Part of the Department for Work and Pensions INFORM Update 6- March 2011 Welfare Reform in the South West Contents: Work Programme& Pre Work Programme Support Get Britain Working Welfare Reform Bill Universal Credit Incapacity Benefit Reassessment Regional External Relations Manager’s Message Welcome to the sixth edition of INFORM. The introduction of the Get Britain Working measures continues to be a success, and we have already secured over 100 Work Experience opportunities with a wide range of employers across the South West . I am pleased to report that we are progressing well with the implementation of our Business Review and the integration of the South East and South West regions to become the new Southern Group. This has ultimately led to a number of organisational and personnel changes with in our regional and district structures , which includes myself and my team . My colleague Lynda Jones will be taking on the role of Group Partnership Manager from April and will continue working with key partners and stakeholders across the new Southern Group. We will also be reviewing how we communicate with our key partners in the future across the whole Southern Group and we will keep you updated as this is progressed. I will be moving to lead the work on the external relations agenda in the Wessex District . Therefore , I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my external colleagues & partners in the South West for your support during my time working across the region. Phil Harrison South West Regional External Relations Manager

Part of the Department for Work and Pensions INFORM Update 6- March 2011 Welfare Reform in the South West Contents: Work Programme& Pre Work Programme

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Page 1: Part of the Department for Work and Pensions INFORM Update 6- March 2011 Welfare Reform in the South West Contents: Work Programme& Pre Work Programme

Part of the Department for Work and Pensions

INFORM Update 6- March 2011

Welfare Reform in the South West

Contents:Work Programme& Pre Work Programme Support

Get Britain Working

Welfare Reform Bill

Universal Credit

Incapacity Benefit Reassessment

Regional External Relations Manager’s Message

Welcome to the sixth edition of INFORM.

The introduction of the Get Britain Working measures continues to be a success, and wehave already secured over 100 Work Experience opportunities with a wide range of employers across the South West .

I am pleased to report that we are progressing well with the implementation of our Business Review and the integration of the South East and South West regions to become the new Southern Group. This has ultimately led to a number of organisational and personnel changes with in our regional and district structures , which includes myself and my team .

My colleague Lynda Jones will be taking on the role of Group Partnership Manager from April and will continue working with key partners and stakeholders across the new Southern Group. We will also be reviewing how we communicate with our key partners in the future across the whole Southern Group and we will keep you updated as this is progressed.

I will be moving to lead the work on the external relations agenda in the Wessex District . Therefore , I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my external colleagues & partners in the South West for your support during my time working across the region.

Phil HarrisonSouth West Regional External Relations Manager

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Work Programme & Pre Work Programme Support

What progress has been made on introducing the Work Programme?

In the South West contract package areas DWP received over 20 bids todeliver the Work Programme. These are now currently being assessed and the successful bidders will be announced in early April 2011.

Following the announcement of the successful bidders a series of eventsand communication meetings will take place between Providers and Jobcentre Plus to start the implementation process. It is expected that this will all be completed by end July 2011. It should be noted that each contract package area and Jobcentre PlusDistrict will be in a different position as far as the detail of implementationand migration is concerned. It will all depend on which providers arecurrently in place and which providers become Work Programme providers and on the readiness position of each provider and its supply chain .. When do current programmes end ?All current New Deal provision has been extended and last referrals will be made on 1 June 2011( with the exception of the Gateway to Work Coursewith last referrals being made on 31 March 2011).

Referrals to Provider - led Pathways in Devon & Cornwall ended on 17 Feb

Referrals to Provider - led Pathways in Glos, Wilts, Swindon and West ofEngland will end on 16 March 2011.

Referrals to New Deal for Disabled People and the Jobcentre Plus ledPathways in Dorset & Somerset will end on 31 March 2011.

Progress to Work has been extended to 30 June 2011 and ministers are still considering if / how this will be replaced in the future.

Pre Work Programme Support

From 4 April 2011 we will be launching thePre Work Programme Jobcentre Plus Offer.

The offer will bring together a number ofcomponent parts of the Get Britain Workingpackage of support which our Advisers will useto maximise the number of people moving frombenefit in to work .

As part of this package of support our districtswill move from a standard advisory regime withfixed mandatory intervention points to a moreflexible approach . This new model will be a mixof core and flexible interventions which will bebased on the assessment of the customer’s needs and level of support required.

In addition to this flexibility ,Advisers will haveaccess to a Flexible Menu of Support. This mayvary from District to District but will include :

•Get Britain Working measures•Mandatory Work Activity ( from end April )•Access to skills training•Other back to work support including ESF•Flexible Support Fund

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Get Britain Working - these initiatives will form part of Pre Work Programme Jobcentre Plus Offer which will be available to ourcustomers before they are referred on to the Work Programme. Jobcentre Plus District Managers will be given the flexibility to respond to the needs of their own local labour market and will have some choice over which elements to offer customers claiming in their area.

New Enterprise Allowance ( NEA )

This is currently being trail-blazed inMerseyside with further roll out fromApril 2011 in targeted areas. In SWthis will be Devon & Cornwall .NEA will offer a structured route forthose wanting to start a business.It will provide a range of supportincluding access to a mentor and grants for those with a viable business plan.A network of volunteer mentorswill be needed to support thesecustomers.More details will be published onThe DWP website shortly.

Work Experience

This support will initially helpyoung people develop theskills needed to secure asustainable job by offering18-21 year olds a period of work experience. JCP willbe working with a range ofemployers to help deliverthese opportunities. To date we have already secured over 100 opportunities across the SW.

Work Experience

Work Clubs

In SW we now have over 290 Work Clubs up and runningacross the region.Work Clubs will provide unemployed people with a place to meet and exchange skills, share experiences, find opportunities, and get support to help them in their return to work.These are available to allcustomers and are run by a range of private, voluntary and public organisations.

Work Together

This is now available fromday one to all customers and offers greater opportunities for them to volunteer in their local communities whilst theyare looking for work. Customers are now able tovolunteer to work with any kind of organisation and there is no limit on thenumber of hours they can volunteer for. Volunteering leaflet

Enterprise ClubsThese will provide unemployed people interested in self employment with a place to meet and exchange skills, make contacts,share experience, receive support and encourage each other to work through their business ideas. These will run in a similar way to Work Clubs and will be locally led with some support from Jobcentre Plus where required. Guidance is now available for any organisation interested in setting up or supporting a local Enterprise Club.

Service AcademiesStill in development - These will be delivered in partnership with training providers and employers. It will be a sectoral initiative based on local employer needs and will consist of pre employment training complimented with a work placement and guaranteed interview. Current expectation is these will be available at the beginning of the new academic year .

Progress towards Get Britain Working

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New Jobcentre Plus Flexible Advisory Intervention Regime

Work Choice

Jobcentre Plus Flexible MenuWork Clubs Job Search

Self Employment

Volunteering Support Contract

Work Experience

ESF Flexible Fund

IS customers e.g. Lone Parents/ Carers*NOT eligible for Work Programme

JSA customers 18 – 24 yr olds

* Eligible for WP from 9 months

JSA customers 25+* Eligible for WP from 12 months

JSA customers recently moved from Incapacity Benefit

* Eligible for WP from 3 months

All Employment Support Allowance (ESA) customers.*Eligible for WP at any time (Voluntary)

*Eligible for Work Programme (WP) support lasting 2 years

Post Work Programme Support



ESA (income related) customers in Work Related Activity Group.* Eligible for WP when fit for work within 3 months

JSA customers with significant disadvantage e.g. YP, NEETs, ex offenders* Eligible for WP from 3 months

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What is the Welfare Reform Bill ?

On 16 February 2011 the Welfare reform Bill was introduced to Parliament. The Bill legislates for the biggest change to thewelfare system for over 60 years.It introduces a wide range of reforms that will enable the Government to deliver its welfare reform priorities by :• Creating the right incentives to get more people into work by ensuring work always pays• Protecting the most vulnerable in our society• Delivering fairness to those claiming benefit and to the taxpayer.

The Bill proposes a number of changes and the majority of these will not come in to effect until 2013 at the earliest.

What happens next ?

The Bill must go through a number of Parliamentary stagesbefore it can become law, and there may be changes madeto it during this process. This process is expected to be completed before the end of 2011, with the Bill then receivingRoyal Assent and becoming law.

Once it becomes law , the Bill will provide legislation neededto overhaul the existing system, including the introduction of Universal Credit and Personal Independence Payment.The Government will also legislate for changes to housingbenefit and to child maintenance arrangements.

N.B : Carer’s Allowance will not form part of this Bill.

What are the main elements of the Bill ?

- Introduction of Universal Credit to provide a single streamlined benefit.

- A stronger approach to reducing fraud and error with tougherpenalties for the most serious offences.

- A new claimant commitment showing clearly what is expectedof claimants while giving protection to those with greatest need.

- Reforms to Disability Living Allowance , through the introduction of the Personal Independence Payment.

-Creating a fairer approach to Housing Benefit .

- Reforms to the Social Fund.

- Time limits for Employment & Support Allowance.

- Changes to support a new system of child support .

Welfare Reform Bill

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What are the main proposals for Universal Credit within the Welfare Reform Bill ?

- Universal Credit will be a single income-related payment reflecting the personal circumstances of the claimant whetherthey are in or our of work.- It will replace Income Support, income based Jobseeker’s Allowance , income related Employment & Support Allowance, Housing Benefit, Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit with a single payment. - The amount received will depend on needs and circumstances.- The impact on earnings on entitlement will be worked out using a system of disregards and a single constant taper. The amount that can be disregarded from earnings will vary by household circumstances.- As earnings rise , we expect Universal Credit will be withdrawn at a constant rate of around 65 pence for each pound ofnet earnings.

What are the Nextsteps ?

There is work to do in both preparing for these changes and ensuring continuation of provision duringthe handover period.

We anticipate that changes will be aligned with the introduction of Universal Credit from 2013.

The Government launched a call for evidence regardingLocal support to replace Community Care Grants andCrisis Loans for Living expenses. This is targeted atLocal Authorities and organisations representingvulnerable customer groups . This closes 15 April 2011Link to consultation

How will this effect the Social Fund ?

The main proposals include:

-The Discretionary Social Fund and the Independent Review Service will be abolished.

- Local authorities in England will deliver a reformed system to provide assistance which will replace Community Care Grants and Crisis Loans for general living expenses.

-Budgeting Loans and Crisis Loan alignment payments will be replaced by a new national system of Payments on Account thatwill be part of the benefit system.

- Funeral Payments will remain as they are now.

- Cold Weather Payments and Winter Fuel Payments will remain.

Universal Credit

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Incapacity Benefits Reassessment

How is the Incapacity Benefit Re-assessment IntroductoryPhase progressing?

A limited introductory phase commenced on 28 February 2011 in all centres dealing with IB (IS) Reassessment involving1,000 customers per week nationally ( 76 cases in South West ).

This introductory period will ensure that the experiences gained within the trial are shared nationally with the opportunity to learn valuable lessons.

Full national roll out is still planned to begin in April 2011 when around 7,000 cases nationally ( 686 cases in South West ) will be processed per week.

This will increase to around 11,000 from May 2011( 828 cases in South West ).

The reassessment exercise will be completed by March 2014

What are the early trial evaluation findings to date ?

The trial began on 11th October 2010 in Burnley and Aberdeen with 1700 customers being selected for reassessment, (850 in each of the trial areas).

The findings from the trial have shown that:

- The customer journey , which includes additional customer support points, has been welcomed by staff,customers and customer representative groups.- Approx 1500 customers have received a reassessment decision with volumes in line with our predictions.- We have been able to strengthen learning and guidance as a result of customer and staff feedback.

Early Statistical findings were released on the 10th February and can be accessed via DWP website:


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Incapacity Benefits Reassessment

National IB (IS) Reassessment Trial Evaluation Findings To-Date - Continued

Summary Findings

•The IB Reassessment Trial has proved extremely valuable.

•The Customer Journey has been shown to be viable, with staff and customers reacting positively to the additional customer interventions.

•Customer reactions to Work Capability Assessment & the Disallowance call were mixed.

•There has been little adverse customer reaction & low levels of active non-compliance during the Trial. Enquiries by phone and footfall have been much lower than anticipated.

•Working with the wider stakeholder community (both at national and local level) with CRG’s and MPs especially, was critical.

•Initial customer reaction to Work Focused Interviews has been positive, with customers welcoming offers of access to the support available.

•The trial also highlighted important areas for improvement. An Operational Lessons Learned product is being shared with Jobcentre Plus staff in all reassessment sites.

If you are interested in the full IB ( IS ) Reassessment process the following presentation will take you throughthe full customer journey .

Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation

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Further information

Tell us what you thinkIf you have any comments regarding this update or indeed would like to raise any issues please contact

Gaynor Clarke on 01823 349514 or by e mail at : [email protected].

Please note if you do not wish to receive this update or you would like it forwarded to an alternative address, please let me know.


Useful websites :

To access links in this document:Right click on link and select “open hyperlink”

The DWP website contains general information about the government’s welfare reform agenda.DWP website They have now added a link to What's new

Direct Gov website contains information about all JocentrePlus Services and the changes which will be happening with regards to customers claiming Incapacity Benefit - IB/IS Reassessment

If you would like to keep up to date with the development of the Get Britain Working support then please use the following link. Get Britain Working

For more information : Universal Credit: welfare that works - DWP

New Enterprise Allowance ( NEA ) The New Enterprise Allowance is due to be launched in April 2011, starting in Devon & Cornwall. This will offer help and support for people interested in moving in to self employment.

We are looking for organisations who would beinterested in applying to run a mentoring serviceto support the NEA process initially inDevon & Cornwall (other areas will roll out laterthis year ).For further details please contact :Senior External Relations [email protected]