20aac 1 1 1 1 183653 c-cliP,steel,2004/8/12/20a 2 2 2 2 252642 claPPer,eXhaust,buna 1 1 1 1 152557 claPPer,eXhaust,Viton 1 1 1 1 152553 couPler,elastic,2004-20a/ac 1 1 1 1 152755 gasket,case,2004/8/12/20aaccP 1 1 1 1 152555 gasket,fan Plate 1 1 1 1 183649 key,shaft 1 152750 leVer,asb,buna,2004/8/12/20a 1 1 1 154340V nib,asb,Viton,2004/8/12/20aac 1 184149 o'ring,buna,16 X 2 mm 2 2 2 2 282120 o'ring,buna,26.57 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1 179238 o'ring,buna,28 X 5 mm 1 1 1 1 182122 o'ring,buna,29.3 X 3.6 mm 1 1 1 1 183633 o'ring,buna,38 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 182105 o'ring,buna,5 X 2 mm 1 1 1 1 182033 o'ring,Viton,82 X 2 mm 5 5 5 5 552990 Pad,felt,2004a-2020cP 1 1 1 1 171050 Pin,dowel,2004/8/12/20a 1 1 1 1 154071 Pin,retaining 1 1 1 1 182604 Plug,drain,Plastic,2004a-2063c 2 2 2 282063 seal,shaft,Viton 4 4 4 4 483546 sight glass,Plastic,w/seal 1 1 1 152563 sPring,gas ballast 1 1 1 1 152564 sPring,gas ballast,ball 1 1 1 1 152541 sPring,ValVe 4 2 3 4 453040 sPring,Vane,mw 12 14 8 852655 ValVe,dschrg,Viton,2004-20aac 4 2 3 4 452562b ValVe,gas ballast,buna 1 1 1 1 152959fr Vane,gX,1st stage 253106fr Vane,gX,1st stage 283945fr Vane,gX,1st stage 252958fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 283946fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 4 2 273339 washer,flat,small o.d.,s.s.,m4 3 3 3 3 373460 washer,waVed,s.s.,m6 9 9 9 9 973461 washer,waVed,s.s.,m8 6 6 6 6 6

Page 330: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhVARIAN-12

Cd 200/300

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


mINoR KITS minor kits include couPling element, c-cliPs, o-rings, gaskets, ValVes, washers, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. model(S) PART NumbeRall 52624

mAJoR KITS major kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus Vanes, sPrings, sight glass & drain Plug for major oVerhaul. model(S) PART NumbeRcd 200 52626frcd 300 52625fr

RoToRS model(S) PART NumbeRcd 200 (1st-lP stage) 52535cd 300 (1st-lP stage) 52533all (2nd-hP stage) 52715

STAToRS model(S) PART NumbeRcd 200 (1st-lP stage) 52582cd 200 (1st-lP stage) 52574all (2nd-hP stage) 52711

PlATeS model(S) PART NumbeRall (front) 52575all (int) 52650all (rear) 52687

VANeSmodel(S) PART NumbeRcd 200 (1st-lP stage) 53106frcd 300 (1st-lP stage) 83945frall (2nd-hP stage) 83946fr

SHAFT SeAlSmodel(S) PART NumbeRall (Viton) 82063

ReCommeNded oIlS TYPe PART NumbeRPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

Page 331: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Cd 200/300




All Cd200 Cd300PART NumbeR


mINoR 52624

mAJoR 52626FR

mAJoR 52625FR

82522 ball,gas ballast 1 1 171161 c-cliP,2004/8/12/20aac 1 1 171181 c-cliP,s.s.,2004/8/12/20ac 2 2 252557 claPPer,eXhaust,Viton 1 1 152553 couPler,elastic,2004-20a/ac 1 1 152755 gasket,case,2004/8/12/20aaccP 1 1 152555 gasket,fan Plate 1 1 183649 key,shaft 1 152700 leVer,asb,Viton,2012/20a&ac 1 154340V nib,asb,Viton,2004/8/12/20aac 1 182022 o'ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62 mm 2 2 282021 o'ring,Viton,19.8 X 3.6 mm 1 1 179133 o'ring,Viton,21 X 2 mm 1 1 179268 o'ring,Viton,26.2 X 3.6 mm 1 1 182025 o'ring,Viton,29.3 X 3.6 mm 1 1 182056 o'ring,Viton,37 X 2.5 mm 1 1 182004 o'ring,Viton,5.7 X 1.9 mm 1 1 182033 o'ring,Viton,82 X 2 mm 5 5 552990 Pad,felt,2004a-2020cP 1 1 171050 Pin,dowel,2004/8/12/20a 1 154071 Pin,retaining 1 1 152752 Plug,drain 1 182063 seal,shaft,Viton 4 4 452683 sight glass,disc 1 183546 sight glass,Plastic,w/seal 1 152563 sPring,gas ballast 1 1 152564 sPring,gas ballast,ball 1 1 152541 sPring,ValVe 4 3 453040 sPring,Vane,mw 6 852655 ValVe,dschrg,Viton,2004-20aac 4 3 452562b ValVe,gas ballast,buna 1 1 153106fr Vane,gX,1st stage 283945fr Vane,gX,1st stage 283946fr Vane,gX,2nd stage 2 273339 washer,flat,small o.d.,s.s.,m4 3 3 373460 washer,waVed,s.s.,m6 9 9 973461 washer,waVed,s.s.,m8 6 6 6

Page 332: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhVARIAN-14

Cd 700/1400

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


mINoR KITS minor kits include couPling element, c-cliPs, o-rings, gaskets, ValVes, washers, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. model(S) PART NumbeRcd 700 54286cd 1400 54488

mAJoR KITS major kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus Vanes, sPrings, sight glass & drain Plug for major oVerhaul. model(S) PART NumbeRcd 700 54289kitcd 1400 54489kit

RoToRS model(S) PART NumbeRcd 700 (1st-lP coated) 55182cd 1400 (1st-lP coated) 54439cd 700 (2nd-hP stage) 54183cd 1400 (2nd-hP stage) 54433

STAToRS model(S) PART NumbeRcd 700 (1st-lP stage) 54120cd 1400 (1st-lP stage) 54411cd 700 (2nd-hP stage) 54122cd 1400 (2nd-hP stage) 54415

PlATeS model(S) PART NumbeRcd 700 (inter-bronZe) 54121cd 700 (inter-carbon) 54190cd 700 (rear-bronZe) 54250cd 1400 (inter-bronZe) 54413cd 1400 (inter-carbon) 54434cd 1400 (rear-bronZe) 65505cd 1400 (rear-carbon) 65506

SHAFT SeAlSmodel(S) PART NumbeRall (Viton) 79101

ReCommeNded oIlS TYPe PART NumbeRPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

Page 333: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Cd 700/1400




Cd700 Cd700 Cd1400 Cd1400PART NumbeR


mINoR 54286

mAJoR 54289KIT

mINoR 54488

mAJoR 54489KIT

54197 assy,sight glass,33/63 33c/63c 1 1 1 1820048 boX,white,14.5 X 10.5 X 2.5" 1 176261c c-cliP,2033/63 1 1 1 171188 c-cliP,2033/63c 2 2 2 271191 c-cliP,2033/63c 1 1 1 154224 claPPer,2033/63 1 1 1 154091 couPler,elstc,blue,2030-2033c 1 154356 couPling,elastic,2060/63c 1 154128 gasket,case,2033c 1 154427 gasket,case,2063c 1 1103306 gasket,sight glass 1 1 1 154196 membrane,oil PumP 1 1 1 171338 nut 1 1 1 182007 o'ring,Viton,10.77 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 182039 o'ring,Viton,128 X 2 mm 4 479137 o'ring,Viton,148 X 2 mm 4 482022 o'ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 182025 o'ring,Viton,29.3 X 3.6 mm 2 2 2 282056 o'ring,Viton,37 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 182013 o'ring,Viton,40.64 X 5.33 mm 1 1 1 182067 o'ring,Viton,44 X 3 mm 3 3 3 3320067 o'ring,Viton,63.09 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 179134 o'ring,Viton,8 X 2 mm 2 2 2 282015 o'ring,Viton,9.19 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 182027 o'ring,Viton,91.44 X 5.33 mm 1 1 1 179136 o'ring,Viton,95 X 3 mm 1 1 1 165538 Pad,felt 1 165059 Pad,felt,2033-2033cP+ 1 176261 Pin,cotter,2033/63 1 1 1 182604 Plug,drain,Plastic,2004a-2063c 1 1 1 182925 Plug,fill,2033-2063c 1 1 1 175024 screw,socket head caP,ylw ch 1 1 1 179101 seal,shaft,Viton 4 4 4 4103307 sight glass,oil,glass 1 1 1 154145 sPring 1 1 1 154149 sPring 1 1 1 187954 sPring,ValVe 3 3 3 387942 sPring,Vane 9 953443 ValVe,dischrg,Viton 2033/63c 3 3 3 354134 ValVe,eXhaust,2033/63c 1 1 1 154400g Vane,gX,1st stage 287941g Vane,gX,1st stage 254401g Vane,gX,2nd stage 287996g Vane,gX,2nd stage 254451g Vane,gX,oil PumP 1 165514g Vane,gX,oil PumP 1 173446 washer,waVed,s.s.,m10 4 4 25 2573460 washer,waVed,s.s.,m6 21 21 21 2173461 washer,waVed,s.s.,m8 23 23 2 2

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhVARIAN-16

Sd 700/1400

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


mINoR KITS minor kits include couPling element, c-cliPs, o-rings, gaskets, ValVes, washers, shaft seals & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. model(S) PART NumbeRsd 700 54285sd 1400 54485

mAJoR KITS major kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus Vanes, sPrings, sight glass & drain Plug for major PumP oVerhaul. model(S) PART NumbeRsd 700 (g11 Vanes) 54288kitsd 1400 (g11 Vanes) 54487kit

RoToRS model(S) PART NumbeRsd 700 (1st-lP stage) 54124sd 1400 (1st-lP stage) 54425sd 700 (2nd-hP stage) 54183sd 1400 (2nd-hP stage) 54433

STAToRS model(S) PART NumbeRsd 700 (1st-lP stage) 54120sd 1400 (1st-lP stage) 54411sd 700 (2nd-hP stage) 54122sd 1400 (2nd-hP stage) 54415

PlATeS model(S) PART NumbeRsd 700 (inter-bronZe) 54121sd 700 (inter-carbon) 54190sd 700 (rear-bronZe) 54250sd 700 (rear-carbon) 54251sd 1400 (inter-bronZe) 54413sd 1400 (inter-carbon) 54434sd 1400 (rear-bronZe) 65505sd 1400 (rear-carbon) 65506

SHAFT SeAlSmodel(S) PART NumbeRall (buna) 79100all (Viton) 79101

ReCommeNded oIlS TYPe PART NumbeRPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

Page 335: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Sd 700/1400




Sd700 Sd700 Sd1400 Sd1400PART NumbeR


mINoR 54285

mAJoR 54288KIT

mINoR 54485

mAJoR 54487KIT

65079 assy,sight glass,2033/2063cP+ 1 1 1 1820048 boX,white,14.5 X 10.5 X 2.5" 1 176261c c-cliP,2033/63 1 1 1 171188 c-cliP,2033/63c 2 2 2 254224 claPPer,2033/63 1 1 1 154091 couPler,elstc,blue,2030-2033c 1 154356 couPling,elastic,2060/63c 1 154128 gasket,case,2033c 1 154427 gasket,case,2063c 1 1103306 gasket,sight glass 1 1 1 154196 membrane,oil PumP 1 1 1 171338 nut 1 1 1 182109 o'ring,buna,10.77 X 2.62 mm 1 1 2 279010 o'ring,buna,128 X 2 mm 4 479241 o'ring,buna,148 X 2 mm 4 482112 o'ring,buna,15.54 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 184149 o'ring,buna,16 X 2 mm 1 1 1 182122 o'ring,buna,29.3 X 3.6 mm 1 1 1 183633 o'ring,buna,38 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 182129 o'ring,buna,40.64 X 5.33 mm 1 1 1 179051 o'ring,buna,41 X 3 mm 1 1 1 187926 o'ring,buna,44 X 3 mm 1 1 1 179234 o'ring,buna,8 X 2 mm 2 2 2 282108 o'ring,buna,9.19 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 182024 o'ring,Viton,12.37 X 2.62 mm 4 4 4 4320067 o'ring,Viton,63.09 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 165538 Pad,felt 1 165059 Pad,felt,2033-2033cP+ 1 176261 Pin,cotter,2033/63 1 1 1 182604 Plug,drain,Plastic,2004a-2063c 1 1 1 182925 Plug,fill,2033-2063c 1 1 1 175024 screw,socket head caP,ylw ch 1 1 1 179100 seal,shaft,buna 3 3 3 379101 seal,shaft,Viton 1 1 1 176135 sight glass, window,w/seal 1 1 1 1105452r sight glass,oil,Plastic 1 1 1 154145 sPring 1 1 1 154149 sPring 1 1 1 154114 sPring,gas ballast 1 1 1 187954 sPring,ValVe 3 3 3 387942 sPring,Vane 9 953443 ValVe,dischrg,Viton 2033/63c 3 3 3 354134 ValVe,eXhaust,2033/63c 1 1 1 154400g Vane,gX,1st stage 287941g Vane,gX,1st stage 254401g Vane,gX,2nd stage 287996g Vane,gX,2nd stage 254451g Vane,gX,oil PumP 1 165514g Vane,gX,oil PumP 1 173446 washer,waVed,s.s.,m10 4 4 25 2573460 washer,waVed,s.s.,m6 16 16 16 1673461 washer,waVed,s.s.,m8 23 23 2 2

Page 336: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Shop online @ PrecisionPlus.com!

IndIVIduaL SpareS

VARIAN-18 Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh


beARINGS4718001 bearing,ball,PfPe 300,6004718005 bearing,ball,2 seals,PfPe 300,6004818002 bearing,ball,PfPe 300,6004818003 bearing,ball,7205w,krytoX 3 00,600

GASKeTS300053 gasket,cork,1mm thick d05300054 gasket,cork,1mm thick d05300055 gasket,cork,1.5mm thick d05,d08,d12

KITSsh0100ts kit,tiPseal,rePlacement,sh100/110 sh110tss0300mk kit,major maintenance,ts300 300tss0300ts kit,tiP seal,ts300 300tss0600mk kit,major maintenance, ts600 600tss0600ts kit,tiP seal, triscroll 600 600

mISC.350010 assembly,sync crank Pin ts300350011 assembly,sync crank,600 ts600540002 sleeVe,nylon 300,600720018 Pad,felt d08,d12860012 threadlock,loctite 242,.5ml 300860013 threadlock,loctite 567,6ml 300

o-RINGS320130 o’ring,buna,41.0 X 1.78mm sV585320159 o’ring,Viton,221.85 X 3.53 300320167 o’ring,Viton,247.25 X 3.53 mm320168 o’ring,Viton,36.17 X 2.62 mm 600320169 o’ring,Viton,113.97 X 2.62 mm 300320170 o’ring,Viton,10.69 X 3.53 mm 300320171 o’ring,Viton,13.87 X 3.53 mm 600320216 o’ring,Viton,75.79X3.53 mm s400f,s400fl320269 oring,Viton,1mm X 3mm d08,d12

oIl/GReASeS870013 grease,krytoX,gPl-224,.5 oZ

RINGS470017 ring,retaining,18mm 300470018 ring,retaining,15mm 300

SeAlS300056 seal, tiP, Varian 300310057 seal,shaft,buna,32X42X4mm 300,600310058 seal,shaft, 8 X 15 X 3,buna tyPe kb 300,600310059 seal,shaft,24X32X4 300310060 seal,shaft,22 X 30 X 4 600

SPRINGS490053 sPring, comPression, stainless 300

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

1376 N, 1400 N, 1402 N

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


WelchCHeMSTar N SerIeS

MINOR REPAIR KITS minor rePair kits include o-rings, gaskets, mechanical shaft seals, ValVes & other comPonents for light oVerhaul. MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1376 n 1376k-091400 n 1400k-091402 n 1402k-09

MAJOR REPAIR KITS major kits include all comPonents of minor kits Plus cast iron Vanes, V-belts, & other comPonents for major oVerhaul. MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1376 n 1376k-101400 n 1400k-101402 n 1402k-10

MECHANICAL SHAFT SEALS MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1376 n 411401d1400 n 411401e1402 n 411401d

CAST IRON VANES MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1376 n (large / 2) 4116841376 n (small / 2) 411487 1400 n (4 reQuired) 411059iron1402 n (large / 2) 4109591402 n (small / 2) 411487

SHAFTS MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1376 n 411683 1400 n 4110601402 n 411093

ROTORS MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1376 n, 1402 n (intake) 4115181402 n (eXhaust) 412092

RECOMMENdEd OILS TYPE PART NuMbERPlus duo (1l/1.06Qt) PPd001general PurPose oil (eQu. to duoseal)

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

Page 338: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

1376 N, 1400 N, 1402 N



WelchCHeMSTar N SerIeS

1376N 1376N 1400N 1400N 1402N 1402NPART NuMbER


MINOR 1376K-09

MAJOR 1376K-10

MINOR 1400K-09

MAJOR 1400K-10

MINOR 1402K-09

MAJOR 1402K-10

4401200 ball,steel 1 1 1 1410660 filter 1 1410890 filter,air 1 1411692 filter,air 1 1410383 gasket,intake coVer 1 1618278a gasket,intake coVer,Viton 1 1 1 1618279b gasket,oil case,Viton 2 2 1 1618355b gasket,oil case,Viton 1 1410643 gasket,shaft seal 1 1 1 1 1 1410696 holder,sPring 3 3 1 1411063 holder,sPring 2 2410613 key,woodruff,cut 2 2 2 2 2 2410624 key,woodruff,cut 1 1 1 1 2 2660304 o'ring,aflas,36.17 X 2.62 mm 2 2 2 240015 o'ring,buna,7.65 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1620118 o'ring,tetraseal,#013 2 2 2 2 2 279135 o'ring,Viton,10.5 X 2 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1612159a o'ring,Viton,18.72 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1619284a o'ring,Viton,24.99 X 3.53 mm 2 2 2 2320106 o'ring,Viton,25.07 X 2.62 mm 1 1619378 o'ring,Viton,82.22 X 2.62 mm 1 1320083 o'ring,Viton,86 X 2.5 mm 1 1618559a Pin,sPring,Vane 6 6 4 4 6 64060754 ring 1 1411150 ring,retaining 1 1410578 seal,shaft (metal case) 1 11401e seal,shaft,mech,w/screws,.625" 1 11401d seal,shaft,mech,w/screws,.750" 1 1 1 1618315a sPacer,block,ValVe 2 2 1 1411685 sPring,holder,corrosion resis 2 2412158 sPring,ValVe 4 4 2 2618348a stud,baffle 1 1410708 V-belt 1 1410710 V-belt 1 1 1 1618314a ValVe 4 4 2 2411239 ValVe,eXhaust 1 1412154 ValVe,lower eXhaust,steel 1 1 1 1410992 ValVe,Pressure relief 1 1412153 ValVe,uPPer eXhaust,steel 1 1 1 1411059iron Vane,cast iron,1st stage 4411684 Vane,cast iron,1st stage 2410959 Vane,cast iron,1st stage,large 2411487 Vane,cast iron,2nd stage,small 2 22710040 washer,brass,#10 2 2618456a washer,coPPer,5/16" 6 6411766 washer,disk 3 3410508 washer,thrust 1 1 1 1

Page 339: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh


kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS



GASKET KITS gasket kits include gaskets, washers & Viton shaft seals as noted. MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1400 (liP) 1400g1400 (mechanical) 1400g/ms1402 (liP) 1402g1402 (mechanical) 1402g/ms1405 (liP) 1405g 1405 (mechanical) 1405g/ms

SECONdARY KITS secondary kits include all comPonents of gasket kits Plus V-belts, eXhaust ValVes & sPrings for light oVerhaul. MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1400 (liP) 1400s1400 (mechanical) 1400s/ms1402 (liP) 1402s1402 (mechanical) 1402s/ms1405 (liP) 1405s1405 (mechanical) 1405s/ms

PRIMARY KITS Primary kits include all comPonents of secondary kits Plus Vanes (cast iron-Pi or Phenolic-PP) for major oVerhaul. MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1400 (liP - cast iron Vanes) 1400Pi1400 (mechanical - cast iron Vanes) 1400Pi/ms1400 (liP - Phenolic Vanes) 1400PP1400 (mechanical - Phenolic Vanes) 1400PP/ms1402 (liP - cast iron Vanes) 1402Pi1402 (mechanical - cast iron Vanes) 1402Pi/ms1402 (liP - Phenolic Vanes) 1402PP1402 (mechanical - Phenolic Vanes) 1402PP/ms1405 (liP - cast iron Vanes) 1405Pi1405 (mechanical - cast iron Vanes) 1405Pi/ms1405 (liP - Phenolic Vanes) 1405PP1405 (mechanical - Phenolic Vanes) 1405PP/ms

VANES MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1400 (1st-Phenolic) 4110591400 (1st-Phenolic) 4110591400 (1st-cast iron) 411059iron1400

(2nd-cast iron) 411059iron1402 (1st-Phenolic) 4120361402 (2nd-Phenolic) 4120351402 (1st-cast iron) 4109591402 (2nd-cast iron) 411487 1405 (1st-Phenolic) 411294Ph1405 (1st-cast iron) 411294iron

SHAFTS MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1400 4110601402 4120931405 411293

ROTORS MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1402 (intake) 4120921402 (eXhaust) 411518

RECOMMENdEd OILS TYPE PART NuMbERPlus duo (1l/1.06Qt) PPd001general PurPose oil (eQu. to duoseal)

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh





1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400PART NuMbER










411052 gasket,case 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1410383 gasket,intake coVer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1410056 gasket,seal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1410643 gasket,shaft seal 1411063 holder,sPring 2 2 2 2 2 2840032 instructions,shaft seal,welch 1410613 key,woodruff,cut 2 2 2 2 2410624 key,woodruff,cut 1 1 1 1 1411401e-01 kit,shaft seal,.625" 1 1 1 1411401e kit,shaft seal,mech.,.625" 1 1 1 1320106 o'ring,Viton,25.07 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1 1 140010 o'ring,Viton,82.22 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1320083 o'ring,Viton,86 X 2.5 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1411150 ring,retaining 1 1 1 1 1 1410578 seal,shaft (metal case) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1411304 sPring,ss 4 4 4 4 4 4410708 V-belt 1 1 1 1 1 1411239 ValVe,eXhaust 1 1 1 1 1 1411059iron Vane,cast iron,1st stage 4 4411059 Vane,Phenolic,1st stage 4 4411056 washer,alum 8 8 8 8 8411137 washer,alumina 3 3 3 3 3411267 washer,rubber 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1411266 washer,tension 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402PART NuMbER










4401200 ball,steel 1 1 1 1 1 1410660 filter 1410234 gasket,1376,1380,1402 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1412291 gasket,1376,1402 1 1 1 1 1 1 1410403 gasket,case,foam rubber 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1410643 gasket,shaft seal 1 1 1 1410696 holder,sPring 3 3 3 3 3 3840032 instructions,shaft seal,welch 1 1 1 1410613 key,woodruff,cut 2 2 2 2410624 key,woodruff,cut 2 2 2 2411401d-01 kit,shaft seal,.750" 1 1 1 140015 o'ring,buna,7.65 X 1.78 mm 1619284a o'ring,Viton,24.99 X 3.53 mm 14060754 ring 1410578 seal,shaft (metal case) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11401d seal,shaft,mech,w/screws,.750" 1 1 1 1411685 sPring,holder,corrosion resis 2411304 sPring,ss 6 6 6 6 6 6412158 sPring,ValVe 2 2 2 2 2 2410710 V-belt 1 1 1 1 1 1618314a ValVe 2412159 ValVe,block sPacer 1412154 ValVe,lower eXhaust,steel 1 1 1 1 1 1410992 ValVe,Pressure relief 1 1 1 1 1 1412153 ValVe,uPPer eXhaust,steel 1 1 1 1 1 1410959 Vane,cast iron,1st stage,large 2 2411487 Vane,cast iron,2nd stage,small 2 2412036 Vane,Phenolic,1st stg,large 2 2412035 Vane,Phenolic,2nd stg,small 2 2618456a washer,coPPer,5/16" 6411766 washer,disk 3 3 3 3411267 washer,rubber 2 2 2 2 2 2 2411266 washer,tension 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2410508 washer,thrust 1 1 1 1

Page 341: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh





1405 1405 1405 1405 1405 1405 1405 1405PART NuMbER










820048 boX,white,14.5 X 10.5 X 2.5" 1411178 gasket,center Plate coVer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1411308 gasket,chamber 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2411303 holder,sPring 2 2 2 2 2 2410613 key,woodruff,cut 2 2 2 2410624 key,woodruff,cut 2 2 2 2411401e-01 kit,shaft seal,.625" 1 1 1 1411401e kit,shaft seal,mech.,.625" 1 1 1 1411150 ring,retaining 1 1 1 1 1 1411304 sPring,ss 4 4 4 4 4 4410710 V-belt 1 1 1 1 1 1411239 ValVe,eXhaust 1 1 1 1 1 1411294iron Vane,cast iron,2nd stage 4 4411294Ph Vane,Phenolic,2nd stg 4 4411165 washer 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2411267 washer,rubber 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2411266 washer,tension 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Page 342: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhWELCH-6


kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


VANES MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1373 (1st-Phenolic) 4117481374 (1st-Phenolic) 4114621374 (2nd-Phenolic) 4120351376 (1st-cast iron) 4116841376 (1st-Phenolic) 4117481376 (2nd-cast iron) 4114871376 (2nd-Phenolic) 412035

SHAFTS MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1374 4114841376 411683

ROTORS MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1376 (eXhaust) 4115181374 (eXhaust) 411499

RINGS (STATOR) MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1376 (eXhaust ring) 4120391397 (eXhaust ring) 411497

RECOMMENdEd OILS TYPE PART NuMbERPlus duo (1l/1.06Qt) PPd001general PurPose oil (eQu. to duoseal)

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

GASKET KITS gasket kits include gaskets, washers & Viton shaft seals asnoted.

MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1373 (liP) 1373g1373 (mechanical) 1373g/ms1374 (liP) 1374g1374 (mechanical) 1374g/ms1376 (liP) 1376g1376 (mechanical) 1376g/ms

SECONdARY KITS secondary kits include all comPonents of gasket kits Plus V-belts, eXhaust ValVes & sPrings for light oVerhaul.

MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1373 (liP) 1373s1373 (mechanical) 1373s/ms1374 (liP) 1374s1374 (mechanical) 1374s/ms1376 (liP) 1376s1376 (mechanical) 1376s/ms

PRIMARY KITSPrimary kits include all comPonents of secondary kits Plus Vanes (cast iron-Pi or Phenolic-PP) for major oVerhaul. MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1373 (liP - cast iron Vanes) 1373Pi1373 (mechanical - cast iron Vanes) 1373Pi/ms1373 (liP - Phenolic Vanes) 1373PP1373 (mechanical - Phenolic Vanes) 1373PP/ms1374 (liP - cast iron Vanes) 1374Pi1374 (mechanical - cast iron Vanes) 1374Pi/ms1374 (liP - Phenolic Vanes) 1374PP1374 (mechanical - Phenolic Vanes) 1374PP/ms1376 (liP - cast iron Vanes) 1376Pi1376 (mechanical - cast iron Vanes) 1376Pi/ms1376 (liP - Phenolic Vanes) 1376PP1376 (mechanical - Phenolic Vanes) 1376PP/ms

Page 343: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh





1373 1373 1373 1373 1373 1373 1373 1373PART NuMbER










4401200 ball,steel 1 1 1 1 1 1410234 gasket,1376,1380,1402 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1410403 gasket,case,foam rubber 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1410643 gasket,shaft seal 1 1 1 1410696 holder,sPring 2 2 2 2 2 2840032 instructions,shaft seal,welch 1 1 1 1411401d-01 kit,shaft seal,.750" 1 1 1 11401d seal,shaft,mech,w/screws,.750" 1 1 1 1411304 sPring,ss 4 4 4 4 4 4410710 V-belt 1 1 1 1 1 1411768 ValVe,lower eX,stainless stl. 4 4 4 4 4 4411779 ValVe,uPPer eXhaust 4 4 4 4 4 4411684 Vane,cast iron,1st stage 2 2411748 Vane,Phenolic,1st stg,large 2 2411267 washer,rubber 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2411266 washer,tension 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

1374 1374 1374 1374 1374 1374 1374 1374PART NuMbER










4401200 ball,steel 1 1 1411496 gasket,case 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1411495 gasket,intake coVer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1411494 gasket,seal 1411508 gasket,ValVe 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1410696 holder,sPring 1 1 1 1 1 1411489 holder,sPring 2 2 2 2 2 2670520a instructions,rePlacement 1 1 1411516 key,small rotor,1374 & 1397 1 1411490 key,woodruff,cut 2 2411401f-01 kit,shaft seal,1.00" 1 1 1 1411401f kit,shaft seal,mech.,1.00" 1 1 1 1411507 o'ring,buna,78.97 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1412258 sleeVe 1 1 1412257 sleeVe,hardened 1 1 1410055 sPacer 1 1412256 sPring,coil 1 1 1412259 sPring,coil 1 1 1411488 sPring,comPression,s/s 4 4 4 4 4 4411304 sPring,ss 2 2 2 2 2 2410716 V-belt 2 2 2 2 2 2618538a ValVe,backer 1 1 1618539a ValVe,flaPPer 1 1 1410992 ValVe,Pressure relief 1 1 1412161 ValVe,Pressure relief,steel 1 1 1 1 1 1411477 Vane,cast iron,1st stage 2 2411487 Vane,cast iron,2nd stage,small 2 2411462 Vane,Phenolic,1st stage 2 2412035 Vane,Phenolic,2nd stg,small 2 2411056 washer,alum 4 4411137 washer,alumina 3 3 3411267 washer,rubber 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2411266 washer,tension 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Page 344: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh





1376 1376 1376 1376 1376 1376 1376 1376PART NuMbER










4401200 ball,steel 1 1 1 1 1 1820048 boX,white,14.5 X 10.5 X 2.5" 1410234 gasket,1376,1380,1402 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1412291 gasket,1376,1402 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1410403 gasket,case,foam rubber 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2410643 gasket,shaft seal 1 1 1 1410696 holder,sPring 3 3 3 3 3 3840032 instructions,shaft seal,welch 1 1 1 1410613 key,woodruff,cut 2 2 2 2410624 key,woodruff,cut 1 1 1 1411401d-01 kit,shaft seal,.750" 1 1 1 1410578 seal,shaft (metal case) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11401d seal,shaft,mech,w/screws,.750" 1 1 1 1411304 sPring,ss 6 6 6 6 6 6412158 sPring,ValVe 4 4 4 4 4 4410710 V-belt 1 1 1 1 1 1412154 ValVe,lower eXhaust,steel 1 1 1 1 1 1410992 ValVe,Pressure relief 1 1 1 1 1 1412153 ValVe,uPPer eXhaust,steel 1 1 1 1 1 1411684 Vane,cast iron,1st stage 2 2411487 Vane,cast iron,2nd stage,small 2 2411748 Vane,Phenolic,1st stg,large 2 2412035 Vane,Phenolic,2nd stg,small 2 2411766 washer,disk 3 3 3 3411267 washer,rubber 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2411266 washer,tension 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2410508 washer,thrust 1 1 1 1

Page 345: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh


kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS



VANES MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1398 (1st-Phenolic) 4123831398 (2nd-Phenolic) 4123801398 (1st-cast iron) 4124061398 (2nd-cast iron) 4123921399 (1st-cast iron) 411059iron1399 (1st-Phenolic) 4110591397 (1st-cast iron) 4114771397 (2nd-cast iron) 4114871397 (1st-Phenolic) 4114621397 (2nd-Phenolic) 412035

ROTORS MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1397 (eXhaust) 411499

RINGS (STATOR) MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1397 (eXhaust ring) 411497

SHAFTS MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1397 (no collar) 4114841399 412374

RECOMMENdEd OILS TYPE PART NuMbERPlus duo (1l/1.06Qt) PPd001general PurPose oil (eQu. to duoseal)

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

GASKET KITS gasket kits include gaskets, washers & Viton shaft seals asnoted.

MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1397 (liP) 1397g1397 (mechanical) 1397g/ms1398 (mechanical) 1398g/ms1399 (liP) 1399g1399 (mechanical) 1399g/ms

SECONdARY KITS secondary kits include all comPonents of gasket kits Plus V-belts, eXhaust ValVes & sPrings for light oVerhaul.

MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1397 (liP) 1397s1397 (mechanical) 1397s/ms1398 (mechanical) 1398s/ms1399 (liP) 1399s1399 (mechanical) 1399s/ms

PRIMARY KITSPrimary kits include all comPonents of secondary kits Plus Vanes (cast iron-Pi or Phenolic-PP) for major oVerhaul. MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER1397 (liP - cast iron Vanes) 1397Pi1397 (mechanical - cast iron Vanes) 1397Pi/ms1397 (liP - Phenolic Vanes) 1397PP1397 (mechanical - Phenolic Vanes) 1397PP/ms1398 (mechanical - cast iron Vanes) 1398Pi/ms1398 (mechanical - Phenolic Vanes) 1398PP/ms1399 (liP - cast iron Vanes) 1399Pi1399 (mechanical - Phenolic Vanes) 1399Pi/ms1399 (liP - Phenolic Vanes) 1399PP1399 (mechanical - Phenolic Vanes) 1399PP/ms

Page 346: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh





1397 1397 1397 1397 1397 1397 1397 1397PART NuMbER










4401200 ball,steel 1 1 1 1 1 1411496 gasket,case 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1411495 gasket,intake coVer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1411508 gasket,ValVe 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1410696 holder,sPring 1 1 1 1 1 1411489 holder,sPring 2 2 2 2 2 2670520a instructions,rePlacement 1 1 1 1 1 1411516 key,small rotor,1374 & 1397 1 1 1 1411490 key,woodruff,cut 2 2 2 2411401f-01 kit,shaft seal,1.00" 1 1 1 1411401f kit,shaft seal,mech.,1.00" 1 1 1 1411507 o'ring,buna,78.97 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1412258 sleeVe 1 1 1 1 1 1412257 sleeVe,hardened 1 1 1 1 1 1410055 sPacer 1 1 1 1412256 sPring,coil 1 1 1 1 1 1412259 sPring,coil 1 1 1 1 1 1411488 sPring,comPression,s/s 4 4 4 4 4 4411304 sPring,ss 2 2 2 2 2 2410715 V-belt,cogged 2 2 2 2 2 2618538a ValVe,backer 1 1 1 1 1 1618539a ValVe,flaPPer 1 1 1 1 1 1410992 ValVe,Pressure relief 1 1 1 1 1 1412161 ValVe,Pressure relief,steel 1 1 1 1 1 1411477 Vane,cast iron,1st stage 2 2411487 Vane,cast iron,2nd stage,small 2 2411462 Vane,Phenolic,1st stage 2 2412035 Vane,Phenolic,2nd stg,small 2 2411056 washer,alum 4 4 4 4411137 washer,alumina 3 3 3 3 3 3411267 washer,rubber 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2411266 washer,tension 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Page 347: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh





1398 1398 1398 1398 1398 1398 1398 1398PART NuMbER










412491 assembly,seal,shaft,with o'ring 1 1 1 14400800 ball,steel 1 1 1 1 1 1820048 boX,white,14.5 X 10.5 X 2.5" 1412518 gasket,1395,1396,1398 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1412517 gasket,intake coVer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1412482 o'ring,buna,113.67 X 5.33 mm 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1412487 o'ring,buna,18.64 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1412488 o'ring,buna,28.17 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1411507 o'ring,buna,78.97 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1412515 o'ring,buna,85.32 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1412481 o'ring,buna,91.44 X 5.33 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1412491ins seal,shaft,comPlete insert 1 1 1 1412506 sPring 1 1 1 1 1 1412507 sPring 4 4 4 4 4 4412952 sPring 4 4 4 4 4 4411488 sPring,comPression,s/s 2 2 2 2 2 2412471 sPring,holder 1 1 1 1 1 1412472 sPring,holder 2 2 2 2 2 2412512 V-belt 4 4 4 4 4 4412382 ValVe,ball 1 1 1 1 1 1412406 Vane,cast iron,1st stage,large 2 2412392 Vane,cast iron,2nd stage,small 2 2412383 Vane,Phenolic,1st stg,large 2 2412380 Vane,Phenolic,2nd stg,small 2 2411137 washer,alumina 4 4 4 4 4 4411267 washer,rubber 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2411266 washer,tension 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

1399 1399 1399 1399 1399 1399 1399 1399PART NuMbER










411052 gasket,case 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1412375 gasket,coVer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1410643 gasket,shaft seal 1 1411063 holder,sPring 1 1 1 1 1 1840032 instructions,shaft seal,welch 1 1411401e-01 kit,shaft seal,.625" 1 1 1 1411401e kit,shaft seal,mech.,.625" 1 11401e seal,shaft,mech,w/screws,.625" 1 1411304 sPring,ss 2 2 2 2 2 2410711 V-belt 1 1 1 1 1 1411239 ValVe,eXhaust 1 1 1 1 1 1411059iron Vane,cast iron,1st stage 2 2411059 Vane,Phenolic,1st stage 2 2411137 washer,alumina 1 1 1 1 1 1411267 washer,rubber 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1411266 washer,tension 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Page 348: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhWELCH-12


kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS

WelchdIreCTorr SerIeS

SEAL & GASKET KITSseal & gasket kits include gaskets, washers & Viton shaft seals.

MOdEL(S) PART NuMbERall 8800sgk

MAJOR REPAIR KITSmajor rePair kits include all comPonents of seal & gasket kits Plus Vanes, sPrings, sight glass and other comPonents for major oVerhaul. MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER8806 8806mrk8811 8811mrk8814 8814mrk8816 8816mrk8821 8821mrk8851 8851mrk

VANES MOdEL(S) PART NuMbERall (eXhaust) 4133278811/8816 (intake) 4133288814 (intake) 4134698821 (intake) 4133298851 (intake) 413104

SHAFT SEALS MOdEL(S) PART NuMbERall (Viton liP seal) 411401e-01

EXHAuST VALVES MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER8806-8814 (4in X 4in X 3in id) 1417g

RECOMMENdEd OILS TYPE PART NuMbERPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

Page 349: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh



WelchdIreCTorr SerIeS


8806-51 8806 8811 8814 8816 8821 8851PART NuMbER









4400800 ball,steel 1 1 1 1 1 1413133 gasket,case 1 1 1 1 1 1 1412744 gasket,intake coVer 1 1 1 1 1 1413111 gasket,intake coVer 1 1410643 gasket,shaft seal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1413112 gasket,side coVer 1412969 holder,sPring 2 3 1 4 1 1411401e-01 kit,shaft seal,.625" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1410929 legs,PumP,base 4 4 4 4 4 4412065 o'ring,buna,21.82 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1413727 o'ring,buna,40.87 X 3.53 mm 1412642 o'ring,buna,9.19 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1412963 o'ring,Viton,2.57 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1413050 Pad,drain 1 1 1 1 14213006 Pin,dowel 1 1 1 1 1413058 Pin,driVe 1 1 1 1 1413035 Plug,o'ring,strai.head.stl,5/8 1 1 1 1 1412945 Plunger,oil feed 1 1 1 1 1411150 ring,retaining 1 1 1412977 seal,shaft,.625",buna 1 1 1 1 1 1412962 seal,shaft,3/8" 1 1 1 1 1 1412988 seal,shaft,5/8" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1413040 sight glass,w/chrome base 2 2 2 2 2413140 sight glass,window,oil leVel 1412951 sPring,check ValVe 1 1 1 1 1412991 sPring,int. ValVe,conical,s/s 2 2 2 2 3412949 sPring,Plunger 1 1 1 1 1412783 sPring,ValVe,conical,s/s 1 1 1 1 1 1412972 sPring,Vane,comP.,Plt. stl. 4 6 2 8 2 2412996 sPring,Vane,comPression,s/s 4 4 4413048 ValVe,byPass 1 3 2 3 3 4413119 ValVe,Vented eXhaust 1413327 Vane,eXhaust,gX 4 2 2 4 2 2413469 Vane,gX,1st stage,intake 2413104 Vane,gX,1st stage,intake,lrg 2413328 Vane,gX,1st stage,large 2 2413329 Vane,intake,gX 2410491 washer 1 1 1 1 1411285 washer 2 2 2410961 washer,intake Port 1412678 washer,thrust 1

Page 350: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhWELCH-14

8905, 8905/8907/8910/8912/8917 A

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


MINOR REPAIR KITSminor rePair kits include gaskets, shaft seals, keys, o-rings, driP Pads, couPling, sPrings, ValVes, washers & other comPonents for light oVerhaul.

MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER8905, 8905/8910 a 8905k028907/8912/8917 a 8917k02

MAJOR REPAIR KITSmajor rePair kits include all comPonents of minor rePair kits Plus Vanes for major oVerhaul. MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER8905 (old style) 8905mrk8905 a (new style) 8905amrk8907 a 8907mrk8910 a 8910mrk8912 a 8912mrk8917 a 8917mrk

VANES MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER8905 (intake) 612109a8905 (eXhaust) 612108a8905 a (intake) 612178a8905 a (eXhaust) 612179a8907 a (intake) 6160518907 a (eXhaust) 6160528910 a (intake) 612178a8910 a (eXhaust) 612179a8912 a (intake) 6160508912 a (eXhaust) 6160538917 a (intake) 6160498917 a (eXhaust) 616052

SHAFT SEALS MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER8905, 8905-8910 a (5/8 in) 4129888907-8917 a (3/8 in) 4129628907-8917 a (3/4 in) 413390

RECOMMENdEd OILS TYPE PART NuMbERPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

Page 351: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

8905, 8905/8907/8910/8912/8917 A




8905-10A 8907A-17A 8905 8905A 8907A 8910A 8912A 8917APART NuMbER


MINOR 8905K02

MINOR 8917K02







616215 assy,seal,shaft,17mm 1 1 1 1660211 foot,rubber,base 4 4 4 4612123a foot,rubber,Push in 4 4 4 4612149b gasket,case 1 1 1 1660199 gasket,case 1 1 1 1616385 gasket,molule 1 1 1 1410643 gasket,shaft seal 1 1 1 1413175 gasket,washer,nylon 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1620014 key,woodruff,steel,#202 1 1 1 1412732 key,woodruff,steel,#403 1 1 1 1616030 knob,gas ballast 1 1 1 1612231 o'ring,tetraseal,ring,Viton 1 1 1 1660225 o'ring,tetraseal,ring,Viton 1 1 1 1660194 o'ring,Viton,158.42 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1612130a o'ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1612159a o'ring,Viton,18.72 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1412963 o'ring,Viton,2.57 X 1.78 mm 2 2 2 2612155a o'ring,Viton,21.95 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1 1660212 o'ring,Viton,23.47 X 2.62 mm 2 2 2 2660200 o'ring,Viton,28.17 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1612157a o'ring,Viton,3.68 X 1.78 mm 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1413005 o'ring,Viton,4.47 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1 1660204 o'ring,Viton,58.42 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1660197 o'ring,Viton,6.07 X 1.78 mm 2 2 2 2612128a o'ring,Viton,64.77 X 2.62 mm 2 2 2 2619282a o'ring,Viton,7.65 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1660207 o'ring,Viton,71.12 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1619526 o'ring,Viton,75.87 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1612158a o'ring,Viton,9.19 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1620274 orfice,hose barb,.014" 1 1 1 1611178a orifice,brass,.010" 1 1 1 1616084 Pad,driP,felt 1 1 1 1619479a Pad,driP,felt 1 1 1 1413390 seal,shaft,3/4" 1 1 1 1412962 seal,shaft,3/8" 1 1 1 1412988 seal,shaft,5/8" 2 2 2 2616002 seat,drain ValVe,teflon 2 2 2 2616038 sPider,couPler,buna,black 1 1 1 1412694 sPider,couPling,buna,black 1 1 1 1616059 sPring,eXhaust ValVe,comP.,s/s 1 1 1 1612204a sPring,gas ballast,comP.,s/s 1 1 1 1

619426 sPring,Plunger,comPres-sion,s/s 1 1 1 1

612119a sPring,ValVe,comPression,s/s 2 2 2 2412996 sPring,Vane,comPression,s/s 4 4 4 4612172a tool,aluminum 1 1 1 1612170a tool,insertion,nylon 1 1 1 1611128a ValVe,backer 1 1 1 1616057 ValVe,by-Pass PoPPet,interstg. 1 1 1 1612118a ValVe,gas ballast,Viton 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1611123a ValVe,intake 1 1 1 1612139a ValVe,isolation disk,buna 1 1 1 1616058 ValVe,PoPPet,eXhaust 1 1 1 1612179a Vane,eXhaust,gX 2 2616052 Vane,eXhaust,gX 2 2616053 Vane,eXhaust,gX 2612109a Vane,gX,1st stage,intake 2612108a Vane,gX,2nd stage,eXhaust 2612178a Vane,intake,gX 2 2616049 Vane,intake,gX 2616050 Vane,intake,gX 2616051 Vane,intake,gX 22620793 washer,lock,#10,Plated 3 3 3 3616093 washer,thrust 1 1 1 1

Page 352: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbhWELCH-16

8915/8920, 8915/8920/8925 A

kit bill of materials can be found listed on the ‘kit comPonents’ Pages immediately following corresPonding PumP Pages.

all aVailable sPares for this series can be found listed on the ‘indiVidual sPares’ Pages at the end of this section.


FeaTured SpareS


MINOR REPAIR KITSminor rePair kits include gaskets, shaft seals, keys, o-rings, driP Pads, couPling, sPrings, ValVes, washers & other comPonents for light oVerhaul.

MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER8915, 8920 (old style) 8915k028915/8920 a (new style) 8915ak028925 a 8925k02

MAJOR REPAIR KITSmajor rePair kits include all comPonents of minor rePair kits Plus Vanes for major oVerhaul. MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER8915 (old style) 8915mrk8915 a (new style) 8915amrk8920 (old style) 8920mrk8920 a (new style) 8920amrk8925 a 8925mrk

VANES MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER8915/8920 (eXhaust) 4133278915/8920 a (eXhaust) 619615a8925 a (eXhaust) 619570a8915 (intake) 4134798915 a (intake) 619538b8920 (intake) 4133298920 a (intake) 619616b8925 a (intake) 619571b

SHAFT SEALS MOdEL(S) PART NuMbER8915/8920 (Viton liP) 411401e-018915-8925 a (Viton liP) 411401d-01

RECOMMENdEd OILS TYPE PART NuMbERPlus 19 (1l/1.06Qt) PP19001general PurPose oil

Plus gold (1l/1.06Qt) PPgold001fully synthetic oil

Plus ff (1l/1.06Qt) PPff001flushing fluid

Page 353: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

8915/8920, 8915/8920/8925 A




8915/20 8915A-20A 8925A 8915 8915A 8920 8920A 8925APART NuMbER


MINOR 8915K02

MINOR 8915AK02

MINOR 8925K02






619334a foot,rubber 4 4619224b gasket,PumP,beaded 1 1 1619609b gasket,PumP,beaded 1 1 1 1 1619418b gasket,sPecial,for rePair kit 1 1619916 gasket,sPecial,for rePair kit 1 1413175 gasket,washer,nylon 1 1612229a glass,sight,oil 1 1412969 holder,sPring 1 1 1410624 key,woodruff,cut 1 1 1412732 key,woodruff,steel,#403 1 1 1411401e-01 kit,shaft seal,.625" 1 1 1411401d-01 kit,shaft seal,.750" 1 1 1 1 1612231 o'ring,tetraseal,ring,Viton 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1417320 o'ring,Viton,10.77 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1612130a o'ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1412963 o'ring,Viton,2.57 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1619284a o'ring,Viton,24.99 X 3.53 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1620211 o'ring,Viton,26.70 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1612157a o'ring,Viton,3.68 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1 1 1413005 o'ring,Viton,4.47 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1619527 o'ring,Viton,52.07 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1619379 o'ring,Viton,55.25 X 2.62 mm 1 1619282a o'ring,Viton,7.65 X 1.78 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1619526 o'ring,Viton,75.87 X 2.62 mm 1 1 1619378 o'ring,Viton,82.22 X 2.62 mm 1 1619480a Pad,driP,felt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1616091 Plunger,oil feed,eXhaust 1 1412977 seal,shaft,.625",buna 1 1 1413390 seal,shaft,3/4" 1 1 1 1 1412962 seal,shaft,3/8" 1 1 1 1 1412988 seal,shaft,5/8" 1 1 1413073 sleeVe,couPling 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1413117 sleeVe,couPling 1 1619385a sPring,byPass ValVe,comP.,s/s 3 3 3619561a sPring,eXhaust ValVe,comP.,s/s 1 1 1 1 1612204a sPring,gas ballast,comP.,s/s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1412991 sPring,int. ValVe,conical,s/s 2 2 2619388a sPring,relief,comPression,s/s 1 1 1619582a sPring,ValVe byPass,comP.,s/s 2 2 2 2 2612119a sPring,ValVe,comPression,s/s 1 1 1412783 sPring,ValVe,conical,s/s 1 1 1412972 sPring,Vane,comP.,Plt. stl. 2 2 2412996 sPring,Vane,comPression,s/s 4 5 4 4 5619560a ValVe,by-Pass,eXhaust 3 3 3 3 3413048 ValVe,byPass 2 2 2619371a ValVe,byPass,c-0599 3 2 3 3 2412782 ValVe,eXhaust 1 1 1612118a ValVe,gas ballast,Viton 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1413327 Vane,eXhaust,gX 2 2619570a Vane,eXhaust,gX 2619615a Vane,eXhaust,gX 2 2413329 Vane,intake,gX 2413479 Vane,intake,gX 2619538b Vane,intake,gX 2619571b Vane,intake,gX 2619616b Vane,intake,gX 2

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bEARINGS413118 bearing,rulon 8851

CAPS618912 Plug,eXhaust,large

COuPLINGS412693 couPling 8905,8910412694 sPider,couPling,buna,black m2c,m4c616038 sPider,couPler,buna,black 8907a,8912a,8917a

ELEMENTS1417g filter,element,4”X4”X3”id 1376,1380,1402,8806,8811,88141417l filter,element,rePlacement 1392,1399,1400,1405,1410,8803, 8804, 8905,88901417l-PP filter,element 1400,1405,14101417m05 filter,element,9.25od X 6.12h 1375,1395,1396,1398

FILTERS410660 filter 1402,1405410890 filter,air 1400n410937 filter,screen 1374,1397411692 filter,air 1376n

FITTINGS8111014 adPt,welch,kf16,s/s 1400,1410,13998111029 adPt,402 welch,kf25,s/s 1402,8806,8808,8811,8814,8816,88218111048 adPt,welch,kf40,1-1/2 thd.,s/s 1373,1376,1380,88318111049 adPt,welch,kf40,1-3/4 thd.,s/s 1374,1397,8851

GASKETS410056 gasket,seal 1400,1404,1410410231 gasket,shaft end caP 1 410410234 gasket,1376,1380,1402 1376,1380,1402,1403410258 gasket,intake coVer 1410410383 gasket,intake coVer 1400410403 gasket,case,foam rubber 1373,1376,1380,1402,1403,1405410403c gasket,case,cork 1373,1376,1380,1402410493 gasket,1404 1404410643 gasket,shaft seal 1376,1380,1399,1400,1410,1402,8907a,8912a,8917a,411052 gasket,case 1399,1400,1410411178 gasket,center Plate coVer 1405411308 gasket,chamber 1405411494 gasket,seal 1374,1397411495 gasket,intake coVer 397411496 gasket,case 1374,1397411508 gasket,ValVe 1374,1397411711 gasket,1375 1375 412291 gasket,1376,1402 1376,1402412375 gasket,coVer 1399412517 gasket,intake coVer 1 375,1395,1396,1398412518 gasket,1395,1396,1398 1395,1396,1398412744 gasket,intake coVer 8806,8811,8814,8821413111 gasket,intake coVer 8851413112 gasket,side coVer 8851413133 gasket,case 8806,8811,8814,8821,8834, 8851413175 gasket,washer,nylon 8905a,8907a,8910a,8912a,8917a612149b gasket,case 8905a,8910a616385 gasket,molule m4c,m6c,m8c618278a gasket,intake coVer,Viton 1376n618279b gasket,oil case,Viton 1376n618355b gasket,oil case,Viton 1400n619224b gasket,PumP,beaded 89158920619418b gasket,sPecial,for rePair kit 8925a619609b gasket,PumP,beaded 8915a,8920a,8925a619637b gasket,PumP 8815,m8c,m12c619916 gasket,sPecial,for rePair kit 8925a660199 gasket,case 8907a,8912a,8917a

HARdWARE2025708 screw,10-32 X 1/2”,rnd hd,self 1402,1405 2620793 washer,lock,#10,Plated 8907a2710040 washer,brass,#10 1400n410409 washer,aluminum 1405 410491 washer 1375,1380,1402410508 washer,thrust 1376,1380,1402410613 key,woodruff,cut 1376,1399,1400,1402,1405410624 key,woodruff,cut 1376,1380,1399,8915a,8920a410961 washer,intake Port 1374,1397411056 washer,alum 1374,1397,1400,1405411137 washer,alumina 1395,1400,1410411165 washer 1405

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HARdWARE (CONT.)411266 washer,tension 1395,1403,1405411267 washer,rubber 1373,1380,1395,1403,1405411285 washer 8806411490 key,woodruff,cut 1374,1397411516 key,small rotor,1374 & 1397 1374,1397411766 washer,disk 1376412363 washer 1373,1380,1395,1410412678 washer,thrust 8800,m16c412732 key,woodruff,steel,#403 8907a,8912a,8915,8917a,8920616093 washer,thrust 8907a618456a washer,coPPer,5/16” 1402620014 key,woodruff,steel,#202 m4c,m6c,m8c

KITS1373g kit,gasket,1373 13731373g/ms kit,gasket,with machanical seal 13731373Pi kit,Primary,cast iron,1373 13731373Pi/ms kit,Primary,c.i.,sPecial 1373 1373PP kit,Primary,Phenolic,1373 13731373PP/ms kit,Primary,Phenolic,sPecial 13731373s kit,secondary,1373 13731373s/ms kit,secondary,w/ mech. seal 13731374g kit,gasket,1374 13741374g/ms kit,gasket,w/ mech seal 13741374Pi kit,Primary,cast iron,1374 13741374Pi/ms kit,Primary,c.i.,sPecial 13741374PP kit,Primary,Phenolic,1374 13741374PP/ ms kit,Primary,Phen.,sPecial 13741374s kit,secondary,1374 13741374s/ms kit,secondary,w/ mech. seal 13741376g kit,gasket,1376 13761376g/ms kit,gasket,w/ mech. seal 13761376k-09 kit,rePair,minor,1376n 1376n1376k-10 kit,rePair,major,ir Vane,1376n 1376n1376Pi kit,Primary,cast iron,1376 13761376Pi/ms kit,Primary,c.i.,sPecial 13761376PP kit,Primary,Phenolic,1376 13761376PP/ms kit,Primary,Phenolic,sPecial 13761376s kit,secondary,1376 13761376s/ms kit,secondary,sPecial 13761396Pi/ms kit,Primary 13961397g kit,gasket,1397 13971397g/ms kit,gasket,w/ mech. seal 13971397Pi kit,Primary,cast iron,1397 13971397Pi/ms kit,Primary,c.i.,sPecial 13971397PP kit,Primary,Phenolic,1397 13971397PP/ms kit,Primary,Phen.,sPecial 13971397s kit,secondary,1397 13971397s/ms kit,secondary,w/ mech. seal 13971398g kit,gasket,1398 13981398g/ms kit,gasket 13981398Pi kit,Primary,cast iron,1398 13981398Pi/ms kit,Primary 13981398PP kit,Vanes,Prim.,Phenolic,1398 13981398PP/ms kit,Primary 13981398s kit,secondary,1398 13981398s/ms kit,secondary 13981399g kit,gasket,1399 13991399g/ms kit,gasket,w/ mech. seal 13991399Pi kit,Primary,cast iron,1399 13991399Pi/ms kit,Primary,c.i.,sPecial 13991399PP kit,Primary,Phenolic,1399 13991399PP/ms kit,Primary,Phenolic,sPecial 13991399s kit,secondary,1399 13991399s/ms kit,secondary,w/ mech. seal 13991400g kit,gasket,1400 14001400g/ms kit,gasket,w/ mech. seal 14001400k-09 kit,rePair,minor,1400n 1400n1400k-10 kit,rePair,major,ir Vane,1400n 1400n1400Pi kit,Primary,cast iron,1400 14001400Pi/ms kit,Primary,c.i.,sPecial 1400 1400PP kit,Primary,Phenolic,1400 14001400PP/ms kit,Primary,Phenolic,sPecial 14001400s kit,secondary,1400 14001400s/ms kit,secondary,1400 14001402g kit,gasket 14021402g/ms kit,gasket,w/ mech. seal 14021402k-09 kit,rePair,minor,1402n 14021402k-10 kit,rePair,major,ir Vane,1402n 1402n1402Pi kit,Primary,cast iron,1402 1402

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KITS (CONT.)1402Pi/ms kit,Primary,c.i.,sPecial 14021402PP kit,Primary,Phenolic,1402 14021402PP/ms kit,Primary,Phenolic,sPecial 14021402s kit,secondary,1402 14021402s/ms kit,secondary,w/ mech. seal 14021405g kit,gasket,1405 14051405g/ms kit,gasket,w/ mech. seal 14051405Pi kit,Primary,cast iron,1405 14051405Pi/ms kit,Primary,c.i.,sPecial 14051405PP kit,Primary,Phenolic,1405 14051405PP/ms kit,Primary,Phenolic,sPecial 14051405s kit,secondary,1405 14051405s/ms kit,secondary,w/ mech. seal 1405411401d kit,shaft seal,mech.,.750” 1373,1379,1380,1402411401d-01 kit,shaft seal,.750” 1373,1379,1380,1402411401e kit,shaft seal,mech.,.625” 1399,1400,1403,1404,1405,1410411401f kit,shaft seal,mech.,1.00” 1374,1397 (old,(suPr PmP)411401f-01 kit,shaft seal,1.00” 1374,13978800sgk kit,seal&gasket,8806/11/14/21 8806,8811,8814,8821,88518806mrk kit,major,rePair,gX,8806 88068811mrk kit,major,rePair,gX,8811 88118814mrk kit,major,rePair,gX,8814 88148816mrk kit,major,rePair,gX,8816 88168821mrk kit,major,rePair,gX,8821 88218851mrk kit,major,rePair,gX,8851 88518905amrk kit,major,rePair,gX 8905a8905k02 kit,minor,rePair 8905,8905a,8910a8905mrk kit,major,rePair,gX 89058907mrk kit,major,rePair,gX 8907a8910mrk kit,major,rePair,gX 8910a8912mrk kit,major,rePair,gX 8912a8915ak02 kit,minor,rePair,new style 8915a,8920a8915amrk kit,major,rePair,gX 8915a8915k02 kit,minor,rePair,old style 891589208915mrk kit,major,rePair,gX 89158917k02 kit,minor,rePair 8907a,8912a,8917a8917mrk kit,major,rePair,gX 8917a8920amrk kit,major,rePair,gX 8920a8920mrk kit,major,rePair,gX 89208925k02 kit,minor,rePair 8925a8925mrk kit,major,rePair,gX 8925a

MISC.410055 sPacer 1374 410588 shock,mount,rbr 1374,1397410696 holder,sPring 1374,1376,1380,1397,1402410929 legs,PumP,base 1400,1402,1405411063 holder,sPring 1399,1400,1410411303 holder,sPring 1404,1405411489 holder,sPring 1374,1397411685 sPring,holder,corrosion resis 1373,1397,1402,1403411709 sPring,holder 1375412471 sPring,holder 1375,1395,1396,1398412472 sPring,holder 1395,1396,1398412945 Plunger,oil feed 8806412969 holder,sPring 8806,8811,8814,8821,8851,8915,8920413035 Plug,o’ring,strai.head.stl,5/8 8806,8811,8814,8821413050 Pad,drain 8806,8811,8814,8821 413058 Pin,driVe 8806,8811,8814,8821,8915,8920 4213006 Pin,dowel 8806,8811,8814,88214400800 ball,steel 1375,1395,1396,13984401200 ball,steel 1376,1380,1397,1402,14034402000 ball,steel 1375612123a foot,rubber,Push in 8905a612370 coVer,window,oil 8915a,8920a612372 Plug,filler 8905a616002 seat,drain ValVe,teflon m4c,m6c,m8c616030 knob,gas ballast m4c,m6c,m8c616084 Pad,driP,felt 8907a,8912a,8917a616091 Plunger,oil feed,eXhaust m16c616215 assy,seal,shaft,17mm m4c,m6c,m8c618315a sPacer,block,ValVe 1 376n618348a stud,baffle 1400n618559a Pin,sPring,Vane 1402n619334a foot,rubber 8925a619479a Pad,driP,felt 8905a,8910a619480a Pad,driP,felt 8915,8915a,8920,8920a,8925a619742 Pad,driP,felt m12c,m16c619743 Pad,driP,felt m2c,m4c660211 foot,rubber,base 8907a

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MISC. (CONT.)670520a instructions,rePlacement 1 374840032 instructions,shaft seal,welch 1373

O-RINGS320106 o’ring,Viton,25.07 X 2.62 mm 1400411507 o’ring,buna,78.97 X 3.53 mm 1375,1395,1396,1397,1398412065 o’ring,buna,21.82 X 3.53 mm 8806,8811,8814,8821412481 o’ring,buna,91.44 X 5.33 mm 1375,1395,1396,1398412482 o’ring,buna,113.67 X 5.33 mm 1375,1395,1396,1398412487 o’ring,buna,18.64 X 3.53 mm 1395,1396,1398412488 o’ring,buna,28.17 X 3.53 mm 1395,1396,1398412515 o’ring,buna,85.32 X 3.53 mm 1375,1395,1396,1398412642 o’ring,buna,9.19 X 2.62 mm 8806,8811,8814,8821412963 o’ring,Viton,2.57 X 1.78 mm 8806,8811,8814,8821,8907a,8912a,8917a,8915,8920413005 o’ring,Viton,4.47 X 1.78 mm m2c,m4c413727 o’ring,buna,40.87 X 3.53 mm 8521417320 o’ring,Viton,10.77 X 2.62 mm 8915a,8920a611178a orifice,brass,.010” m2c,m4c612128a o’ring,Viton,64.77 X 2.62 mm m2c,m4c612130a o’ring,Viton,17.12 X 2.62 mm 8907a,8912a,8917a,8905,8910,8915,8920,8915a,8920a612155a o’ring,Viton,21.95 X 1.78 mm m2c,m4c612157a o’ring,Viton,3.68 X 1.78 mm m8c,m12c612158a o’ring,Viton,9.19 X 2.62 mm 8905a612159a o’ring,Viton,18.72 X 2.62 mm 8905a,8910a612162a o’ring,Viton,14 X 1.78 mm m2c,m4c612231 o’ring,tetraseal,ring,Viton m2c,m4c618712 o’ring,Viton,224 X 5.1 mm 1374,1397619282a o’ring,Viton,7.65 X 1.78 mm m2c,m4c619284a o’ring,Viton,24.99 X 3.53 mm m8c,m12c619378 o’ring,Viton,82.22 X 2.62 mm m16c619379 o’ring,Viton,55.25 X 2.62 mm 8925a619526 o’ring,Viton,75.87 X 2.62 mm m8c,m12c619527 o’ring,Viton,52.07 X 2.62 mm m8c,m12c620118 o’ring,tetraseal,#013 maXimac+,m4c,m6c,m8c,m12c,m16c620211 o’ring,Viton,26.70 X 1.78 mm m8c,m12c620274 orfice,hose barb,.014” m4c,m6c,m8c660194 o’ring,Viton,158.42 X 2.62 mm m4c,m6c,m8c660197 o’ring,Viton,6.07 X 1.78 mm m4c,m6c,m8c660200 o’ring,Viton,28.17 X 3.53 mm m16c660204 o’ring,Viton,58.42 X 2.62 mm m4c,m6c,m8c660207 o’ring,Viton,71.12 X 2.62 mm m4c,m6c,m8c660212 o’ring,Viton,23.47 X 2.62 mm m4c,m6c,m8c660225 o’ring,tetraseal,ring,Viton m4c,m6c,m8c660304 o’ring,aflas,36.17 X 2.62 mm 1376n

PLATES411506 Plate,ValVe,inner 1374,1397

PuLLEYS410668 Pulley,motor 1402410995 Pulley 1397412074 Pulley 1376,1402

RINGS4060754 ring 1402411150 ring,retaining 1400,1405411497 ring,eXhaust 1397412039 ring,eXhaust 1402412402 ring,retaining 1375,1395,1396,1398412562 ring,intake 1402

ROTORS411499 rotor,eXhaust,1397 1397411518 rotor,eXhaust 1402412092 rotor,intake 1402

SEALS1401d seal,shaft,mech,w/screws,.750” 1373 1401e seal,shaft,mech,w/screws,.625” 1399310035 seal,shaft,411401d-01 1373,1376,1380,1402310036 seal,shaft,411401e-01 1399,1400,1403,1405310037 seal,shaft,411401f-01 1374,1397410578 seal,shaft (metal case) 1376,1400,1402,1404,1410411401e-01 kit,shaft seal,.625” 1399,1400,1403,1404,1405,1410,8806,8811,8814412491 assembly,seal,shaft,with o’ring 1375,1395,1396,1398412491ins seal,shaft,comPlete insert 1375,1395,1396,1398412962 seal,shaft,3/8” 8806,8811,8814,8821,8907a,8912a,8917a,8915,8920412977 seal,shaft,.625”,buna 8806,8811,8814,8821,8915,8920412988 seal,shaft,5/8” 8806,8811,8814,8821,8851,8905a,8910a,8915,8920413390 seal,shaft,3/4” 8907a,8912a,8917a,8915a,8920a,8925a

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SHAFTS411060 shaft,hardened,1400 1400411293 shaft,1405 1405411484 shaft,(no collar) 1374,1397411683 shaft,1376 1376412093 shaft,1402 1402412374 shaft,1399 1399

SIGHT GLASSES411268 sight glass 1373,1375,1380,1395,1402,1397413040 sight glass,w/chrome base 8806,8811,8814,8821413140 sight glass,window,oil leVel 8851413753 sight glass,w/chrome base 8806,8811,8814,8821,8851, 1402612229a glass,sight,oil m16c

SLEEVES412257 sleeVe,hardened 1374,1397412258 sleeVe 1374,1397413073 sleeVe,couPling 8915,8915a,8920,8920a,8925a413117 sleeVe,couPling 8925a

SPRINGS411304 sPring,ss 1376,1380,1397,1399,1410411488 sPring,comPression,s/s 1374,1395,1396,1397,1398411719 sPring 1375412158 sPring,ValVe 1376,1402412256 sPring,coil 1374,1397412259 sPring,coil 1374,1397412506 sPring 1395,1396,1398412507 sPring 1375,1395,1396,1398412783 sPring,ValVe,conical,s/s 8806,8811,8814,8821,8851,8915,8920412949 sPring,Plunger 8806,8811,8814,8821412951 sPring,check ValVe 8806,8811,8814,8821412952 sPring 1375412972 sPring,Vane,comP.,Plt. stl. 8806,8811,8814,8821,8851,8915,8920 412991 sPring,int. ValVe,conical,s/s 8811412996 sPring,Vane,comPression,s/s 8814,8821,8851,8907a,8912a,8917a,8915,8920,8925a612119a sPring,ValVe,comPression,s/s m2c,m4c612204a sPring,gas ballast,comP.,s/s m2c,m4c616059 sPring,eXhaust ValVe,comP.,s/s 8907a,8912a,8917a619385a sPring,byPass ValVe,comP.,s/s m8c,m12c619388a sPring,relief,comPression,s/s m8c,m12c619426 sPring,Plunger,comPression,s/s 8907a,8912a,8917a619561a sPring,eXhaust ValVe,comP.,s/s m8c,m12c619582a sPring,ValVe byPass,comP.,s/s m8c,m12c

TOOLS612170a tool,insertion,nylon 8905a612172a tool,aluminum 8905a

VALVES410695 ValVe,eXhaust 1403410992 ValVe,Pressure relief 1374,1376,1380,1397,1402411239 ValVe,eXhaust 1399,1400,1404,1405,1410411734 ValVe,drain 1380,1397,1399,1402,1410411768 ValVe,lower eX,stainless stl. 1373411779 ValVe,uPPer eXhaust 1373412153 ValVe,uPPer eXhaust,steel 1376,1402412154 ValVe,lower eXhaust,steel 1376,1402412159 ValVe,block sPacer 1402412161 ValVe,Pressure relief,steel 1374,1397412382 ValVe,ball 1395,1396,1398412782 ValVe,eXhaust 8915,8920413048 ValVe,byPass 8806,8811,8814,8821,8851,8915,8920413119 ValVe,Vented eXhaust 8851611123a ValVe,intake m2c,m4c611128a ValVe,backer m2c,m4c612118a ValVe,gas ballast,Viton m2c,m4c612139a ValVe,isolation disk,buna m2c,m4c616057 ValVe,by-Pass PoPPet,interstg. 8907a,8912a,8917a616058 ValVe,PoPPet,eXhaust 8907a,8912a,8917a618314a ValVe 1376n618538a ValVe,backer 1397618539a ValVe,flaPPer 1397619371a ValVe,byPass,c-0599 m8c,m12c619560a ValVe,by-Pass,eXhaust m8c,m12c660117 ValVe,Purge,stoPPer maXimac+,m4c,m6c,m8c,m12c,m16c

VANES410959 Vane,cast iron,1st stage,large 1380,1402,1403411059 Vane,Phenolic,1st stage 1399,1400,1410

Page 359: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop Online @ PrecisionPlus.com!



INdIVIduaL SpareS

VANES (CONT.)411059iron Vane,cast iron,1st stage 1399,1400,1410411294iron Vane,cast iron,2nd stage 14041405411294Ph Vane,Phenolic,2nd stg 14041405411462 Vane,Phenolic,1st stage 1374,1397411477 Vane,cast iron,1st stage 1397411487 Vane,cast iron,2nd stage,small 1397,1402,1376411684 Vane,cast iron,1st stage 1376,1373411724 Vane,cast iron,1st stage,large 1375411729 Vane,Phenolic,1st stg,large 1375411748 Vane,Phenolic,1st stg,large 1373,1376412035 Vane,Phenolic,2nd stg,small 1374,1376,1397,1402412036 Vane,Phenolic,1st stg,large 1380,1402,1403412380 Vane,Phenolic,2nd stg,small 1375,1395,1396,1398412383 Vane,Phenolic,1st stg,large 1395,1396,1398412392 Vane,cast iron,2nd stage,small 1375,1395,1396,1398412406 Vane,cast iron,1st stage,large 1395,1396,1398413104 Vane,gX,1st stage,intake,lrg 8851413327 Vane,eXhaust,gX 8806,8811,8814,8821,8851,8915,8920413328 Vane,gX,1st stage,large 8811,8816413329 Vane,intake,gX 8821,8920413469 Vane,gX,1st stage,intake 8814413479 Vane,intake,gX 8915612108a Vane,gX,2nd stage,eXhaust 8905,m2c612109a Vane,gX,1st stage,intake 8905,m2c612178a Vane,intake,gX 8910a,8905a,8910,8905612179a Vane,eXhaust,gX 8910a,8905a,8910,8905616049 Vane,intake,gX m8c,8917a616050 Vane,intake,gX 8912a,8912616051 Vane,intake,gX 8907a,8907616052 Vane,eXhaust,gX m8c,8907a,8917a,8907,8917a616053 Vane,eXhaust,gX 8912a,8912619538b Vane,intake,gX 8915a619570a Vane,eXhaust,gX 8925a,8925619571b Vane,intake,gX 8925a619615a Vane,eXhaust,gX 8915a,8920a619616b Vane,intake,gX 8920a

VbELTS410708 V-belt 1400,1402410709 V-belt 1404410710 V-belt 1376,1380,1402,1405410711 V-belt 1399410713 V-belt 1373,1373,1373,1380,1380,138o,1402,1402,1403,140410715 V-belt,cogged 1397410716 V-belt 1374,1375411716 V-belt 1375412512 V-belt 1395,1396,1398

Page 360: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

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Page 361: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

PLUS 19/20/70/77/97/100


choose from a Variety of high-quality grades of hydrocarbon oils and Vacuum PumP fluids sPecially formulated for suPerior Performance. the entire Precision Plus family of oils and fluids are fully tested to ensure a Perfect match to your Particular aPPlication.

HYDROCARBON FLUIDS & OILSsPecifications for each Product can be found on Page 3 of this section. Precision Plus normally stocks 1-gallon & smaller sizes. larger containers require a 1-2 day lead-time to shiP. Please check with customer serVice for aVailability. msds sheets aVailable uPon request or on our web site.



PLUS 19Plus 19 is an excellent general PurPose, Vacuum distilled, hydrocarbon fluid for direct driVe Vacuum PumPs. because of their high rotational sPeed, direct driVe Vane PumPs require a fluid with lower VaPor Pressure, better oxidation resistance and higher thermal stability than straight refinery fluids.

SIze Part nUmber1 l (1.06 qt) PP190014 l (4.23 qt) PP1900412 l case (12 x 1.06 qt) PP1901220 l (5.28 gal) PP19020208 l drum (55 gal) PP19220

PLUS 20Plus 20 is double distilled and offers a combination of lower VaPor Pressure and greater resistance to oxidation. double distillation lowers VaPor Pressure by remoVing light end oil fractions that can cause backstreaming. this quality makes Plus 20 ideal for direct driVe PumPs used in backing diffusion or turbomolecular PumPs.

SIze Part nUmber1 l (1.06 qt) PP200014 l (4.23 qt) PP2000412 l case (12 x 1.06 qt) PP2001220 l (5.28 gal) PP20020208 l drum (55 gal) PP20220

PLUS 70Plus 70 is equiValent to leybold he-700, sPecifically designed for larger single stage PumPs.

SIze Part nUmber1 l (1.06 qt) PP700014 l (4.23 qt) PP7000412 l case (12 x 1.06 qt) PP7001220 l (5.28 gal) PP70020208 l drum (55 gal) PP70220

PLUS 77Plus 77 is a general PurPose high-Viscosity hydrocarbon fluid equiValent to stokes V-lube b, f & kinney kV-100.

SIze Part nUmber4 l (4.23 qt) PP7700420 l (5.28 gal) PP77020

PLUS 97Plus 97 is a general PurPose high-Viscosity hydrocarbon fluid equiValent to stokes V-lube h.

SIze Part nUmber4 l (4.23 qt) PP9700420 l (5.28 gal) PP97020

PLUS 100Plus 100 is equiValent to leybold he-100 and kinney lt mechanical PumP oil.

SIze Part nUmber1 l (1.06 qt) PP1000014 l (4.23 qt) PP10000412 l case (12 x 1.06 qt) PP10001220 l (5.28 gal) PP100020

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Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

PLUS DUO & GOLD, ULtraGraDe 19/20/70, FLUSHInG FLUID, teCH WHIte


choose from a Variety of high-quality grades of hydrocarbon oils and Vacuum PumP fluids sPecially formulated for suPerior Performance. the entire Precision Plus family of oils and fluids are fully tested to ensure a Perfect match to your Particular aPPlication.

HYDROCARBON FLUIDS & OILSsPecifications for each Product can be found on Page 3 of this section. Precision Plus normally stocks 1-gallon & smaller sizes. larger containers require a 1-2 day lead-time to shiP. Please check with customer serVice for aVailability. msds sheets aVailable uPon request or on our web site.



PLUS DUOPlus duo is a low VaPor Pressure, non-additiVe, fractionated hydrocarbon fluid sPecially formulated for belt-driVen PumPs. Plus duo is resistant to oxidation, is thermally stable with low chemical reactiVity.

SIze Part nUmber1 l (1.06 qt) PPd0014 l (4.23 qt) PPd00412 l case (12 x 1.06 qt) PPd01220 l (5.28 gal) PPd020

PLUS GOLDPlus gold is a low VaPor Pressure, high thermal stability, synthetic hydrocarbon fluid. Plus gold is the equiValent to leybold he-275 and edwards ed 45 synthetic hydrocarbon fluid.

SIze Part nUmber1 l (1.06 qt) PPgold0014 l (4.23 qt) PPgold00412 l case (12 x 1.06 qt) PPgold01220 l (5.28 gal) PPgold020

PLUS tWPlus tw is a technical white oil sPecially Processed for aPPlications where exPosure to reactiVe gases cause Premature degradation of Plus 20-tyPe fluids. Plus tw undergoes a striPPing Process in which saturated and aromatic fluid comPonents are remoVed. the result is a fluid with high resistance to acidic-by-Products and a longer life than other hydrocarbon fluids. tyPical aPPlications include lPcVd, ion imPlantation, and nitride.

SIze Part nUmber1 l (1.06 qt) PPtw0014 l (4.23 qt) PPtw00412 l case (12 x 1.06 qt) PPtw01220 l (5.28 gal) PPtw020

PLUS UG 19Plus ug19 is equiValent to edwards ultra grade 19 hydrocarbon oil.

SIze Part nUmber1 l (1.06 qt) PPug190014 l (4.23 qt) PPug1900412 l case (12 x 1.06 qt) PPug1901220 l (5.28 gal) PPug19020208 l drum (55 gal) PPug19220

PLUS UG 20Plus ug20 is equiValent to edwards ultra grade 20 hydrocarbon oil.

SIze Part nUmber1 l (1.06 qt) PPug200014 l (4.23 qt) PPug2000412 l case (12 x 1.06 qt) PPug2001220 l (5.28 gal) PPug20020208 l drum (55 gal) PPug20220

PLUS UG 70Plus ug70 is equiValent to edwards ultra grade 70 hydrocarbon oil.

SIze Part nUmber1 l (1.06 qt) PPug700014 l (4.23 qt) PPug7000412 l case (12 x 1.06 qt) PPug7001220 l (5.28 gal) PPug70020208 l drum (55 gal) PPug7022

PLUS FFthis unique flushing fluid combines low VaPor Pressure with cutting actions to remoVe Varnishes and gums builduP from Vacuum PumP comPonents. hydrocarbon oil is blended with a low VaPor Pressure solVent. Plus ff may be run oVernight to rid PumPs of stubborn contaminants as required.

SIze Part nUmber1 l (1.06 qt) PPff0014 l (4.23 qt) PPff00420 l (5.28 gal) PPff020208 l drum (55 gal) PPff220

Page 363: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

PLUS 19/20/70/77/97, PLUS UG 19/20/70, PLUS tW/FF




PLUS 19 PLUS 20 PLUS 70VaPor Pressure at 25ºc 1 x 10^-5 <3 x 10^-6 <1 x 10^-7Viscosity at 40ºc 55 cst 58 cst 72 cstViscosity at 100ºc 8.1 cst 8.5 cst n/aPour Point -15ºc -10ºc -10ºcflash Point 213ºc 224ºc 249ºcfire Point 244ºc 259ºc 276ºc

PLUS UG19 PLUS UG20 PLUS UG70VaPor Pressure at 25ºc <1 x 10^-6 1 x 10^-7 1 x 10^-7Viscosity at 40ºc 55 cst 110 cst 72 cstViscosity at 100ºc n/a n/a n/aPour Point -10ºc -9ºc -10ºcflash Point 247ºc 252ºc 249ºcfire Point 274ºc 281ºc 276ºc

PLUS GOLD PLUS DUOVaPor Pressure at 25ºc <1 x 10^-7 2 x 10^-4Viscosity at 40ºc 67 cst 68 cstViscosity at 100ºc 9.2 cst 8.7 cstPour Point -55ºc -10ºcflash Point 285ºc 230ºcfire Point 305ºc 250ºc

PLUS 77 PLUS 97VaPor Pressure at 25ºc <5 x 10^-5 <4 x 10^-4Viscosity at 40ºc 100 cst 207 cstViscosity at 100ºc 11.95 cst 18.1 cstPour Point -9ºc -12ºcflash Point 257ºc 235ºcfire Point 291ºc 277ºc

PLUS tW PLUS FFVaPor Pressure at 25ºc <1 x 10^-6 5 x 10^-4Viscosity at 40ºc 65 cst 68 cstViscosity at 100ºc 9.1 cst 8 cstPour Point -12ºc -13ºcflash Point 243ºc 230ºcfire Point 270ºc 260ºc

Page 364: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

PLUS 530/568/570/580/590


high-Performance usda h2, food grade lubricants formulated for use in the food Processing and Pharmaceutical industries, where high-Purity and anti wear Performance are essential. aVailable in 1 liter size, case of 12 liters, 4 liter and 20 liter containers, and 208 liter drums.

msds sheets aVailable uPon request or on our web site.

USDA H-2 APPROVED Precision Plus normally stocks 1-liter & smaller sizes. larger containers require a 1-2 day lead-time to shiP. Please check with customer serVice for aVailability.

hydrocarbon, semi-synthetic and synthetic comPounds are


Fluids & OilsUSDA H-2

PLUS 530Plus 530 is a 100% hydrocarbon, additiVe-free oil designed for use in large rotary Vane, Piston and lobe tyPe Vacuum PumPs. the high Viscosity and low Pour Point of this oil ensures ease of handling in extreme temPeratures. equiValent to an sae 30 wt. oil.

SIze Part nUmber1 l (1.06 qt) 530-0014 l (4.23 qt) 530-00412 l case (12 x 1.06 qt) 530-01220 l (5.28 gal) 530-020208 l drum (55 gal)) 530-220

PLUS 568 (FLUSHInG FLUID)Plus 568 flushing fluid combines low VaPor Pressure with cutting additiVes to remoVe Varnishes.

**Plus 568 is not usda h-2 aPProVed**

SIze Part nUmber1 l (1.06 qt) 568-0014 l (4.23 qt) 568-00420 l (5.28 gal) 568-020

PLUS 570Plus 570 is sPecially formulated synthetic hydrocarbon fluid which ProVides suPerior Protection and Performance in all tyPes of mechanical Vacuum PumPs. longer drain interVals, better heat transfer for cooler running PumPs and excellent resistance to thermal degradation combine to giVe greater adVantages to this oil.

SIze Part nUmber1 l (1.06 qt) 5700014 l (4.23 qt) 57000412 l case (12 x 1.06 qt) 57001220 l (5.28 gal) 570020

PLUS 580Plus 580 is a synthetic blend comPounded PolyalPhaolefin with organic comPounds. it is equiValent to an sae 15 wt. oil. it is recommended for busch r5 series PumPs.

SIze Part nUmber1 l (1.06 qt) 580-0014 l (4.23 qt) 580-00412 l case (12 x 1.06 qt) 580-01220 l (5.28 gal) 580-020

PLUS 590Plus 590 is a semi-synthetic fluid formulated from a sPecially-refined hydrocarbon base stock. it offers manyadVantages oVer a standard hydrocarbon oil including increased oxidation and temPerature stability and a greater resistance to carbon build-uP.

SIze Part nUmber1 l (1.06 qt) 5900014 l (4.23 qt) 590-00412 l case (12 x 1.06 qt) 590-01220 l (5.28 gal) 590-020

Page 365: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

PLUS 530/568/570/580/590


Fluids & OilsUSDA H-2


PLUS 530 PLUS 570VaPor Pressure @ 25ºc-torr < 1 x 10^-4 < 1 x 10^-4equiValent sae 30 30Viscosity at 40ºc 95 cst 119.2 cstViscosity at 100ºc 11 cst 13.76 cstPour Point -12ºc -48ºcflash Point 250ºc 265ºcsPecific graVity (gm / ml) 0.87 0.85tyPe hydro synthetic

PLUS 580 PLUS 590 PLUS 568VaPor Pressure @ 25ºc-torr < 1 x 10^-4 < 1 x 10^-4 < 1 x 10^-5equiValent sae 15 30 30Viscosity at 40ºc 66.1 cst 120.8 cst 38.9 cstViscosity at 100ºc 9.6 cst 12.5 cst 5.5 cstPour Point -45ºc -12ºc n/aflash Point 268ºc 266ºc 226ºcsPecific graVity (gm / ml) 0.84 1 0.95tyPe synthetic semi hydro

Page 366: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

KrYtOX, FOmbLIn Y 06/6, Y 14/6, Y 16/6, Y 25/6, Ut 18, ar 555


Fluids & OilsHIGH VACUUM

select from an extended range of fomblin & silicone greases & lubricants for use in Vacuum PumPs.

the corrosion resistant ProPerties and chemical inertness of these Products results in excellent lubricating and sealing qualities. they also offer low Volatility and low VaPor Pressures.

sPecifications for each Product can be found on the following Page. msds sheets aVailable uPon request or on our web site.



KrYtOX 1506krytox 1506 is recommended for use in rotary Vane Vacuum PumPs and is a direct rePlacement for mineral oil in terms of Viscosity and VaPor Pressure.

SIze Part nUmber1 kil bottle (532 ml) PPk1506-015 kil bottle (2660 ml) PPk1506-05

KrYtOX 1514krytox 1514 is recommended for use in roots-tyPe booster Vacuum PumPs and is a direct rePlacement for mineral oil in terms of Viscosity and VaPor Pressure.

SIze Part nUmber1 kil bottle (532 ml) PPk1514-015 kil bottle (2660 ml) PPk1514-05

KrYtOX 1525krytox 1525 is recommended for use in rotary Vane and roots-tyPe booster Vacuum PumPs requiring a higher Viscosity fluid.

SIze Part nUmber1 kil bottle (532 ml) PPk1525-015 kil bottle (2660 ml) PPk1525-05

FOmbLIn Y 06/6fomblin y06/6 is recommended for use in rotary Vane Vacuum PumPs and is a direct rePlacement for mineral oil in terms of Viscosity and VaPor Pressure.

SIze Part nUmber1 kil bottle (532 ml) PPf06-018 kil bottle (4256 ml) PPf06-08

FOmbLIn Y 14/6fomblin y14/06 is higher Viscosity fluid recommended for use in rotary Vane Vacuum PumPs where high oPerational temPeratures are a consideration.

SIze Part nUmber1 kil bottle (532 ml) PPf14-018 kil bottle (4256 ml) PPf14-08

FOmbLIn Y 16/6fomblin y16/06 is recommended for use in roots-tyPe booster Vacuum PumPs and is a direct rePlacement for mineral oil in terms of Viscosity and VaPor Pressure.

SIze Part nUmber1 kil bottle (532 ml) PPf16-018 kil bottle (4256 ml) PPf16-08

FOmbLIn Y 25/6fomblin 25/06 is recommended for use in rotary Vane and roots-tyPe booster Vacuum PumPs requiring a higher Viscosity fluid.

SIze Part nUmber1 kil bottle (532 ml) PPf25-018 kil bottle (4256 ml) PPf25-08

FOmbLIn Ut 18ut 18 has a low VaPor Pressure, high degree of chemical intertness, excellent lubricity, comPatible with metals, Plastics and elastomers, non-flammable. oPerating temPerature range - 30deg c to 151deg c.

SIze Part nUmber100 grams PPut18

FOmbLIn ar 555ar 555 is a high Performance Perfluorinated grease. ar 555 is designed for dry PumP aPPlications. oPerating temPerature range - 20degc to 250degc.

SIze Part nUmber100 grams PPar555

Page 367: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

KrYtOX, FOmbLIn Y 06/6, Y 14/6, Y 16/6, Y 25/6, Ut 18, ar 555


Fluids & OilsHIGH VACUUM


FOmbLIn Y06/6 FOmbLIn Y14/6 FOmbLIn Y16/6VaPor Pressure @ 20ºc 4 x 10^-6 2 x 10^-7 3 x 10^-6VaPor Pressure @ 100ºc 5 x 10^-3 n/a 1 x 10^-3sPecific graVity @ 15ºc 1.88 1.89 1.89Pour Point ºc -50ºc -45ºc -45ºcflash Point ºc n/a n/a n/aViscosity @ 20ºc 60 cst 148 cst 160 cstViscosity cst @ 40ºc 25 cst n/a 48 cst

FOmbLIn Y25/6 KrYtOX 1506 KrYtOX 1514VaPor Pressure @ 20ºc 4 x 10^-8 5.2 x 10^-7 2.6 x 10^-7VaPor Pressure @ 100ºc 6 x 10^-5 1.3 x 10^-3 1.3 x 10^-4sPecific graVity @ 15ºc 1.9 1.88 1.89Pour Point ºc -35ºc -45ºc -40ºcflash Point ºc n/a n/a n/aViscosity cst @ 20ºc 276 cst 70 cst 140 cstViscosity cst @ 40ºc 80 cst 22 cst 48 cst

KrYtOX 1525VaPor Pressure @ 20ºc 1.3 x 10^-7VaPor Pressure @ 100ºc 3.9 x 10^-5sPecific graVity @ 15ºc 1.9Pour Point ºc - 35ºcflash Point ºc n/aViscosity cst @ 20ºc 250 cst

Ut 18Penetration worked mm/10 285temP range ºc -30 / 250ºc(30 hrs @ 204ºc) n/adensity (25ºc) g/ml 1.92

ar 555Penetration worked mm/10 281temP range ºc -20 / 250ºc(30 hrs @ 204ºc) 6.8density (25ºc) g/ml 1.96

Page 368: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

CrOSS reFerenCe GUIDe


Fluids & Oils


aLCateL bUSCH eDWarDS LeYbOLD KInneY StOKeS VarIan WeLCHPlus 19 100/119 suPer a he-175 a & suPer x V lube j gPPlus 20 200 ed 20 he-200 V lube l csPlus 70 he-700, gs77

Plus ug19 ultra grade 19 PremiumPlus ug20 ultra grade 20Plus ug70 ultra grade 70

Plus 100 he-100 ltPlus duo ed 15 he-125 lorax duosealPlus gold ed 45 he-275 gold

Plus 77 102 ed 16 he-150 kV-100 V lube b/fPlus 87 V lube gPlus 97 V lube h

PPl500 he-500Plus tw 300 ed tw he-400 V lube tPlus ff

Plus 530 r-530 sPlus 540 r-540Plus 570 111 r-570Plus 580 r-580Plus 590 r-590Plus 568 r-568

Page 369: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh




all of our Kf flanged fittings are manufactured to the industrY standard dimensions. this allows both simPle and comPlicated PiPing to fit together with ease. Precision Plus has a wide VarietY of ‘Kf’ adaPtors, so that You can connect Your ‘Kf’ flanged PiPeworK to other tYPes of flanges.












all of our Kf flanged fittings are manufactured to the industrY standard dimensions. this allows both simPle and comPlicated PiPing to fit together with ease. Precision Plus has a wide VarietY of ‘Kf’ adaPtors, so that You can connect Your ‘Kf’ flanged PiPeworK to other tYPes of flanges.


KF Clamps

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-5June 2010

Swing Clamp, Aluminum (Wing Nut)DIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10&16 90512403 56.9 42.9

KF 25 90514403 70.1 55.1

KF 40 90516403 86.1 70.1

KF 50 90517403 110 94.1


Hinged Clamp, PolymerDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10&16 C10512303 68 40 57

KF 20&25 C10514303 80 50 57

KF 32&40 C10516303 95 66 57

KF 50 C10517303 125 86 57

Hinged Clamp, AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10&16 C10512402 68 40 57

KF 20&25 C10514402 80 50 57

KF 32&40 C10516402 95 66 57

KF Clamps

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-5June 2010

Swing Clamp, Aluminum (Wing Nut)DIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10&16 90512403 56.9 42.9

KF 25 90514403 70.1 55.1

KF 40 90516403 86.1 70.1

KF 50 90517403 110 94.1


Hinged Clamp, PolymerDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10&16 C10512303 68 40 57

KF 20&25 C10514303 80 50 57

KF 32&40 C10516303 95 66 57

KF 50 C10517303 125 86 57

Hinged Clamp, AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10&16 C10512402 68 40 57

KF 20&25 C10514402 80 50 57

KF 32&40 C10516402 95 66 57KF Clamps: (page 2)

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-6June 2010

Clamping Ring, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10&16 C10512401 44 46 34

KF 20&25 C10514401 60 60 48

KF 32&40 C10516401 73 75 63

KF 50 C10517401 90 96 84


C' Clamp (All include screw pack)DIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 Nickel Plated C11002340 59 35 38 45 6.3 22

KF 25 Nickel Plated C11004340 70 44 54* 54 8.3 25.4

KF 40 316L Stainless C11005340 100 73.5 79 81 8.3 50


KF Clamps

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-5June 2010

Swing Clamp, Aluminum (Wing Nut)DIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10&16 90512403 56.9 42.9

KF 25 90514403 70.1 55.1

KF 40 90516403 86.1 70.1

KF 50 90517403 110 94.1


Hinged Clamp, PolymerDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10&16 C10512303 68 40 57

KF 20&25 C10514303 80 50 57

KF 32&40 C10516303 95 66 57

KF 50 C10517303 125 86 57

Hinged Clamp, AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10&16 C10512402 68 40 57

KF 20&25 C10514402 80 50 57

KF 32&40 C10516402 95 66 57

KF Clamps: (page 2)

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-6June 2010

Clamping Ring, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10&16 C10512401 44 46 34

KF 20&25 C10514401 60 60 48

KF 32&40 C10516401 73 75 63

KF 50 C10517401 90 96 84


C' Clamp (All include screw pack)DIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 Nickel Plated C11002340 59 35 38 45 6.3 22

KF 25 Nickel Plated C11004340 70 44 54* 54 8.3 25.4

KF 40 316L Stainless C11005340 100 73.5 79 81 8.3 50


KF Seals:Buna N

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-7June 2010

Center Ring Assembly, Buna N, 304L Stainless CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 90511396 12 3.9 8

KF 16 90512396 17 3.9 8

KF 25 90514396 26 3.9 8

KF 40 90516396 41 3.9 8

KF 50 90517396 52 3.9 8

The “B” dimension of 3.9mm Refers to the thickness of the O'ring carrier. The O'ring

diameter is 5 5.3mm

Center Ring Assembly, Buna N, Aluminum CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511398 12 3.9 8

KF 16 C10512398 17 3.9 8

KF 25 C10514398 26 3.9 8

KF 40 C10516398 41 3.9 8

The “B” dimension of 3.9mm Refers to the thickness of the O'ring carrier. The O'ring

diameter is 5 5.3mm

Center Ring Assembly, Buna N, Polymer CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511393 12 3.9 8

KF 16 C10512393 17 3.9 8

KF 25 C10514393 26 3.9 8

KF 40 C10516393 41 3.9 8

The “B” dimension of 3.9mm Refers to the thickness of the O'ring carrier. The O'ring

diameter is 5 5.3mm

KF Seals:Buna N

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-7June 2010

Center Ring Assembly, Buna N, 304L Stainless CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 90511396 12 3.9 8

KF 16 90512396 17 3.9 8

KF 25 90514396 26 3.9 8

KF 40 90516396 41 3.9 8

KF 50 90517396 52 3.9 8

The “B” dimension of 3.9mm Refers to the thickness of the O'ring carrier. The O'ring

diameter is 5 5.3mm

Center Ring Assembly, Buna N, Aluminum CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511398 12 3.9 8

KF 16 C10512398 17 3.9 8

KF 25 C10514398 26 3.9 8

KF 40 C10516398 41 3.9 8

The “B” dimension of 3.9mm Refers to the thickness of the O'ring carrier. The O'ring

diameter is 5 5.3mm

Center Ring Assembly, Buna N, Polymer CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511393 12 3.9 8

KF 16 C10512393 17 3.9 8

KF 25 C10514393 26 3.9 8

KF 40 C10516393 41 3.9 8

The “B” dimension of 3.9mm Refers to the thickness of the O'ring carrier. The O'ring

diameter is 5 5.3mm

KF Seals:Buna N

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-7June 2010

Center Ring Assembly, Buna N, 304L Stainless CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 90511396 12 3.9 8

KF 16 90512396 17 3.9 8

KF 25 90514396 26 3.9 8

KF 40 90516396 41 3.9 8

KF 50 90517396 52 3.9 8

The “B” dimension of 3.9mm Refers to the thickness of the O'ring carrier. The O'ring

diameter is 5 5.3mm

Center Ring Assembly, Buna N, Aluminum CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511398 12 3.9 8

KF 16 C10512398 17 3.9 8

KF 25 C10514398 26 3.9 8

KF 40 C10516398 41 3.9 8

The “B” dimension of 3.9mm Refers to the thickness of the O'ring carrier. The O'ring

diameter is 5 5.3mm

Center Ring Assembly, Buna N, Polymer CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511393 12 3.9 8

KF 16 C10512393 17 3.9 8

KF 25 C10514393 26 3.9 8

KF 40 C10516393 41 3.9 8

The “B” dimension of 3.9mm Refers to the thickness of the O'ring carrier. The O'ring

diameter is 5 5.3mm

KF Seals:Buna N (page 2)

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-8June 2010

Adapting Centering Ring Assembly, Buna NDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 to 16 Stainless C10512346 10 12 8 3.9 17

KF 10 to 16 Polymer C10512349 10 12 8 3.9 17

NOTE: The "D" dimension of 3.9mm Refers to the thickness of the O'ring carrier. The

O'ring diameter is 5 5.3mm

O'Ring, Pack of 10, Buna NDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 H02124012 15 5

KF 16 H02124013 18 5

KF 25 H02124015 28 5

KF 40 H02124017 42 5

KF 50 H02124018 50 5

KF Seals:Buna N (page 2)

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-8June 2010

Adapting Centering Ring Assembly, Buna NDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 to 16 Stainless C10512346 10 12 8 3.9 17

KF 10 to 16 Polymer C10512349 10 12 8 3.9 17

NOTE: The "D" dimension of 3.9mm Refers to the thickness of the O'ring carrier. The

O'ring diameter is 5 5.3mm

O'Ring, Pack of 10, Buna NDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 H02124012 15 5

KF 16 H02124013 18 5

KF 25 H02124015 28 5

KF 40 H02124017 42 5

KF 50 H02124018 50 5

Page 370: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh




all of our Kf flanged fittings are manufactured to the industrY standard dimensions. this allows both simPle and comPlicated PiPing to fit together with ease. Precision Plus has a wide VarietY of ‘Kf’ adaPtors, so that You can connect Your ‘Kf’ flanged PiPeworK to other tYPes of flanges.

KF SEALS VITONall of our Kf flanged fittings are manufactured to the industrY standard dimensions. this allows both simPle and comPlicated PiPing to fit together with ease. Precision Plus has a wide VarietY of ‘Kf’ adaPtors, so that You can connect Your ‘Kf’ flanged PiPeworK to other tYPes of flanges.







KF Seals:Viton

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-9June 2010

Center Ring Assembly, Viton, 304L Stainless CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511395 12 3.9 8

KF 16 C10512395 17 3.9 8

KF 25 C10514395 26 3.9 8

KF 40 C10516395 41 3.9 8

KF 50 C10517395 52 3.9 8

Center Ring Assembly, Viton, Aluminum CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511397 12 3.9 8

KF 16 C10512397 17 3.9 8

KF 25 C10514397 26 3.9 8

KF 40 C10516397 41 3.9 8

Center Ring Assembly, Viton, Polymer CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511394 12 3.9 8

KF 16 C10512394 17 3.9 8

KF 25 C10514394 26 3.9 8

KF 40 C10516394 41 3.9 8

Adapting Centering Ring Assembly, VitonDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 to 16 316L SS C10512345 10 12 8 3.9 17

KF 10 to 16 Polymer C10512350 10 12 8 3.9 17

KF Seals:Viton

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-9June 2010

Center Ring Assembly, Viton, 304L Stainless CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511395 12 3.9 8

KF 16 C10512395 17 3.9 8

KF 25 C10514395 26 3.9 8

KF 40 C10516395 41 3.9 8

KF 50 C10517395 52 3.9 8

Center Ring Assembly, Viton, Aluminum CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511397 12 3.9 8

KF 16 C10512397 17 3.9 8

KF 25 C10514397 26 3.9 8

KF 40 C10516397 41 3.9 8

Center Ring Assembly, Viton, Polymer CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511394 12 3.9 8

KF 16 C10512394 17 3.9 8

KF 25 C10514394 26 3.9 8

KF 40 C10516394 41 3.9 8

Adapting Centering Ring Assembly, VitonDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 to 16 316L SS C10512345 10 12 8 3.9 17

KF 10 to 16 Polymer C10512350 10 12 8 3.9 17

KF Seals:Viton

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-9June 2010

Center Ring Assembly, Viton, 304L Stainless CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511395 12 3.9 8

KF 16 C10512395 17 3.9 8

KF 25 C10514395 26 3.9 8

KF 40 C10516395 41 3.9 8

KF 50 C10517395 52 3.9 8

Center Ring Assembly, Viton, Aluminum CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511397 12 3.9 8

KF 16 C10512397 17 3.9 8

KF 25 C10514397 26 3.9 8

KF 40 C10516397 41 3.9 8

Center Ring Assembly, Viton, Polymer CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511394 12 3.9 8

KF 16 C10512394 17 3.9 8

KF 25 C10514394 26 3.9 8

KF 40 C10516394 41 3.9 8

Adapting Centering Ring Assembly, VitonDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 to 16 316L SS C10512345 10 12 8 3.9 17

KF 10 to 16 Polymer C10512350 10 12 8 3.9 17

KF Seals:Viton

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-9June 2010

Center Ring Assembly, Viton, 304L Stainless CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511395 12 3.9 8

KF 16 C10512395 17 3.9 8

KF 25 C10514395 26 3.9 8

KF 40 C10516395 41 3.9 8

KF 50 C10517395 52 3.9 8

Center Ring Assembly, Viton, Aluminum CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511397 12 3.9 8

KF 16 C10512397 17 3.9 8

KF 25 C10514397 26 3.9 8

KF 40 C10516397 41 3.9 8

Center Ring Assembly, Viton, Polymer CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511394 12 3.9 8

KF 16 C10512394 17 3.9 8

KF 25 C10514394 26 3.9 8

KF 40 C10516394 41 3.9 8

Adapting Centering Ring Assembly, VitonDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 to 16 316L SS C10512345 10 12 8 3.9 17

KF 10 to 16 Polymer C10512350 10 12 8 3.9 17

KF Seals:Viton (page 2)

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-10June 2010

Centering Ring Assembly w/Screen, Viton, 316L Stainless CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 16 C10512085 16 3.9 8

KF 25 C10514085 25 3.9 8

KF 40 C10516085 40 3.9 8

KF 50 C10517085 50 3.9 8

Centering Ring Assembly w/Optical Baffle, Viton, 304L Stainless CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 D02110000 26 3.9 8.5

Trapped O'Ring, Viton, 316L Stainless CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10&16 C10512490 32.5 27.5 30.2 7 18.5 16

KF 25 C10514490 42.5 37.5 40.2 7 28.5 25

KF 40 C10516490 57.5 52 55.2 7 43 40

KF 50 C10517490 77.5 64.5 75.2 7 55.5 50

O'Ring, Pack of 5, VitonDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 H02124032 15 5

KF 16 H02124033 18 5

KF 25 H02124035 28 5

KF 40 H02124037 42 5

KF 50 H02124038 50 5




KF Seals:Viton (page 2)

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-10June 2010

Centering Ring Assembly w/Screen, Viton, 316L Stainless CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 16 C10512085 16 3.9 8

KF 25 C10514085 25 3.9 8

KF 40 C10516085 40 3.9 8

KF 50 C10517085 50 3.9 8

Centering Ring Assembly w/Optical Baffle, Viton, 304L Stainless CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 D02110000 26 3.9 8.5

Trapped O'Ring, Viton, 316L Stainless CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10&16 C10512490 32.5 27.5 30.2 7 18.5 16

KF 25 C10514490 42.5 37.5 40.2 7 28.5 25

KF 40 C10516490 57.5 52 55.2 7 43 40

KF 50 C10517490 77.5 64.5 75.2 7 55.5 50

O'Ring, Pack of 5, VitonDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 H02124032 15 5

KF 16 H02124033 18 5

KF 25 H02124035 28 5

KF 40 H02124037 42 5

KF 50 H02124038 50 5

KF Seals:Viton (page 2)

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-10June 2010

Centering Ring Assembly w/Screen, Viton, 316L Stainless CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 16 C10512085 16 3.9 8

KF 25 C10514085 25 3.9 8

KF 40 C10516085 40 3.9 8

KF 50 C10517085 50 3.9 8

Centering Ring Assembly w/Optical Baffle, Viton, 304L Stainless CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 D02110000 26 3.9 8.5

Trapped O'Ring, Viton, 316L Stainless CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10&16 C10512490 32.5 27.5 30.2 7 18.5 16

KF 25 C10514490 42.5 37.5 40.2 7 28.5 25

KF 40 C10516490 57.5 52 55.2 7 43 40

KF 50 C10517490 77.5 64.5 75.2 7 55.5 50

O'Ring, Pack of 5, VitonDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 H02124032 15 5

KF 16 H02124033 18 5

KF 25 H02124035 28 5

KF 40 H02124037 42 5

KF 50 H02124038 50 5

KF Seals:Viton (page 2)

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-10June 2010

Centering Ring Assembly w/Screen, Viton, 316L Stainless CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 16 C10512085 16 3.9 8

KF 25 C10514085 25 3.9 8

KF 40 C10516085 40 3.9 8

KF 50 C10517085 50 3.9 8

Centering Ring Assembly w/Optical Baffle, Viton, 304L Stainless CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 D02110000 26 3.9 8.5

Trapped O'Ring, Viton, 316L Stainless CarrierDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10&16 C10512490 32.5 27.5 30.2 7 18.5 16

KF 25 C10514490 42.5 37.5 40.2 7 28.5 25

KF 40 C10516490 57.5 52 55.2 7 43 40

KF 50 C10517490 77.5 64.5 75.2 7 55.5 50

O'Ring, Pack of 5, VitonDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 H02124032 15 5

KF 16 H02124033 18 5

KF 25 H02124035 28 5

KF 40 H02124037 42 5

KF 50 H02124038 50 5

Page 371: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh




all of our Kf flanged fittings are manufactured to the industrY standard dimensions. this allows both simPle and comPlicated PiPing to fit together with ease. Precision Plus has a wide VarietY of ‘Kf’ adaPtors, so that You can connect Your ‘Kf’ flanged PiPeworK to other tYPes of flanges.

KF BLANK FLANGESall of our Kf flanged fittings are manufactured to the industrY standard dimensions. this allows both simPle and comPlicated PiPing to fit together with ease. Precision Plus has a wide VarietY of ‘Kf’ adaPtors, so that You can connect Your ‘Kf’ flanged PiPeworK to other tYPes of flanges.









KF Blank Flanges & KF Elbows

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-11June 2010

Blank Flange, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 90511366 30 12.2 6 2.5

KF 16 90512366 30 17.2 6 2.5

KF 25 90514366 40 26.2 6 2.5

KF 40 90516366 55 41.2 6 2.5

KF 50 90517366 75 52.2 6 2.5

Blank Flange, AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511368 30 12.2 6 2.5

KF 16 C10512368 30 17.2 6 2.5

KF 25 C10514368 40 26.2 6 2.5

KF 40 C10516368 55 41.2 6 2.5

Elbow, 90 degrees, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 16 90512420 32

KF 25 90514420 50

KF 40 90516420 65

KF 50 90517420 70

KF Blank Flanges & KF Elbows

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-11June 2010

Blank Flange, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 90511366 30 12.2 6 2.5

KF 16 90512366 30 17.2 6 2.5

KF 25 90514366 40 26.2 6 2.5

KF 40 90516366 55 41.2 6 2.5

KF 50 90517366 75 52.2 6 2.5

Blank Flange, AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511368 30 12.2 6 2.5

KF 16 C10512368 30 17.2 6 2.5

KF 25 C10514368 40 26.2 6 2.5

KF 40 C10516368 55 41.2 6 2.5

Elbow, 90 degrees, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 16 90512420 32

KF 25 90514420 50

KF 40 90516420 65

KF 50 90517420 70

KF Blank Flanges & KF Elbows

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-11June 2010

Blank Flange, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 90511366 30 12.2 6 2.5

KF 16 90512366 30 17.2 6 2.5

KF 25 90514366 40 26.2 6 2.5

KF 40 90516366 55 41.2 6 2.5

KF 50 90517366 75 52.2 6 2.5

Blank Flange, AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511368 30 12.2 6 2.5

KF 16 C10512368 30 17.2 6 2.5

KF 25 C10514368 40 26.2 6 2.5

KF 40 C10516368 55 41.2 6 2.5

Elbow, 90 degrees, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 16 90512420 32

KF 25 90514420 50

KF 40 90516420 65

KF 50 90517420 70KF Elbows & KF Tees

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-12June 2010

Elbow, 90 degree, AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511410 30

KF 16 C10512410 40

KF 25 C10514410 50

KF 40 C10516410 65

Elbow, Long Radius, 90 degree, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 40 C10516406 130

KF 50 C10517406 140

Tee Piece, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 16 90512421 40 80

KF 25 90514421 50 100

KF 40 90516421 65 130

KF 50 90517421 70 140

KF Elbows & KF Tees

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-12June 2010

Elbow, 90 degree, AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511410 30

KF 16 C10512410 40

KF 25 C10514410 50

KF 40 C10516410 65

Elbow, Long Radius, 90 degree, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 40 C10516406 130

KF 50 C10517406 140

Tee Piece, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 16 90512421 40 80

KF 25 90514421 50 100

KF 40 90516421 65 130

KF 50 90517421 70 140

KF Elbows & KF Tees

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-12June 2010

Elbow, 90 degree, AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511410 30

KF 16 C10512410 40

KF 25 C10514410 50

KF 40 C10516410 65

Elbow, Long Radius, 90 degree, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 40 C10516406 130

KF 50 C10517406 140

Tee Piece, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 16 90512421 40 80

KF 25 90514421 50 100

KF 40 90516421 65 130

KF 50 90517421 70 140KF Tees and Crosses

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-13June 2010

Reducing Tee Piece, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 to 16 C10514427 100 40 50

KF 40 to 16 C10516428 130 40 65

KF 40 to 25 C10516429 130 50 65

KF 50 to 16 C10517430 140 50 70

KF 50 to 25 C10517431 140 65 70

Cross, 4-way, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 16 90512422 80

KF 25 90514422 100

KF 40 90516422 130

KF 50 90517422 140

Cross, 4-way, AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511412 60

KF 16 C10512412 80

KF 25 C10514412 100

KF 40 C10516412 130

Reducing Cross, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 to 10 C10514423 70 70 26.2 12.2

KF 25 to 16 C10514424 100 80 26.2 17.2

KF 40 to 16 C10516424 130 80 41.2 17.2

KF 40 to 25 C10516425 130 100 41.2 26.2

KF 50 to 25 C10517425 140 100 52.2 26.2

Page 372: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh




all of our Kf flanged fittings are manufactured to the industrY standard dimensions. this allows both simPle and comPlicated PiPing to fit together with ease. Precision Plus has a wide VarietY of ‘Kf’ adaPtors, so that You can connect Your ‘Kf’ flanged PiPeworK to other tYPes of flanges.

KF CROSSESall of our Kf flanged fittings are manufactured to the industrY standard dimensions. this allows both simPle and comPlicated PiPing to fit together with ease. Precision Plus has a wide VarietY of ‘Kf’ adaPtors, so that You can connect Your ‘Kf’ flanged PiPeworK to other tYPes of flanges.




KF Tees and Nipples

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-14June 2010

Reducing Cross, AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 to 10 C10514413 70 70 26.2 12.2

KF 40 to 10 C10516413 80 90 41.2 12.2

Full Nipple, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511433 60

KF 16 C10512433 80

KF 25 C10514433 100

KF 40 C10516433 130

KF 50 C10517433 140

Full Nipple, AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511409 60

KF 16 C10512409 80

KF 25 C10514409 100

KF 40 C10516409 130

KF Tees and Nipples

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-14June 2010

Reducing Cross, AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 to 10 C10514413 70 70 26.2 12.2

KF 40 to 10 C10516413 80 90 41.2 12.2

Full Nipple, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511433 60

KF 16 C10512433 80

KF 25 C10514433 100

KF 40 C10516433 130

KF 50 C10517433 140

Full Nipple, AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511409 60

KF 16 C10512409 80

KF 25 C10514409 100

KF 40 C10516409 130





KF Tees and Crosses

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-13June 2010

Reducing Tee Piece, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 to 16 C10514427 100 40 50

KF 40 to 16 C10516428 130 40 65

KF 40 to 25 C10516429 130 50 65

KF 50 to 16 C10517430 140 50 70

KF 50 to 25 C10517431 140 65 70

Cross, 4-way, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 16 90512422 80

KF 25 90514422 100

KF 40 90516422 130

KF 50 90517422 140

Cross, 4-way, AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511412 60

KF 16 C10512412 80

KF 25 C10514412 100

KF 40 C10516412 130

Reducing Cross, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 to 10 C10514423 70 70 26.2 12.2

KF 25 to 16 C10514424 100 80 26.2 17.2

KF 40 to 16 C10516424 130 80 41.2 17.2

KF 40 to 25 C10516425 130 100 41.2 26.2

KF 50 to 25 C10517425 140 100 52.2 26.2

KF Tees and Crosses

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-13June 2010

Reducing Tee Piece, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 to 16 C10514427 100 40 50

KF 40 to 16 C10516428 130 40 65

KF 40 to 25 C10516429 130 50 65

KF 50 to 16 C10517430 140 50 70

KF 50 to 25 C10517431 140 65 70

Cross, 4-way, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 16 90512422 80

KF 25 90514422 100

KF 40 90516422 130

KF 50 90517422 140

Cross, 4-way, AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511412 60

KF 16 C10512412 80

KF 25 C10514412 100

KF 40 C10516412 130

Reducing Cross, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 to 10 C10514423 70 70 26.2 12.2

KF 25 to 16 C10514424 100 80 26.2 17.2

KF 40 to 16 C10516424 130 80 41.2 17.2

KF 40 to 25 C10516425 130 100 41.2 26.2

KF 50 to 25 C10517425 140 100 52.2 26.2

KF Tees and Crosses

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-13June 2010

Reducing Tee Piece, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 to 16 C10514427 100 40 50

KF 40 to 16 C10516428 130 40 65

KF 40 to 25 C10516429 130 50 65

KF 50 to 16 C10517430 140 50 70

KF 50 to 25 C10517431 140 65 70

Cross, 4-way, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 16 90512422 80

KF 25 90514422 100

KF 40 90516422 130

KF 50 90517422 140

Cross, 4-way, AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511412 60

KF 16 C10512412 80

KF 25 C10514412 100

KF 40 C10516412 130

Reducing Cross, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 to 10 C10514423 70 70 26.2 12.2

KF 25 to 16 C10514424 100 80 26.2 17.2

KF 40 to 16 C10516424 130 80 41.2 17.2

KF 40 to 25 C10516425 130 100 41.2 26.2

KF 50 to 25 C10517425 140 100 52.2 26.2KF Tees and Nipples

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-14June 2010

Reducing Cross, AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 to 10 C10514413 70 70 26.2 12.2

KF 40 to 10 C10516413 80 90 41.2 12.2

Full Nipple, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511433 60

KF 16 C10512433 80

KF 25 C10514433 100

KF 40 C10516433 130

KF 50 C10517433 140

Full Nipple, AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511409 60

KF 16 C10512409 80

KF 25 C10514409 100

KF 40 C10516409 130

Page 373: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh




all of our Kf flanged fittings are manufactured to the industrY standard dimensions. this allows both simPle and comPlicated PiPing to fit together with ease. Precision Plus has a wide VarietY of ‘Kf’ adaPtors, so that You can connect Your ‘Kf’ flanged PiPeworK to other tYPes of flanges.

KF WELD STUBSall of our Kf flanged fittings are manufactured to the industrY standard dimensions. this allows both simPle and comPlicated PiPing to fit together with ease. Precision Plus has a wide VarietY of ‘Kf’ adaPtors, so that You can connect Your ‘Kf’ flanged PiPeworK to other tYPes of flanges.









KF Weld Stubs

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-15June 2010

Long Weld Stub, KF to Inch OD Tube, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 16 to 3/4" OD Tube 90504101 40 19.1 15.7

KF 25 to 1" OD Tube 90504223 40 25.4 22

KF 40 to 1-1/2" OD Tube 90504324 40 38.1 34.7

KF 50 to 2" OD Tube 90504351 40 50.8 47.4

Long Weld Stub, KF to Metric OD Tube, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 16 to 20mm OD Tube 90512316 70 20 16

KF 25 to 28mm OD Tube 90514316 70 28 24

KF 40 to 44.5mm OD Tube 90516616 70 44.5 40

KF 50 to 57mm OD Tube 90517316 70 57 50

Short Weld Stub, KF to Inch OD Tube, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 to 1" OD Tube 90504222 12.7 25.4 22

KF 40 to 1-1/2" OD Tube 90504323 19.1 38.1 34.7

KF 50 to 2" OD Tube 90504350 19.1 50.8 47.4

KF Weld Stubs

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-15June 2010

Long Weld Stub, KF to Inch OD Tube, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 16 to 3/4" OD Tube 90504101 40 19.1 15.7

KF 25 to 1" OD Tube 90504223 40 25.4 22

KF 40 to 1-1/2" OD Tube 90504324 40 38.1 34.7

KF 50 to 2" OD Tube 90504351 40 50.8 47.4

Long Weld Stub, KF to Metric OD Tube, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 16 to 20mm OD Tube 90512316 70 20 16

KF 25 to 28mm OD Tube 90514316 70 28 24

KF 40 to 44.5mm OD Tube 90516616 70 44.5 40

KF 50 to 57mm OD Tube 90517316 70 57 50

Short Weld Stub, KF to Inch OD Tube, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 to 1" OD Tube 90504222 12.7 25.4 22

KF 40 to 1-1/2" OD Tube 90504323 19.1 38.1 34.7

KF 50 to 2" OD Tube 90504350 19.1 50.8 47.4

KF Weld Stubs

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-15June 2010

Long Weld Stub, KF to Inch OD Tube, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 16 to 3/4" OD Tube 90504101 40 19.1 15.7

KF 25 to 1" OD Tube 90504223 40 25.4 22

KF 40 to 1-1/2" OD Tube 90504324 40 38.1 34.7

KF 50 to 2" OD Tube 90504351 40 50.8 47.4

Long Weld Stub, KF to Metric OD Tube, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 16 to 20mm OD Tube 90512316 70 20 16

KF 25 to 28mm OD Tube 90514316 70 28 24

KF 40 to 44.5mm OD Tube 90516616 70 44.5 40

KF 50 to 57mm OD Tube 90517316 70 57 50

Short Weld Stub, KF to Inch OD Tube, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 to 1" OD Tube 90504222 12.7 25.4 22

KF 40 to 1-1/2" OD Tube 90504323 19.1 38.1 34.7

KF 50 to 2" OD Tube 90504350 19.1 50.8 47.4

KF Weld Stubs Continued

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-16June 2010

Short Weld Stub, KF to Metric OD Tube, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 to 28mm OD Tube 90514311 30 28 24

KF 40 to 44.5mm OD Tube 90516611 30 44.5 40

KF 50 to 57mm OD Tube 90517311 30 57 50

Socket Weld Stub, KF to Inch OD Tube, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 to 1" OD Tube 90504224 28.6 25.9 22.1 12.7 25.4

KF 40 to 1-1/2" OD Tube 90504325 44.5 38.6 34.9 12.7 38.1

KF Weld Stubs Continued

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-16June 2010

Short Weld Stub, KF to Metric OD Tube, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 to 28mm OD Tube 90514311 30 28 24

KF 40 to 44.5mm OD Tube 90516611 30 44.5 40

KF 50 to 57mm OD Tube 90517311 30 57 50

Socket Weld Stub, KF to Inch OD Tube, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 to 1" OD Tube 90504224 28.6 25.9 22.1 12.7 25.4

KF 40 to 1-1/2" OD Tube 90504325 44.5 38.6 34.9 12.7 38.1

KF Reducers

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-17June 2010

Reducer, Non-conical, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 to 10 90514446 16 28

KF 25 to 16 90514447 16 28

KF 40 to 16 90516448 16 28

KF 40 to 25 90516449 24 28

KF 50 to 25 90517051 24 40

KF 50 to 40 90517452 40 28

Reducer, Non-conical, AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 to 10 C10514436 10 40

KF 25 to 16 C10514437 10 40

KF 40 to 16 C10516438 16 40

KF 40 to 25 C10516439 24 40

KF 50 to 16 C10517040 16 40

KF 50 to 25 C10517043 24 40

KF 50 to 40 C10517041 41 40

KF Reducers

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-17June 2010

Reducer, Non-conical, 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 to 10 90514446 16 28

KF 25 to 16 90514447 16 28

KF 40 to 16 90516448 16 28

KF 40 to 25 90516449 24 28

KF 50 to 25 90517051 24 40

KF 50 to 40 90517452 40 28

Reducer, Non-conical, AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 to 10 C10514436 10 40

KF 25 to 16 C10514437 10 40

KF 40 to 16 C10516438 16 40

KF 40 to 25 C10516439 24 40

KF 50 to 16 C10517040 16 40

KF 50 to 25 C10517043 24 40

KF 50 to 40 C10517041 41 40

Page 374: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh




all of our Kf flanged fittings are manufactured to the industrY standard dimensions. this allows both simPle and comPlicated PiPing to fit together with ease. Precision Plus has a wide VarietY of ‘Kf’ adaPtors, so that You can connect Your ‘Kf’ flanged PiPeworK to other tYPes of flanges.

KF ADAPTORSall of our Kf flanged fittings are manufactured to the industrY standard dimensions. this allows both simPle and comPlicated PiPing to fit together with ease. Precision Plus has a wide VarietY of ‘Kf’ adaPtors, so that You can connect Your ‘Kf’ flanged PiPeworK to other tYPes of flanges.










KF Adaptors

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-18June 2010

Adaptor, KF to CF, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 16 to 1-1/3" CF C10503104 52.7 15.8

KF 16 to 2-3/4" CF C10503105 45.3 15.8

KF 25 to 2-3/4" CF C10503207 45.3 22

KF 40 to 2-3/4" CF C10503305 45.3 40

KF 50 to 4-1/2" CF C10503405 49.5 50

Adaptor, KF to ASA, with O'ring groove, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 40 to 1-1/2" ASA C10503309 46 40 127 67.6

KF 40 to 2" ASA C10503310 46 40 152 86.9

KF 40 to 3" ASA C10503311 46 40 190 118

KF 50 to 1-1/2" ASA C10503409 46 50 127 67.9

KF 50 to 2" ASA C10503410 46 50 152 86.9

KF 50 to 3" ASA C10503411 46 50 190 119

Adaptor, KF to ASA, with NO O'ring groove, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 40 to 1-1/2" ASA C10503303 46 40 127

KF 40 to 2" ASA C10503300 46 40 152

KF 40 to 3" ASA C10503301 46 40 190

KF 50 to 1-1/2 ASA C10503403 46 40 127

KF 50 to 2" ASA C10503400 46 50 152

KF 50 to 3" ASA C10503401 46 50 190

KF Adaptors

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-18June 2010

Adaptor, KF to CF, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 16 to 1-1/3" CF C10503104 52.7 15.8

KF 16 to 2-3/4" CF C10503105 45.3 15.8

KF 25 to 2-3/4" CF C10503207 45.3 22

KF 40 to 2-3/4" CF C10503305 45.3 40

KF 50 to 4-1/2" CF C10503405 49.5 50

Adaptor, KF to ASA, with O'ring groove, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 40 to 1-1/2" ASA C10503309 46 40 127 67.6

KF 40 to 2" ASA C10503310 46 40 152 86.9

KF 40 to 3" ASA C10503311 46 40 190 118

KF 50 to 1-1/2" ASA C10503409 46 50 127 67.9

KF 50 to 2" ASA C10503410 46 50 152 86.9

KF 50 to 3" ASA C10503411 46 50 190 119

Adaptor, KF to ASA, with NO O'ring groove, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 40 to 1-1/2" ASA C10503303 46 40 127

KF 40 to 2" ASA C10503300 46 40 152

KF 40 to 3" ASA C10503301 46 40 190

KF 50 to 1-1/2 ASA C10503403 46 40 127

KF 50 to 2" ASA C10503400 46 50 152

KF 50 to 3" ASA C10503401 46 50 190

KF Adaptors

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-18June 2010

Adaptor, KF to CF, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 16 to 1-1/3" CF C10503104 52.7 15.8

KF 16 to 2-3/4" CF C10503105 45.3 15.8

KF 25 to 2-3/4" CF C10503207 45.3 22

KF 40 to 2-3/4" CF C10503305 45.3 40

KF 50 to 4-1/2" CF C10503405 49.5 50

Adaptor, KF to ASA, with O'ring groove, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 40 to 1-1/2" ASA C10503309 46 40 127 67.6

KF 40 to 2" ASA C10503310 46 40 152 86.9

KF 40 to 3" ASA C10503311 46 40 190 118

KF 50 to 1-1/2" ASA C10503409 46 50 127 67.9

KF 50 to 2" ASA C10503410 46 50 152 86.9

KF 50 to 3" ASA C10503411 46 50 190 119

Adaptor, KF to ASA, with NO O'ring groove, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 40 to 1-1/2" ASA C10503303 46 40 127

KF 40 to 2" ASA C10503300 46 40 152

KF 40 to 3" ASA C10503301 46 40 190

KF 50 to 1-1/2 ASA C10503403 46 40 127

KF 50 to 2" ASA C10503400 46 50 152

KF 50 to 3" ASA C10503401 46 50 190

KF Adaptors

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-19June 2010

Adaptor, KF to ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 to ISO 63-K 90007115 95 22.1 50

KF 40 to ISO 63-K 90007116 95 34.8 50

KF 40 to ISO 80-K 90008002 110 41 118

KF 40 to ISO 100-K 90009122 130 41 50

KF 50 to ISO 63-K 90007118 95 47.5 50

KF 50 to ISO 80-K 90008003 110 51 118

KF 50 to ISO 100-K 90008123 130 51 50

Adaptor, KF to ISO-F (Bolted Non-Rotatable) 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 40 to ISO 40-F A1516 69 40 100

KF 40 to ISO 63-F A1448 68 40 130

KF 50 to ISO 40-F C10005080 50 41 100

KF 50 to ISO 63-F A1509 50 50 130

Bolt Kit, ISO-F 515000

NOTE: Bolt Kit not needed for part number 10005080

KF Adaptors

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-19June 2010

Adaptor, KF to ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 25 to ISO 63-K 90007115 95 22.1 50

KF 40 to ISO 63-K 90007116 95 34.8 50

KF 40 to ISO 80-K 90008002 110 41 118

KF 40 to ISO 100-K 90009122 130 41 50

KF 50 to ISO 63-K 90007118 95 47.5 50

KF 50 to ISO 80-K 90008003 110 51 118

KF 50 to ISO 100-K 90008123 130 51 50

Adaptor, KF to ISO-F (Bolted Non-Rotatable) 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 40 to ISO 40-F A1516 69 40 100

KF 40 to ISO 63-F A1448 68 40 130

KF 50 to ISO 40-F C10005080 50 41 100

KF 50 to ISO 63-F A1509 50 50 130

Bolt Kit, ISO-F 515000

NOTE: Bolt Kit not needed for part number 10005080KF Adaptors

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-20June 2010

Adaptor, KF to FNPT (NPT Female) 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 16 to 1/4" FNPT 90501107 20 19.1

KF 25 to 1/8" FNPT 90501223 28 19.1

KF 25 to 1/4" FNPT 90501224 28 19.1

KF 40 to 1/8" FNPT 90501309 45 25.4

KF 40 to 1/4" FNPT 90501310 45 25.4

Adaptor, KF to MNPT (NPT Male) 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF25 to 1/8" MNPT 90501217 40 4.7

KF25 to 1/4" MNPT 90501218 50 7.1

KF25 to 1/2" MNPT 90501219 75 11.9

KF25 to 3/4" MNPT 90501220 75 15.9

KF40 to 1/2" MNPT 90501304 75 11.9

KF40 to 3/4" MNPT 90501305 75 15.9

KF40 to 1" MNPT 90501306 75 25

KF Adaptors

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-20June 2010

Adaptor, KF to FNPT (NPT Female) 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 16 to 1/4" FNPT 90501107 20 19.1

KF 25 to 1/8" FNPT 90501223 28 19.1

KF 25 to 1/4" FNPT 90501224 28 19.1

KF 40 to 1/8" FNPT 90501309 45 25.4

KF 40 to 1/4" FNPT 90501310 45 25.4

Adaptor, KF to MNPT (NPT Male) 304L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF25 to 1/8" MNPT 90501217 40 4.7

KF25 to 1/4" MNPT 90501218 50 7.1

KF25 to 1/2" MNPT 90501219 75 11.9

KF25 to 3/4" MNPT 90501220 75 15.9

KF40 to 1/2" MNPT 90501304 75 11.9

KF40 to 3/4" MNPT 90501305 75 15.9

KF40 to 1" MNPT 90501306 75 25

KF Adaptors

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-21June 2010

Adaptor, KF to VCR(M) (VCR Male) 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF16 to 1/4" VCR(M) C10501108 35.6 4.8

KF16 to 1/2" VCR(M) C10501110 41.4 10.4

KF25 to 1/4" VCR(M) C10501225 35.6 4.8

KF25 to 1/2" VCR(M) C10501227 40.6 10.4

KF25 to 3/4" VCR(M) C10501229 54.4 15.7

KF40 to 1/4" VCR(M) C10501311 35.6 4.8

KF40 to 1/2" VCR(M) C10501313 40.6 10.4

KF40 to 3/4" VCR(M) C10501315 53.3 15.7

KF50 to 1/4" VCR(M) C10501508 35.6 4.8

KF50 to 1/2" VCR(M) C10501510 40.6 10.4

KF50 to 3/4" VCR(M) C10501512 53.3 15.7

Adaptor KF to VCR(F) (VCR Female) 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF16 to 1/4" VCR(F) C10501109 35.6 4.8

KF16 to 1/2" VCR(F) C10501111 41.4 10.4

KF25 to 1/4" VCR(F) C10501226 35.6 4.8

KF25 to 1/2" VCR(F) C10501228 40.6 10.4

KF25 to 3/4" VCR(F) C10501230 54.4 15.7

KF40 to 1/4" VCR(F) C10501312 35.6 4.8

KF40 to 1/2" VCR(F) C10501314 40.6 10.4

KF40 to 3/4" VCR(F) C10501316 53.3 15.7

KF50 to 1/4" VCR(F) C10501509 35.6 4.8

KF50 to 1/2" VCR(F) C10501511 40.6 10.4

KF50 to 3/4" VCR(F) C10501513 53.3 15.7

Page 375: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh




all of our Kf flanged fittings are manufactured to the industrY standard dimensions. this allows both simPle and comPlicated PiPing to fit together with ease. Precision Plus has a wide VarietY of ‘Kf’ adaPtors, so that You can connect Your ‘Kf’ flanged PiPeworK to other tYPes of flanges.

KF ADAPTORS (CONT.)all of our Kf flanged fittings are manufactured to the industrY standard dimensions. this allows both simPle and comPlicated PiPing to fit together with ease. Precision Plus has a wide VarietY of ‘Kf’ adaPtors, so that You can connect Your ‘Kf’ flanged PiPeworK to other tYPes of flanges.





KF Adaptors

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-21June 2010

Adaptor, KF to VCR(M) (VCR Male) 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF16 to 1/4" VCR(M) C10501108 35.6 4.8

KF16 to 1/2" VCR(M) C10501110 41.4 10.4

KF25 to 1/4" VCR(M) C10501225 35.6 4.8

KF25 to 1/2" VCR(M) C10501227 40.6 10.4

KF25 to 3/4" VCR(M) C10501229 54.4 15.7

KF40 to 1/4" VCR(M) C10501311 35.6 4.8

KF40 to 1/2" VCR(M) C10501313 40.6 10.4

KF40 to 3/4" VCR(M) C10501315 53.3 15.7

KF50 to 1/4" VCR(M) C10501508 35.6 4.8

KF50 to 1/2" VCR(M) C10501510 40.6 10.4

KF50 to 3/4" VCR(M) C10501512 53.3 15.7

Adaptor KF to VCR(F) (VCR Female) 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF16 to 1/4" VCR(F) C10501109 35.6 4.8

KF16 to 1/2" VCR(F) C10501111 41.4 10.4

KF25 to 1/4" VCR(F) C10501226 35.6 4.8

KF25 to 1/2" VCR(F) C10501228 40.6 10.4

KF25 to 3/4" VCR(F) C10501230 54.4 15.7

KF40 to 1/4" VCR(F) C10501312 35.6 4.8

KF40 to 1/2" VCR(F) C10501314 40.6 10.4

KF40 to 3/4" VCR(F) C10501316 53.3 15.7

KF50 to 1/4" VCR(F) C10501509 35.6 4.8

KF50 to 1/2" VCR(F) C10501511 40.6 10.4

KF50 to 3/4" VCR(F) C10501513 53.3 15.7

KF Adaptors

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-22June 2010

Adaptor, KF to Gauge Tube & Compression O'Ring, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF10 to 1/2" OD Tube C10502001 13.1 50 33 12.7

KF16 to 1/4" OD Tube C10502101 6.7 32 33 6.4

KF16 to 1/2" OD Tube C10502102 13.1 50 33 12.7

KF16 to 3/4" OD Tube C10502103 19.4 56 40 19.1

KF25 to 1/2" OD Tube C10502201 13.1 50 33 12.7

KF25 to 3/4" OD Tube C10502202 19.4 58 40 19.1

KF25 to 1" OD Tube C10502203 25.8 62 46 25.4

KF40 to 1/2" OD Tube C10502300 13.1 58 33 12.7

KF40 to 3/4" OD Tube C10502301 19.4 63.5 40 19.1

KF40 to 1" OD Tube C10502302 25.8 71 46 25.4

KF40 to 1-1/8" OD Tu C10502303 29 74 49 28.6

KF40 to 1-1/2" OD Tu C10502304 38.4 84 63.5 38.1

KF50 to 3/4" OD Tube C10502400 19.4 63.5 40 19.1

KF50 to 1" OD Tube C10502401 25.8 71 46 25.4

KF50 1-1/8" OD Tube C10502402 29 74 49 28.6

KF50 to 1-1/2" OD Tu C10502403 38.4 87 63.5 38.1

KF50 to 2" OD Tube C10502404 51.1 87 66 50.8



KF Bellows and Flexible Piplines

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-23June 2010

Flexible Bellows, KF x 123mm Long, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511670 102 123

KF 16 C10512670 102 123

KF 25 C10514670 102 123

KF 40 C10516670 102 123

KF 50 C10517670 102 123

Flexible Pipeline, KF, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF10 x 250mm Long C10511285 12.2 30 100 2.3

KF10 x 500mm Long C10511286 12.2 30 100 2.3

KF10 x 750mm Long C10511300 12.2 30 100 2.3

KF10 x 1000mm Long C10511287 12.2 30 100 2.3

KF16 x 250mm Long C10512285 17.2 30 130 1.8

KF16 x 500mm Long C10512286 17.2 30 130 1.8

KF16 x 750mm Long C10512300 17.2 30 130 1.8

KF16 x 1000mm Long C10512287 17.2 30 130 1.8

KF25 x 250mm Long C10514285 26.2 50 210 1.0

KF25 x 500mm Long C10514286 26.2 50 210 1.0

KF25 x 750mm Long C10514300 26.2 50 210 1.0

KF25 x 1000mm Long C10514287 26.2 50 210 1.0

Page 376: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh




all of our Kf flanged fittings are manufactured to the industrY standard dimensions. this allows both simPle and comPlicated PiPing to fit together with ease. Precision Plus has a wide VarietY of ‘Kf’ adaPtors, so that You can connect Your ‘Kf’ flanged PiPeworK to other tYPes of flanges.

KF FLEXIBLE PIPELINESall of our Kf flanged fittings are manufactured to the industrY standard dimensions. this allows both simPle and comPlicated PiPing to fit together with ease. Precision Plus has a wide VarietY of ‘Kf’ adaPtors, so that You can connect Your ‘Kf’ flanged PiPeworK to other tYPes of flanges.









KF Bellows and Flexible Piplines

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-24June 2010

Flexible Pipeline, KF, 316L Stainless (continued)DIMENSIONS (mm)


KF40 x 250mm Long C10516285 41.2 250 80 260 0.7

KF40 x 500mm Long C10516286 41.2 500 80 260 0.7

KF40 x 750mm Long C10516300 41.2 750 80 260 0.7

KF40 x 1000mm Long C10516287 41.2 1000 80 260 0.7

KF50 x 250mm Long C10517285 52.2 250 100 320 0.5

KF50 x 500mm Long C10517286 52.2 500 100 320 0.5

KF50 x 750mm Long C10517300 52.2 750 100 320 0.5

KF50 x 1000mm Long C10517287 52.2 1000 100 320 0.5

Braided Flexible Exhaust Pipeline, KF, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF25 x 135mm Long C10514294 26.2 135 50 320 10.0

KF25 x 250mm Long C10514295 26.2 250 50 320 10.0

KF25 x 500mm Long C10514296 26.2 500 50 320 10.0

KF25 x 1000mm Long C10514297 26.2 1000 50 320 10.0

KF40 x 135mm Long C10516294 41.2 135 80 400 10.0

KF40 x 250mm Long C10516295 41.2 250 80 400 10.0

KF40 x 500mm Long C10516296 41.2 500 80 400 10.0

KF40 x 1000mm Long C10516297 41.2 1000 80 400 10.0

KF50 x 135mm Long C10517294 52.2 135 100 450 10.0

KF50 x 250mm Long C10517295 52.2 250 100 450 10.0

KF50 x 500mm Long C10517296 52.2 500 100 450 10.0

KF50 x 1000mm Long C10517297 52.2 1000 100 450 10.0

KF Bellows and Flexible Piplines

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-24June 2010

Flexible Pipeline, KF, 316L Stainless (continued)DIMENSIONS (mm)


KF40 x 250mm Long C10516285 41.2 250 80 260 0.7

KF40 x 500mm Long C10516286 41.2 500 80 260 0.7

KF40 x 750mm Long C10516300 41.2 750 80 260 0.7

KF40 x 1000mm Long C10516287 41.2 1000 80 260 0.7

KF50 x 250mm Long C10517285 52.2 250 100 320 0.5

KF50 x 500mm Long C10517286 52.2 500 100 320 0.5

KF50 x 750mm Long C10517300 52.2 750 100 320 0.5

KF50 x 1000mm Long C10517287 52.2 1000 100 320 0.5

Braided Flexible Exhaust Pipeline, KF, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF25 x 135mm Long C10514294 26.2 135 50 320 10.0

KF25 x 250mm Long C10514295 26.2 250 50 320 10.0

KF25 x 500mm Long C10514296 26.2 500 50 320 10.0

KF25 x 1000mm Long C10514297 26.2 1000 50 320 10.0

KF40 x 135mm Long C10516294 41.2 135 80 400 10.0

KF40 x 250mm Long C10516295 41.2 250 80 400 10.0

KF40 x 500mm Long C10516296 41.2 500 80 400 10.0

KF40 x 1000mm Long C10516297 41.2 1000 80 400 10.0

KF50 x 135mm Long C10517294 52.2 135 100 450 10.0

KF50 x 250mm Long C10517295 52.2 250 100 450 10.0

KF50 x 500mm Long C10517296 52.2 500 100 450 10.0

KF50 x 1000mm Long C10517297 52.2 1000 100 450 10.0

KF Miscellanous

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-25June 2010

Optical Viewport, KF, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 40 C10516407 23.6

KF 50 C10517407 31.8

Molded Sleeve, KF, NeopreneDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF10 to 1/2" OD Tube C26501002 13 21 38 23

KF25 to 1" OD Tube C26501004 27 36 55 38

Nozzle, KF to 12mm ID Tubing, AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF10 x 12mm ID C10511645 7 40

KF25 x 12mm ID C10514645 7 40

KF40 x 12mm ID C10516645 7 40

KF Miscellanous

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-25June 2010

Optical Viewport, KF, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 40 C10516407 23.6

KF 50 C10517407 31.8

Molded Sleeve, KF, NeopreneDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF10 to 1/2" OD Tube C26501002 13 21 38 23

KF25 to 1" OD Tube C26501004 27 36 55 38

Nozzle, KF to 12mm ID Tubing, AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF10 x 12mm ID C10511645 7 40

KF25 x 12mm ID C10514645 7 40

KF40 x 12mm ID C10516645 7 40

KF Miscellanous

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-25June 2010

Optical Viewport, KF, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 40 C10516407 23.6

KF 50 C10517407 31.8

Molded Sleeve, KF, NeopreneDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF10 to 1/2" OD Tube C26501002 13 21 38 23

KF25 to 1" OD Tube C26501004 27 36 55 38

Nozzle, KF to 12mm ID Tubing, AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF10 x 12mm ID C10511645 7 40

KF25 x 12mm ID C10514645 7 40

KF40 x 12mm ID C10516645 7 40

Tube, Hose and KF/PVC Hose Adaptors

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-26June 2010

Tube, Neoprene Rubber, 1000mm cut length (1 meter)DIMENSIONS (mm)


5mm ID x 19 mm OD H02100002 1000 / 1 metre

7mm ID x 17 OD H02100003 1000

9mm ID x 25mm OD H02100004 1000

12mm ID x 28mm OD H02100005 1000

20mm ID x 34mm OD H02100006 1000

Hose, Neoprene Rubber, Reinforced - 305mm cut length (1 foot)DIMENSIONS (mm)


25mm ID x 32mm OD C06600025 305 / 1 foot

Adaptor, KF to PVC Hose, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF10 to 1/2" ID Hose C10504081 12.7 32 20 12.7

KF16 to 1/2" ID Hose C10504104 12.7 32 20 12.7

KF16 to 3/4" ID Hose C10504105 19.1 32 20 19.1

KF25 to 1" ID Hose C10504225 25.4 38.1 26 25.4

KF40 to 1-1/2" ID Ho C10504326 38.1 50 38.1 38.1

KF50 to 2" ID Hose C10504352 47.4 55 41 50.8

KF Bellows and Flexible Piplines

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-23June 2010

Flexible Bellows, KF x 123mm Long, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10 C10511670 102 123

KF 16 C10512670 102 123

KF 25 C10514670 102 123

KF 40 C10516670 102 123

KF 50 C10517670 102 123

Flexible Pipeline, KF, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF10 x 250mm Long C10511285 12.2 30 100 2.3

KF10 x 500mm Long C10511286 12.2 30 100 2.3

KF10 x 750mm Long C10511300 12.2 30 100 2.3

KF10 x 1000mm Long C10511287 12.2 30 100 2.3

KF16 x 250mm Long C10512285 17.2 30 130 1.8

KF16 x 500mm Long C10512286 17.2 30 130 1.8

KF16 x 750mm Long C10512300 17.2 30 130 1.8

KF16 x 1000mm Long C10512287 17.2 30 130 1.8

KF25 x 250mm Long C10514285 26.2 50 210 1.0

KF25 x 500mm Long C10514286 26.2 50 210 1.0

KF25 x 750mm Long C10514300 26.2 50 210 1.0

KF25 x 1000mm Long C10514287 26.2 50 210 1.0

Page 377: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh




all of our Kf flanged fittings are manufactured to the industrY standard dimensions. this allows both simPle and comPlicated PiPing to fit together with ease. Precision Plus has a wide VarietY of ‘Kf’ adaPtors, so that You can connect Your ‘Kf’ flanged PiPeworK to other tYPes of flanges.

KF HOSESall of our Kf flanged fittings are manufactured to the industrY standard dimensions. this allows both simPle and comPlicated PiPing to fit together with ease. Precision Plus has a wide VarietY of ‘Kf’ adaPtors, so that You can connect Your ‘Kf’ flanged PiPeworK to other tYPes of flanges.






Tube, Hose and KF/PVC Hose Adaptors

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-26June 2010

Tube, Neoprene Rubber, 1000mm cut length (1 meter)DIMENSIONS (mm)


5mm ID x 19 mm OD H02100002 1000 / 1 metre

7mm ID x 17 OD H02100003 1000

9mm ID x 25mm OD H02100004 1000

12mm ID x 28mm OD H02100005 1000

20mm ID x 34mm OD H02100006 1000

Hose, Neoprene Rubber, Reinforced - 305mm cut length (1 foot)DIMENSIONS (mm)


25mm ID x 32mm OD C06600025 305 / 1 foot

Adaptor, KF to PVC Hose, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF10 to 1/2" ID Hose C10504081 12.7 32 20 12.7

KF16 to 1/2" ID Hose C10504104 12.7 32 20 12.7

KF16 to 3/4" ID Hose C10504105 19.1 32 20 19.1

KF25 to 1" ID Hose C10504225 25.4 38.1 26 25.4

KF40 to 1-1/2" ID Ho C10504326 38.1 50 38.1 38.1

KF50 to 2" ID Hose C10504352 47.4 55 41 50.8

Tube, Hose and KF/PVC Hose Adaptors

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-26June 2010

Tube, Neoprene Rubber, 1000mm cut length (1 meter)DIMENSIONS (mm)


5mm ID x 19 mm OD H02100002 1000 / 1 metre

7mm ID x 17 OD H02100003 1000

9mm ID x 25mm OD H02100004 1000

12mm ID x 28mm OD H02100005 1000

20mm ID x 34mm OD H02100006 1000

Hose, Neoprene Rubber, Reinforced - 305mm cut length (1 foot)DIMENSIONS (mm)


25mm ID x 32mm OD C06600025 305 / 1 foot

Adaptor, KF to PVC Hose, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF10 to 1/2" ID Hose C10504081 12.7 32 20 12.7

KF16 to 1/2" ID Hose C10504104 12.7 32 20 12.7

KF16 to 3/4" ID Hose C10504105 19.1 32 20 19.1

KF25 to 1" ID Hose C10504225 25.4 38.1 26 25.4

KF40 to 1-1/2" ID Ho C10504326 38.1 50 38.1 38.1

KF50 to 2" ID Hose C10504352 47.4 55 41 50.8

KF PVC Hose and Clamps

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-27June 2010

Hose, Reinforced PVC - Per Foot LengthDIMENSIONS (mm)


1/2" ID Tube A63012220

3/4" ID Tube U30002173

1" ID Tube A63012343

1-1/2" ID Tube U30000484

2" ID Tube U30003837

Clamp, PVC Hose, Stainless SteelDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10/16 C10512408 25

KF 25 C10514408 36

KF 40 C10516408 50

KF 50 C10517408 60

KF PVC Hose and Clamps

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings

18-27June 2010

Hose, Reinforced PVC - Per Foot LengthDIMENSIONS (mm)


1/2" ID Tube A63012220

3/4" ID Tube U30002173

1" ID Tube A63012343

1-1/2" ID Tube U30000484

2" ID Tube U30003837

Clamp, PVC Hose, Stainless SteelDIMENSIONS (mm)


KF 10/16 C10512408 25

KF 25 C10514408 36

KF 40 C10516408 50

KF 50 C10517408 60

Page 378: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh




Precision Plus offers the iso-K rotatable collar flange as our standard. this flange easilY connects with the iso-f bolted flange using a VarietY of claw clams or a rotatable flange Kit. we also offer a VarietY of adaPtors so You can connect Your ‘iso’ PiPeworK to other tYPe flanges. iso-K collar rotatable flange.

ISO FLANGE KITS & CLAMPSPrecision Plus offers the iso-K rotatable collar flange as our standard. this flange easilY connects with the iso-f bolted flange using a VarietY of claw clams or a rotatable flange Kit. we also offer a VarietY of adaPtors so You can connect Your ‘iso’ PiPeworK to other tYPe flanges. iso-K collar rotatable flange.








ISO Fittings

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010




DIMENSIONS (mm)SIZE A B C RISO 63-K 95 70 76.1mm / 3" 1.5ISO 80-K 110 83 88.9mm / 3.5" 1.5ISO 100-K 130 102 114.3mm / 4" 1.5ISO 160-K 180 153 160.3mm / 6" 2.5

ISO Clamps

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010

Double Claw Clamp, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 63-K qty 4-8 90007090 24.1 50.3 M8 BOLT

ISO 80-K qty 4-8 90007090 24.1 50.3 M8 BOLT

ISO 100-K qty 4 90007090 24.1 50.3 M8 BOLT

Double claw clamps are used to connect two ISO-K Collar Rotatable flanges of the

same size together.

Rotatable Flange Kit, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) to ISO-F (Bolted) or ISO-K toISO-K, 304L Stainless



ISO 63-K 90007010 130 110 95.6 9x4 12

ISO 80-K 90008012 145 125 110 9x4 12

ISO 100-K 90009010 165 145 130.6 9x4 12

All Flange Kits come complete With Nuts, Bolts, Washers & Retaining Ring.

ISO Clamps

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010

Double Claw Clamp, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) AluminumDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 63-K qty 4-8 90007090 24.1 50.3 M8 BOLT

ISO 80-K qty 4-8 90007090 24.1 50.3 M8 BOLT

ISO 100-K qty 4 90007090 24.1 50.3 M8 BOLT

Double claw clamps are used to connect two ISO-K Collar Rotatable flanges of the

same size together.

Rotatable Flange Kit, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) to ISO-F (Bolted) or ISO-K toISO-K, 304L Stainless



ISO 63-K 90007010 130 110 95.6 9x4 12

ISO 80-K 90008012 145 125 110 9x4 12

ISO 100-K 90009010 165 145 130.6 9x4 12

All Flange Kits come complete With Nuts, Bolts, Washers & Retaining Ring.

ISO Claw Clamps

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010

Half Claw Clamp, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) Zinc Plated Steel, Use withCentering Ring & Clear (Thru) Holes



ISO 63-K C10007150 22.5 35 M8 4

ISO 80-K C10007150 22.5 35 M8 4

ISO 100-K C10007150 22.5 35 M8 4

ISO 160-K C10011150 23 40 M10 8

ISO 200-K C10011150 23 40 M12 8

ISO 250-K C10011150 23 40 M12 8

Half Claw Clamp, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) Zinc Plated Steel, Use withCentering Ring & Tapped Holes



ISO 63-K C10007151 22.5 35 M8 4

ISO 80-K C10007151 22.5 35 M8 4

ISO 100-K C10007151 22.5 35 M8 4

ISO 160-K C10011151 22.5 35 M10 8

ISO 200-K C10011151 22.5 35 M12 8

ISO 250-K C10011151 22.5 35 M12 8

ISO Claw Clamps

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010

Half Claw Clamp, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) Zinc Plated Steel, Use withCentering Ring & Clear (Thru) Holes



ISO 63-K C10007150 22.5 35 M8 4

ISO 80-K C10007150 22.5 35 M8 4

ISO 100-K C10007150 22.5 35 M8 4

ISO 160-K C10011150 23 40 M10 8

ISO 200-K C10011150 23 40 M12 8

ISO 250-K C10011150 23 40 M12 8

Half Claw Clamp, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) Zinc Plated Steel, Use withCentering Ring & Tapped Holes



ISO 63-K C10007151 22.5 35 M8 4

ISO 80-K C10007151 22.5 35 M8 4

ISO 100-K C10007151 22.5 35 M8 4

ISO 160-K C10011151 22.5 35 M10 8

ISO 200-K C10011151 22.5 35 M12 8

ISO 250-K C10011151 22.5 35 M12 8

ISO-K Half Claw Clamps

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010

Half Claw clamp, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) Zinc Plated Steel Use with O'RingGroove & Clear (Thru) Holes



ISO 63-K C10007149 18.6 45 M8 4

ISO 100-K C10007149 18.6 45 M8 8

D = Qty required

Half Claw clamp, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) Zinc Plated Steel Use with O'RingGroove & Tapped Holes



ISO 63-K C10007093 20.6 35 M8 4

ISO 80-K C10007093 20.6 35 M8 4

ISO 100-K C10007093 20.6 35 M8 4

ISO 160-K C10011093 24 40 M10 8

ISO 200-K C10011093 24 40 M12 8

ISO 250-K C10011093 24 40 M12 8

D = Qty required

ISO-K Half Claw Clamps

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010

Half Claw clamp, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) Zinc Plated Steel Use with O'RingGroove & Clear (Thru) Holes



ISO 63-K C10007149 18.6 45 M8 4

ISO 100-K C10007149 18.6 45 M8 8

D = Qty required

Half Claw clamp, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) Zinc Plated Steel Use with O'RingGroove & Tapped Holes



ISO 63-K C10007093 20.6 35 M8 4

ISO 80-K C10007093 20.6 35 M8 4

ISO 100-K C10007093 20.6 35 M8 4

ISO 160-K C10011093 24 40 M10 8

ISO 200-K C10011093 24 40 M12 8

ISO 250-K C10011093 24 40 M12 8

D = Qty required

ISO Fittings

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010




DIMENSIONS (mm)SIZE A B C RISO 63-K 95 70 76.1mm / 3" 1.5ISO 80-K 110 83 88.9mm / 3.5" 1.5ISO 100-K 130 102 114.3mm / 4" 1.5ISO 160-K 180 153 160.3mm / 6" 2.5

Page 379: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh




Precision Plus offers the iso-K rotatable collar flange as our standard. this flange easilY connects with the iso-f bolted flange using a VarietY of claw clams or a rotatable flange Kit. we also offer a VarietY of adaPtors so You can connect Your ‘iso’ PiPeworK to other tYPe flanges. iso-K collar rotatable flange.

ISO SEALS BUNA NPrecision Plus offers the iso-K rotatable collar flange as our standard. this flange easilY connects with the iso-f bolted flange using a VarietY of claw clams or a rotatable flange Kit. we also offer a VarietY of adaPtors so You can connect Your ‘iso’ PiPeworK to other tYPe flanges. iso-K collar rotatable flange.








ISO Seals: Buna N

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010

Trapped O'Ring, Buna, 304 L S/S center, Al outer ringDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 40 97158175


ISO 80 97158169

ISO 100 97158177

O'Ring, BunaDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 63 (Pack of 5) H02105052 75.6 5.3

ISO 80 (Pack of 2) H02105185 89.7 5.3

ISO 100 (Pack of 2) H02105062 107.3 5.3

ISO 160 (Pack of 1) H02105223 155.6 6.99

ISO Seals: Buna N

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010

Trapped O'Ring, Buna, 304 L S/S center, Al outer ringDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 40 97158175


ISO 80 97158169

ISO 100 97158177

O'Ring, BunaDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 63 (Pack of 5) H02105052 75.6 5.3

ISO 80 (Pack of 2) H02105185 89.7 5.3

ISO 100 (Pack of 2) H02105062 107.3 5.3

ISO 160 (Pack of 1) H02105223 155.6 6.99

ISO Seals : Viton

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010

Centering Ring Assembly, Viton, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 63 C10007174 70 3.9 8

ISO 80 C10008174 83 3.9 8

ISO 100 C10009174 102 3.9 8

ISO 160 C10011174 153 3.9 8

Centering Ring with Screen, Viton, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 63 C10521085 70 3.9 8

ISO 80 C10522085 83 3.9 8

ISO 100 C10523085 102 3.9 8

ISO 160 C10524085 153 3.9 8

Trapped O'Ring, Viton, 316L Stainless center, Aluminum outer ringDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 40 B27158165 63 41 3.9 8

ISO 63 B27158170 95 70 3.9 8

ISO 80 B27158181 109 83 3.9 8

ISO 100 B27158171 128 102 3.9 8

ISO 160 B27158172 179 153 3.9 8

ISO Seals : Viton

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010

Centering Ring Assembly, Viton, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 63 C10007174 70 3.9 8

ISO 80 C10008174 83 3.9 8

ISO 100 C10009174 102 3.9 8

ISO 160 C10011174 153 3.9 8

Centering Ring with Screen, Viton, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 63 C10521085 70 3.9 8

ISO 80 C10522085 83 3.9 8

ISO 100 C10523085 102 3.9 8

ISO 160 C10524085 153 3.9 8

Trapped O'Ring, Viton, 316L Stainless center, Aluminum outer ringDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 40 B27158165 63 41 3.9 8

ISO 63 B27158170 95 70 3.9 8

ISO 80 B27158181 109 83 3.9 8

ISO 100 B27158171 128 102 3.9 8

ISO 160 B27158172 179 153 3.9 8

ISO Seals : Viton

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010

Centering Ring Assembly, Viton, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 63 C10007174 70 3.9 8

ISO 80 C10008174 83 3.9 8

ISO 100 C10009174 102 3.9 8

ISO 160 C10011174 153 3.9 8

Centering Ring with Screen, Viton, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 63 C10521085 70 3.9 8

ISO 80 C10522085 83 3.9 8

ISO 100 C10523085 102 3.9 8

ISO 160 C10524085 153 3.9 8

Trapped O'Ring, Viton, 316L Stainless center, Aluminum outer ringDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 40 B27158165 63 41 3.9 8

ISO 63 B27158170 95 70 3.9 8

ISO 80 B27158181 109 83 3.9 8

ISO 100 B27158171 128 102 3.9 8

ISO 160 B27158172 179 153 3.9 8Orings and ISO-K Flanges

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010

O'Ring, Viton (Pack of 1)DIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 63 H02106052 75.6 5.3

ISO 80 H02106185 89.7 5.3

ISO 100 H02106062 107.3 5.3

ISO 160 H02106223 155.6 6.99

Page 380: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh




Precision Plus offers the iso-K rotatable collar flange as our standard. this flange easilY connects with the iso-f bolted flange using a VarietY of claw clams or a rotatable flange Kit. we also offer a VarietY of adaPtors so You can connect Your ‘iso’ PiPeworK to other tYPe flanges. iso-K collar rotatable flange.

ISO MISC. Precision Plus offers the iso-K rotatable collar flange as our standard. this flange easilY connects with the iso-f bolted flange using a VarietY of claw clams or a rotatable flange Kit. we also offer a VarietY of adaPtors so You can connect Your ‘iso’ PiPeworK to other tYPe flanges. iso-K collar rotatable flange.










ISO-K Reducers and Adaptors

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010

Adaptor, ISO-F (Bolted) to ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 40-F to ISO 63-K C10007087 106 41 100 95

ISO 40-F to ISO 80-K C10008180 106 41 100 110

ISO 40-F to ISO 100-K C10009087 106 41 100 130

ISO 63-F to ISO 63-K C10007155 160 70 130 95

ISO-K Adaptors

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010

Adaptor, ISO-F (Bolted) to KF, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 40-F to KF 40 A1516 69 40 100

ISO 40-F to KF 50 C10005080 50 41 100

ISO 63-F to KF 40 A1448 68 40 130

ISO 63-F to KF 50 A1509 50 50 130

Bolt Kit 515000

NOTE: Bolt kit not need for Part number 10005080

Adaptor, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) to CF (Conflat), 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 63-K to DN63CF / 4-1/2" C10007130 110 60 114 95

ISO 80-K to DN100CF / 6" C10008007 110 73 152 110

ISO 100-K to DN100CF / 6" C10009149 111 98 152 130

ISO 160-K to DN160CF / 8" C10011063 113 148 203 180

ISO 200-K to DN200CF / 10" C10012050 113 197 254 240

ISO-K Adaptors

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010

Adaptor, ISO-F (Bolted) to KF, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 40-F to KF 40 A1516 69 40 100

ISO 40-F to KF 50 C10005080 50 41 100

ISO 63-F to KF 40 A1448 68 40 130

ISO 63-F to KF 50 A1509 50 50 130

Bolt Kit 515000

NOTE: Bolt kit not need for Part number 10005080

Adaptor, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) to CF (Conflat), 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 63-K to DN63CF / 4-1/2" C10007130 110 60 114 95

ISO 80-K to DN100CF / 6" C10008007 110 73 152 110

ISO 100-K to DN100CF / 6" C10009149 111 98 152 130

ISO 160-K to DN160CF / 8" C10011063 113 148 203 180

ISO 200-K to DN200CF / 10" C10012050 113 197 254 240ISO-K to ASA Adaptors

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010

Adaptor, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) to ASA, 316L Stainless (with O'RingGroove)



ISO 63-K to 2" ASA C10007132 106 60.2 152 95 3.4

ISO63-K to 3" ASA C10007134 106 60.2 190 95 4.7

ISO80-K to 2" ASA C10008008 106 72.9 152 110 3.4

ISO80-K to 3" ASA C10008010 106 72.9 190 110 4.7

ISO100-K to 2" ASA C10009151 106 72.9 152 130 3.4

ISO100-K to 3" ASA C10009153 106 98.3 190 130 4.7

ISO100-K to 4" ASA C10009155 106 98.3 229 130 6.1

ISO160-K to 4"ASA C10011065 106 136 229 180 6.1

ISO160-K to 6"ASA C10011067 112 148 279 180 7.9

O'Ring, ASA, NitrileDIMENSIONS (mm)


2" ASA H02125175 3.484 .139

3" ASA H02125176 4.609 .139

4" ASA H02125177 5.984 .139

6" ASA H02125178 7.894 .139

Adaptor, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) to ASA, 316L Stainless (NO O'RingGroove)



ISO 63-K to 2" ASA C10007131 106 60.2 152 95

ISO63-K to 3" ASA C10007133 106 60.2 190 95

ISO80-K to 2" ASA C10008009 106 72.9 152 110

ISO80-K to 3" ASA C10008011 106 72.9 190 110

ISO100-K to 2" ASA C10009150 106 72.9 152 130

ISO100-K to 3" ASA C10009152 106 98.3 190 130

ISO100-K to 4" ASA C10009154 106 98.3 229 130

ISO160-K to 4"ASA C10011064 106 136 229 180

ISO160-K to 6"ASA C10011066 112 148 279 180

ISO-K Crosses

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010

Reducing Cross, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) to KF, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 63-K to KF16 C10007230 95 30 102 58

ISO 63-K to KF25 C10007231 95 40 102 79

ISO 63-K to KF40 C10007232 95 55 102 76

ISO 63-K to KF50 C10007233 95 75 102 92

ISO 100-K to KF25 C10009231 130 40 130 98

ISO 100-K to KF40 C10009232 130 55 130 95

ISO 100-K to KF50 C10009233 130 75 130 111

ISO 160-K to KF40 C10011232 180 55 160 121

ISO 160-K to KF50 C10011233 180 75 160 136

Connector w/ Two Lateral Flanges, 316L Stainless ISO-K (Collar Rotatable)to KF



ISO 63-K C10007215 88 60 95

ISO 100-K C10009215 108 75 130

ISO 160-K C10011215 138 100 180

Lateral ports are NW 16 and NW 40, one each, as shown on drawing.

ISO-K Weld Stubs and Nipples

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010

Weld Stub, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 63-K C10007032 95 76 70 100 3.2

ISO 80-K C10008013 110 76 83 100 3.2

ISO 100-K C10009032 130 108 102 100 3.2

Nipple, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 63-K C10007140 176

ISO 80-K C10008022 196

ISO 100-K C10009160 216

ISO-K Weld Stubs and Nipples

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010

Weld Stub, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 63-K C10007032 95 76 70 100 3.2

ISO 80-K C10008013 110 76 83 100 3.2

ISO 100-K C10009032 130 108 102 100 3.2

Nipple, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 63-K C10007140 176

ISO 80-K C10008022 196

ISO 100-K C10009160 216

ISO-K Crosses

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010

Reducing Cross, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) to KF, 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 63-K to KF16 C10007230 95 30 102 58

ISO 63-K to KF25 C10007231 95 40 102 79

ISO 63-K to KF40 C10007232 95 55 102 76

ISO 63-K to KF50 C10007233 95 75 102 92

ISO 100-K to KF25 C10009231 130 40 130 98

ISO 100-K to KF40 C10009232 130 55 130 95

ISO 100-K to KF50 C10009233 130 75 130 111

ISO 160-K to KF40 C10011232 180 55 160 121

ISO 160-K to KF50 C10011233 180 75 160 136

Connector w/ Two Lateral Flanges, 316L Stainless ISO-K (Collar Rotatable)to KF



ISO 63-K C10007215 88 60 95

ISO 100-K C10009215 108 75 130

ISO 160-K C10011215 138 100 180

Lateral ports are NW 16 and NW 40, one each, as shown on drawing.

Page 381: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh




Precision Plus offers the iso-K rotatable collar flange as our standard. this flange easilY connects with the iso-f bolted flange using a VarietY of claw clams or a rotatable flange Kit. we also offer a VarietY of adaPtors so You can connect Your ‘iso’ PiPeworK to other tYPe flanges. iso-K collar rotatable flange.

ISO O-RINGS, ASA ADAPTORSPrecision Plus offers the iso-K rotatable collar flange as our standard. this flange easilY connects with the iso-f bolted flange using a VarietY of claw clams or a rotatable flange Kit. we also offer a VarietY of adaPtors so You can connect Your ‘iso’ PiPeworK to other tYPe flanges. iso-K collar rotatable flange.




ISO-K Flexible Bellows and Pipelines

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010

Flexible Bellows, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 63-K C10007670 106 127

1S0 80-K C10008028 106 127

ISO 100-K C10009670 107 127

Flexible Pipeline, ISO-K (Collar Roatable) 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO ISO63-K x 250mm C10007285 250 140 360 0.4

ISO ISO63-K x 500mm C10007286 500 140 360 0.4

ISO ISO63-K x 750mm C10007288 750 140 360 0.4

ISO ISO63-K x 1000mm C10007287 1000 140 360 0.4

ISO ISO80-K x 250mm C10008025 250 160 420 0.4

ISO ISO80-K x 500mm C10008026 500 160 420 0.4

ISO ISO80-K x 750mm C10008024 750 160 420 0.4

ISO ISO80-K x 1000mm C10008027 1000 160 420 0.4

ISO ISO100-K x 250mm C10009285 250 200 550 0.3

ISO ISO100-K x 500mm C10009286 500 200 550 0.3

ISO ISO100-K x 750mm C10009288 700 200 550 0.3

ISO ISO100-K x 1000m C10009287 1000 200 550 0.3

ISO-K Flexible Bellows and Pipelines

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010

Flexible Bellows, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO 63-K C10007670 106 127

1S0 80-K C10008028 106 127

ISO 100-K C10009670 107 127

Flexible Pipeline, ISO-K (Collar Roatable) 316L StainlessDIMENSIONS (mm)


ISO ISO63-K x 250mm C10007285 250 140 360 0.4

ISO ISO63-K x 500mm C10007286 500 140 360 0.4

ISO ISO63-K x 750mm C10007288 750 140 360 0.4

ISO ISO63-K x 1000mm C10007287 1000 140 360 0.4

ISO ISO80-K x 250mm C10008025 250 160 420 0.4

ISO ISO80-K x 500mm C10008026 500 160 420 0.4

ISO ISO80-K x 750mm C10008024 750 160 420 0.4

ISO ISO80-K x 1000mm C10008027 1000 160 420 0.4

ISO ISO100-K x 250mm C10009285 250 200 550 0.3

ISO ISO100-K x 500mm C10009286 500 200 550 0.3

ISO ISO100-K x 750mm C10009288 700 200 550 0.3

ISO ISO100-K x 1000m C10009287 1000 200 550 0.3



ISO-K to ASA Adaptors

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010

Adaptor, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) to ASA, 316L Stainless (with O'RingGroove)



ISO 63-K to 2" ASA C10007132 106 60.2 152 95 3.4

ISO63-K to 3" ASA C10007134 106 60.2 190 95 4.7

ISO80-K to 2" ASA C10008008 106 72.9 152 110 3.4

ISO80-K to 3" ASA C10008010 106 72.9 190 110 4.7

ISO100-K to 2" ASA C10009151 106 72.9 152 130 3.4

ISO100-K to 3" ASA C10009153 106 98.3 190 130 4.7

ISO100-K to 4" ASA C10009155 106 98.3 229 130 6.1

ISO160-K to 4"ASA C10011065 106 136 229 180 6.1

ISO160-K to 6"ASA C10011067 112 148 279 180 7.9

O'Ring, ASA, NitrileDIMENSIONS (mm)


2" ASA H02125175 3.484 .139

3" ASA H02125176 4.609 .139

4" ASA H02125177 5.984 .139

6" ASA H02125178 7.894 .139

Adaptor, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) to ASA, 316L Stainless (NO O'RingGroove)



ISO 63-K to 2" ASA C10007131 106 60.2 152 95

ISO63-K to 3" ASA C10007133 106 60.2 190 95

ISO80-K to 2" ASA C10008009 106 72.9 152 110

ISO80-K to 3" ASA C10008011 106 72.9 190 110

ISO100-K to 2" ASA C10009150 106 72.9 152 130

ISO100-K to 3" ASA C10009152 106 98.3 190 130

ISO100-K to 4" ASA C10009154 106 98.3 229 130

ISO160-K to 4"ASA C10011064 106 136 229 180

ISO160-K to 6"ASA C10011066 112 148 279 180

ISO-K to ASA Adaptors

Vacuum Hardware & Fittings


June 2010

Adaptor, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) to ASA, 316L Stainless (with O'RingGroove)



ISO 63-K to 2" ASA C10007132 106 60.2 152 95 3.4

ISO63-K to 3" ASA C10007134 106 60.2 190 95 4.7

ISO80-K to 2" ASA C10008008 106 72.9 152 110 3.4

ISO80-K to 3" ASA C10008010 106 72.9 190 110 4.7

ISO100-K to 2" ASA C10009151 106 72.9 152 130 3.4

ISO100-K to 3" ASA C10009153 106 98.3 190 130 4.7

ISO100-K to 4" ASA C10009155 106 98.3 229 130 6.1

ISO160-K to 4"ASA C10011065 106 136 229 180 6.1

ISO160-K to 6"ASA C10011067 112 148 279 180 7.9

O'Ring, ASA, NitrileDIMENSIONS (mm)


2" ASA H02125175 3.484 .139

3" ASA H02125176 4.609 .139

4" ASA H02125177 5.984 .139

6" ASA H02125178 7.894 .139

Adaptor, ISO-K (Collar Rotatable) to ASA, 316L Stainless (NO O'RingGroove)



ISO 63-K to 2" ASA C10007131 106 60.2 152 95

ISO63-K to 3" ASA C10007133 106 60.2 190 95

ISO80-K to 2" ASA C10008009 106 72.9 152 110

ISO80-K to 3" ASA C10008011 106 72.9 190 110

ISO100-K to 2" ASA C10009150 106 72.9 152 130

ISO100-K to 3" ASA C10009152 106 98.3 190 130

ISO100-K to 4" ASA C10009154 106 98.3 229 130

ISO160-K to 4"ASA C10011064 106 136 229 180

ISO160-K to 6"ASA C10011066 112 148 279 180

Page 382: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop Online @ PrecisionPlus.com!



Page 383: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop Online @ PrecisionPlus.com!

Conversions & Comparisons

cOnverSiOn factOrS

inches x 25.4 = mminches x 2.54 = cmft x 30.48 = cmm x 39.37 = inchesft3 x 28.32 = litersinches3 x 16.387 = cm3liters x 0.03531 = ft3cm3 x 0.06102 = inches3m3 x 35.31 = ft3ft3 x 0.02832 = m3gallon x 0.1337 = ft3gallon x 231 = inches3gallon x 3.78 = litersgallon x 8.338 = ibh2o at 60ºf

= 760 torr = 760mm hg= 1013 mbar = 29.93 inches hg Vac

= 14.7 Psi

i S-1 i min-1 ft3 min-1 m3 h-11 i S4 = 1 60 2.12 3.601 i min-1 = 0.0167 1 0.0353 0.061 ft3 min-1 = 0.472 28.32 1 1.701 m3 h-1 = 0.278 16.67 0.589 1

mbar bar tOrr Pa (nm-2) atm ibf in-2 kgf cm-2 in hg mm hg in h2O mm h201 mbar = 1 1x10-3 0.75 102 9.869x10-4 1.45x10-2 1.02x10-3 2.953x10-2 0.75 0.402 10.1971 bar = 103 1 7.5x102 1x105 0.987 14.5 1.02 29.53 7.5x102 4.015x102 1.02x1041 tOrr = 1.333 1.333x10-3 1 1.333x102 1.316x10-3 1.934x10-2 1.36x10-3 3.937x10-2 1 0.535 13.591 Pa (nm-2) = 0.01 1x10-5 7.5x10-3 1 9.87x10-6 1.45x10-4 1.02x10-5 2.953x10-4 7.5x10-3 4.015x10-3 0.1021 atm = 1.013x103 1.013 7.6x102 1.013x105 1 14.7 1.033 29.92 7.6x102 4.068x102 1.033x1041 ibf in-2 = 68.95 6.895x10-2 51.71 6.895x103 6.805x10-2 1 7.03x10-2 2.036 51.71 27.68 7.03x1021 kgf cm-2 = 9.807x102 0.981 7.356x102 9.807x104 0.968 14.22 1 28.96 7.356x102 3.937x102 1041 in hg = 33.86 3.386x10-2 25.4 3.386x103 3.342x10-2 0.491 3.453x10-2 1 25.4 13.6 3.45x1021 mm hg = 1.333 1.333x10-3 1 1.333x102 1.316x10-3 1.934x10-2 1.36x10-3 3.937x10-2 1 0.535 13.591 in h20 = 2.491 2.491x10-3 1.868 2.491x102 2.458x10-3 3.613x10-2 2.54x10-3 7.356x10-2 1.868 1 25.41 mm h20 = 9.807x10-2 9.807x10-5 7.354x10-2 9.807 9.677x10-5 1.42x10-3 10-4 2.896x10-3 7.354x10-2 3.394x10-2 1

StanDarD atmOSPhere

PUmPing SPeeD UnitS

PreSSUre UnitS



materiaL DeScriPtiOn recOmmenDeD fOr nOt recOmmenDeD fOr


buna is a PoPular Polymer with excellent resistance to Petroleum based fluids, a goodbalance of Physical ProPerties and a wide temPerature range from -65ºf to +250ºf (-54ºc to -121ºc). buna is the most widely us ed Po lymer in the seal industry today, being the base Polymer foremost military rubber sPecifications for fuel and oil-resistant ms and an materials.

general PurPose sealing

Petroleum oils & fluids cold water

silicone greases & oils di-ester base lubricants ethylene glycol base fluids

strong acids halogenated hydrocarbons (carbon tetrachloride,trichlorethylene) nitro hydrocarbons (nitrobenzene, aniline) PhosPhate fluids Ketones (meK, acetone) ozone automotiVe braKe fluid


Viton has a wide sPectrum of chemical resistance and a Very broad temPerature range from -20ºf to +400ºf (-29ºc to +204ºc). Viton has been Known to seal temPeratures as high as +600ºf (+316ºc) fo r short Periods. some fluorocarbon comPounds can be used in low-temPerature static sealing aPPlications to -65ºf (-54ºc). Viton is widely used in aircraf t, aerosPace, automotiVe and other aPPlications requiring maximum resistance to deterioration.

Petroleum oils silicon fluids & greases acids di-ester base lubricants

silicone ester base lubricants halogenated hydrocarbons (carbon tetrachloride, trichlorethylene) selected PhosPhate ester fluids

ammonia Ketones (meK, acetone) sKydrol fluids hot hydrofluoric orchlorosulfonic acids

O-ring materiaL

Page 384: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop Online @ PrecisionPlus.com!


varian mODeLS maDe bY aLcateL, varian mODeLS re-LabeLeD tO gaLiLeO & kinneY

varian mODeL aLcateL eQUivaLent gaLiLeO reLabeLeD mODeL kinneY reLabeLeD mODeLcd 200 2008 accd 300 2012 accd 700 2033 ccd 1400 2063 ccP 451 2021 c2ds 102 d 05 KVc 5ds 202 d 06 KVc 8ds 302 d 12 KVc 12ds 402 d 18 KVc 18ds 602 d 28 KVc 28hs 602 d 28 KVc 28sd 90 2004 asd 91 2005 sdsd 200 2008 asd 300 2012 asd 450 2020 asd 700 2033sd 1400 2063

Cross Reference

Page 385: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers

Prices & sPecifications subject to change without notice. Precision Plus Vacuum Parts is Part of edwards Vacuum, inc. & edwards gmbh

Shop Online @ PrecisionPlus.com!

Page 386: PARTS CATALOG - Chromatography Spares · Vca/e25 – Vcah/eh100, VacfoX & Vc filters, filter kits & major oVerhaul kits microVac h&j, rotary Vane PumP models, Vacuum boosters & blowers
