MIDHOLIDAY PARTIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE I (inner mid Pnnco nt Hitz-Cnrlt- on for Miss May WntHon. DANCE FOR MISS 1JUKR1LL Other Pnrtips, One of Tlit'tn for Charity, in tho Plana Ballroom. Major and Mrs. P. Warren Pearl gave nt the llltz-Carlto- n last night a dinner followed by a dance for their debutante niece. Miss May Duncan Watson. The, dinner was served at one largo tablo flared In tho ballroom, the room being m.nlo to appear much smaller by the use of m.my palms and Christmas trees. In tin- - centre of the table whs a huge wreath nf holly tied with red ribbons and masses of rrd polnsettln. The dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Whitman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Tod, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Watson. Mr and Mrs. William Jay Schleffellti, Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. lladden, Jr.. Mr. mid Mrs. Henry It. Carse. Mr. and Mis. J Itlch Steers, tho Rev. nnd Mrs. Henry Sloane Coffin. Mr. and Mrs Henry I,. HatWm.m, Mr. nnd Mrs. Itlchard IX Dwlght. Mr. ami .Mrs. John 11 Hatchelder of llrookllnc. Mans., Mr. nnd Mrs. Will, lam C. Sheldon. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ogden ChUolm. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Duncan, Mr. olid Mrs. Henry lludd, Mrs. John P IHmc.iu. Mr. und Mrs. Daniel U. Ten-i- ii Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lane, Charles H. Titiney. Jr., Sir, and Mrs. Ltndley Tappln, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ltlker, Jr., Mr and Mrs. Herbert H. Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Alexander, Mrs. J. Hart-e- Hhoades. Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Smith nnd Mr. and Mrs. Ottomax JL Van JVorden. .Mrs. Pearl, who wore a gown of black chirfon brocailed with velvet over white crystal spangled rhlffcn, received her guests at the head of the stalrwuy lead-In- c to the ballroom. After dinner the li I'lroom was cleared for dancing. Miss Watson coming from another dinner. The gjists for the dance Included most of tho di'liutantrs of the winter und some of tha vounger marrlwl people. A bulTet supper was. served In the main restaurant after midnight. Ilanrr fnr Miss Drslrlcr nurrlll. Mrs. Kdward Livingston Ilurrill gave a datue at Sherry's last night for her de- butante daughter, Miss Ilea trie.) ilurrill. Thii guests were mainly young people, imd among them wire the Misses Mario Taller, Elsie Stevens. Alice Haven. Miriam Hurriman, Alexandra L'mery. .Maud Coster, Mary C. Alexander, Ellza-- ! t.i McVlcknr, Catherine Colt, Louise li.xoii. Dorothy Chlsulm. Marie Loulso Pidewald, K:u liar I mi Porter, Dorothy 1 ng. Theodtirn Laro.'iuo. Katharine iiikui.in. Lliznbeth S. M. Uurrill. Ixnilse T . vor, (iabrlclle Warren. Mlml Scott, X .r.v Cutting Cumnock and Kathryne h e. Some of tho men present were C. Suy-(- 1 in Cutting, L'mlcn M. Druton, Henry H II. Itlpley, V Ilayard Hives. Albert 1. .gene. Callatln, I. Wlstnr Kendall. Fran-- i mid Maurice Itoche, Charles H. Mar- - all. Kilmund 1'. Itogers, It. Tliorn-tt- i Wilson, Livingston l'arsons, Cordon I'lemersliy, Chester Hurden, Seth H. French, IVmbroke Jones. Jr., 1. Mac- - i illoeh Miller. Jr., Willlum W. Hoffman. Jul ii Munroe, Samuel N. Hinckley, S. llrvcn Wing, Amar Johnson, Newton Lac, Iteginald H. Lanier, John Elliot, i. orge. .V Dixon, Jr., and Johnston Red- mond. Women nf Soe-let- nt Charity Ilanee. In the ballroom of the Plaza last night r s ht'ld a dance In aid of the Hcthany Day Nursery. Many women of society Interested In the charity were present, I.' i during the evening there was gen-tr;- il dancing, followed by supper. Among ti patronesses present were Mmes. Ira liirrow. V. Kverlt Macy, W. W. McAl-lui- i, Albert II. Wlggin. Charles W. Ho- - yn, William Lowe Hlce, Henry O. Tre- vor, luy Van Amringe, Howard Car- - ii 'I and William Harbour. There, was another danco last night, the first for this season of the Colony tices, at the Colony Club. It was for g rls who wilt not be Introduced to so-- i ety for another year or more, nnd there also present some of the young men M'Ments now nt home for the holidays. - patronesses of these dances ure Mrs. I harli-- s B. Alexander, Mrs. H. Caslmlr Hham, Mrs. William Church Osborn, Mrs. Hubert I. Huntington. Mrs. Bdwurd "' II Talmage, Mrs. Russell H. Hoadley, Jr Mrs. Henry II. Landon and Mrs. V inthrnp Hurr. There will be another eluiice in Kaster week. DINNER FOR BRIDAL PARTY. Mr.. Aldrlch Knlrrlalna for Her nimbler, Miss Maade H. Aldrlch. Mr und Mrs Spencer Aldrlch gave a do ner last night ut Sherry's for those who will form the bridal party at the voiding In Calvary Church y of Hi ir daughter, llifs Maude II. Aldrlch, Stanley Matthews of Cincinnati. Mr. i"l Mrs. Spencer Wyman Aldrlch chap roned the party, which Included the M't-s-- s Margaret Burroughs of London, Madeleine Ashwell, Mary Aldrlch, Mary duthews and Helena Melssner, Shirley Alorgan, James II. (Jorinan, Frank Den-- tie Adams, William I'roctor Matthews, I r.inklln Morrell and Cabot Brewster. Mr and Mrs. Aldrlch gave a dinner at i iir house, 29 West Fiftieth street for ' i'ie of the wedding guests from Ohio id elsewhere, among whom were Mr. and Irs Mortimer Matthews, parents of tho ' Klegiooin-cle- ; the Misses Matthews, ir nnd Mrs. Tolcott H, Clark und Mr, and Mrs. William C. Melssner. ENTERTAINED BY AN ERROR. Mr. I.n Farce Kearreta Far Less Than "The Han" Confusion of Names. Hecause of confusion In names The S v In Its account yesterday of the op-- 1 on to the Cathedral of fit. John the ' '.vlnw plans referred to the death of C. i rant La Targe. Mr La Karge was of Reins A La ''ge, the official cathedral architects, ' i' he Is not dead. More than that, 'ho i)rclates tho confidence shown In the i ' gin.U cathedral design and was so i iiiMid at the suggestion of his death it ho didn't quote Murk Twain. TEA DANCE ON THE MAYFLOWER. Wrv nanlels Entertains In Honor of Mlaa f.ncle Jfnka aaalth. Wamiiniitos, Deo. 'it. Mrs. Dsnlels, 'i "f the Kerietnry of the Navy, en-- 1 r'jiied at a tea dance this afternoon 'ml the Mayflower In honor of Miss I' Hoke Smith, daughtor of Senator Mrs, Hoke Smith or Georgia, whose 'rrlsge to Ensign Alston Simpson will "5 place evening. Ths off!-- " i of the ship assisted Mrs. Daniels frslvlng her guestr, who numbered !' seventy-live- . Inure! luncheon for Mlsa Smith was et ,y Major II 1). A. I'sarcs of tha "lid Mrs. 1 'carte. "r- - Arthur Lee and Mr. and Mrs. ' L'lkins lll b guests In whose 1 "r Mr und Mrs. John A. Thayer of Clnii ,iM, v, Vs., will antarlaln housa party nt their farm near Lewlsburg over i New Year's. The marring of Miss Louise Vail and Dr. Charles H, stono will take place at noon Thursday, January IS, nt St. Thomas's Church. Mrs. Henry C. Stewart entertained at dinner thin evening In honor of Miss Vail and Dr. Stone.. Mrs. Henry F. Dlmock hud about 200 ' young people at a dance this evening la honor of Miss Helen Walcott, daughter ' of the secretary of the Smithsonian In- - atllutlon, Dr. Charles P. Walcott. Mrs. Dlmock wan assisted by her daughter. Miiwl Catallnl, wife of the, Counsellor of tha ItaJInn Embassy. HALPIN RYAN. Ceremony In at. Patrick's rnthedrnl Performed by Hrlde'a Itruther. The wedding of Miss Ryan, naugnier or tne laie rouce cuptain i Thomas M. Ryan und Mrs. Ryan, to Matthew P. Halpln took place yester- day morning In the Lady Chapel of St Patrlak'e Cathedral, the Rev. Dr. Kdwln Ryan, a brother of the bride, officiating. On account of the recent death of the bridegroom' mother only relatives nnd a few Intimate, friends were present for the ceremony. The bride, who wore a gown of white , satin with a veil of tulle that almost entirely covered her gown, had her els- - , tcr. Miss Margaret Ryan, as her only at- - tendant. Her costume was of pale pink satin combined with a tunic of chiffon of the same shade finished with snble fur. She wore also n hat of white satin trimmed with pale pink feathers nnd n band of sable, and curried a bouquet of pink Ktllarney roses. Paul Pilgrim was best mall, and the ushers wen Dr. .Inlni M. Breen nnd Charles Hatlleld. There was1 no reception. I Mr. Hnlnlti Is a member of thn New York Athletic Club and Is well known 111 the athletic world us captain of the track team of that organization nnd us manager of tho successful American Olympic teams at Athens, London and Ulrilitmlm ' firelner Totrnaend. Hackcnback, N. J Dec' :j. Miss" Ella Sidney Townsend. daughter of Sid- - i ney H. II, Townsend of Hamilton Place. and William Rudolph Orelner wre mar- ried this evening in the Second Reformed ( Church by the Rev Dr. Arthur Johnson, i Mis. Irving II. Lnbagh. a sister of the bride, was matron nf honor, nnd Miss I Agnes Townsend was maid of honor. The best man was Walter Ralph of BurTalo. ' N. . The bridegroom Is a ranchman of t'nglewood. Kan. LENOX LAND FOR MISS CHOATE. Her Father tiltes iter StS Arrra 'otea at Society. Lexot. Mass . Dec. 2l, Winter sports ruled Tired of curling and skat- ing this afternoon, a big bowling party gathered In the 1enox Club and tea was served later at the clubhouse. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Sedawlek will give a reception Saturday for 'he Rev. and Mrs. George Grenvllle Merrill of New. port, who will arrive In Stnkbndse to- morrow. The Rev. Mr. Merrill lately ac cepted the appointment ns rector of St. Paul's Kplseonal Church. Joseph H. Choate has conveyed by deed to his daughter. Miss Mabel Choate, twenty-fiv- e acres of the plantation on Main street. Mr. Choite bought this property six etrs Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Frothlngham have Issued Invitations for a ltiiKheon at Over-le- a on New Year's Day. ' Mrs. Wllllard F. Smith has card" out for tea at the Lenox Club on Wdntd.iy afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Crane gave a Christmas tree for all the townspeople of Washington at Rucksteep Manor this afternoon. Gneats of Miss Ada llryee Cray. Miss Ada Bryce Cray gave a luncheon yesterday at the Colony Club. Among her guests were the Misses Marian I lull. Amy Hradlsh Johnson, Kllnor Kendall. Kdlth Houvler, Kathrjn Rache. Margaret Schall, Mary Baker, Lentllhon C.llford. Kmlly Ford. Allda Hanks, Mnrgaret War ren and violet Mammon. No tea of the Modal World. Clarence H. Mackay. the Mlses Mac-ka- y and John W. Mackay have left town for Deep River Lodge. Jainestomi, N. C, to remain over the New Year holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. Itourke Cockran, who are returning to New York on the Car-man- on Friday, will be at the n for the remainder of the winter. Mrs. 8tuart Duncan gave n the daneant esterduy at her house. 3 Hast Seventy-fift- h street, for her nephew William M. V. Hoffman. Mrs. Duncan and Mrs. William M. V. Hoffman received the guests, who were boyo and girls home from school for the holidays Another the dansant for young people was given by Mrs. William R. Klrklaml Taylor at 21 Last Klghtleth street for her eons, Anson W Hard Taylor and William R. Klrkland Taylor, Jr.. who are home from l'omfret School during the holiday vacation. George Isham Scott will give at the n n dance for his daughter, Miss Mlml Scott, who will be previously entcrtafned at dinner by Mrs. Walter Watson at her home, 52 West Fifty-secon- d street. Mrs. C. Ledyard Blair will give a small dance for her daughter, Miss Florence Illalr, nt Sherry's on January : Luncheons will be given y by Mrs. James Henry Darlington and Mrs. Ilurke Roche. Mrs. William Alexander will give a din- ner for eighty at the St. Regis. Dances will be given by Mrs Jame Remsen Strong, Mrs Wllber Blood-goo- Mrs. Arthur J. Singer and J. Horn-blow- De Witt. Mrs. John M. Young of 1(13 Ix'xlngton avenue will give a reception this after- noon for her debutante daughter. Miss Sophie Young. The second for this season of the dances organized by Mrs. Lrnest Amy and otljers will take place at Delmonlco's. Mrs. Cornelius C. Cuyler will give a luncheon for her niece, Miss Josephine Nlcoll, on January 14. Mrs. Do Lancey Nlcoll will give a dinner danco for her daughter on February 14. Mrs. Lewis Iselln will give a small the dansant this afternoon at her home, lfi West Fifty-secon- d street, for Miss Adrl-enn- o Iselln, who has not yet been Intro- duced to society, Mr. and Mrs. Ten Kyck Wendell of Cazenovla, N, Y., who are pabslng the winter In Washington. D. C, are at the Ootham for a brief visit. Mrs. Sheffield Pholps and Miss Phelps of Tew Nek N. J., are at the St Regis. Mrs. Ucorge C Clausen of Port Ches- ter, N. Y., cave a small dinner last night at thn Ht. Regis. Mrs. Henry D. Wlnant gavo a small reception yesterday afternoon ut her home, 671 I'ark avenue, for her second daughter, Mies Oraco c.tinthcr Wlnant. At Castle House will bo given this afternoon the second of threo subscription luncheon dances for young people. This dance, organized by Miss Elizabeth Mar-bur- y for tha Juniors of society, will ba followed by tho regular dally dance, which will begin at 4 V. M. Mrs. Oliver Harrl- - man, Mra. Norman napgooa ana airs. Arthur Iselln will recelva for tho young ueopla of ths party. Mr, and Mr. H. Stanwood Menken have sent out handsomely Illuminated invita- tions for a Persian party at their home, i xi wast Fifty-secon- d street, on the night ' nf January 11 Mra. Osorga Thompson will rive a amall the dansgnt this afternoon for her daugh- ter, Miss Zlllah Thompson, at her home, 162 Kiuit Sixty-fir- st street. Mrs. Francis V. Paris will give a thaatr party on Saturday night for her daughter, Mis Star Paris. wlft Company's salsa of Fraah Haaf In New Turk City for tha weak ending Saturday, Dao. IT, avtrtfld ll.tl csnts par pauad. AAv. THE SUN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30. 1913. MATINEE CYCLE OF WAGNER'S "RING" Will licidn at Metropolitan Opera lioiiie on .fan-iiai'- v 20. Ulullo 'lattl-Casazz- general manager of the MetroKillts.il Opera Company, bus announced the annual matliue cycle of Wagner's tnmlc drama, "IVr Ring des Nlbelungen." for four consecutive Thuis-da- y ufternoons, January 25, February t. February 12 nnd Februmy lit. An en- tirely new senile Investiture ib signed and executed by Hans Kautsky of and Vienna has been provided Man) novel i fleets have be, n Introduced. "ubscril" rs have the privilege nf re. mining thler seats at Die teduced prion Applications must teach the subscription department not later than Jammty in. The public sale of the entire- ccle of four performances will open January II nt 9 A. M. and close Saturday evening. January 17, at the box ottlcu of the Opera House. Scale of I'rtrra, The dates of tho performances nnd the day on which the public sale of seats for single performances will open aie ns follows; January 29. "Das Itheingold." sale opins on January 22. February &, "Die Walkuere," sale opt ns on January 29, February 12, "Sbgfrled," sale opens on Fcbrunry I. nnd Fihrtmry 19. "(loctler-demmorutig- ," sale opens on Fetiruan 12. The following scale of pricey will pre- via!, the first figure being for the ccle of four performances and the second for single performances firand tier boxes, seating six, $100 and 3rt stall boxes Milting five, J70 ard 120. stall boxes stat- ing four, fsn nnd $lr. . orchestra anil circle chairs. J1S und f.1: dress circle chairs, $9 iiiSl 13, balcony, front rows. $7 r.n and 2.f.0; halmny. other rows, $il nnd 12, family circle, 15 nnd II .ML Alfred Herts will be the conductor and tho various casts will be as follows. "I la. Itheingold." Wotali llermsnn Well Homier Piunum OrtfKnM Froh . . I.Hml.erl Mtirpliv Lose . , .... rsrl Jfisrn Alhvrlch. . Otlii Hurl' Mime . . . . . Allivrl Jlrlss l'itolt . .Ilerhert Wltliemi outi Tafner. . . llHi.ll Hiivsdarl Prlrka .... . .. . ')llve Prenittail KreU ,. Vr Curtis Criln . . . . , . Margaret olier Worlliifls . I.enora Hparkes WellKiinde. Hella Allen Plosnhllile . Mnrgareto ot'er "Die Walkuere." Sleirmiinil Huilnir llrrcr lllllldtllK. . llasll Itu vaiia el W'olflll . C'srl llraun Slegllnde . . . flllvs Frsoiiitad lime nnhlMe, Jnliunnii (Itilikl rrlrka ,.. Msruiirsle llher Ilnlniw lite. , I.eunrs Spirkes (ierhlldn. , , . ... Hulls Allen (Irtllnile ... . Vrs Curtis Itohsiv elsse , Walkueren. Illl.i PnriiU li IniKeriln. . Lillian I'uliiiil. Wsltrauta. . . . I.lla ltibenn Hlrgruna. . .. Maris M.itlfelil Kchwertlolls Maria liiiL'liffim "Siegfried.' Siegfried . . 'arl .term Minis Albert lltia tier Wanderer .Putnam Orlswold Altisrlch. Ott (iorlu Valuer s..s- - Masll Itiiyadasl KrilH., VophlD llrunlnii llruennhllde Jnhannn (ladekl Stlmnis ils Wahlvogels I.enora Sparkss "(ioeltrrilaemnirrung." SlpgfrhMl itudnir llercer IJunlher Hermann Well i In arc ti Putnam elrlsivold Albarlrh Otln lli.rllz Hruennhllda (nlvti Fremstiid Outruns Rita Fumla Waltraula Margarets (Hiur Wosllnde a latimra Hparke Wallgiinils Hulls Allen Klorshllile Mnrgarete Obrr These casts are subject to change with- out notlco. Mra. It. I, Ton lea Taken III. (iRtiNwicii, Conn., Dec. 29. Mrs, Ralph I Towles of Plalnfleld, N, J who has been spending the holidays here with her daughter, Mrs. Franklin (I, Chiipln. was lain n 111 this afternoon and fell un- conscious on the street, She Is still un- conscious at the Greenwich Hospital, where tha physicians a,re trying to dla- - r tha axaot character or Mr Uiate. An casv mark. WILLS $100,000 TO FRIENDS. I Frederick T. .Martin Annum llnien- - rlnrlrs ut II ear M. nnd. 'P'e will of llrnr) M SnmN, who d'.fd In Purls on November 1') last, e,ng j an estate lalued at IO'i2.(IU. has tiled esu-rua- ior prooaie .n iiroohiju. lie lived In Purls for fortv ears, und the will was llled In Hrookln because he owned furniture that had been stored In a wareb ,use tin re sine- - the death of his mottitr twe've atf Mr Sands was a memhe of many New York elubs and It win hl custom to vilt tliis countr) each year. He was not inarr'ed Among Ids beipiesta nre $75,000 to Thomas. Lambert of Par.s, an intimate friend, 2li,i"" t'J Frederick Townend Martin, the w liter, who also receives his Jewelry mid the peioiiul (ffiets in his Palis home , llonflo to his I 'ltler. Alfred Oriimnd, and J 7 ii'fl to M Luke's Hospital Manhattan Itu.'i Trask. u niece, receives J2i."ii. Join, H I'ltie and Alliu Plr.e, cousins get 1 15.040 each, and llertha S. !.!. another nlice. llO.nnu. Ills books nnd art Measures are lift to his nieces. Ann i A Sands and Lllzabeth II. Dickinson. The residue of , the estate ;ne to the rephew and nil ces The eiruti-- nre rtiUestid to sic that he Is burled with his fathers in Tilnity churchyard, Manhattan, nnd ll.Omi is hit to the lector, wardens nnd etry of Trinity. WILLS AND APPRAISALS. Fi.KPFnu'K HlI.uiM.s, who died m New York on Match 5 and was a of Woodstock. 't , owned the llutd lto)al-to- n at 4 1 West Fort)-fourt- h stteet The property was npprnted at JMO.imO for the land nnd taGli.OOvl for th building and was niDitgagcd for $352 2.1 1, leaving u net i stale of ll7,7f.S. which went to llui de- cedent's wife, Jessie S. Hillings He had u personal estate of Jlll.OOn which was not taxable hele. P.vmriv Fl.T.s.v, who died on January 2.1, left f77.49'l I'he estate was Insilllleient to pay all the bequests In full, so gltts of f5,00ij inch to St. Francis Navler Chinch, the Colli gc of St. Fiancls and tha Society of Helpers of the Ho!) Soul wire reduced , to $3,705 i nch Hlid six smeller bequests to other Roman Catholic institutions weri correspondingly reduced. Ti(i:i;kha .NCHAi'1'i.'KT. who died on May 3, bft f 39.9 10, consisting chletly of real i state, mortgager and ncurltles She gave l!lC.I"iOO each to her sons, John A nnd Philip 1. Srhappert, nnd her daughter, Phllipplnn Meyer, nnd ! 19,500 ench to live gtandchlldren William F Or.Enoi.T, who died at Frumlngham, Mass., lift !23,!7ri to his sons Franklin F Arthur W, llrnest T and Marort H. Gregory. RoiintT II. Wai.hh. who died at 9Sf. l.exlngion avenue on November 21, left U'.'O.UUO In real estate and IK,u0 In per- sonal ptoperty lie gave Ktl.t'sO each to his ilaughters Mary F W llenliig of Norfolk, Va . and Anna C. Walsh of New York ; Jli'.BxO each to his sou. James 11 Walsh and daughter Helen W Heiry. and t7,Cs0 to his daughters Lillian A und Hannah II. Walsh nnd his son Rob- - ert J. Walsh, THE SEAG0ERS. Senile f Tlinae Stilling lor ling In ml and the Contllienl. Sailing y by the I lollsud-Amerlc- a steamship Rntlerilnm for Plymouth, Ron-Inlin- e und Rotterdam 'Hit Hev Dr Peter Kdward Hell Montr Alliahe Mr slid Mrs Vi A Ml rtrlding Hell Nettleton Mr. mid Mrs, Alexun- HiltH-r- t II Noyrs der lluiliati.m. .Mr and Mi. Pied .Mr and .Mrs. Cluirlri irlck J Proctor J Careev Tlie Itev llr William Jnhnliavlsn llrnry IIoIntIs Mrs T. II lieney Mis lldlth M. IloWrt Mrs It. ti Duval son. Mr. and Mrs lienmn llr and Mra. Jams llovelaiul llroivii Simtl Mr. and Mrs It, II, Tie- - Itev llr Newman Hubbard. Snijlli Piof nnd Mra. Paul Mi nnd Mrs Charles l.anrer. I' Willliunr Dr. J. T. McClymoties ' j Pneumonia Attncka Kdwln (ilnn. I Boston, Dec. 29. Edwin Glnn, the pub-- i Usher, who Is 111 n his home at Win- chester, developed pneumonia this morn-- i lug. liver since Mr. 'linn wns stricken with paralysis this has been feared. IR showed Improvement this afternoon. Thompson Tnkea Aiken Cnlliiue. Do Illols & ICIdridgii hiivo leased for , V, O. Ileacll Ills collage at Aiken. B. C, tn Willlum Payne Tliotnpion of New Tarfc- - WILSON'S HEALTH AND HIS GOLF IMPROVING Feels Hotter and Heats Dr. (iruy-- n in in Hole Match at I'avs Clirislian. Pass CimiT' in. Mls.. Dec. 29. Pres- ident Wl'jion's golf is .mprovliie. so also Is his gttieral ph) steal condition. This mointng. for the nrst timi slmc he came to tie liulf coast be pt iy.'d out u full ilg'itien nole match with Dr. C.iry T Oraysr.n Incldentall) he gav- nr. (Stay-so- n a thorough I eating Several hole., of the match the President negotiated at the club hosts. The tcore wn of course suppri ssed. Following out the Instructions of his physician the Pusubnt entered upon a strtcter regimen He has, In to I r iii.i)suii's insistent solici- tation, still furthir t.lticed the amount of time r. voted to s. His was on duty less than an hour und after the golf match nnd a more than usually hearty luncheon the Piisldept took a long nap. Just In fore sun-dow- n he went with Dr (,iavson for a bilslc walk. The air was line but the promlsid l climate was con- spicuously absent Another northwest- erly gale was blowing and the tlurniome-til- - Imgircd a'ioi:t the low tlfties The Presidents cold, from which he suffered quite seriously for the fortnight pieciillng his depatture from V .islilngtoii, has tlnall) abited Th extretno ner- vousness whlih alo followed the attack of Intlucnza bus departi d, but his gain of actunt strength bus been unsallafac-torl- l slow Tin re n isisslhlllty that tho Pies. dent will maUi nn exception to his rule of no Msiis dining his Southern n'Journ und towatil the close of his stay may spend a iIhv In New Orleans, If so the visit will be most Informal The Missea Lucv and Marv .smith, intimite friends of the White House family, reside there nnd a teturn of their hnlldny visits to Pass Christian mny be made bv the Ptesldetil and Mrs. Wilson, Miss i;ie,mor WINon Is visiting nt the Smith honn, now and will ictiuln until Wednesday morning PROF. JOHN PHIN DEAD. An Authority mi Aurleiiltiirr unit n Writer of Selenllnc Hooks. Pattiison, N. J. Di--i 29. John Thin, one of the icoognlzid authorities n ngrl-eullar- In the rtuied Stales and u voluminous writer on scletititlc subjects, died last tiignt of pneumonia ut St Joseph's llnsplt.il after a few days He was S5 ,ve,ers old, Prof. Phln was Imin in Melrose. Scot-hin- and was educated as a nvll engineer In Kdlnburnh, He camo to the I.'nited Sillies In IS.11 und settled In Pnterson, where he married Miss Martha Jane llur-net- t. lie was n charter member of the New York Mieioseiipie Society It wns aa a mlciiisi Mplrl that he came cilelly Into prominence after his retlrom.mt from teaching twenty ear ago. He wrote mom tlmn St'O boohs on scletititlc and nlher subjects CASH REGISTER GENIUS DEAD. .John Itltt), Inventor of Slai'tilnc, Mmle lnl) .Aliidernte I'ortiinr. Iiayton. O.. Dec 29. -- John Itltty, fi5, Inventor of the cash register, died here v nt the home of his sister, He was u civil war veteran. The Invention of the cash register by Mr. Itltty entile about through Ills closo observutlon of the distance recording de- vice In the boiler room of an ocean liner. Fiiiiii this idea tho cash register business has giovvn to large lunportlons, and while those who h.ivo developed the Idea have made millions Kitty died In only fair cliciimstances. MELVILLE C. DAY. Aued New Yorker Ileml In Florence, Where He Spent tin- - Wlutera, S'perml Cattt Dftvatch to Tin Bus, Floiiknce, Dec, I'll, Melvlllo C. Day of New York died at the Oratid Hotel bar to-d- at the age ot 74 yeara. Mr, Day had lived at the hotel for tho winter during tho last ten years with his cou- sins Mrs. E. W. Frost and Mrs. M, C. Fray. Mr. Day, who was graduated from Yale In 182, was a large benefactor of Philips Andover Academy and was prom- inent In social and club circles. Boston, Dee. 29. Melville Cox Day was a retired lawyer who had lived abroad for some years, lie was graduated from Yale College In 1882 and from the Har- vard Law School In lKM. his address at that time being lllddeford, Me. JOSEF GIAMPETRO DEAD. Berlin's Most Popular Comedian tiled (tnddenlr. SvKiat Cablt t)trtch to Tns So. BlRUN, Dec. 29. Josef Olampctro, Berlin's most iiopular comedian, died sud- denly of apoplexy Ho was 47 years of age. HOT SPRINGS PHYSICIAN DEAD. rir. It, .. Pole Wna Fnmona fnr Use i of Wntrra In Treatment. I Hot SmiNns, Va., Deo. 29. Dr. Henry I Stler Pole, for forty years a leading phy- sician at tho Virginia Hot Springs. Is dead ut the home of his daughter, Mrs. S. M. Austin, at I.ewlsburg, W. Va., of heart disease. Ho was OS ears old. Dr. Pole, who was horn In Riltliuore, had lived In Hot Springs nnd Its vicinity since 1S67. Ho was a rivgnlzeil uuthor-it- y on the use of the spring waters hero In rheumatism nnd gout und few phy- sicians In the country have had more prominent men and women among their patients or been held in more affectlon-ut- e esteem. i He was one of the largest property ' owuirs In this section, nnd owned Rath Alum Springs, hii nntt-bollu- m resort ten miles distant. He was president of tho Hath County National Bank. He Is sur- vived by his wife and nine children, two sons. Dr. Kdgar A. Pole and Dr. Lanier Pole, who are practising physicians In Hot Springs. The funeral will take place nt tho family home In Hot Springs. Albert l Hurt. i Albert L. Hurt, publisher, died yester- day at his home, 17.S Brookln avenue, Brooklyn, in his seventy-secon- d year. He was born In Relchertown, Mass. While ttavilling for it Hartford, Conn, leather house lit planned n small dictionary to be given as a premium by mnll order houses. This he published, made n eue-ecs- s of It. and then took up the pulillca- - tlon of other family books of reference. In IS'.oi he btgan publishing standard work at low prices. He founded the A, L. Hurt Company, now at 1? Dunne street, to carry on this business. Mr. Uuit Is sunlvtd by his wife, Sarah P. Hurt, and by thnc sons, Harry P., Fred-e- l ick A. and lldnard P. Burt. Henry M. Potter. Mo.s'tc'laih. N. J., Dec. 29. Heni) Mar- vin l'otur. 73 years old, died ytsterday In u New York hospital following a stroke of upoplcx) suffered while on his wn) to business on December 17. He lived at S7 Vullty load, this town, and was In the granite business in New York city .Mr. Potter Is survived b two sons und two laughters, llenrv M Potter, Jr., of Muni- - lilr iiimI William S Potter of Newark, Mrs D.sirg. M, Hurley of Wnltliam. Mass., and Mrs. Certrudii A. Scluovder ot Montclalr tlolae Chappell. Miis llilen Chappell, daughtu- - of Mr. and Mis. Henry Whltehlll Chappell. und Kdward Haldvln liolsc were married yesterday afternoon at the home of the ar.de's parents, 117 Last Sixty-fourt- h tnet. The bride was attended by he' -- ister. Mis Marvyn Sctidder. Mr. Arthur .. Ilimlln was best man. Relatlven and ntlmate friends only vvere present Mr. ll'Use Is a graduate of Y.ilo and of the Harvard law- school Carl s,,.,tirf.nlertf rr. Carl Scharfi tiberger died on Sunday nt his home, ;s;i Kifih avenue Astoria, ijiieens, aged ill yiars He servid In the Sei man amy during the war. Hi c ime to this country twenty-si- x .viars ngo nnd wns d with Lmld Thalriuti, 2'. Wall street, Manhattan, until his retirement. He Is survived b his wife, a son nnd a daughter .liemi-- VI. Miiltlaon. Ksqi cvvooi.. N J, rec 29. James Monroe Mattlson. for thirl) live years head of tin Meadow llrooi, Nursery here, died to.diy of pneunionla nt his home, 149 Pem.irest avenue. He was liorn sixty-seve- n yeurs ngo In Jacksonville', N. Y. He was a graduate of Cornoll Unlveislty. He was a proriiinr nt member of the Fr.gle-woo- Methodist Church and of the Royal Arcanum I'apt, Christian HrovTii. Capt. Christian Hroevn. who served un j der Farrngu. In th civil war, died of I pntnbsls on Sunday night at his home, i'7 Cumbeilatid street. Itrooklyn. He ' was fO ..eaib old. After the war Capt ; Iliown lived for many years in Jersey ' City, llo retired from business ten years ' ago. Ills wife, two sons and a daughter survive him. llr. Rmma K. Metsann. Pillt.APKt.ru tv, Dec 29 Kmmn V. Mnsson died at h"r home here yesterda . from pneumonia and she had been ill only for a week. Dr Musson was clini- cal piofessor of otology at the Woman's Medical '"ollcgc, where she was gradu- ated In 1 eS3. MACKENZIE SCHOOL TO MOVE. (ilvca 81011,0110 fm f.aml nnd II n I til- ings Ht Mnnroe. The Mackenzie School fit boys, at pilhhs Fetry, bus sold Its present site and bought a large tncl of litid and sis buildings nt Monroe near the ll.itiltf ti estate The Dohh Fetrv property has been bought by the SlH'ors of ths Sacre I licit t, who coe.ditct the Columbus Hos- pital In Fast Twentieth street The Mackenzie School Is conducted bv Dr James G fntmetlv held of the Lawrence villi- School In New Jer-e- v The school has nbetit one hundred pupils The price mid for the property at Monroe was I100.OPP. In ew York To-iln- y, Intercollegiate Socialist Society, din- ner Murray J I 111 Lyceum, Dinner tn Mayor-elec- t Mltchel, TTotel A.slor, 7 V M. Camp Klneo, reception und luncheon, llolil Astor. 3 P M National Colleglnto Aaso-iatlo- meet- ings, Hotul Aslor. HI A M. and S P. M. Columbia Intercollegiate, dltitinr, Hotel Astor. 7.30 P M Traffic Club, meeting, Waldorf-Astori- a, S P. M, Child Labor Kxhlblt, Madison House, 21(1 Madison street The lllltmore, dinner. Forty-thir- d and Forty-fourt- h streets, Madison and Van- derbllt nvenucs, S P M, Review of the Twelfth Infantry N O N, Y Slxty-llrs- t street and Columbus avenue Address by Dean C Worcester on the Philippines, Carnegls Hall, evening. Corps of Knglneers, Twenty-secon- d Regiment, review liiSlh street nnd Fort Washington avenue, evening t MARRIED. IlOISl'.- - I'll AI'I'Ul.l. -- Helen Chappi'l and fldwnrd Ilaldwln llolte, both of ,Nenv York city, by th Itev Dr, t'harlee K. Jefferson, at 117 Kaat Sixty-fourt- etreet, December tl, llll DER ROSENKAVALIER AT METROPOLITAN Monday Audience nrars Comedy in Music of Richard Strauss. PE II VOll M A XCE EXCELLEN T Interpretation of tho Play and Music Shows Im- provement. Richard Strauss' comedy In music, musical comedy, comic opera, opera bufTa. or what not, entitled "Der Rosenkavaller," began the seventh week of the season nt tho Metropolitan Opera llousu last eve- ning. It also had Its first Inspection by a Monday night audience and cams away from the ordeal In ft fairly well preserved state. Ttiv performance was In the hands of the singers previously heard In the) work and even Mr. Strauss himself might have been made happy by their Imper- sonations. As heretofore the high honors ot the performance belonged to the women. Mmes. Hempel nnd Uber repeated their charming and deeply Interesting repre- sentations of the soon separated lovers. One hardly knows which Is the more captivating, the Ingenuous, ardent and youthful Octavinn, or the experienced, In- trospective nnd touchlngly tende r i'rlnciss. These characters owe more to the two Impi rsonators than they do to the music, though In the flnnl scene of the tlrst art this contains one of the highest flights of fancy to be found Jn any score of Strauss. It would be hurdly worth while to search with u lantern for nil the details of the opera. It Is not a grent creation Other comedies In music, made before It. will probably live long utter It. Rut If it serves tn amue a few more audiences, which nre not dllllriilt to amuse, It will have Its value In the theatre of the day. It Is an unfortunate fact that people ura Inclined to demand of the theatre only amusement, for the playhouse, dramatic or lyric. Is cnpahle of producing great art Just as It did In days now gone. It ought tn be repeated In Justice to tha Metropolitan ()pra Company and Its Im- presario that of "Der Rosenkavaller" does not secure n permanent place In the repertory of the house It will be no fault of theirs, Th production Is udmlrable In every respect, nnd the devotion with which the opera has been undertaken Is shown by the fact that last evening's per- formance was the best so far. Society was well represented. With Mr. Vanderbllt vvere Mr. and Mrs. It Horace llallatin and Mr. anil Mrs. lletir) Vincent Hlgglns. Mr. and Mrs Nicholas Longworth and Mr. nnd Mrs. Theodore Rooevelt, Jr.. and Mr. nnd Mrs. Philip Llvermore were in the Ooelet box, ami with Mr. and Mrs. orme Wilson vvere Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Murray llutler and Mr. and .Mrs Amos P. L Plnchot Mr and Mrs. Ormond U. Smith's guests were Mrs. William Post and Mrs. J Hits-se- il Soley, and with Mr. und Mrs. 11 A i? Taylor were Mr and Mrs. Percy It. Pyne and Mr. and Mrs. Dulany Row- land. Mr. nnd Mrs Ch,irle Dana tllbson and Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Cuehlr.g were In the A'tor box, Mr. nnd Mrs. F Orav Irlswold were with Mr. and Mrs Will- iam Douglas Sloanc. and Mrs. Cornelius c. CuyU-- was with Mis Alfred Anson Mis. W. Karl Dodge was with Mrs Ogden Mills, and with .Mr. nnd Mrs. Rich ard Trlmhler In the Webb box wele Mi and Mrs. Fuderlck II. Allen lend Mr and Mrs. r. Oliver Iselln. Mrs. Kdward N. Rreltung and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Oakley Rhlnelander were In the Morgin box, und with Mr und .Mrs Luther Kountzo were Mr. and Mis. J lioidoti Douglas. Among the others In the audience weri Mr. and Mrs. W Payne Thompson, Mi- ami Mrs. Forsyth Wlckes, Mr. and Mrs Henry Clews. MIsj Louise Sands. M' and Mrs. Goodhue Livingston. Miss H.ir bara Ruthetfuril, Mr and .Mrs. Henr R. Wlnthrop. Mr nnd Mrs William lireenough. Miss Louise Iselln, Mr and Mrs. Oren Root. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ollvee Perin Mr nnd Mrs. Frnest Iselln, Mrs. George Hose and Mr. and Mra Albert 'A. Gray. DIED. POOTK. Suddenly, at hsr is: WVat minster uvenus. Lllzubetli, , J. .uinlay, Iieeenibsr 113. lln Julia M I't.ots Funeral srvlre Mt her tats ho-n- s Wednstilay. Decemlier Si. t o'cln. k FIllMML'Tll. Suddenly, on December : I IS. KellrU Dalktl, Muw ot l; ll rriniuth. Jr Service ami Interment private till. LIES Mary fillll-- a Servlie. rilr. ri'NKP.Al, Cllt'ltril. J4t Witt Twenty third street ITrank F Campbell l!lag ) Tltne latel Autemnti.ts cortege liltANT -- At Mnnirlalr, N J. un Sunday, Ileeetul er lll3, Helen l.ouiie, young est flsiishter nf James I'lerca and Drua Umlcrwoud lirsnt. Funeral services at tin tenblnus rr hei parents I3f North Mnuntnlu avenue, on Tuesday. Iiei'snibsr 3d, nt Z V M. Cin linnutl, Ohio, and Kentucky paptrs pleas copy liltlNNHI.I. At OreentleM. Mm Pecenibel St. lSU. Kuthsrlne Ilull Orlnnall, nf James S (iritinell o Greenfield HOI'i-i:i- t On tieeeinber It, ut Hotel Wood- - tork, Maria Colfax Uatd, widow ot Dr Henry A Hopper ot llarkensack. Punt-Tit- l and Interment nt llackenaack. N J HCHLHI'T -- eiu Unemlti at Ma lata reeidrnce, til! Hlrka ttreet, TirooWlyn. Theodore Dunn Hurlbut. In his esventr-nrs- t year. Kutirtal private Kindly omit flowers. MA'rriSON. At Utislewood. New Jersey, Z lli. Jamee Monroe Mattl-aun- , aged C7 yeara. I'tinernl arrvleea st hie lute realdenoa. lis liruinreet avenue, Englrwood. New .letsey, on Wednesday, December 81, at 3D I' M CeUtlvea and frlenda rrapsct. Lilly Invited to attend I'AltUT On ljeieinl,ei 'it, at her reel, dsncr. 101 West Ctghty. fifth street, Anna Klliabeth Rita of tha lata Henry I'aret snrt duughtar of the lata llr Jahlal Parmly and Ann Hutching Family. Funeral eervlen will Se heia at fha Cel. leglule Church of St. Nlcholaa, Fifth avenue and Korty-elghl- etreet, at IOiSS A. M , Tuesday. December '0 IlAYNUIt At Mi homa, 611 I'allaade are nue, lnnkere, N. V., Sunday, December !, 1B 13, Jainea Whitehead Itaynor, son ot the lata Samuel and Sarah Dodge 1(h) nor, In hte seventy .fifth year, Funeral eervlree at .St. Paul's Church. Vunkers. Tuaaday, December 10, at It o'clock. IIKDI). -- un Saturday morning, Derembei 27, at tha N'eurnlngleal Hoepltal, Nave York rlt), !r Howard TI. Heed, In hl thirtieth yeur, eon of Dr and Mra. J J Heed und beloved hint and nf Make! Dennis Reed of Heabrlatit, N. J Funeenl eervtea will be private STONB. In Troj N. V., on December IMS. George A stone, arel 91 years Funeral service at hie lute residence. M Second etreet, WeOieeday afternoon at ; o'clock Kindly omit flowers CNUERTAKBKtL ECeVMPlMX

PARTIES YOUNG PEOPLE - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1913-12-30/ed-1/seq-7.pdfMIDHOLIDAY PARTIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE I (inner mid Pnnco nt Hitz-Cnrlt-on

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Page 1: PARTIES YOUNG PEOPLE - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1913-12-30/ed-1/seq-7.pdfMIDHOLIDAY PARTIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE I (inner mid Pnnco nt Hitz-Cnrlt-on



I (inner mid Pnnco nt Hitz-Cnrlt- on

for MissMay WntHon.


Other Pnrtips, One of Tlit'tn forCharity, in tho Plana


Major and Mrs. P. Warren Pearl gavent the llltz-Carlto- n last night a dinnerfollowed by a dance for their debutanteniece. Miss May Duncan Watson. The,dinner was served at one largo tabloflared In tho ballroom, the room beingm.nlo to appear much smaller by the useof m.my palms and Christmas trees. Intin- - centre of the table whs a huge wreathnf holly tied with red ribbons and massesof rrd polnsettln.

The dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs.Charles S. Whitman, Mr. and Mrs. RobertK. Tod, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Watson.Mr and Mrs. William Jay Schleffellti,Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. lladden, Jr.. Mr.mid Mrs. Henry It. Carse. Mr. and Mis.J Itlch Steers, tho Rev. nnd Mrs. HenrySloane Coffin. Mr. and Mrs Henry I,.HatWm.m, Mr. nnd Mrs. Itlchard IXDwlght. Mr. ami .Mrs. John 11 Hatchelderof llrookllnc. Mans., Mr. nnd Mrs. Will,lam C. Sheldon. Mr. and Mrs. H. OgdenChUolm. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Duncan,Mr. olid Mrs. Henry lludd, Mrs. JohnP IHmc.iu. Mr. und Mrs. Daniel U. Ten-i- ii

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lane,Charles H. Titiney. Jr., Sir, and Mrs.Ltndley Tappln, Mr. and Mrs. MalcolmStuart. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ltlker, Jr.,Mr and Mrs. Herbert H. Dean, Mr. andMrs. Frederick H. Alexander, Mrs. J.Hart-e- Hhoades. Mr. nnd Mrs. HerbertRogers. Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Smithnnd Mr. and Mrs. Ottomax JL VanJVorden.

.Mrs. Pearl, who wore a gown of blackchirfon brocailed with velvet over whitecrystal spangled rhlffcn, received herguests at the head of the stalrwuy lead-In- c

to the ballroom. After dinner theli I'lroom was cleared for dancing. MissWatson coming from another dinner. Thegjists for the dance Included most of thodi'liutantrs of the winter und some of thavounger marrlwl people. A bulTet supperwas. served In the main restaurant aftermidnight.

Ilanrr fnr Miss Drslrlcr nurrlll.Mrs. Kdward Livingston Ilurrill gave a

datue at Sherry's last night for her de-butante daughter, Miss Ilea trie.) ilurrill.Thii guests were mainly young people,imd among them wire the Misses MarioTaller, Elsie Stevens. Alice Haven.Miriam Hurriman, Alexandra L'mery..Maud Coster, Mary C. Alexander, Ellza-- !

t.i McVlcknr, Catherine Colt, Louiseli.xoii. Dorothy Chlsulm. Marie LoulsoPidewald, K:u liar I mi Porter, Dorothy1 ng. Theodtirn Laro.'iuo. Katharineiiikui.in. Lliznbeth S. M. Uurrill. IxnilseT . vor, (iabrlclle Warren. Mlml Scott,X .r.v Cutting Cumnock and Kathryneh e.

Some of tho men present were C. Suy-(- 1

in Cutting, L'mlcn M. Druton, HenryH II. Itlpley, V Ilayard Hives. Albert1. .gene. Callatln, I. Wlstnr Kendall. Fran-- i

mid Maurice Itoche, Charles H. Mar- -

all. Kilmund 1'. Itogers, It. Tliorn-tt- iWilson, Livingston l'arsons, Cordon

I'lemersliy, Chester Hurden, Seth H.French, IVmbroke Jones. Jr., 1. Mac- -

i illoeh Miller. Jr., Willlum W. Hoffman.Jul ii Munroe, Samuel N. Hinckley, S.llrvcn Wing, Amar Johnson, NewtonLac, Iteginald H. Lanier, John Elliot,i. orge. .V Dixon, Jr., and Johnston Red-mond.Women nf Soe-let- nt Charity Ilanee.

In the ballroom of the Plaza last nightr s ht'ld a dance In aid of the HcthanyDay Nursery. Many women of societyInterested In the charity were present,I.' i during the evening there was gen-tr;- il

dancing, followed by supper. Amongti patronesses present were Mmes. Iraliirrow. V. Kverlt Macy, W. W. McAl-lui- i,

Albert II. Wlggin. Charles W. Ho- -

yn, William Lowe Hlce, Henry O. Tre-vor, luy Van Amringe, Howard Car- -

ii 'I and William Harbour.There, was another danco last night,

the first for this season of the Colonytices, at the Colony Club. It was for

g rls who wilt not be Introduced to so-- iety for another year or more, nnd there

also present some of the young menM'Ments now nt home for the holidays.

- patronesses of these dances ure Mrs.I harli-- s B. Alexander, Mrs. H. Caslmlr

Hham, Mrs. William Church Osborn,Mrs. Hubert I. Huntington. Mrs. Bdwurd"' II Talmage, Mrs. Russell H. Hoadley,Jr Mrs. Henry II. Landon and Mrs.V inthrnp Hurr. There will be anothereluiice in Kaster week.


Mr.. Aldrlch Knlrrlalna for Hernimbler, Miss Maade H. Aldrlch.

Mr und Mrs Spencer Aldrlch gave ado ner last night ut Sherry's for thosewho will form the bridal party at thevoiding In Calvary Church y ofHi ir daughter, llifs Maude II. Aldrlch,

Stanley Matthews of Cincinnati. Mr.i"l Mrs. Spencer Wyman Aldrlch chaproned the party, which Included the

M't-s-- s Margaret Burroughs of London,Madeleine Ashwell, Mary Aldrlch, Maryduthews and Helena Melssner, ShirleyAlorgan, James II. (Jorinan, Frank Den--

tie Adams, William I'roctor Matthews,I r.inklln Morrell and Cabot Brewster.

Mr and Mrs. Aldrlch gave a dinner ati iir house, 29 West Fiftieth street for' i'ie of the wedding guests from Ohio

id elsewhere, among whom were Mr. andIrs Mortimer Matthews, parents of tho' Klegiooin-cle- ; the Misses Matthews,ir nnd Mrs. Tolcott H, Clark und Mr,

and Mrs. William C. Melssner.


Mr. I.n Farce Kearreta Far Less Than"The Han" Confusion of Names.

Hecause of confusion In names TheS v In Its account yesterday of the op-- 1

on to the Cathedral of fit. John the' '.vlnw plans referred to the death of C.

i rant La Targe.Mr La Karge was of Reins A La

''ge, the official cathedral architects,' i' he Is not dead. More than that, 'hoi)rclates tho confidence shown In the

i ' gin.U cathedral design and was soi iiiMid at the suggestion of his death

it ho didn't quote Murk Twain.


Wrv nanlels Entertains In Honor ofMlaa f.ncle Jfnka aaalth.

Wamiiniitos, Deo. 'it. Mrs. Dsnlels,'i "f the Kerietnry of the Navy, en-- 1

r'jiied at a tea dance this afternoon'ml the Mayflower In honor of MissI' Hoke Smith, daughtor of Senator

Mrs, Hoke Smith or Georgia, whose'rrlsge to Ensign Alston Simpson will"5 place evening. Ths off!-- "

i of the ship assisted Mrs. Danielsfrslvlng her guestr, who numbered!' seventy-live- .

Inure! luncheon for Mlsa Smith waset ,y Major II 1). A. I'sarcs of tha

"lid Mrs. 1 'carte."r- - Arthur Lee and Mr. and Mrs.

' L'lkins lll b guests In whose1 "r Mr und Mrs. John A. Thayer ofClnii ,iM, v, Vs., will antarlaln housa

party nt their farm near Lewlsburg over i

New Year's.The marring of Miss Louise Vail and

Dr. Charles H, stono will take place atnoon Thursday, January IS, nt St.Thomas's Church. Mrs. Henry C. Stewartentertained at dinner thin evening Inhonor of Miss Vail and Dr. Stone..

Mrs. Henry F. Dlmock hud about 200 '

young people at a dance this evening lahonor of Miss Helen Walcott, daughter '

of the secretary of the Smithsonian In- -

atllutlon, Dr. Charles P. Walcott. Mrs.Dlmock wan assisted by her daughter.Miiwl Catallnl, wife of the, Counsellor oftha ItaJInn Embassy.


Ceremony In at. Patrick's rnthedrnlPerformed by Hrlde'a Itruther.The wedding of Miss Ryan,

naugnier or tne laie rouce cuptain i

Thomas M. Ryan und Mrs. Ryan, toMatthew P. Halpln took place yester-day morning In the Lady Chapel of StPatrlak'e Cathedral, the Rev. Dr. KdwlnRyan, a brother of the bride, officiating.On account of the recent death of thebridegroom' mother only relatives nnda few Intimate, friends were present forthe ceremony.

The bride, who wore a gown of white, satin with a veil of tulle that almostentirely covered her gown, had her els- -

, tcr. Miss Margaret Ryan, as her only at- -tendant. Her costume was of pale pinksatin combined with a tunic of chiffonof the same shade finished with snble fur.She wore also n hat of white satintrimmed with pale pink feathers nndn band of sable, and curried a bouquetof pink Ktllarney roses. Paul Pilgrim wasbest mall, and the ushers wen Dr. .InlniM. Breen nnd Charles Hatlleld. There was1no reception. I

Mr. Hnlnlti Is a member of thn NewYork Athletic Club and Is well known111 the athletic world us captain of thetrack team of that organization nnd usmanager of tho successful AmericanOlympic teams at Athens, London andUlrilitmlm '

firelner Totrnaend.Hackcnback, N. J Dec' :j. Miss"

Ella Sidney Townsend. daughter of Sid- - iney H. II, Townsend of Hamilton Place.and William Rudolph Orelner wre mar-ried this evening in the Second Reformed

( Church by the Rev Dr. Arthur Johnson,i Mis. Irving II. Lnbagh. a sister of the

bride, was matron nf honor, nnd MissI Agnes Townsend was maid of honor. The

best man was Walter Ralph of BurTalo. '

N. . The bridegroom Is a ranchmanof t'nglewood. Kan.


Her Father tiltes iter StS Arrra'otea at Society.

Lexot. Mass . Dec. 2l, Winter sportsruled Tired of curling and skat-ing this afternoon, a big bowling partygathered In the 1enox Club and tea wasserved later at the clubhouse.

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Sedawlek willgive a reception Saturday for 'he Rev.and Mrs. George Grenvllle Merrill of New.port, who will arrive In Stnkbndse to-

morrow. The Rev. Mr. Merrill lately accepted the appointment ns rector of St.Paul's Kplseonal Church.

Joseph H. Choate has conveyed by deedto his daughter. Miss Mabel Choate,twenty-fiv- e acres of the plantation onMain street. Mr. Choite bought thisproperty six etrs

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Frothlngham haveIssued Invitations for a ltiiKheon at Over-le- a

on New Year's Day.'

Mrs. Wllllard F. Smith has card" outfor tea at the Lenox Club on Wdntd.iyafternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. George F. Crane gave aChristmas tree for all the townspeople ofWashington at Rucksteep Manor thisafternoon.

Gneats of Miss Ada llryee Cray.Miss Ada Bryce Cray gave a luncheon

yesterday at the Colony Club. Amongher guests were the Misses Marian I lull.Amy Hradlsh Johnson, Kllnor Kendall.Kdlth Houvler, Kathrjn Rache. MargaretSchall, Mary Baker, Lentllhon C.llford.Kmlly Ford. Allda Hanks, Mnrgaret Warren and violet Mammon.

No tea of the Modal World.Clarence H. Mackay. the Mlses Mac-ka- y

and John W. Mackay have left townfor Deep River Lodge. Jainestomi, N. C,to remain over the New Year holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Itourke Cockran, whoare returning to New York on the Car-man-

on Friday, will be at the n

for the remainder of the winter.Mrs. 8tuart Duncan gave n the daneant

esterduy at her house. 3 Hast Seventy-fift- h

street, for her nephew William M. V.

Hoffman. Mrs. Duncan and Mrs. WilliamM. V. Hoffman received the guests, whowere boyo and girls home from schoolfor the holidays

Another the dansant for young peoplewas given by Mrs. William R. KlrklamlTaylor at 21 Last Klghtleth street forher eons, Anson W Hard Taylor andWilliam R. Klrkland Taylor, Jr.. whoare home from l'omfret School during theholiday vacation.

George Isham Scott will give at then n dance for his

daughter, Miss Mlml Scott, who will bepreviously entcrtafned at dinner by Mrs.Walter Watson at her home, 52 WestFifty-secon- d street.

Mrs. C. Ledyard Blair will give a smalldance for her daughter, Miss FlorenceIllalr, nt Sherry's on January :

Luncheons will be given y by Mrs.James Henry Darlington and Mrs. IlurkeRoche.

Mrs. William Alexander will give a din-

ner for eighty at the St. Regis.Dances will be given by Mrs

Jame Remsen Strong, Mrs Wllber Blood-goo-

Mrs. Arthur J. Singer and J. Horn-blow-

De Witt.Mrs. John M. Young of 1(13 Ix'xlngton

avenue will give a reception this after-noon for her debutante daughter. MissSophie Young.

The second for this season of thedances organized by Mrs. Lrnest

Amy and otljers will take placeat Delmonlco's.

Mrs. Cornelius C. Cuyler will give aluncheon for her niece, Miss JosephineNlcoll, on January 14. Mrs. Do LanceyNlcoll will give a dinner danco for herdaughter on February 14.

Mrs. Lewis Iselln will give a small thedansant this afternoon at her home, lfiWest Fifty-secon- d street, for Miss Adrl-enn- o

Iselln, who has not yet been Intro-duced to society,

Mr. and Mrs. Ten Kyck Wendell ofCazenovla, N, Y., who are pabslng thewinter In Washington. D. C, are at theOotham for a brief visit.

Mrs. Sheffield Pholps and Miss Phelpsof Tew Nek N. J., are at the St Regis.

Mrs. Ucorge C Clausen of Port Ches-ter, N. Y., cave a small dinner last nightat thn Ht. Regis.

Mrs. Henry D. Wlnant gavo a smallreception yesterday afternoon ut herhome, 671 I'ark avenue, for her seconddaughter, Mies Oraco c.tinthcr Wlnant.

At Castle House will bo given thisafternoon the second of threo subscriptionluncheon dances for young people. Thisdance, organized by Miss Elizabeth Mar-bur- y

for tha Juniors of society, will bafollowed by tho regular dally dance, whichwill begin at 4 V. M. Mrs. Oliver Harrl- -man, Mra. Norman napgooa ana airs.Arthur Iselln will recelva for tho youngueopla of ths party.

Mr, and Mr. H. Stanwood Menken havesent out handsomely Illuminated invita-tions for a Persian party at their home, i

xi wast Fifty-secon- d street, on the night '

nf January 11Mra. Osorga Thompson will rive a amall

the dansgnt this afternoon for her daugh-ter, Miss Zlllah Thompson, at her home,162 Kiuit Sixty-fir- st street.

Mrs. Francis V. Paris will give athaatr party on Saturday night for herdaughter, Mis Star Paris.

wlft Company's salsa of Fraah Haaf InNew Turk City for tha weak ending Saturday,Dao. IT, avtrtfld ll.tl csnts par pauad.AAv.




Will licidn at MetropolitanOpera lioiiie on .fan-iiai'- v


Ulullo 'lattl-Casazz- general managerof the MetroKillts.il Opera Company, busannounced the annual matliue cycle ofWagner's tnmlc drama, "IVr Ring desNlbelungen." for four consecutive Thuis-da- y

ufternoons, January 25, February t.February 12 nnd Februmy lit. An en-

tirely new senile Investiture ib signed andexecuted by Hans Kautsky of andVienna has been provided Man) noveli fleets have be, n Introduced.

"ubscril" rs have the privilege nf re.mining thler seats at Die teduced prionApplications must teach the subscriptiondepartment not later than Jammty in.

The public sale of the entire- ccle offour performances will open January IInt 9 A. M. and close Saturday evening.January 17, at the box ottlcu of the

Opera House.

Scale of I'rtrra,The dates of tho performances nnd the

day on which the public sale of seatsfor single performances will open aie nsfollows;

January 29. "Das Itheingold." saleopins on January 22. February &, "DieWalkuere," sale opt ns on January 29,February 12, "Sbgfrled," sale opens onFcbrunry I. nnd Fihrtmry 19. "(loctler-demmorutig- ,"

sale opens on Fetiruan12.

The following scale of pricey will pre-via!, the first figure being for the ccleof four performances and the second forsingle performances firand tier boxes,seating six, $100 and 3rt stall boxesMilting five, J70 ard 120. stall boxes stat-ing four, fsn nnd $lr. . orchestra anil

circle chairs. J1S und f.1: dresscircle chairs, $9 iiiSl 13, balcony, frontrows. $7 r.n and 2.f.0; halmny. otherrows, $il nnd 12, family circle, 15 nndII .ML

Alfred Herts will be the conductor andtho various casts will be as follows.

"I la. Itheingold."Wotali llermsnn WellHomier Piunum OrtfKnMFroh . . I.Hml.erl MtirplivLose . , .... rsrl JfisrnAlhvrlch. . Otlii Hurl'Mime . . . . . Allivrl Jlrlssl'itolt . .Ilerhert Wltliemi outiTafner. . . llHi.ll HiivsdarlPrlrka .... . .. . ')llve PrenittailKreU ,. Vr CurtisCriln . . . . , . Margaret olierWorlliifls . I.enora HparkesWellKiinde. Hella AllenPlosnhllile . Mnrgareto ot'er

"Die Walkuere."Sleirmiinil Huilnir llrrcrlllllldtllK. . llasll Itu vaiia elW'olflll . C'srl llraunSlegllnde . . . flllvs Frsoiiitadlime nnhlMe, Jnliunnii (Itiliklrrlrka ,.. Msruiirsle llherIlnlniw lite. , I.eunrs Spirkes(ierhlldn. , , . ... Hulls Allen(Irtllnile ... . Vrs CurtisItohsiv elsse , Walkueren. Illl.i PnriiUli IniKeriln. . Lillian I'uliiiil.

Wsltrauta. . . . I.lla ltibennHlrgruna. . .. Maris M.itlfelilKchwertlolls Maria liiiL'liffim

"Siegfried.'Siegfried . . 'arl .termMinis Albert lltiatier Wanderer .Putnam OrlswoldAltisrlch. Ott (iorluValuer s..s-- Masll ItiiyadaslKrilH., VophlD llrunlniillruennhllde Jnhannn (ladeklStlmnis ils Wahlvogels I.enora Sparkss

"(ioeltrrilaemnirrung."SlpgfrhMl itudnir llercerIJunlher Hermann Welli In arc ti Putnam elrlsivoldAlbarlrh Otln lli.rllzHruennhllda (nlvti FremstiidOutruns Rita FumlaWaltraula Margarets (HiurWosllnde a latimra HparkeWallgiinils Hulls AllenKlorshllile Mnrgarete Obrr

These casts are subject to change with-out notlco.

Mra. It. I, Ton lea Taken III.(iRtiNwicii, Conn., Dec. 29. Mrs,

Ralph I Towles of Plalnfleld, N, J whohas been spending the holidays here withher daughter, Mrs. Franklin (I, Chiipln.was lain n 111 this afternoon and fell un-

conscious on the street, She Is still un-

conscious at the Greenwich Hospital,where tha physicians a,re trying to dla- -

r tha axaot character or Mr Uiate.

An casv mark.


I Frederick T. .Martin Annum llnien- -

rlnrlrs ut II ear M. nnd.'P'e will of llrnr) M SnmN, who d'.fd

In Purls on November 1') last, e,ngj an estate lalued at IO'i2.(IU. has tiled

esu-rua- ior prooaie .n iiroohiju. lielived In Purls for fortv ears, und thewill was llled In Hrookln because heowned furniture that had been stored Ina wareb ,use tin re sine- - the death of hismottitr twe've atf

Mr Sands was a memheof many New York elubs and It winhl custom to vilt tliis countr) eachyear. He was not inarr'ed Among Idsbeipiesta nre $75,000 to Thomas. Lambertof Par.s, an intimate friend, 2li,i"" t'JFrederick Townend Martin, the w liter,who also receives his Jewelry mid thepeioiiul (ffiets in his Palis home , llonfloto his I 'ltler. Alfred Oriimnd, and J 7 ii'flto M Luke's Hospital Manhattan Itu.'iTrask. u niece, receives J2i."ii. Join, H

I'ltie and Alliu Plr.e, cousins get 1 15.040each, and llertha S. !.!. another nlice.llO.nnu. Ills books nnd art Measures arelift to his nieces. Ann i A Sands andLllzabeth II. Dickinson. The residue of

, the estate ;ne to the rephew and nil cesThe eiruti-- nre rtiUestid to sic that

he Is burled with his fathers in Tilnitychurchyard, Manhattan, nnd ll.Omi is hitto the lector, wardens nnd etry ofTrinity.


Fi.KPFnu'K HlI.uiM.s, who died m NewYork on Match 5 and was a ofWoodstock. 't , owned the llutd lto)al-to- n

at 4 1 West Fort)-fourt- h stteet Theproperty was npprnted at JMO.imO forthe land nnd taGli.OOvl for th building andwas niDitgagcd for $352 2.1 1, leaving u neti stale of ll7,7f.S. which went to llui de-

cedent's wife, Jessie S. Hillings He hadu personal estate of Jlll.OOn which wasnot taxable hele.

P.vmriv Fl.T.s.v, who died on January2.1, left f77.49'l I'he estate was Insilllleientto pay all the bequests In full, so gltts off5,00ij inch to St. Francis Navler Chinch,the Colli gc of St. Fiancls and tha Societyof Helpers of the Ho!) Soul wire reduced

, to $3,705 i nch Hlid six smeller bequests toother Roman Catholic institutions wericorrespondingly reduced.

Ti(i:i;kha .NCHAi'1'i.'KT. who died on May3, bft f 39.9 10, consisting chletly of reali state, mortgager and ncurltles She gavel!lC.I"iOO each to her sons, John A nndPhilip 1. Srhappert, nnd her daughter,Phllipplnn Meyer, nnd ! 19,500 ench to livegtandchlldren

William F Or.Enoi.T, who died atFrumlngham, Mass., lift !23,!7ri to hissons Franklin F Arthur W, llrnest Tand Marort H. Gregory.

RoiintT II. Wai.hh. who died at 9Sf.l.exlngion avenue on November 21, leftU'.'O.UUO In real estate and IK,u0 In per-sonal ptoperty lie gave Ktl.t'sO each tohis ilaughters Mary F W llenliig ofNorfolk, Va . and Anna C. Walsh of NewYork ; Jli'.BxO each to his sou. James 11

Walsh and daughter Helen W Heiry.and t7,Cs0 to his daughters Lillian Aund Hannah II. Walsh nnd his son Rob- -

ert J. Walsh,


Senile f Tlinae Stilling lor ling In mland the Contllienl.

Sailing y by the I lollsud-Amerlc- a

steamship Rntlerilnm for Plymouth, Ron-Inlin- e

und Rotterdam'Hit Hev Dr Peter Kdward Hell Montr

Alliahe Mr slid Mrs Vi AMl rtrlding Hell NettletonMr. mid Mrs, Alexun- HiltH-r- t II Noyrs

der lluiliati.m. .Mr and Mi. Pied.Mr and .Mrs. Cluirlri irlck J Proctor

J Careev Tlie Itev llr WilliamJnhnliavlsn llrnry IIoIntIsMrs T. II lieney Mis lldlth M. IloWrtMrs It. ti Duval son.Mr. and Mrs lienmn llr and Mra. Jams

llovelaiul llroivii SimtlMr. and Mrs It, II, Tie- - Itev llr Newman

Hubbard. SnijlliPiof nnd Mra. Paul Mi nnd Mrs Charles

l.anrer. I' WillliunrDr. J. T. McClymoties '

j Pneumonia Attncka Kdwln (ilnn.I Boston, Dec. 29. Edwin Glnn, the pub-- i

Usher, who Is 111 n his home at Win-chester, developed pneumonia this morn-- ilug. liver since Mr. 'linn wns strickenwith paralysis this has been feared. IRshowed Improvement this afternoon.

Thompson Tnkea Aiken Cnlliiue.Do Illols & ICIdridgii hiivo leased for

, V, O. Ileacll Ills collage at Aiken. B. C,tn Willlum Payne Tliotnpion of NewTarfc- -



Feels Hotter and Heats Dr. (iruy-- n

in in Hole Match atI'avs Clirislian.

Pass CimiT' in. Mls.. Dec. 29. Pres-ident Wl'jion's golf is .mprovliie. so alsoIs his gttieral ph) steal condition. Thismointng. for the nrst timi slmc he cameto tie liulf coast be pt iy.'d out u fullilg'itien nole match with Dr. C.iry TOraysr.n Incldentall) he gav- nr. (Stay-so- n

a thorough I eating Several hole.,of the match the President negotiated atthe club hosts. The tcore wn of coursesuppri ssed.

Following out the Instructions of hisphysician the Pusubnt enteredupon a strtcter regimen He has, In

to I r iii.i)suii's insistent solici-tation, still furthir t.lticed the amountof time r. voted to s. His

was on duty less than an hourund after the golf match nnd a

more than usually hearty luncheon thePiisldept took a long nap. Just In fore sun-dow- n

he went with Dr (,iavson for abilslc walk. The air was line but thepromlsid l climate was con-spicuously absent Another northwest-erly gale was blowing and the tlurniome-til- -

Imgircd a'ioi:t the low tlftiesThe Presidents cold, from which he

suffered quite seriously for the fortnightpieciillng his depatture from V .islilngtoii,has tlnall) abited Th extretno ner-vousness whlih alo followed the attackof Intlucnza bus departi d, but his gainof actunt strength bus been unsallafac-torl- l

slowTin re n isisslhlllty that tho Pies. dent

will maUi nn exception to his rule of noMsiis dining his Southern n'Journ undtowatil the close of his stay may spenda iIhv In New Orleans, If so the visitwill be most Informal The Missea Lucvand Marv .smith, intimite friends of theWhite House family, reside there nnd ateturn of their hnlldny visits to PassChristian mny be made bv the Ptesldetiland Mrs. Wilson, Miss i;ie,mor WINonIs visiting nt the Smith honn, now andwill ictiuln until Wednesday morning


An Authority mi Aurleiiltiirr unit n

Writer of Selenllnc Hooks.Pattiison, N. J. Di--i 29. John Thin,

one of the icoognlzid authorities n ngrl-eullar-

In the rtuied Stales and uvoluminous writer on scletititlc subjects,died last tiignt of pneumonia ut StJoseph's llnsplt.il after a few days

He was S5 ,ve,ers old,Prof. Phln was Imin in Melrose. Scot-hin-

and was educated as a nvll engineerIn Kdlnburnh, He camo to the I.'nitedSillies In IS.11 und settled In Pnterson,where he married Miss Martha Jane llur-net- t.

lie was n charter member of the NewYork Mieioseiipie Society It wns aa amlciiisi Mplrl that he came cilelly Intoprominence after his retlrom.mt fromteaching twenty ear ago. He wrotemom tlmn St'O boohs on scletititlc andnlher subjects


.John Itltt), Inventor of Slai'tilnc,Mmle lnl) .Aliidernte I'ortiinr.Iiayton. O.. Dec 29. -- John Itltty, fi5,

Inventor of the cash register, died herev nt the home of his sister, He was

u civil war veteran.The Invention of the cash register by

Mr. Itltty entile about through Ills closoobservutlon of the distance recording de-

vice In the boiler room of an ocean liner.Fiiiiii this idea tho cash register businesshas giovvn to large lunportlons, andwhile those who h.ivo developed the Ideahave made millions Kitty died In onlyfair cliciimstances.


Aued New Yorker Ileml In Florence,Where He Spent tin- - Wlutera,

S'perml Cattt Dftvatch to Tin Bus,Floiiknce, Dec, I'll, Melvlllo C. Day

of New York died at the Oratid Hotelbar to-d- at the age ot 74 yeara. Mr,

Day had lived at the hotel for tho winterduring tho last ten years with his cou-sins Mrs. E. W. Frost and Mrs. M, C.Fray.

Mr. Day, who was graduated fromYale In 182, was a large benefactor ofPhilips Andover Academy and was prom-inent In social and club circles.

Boston, Dee. 29. Melville Cox Day wasa retired lawyer who had lived abroadfor some years, lie was graduated fromYale College In 1882 and from the Har-vard Law School In lKM. his address atthat time being lllddeford, Me.


Berlin's Most Popular Comedian tiled(tnddenlr.

SvKiat Cablt t)trtch to Tns So.BlRUN, Dec. 29. Josef Olampctro,

Berlin's most iiopular comedian, died sud-denly of apoplexy Ho was 47years of age.


rir. It, .. Pole Wna Fnmona fnr Use i

of Wntrra In Treatment. I

Hot SmiNns, Va., Deo. 29. Dr. Henry I

Stler Pole, for forty years a leading phy-sician at tho Virginia Hot Springs. Isdead ut the home of his daughter, Mrs.S. M. Austin, at I.ewlsburg, W. Va., ofheart disease. Ho was OS ears old.

Dr. Pole, who was horn In Riltliuore,had lived In Hot Springs nnd Its vicinitysince 1S67. Ho was a rivgnlzeil uuthor-it-y

on the use of the spring waters heroIn rheumatism nnd gout und few phy-sicians In the country have had moreprominent men and women among theirpatients or been held in more affectlon-ut- e

esteem. i

He was one of the largest property 'owuirs In this section, nnd owned RathAlum Springs, hii nntt-bollu- m resort tenmiles distant. He was president of thoHath County National Bank. He Is sur-vived by his wife and nine children, twosons. Dr. Kdgar A. Pole and Dr. LanierPole, who are practising physicians InHot Springs.

The funeral will take placent tho family home In Hot Springs.

Albert l Hurt.i Albert L. Hurt, publisher, died yester-

day at his home, 17.S Brookln avenue,Brooklyn, in his seventy-secon- d year. Hewas born In Relchertown, Mass. Whilettavilling for it Hartford, Conn, leatherhouse lit planned n small dictionary tobe given as a premium by mnll orderhouses. This he published, made n eue-ecs- s

of It. and then took up the pulillca- -tlon of other family books of reference.In IS'.oi he btgan publishing standardwork at low prices. He founded the A,L. Hurt Company, now at 1? Dunnestreet, to carry on this business. Mr.Uuit Is sunlvtd by his wife, Sarah P.Hurt, and by thnc sons, Harry P., Fred-e- l

ick A. and lldnard P. Burt.

Henry M. Potter.Mo.s'tc'laih. N. J., Dec. 29. Heni) Mar-

vin l'otur. 73 years old, died ytsterdayIn u New York hospital following a strokeof upoplcx) suffered while on his wn)to business on December 17. He lived atS7 Vullty load, this town, and was In thegranite business in New York city .Mr.Potter Is survived b two sons und twolaughters, llenrv M Potter, Jr., of Muni- -

lilr iiimI William S Potter of Newark,Mrs D.sirg. M, Hurley of Wnltliam.

Mass., and Mrs. Certrudii A. Scluovder otMontclalr

tlolae Chappell.Miis llilen Chappell, daughtu- - of Mr.

and Mis. Henry Whltehlll Chappell. undKdward Haldvln liolsc were marriedyesterday afternoon at the home of thear.de's parents, 117 Last Sixty-fourt- h

tnet. The bride was attended by he'-- ister. Mis Marvyn Sctidder. Mr. Arthur.. Ilimlln was best man. Relatlven andntlmate friends only vvere present Mr.

ll'Use Is a graduate of Y.ilo and of theHarvard law- school

Carl s,,.,tirf.nlertf rr.Carl Scharfi tiberger died on Sunday

nt his home, ;s;i Kifih avenue Astoria,ijiieens, aged ill yiars He servid In the

Sei man amy during thewar. Hi c ime to this country twenty-si- x

.viars ngo nnd wns d

with Lmld Thalriuti, 2'. Wallstreet, Manhattan, until his retirement.He Is survived b his wife, a son nnd adaughter

.liemi-- VI. Miiltlaon.Ksqi cvvooi.. N J, rec 29. James

Monroe Mattlson. for thirl) live yearshead of tin Meadow llrooi, Nursery here,died to.diy of pneunionla nt his home,149 Pem.irest avenue. He was liorn sixty-seve- n

yeurs ngo In Jacksonville', N. Y.He was a graduate of Cornoll Unlveislty.He was a proriiinr nt member of the Fr.gle-woo-

Methodist Church and of the RoyalArcanum

I'apt, Christian HrovTii.Capt. Christian Hroevn. who served un

j der Farrngu. In th civil war, died ofI pntnbsls on Sunday night at his home,

i'7 Cumbeilatid street. Itrooklyn. He' was fO ..eaib old. After the war Capt; Iliown lived for many years in Jersey' City, llo retired from business ten years' ago. Ills wife, two sons and a daughter

survive him.

llr. Rmma K. Metsann.Pillt.APKt.ru tv, Dec 29 Kmmn V.

Mnsson died at h"r home here yesterda .

from pneumonia and she had been illonly for a week. Dr Musson was clini-cal piofessor of otology at the Woman'sMedical '"ollcgc, where she was gradu-ated In 1 eS3.


(ilvca 81011,0110 fm f.aml nnd II n I til-

ings Ht Mnnroe.The Mackenzie School fit boys, at

pilhhs Fetry, bus sold Its present siteand bought a large tncl of litid and sisbuildings nt Monroe near the ll.itiltf tiestate The Dohh Fetrv property hasbeen bought by the SlH'ors of ths Sacre I

licit t, who coe.ditct the Columbus Hos-pital In Fast Twentieth street

The Mackenzie School Is conducted bvDr James G fntmetlv heldof the Lawrence villi- School In New Jer-e- v

The school has nbetit one hundredpupils The price mid for the property atMonroe was I100.OPP.

In ew York To-iln- y,

Intercollegiate Socialist Society, din-

ner Murray J I 111 Lyceum,Dinner tn Mayor-elec- t Mltchel, TTotel

A.slor, 7 V M.Camp Klneo, reception und luncheon,

llolil Astor. 3 P M

National Colleglnto Aaso-iatlo- meet-ings, Hotul Aslor. HI A M. and S P. M.

Columbia Intercollegiate, dltitinr, HotelAstor. 7.30 P M

Traffic Club, meeting, Waldorf-Astori- a,

S P. M,Child Labor Kxhlblt, Madison House,

21(1 Madison streetThe lllltmore, dinner. Forty-thir- d and

Forty-fourt- h streets, Madison and Van-derbllt nvenucs, S P M,

Review of the Twelfth Infantry N ON, Y Slxty-llrs- t street and Columbusavenue

Address by Dean C Worcester on thePhilippines, Carnegls Hall, evening.

Corps of Knglneers, Twenty-secon- d

Regiment, review liiSlh street nnd FortWashington avenue, evening

t MARRIED.IlOISl'.- - I'll AI'I'Ul.l. -- Helen Chappi'l and

fldwnrd Ilaldwln llolte, both of ,Nenv

York city, by th Itev Dr, t'harlee K.

Jefferson, at 117 Kaat Sixty-fourt- etreet,December tl, llll



Monday Audience nrars Comedy

in Music of RichardStrauss.


Interpretation of tho Play andMusic Shows Im-


Richard Strauss' comedy In music,musical comedy, comic opera, opera bufTa.or what not, entitled "Der Rosenkavaller,"began the seventh week of the season nttho Metropolitan Opera llousu last eve-

ning. It also had Its first Inspection bya Monday night audience and cams awayfrom the ordeal In ft fairly well preservedstate. Ttiv performance was In the handsof the singers previously heard In the)

work and even Mr. Strauss himself mighthave been made happy by their Imper-sonations.

As heretofore the high honors ot theperformance belonged to the women.Mmes. Hempel nnd Uber repeated theircharming and deeply Interesting repre-sentations of the soon separated lovers.One hardly knows which Is the morecaptivating, the Ingenuous, ardent andyouthful Octavinn, or the experienced, In-

trospective nnd touchlngly tende r i'rlnciss.These characters owe more to the twoImpi rsonators than they do to the music,though In the flnnl scene of the tlrst artthis contains one of the highest flights offancy to be found Jn any score of Strauss.

It would be hurdly worth while tosearch with u lantern for nil the detailsof the opera. It Is not a grent creationOther comedies In music, made before It.will probably live long utter It. Rut Ifit serves tn amue a few more audiences,which nre not dllllriilt to amuse, It willhave Its value In the theatre of the day.It Is an unfortunate fact that people uraInclined to demand of the theatre onlyamusement, for the playhouse, dramaticor lyric. Is cnpahle of producing greatart Just as It did In days nowgone.

It ought tn be repeated In Justice to thaMetropolitan ()pra Company and Its Im-

presario that of "Der Rosenkavaller"does not secure n permanent place In therepertory of the house It will be no faultof theirs, Th production Is udmlrableIn every respect, nnd the devotion withwhich the opera has been undertaken Isshown by the fact that last evening's per-formance was the best so far.

Society was well represented. WithMr. Vanderbllt vvere Mr. and Mrs. ItHorace llallatin and Mr. anil Mrs. lletir)Vincent Hlgglns.

Mr. and Mrs Nicholas Longworth andMr. nnd Mrs. Theodore Rooevelt, Jr..and Mr. nnd Mrs. Philip Llvermore werein the Ooelet box, ami with Mr. and Mrs.orme Wilson vvere Mr. and Mrs. NicholasMurray llutler and Mr. and .Mrs AmosP. L Plnchot

Mr and Mrs. Ormond U. Smith's guestswere Mrs. William Post and Mrs. J Hits-se- il

Soley, and with Mr. und Mrs. 11 Ai? Taylor were Mr and Mrs. Percy It.Pyne and Mr. and Mrs. Dulany Row-land.

Mr. nnd Mrs Ch,irle Dana tllbson andMr. nnd Mrs. Howard Cuehlr.g were Inthe A'tor box, Mr. nnd Mrs. F OravIrlswold were with Mr. and Mrs Will-

iam Douglas Sloanc. and Mrs. Corneliusc. CuyU-- was with Mis Alfred AnsonMis. W. Karl Dodge was with Mrs

Ogden Mills, and with .Mr. nnd Mrs. Richard Trlmhler In the Webb box wele Miand Mrs. Fuderlck II. Allen lend Mr andMrs. r. Oliver Iselln.

Mrs. Kdward N. Rreltung and Mr. andMrs. T. J. Oakley Rhlnelander were Inthe Morgin box, und with Mr und .MrsLuther Kountzo were Mr. and Mis. Jlioidoti Douglas.

Among the others In the audience weriMr. and Mrs. W Payne Thompson, Mi-ami Mrs. Forsyth Wlckes, Mr. and MrsHenry Clews. MIsj Louise Sands. M'and Mrs. Goodhue Livingston. Miss H.irbara Ruthetfuril, Mr and .Mrs. HenrR. Wlnthrop. Mr nnd Mrs Williamlireenough. Miss Louise Iselln, Mr andMrs. Oren Root. Mr. nnd Mrs. OllveePerin Mr nnd Mrs. Frnest Iselln,

Mrs. George Hose and Mr. and MraAlbert 'A. Gray.

DIED.POOTK. Suddenly, at hsr is: WVat

minster uvenus. Lllzubetli, , J. .uinlay,Iieeenibsr 113. lln Julia M I't.ots

Funeral srvlre Mt her tats ho-n- s

Wednstilay. Decemlier Si. t o'cln. kFIllMML'Tll. Suddenly, on December :

I IS. KellrU Dalktl, Muw ot l; llrriniuth. Jr

Service ami Interment privatetill. LIES Mary fillll-- a Servlie. rilr.ri'NKP.Al, Cllt'ltril. J4t Witt Twenty

third street ITrank F Campbell l!lag )Tltne latel Autemnti.ts cortege

liltANT -- At Mnnirlalr, N J. un Sunday,Ileeetul er lll3, Helen l.ouiie, youngest flsiishter nf James I'lerca and DruaUmlcrwoud lirsnt.

Funeral services at tin tenblnus rr heiparents I3f North Mnuntnlu avenue, onTuesday. Iiei'snibsr 3d, nt Z V M. Cinlinnutl, Ohio, and Kentucky paptrspleas copy

liltlNNHI.I. At OreentleM. Mm PecenibelSt. lSU. Kuthsrlne Ilull Orlnnall,

nf James S (iritinell o GreenfieldHOI'i-i:i- t On tieeeinber It, ut Hotel Wood- -

tork, Maria Colfax Uatd, widow ot DrHenry A Hopper ot llarkensack.

Punt-Tit- l and Interment nt llackenaack.N J

HCHLHI'T -- eiu Unemlti at Ma latareeidrnce, til! Hlrka ttreet, TirooWlyn.Theodore Dunn Hurlbut. In his esventr-nrs- t

year.Kutirtal private Kindly omit flowers.

MA'rriSON. At Utislewood. New Jersey,Z lli. Jamee Monroe Mattl-aun- ,

aged C7 yeara.I'tinernl arrvleea st hie lute realdenoa.

lis liruinreet avenue, Englrwood. New.letsey, on Wednesday, December 81, at

3D I' M CeUtlvea and frlenda rrapsct.Lilly Invited to attend

I'AltUT On ljeieinl,ei 'it, at her reel,dsncr. 101 West Ctghty. fifth street,Anna Klliabeth Rita of tha lataHenry I'aret snrt duughtar of the latallr Jahlal Parmly and Ann HutchingFamily.

Funeral eervlen will Se heia at fha Cel.leglule Church of St. Nlcholaa, Fifthavenue and Korty-elghl- etreet, at IOiSSA. M , Tuesday. December '0

IlAYNUIt At Mi homa, 611 I'allaade arenue, lnnkere, N. V., Sunday, December!, 1 B 13, Jainea Whitehead Itaynor, sonot the lata Samuel and Sarah Dodge1(h) nor, In hte seventy .fifth year,

Funeral eervlree at .St. Paul's Church.Vunkers. Tuaaday, December 10, at Ito'clock.

IIKDI). -- un Saturday morning, Derembei27, at tha N'eurnlngleal Hoepltal, NaveYork rlt), !r Howard TI. Heed, In hlthirtieth yeur, eon of Dr and Mra. J JHeed und beloved hint and nf Make!Dennis Reed of Heabrlatit, N. J

Funeenl eervtea will be privateSTONB. In Troj N. V., on December

IMS. George A stone, arel 91 yearsFuneral service at hie lute residence. M

Second etreet, WeOieeday afternoon at; o'clock Kindly omit flowers