Part Two-overview of Dbbl

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  • 8/12/2019 Part Two-overview of Dbbl


    Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd


    2.1 Introdut!on

    Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited (DBBL) is a Bangladesh-European joint venture scheduled

    commercial bank established under the Bank Companies Act 11 and incorporated as a

    public limited compan! under the Companies Act 1"# DBBL is the $irst European-

    Bangladesh joint venture private commercial bank in Bangladesh# %he registered head

    o$$ice o$ the Bank is located at &enakal!an Bhaban' 1' otijheel Commercial Area'


    %his part o$ the report $ocuses on the brie$ histor! and current pro$ile o$ DBBL# An

    overvie* o$ the organi+ation and operations o$ irpur Branch o$ DBBL' *here the

    internship *as done' has also been presented here#

    2.2 Br!"# H!$tor%

    DBBL *as incorporated as a private-sector banking compan! on ,ul! "' 1# Besides

    the Bangladeshi sponsors' the .etherlands Development /inance Compan! (/0) has

    been the international co-sponsor o$ the Bank# DBBL obtained license $rom Bangladesh

    Bank on ,ul! 2' 1' and commenced its banking operations $rom ,une 2' 13 *ith

    onl! one branch at Dilkusha Commercial Area' Dhaka# %he Bank *ent public in the !ear

    1# DBBL is listed *ith Dhaka &tock E4change Limited (D&E) as *ell as Chittagong

    &tock E4change Limited (C&E)#

    2.& Curr"nt 'ro#!("

    %his section describes the corporate philosoph!' capital and shareholding structure'organi+ational structure and operational net*ork o$ the Bank#

    2.&.1 Cor)or*t" '+!(o$o)+%. %he corporate philosoph! includes the mission' vision

    and core objectives o$ the Bank5

    Bangladesh 6nstitute o$ Bank anagement 7

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    Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd

    2.&.1.1 M!$$!on o# DBBL. Dutch-Bangla Bank engineers enterprise and creativit! in

    business and industr! *ith a commitment to social responsibilit!# 89ro$its alone: do not

    hold a central $ocus in the Bank;s operation< because 8man does not live b! bread and

    butter alone:#

    2.&.1.2 V!$!on o# DBBL. Dutch-Bangla dreams o$ a better Bangladesh' *here arts and

    letters' sports and athletics' music and entertainment' science and education' health and

    h!giene' clean and pollution $ree environment and above all a societ! based on moralit!

    and ethics make all our lives *orth living# DBBL;s essence and ethos rest on a cosmos o$

    creativit! and the marvel-magic o$ a charmed li$e that abounds *ith spirit o$ li$e and

    adventures that contributes to*ards human gro*th and development#

    2.&.1.& Cor" O,"t!"$. Dutch-Bangla Bank believes in its uncompromising

    commitment to $ul$il its customer needs and satis$action and to become their $irst choice

    in banking# %aking cue $rom its pool o$ esteemed clientele' Dutch-Bangla Bank intends

    to pave the *a! $or a ne* era in banking that upholds and epitomi+es its vaunted

    mar=ue5 /our Tru$t"d '*rtn"r#

    2.&.2 C*)!t*( *nd +*r"+o(d!n3 trutur". %he capital and shareholding structures are

    as $ollo*s5

    2.&.2.1 C*)!t*( trutur". %he authori+ed capital o$ DBBL is %aka "# million# At

    present the issued' subscribed and paid-up capital o$ the Compan! stands at %aka #1"


    2.&.2.2 +*r"+o(d!n3 trutur". %hough DBBL is a public limited compan!' lion;s

    share in the Compan! is held b! the sponsors as against a small portion issued to the

    public# %he present shareholding stands as $ollo*s5


    /oreign 5 2#>

    Local 5 3#> #>

    'u,(! I$$u"4

    Bangladesh 6nstitute o$ Bank anagement

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    Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd

    6nstitutional 5 1#">

    6nvestment Accounts 5 #22>

    ?eneral 9ublic 5 7#> 1#>


    %he shareholding structure is sho*n in /igure 1#


    Foreign Sponsors (30.00%) Local Sponsors (60.00%) Public Issue (10.00%)

    2.&.& Or3*n!6*t!on*( trutur" *nd O)"r*t!on*( N"t7or8. %he present

    organi+ational structure and operational net*ork o$ the Bank are described belo*5

    2.&.&.1 Bo*rd o# D!r"tor$. At the ape4 o$ the organi+ational structure o$ DBBL is a @-

    member Board o$ Directors# Among the Directors' one is the Chairman o$ the Board' one

    is the nominee o$ Etacol ong ong Limited' one is elected $rom the ?eneral

    &hareholders; ?roup' one is the E4-o$$icio Director (anaging Directive)' and the others

    are Compan!;s &ponsor Directors# r# d# easin Ali is the present anaging Director

    and Chie$ E4ecutive o$ DBBL# nder him there are t*o Deput! anaging Directors5

    Deput! anaging Director (0perations) and Deput! anaging Director


    2.&.&.2 D!!$!on$. %here are 12 divisions at the ead 0$$ice o$ DBBL# %hese are5

    Bangladesh 6nstitute o$ Bank anagement 1

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    Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd

    ?eneral &ervice Division#

    Credit Division#

    Credit Administration Division#

    Credit onitoring and ecover! Division#

    Corporate Banking Division#

    etail Banking Division#

    6nternational Division#

    %reasur! Division#

    uman esources Division#

    Accounts Division#

    6n$ormation %echnolog! Division#

    arketing and Development Division#

    6nternal Control and Compliance Division#

    An organogram o$ the DBBL ead 0$$ice is sho*n in Appendi4 A#

    2.&.&.& Br*n+ N"t7or8. DBBL has so $ar established 2 branches around the countr!#

    Among them' 1@ are in the Dhaka Cit!' are in Chittagong' " are in .ara!angonj' " are

    in &!lhet' 1 in hulna' 1 in Bogra' 1 in Barishal' 1 in ajshahi and one is in .arshingdi#

    2.&.&.9 Int"rn*t!on*( N"t7or8. DBBL has been ver! success$ul in establishing an

    e$$ective correspondence relationship across the globe and continuing its endeavour to

    Bangladesh 6nstitute o$ Bank anagement 11

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    Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd

    reach ever! corner o$ the *orld to deliver prime services to its valued clients# At present'

    DBBL has coverage o$ more than 11 countries through 1 correspondent banks#

    2.&.&.: On-(!n" B*n8!n3 N"t7or8. &pending %aka # million' DBBL has started

    its ambitious on-line banking service since &eptember "# .o* the customers o$

    DBBL get Fan! branch banking service; around the countr!# As part o$ the trul! on-line

    banking programme' the Bank provides 6nternet Banking' DBBL .EG& Debit Card'

    DBBL-aestroHCirrus Debit Card and DBBL Credit Card# A net*ork o$ Bank;s o*n

    A%s and 90& terminals has been set up at strategic points throughout the countr!# %his

    $acilitates the customers to pa! their utilit! bills through these A%s and 6nternet

    banking# %hrough DBBL-aestroHCirrus Debit Card' customers *ill be able to access

    more than 2' Cirrus A%s in around 1 countries#

    2.9 B*n8!n3 "r!"$ *nd F*!(!t!"$ 'ro!d"d

    DBBL provides a range o$ services and $acilities to its customers' *hich include general

    banking' retail banking' credit $acilities' and $oreign trade services#

    2.9.1 G"n"r*( B*n8!n3. %he services provided under general banking include deposit

    schemes' purchaseHsale o$ bonds and instruments' remittance' and pa!mentHcollection o$

    bills# D")o$!t +";"$. At present' DBBL o$$ers the $ollo*ing Deposit

    &chemesHLiabilit! products in its all branches5

    Curr"nt D")o$!t$

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  • 8/12/2019 Part Two-overview of Dbbl


    Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd

    o %he minimum balance to be maintained in the account

    is %aka '#

    o 0ne can *ithdra* monthl! interest over the deposited

    amount or can rene* the %D receipt adding the

    interest *ith principal amount at the prevailing rate# *("?'ur+*$" o# Bond$ *nd In$tru;"nt$. /rom the counters o$ all DBBL

    branches' customers can avail the $ollo*ing $acilities5

    9urchase and &ale o$ 9ri+e Bonds#

    &ale and Encashment o$ &ancha!a 9atras#

    &ale and e-purchase o$ 6CB nit Certi$icates#

    2.9.1.& R";!tt*n". DBBL;s remittance services include5

    6ssue and pa!ment o$ Demand Dra$ts (DD) against5

    o Cash#

    o Che=ue#


    A letter o$ instruction on account#

    6ssue and pa!ment o$ %elegraphic %rans$er (%%) against5

    o Cash#

    o Che=ue#

    o A letter o$ instruction on account#

    6ssue and pa!ment o$ 9a! 0rders (90) against5

    o Cash#

    o Che=ue#

    o A letter o$ instruction on account#

    Bangladesh 6nstitute o$ Bank anagement 1"

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    Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd

    DBBL takes no commissions or service charges $or the above-mentioned remittance

    services' but the customer must have an account *ith the Bank to avail these services# '*%;"nt?Co(("t!on o# B!(($. DBBL;s services in this regard are as $ollo*s5

    9a!mentHCollection o$ 0utstation Che=ue#

    9a!mentHCollection o$ 0ut*ard Documentar! Bills#

    9a!mentHCollection o$ 6n*ard Bills#

    9a!mentHCollection o$ 6n*ard Documentar! Bills#

    2.9.2 R"t*!( B*n8!n3.%he retail banking services provided b! DBBL includes

    Locker &ervice and Consumer Credit &cheme# Lo8"r "r!".DBBL provides international standard $ireproo$ locker $acilit!

    to our valued customers at comparativel! lo*er charges $or sa$e deposit o$ their

    valuable belongings# %he annual rents $or di$$erent si+es o$ lockers are5

    &mall Locker 5 %aka 1##

    edium Locker 5 %aka 1##

    Large Locker 5 %aka ##

    0ther than rent' a one time ke! deposit $or %aka # is re=uired *hich is re$undable at

    the time o$ surrender o$ the Locker and the e!# Con$u;"r Cr"d!t +";". %he DBBL Consumer Credit &cheme is designed

    primaril! to $acilitate the purchase o$ di$$erent consumer items# &tarting at a small scale'

    DBBL plans to e4pand this scheme a$ter $ull automation o$ its operational net*ork#

    2.9.& Cr"d!t F*!(!t!"$. DBBL e4tends a range o$ credit $acilities to di$$erent t!pes o$


    2.9.&.1 T%)"$ o# Cr"d!t F*!(!t!"$. DBBL o$$ers the $ollo*ing t!pes o$ loans and

    advances to its customers5

    Bangladesh 6nstitute o$ Bank anagement 1

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    Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd

    Lo*n$4 Loans are allo*ed $or various purposes and granted $or short' mid or

    long term maturities# %!pes o$ loan include5

    o Loan ?eneral (usuall! short term in nature)#

    o %ransport Loan#

    o ouse Building Loan#

    o %erm Loan (6ndustrialH9roject /inancing)#

    o Iorking Capital#

    o Consumer Credit#

    o Bridge LoanHnder*riting Advance#



    D";*nd Lo*n$4 Loans *hich are pa!able *hen a demand is made# &uch

    loans include5

    o Advance against Accepted Documentar! Bill#

    o Local H /oreign Documentar! Bills#

    o 9a!ments against Documents (9AD)#

    o 6nlandH/oreign Bill 9urchased (Clean)#

    Cont!nu!n3 Ad*n"$4 Continuing advances are the revolving lines o$ credit'

    *hich are e4tended to the borro*ers $or continuing business activities# %he

    $orms o$ continuing advance are as under5

    o &ecured 0verdra$t including collaterali+ed overdra$t


    o Cash Credit (CC)#

    o Loan against %rust eceipts (L%)#

    o Loan against 6mported erchandise (L6)#

    Bangladesh 6nstitute o$ Bank anagement 13

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    Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd

    Cr"d!t +";" #or ;*(( +o) O7n"r$4 DBBL o$$ers this uni=ue service to

    the small shop o*ners *ho *ere so $ar denied credit $rom banks due to their

    lack o$ ade=uate collateral securit! and *ere dependent on in$ormal credit

    usuall! *ith ver! high interest rates# %his Bank has brought them under theumbrella o$ banking service b! o$$ering them loan $acilities *ithout an!

    securit!# %he average loan amount is %aka lacs#

    'u,(! Tr*n$)ort Cr"d!t +";"4 DBBL has e4tended credit to the

    $ollo*ing public transport s!stems5

    Dur*nt* *nd R!d"r Tr*n$)ort "r!"$4 6n collaboration *ith eghna

    Automobiles Limited and hansons Automobiles Limited#

    T*>!-*, Tr*n$)ort "r!"$46n collaboration *ith Com$ort Cab Limited#

    R"$u" Tr*n$)ort Cr"d!t +";"4 %his is another uni=ue service in *hich

    DBBL $inances the purchase o$ emergenc! medical transports like

    ambulances' mobile clinics and $irst aid stations $or hospitals and clinics

    around the countr!# nder this scheme' @> o$ the initial purchase price is

    borne b! DBBL and the rest amount b! the borro*ing hospital or clinic# %he

    loan amount is to be repaid b! the borro*er in ma4imum 23 monthl!

    instalments at 12> interest rate#

    tud"nt Tr*n$)ort Cr"d!t +";"4 %he Bank has undertaken a ne* credit

    scheme named 8&tudent %ransport &cheme: *ith an objective o$ $inancing

    transports at a lo*er cost (1> interest rate) $or the educational institutions#

    %he $inancing scheme *ill provide loans to Educational 6nstitutions covering

    government and private schools' colleges and universities $or purchasing

    transports $or the students#

    2.9.9 For"!3n Tr*d". %he $oreign trade $acilities provided b! DBBL include import

    $inance< e4port $inance' and $oreign remittance#

    Bangladesh 6nstitute o$ Bank anagement 17

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    Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd

    /oreign Bill Collection (/BC)#

    2.: DBBL@$ o!*( A3"nd*

    %he ethos o$ DBBL $or pursuing its activities in social arena has got $urther momentum

    *ith !our enthusiasm and support# Dutch-Bangla Bank /oundation (DBB/) is

    consistentl! pursuing its objective o$ being active in those social areas *here it is needed

    most# %he /oundation carries out diverse social and philanthropic activities in the $ield o$

    education' health' conservation o$ nature' creation o$ social a*areness' rehabilitation o$

    distressed people and such other programs to redress human su$$erings# 6t also promotes

    di$$erent socio-cultural and sports activities# our Board o$ Directors in order to

    discharge its corporate social responsibilities in a greater perspective continued its

    contribution amounting to #> o$ BankJs pro$it a$ter charging loan loss provision to

    Dutch-Bangla Bank /oundation (DBB/)#

    6t is important that citi+ens o$ a societ! enjo! the $ull bene$its that societ! o$$ers# A

    societ!' in turn' $lourishes *hen its citi+en can contribute their $ullest potential# %he *ell

    being o$ individuals is jeopardi+ing *hen normal developmental processes are

    interrupted b! personal crisis' povert!' unemplo!ment' poor health and inade=uateeducation# Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited (DBBL) is the $irst Bangladeshi-European joint

    venture bank in Bangladesh addresses social concerns that threaten the structure o$

    societ! and redress social conditions that adversel! a$$ect the *ell being o$ people and

    societ!# DBBL practice thus encompass the pro$essional activities o$ helping individuals'

    $amilies' groups' organi+ations' and communities to enhance or restore their capacit! $or

    optimal social $unctioning and o$ creating societal conditions $avourable to this goal#

    Dutch-Bangla Bank /oundation (DBB/) *as established on 2rd ,une 1 to per$orm

    humanitarian *orks like rehabilitation o$ the destitute and neglected portion o$ the

    societ! speciall! grassroots level poor in right track# Aim and objectives o$ DBB/ are as


    1# %o grant' pa! or give' a*ard scholarship' stipends' pri+es' re*ards' allo*ance and

    other $inancial assistance or help in cash or kind to students *ith a vie* to help

    Bangladesh 6nstitute o$ Bank anagement

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    Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd

    them in prosecuting their stud! in universities' schools' colleges' educational

    institutions' technical institutions' art schools' institutions o$ teaching commercial

    and training' research or educational *orks in Bangladesh or abroad subject to

    such terms and conditions as shall $rom time to time be prescribed b! the Board

    o$ %rustees $or advancement and promotion o$ education#

    # %o $oster and encourage education and training in the $ield o$ banking among the

    persons emplo!ed in banking sector or *ho *ishes to partake training *ith a

    vie* to be engaged in banking service and to establish and $ound institutions

    imparting such education and to establish' maintain' support or help b! monetar!

    gi$ts or other*ise' centres and institutions $or such education and training#

    2# %o meet travelling' boarding and lodging e4penses $or students going abroad $or

    higher commercial and technical education' especiall! in banking subject(s)#

    "# %o open' $ound' establish' promote' set-up' run' maintain' assist' $inance' support

    andI aid or help in setting up and H or maintaining and H or running hospitals'

    clinics' maternit! and child care centre' boarding houses' libraries' reading-

    rooms' g!mnasium and other training and vocational institutes#

    # %o publish and or publishing books' pamphlets' periodicals' and ne*spapers in

    Bangladesh or outside $or the spread and advancement o$ education and culture#

    3# %o establish' promote' set-up' maintain' assist' $inancial support and Hor aid to or

    to help in the setting up and Hor maintaining and Hor running schools and other

    institutions' orphanages' *ido* homes' lunatic' as!lums' old homes' poor houses

    or other establishments $or relie$ and Hor help to the poor' old and in$irm people

    and H or destitute or to give' provide and H or render help and assistance in cash or

    kind to poor and or destitute' *ido*s' etc< or to give' provide and I or render help

    and assistance to and H or implement an! scheme $or providing livelihood and

    upli$tment o$ the poor#

    @# %o give' provide and/ or render $ood' medicine and other help $ind assistance in

    an! shape or $orm to the poor deserving and need! persons#

    7# %o give' provide and/ or render monetar! and H or other help and assistance $or

    the relie$ o$ persons and animals a$$ected b! natural and other calamities such as

    Bangladesh 6nstitute o$ Bank anagement 1

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    Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd

    $lood' $ire' $amine' c!clone' earth-=uake' storm' accident' pestilence' drought'

    epidemic' etc#

    # %o open' $ound' establish' promote' set-up' run' maintain' assist' $inance' support

    and H or aid or help in the setting up and H or maintaining and H or running

    institutions' centre' auditoriums and the like $or the running o$ *el$are and other

    services to the public and to provide meeting-room $or sociall! use$ul activities

    and $unctions#

    1# %o promote' organi+e' administer' establish' support' maintain' and Hor grant to

    an! person' institution or societ! or organi+ation *hatsoever having $or its

    objects or charitable purposes and or incur e4penditure in connection there*ith#

    11# %o promote sports and culture through establishment o$ Clubs $or sports'

    recreational and cultural activates and introduce a*ards' shields' medals etc# and

    also organi+e debates essa! and sports competitions to achieve this object#

    1# %o organi+e meetings' seminars' s!mposia etc# to create a*areness among the

    people aimed at spreading and upholding the ideals' values and spirit o$ the

    Banking and related products and services#

    %o *ork in collaboration *ith other %rusts' /oundations' Associations and bodies having

    activities' programs' and projects aimed at establishing' spreading and upholding the

    ideals o$ Dutch-Bangla Bank /oundation#

    Bangladesh 6nstitute o$ Bank anagement