University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second Year LMD Licence Level ســات أدبية / لغـويـة دراDepartment of Arabic Language and Letters Part 1 : Sentence Structure

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University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة

Part 1 :

Sentence Structure

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University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة

Part 1 : Sentence Structure

Sequence 1 : Sentence Classification by Purpose

1- Introduction

In English grammar , sentences are classified by their structure or purpose . Whether in

speaking or writing , different types of sentences are used for different purposes . Depending

on our purpose , we use one of the above types of sentences :

Sentence Classification by Purpose

1- Declarative sentence for a statement .

2- Imperative sentence for a command .

3- Exclamatory sentence for a request .

4- Interrogative sentence to express a strong feeling .

The Declarative Sentence makes a statement or states a fact or an arrangement .It

simply announces an idea and it is punctuated by a period (.) at the end .

Examples :

- We booked a room in Sheraton Hotel .

- My friend is a receptionist .

- My cat chases rabbits .

- Penguins keep their eggs warm by holding them next to their bodies .

- Americans spend a great deal of money on pet food .

The Imperative Sentence expresses a command or a prohibition . It either ends

with a period (. ) or an exclamation mark ( ! ) . ( Here the speaker is expecting an

action not only an answer )

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University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة

Examples :

1- Run !

2- Shut the door please .

3- Call the fire department right now !

4- Turn off the music .

5- Stop talking so loudly .

The Interrogative Sentence : the third type of sentence classification by purpose

is the interrogative sentence which forms a question as it is used for requests . It

always ends with a question mark ( ? ) .

Examples :

1- Who will come tonight ?

2- Can she drive ?

3- Would you like some more tea ?

4- Is your husband a fireman ?

5- Have you brushed your teeth today ?

Note : a tag question or question tag is a grammatical structure that converts declarative and

imperative sentences into a “ question” by adding an interrogative fragment at the end of the

sentence . By way of illustration :

He didn’t take the train , did he ?

She has finished her degree , hasn’t she ?

They are heading to Scotland , aren’t they ?

The Exclamatory Sentence : the fourth and last type of sentences classified by

purpose is the exclamatory sentence which expresses a strong feeling and it is

followed by an exclamation mark . ( ! )

Examples :

- What a nice dress ! - You must be kidding !

- This is a beautiful car ! - The bride looks amazing !

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University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة

A Way to Help Remember :

Sentence Kind Function Examples End Mark

Declarative states an idea. London is the capital of England . (.)

Interrogative asks a question What is the longest day of the year ? (?)

Imperative Gives an order (command) Stop hiding ! (.) or (! )

Exclamatory Coveys a strong emotion You look absolutely stunning ! (!)

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University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة


Activity N1: Identify each sentence as Declarative – Imperative – Interrogative –


1- We have already found the answer .

2- Were you able to find the way in that town ?

3- What a clever boy you are Jim !

4- Wait until the secretary calls you , please .

5- Could you please lock the door when you leave ?

6- The steel door appeared to be difficult to open .

7- Please write a note before leaving .

8- How gorgeous your father is !

Activity N2 : Supply a suitable end mark for each sentence on the space provided . When you

are through , you should have 4 (.) , 2 (?) , 4 (!)

1- Stop in the name of law

2- Did the caller leave a number

3- What a weird coincidence that was

4- Run for your lives

5- Playing football is his favourite sport

6- Who won the Oscar for the best actor last year

7- Penguins keep their eggs warm by holding them next to their bodies

8- Americans spend a great deal of money on pet food

9- What a nice dress you have

10- The students wanted to go on a trip .

Activity N3 : Write personal sentences of each kind .

1- ...........................................................................................................................................

2- ...........................................................................................................................................

3- ..........................................................................................................................................

4- ..........................................................................................................................................

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University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة

Part 1 : Sentence Structure / Sentence Classification by Kind

Sequence 1 : Simple Sentences

1- Introduction

A sentence whether simple , compound , complex or compound–complex is above all a group of

closely related words that express a complete thought . In English , sentence forms are divided into

four major types

1- Simple sentence .

2- Complex sentence

3- Compound sentence .

4- Compound-complex sentence .

2- Simple Sentences

The standard definition of a simple sentence is that it is a group of closely related words consisting of

a subject and a predicate expressing a complete thought on its own . For a better understanding of

this definition , one should first and foremost be able to recognize what is meant by a subject and a

predicate .

As far as punctuation is concerned , a simple sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a

period , a question mark or exclamation mark .

Simple Sentence

Subject Predicate

Verb or verb phrase Completer

3- Subject and Predicate

A simple sentence , also known as the independent clause has a single clause . The main two

parts of a simple sentence are the subject and a predicate . The former tells who or whom

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University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة

the sentence is about , and the latter gives more information about the subject ( what the

subject does or is or what is done to the subject ) .

Examples : Katherine likes poetry .

Katherine → the Subject of the sentence

Likes →Verb of the sentence

Poetry →Object of the sentence

My laptop computer.

My laptop computer → a complete Subject

It can not be a sentence though it has a subject yet it lacks a predicate .

4- Expressing a Full Thought

In addition to having subject and a predicate , a simple sentence must stand on its own .

Indeed , it does not have to depend on something else so that to express a complete meaning .

5- Compound Subjects and Verbs

A simple sentence can be composed of two subjects.

- Alice and I are going to the movies .

- The Blacklist and The Originals are my favourite series .

A simple sentence can consist of two verbs .

- We sang and danced all night .

- Carla reads and writes short stories .

A simple sentence can have verb phrase .

- I will go to the bank after work .

- The market is witnessing a huge shift .

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University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة

6- Are These Sentences or Fragments ?

- My young brother serves in the army . ( S1 )

- Carla and Paul play football regularly . ( S2)

- Climb a tree . ( S3 )

Explanation :

S1 and S2 are both sentences in the sense that they are composed of one clause , consisting

of a subject and a predicate .However , S3 is not a sentence , but why ?

It is simply because S3 does not express a full thought where one wonders who climbs the

tree , how and why ? . And so , S3 is referred to as FRAGMENT .

A fragment is a group of words missing a subject or a predicate . Fragments do not make

complete sentences all by themselves .

Examples :

- An American in Paris . → Group of words → Fragment

- An American in Paris is a great movie . → Sentence

- Came late . → Group of words → Fragment

- They came late . → Sentence

- Lost my cell phone and my precious wallet . → Group of words → Fragment

- I lost my cell phone and my precious wallet. → Fragment

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University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة

A Way to Help Remember

Simple Sentence


One Clause

Subject Predicate

Does the action tells what the subject is doing

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University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة


Activity N1 : Identify the subject and the predicate in the following sentences .

1- The legendary chef strode into the kitchen .

2- The man and his wife were working in the garden .

3- The dogs were barking loudly .

4- My mother and I are travelling to New Orleans .

5- The sun was shining brightly .

Activity 2 : Tell if the following statements are : Sentences / Fragments .

1- Lost eleven pounds .

2- I met Alice .

3- The Tale of Two Cities .

4- I enjoy reading books

5- A good show .

6- He went to the park .

7- Amel came .

8- I play tennis today .

9- Go to the movies .

10- Left her lunch .

11- Rained all night .

12- She called him in the evening .

13- A happy day indeed .

14- I cooked soup for her grandmother .

15- She is sad .

Activity N3 :Complete the following statements to form sentences or fragments .

1- I live ..................................................................................................................

2- Lost...................................................................................................................

3- Sheis ................................................................................................................

4- Myteacher of linguistics ................................................................................

5- Nextmonth .......................................................................................................

6- They are ...........................................................................................................

7- Myfamilyis ......................................................................................................

8- Go to ................................................................................................................

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University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة

Part 1 : Sentence Structure /Sentence Classification by Kind

Sequence 2 : Compound Sentences

1- Introduction

Unlike simple sentences , compound sentences have a specific role which is to join between

two sentences , meaning two independent clauses of equal importance .

2- Compound Sentences

A compound sentence is a sentence that links between two simple sentences ( independent

clauses ) using a coordinating conjunction .

The coordinating conjunctions used to link between the two sentences to form a compound

sentence are also called : FANBOYS : for – and –nor-but-or-yet-so .

Coordinating conjunctions are always preceded by a comma . ( it is a must ! ) .

Compound Sentence

Simple Sentence ( S1) + Simple Sentence ( S2)

Mary will get a reward , for she behaves well.

Examples : Read the following examples carefully.

1- Adam nominated Oprah Winfrey , and I nominated Pars Hilton .

2- The skirt is beautiful, but I have no money to buy it .

3- I love cold hockey rinks, so I signed up for hockey .

4- Jack wrote his essay , yet he forgot to print it

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University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة

Another way to form compound sentences is to link between independent clauses using a

correlative conjunction . Check the following examples :

- She not only married him but she also made him happy .

- Neither does he need to study , nor does he need to work.

- Either you love New Orleans or you leave it .

Notes :

Correlative conjunctions always come in pairs .

An independent clause is a clause ( a part of a sentence ) which expresses a full meaning and

can stand alone.

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University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة


Activity N1 : Identify the coordinating conjunctions in the following sentences then break

apart the compound sentences into simple ones .

1- My grandfather is seventy-two , yet he still swims regularly.


2- Cats are my favourite pets , for they are clean and calm .


3- I like coffee , but my wife prefers tea .


4- We have never been to Asia , nor have we visited Europe .


5- Everyone was busy at home , so I went to the store alone .


Activity N2 : Combine the following pairs to form a compound sentence , using a

coordinating conjunction

1- You could cry like a baby. You could clean your room like an adult .

.................................................. , ..................................................................

2- Alice refused to play with Tom. She did not play with Paul.

.................................................. , ..................................................................

3- I wanted to buy a pet. I started to save money .

.................................................. , ..................................................................

4- We are going to the swimming pool . It is hot inside the house .

.................................................. , ..................................................................

5- I need to go to the store . I’am sick to drive .

.................................................. , ..................................................................

6- I forgot to do my homework. My parents punished me .

.................................................. , ..................................................................

Activity N3 : Write a compound sentence , underline the conjunction .


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University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة

Part 1 : Sentence Structure(Sentence Classification by Kind)

Sequence 3 : Complex Sentences

1- Introduction

This lesson draws an image on the third type of sentences ( Complex sentences ) its

characteristics and structure within a sentence .

2- Complex Sentences

A complex sentence is composed of two clauses which are not of equal importance. The

mainclause is referred to as the independent clause , it consists of the main idea and the

subordinate clause , on the other hand , adds extra information .

Examples :

Sarah is an English teacher → an independent clause since it expresses a full meaning .

Since it was raining → a subordinate clause because the meaning of the sentence is not

complete , so it requires an additional part to complete its sense .

In order to form a complex sentence , you must have an independent clause and at

least one subordinate clause . Check the following examples for a better


1- Although Alice had some doubts , she found the lectures very useful .

Although Alice had some doubts . = the subordinate clause .

She found the lectures very useful . = the independent clause .

The subordinating conjunction although indicates the subordinate clause whose

meaning is not complete without the main clause .

2- Since I have no food , I will go to the store .

Since I have no food = the subordinate clause .

I will go to the store = the independent clause .

Again the subordinating conjunction since indicates the subordinate clause .

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University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة

3- After they finished working , Amel and Ahmed went to the swimming pool .

After they finished working = the suordinate clause.

Amel and Ahmed went to the swimming pool = the independent clause.

Key notes :

- Follow the following formats to write complex sentences :

Subordinate clause + Independent clause .

Independent clause + Subordinate clause

- An Independent clause is a clause that can stand alone because it expresses a full thought.

- A subordinate clause , on the other hand , is a clause that can not stand alone even though it

has a subject and a verb .

- The table below brings to the surface the most important subordinating conjunctions

The Most Common Subordinating Conjunctions

as when if

after while since

as long as though unless

before although whenever / where

until even though whereas

These conjunctions make what follows less important

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University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة


Activity N1 : Identify the subordinate and the main clauses in the following complex

sentences .

1- Although we searched everywhere , Carla could find no trace of her shoes .

2- After they had lunch , Peter and Alice rode their bicycles .

3- When I feel sick , I do not go to school .

4- Because the soup was too cold , I warmed it in the microwave .

Activity N2 : Identify the following sentences : Simple / Compound / Complex .

1- My mother is a good cook . ...................... ........

2- Leila likes physics , but she likes chemistry better ...........................

3- I worked all morning , and I relaxed in the evening . ...........................

4- My sister and brother still live with my parents . .......................

5- Before I was born , my father used to work as a receptionist . ........................

6- When uncle Mohamed comes to town , we will have a good time . ................

7- The Vampire Diaries is my favourite Tv show , yet I also like The Originals .


8- Elen and Paul went to Boston for their wedding anniversary . .......................

9- After reciting the holly Quran , I feel so good. .....................................

10- Sarah and Patrick were selected as partners for the project , yet Sarah did much of the

work . ...................................

Activity N3 : In the blank below , write your own complex sentence .


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University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة

Part 1 : Sentence Structure / Sentence Classification by Kind

Sequence 4 : Compound-Complex Sentences


A compound-complex sentence is a mixture between two sentences : compound + complex

sentences . As a matter of fact , this kind of sentences makes one’s writing very interesting

and it is regarded as one of the most complicated forms .

2-Compound-Complex Sentences :

A compound-complex sentence is a type of sentence that combines between a compound and

complex sentence . The compound part means that it is made up of two or more independent

clauses and the complex part means that it consists of having one subordinate clause .

In other words , a compound-complex sentence is made up of two ( or more ) independent

clauses and one subordinate clause .

Examples :

1- Although I enjoy reading books , I do not like gothic stories , but my sister loves them.

Although I enjoy reading books = subordinate clause .

I do not like gothic stories = 1st independent clause .

but my sister loves them = 2nd independent clause .

2- Because it was Rima’s birthday , her mother went to the store , and she bought her a

gift .

Because it was Rima’s birthday = dependent clause .

her mother went to the store = 1st independent clause .

and she bought her a gift = 2nd independent clause .

In the following examples the subordinate clause is highlighted .

3- Laura forgot her friend’s birthday , so she sent her a card when she finally

remembered .

4- Because I revised well , I got an A on the test , and I was so happy.

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University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة

5- Although she worked hard to gain recognition , many people did not appreciate her

work , yet her friends were by her side .


Activity N1 :In the following compound-complex sentences, locate the subordinate clause.

1- I know the way to school but I may get lost unless we take a map with us.

2-We drove to the mall and we stopped by the bank since we were going to buy pants and


3-Because Katherine is my good friend I bought her a present and I put it in her locker.

4- The musicians were excellent and we enjoyed their performance even though they were a

bit loud.

5-I can call my parents or I can just walk home if you will let me.

Activity N2 : Tell whether each sentence is Simple / Compound/ Complex/ Compound-

Complex .

1- The test covered nouns , pronouns , verbs and so many other studied sequences. (..................)

2- He listened to the radio all morning and forgot to study , for his test . (.....................)

3- Mrs. Hoffman , a teacher at Princeton High School , enjoys teaching writing .( ....................)

4- I want to proofread my essay before submitting it to any journal. . ( .......................)

5- Alice did not like to read for she was not very good at it. (................................)

6- He had no focus in life until he attended Oxford University . . ( .......................)

7- A really friend old man with long white hair whiskers lives in the apartment above my

aunt’s and uncle’s apartment . ( .........................)

8- One-hundred and fifty-five dollars is certainly a lot of money for a young person living with

his , or her parents . ( .......................)

Activity N 3 : In the blank below write a compound-complex sentence .


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University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة

Part 2 :

Recognizing Phrases and Clauses

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University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة

Part 2 : Recognizing Phrases and Clauses

Sequence 1 : Phrases

1- Introduction

Phrases and Clauses are the building blocks of sentences . A phrase has always been

referred to as a group of words that act as a part of speech but cannot stand alone .

Understanding phrases , their crucial features and how they function can avoid mistaking

them for sentences .

2- Definition

Unlike a sentence, a phrase is defined as any group of related words that has no-predicate

combination . The words in a phrase act together so that the phrase itself functions as a single

part of speech .

3- Characteristics of Phrases

A phrase is a short / long group of words that lacks either a subject , a verb or both .

A phrase does not convey full meaning .

Phrases do not express a complete idea , they can be used as parts of sentences .

4- Types of Phrases

- There are seven main kinds of phrases :

-Noun phrase

- Verb phrase

- Adjective phrase

– Adverb(ial) phrase

- Prepositional phrase

- Infinitive Phrase

- Gerund Phrase.

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University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة

1. Noun Phrases : give information about the Noun .

Examples :

The Old Man and the Sea is eye catching .

Cheeseburgers and French fries are not healthy .

Many theories .

A woman from the window .

2. Verb Phrase : is a phrase which provides information and gives meaning to the Verb.

Examples :

I am going to the movies

Paul has been eating junk food for a long time .

He was watching Netflix series.

3. Adjective Phrase : is a phrase which gives information about the Adjective .

Examples :

Very pretty

Terribly long .

Very healthy .

4. Adverb (ial )Phrase : is a phrase which gives information about the Adverb .

Slowly and surely .

Write your answers neatly and quickly !

5. Prepositional Phrase : gives information about : time , location or condition . A

preposition always appears at the front of the phrase .

Examples :

Put the boxes on the kitchen counter .

Down the road .

Beside the lake .

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University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة

6. Infinitive Phrases : are phrases that start with a verb in the infantine ( form : to +

Verb in the infinitive)

Examples :

She really needs to put her priorities in order .

To donate time or money is an honourable thing.

7. Gerund Phrases : are simply noun phrases which start with a gerund .

A Gerund : is a verb form which functions as a noun . ( form : verb + ing )

Examples :

Getting a promotion is a great thing .

Taking my dog for a walk is fun .

He started writing the letter .

I enjoy watching horror movies

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University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة


Activity N1 :Put in order the following words to form sentences then locate the type of

phrase in each sentence .

1- Tomorrow is - –to – expected – he – come .

Sentence : .......................................................................................................................

Type of Phrase:..............................................

2- Another – my cup of tea – learning – is – language .

Sentence : .......................................................................................................................

Type of Phrase:............................................

3- Scotland – are – my parents – soon – travelling .

Sentence : .......................................................................................................................

Type of Phrase:.............................................

4- The woman - Talented – is – the stage – on .

Sentence : .......................................................................................................................

Type of Phrase:...............................................

5- The dishes – do – they – her –want – to .

Sentence : .......................................................................................................................

Type of Phrase:...............................................

Activity N2 : locate the infinitive phrase in the following phrases :

1- Bill opened the door to let into the room.

2- The best plumber to call is Mr. Jones.

3- Henry brought Elyne a ring to show his love .

4- She learned to read and write English in Japan .

5- Eric’s desire to do everything perfectly will eventually frustrate him .

6- Is only ambition was to succeed at his job so that to buy a car .

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University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة

Activity N3 : Identify the underlined phrases .

1 – He was running ...... ..........................

2- She won the challenge against all odds . .................................

3- Her book was on the table . ...............................................

4- A vase of roses stood on the table . .............................................

5- Reading books quietly is my favourite pastime .................................

6- I will be going to College next year . .................................

7-The economy recovered very slowly . ..........................................

8- My parents prefer eating dinner alone . ........................................

9-The dog was hiding under the kitchen table . .........................................

10- She was reading a book about the emancipation of women . ................................

11-I live near to the sea . .............................

12-He witnessed a very interesting event . .............................................

13-Melissa will wait for the taxi at the corner . 1 ......................... / 2 ...............................

14 The three children are playing in the park . .............................................

15-The shoes he saw in the catalogue are available down the street . ...............................

16 Katherine is in love with her cousin . ................................

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University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة

Part 2 : Recognizing Phrases and Clauses

Sequence 2 : Clauses

1- Introduction

Like a phrase , a clause is a group of related words , yet unlike a phrase , a clause has a

subject-predicate combination .

2- Definition

A clause is a group of closely related words . There are two major types of clauses in English

grammar, they are known as : Independent and Dependent ( Subordinate ) clauses .

3-The Independent Clause

The independent clause is a complete sentence that can stand alone . It is made up of a subject and a

predicate ( what follows the subject) . As it expresses a full meaning .

Examples :

1- We went to the theatre .

2- I was quite upset

3- They went to eat ice-cream.

4- She feels happy .

5- It was a lovely party .

4-Dependent Clause :

On the other hand , the dependent clause , -also known as subordinate clause - is not a complete

sentence since it can not stand alone . As it CAN NOT express a full thought. To this end , it depends

on another clause so that it conveys full meaning which is why it is called subordinate .

Dependant clauses start always with subordinating conjunctions such as : before / after / since / when /

although / wherever / while ...........etc

Examples :

1- When it rains .

2- After school .

3- While cooking .

4- Wherever we are .

5- Before the game .

Page 26: Part 1 : Sentence Structure - univ-oran1.dz

University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة


Activity N 1 : Identify the dependent and independent clauses in the following complex


1- When you win the lottery , you can buy me a nice car .

2- I hate to drink coffee because it always upsets my stomach .

3- If you don’t work hard , you will never be a good student .

4- Because I partied all the weekend , I never found time to do my assignments.

5- The movie was good although it was too long .

Activity N 2 : Identify each of the clauses as independent or dependent .

1- When Mr Peter yelled . Independent or Dependent

2- We are planning to have a party Independent or Dependent

3- Since it is raining . Independent or Dependent

4- When the movie is over. Independent or Dependent

5- They are going on a picnic . Independent or Dependent

6- I will stop playing the drums . Independent or Dependent

7- Whether he attends the party or not . Independent or Dependent

Activity N3 : Select the right option .

1- The doctors told Paul to lose weight and exercise seriously for forty-five minutes a day.

This sentence has no independent clause

This sentence has one independent clause

This sentence has two independent clauses

Page 27: Part 1 : Sentence Structure - univ-oran1.dz

University of Oran 1 , Ahmed Ben Bella Dr.Djawida REBAA Faculty of Letters and Arts Second –Year LMD Licence Level

Department of Arabic Language and Lettersدراســات أدبية / لغـويـة

2- The doctors were worried that Charlie was putting too much weight .

This sentence has one independent clause .

This sentence has no dependent clause .

This sentence has two clauses .

3- Charlie has a hard time sticking to a diet as he really loves rich and sweet deserts.

This sentence has two independent clauses .

This sentence has one dependent clause.

This sentence has two dependent clauses .

4- He is very good as long as Miss Alice is around but he goes to the freezer for ice-

cream when she leaves .

This sentence has one dependent clauses .

This sentence has two independent clauses .

This sentence has three independent clauses.

5- Charlie has decided , to hire a new personal trainer because he is worried about

his heart.

This sentence has three clauses.

This sentence has two independent clauses.

This sentence has one dependent clause