The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali www.hubeali.com PART III 1 out of 54

PART III - shadrizvi.files.wordpress.com · INNOVATIONS AND OBJECTIONS OF ABU BAKR AND UMAR IN THE RELIGION.....5 1 – Innovations of Abu Bakr and Umar – Umar fines the workers

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The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali www.hubeali.com 


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The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali www.hubeali.com 


HADEETH 14...........................................................................................................................5

INNOVATIONS AND OBJECTIONS OF ABU BAKR AND UMAR IN THE RELIGION ...............................................................................................................................5

1 – Innovations of Abu Bakr and Umar – Umar fines the workers ....................................5

Amir-ul-Momineenasws wonders at people’s tendencies towards the innovations .............6

Relocation of the ‘Maqaam-e-Ibrahimasws’ to where it used to be in the era of Ignorance....................................................................................................................................................6

Changing of the weight measures of the Messenger of Allahsaww of ‘Sa’a’ and ‘Mudd’ ...6

Usurpation of Fadak................................................................................................................7

A conspiracy to kill Amir-ul-Momineenasws...........................................................................9

Withholding of Al-Khums.....................................................................................................10

The joining of the house of Ja’far with the Masjid.............................................................10

The innovation regarding the inheritance from the grandfather......................................11

Liberation of the (slave) mothers of the boys ......................................................................11

The false Judgement regarding three persons ....................................................................11

The innovation regarding the divorce..................................................................................12

The dropping of the parts of the Call (to Prayer) ...............................................................12

The innovation regarding the matter of the missing husband...........................................12

2 - Disobedience of Abu Bakr and Umar to the Messenger of Allahsaww and their objections against himsaww .....................................................................................................13

Umar Insults the Messenger of Allahsaww.............................................................................14

The Messenger of Allahsaww challenged them with regards to their lineages and (their fate) in the hereafter ..............................................................................................................18

Umar’s interception with his insult of the Holiness of the Messenger of Allahsaww .........18

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Objection of Umar against the Messenger of Allahsaww regarding Zakaat of the wealth of Al-Abbas .................................................................................................................................19

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Objection of Umar against the Messenger of Allahsaww regarding the Prayer at the funeral of a hypocrite, and he was the companion Abdullah Bin Abu Salool..................19

Objection of Umar against the Messenger of Allahsaww regarding the Reconciliation of Al-Hudaybiyya .......................................................................................................................19

Objection of Umar on the Day of Ghadeer Khum..............................................................20

Objection of Umar during the illness of Aliasws and his mockery......................................20

3 – Completion of argument on Abu Bakr, and Umar, and Usman during the Caliphate of Aliasws...................................................................................................................................21

The election, or the selection, or the consultation...............................................................21

Abu Bakr and Umar were worse than Usman ....................................................................22

HADEETH 15.........................................................................................................................24

FROM THE ARGUMENTS OF AMIR-UL-MOMINEENasws AROUND ABU BAKR AND UMAR AND USMAN ..................................................................................................24

Description of the men of war...............................................................................................24

Companionship of the sincere ones with the Messenger of Allahsaww ...............................24

Fleeing of Abu Bakr and Umar in the battles and their evil manners during the Reconciliation .........................................................................................................................25

Amir-ul-Momineenasws informs his companion about the consequence of the matter ....26

The strangeness of the Caliphate of Abu Bakr, and Umar and Usman on the community..................................................................................................................................................26

Abu Bakr and Umar never went forward in the Religion .................................................27

They both worshipped the idols after Al-Islam...................................................................27

Quarrelling of Abu Bakr and Umar with the Helpers by the argument of Aliasws ..........29

The affliction of the community by the love of those that misled it and its shortcoming about cursing them ................................................................................................................29

What prevented Amir-ul-Momineenasws from announcing the facts ................................29

Affliction of Amir-ul-Momineenasws by the bad people ......................................................30

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HADEETH 16.........................................................................................................................32

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The Prophetsaww and the twelve Imamsasws in the Books of Isa Bin Maryamas ................32

Text of what is in the Books of Isaas .....................................................................................34

The news about Abu Bakr and Umar and Usman and the rest of the usurpers in the Books of Isaas ..........................................................................................................................35

The Monk pays allegiance to Amir-ul-Momineenasws .........................................................36

HADEETH 17.........................................................................................................................38


‘Fitna’ (Strife) of the Clan of Umayyad...............................................................................39

‘Fitna’ after the Clan of Umayyad .......................................................................................40

The Peopleasws of the Household, theyasws are the shelter in the ‘Fitna’ (Strife)...............41

Affliction of the Progenyasws of Muhammadsaww in the ‘Fitna’ ..........................................43

HADEETH 18.........................................................................................................................44

THE EFFECTS OF THE TENDENCIES TO THE WORLD IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE HUMAN AND HIS RELIGION...........................................................................44

How ‘Fitna’ starts ..................................................................................................................45

2 – Speech of Amir-ul-Momineenasws about the innovations of Abu Bakr and Umar and Usman......................................................................................................................................46

HADEETH 19.........................................................................................................................48

NARRATIONS ABOUT THE ‘FITNA’ OF ABU BAKR AND UMAR ..........................48

The accursed agreement and the treaty in the Kaaba........................................................49

Remorse of the companions for neglecting the right of Amir-ul-Momineenasws (Taqseer of Amir-ul-Momineenasws) .....................................................................................................50

HADEETH 20.........................................................................................................................52


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Ammar and Huzayfa during the ‘Fitna’ of Al-Saqifa ........................................................53

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali www.hubeali.com 


بدع واعتراضات أبي بكر وعمر في الدين) 14(


انتهيت إلى حلقة في مسجد رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله، ليس فيها إال هاشمي غير سلمان وأبي : قال أبان عن سليم، قال . أبي بكر وعمر بن أبي سلمة وقيس بن سعد بن عبادةذر والمقداد ومحمد بن

Aban narrates from Sulaym who said, ‘I ended up near a group in the Masjid of the Messenger of Allahsaww. There was no one in it except for the Hashimites, apart from Salmanar, and Abu Dharrar, and Al-Miqdadar, and Muhammad Bin Abu Bakr, and Umar Bin Abu Salma, and Qays Bin Sa’d Bin Abada’.

بدع أبي بكر وعمر تغريم عمر لعماله * 1*

ما ترى عمر منعه من أن يغرم قنفذا آما أغرم جميع عماله؟ فنظر علي عليه السالم إلى : فقال العباس لعلي عليه السالمشكر له ضربة ضربها فاطمة عليها السالم بالسوط، فماتت وفي عضدها : اه بالدموع، ثم قالمن حوله ثم اغرورقت عين

. أثره آأنه الدملج

1 – Innovations of Abu Bakr and Umar – Umar fines the workers

Al-Abbas said to Aliasws, ‘What is yourasws opinion on Umar not penalising Qunfuz like he had penalised the rest of the workers?’ So Aliasws looked at the ones around himasws, then hisasws eyes filled up with tears, then heasws said: ‘In appreciation for the strike which he struck at Fatimaasws, with the whip. Sheasws passed away, and on herasws shoulder was the effect of it, like a bruise and swelling’.

العجب مما أشربت قلوب هذه األمة من حب هذا الرجل وصاحبه من قبله، والتسليم له في آل شيئ : ثم قال عليه السالمأحدثه لئن آان عماله خونة وآان هذا المال في أيديهم خيانة ما آان حل له ترآه، وآان له أن يأخذه آله فإنه فيئ

نوا غير خونة فما حل له أن يأخذ أموالهم وال شيئا منهم قليال وال المسلمين، فما له يأخذ نصفه ويترك نصفه؟ ولئن آاولو آانت في أيديهم خيانة ثم لم يقروا بها ولم تقم عليهم البينة ما حل له أن يأخذ منهم قليال وال . آثيرا، وإنما أخذ أنصافها

تعملهم، ولئن آانوا غير خونة ما حلت له آثيرا وأعجب من ذلك إعادته إياهم إلى أعمالهم لئن آانوا خونة ما حل له أن يس . أموالهم

Then heasws said: 'The strange thing is what the hearts of this community are drinking from the love of this man and his companion that was before him, and their submission to him in everything ‘new’ that he comes up with. If his (2nd Caliph’s) workers were fraudsters and that this wealth, which was in their hands was fraudulent, it was not permissible for him to leave it (any of it with them), and he should have taken all of it back, for it was the wealth of the Muslims.

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So what made him take half of it and leave the other half (in their possession)? And if it was not fraudulent, then it was not permissible for him to take anything from their wealth, neither little nor a lot. But he (Umar) took half of it. And if that which was in their hands, was fraudulent, and they did not accept it as such, and he did not establish any proof over them for it, it was not permissible for him to take from them, neither little nor a lot. And what is even stranger than that is that he has reinstated

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some of them back to their positions. If they were fraudsters, it was not permissible for him to keep them as the office-bearers, and if they were not fraudsters, their wealth was not permissible for him (to take back from them)’.

أمير المؤمنين عليه السالم يتعجب من ميل الناس إلى البدع

العجب لقوم يرون سنة نبيهم تتبدل وتتغير شيئا شيئا وبابا بابا ثم يرضون وال : ثم أقبل علي عليه السالم على القوم فقالوره وأحداثه ينكرون، بل يغضبون له ويعتبون على من عاب عليه وأنكره ثم يجيئ قوم بعدنا، فيتبعون بدعته وج

:ويتخذون أحداثه سنة ودينا يتقربون بها إلى اهللا في مثل

Amir-ul-Momineenasws wonders at people’s tendencies towards the innovations

Then Aliasws turned towards the people and said: ‘It is strange that the people are seeing the ‘Sunnah’1 of their Prophetsaww being altered and replaced by other things, one by one, and door by door (part by part), but they are happy with it and do not deny them, but instead they get angry on his behalf at the one who finds faults with him and denys him instead. Then, very soon people will come after us who will follow his innovations, and his injustices, and his new things, and will take his new things as ‘Sunnah’ and make it to be their religion, in order to be close to Allahazwj by these. For example -

نقل مقام إبراهيم عليه السالم إلى موضعه في الجاهلية

تحويله مقام إبراهيم عليه السالم من الموضع الذي وضعه فيه رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله إلى الموضع الذي آان فيه .في الجاهلية الذي حوله منه رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله

Relocation of the ‘Maqaam-e-Ibrahimasws’ to where it used to be in the era of Ignorance

He (Umar) transferred the ‘Maqaam-e-Ibrahimas’ from the place where it was placed by the Messenger of Allahsaww to the place which it used to be in the era of ignorance, where the Messenger of Allahsaww had moved it from (upon conquering Mecca).

تغيير صاع رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله ومده

في -فما آان زيادته إال سوء ألن المساآين . وفي تغييره صاع رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله ومده، وفيهما فريضة وسنةلنا في مدنا اللهم بارك : (وقد قال رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله. بهما يعطون ما يجب من الزرع-آفارة اليمين والظهار

. ال يحولون بينه وبين ذلك، لكنهم رضوا وقبلوا ما صنع). وصاعنا

Changing of the weight measures of the Messenger of Allahsaww of ‘Sa’a’ and ‘Mudd’

And with regards to him changing the Sa’a of the Messenger of Allahsaww and hissaww Mudd, and in both of them is an obligation and a Sunnah. So, he did not increase anything except for evil, because the poor – with regards to their expiations of the                                                             

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1 Traditions of Holy Prophet Mohammedsaww.

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oath and the ‘Zihaar’ – by both of these they give what is obligatory for them. And the Messenger of Allahsaww has said: ‘Our Allahazwj, Bless for us with regards for our Mudd and our Sa’a!’ They did not place any obstructions between him and that, but they were pleased with it and accepted what he did.

غصب فدك

فسألها . وقبضه وصاحبه فدك وهي في يد فاطمة عليها السالم مقبوضة قد أآلت غلتها على عهد النبي صلى اهللا عليه وآلهولم يكن يحل له أن . أنها في يدها- آما نعلم -وهو يعلم يقينا . البينة على ما في يدها ولم يصدقها وال صدق أم أيمن

. وال أن يتهمهايسألها البينة على ما في يدها

Usurpation of Fadak

He (Umar), along with his companion (Abu Bakr), captured Fadak, and it was in the hand (control) of Fatimaasws. Sheasws had consumed from its yield in the era of the Prophetsaww. So they asked herasws for proof for that which was already in herasws hands, and neither did they ratify herasws nor Umm Aymanra (Bibi Fizza). And he knew with conviction – just as weasws know – that it was in herasws hands. And it was not permissible for him to ask herasws for proof for that which was already in herasws hands, or for him to hurl accusations at herasws.

: ثم حسن قبح فعلهما أن عدال عنها فقاال) إنما حمله على ذلك الورع والفضل: (ثم استحسن الناس ذلك وحمدوه وقالوافحظيا ). نظن إن فاطمة لن تقول إال حقا وإن عليا لم يشهد إال بحق، ولو آانت مع أم أيمن امرأة أخرى أمضيناها لها(

نا حاآمين فيعطيان أو يمنعان؟ ولكن األمة ابتلوا بهما فأدخال أنفسهما فيما بذلك عند الجهال وما هما ومن أمر هما أن يكو . ال حق لهما فيه وال علم لهما به

Then the people beautified that and praised him for it and said, ‘But he did that due to his piety and virtue’. Then they beautified the ugly deeds of them both as being fair and equitable. So they said, ‘We think that Fatimaasws did not say except for the truth, and that Aliasws did not testify except with the truth, and had there been with Umm Ayman another woman (to testify), we would have given it to herasws’. So they both gained credibility by that among the ignorant people, and what are these two, and who made these two to be rulers, so they should be followed or prevented?’ But, the community got involved with the two of them and entered themselves into that in which they had no right for them both, and both of them did not have any knowledge about it.

أليست في يدي وفيها وآيلي وقد أآلت غلتها : (- حين أراد انتزاعها وهي في يدها -وقد قالت فاطمة عليها السالم لهما ألنها فيئ المسلمين، فإن : ؟ قاال)فلم تسألني البينة على ما في يدي: (قالت. بلى: ؟ قاال)ورسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله حي

أفتريدان أن تردا ما صنع رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه : (- والناس حولهما يسمعون -قامت بينة وإال لم نمضها قالت لهما أرأيتما إن ادعيت ما في أيدي . وا ما رآباهاوآله وتحكما فينا خاصة بما لم تحكما في سائر المسلمين؟ أيها الناس، اسمع

. بل نسألك: ؟ قاال)المسلمين من أموالهم، أتسألونني البينة أم تسألونهم

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And Fatimaasws had said to them both – when he wanted to take it (Fadak) away from herasws, and it was in herasws hands: ‘Is this not in myasws hands and myasws representative regarding it is here, and Iasws had consumed the yield from it whilst the Messenger of Allahsaww was alive?’ He said, ‘Yes’. Sheasws said: ‘So why do you ask measws for the proof on that which is already in myasws hands?’ He said, ‘Because this is war booty for the Muslims, so youasws produce the proof otherwise we will not give it’. Sheasws said to both of them – and the people around them were listening: ‘Do the

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two of you want to turn back what the Messenger of Allahsaww has done, and you both are issuing a ruling with regards to usasws especially what you two have not issued regarding the rest of the Muslims? O you people! Listen to what they are riding on. Do you think that if Iasws were to claim to be in myasws hands from the wealth of the Muslims, you will ask measws for the proof or from them?’ They said, ‘But we will ask youasws’.

إن هذا فيئ للمسلمين : ؟ فغضب عمر وقال)فإن ادعى جميع المسلمين ما في يدي تسألونهم البينة أم تسألونني: (قالت -وأرضهم، وهي في يدي فاطمة تأآل غلتها، فإن أقامت بينة على ما ادعت أن رسول اهللا وهبها لها من بين المسلمين

نظرنا في ذلك -وهي فيئهم وحقهم

Sheasws said: ‘If all the Muslims were to make a claim for that which is in myasws hands, you will ask them for the proof or from measws?’ Umar got angry and said: ‘This is the ‘Fey’ (war booty) for the Muslims and their land, and it is in the hands of Fatimaasws and sheasws is consuming the yield of it, so if sheasws can establish proof on what sheasws is claiming that the Messenger of Allahsaww gifted it to herasws from between the Muslims – and it is their war booty and their right – we will look into that’.

؟ )إن ابنتي سيدة نساء أهل الجنة: (حسبي أنشدآم باهللا أيها الناس، أما سمعتم رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله يقول: فقالتأفسيدة نساء أهل الجنة تدعي الباطل وتأخذ ما ليس : قالت. اللهم نعم، قد سمعناه من رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله: قالوا

: ا علي بفاحشة أو رجالن بسرقة أآنتم مصدقين علي؟ فأما أبو بكر فسكت، وأما عمر فقاللها؟ أرأيتم لو أن أربعة شهدو نعم، ونوقع عليك الحد

So sheasws said: ‘It is sufficient for measws that Iasws should adjure you with Allahazwj as Witness, O you people, but have you not heard the Messenger of Allahsaww say: ‘Mysaww daughterasws is the Chieftess of the women of the Paradise?’ They said, ‘Our Allahazwj, yes, we have heard it from the Messenger of Allahsaww’. Would the Chieftess of the women of the Paradise make a false claim and take what is not for her to take? Do you think that if four witnesses testify against measws for immorality, or two men for theft, you will ratify them against measws?’ As for Abu Bakr, he was silent, but not Umar. He said, ‘Yes, we will apply the Limits (of the Law) on youasws’.

إن الذي يجيز على سيدة نساء أهل الجنة . آذبت ولؤمت، إال أن تقر أنك لست على دين محمد صلى اهللا عليه وآله: فقالتأذهب اهللا عنهم الرجس (شهادة أو يقيم عليها حدا لملعون آافر بما أنزل اهللا على محمد صلى اهللا عليه وآله، ألن من

.ادة ألنهم معصومون من آل سوء مطهرون من آل فاحشةال تجوز عليهم شه) وطهرهم تطهيرا

She said: ‘You lied, and are wicked. Nay, you have accepted that you are not on the Religion of Muhammadsaww. The one who places a requirement of a witness upon the Chieftess of the women of the Paradise, or establish the Limits (of the Law) against herasws, is an accursed infidel by what Allahazwj Sent down upon Muhammadsaww, because theyasws are the ones from whomasws Allahazwj has kept away all uncleanness and Purified themasws with a thorough Purifying [33:33]. It is not permissible to have witnesses against themasws because theyasws are infallible from every evil, and pure from every immorality.

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من أهل هذه اآلية، لو أن قوما شهدوا عليهم أو على أحد منهم بشرك أو آفر أو فاحشة آان المسلمون - يا عمر -حدثني نعم، وما هم وسائر الناس في ذلك إال سواء : يتبرؤون منهم ويحدونهم؟ قال

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Narrate to measws – O Umar – who are the Peopleasws (Ahl) of this Verse? If the people testify against themasws or any oneasws from themasws, of Polytheism or infidelity, or immorality, will the Muslims keep away from themasws and apply the Limits (of the Law) on themasws?’ He said, ‘Yes, and theyasws and the rest of the people with regards to that are not but equal’.

آذبت وآفرت، ما هم وسائر الناس في ذلك سواء ألن اهللا عصمهم ونزل عصمتهم وتطهيرهم وأذهب عنهم : قالت لما سكت - يا عمر -أقسمت عليك : فقال أبو بكر. فمن صدق عليهم فإنما يكذب اهللا ورسوله. الرجس

Sheasws said: ‘You have lied and transgressed (Kufr), theyasws and the rest of the people are not equal with regards to that because Allahazwj has Made themasws to be Infallible and Revealed theirasws Infallibility, and theirasws Purification, and Kept away from themasws, the impurities. Therefore the one who ratifies against themasws, he has lied against Allahazwj and hisazwj Messengersaww’. Abu Bakr said, ‘I am holding you on oath – O Umar – to keep quiet’.

مؤامرة قتل أمير المؤمنين عليه السالم

احمالني على ما : فقال. إنا نريد أن نسر إليك أمرا ونحملكه لثقتنا بك: فلما أن آان الليل أرسال إلى خالد بن الوليد فقاالما قال لنا إنه ال ينفعنا ما نحن فيه من الملك والسلطان ما دام علي حيا أما سمعت : (فقاال له. شئتما، فإني طوع أيديكما

وما استقبلنا به؟ ونحن ال نأمنه أن يدعو في السر فيستجيب له قوم فيناهضنا فإنه أشجع العرب، وقد ارتكبنا منه ما رأيت فإذا صليت بالناس صالة الغداة فقم إلى جنبه وليكن . وغلبناه على ملك ابن عمه وال حق لنا فيه، وانتزعنا فدك من امرأته

) سلمت فاضرب عنقهسيفك معك، فإذا صليت و

A conspiracy to kill Amir-ul-Momineenasws

When it was night time, they both (Abu Bakr and Umar) went to Khalid Bin Waleed. They said, ‘We want to issue a secret command to you, and trust that you will be steadfast with it’. He said, ‘Burden me with whatsoever you like, for I am obedient at your hands’. They said to him, ‘This (Caliphate) is of no benefit to us, what we have regarding it, from the kingdom and the Sultanate, so long as Aliasws is still alive. Did you hear what heasws said to us and what heasws had replied back out to us? And we do not feel secure for heasws might call in secret, so the people would respond to himasws and heasws will confront us since heasws is the bravest of the Arabs. And we have committed from it what you have seen, and have overcome the kingdom of the sonas of hissaww uncleas whilst we had no rights with regards to it, and we confiscated Fadak from hisasws wifeasws. So when you Pray the morning Prayer with the people, stand beside himasws and have your sword with you, and when I send the salutations in the Prayer, strike hisasws neck’.

فقام أبو بكر في الصالة وجعل يؤامر نفسه وندم وأسقط . فصلى خالد بن الوليد بجنبي متقلدا السيف: قال علي عليه السالمآان : وما ذاك؟ قال: ثم سلم فقلت لخالد) ال تفعل ما أمرتك: (- قبل أن يسلم -في يده حتى آادت الشمس أن تطلع ثم قال

إي وربي إذا لفعلت : أو آنت فاعال؟ قال: لت أن أضرب عنقك ق- إذا سلم -قد أمرني

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Aliasws said: ‘Khalid Prayed by myasws side wearing the sword. Abu Bakr stood up during the Prayer, and regretted to himself, and was silent with his hands until the sun almost rose. Then he said (to Khalid) – before he sent salutation: ‘Do not do what I had ordered you to’. Then he sent salutations. Iasws said to Khalid: ‘And what was that about?’ He said, ‘He had ordered me – when he sends salutations – that I

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should strike yourasws neck’. Iasws said: ‘Would you have done it?’ He said, ‘Yes, and by my Lordazwj, I would have done it’.

حبس الخمس

أال تعجبون من حبسه وحبس صاحبه عنا سهم ذي : ثم أقبل عليه السالم على العباس وعلى من حوله، ثم قال: قال سليمإن آنتم آمنتم باهللا وما أنزلنا : (القربى الذي فرضه اهللا لنا في القرآن؟ وقد علم اهللا أنهم سيظلموناه وينتزعونه منا، فقال

). م التقى الجمعانعلى عبدنا يوم الفرقان يو

Withholding of Al-Khums

Sulaym said, ‘Then heasws turned towards Al-Abbas and those who were around him, then said: ‘Do you not wonder at the one who withheld it and his companion who withheld it from us, the share for the near relatives which Allahazwj had Obligated for usasws in the Quran? And Allahazwj Knew that they would oppress us by it and seize it from usasws, so Heazwj Said: “[8:41] (And know that whatever thing you gain, a fifth of it is for Allah and for the Messenger and for the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer), if you believe in Allah and in that which We revealed to Our servant, on the day of distinction, the day on which the two parties met”.

إلحاق بيت جعفر بالمسجد

ثم لم يعب ذلك عليه الناس . والعجب لهدمه منزل أخي جعفر وإلحاقه في المسجد، ولم يعط بنيه من ثمنه قليال وال آثيرا .ولم يغيروه، فكأنما أخذ منزل رجل من الديلم

The joining of the house of Ja’far with the Masjid

And it is strange that he demolished the house of myasws brother Ja’far and joined it with the Masjid, and never gave his sons anything from its value, neither little nor more. Then the people did not fault that to him and did not change it. It was as if he had taken a house from a man from ‘Daylam’.

البدعة في غسل الجنابة

أن الجنب إذا لم يجد الماء فليس له أن يصلي وليس له أن يتيمم : (والعجب لجهله وجهل األمة أنه آتب إلى جميع عمالهثم قبل الناس ذلك ورضوا به، وقد علم وعلم الناس أن رسول اهللا ) بالصعيد حتى يجد الماء وإن لم يجده حتى يلقى اهللا

له قد أمر عمارا وأمر أبا ذر أن يتيمما من الجنابة ويصليا، وشهدا به عنده وغيرهما فلم يقبل ذلك ولم صلى اهللا عليه وآ . يرفع به رأسا

The innovation regarding the Major Ablution (Ghusl Al-Janaba)

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And it is strange, his ignorance and the ignorance of the community, that he wrote to all of his office bearers that, ‘The one who is in requirement of the major ablution, if he does not find water, it is not upon him to Pray and it is not upon him to perform ‘Tayammum’ with the earth until he does find water, even though he does not find it until he meets Allahazwj’ Then the people accepted that and were happy with it, and he knew as well as the people that the Messenger of Allahsaww had ordered Ammar

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and ordered Abu Dharrar that they should perform Tayammum from the ‘Janaaba’2 and Pray, and he was a witness to it as well as the others, but he did not accept that and did not approve it (the way of the holy Prophetsaww).

البدعة في إرث الجد

ادعيا أن . رعوالعجب لما خلطا قضايا مختلفة في الجد بغير علم تعسفا وجهال وادعائهما ما لم يعلما جرأة على اهللا وقلة ورسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله مات ولم يقض في الجد شيئا منه ولم يدع أحد يعلم ما للجد من الميراث ثم تابعوهما على

. ذلك وصدقوهما

The innovation regarding the inheritance from the grandfather

And it is strange, when he mixed up different issues with regards to the inheritance from a grandfather arbitrarily without knowledge and due to ignorance, and what these two claimed to know and their audacity against Allahazwj and their lack of piety. They claimed that the Messenger of Allahazwj passed away never having made any decision with regards to the (inheritance of) grandfather, and no one knows what is to be the inheritance from the grandfather. Then the people followed them on that and supported the two of them.

عتق أمهات األوالد

. وعتقه أمهات األوالد فأخذ الناس بقوله وترآوا أمر رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله

Liberation of the (slave) mothers of the boys

And the freeing of the mothers of the boys (Ummuhaat Al-Awlaad), so the people took his word but left (ignored) the order of the Messenger of Allahsaww.

القضاء الباطل في ثالثة أشخاص

. وما صنع بنصر بن الحجاج وبجعدة من سليم وبابن وبرة

The false Judgement regarding three persons

And what he did with Nasr Bin Al-Hajjaj, and with Jo’da and the son of Wabrat.

الطالق البدعة في

ثم راجعتها وهي في . إني طلقت امرأتي وأنا غائب فوصل إليها الطالق: (وأعجب من ذلك أن أبا آنف العبدي أتاه فقالإن آان هذا الذي تزوجها قد دخل بها فهي امرأته، : (فكتب له). عدتها وآتبت إليها فلم يصل الكتاب إليها حتى تزوجت

تب له ذلك وأنا شاهد، فلم يشاورني ولم يسألني، يرى استغناءه بعلمه عني، فأردت وآ) وإن آان لم يدخل بها فهي امرأتكثم لم يعبه الناس بل استحسنوه واتخذوه سنة وقبلوه منه ورأوه صوابا وذلك ). ما أبالي أن يفضحه اهللا: (أن أنهاه، ثم قلت

. قضاء لو قضى به مجنون نحيف سخيف لما زاد


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2 In requirement of Major ablution (bath/shower).

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The innovation regarding the divorce

And stranger than that is when Abu Kanaf Al-Abady came up to him and said, ‘I divorced my wife whilst I was away, and the news of the divorce reached her. Then I reverted back to her whilst she was still in her waiting period, and I wrote to her. The letter did not reach her until after she had remarried’. He (Umar) wrote to him, ‘If this man who has married her did establish marital relations with her then she is his wife, and if had not had marital relations with her then she is your wife’. And he wrote that to him, and Iasws am a witness to it. He never consulted measws and did not even ask measws about it. He thought that due to his knowledge, he was in no need of measws. Iasws intended to prevent him, but then Iasws thought: ‘What do Iasws care if Allahazwj Exposes him’. Then the people did not fault him, but beautified his actions and took to his ways and accepted it from him and saw it as being correct, and that is such a judgement that even if an insane person were to judge it, he would not have exceeded this.

إسقاط أجزاء األذان

. ، فاتخذوه سنة وتابعوه على ذلك)حي على خير العمل(ثم ترآه من األذان

The dropping of the parts of the Call (to Prayer)

Then he left from the Call to Prayer (Azaan), ‘Hurry to the best of the deeds’ (Hayya Alaa Khayr Al-Amal). So they took to his ways and followed him on that.

البدعة في حكم المفقود زوجها

فاستحسنه ). أجل امرأته أربع سنين، ثم تتزوج، فإن جاء زوجها خير بين امرأته وبين الصداق(وقضيته في المفقود وأن . ل وسنة نبيهالناس واتخذوه سنة وقبلوه منه جهال وقلة علم بكتاب اهللا عز وج

The innovation regarding the matter of the missing husband

And he judged regarding the missing husband, and that if four years have passed, then she could wed again. So if her husband turns up then he shall have the choice between the wife and the dowry. The people beautified it and took to his way and accepted it from his ignorance, and said that he knew the Book of Allahazwj and the Sunnah of Hisazwj Prophetsaww.

بدعه في األعاجم وإخراجه من المدينة آل أعجمي

His Innovation regarding the non-Arabs and his expelling of all the non-Arabs from Al-Medina.

من أخذتموه من األعاجم فبلغ طول هذا الحبل فاضربوا : (وإرساله إلى عماله بالبصرة بحبل طوله خمسة أشبار وقوله )! عنقه

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And his sending of a rope to his office bearers in Al-Basra the length of five spans ‘Ashbaar’ and his statement, ‘Anyone from the non-Arabs whose height is longer than this rope, so have his neck struck off’.

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!! ورده سبايا تستر وهن حبالى

And he returned the female captives who were secretly carrying a child.

)من بلغ طول هذا الحبل فاقطعوه: (وا بالبصرة وقولهوإرساله بحبل في صبيان سرق

And his sending a rope with regard to the captive thieves in Al-Basra, and his statement, ‘Anyone who has reached the length of this rope, so cut off (his hands)’.

لها الجهال فزعموا أن الملك ينطق على لسانه ويلقنه وأعجب من ذلك أن آذابا رجم بكذابة فقبلها وقب

And even stranger than that is the stoning of the liar by a liar. So they accepted it, and accepted his ignorance. (And defended his ignorance by) coming up with a fabrication that an Angel was speaking through his tongue and was teaching him.

.وإعتاقه سبايا أهل اليمن

And his releasing of the captives of the people of Yemen.

معصية أبي بكر وعمر للرسول صلى اهللا عليه وآله واعتراضاتهما عليه * 2*

. وتخلفه وصاحبه عن جيش أسامة بن زيد مع تسليمهما عليه باألمرة

2 - Disobedience of Abu Bakr and Umar to the Messenger of Allahsaww and their objections against himsaww

And his staying behind along with his companion, from the army of Usama Bin Zayd, after having greeted him as an Emir.

ثم لم . مه الناس أنه الذي صد رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله عن الكتف الذي دعاه بهثم أعجب من ذلك أنه قد علم اهللا وعل . يضره ذلك عندهم ولم ينقصه

Then even stranger than that is that he knew, and Allahazwj also Knew, and the people knew as well that he was the one who was repelled by the Messenger of Allahsaww, when (Prophetsaww) asked for the paper (and ink)3. Then it did not matter to them, nor did they find any fault with him.

. فغضب رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله حتى قال ما قال. وإنه صاحب صفية حين قال لها ما قال

And it was him who said to Safiya what he said. So the Messenger of Allahsaww was angry to the extent that hesaww said what hesaww said.

وإنه وصاحبه اللذان آفا عن قتل الرجل الذي أمرهما رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله بقتله، ثم أمرني بعدهما وقال النبي .صلى اهللا عليه وآله في ذلك ما قال


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3 The Holy Prophetsaww asked for paper and ink so that hesaww would leave behind his final instructions but Umar said, the Book of Allah is sufficient for us.

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And it was him and his companion who both held back from killing the man whom the Messenger of Allahsaww had ordered both of them to kill. Then hesaww ordered measws to do it after these two, and the Prophetsaww said with regards to it, that which hesaww said.

، فرده عمر )إنه من لقي اهللا موحدا ال يشرك به شيئا دخل الجنة: (أمر النبي صلى اهللا عليه وآله أبا بكر ينادي في الناسو . وأطاعه أبو بكر وعصى رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله فلم تنفذ أمره، فقال رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله في ذلك ما قال

And the Prophetsaww ordered Abu Bakr to call out within the people, ‘The one who meets Allahazwj as a Monotheist, not having associated anything by it, will enter the Paradise’. Umar sent him back, and Abu Bakr obeyed him and disobeyed the Messenger of Allahsaww, and so he did not carry out hissaww order. So the Messenger of Allahsaww said regarding that what hesaww said.

فمساويه ومساوي صاحبه أآثر من أن تحصى أو تعد، ثم لم ينقصهم ذلك عند الجهال والعامة، وهما أحب إليهم من آبائهم . وأمهاتهم وأنفسهم، ويبغضون لهما ما ال يبغضون لرسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله

So, his evil actions and the evil actions of his companion are more numerous than what you can realise or count. Then they (the people) did not fault them due to their ignorance and the blindness, and these two are more beloved to them than their own fathers and their own mothers and their own selves. They get angry for these two (in their defence), and they do not get angry for the Messenger of Allahsaww.

إهانة عمر لرسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله

فأتيت رسول اهللا ) ما مثل محمد إال آمثل نخلة نبتت في آناسة: (ثم مررت بالصهاآي يوما فقال لي: قال علي عليه السالمفغضب النبي صلى اهللا عليه وآله وخرج مغضبا فأتى المنبر، وفزعت األنصار . صلى اهللا عليه وآله فذآرت له ذلك

ت شاآة في السالح لما رأت من غضب رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله فجاء

Umar Insults the Messenger of Allahsaww

Aliasws said: ‘One day Iasws passed by Al-Sahhaky (Umar, who was the son of Sahaak), so he said to measws, ‘What is the example of Muhammadsaww except for the example of a date tree growing in the rubbish dump’. Iasws came up to the Messenger of Allahsaww, so Iasws mentioned that to himsaww. The Prophetsaww got grieved by it and came out distressed to the Pulpit, and the ‘al-Ansar’ (Helpers) were horrified by it and came out armed with their weapons when they saw the disapproval of the Messenger of Allahsaww.

ما بال أقوام يعيرونني بقرابتي؟ وقد سمعوا مني ما قلت في فضلهم وتفضيل اهللا إياهم وما اختصهم اهللا به من : فقالإذهاب الرجس عنهم وتطهير اهللا إياهم، وقد سمعتم ما قلت في أفضل أهل بيتي وخيرهم مما خصه اهللا به وأآرمه وفضله

أنه بمنزلة هارون من موسى، ثم تزعمون أن مثلي في أهل بيتي آمثل من سبقه في اإلسالم وبالؤه فيه وقرابته مني و نخلة نبتت في آناسة؟

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Hesaww said: ‘What is the problem with the people that they taunt mesaww by myasws near relatives? And you have heard what Isaww have said regarding theirasws virtues and what virtues Allahazwj has Preferred themasws with and what Allahazwj has Specialised themasws with from keeping away the uncleanness from themasws, and that Allahazwj has indeed Purified themasws. And you have heard what Isaww have said regarding the preferences of the Peopleasws of mysaww Household, and their

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goodness which Allahazwj has Specialised himasws with, and Honoured himasws, and hisasws merits of being foremost in Islam, and the afflictions that heasws had to bear with regards to it, and hisasws nearness to mesaww, and that heasws is unto mesaww at the status which Harounas had with Musaas, then you are alleging that mysaww example among the Peopleasws of mysaww Household is like the example of a date tree growing in a rubbish dump?

ثم فرق الفرقة ثالث فرق، شعوبا وقبائل وبيوتا وجعلني . خلقه ففرقهم فرقتين، فجعلني في خير الفريقينأال إن اهللا خلق إنما يريد اهللا ليذهب عنكم الرجس أهل : (ثم جعلهم بيوتا فجعلني في خيرها بيتا، فذلك قوله. في خيرها شعبا وخيرها قبيلة

. وأنا وأخي علي بن أبي طالب، فحصلت في أهل بيتي وعترتي )البيت ويطهرآم تطهيرا

Nay! Allahazwj Created Hisazwj creation and divided it into two sections. Heazwj Made mesaww to be in the better of the two sects. Then Heazwj Separated the sect into three sections – nations, and tribes, and households, and Made mesaww to be in the best of the nations, and the best of the tribes. Then Heazwj Made them to be households, so Heazwj Made mesaww to be in the best of the Households, so that is Hisazwj Statement “[33:33] Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! and to purify you a (thorough) purifying.” So Heazwj Revealed this with regards to the Peopleasws of mysaww Household, and mysaww Family, and myselfsaww and mysaww brother Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws.

أال وإن اهللا نظر إلى أهل األرض نظرة فاختارني منهم، ثم نظر نظرة فاختار أخي عليا ووزيري ووصيي وخليفتي في فبعثني رسوال ونبيا ودليال، فأوحى إلي أن أتخذ عليا أخا ووليا ووصيا وخليفة في أمتي . أمتي وولي آل مؤمن بعدي

. اهللا ومن عاداه عاداه اهللا ومن أحبه أحبه اهللا ومن أبغضه أبغضه اهللاأال وإنه ولي آل مؤمن بعدي، من وااله وااله . بعدي . ال يحبه إال مؤمن وال يبغضه إال آافر

Nay! And Allahazwj Looked towards the inhabitants of the earth with a Glance (Considered it with a Consideration). So Heazwj Chose mesaww from among them. Then Heazwj Looked (Considered) again, so Heazwj Chose mysaww brother Aliasws, as mysaww Vizier, and mysaww successor, and mysaww Caliph in mysaww community, and the guardian of every believer after mesaww. Heazwj Sent mesaww as a Messengersaww, and as a Prophetsaww, and as evidence. So Heazwj Revealed unto mesaww that Isaww should take mysaww brother Aliasws to be a guardian, and a Caliph for mysaww community after mesaww. Nay!

Heasws is the guardian of every believer after mesaww. The one who befriends himasws, Allahsaww will Befriend him, and the one who is inimical to himasws, Allahazwj will be Inimical to him, the one who loves himasws, Allahazwj will Love him, and the one who angers himasws, Allahazwj will be Angry with him. None will love himasws except for a believer, and none will hate him except for an infidel.

أتريدون أن تطفؤوا نور اهللا بأفواهكم؟ واهللا متم نوره . رب األرض بعدي وسكنها وهو آلمة اهللا التقوى وعروة اهللا الوثقىيا أيها الناس، ليبلغ مقالتي شاهدآم . ويريد أعداء اهللا أن يطفؤوا نور أخي، ويأبى اهللا إال أن يتم نوره. ولو آره المشرآون

.اللهم اشهد عليهم. غائبكم

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Heasws is the ‘Raab ul Arz’ (Lord of the earth and its inhabitants), after mesaww, and heasws is the pious Word of Allahazwj and the strong Rope of Allahazwj. Do you want to extinguish the ‘Noor Allahazwj’ (The Light of Allahazwj) with your mouths? And Allahazwj will Complete Hisazwj Light even though the Polytheists may not like it. [9:32]. The enemies of Allahazwj want to extinguish the Noor of mysaww brother, and

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Allahazwj Refused that, except that Heazwj will Ensure the Completion of Hisazwj Noor. O you people! Those who are witnesses to this should make mysaww words reach to those who are absent from among you. Our Allahazwj, be a Witness to them!

ر يا أيها الناس، إن اهللا نظر نظرة ثالثة فاختار منهم بعدي اثني عشر وصيا من أهل بيتي وهم خيار أمتي منهم أحد عشمثلهم آمثل النجوم في السماء آلما غاب نجم طلع نجم . إماما بعد أخي واحدا بعد واحد آلما هلك واحد قام واحد منهم

.ألنهم أئمة هداة مهتدون، ال يضرهم آيد من آادهم وال خذالن من خذلهم بل يضر اهللا بذلك من آادهم وخذلهم

O you people! Allahazwj Looked (Considered) for a third time, so Heazwj Chose from among them, after mesaww, Twelve Successors from the Peopleasws of mysaww Household, and theyasws are the best of mysaww community. Among themasws are Eleven Imamsasws after mysaww brotherasws, one after the other. Whenever one of themasws passes away, another oneasws will take hisasws place from themasws.

Theirasws example is like the example of the stars in the sky. Whenever a star disappears, another one rises, because theyasws are the Guiding Imamsasws who are Guided (by Allahazwj). The plots of the plotters do not adversely affect themasws, nor does the abandonment of the ones who abandon themasws, but Allahazwj will Ensure that the ones who plotted, and the ones who abandoned will be the ones to be adversely affected by that.

هم مع القرآن والقرآن معهم، . من أطاعهم أطاع اهللا ومن عصاهم عصى اهللا. فهم حجة اهللا في أرضه وشهداءه على خلقه . ال يفارقونه وال يفارقهم حتى يردوا على حوضي

So, theyasws are the ‘Hujjat Allah’ (Proofs of Allahazwj) in Hisazwj earth, and Hisazwj Witnesses over Hisazwj creatures. The one who obeys themasws has obeyed Allahazwj, and the one who disobeys themasws has disobeyed Allahazwj. Theyasws are with the Quran and the Quran is with themasws. Neither will theyasws separate from it, nor will it separate from themasws until theyasws return to mesaww at the (Divine) Fountain (in the Hereafter).

أول األئمة أخي علي خيرهم، ثم ابني الحسن ثم ابني الحسين ثم تسعة من ولد الحسين، وأمهم ابنتي فاطمة، صلوات اهللا . ثم من بعدهم جعفر بن أبي طالب ابن عمي وأخو أخي، وعمي حمزة بن عبد المطلب. عليهم

The first of the Imamsasws is mysaww brother Aliasws who is the best of themasws. Then, mysaww son Al-Hassanasws, and mysaww son Al-Husayn. Then, nine from the sonsasws of Al-Husaynasws, and theirasw mother is mysaww daughter Fatimaasws, may Peace be upon themasws. Then, after themasws, the best is Ja’far Bin Abu Talibasws the son of mysaww uncleasws and the brother of mysaww brotherasws, and mysaww uncle Hamza Bin Abd Al-Muttalibasws.

أنا خير المرسلين والنبيين، وفاطمة ابنتي سيدة نساء أهل الجنة، وعلي وبنوه األوصياء خير . أال إني محمد بن عبد اهللا . الوصيين، وأهل بيتي خير أهل بيوتات النبيين وابناي سيدا شباب أهل الجنة

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Nay! Isaww am Muhammad Bin Abd Allahsaww. Isaww am the best of the Messengersas and the Prophetsas, and Fatimaasws mysaww daughter is the Chieftess of the women of the Paradise, and Aliasws and hisasws successor sonsasws are the best of the successorsas, and the Peopleasws of mysaww Household are the best of the people of the households of the Prophetsas, and mysaww two sonsasws are the Chiefs of the youths of the Paradise.

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أيها الناس، إن شفاعتي ليرجوها رجاءآم، أفيعجز عنها أهل بيتي؟ ما من أحد ولده جدي عبد المطلب يلقى اهللا موحدا ال . يشرك به شيئا إال أدخله الجنة ولو آان فيه من الذنوب عدد الحصى وزبد البحر

O you people! As for mysaww intercession, it is what you hope for, and it is your desire. Do you reckon that the Peopleasws of mysaww Household will be deprived of it? There is none from the children of mysaww grandfather Abd Al-Muttalibas who will meet Allahazwj as a ‘Mushrik’ (Monotheist), not having associated the slightest of anything by it, but he will enter the Paradise, even though his sins may equAl-the number of the pebbles, and the foam of the sea.

أيها الناس، عظموا أهل بيتي في حياتي ومن بعدي وأآرموهم وفضلوهم، فإنه ال يحل ألحد أن يقوم من مجلسه ألحد إال إني لو أخذت بحلقة باب الجنة ثم تجلى لي ربي تبارك وتعالى فسجدت وأذن لي بالشفاعة، لم أوثر على أهل . ألهل بيتي . بيتي أحدا

O you people! Magnify the Membersasws of mysaww Household in mysaww lifetime and after mesaww, and honour themasws and prefer themasws, for it is not permissible for anyone to stand up from his place for anyone else except for the peopleasws of mysaww Household. If Isaww were to grab hold of the Door of the Paradise, then mysaww Lordazwj Blessed and High is Manifested for mesaww, so Isaww will prostrate and Heazwj will Permit mesaww for the intercession, Isaww will not give priority to anyone over the Peopleasws of mysaww Household.

يا -نعوذ باهللا من غضب اهللا ومن غضب رسوله، أخبرنا : أيها الناس، انسبوني من أنا؟ فقام إليه رجل من األنصار فقالانسبوني، أنا محمد بن عبد اهللا بن عبد : فقال. من الذي آذاك في أهل بيتك حتى نضرب عنقه وليبر عترته-رسول اهللا

إني وأهل بيتي : ى في نسبه إلى إسماعيل بن إبراهيم خليل اهللا، ثم قالالمطلب بن هاشم حتى انتسب إلى نزار، ثم مض . بطينة طيبة من تحت العرش إلى آدم نكاح غير سفاح لم يخالطنا نكاح الجاهلية

O you people! Look at mysaww lineage. Who am Isaww?’ So a man from the Helpers stood up and said, ‘We seek refuge with Allahazwj from the Wrath of Allahazwj, and from the wrath of Hisazwj Messengersaww. Inform us, O Messenger of Allahsaww, who is the one who has hurt youasws with regards to the Peopleasws of yoursaww Household, so that we may strike his neck-off and his family becomes ineffective’.

So hesaww said: ‘Isaww will introduce mysaww lineage. Isaww am Muhammadsaww Bin Abd Allahasws bin Abd Al-Muttalibasws Bin Hashimasws’ – until hesaww mentioned the lineage up to Nazaar, then continued in his lineage up to Ismailas bin Ibrahimas, the Friend (Khaleel) of Allahazwj, then said – ‘Isaww and the Peopleasws of mysaww Household are by the good clay from underneath the Throne, up to Adamas, our (lineage) is through (holy) matrimony and not through adultery (as some of you). Do not include usasws in (those who were born as a result of) the marriages of the ignorance.

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تحدي الرسول صلى اهللا عليه وآله لهم في أنسابهم وآخرتهم

من أبي؟ فقال صلى اهللا : فقام إليه رجل فقال. فسلوني، فواهللا ال يسألني رجل عن أبيه وعن أمه وعن نسبه إال أخبرته بهثم قام إليه رجل . سلمتلو نسبتني إلى غيره لرضيت و: فحمد اهللا وأثنى عليه وقال. أبوك فالن الذي تدعى إليه: عليه وآله

أمن : ثم قام إليه رجل آخر فقال. فارتد عن اإلسالم- لغير أبيه الذي يدعى إليه -أبوك فالن : من أبي؟ فقال: آخر فقال لهمن : أمن أهل الجنة أنا أم من أهل النار؟ فقال: ثم قام رجل آخر فقال. من أهل الجنة: أهل الجنة أنا أم من أهل النار؟ فقال

. النارأهل

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The Messenger of Allahsaww challenged them with regards to their lineages and (their fate) in the hereafter

So, ask mesaww, for by Allahazwj, no man will ask mesaww about his father, and about his mother, and about his lineage, but Isaww will inform him about it’ So a man stood up and said, ‘Who is my father?’ The Messenger of Allahsaww said: ‘Your father is so and so, whom you are claiming him to be’. So he Praised Allahazwj and Extolled Himazwj and said, ‘Had yousaww related me to someone else, I would have been pleased with it and would have accepted it’.

Then another man stood up to himsaww and said to himsaww, ‘Who is my father?’ So hesaww said: ‘Your father is so and so’ – someone other than whom he had been claiming him to be – so he reverted back from Islam (became an apostate). Then another man stood up to himsaww and said, ‘Am I from the inhabitants of the Paradise or from the inhabitants of the Fire?’ So hesaww said: ‘From the inhabitants of the Paradise’. Then another man stood up and said, ‘Am I from the inhabitants of the Paradise or from the inhabitants of the Fire?’ So hesaww said: ‘From the inhabitants of the Fire’.

اعتراض عمر بإهانته لساحة رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله القدسية

ما يمنع الذي عير أفضل أهل بيتي وأخي ووزيري ووارثي : - وهو مغضب -ثم قال رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله ر؟ فقام إليه ووصيي وخليفتي في أمتي وولي آل مؤمن بعدي أن يقوم فيسألني من أبوه وأين هو، أفي الجنة أم في النا

أعوذ باهللا من سخط اهللا وسخط رسوله، أعف عنا يا رسول اهللا عفا اهللا عنك، أقلنا أقالك اهللا، : عمر بن الخطاب فقال . فاستحى رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله فكف. استرنا سترك اهللا، اصفح عنا صلى اهللا عليك

Umar’s interception with his insult of the Holiness of the Messenger of Allahsaww

Then the Messenger of Allahsaww said – and hesaww was angry -: ‘What has prevented the one who taunted the preference of the Peopleasws of mysaww Household, and mysaww brother, and mysaww Vizier, and mysaww inheritor, and mysaww successorasws, and mysaww Caliph in mysaww community, and mysaww Guardian of every believer after mesaww, to stand up so that he would question mesaww about his father and where he is to be, in the Paradise or in the Fire?’ So Umar Bin Al-Khattab stood up to himsaww saying, ‘I seek refuge with Allahazwj from the Wrath of Allahazwj and the wrath of Hisazwj Messengersaww. Excuse us, O Messenger of Allahsaww, may Allahazwj Excuse yousaww. Discharge us, may Allahazwj Discharge yousaww. Veil us, may Allahazwj Veil yousaww. Forgive us, may Allahazwj Bless yousaww. The Messenger of Allahsaww did not want to embarrass him anymore, so hesaww stopped.

اعتراض عمر على رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله في زآاة أموال العباس

إن العباس قد : وهو صاحب العباس الذي بعثه رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله ساعيا فرجع وقال: قال علي عليه السالمإن . بيت من شر ما يلطخونا بهالحمد هللا الذي عافانا أهل ال: (فغضب رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله وقال. منع صدقة ماله

ثم أتاني بعد ذلك يطلب أن أمشي معه إلى رسول اهللا . العباس لم يمنع صدقة ماله ولكنك عجلت عليه وقد عجل زآاة سنين. صلى اهللا عليه وآله شافعا ليرضى عنه، ففعلت

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Objection of Umar against the Messenger of Allahsaww regarding Zakaat of the wealth of Al-Abbas

Aliasws said: ‘And he (Umar) was with Al-Abbas when the Messenger of Allahsaww sent him to seek him. So he came back and said, ‘Al-Abbas has refused to give charity from his wealth’. So the Messenger of Allahsaww was angered and said: ‘Praise be to Allahazwj Who has Excused usasws, the Peopleasws of the Household from the evil of what they are mixing us up with. Al-Abbas never refused to give charity from his wealth, but you made haste towards him and wanted the Zakaat for two years’. Then he (Umar) came to measws, seeking that Iasws should walk with him to the Messenger of Allahsaww to intercede so that hesaww may be pleased with him. So Iasws did it’.

اعتراض عمر على رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله في الصالة على جنازة المنافق وهو صاحب عبد اهللا بن أبي سلول

قد نهاك اهللا أن : (حين تقدم رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله ليصلي عليه فأخذ بثوبه من ورائه فمده إليه من خلفه وقالويلك، قد آذيتني إنما صليت عليه آرامة : فقال له رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله) تصلي عليه وال يحل لك أن تصلي عليه

.وما يدريك ما قلت، إنما دعوت اهللا عليه. أن يسلم به سبعون رجال من بني أبيه وأهل بيتهالبنه، وإني ألرجو

Objection of Umar against the Messenger of Allahsaww regarding the Prayer at the funeral of a hypocrite, and he was the companion Abdullah Bin Abu Salool

When the Messenger of Allahsaww stepped forward to Pray for him (Abdullah Bin Salool), he (Umar) grabbed hissaww garment from behind so it got extended from behind himsaww, and said, ‘Allahazwj has Prohibited yousaww that yousaww should Pray for him, and it is not Permissible for yousaww to Pray for him’. The Messenger of Allahsaww said to him: ‘Woe be unto you, for you have hurt mesaww. But, Isaww Pray for him for the honour of his son, and Isaww hope that seventy men from the children of his father and his family would embrace Islam. And what do you know what Isaww said, but Isaww called upon Allahazwj for him’.

اعتراض عمر على رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله في صلح الحديبية

ثم جعل أنعطي الدنية في ديننا؟: إذ قال له- حين آتب القضية -وهو صاحب رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله يوم الحديبية ؟ فقال رسول اهللا )أنعطي الدنية في ديننا: (يطوف في عسكر رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله يشككهم ويحضضهم ويقول

فأخذه ). افرجوا عني، أتريدون أن أغدر بذمتي؟ وألفي لهم بما آتبت لهم، خذ يا سهيل بيد أبي جندل: (صلى اهللا عليه وآله . عاقبة أمر رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله إلى الخير والرشد والهدى والعزة والفضلثم جعل اهللا. فشده وثاقا في الحديد

Objection of Umar against the Messenger of Allahsaww regarding the Reconciliation of Al-Hudaybiyya

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And he (Umar) was with Messenger of Allahsaww on the day of Al-Hudaybiyya – when hesaww wrote the decision – then he (Umar) said to himsaww, ‘Yousaww are giving us disgrace in our religion?’ Then he went around the soldiers of the Messenger of Allahsaww, causing in them doubt and stirring them and saying, ‘Hesaww is disgracing us in our religion?’ So the Messenger of Allahsaww said: ‘Go away from mesaww, do you desire that Isaww should betray mysaww responsibility? In order for mesaww to be faithful to them with what Isaww write to them, O Suhail, grab the hand of Abu Jandal

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(Umar)’. So he grabbed his hands and held them in chains. Then, Allahazwj Made the end result of the matter of the Messenger of Allahsaww to be good, and correct, and Guided, and honourable, and virtuous.

اعتراض عمر يوم غدير خم

ما يألو أن : ( فقال- حين نصبني رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله لواليتي -احبه وهو صاحب يوم غدير خم إذ قال هو وص). إن هذه لهي الكرامة: (- وأنا منصوب -وقال لصاحبه ) ما يألو رفعا بضبع ابن عمه: (وقال اآلخر) يرفع خسيسته

فال : ( وانصرفا، فأنزل اهللا فيهال واهللا ال أسمع له وال أطيع أبدا ثم اتكأ عليه ثم تمطى: فقطب صاحبه في وجهه وقال، وعيدا من اهللا له )صدق وال صلى ولكن آذب وتولى ثم ذهب إلى أهله يتمطى، أولى لك فأولى، ثم أولى لك فأولى

. وانتهارا

Objection of Umar on the Day of Ghadeer Khum

And he was the companion on the Day of Ghadeer Khum when he and his companion said – when the Messenger of Allahsaww established myasws Wilayah – so he said, ‘Hesaww never misses an opportunity to elevate (the status of) hissaww relative’. So the other one said, ‘Hesaww never misses an opportunity to elevate the sonasws of hissaww uncleasws’. So he said to his companion – and heasws had already been appointed -, ‘This is a prestige for himasws’. So his companion had a frown on his face and said, ‘No, by Allahazwj, I will not listen to himasws, nor will I obey himasws ever’. Then he leaned upon him, stretched out and left. So Allahazwj Revealed with regards to it “[75:31] So he did not accept the truth, nor did he pray, [75:32] But called the truth a lie and turned back, [75:33] Then he went to his followers, walking away in haughtiness. [75:34] Nearer to you (is destruction) and nearer, [75:35] Again (consider how) nearer to you and nearer.”

اعتراض عمر في مرض على عليه السالم واستهزاءه

يا : وهو الذي دخل علي مع رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله يعودني في رهط من أصحابه، حين غمزه صاحبه فقام وقالرسول اهللا، إنك قد آنت عهدت إلينا في علي عهدا وإني ألراه لما به فإن هلك فإلى من؟ فقال رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه

إيه، واهللا إنه ال يموت في مرضه : إجلس، فأعادها ثالث مرات، فأقبل عليهما رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله فقال: وآلهوال يموت حتى يلقى منكما هنات . واهللا ال يموت حتى تملياه غيظا وتوسعاه غدرا وظلما، ثم تجداه صابرا قواما. هذا

. وهنات، وال يموت إال شهيدا مقتوال

Objection of Umar during the illness of Aliasws and his mockery

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And he is the one who came along with the Messenger of Allahsaww, hurting me in the group of his companions, when he winked at his companion, so he stood up and said, ‘O Messenger of Allahsaww, yousaww have made an oath to us about Aliasws, and I cannot see who it will be if heasws were to perish in this?’ So the Messenger of Allahsaww said: ‘Sit down’. Hesaww called this out three times. The Messenger of Allahsaww addressed them both saying: ‘By Allahazwj, heasws will not pass away in this illness of hisasws. By Allahazwj, heasws will not pass away until you two fill himasws with rage, and heap upon himasws treacheries and injustices, then you will find him to be patient and consistent. And heasws will not pass away until heasws receives from you both errors upon errors, and heasws will not pass away except as a martyr, an assassinated one’.

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إتمام الحجة على أبي بكر وعمر وعثمان في خالفة علي عليه السالم * 3*

وهما -وأعظم من ذلك آله أن رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله جمع ثمانين رجال، أربعين من العرب وأربعين من العجم ليفتي في أمتي ووصيي في إني أشهدآم أن عليا أخي ووزيري ووارثي وخ: (ثم قال. فسلموا علي بإمرة المؤمنين-فيهم

، وفيهم أبو بكر وعمر وعثمان وطلحة والزبير وسعد وعبد الرحمن بن )أهلي وولي آل مؤمن بعدي، فاسمعوا له وأطيعوا ). إني أشهد اهللا عليكم: (ثم قال. عوف وأبو عبيدة وسالم ومعاذ بن جبل ورهط من األنصار

3 – Completion of argument on Abu Bakr, and Umar, and Usman during the Caliphate of Aliasws

And greater than all of that is that the Messenger of Allahsaww gathered eighty men, forty from the Arabs and forty from the non-Arabs – and they were both among them – so they greeted measws as Amir-ul-Momineenasws. Then hesaww said: ‘Isaww hold you all as witnesses that Aliasws is mysaww brother, and mysaww Vizier, and mysaww inheritor, and mysaww caliph in mysaww community, and mysaww successorasws in mysaww Family, and mysaww guardian on every believer after mesaww. So listen to himasws and obey himasws’. And among them were Abu Bakr, and Umar, and Usman, and Talha, and Al-Zubayr, and Sa’d, and Abdul Rahmaan Bin Awf, and Abu Ubeyda, and Saalim, and Ma’az Bin Jabal, and a group from the ‘al-Ansar’ (the Helpers)4. Then hesaww said: ‘Isaww keep Allahazwj as a Witness on you all’.

االنتخاب أو االنتصاب أو الشورى

سبحان اهللا، مما أشربت قلوب هذه األمة من بليتهما وفتنتهما، من عجلها : ثم أقبل علي عليه السالم على القوم فقالإن : (إنهم أقروا وادعوا أن رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله لم يستخلف أحدا وأنه أمر بالشورى وقال من قال. وسامريهاإن اهللا لم يكن ليجمع لنا أهل البيت بين النبوة : ( صلى اهللا عليه وآله لم يستخلف أحدا وإن نبي اهللا قالرسول اهللا . وأشهدهم على ما أشهدهم عليه) سلموا على علي عليه السالم بإمرة المؤمنين: (، وقد قال ألولئك الثمانين رجال)والخالفة

The election, or the selection, or the consultation

Then Aliasws turned towards the people and said: ‘Glory be to Allahazwj! What the hearts of the people have drunk from the afflictions and the discords of these two, from the calf and the Samiri of the people. They all accepted, and then claimed that the Messenger of Allahsaww never left behind anyone (as Caliph), and he ordered for the consultation, and so said the one who said that the Messenger of Allahsaww never left behind anyone (as Caliph) and that the Prophetsaww of Allahazwj said that: ‘Allahazwj never Gathers together for usasws the Peopleasws of the Household, the Prophet-hood and the Caliphate’. And hesaww said to eighty of those people: ‘Greet Aliasws as ‘Amir-ul-Momineen’, and made them witnesses over it, along with others who also witnessed it.

والعجب أنهم أقروا ثم ادعوا أن رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله لم يستخلف أحدا وأنهم أمروا بالشورى، ثم أقروا أنهم لم . وأي ذنب أعظم من الفلتة. يشاوروا في أبي بكر وأن بيعته آانت فلتة

And it is strange that they accepted, and then claimed that the Messenger of Allahsaww never left behind anyone (as Caliph), and so they ordered for the


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4 The original inhabitant of Medina who invited and help Holy Prophetsaww.

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consultation. Then they accepted that they themselves never had a consultation with regards to Abu Bakr (becoming caliph), and that the allegiance to him happened as a slip. And which sin is greater than the slip.

أدع أمة : (ثم استخلف أبو بكر عمر ولم يقتد برسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله فيدعهم بغير استخالف فقيل له في ذلك، فقال ؟ طعنا منه على رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله ورغبة عن رأيه )محمد آالنعل الخلق، أدعهم بغير أحد أستخلف عليهم

Then Abu Bakr made Umar to be the Caliph, while not adhering to the way of the Messenger of Allahsaww that he had alleged not to have left behind a Caliph. When people reminded him of that. He (Abu Bakr) said, ‘Shall I leave the community of Muhammadsaww like a broken slipper, leaving them without anyone as Caliph over them?’ This was his taunt on the Messenger of Allahsaww, and he was away from hissaww opinion.

لم يدعهم على ما ادعى أن رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله لم يستخلف وال استخلف آما استخلف . ثم صنع عمر شيئا ثالثاثم حظى بذلك عند العامة، فجعلهم مع . أبو بكر، وجاء بشيء ثالث وجعلها شورى بين ستة نفر وأخرج منها جميع العرب

م بايع ابن عوف عثمان فبايعوه، وقد سمعوا من رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه ما أشربت قلوبهم من الفتنة والضاللة أقراني ث . وآله في عثمان ما قد سمعوا من لعنه إياه في غير موطن

Then Umar came up a third thing (for the selection of a caliph). He did not leave them on what he had claimed that the Messenger of Allahsaww never left behind a Caliph, nor did he appoint a Caliph as Abu Bakr had appointed, and came up with a third scenario. He made it a consultation between six people and excluded from it all the Arabs. Then he gained the support for that among the general public. He made them to be with those whose hearts drank from the afflictions and the errors. Ibn Awf accepted measws, then paid allegiance to Usman, so they all paid allegiance to him, and they had heard from the Messenger of Allahsaww with regards to Usman what they had heard from himsaww having cursed him in other places.

أبو بكر وعمر أسوء حاال من عثمان

بينما أنا قاعد عنده في بيته إذ أتته . ولقد قال منذ أيام قوال رققت له وأعجبتني مقالته. فعثمان على ما آان عليه خير منهماال واهللا وال آرامة : ( ضياع رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله وأمواله التي بيده، فقالعائشة وحفصة تطلبان ميراثهما من

فإنكما شهدتما عند أبويكما أنكما سمعتما من رسول اهللا صلى اهللا . لكما وال نعمت عنه ولكن أجيز شهادتكما على أنفسكمامالك بن (يا جلفا يبول على عقبيه ويتطهر ببوله ثم لقنتما أعراب). النبي ال يورث، ما ترك فهو صدقة: (عليه وآله يقولفشهد معكما، ولم يكن في أصحاب رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله من المهاجرين وال من األنصار أحد ) أوس بن الحدثان

. شهد بذلك غيرآما وغير أعرابي

Abu Bakr and Umar were worse than Usman

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As for Usman, he was better than the two of them. He said some words, days ago, that Iasws sympathised with and his speech pleased measws. Iasws was seated in his presence at his house when Aisha and Hafsa came over seeking their inheritance from the loss of the Messenger of Allahsaww, and their wealth which was in his hands. He said, ‘No, by Allahazwj, there is no honour for the two of you, nor any enjoyment from it, but I have been permitted by the very testimonies that you two bore against yourselves. The two of you bore testified to your own two fathers that you two had heard the Messenger of Allahsaww saying: ‘The Prophetsaww does not bequeath, whatsoever that hesaww leaves behind is charity’. Then the two of you teamed-up an uncouth Bedouin who was urinating like an animal and cleaning himself with his own

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urine (Malik Bin Aws Bin Al-Hadsaan), so he testified with the two of you. And there was none among the companions of the Messenger of Allahsaww neither from the Emigrants nor from the Helpers who testified to that apart from the two of you and that Bedouin.

ولكني أجيز شهادتكما على أنفسكما . أما واهللا، ما أشك أنه قد آذب على رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله وآذبتما عليه معه. نعم: ارجعا، أليس قد شهدتما بذلك عند أبي بكر؟ قالتا: فقال. فانصرفتا من عنده تلعنانه وتشتمانه. فاذهبا فال حق لكما

إن شهدتما بحق فال حق لكما، وإن آنتما شهدتما بباطل فعليكما وعلى من أجاز شهادتكما على أهل هذا البيت لعنة ف: قال . اهللا والمالئكة والناس أجمعين

But, by Allahazwj, there is no doubt that he lied against the Messenger of Allahsaww, and the two of you lied with him. But for me, I am permitted by the very testimonies of the two of you against your own selves, so go away, for there is no right for the two of you. So, the two of them left from his presence cursing and insulting him.

So he said, ‘Come back, did not the two of you testify that in the presence of Abu Bakr?’ They said, ‘Yes’. He said, ‘So if the two of you have testified by the truth, there is no right now for the two of you, and if the two of you have testified falsely, then upon the two of you, and the one who permitted your testimonies, are the Curses of Allahazwj and Hisazwj Angels, and all of the people’.

وأبلغت وقلت حقا، فال يرغم اهللا نعم، واهللا : يا أبا الحسن، أشفيتك منهما؟ قلت: ثم نظر إلي فتبسم ثم قال: قال عليه السالمإنما أراد بذلك رضاي وأنه أقرب منهما رحما وأآف عنا منهما، ح وإن آان ال فرققت لعثمان وعلمت أنه . إال آنافهما

. عذر له وال حجة بتأميره علينا وادعائه حقنا

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Heasws said: ‘Then he (Usman) looked at measws, smiled, then said, ‘O Abu Al-Hassanasws, was I just with two of them?’ I said, ‘Yes, by Allahazwj, you have conveyed and spoken the truth. Allahazwj will not but humiliate the two of them’. Iasws sympathised with Usman, and Iasws knew that he only intended to please measws by that, and he was similar to the two of them (Abu Bakr and Umar) in unjust, and held back from usasws (our rights) more than the two of them, and it was not an excuse for him, nor an argument that he could construct against usasws and his claim over ourasws rights’.

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من احتجاجات أمير المؤمنين عليه السالم حول أبي بكر وعمر وعثمان) 15(


وصف رجال الحرب

ا إلى الحق وال إن هؤالء القوم لن ينيبو: سمعت علي بن أبي طالب عليه السالم يقول قبل وقعة صفين: أبان عن سليم، قالإلى آلمة سواء بيننا وبينهم حتى يرموا بالعساآر تتبعها العساآر، وحتى يردفوا بالكتائب تتبعها الكتائب، وحتى يجر ببالدهم الخميس تتبعها الخميس، وحتى تشن الغارات عليهم من آل فج عميق، وحتى يلقاهم قوم صدق صبر ال يزيدهم

. ي سبيل اهللا إال جدا في طاعة اهللاهالك من هلك من قتالهم وموتاهم ف

Description of the men of war

Abaan from Sulaym who said, ‘I heard Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws saying, before the event of Siffeen: ‘These people will never come to the truth, nor to an equitable word between us and them until they are hit by an army followed by an army, and until this is added on by a battalion followed by a battalion, and until there come to their cities horses after horses, and until raids are launched upon them from every direction, and until they are met with a people who are truthful, patient, who do not get increased except in their efforts for their obedience to Allahazwj, from the death from their battles and their deaths in the Way of Allahazwj.

الصحبة الصادقون مع رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله

واهللا لقد رأيتنا مع رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله نقتل آبائنا وأبنائنا وأخوالنا وأعمامنا وأهل بيوتاتنا، ثم ال يزيدنا ذلك إال ل من عدونا ليتصاوالن تصاول وإن آان الرجل منا والرج. إيمانا وتسليما وجدا في طاعة اهللا واستقالال بمبارزة األقرانفلما رآنا اهللا صدقا . فمرة لنا من عدونا ومره لعدونا منا. الفحلين، يتخالسان أنفسهما أيهما يسقي صاحبه آأس الموت

. وصبرا أنزل الكتاب بحسن الثناء علينا والرضا عنا وأنزل علينا النصر

Companionship of the sincere ones with the Messenger of Allahsaww

By Allahazwj, we have seen with the Messenger of Allahsaww, our fathers got killed, and our sons, and our brothers, and our paternal uncles and our maternal uncles, and the people of our households, then that did not increase us except for our faith, and our submission, and our efforts in obedience to Allahazwj and the enthusiasm in fighting against the enemies. When the man from us and the man from our enemies fought in a duel, both of them were sincerely determined to get the other one to drink from the cup of death. So sometimes it was for us from our enemies, and at times it was for our enemies from us. When Allahazwj Saw us as sincere and patient, Heazwj Sent down the Book with good Praises for us, and was Pleased with us, and Sent down Help upon us.

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فرار أبي بكر وعمر في الحروب وسوء أدبهما عند الصلح

ولقد . إن آل من آان مع رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله آذلك، ولكن أعظمهم وجلهم وعامتهم آانوا آذلك: ولست أقول . قد بدت البغضاء من أفواههم وما تخفي صدورهم أآبر: (قال اهللا عز وجل. آانت معنا بطانة ال تألونا خباال

Fleeing of Abu Bakr and Umar in the battles and their evil manners during the Reconciliation

And Iasws am not saying that all those that were with the Messenger of Allahsaww were like that, but a great number of them, and most of them, and the generality of them were like that. And there was with us group of friends whose help did not get to us. Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic has Said “[3:118] vehement hatred has already appeared from out of their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater still”.

. فارين، فال رمى بسهم وال ضرب بسيف وال طعن برمح- يا ابن قيس -ولقد آان منهم بعض من تفضله أنت وأصحابك إذا آان الموت والنزال الذ وتوارى واعتل، والذ آما تلوذ النعجة العوراء ال تدفع يد المس، وإذا لقي العدو فر ومنح

).سلقوآم بألسنة حداد أشحة على الخير: غنيمة تكلم، آما قال اهللالعدو دبره جبنا ولؤما، وإذا آان عند الرخاء وال

And among them were some whom you and your companion give preference to – O Ibn Qays – deserters who neither shot an arrow, nor struck with a sword, not stabbed with a spear. When there was death and the battle, they resorted to hiding and pretending to be sick, and they fled like the fleeing of the sheep not letting anyone lay a hand upon them. And when they met the enemy, they fled and showed cowardice and wickedness. And when it was during the prosperity and the booty (from the war) they spoke, as Allahazwj has Said “[33:19] but when the fear is past, they will smite you with sharp tongues, covetous of the goods”.

فال يزال قد استأذن رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله في ضرب عنق الرجل الذي ليس يريد رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله ولقد نظر رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله يوما وعليه السالح تام، فضحك رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله . قتله، فأبى عليه

يا : ما أعلمني بمن تعني إن ذلك يفر منه الشيطان قال عليه السالم: فقال األشعث) ومكأبا فالن، اليوم ي: (- يكنيه -ثم قال بن قيس، ال آمن اهللا روعة الشيطان إذ قال

So he (Umar) never ceased to seek permission from the Messenger of Allahsaww to strike the neck of the men whom the Messenger of Allahsaww did not want to kill, so hesaww would refuse (him). And one day the Messenger of Allahsaww saw him with the weapon (put on him without being in the state of war), so the Messenger of Allahsaww smiled, then said: ‘O father of so and so, today is your day’.

Al-Ash’as said, ‘Youasws have not made it known to me as to who is meant by that, from whom even the Satanla would flee’. Heasws said: ‘O Ibn Qays, there is no safety with Allahazwj from the sight of the Satanla when he said it’.

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إخبار أمير المؤمنين عليه السالم عن عاقبة أمر أصحابه

فعلنا آما تفعلون اليوم لما - حين آنا مع رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله وتصيبنا الشدائد واألذى والبأس -ولو آنا : ثم قالفليسلطن عليكم . لكم واذآروهوأيم اهللا لتحتلبنها دما وندما وحسرة، فاحفظوا ما أقول. قام هللا دين وال أعز اهللا اإلسالم

شرارآم واألدعياء منكم والطلقاء والطرداء والمنافقون، فليقتلنكم ثم لتدعن اهللا فال يستجيب لكم وال يرفع البالء عنكم حتى . تتوبوا وترجعوا فإن تتوبوا وترجعوا يستنقذآم اهللا من فتنتهم وضاللتهم آما استنقذآم من شرآم وجهالتكم

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Amir-ul-Momineenasws informs his companion about the consequence of the matter

Then heasws said: ‘And had we, when we were with the Messenger of Allahsaww and faced with hardship and extremities and evil, acted as you are acting today, the Religion of Allahazwj would not have been established, nor would Allahazwj have Honoured the Islam. And Iasws swear by Allahazwj that this creates blood and shame and regret, so memorise what Iasws am saying to you all and mention it. Very soon you will be governed by the evil ones from among you, and the impostors from among you, and the freed captives, and the castaways and the hypocrites. So you will be slain and plead to Allahazwj (for a refuge). (But) Heazwj will not Answer you, nor will Heazwj Lift the affliction from you until you repent and revert (back to just). If you were to repent and to return, Allahazwj will Save you from your trials and your straying just as Heazwj Saved you from your evil and your ignorance.

التعجب من استخالف أبي بكر وعمر وعثمان على األمة

أال إن العجب آل العجب من جهال هذه األمة وضاللها وقادتها وساقتها إلى النار ألنهم قد سمعوا رسول اهللا صلى اهللا يرجعوا إلى ما ولت أمة رجال قط أمرها وفيهم أعلم منه إال لم يزل أمرهم يذهب سفاال حتى: (عليه وآله يقول عودا وبدءا

وقد . ، فولوا أمرهم قبلي ثالثة رهط ما منهم رجل جمع القرآن وال يدعي أن له علما بكتاب اهللا وال سنة نبيه)ما ترآوا . علموا يقينا أني أعلمهم بكتاب اهللا وسنة نبيه وأفقههم وأقرأهم لكتاب اهللا، وأقضاهم بحكم اهللا

The strangeness of the Caliphate of Abu Bakr, and Umar and Usman on the community

Nay! The strangeness of all strange things is the ignorance of this community, and its straying, and its leaders driving it to the Fire, because they have heard the Messenger of Allahsaww saying, promising at the beginning: ‘No community will hand over any of its commands to any man when there is a more knowledgeable one among them, except that it will not cease going lower in its affairs, until they return to what they had avoided’. So they gave the command to a group of three before measws, and there was no man among them who had collected the Quran nor made a claim to know the Book of Allahazwj, nor the Sunnah of Hisazwj Prophetsaww. And they had firm conviction that Iasws was more knowledgeable than them of the Book of Allahazwj, and the Sunnah of Hisazwj Prophetsaww, and more contemplative than them, and better read than them of the Book of Allahazwj, and a better judge than them of the Judgements of Allahazwj.

وأنه ليس رجل من الثالثة له سابقة مع رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله وال عناء معه في جميع مشاهده، فال رمى بسهم وقد علموا أن رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله قاتل بنفسه . وال طعن برمح وال ضرب بسيف جبنا ولؤما ورغبة في البقاء

. أشجع الناس وأشدهم لقاء وأحقهم بذلكوآان من . فقتل أبي بن خلف وقتل مسجع بن عوف

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And there was no man from the three of them who had offered any help to the Messenger of Allahsaww, nor shared any of hissaww problems in all that which had been witnessed. Neither did they shoot an arrow, nor stabbed with a spear, nor struck with a sword. They were cowards, and fearful and desired to remain alive. And they knew that the Messenger of Allahsaww fought himselfsaww personally, so hesaww killed Ubay Bin Khalaf and killed Masja’a Bin Awf who was one of the bravest of the people and severest in duels, and was the most deserving of that (to be killed).

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وقد علموا يقينا أنه لم يكن فيهم أحد يقوم مقامي، وال يبارز األبطال وال يفتح الحصون غيري، وال نزلت برسول اهللا أين أخي علي، أين سيفي، أين : (صلى اهللا عليه وآله شديدة قط وال آربة أمر وال ضيق ومستصعب من األمر إال قال

وهللا عز وجل . م فأفديه بنفسي ويكشف اهللا بيدي الكرب عن وجهه، فيقدمني، فأتقد)رمحي، أين المفرج غمي عن وجهي . ولرسوله بذلك المن والطول حيث خصني بذلك ووفقني له

And they convincingly knew that there was no one from among them who could stand in myasws place, or strive against the falsehood, or conquer the forts apart from myself, and there did not come down upon the Messenger of Allahsaww any severity whatsoever, nor any unfavourable situation, nor any narrowness and difficulty from the affairs except that hesaww said: ‘Where is mysaww brother Aliasws, where is mysaww sword, where is mysaww spear, where is the one whoasws takes away mysaww grief from mysaww face?’

So hesaww would place measws forward, and Iasws would go forth sacrificing myselfasws for himsaww, and Allahazwj Removed the grief from hissaww face by myasws hand. And Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic and Hisazwj Messengersaww Favoured measws by that and Guided measws to it.

لم يكن ألبي بكر وعمر أي سابقة في الدين

ثم فر ومنح عدوه وإن بعض من سميت ما آان ذا بالء وال سابقة وال مبارزة قرن وال فتح وال نصر غير مرة واحدة، . دبره ورجع يجبن أصحابه ويجبنونه وقد فر مرارا فإذا آان عند الرخاء والغنيمة تكلم وتغير وأمر ونهى

Abu Bakr and Umar never went forward in the Religion

And one of them from what you have heard, never kept away the difficulties nor did he ever go forth, nor duelled, nor conquered a fort, nor helped even once, but he fled and showed his back to the enemy, and when he returned he accused his companions of cowardice and they accused him of it, and he had fled many times. And when it was during the prosperity and the (distribution) of the booty, he spoke and changed, and ordered and prevented.

باسمه، فحاد عنه والذ بأصحابه حتى تبسم رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله مما رآى - يوم الخندق -ولقد نادى ابن عبد ود ).أين حبيبي علي؟ تقدم يا حبيبي يا علي: (به من الرعب وقال صلى اهللا عليه وآله

And Ibn Abd Wad had called out – on the Day of Khandaq – by his name, so he hid from him and fled with his companions to the extent that the Messenger of Allahsaww smiled when hesaww saw him to be so horrified and hesaww said: ‘Where is mysaww beloved Aliasws? Go forth O mysaww beloved, O Aliasws’.

سالم عبادتهما األصنام بعد اإل

واهللا إن ندفع محمدا إليهم برمته نسلم من ذلك، : (- أصحاب الكتاب والرأي -وهو القائل يوم الخندق ألصحابه األربعة وقال المنافقون (، )وظنوا باهللا الظنونا(، )وزلزلوا زلزاال شديدا: (آما قال اهللا تعالى) حين جاء العدو من فوقنا ومن تحتنا

). وعدنا اهللا ورسوله إال غروراوالذين في قلوبهم مرض ما

They both worshipped the idols after Al-Islam

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And he was the one who told his four companions – his writers and his advisors, ‘By Allahazwj, if we hand over Muhammadsaww to them outright, we will be safe from that’,

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and this was when we had enemies from the top of us and from underneath us, as Allahazwj Said “[33:11] and they were shaken with a severe shaking”, “[33:10] and you began to think diverse thoughts of Allah”, “[33:12] And when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts was a disease began to say: Allah and His Messenger did not promise us (victory) but only to deceive”.

ال، ولكن نتخذ صنما عظيما نعبده ألنا ال نأمن أن يظفر ابن أبي آبشة فيكون هالآنا ولكن يكون هذا : (فقال له صاحبهالصنم لنا ذخرا فإن ظفرت قريش أظهرنا عبادة هذا الصنم وأعلمناهم أنا لن نفارق ديننا، وإن رجعت دولة ابن أبي آبشة

). آنا مقيمين على عباد ة هذا الصنم سرا

So his companion (Abu Bakr) said to him (Umar), ‘No, but we will take a great idol and worship it, because we do not feel secure if Ibn Abu Kabasha is victorious, so he will destroy us, but if we have this idol with us it will be an asset for us. So if the Qureish are victorious over us, we will show them that we have been worshipping this idol, and we will let them know that we had never separated from our religion. And if the government of Ibn Abu Kabasha returns, then we will remain on the worship of this idol in secret’.

فنزل جبرئيل عليه السالم فأخبر النبي صلى اهللا عليه وآله بذلك، ثم خبر به رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله بعد قتلي ابن فقال صلى اهللا . يا محمد، ال تعيرنا بما مضى في الجاهلية: ؟ فقاال)آم صنم عبدتما في الجاهلية: (فدعاهما فقال. عبد ود

والذي بعثك بالحق نبيا ما نعبد إال اهللا منذ أظهرنا من دينك ما : ؟ فقاال)فكم صنم تعبدان يومكما هذا: (ماعليه وآله له . أظهرنا

So Jibraeel, may Peace be upon him, descended and informed the Prophetsaww of that, then the Messenger of Allahsaww informed about it after Iasws had killed Ibn Abd Wad. So hesaww called both of them over. Hesaww said: ‘How many idols did you two worship during the era of ignorance?’ They said, ‘O Muhammadsaww, do not embarrass us of what has passed in the era of ignorance’. Hesaww said to both of them: ‘So how many idols did you two worship on this day of yours?’ They said, ‘By the One Whoazwj Sent yousaww with the truth as a Prophetsaww, we have not worshipped any except Allahazwj since appeared to us from yoursaww Religion what appeared to us’.

فإن حال بينك وبينه . يا علي، خذ هذا السيف، فانطلق إلى موضع آذا وآذا فاستخرج الصنم الذي يعبدانه فاهشمه: فقالاضمنا هللا ولرسوله : (فقلت أنا لهما. استرنا سترك اهللا: فانكبا على رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله فقاال. أحد فاضرب عنقه

وانطلقت حتى استخرجت الصنم . فعاهدا رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله على ذلك). شيئاأن ال تعبدا إال اهللا وال تشرآا به فواهللا لقد عرفت ذلك . من موضعه وآسرت وجهه ويديه وجذمت رجليه، ثم انصرفت إلى رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله

في وجههما علي حتى ماتا

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Hesaww said: ‘O Aliasws, take this sword and go to such and such a place, take out the idol which they have been worshipping and smash it. And if anyone comes between youasws and it, strike his neck’. They both fell down in front of the Messenger of Allahsaww and said, ‘Veil us, Allahazwj will Veil yousaww’. So Iasws said to both of them: ‘Do you two give the guarantee to Allahazwj and to Hisazwj Messengersaww that you will not worship any except for Allahazwj and will not associate anything with Himazwj?’ They made an oath to the Messenger of Allahsaww for that. And Iasws went until Iasws took out the idol from its place and cut off its head, and its hand, and made pieces of its legs, then Iasws went to the Messenger of Allahsaww. By Allahazwj, Iasws saw that (embarrassment) in both of their faces to the day they died.

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مخاصمة أبي بكر وعمر لألنصار بحجة علي عليه السالم

فإن آانوا صدقوا . فخاصموا األنصار بحقي- حين قبض رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله -ثم انطلق هو وأصحابه ، فمن آان أولى )أنهم أولى من األنصار ألنهم من قريش ورسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله من قريش(واحتجوا بحق

اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله آان أولى باألمر، وإنما ظلموني حقي، وإن آانوا احتجوا بباطل فقد ظلموا األنصار حقهم، برسول .واهللا يحكم بيننا وبين من ظلمنا حقنا وحمل الناس على رقابنا

Quarrelling of Abu Bakr and Umar with the Helpers by the argument of Aliasws

Then he and his companions went – when the Messenger of Allahsaww passed away – so they quarrelled with the Helpers by myasws right. So if they were speaking the truth, and arguing by myasws right that, ‘they were higher than the Helpers because they were from the Qureish and that the Messenger of Allahsaww was from the Qureish’, so the one who was higher due to the Messenger of Allahsaww was higher (to have) the command. But rather, they wronged measws by myasws right. And if they were arguing wrongly, so they had wronged the Helpers of their right, and Allahazwj will Judge between usasws and the one who wronged us of ourasws rights, and burdened usasws by placing the people upon ourasws necks.

ابتالء األمة بحب مضليها وقصورها عن لعنهم

من حبهم وحب من صدهم عن سبيل ربهم وردهم عن دينهم واهللا، لو أن هذه والعجب لما قد أشربت قلوب هذه األمةاألمة قامت على أرجلها على التراب ووضعت الرماد على رؤوسها وتضرعت إلى اهللا ودعت إلى يوم القيامة على من

لكانوا - إليهم بما أجرموا-أضلهم وصدهم عن سبيل اهللا ودعاهم إلى النار وعرضهم لسخط ربهم وأوجب عليهم عذابه . مقصرين في ذلك

The affliction of the community by the love of those that misled it and its shortcoming about cursing them

And the strange thing is what the hearts of this community have drunk from its love for them and the love for the ones who repulsed them from the Way of their Lordazwj, and turned them back from their Religion. By Allahazwj, even if this community stands upon its feet on the dust, and puts ashes upon its heads and laments to Allahazwj and supplicates up to the Day of Judgement against the ones who misled them from the Way of Allahazwj and called them to the Fire, they will still be exposed to the Wrath of their Lordazwj, and Hisazwj Punishment would be more than Obligated upon them – for the crimes that were committed – they would still fall short with regards to that.

ما منع أمير المؤمنين عليه السالم عن إعالن الحقائق

وذلك أن المحق الصادق والعالم باهللا ورسوله يتخوف إن غير شيئا من بدعهم وسننهم وأحداثهم، وعادته العامة، ومتى ، وإن أخذ ببدعهم وأقر بها وزينها ودان بها أحبته وشرفته فعل شاقوه وخالفوه وتبرؤا منه وخذلوه وتفرقوا عن حقه

. وفضلته

What prevented Amir-ul-Momineenasws from announcing the facts

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And this is due to the fact that the righteousasws, the sincereasws and the knowledgeable oneasws and the inheritor of the Knowledge of Allah and Hisazwj Messengersaww, is fearful to alter anything from their innovations, and their ways and

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their traditions and their general habits. And when heasws does that, they will doubt himasws, and oppose himasws and keep away from himasws and abandon himasws and separate from hisasws rights. And if heasws were to take to their innovations, they will accept himasws and adorn himasws, and if heasws makes this to be the Religion, they will love himasws, and honour himasws and prefer himasws.

على ما سمعت -واهللا لو ناديت في عسكري هذا بالحق الذي أنزل اهللا على نبيه وأظهرته ودعوت إليه وشرحته وفسرته . ما بقي فيه إال أقله وأذله وأرذله والستوحشوا منه ولتفرقوا عني-من نبي اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله فيه

By Allahazwj, if Iasws were to make this call, within myasws army, of the truth which Allahazwj has Sent down upon Hisazwj Prophetsaww and displayed it and called towards Himazwj and explained it and interpreted it – on all that what Iasws heard from the Prophetsaww of Allahazwj with regards to it – there will not remain any but a few of them, and they will humiliate it as a trivial matter and disperse from measws.

ولوال ما عاهد رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله إلي وسمعته منه وتقدم إلي فيه لفعلت، ولكن رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله إن التقية من دين اهللا، وال دين لمن : (، وسمعته يقول)يا أخي، آل ما اضطر إليه العبد فقد أحله اهللا له وأباحه إياه: (قد قال

). ال تقية له

And had not the Messenger of Allahsaww given an oath to measws, and Iasws heard it from himsaww before, Iasws would have done so (announced the facts). But, the Messenger of Allahsaww had said: ‘O mysaww brotherasws, all that which is forced upon the servant, so Allahazwj has Permitted it for him and neutralised it for him’. And Iasws have heard himsaww say that: ‘The ‘Taqeeya’ (dissimulation) is from the religion of Allahazwj, and the one who does not observe Taqeeya has no religion’.

ثلثان من حي وثلث مني فإن عوضني ربي فأعذرني * أدفعهم بالراح دفعا عني : ثم أقبل عليه السالم علي فقال

Then heasws turned towards me and said (a poem): ‘They pushed the claim away from measws, two thirds from the district and a third from measws, for myasws Lordazwj will Compensate measws and Excuse measws’.

ابتالء أمير المؤمنين عليه السالم بأخابث الناس

أحكما بكتاب اهللا وسنة نبيه وإن آان فيهما حز حلقي، فإنه من قادها : (- حين بعثهما -وقال علي عليه السالم للحكمين ما هذا االنتشار الذي بلغني عنك؟ ما آان أحد من األمة أضبط : رفقال له رجل من األنصا). إلى هؤالء فإن نيتهم أخبثت

أنا صاحبك الذي تعرف، إال أني قد بليت : لألمر منك، فما هذا االختالف واالنتشار؟ فقال علي بن أبي طالب عليه السالم بأخابث من خلق اهللا، أريدهم على األمر فيأبون، فإن تابعتهم على ما يريدون تفرقوا عني

Affliction of Amir-ul-Momineenasws by the bad people

And Aliasws sent judges, heasws said to them: ‘Judge by the Book of Allahazwj and the Sunnah of Hisazwj Prophetsaww even though myasws throat is cut due to it, so whoever inclined you toward them (Mouwiya’ group) his intention is surely bad’.

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A man from the Helpers said to himasws, ‘What is this being circulated which had reached to me related to youasws? There is no one from the community who is more appropriate for the command than youasws are. So why is this opposition, and the disorder?’

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Aliasws said: ‘Iasws am your companion whom you recognise, however Iasws have been involved with some bad (people) from the creatures of Allahazwj. Iasws want them to come to the just, but they have refused, but if Iasws were to follow them on what they want, even then they will disperse from measws.

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واألئمة المضليننبوءات نبي اهللا عيسى عليه السالم عن الرسول واألئمة عليهم السالم) 16(


فخرج إلينا من . السالم، فنزل العسكر قريبا من دير نصرانيأقبلنا من صفين مع أمير المؤمنين عليه: قال: أبان عن سليمالدير شيخ آبير جميل حسن الوجه حسن الهيئة والسمت ومعه آتاب في يده، حتى أتى أمير المؤمنين عليه السالم فسلم

خير يا أمير ب: مرحبا يا أخي شمعون بن حمون، آيف حالك رحمك اهللا؟ فقال: فقال له علي عليه السالم. عليه بالخالفةإني من نسل رجل من حواري أخيك عيسى بن مريم عليه السالم، . المؤمنين وسيد المسلمين ووصي رسول رب العالمينوآان من أفضل حواري عيسى بن مريم عليه السالم االثني عشر . وأنا من نسل شمعون بن يوحنا وصي عيسى بن مريم

مريم عليه السالم وإليه دفع آتبه وعلمه وحكمته، فلم يزل أهل بيته على وأحبهم إليه وآثرهم عنده وإليه أوصى عيسى بن . دينه متمسكين بملته فلم يكفروا ولم يبدلوا ولم يغيروا

Aban from Sulaym, who said, ‘We came back from Siffeen along with Amir-ul-Momineenasws. The army camped near to a Christian Monastery. A very old man, of beautiful face, good built and good looks came out from the Monastery, and he had a book in his hand. He came over to Amir-ul-Momineenasws. He greeted himasws as ‘Caliph’. Aliasws said to him: ‘Welcome, O myasws brother Shamoon Bin Hamoon. May Allahazwj have Mercy on you, how are you?’

He said, ‘I am well, O Amir-ul-Momineenasws, and O the Chief of the Muslims, and O the Successor of the Messengersaww of the Lordazwj of the Worlds. I am from the lineage of men from the disciples of yourasws brother Isa Bin Maryam may Peace be upon himas, and I am from the lineage of Shamoon Bin Yohannaas, the successor of Isa Bin Maryamas. And he was the best of the twelve disciples of Isa Bin Maryamas and the most beloved to himas, and it is to himas that Isa Bin Maryamas bequeathed to, and it is to himas that heas hand over hisas Book, and hisas knowledge, and hisas wisdom. The people of hisas household never ceased to be on hisas Religion, having attached themselves to hisas nation. They never denied it, nor did they alter it, nor did they replace it.

النبي واألئمة االثني عشر عليهم السالم في آتب عيسى عليه السالم

وتلك الكتب عندي إمالء عيسى بن مريم وخط أبينا بيده، وفيها آل شيء يفعل الناس من بعده ملك ملك، وآم يملك وما رجال من العرب من ولد إسماعيل بن إبراهيم خليل الرحمن من أرض يكون في زمان آل ملك منهم، حتى يبعث اهللا

، األنجل العينين، المقرون الحاجبين، صاحب الناقة والحمار )أحمد(، يقال له )مكة(من قرية يقال لها ) تهامة(تدعى . له اثنا عشر اسما- يعني العمامة -والقضيب والتاج

The Prophetsaww and the twelve Imamsasws in the Books of Isa Bin Maryamas

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And those Books are in my possession as dictated by Isa Bin Maryamas in the writing of our father by his hand, and in these is everything that the people will be doing, king after king, and for how long they will rule, and what will transpire in the reign of every king from among them until Allahazwj Sends a man from the Arabs, from the Children of Ismail Bin Ibrahimas, the Friend of the Beneficentazwj, from the land called

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Tahaamat from a village called Mecca. Hissaww name will be Ahmadsaww. Hesaww will have two wide eyes with connected eyebrows. Hesaww will be the owner of the camel, and the donkey, and the staff, and the crown – meaning the turban. Hesaww will have twelve names for himsaww.

ومن يقاتله ومن ينصره ومن يعاديه وآم يعيش وما تلقى أمته من بعده من الفرقة ثم ذآر مبعثه ومولده وهجرتهفذآر في الكتاب ثالثة . وفيه تسمية آل إمام هدى وإمام ضاللة إلى أن ينزل اهللا عيسى بن مريم من السماء. واالختالف

وإن اهللا ولي من . لق اهللا إلى اهللاعشر رجال من ولد إسماعيل بن إبراهيم خليل اهللا، هم خير من خلق اهللا وأحب من خ . طاعتهم هللا طاعة ومعصيتهم هللا معصية. من أطاعهم اهتدى ومن عصاهم ضل. واالهم وعدو من عاداهم

Then, in it is the mention of the declaration of hissaww Prophet-hood, and hissaww coming (to earth), and hissaww migration, and the ones who will fight against himsaww, and the ones who will help himsaww, and the ones who will be inimical to himsaww, and for how long hesaww will live, and what the community will undergo after himsaww regarding the sects and the differences. And in it are the names of every Imamasws of guidance and the Imam of misguidance, until such time as Allahazwj Sends down Isa Bin Maryamas from the sky.

In the Book there is a mention of thirteen men from the Children of Ismail Bin Ibrahimas the Friend of Allahazwj, who are the best of the Creation of Allahazwj and the most Beloved to Allahazwj from the Creation of Allahazwj. And Allahazwj will Befriend the one who befriends themasws, and be Inimical to the one who is inimical to themasws.

The one who obeys themasws will be guided, and the one who disobeys them will go astray. In theirasws obedience, Allahazwj is obeyed, and in theirasws disobedience, Allahazwj is disobeyed.

مكتوبة فيه أسمائهم وأنسابهم ونعتهم وآم يعيش آل رجل منهم واحدا بعد واحد، وآم رجل منهم يستسر بدينه ويكتمه من فيصلي عيسى . قومه، ومن يظهر منهم ومن يملك وينقاد له الناس حتى ينزل اهللا عيسى بن مريم عليه السالم على آخرهم

أولهم أفضلهم، . ، فيتقدم فيصلي بالناس وعيسى خلفه في الصف األول)دمكمإنكم أئمة ال ينبغي ألحد أن يتق: (خلفه ويقول . وآخرهم له مثل أجورهم وأجور من أطاعهم واهتدى بهداهم

Written in it are theirasws names, and theirasws lineages, and theirasws ‘Kunya’ (teknonyms), and for how long each of these menasws will live, one after the other, and how many men from themasws will veil the Religion and conceal it from hisasws people, and oneasws who will make it to be apparent, and the oneasws who will rule, and the oneasws to whom the people will submit to, until such time as Allahazwj Sends down Isa Bin Maryamas from the sky to the last oneasws of themasws.

So Isaas will Pray behind himasws and heas will say: ‘Youasws are the Imamsasws, it does not befit anyone to be in front of youasws’. So heasws will move forward and Pray with the people, and Isaas will be behind himasws in the first row. The first of themasws will be the highest of themasws, and the last of themasws, for himasws will be the recompense of all the ones who obeyed themasws and were guided by theirasws guidance.

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نص ما في آتب عيسى عليه السالم

بسم اهللا الرحمن الرحيم، أحمد رسول اهللا واسمه محمد وياسين وطه ون والفاتح والخاتم والحاشر والعاقب والماحي، وهو ويكلمه - يعني في أصالب النبيين -يرى تقلبه في الساجدين . نبي اهللا وخليل اهللا وحبيب اهللا وصفيه وأمينه وخيرته

ملكا مقربا وال نبيا مرسال، من -وهو أآرم خلق اهللا على اهللا وأحبهم إلى اهللا، لم يخلق اهللا خلقا . ذآر إذا ذآربرحمته فيوباسمه . خيرا عند اهللا وال أحب إلى اهللا منه، يقعده اهللا يوم القيامة على عرشه ويشفعه في آل من شفع فيه-آدم فمن سواه

.لكتاب وبذآره، محمد رسول اهللاجرى القلم في اللوح المحفوظ في أم ا

Text of what is in the Books of Isaas

In the Name of Allahazwj, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Ahmadsaww is the Messenger of Allahsaww, and hissaww name is Muhammadsaww, and Yaseen, and Taha, and Noon, and Al-Fateh, and Al-Khatam, and Al-Haashar, and Al-Aaqab, and Al-Maahy, and hesaww is the Prophetsaww of Allahazwj, and the Friend of Allahazwj, and the Beloved of Allahazwj, and of Hisazwj Qualities, and Hisazwj Trustee, and Hisazwj, the best one. Hesaww will have been transferred within the worshippers – meaning in the foreheads of the Prophetsas – and Allahazwj will Speak to himsaww by Hisazwj Mercy. So Heazwj will Mention, when Heazwj will Mention. And hesaww is the most prestigious to Allahazwj of the Creatures of Allahazwj, and the most Beloved of them to Allahazwj. Never has Allahazwj Created a creature – neither an Angel of Proximity nor a Messenger Prophetas, from Adamas and others – better than himsaww and more Beloved to Allahazwj than himsaww.

Allahazwj will Make himsaww to sit upon Hisazwj Throne, and Heazwj will Accept the intercession of every one that hesaww intercedes for. And it is by hissaww name that the Pen flows on the Guarded Tablet in the Mother of the Book, and by hissaww name, Muhammadsaww the Messenger of Allahsaww.

ثم أخوه صاحب اللواء يوم القيامة يوم الحشر األآبر، وأخوه ووصيه ووزيره، وخليفته في أمته، وأحب خلق اهللا إلى اهللا ثم أحد عشر إماما من ولد أول االثني عشر، اثنان سميا ابني هارون شبر . بعده علي بن أبي طالب ولي آل مؤمن بعده

فيه تسمية آل ). هو الحسين، واحدا بعد واحد، آخرهم الذي يصلي عيسى بن مريم خلفهوشبير وتسعة من ولد أصغرهما وفأول من يظهر منهم يمأل جميع بالد اهللا قسطا وعدال، ويملك ما بين . من يملك منهم ومن يستسر بدينه ومن يظهر

. المشرق والمغرب حتى يظهره اهللا على األديان آلها

Then hissaww brotherasws will be the owner of the Banner on the Day of Judgement, the Day of the Great Resurrection, Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws, hissaww brother, and hissaww successorasws, and hissaww Vizier, and the Caliph in hissaww community, and the most Beloved of the creatures of Allahazwj after himsaww is the Guardian of every believer after himsaww. Then eleven Imamasws from the Children of the first of the twelve, two of hisasws sons will be named after the sons of Haroonas, Shabbar and Shabbir, and nine from the children of the younger of the two, and heasws is Al-Husaynasws, one after the other, the last oneasws of themasws being the oneasws behind whomasws Isaas Bin Maryamas will Pray.

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In it are the names of everyone who will rule from among themasws, and the oneasws who will veil hisasws Religion and conceal it, and the oneasws who will make it to be apparent. So the first oneasws from among them whoasws will manifest the Religion, Allahazwj Will Fill up all the countries with equity and justice, and heasws will rule over what is between the East and the West, until Allahazwj will Manifest it (Islam) over all the religions.

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فمات أبي . صدق به وآمن به وشهد أنه رسول اهللا، وآان شيخا آبيرا ولم يكن به شخوص- وأبي حي -فلما بعث النبي سيمر بك إذا مضى ثالثة أئمة من أئمة الضاللة -الكتاب ونعته الذي اسمه في هذا -إن وصي محمد وخليفته : (وقال لي

والدعاة إلى النار المسمين بأسمائهم وقبائلهم فالن وفالن وفالن ونعتهم وآم يملك آل واحد منهم، فإذا مر بك فاخرج إليه ). عادي له آالمعادي لمحمدوبايعه وقاتل معه عدوه فإن الجهاد معه آالجهاد مع محمد، والموالي له آالموالي لمحمد والم

(Shamoon Bin Hamoon said) When the Prophetsaww declared hissaww Prophet-hood – and my father was alive – he ratified it and believed by it and testified that hesaww is the Messenger of Allahsaww, and he was a very old man and he was not able to walk. My father died and said to me, ‘The successorasws of Muhammadsaww and hissaww Caliph – whose name is in this Book along with hisasws ‘Kuniya’ (teknonym) – will pass by you after the passing away of three Imams from the Imams of misguidance who will call to the Fire who have been named with their names, and their tribes, so and so, and so and so, and so and so, and their ‘Kuniya’ (teknonyms), and how long they will rule for, each one of them. So when heasws passes by you, come out to himasws and pay allegiance to himasws, and fight alongside himasws against hisasws enemies, for the struggling (Jihad) with himasws is like struggling (Jihad) with Muhammadsaww, and befriending himasws is like befriending Muhammadsaww and being inimical to himasws is like being inimical to Muhammadsaww’.

األخبار عن أبي بكر وعمر وعثمان وسائر الغاصبين في آتب عيسى عليه السالم

إن اثني عشر إماما من قريش من قومه يعادون أهل بيته ويمنعونهم حقهم ويقتلونهم - يا أمير المؤمنين -وفي هذا الكتاب ونعوتهم، وآم يملك آل رجل منهم ويطردونهم ويحرمونهم ويتبرؤون منهم ويخيفونهم، مسمون واحدا بعد واحد بأسمائهم

وآيف يديلكم اهللا منهم ومن أوليائهم . وما يملك، وما يلقى منهم ولدك وأنصارك وشيعتك من القتل والخوف والبالء . وأنصارهم وما يلقون من الذل والحرب والبالء والخزي والقتل والخوف منكم أهل البيت

The news about Abu Bakr and Umar and Usman and the rest of the usurpers in the Books of Isaas

And in this Book – O Amir-ul-Momineenasws – are twelve Imams from the Qureish from hissaww nation who will be the enemies of the Peopleasws of hissaww Household, and they will prevent themasws from theirasws rights, and will fight against themasws and will expel themasws, and deprive themasws and distance themasws, and frighten themasws. They have been named, one after the other by their names and their ‘Kuniya’ (teknonyms), and how long each man from them will rule and what his kingdom will be, and what will be meted out (grudges) to yourasws children, and yourasws helpers, and yourasws Shiites, regarding the killings and the fear and the afflictions. And how Allahazwj will Protect youasws Peopleasws of the Household, from them, and the ones who befriend them, and their helpers, from their disgrace, and their battles, and their afflictions, and the disgrace, and the killings, and the fear.

الراهب يبايع أمير المؤمنين عليه السالم

ابسط يدك أبايعك، فإني أشهد أن ال إله إال اهللا وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله وأشهد أنك خليفة يا أمير المؤمنين، : ثم قالرسول اهللا في أمته ووصيه وشاهده على خلقه وحجته في أرضه، وإن اإلسالم دين اهللا وإني أبرء من آل دين خالف دين

دين عيسى بن مريم ومن آان قبله من أنبياء اهللا ورسله، اإلسالم، فإنه دين اهللا الذي اصطفاه لنفسه ورضيه ألوليائه، وإنه وإني أتوالك وأتولى أوليائك، وأبرء من عدوك وأتولى األحد عشر األئمة من . وهو الذي دان به من مضى من آبائي

. ثم تناول يده وبايعه. ولدك وأبرء من عدوهم وممن خالفهم وبرء منهم وادعى حقهم وظلمهم من األولين واآلخرين

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The Monk pays allegiance to Amir-ul-Momineenasws

Then he said, ‘O Amir-ul-Momineenasws, extend yourasws hand so I can give allegiance to you, for I testify that there is no god except Allahazwj, and I testify that Muhammadsaww is Hisazwj servant and Hisazwj Messengersaww, and I testify that youasws are the Caliph of the Messenger of Allahsaww in hissaww community, and are hissaww successorasws, and hissaww witness over Hisazwj earth and Proof in Hisazwj earth, and that Islam is the religion of Allahazwj and I distance myself from every religion that is different to the Religion of Islam, for it is the Religion that Allahazwj has Chosen Himselfazwj and is Pleased with it for Hisazwj Guardians, and it is the Religion of Isaas Bin Maryamas and the ones before himas from the Prophetsas and the Messengersas. And this is what the ones who have passed from my forefathers had made it to be their Religion. And I hereby befriend youasws and yourasws friends, and distance myself from yourasws enemies and befriend the eleven Imamsasws from yourasws children, and distance myself from theirasws enemies and from the ones who oppose themasws, and distance myself from those who claimed theirasws rights, and oppressed them, be they from the former ones or the later ones. Then he took hisasws hand and gave allegiance to himasws.

قم مع هذا : فقال علي عليه السالم لرجل من أصحابه. ناولني آتابك، فناوله إياه: ثم قال له أمير المؤمنين عليه السالمه به قال البنه الحسن عليه فلما أتا. فأتاه مكتوبا بالعربية. الرجل فانظر ترجمانا يفهم آالمه، فلينسخه لك بالعربية مفسرا

في - الذي تستجهل -أنت يا بني اقرأه، وانظر أنت يا فالن : فأتاه به، فقال. يا بني، ائتني بالكتاب الذي دفعته إليك: السالمفقرأه فما خالف حرفا واحدا ليس فيه تقديم . نسخة هذا الكتاب، فإنه خطي بيدي وإمالء رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله علي

وال تأخير، آأنه إمالء رجل واحد على رجلين

Then Amir-ul-Momineenasws said to him: ‘Hand over to measws your Book’. So he handed it over to himasws. Aliasws said to a man from hisasws companions: ‘Arise and go with this man and look at the translation, and understand its words, and make a copy of it explaining it in Arabic. So he gave it to himasws in Arabic. When he came with it, heasws said to hisasws son Al-Hassanasws: ‘O myasws son, give measws the Book that Iasws had handed it over to youasws’. So heasws came with it.

Heasws said: ‘O myasws sonasws, read it out – and look, O so and so which you are ignorant of – in the copy of this Book, for it has been written by myasws hand as dictated to measws by the Messenger of Allahsaww. So heasws read it out and there was no difference of even a single letter, between the first one and the other one, as if they both had been dictated by the same man to two men.

والحمد هللا الذي الحمد هللا الذي لو شاء لم تختلف األمة ولم تفترق،: (فحمد اهللا أمير المؤمنين عليه السالم وأثنى عليه وقال ). لم ينسني ولم يضع أمري ولم يخمل ذآري عنده وعند أوليائه إذ صغر وخمل ذآر أولياء الشيطان وحزبه

So, Amir-ul-Momineenasws Praised Allahazwj and Extolled Himazwj, and said: ‘Praise be to the Oneazwj Who, had Heazwj Desired as such, there would have been no differences in the community nor would it have been separated (into sects), and Praise be to Allahazwj Who did not Forget measws or let myasws affairs go to waste, and did not Hide myasws remembrance with Himazwj or Hisazwj Friends, even a little, and Hid the remembrance of the friends of the Satanla and hisla group.

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ففرح بذلك من حضر عند أمير المؤمنين عليه السالم من شيعته وشكر، وساء ذلك آثيرا ممن حوله حتى عرفنا ذلك في .وجوههم وألوانهم

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So, those Shiites who were present with Amir-ul-Momineenasws were happy with that and were thankful, and that displeased many who were around himasws to the extent that we recognised that in their faces and their colours (expressions).

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خطبة أمير المؤمنين عليه السالم محذرا من الفتن) 17(


أيها الناس، أنا الذي فقأت : صعد أمير المؤمنين عليه السالم المنبر، فحمد اهللا وأثنى عليه وقال: أبان عن سليم بن قيس قال. ال أهل النهروانوأيم اهللا لو لم أآن فيكم لما قوتل أهل الجمل وال أهل صفين و. عين الفتنة ولم يكن ليجترئ عليها غيري

وأيم اهللا لوال أن تتكلموا وتدعوا العمل لحدثتكم بما قضى اهللا على لسان نبيه صلى اهللا عليه وآله لمن قاتلهم مستبصرا في . ضاللتهم عارفا بالهدى الذي نحن عليه

Aban from Sulaym Bin Qays, who said, ‘Amir-ul-Momineenasws ascended the pulpit, so heasws Praised Allahazwj and Extolled Himazwj and said: ‘O you people! Iasws am the one who gouged out the eye of the ‘Fitna’ (strife) and it was not for anyone apart from measws to be able to do that. And Iasws say by Allahazwj, had Iasws not been among you all, you would not have fought against the people of the Camel (Al-Jamal), nor the people of Siffeen, nor the people of Al-Nahrwaan. And Iasws say by Allahazwj, if you had spoken and claimed what Allahazwj has Decreed upon the tongue of Hisazwj Prophetsaww you would have visualised and recognised the error of those that were killed, and the guidance that we are on.

أنا يعسوب . سلوني عما شئتم قبل أن تفقدوني، فواهللا إني بطرق السماء أعلم مني بطرق األرض: ثم قال عليه السالمأنا ديان الناس يوم القيامة . اتم الوصيين ووارث النبيين وخليفة رب العالمينالمؤمنين وأول السابقين وإمام المتقين وخ

وقسيم اهللا بين أهل الجنة والنار، وأنا الصديق األآبر والفاروق الذي أفرق بين الحق والباطل، وإن عندي علم المنايا أيها الناس، إنه وشيك . لى من نزلتوالباليا وفصل الخطاب، وما من آية نزلت إال وقد علمت فيما نزلت وأين نزلت وع

. ما ينتظر أشقاها أن يخضبها من فوقها؟ يعني لحيته من دم رأسه. أن تفقدوني، إني مفارقكم وإني ميت أو مقتول

Then heasws said: ‘Ask me whatsoever that you like before you miss measws, for by Allahazwj Iasws am more aware of the pathways of the sky than Iasws am of the roads of the earth. Iasws am the ‘Yasoob’ (King) of the believers, and the first of the preceding ones, and the Imamasws of the pious, and the seal-(ultimate) of the successors, and the inheritor of the Prophetsas, and the Caliph of the Lordazwj of the worlds. Iasws am the examiner of the people on the Day of Judgement and Allahazwj’s (Appointed) Divider of people between the Paradise and the Fire.

And Iasws am the Great Truthful (Al-Siddique Al-Akbar), and the great Differentiator (Al-Farouq) who differentiates between the truth and the falsehood, and with measws is the knowledge of the deaths, and the afflictions, and the intricacies of the speech. And there is no Verse which has Descended except that Iasws know with regards to what was Descended, and where it Descended, and about whom it was Descended. O you people! It is imminent that you will miss measws. Iasws will separate from you all, and Iasws will soon leave, being assassinated. What is he waiting for (my killer) to dye it (with my blood) from above it ( from head)?’ Meaning hisasws beard from the blood of hisasws head.

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والذي فلق الحبة وبرأ النسمة، ال تسألوني من فئة تبلغ ثالثمائة فما فوقها فيما بينكم وبين قيام الساعة إال أنبأتكم بسائقها .ب العرصات متى تخرب ومتى تعمر بعد خرابها إلى يوم القيامةوقائدها وناعقها، وبخرا

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‘By the Oneazwj Who Split the seed and Freed the person, you will not ask me about a group which has reached three hundred (in number) nor above it between you all (at present) and the Establishment of the Hour, except that Iasws will give you the news of its ushers, and its guides and its callers, and the spoiling of the ground, when it will get spoilt and when it will be revived after it having been taken by force to the Day of Judgement’.

إن . إذا سأل سائل فليعقل وإذا سئل مسئول فليلبث: فقال عليه السالم. يا أمير المؤمنين، أخبرنا عن الباليا: فقالفقام رجلوالذي فلق الحبة وبرأ النسمة، لو قد فقدتموني ونزلت عزائم األمور . من ورائكم أمورا ملتجة مجلجلة وبالء مكلحا مبلحا

وذلك إذا ظهرت حربكم ونصلت عن ناب وقامت . ين واشتغل آثير من المسؤولينوحقائق البالء لقد أطرق آثير من السائل . عن ساق وصارت الدنيا بالء عليكم حتى يفتح اهللا لبقية األبرار

So a man stood up and said, ‘O Amir-ul-Momineenasws, inform us about the ‘Fitna’ (afflictions)’. Heasws said: ‘When a questioner asks so he should understand, and when the questioned one is asked, he should reply responsibly. There are matters behind you, which will weaken you and concern you, frightening and difficult afflictions.

By the Oneazwj Who Split the seed and Freed the person, if you were to lose measws, and the great matters descend upon you and the reality of the afflictions dawn upon you, many of the questioners will get frustrated and many of them will be humiliated by trying to find solutions (to their problems). And that will happen when you will be forced into wars and it will engulf the entire world, and the world will become a scourge for you all until such time when Allahazwj will Grant a victory through the ‘ لبقية .(Imam e Zamanajfj) ’األبرار

وإن . إن الفتن إذا أقبلت شبهت وإذا أدبرت أسفرت: فقال عليه السالم. أمير المؤمنين، حدثنا عن الفتنيا: فقام رجل فقالفانظروا أقواما آانوا أصحاب الرايات . الفتن لها موج آموج البحر وإعصار آإعصار الريح، تصيب بلدا وتخطئ اآلخر

. يوم بدر فانصروهم تنصروا وتؤجروا وتعذروا

A man stood up and said, ‘O Amir-ul-Momineenasws, narrated to us about the ‘Fitna’ (strife).

Heasws said: ‘The ‘Fitna’ when it comes, places you in doubt, and when it goes away it becomes obvious (leaves behind its disastrous effects). And the ‘Fitna’ has waves for it like the waves of the sea and gusts like the gusts of the wind (hurricane), affecting one country and leaving another. So look at the peopleasws who were the standard bearers on the Day of Badr. Help themasws and you will be helped and rewarded and be excused.

فتنة بني أمية

إنها فتنة عمياء صماء مطبقة مظلمة، عمت فتنتها . أخوف الفتن أال إن أخوف الفتن عليكم من بعدي فتنة بني أميةأهل باطلها ظاهرون على أهل حقها، يملؤون . أصاب البالء من أبصر فيها وأخطأ البالء من عمي عنها. وخصت بليتها

. من يضع جبروتها ويكسر عمودها وينزع أوتادها اهللا رب العالمين وقاصم الجبارينوأول . األرض بدعا وظلما وجورا

‘Fitna’ (Strife) of the Clan of Umayyad

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Iasws fear the ‘Fitna’. Nay! Iasws fear for your all the ‘Fitna’ of the Clan of ‘Umayyad’ (Umayyad) . It will be blind, deaf, and have levels of darkness. Its ‘Fitna’ will be

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general but its affliction will be specific. It will trouble the one who sees it, and stray the one who would avoid it.

Its wrongful ones will force themselves upon its rightful ones, filling the earth with innovation, injustice and oppression. The first one to End its tyranny and Break its pillars and Remove its pegs will be no one but Allahazwj the Lordazwj of the Worlds, the Crusher of the tyrants.

. بيديها وتضرب برجليها وتمنع درهاأال إنكم ستجدون بني أمية أرباب سوء بعدي آالناب الضروس تعض بفيها وتخبط . وأيم اهللا، ال تزال فتنتهم حتى ال تكون نصرة أحدآم لنفسه إال آنصرة العبد السوء لسيده، إذا غاب سبه وإذا حضر أطاعه

. وأيم اهللا لو شردوآم تحت آل آوآب لجمعكم اهللا لشر يوم لهم

Nay! You will find the Clan of Umayyad to be evil lords after measws, like the teeth of a canine biting by it, hitting by its hands and striking by its legs and preventing from its pearls. And Iasws swear by Allahazwj, their ‘Fitna’ will not cease until not one of you will be able to help himself but like the help of the bad slave for his master, if he is absent he abuses him, and if he is present, he obeys him. And Iasws swear by Allahazwj, even if you disperse to be underneath each of the stars, Allahazwj will Gather you all for their evil days.

بني أمية فتن ما بعد

إنها ستكونون جماعة شتى، عطاؤآم : بعد ذلك؟ قال عليه السالم- يا أمير المؤمنين -فهل من جماعة : فقال الرجل وشبك بين -هكذا : آيف تختلف القلوب؟ قال عليه السالم: قال واحد: قال. وحجكم وأسفارآم واحد والقلوب مختلفة

نحن أهل . رجا هرجا ويبقى طغام جاهلية ليس فيها منار هدى وال علم يرىيقتل هذا هذا وهذا هذا، ه: ثم قال-أصابعه . البيت منها بمنجاة ولسنا فيها بدعاة

‘Fitna’ after the Clan of Umayyad

The man said, ‘Will there be a community after that, O Amir-ul-Momineen?’ Heasws said: ‘There will be a diverse community. Your charities and your Pilgrimages and your travels will be one, but your hearts will be different’. One of them said, ‘How will their hearts be different?’ Heasws said: ‘Like this’ – and tangled hisasws fingers – then said: ‘This one will kill this one, and this one will kill this one. There will be trouble after trouble, and the unfairness of the era of ignorance will remain. There will not be a Minaret of guidance or a flag to be seen. Weasws, the Peopleasws of the Household will be rescued from it, and weasws will not be preaching ‘calling’ (that will be the time of Taqeeya) during that time.

انظروا أهل بيت نبيكم، فإن لبدوا فالبدوا وإن : فما أصنع في ذلك الزمان يا أمير المؤمنين؟ قال عليه السالم: قالمن هدى ولن يدعوآم إلى ردى، وال تسبقوهم بالتقدم استنصروآم فانصروهم تنصروا وتعذروا، فإنهم لن يخرجوآم

يفرج اهللا عن الفتن باإلمام المهدي عليه السالم . فيصرعكم البالء وتشمت بكم األعداء

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One asked, ‘So what shall I do in that era, O Amir-ul-Momineenasws?’ Heasws said: ‘Look at the Peopleasws of the Household of your Prophetsaww. If theyasws remain at theirasws homes, you remain at your homes, and if theyasws ask you for your help, help them so that you will be helped and be excused, for theyasws will never exit you from guidance, and will never call you all to destruction, and do not place yourselves in front of themasws or else you will be killed by the afflictions and your enemies will rejoice over you. Allahazwj will Release you from the ‘Fitna’ by the Imam Al-Mahdiajfj’.

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ثم . يفرج اهللا البالء برجل من بيتي آانفراج األديم من بيته: ال عليه السالمفما يكون بعد ذلك يا أمير المؤمنين؟ ق: قاليرفعون إلى من يسومهم خسفا ويسقيهم بكأس مصبرة وال يعطيهم وال يقبل منهم إال السيف، هرجا هرجا، يحمل السيف

وآخذ منهم بعض ما قد منعوني على عاتقه ثمانية أشهر حتى تود قريش بالدنيا وما فيها أن يروني مقاما واحدا فأعطيهميغريه اهللا ) ما هذا من قريش، لو آان هذا من قريش ومن ولد فاطمة لرحمنا: (وأقبل منهم بعض ما يرد عليهم حتى يقولوا

ملعونين أينما ثقفوا أخذوا وقتلوا تقتيال، سنة اهللا في الذين خلوا من . (ببني أمية فيجعلهم تحت قدميه ويطحنهم طحن الرحى ).ولن تجد لسنة اهللا تبديالقبل

He said, ‘So what will happen after that, O Amir-ul-Momineenasws?’ Heasws said: ‘Allahazwj will Effect the Release from the affliction by a manasws from myasws Household, but many will turn against himajfj. Then Heazwj will Raise them to the oneasws who will swallow up their afflictions and quench them with a consoling cup, and heasws will neither give them nor will heasws accept from them anything except with the sword.

There will be (at that time) troubles after troubles, heasws will carry the sword for eight months, to the extent that the Qureish would wish to give the whole world and whatever it contains (in order to find relief) to be able to see measws at least once. So that they can give me back whatever they had taken from me. But he (Imam e Zamanajfj) will be very severe on them (without giving them any allowances) until they will say, ‘This man is not from the Qureish. Had heasws been from the Qureish and from the children of Fatimaasws, heasws would be merciful to us’.

Thus Allahazwj will Give himasws victory over the Clan of Umayyad, so heajfj will place them under hisajfj feet, and heasws will grind them like the grinding of the mill. [33:61] They shall have a curse on them: whenever they are found, they shall be seized and slain (without mercy). [33:62] (Such has been) the course of Allah with respect to those who have gone before; and you shall not find any change in the course of Allah.

أهل البيت عليهم السالم هم الملجأ في الفتن

أال وإن لطحنها روقا وإن روقها حدها وعلى . ، فإذا طحنت قامت على قطبهاأما بعد، فإنه ال بد من رحى تطحن ضاللةمعنا راية الحق والهدى، من سبقها . أال وإني وأبرار عترتي وأطائب أرومتي أحلم الناس صغارا وأعلمهم آبارا. اهللا فلها

الصادق قيلنا، ومن قول الصادق إنا أهل بيت من علم اهللا علمنا، ومن حكم اهللا . مرق ومن خذلها محق ومن لزمها لحقنحن أفق اإلسالم، بنا يلحق المبطئ . فإن تتبعونا تهتدوا ببصائرنا وإن تتولوا عنا يعذبكم اهللا بأيدينا أو بما شاء. سمعنا

. وإلينا يرجع التائب

The Peopleasws of the Household, theyasws are the shelter in the ‘Fitna’ (Strife)

Having said that, it does not have to be a hand mill in order to grind the misguidance, for the mill stands upon its pole. Nay! When it is grinding, it has a limit to it, and upon Allahazwj there is not. Nay! Myselfasws and myasws good Familyasws and the good ones from myasws relatives are the most forbearing of the people when they are young and the most knowledgeable of them in their adulthood.

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With us is the banner of the truth and guidance, the one who wants to over take it will exit Religion due to misguidance, and the one who abandons it will perish (meet destruction), and the one who adheres to it will arrive to the truth.

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali www.hubeali.com 

Us, the Peopleasws of the Household, we teach from the Knowledge of Allahazwj, and it is from the Wisdom of Allahazwj that we speak truthfully, and it is from the truthful speech that weasws hear. So, if you all were to follow usasws, you will be guided by ourasws vision, and if you turn away from usasws you will be Punished by Allahazwj by ourasws hands or in whatever manner that Heazwj so Desires. We are the zenith (source) of Islam. It is by usasws that the one who lags behind can catch up, and the one who repents can return.

واهللا لوال أن تستعجلوا ويتأخر الحق لنبأتكم بما يكون في شباب العرب والموالي، فال تسألوا أهل بيت محمد العلم قبل . وآونوا أحالس البيوت، وال تكونوا عجال بذرا. ه، وال تسألوهم المال على العسر فتبخلوهم، فإنه ليس منهم البخلإبان

آونوا من أهل الحق تعرفوا به وتتعارفوا عليه، فإن اهللا خلق الخلق بقدرته وجعل بينهم الفضائل بعلمه وجعل منهم عبادا وجعل ثواب . المة من أآرم منهم طاعته وعالمة من أهان منهم معصيتهفجعل ع. اختارهم لنفسه ليحتج بهم على خلقه

أهل طاعته النضرة في وجهه في دار األمن والخلد الذي ال يورع أهله، وجعل عقوبة أهل معصيته نارا تأجج لغضبه، ). وما ظلمهم اهللا ولكن آانوا أنفسهم يظلمون(

By Allahazwj, if you do not make haste and truth is not delayed, Iasws would give you the news of that which would even be understood by the youths of the Arabs and their friends. However, do not ask the Peopleasws of the Household of Muhammadsaww about the knowledge before its time, and do not ask themasws for the wealth during hardship, lest you consider themasws to be miserly, for miserliness is not from themasws.

And assume (honourable) positions in your dwellings rather becoming like the wandering calves. Be from the people of the truth and to be recognised by it, for Allahazwj Created the creatures by Hisazwj Power and Made preferences to be between them by Hisazwj Knowledge, and Made servantsasws from among them Chosen by Himselfazwj in order to establish arguments over Hisazwj creatures by themasws.

So Heazwj Made themasws to be the ‘Signs’. The one who honours themasws will be in obedience, and the one who disregards themasws will be disobedient. And Heazwj Made the Reward for the obedient ones to be blissful in their faces in the House of Safety and the eternity in which they will not separate from their families, and Made the Punishment for the people of disobedience to be the Fire which has been ignited by Hisazwj Wrath. [16:33] and Allah was not unjust to them, but they were unjust to themselves.

يا أيها الناس، إنا أهل بيت بنا ميز اهللا الكذب، وبنا يفرج اهللا الزمان الكلب وبنا ينزع اهللا ربق الذل من أعناقكم وبنا يفتح فاعتبروا بنا وبعدونا وبهدانا وبهداهم وبسيرتنا وسيرتهم وميتتنا وميتتهم، يموتون بالدال والقرح . اهللا وبنا يختم اهللا . البطن والقتل والشهادةوالدبيلة، ونموت ب

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O you people! It is through usasws, the Peopleasws of the Household, that Allahazwj Exposed the lies, and it is by usasws that Allahazwj Removes the hardships from the dogs (aggressors), and it is by usasws that Allahazwj Removes the rope of humiliation from your necks, and it is by usasws that Allahazwj Begins and it is by usasws that Allahazwj Ends. So, take lessons by usasws and by ourasws enemies, and by ourasws guidance and by their guidance, and by ourasws ways and by their ways, and by our departed onesasws and by their dead ones. They die from bad illnesses and ulcers and lumps, whilst weasws die from abdominal pain and murder and martyrdom.

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali www.hubeali.com 

بالء آل محمد عليهم السالم في الفتن

صغارآم آبارآم، وليرحم آبار آم صغارآم، وال تكونوا أمثال السفهاء يا بني، ليبر : ثم التفت عليه السالم إلى بنيه فقالأال ويح للفراخ فراخ آل محمد من خليفة يستخلف، . الجفاة الجهال الذين ال يعطون في اهللا اليقين، آبيض بيض في داح

. جبارعتريف مترف يقتل خلفي وخلف الخلف بعدي

Affliction of the Progenyasws of Muhammadsaww in the ‘Fitna’

Then heasws turned towards hisasws sonsasws and said: ‘O myasws sonsasws! Yourasws younger ones should be good to yourasws elder ones, and yourasws elder ones should be good to yourasws younger ones, and do not become like the ignorant fools who never achieve certainty in Allahazwj, like the eggs with which children play (example of useless game for life of an ignorant).

Be aware, destruction is for that who after gaining power suppressed the children of the Progenyasws of Muhammadsaww, a wealthy tyrant who will kill the ones after measws and the ones after them.

أما واهللا، لقد علمت تبليغ الرساالت وتنجيز العدات وتمام الكلمات وفتحت لي األسباب وعلمت األنساب وأجري لي أحد فيما أشهدني ربي يوم يقوم السحاب، ونظرت في الملكوت فلم يعزب عني شيئ فات ولم يفتني ما سبقني ولم يشرآني


But, by Allahazwj, Iasws know the preaching of the (Divine) Messages, and the fulfilling of the promises, and the completion of the words, and reasons have been opened up for measws, and Iasws know the lineages and the clouds have been made to flow for measws (to carry me) so that Iasws look at the kingdom. There is nothing in the past that is hidden from measws and nor I have missed from what would to take place either, and there is no one associated with measws in what myasws Lordazwj will Make measws to witness on the Day when the witnesses are established.

وبي يتم اهللا موعده ويكمل آلماته، وأنا النعمة التي أنعمها اهللا على خلقه، وأنا اإلسالم الذي ارتضاه لنفسه، آل ذلك من .من اهللا به علي وأذل به منكبي

And it is by measws that Allahazwj will Fulfil Hisazwj Promises and Complete Hisazwj Words, and Iasws am the ‘Blessing’ through which Allahazwj Awards Hisazwj (pious) creatures, and Iasws am the Islam which Heazwj has Chosen for Himselfazwj. And all these are the bounties of Allahazwj extended towards measws and have Made easier for me the grand atrocities.

). إنما أنت منذر ولكل قوم هاد: (وليس إمام إال وهو عارف بأهل واليته، وذلك قول اهللا عز وجل

And there is no (true) Imamasws but heasws recognises the people of Wilayah (who submit to our mastership), and that is the Statement of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic [13:7] You are only a warner and (there is) a guide for every people.’

. ثم نزل، صلى اهللا عليه وآله الطاهرين األخيار وسلم تسليما آثيرا

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Aliasws, then descended (from the pulpit). Blessing of Allahazwj as well as numerous Greetings be upon himasws and hisasws purified Progenyasws, the righteous (among themasws).

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تأثير الميل إلى الدنيا في علم اإلنسان ودينه) 18(


منهومان ال : إن النبي صلى اهللا عليه وآله قال: سمعت أبا الحسن عليه السالم يحدثني ويقول: قال سليم بن قيس - *1* م، ومن فمن اقتصر من الدنيا على ما أحل اهللا له سل. منهوم في الدنيا ال يشبع منها، ومنهوم في العلم ال يشبع منه: يشبعان

ومن أخذ العلم من أهله وعمل به نجا، ومن أراد به الدنيا هلك وهو . تناولها من غير حلها هلك إال أن يتوب ويراجع . حظه

1 - Sulaym Bin Qays said, ‘I heard Abu Al-Hassanasws narrate to me and heasws said: ‘The Prophetsaww said: ‘Two hungry ones do not get satisfied – one who is hungry for the world, his hunger will not be satisfied from it, and one who hungers for the knowledge, his hunger will not be satisfied from it.

Therefore, the one who limits himself from the world to what Allahazwj has Permitted for him will be safe, and the one who will take it from other than what has been Permitted for him will perish unless he repents and returns. And the one who takes the knowledge from its rightful people will be saved, and one who intends by it (to benefit from) the world will perish5, and it will be his share. (Making religion as an earning vehicle is forbidden).

إن أهل النار ليتأذون من نتن ريح العالم التارك . عالم عمل بعلمه فهو ناج، وعالم تارك لعلمه فهو هالك: والعلماء عالمان رجل دعا عبدا إلى اهللا فاستجاب له، فأطاع اهللا فدخل الجنة وعصى اهللا الداعي وإن أشد أهل النار ندامة وحسرة. لعلمه

اتباع الهوى وطول األمل، فأما اتباع الهوى فيصد عن : إنما هما اثنان. فأدخل النار بترآه علمه واتباعه هواه وعصيانه هللا . الحق وأما طول األمل فينسي اآلخرة

And the scholars are of two types – A scholar who acts in accordance with his knowledge, so he will be saved; and a scholar who ignores his knowledge, so he will perish.

The inhabitants of the Fire will be adversely affected from the pungent smell of the scholar who did not act on his knowledge. And the most remorseful of the inhabitants of the Fire and regretful man will be the man who called the servants to Allahazwj so they answered his call, so they obeyed Allahazwj and entered the Paradise, but the caller (himself) disobeyed Allahazwj, so he entered the Fire by not acting on his knowledge and following his desires and disobeying Allahazwj.

And (destroyed ones) are of two types, following desires (cravings) and having long hopes. As for following ambitions, these will turn him away from the truth, and as for long hopes, these will make him forget the Hereafter.


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5 That means do not make religion as a means of earning. 

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali www.hubeali.com 

إن الدنيا قد ترحلت مدبرة وإن اآلخرة قد ترحلت مقبلة، ولكل منهما بنون، فكونوا من أبناء اآلخرة إن استطعتم وال . تكونوا من أبناء الدنيا، فإنما اليوم عمل وال حساب وغدا حساب وال عمل

(Be aware!) the world is turning away and the Hereafter is approaching from the front, and for each one of them have the followers (sons). So be the sons of the Hereafter and as much as you can and do not be of the sons of the world, for today is the day of action and not of questioning, and tomorrow is for reckoning and not for action.

آيف تبدأ الفتن

وإنما ابتداء وقوع الفتن من أهواء تتبع وأحكام تبتدع، يخالف فيها حكم اهللا، يتولى فيها رجال رجاال ويتبرء رجال من الباطل لو خلص لم يخف على ذي حجى، ولكن يؤخذ من هذا أال إن الحق لو خلص لم يكن فيه اختالف وإن . رجال

. ضغث ومن هذا ضغث فيمزجان فيحسبان معا، فهنالك استولى الشيطان على أوليائه ونجا الذين سبقت لهم منا الحسنى

How ‘Fitna’ starts

But rather, the ‘Fitna’ starts occurring from the following of desires and innovated rules thereby opposing the Judgements of Allahazwj. It makes a man befriend a man and a man to keep away from a man (divisions and disgust). Nay! If the truth (is presented) in its pure form there will be no differences, and if falsehood (is presented) in its pure form, it would not remain hidden to the one with proofs, but they take a fistful from this and a fistful from that and they blend them and counted together. So that is where the Satanla gets control (and wins) his friends, but only those to whom ourasws good (Ahadith)6 reach are saved.

آيف بكم إذا لبستكم فتنة يربو فيها الوليد ويزيد فيها الكبير، يجري الناس : إني سمعت رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله يقولتدقهم الفتن آما ثم يشتد البالء وتسبى الذرية و) إن الناس قد أتوا منكرا: (عليها فيتخذونها سنة، فإذا غير منها شيئ قيل

.تدق النار الحطب وآما تدق الرحى بثفالها، يتفقه الناس لغير الدين ويتعلمون لغير العمل ويطلبون الدنيا بعمل اآلخرة

Iasws heard from the Messenger of Allahsaww say: ‘What will be your state when you are clothed with ‘Fitna’ in which the new born and the young will go beyond (the age of) the elders. The people will flow to them (the misguided) taking to their ways, if someone will try to revert back (to Sunnah). It will be said that, ‘The people have become deniers’.

Then the afflictions will intensify and the offspring (of Ahl Al-Baytasws) will be targeted and the ‘Fitna’ would crush the believers as the fire consumes the wood, and like the upper stone of the hand mill grinds the lower stone of it. The people will ponder over matters other than Religion and will learn for other than acting upon it, and will be seeking the world instead of seeking the Hereafter.


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6 Traditions 

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آالم أمير المؤمنين عليه السالم عن بدع أبي بكر وعمر وعثمان * 2*

ملت األئمة قبلي بأمور عظيمة خالفت فيها واهللا لقد ع: ثم أقبل عليه السالم بوجهه على ناس من أهل بيته وشيعته فقالرسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله متعمدين، لو حملت الناس على ترآها وتحويلها عن موضعها إلى ما آانت تجري عليه على عهد رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله لتفرق عني جندي، حتى ال يبقى في عسكري غيري وقليل من شيعتي الذين إنما

ي وإمامتي من آتاب اهللا وسنة نبيه ال من غيرهما عرفوا فضل

2 – Speech of Amir-ul-Momineenasws about the innovations of Abu Bakr and Umar and Usman

Then heasws turned his face towards the people of hisasws Household and hisasws Shiites and said: ‘By Allahazwj, The leaders before measws performed great matters in which they opposed the Messenger of Allahsaww deliberately. If Iasws were to get the people to leave these and convert these back to what they used to be in the era of the Messenger of Allahsaww, my army would disperse from measws to the extent that there will not remain in my soldiers anyone apart from myselfasws and a few from myasws Shiites who have recognised myasws status and myasws Imamate (Divine Authority) from the Book of Allahazwj and the Sunnah of Hisazwj Prophetsaww, not from other than these two.

أرأيتم لو أمرت بمقام إبراهيم عليه السالم فرددته إلى المكان الذي وضعه فيه رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله، ورددت ئع فدك إلى ورثة فاطمة عليها السالم، ورددت صاع رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله ومده إلى ما آان، وأمضيت قطا

أقطعها رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله ألهلها ورددت دار جعفر بن أبي طالب إلى ورثته وهدمتها من المسجد، ورددت قضايا من قضى من آان قبلي بجور، ورددت ما قسم من أرض خيبر، ومحوت ديوان األعطية وأعطيت آما آان يعطي

ين األغنياء، وسبيت ذراري بني تغلب، وأمرت الناس أن ال صلى اهللا عليه وآله ولم أجعله دولة ب). (ص(رسول اهللا ) يا أهل اإلسالم: (- ممن يقاتل معي -يجمعوا في شهر رمضان إال في فريضة، لنادى بعض الناس من أهل العسكر

. حتى خفت أن يثوروا في ناحية عسكري) غيرت سنة عمر، نهيتنا أن نصلي في شهر رمضان تطوعا: (وقالوا

Do you all see that if Iasws ordered to have the Maqaam-e-Ibrahimas returned back to the place where the Messenger of Allahsaww had placed it before (after conquering Mecca), and returned the Fadak to the inheritors of Fatimaasws, and returned to the ‘Sa’a’ of the Messenger of Allahsaww and hissaww ‘Mudd’ to what it was, and cut-off (the benefits) from those that the Messenger of Allahsaww had cut-it off from, and return the house of Ja’faras Bin Abu Talibas to hisas inheritors while removing it from the Masjid7, and reject the judgements for the ones who were judged unfairly, and return what was wrongly taken the land of Khyber, and erase the register of gifts and gift it in accordance with what was gifted by the Messenger of Allahsaww.

And Iasws do not make it to be between the rich, and captivate the children of the Clan of Taghlub, and order the people to not gather in the Month of Ramadhan except for the obligatory Prayers8, some of the people from the army – from those that fought alongside measws - will call out, ‘O people of Islam, heasws has altered the


7 As it was forcefully including in the Masjid by the first Caliph. 

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8 Imamasws is referring to bidah of the Taraweeh which Umar ibn Khittab started, so Imamasws is saying do not get together in the Masjid except for the five obligatory prayers, i.e., not for the Taraweeh to which Muslims got very used when this Bidah was started by the 2nd Muslim Caliph, Umar ibn Khittab. 

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali www.hubeali.com 

Sunnah of Umar and is preventing us from ‘voluntary’ Praying in the Month of Ramadhan’ to the extent that Iasws fear that there will be a revolt in myasws army.

ولم أعط سهم ذوي القربى منهم . وطاعة أئمة الضالل والدعاة إلى الناربؤسي لما لقيت من هذه األمة بعد نبيها من الفرقة ، فنحن )إن آنتم آمنتم باهللا وما أنزلنا على عبدنا يوم الفرقان يوم التقى الجمعان: (إال لمن أمر اهللا بإعطائه الذين قال اهللا

خاصة ألنه لم يجعل لنا في سهم الصدقة الذين عنى اهللا بذي القربى واليتامى والمساآين وابن السبيل، آل هؤالء منا . نصيبا وأآرم اهللا نبيه صلى اهللا عليه وآله وأآرمنا أن يطعمنا أوساخ أيدي الناس

Iasws am at despair (feeling sad) from what had been met by this community after its Prophetsaww from its sects and its obedience to the imams (leaders) of misguidance and the callers to the Fire. And Iasws will not give to those near relatives from among them except for the ones whom Allahazwj has Ordered to be given for whom Heazwj has Said “[8:41] if you believe in Allah and in that which We revealed to Our servant, on the day of distinction, the day on which the two parties met; and Allah has power over all things”, for weasws are the ones whom Allahazwj has Meant by ‘the near relatives and the orphans and the poor and the travellers’, all those are for usasws exclusively, because Heazwj has not Made for usasws a share in the charity, and Allahazwj has Honoured Hisazwj Prophetsaww and Honoured usasws by not Feeding usasws from the dirt of the hands of the people’.9


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9 Zikaat which is referred as a dirt of the hands of people. 

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تنة أبي بكر وعمرأحاديث عن ف) 19(


شهدت أبا ذر مرض مرضا على عهد عمر في إمارته، فدخل عليه عمر يعوده وعنده أمير المؤمنين : أبان عن سليم قال . عليه السالم وسلمان والمقداد، وقد أوصى أبو ذر إلى علي عليه السالم وآتب وأشهد

Aban from Sulaym, who said, ‘I saw Abu Dharrar when hear was ill during the era of Umar, at hisar house. Umar came up to himar and in hisar presence were Amir-ul-Momineenasws, and Salmanar, and Al-Miqdadar, and Abu Dharrar had made a bequest to Aliasws and it was written and witnessed.

قد : ما منعك أن توصي إلى أمير المؤمنين عمر؟ قال: فلما خرج عمر قال رجل من أهل أبي ذر من بني عمه بني غفارأمرنا رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله ونحن أربعون رجال من العرب وأربعون رجال . أوصيت إلى أمير المؤمنين حقا حقا

وال أحد من العرب ). أمير المؤمنين(ي عليه السالم بإمرة المؤمنين، فينا هذا القائم الذي سميته من العجم، فسلمنا على علأحق من اهللا : (وال من الموالي العجم راجع رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله إال هذا وصويحبه الذي استخلفه، فإنهما قاال

. نعم، حق من اهللا ورسوله، أمرني اهللا بذلك فأمرتكم بهاللهم: ؟ فغضب رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله وقال)ورسوله

When Umar went out, a man from the people of Abu Dharrar from the sons of hisar uncle of the Clan of Ghaffar said, ‘What prevented youar from bequeathing it to the ‘Amir-ul-Momineen’ Umar?’ Hear said: ‘Iar have bequeathed to the truly true Amir-ul-Momineenasws. The Messenger of Allahsaww had ordered us, and we were forty men from the Arabs and forty men from the non-Arabs. So we greeted to Aliasws as ‘Amir-ul-Momineen’. Amongst us was this one whom you have referred to as ‘Amir-ul-Momineen’. And there was none from the Arabs or from the friends of the non-Arabs who rebuked the Messenger of Allahsaww except for this one and his companion who made him to be the Caliph.

So the two of them said, ‘Is this the truth from Allahazwj and Hisazwj Messengersaww?’ So the Messenger of Allahsaww got angry and said: ‘Our Allahazwj, yes, it is the truth from Allahazwj and Hisazwj Messenger. Allahazwj Ordered mesaww for that and Iasws have ordered you all for it’.

أربعة : قلت. نعم، صدق: يا أبا الحسن وأنت يا سلمان وأنت يا مقداد، أتقولون آما قال أبو ذر؟ قالوا: فقلت: مقال سليأصلحك اهللا، أتسمون : قلت. عدول، ولو لم يحدثني غير واحد ما شككت في صدقه ولكن أربعتكم أشد لنفسي وبصيرتي

رحمة ) صدق سلمان: (فقال علي عليه السالم وأبو ذر والمقداد. الثمانين من العرب والموالي؟ فسماهم سلمان رجال رجال . اهللا ومغفرته عليه وعليهم

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Sulaym narrated that ‘I said, ‘O Abu Al-Hassanasws, and you O Salmanar, and you O Miqdadar, are you all saying what Abu Dharrar has said?’ They said, ‘Yes, it is true’. I said, ‘There are four just ones, and had only one of them narrated to me I would not have doubted its truth, but the four of you have strengthened myself and my vision. May Allahazwj Keep you well, can you name these eighty from the Arabs and the friends?’ Salmanar named them man by man. Aliasws and Abu Dharrar and Al-Miqdadar said: ‘Salmanar has spoken the truth, may Allahazwj have Mercy upon him and upon them’.

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أبو بكر وعمر وأبو عبيدة ومعاذ وسالم والخمسة من أصحاب الشورى، وعمار بن ياسر وسعد بن : فكان ممن سمىعبادة والباقي من أصحاب العقبة وأبي بن آعب وأبو ذر والمقداد، وبقية جلهم وأعظمهم من أهل بدر وأعظمهم من

.األنصار، فيهم أبو الهيثم بن التيهان وخالد بن زيد أبو أيوب وأسيد بن حضير وبشير بن سعيد

From those that hear (Salman) named were – Abu Bakr, and Umar, and Abu Ubeyda, and Ma’az, and Saalim, and the five of the companions of the consultative council (Al-Shura), and Amaar Bin Yaasir, and Sa’d Bin Abaada, and the remaining ones of the companions of Al-Uqba, and Ubay Bin Ka’ab, and Abu Dharrar, and Al-Miqdadar, and the remaining ones of the majority from the people of Badr and most of them were from the Helpers, among them were Abu Al-Haysam Bin Al-Tayhaan, and Khalid Bin Zayd Abu Ayyub, and Asied Bin Hazeyr, and Bashir Bin Saeed.

هم فسألتهم وخلوت بهم رجال رجال، فمنهم من سكت عني فلم يجبني بشيئ وآتمني، فأظن أني قد لقيت عامت: قال سليمأصابتنا فتنة أخذت بقلوبنا وأسماعنا وأبصارنا وذلك لما ادعى أبو بكر أنه سمع رسول اهللا صلى : ومنهم من حدثني ثم قال

لى الدنيا وإن اهللا أبى أن يجمع لنا أهل البيت إنا أهل بيت أآرمنا اهللا واختار لنا اآلخرة ع: (اهللا عليه وآله يقول بعد ذلك ).النبوة والخالفة

Sulaym said, ‘I think I did meet most of them, so I questioned them and was alone with them man by man. From them were those who remained silent from me and did not answer me anything and concealed from me, and from them were one who narrated to me and said, ‘We were afflicted by ‘Fitna’ which grabbed our hearts, and our ears, and our eyes, and that was when Abu Bakr claimed that he heard from the Messenger of Allahsaww say after that: ‘Allahazwj has Honoured usasws, the Peopleasws of the Household and Chosen for usasws the Hereafter instead of the world, and that Allahazwj has Refused to gather for usasws the Peopleasws of the Household, the Prophet-hood and the Caliphate together’.

: أبو بكر على علي عليه السالم حين جيئ به للبيعة، وصدقه وشهد له أربعة آانوا عندنا خيارا غير متهمينفاحتج بذلك . أبو عبيدة وسالم وعمر ومعاذ، وظننا أنهم قد صدقوا

So, Abu Bakr used that as an argument against Aliasws when he came to himasws for the allegiance. This was ratified and testified by four who were considered to be good amongst us, not suspect – Abu Ubeyda, and Saalim, and Umar, and Ma’az, and we thought that they had spoken the truth.

الصحيفة الملعونة والمعاهدة في الكعبة

اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله قال ما قاله، وأخبر أن هؤالء الخمسة آتبوا بينهم فلما بايع علي عليه السالم أخبرنا أن رسولإن مات محمد أو قتل أن يتظاهروا على علي عليه السالم فيزووا عنه هذا : (آتابا تعاهدوا فيه وتعاقدوا في ظل الكعبة

أعناقنا ألبي بكر بيعته الملعونة سلمان وأبو ذر والمقداد والزبير، وشهدوا بعد ما وجبت في: ، واستشهد أربعة)األمرفعلمنا أن عليا عليه السالم لم يكن ليروي عن رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله باطال، وشهد له األخيار من . الضالة

. أصحاب محمد صلى اهللا عليه وآله

The accursed agreement and the treaty in the Kaaba

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When allegiance was taken from Aliasws (by force) we were informed by Aliasws that the Messenger of Allahsaww had said what heasws had said, and we got the news that those five had written an agreement between them and committed themselves to it, and contracted it in the shadow of the Kaaba that, if Muhammadsaww were to pass away or be killed they would overpower Aliasws and keep the matter (Caliphate) away

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from himasws, and four of them testified to this (statement of Aliasws)– Salmanar, and Abu Dharrar, and Al-Miqdadar and Al-Zubayr.

And we realised (the Fitna), afterwards, when Abu Bakr’s accursed and erroneous allegiance was forced onto our necks. So we came to know that Aliasws would never report from the Messenger of Allahsaww any falsehood, and testified to himasws as being the best of the companions of Muhammadsaww.

ندامة الصحابة لتقصيرهم في حق أمير المؤمنين عليه السالم

إن اهللا : (- ونحن نسمع -إنا تدبرنا األمر بعد ذلك فذآرنا قول النبي صلى اهللا عليه وآله : فقال جل من قال هذه المقالة: من هم يا رسول اهللا؟ فقال صلى اهللا عليه وآله: فقلنا). هميحب أربعة من أصحابي وأمرني بحبهم وإن الجنة تشتاق إلي

أخي ووزيري ووارثي وخليفتي في أمتي وولي آل مؤمن بعدي علي بن أبي طالب، وسلمان الفارسي وأبو ذر والمقداد ( . وإنا نستغفر اهللا ونتوب إليه مما رآبناه ومما أتيناه). بن األسود

Remorse of the companions for neglecting the right of Amir-ul-Momineenasws (Taqseer of Amir-ul-Momineenasws)

So most of them said these words, ‘We reconsidered the matter after that and we remembered the words of the Prophetsaww – and we heard: ‘Allahazwj Loves four of mysaww companions and Ordered mesaww for their love and that the Paradise is eagerly awaiting them’. So we said, ‘Who are they, O Messenger of Allahsaww?’ Hesaww said: ‘Mysaww brother, and mysaww Vizier, and mysaww inheritor, and mysaww Caliph in mysaww community, and the Guardian of every believer after mesaww, Aliasws bin Abu Talibasws, and Salman Al-Farsyar, and Abu Dharrar, and Al-Miqdad Bin Al-Aswadar’. And we seek Forgiveness of Allahazwj and repent to Himazwj from what we have done and come up with.

ليردن علي : قال صلى اهللا عليه وآله. هللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله يقول قوال لم نعلم تأويله ومعناه إال خيراوقد سمعنا رسول االحوض أقوام ممن صحبني ومن أهل المكانة مني والمنزلة عندي، حتى إذا وقفوا على مراتبهم ورأوني اختلسوا دوني

إنك ال تدري ما أحدثوا بعدك، إنهم لم يزالوا مرتدين : لييا رب، أصحابي أصحابي فيقال: فأقول. وأخذ بهم ذات الشمال . على أدبارهم القهقرى منذ فارقتهم

And we have heard from the Messenger of Allahsaww saying certain words that we do not understand its explanation except as good. Hesaww said: ‘A group of mysaww companions will come to mesaww at the Fountain, and they will be those who had status with mesaww and a position, until they will pause in accordance with their ranks, and they will see mesaww and come nearer to mesaww. They will be grabbed and sent to the left. Isaww will say: ‘O Lordazwj, mysaww companions, mysaww companions! It will be said to mesaww: ‘Yousaww don’t know what they have done after yousaww. They did not cease to be apostates, turning on their backs, going backwards since yousaww separated from them’.

سلمنا األمر إلى علي عليه السالم وأطعناه وتابعناه وبايعناه - حين قبض رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله -ولعمرنا، لو أنا . لرشدنا واهتدينا ووفقنا، ولكن اهللا قضى االختالف والفرقة والبالء، فال بد من أن يكون ما علم اهللا وقضى وقدر

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And as for our affairs, had we – since the passing away of the Messenger of Allahsaww – submitted our affairs to Aliasws and obeyed himasws, and followed himasws, and paid allegiance to himasws, heasws would keep us on the right path, and guided us, and made us to be successful,

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However, Allahazwj Ordained it (in order to test the righteous ones) that there should be differentiation, and (due to that people are divided into) the sects and the (subjected to) afflictions. Thus it had to take place, as it was in the Knowledge of Allahazwj and the fate and the destiny (as per actions of the nation).

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أصحاب الصحيفة وأصحاب العقبة) 20(


لو : له، فقال له قائلشهدت أبا ذر بالربذة حين سيره عثمان وأوصى إلى علي عليه السالم في أهله وما: سليم بن قيس قالقد أوصيت إلى أمير المؤمنين حقا أمير المؤمنين علي بن أبي طالب عليه : فقال. آنت أوصيت إلى أمير المؤمنين عثمان

سلموا على أخي ووزيري : (قال لنا. السالم، سلمنا عليه بإمرة المؤمنين على عهد رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله بأمر اهللافي أمتي وولي آل مؤمن بعدي بإمرة المؤمنين، فإنه زر األرض الذي تسكن إليه ولو فقدتموه أنكرتم ووارثي وخليفتي ). األرض وأهلها

Sulaym Bin Qays said, ‘I saw Abu Dharrar at Al-Rabza when Usman exiled himar, and hear bequeathed to Aliasws with regards to hisar family and hisar belongings. Someone said to him, ‘If only you had bequeathed to Amir-ul-Momineen Usman’. Hear said, ‘Iar have bequeathed to the Amir-ul-Momineenasws who is the true Amir-ul-Momineen, Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws. We had greeted himasws as Amir-ul-Momineen in the era of the Messenger of Allahsaww by the Order of Allahazwj. Hesaww said to us: ‘Greet mysaww brother, and mysaww Vizier, and mysaww inheritor, and mysaww Caliph in mysaww community, and mysaww guardian of every believer after mesaww, as Amir-ul-Momineen, for heasws is reason by which the earth is in a tranquil state, if you were to lose himasws the earth would refuse to carry its inhabitants.

حق من اهللا ورسوله؟ فغضب رسول اهللا : فرأيت عجل هذه األمة وسامريها راجعا رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله ثم قالفلما سلمنا عليه أقبال على أصحابهما معاذ وسالم ). حق من اهللا ورسوله، أمرني اهللا بذلك: ( عليه وآله ثم قالصلى اهللا

ما بال هذا الرجل، ما زال يرفع : فقاال لهم- حين خرجا من بيت علي عليه السالم من بعد ما سلمنا عليه -وأبي عبيدة ما لنا عنده خير ما بقي علي : بن عمه وقال الجميعإنه ليحسن أمر ا: خسيسة ابن عمه وقال أحدهما

So I saw the calf of this community and its Samiri rebuking the Messenger of Allahsaww saying, ‘Is this truth from Allahazwj and Hisazwj Messengersaww?’ So the Messenger of Allahsaww got angered by it and said: ‘It is truth from Allahazwj and Hisazwj Messengersaww. Allahazwj Ordered mesaww for that’. When we had greeted himasws, the two of them went to their companions Ma’az, and Saalim, and Abu Ubeyda – when they came out of the House of Aliasws after having greeted himasws – so the two of them said to them, ‘What is it with this mansaww, hesaww does not cease to elevate hisasws cousinasws’. And one of them said, ‘Hesaww always makes good the affair of hissaww cousinasws’. And all of them said, ‘There is no good for us if Aliasws remains (Amir-ul-Momineen)’.

أما التسليمة األولى فقبل حجة الوداع، وأما التسليمة : يا أبا ذر، هذا التسليم بعد حجة الوداع أو قبلها؟ فقال: فقلت: قال .في حجة الوداع: فمعاقدة هؤالء الخمسة متى آانت؟ قال: قلت. األخرى فبعد حجة الوداع

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Sulaym said, ‘I said, ‘O Abu Dharrar, was this greeting before or after the Farewell Pilgrimage?’ Hear said, ‘As for the first greeting, it was before the Farewell Pilgrimage, and as for the other one, it was after the Farewell Pilgrimage’. I said, ‘When was the contract of those five made?’ Hear said, ‘During the Farewell Pilgrimage’.

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أصلحك اهللا عن االثني عشر أصحاب العقبة المتلثمين الذين أرادوا أن ينفروا برسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه -أخبرني : قلتأصلحك اهللا، : قلت. له من حجة الوداعبغدير خم مقبل رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآ: وآله الناقة، ومتى آان ذلك؟ قال

عمار بن : من أين تعرفهم وقد أسرهم رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله إلى حذيفة؟ قال: قلت. أي واهللا، آلهم: تعرفهم؟ قالخمسة أصحاب : تسميهم لي؟ قال: قلت. ياسر آان قائدا وحذيفة آان سائقا، فأمر حذيفة بالكتمان ولم يأمر بذلك عمارا

. يفة، وخمسة أصحاب الشورى وعمرو بن العاص ومعاويةالصح

I said, ‘May Allahazwj Keep you well, inform me about the twelve (12) companions of Al-Uqba, who had covered their faces and intended to frighten the camel of the Messenger of Allahsaww, when did that happen?’ Hear said, ‘At Ghadeer Khumm, when the Messenger of Allahsaww was returning from the Farewell Pilgrimage’. I said, ‘May Allahazwj Keep you well, do you know them?’ Hear, said, ‘Yes, by Allahazwj, all of them’. I said, ‘From where did youar come to know them and the Messenger of Allahsaww had told Huzayfa to keep it a secret?’ Hear said, ‘Ammar Bin Yaasar was the guide and Huzayfa was the usher, so Huzayfa was ordered for concealment, but that was not the order to Ammar’. I said, ‘Can you name them for me?’ Hear said, ‘Five (5) companions of the agreement, and five (5) companions of the consultative council, and Amr Bin Al-Aas and Muowiya’.

عمار وحذيفة في فتنة السقيفة

إنهم أظهروا : هم؟ قالأصلحك اهللا، آيف تردد عمار وحذيفة في أمرهم بعد رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله حين رأيا: قلتالتوبة والندامة بعد ذلك، وادعى عجلهم منزلة وشهد لهم سامريهم والثالثة معهم بأنهم سمعوا رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه

. لعل هذا أمر حدث بعد األول، فشكا فيمن شك منهم إال أنهما تابا وعرفا وسلما: وآله يقول ذلك، فقالوا

Ammar and Huzayfa during the ‘Fitna’ of Al-Saqifa

I said, ‘May Allahazwj Keep you well, how come Ammar and Huzayfa hesitated in their affairs after the Messenger of Allahsaww, when they had both seen them (companions of Al-Uqba)?’ Hear said, ‘They had both apparently repented, and were remorseful after that. Their calf had made a claim for status and their Samiri had testified to them, and three (people) were with them, that they had heard the Messenger of Allahsaww saying that. So they said, ‘Perhaps this matter happened after the first one. So they doubted with the doubters, except that these two repented and understood, and were safe’.

صدق أخي أبو ذر، : فقال. فلقيت عمارا في خالفة عثمان بعد ما مات أبو ذر، فأخبرته بما قال أبو ذر: قال سليم بن قيسأشهد لقد سمعت : أصلحك اهللا، بما تصدق أبا ذر؟ قال: فقلت. يسمع منهإنه ألبر وأصدق من أن يحدث عن عمار بما ال

). ما أظلت الخضراء وال أقلت الغبراء على ذي لهجة أصدق من أبي ذر وال أبر: (رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله يقول . إنما أعني غيرهم من الناس: يا نبي اهللا، وال أهل بيتك؟ قال: قلت

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Sulaym Bin Qays said, ‘I met Ammar during the Caliphate of Usman after Abu Dharrar had passed away and informed him of what Abu Dharrar had said. He said, ‘My brother Abu Dharrar spoke the truth. Hear is more righteous and truthful than to narrate from Ammar what hear had not heard from him’. I said, ‘May Allahazwj Keep you well, you are ratifying Abu Dharrar?’ He said, ‘I hereby testify that I have heard the Messenger of Allahsaww say: ‘The sky has not cast a shadow, nor has the dust (ground) carried anyone who is more truthful in his words than Abu Dharrar, nor anyone more righteous’. So I (Ammar) said, ‘O Prophetsaww of Allahazwj, not even the Peopleasws of yoursaww Household?’ Hesaww said: ‘What Isaww mean is apart from themasws, from the (other) people’.

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali www.hubeali.com 

سبحان اهللا، أبو ذر أصدق وأبر من أن : فقال. فذآرت له ما قال أبو ذر- رحلت إليه من الكوفة -ائن ثم لقيت حذيفة بالمد . يحدث عن رسول اهللا صلى اهللا عليه وآله بغير ما قال

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Then I met Huzayfa at Mada’in – I travelled to him from Al-Kufa – so I mentioned to him what Abu Dharrar had said. He said, ‘Glory be to Allahazwj, Abu Dharrar is more truthful and righteous than to narrate something from the Messenger of Allahsaww than anyone else’.