Partnership for the Gulf of Mexico SEMARNAT GCOOS MoA 4th March 2010 New Orleans, LA

Partnership for the Gulf of Mexico SEMARNAT GCOOS MoA

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Partnership for the Gulf of Mexico SEMARNAT GCOOS MoA. 4th March 2010 New Orleans, LA. Binational Workshop GoM LME Mexico City, November 2010. 1.2 Key ecosystem assessment and management gaps identified. Outcome 1: Transboundary issues analysed and priorities defined (TDA). Y2. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Partnership for the Gulf of Mexico SEMARNAT GCOOS MoA

Partnership for the Gulf of Mexico


4th March 2010New Orleans, LA

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Page 3: Partnership for the Gulf of Mexico SEMARNAT GCOOS MoA

Binational Workshop GoM LMEMexico City, November 2010

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• Contaminant sources, in particular LBS point and non point, identified and assessed

• Monitoring of reduced levels of nutrients releases at demo sites

Nutrient overenrichment and contaminant sources, flows and levels are assessed, nevertheless national efforts are not regionally coordinated

A regional assessment of nutrient and contaminant sources completed




1.2.3 Ecosystem-wide nutrient over-enrichment and contaminant sources, flows and levels assessed


1.2 Key ecosystem assessment and management gaps identified

Outcome 1: Transboundary issues analysed and priorities definedOutcome 1: Transboundary issues analysed and priorities defined(TDA) (TDA)

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Activity • Integrated analysis agreed by regional working group, describing transboundary pollution impacts

• Ministerially-agreed LME and basin action programs and local ICM plans adopted

Current assessment of the environmental impacts of transboundary pollution are country driven and regionally fragmented

A regional report on the Status of the Gulf of Mexico completed






1.2 Key ecosystem assessment and management gaps identified

Outcome 1: Transboundary issues analysed and priorities definedOutcome 1: Transboundary issues analysed and priorities defined(TDA) (TDA)

Source: N. Rabalais, LUMCONSource: N. Rabalais, LUMCON

21 – 28 July 200721 – 28 July 2007

Díaz & Rosenberg 2008Díaz & Rosenberg 2008

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Integrated analysis of nutrient over-enrichment and related HABs undertaken

Current initiatives are country driven and regionally fragmented

Integrated analysis of nutrient overenrichment and related HABs undertaken




1.2.5 Information on nutrient over-enrichment and related HABs collected and integrated



1.2 Key ecosystem assessment and management gaps identified

Outcome 1: Transboundary issues analysed and priorities definedOutcome 1: Transboundary issues analysed and priorities defined(TDA) (TDA)

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Outcome 2. Strategic Action Programme Outcome 2. Strategic Action Programme (SAP)(SAP)

Living marine resources

Reduce Control Pollution

Ecosystems Conservation

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• Regional LSUPP GoM and Caribbean Sea developed;

• Land and Coastal Use Planning Program for 4 major Mexican States in the GoM developed;

• Number of agreements defined between GoM programme and relevant river basin counterparts for nutrient reduction strategies

• New watershed council for the Grijalva Usumacinta basin

Currently, no strategic partnerships. (WW2BW) US initiative, adopted by Mexican authorities currently implemented in Mexico’s driven initiatives, on-ground actions, policy and regulatory framework.

• Linkages and agreements between watershed and coastal management authorities to reduce LBS of pollution into the GoM

• Papaloapan Watershed Council, IBWC/CILA for Río Grande/Río Bravo, and Lower Mississippi River Watershed Council




2.1.2 Strategic Partnershipsbetween GoM LMEprogramme and institutionsresponsible for integratedmanagement of the majorGoM river basins, as well asthe main coastal cities developed.

2.1 Strategies and actions for the reduction and control of nutrient over-enrichment, HABs and for the elimination of dead zones developed

Y1 Y3

Outcome 2: Strategic Action Programme (SAP)Outcome 2: Strategic Action Programme (SAP)

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Risk of Flooding and sea level rise

Hurricane incidence

Coastal and Marine Planning

Risk for Flooding and Rain


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SAP and respective NAPs completed and endorsed at appropriate levels (federal, state)

TargetThe Strategic Action Program(SAP) andNational Action Program (NAPs) formulated and endorsed.

GoM LME Strategic Action Program (SAP)

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Education and Outreach Components

Mexico: Integrated Assessment Mexico: Integrated Assessment and Management of the Gulf of and Management of the Gulf of Mexico Large Marine EcosystemMexico Large Marine Ecosystem


March, 2010

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GoM LME Objectives

To set the foundations for LME wide ecosystem based management approaches for the rehabilitation of marine and coastal ecosystems, recovery of depleted fish-stocks and reduction of nutrient overloading

Education and Outreach General

Informed society, Knowledge, Participation, Awareness, Decision making


Adapting to GoM LME Objectives

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1.Public participation in the GoM LME through education and outreach activities

2. Training for present and future professionals involved in the GoM LME

3.- Replicability (in the GoM) of the results obtained in the pilot projects


GOALS for the E/O plan are:

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Activities to start

Implement activities to achieve best results in local actions within pilot projects and prepare the work plan for their replication throughout the GoM LME region

Enhanced capacity and mechanisms for stakeholder participation (formal and informal education and outreach activities)

Promote learning processes Create synergistic collaboration with existing projects and efforts on

education in the GoM LME region (Natural Protected Area of “Laguna de Terminos” strengthening existing activities)

Other training courses on mangrove restoration, sea grass beds


Adapting to GoM LME Objectives

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Directly and Indirectly Used Sectors/Subsectors

Fisheries/Aquaculture Industrial/Business sector Agro forestry sector Coastal Residents Government Agencies (MEX-USA) Academic/Research/Institutes Non-Governmental Organizations Regional Organizations International Organizations

Mapping current activities organized by different institutions and organizations in order to avoid duplication of efforts (Laguna de Términos)

Stakeholders to be involved


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Coastal Residents/Communities:Climate ChangeSea Level Rise Storm FloodingEcosystems RestorationWetlands, mangrove, sea grass beds, sand dunes

restorationCommercial Fishing Endangered Species, by catch, ilegal fishingPollution


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Main activities: february-july 2010

Education and Outreach Plan design


Communication and Diffussion activities

February March April May June July

To design Education and Outreach Strategic Plan

Objectives aligned: General Project Objectives/Education Plan Objectives

To set measurable goals and activities

To set different audiences and tools for target audiences

Budget planning and collaboration with different activities of the project

To organize a workshop with estrategic actors regarding environmental education in the pilot projects Planning meetings with strategic collaborators (NGO´s, Government, International Organizations, Academy, among others).To establish a timetable to organize or participate in strategic events, seminars, workshops (including pilot projects activities)

To desgin brochures and informative documents (to consider existing material)

Continuous collaboration with the communication program to develop difussion programs for the project

Main Activities I II III

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