Partic. No. Participant name Participant short name Country 1 - Coordinat or Microwave and Fiber Optics Laboratory – Institute of Communications and Computer

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  • Partic. No. Participant name Participant short name Country 1 - Coordinat or Microwave and Fiber Optics Laboratory Institute of Communications and Computer Systems ICCSGreece 2Amga GroupAMGAItaly 3Regia Autonomous AquaservAquaservRomania 4PipeHawkPIPEHAWKUK 5HubergHUBERGItaly 6Hydrosave UKHYDROSAVEUK 7TECNIC Italy 8RISA SicherheitsanalysenRISAGermany 9Advanced Microwave SystemsAMSGreece 10 Laboratory of Applied Electrodynamics Physics Department Tbilisi State University LAE - TSUGeorgia 11 Istanbul Technical University Civil Engineering Faculty Environmental Engineering Department ITU - EEDTurkey Sixth Framework Programme Priority : SUSTDEV 2005 3.II.3.3 Priority Title: Global Change And Ecosystems Proposal/Contract no.: 036887 1. To develop a novel, high resolution imaging ground penetrating radar for the detection of pipes, leaks and damages and the imaging of the damaged region and evaluate it at a test site. 2. To produce an integrated system that will contain the equipment in 1 and a Decision-Support-System (DSS) for the rehabilitation management of the underground water pipelines that will use input from the inspections to assess, probabilistically, the time-dependent leakage and structural reliability of the pipelines and a risk-based methodology for rehabilitation decisions that considers the overall risk, including financial, social and environmental criteria. 3. To field test the equipment and the DSS. Bending Failure of a Water Pipe. Crushing Failure of a Water Pipe Structural Failure Probability Over Time for Different Operation Pressures Structural Failure Probability Over Time for Different Depths of Installation Leakage Structural Reliability Water Contamination Risk Based Rehabilitation Management USER Expert system User interface UIF Query Manager Knowledge Base Data Manager Leak Detection Damage Detection and Imaging Signal Processing Scenario s Data Base UIFGIS Leakage Detection Damage Detection and Imaging The GPIR operation principle is based on the use of Ultra Wideband Signals. The subunits constituting the GPIR are: 1.Transmitter: A UWB signal generator is utilized to produce subnanonsecond pulse (600-800ps) as shown in the right figure. The peak pulse amplitude will be of the order of 50 Volt. This pulsed signal is conveyed to the transmitting antenna which is a Transverse Electromagnetic Flared Horn antenna. The transmitting antenna is fixed contrary to the receiving antenna which is of scanning type. The transmitted pulse rate is 3-50 KHz approximately. The use of TEM horn guarantees wide band matching of the antenna of pulse generator. 2.Receiver Front End (Analog part):It will consist of a Wide Band LNA (1-5 GHz having 40dB gain) and an Anti-Aliasing Filter. The received echo pulse signals reflected by the ground structure will be amplified up to a level that will be sufficient to convert into digital signals. Direct Analog to Digital (A/D) conversion to achieve robust signal detection of echo signals. 3.Scanning Receive Antenna: TEM horn antenna, but with minimum size. The antenna will scan mechanically parallel to earth surface above the earth surface approximately 15-20cm. The scanning will be of raster type that will provide scanning of 1x1 m 2 horizontal area in the Cartesian coordinate system. During the scanning period at 400 (20X20) points data will be collected and converted into digital format. Signal averaging will be implemented to improve the signal to noise ratio at the receiver output. The time needed for the antenna to scan the area of 1X1 m2 is foreseen to be 8 seconds at maximum. 4.Signal Digitiser:the received echo signal after their amplifications will be driven to an ultra high speed A/D converter with the following specifications: a) Conversion Speed: 1.5 GSample/second, b) Output Resolution: 8 bits, c) Input Bandwidth: 2 GHz The acquired data after averaging (8-64 bits) will be stored at the RAM of the host computer where the imaging software will develop the 2 or 3 Dimensional images. Scanning RX Antenna Tx Ant Short Pulse Transmitter RX Front End Correlator Receiver Processing Imaging Unit (PC) Measurement of Echo signals in Time Domain Use of FFT (Fast Fourrier Transform) to decompose each measurement in spectral components Measurement of Echo Signals Wavefront to develop the 3D Underground Imaging The Measured Echo Signals Wavefront (Amplitude + Phase) will be used in Conjunction with the Method of Auxilliary Sources to compute the scattering Sources inside the ground environment. Then the complex dielectric constant is obtained as 3D distribution. Furthermore Doppler Shift Phenomena are also taken into account. Contact Details: EC Officer: Mr. Zissimos Vergos E-mail: [email protected] Project Co-ordinator: Institute of Communication and Computer Systems Prof. Nikolaos Uzunoglou E-mail: [email protected] Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) has been used to locate pipes and identify leaks in buried water pipes. One of the partners in this project, ICCS, has developed the following two such techniques as part of project LEAKING: (a) a microwave radiometry-thermography sensor technique to provide the temperature distribution and the conductivity profile of the soil as a function of depth (left figure above) and (b) a ground penetrating radar using microwaves which can offer an improvement over ground penetrating radar using acoustic energy because it can offer a higher Doppler shift (right figure above). Technique (a) above did a very good job in identifying leaks in dry soil while technique (b) did a better job than the acoustic methods in identifying leaks in pipes icluding plastic ones. All these techniques were tested both in test sites and real water leak conditions in Greece, United Kingdom and Germany with very satisfactory results. Especially the CW radar has given a very good performance in the detection of water leaks in PVC pipelines, even compared with the acoustic methods and the correlators used by the great water utility industries. Radiometer 1 st layer 2 nd layer 3 rd layer Leak H2OH2O >>