U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) OMB Control Number: 1014-0016 OMB Approval Expires: October 31, 2021 ASSIGNMENT OF FEDERAL OCS PIPELINE RIGHT-OF-WAY GRANT Part A: Assignment Legal description of the Pipeline Right-of-Way Grant being assigned (Please include Segment Number and any accessory information): Right-of-Way (ROW) OCS-G 25420, Segment Number 14732: A pipeline Right-of-way 200-feet in width for the operation and maintenance of a 6 5/8-inch pipeline, 3.94 miles in length, to transport supply gas originating at Platform A in Block 27 in South Marsh Island Area, through Blocks 30 and 29 in South Marsh Island Area and terminating at Platform C in Block 191, Vermilion Area. Assignor(s) does hereby sell, assign, transfer, and convey unto Assignee(s) the following undivided right, title and interest: Insert name and Company number of each Assignor and Assignee. Assignor(s): Percentage Interest Conveyed Bureou of Safety nd Environrrentai criortemenl (8SE£j Orinoco Natural Resources, LLC (3545) R E C E I V E D 2 0 % Assignee(s): Sanare Energy Partners, LLC (3520) AUG 05 2019 Office of Field Operations Pipeline Section Percentage Interest Received 20% • Exhibit "A," which sets forth other provisions between Assignor(s) and Assignee(s), is attached to and made a part of this assignment. For BSEE Use Only - Do Not Type Below This Line UNITED STATES OF AMERICA This Assignment of Federal OCS Pipeline Right-of-Way Grant has been filed as of the date stamped on this document and hereby approved by the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement on the date below^ / Hi /] | "^^V AUG 2 1 2019 By. husf, Pipeline Section Title Approval Date Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) Statement: The PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seg.) requires us to inform you that we collect this information to use in the adjudication process involved in pipeline Right-of-Way Assignments. BSEE uses the information to track ownership of Pipeline ROW Grants in the Federal OCS. Responses are required to obtain or retain a benefit (43 U.S.C. 1334). Proprietary data are covered under 30 CFR 250.197. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. Public reporting burden of this form is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and completing and reviewing the form. Direct comments regarding the burden estimate, or any other aspect of this form, to the BSEE Information Collection Clearance Officer, 381 Elden Street, Hemdon, VA 20170. FORM BSEE-0149 (10/2018 - Supersedes all previous versions of this form which may not be used.) Page 1 of 2

Part A: AssignmentU.S. Department of Interior OMB Control No.: 1014-0016 Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Expiration Date: 10/31/2021 Identification of Right-of-way Pipeline

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Page 1: Part A: AssignmentU.S. Department of Interior OMB Control No.: 1014-0016 Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Expiration Date: 10/31/2021 Identification of Right-of-way Pipeline

U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE)

OMB Control Number: 1014-0016 OMB Approval Expires: October 31, 2021


Part A: Assignment

Legal description of the Pipeline Right-of-Way Grant being assigned (Please include Segment Number and any accessory information): Right-of-Way (ROW) OCS-G 25420, Segment Number 14732: A pipeline Right-of-way 200-feet in width for the operation and maintenance of a 6 5/8-inch pipeline, 3.94 miles in length, to transport supply gas originating at Platform A in Block 27 in South Marsh Island Area, through Blocks 30 and 29 in South Marsh Island Area and terminating at Platform C in Block 191, Vermilion Area.

Assignor(s) does hereby sell, assign, transfer, and convey unto Assignee(s) the following undivided right, title and interest:

Insert name and Company number of each Assignor and Assignee.

Assignor(s): Percentage Interest Conveyed

Bureou of Safety nd Environrrentai criortemenl (8SE£j Orinoco Natural Resources, LLC (3545) R E C E I V E D 2 0 %


Sanare Energy Partners, LLC (3520)

AUG 05 2019 Office of Field Operations

Pipeline Section

Percentage Interest Received


• Exhibit "A," which sets forth other provisions between Assignor(s) and Assignee(s), is attached to and made a part of this assignment.

For BSEE Use Only - Do Not Type Below This Line UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

This Assignment of Federal OCS Pipeline Right-of-Way Grant has been filed as of the date stamped on this document and hereby approved by the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement on the date below^ / Hi /] | "^^V

AUG 2 1 2019 By.

husf, Pipeline Section

Title Approval Date

Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) Statement: The PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seg.) requires us to inform you that we collect this information to use in the adjudication process involved in pipeline Right-of-Way Assignments. BSEE uses the information to track ownership of Pipeline ROW Grants in the Federal OCS. Responses are required to obtain or retain a benefit (43 U.S.C. 1334). Proprietary data are covered under 30 CFR 250.197. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. Public reporting burden of this form is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and completing and reviewing the form. Direct comments regarding the burden estimate, or any other aspect of this form, to the BSEE Information Collection Clearance Officer, 381 Elden Street, Hemdon, VA 20170.

FORM BSEE-0149 (10/2018 - Supersedes all previous versions of this form which may not be used.) Page 1 of 2

Page 2: Part A: AssignmentU.S. Department of Interior OMB Control No.: 1014-0016 Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Expiration Date: 10/31/2021 Identification of Right-of-way Pipeline

Part B - Certification and Acceptance I . Assignor(s) certifies it is the owner of the interest in the above-described Federal OCS Pipeline Right-of-Way Grant that is

hereby assigned to the Assignee(s) specified above.

2. DEBARMENT COMPLIANCE: Assignee shall comply with the Department of the Interior's nonprocurement debarment and suspension regulations as required by Subpart B of 2 CFR Part 1400 and shall communicate the requirement to comply with these regulations to persons with whom it does business related to this record title interest assignment by including this term in its contracts and transactions.

3. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION: Assignor(s) and Assignee(s) certify that they are in full compliance with Equal Opportunity Executive Order 11246. as amended, and the implementing regulations at 41 CFR 60-01 - Obligations of Contractors and Subcontractors: and 41 CFR 60-2 - Affirmative Action Programs. These requirements are for the purpose of preventing discrimination against persons on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. These regulations have specific performance requirements.

4. Assignee's execution of this assignment constitutes acceptance of all applicable terms, conditions, stipulations and restrictions penaining to the right-of-way grant described herein. Applicable terms and conditions include, but are not limited to. an obligation to conduct all operations in accordance with 30 CFR 250 and 550, Subpart J and to furnish and maintain such bond(s) as may be required by the assignee, pursuant to regulations at 30 CFR 550, Subpart J. This assignment is subject to the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act of August 7, 1953, 67 Stat. 462: 43 U.S.C. 133 1 elseq., as amended (the "Act"), and Assignee(s) is subject to. and must fully comply with, all applicable regulations now or to be issued under the Act. Notwithstanding any agreement between the Assignor(s) and Assignee(s), the parties' liability to the Bureau of Safely and Environmental Enforcement is governed by 30 CFR 250.

This Assicnment of Federal OCS Pipeline Right-of-Way Grant will be made effective between the parties hereto as of June 1,2019 upon approval by the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, United States Department of the Interior.

This instrument may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original instrument, but all of which together will constitute but one and the same instrument provided. However, this instrument and any other counterpart hereof, will not be binding unless and until executed by all of the parties, and will not be accepted by the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement unless all counterparts are filed simultaneously.

i certily that the statements made herein by the undersigned are true, complete, correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and made in good faith.

Title 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willfully to make to any Department or agency of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations as to any matter within its jurisdiction. ASSIGNOR Orinoco Natural Resources, LLC (3545) ASSIGNOR

Narnqy Jennifer e.iBen


:ution Date

Title: Secretary

Execution i

B y : _ Name: Ti t le :

Execution Date

Sanare Energy Partners, LLC (3520)


Name: Brian H. Macmillan

Ti t le: S r V l j a & p r e s | d e n t . L a n d

Execution Date

Attach Notary Acknowledgement (not mandatory)


By: Name: Title:

Execution Date

F O R M B S E E - 0 1 4 9 (10/2018 - Supersedes all previous versions of this form which may not be used) Page 2 of 2

Page 3: Part A: AssignmentU.S. Department of Interior OMB Control No.: 1014-0016 Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Expiration Date: 10/31/2021 Identification of Right-of-way Pipeline

U.S. Department of Interior OMB Control No.: 1014-0016 Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Expiration Date: 10/31/2021

Identification of Right-of-way Pipeline Operator

The companies identified below are on record with the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), as a partial grant holder of:

Pipeline Right-of-way Grant Number (OCS or OCS-G): OCS-G 25420

Regional Office: Gulf of Mexico OCS Region

who hereby identifies ANKOR E&P Holdings Corporation (2981) Name of Operator:

1615 Poydras St., Suite 2000 Address:

New Orleans, Louisiana 70112 as operator of the right-of-way (ROW) pipeline identified above and as operator with, subject to the relinquishment and modification limitation stated below, full authority to act on the ROW grant holder's behalf and to fulfill the grant holder's obligations under the OCS Lands Act, in compliance with the terms and conditions of the ROW grant, laws and applicable regulations. The BSEE Regional Supervisor, or the authorized BSEE Regional Officer, may provide the identified ROW pipeline operator written or oral instructions in securing compliance with the ROW grant in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. This identification of ROW pipeline operator is made with respect to the ROW pipeline segment number described below:

Check here if description continued on attached sheet.

(Insert ROW grant description, including ROW and Pipeline Segment Numbers)

Right-of-Way (ROW) OCS-G 25420, Segment Number 14732: A pipeline Right-of-way 200-feet in width for the operation and maintenance of a 6 5/8-inch pipeline, 3.94 miles in length, to transport supply gas originating at Platform A in Block 27 in South Marsh Island Area, through Blocks 30 and 29 in South Marsh Island Area and terminating at Platform C in Block 191, Vermilion Area.

It is understood that this identification of a ROW pipeline operator does not relieve the grant holder of responsibility for compliance with the terms of the ROW grant and all applicable laws and regulations. It is also understood that this identification of the ROW pipeline operator itself does not constitute an assignment of any interest in the ROW grant.

In case of default on the part of the identified ROW pipeline operator, all ROW grant holders will make full and prompt compliance with all laws, regulations or orders of the Secretary of the Interior or his/her representative. If BSEE determines the ROW pipeline operator's performance being conducted on the pipeline ROW described above is unacceptable, BSEE may disqualify the ROW pipeline operator, or may disapprove or revoke its identification of ROW pipeline operator. The ROW pipeline operator will be given adequate notice and opportunity for a review by BSEE Regional officials before initiating or imposing a disqualification. The BSEE Regional Director may require the pipeline ROW grant holders to identify/name an operator empowered to fulfill the pipeline ROW grant holder's obligations under the OCS Lands Act or governing regulations.

The ROW pipeline operator does not have the authority to relinquish or modify the pipeline ROW grant described above unless all pipeline ROW grant holder's join in the execution of a relinquishment or modification application with the ROW pipeline operator.

Form BSEE-0135 (10/2018 - Supersedes all previous versions of this form which may not be used) Page 1 of 2

Page 4: Part A: AssignmentU.S. Department of Interior OMB Control No.: 1014-0016 Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Expiration Date: 10/31/2021 Identification of Right-of-way Pipeline

The grant holders agree to notify the Regional Supervisor promptly of any change in the identified ROW pipeline operator. The identified ROW pipeline operator shall comply with the Department of the Interior's non-procurement debarment and suspension regulations as required by Subpart A of 2 CFR Part 180 and by Subpart B of 2 CFR Part 1400 and shall communicate the requirement to comply with these regulations to persons with whom it does business related to this identification by including this term in its contracts and transactions.

Identified ROW Pipeline Operator and GOM ID Number:

ANKOR E&P Holdings Corporation (2981)

Bv: Signatory Name: JaegU Nam Signatory Title: President

Date: ^•X^^l']

are Energy Partners, LLC (3520) ROW Holder

By:. Signatory-Name: B r j a n H . Macmillan Signatory Title: „ . , .

Sr. Vice President - Land


ROW Holder

By:. Signatory Name: Signatory Title:


ROW Holder ANKOR E&P Holdings Corporation (2981) R O W Holder

By: Signatory Name: Jaegu Nam Signatory Title: p r e s i d e n t


By: Signatory Name: Signatory Title:


Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) Statement: The PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) reauires us to inform you that BSEE collects this information to be informed of who is authorized to act on behalf of the Right-of-Way grant ho der(s) to fulfill their obligations under the OCS Lands Act and applicable regulations, and who is authorized to receive notices'and comply with regulatory orders issued. Responses are mandatory (43 U.S.C. 1331 et seq.). No proprietary information is collected. An asency may not conduct or sponsor, and you are not required to respond to. a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for review ing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and completing and reviewing the form. You may direct comments regarding the burden estimate or anv other aspect of this form to the Information Collection Clearance Officer. Bureau of Safety and EnvironmenFal Enforcement. 45600 Woodland Rd. Sterling. VA 20166.

Form BSEE-0135 (10/2018 - Supersedes all previous versions of this form which may not be used) Page 2 of 2

Page 5: Part A: AssignmentU.S. Department of Interior OMB Control No.: 1014-0016 Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Expiration Date: 10/31/2021 Identification of Right-of-way Pipeline

LISKOW&LEWIS A Professional Law Corporation

One Shell Square 701 Poydras Street, Suite 5000 New Orleans, LA 70139 (504) 581-7979 Main (504) 556-4108 Fax


July 31, 2019

VIA HAND DELIVERY Ms. Cissy Marshall Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Program Specialist - Pipeline Section 1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard, MS 5421 New Orleans, Louisiana 70123-2390

822 Harding Street Post Office Box 52008 Lafayette, LA 70505 (337) 232-7424 Main (337) 267-2399 Fax

Joan G. Seelman

Bureau o! Solely sr.d i-mmztii Umm\ [BSB)

R E C F I V E J AUG 05 2019

Office of FlehJ Operations Pipeline Section

1001 Fannin Street Suite 1800 Houston, TX 77002 (713) 651-2900 Main (713) 651-2908 Fax

Direct: (504) 299-6121

j seelman (d, Liskovv.com

Re: Right of Way OCS-C 25420 - Assignment of Federal OCS Pipeline Right-of-Way Grant, Segment No. 14732

Dear Sir or Madam:

As the authorized consultant for Sanare Energy Partners. LLC (3520), Liskow & Lewis hereby submits the following for review and approval:

Sanare Energy Partners. LLC (3520) has acquired interest in the referenced right of way pursuant to the Assignment of Federal OCS Pipeline Right-of-Way Grant by Orinoco Natural Resources. LLC (3545). as Assignor, and Sanare Energy Partners. LLC (3520). as Assignee. To ev idence the transfer of such interest, we submit the following for filing and approval:

1. Three (3) originals of the Assignment of Federal OCS Pipeline Right of Way Grant dated effective June 1. 2019, for the above referenced Right of Way;

2. Two (2) originals of the Right of Way Identification of Operator form wherein Sanare Energy Partners, LLC (3520) designates ANKOR E&P Holdings Corporation (2981) as operator;

3. Copy of OSFR 1017 form wherein Sanare Energy Partners. LLC (3520) designates ANKOR E&P Holdings Corporation (2981) as designated applicant for this right of way. The original OSFR 1017 was submitted under separate cover letter with the regulatory filings for OCS-0830;

4. Bonding: It is determined that no additional supplemental bond is required at this time for this right-of-way since it has and will continue to have multiple owners; and

5. Pay gov receipt in the amount of $201.00 for filing fees associated with the approval of the assignment.

Page 6: Part A: AssignmentU.S. Department of Interior OMB Control No.: 1014-0016 Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Expiration Date: 10/31/2021 Identification of Right-of-way Pipeline

Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement July 31.2019 Page - 2 -

Please refer to your GOM Company No. (3545) for Orinoco Natural Resources, LLC. as Assignor and GOM Company No. (3520) for Sanare Energy Partners, LLC. as Assignee, for documents qualifying said entities to hold leases/rights-of-way on the Outer Continental Shelf in the Gulf of Mexico.

I hereby request that the above assignment be approved effective June 1, 2019. Please return an approved assignment and identification of operator form to the attention of Joan G. Seelman in the enclosed self-addressed envelope.

If you have any questions, or need additional information, please contact me at 504-299-6121 or by email at jseelman'Siliskow.com.

Verv truly vours.

Joan Regulatory Pjfralegal



Page 7: Part A: AssignmentU.S. Department of Interior OMB Control No.: 1014-0016 Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Expiration Date: 10/31/2021 Identification of Right-of-way Pipeline

Pay.gov - Confirmation Page 1 of 2


Confirmation 6f!£Jl^l2^

Your payment has been submitted to the designated government agency through Pay.gov and the details are below. Please note

that this is just a confimnation of transaction submission. To confirm that the payment processed as expected, you may refer to

your bank statement on the scheduled payment date. If you have any questions or wish to cancel this payment, you will need to

contact the agency you paid at your earliest convenience.

Tracking Information

Pay.gov Tracking ID: 2GJ808FS

Agency Tracking ID: 75807882534

Form Name: BSEE Pipeline ROW Grant Assignment

Application Name: BSEE Pipeline ROW Grant Assignment • CH/CH

Payment Information

Payment Type: Bank account (ACH/

Payment Amount: $201.00

Transaction Date: 08/02/2019 12:56:37 PM EDT

Payment Date: 08/05/2019

Region: Gulf of Mexico

Contact: SHERRYGOSNELL 713-386-1040

Applicant Company Name: Sanare Energy Partners, LLC

Company Code: 3520

Assignor: Ornoco Natural Resorces, LLC 3545

Assignee: Sanare Energy Partners, LLC 3520

ROW Number: 25420 1

Email Address: sgosne;[email protected]

Account Information

Account Holder Name: Sanare Energy Partners, LLC

Routing Number: 111000753

Account Number; •»"«««**«««j754

h t t m v ' / w w w n a v o o v / n n h l i V / r o l W . t i n n / ' r n n f i r m . ' n r i n t ^ f i l R O R F f ; 8 / 7 / 7 0 1 9