1 Participatory Coastal Development Planning Participatory Coastal Development Planning Day 3: Coastal Zoning and Management Day 3: Coastal Zoning and Management Planning Planning Issue identification and baseline assessment CRM plan preparation and adoption Action plan and project implementation Monitoring and evaluation Information management, education and outreach Issue identification and baseline assessment CRM plan preparation and adoption Action plan and project implementation Local legislation Coastal law enforcement Regulation External revenue sources Annual program preparation and budgeting Revenue generation Monitoring and evaluation Information management, education and outreach The CRM Cycle The CRM Cycle Pressures and Threats Identification is also important: remember the causal chain analyses

Participatory Coastal Development Planning Day 3: … 04 - … · Participatory Coastal Development Planning Day 3: Coastal Zoning and Management Planning Issue identification and

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Page 1: Participatory Coastal Development Planning Day 3: … 04 - … · Participatory Coastal Development Planning Day 3: Coastal Zoning and Management Planning Issue identification and


Participatory Coastal Development PlanningParticipatory Coastal Development PlanningDay 3: Coastal Zoning and Management Day 3: Coastal Zoning and Management


Issue identificationand baseline assessment

CRM planpreparation

and adoption

Action plan and project


Local legislation

Coastal lawenforcement



Annual programpreparation andbudgeting


Monitoring and evaluation

Information management, education andoutreach

Issue identificationand baseline assessment

CRM planpreparation

and adoption

Action plan and project


Local legislation

Coastal lawenforcement


Local legislation

Coastal lawenforcement




Annual programpreparation andbudgeting

Annual programpreparation andbudgeting


Monitoring and evaluation

Information management, education andoutreach

The CRM CycleThe CRM CyclePressures and Threats Identification is also important:

remember the causal chain analyses

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CRM Vision

Participatory Coastal Development Planning

? a planning process and a management tool;?delineation of areas or zones for priority uses;? addresses conflicting interests among resource-users;?pro-active participation of various stakeholders? opportunity to identify development opportunities

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Possible Objectives

?to harmonize resource uses competing in the shared watersand allows stakeholders to reach a consensus

on use and management of coastal resources

? to protect important habitat or ecosystem and endangeredspecies;

? to reserve suitable areas for particular human activities;

? to provide policies and guidelines in good governance in coastal resource management;

? to provide programs and strategies for the developmentof the coastal zone

Some Guiding Principles

? sustainable use of resources;

? equitable use and allocation of benefits;

?promote Functionality, Transparency, Accountability and Participatory [FTAP] decision-making in CRM planning and implementation

?holistic and integrated approach

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?Commitment and willingness of the LGU and the communities

? Identification of environmental, socio-economic, cultural and legal-institutional issues

?Defined management unit (e.g. municipal waters and boundaries)

? Identification of resources, resource-uses and resource-users

?Understanding of basic ecological principles,coastal ecosystems and marine populations

?Knowledge of various resource management tools and options

Basic Ecology and Ecological PrinciplesEcosystem - interaction and inter-relationships of the

biotic and abiotic components of the environment

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Data Gathering through PCRA, identification of:

Resources - elements in the environment used by individualsor society to satisfy particular needs


- ways of utilizing the elements in the specificarea and time


- the stakeholders in Coastal Resources Management- individuals or group of individuals who tap various elements in the environment to satisfyneeds and wants

See also Causal Chain Analyses, Pressure State Response Model (PSR) and DPSIR

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Identification of environmental, socio-economic and legal-institutional issues through:

?Ecological Profiling/Situational Analysis

?Community Resource- and Resource-Use Mapping

Validation of PCRA Results

Commitment and Willingness of the LGU and the Communities?Data gathering, consolidation and analysis?Community consultations?Drafting of plan?Legislation? Implementation, monitoring and evaluation

The Planning Process

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Participatory Coastal Resources Assessment- Status of Coastal Habitat and Fisheries - Socio-Economic and Cultural Analysis- Issues Identification

Orientation on coastal zoning

Formation of multi-sectoral TWG

Enhance implementation of marine sanctuaries and enforcement of fishery laws

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Community Consultations

Consolidation of Zonation Plans

Village 1Village 2Village 3Village x

Village 1Village 2Village 3Village x

Village 1Village 2Village 3Village x

Village 1Village 2Village 3Village x

Cluster 1 Cluster 3Cluster 2 Cluster x

Consensus on Municipal Coastal Zonation SchemeSetting of Vision, Mission and Goals Refined/improved Situational Analysis and

Resource- Resource-Use MapsIdentification of appropriate Resource Management Tools

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Formation of Plan Drafting Committee

Options Assessment WorkshopsEcological


Policy and IEC Support Workshops

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Multi-Sectoral ForumPresentation of Draft Coastal Development Plan

Refinement of Draft Plan by the TWG

Legitimization of CDP? public hearings? passing of ordinance

Enhance Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation? formation of monitoring team

Chapter V Management, Use and Development of Coastal and Fishery Resource

General Principles and Policies Jurisdiction of Municipal Waters Users of Coastal Waters Grant of Exclusive Fishery Registry of Municipal Fishers Zonation of the Coastal Area and Municipal Waters

Chapter VI Zonal Management Strategies, Programs and Investment Plan

Marine Sanctuary Zone Policies Strategic Activities Management System Investment Plan

Wildlife Sanctuary and Eco -Tourism Zone Policies Strategic Activities Information, Education, and Communication Campaign Institutio nal Strengthening and Capacity Building Monitoring and Evaluation Management System Investment Plan

Mangrove and Fishpond Zone Policies Strategic Activities Information, Education, and Communication Campaign Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building Monitoring and Evaluation Management System Investment Plan

Multiple Fishery Zone Policies Strategic Activities Capacity Building Information, Education and Communication Campaign Monitoring and Evaluation Investment Plan

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Coastal fishery resources-

Fish, invertebrates, seaweeds

? Fish is principal protein source (70% of total animal protein intake)

? Individual consumption decreased from 40.0 kg/yr (1987) to 35.0 kg/yr in 1996, projected to decrease to 10 kg/yr by 2010

Economic benefits from fisheries

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Municipal fisheries-major source of food security and livelihood

Total fishery production per fishery sector

• comprise ~34% of total fisheryproduction

Contribution to employment per fishery sector

• provides employment to 5% of thenational labor force; ~68% involvedin municipal fisheries

Municipal fisheries production is declining

Trends of catch per unit effort since 1948

• legally most municipal waters are reserved exclusively for use of municipal fishers

Total fishery production trends per sector

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‘Open-access’ can lead to fishery collapse

• No regulation ? too much fishing effort ?overfishing

• Harvest can exceed rate of replacement or reproduction of fish? recruitment overfishing; growth overfishing

• Sizes of fish caught become smaller

• High-priced fish is replaced by low-priced fish; ? in fishermen’s income

Sample problem tree : Low fish catch

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Key Concepts in Fisheries Management

?The ability to predict ecosystem behavior is limited;?Ecosystems have real thresholds and limits;?Once thresholds and limits have been exceeded,

changes can be irreversible;?Diversity is important to ecosystem functioning;?Multiple scales interact within and among ecosystems;?Components of ecosystems are linked;?Ecosystem boundaries are open;?Ecosystems change with time

(EPAP, 1999)

Some objectives of Fisheries Management

Possible Objective Main GoalsSustainability Efficiency Equity

Maximize catches *Maximize profit *Conserve fish stocks *Stabilize stock levels *Maintain healthy ecosystem *Provide employment *Increase fisher’s income *Reduce conflicts among fishers *Maintain low consumer prices *Increase cost-effectiveness *Reduce overcapacity * *Increase fish exports *Provide government revenue *

(modified from Clark,1985)

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Elements of a Typical Fishery Sector

•Different types of fisheries (e.g. species, gear) that comprise the sector

•Resource base for each fishery:resource types; habitats

Harvesting Sectorfleet; fishers; landing sites and infrastructure

Post-harvest and Marketing sectorprocessing, retailing, exports

Support servicesboat builders, gear and equipment suppliers

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Fisheries Management Options

Method Aim/Effect

•Limit access limits the number of participants in fishery- ideally number of licensing, permits issuedshould be based on maximum sustainable yield

I. Regulation of Fishing Effort

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•Restrict gears ban or limit types of gears that can be used in a particular place and time to allow immature fish to grow or protect habitats

•Size Limits Specifies the minimum/maximum size of fish that can be landed to ensure replenishment of fish populations

Method Aim/Effect

e.g. regulated non-active gears

•Open and Close Season

Protects a specific part of the stock at a particular place or time usually spawning or young fish.

Also controls the total effort in a particular area of the stock or period of the year.

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•Catch Quotas

Limits the amount of fish taken from the stock during a fishing season/annually, e.g.

Industry Quotas- total allowable catch (TAC is divided up among participants in the fishery

Individual Transferable quotas (ITQ)- Quotas may be transferred, sold or traded.

Use Rights



Territorial Rights (TURFs)

Limited EntryAccess Rights






Trip Limits


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II. Ecosystem-based measuresa. Habitat Protection

Marine Protected Areas –e.g. fish sanctuaries

• Mangrove Reforestation

•Seagrass or Coral transplantation

b. Habitat Restoration

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c. Habitat Creation, and Enhancement

• Fish Attracting/Aggregating Device• Artificial Reefs

e. Restocking/Reseeding

III. People-Focused Measures

1. Public Education

2. Community Development

3. Incentive Systems to manage excess fishing capacity

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Incentives – inducements to motivate LGUs and local communities to improve management of coastal resources and municipal fisheries

Must consider

• Economic constraints- cost of monitoring, policing and regulation

• Formal constraints – laws, government policies, property rights

• Social constraints – cultural norms, customs, etiquette, etc.

• Compliance – level of observance of formal and social rules

OthersEmpowerment?Co-management?Right access to information ?Self regulation?Third party rights to challenge decisions

Leases and Licenses?Harvest licenses?Breeding licenses?Export permits?Bio-prospecting permits


Accreditation Schemes?Labelling?Industry accreditation?Special status agreements

Property Rights?Exclusive use rights?Tradable access permits or fishing shares?Conservation covenant

Leverage Mechanisms?Cross compliance?Conditional grant

Regulations?Harvesting permits?Fishing regulations ?Development zoning?Precautionary standards

Financial Programmes?Agreements?Grants?Compensation payments

Information ?Education?Extension?Research?Monitoring

Bonds and Deposits?Conditional resource security?Performance bonds

Charges?Tourist levies?Pollution charges?User fees

Institutional Mechanisms ?Sectoral agreements ?Regional agreements?National agreements

Enforcement?Fines?Forfeiture of rights?Auditing/reporting

Tax Policy?Tax exemptions?Tax deductions

Possible Incentives and Disincentives for CRM

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I.I. Introduction Introduction A. Purpose and Scope of PlanA. Purpose and Scope of PlanB. Legislative Authority for the B. Legislative Authority for the ActionAction

II. Management ContentII. Management ContentA. Regional and Municipal SettingA. Regional and Municipal SettingB.1. Physical FeaturesB.1. Physical FeaturesB.2. Biological Ecosystems B.2. Biological Ecosystems B.3. Situational Analyses and B.3. Situational Analyses and Existing Existing UsesUses

C. Existing Legal and Management C. Existing Legal and Management FrameworkFrameworkD. Existing Potential Threats and D. Existing Potential Threats and Implications for ManagementImplications for ManagementE. The Plan E. The Plan

1. Goals and Objectives1. Goals and Objectives2. Administration and Site 2. Administration and Site

DevelopmentDevelopment3. Information, Education and 3. Information, Education and

Capacity Building and Communication Capacity Building and Communication Programs Programs

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4. Policies, Legislation and 4. Policies, Legislation and Enforcement Enforcement 5. Sustainable Financing 5. Sustainable Financing 6. Monitoring and Evaluation6. Monitoring and Evaluation7. Penal and Transitory Provisions7. Penal and Transitory Provisions

Fisheries Management Plan Outline

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I. Background and RationaleII. Planning ObjectivesIII. Scope and Duration of the Plan IV. Provincial Fisheries Profile

• Bathymetry and hydrography• Resource diversity• Fish production and catch per major

gear • Fishing effort and catch per unit

effort (distribution of effort/gear; fisher density)

V. Problems, Issues and ConcernsVI. Vision, Mission and GoalVII. Management, Use and Development of

the Fishery Resources– Statement of General Principles and

Policies– Jurisdiction of Municipal Waters– Users of Municipal Water Resources– Registry of Municipal Fishers– Registry of Boats– Issuances of Licenses

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Penalty:First Offense - WarningSecond Offense – Fine of P500.00Third Offense – Fine of P2,000 or

imprisonment for 6 mos to 1 year, or both

Funding Mechanisms:• Annual management cost > P200,000• Initial funding from outside sources (FPE,

Oxfam, ICCO, etc. c/o Pipuli foundation)• Subsequently, resource users to pay for mgt.

• Scheme of payments for fishing permits:

Type of Gear Amount (Pesos)Hook and line 20Fish corral 300Gill net 50Lamp/spear fishing from boat 50Lamp/spear on reef flats 20 Small traps 20Comm. sea urchin gathering 50Reef gleaning 5Mangrove gleaning 5

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DB REMO Management Structure


Resource Management Council/ExeCom

ADVISERS: LGU officials Line Agencies (DA, DENR) PNP

Bantay Dagat (Enforcement)

Livelihood Committee

Economic/ Finance Com.

Special Projects

Admin. Staff Monitoring & Research Comm.


Sample for Danao Bay in Mindanao

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Sec. 2. Classification of City Waters – The City Waters of Davao are hereby divided and classified into the following

major zones:

A. City Fishing Zone, “A1”;

B. Commercial Fishing Zone, “A2”;

C. Aquaculture / Mariculture Zone, “A3”;

D. Fishing Reserves / Fish Sanctuaries, and “A4”;

E. Demarcated Fishing Areas, “A5”;

F. Navigational Lanes, “A6”; and,

G. Waters Under Jurisdiction of Other Offices or Agencies, “A7”.

Sec. 3. City Fishing Zone.- The City Fishing Zone shall comprise all waters within Inland and Marine City Waters. The City Fishing Zone may be further subdivided into sub-zones for specific fishing activities by the City Mayor through the recommendation of CAO.

A map/chart of the City Fishing Zone is hereto attached as Annex “A-1”