Eighth Science – Botany and Zoology 1 Plants – Starch is in form of reserve food. Plants do not move from place to place except some lower kind of plants. Ex: Chlamydomonas. 2 Animal Glycogen is in the form of reserve food. All animals except corals and sponges move from place to place. 3 Plant Kingdom Gametophyte – Sexual reprod. Sporophyte – Asexual reprod. Class 1: Gymnospermae(Naked seeded plants). Ex: Cycas, pine, cupresses. Class 2: Angiospermae(Closed seeded plants). Flowering Plants. Monotcotyledons: one seed leaf. Ex: grasses, coconut, paddy. Dichotyledons: Two seed leaves. Ex: Mango, Groundnut and bean. 4 Animal Kingdom Class Chondrichthyes. Ex: Dogfish, sharks, Rays Class Osteichthyes Ex: Stickleback, Cod. Class Amphibia. Ex: frogs, Newts, salamanders. Class Reptilia Ex: Terrapin. Class Aves(Birds) Ex: Sparrow, Penguin, Kiwi. Class Mammalia(mammals) Ex: Monkeys, Apes and man. 5 Carolus Linnaeus – Father of modern Botany. “Species Plantarum- Book” Stamens – Male part of the flower. Gynoecium – Female part of the flower. 6 Robert H. Whittaker Five Kingdoms. 1. Monera – Bacteria and Blue Algae 2. Protista 3. Plantae (Plants) 4. Fungi 5. Animalia (Animals).

PartIV Science

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Eighth Science – Botany and Zoology

1 Plants – Starch is in form of reserve food. Plants do not move from place to place except some lower kind of plants. Ex: Chlamydomonas.

2 Animal Glycogen is in the form of reserve food. All animals except corals and sponges move from place to place.

3 Plant Kingdom Gametophyte – Sexual reprod. Sporophyte – Asexual reprod.

Class 1: Gymnospermae(Naked seeded plants). Ex: Cycas, pine, cupresses. Class 2: Angiospermae(Closed seeded plants). Flowering Plants. Monotcotyledons: one seed leaf. Ex: grasses, coconut, paddy. Dichotyledons: Two seed leaves. Ex: Mango, Groundnut and bean.

4 Animal Kingdom Class Chondrichthyes. Ex: Dogfish, sharks, Rays Class Osteichthyes Ex: Stickleback, Cod. Class Amphibia. Ex: frogs, Newts, salamanders. Class Reptilia Ex: Terrapin. Class Aves(Birds) Ex: Sparrow, Penguin, Kiwi. Class Mammalia(mammals) Ex: Monkeys, Apes and man.

5 Carolus Linnaeus – Father of modern Botany. “Species Plantarum- Book”

Stamens – Male part of the flower. Gynoecium – Female part of the flower.

6 Robert H. Whittaker Five Kingdoms. 1. Monera – Bacteria and Blue Algae 2. Protista 3. Plantae (Plants) 4. Fungi 5. Animalia (Animals).

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9 Binomial Nomenclature

One representing the genus(generic name) and the other speices name(specific name).

“Identifying organisms by their genus and species names is called the binomial system or binomial nomenclature”.

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10 Bacteria Reproduction Conjugation

Method of binary fission – Vegetative method. Single bacterial cell divides into two cells.

11 Genetic engineering This peculiar feature of plasmid transfer from one bacterial cell to an other bacterial cell plays a major role in gene cloning (GE).

12 Fungi Total absence of Chlorophyll. 13 Nocturnal Animal – Cockroach Hiding during the day and coming out at the night. 14 Tissue

Plants – Merismatic tissue, Permanent tissue.

A group of cells specialized for a particular function.

15 Permanent tissue. Simple tissue – Pollenchyma, Collenchyma and sclerenchyma. Complex tissue – Xylem and Phloem.

16 Simple tissue Pollenchyma – Storage. Collenchyma – Strength and rigidity to the plant. Sclerenchyma – Fibres and Scleroids Fibres – Strength and rigidity to the plant body.

17 Complex tissue Xylem – Conductive tissue. Conduct water and nutrients from root to the shoot. Phloem – Conduct food materials from the leaves to the storage organs and other growing organs. Conduct sugar upwards and downwards in the plant.

18 Epidermis For Protection. Evaporation of water from inner parts of the plant.

19 Digestive System

20 Salivary glands – Saliva Saliva contains Ptyalin. This converts starch into

maltose. Lisozyme – Acts as antibacterial.

21 Pharynx Common passage for air and food. 22 Liver – Largest gland. It is the largest gland of our body.

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It secreates bile and it is stored in the gall bladder. 23 Intestinal juices

Carbhohydrates – Glucose Proteins – Amino acids Fats – Fatty Acids and Glycerol.

24 Respiratory System:

25 Breathing Expansion and contraction of thoracic cavity. 26 Nosal cavity Mucus ( a sticky liquid) prevents dirt, dust and

germs from entering the respiratory system. 27 Pharynx – Throat Posteriorly it is divided into oseophagus and

trachea. 28 Lungs Principle respiratory organ.

300 million alveoli in each lung. 29 William Harvery Discovered the blood circulation in humans. 30 Circulatory system It transports Oxygen, Carbon di oxide, nutrients,

hormones and excretory products to various parts of the body. Blood is the medium through which these substances are transported.

31 Blood - Liquid connective tissue. Liquid component and Cellular component. RBC deficiency – Anemia.

Liquid – Plasma, organic and inorganic cons. Cellular component – Erythrocytes(RBC) RBC(100 -120 days) – produced in bone marrow of

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More – Polycythemia. WBC deficiency – Leukopenia More - Leukemia

ribs and vertebrae. Haemoglobin – Respiratory pigment. Affinity for oxygen and help in respiration. Leucocytes – White blood corpuscles. Produced in bone marrow and lymph glands. Thrombocytes or Blood Platelets Necessary for coagulation of blood.

32 Blood Regulates body temperature and osmotic pressure of the tissue fluids.

33 Heart

34 Heart – Made up of cardiac muscles.

Heart attack – A clot in a coronary artery causes coronary thrombosis which may lead to heart attack.

Heart is place inside the membranous sac called pericardiam. It is filled with pericardial fluid.

35 Blood vessels Arteries, veins and capillaries. 36 Human nervous system

Neurons or the nerve cell is the structural unit of the nervous system.

The control and coordination of different activities of the body is of 2 types.

a. Nervous Coordination. b. Chemical coordination. (Endocrine System.)

37 Central nervous system Brain and spinal cord 38 Pheripheral nervous system Caranial nerves and Spinal nerves

Caranial nerves – 12 Pairs. Spinal nerves – 31 Pairs.

39 Autonomous nervous system The nerves in this system transmit impulses from the central nervous system to the smooth muscles, cardiac muscles and glands.

40 Brain – 1.36 Kg. 41 Medulla oblongata It acts as a bridge between the brain and the spinal

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cord. Controls respiration and circulation.

42 Cerebrum We are able to see, hear,smell, taste food and understand the sense of touch only with the help of the cerebrum. Seat of intelligence, memory, imagination and reasoning.

43 Spinal nerves All the sensory impulses from various organs reach the brain via spinal cord Order –Muscles and glands – via . spinal cord. Reflex actions.

44 Skeletal System – 206 bones – Human body

Skeletal tissues are hard tissues. Calcium salts.

45 Skull or cranium

8 flat bones. Movable bone – Mandible - Lower jaw.

46 Rib cage 12 Pairs of rib cages are there. 47 Thigh Contains longest bone called the femur. 48 Gobar gas Gobar gas contains methane. Made of Hydrogen

and Carbon. 49 Bleaching Bleaching powder is applied to control public

toilets, which helps to prevent transmission of communicable diseases.

50 Composting – Earthworms – eco friendly – Disposable of bio degradable wastes.

Solid waste is converted into manure by biological action.

51 Anaerobic biochemical reactions Bacterial like Bacillus, Pseudomonas, and Lactobacillus are used.

52 Biotech Involves the application of the biological systems and process for human benefits.

53 Freshwater Rainwater is the main source of the fresh water. 54 Moisture Water in atmosphere. This is termed as atmospheric

water or humidity. 55 Living cells 75 – 85% of water. 56 Ground water table Population and climatic changes affect the ground

water table. Urbanization and destruction of forests.

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57 Desalination Process Converting the sea water to drinking water. 58 Phytogeography The science dealing with the origin, distribution,

and environmental inter relationships of plants is known as phytogeography. It is very much allied to ecology and geography.

59 Grasslands of India Xerophilus, Mesophilus and Hygrophilus Xerophilus – Dry regions north west india under semi desert conditions. Mesophilus – Savannahs Moist deciduous forest of uttar Pradesh belong to this type. Hygrophilus – Wet savannahs – Himalaya and Assam.

60 Sea shore Mangrove vegetation Pichavaram near Chidambaram and rameshwaram coastal areas in tamilnadu. Sunderbans near west Bengal.

61 Natural resources Natural resources like energy, air, land , water, plants, animals, microorganisms are being depleted owing to over exploitation and mismanagement.

62 Demography Study of population trends is termed as demography.

63 Ozone depletion Freon gas from aerosol sprays nitrogen oxide and chloro floro carbon from various sources deplete the ozone layer in the stratosphere.

64 Universal Poison Chlorinated Hydrocarbons. 65 Mushroom Fungi

Edible Mushroom – Safe to eat.(Table, field Mushrooms) Agaricus bisporous and Agaricus augustus. Poisonous Mushroom -

66 Sericulture The rearing of silkmoth and production of raw silk is known as sericulture.

67 Silk Worm The host plant is mulberry tree, on which silkworm lives as a parasite.

68 Moriculture The cultivation of mulberry plants for harvesting the leaves is referred to as moriculture.

69 Silk Queen of textiles. Silk Yarn is used as Package material in pencil industry. Making talcum powder puffs. 22-24 denier silk – Tyre. – france 13 – 15 denier silk – Making Parachute. Replace cut arteries.

70 Thickness of silk Measured in Denier.

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71 Fishery Common Carp, Tilapia, Indian carp, Gowrami, Milkfish, eel, Goldfish etc.,

Production of fish which forms food for mankind.

72 Prawns Culture India ranks second in the world and usa ranks no. 1 in the world.

73 Oyster Culture Cheap protein rich food. 74 Pearl Oyster culture

Pearl – One among the nine germs. In india peral oyster culture is being undertaken in the gulf of mannar and the gulf of kutch.

75 Poultry Silver revolution – Egg production Nandanam – big poultry farm. Namakkal and Pallidam .

Poultry farming is defined as a term for rearing and keeping of birds such as fowl, duck, turkey, goose and hen for eggs and meat.

76 Live stock Management The branch of agriculture concerned with the breeding, feeding and caring of domestic animals is called Animal Husbandry.

77 Cattle Cows, Buffaloes and goats are called cattle. Disease: Anthrax – Caused by anthrax bacteria. Jersey, Karan fries, Karan Swiss,- Cow. Murrah – High yielding buffalo.

78 Sheep It provides wool, meat, milk and hide. Their droppins form good manure. Lincoln, Hang Yang, Merino corriedale are some of the breeds of sheep.

79 Buffalo The Asiatic water buffalo, the cape buffalo, the yak are some of the breeds of buffalo.

80 Tissue Culture Clones are obtained by tissue culture methods. Clone – Asexual reproduction

Tissues of higher plants are grown artificiallyin lab. Conditions. Isolated plant cells have the capacity to give rise to whole plants when cultured.

81 Chlorination – Calcium Hypochlorite The process of purifying drinking water is called chlorination.

82 Cholorogen Sodium Hypochlorite. 83 Tobacco Products Tar – Cancer producing substance.

Nicotine. 84 Narcotics Narcotic is a drug, which causes sleep. It depresses

the activities of the central nervous system. Ex:opium, Cocaine, Marijuana, Ganja, LSD Lysergic acid diethylamide.

85 Cholera Diarrhoeal disease caused by Vibrio cholera. 86 Leprosy Social Disease in india. 87 Edward Jenner Small pox vaccination 88 BCG Vaccine Tuberclosis vaccine.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis – virus causing. 89 Vaccines

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90 Herbs Valparai, Nilgris, Kodai, Kolli hills and at yercaud 91

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Class Nineth: 1 Muscles There are around 600 muscles are attached to the skeletal

system. Voluntary and involuntary muscles. 2 Voice Vibration of vocal card creates sound. 3 Brain Weight: Adult 1500grams.

Child: 380grams. Neurons: 12000 millions. Cerebral cortex: Black matter Cerebral medulla: White matter.

4 Spinal Cord 31 Pairs of spinal nerve. 5 Eye

6 Ear

7 Cardio vascular system Collectively the organs of blood circulation are referred to

as cardio vascular system. 8 Heart Male: 285 – 340 gram.

Female: 247 – 285 gram. 9 Power of microscope Resolving power

Anton van Leeuwenhook invented microscope. 10 Microscopes 1. Ordinary mic. (1000 to 4000)times.

2. Electron mic. (2lakh to 3 lakh) times.(Electrons travels within a vaccum).

11 Cell Division 1. Karyokinesis – Nuclear division.

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2. Cytokinesis. – Cytoplasmic division. 12 Nuclear Division 1. Amitosis – Direct nuclear division.

2. Mitosis – Indirect nuclear division. 13 Mitosis Chromosome number is kept constant in the mother and

daughter cells. ( Prophase, Metaphase(duplication of chromosomes), Anaphase, and Telophase). Happens during embryonic development.

14 Meiosis Reduction division. Occurs during the formation of sex cells.

15 Cancer During growth the cells divide by mitosis. When the cell division become more and more frequent and uncontrollable, the condition is called as cancer. The cell thus formed are cancer cells. A study of such cells are called as Oncology.(Study of cancer).

16 Metastasis If the cancer cells spreads to the neighbouring tissues, the condition is called metastasis.

17 Carcinogenci agents 1. Tobacco 2. Processed and Smoked food. 3. The virus causing jaundice is said to be

carcinogenic. 18 Blood Cancer Leukemia –Caused due to Radiation treatment 19 Skin Cancer Ultra violet rays from the sun causes skin cancer. 20 Cancer types 1. Beningn tumour(Uncontrollable cell divisions)

2. Malignant tumour(Dangerous – Start spreading to neighbouring tissues).

21 Cancer Treatment Surgery, Radiation treatment – X-ray(discovered by roentgeon), Chemotheraphy, hormonal treatment, and Laser treatment.

22 Heredity The resemblance of child like the father is hereditary. Variation(different).

23 Genetics – Greher johan Mendel. – Father of genetics.

It is the branch of biology which deals with the concepts and laws controlling heredity and variation.

24 21st Centuary Centuary of genes. 25 Monohybrid cross

Phenotypic ratio:3:1 Genotypic ratio: 1:2:1

A cross between two pure breeding plants differing in a pair of contrasting charecters is known as monohybrid cross.

26 Back cross A cross between a hybrid and any one of the pure breeding parental type is called as back cross.

27 Test cross Ratio 1:1

A cross between a hybrid and the pure breeding recessive parent is called as test scores.

28 Dihybrid cross Phenotypic: 9:3:3:1

A cross bt. two pure breeding plants differing in two pairs of contrasting charecters is known as “Dihybrid cross”.

29 Mendel Law1: Proposed the “Law of segregation “ based on monohybrid experiments. Law2: Law of independent assortment.

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30 Regenaration The organs or the structures lost can be regenerated. Ex: Animals Planeria can spilit in to 2 or 3 pieces and regenerate the lost parts.

31 Meiosis Chromosome number remains constant in subsequent genarations.

32 Flower Condensed modified reproductive shoot. 4 Whorls(Calyx, Corolla, Andrecium and gynaecium). Androceium – Made up of stamens. Gynaecium – Made up of carpels. Petals are free – Polypetalous. Petals are united – Gamopetalous.

33 Fruit and Seed After pollination and fertilization the ovary of the flower develops into fruit and ovules into seeds.

34 Simple fruit Develop from single pistil. 35 Aggregate fruit Develops from a single flower with apocarpus pistil. Ex:

Polyalthia. 36 Multiple fruit Develop from the entire inflorescence from all the

flowers. Ex: Morinda. 37 Seedless Fruit Produced by a phenomenon called as Parthenocarpy.

Development of fruit without fertilization. Cucumber: Hybridization. Plant hormones: Auxins and gibberellins.

38 Paramoecium Reproduction: Conjugation. 39 Hydra Reproductive organs are not permanent. 40 Earth worms Coupulation. 41 Sexula Dimonphism The physical differences between the male and the female. 42 Fertilization Union of male and female cells is known as fertilization. 43 Testis 2 testis. Inside scrotum. Each testis is made up of 10-

15lobes. Each lobe contains seminiferous tubules and interstitial cells. The sperms are collected and stored in epididymis found above the testis.

44 Functions of sex organs Controlled by the hormones. 45 Menstrual cycle 28 days. 46 Viral diseases Bunchy top of banana, leaf roll of potato and tobacco

mosaic. 47 Bacteria diseases Citrus canker , wilt disease of carrot, and Leaf blight of

paddy. 48 Fungal diseases. White rust of crucifiers, red rot of sugarcane and late

blight of potato. 49 Disease Citrus canker in citrus plants and white rust in raddish. 50 Biological transmission Are caused by intermediary agents such as mosquitos,

houseflies,dogs,cats etc., 51 Non bio logical transmission May be due to agents such as Water, air, soil and clothing.

Physical contact between humans can also transmit diseases.

52 Incubation period After entering the body of a host the pathogen may require

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an incubation period. During this period they release toxic substances. This substance is called antigens. The host produces certain proteins to suppress the harmful effects of the antigens. These substances are called antibodies.

53 Tuberclosis Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Common tb: Pulmonary TB (Affects lungs).

54 Chlorea Virus:Vibrio Chorea orComma bacillus. Severe diarrhoea and vomiting. Treatment: oral rehydration

55 Anthrax Bascillus anthracis. Sheep and cattle. Treated by antibiotics.

56 Leprosy Mycobacterium Leprae. Can be cured and controlled. Treated by drugs.

57 Leptospirosis Leptospira. Can be treated by drugs. 58 AIDS HIV – Human immune deficiency syndrome.

Retrovirus containing RNA. Testing – ELISA( Enzyme linked immune sorbent assay). Confirmation by western blot technique.

59 Environmental Science The study of living organism in relation to its surrounding has developed into an unique branch of science and is called environmental science.

60 Detritus Termites, Beetles and worms.

The dead organisms and the debris are called as detritus.

61 Ecological Pyramid Ecological pyramid is the logical representation of various tropic levels of a food chain in a ecosystem.

62 Flow of energy Non cyclic and Uni directional. 63 Photosynthesis 2% of energy is used. 64 Carbondioxide Dissolved Co2 in sea water is converted into salts of Ca

and Mg. and gets deposited as insoluble salts in the deeper seas.

65 Lightning and Radiations Atmospheric nitrogen is converted into compounds like ammonia and nitrogen oxide.

66 Nitrogenous compounds Using ammonia through industrial processes fertilizers like ammonium nitrate and urea can be synthesized. These are nit.comp.

67 Phosphorous Essential for formation of DNA and ATP molecules in plants and animal cells. Animals need phosphorous for building muscles and bones. Plant – Soil Water Animal – food.

68 Biosphere 6 above the sea level 10 below the sea level

69 Nitrogen Protein synthesis. 70 Agriculture Cultivation of crop plants. 71 Agronomy Pratise of ways and means of production of food, feed and

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fibre cops. 72 Crops Garden crops: Ex: Onion, Brinjal.

Plantation Crops: Ex: Tea, Coffee. Field Crops: Ex: Rice, Cotton. Food Crops: Ex: Rice , wheat, soyabean , Groundnut. Cash Crops: Ex: Cotton, Sugarcane, Jute and Tobacco.

73 Rice (Oryza sativa) Rice is the staple food of Asia. 74 Nutrients

75 Farmyard manure The decomposed Mixture of cattle excreta and urine along

with fodder is called the farmyard manure. 76 Green manure The main aim is to add nitrogen to the soil cheaply.

Ex: Pungam, Neem and Kolingi. 77 Urea It is very unique among the nitrogenous fertilizers.It is

also applied to sugarcane, wheat, cotton, vegetables and fruit crops.

78 Phosphorous Superphosphate, Dicalcium Phosphate, Tricalcium Phosphate.

79 Potassium Potassium chloride and Potassium Sulphide

80 Chemical fertilizers Play a key role in sustaining production and productivity in agriculture.

81 Bio fertilizers They are ecofreindly, economic and more effective than chemical fertilizers. The microbial preparation containing the living cells of these nitrogen fixing bacteria or phosphor bacteria or fungi or the blue green algae are called as bio fertilizers.

82 Bio fert.

83 Use Promote germination of seed and the growth of seedlings.

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84 Weeds Unwanted plants 85 M.S.Swaminathan Has been working for the past 50 years and more for the

agricultural development. 86 Pesticides


Class Tenth Viruses

1 Cell 3 basic features. 1. An outer limiting membrane that separates the cell

from the surrounding. 2. Genetic material that has information for control

and coordination of all the activities in a cell and also transmits this information to its progenies.

3. A metabolic machinery, that consists of enzymes, its reactants and products, that are essential for cellular activities.

2 Virus [Affects Plants, Animals, Bacteria – Bacteriophages]

They are only active in living cells. Virus have only one type of nucleic acid either

1. DNA or 2. RNA

3 Tobacco Mosaic Virus TMV RNA

First discovered by Dmitri Iwanowsky. TMV causes leaf mottling and discolouration in tobacco and many other pl.

4 Viral Diseases Dog – Rabies. Cattle – Foot and mouth disease. Humans: Common cold – Rhinovirus. (RNA Virus) AIDS – HIV virus. (RNA Virus)

5 Bacteria DNA

Bacteria are unicellular and prokaryotic. Group of bacteria called Cyanobacteria (=Bluegreenalgae) includes multicellualar filamentous forms. Ex: Nostoc and Oscillatoria. Cell wall of bacteria is made up of perptidoglycan called murein. Autotrophic bacteria – Chlorobium. Photosynthetic: Green sulphur bact, Purple sulphur bact.

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Chemosynthetic bacteria: Hydrogen bact, Nitrifying bact. (Hydrogenomonas, Nitromonas). Heterotrophic bacteria - E.Coli(Eichericia coli)

6 Bacteria and Virus

7 Nature Scavengers Bacteria’s are called natures scavengers. 8 Bacteria uses Souring of milk – Lacto basicillus lactis.

Nitrogen Fixation: The conversion of molecular nitrogen into nitrogen compounds is known as nitrogen fixation.

9 Harmful Bacteria Typhoid – Solmonella typhi. Cattle and Sheep – Bascillus Anthracis.

10 Penicillium Fungi – Eukaryotes

Fungi are non green heterotrophic organism. Common Skin disease – ‘Dobies Itch’ – Ring worm Fungi. Body of fungus – Mycelium.

11 Penicillium Discovered by Alexander Fleming from penicillium notatum.

12 Malaria Malaria is caused by a virus called Plasmodium. (Haemozoin is responsible for fever associated with malaria)

13 Filariasis Caused by Parasitic worm Wucheraria bancrofti. 14 Dengue fever Caused by flavi virus. 15 Brain fever Caused by a virus. 16 Cholera Caused by bacterium vibrio Chlerae.

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17 Vector control Research Centre.


18 Frog Amphibia 19 Osmosis

Thistle funnel experiment Water molecules move from a region where is more to a region where it is less when separated by a semi permeable membrane. Soil water enters root hair by osmosis.

20 Mineral Nutrition Macro elements: Utilised by plants more. Ex: carbon,hydrogen and oxygen. Micro elements: Manganese, Zinc, Boron.


22 NPK Fertilizers Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorous.(NPK). 23 Dark reaction Calvin cycle. 24 ATP Adenosine Tri Phosphate 25 Respiration Aerobic – uses oxygen for respiration.

Anaerobic – oxygen not used for respiration. (Glucose is converted into 2 molecules of Pyruvic acid). Glucose – Pyruvic acid – Ethyl alcohol. Lactose – Pyruvic acid – Lactic acid.

26 Growth hormones Auxins – Indole 3, Gibberellins, Cytokinis, Ethylene. 27 Gibberellins Parenthocrapy.- Sleepless fleshy tomatoes and large

grapes are formed by Gibberellins. 28 Cytokinis Rapid cell division. 29 Stomach HCL – Counter(Mucous) – Ulcer. 30 Eye – Cones(retina) Responsible for colour vision.

Vitamin A – Night Blindness. 31 Glycolysis Takes place in cytoplasm. 32 Chromosomes Structures in nucleus. Waldeyer.

They can reproduce independently and they play an important role in heredity, variation, and mutation. Eukaryotic chromosomes are associated with de-oxyribo nucleic acid(DNA).

33 Genes They are located on the chromosome. The genetic information in most organisms is stored in DNA.

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34 Chromosome Types 1. Autosomes – Contolling Body Charecters. 2. Allosomes – Sex Chromosomes.(Always 2 in

number). 35 Male and Female Female – XX Chromosome.

Male – XY Chromosome. 36 Genome A complete set of chromosomes containing all the genes is

called as a genome. 37 Double helix Watson and Crick model. 38 Genetic Code Has 64 codons. 39 Mutation Mutation may be defined as a heritable change in a gene

or chromosome or change in the number of the chromosome. 1. Artificial 2. Natural Gene Mutation: The Changes that alter the structure of the gene at a molecular level is called Gene mutation. It is also called point mutation. Ie. Permanent heritable changes with in a gene.

40 Gene Reaction Hugo de Vries. He gave “mutation theory”. 41 Dobzhansky Gene Polymorphism. 42 T.H.Morgan First to report mutation in Drosophilia. 43 Genetic engineering Genetic engineering is the manipulation of genetic

material by either molecular biological techniques or by selective breeding.

44 Uses Ge bacteria are employed to clean up oil spills. Ge is also useful in developing pest-resistant crop-plants. Production of human insulin, monoclonal antibodies of high specificity, human growth hormones used to treat children with hormonal deficiency, several interferons proteins used to treat viral infections and cancer, are also produced by the application of genetic engineering techniques.

45 Biotechnology Biotechnology is defined as the applications of scientific and engineering principles for the processing and production of materials by living organisms. microbes

1. E.coli 2. Saccharomyces cerevisiae

46 Transgenci plants Transgenci plants are the plants in which foreign genes have been introduced.

47 Myeloma Myeloma is a cancer of the antibody forming cells. Used in cancer therapy. Monoclonal antibodies.

48 Nucleolar Organizer Repeats of the rRNA gene. 49 Y Chromosome It is the sex determination chromosome in most mammals. 50 Reproduction Reproduction is a special biological process. 51 Flower Reproductive part in the higher plants. Generally each

plant is made up of calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium. (Androecium(Made of stamens) – Male, Gyniecium(Carpels,Ovary) – Female).

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52 Pollen grains Pollen grains are transferred mainly by wind, water, and insects. These are called pollinating agents.

53 Pollination Self pollination(Autogamy). Cross pollination leads to new varieties.

54 Zoophily Pollination by winds – Anemophily. Pollination by animals is called as zoophily. Entomophily – Insects ( Bees,Moths,Wasps, Butterflies). Ornithophily – Birds, Chiropteriphily – Bat, Malacophily(Snails).

55 Pollination by water Hydrophily 56

57 Fertilization The fusion of male gamete with egg is known as

fertilization. The fertilized egg is called zygote and it develops into embryo.

58 Germination Germination is resumption of growth of embryo into a young plant.

59 Gaematogenesis The first stage in sexual reproduction of animals is gametogenesis. During this certain cells of the gonads are transformed into specialized cells namely the eggs or ova in female and the spermatozoa or sperm in male.

60 Testes (Mitotic division)

Testes contains many seminiferous tubules, which are separated by interstitial cells or Leydig cells. Leydig cells- Secreates – Androgens.

61 OOgenesis Mitotic division

Multiplication, Growth and Maturation Phase. Maturation Phase: Meiotic division.

62 Mensturation Occurs about every 28 days and lasts about four day. 63 Egg cells The fully developed femal gamete is termed ovum or egg. 64 Fertilization Fertilization is a complex process which involves the

fusion of a male gamete and a female gamete. 1) to activate the egg 2) to inject a male haploid nucleus into the egg cytoplasm.

65 Clevage The spilitting of an activated egg by a series of mitotic cell divisions into a multitude of cells which become the building units of future organism is called cleavage.

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66 Tissue Culture Growing plant or animal tissue outside the body of the organism (Invitro) is called tissue culture. To grow a callus, appropriate plnat tissue should be selected.

67 Micropropagation Tissue cultured cells can be induced to form the whole plant by altering the growth medium.

68 Monoclonal antibodies Detection of early pregnancy is done with the help of monoclonal antibodies.

69 Cloning technique An exact copy of the animal to be cloned can be produced by the cloning technique.

70 Dolly A sheep by name “Dolly” was the first to be cloned by Dr. Ian Wilmut.

71 Stem Cells 1. Embryonic stem cells 2. Adult stem cells.

72 Embryonic Stem Cells Derived from the human embryo. They could develop into any of the more than 200 different known cell types in the body. Such cells are termed pluripotent.

73 Adult stem cells Ex: Haemopoietic stem cells normally make only blood cells. Brain stem cells make only brain cells.

74 Stem cells Stem cells are used in transplantation. Stem cells can be used to replace the dead nerve cells to cure the disease like parkinson’s disease, Alzhamier’s disease. Pluripotent stemcells the immune system can be replaced. Leukemia can be treated with bone marrow stem cells.

75 Medicines Drugs from roots: Rauwolfia Serpentina: [Tamil:Sarpagandha] Useful antidote against snake – bite and insect stings. Dried roots of rauwolfia serpentine reduces blood pressure and is used to cure mental illness. Also used in skin disorders, such as psoriasis, excessive sweating and itching. Roots of Vinca Rosea is also effective remedy for blood cancer and asthma.

76 Ferula Asafotedia Asafoetida contains resins, gum and volatile oil. It is used as a flavouring agent and it is also of medicinal value.

77 Drugs from stem Turmeric[Manjal]

Herb. (Tamilnadu, Bengal, Andhrapradesh) It is aromatic. Given for jaundice, Purification of blood, liver disorders and urinary infections. Protect your liver.

78 Allium cepa – Onion [Vengayam]

Reducing cough; with vinegar, the bulb is given for curing jaundice.

79 Allium Satvium – Garlic [Vellaopoondu]

Given in fevers, cough, disorders of nervous system, bronchitis and it is a well known blood purifier.

80 Drugs from Barks: Quinine

Tamil: Koyna maram. Chinchona Bark is quinine, and it is used in the treatment of malarial fever and amoebic dysentery.

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81 Drug obtained from wood: Santalum album [SanthanaMaram]

Tamilnadu and Karnataka are the important centres of sandalwood. It is a tree. The paste of wood has cooling effect and reduces inflammatory skin diseases.

82 Drugs from leaves: Indian Aloe: Aloe barbedensis [Katrazhai]

Inner contents are given to reduce the enlargement of the liver, spleen. It is also a cure for piles,jaundice. The leaf juice is given as a remedy for intestinal worms in children.

83 Flowers: Eugenia Caryophyllata [IIavangam]

Clove oil is prepared from the dried flower buds of Eugenia which is used as a pain reliever in toothache.

84 Fruits and seeds: Emblica officinalis [Nelli Maram]

The common goose berry is used in treating scurvey.

85 Medical Practices Siddha: - Agasthyar system. The terms siddha means achievement and ‘Siddhars’ were saintly figures who contributed a lot in medicine through the practice and yoga. Human Body – Replica of the universe. Like ayurveda this system believes that all objects in the universe including human body are composed of five elements namely earth, water, fire, air and space. They combine to form the three principles of vatah, pitha and kapha. Kayakalpa or longevity therapy is a speciality of this system. Siddha system is mainly based on medicinal plants and it is also called siddha maruthuvam.

86 Yoga Pathanjali. 87 Homeopathy Dr. Samuel Hainnemann is the father of Homeopathy.

“Organon of the art of healing”. “Law of similar” National Institute of Homeopathy – Calcutta.

88 Unani By Arabs and Persians. Hippocrates – Father of unani. National Institute of unani medicine – Bangalore.

89 Ayurveda Science of life. Sushruta(Father of surgery) Charaka(Founder of Ayurveda) National Institure of Ayurveda – Jaipur.

90 Azadirachta Indica – Neem Throughout india. The leaves are bitter, antiseptic, appetizer, and insecticidal. Used to treat tumours, leprosy, skin diseases, wounds, ulcers and diabetes.

91 Catharanthus roseus – [Nithyakalyani, sudugattumalli.]

Found throughout india. It is used as remedies for diabetes.

92 Zingiber officinale [Ginger]

Found in western ghats. The raw ginger is acrid, vitiated and digestive. Dry ginger sukku, it is a good appetizer, laxative, stomachic stimulant, anthelmintic and for patients suffering from diarrhea, cholera, nausea, vomiting and inflammations.

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93 Ocimum tenuiflorum [Thulasi]

Used to treat skin diseases such as itches and leprosy, and in impurities of blood.

94 Non Communicable diseases Diabetes, Coronary heart disease, Rheumatic heart disease, Anorexia, Nervosa, Renal failure, Obesity, and Protein deficiency.

95 Diabetes Polyurea – Inc. urea Polydipsia – excessive thirst Polyphagia- excessive appetite.

Blood glucose is too high. Glucose comes from the food we eat and also by glycogen conversion in our liver and muscles. Insulin is a hormone synthesized by beta cells of pancreas, and released into the blood. If our body doesn’t produce enough insulin or if the insulin does not work the way it should, glucose cannot get into our cells and stays in our blood. Then our blood glucose level increases, causing diabetes.

96 Coronary heart disease It is the most common form of heart disease which often results in heart attack. In CHD atherosclerosis affects the coronary artery which supplies blood to the heart muscles by reducing the lumen of the artery. Cigarette smoking, High blood Pressure, over weight/obesity, physical inactivity and diabetes.

97 Rheumatic heart disease Permanent damage to eart valves is caused by rheumatic fever. [Streptococcous bacterial infection – stop acute rheumatic fever]. Angiogram – It is an examination of our blood vessels using X-rays. Angioplasty – A procedure for treating blockages and blood clots in the blood vessels.

98 Anorexia Nervosa The determination to diet is a desired disorder. Hostile relationship with their mothers occur and also they will be affected by depression. Treatment: Psychotherapy to achieve emotional maturation is usually necessary in hospital in addition to correction of the eating disorders.

99 Renal Failure Occurs when the kidneys lose their ability to filter out wastes as a result toxins build up in the body.

1. Acute renal failure.(Kidney stops suddenly-Blockages in blood vessels.)

2. Chronic renal failure. – Gradual decrease in organ function. Caused by other medical conditions, including hypertension and diabetes.

100 Dialysis Provides an artificial filtering system to replace lost organ function. Artificial kidney to filter impurities from the blood stream.

101 Obesity Obesity is defines as an excessive high amount of body fat or adipose tissue in relation to lean body mass.

102 Protein deficiency diseases Result of inadequate intake of protein.

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103 Marasmus and Kwashiorkaor Marasmus – Premature baby. Kwashiorkar – Infants and children.

104 Addiction Addiction to alcohol or drugs represents a form of psychological dependence and indicates that the patient has been unable to attain adequate satisfaction or self esteem in his/her personal life.

105 Tobacco Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh. Due to absorbtion of nicotine through the skin or respiratory tract.

106 Drug Marijuna, Heroin, Cocaine, Morphine, etc., 107 WHO World health day 1977. Immunise and protect your child. 108 Pasteur Established that many diseases including the small pox,

were caused by viruses. 109 Antigen A substance that can produce specific immune response

when it is introduced into the tissues of an animal and that can react specifically with the products(Antibodies or sensitized cells) is known as antigen

110 Antibody They can specifically react with the antigen, destroying it or neutralizing it, and thus protects the body from the effect of the antigen.

111 Pregnant woman 3rd month , TT I dose 4th month, TT II dose

112 India – Forest Forest cover only about 22.7% 113 Deforestation Deforestation increases co2 in the atmosphere that may

cause global warming or green house effect, increase in temperature, increase in the level of sea leading to submergence of many important coastal areas and cities.

114 Fast growing trees Eucalyptus, Acacia or conifers like Pinus to provide commercial timber and fuel wood.

115 Afforestation – People Social forestry. 116 Global Warming Abnormal increase of the temperature in the environment

due to the continuous accumulation of gaseous pollutants is known as global warming.

117 Green House effect Green Houses gases(GHG) 1. Carbondioxide CO2 2. Methane CH4 3. Nitrous Oxide N2O 4. Water Vapour H2O 5. Ozone O3 6. Hydroflurocarbon HFC


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119 Effects of Global Warming 1. Sea level Change.(18-28 cms / 2030) a) Thermal Expansion of atmosphere. b) Mountain glaciers melting. c) Greenland ice sheet melting d) Antartic ice sheet melting

120 Ozone – Stratosphere Located 15-55km above the earth. Filter UV rays from the sun.

121 Ozone depletion Skin Cancer. Immune system suppression. Crops would be adversely affected. Ozone Hole– Antartic formed a hole.

122 O depletion : UV- B Penetrates all the way to the ground. 123 Control Measures CFC, Carbon tetrachloride, Methanol and Chloroform

should be phased out. 124 Movements – India 1. Chipko Movement(Uttharakand),

2. Appiko Movement(Karnataka) 3. Silent valley movement. 4. Narmada Bachan Andolan.

125 India Avergae rainfall – 1140mm annually. South west Monsoon – May – Oct – 500mm. Nov – April – Northease monsoon.

1. Cold season(Dec,Jan,Feb) 2. Hot season(Mar, Apr, May) 3. Advancing Monsoon season(Jun, Jul, Aug) 4. Retreating monsoon season(Sept, Oct, Nov)

126 Heavy Metals Lead, Mercury, Arsenic, Cadmium. 127 Biological Accumulation The metals get concentrated on the various organs like

bone, fat, cells, liver etc., 128 Primary treatment In the primary treatment of effuluents, suspended

impurities are removed by sedimentation. 129 Secondary treatment Biological treatment to remove organic material. 130 Tertiary treatment Reverse osmosis and use of specific membranes to remove

inorganic substances. 131 Common Effuluent

Treatment Plants(CETP) Makes pollution control economical by reducing the cost of effuluent treatment.

132 Air pollution Carbon Mono oxide - Affects haemoglobin) Colourless, Odourless poisonous gas produced by imcomplete combustion of fossil fuels. Motor vehicles are the major source of carbon mono oxide.

133 Sulphurdi oxide It is respiratory irritant. It aggravates asthma. 134 Government of India Project of Tiger -1973

Project of Elephant – 1992 135 Western Himalayan Region Chirpine, deodar, blue pine, spruce, silver fir, and

Junipers. 136 Eastern Himalayan Region Oaks, Laurels, Maples, Rhinodenderons, Alder, Birch and


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137 Assam Region Evergreen forests with lots of bamboo and tall grasses. 138 Indus Plains Scanty vegetation 139 Ganges Plain Under cultivation 140 Deccan Region Full of shrubs, and mixed deciduous forests. 141 Malabar region Coconut, Betal, Pepper, Coffee and tea. 142 Andaman region Evergreen and Mangrove forests. 143 Wild Asses Rann of Kutch 144 Elephant Assam and Kerala. 145 One horned rhinocerous Unique to india and Nepal is found in swampy and

marshy lands of assam and north of west Bengal. 146 Asiatic Lion Gir forests, Gujarat. 147 Bengal tiger Tidal forests of sunderbans. 148 Snow Leopards Upper Himalayas. 149 Golden Langur Assam 150 Sanctuaries in India

151 Marine Reserves These are areas protected to preserve the marine diversity.

1. Wet lands. 2. Mangrove areas 3. Coral reefs

152 Mangrove areas in India Important mangrove areas in India are Andamans and

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Nicobar Islands, Sunderbans(West Bengal), Krishna Estuary (Andhra), Pichavaram and point Calimere(Tamil nadu), Gulf of Kutch(Gujarat), Vembanad(Kerala) , Godavari delta and Mahanadi Delta.

153 Coral reefs Gulf of Mannar, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep Islands and Gulf of Kutch.

154 Wet lands Keoladeo National Park, Sambhar, (Rajasthan). Chilka(Orissa), Liktak(Manipur), Wullar(Jammu and Kashmir), and Harike(Punjab).

155 National Parks

156 Bio Sphere Reserves 1. Nilgiri(TN, KER, and KAR)

2. Nanda Devi(UP) 3. Nokrek(Meghalaya) 4. Great Nicobar(Nicobar Islands) 5. Gulf of Mannar(TN) 6. Sunderbans(WB) 7. Manas(Assam) 8. Similipal(Orissa) 9. Dibru saikhowa(Assam) 10. Dehang Dehang(Arunachal Pradesh) 11. Pachmarhi(Madhya Pradesh)

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12. Kanchanjanga(Sikkim) 13. Agasthiyamalai Hills(Kerala)

157 Extinction It is a natural process by which whole species die out without leaving any offsprings. Habitat loss, Introduction to new species, Over exploitation and pollution.

158 Recently extinct species. Mountain Quail, Pink Headed duck, and streamlined spotted feline cheetah. Hispid hare, lion tailed macaque and pygmy hog are considered rare and near extinction.

159 International union for conservation of Nature and Natural resources.

1. Endangered 2. Vulnerable 3. Rare and 4. Threatened.

End. Species: Mongoose, Vultures and hill myna. 160 Bombay Natural History

society Started in 1883. Books: “The book on Indian natural history” “Some beautiful Indian climbers and Shrubs.”

161 Zoological survey of India 1916. 162 Wildlife Institute of India 1982 163 Wildlife preservation society

of India 1958 – Dehradun.

164 World wildlife foundation 1961 – Swizerland. It supports “Project tiger” Which is the single largest conservation project of its kind in the world.

165 Sustainable Agriculture It is one of the methods of ecofriendly farming practices. Organic farming, water management are more emphasized. Adopting practices such as crop rotation, cultivating nitrogen fixing plants, drip irrigation, avoiding water hungry crops, using environment friendly nutrients and adopting vermicultural practices. Limiting the use of synthetic fertilizers and insecticides.

166 Mixed cropping Mixed cropping involves the growing of two or more crops together in the same area at the same time. Radishes and greens. Radishes and sweet corn.

167 Crop Rotation and benefits Crop rotation is the growing of multiple crops on the same piece of land, one after the other. Ex. One season paddy is cultivated, in the following reason groundnut is cultivated. Ex: after the cultivation of legume crop, next crop grows very well because of more amount of nitrogen present in the soil.

168 Green Revolution Term - William S. Gaud. Wheat, Potato, and Rice IR8. It combines both modern agricultural practices and technologies. Norman Borlang – Father of Green Revolution was awarded Nobel Prize in the year 1970. Dr.M.S. Swaminathan – Father of Green Revolution in India. Contributions made by Bharatha Ratna Thiru

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C.Subramaniam and many laid the foundation for green revolution in India.

169 India Because of green revolution our country has become self sufficient in food production. New rice varieties like IR8, IR24, IR50, ADT37. Wheat – sonara 64.

170 Plant Breeding Plant breeding means developing new varieties of crop with desirable traits by crossing different crops.

171 Golden rice. By this method Vitamin A is incorporated into rice which is called “Golden Rice”.

172 Bacterial Biofertilizers Bacteria like Azotobacter, Rhizobium, and Azospirillum which enrich the soil with nitrogen compounds.

173 Algal Biofertilizers Blue green algae such as Anabaena, Nostoc, Cylinderospermum, Plectonema and Tolypothrix.

174 Green manure crops as biofertilizers

Adopted by farmers from time immemorial. This involves growing leguminous plants like Glyricidia, Indigofera, and Sesbania soon after harvesting a crop particularly paddy.

175 Bacterial biopesticides Bacteria such as Bacillus, Enterobacter, Proteus and Pseudomonas control diseases.

176 Fungal biopesticides Fungi such as Verticillium and Beauveria are used to control insects like plant hopper and aphids. The fungus Trichoderma is used to control certain plant pathogenic fungi including Fusarium.

177 Viral biopesticide Viruses such as cytoplasmic polyhefrosis virus, baculoviruses and entomopox virus control many insects and worms.

178 Higher plants as biopesticides

Azadirachtin of neem and pyrethrin of Chrysanthemum are powerful insecticides acting against insects like grass hopper, white flies, aphids, and stem borers.

179 Inexhaustible Natural Resources

Found in plenty. Ex: Air, water and radiation which are not exhaustible by human activities.

180 Exhaustible Natural Resources

Soil, forests, wildlife, minerals, coal, petroleum which are found in limited quantities and exhausted easily by human activities.

181 Water Industries can do nothing without water. So it is a raw material, solvent, electrical reactant, coolant and cleansing agent.

182 Sources of water Surface water( River, Lakes, Man made reservoirs) / Ground water(Springs, Infiltration,wells).

183 Mineral

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184 Kolar gold field Karnatka. Occupy an area of 12 Km. 185 Coal Coal occupies 4% of the Country’s total area. 186 Madras and Kerala Zircon, Monazite, and sillimanite are obtained from the

beach sands. 187 Energy

188 Petroleum It is obtained from sedimentary rocks. Large source of it

occur in Andaman, Andhra, Gujarath, Maharashtra and Assam. Krishna – Godavari basin also has huge reserves of natural gases.

189 Hydro electricity Hydro electricity which uses water for its production is cheaper & convenient to generate electricity.

190 Solar energy India is located near equator receives maximum sunlight throughout then year except few months; by using photovoltaic tech. we can cook, heat water, pumpout water and give power to refrigerator and street lights.

191 Wind energy Tamilnadu is the largest wind energy producer. 192 Forests 3 Functions.

1. Protective. 2. Productive. 3. Accessory.

193 Food Crop Rice and Ragi 194

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195 Rice Varieties

196 Parched Rice Arisi Pori 197 Parched Paddy Nelpori 198 Cashcrop Sugarcane 199 Ragi – Fingermillet

Kharif crop Kelvaragu. Principle staple food of many tribes and cultivated in Coimbatore,chingelpattu, vellore, villupuram, Thiruvannamalai, Salem districts.

200 Crop Rainfed crop – May to june Rabi crop - September to October.

201 Phosphorous Phosphorous inside a plant gets incorporated into Nucleic acids(RNA&DNA), phosphor proteins, phospholipids, sugar phosphates, enzymes and energy rich ATP and ADP. ATP- Adenosine triphosphate. ADP – Adenosine diphosphate.

202 Potassium It is absorbed as K+ ions by roots. It plays a regulating role in plant metabolism and development.

203 Calcium It is absorbed by Ca++ ions. 204 Magnesium It is absorbed as Magnesium ions(Mg2+). 205 Sulphur It is absorbed by plants as sulphate ions. 206 Micronutrients Iron ,Manganese, Zinc, copper, Molybdenum, Boron. 207 Water requirement It is usually expressed as the surface depth of water in

millimeters or centimeters. Paddy – water is supplied through irrigation channels. Sugarcane – the crop is irrigated through the furrows.

208 Aquaculture It is the farming of economically important aquatic animals and plants under controlled conditions. Originated in china.

209 Fish Culture The culture of fish is called pisciculture. Nursing pond, Rearing pond, Production Pond, and Breeding pond. Prawns – Export value. Juvenile holding method, Seed collection method, and Hatchery method.

210 Crab Delicious meat and Export value.

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211 Algal culture Spirulina – A blue green algae has been cultured since 1983 in Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore. Food for humans.

212 Pearl Oyster Culture/ Mussel Culture

Mussel – Rope culture method is used.

213 Vermiculture Culture of earth worms. 214 Vermicompost The compost prepared by using earthworms is called

vermicompost. Earthworm:3 types. Epigeics, Anecics and Endogeics.

215 Vermitech Dr. Sultan Ismail. The technology of using both epigeic and anecic earthworms together for the process of vermicomposing is called as vermitech.

216 Vermiwash This is a liquid fertilizer collected after passing water through a vermicomposting pit. This is used as a leaf spray. It is used on grass lawns and on orchids.

217 Electro cardiograph machine. Used to detect abnormalities in heart function. 218 Sphygmomanometer Measure blood pressure.(Manometer – Mercury column). 219 CT –Scanner Computerised tomography(CT) – Special type of x-ray

machine. Used to produce pictures of the inside of the body. The images can be viewed in three dimensions. Useful in analyzing damages to the nervous system during accidents. Help studying tumours in the nervous system.

220 Angiogram It is the technique that is used to examine the blood vessels of the circulatory system as they are functioning. This technique used x-rays. Use to detect blockages in the artery.

221 Dialysis Kidneys are responsible for filtering waste products from the body. Kidneys – fluid balance. Both kidneys fail – Dialysis – It is the procedure substituting the normal functions of the kidneys.

1. Haemodialysis 2. Peritonealdialysis.(Own tissue, dialysis catheter)

222 Laproscopy and Endoscopy Both use fibre optic technique. 223 Laproscopy Internal organs of the women can be studied by lap. 224 Eye lens transplantation Involves the transplantation of the cornea.

Cornea can be obtained from 6-12 of death of the donors. 225 Isograft transplantation A transplant of a tissue or whole organ from one identical

twin to another is called an isograft transplantation. 226 Allograft transplantation A transplant between individuals of same species is called

allograft transplantation. 227 Xenograft transplantation A transplant between individuals of different species is

called a xenograft. 228 Blood transfusion Replacement of lost or diseased blood using donor blood

is called blood transfusion.

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230 Rh D blood group system Rh D is a red cell antigen that is expressed on the red

blood cells. If Rh D antigen is present, the individual is called Rh D is positive. If the antigen is absent, the person is called Rh D negative.

231 Sterile blood bags In blood banks, blood is stored in ready made sterile blood bags. These bags are stored with blood that is tested for HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis and different blood groups.

232 Veins Transfusion is generally given through veins of the hands, wrists and feet.