Particle Particle Production;Kaon and Production;Kaon and Muon Physics with Muon Physics with Project-X Project-X Rajendran Raja Rajendran Raja Fermilab Fermilab Photo: H. Hayano, KEK Photo: H. Hayano, KEK Rajendran Raja Project-X 10/18/2011 1

Particle Production;Kaon and Muon Physics with Project-X Rajendran Raja

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Particle Production;Kaon and Muon Physics with Project-X Rajendran Raja Fermilab. Photo: H. Hayano, KEK. The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab– Main Injector version– Will likely carry on to the Project-X era. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Particle  Production;Kaon  and  Muon  Physics with Project-X Rajendran  Raja

Particle Production;Kaon and Particle Production;Kaon and Muon Physics with Project-XMuon Physics with Project-X

Rajendran RajaRajendran Raja FermilabFermilab

Photo: H. Hayano, KEKPhoto: H. Hayano, KEKRajendran Raja Project-X

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Page 2: Particle  Production;Kaon  and  Muon  Physics with Project-X Rajendran  Raja

The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab– Main Injector

version– Will likely carry on to the Project-X era

Page 3: Particle  Production;Kaon  and  Muon  Physics with Project-X Rajendran  Raja

Rajendran Raja Project-X

• Forbidden in Standard Model • Observation of neutrino mixing shows this can occur at a very small rate

• Photon can be real (->e) or virtual (N->eN)




First Order FCNC: Higher order dipole “penguin”:


Virtual mixing





21* 10


i W

ieii MmUUeBr

The deepest probe of Lepton Flavor Physics: Ultra-rare -Decays:

The MEG(PSI) experiment has probed to 10-11 level.

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Page 4: Particle  Production;Kaon  and  Muon  Physics with Project-X Rajendran  Raja

Rajendran Raja Project-X

Rare muon decays in Project-X:-N→e-N Sensitivity to New Physics

CΛ = 3000 TeV

-4HH μμμeg =10 ×g


Second Higgs doublet



M = 3000 TeV/c

B(Z μe) <10

Heavy Z’, Anomalous Z coupling

Predictions at 10-15


2* -13μN eNU U = 8×10

Heavy Neutrinos


2μd ed

M =

3000 λ λ TeV/c


After W. Marciano10/18/2011 4

Page 5: Particle  Production;Kaon  and  Muon  Physics with Project-X Rajendran  Raja

Rajendran Raja Project-X


Measuring couplings of SUSY observed at the LHC.



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Page 6: Particle  Production;Kaon  and  Muon  Physics with Project-X Rajendran  Raja

Rajendran Raja Project-X 6

MECO spectrometer design

for every incident proton 0.0025 ’s are stopped in the 17 0.2

mm Al target foils

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Page 7: Particle  Production;Kaon  and  Muon  Physics with Project-X Rajendran  Raja

Rajendran Raja Project-X

Cost and Schedule• This is a technically limited

schedule• Critical Path is Superconducting

Solenoids• $200M “fully-loaded” Total Cost

data-taking 1st quarter Calendar 201610/18/2011 7

Page 8: Particle  Production;Kaon  and  Muon  Physics with Project-X Rajendran  Raja

Muon g-2 @ FNAL• Based on results of the August 2010 Intensity Frontier review, DOE has

decided to go ahead with the next generation muon g-2 experiment by moving the storage ring from Brookhaven to Fermilab.

• Fermilab can deliver 21x the total Brookhaven statistics in less than 2 years.

• Modest modifications of existing beamlines and detectors allow us to drastically reduce the dominant systematic errors in the precession frequency measurement.

• This is matched with a world wide program to validate the SM calculation of g-2 (Novosibirsk, KLOE, B-factories, BES. Lattice…)

• Currently reevaluating the schedule given budget constraints but expect to start taking data in the middle of this decade.

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Page 9: Particle  Production;Kaon  and  Muon  Physics with Project-X Rajendran  Raja

Project-X talk proper• Kaons as part of Project-X are a direct result of the CW option ( as are the

nuclear physics options). Much higher intensities result from the CW option.

• CW option is a result of the push to do ADS using project-X. 2007 Accel Division Seminar I gave on ADS mentioned CW. It was picked up by several attendees and Option 2 was born.

• AHIPA09 workshop further cemented the broad base of physics possible using a CW Project

• ADS as part of Project-X was further strengthened at the Accelerators for America’s future Workshop held by the DoE.

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Page 10: Particle  Production;Kaon  and  Muon  Physics with Project-X Rajendran  Raja

The Project-X Research Program• Long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments: Driven by a high-power proton source with proton energies between 50 and 120 GeV

that would produce intense neutrino beams directed toward massive detectors at a distant deep underground laboratory.

• Kaon, muon, nuclei & neutron precision experiments driven by high intensity proton beams running simultaneously with the neutrino program:

These could include world leading experiments searching for muon-to-electron

conversion, nuclear and neutron electron dipole moments (edms), and world-leading precision measurements of ultra-rare kaon decays.

• Platform for evolution to a Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider

Rajendran Raja Project-X

Detailed Discussion: Project X website

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Page 11: Particle  Production;Kaon  and  Muon  Physics with Project-X Rajendran  Raja

The Window of Ultra-rare Kaon Decays at Project X

Rajendran Raja Project-X

Standard Model rate of 3 parts per 100 billion! Project X will has sensitivity for 1000 SM events

BSM particles within loops can increase the rate by x10 with respect to SM.

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Rates sensitive to other BSMs:Warped Extra Dimensions as a Theory of


Rajendran Raja Project-X

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Page 13: Particle  Production;Kaon  and  Muon  Physics with Project-X Rajendran  Raja

Rajendran Raja Project-X

Buras et al. SM accuracy of <5%, motivates 1000-event experiments

Effect of Warped Extra Dimension Models on Branching Fractions

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The Project-X Accelerator Configuration

Rajendran Raja Project-X

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Page 15: Particle  Production;Kaon  and  Muon  Physics with Project-X Rajendran  Raja

This Science has attracted Competition:The Proton Source Landscape

This Decade...

• Pulsed machines driving neutrino horns: SPS (0.5 MW), Main Injector ( 0.3 MW now, 0.7 MW for Nova), JPARC (plan for 1.7 MW)

• Cyclotrons and synchrotrons driving muon programs PSI (1.3 MW, 600 MeV), JPARC RCS (0.1-0.3 MW)

• Synchrotrons driving kaon physics programs. SPS (0.015 MW), JPARC (goal of >0.1 MW), Tevatron (0.1 MW)

• Linear machines driving nuclear and neutron programs: SNS, LANL, FRIB….not providing CW light-nuclei beams.

Rajendran Raja Project-X

M Seidel, PSI


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The High Duty Factor Proton Source Landscape This Decade...

Rajendran Raja Project-X

x D








TRIUMF power

Stopped/Slow kaon yield/Watt

* Beam power x Duty Factor

Project-X CW-Linac

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Page 17: Particle  Production;Kaon  and  Muon  Physics with Project-X Rajendran  Raja

“Continuous Wave” (CW) Linac for Rare Processes…

• Beam extraction challenge is finessed.

• Duty factor is very high.

• The high frequency bandwidth intrinsic to a Linac can be exploited to generate excellent time resolution (t~20psec), a very powerful tool to face a high intensity environment.

• JLAB has demonstrated that beam can be cleanly multiplexed between many targets with minimal losses. These “touchless” RF beam multiplexers are enabled by the high linac bandwidth.

• Excellent beam power scaling.

Rajendran Raja Project-X

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Page 18: Particle  Production;Kaon  and  Muon  Physics with Project-X Rajendran  Raja

An Incomplete Menu of World Class Research Targets Enabled by Project-X. continued…

Muon Physics:

Next generation muon-to-electron conversion experiment, new techniques for higher sensitivity and/or other nuclei.

Next generation (g-2) if motivated by next round, theory, LHC. New techniques proposed to JPARC that are beam-power hungry…

edm 3e ee+ A +A’ ; A e+A’ ; e-(A) e- e-(A) Systematic study of radiative muon capture on nuclei.

Rajendran Raja Project-X

Day-1 Experiment

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Page 19: Particle  Production;Kaon  and  Muon  Physics with Project-X Rajendran  Raja

Pursuing the Holy Grail of Stopped Muon Experiments:A High Acceptance Mono-energetic muon source—synergy with muon collider/neutrino


Rajendran Raja Project-X From the PX muon white paper10/18/2011 19

Page 20: Particle  Production;Kaon  and  Muon  Physics with Project-X Rajendran  Raja

An Incomplete Menu of World Class Research Targets Enabled by Project-X. continued…

Kaon Physics:

K+ : >1000 events, Precision rate and form factor. KL 1000 events, enabled by high flux & precision

TOF. K+ : Measurement of T-violating muon polarization. K+ x: Search for anomalous heavy neutrinos. KL ee10% measurement of CP violating amplitude. KL 10% measurement of CP violating amplitude. K0X: Precision study of a pure K0 interferometer: Reaching out to the Plank scale (mK/mK ~ 1/mP) K0,K+ LFV: Next generation Lepton Flavor Violation experiments …and more

Rajendran Raja Project-X

Day-1 Experiments

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Taking a page from the JPARC hadron hall playbook: One target can serve multiple kaon experiments.

Rajendran Raja Project-X

Neutral K experiment

Charged K experiment

From the PX kaon white paper10/18/2011 21

Page 22: Particle  Production;Kaon  and  Muon  Physics with Project-X Rajendran  Raja

An Incomplete Menu of World Class Research Targets Enabled by Project-X. continued…

Nuclear Enabled Particle Physics: Production of Ra, Rd, Fr isotopes for nuclear edm experiments that are

uniquely sensitive to Quark-Chromo and electron EDM’s.

Baryon Physics: pp +K0p+ ; p(HyperCP anomaly, and other rare + decays) pp K+0p+ ; 0 ultra rare decays 00 oscillations (Project-X operates below anti-baryon threshold) Neutron EDMs

Rajendran Raja Project-X

Day-1 Experiment

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Road to Future Progress: Neutrino Research Program

• Strong international community. US community is healthy and growing.

• Explicitly engage the Neutrino Factory community to explore and develop a design driven by Project-X—Leads to muon collider

• Good opportunities for collaboration and leadership.

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Road to Future Progress: Muon Research Program

• International community active, current Fermilab community is small, but growing with Mu2e and the possibility of (g-2).

• No conceptual accelerator & beam design yet for driving next-generation e conversion experiment beyond Mu2e and COMET at JPARC. A PRISM (FFAG) based solution needs further accelerator design work. Interesting synergies with Muon Collider cooling concepts are being explored that would clearly exploit Project-X.

• Great opportunities for collaboration and leadership.

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Road to Future Progress: Kaon Research Program

• International community active, Fermilab community is dormant now. Buoyed to some extent now by the US quark flavor physics community—but this community is currently under stress regarding futures.

• Excellent basis for 1000-event K+ experiment based on extrapolating techniques developed and demonstrated by BNL E787/E949 experiments.

• Good basis for 1000-event KL experiment based on the KOPIO

conceptual design developed for the BNL AGS.

• Great opportunities for collaboration and leadership.

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Summary Project-X is a next generation high intensity proton source that will deeply

reach for physics beyond the Standard Model and incisively probe of the origins of matter:

Neutrinos: An after-burner for LBNE that reduces the tyranny of (Detector-Mass x Running-time) by x3, and a foundation for a Neutrino Factory.

Rare Processes: Game-changing beam power and timing flexibility that can support a broad range of particle physics experiments.

Prospects: International collaboration formed, ongoing substantial US (DOE) investments in R&D (Project-X + SRF + ILC) on Super Conducting RF accelerator technology supporting Project-X.

Earliest construction start of 2015, operations in 2020.

Rajendran Raja Project-X

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Rajendran Raja Project-X

Project-X Rare Processes Research Campus

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