PARISH OF ST. JOHN’S WOOD/THE GAP New Parishioners WELCOME Please place your name in the book at the back of the church. WELCOME Website: www.stjohnswoodthegap.net.au Parish Office: PO Box 408, The Gap, Qld 4061 Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 8.30 am—3.00 pm Contact: Phone: 3300 6099 Fax: 3300 6255 Churches: Mater Dei : 16 Philomene Drive, Ashgrove St Peter Chanel: 41 Chaprowe Road, The Gap Parish Priest: Fr. Vu Dinh Tuong [email protected] Parish Manager: Richard James [email protected] Parish of St John’s Wood\The Gap SUNDAY 14TH FEBRUARY 2016 The last temptation of Jesus St Luke begins his gospel with the role of the Holy Spirit and ends his gospel with the role of the Holy Spirit. The temptation in the wilderness begins with the Holy Spirit. Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit through the wilderness,” Lk 4,1. After forty days in the desert the evil spirit tempted Jesus. It was the first temptation the devil had with Jesus and it was not the last because they promised to return at other times. Three times they tried hard to tempt Jesus and three times they failed. The first time the devil knew that Jesus was hungry and they tempted Him to take care of the body: “You are God’s Son, change these stones into food to eat.” Jesus answered, the scriptures say: “Man does not live on bread alone.” v.4. The second temptation the devil lured Jesus to commit pride and world glory by say- ing world’s power and glory would be given to Jesus if he worshiped them. Jesus told them, the Scriptures say: “You must worship the Lord your God, and serve Him alone.” v.8. The third time the devil challenged Jesus to show off His magic power by jumping down from the cliff. Jesus drove them away saying: “You must not put the Lord your God to the test.” v.12. St Luke told us that: “Having exhausted all these ways of tempting Him, the devil left Him, to return at the appointed time.” v.13. It looks like ‘the appointed time’ hap- pened at the Crucifixion of Jesus, at the time Jesus went through the spiritual desert, not forty days but probably forty hours counting from the time of his arrest in the gar- den to His last breath on the cross. The Bible didn’t use the word ‘temptation’ at His last hours but the mockery, the ridicule and the jeers happened at the cross bearing the traits of the first temptation: namely showing off power, disobeying God the Fa- ther and gaining world’s glory and power and followers. The temptations appeared from the mouths of the leaders of the people and from the criminal and from His exe- cutioners. At the crucifixion the leaders cheered Jesus and others rebuked Him say- ing: “Let Him save Himself if He is the Son of God, the Chosen One.” Lk 23,35 At the first temptation the devil challenged Jesus to jump down from the temple. Here they challenged Jesus to jump down from the cross. “Let the Christ, the king of Israel, come down from the cross now, for us to see it and believe.” Mk 15, 30-32. One of the criminals who was being crucified at the same time with Jesus asked Him: “Are you not the Christ, save yourself and save us as well.” v.40. Jesus responded nothing to those who ridiculed Him but Jesus promised eternal life for the thief who asked for pardon when he made a plea to Jesus to: “Remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Lk 23,43. “Indeed”, responded Jesus, “I promised you, today you will be with me in paradise” v.43. We pray for the gift of being able to resist against temptations, especially the disguised ones. Vudinh Tuong Rosary If you would like to pray the Rosary in your home please contact Bruce Bonney Phone: 3300 2959 Inside: Rosary Baptisms Sick, Deceased, Anniversaries Symbol for Year of Mercy Parish Secretary Lenten Program Adoration Ash Wednesday Children's Liturgy menConnect Mass Times Play Group BAPTISMS Mater Dei 3rd Sunday St Peter Chanel 4th Sunday Baptism preparation details available on our website under Parish Activities

PARISH OF ST. JOHN’S WOOD/THE GAP€¦ · Parish Manager: Richard James [email protected] Parish of St John’s Wood\The Gap SUNDAY 14TH FEBRUARY 2016 St Luke begins

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Page 1: PARISH OF ST. JOHN’S WOOD/THE GAP€¦ · Parish Manager: Richard James manager.thegap@bne.catholic.net.au Parish of St John’s Wood\The Gap SUNDAY 14TH FEBRUARY 2016 St Luke begins


New Parishioners


Please place your name

in the book

at the back of the church.


Website: www.stjohnswoodthegap.net.au Parish Office: PO Box 408, The Gap, Qld 4061

Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 8.30 am—3.00 pm

Contact: Phone: 3300 6099 Fax: 3300 6255

Churches: Mater Dei : 16 Philomene Drive, Ashgrove

St Peter Chanel: 41 Chaprowe Road, The Gap

Parish Priest: Fr. Vu Dinh Tuong [email protected]

Parish Manager: Richard James [email protected]

Parish of St John’s Wood\The Gap


The last temptation of Jesus St Luke begins his gospel with the role of the Holy Spirit and ends his gospel with the role of the Holy Spirit. The temptation in the wilderness begins with the Holy Spirit. “Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit through the wilderness,” Lk 4,1. After forty days in the desert the evil spirit tempted Jesus. It was the first temptation the devil had with Jesus and it was not the last because they promised to return at other times. Three times they tried hard to tempt Jesus and three times they failed. The first time the devil knew that Jesus was hungry and they tempted Him to take

care of the body: “You are God’s Son, change these stones into food to eat.” Jesus answered, the scriptures say: “Man does not live on bread alone.” v.4. The second temptation the devil lured Jesus to commit pride and world glory by say-ing world’s power and glory would be given to Jesus if he worshiped them. Jesus told them, the Scriptures say: “You must worship the Lord your God, and serve Him alone.” v.8. The third time the devil challenged Jesus to show off His magic power by jumping down from the cliff. Jesus drove them away saying: “You must not put the Lord your God to the test.” v.12. St Luke told us that: “Having exhausted all these ways of tempting Him, the devil left Him, to return at the appointed time.” v.13. It looks like ‘the appointed time’ hap-pened at the Crucifixion of Jesus, at the time Jesus went through the spiritual desert, not forty days but probably forty hours counting from the time of his arrest in the gar-den to His last breath on the cross. The Bible didn’t use the word ‘temptation’ at His last hours but the mockery, the ridicule and the jeers happened at the cross bearing the traits of the first temptation: namely showing off power, disobeying God the Fa-ther and gaining world’s glory and power and followers. The temptations appeared from the mouths of the leaders of the people and from the criminal and from His exe-cutioners. At the crucifixion the leaders cheered Jesus and others rebuked Him say-ing: “Let Him save Himself if He is the Son of God, the Chosen One.” Lk 23,35 At the first temptation the devil challenged Jesus to jump down from the temple. Here they challenged Jesus to jump down from the cross. “Let the Christ, the king of Israel, come down from the cross now, for us to see it and believe.” Mk 15, 30-32. One of the criminals who was being crucified at the same time with Jesus asked Him: “Are you not the Christ, save yourself and save us as well.” v.40. Jesus responded nothing to those who ridiculed Him but Jesus promised eternal life for the thief who asked for pardon when he made a plea to Jesus to: “Remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Lk 23,43. “Indeed”, responded Jesus, “I promised you, today you will be with me in paradise” v.43. We pray for the gift of being able to resist against temptations, especially the disguised ones.

Vudinh Tuong

Rosary If you would like to pray

the Rosary in your home

please contact

Bruce Bonney

Phone: 3300 2959




Sick, Deceased,

Anniversaries Symbol for Year of


Parish Secretary

Lenten Program


Ash Wednesday

Children's Liturgy


Mass Times

Play Group


Mater Dei

3rd Sunday

St Peter Chanel

4th Sunday

Baptism preparation

details available on

our website under

Parish Activities

Page 2: PARISH OF ST. JOHN’S WOOD/THE GAP€¦ · Parish Manager: Richard James manager.thegap@bne.catholic.net.au Parish of St John’s Wood\The Gap SUNDAY 14TH FEBRUARY 2016 St Luke begins

Next Week’s Readings:

Second Sunday of Lent

Year C/Week 2

First Reading

Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18

Second Reading

Philippians 3:17


Luke 9:28-36

First Reading: Deuteronomy 26: 4-10

The Confession of faith of the elect.

Responsorial Psalm: 90:1-2, 10-15

Be with me, Lord, when I am in trouble.

Second Reading: Romans 10:8-13

The confession of faith of the believers in Christ.

Gospel Acclamation: Matthew 4:4

Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, King of endless glory! No one lives on bread alone, but on

every word that comes from the mouth of God. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of

endless glory!

Gospel Reading: Luke : 4:1-13

Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus was led by the sprit through the wilderness where he was

tempted. ————————————————————————————————————————————

Prayers for the Sick Catherine Blythe

Cara Drummond

(15 mths)

Marie Cooper

Recently Deceased

Irene Eaton


Bill Eneberg

Pauline Vizzard

Ricardo Tarrayo

Please let us know about

the sick

Every so often we learn of

people confined to their

home for quite a while or

even transfer to permanent

care in a hospice or

nursing home.

We would like to bring

the sacraments to them so

please let the Parish Office know if family

members are so confined.

Please contact Vi Hall

on: Phone No: 3006099


Mob: 040989 4904

BEQUEST OR WILLS All parishioners are

asked to consider

including our parish

St John’s Wood/The

Gap in your will. One of the greatest

contributions you can

make to our parish is to

ensure a legacy of faith

for the young and to

provide proper care for

the old.

Symbol for Year of Mercy

Over the next few weeks we are constructing a temporary bamboo en-

trance outside St Peter Chanel Church. This will be a reminder of the Year

of Mercy. Every time you walk through that door we hope to thank God

for God's mercy and learn from God to show mercy for others. The door

will remain until the end of the Year of Mercy.

Pot Luck Dinner Please join us for our Pot

Luck Dinner this Sunday

28th February after 5.00pm

Mass at SPC. Please bring a

meal to share, tea , coffee

and cordial will be provided.

Help wanted

The After School Religious Edu-

cation group at Mater Dei needs

additional leaders for their Tues-

day Sessions (3.15 to 4.15pm) If

you would like to know more

phone Mary 33665103.

The Parish of St Johns Wood The Gap is starting up an exciting new

initiative ‘Family Groups’ which will involve interested families or indi-

viduals meeting up for an activity once a month or so to connect with

others in the Community. The aim is to develop a closer Christian

Community. Our first activity will be a picnic at Enoggera Reservoir.

When: Sunday 21st February, 9:15am (after 8am Mass) BYO morning tea. There will be a few kayaks available to have a paddle or if you may

like a swim, so bring your togs. There is also a bike/walking track if you’re keen to

bring your bike. Otherwise just come along to say hello.

Contact Joe if you are interested so we have an idea of numbers.

Joe Sutton M: 0403 240 664 E: [email protected]

Interested in meeting other families?

World Day of Prayer– Cuba

Please join us on Friday 4th

March 2016 at 10am- St

Mark’s AnglicaChurch, Wa-

terworks Road, The Gap

Welcome back to Fr Josekutty Vadakkel cm

who will be doing supply for the parish.

Page 3: PARISH OF ST. JOHN’S WOOD/THE GAP€¦ · Parish Manager: Richard James manager.thegap@bne.catholic.net.au Parish of St John’s Wood\The Gap SUNDAY 14TH FEBRUARY 2016 St Luke begins


God does not ask

you to be successful:

God does ask you to

be faithful. Put your

vocation ahead of

your career. ‘[email protected]. au

www.catholicpriesthood. com

Year of Mercy

Exposition of the

Blessed Sacrament

Mater Dei Church

Monday 7pm-10pm

Friday 9.30am-10pm

If you are able to spend

an hour per week or

fortnight please call in.


St Peter Chanel School commenced the school year by warmly wel-

coming 85 new students to our community, with 71 if these in our

Prep classes. In total we have 454 students (305 families) enrolled

across 18 classes, with 49 members of staff to support their learning

journey. To prepare for the student’s return, our P&F Association

organised a working bee which saw an amazing number of families

generously work to transform our school grounds following the sum-

mer vacation. The high percentage of parents and carers who attend-

ed this week’s Parent Information Evening is further testament to our collective desire

to work in partnership to advance quality Catholic education in The Gap community. A

tangible sense of expectation, hope and excitement that can be felt across our school

at present. At our first formal Assembly for the year, our students were called to bring

a positive attitude and a heart of gratitude to each day, to focus on their learning and

so strive to give their very best with a loving heart. Opening of doors and going out to

make a difference will be a key theme for our school this year, following the Opening of

the Year of Mercy door at the Vatican. As the year progresses, we will continue to

explore how in our individual and communal lives we can respond to this call.

menCONNECT—First Gath-

ering for 2016. The focus will be “How can

men pray effectively” Our first gathering is on Satur-

day 20th Feb from 7.00 am to

1.00 pm Cost: $20 (includes Break-

fast & Morning Tea) Location: Brookfield Centre

for Christian Spirituality, 139

Brookfield Road, Kenmore

Hills (Refidex Map 177:I 5)

15 min from SPC or MD

RSVP: by 14 February

Phone: 0459 992 228


The RCIA Program is run

every Monday at 7 pm in

the Parish Office. If anyone is interested

please contact the Parish

Office on: 33006099.

St John's Wood / The Gap Parish

invites applications for the part time position of

Parish Secretary (24 hours per week Tuesday to Friday 8.30am to 3pm)

The successful applicant will have:

Demonstrated ability in providing friendly reception services and administrative support,

Well-developed written and oral communication skills and interpersonal skills for provid-

ing excellent services to all parishioners.

web admin experience (desirable)

Demonstrated capacity to work both independently and with others.

A willingness to work within the Mission and Vision of the Catholic Church in the Arch-

diocese of Brisbane.

Specific responsibilities include:

The day-to-day running of the parish office including reception, general office responsibili-

ties, banking, database entry, document preparation, photocopying and filing.

To apply for this position, please email your current resume and a covering letter outlining your suitabil-

ity for the position to [email protected]

For more information contact Cindy Hayer on 3367 6332 or [email protected]

Applications close on 16th February 2016.

Station of the Cross For many years a number of

Parishioners gather at Mater Dei

on Friday nights at 7.30pm dur-

ing Lent to pray the Stations of

the Cross. This tradition of the

Stations of the Cross has been

going on for centuries. Attend-

ing the Stations marks for us a

way of understanding our strug-

gles in the light of Christ.

Please come and join those in

our Parish who see this way of

prayer as a

source of joy,

and follow

Christ’s Passion,

as he walks with

us in our own


Vacancy- School Crossing Supervisors 2 Casual positions exists for School Crossing Super-

visors at Mater Dei Primary School, Ashgrove West. The School Crossing Supervisor may be required to

work five days per week in all weather conditions. The

hours of work for the School Crossing Supervisor

are up to 1 hour and 30 minutes a day and compris-

es up to 1 hour in the morning and 30 minutes in the


The current rate of pay is $28.18 per hour. Commencement of work for the successful applicant

is dependent on:

The favourable outcome of a health assessment

carried A Positive Notice Blue Card (This means you do

not need to have a blue card to apply for the posi-

tion) Closing date for applications: Wednesday 24

February 2016

If you are interested please contact:

The Principal, Mater Dei Primary e [email protected]

p 3514 4100

Page 4: PARISH OF ST. JOHN’S WOOD/THE GAP€¦ · Parish Manager: Richard James manager.thegap@bne.catholic.net.au Parish of St John’s Wood\The Gap SUNDAY 14TH FEBRUARY 2016 St Luke begins

PARISH SCHOOLS Mater Dei Primary School Phone: 3514 4100 St Peter Chanel

Primary School

Phone: 3300 1202


Mater Dei

Saturday 5.00-5.20

St. Peter Chanel

Sunday 4.30-4.45


Steven Foley

(Chairperson) [email protected]


The Editor retains the

right to edit any items

that are submitted to the

bulletin. The cut off for the Parish Bulletin is Wednesday

3pm. If you have any queries

please contact the Parish

Office on: 33006099

Pender & Whitehouse Solicitors Since 1917

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Conveyancing—Fixed Fee Wills, EPOA’s, Estates

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Prayers for the sick:

When there is a request

to pray for a sick person

their names will be in

the Prayers of the

Faithful for 2 weeks and

in the Bulletin for 4

weeks. If you wish to

continue after that,

please contact the parish


Names of recently

deceased will be on the

prayer list for 2 weeks

and in the bulletin for 2


Renovations, Decks, Fit Outs Build In Under



Tuesday 9.00 am

Wednesday 9 am

Thursday 9 am

Friday 9 am Stations of the Cross

Every Friday 7.30pm

Saturday 5.30pm




5 pm Second Sunday of Lent

E-book for your

computer free of


Son of God: The Daily Gospel

Year C-2 www.catholic-


Everyoung Club: coming up again.

First meeting of the year is on Thursday

25 February 2016. All are welcome for

catch up and Bingo!!!

Happy Birthday to

Michelle Arnold,

celebrating 52
