Parker, Gibsonlead - Nc State University...Parker, Gibsonlead womenpastWakeForest MayaAngelou follows Robert Frost’s footsteps with inaugural poem Opinion/Page4 North Carolina State

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Page 1: Parker, Gibsonlead - Nc State University...Parker, Gibsonlead womenpastWakeForest MayaAngelou follows Robert Frost’s footsteps with inaugural poem Opinion/Page4 North Carolina State





J in overtimeSports/Page 3

Parker, Gibson leadwomen past Wake Forest

Maya Angelou followsRobert Frost’s footsteps

with inaugural poemOpinion/Page 4

North Carolina State University‘s Newspaper Since tQQO

‘jr ”1A'irr. trait t to: it ,rt -r'Todd Turner, athletics director, (tar rightt gives student senators a tourof Reynolds Coliseum.


calls for


to servell) (lreg (_ 'atnplwlll'r'bptt'td'”\\:\Slll.\l(il()\ America's)outlt heeded Bill ('lrriton's call toget ltl\tll\eil \kednesda}'l‘housands til i ollege students andother members ot the jllrsilllts'thirtg generation flocked to he apart ot a 51nd l’resrdeiitrallnaugtiratton which at trrtiest'L‘sCltlthtl .t (it'atetul Head collcert trrore than a presidentialsw eating in eerernon}.-\s (‘lrritort took tlte oath wlrrelitorrtialh bestowed the president}on ltrm. college students hrittglt'otn trees lot a better new andignored threats limit the llilllit‘Barricades were torn down andtossed aside and pockets ot stiidents mingled uirder clear skiesand tittld temperatures while watttug tor tlte generational torch topass lrotit their graiidparents' generation to their par'eitts'.(‘ltntoii spoke dir’eitl) to thisgeneration ol strung adults rrr hisinaugural address."I challenge a new generation ol)oung Americans to a season otsethee to act on your tdealtsirrb) helping troubled children.keepitig cortipan) with the need).reconnecting our torn cotiititurtrties." the newt} sworn inPresident William lettet'sorr(‘linton said. "there is so much toSt-t- NEW GENERATION . 'r1\'t .‘

News StalT ReportThe litghtlr Annual Martin littlterKing Jr. Cultural lestival. schedtiled for Jan. 30 at the McKintrrronCenter. will draw people trornacross tlte state to locus on ltvtng.learning and teaching irort rolerice.Beginning at noon. the leslt\.tlwill leiitur‘e workshops. seminarsand panel discussions on toprissuch as lroirtreide. controlling eoirimurttltes arid creating a sater eirtironment lor’ children"Participants will learn to counterthe negative things that surround“m*i m"


tiltt ilttll} ll\i‘s and l“ ililtllt‘ss Issuesin corrstrtiettxe wan." said l)ailuMoses. \llll'kllll til the .'\l't'tc';lltAmerican ('ultuial (‘errteil’he entertainment sessions \\ ill hedenited to \Ullllll‘tllllllls b_\ lilaek.ll‘ltsls lo Iltttstc. ttiintes and talksllows\ti otatotteal contest will also beheld during the altet’troon's .ielt\t»llt‘s litl stilli‘flt‘ \lllilc‘ltls lll‘lll SI..-\ttgiisttrte\ College. Shawl ttt\ersit) and \ ('. Stalel'rtr\etsrt_\\s llti' il.t\ citltti‘s lt' .l Llilsi‘. therewill be a banquet lot those interest

It) Dee HenryAssistant News l ctttotN.('. State l'nrrerstt) .‘\lltlt‘llt‘\Director 'l‘odd 'l‘urrrer told a smallgroup ot studentWedriesda) night that Resriolds('oliseunr is not good enough torthe Wolt'pack :iiniriot'e."We‘re better than this. doggoneit." Todd 'l'ur‘ner said. standing intlte cramped. otttdated w eight rooittthat serses all universit} learns.with the e\ceptton ot toothall. "Ihope _\ou't'e as etttbarrassed as Iam." he told the seriatots.The facilities struck the pat‘ltctpants as inadequate. espeetiill) corr-sidertng the level of tlte N('Sl athrletie progratri.”chtrioldsl is not a top notchg_\m lor top-notch athletes." liriclamb. Student Senate president.said.’l'urner started the iiieetrng “till aslideshow‘ in which he outlined hisrevenue-grossing plan. which hedubbed “Wolt‘pack l’ride."llestdes luriding the butldtrrg otthe new Regional lirrtertaiririieirtand Sports (‘omples near (‘arter—


' arm-us muwum»:e;t‘ - x.. 4:. «ea: u. um is. MayWNW»

l‘llllt‘) Stadium. the titridtirg drtte\'\|ll ttlttrnatel) t‘esult ttr other protecls as welllurnci said he realt/es the seiitititerital .tltaclrirtent lllilll} studentsand alumni haw to Restroids(‘olrseurir He said Reynolds \slllt‘ettritttt art aclnc and importantlaeiltt) on the campus"lRCMlUltlsl llils sL‘le‘sl its well.but it needs a lot ol attention."'lur'rier said.Built in I‘M”. Reynolds hassen ed NC. State .is a cultural cetrter. hosting shows arid concerts. llutneser‘theless. according to lurner.the ('oltsetiitt is on "death‘silootstep H"ll-s not it good \stl) to thee thenation It doesn't look good tor.\fl(‘ State It doesn‘t esude class.”he saidlltl’llt'l said that .\('Sl athleticteams desetwe a lust-class pla_\tngtaciliti Such a lacrlrl) would helpto recruit talent. 'l‘urner said.Renmations to the basement olReynolds ('oltseunt will create abetter enxironment tor student athletes, he said ()itt tit 22 sports atNCSl'. all are based itt Restrolds

war-00%.. Hv“Participants will learn to counter the

negative things that surround our daily livesand to address issues in constructive ways.“

—— Dr. lyatlu MosesAfrican American Cultural Center Director

ed at 5 pin. Dudley li, Flood. esecuti\'e director of tlte North ('arolina\sstlk‘lillltlll ol SchoolAdministrators. will be tlte guest

speaker at the banquet. The cost torthe banquet is $7.50 for adults and$3.50 for children.The l'estival was started eight

r.‘\tept hasehall \\lt‘sllll|_‘_’ and track\\rtlr the riutriher ot students trait:the huildtrtg.order. litt'trer saidllre plans tall tor the guttrrt: .trttlrerimatiori ol the locker and trainriig rooms. .is well as adding at. acadetiirt stud) neuter tor .itltletes lotesarriple. the men s hasketliall toil-ct room is the must lit the emitteretite ltiriret said during the tourlllt‘ llll\k‘l‘.lll lililsi'l Iinadequate, dotthles .is .i press \l‘lllet‘eiiec toorii lot post earrre utter

ls'll'l\.lllllli\ .iti‘ tl‘

\ lC\\\llte sports titeiltt .tl l.t\ llll\ \i. ill betitplcd or quadrupled tll st/e to herter set'\ e the l V tearirs it handles"\\i' re \er\ lllL'lttcli‘lll so \M't'gottie to add \IllltL‘ spate, litrrters.tlil.\|so Ill the \\ttll\s are ittiptmtrtiettts lit the \ierelit roorit tttWeisiget llltiwtl '\llllk‘ll\\ lac ilrixwhich houses the toothall tearrrWork is aliead\ uriderwa\ on thetrack eotrrp|e\. as the track is ”huhtiled arid warped.” litrtter said \ttrrttt stadium \\lll he l‘tilll aroundthe track and he used h\ the sot i citearrts as well as the track tearrr


_\ear's ago b_\ the Departrtient ol(‘ontrriuing lxdueatiott as a \\.i\ torthe ttltl\‘t‘r\ll_\ to eomritenror'ate theKing liolidin()rrginall) plairtied to be solel) toradults. the t'estt\a| has expandedthrough the _\ear's to include all agegroups w anttng to team more aboutKing's non-\iolent protest method?olog) and Aliican American eiillure in generalAccording to Nt‘Sl' lnt'or'matroirSethees. the merit is espeeted todraw a large crowd. and it is r'ceornmended that ainorre interested inattending should contact the815-241.". “V".M

lillllll .tl\\'


t( loi kwise('linton, with First lad» Hillan l)\ his side,waied a fond hello to the (ollege and highschool-aged ('linlon supporters at the Youth

\\ _tlt‘.r litriited ittrtttlier it!L'.|llll » at them Hit the riL’lllL'tl prticll.t tti'ld hr \.llll\korl. i'lt the trai l. ‘~\|ll not be hitrslred irrttrl \prrl. which “ill take a

guru; tr: .-s.pei irietrt withworiteti‘s

lire e\ ‘.tl a‘.\ l's trorrr the llilkl\ learnlhe ls’.ile:;'lr l\':‘i.t\« arlt be held at\arttr \ugrrstrrte tkolleg‘c this seathetatist til the tertmatroris, said\s‘stfildtil \tlrrt'ltts lltr‘ectot‘ Ketln‘.littlestReritoatrorrs ‘»\lll also he tirade to(tile: Itrrie} \tadrtitii, ttttreasttigllll rittrrrlier rt? ~4'.Il\ iii the starli'Jttt'l’l‘iu-plt sa» \se stllll .zti upRent-lit» ‘ lurtter said "lliah riotlittt iltllli‘,’ .rrd ls‘ewto! ll rs riot eonsratrtlx wild ott‘ hetatrse peoplelll‘l'l Atll'tl pti. .tillllt\\‘ttlt tor alll‘tll \L'itlaatrirtg :srtl ’liil be .: ptohtettrat the treat carriples lurrrei' said. as'he seating xstl‘t we {fill degreesaround the .oii't lle adtirits. howrmet that .itrrti-sp'tiere is art eirttrel}


tilt rent or armIt‘.”llopetttth sse ll l‘t .tl‘le to create

REYNOLDS, t t .'

1993Atter his inauguration, Bill

Bird’s he iew: Ignoring warnings trom thepolite, iollegi- students watched the tnaugu»ration Wednesdat trom the tree tops.Students and members ot the Ill-somethinggeneration flocked to see (linton take hisoath of ottiee as the 41nd president ot theUnited States.looking tor a miratle: Peaee and love werethe messages mam Deadheads sent to(’linton in Washington as they showed theirsupport tor the new president.

PhotosbyChris Hondros

,MLK Cultural Festival to teach all ages non-violence

\llltllll \nteircan (‘ultut'al (‘enter'in Monday“l tlrrrrk it \\lll be not just enter-taining. hut educational as well."'lraeli _\ear' the festivaleontinues to grow. lit the past fewyears. new had to lllllll partieipa»rioti. hecause the building simplycannot lll‘ltl the number of peoplethat wish to attend "Those wishing to participateshould pie register b_\ Monday.Registration rrttorrriatron cart heobtained in torttaitrrrg the AlrtcanAmerican (‘ultural Center at 515»521i).

|\loscs said.

Page 2: Parker, Gibsonlead - Nc State University...Parker, Gibsonlead womenpastWakeForest MayaAngelou follows Robert Frost’s footsteps with inaugural poem Opinion/Page4 North Carolina State

2 lanuarv 23, l‘l‘ll li'tlti‘iii tart \ews

Senate makes room for College of ManagementBy Erika FarrSenior Stott WriterThe College ot \lanagettient hasshaken tltirtgs tip for the StudentSenateThe arrival of the new college hasforced the senate to reappropriateits seating. lhe changes will pro\ide representation for the newCollege of Management w Iiile rnaking other smaller adiustments”The College of Management wasthe main cause tor the reapportionment." said l'.l|i.' l attib. Senate presidem.the pot and redid everything ”However. the addition ot the new

”sit \yt' lll\l lt\\\Ctl Iltt‘nl ittlit

New generation welcomes baby—boomer Clinton to Washington

college wasn't the only reason lotthe reappiirtiortnient_ I aiiib said"ll Ilt‘t'ilt‘tl li‘ l‘C ’sl'lllC .lllil ll.tstt~lbeen doiie \lllkC tlte late Sits as taras can tell.“ I .itiib saidColleges were apportioned seatsbased on tlte number or studentsenrolled in them tiill time lambsaidThe College ot Humanities andSocial Sciences and the tlt'\\l\toitttcsl t ollecc oi \laiiagettietitespetiett.crl tlte biggest sltilt Sisseats pieyioiisly held by t'll \SSwezc ;.'r\eti to the College oi\lanaeeuientlbc I'm. 'siti li.iitstli.itil‘toeiartt was tisi‘ startled .! scat oil

Senate despite the fact that it doesnot tall under a particular college.lamb said that l'l‘P is an excep-tioit to the general rule that onlycolleges can be represented in theSenatet)tlier minor seat changesoccurred. which caused both lossesand gains in seat allotment. Thet'ollege ot Iiiigiiieering and thet'ollege ol Physical and\Iatliematical Sciences each lost aseat. while the graduate school losttwo seats The College of\giicnltuie and Life Sciencesgained two seats while Lifelongl‘tlllsdllilll gained orin one seat.Despite the \ariotrs shifts that

(lore took the spotlight-lit stage at 9:30pm. to the crowd's thundering applause. He

occurred. Lamb does not think thechanges will strongly impact theSenate"Departments don‘t usually sticktogether the cotiiitiittees usuallystick together more." Lamb said.Lamb said the new seatingarrangement is a fair one.“There‘s really no room to L‘tillleplain. because it is all based onenrollment." Lamb said.Iti addition to reapporttoningseats. the Senate also passed twogovemment bills clarilyiiig Senateseating procedures.One of the statutes guaranteesevery college or designated program at least one seat in Senate.

spoke briefly. punctuating his commentswith frequent fist and thumb—pumping.“This is your victory." Gore said. Henoted that the Youth Ball was his first stop.because he was “looking forward to theClinton was scheduled to arrive at It) pan.

_. \I ll \ st.i.:.ii is had [he toiesight to stake l‘ippei'tiore.(pupil-m-Jn‘i-ir ("JR i‘li' 1‘,_.r .‘.'.'.iil.' :‘i'stlli‘llStlstlly .Is (\ cllll..partial: v.3 : ust ‘h. told iii blankets anda s . .l l i4be done titough iudtti. loi llllrlli‘l i' ‘ p, i...“ \i, ., “Wimp ”H boredom(”her‘ “h“ Jr“ \“H “mm: l'l'l “l‘llll l“ ‘l\" .i'iif . ,t ' .- .‘ \eiai ltiittts. llt.tll_\ salil lllL'ol‘themsolvus iii service too mu A“! H . ( WM. \HHMHH; mm” It“.Even the long wait. the dismal \l\'\\ .l'til , , ‘1“ ,‘ MM Aflwimmh.. . . ._ . . i .. ....the lack ol rclrcslmitnt. and oarlii o. “Hi It at .. MM WNW“; blocks away“Wm,“ couldn I ‘l‘lml‘m m“ l‘l‘l'" ““1 raw -. t l‘lllt'll l;'l.tll\ det idcd to stroll enthusiasm of Youth."VictorioUs mood ol the \ottttg crowd \t a, . .a Hi» all “5‘. “K.” ”'le thatone poirtt attu lllL swtaiiug in stltllllllii W “1......‘l‘mfl‘l mph” “Hm,”four collegetagc spectators. paralwed M adense logiarii oi humanity, louiigcd on topof a police car calmly scanning a new siiapeiand passing around a bottle ot beer. lll‘lH:ous to the pandenionuim surrounding themThe celebration was not tlte only reason toattend the inauguration. a sense ol newfound national responsibility .iiid an o\ctdue sense ol recognition proiripied tll.til\ toattend.“It’s nice to hay e someone pay attention tous." said Kim Blandet ol loyolaUniversity.Leigh Anne (irarit. a senior at theUniversity of Wyoming. added that ”alter12 years of alienation by the Republican

\\ .l.tl ills .ugl‘who “as at l'llll s.!!il ls’aiitoita loyce.3~1.ind l‘ciinsslyania a\enuesHe didn't e\eii ltaye‘ss. elit lotion roile l‘xllls i.\ IllilttV. s dots tilhe sense ot belonging e\tetiiled well iiitothe \'\t'llll|:' as l,tltltl \otittg\lllt'llt airs donned tusedos and totmal wearlot the \oiith Hall. held in the Uld l’osttittite mall onI’cnrisyliania \\eiitte


l'a\ llli‘ll. .r poshIn the main lilyet the stage was drapedwith red. white .tllil blue bunting arottttd an\lgllrlitlleuage tiaiislatoi was positioned at the fatlelt. signing exetxtlttrig tiottt tlte official

eiioiiiioiis presidential seal

but was running behind. By midnight.atiticipatioii of his arrival was running high.Most of the guests at the ball were there pri-marily to demonstrate what a welcomechange they think Clinton will be from(ieorge Bush.“Clinton is already doing better thanBush. just the way he relates to real peo—ple." said Amy MeClan. a sophomore at\Iiami l'niversity in Ohio.Darryl Anderson. of UNCChapeI Hill.said urtder Clinton. “things can't get anyworse than with Bush."Clinton took the stage at |2z3ll a.m. andwas greeted with overwhelming applause.“You and your generation are a lot of whatthis election was all about. and I hope you

regardless ol the number ot studentsettrolled ftill time”\ott hay e to guarantee e\et_\ collegesprogiam a seat on Senate."Lamb said.A iiiitttber discrepancy eiicouiiteied while redistributing seatsprompted the Senate to act on thematter.“IAll (Ullt‘gt‘SI ilk‘l ttl lt‘tlsl l‘llC scttlit worked out that one collegewould get about a hall a seat. so wewent ahead arid gave tlierti theseal." said .-\aron Mamet. co chartof government operations "Itwouldn't be fair for them to be con»sidered arid not receoe tepresetitation."

lamb said passing the bill reaf—firms aii unwritten Senate policy."I l (‘ tuniyersity uitdesigiiatedcurriculumi has always had a seaton Senate. btit it's no where in thestatutes. so we solidified it in thestatute." lamb said.The second bill passed stated thatthe seats riiiist be reapportionedc\t‘l_\ lltt't‘t' \L‘at‘slamb said this new statute willpi'oiide a representatiy e number ofseats tor the \ariotis college delega»tions.()yer‘all. laitib leels that thechanges tttade with seating tnakellte Senate tttiit’c ettecloe

Party. we are finally being treated like teal ‘””““”‘~““~‘l”‘ 1" ill" I‘ll” t" Ill" “"‘¥‘- . . ..people." ' ‘ Salt \ Peru. 1 last Smooth and l’ l'unk [WI like )0” “we a part of ”1 he “ud' ('ririsHondn-isioi technicaonAfter the swearing-in “WNW“. WM U! a”: “ma... 13k. mm]. l‘h" “It”? W. mm Bulge-trough ot that. Are you having a good - . . .the 80.000 WON“ “ “I“ “III-’1 “M“ m" “mum” “mil Youth were the center of attention for President Clinton throughout the inaugural.Capitol lawns scratttbled tor a position \l lltttt‘s ill' tat si't'i‘lli'il less ol a party He pLIUscd briefly to catch a sweatshirtalong the parade route But a bottleneck than a lllit" and dressed people attain”; tossed to liirti by a student in the crowd and.quickly formed 41 I’eniisyiianra Jud ‘snt llli‘ |lt"s\ prewar-iris .iiiisal what ltttally alter looping it around his neck. L‘OillanL'tl.avenues and immobili/ed the crowd tot l‘li‘lit'lll {lit dist crowd to its lecl was lltc ”I want you to feel a part of this. not onlymore than an hour. ai .:E ‘v r. . l‘iesiduiit \l (lore and “tiny” bl" for the ”C“ {01” years."

lutriei hopes to raise $32 milliontioiir pioate gilts alone.'ll we are unable to do it with pri-\litlt‘ l‘asisi illdiiRe I IOldS l’itit lli".‘il sires .il 'i.al the newti‘tltttltW all m" "-r us .‘. .. ~. totthe List‘ it 2'. H. i 2" tin ._ .tli' donations. it'll have to be done' llIt' l‘lii i ..ii aiioiliei way." lumer said. stressing -ca 6 l‘itst. llt -.t!-i It .i .1 . v. i .I lltr absolute need for the renova- \\llt' ll'l lt‘i.” .ti. ' "t llilll‘s Ttrons. Ilr '. .' . ' .‘ ‘ ' \s .2 last resort. he said a raise inObSOlete area lr'aii . s -f n stein tees may be initiated.the la. llil's \\e need to talk to students about'\\e 'i l": i . . ' t. -;‘:I‘L' us ' he s.lltl. "I think stuel‘. 's\ iih .i .i ‘ t . ' .t. i' iiase to \le idc what they want .Oratorio-.1‘r'o't: l’.t\'e l \tl -~l " * . . ' t' ippcri at their untyersity." ' y ; ' 'l i' jg‘.‘will i wst ‘iio. l . l \\. ti ilittttg a big dtssCl’V'lCC l0 L la new atmosphere." lie \Llltl. "It‘s "\koltpaci l‘ . ~ indent athletes ll we don‘t do 3.;-time to start a new era for \KC capital tiiiiiiili.i_ :l: liiiiiei said

Correction .Christian Hall, who . i M'm‘imim' .Unlcod w» 3

It brings out the bestin all of usl

addressed students at theTueday's Martin LutherKing commorative.wasidentified incorrectly in apicture that ran inWednesday's edition.


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Page 3: Parker, Gibsonlead - Nc State University...Parker, Gibsonlead womenpastWakeForest MayaAngelou follows Robert Frost’s footsteps with inaugural poem Opinion/Page4 North Carolina State





Parker, Gibson lead Pack to overtime victoryll) .lel'l' Drew, ti" .‘u‘t-r\\.tke l'titt'st women's haskethalltoath lsateii l-ieeriiait’s teertiititigpiottess taiiie hatk to hatiiit herllttttstl.t\ night at l\'e_\tlttld\(Iiillst’lllll\\liile setting as art assistant at\ t' \rate ll‘illt Who ”I. lt'eeriiaiihelped hittig iitiiiieiotis iet'rtirts tothe \\o|tpatk ptogi‘aiii lwo ot lterhest lllltls laiitiirt (llllsllll andDante] l'aikei. helped spoil herreturn to Raleigh ht eoirihiiriiig tot>1“ points and leading State to .i ‘73‘3 oteitiiiie \ltlttl} U\L‘l thel)t'.ttitll\"I liked \\.llelllll:_' !(iihsoti aridl’atkt'tl sttitt‘ a \\lltilL‘ ltil llltlt't‘when l toaehitig here.”lieeiiraii said ”It was it strangeteeltttg toathiiig against tlieiriheeause l kirott them so ttell andhate ttotked with them so eloselt.lit a strange w at l ttas proud oltlietti "\iid \\llll good reason. Parker. asenior guard, ireail} iet'orded atriple douhle with El points. Itrebounds and eight assists iii 4Utrrtiiutes ol ttoik (iihsoii. a tumor.led the l'atk ettorr iii otertiiiie withlH [Willis and ilau‘ Stalk“ lllL‘ lt‘ddtot good ht seoirng the titst seteii


l‘aek pottits ot the period She tiiitshed with 2H points and sitrehotiiids"llaiitel Parker and laiiiiirt(lthsoii plated i’eall) strong gamesotleiisttel} tor us toiiight.‘~ saidState eoaeh Kit} tow "But we gotsortie strong games o“ the heiiehtroiii ()tiieha l-hod. l.isa Hodges.\ltiriel l)atis aird Kolleeii Kreul.lieshiireti and sopliortiores whoeaiiie iii arid reallt eoiitrthuted."l‘he Woltpatk iteeded all the helpIt titttld gel to titei‘ttittte ttti awe»some perlormaiiee ht Wake l‘ot'esttieshiiiaii l'raet (‘oiiiior l‘he \l\rloot three t'eiitet‘ seot‘ed l5 pointsand eorralled 22 rebounds iii iiearltleading the Demons to their tiistw iii et er at Re) iiolds (‘olisetitir"l'te ktiottii ahotit 'l'raet (‘oiiirort'oi tears.” You said. "She was oneot the two top renters in North('aiolttia last tear along with\Veudt l’almer. who‘s at Virginia.and she's alreadt won rookie ol~ theweek a record tour times this sea\tlll.”Netet'theless. State opened with asmaller line-tip that had (relootfisenior terrier lert “lute on theheiteh and Setooirltt Jenn)Kit/reitiski iii the starting litre-tiplhe stsrtt'lt lelt h~l>tltll l Ashle)llaiieoek guarding (motor. a [Ills

Blue Devils rout

State by 36 pointsll) Illll ()tertonilll RM \\1 It was like a haddream \o. triake that a utgltttitare\ t \iate tetittired into ('atiietotiIndoor \tadiuni with a dream oteipeirdrtig tith tanked Duke II lett“it. om or the ttoist tthippiitgs in~. two! a ‘L‘ Qti hearing\t- tittah tot dieaiiisllott had ttas it ’ It was so had thatall ot the \‘toltpatk's 1H pointsptohahlt totild hate heeii retirem-heted at lialttttite so had that Duketarts had to resort to lindtrrg eleteitit ts satittes toi etrtertaiiitiierit; sohad that the game was otet hetoie it.'.i.‘lt sldllt‘tl\tate tell hehirttl till alter theltl\l li\t‘ irittitttes .iiid was reelingl‘i'littt‘ ll totild men get toriiloi‘tahle.tttrt the t atiieioti surroundings.Iltt 'h .s sttlty slii\\'tlii\\lt otteiisellta‘. \\ollli.itk head LtHlL'll l\'\had installed ll r' lrist'lt.'lll iitair struad was abandonedlit-rote aittorie kriets it. tlte l)ettlsttert tip ht it! points.‘\\e got knot ked out til the saddle.ihottr )oti eaii getkirotked otit tontght.‘~ Robinsonsaid "lhe irrargiii ol tietort doesn'tbother me as muelr as otii eteetitioiiarid lllsl tomplete ahaiitloiiiiietitlhose eatlt possessions areetiietiielt tiitpoitaiit ti‘om an otteti-\l\t‘ arid deteiisite standpoint liaehtime tte did not seore. _\oti totrldsee Duke‘s t‘otilidetit e eliiiih."l ookiiig at the statisrtes. it proha



as earl} as



NCSUl).ttis\thsiir)lltlllll[)\iillli\‘lti tlllt'l i.\1aishalll.t‘\\'ls\ettitianl"tlllt’lli'aitiTotals 23-58DUKE FGt. lltll ‘-l llLaiig ‘l’tirkslltiile'.l' lllll(‘1.tiklllakeiievMei-k('tillllh\1lltlll‘lil’itu'llllr'iiiisoitlearn ')Totals 34-59 1924 33 21 15 92\t State 2t) .lti StiUnite :75 l7 H2

”We: ic—grcsiiflA'Ji lstQéa-i—NNo'a'w'l)P-V- t;I;

T.‘1 A3aV E”gnwie1L4?»


;i__I \J—LLPs;lQ—tsLK -ts.1-—N-—L§C:.N

l2lll ()t) t) 0 tiv-“—

Threc‘polnt 80‘]! N( State ll 17Mint iillt-t ll 4, Netviiiaitl‘litiiiipsoii l 2 l)ii\tst) ll s‘v’llsoiili .Marshall it I Lewis ti 1) l)lll\t‘ 5 [ll(lltitle\ 2 ‘J tltiik '2 2 t'olli‘itis l (l. (llltll U l. I lllll H »l Hlakerti-y (i llTurnovers \t State 24 litikt-lfiOfficials Seagliotta. Hair/ell.HigginsAttendance


‘l..ll-lhI) totild ha\ e heeii ttoi‘se tor thel’aek tit halttime. Duke was shoot»trig o5 peieeiit ttoiti the held andtirade thiee ot its ttte three-pointlield goal attempts (lraiit llrll led ahalaiited seormg attaek with 1-1poiiiis. lttllti\\ctl h_t Thomas llill‘sll arid llohli} lltirlet 's ltl points.Meaiiwhilt", Stare shot rust ll per?eetit. made I ot .s‘ llllt‘t‘vPUllileN arid

CLEMSON AT N.C. STATERecords: Clemson 10—3 (3—3). ranked 18mN.C. State 76 [3 ll)Site: R('\’Il()l(lS (‘oliseumTime: Sunday. Noon ('I'Vli’l‘S)Injuries: NoneKey Players: ClemsonShandy Btyan. C (16 ppg. 8 rpglRhonda Jackson. F (8 rpg. 3 SpillN.C. State'l‘aiiitiiv Gibson, G (21 ppl)aiivel Parker. G (4 apg. spglNotes: Both teams will haVe an equally tough time(lt‘ll‘lltlllll‘ the three-point shot. State features Gibsonand her . 6—pereeiit mark front behind the are, whilethe 'l‘igers will eourtter with Tara Saunooke's 37- )erAet-iit shooting percentage. Woll‘paek eeiiter ‘eriWhvte will have to take on the inside tandem ofBryan and Jackson.

MARYLAND AT N.C. STATERecords: Maryland 9-5 {04)N.C. State 4-8 [04)Reynolds ColiseumTime: Saturday. 1:30 p.m. (’l‘V~Ra_vt-oiii/dl’)Injuries: N.C. StateMi "(’11 Bakalli is out (broken foot)


Key layers: Marylandlivers Burnst (19 J g. 9 rp tKevin Melanton. G 1 pg. apglJohnny Rhodes. F (15 ppg. Bast). 3 spg)N.C. StateKevin Thompson. C (15 ppg. 8 rbg)Notes: The Woll aek will eotrtiiitie its slow-‘(lownt-l‘t‘ort against the igh»powered Terrapins. Marylandis. eoming off an ti set victory over l2th-ra‘nked()klahoiiia. The l’ae has hit over 50 pereent formthe floor in only one game this season (a one-pointwin over Oregon State).

triatth the Demons exploited eailt.tlld itllt‘ll"\\e went with the smaller hire tiphetatise out tirside gaitie had notlit‘t‘tt t‘llt‘tltu‘. and C\t‘t’}iitlt' \\t‘plated knew touring in that ttetteie weak dotttt lott." \ots said"We teallt tlltllhl get litistiatedguarding ('oittior hetause tte weredortig a ptettt good roh on herllieii‘ guards rust tirade some tengitiitl P.l\\t'\ Hl’assiiig ttas rust .ihoiit the oiiltthing the |)e.itori hatktotirt didwell against the \\ollp.itkllarassed h_\ trill eotirt Slate manto man pressure. \Vake l‘otestguards \ieole l.e\est|tie arid ll l'l'hames liit ori itist tout ot _‘~1 shotstthile Li‘lllllllllllli.’ eight rtiriioteis"\\e kirett the key was puttinggood pressure on the hall." l’arket\tlltl, “We knew that it we didn't let(‘oiiiror kill its and seore it) pointsoi so. we totild tiiarth up ttell ttithotir quit‘ktiess "l‘he l’atk's deletisite tititekiiess.iiid a trio ot threevpoiiiteis lioiir(iihsoii propelled State to an earltll 5 lead. But then the \\oltpaekattaek eollapsed. Breaking down iiiitist ahotit etett t'oiieeitahle areatillt‘llNHt‘l). State eoiirtiirtted sl\ttiriioters and missed I: shotswhile tailing to seoie on IS ot its

WAKE FG\Itiiii' ’ llt .l ri.i'i\|"\ SN ‘2 -l V/ l ‘i(tillititl ll.'> 7 ll.) 51 J l 'il.l“.l‘\[llll' 2 It» :i l; »l ‘l J llll'li.iiiii"~ J T (l (i rl .I l l“till.“r' l l U U 7i ll ll L.’llllll.tli ’ l H 2 l .‘ 'i ltil) ti tr '7 (1till it it it itlltlllllllollilii lilliatisl'eartiTotals 27-75 14-24 5] 20 15 72NCSU FG FT R APFTP(illl‘sllll l't l“ l3 it 1 its1 l\‘.l/ltllt to. it 1 t. .2 it i.ll.tiitii<l\ H 2 fl 0. i ll'.iihi'i lti If I? ll ‘i l .’lt\' it'ii/tiiit l t (to t it '. “ll->\il i", no 3 o t .,\\'lit'te lt ,r tilt i it t (IItatis on ()2 -l ti 7» iilliitlgi‘s L! l L’ 13 .’. (l l lKit-til J 7 on t .5 it ilt‘.|lll JTotals 81-72 9-1547 20 17 75

ll;.51 lit 7:iii\del‘\t \tali' I T“aki-‘sltrlii' ll) l-iili‘stltllll-lt'Three-point goal-~l ll tI.i-testiiie l 3H ll \1‘ State sl N llltlison litl’.iil\i-i t) l llotlgi-stt) llTurnovers Wake tort-st in \tState 17OfficialsAttendancel‘iillt‘rHLZEt *satet no

new 1‘) possessions.I‘he I’aek's drought allow ed \\;ikt'l-orest to trawl haek into the game(‘oiiiror eai‘ried most ot the load tor.s‘t-r WOLFPACK, I’Jet' a

.1 Mtinrt' rte Sin"Curtis Marshall it It outiunips Duke's Cherokee Parks t-Nt tor a rebound.turned the hall otei Itl titties \ottitan) teams ttill tome otit ot(‘arireioti alite \\llll those kiitd olnumbers.So. lialltiiire was a kind or godsend tor the struggling \Miltriaek It

was there \\ here it tleeided thatpride must he put on the litie."\\e eait‘t Itiake t‘\t'tist‘s.”guard l..ll\lsl.i \lti'tillei. sdttlw ho\t‘i' BLUE DEVILS, [‘tt'gt it

Ashley Hant otk il'ii times past Wake Forest's Vl( ki Inmaii.

B} lset in Brew i-r,.”mashi' ‘ ' “I,”l Rll \\l \L'H'l lit'lliit‘ hasthe /eiittlt arid the ptoterhial putgatott ot toll-ere hast-.ethalt ‘itt't.eotttiasted as sitiiplt and sin. lllt.ll_\ as it ttas lhtttsdat night ‘t\ltt‘:tDuke and \t \rare lit-rt. thecourt.l)lll\L'. t'\t‘tt \\ ttlt ltl\\f"~ !'i t‘.‘ wt?its last lotir gaiiies t‘ ilL‘ltlllle‘l'i atthe top ot the tollege haskerhali‘ttoild lhe liltie lletils hate taplttt't‘d [lie \(7\\ ltllt‘ theseasons and tirade lll'tnal l‘tllll iii the lastpaigtis,lhe \\tlll[l.ltl\. on the otirtrhand. totiiid out eatlt itt tl‘~ “I "rdeleal to lliikt.il\\.i}s get ttoise During ’lte past_\eat. State has lost three plateisdtie to .it'adeiiitt dilltttilttes,to iiiruries and one to death“\\e \teiit through eight datsthat were piettt toughf lhtkttoaelt \lrke Kt/t/ewskt said otltts lt‘.lttl"s \t'ltt‘dttle ”\l \lalt‘ \gone through a whole season likethat lhe) had more ihtrte~ trappen to them than .ttt_\ tearii It's atredit to them arid the kids andthe Loathing stall that lllt‘\ hate agood game plan lhe} plat liaidl‘heii \tirrs tt lll eoriie I"\ou tart otilt reel had torthem.” llohht' lltlllt'\.Dukes all .\tllL‘l'lt.ttt point gtiatd

[\‘|\: 1\\tihate theli\t' tart:

that things .air



Devils, Pack span

basketball spectrum"lo he able to put a team outthere that plats reallt hard sats .tlot abotit their program ‘-\tid the l'atk tettattate ol their ttotihles iii the lusthalt lhtiteeri minutes tllli‘ thegame ethoes ot ‘eight iirtiititesnine points” rang through( .inieioir liidooi \tadituii alter thel)‘e‘\ tl\ ltitik .t l: “ lt'dd\itet lhrke guard ('hr‘» ('olliri~hit ttto silll\t'kllll\t' three pointerssit tiiirttites hetore Iltlt‘llllt\\|l'll.tlte drtleietrtes iii the two teariislhe lllue l)e\ ilshad more than tllttltlllll‘lt‘tl theitraigiti at la‘ "so while [hike shuttled til.i\L‘l‘\lit and out ol the gaiite and rriadethe tahle look like an.itittiseriieiit patk ttiiristile.\\oltpatk .oath les Rohiiisoii\\d\ lt‘ll \ttllt ttiitltlttg L'lst‘ [it dohtit plat all etglit or his menRohrnsoii tirade lits stihstittitioirsunit when iietess.it_\ htit still usedthe entire l’atk stittad iii thegame s tiist iitire tittiititeslhe liltie lletils plated ltl iiieiitil the lttst liait .ttid had sent 13plajteis otit on the totirr. int ltidtiigwalk on \tair Rititisori. hi thetime the tiiial hul/ei tang leiilhike plateis stored. led ht (ildlllllrtl ttith Ill points and litrehourtds. while iitiie lletilsplated at least l-l lllllttllL“~

\\ .t\ llI.ttlt'

were et tdetit


sa DUKEI‘aet »

Gymnasts optimistic about seasonB) Jennifer BouekSerum Strit‘t Writerl)espite a number ot ket losses,ltopes are high tor the ~toting \t‘.State g)lllll;t\llt\ teaiir .is the WWseason rolls aroundAhead} dealing with the gradtiatioii ot Most Valuable Hater .llllBishop. ('aret litittlar and \lithelleliigrani. the Pack is also ieeltiigtruth the loss ot Karen ('hester arid\teole (‘iiitato to iirrtiries Roth('hester atid (‘iiiiato will redshiitthis season and are etpetted toreturn to eoiiipetitioii iii l‘NJ.“We ha\ e a )titillg. talented groupot ladies." “irate head eoath MarkSteteiisoii said “We ha\ e oii|_\three tippeielassiiieii. so we aregoing to hate to depend on otiil'i‘eshitieii to eome through in ordertor its to do well"But I heliete this is the heslreeruttiiig class we hate had in along time. It isn‘t so much theirskills. but the) hate learned a lot iiithe short period ot time the_\ hatebeen here."One of the top treshmeiiSteteiisoii will be looking to isChrist} Newton. A iiatite olJaeksoiit tlle. l-la . Newton qualitiedtor the l.e\el 9 National(‘htiiiipioiiships arid was it toantititsher. Stetenson also mentionslloll} Martinsoii and walk-onlt‘lltlllt‘r Kilgore as team members

who tan make an impaetAlthough there are some highe\peetations tor the rookie tlass.Steterison doesn't etpeet peitettioirtight aw at."l etpett a little iiieoiisisreiitt iiithe beginning." Steteitsoii said"lhese ladies hate praetitall)learned a new maioi skill on eteiteteiit. We inst want to he consistentgoing riito the home strereh ot theseason "In addition to the treshmaii tlass.teteraii perlot‘tiiei‘s “I“ he great!)depended on [U lt‘ttd the squad JulieReddiiig. \oted last _\eat‘s mosttiiiprot ed petloriiier and .\ieo|ellerriek. who led the teatii at theW": Regioirals and holds thesehool seasonal all around seoi‘irigateiage record. hate been the topState peitortitersRosaiiii (lrahtiet' and Stisi (‘uri_\also eoiitrihute at least one )eai ole\peiteiiee to the State squad ltiaddition. the Pack welcomes thel’t‘lurll ot senior Christ} ”in is to thesquad. Datis eompeted in l‘NH forState. but missed the IWI and I‘M:seasons pursuing other aeritities.Although she is a senior. she stillhas another )ear ol eligibilit)remaining alter this season.With this talented group.Stevenson believes there will betwo keys to a winning season"First of all. we have to stayhealthy.” Stevenson said. “Also. our

treshtiieii hate to tome up to theIetel ol tthete the tuitiots andseniors are pertoriiiiitg \s .ilttatswe lia\e set goals lot out operiiiii'meets. atid tte ttill totitiiitte to setgoals throughout the season 'In preparing lot its liist titeet. thtl'atk‘s goals itieltide a team store otIN and a all peitetrr stittess rateon its toiittiies \ddiiioiialli.SlL'H'ttsiitt hopes lit st't‘ lt‘\\t‘t l.tll\h) his gtiirirasts"\\e are shooting lot tiiator tort

sistetitt ht the Sweet Heartslrrt itatioiial tit l ehrtiai‘y' Steteiisoiisaid "(hit new skills iiitist he eonsisteirr iii order tor its to he tompetttite on the regional and nationallet el “lit what Steteiisoti heliet es to he amore thalleitgiiig sehedtile than last\t‘dl. the l’atk will late topAIFsquads like tieoige \\.tsliiiigtoir.sa GYMNASTS, that 2

1993 Gymnastics ScheduleJan. 22 RADFORDJan. 29Jan. 31Feb. 5Feb. 7Feb. 12Feb. 26Mar. 2Mar. 5Mar. 12Mar. 15Mar. 19Apr. 1-4

at Iowaat MissouriBUBBLE INVI‘.PITTSBURGHNEW HAMPSHIRE7z30 p.m.at North Carolina 7:30 p.m.NCAA Regionals

7:30 p.m.at George Wash. 7 p.m.at William 8i MaryTBAOHIO STATEat West Virginia TBAHEARTS INV'l‘.

7:30 p.m.7:30 p.m.7 pm.7:30 p.m.7:30 p.m.7:30 p.m.

Apr. 15-18 NCAA Nationals .it hosted by University of Georgia‘ hosted by Oregon State University

Page 4: Parker, Gibsonlead - Nc State University...Parker, Gibsonlead womenpastWakeForest MayaAngelou follows Robert Frost’s footsteps with inaugural poem Opinion/Page4 North Carolina State

1 ;

U.N. action

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Editor in Chiefloe lohnson

Editor at large..... .. .....................leff DrewNews Editor.... ..Eric LiebhauserSports Editorfiill Over-tonEditorial Page Editor.......Chris HubbardPhotography Editor.......Angela PridgenTechtoo Editor.....................Keith JordanHappenings Editor.........Dan PawlowskiFrontiers Editor..................Hunter MorrisGraphics Editor loe ProcopioCopy Dali Chief......Suzanne Thompson

TechnicianServing North Carolina State Universin' since I 92!).

Accounts Receivable.............. Lisa Brysonmmmnwwhhmmmummhmm-hflMMDMdBMMMMWMuMWm-uflumnrmmmmmumwmummuuduuu'n-uhnnuquumwumnmnmmhm.f“MMbNMI~MflIfi-Mdbflm~lfi”dMM“W"MMN~MG~WHMWW“humunmmmbmnn.mnmmmumm-mwnrMI-mmcm

Managing EditorMark Tosczak

General Manager..... . .......... Tim EllingtonOperations Manager..Stan North MartinClnsifieds Manager....... . ......... loy StokesSales Manager..........................Mike ScottProduction Managers........... Laura Allen,

David Mc KeeAds Production..............Daryl WilloughbyDistribution... ..................RustySpeerPayroll/Circulation..............Mike Jordan

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Reserve-room work a big headache\111'1111111 11' 11-~ .11 1111'111'1 11'.11'11111e 1 11.111'.111111'1111111'111111111s11111111.1111's1'111'1111111111'.1111111'11'11'111's1111 111.111111111'.111111'.11111111111'1.1.11s1.1ss11'111111'11111111111'1111111111.11.111.11s1111.1111..111e1\1'l)\1'11111‘111111’st‘1111111 s1111111‘s 11l.i\1' 1111111.‘1.11111'p1111s,11's1'.11.11p.1p1'1s.111'.111\1'11111111};11i1's1'1,1.1111111s.111.1111111111111'111s.11111'111s.111111111'11s1:111's1111.111111111 \1'11111111111g111.11111.1\1'1'11'1'11'1'11.1ssig111'111111111's11'1111111'11 1111s1'1111111'1111.11111111si1's1'rs1' 111111111121111111's\11111.1111'1111\ s1111'111111'111 11.1sses 1111 .111\1'111'11 s1'1111's1e1 11 11111111 111' 1.1111111; .1 s1'i111's11'1.11 1’111.111111111s11's1'1s1'1111111111'.1111111:11111s1's1.1111'11111'1111111:111.1!11.111.11'.\.1\s1111-11-.111's1'\1'1.1lie.1s1.11~.11111111111ss.111s1.1.1111111111111111's1'.1ss1e111111'111s11 1s 1111111'1'1111'i1s111'\11\\ l11111s1.11111111111.1t1.11\\.11s 11111111|.1111.11'11111 the 1llylll‘l1k1WIII 1111111s\ .11111111111s1- p.111s.11 1111' beginning 111 1'.1111 "1"llt'le‘l \1'1 1 would1.11111'1 1:11.1111'.111.1n1l p.11 1111' 1'\11.1 .11111111111 .111111'111'13111111111'1111111's1'1111's11'1.111111111'. .1111111s1'11;111 Besides. 11‘s 1111'.1p1'r111.111 .111 111s11111’1111 111111' 111.11 1111111111111 1111'11.1ss111.11 1\1'1111e11.1ss1 111111111 111' 11.1111“ 1.11.111111 111.11 111' \i.1s s.1\111g11s.1111111111111111'1 11)1111111111: 1111' “aiding .1s~~1g111111'ni.on 11's1.'1\1'1,11111'1111.1111.11111[1111111:.1111111s1'p.1k11111e.111111spending 81‘ 111i .11'11111s1'11.111‘.\l'|llllil 11111'1111'1'11 .11111111.111111_1_'11111'11111111Kinko's. the prolessor opted 11111111' lll\l.l11merit pus 1111'111 111.111 111111 ll’itlls1dlt'i1 111111 ’5’. .1week 1111 12 \11'elv1s1111.ig1111111111tul1118111

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1 1'1'-. s.1) 1111' 11'1111111gs.111'111111piled111r Us11121111 111 .1111111s1' 111111 11'. our good 111p)1111'111ls 1111 llillshoroneh Street. lhe_\' will tise1111111 s1111's111 1111' pupei 111 iniiking 1111'111‘11pies,ll 1111'11111} 111.11111111's 111 1111' reser\e room are11s1'1l.11111) one side 111 1111: p.1pei is i1tili/ed,1 It is 1.11 less protessionul.H) 1111'1'1111111 the semester il student will.11 111111111411-.1huge11111g1111111'111111111111papers111.11 11111111'1111possil111'111.1sse111hletosuid)11111'\.iins 1 iililse the 11111rse puk 111.11 isdesigned.1s.1111111111e1.1he reser\ 1' room topics1'11111111.1s1r11s11111111 )11111‘111111111111111'throws.11s.1\.11111 tenth/11111111111 111111 .11.idenn1 eureerison 1111' lineBesides. some s111111‘111s111111'111111'1'111111'ir

books 1111' 11111111 reterenee utter the) get out 1111111|ege ('11urse p'.il1s;1re not eonstrueted .iswell .tshtit1l\\.1‘1llll11L"\ will 111s111wh1|e 11looked alter. RL‘st'H e room readings rairels 111stthe semester. let alone 11 lifetime.11 Students 1110“ off the reading.1111 .111 you instructors who are still eonineed 111.11 resei'se-room reading should hechanged. let me Just say that students tend to1111111 oil resene reading.(imnted. there are students who don't dotheir reading anyway. And 1 am not guarantee111g that the) Will change. But eleurl). resers e.rooin readings present obstacles that textbooks1111 11111.1111' ln\l.lllk‘L‘. iii the course 111 11 semester usresers errooni readings are assigned. 11 student1.11'1'sohstuelesthut will hinder him/hei fromresiding. The first is the obstacle (11' time. The}w ill hm. e too much going on to go to thellhl'ltry and read The seeond is money. Thestudent 111 111 not have enough money to run 11111.1pies ot the material. Therefore. lh€\ will notdo the readings. 1Sure. there are some people who preferiesei'i'e-room reading over buying coursep.1l1s. There may even be some who Clllti) Ii. 1don‘t intend on knocking these people out 111their ieserse-room reading. The itistruetor canstill leme hooks in the reserve room for thesepeople 111 read and enjoy.But for those 111. us who would rather bus :1course p.111. there should he one 111 utluhle.

Page 5: Parker, Gibsonlead - Nc State University...Parker, Gibsonlead womenpastWakeForest MayaAngelou follows Robert Frost’s footsteps with inaugural poem Opinion/Page4 North Carolina State

I111111.11\ .’.' l‘l‘ly‘ II't IIIIH 1.i11 Spittls 5

Swimming teams win three out of four during weekendBy Jennifer BouckSenior Staff WriterAlthough the NC. State swimteams had to compete w about manykey perfomters. tltey managed threewins in four meets last weekendagainst Florida State and Clemson.The Wolfpack men. missing sev-eral swimmers with IIl_|urlCS aridone because of art acadetttic suspen-sion. pulled out two wins. beatingthe Seminoles 131-1111 and theTigers 125-116. The men raisedtheir record to 10-1 and 3-1 in theACC.But the Wolfpack women weren'tas fortunate. They convincinglybeat Clemson by a 1605-1305score Saturday. but narrowly lost tothe Seminoles 1215-12115 Friday.The women now stand at 8-3 and 3-l in the ACC.“1 cost our women the FSL' cott-

Blue Devils

pound State

in Durham

Continued from Page iscored 13 points for the Pack. "1think at halftime we were surprised.We weren‘t pointing the finger atanybody or getting down. We did itcollectively. We eventually dug ahole for ourselves. We said to our—selves. ’let‘s go out and make itrespectable.”"They kind of ~jumped on us. andwe didn't play like we wanted to."said senior Kevin Thompson. wholed State with 16 points “We antic-ipated and worked hard all week. 1think once everybody evaluatedtheir own selves at halftime. a senseof pride cante out. and I tlttnk that'swhy we played a little better 111 thesecond half."The Pack began the second halfwith a flun'y. outscortng the Deytls5-0 in the first five minutes Stateclosed the gap to 26 alter a ToddFuller rebound arid putback but

test." State coach Don Easterlrtigsaid. "I underestimated HondaState. They tested again tor tis aridhad rttttclt faster titties against usthan from the week before \ersttsVirginia.”In the last event of the meet Ishould have split up the first relay.but I just didn‘t have enoughcourage to gamble."Croing into the last event ot themeet. the Mill-yard freestyle. thewomen needed to take a first and athird place to ensure a victory,Easily taking the first-place spot.the Pack missed third place by asecond and a half and thus fell bytwo points.But the meet did feature sortiebright spots for State. The LadyPack took seven of 13 events. ledby two double-event winners.Agnes Gerlach showed her usualwinning style and took both thecould get no closer. The margineventually grew to 38 points.For State. the final 36-point mar»gtn was another rude ending to analready rude season, For the Devils.it was just another day at the office.“We tnade good decisions allnight." Duke head coach MikeKrzyzewski said. “It was importantto come up with a good perfor—mance tonight. and we did."Despite the fact that Duke onlyoutscored State by one poitit iii thesecond half. the Devils still werenever out of control. State turttedthe ball over 24 times for the gamearid only had six total assists.“We didn‘t improve." Robinsonsaid. "We went backwards. We dida much better job last Saturday 1a70-5-1 loss to Florida Sttitei. I wishthat we could have executed better.[When you get behind] you Jitsthave to stick to your basic man-to-tttart. You really don't have anychoices."“It was just difficult tonight.Some other places. I think wewould have done a little better."State now gets only 36 Itours torest before returning home for artACC contest with the MarylandTerrapins. The game will be a battleof teams still searching for .1 coti~terence win. Tip-off is at 1:30 pm.





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Ieat cake on our birthday. i


one and 11:11-1- trictcr spttttg boardcornpcttttotts III.I<I1I|IIttIl. ItcshtttatiI)cttiltc lhlworth wrapped tip writsIII the 21111 Itcc 1| 9* Vii and 51111ttcc 15111 5 i1\lso adding support was 1111' sptitttduo ot .Icatiric Itotinct .tttd .\tttt.tlitcscckct. who swappcd thc lustand sccottd positions tn the ill and11111 tic-cs lionttct took the *(I 1112-1.1}. lIciscckct took tlic 11111 111520‘).()II IIIt‘ Illt'11~\ \ILIC. Nldlt' II‘lII’sctght of 1‘ cyctits Scrtior l).i\1dToy and tumor l).i\td Sttttts cacltgot two wins .tptctc Io lcttd thcteam to .t wtrt lit the distancecycrtts. Stittts won the “1511 ”cctIS'Sh'CM .ittd the 5”” “CV14:33.,l41. Sprint specialist l'o\ was\ Ictortotts iii the Still tree 11411.1 i1and the hill lrcc 1-H ‘h’i."We did pretty good." l’astct’ltttgsaid. ”1 ant plcttscd wttlt w hat I saw.

bttt I still think out tttcii .itc stilllacking sotttcthtttg tltcy had lastycat \\c lt.iyc had to win tour ortry c tticcts by winning the last relay“1' should be winning the ritcctsway bclotc tltc end.”'\llt'l .t lotig bits It'tp Saturdaytitorntng. tltc Pack ‘1 tsttcd tltc ligctsIII ('li'ttison. and botlt Icttttis 1.11scillhctt \\1th.itttcd btttttiiprcsstyc showing the lady l’.iikwon 111 ol It) i‘yctttsIhtcc wotricn got two wins .tptcc c.is (it'llilyll ltttishcd ttt her custottt.ity ltrst place spot iii the one andthree titetcr dtycs \ancy Chapmanadded two wins ttt tltc 11111 barkstrokc ti‘L-lii and 3011 back1211*.“1 Sit/antic (iat‘dtni't kcptpace by winning the 21111 butterfly13116.2 i1 and Hill fly 158.751.With .1 tougher. closet meet. themen captured scycn 111 lb L’H'Ills. -\highlight of the meet was the


112 Molincke StallDuke's Eric Meek 1521 goes high to block a Mark Davis shot.

Duke coach


with Pack

1 .11*.-1i.rr.i "1“'ll'.1\'i 1‘\\1th .1 lt.tlttttttc dcttctt ol *5 .‘ll toNIdlt' IIdtI \t.'L'lI lIlt'lIItiipcsitl slitwtny 1111‘ y_‘.|lllL‘rI1\\\!| 11.1ottt thc window"\\c took thctti out ot what theywere doing .tttd played tcally gooddctcttsc.“ KI/y/c'yyskl s.ttd "Ihcconcept ol what they were doingwas ycty good \ott 111st can't dothat when you gct that 1.11 bchtrtd.’lyctt “11“ till ol the ttt.i|s and

1‘\ t'I’c iitttt‘.

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tribulations that the Woll'pack bas-kctball I‘I‘tigltlllt ltas experienced.the team knew that its ltrst—half playwas not 11p to p.11 with eightplayers or not"We dcltttttcly thought we were abetter team than 111 the ltrst hall."Pack cctitct Keytn Thompson said"We weren't going to ptrt otit hcadsdowrt [Coach Robinson] told itshow solt and non .tggr‘cssiyc wewere "$1.111“ IItiIth .1 J-b 11\CI'.IIIrecord and d 11 4 mark 111 the cornercncc. but “I”! plcttty ol season lcltto play. the l’.ick is not about to gnt‘tip hope State has three ol its nestIottt' games at home 111 Reynolds('oltsetitit. including a [:30 p.111. tip-1111‘ against Mary land Saturday,"We‘re not going to bow ourheads met this." l’ack guard MarkDavis said.



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tttcrts's .‘1111111131111-y It'l.t\ ttr '.‘~IlltIlIltc I',l\l~ volt-111.1 [Hull It‘ctIILI('lttit ky lot \‘1111 (1111.111 \I.tItl)titt.iw.i‘-. .iritl Ios outihddiiccd IIIt'ltcld 111.1!11111'111 l i‘. 111('11\. .IIIlI lily .1lw‘tit11k tlirttlilcwrits it‘idtytthtally l 11‘ look Iltc ‘415111'th I"1.lttil.‘llllli...k I “I I").and Ios wtti- III thc 31111llt‘t' ‘I II I.‘1.Ilttl lll'lltc'i‘1-I»1.\ttl"lltc 1111:. ,1.» I.l\l\aItttduy, l thurlwi'rc Ittctl .11111 1111 titully cypcttdcdItotti tlic llotrrla \tattl'astcrltttc mtltI llut ‘l s good playltct' 1111 lltt' \(1 s -1|:11 .ycs\\IIIIIII!IIt' lotit 1I.I\\ 111.1 tow

IL’I‘I ilsIlt't .Itl‘t‘ thc Icarus111.111Itwill tic

”( Ic‘IIIstlII IH L'tlt’II l‘tll Illt‘\ tIl‘Il-IIt.i\c IIII’ !11|111lt:‘t_ 1:1141 uw'il tohayc lhr \ lost sc\t't.tl kcy pcopliwith catcct curling 111111111~ this sca\I'Il‘I tkt‘\\1st‘.lltt' I’.ttl. 11.11I twtitncts 1ctttc 1'.III\ this


beats Wake

in overtime

\\\ llIlst‘.I'\1ill «Itlk' 11‘-

c titf.'*r:.r.1‘1 11.1..;thc l)c.iiotts. \Lt'llllt' tttrtc points 111.t 14 2 11111 111.11 L'.I\t' \\.tkc I'otcst .rI‘) lti IL‘tltI wtlll scyi'n ttiititttcs lcltItt tltc h.t|lIcrttblc I)L'il\ oti sIItH‘lIllL’ pt’cyctttctl \\.tkc Iotcst trout I.II\IIIL' .1 biggct .tdy,ittt.igc Ititrtttti' Rcutoldsttilo Ilictt owrt pctsonal btttkyat'd.thc Dcacotts lrtt 111st riutc ot W Itt'st-ltalt shots lhcw htch IlIcIlcht'tI nutttctotts rittsscdI.I}ll[‘\. rIIItt\\1‘tI \Idlt‘ lit ctll'I) .l NI3b lcad iiiltt ll.tIllIIttt‘I'hc sttttutls struggled on men

shooting wocs.

Ictttis 111 the scuottd hall bcIotc anS 3 \tatc 11111 ;.i\.- it .1 ‘3 4* IcadThc l’.ic I. held 1hr .ItI\.IllI.ljJ's' titttil a\abt'ttta \loitc thuc pottttct cycrtcdIt" garnc .it *\ with '1 ,‘s tctnauiittgllaskcts b\ l’.trkct .ittd \tcktlttttiart kcpt 1111' gaittc cyctt tttttil


irri- -. 11-. ,.1 . 1‘.()Itli‘\1.tlc Missouriand \c'\\ ll.ttnpshttt~"\\itlt lIli\ ci‘!ll§‘1"lli\tl\ tough


schcdttlc. l doll I typi'cl us to win.ill the tnccis or tyctt lum- the samerecord .is last you 11‘ JrfStcy cttsoti said 'Ioo oltctt ctnpha-s1\ is put on 1111' lc.tIII tc'iottl. butthe important tl\l‘\'\l is 1111' \llldllllL'dlll‘l‘i \ct'1\‘\ I.(Jttaltttcatton s.otc~ lot chtottalsand \.ittott.1|s \\1II sctyi: .tsStcycnsott's IMIttIiIt‘lt‘I lot success.

trutirtcs and thc pimpcct ol ttiorcpcoplc lollowiiig the pair is it possi-lilltty Scy ctal sw rttirttcts litiyctIIIUIIIL conditions. .tttd .1 Icw ol arcnot getting bcttct .ittytrtttc soon."I tlitttk II all bothers the coachesand athletes more then anyoneelse." lz.1stctltttg said "Hill don'tw ant to usc II .is .in Mt use You tcel11.111 lot Illc kids that are liitrt .ittct'thcy hayc bccti hanging on so long.”I don't thittk thc tcst ol the learnis .tllcctctl too much '1 hey _itisI haveto dig down .1 little bit more. whichhas tirade lot sonic c losc contests H\oning trtto IIlt' IIIIdI strcttl‘. o1thc season. the women and menwill host Maryland Saturday at 1p111 and ,1 p 11!. tcspccttycly Bothtitccls will be held III the Willis(NSC) N.it.ttorruttt

.lctttty ls’u/tcntskt gayc State a bl-1111 lead with .74 seconds i'ctttaintttg.\ltct .i timeout. ('otittot hit a shortshot .it the I) second mark to sendthe game ttito overtimeIwo ollcnstye rebounds by(itbson gtiyc the Pack the lift itneeded 111 the cum session. On theltrst carom. (itbsoti recorded athree-point play to open the period.On the second. she drew a foul andltit two lrcc throws to gtye State theIt.‘.ItI Itit litilttl'\IIL'I the tree throws. (itbsonstole the ensuing ttiboitnds pass aridhit .1 layup to gtye State a 69-66lead leyesque answered tor Wakeon its ttcyt possession. bitt (libsontheir lttt a three-pointer and Parkerfollowed with a Ill-tooter to putState tip by siy‘"I knew had a st/c adyatttttgc ontheir guards so I decided to goinside more.” (iibson said. "I knewI could post them tip and it's some-thing I do 111 practice a lot."I he 1 1c toty ttnproy ed State'srctotd to ti oycrall and 3-1 iii the.i\('('. The loss dt'opp d WakeI‘ttt'csl to 11-4 and 2 1 State returnsto action Sunday at Reynolds('oltscuttt against Clemson. Tip-oftis at rtoott

with the ultttitatc goal being quali-tying a Sttitc gymnast tor theNCAA National (iytiittasttcs('haritptonshtps No gymnast fromState has ever citialtttcil iii the 12years Stcyctisoti has been leadingthe team“Karen latt was the closest wehayc cyct had anyone come."Stcycttson said "She ttttsscdnationals by .13 potttts one year.Harrttig bad luck .itid tnitrrtes. Ithink we can be a top-15 team iiithe country and send somebody tonationals "The \Millpack opens the season athome against Radtord on Fridaynight iii ('.irttttcliacl (iymtiasium at7- it) p m.



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Page 6: Parker, Gibsonlead - Nc State University...Parker, Gibsonlead womenpastWakeForest MayaAngelou follows Robert Frost’s footsteps with inaugural poem Opinion/Page4 North Carolina State



k‘fi Typing

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f‘s;1:.:'WW‘.i“’;-i"‘i “ .. W “‘ iii: :2 ‘ (32) I hrow W """‘" /Ili.ii'ii \t W' l‘i‘ V3} "f [ Y tiiiW. rum». i it t t W t. H») 1,; e Awa l .OLL FREE lNFORMATION RESERVATIONS.~ . y ‘ 1-800-321-5911.‘ll‘ i' «i I: \l|t\.llil \tii~t Int $.A‘ur“:llruth. \ru urk Ilittt ijW[i\\| “1‘ a"F\ttt’ltii\\t \l \l\ll l\' ——-— “WW“ I“. \" MW”. ('t)l||\l(l\ \\\ll \lill-thl’thll\ll\-t \\II’ \\\\\t lii\\ l’\\ \1l\l\(mix \i l' \ ~ i \ li ,, rl’V 'li't'ilt'i', \pflllfl \crnrslrr 'w _ ‘ v , ‘ i . -l WW m . I, M "mm M W \l \l ll (0,."sz .R,1.\( kW t t .t(:l:.\( lbs m.is ' “it .ll‘.’:"““"“ """"‘ "’ ,.. mm w i hm l'httnt': 870-20” American Heart1. t Apr I A -;,,l ittili \( \l llilll] 1|'\ il ’t l | lllt \k‘ll\(' l\il'.t;\\_u \\ ~——-————-——————-~—— . 0Cbut" ‘ilt‘it W ~ 2 . r H ‘\ H " R" “l l" “' t k'llllllJ liiitltlttiu ASS IONODRLWLHHJIH Ivu'k : t- ‘w . _ll\l \ll Kilil\l\l \ ll(Kitnprt tar {Us l r\inmr's Stealth-run .\ |.I‘Illl ‘t-t-I sixForks Roads (RYPI()(2UIPPreschool lr-uthi-r \~~nt.mltntvilt‘ym M‘ l\\llxtl\\ll\l I(l\IKIlI jltlitjii Irlrl\t.ttt - . i v rJrfiriwt \l'lthW til<1l\ \H‘h J A 5 k 5 IN (l \r B l\l ll‘elemarkrting it \i \ lmrmtnrtr _ mm. ”.th mm.“ KNWZQI. t'szs Yl’J x su—(buntr) \ut’hhlnt' (hlltlh'lt \ ‘lllhl *hiring ', int :4" Il‘Jthtl \‘~l»l.|t‘l |'\\lll l “ , \ -\ W r W , . W .Piniltiinx \w. H \W‘Wt A “th \ l’llill I L! l' B (. \ l I. Al I) () l; I) J \r I) XHurt-dim ll" i' ' ~ -.» t [’tll “.IIIHI |‘\\ l\ \l \ll It lilii\ |\'WWtW..WI'()\lll()\\ 1 , .iupiu it...” \Imr» .mi t.,.i.W H l5 5 I. Q - M S X X S (' K I: l’ I V Ituttittltny l W. rig. 1.. it t *_ __ Klultl it i '"‘lifltl (rm: in». i- t . t i_nt it'ii l'i'iili‘i‘; iuiurtmt '~ \i I ll l»l»|innrnmum -~..,H..i..« kimmim \iiiiii- l\l\lll|l\lll\ ‘,k ‘ ‘V W ‘ w ‘1'”, A" ”f” V. W..." today's (Lryptoquip clue: K («trials l‘W . iiiii Hill-ii innit \li..t v;r‘”'““”" ""‘ k" \‘1‘ WW “HIM \H “H“ W, ”H I a ,._ l‘hc(.ryptoqutpisasubstitutioniipltcrinwltttltonc' {\W ' \m- l t... . - , .mt r in ‘ :WW'fW’WI'W, I ‘\:"\"“.'l‘: l‘ " “ "" letter stands tor another. It you think that X equals 0, it‘ _. t t its ' “Wilt-Wim. . 'w, t t t t \\l x r... ..... .W,...... “Wt. .W..,.....i_... ... W.._.i. ,.,WW,,,...1.. W W w, ,W \Wm ,WWL' ,‘Hf' Will cqualOthroughout the puzzle.Stnglc letters, short1. I ' . l ‘l~ ., c i. «W , ,W i. ; ‘ *- 777 7— 7-- « _ ." ‘ (“3:133 ' ' H " ‘ N "' "“' “' "" ‘ J“ ‘ "'“‘ words and words using an apostrophe give you dues to

i“ W, W t t i K ,1 H .. R, Hm locating vowels. Solution is by trial and error.hr .x i I." 1993 by King Features SynC-catet lnciiLit. _._._____—________\l'lt'l\t, tiiti \k rt\' llll


It bri out the bestIE)" of us;

O: American HeartAssociation



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CROSSWORD By Eugene Shefl‘er



ACROSS 37 Balus- mates control1 “it's a trade part 57 Vulgar 21 BranchWondertul 38 Shrimp‘s DOWN 22 Arthur orLite” cousin 1 Surpass Lilliedirector 41 Uncon- 2 Tarzan's 24 Auction6 Spelldown SCIOUS pal action9 Resrs- 43 Skate‘s 3 Gm 26 Becametance unit km 4 Split apart semiliquid12 Time for a 44 Actress 5 On the out 28 Factshower Skye vrve 30 Hostel13 Census 45 Knuckle. 6 Brutish 32 Festivedatum head bloke events14 Mad- 47 Birthday 7 Actor 33 Madre'shouse lights Richard sister15 Cause of 49 Negative Slrthery 34 Cunningannoy- particle swimmer 36 Libraryance 52 “—- was 9 Fresh air distrac-16 Inflatable saying”? 10 Strigine tionsdecoration 53 lndwisrble vocabu- 38 Sixths of18 Church 54 "— Kick lary an inch, tochat? Out of 11 French a printer20 Chip in a You“ Impres- 39 Friarschip 55 Sautt — siontst Club21 Honest Marie 17 Pantry eventpolitiCian 56 Meas.‘ 19 Cursor 40 "Tomor‘23 Addition- Solutlon tlme: 26 mlns. row" showally 42 Clemens'24 French pseud-seaport ,, onymtown P Ind answers 45 Bad25 Fred r t impres-MOMS to p‘uults Sm?income “Kate" 46 Actress27 Wrecked elsewhere in Swenson29 “Chances , 1 . 48 NearlAre” , ‘ tud‘l,‘ .5 exhaJstedSinger leehntcran. 50 Giant at31 Experts 1635 Concern- 51 Yea
