Part 07 John a Voice in the Wilderness

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  • 8/9/2019 Part 07 John a Voice in the Wilderness.


    ''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death


    Part 7.

    The Voice Of One Crying In The Wilderness!

    ''The thing that has beenit is what will be again, & that which has been done is that which will bedone again; & there is nothing new under the sun'' Eccl 1:9 Amp.

    John the Baptist receied !" reelation the coming o# the $essiah. %e &as called to close ot the (ld

    )estament * to Pass the Baton to the coming $essiah+ Jess the Christ. %e one man&as sed to begin

    to sher in anew era* at the same time to begin to sher ot an old. %e &as not per#ect neither &as he

    the $essiah+ he pointed to the per#ect one the $essiah+ JE,-, C%R,).

    Whilst teaching the new, he was autoatically ousting the old!

    Een no& there is * has !een #or some timeA /(CE CR02 )%E 34DERE,,.)he cr" is repent

    &hich means change )his oice o# one corporate man is rapidl" increasing in si5e * its mandate isclosing ot one era * !ringing in another+ &hich also cold !e descri!ed as The Passingo! the Baton to

    a greater one ''That is to be re"ealed #disclosed, unfolded$''in s 1Pet 6:1! Amp.''I ust decrease but

    %e ust increase''

    Een a#ter Jess had risen #rom the dead * the %ol" spirit had !een pored ot there &ere some that

    still cold not see the ne& * &old * cold not let go o# the (4Dthe" tried to reie the(4D,a!!ath

    da" teaching+ circmcision+ nclean meats * drins+ &ashings * dippings ''until the tie of setting

    things straight of reforation, of the colete new order when Christ, the (essiah, shall establish

    the reality of what these things foreshadow)))a better co"enant*of the better things that ha"e coe

    &+- TO CO(-Then through the greater & ore erfect tabernacle not ade with huan* hands

    the son's of god,that is, not a art of this aterial creation'' %e! 9:18!11!. %e! :;a. Amp

    As the a!oe te

  • 8/9/2019 Part 07 John a Voice in the Wilderness.


    ''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death

    In theletter o! tr(th was tiredness ) !ear'

    B(t in th* spirit is shade' water ) rest

    4et s as orseles this estion am #ollo&ing tradition ortr(th+ organisation or organis+>

    John !roght change+ he did not teach circmcision or the old &a" o# dipping's * &ashings+ he taght

    repentance * practised !aptism. )his meant C%A2E.

    n the da"s o# Jess there &ere other so called messiahs all claiming to to !e the one read Josephs

    so it is toda"... )here is onl" one &a" * that is the &a" o# the ,pirit. Een thogh man" are !eginning to

    nderstand some o# &hat 2od is doing niersall"+ &e mst not !e o# the opinion that it mst come m"

    &a" or "or &a"+ it mst * &ill onl" come 2od's &a". n this am inclding all denominations+ sects+

    grops+ chrches or &hateer All o# these things &ill gradall" lose their importance as the realisation

    o# the great plan o# 2od !egins to da&n on the %man race. Bt #irst there mst come the sorting ot+ the

    ten #rom the t&o+ the ten leaders o# srael as apart #rom Josha * Cale!+ edeiah * the @88 prophets

    as opposed to $icaiah as #ond in 1Fings ;;. 3hich is most important to "o * + (-RChrch or

    moement or )R-)%> 3hich is the most important to s> ,ects+ denominations+ moements are all

    impeding in man" the )R-Emoe o# 2od &ithin orseles #or toda".

    3hen John &ho - represented not only the incoming new order but also the old art law)art grace )&as thro&n into gaol * then beheaded+ this is sho&ing s toda" that 2od is going to do a&a" altogether

    &ith an" in partrealm &ithin s+ &e are !eing !eheaded as it were or ''slain witha2es,'$ ''for their #or

    our$ witnessing to 3esus'' Re ;8:@. )his is a =t&o edged s&ord &hich has a t&o #old e##ect. 1+

    Changing s+ * ;+ Doing a&a" &ith the 'art law'(CE * G(R A44.''4eholdI show unto you a ore

    e2cellent way'')his is the cr" o# the messenger toda*

    3e might notice also that #or a period John &as ministering at the same time as Jess then at a gien

    time John &as to !e taen o## the scene. %e &as #irst pt ot o# action * then !eheaded. ,o it &ill !e

    &ith the toda*John the Baptist grop the in partgrop the Hol* Place,Pentecostal &a" o# thining+

    &ill * mst !e''ta.en out of the way''in usto mae room #or ''whenthat which iserfect is coe''

    o& this does not necessaril" mean that 2od is going to literall" remoe or head+ !t in or thining ornderstanding the old mst gie &a" or !e ''beheaded''#or the sae o# ''the sal"ation to be re"ealed''

    message. n Re 7:? * 1@:1 &e read in !oth erses that the ''bondser"ants are sealed & inscribed on

    their foreheads'' (r #orehead is a depiction o# the mind+ or minds are sealed or sancti#ied nto or

    2od+ this does not mean that a laser mar or nm!er is going to appear isi!l" or inisi!l" mared on or

    #oreheads. 3hilst on the s!Hect the same applies to the +ar# o! the beast the #orehead once again has

    to do &ith the mind or the sancti#ication o# or thoght li#e+ the sooner &e stop reading the ink on the

    paper* !egin to arise into a third real+in or thining the !etter. )he Bi!le is a spirital !oo not

    al&a"s to !e taen literall" !t all o# these things hae a spirital connotation. # &e are still going to

    insist on the literal+ please let s hae the grace to admit also to the higher or spirital interpretation. n

    19? attended a meeting &here the speaer insisted that the rapt(re &old tae place in no less than 6

    "ears+ this speaer presented sch conincing te

  • 8/9/2019 Part 07 John a Voice in the Wilderness.


  • 8/9/2019 Part 07 John a Voice in the Wilderness.


    ''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death

    no& And do not tr" to conHre p an ans&er to mae m"sel# all&ise * &ill not !e #orced to hae

    an opinion &hen 2od is not speaing. )his is &h" there are so man" #alse doctrines #l"ing arond

    !ecase men hae allo&ed themseles to !e #orced into a corner to hae an opinion &hen 2od has not

    spoen. Bt this do no&+ ''blessed is he, whosoe"er shall not be offended ine''

    3hen receied m" #irst e

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    ''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death

    se the FJ/ in this case as #eel it !rings ot the thoght #eel the spirit &old &ant to share &ith s

    more clearl". 3e are reading #rom. Rom ?:;8;@.

    ''Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be 7ustified in %is sight for by the law is

    the .nowledge of sin $

  • 8/9/2019 Part 07 John a Voice in the Wilderness.


    ''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death

    religiosit*' good ) e"il ) the harlotis concerned+ * i# &e &ill allo& or sol to not onl" !e esposed+

    !t marr" this Christ+ &ho is or tre identit"+ &e &ill lie $ar" gie birth to or o&n ,on o# 2od &ho is

    The Christ' the 3an,child' The sa"io(rs arising on 3t 7ion ) The +ani!ested son$s o! God

    3e are not onl" speaing spiritall" !t this &ill so a##ect or natral seles that there &ill !e a

    change ''+nd 7ust as we ha"e borne the iage of the an* of dust, so shall we and so let us bear the

    iage of the an* of hea"en))) 8or this erishable art of us* ust ut on the ierishable

    nature*, & this ortal art of us, that is caable of dying* ust ut on iortality #freedo frodeath$ '' 1Cor 16:@9+ 6?.

    )his mst entail a change in or thining. )his is the one &ho the oice in the &ilderness is

    proclaiming to those &ho &ill !e #ollo&ing him ' ''I ust decrease, but he ust increase'' Bt it &ill

    neer happen in "o * + nless there is a change. ''Coe u higher''&as the call to the t&o &itnesses in

    Re 11:1;+ &hich &e more than presme that man"+ i# not all+ did so. 3h"> Gor in the ne

  • 8/9/2019 Part 07 John a Voice in the Wilderness.


    ''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death

    3hen the apostle John &as on the sle o# Patmos+ he entered the e

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    ''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death

    eil or or #lesh+ o(r +ista#en identit* or or dal thining &hich told s &e &ere separated #rom 2od

    * that &e &ere sinners &hich &as * is a lie. o& to some this ma" seem preposteros * so di##erent to

    &hat &e hae no&n. !t+ imagine i# "o &ere a sincere Jdaiser in the time o# John the Baptist or Jess

    &hat "or reaction &old hae !een. 2od is moing on+ * the 18 spies mst gie &a" to the Josha's *

    the Cale!'s+ * as al&a"s in 2od's &ord the maHorit" mst gie &a" to the minorit". )he old mst gie

    &a" to the ne& * added trth's that the ,pirit is reealing toda".

    )he G-44 ,A4/A)(re#erred to in the a!oe erse is the same $$Sal"ation to be re"ealed1 that

    Peter re#ers to in 1Pet 1:6+ also''a sharer in the glory #the honour & slendour$ that is to be re"ealed

    #disclosed, unfolded$''1Pet 6:1+ Both Amp. )his is also &hat Pal is re#erring to &hen he tells s that.

    '':ot that I ha"e now attained this ideal*, or ha"e already been ade erfect,but I ress on tolay holdof #gras$ & to a.e y own, that for which Christ 3esus #the (essiah$ has laid hold of e & ade

    e %is own =? I do not consider, brethren , that I ha"e catured & ade it y own yet*; but one

    thing I do it is y one asiration* forgetting what lies behind & straining forward to what lies ahead

    =@ I ress toward the goal to win the suree & hea"enly* riEe to which 9od in Christ 3esus is

    calling us uward'' Phil ?:1;1@. )his might add is the more excellent waythat Pal re#erred to in

    1Cor 1;:?1+ * Chap 1?.

    There Is +n -lect!

    )he scriptres tell s that Jess had 688 #ollo&ers+ then it speas o# 78+ then 1;+ !t onl" ? &ere &ith him

    at the $ont o# )rans#igration+ Peter+ James * John. )his shold tell s something.

    2ideon &as a man &ith a prpose+ 2od especiall" chose him &hen srael needed direction. n Jdges

    K1;+ the Angel o# the 4ord appeared to 2ideon * said to him ''you ighty an of "alour''or fearless

    courage. ''The /ord said to hi & said go in this your ight & you shall sa"e Israel fro the hand of

    (idian %a"e not I sent you'' n !oth instances 2od &as re#erring to 2ideon's tre identit" the Christ

    in hi 2ideon's repl" &as one o# hmilit" ''I a the least in y father'shouse'$$ then the 4ord spoe

    again * made a prophetic statement re#erring to the $anchild or ,on's o# 2od. ''0urely I will be with

    you, & you shall site the (idianites as O:- (+:'' 2ideon then ased 2od #or a sign * 2od grantedhis &ish in erses 17;?. n erse ;6 2ideon &as instrcted to pll do&n his #ather's altar o# Baal* to

    ct do&n the Asherah or Ashteroth s"m!ol that &as !eside it. )he &ord Baal #ond in Rom 11:@ is a

    symbol of dolatry+ as #ond in ,)R(2', M L9. &old sggest that an"thing &e pt !e#ore the the trth

    that 2od is reealing to s can !ecome an dol. 2od Hdges s &here &e are+ i# &e can't see the trth that

    or !rother has esposed * is reealing 2od &ill Hdge s on or integrit"+ !t i# &e no& it to !e tre+ *

    !ecase it is personall" e

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    ''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death

    !ecomefully usin the same &a" as Christ is one &ith the Gather. 3e are descri!ing those &ho go all the

    &a" &ith Christ * &ill ''ule & reign & sit withhi on the sae Throne as the 8ather''Re ?:;1. Do

    "o !eliee it> (r do &e Hst &ant a little !it o# religion to sale the conscience> ''$ou are not a human

    being ha%ing a spiritual experience, you are a spiritual being enoying a human experience.''

    And he !le& a trmpet+ in the )an"one !lo&ing a trmpet+ denotes one &ith a message. (nce

    again !eliee (r &onder#l Creator has inserted a t*pe &hich applies to s in this er" da". 1)hess@:1+ ''8or the /ord %iself will descend fro hea"en with a loud cry of suons, with the0%OBTof

    an archangel, & with the blast of a TB(6-T of 9od''

    ot onl" are &e rising or ascendingin or spirital a&areness+ !t 2od is also descending as it were

    in (s+ &ith a message or a trmpet sond * right no& &e are hearing it. Jaco!s ladder &as a t&o &a"

    Horne" ascending ) descending A#ter 2ideon !le& the trmpet the ne

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    ''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death

    Three eals!

    )he Bi!le principle o# three's &hich is #ond once again in this case+ is no coincidence * as in eer" page

    in the Bi!le there is a hidden message #or s. o matter ho& #ar ahead &e ma" thin &e are+ there is still

    more to learn. )&o things are needed+ one+ is an open heart * t&o+ is a searching mind * spirit.

    At the otset 2ideon started &ith ?;+888+ these represent the O(ter Co(rtdiision o# the )a!ernacle.

    ;;+888 &ere then eliminated+ this le#t 18+888+ these represent the Hol* Place realm+ ot o# the 18+888&ho &ere le#t those &ho &ere discreet * sed their spirital eenness * a&areness &ere chosen to !e in

    the compan" that 2od &as preparing to delier srael+ 9+788 &ere eliminated * this le#t ?88.

    nterestingl" in percentage terms ?88 is 8.?O o# 18+888. Also i# &e &ere to compare these #igres &ith

    those &ho are in the in part or Hol* Place Real+ * those &ho are ali#"ing #or the 3ost Hol* Place

    Real+ thisgies s real #ood #or thoght. )o go a little #rther the original #igre that 2ideon started

    &ith &as ?;+888. n percentage reconing+ once again in rond #igres+ ?88 is 8.81O o# ?8+888 so that

    maes it a little less &ith ?;+888.

    2od's spiritalarithmetic is a little di##erent to ors. heard someone sa" ite recentl"+ =)he 4orddoesn't need a #ll hand+ %e can a &in &ith a pair o# t&o's+ &hich thoght &as ite amsing+ that &as

    &hen &asn't #eeling too religios. %mm+ (h &ell

    :ot 4y 6ower Or 4y (ight 4ut 4y (y 0irit, 0ays The /ord!

    )he prpose * principle o# 2od is to proe that it is not $an+ or #lesh that has po&er+ !t 2od+ so he ses

    the #e&+ Det 7:7+''The /ord did not set %is lo"e uon you & choose you because you were ore in

    nuber than any other eole, for you were the fewestof all eole'' )his is speaing regarding 2od

    choosing srael. And again in $at ;;:1@. ''8or any are called #in"ited & suoned$, but fewchosen'' Amp. )his is a principle o# 2od &heneer %e is dealing &ith man+ * hmanit" is concerned.

    n retrning to Jdges9:1. ''+nd he di"ided the ?FFen into three coanies, & he ut into the

    hands of all of the truets & ety itchers, with torches inside the itchers V= +nd he said tothe loo. at e, then do li.ewise When I coe to the edge of their ca, do as I do V=J When Iblow the truet, I & all who are with e, then you blow the truets on e"ery side of all the ca &

    shout, 8or the /ord & for 9ideon! V=K 0o 9ideon & the =FF en who were with hi cae to the

    outs.irts of the ca at the beginning of the iddle watch, when the guards had 7ust been changed, &

    they blew the truets & sashed the itchers that were in their hands V

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    ''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death

    to happen as the $idianite's &old hae s !eliee. Remem!er the $idianite's &ere descendants o#

    ABRA%A$. 3hat does this tell s> Jst !ecase these people &ere o# the same !loodline o# A!raham+

    this did not mae them Carrier's o# )rth. 4isten to the &ords o# Jess. '':ot e"eryone who says to (e

    /ord, /ord, willenter the .ingdo of hea"en, but he who does the will of y 8ather Who is in hea"en

    (any will say to e on that day, /ord, /ord, ha"e we not rohesied in 1our nae & dri"en out

    deons in 1our nae & done any ighty wor.s in your nae> +nd then will I say to the oenly

    #ublicly$, I ne"er .new you; deart fro (e, you who act wic.edly disregarding (y coands*''$at L: ;1;?. )his is not inserted to !ring condemnation+ !t simpl" to sho& s that &e need to !e a&are

    that there is a Third Da* +essage that A tr(+pet is blowing lod * clear. %o& do discern trth.

    ''"isten to the +oice in the wilderness, which is the +oice of the pirit.'' Also mst sa" again thisarticle is aimed at a points o# deception+ rather than at people.

    8or We 0hall 0ee %i +s %e Is!

    Please allo& me to d&ell a little longer on the application #or toda"+ on the meaning o# the shattered

    pitchers. n 1Jn ?:;. Amp.''4elo"ed, we are e"en here and* now 9od's children; it is not yetdisclosed

    #ade clear$ what we shall be hereafter*, but we .now that when %e coes & is anifested, we shall

    as 9od's children* reseble & beli.e%i,- or the same as -for we shall see %i 7ust as %e reallyis'' hae inserted the same as #or emphasis * clari#ication.

    )he &ord li.e in the ,)R(2',is #rom the 2 ho+oios :;nowles' October ?//@

    # &e hae !een prone to hman error in this article it is not prposel"+ * trst that a little indness &old allo& #or an" #alt+ * that &e &ill consider *

    im!i!e the !etter or spirital part o# that &hich is presented * intended. R3F.
