PARISH OF PAIGNTON MAGAZINE · Paignton TQ3 3AQ 551866 Email: [email protected] Assistant Curate: Revd Gary Deighton 133 Torquay Road Paignton TQ3 2AG 540086 Email: [email protected]

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Page 1: PARISH OF PAIGNTON MAGAZINE · Paignton TQ3 3AQ 551866 Email: roger.carlton@btinternet.com Assistant Curate: Revd Gary Deighton 133 Torquay Road Paignton TQ3 2AG 540086 Email: gary.deighton@hotmail.co.uk



St John the Baptist with

St Andrew & St Boniface

£1 December/January 2015

Find us on Facebook at Parish of Paignton


Page 2: PARISH OF PAIGNTON MAGAZINE · Paignton TQ3 3AQ 551866 Email: roger.carlton@btinternet.com Assistant Curate: Revd Gary Deighton 133 Torquay Road Paignton TQ3 2AG 540086 Email: gary.deighton@hotmail.co.uk


Sunday Services: Holy Communion 8.00am

Family Communion 9.30am

followed by coffee in the Church

The Alternative Service 11.00am

Route 11: Kidz Klub in Church 11.00am

1st Sunday Evening Prayer BCP (said) 6.30pm

2nd Sunday Choral Evensong 6.30pm

3rd Sunday Evening Prayer BCP (said) 6.30pm

Weekday Services: Morning Prayer 8.30am

Evening Prayer 5.00pm

Holy Communion is celebrated as follows:

Monday .. .. .. 9.30am

Tuesday .. .. .. 8.00am

Wednesday .. .. .. 10.00am

Thursday .. .. .. 5.30pm

Friday .. .. .. 10.00am

Saturday .. .. .. 9.00am

A priest is usually available in church after Evensong for consultation on any matter,

or to give spiritual advice.


Sunday Services: Sung Mass 11.00am

1st & 3rd Sunday of the month: Breakfast Service 9.30am

4th Sunday: Evensong & Benediction 6.30pm

Weekday Service Wednesday: Mass followed by lunch 11.00am


2nd Sunday of the month: Messy Church 10.00am

4th Sunday

of the month: 4:taste 4.00pm

Weekday Service

Tuesday: Holy Communion 9.30am

Sundays Services may change please see calendar in magazine for details.

Page 3: PARISH OF PAIGNTON MAGAZINE · Paignton TQ3 3AQ 551866 Email: roger.carlton@btinternet.com Assistant Curate: Revd Gary Deighton 133 Torquay Road Paignton TQ3 2AG 540086 Email: gary.deighton@hotmail.co.uk


Mr John Kelly – Practice Night Tuesday 7.30pm 556208

Charity Shop:

Mrs Christine Batten 844866

Mrs Elaine Hooper 400553

Gift Aid Secretary:

Mrs Ann Howard 556377

Electoral Roll

Mr Ron Bergman 528472

Friends of Paignton Parish Church: Secretary: Mrs Pat Kerswell 550796

Hall Bookings

Parish Hall: Mrs Christine Farr 842282

St Boniface: Mrs Ann Howard 556377 St Andrew’s Community Centre: Ann Howard 556377

Hon Treasurer

Mr James Devonport 526034

Magazine Editor: Mr Hugh Southon 556325

Mothers’ Union

Mrs Jennie Litt 846058

Mrs Moira Devonport 526034


Parish Ladies’ Group

Mrs Audrey Smith 559521

Miss Valerie Stephens 550582

Prayer Group Mrs Paula Christian 525373

Secretary to the Parochial Church Council

Mrs Ros Willis-Fear 394119

Sunday School Mrs Moira Devonport 526034

Page 4: PARISH OF PAIGNTON MAGAZINE · Paignton TQ3 3AQ 551866 Email: roger.carlton@btinternet.com Assistant Curate: Revd Gary Deighton 133 Torquay Road Paignton TQ3 2AG 540086 Email: gary.deighton@hotmail.co.uk





Vicar: Prebendary Roger Carlton

The Vicarage

Palace Place

Paignton TQ3 3AQ 551866

Email: [email protected]

Assistant Curate: Revd Gary Deighton

133 Torquay Road


TQ3 2AG 540086

Email: [email protected]

Church Army Minister: Capt Jeff Hill

St Boniface House

Belfield Road


TQ3 3UZ 361781 Email: [email protected]

Readers: Mrs Joyce Cappello 666300

Mr Ron Edinborough 400233

Mrs Sadie Yates 559900

Churchwardens: Mrs Moira Devonport 526034

Mrs Jennie Litt 846058

Deputy Wardens: Mrs Karen Morris 556242

Mrs Marion Nicholls 557978

Mr Bob Scarrott 552407

Mrs Jill Davies (St Andrews) 07816171550

Mrs Sue Biles (St Andrews) 525050

Page 5: PARISH OF PAIGNTON MAGAZINE · Paignton TQ3 3AQ 551866 Email: roger.carlton@btinternet.com Assistant Curate: Revd Gary Deighton 133 Torquay Road Paignton TQ3 2AG 540086 Email: gary.deighton@hotmail.co.uk

Dear Friends,

I wonder what Moses made of Christmas?

Yes Moses! Cradled in the bulrushes, - the man whom God called to lead his people

out of slavery, to whom God appeared in the burning bush that was not consumed

and told him to “Come no closer”, the God who promised Moses that he would

bring his people to a land of milk and honey, and the God who in answer to Moses’

question of who he was says “I AM who I AM – “tell the people I AM has sent you.”

An ordinary girl called Mary who is able to say yes to God, suckles at her breast of

milk the one whose presence is a burning light that will last forever. He is the one

who is I AM, he will bring the light of salvation to a darkened world, and he will seek

out the lost, set the slaves free, and whom all generations will called blessed.

I AM - cradled in a manger- now invites us to Come Closer – to gaze for a moment

with Moses in awe and wonder at the I AM who comes to be with us. Here in this

simple manger comes God bringing salvation to his people and the hope and

promise of a land not simply of milk and honey but of eternity itself.

Of course coming close will be challenging but also life giving, so come close we


May you find your joy and peace and hope this Christmas at the manger.

Yours friend and priest,

Baby Jesus...on the run and sleeping rough!

He was on the run whilst he was in his mother's womb! He was born in a stinking

stable next no doubt to a rowdy pub.

Page 6: PARISH OF PAIGNTON MAGAZINE · Paignton TQ3 3AQ 551866 Email: roger.carlton@btinternet.com Assistant Curate: Revd Gary Deighton 133 Torquay Road Paignton TQ3 2AG 540086 Email: gary.deighton@hotmail.co.uk

He did not sit up with something similar to a goldish bowl on his head posing for

the cameras. There were no fairy lights around the animals feeding trough in which

he laid.

It was all very down and dirty as the expression goes and as I have written many

times in the past, this was because everybody for whom he came could relate to the

Saviour of the world.

That’s how his life began, as a homeless baby, born to parents who were sleeping


He had hardly come into the world when Mary and Joseph took him across the

border to escape the murderous intentions of King Herod the Great.

Jesus became a baby on the run, a homeless asylum-seeker in Egypt.

This edition of your magazine focuses heavily on the homeless in our bay. Beyond

the delightful English Riviera tourist image there is much poverty and great need.

Christmas for them is a burden, a time of huge anxiety and we all have a God given

duty to offer all the help we can afford.

We are blessed to have Anode led by Nigel Williams providing a wonderful Christian

witness every day of the 365 as they help the poor and needy of the Bay.

We have the Haven Centre in Victoria Square, and we as a church will be providing

our Christmas meal at St Andrews.

Churches will again be providing shelter for the homeless during January and

February as was the case last year. It's heart-warming to see the work that is being

carried out and the selflessness of many who volunteer regularly to help.

It's through the Christian love we offer that we earn the right to talk into the lives of

those we want to reach for Christ. Every bit of help you can offer this Christmas will

be so gladly received by those who need it most.

Merry Christmas to you all.


Page 7: PARISH OF PAIGNTON MAGAZINE · Paignton TQ3 3AQ 551866 Email: roger.carlton@btinternet.com Assistant Curate: Revd Gary Deighton 133 Torquay Road Paignton TQ3 2AG 540086 Email: gary.deighton@hotmail.co.uk

A birthday gift for Jesus – OURSELVES

When Jesus and his friends were caught in

a storm on the Sea of Galilee, Jesus ordered

the winds and the rough sea to calm down,

and they were calmed.

His disciples, his friends, who were in the

boat and saw it, asked themselves, "what

sort of man is this?" (see Matthew ch 8 v 27).

I suggest that as we celebrate Christmas we

ask the same question.

What kind of man is it whose birthday we are celebrating?

When you look at artists' drawings, stained glass windows or old Sunday School

stamps you would think Jesus was English! - whereas in fact he was Jewish and

therefore from the Middle East. (I once saw some pictures of Jesus made by

Christians of non-European nations. Each artist showed him with skin the same

colour as their own - ranging from brown to black.)

An odd thing about our Creed is that it jumps from "born of the Virgin Mary" to "He

was crucified"... because these are such important events in his life.

At any rate, it gives a Christian meaning to our use of holly, because the prickly holly

reminds us of the nails of the cross, and the red berries remind us of Christ's blood

shed for us.

Whenever we celebrate a friend or relative's birthday we picture him or her as they

are now, so let's remind ourselves of the facts of Jesus's life.

When the dictator Herod heard from the wise men that Jesus was born to be a king,

he decided to kill off all babies and small children in Bethlehem, so no future rival

to him could live. A horrible infanticide, but Mary and Joseph escaped this by fleeing

to Egypt. So Jesus began his life as a refugee.

After Herod died the family returned and settled in Nazareth where Jesus' earthly

father, Joseph, was a builder and carpenter.

Page 8: PARISH OF PAIGNTON MAGAZINE · Paignton TQ3 3AQ 551866 Email: roger.carlton@btinternet.com Assistant Curate: Revd Gary Deighton 133 Torquay Road Paignton TQ3 2AG 540086 Email: gary.deighton@hotmail.co.uk

When Jesus was 12 years of age the family went to Jerusalem for a festival at the

temple. When they set off back home, Jesus was missing (typical teenager!) - and

Joseph and Mary found him in the temple, in deep discussion with the men who

were the equivalent of university professors in Old Testament theology.

Jesus was discussing with them the meaning of Old Testament prophecies (of course

the New Testament had not been written then).

It is important that the first thirty or so years of Jesus's life were spent in manual

working, so he had hard hands working as a carpenter, and understood the ordinary

life of everyday people.

This is encouraging for the large number who are now being ordained into the

ministry after many years of working in ordinary jobs. They can say, "I am following

the example of Jesus".

So the baby we celebrate at Christmas is the baby who grew into the man. Our Lord

Christ came for all types of people, and of course and especially for those who do

not know about him.

It's normal when it is anybody's birthday to wrap up a present and send it to them.

What kind of present can we actually give Jesus on his birthday?

I think what he would like most of all is a present wrapped up in cloth!

Have you guessed what this is?

We can give him OURSELVES, saying "Here I am Lord, please use me in any way you


Let me end with a verse from the carol "Christians awake ": like Mary, the Lord's

mother, let us –

"ponder in our mind

God's wondrous love in saving lost mankind;

Trace we the Babe, who hath retrieved our loss,

From his poor manger to his bitter cross;

Then may we hope, angelic throngs among,

To sing, redeemed, a glad triumphant song!"

Philip Bell

Page 9: PARISH OF PAIGNTON MAGAZINE · Paignton TQ3 3AQ 551866 Email: roger.carlton@btinternet.com Assistant Curate: Revd Gary Deighton 133 Torquay Road Paignton TQ3 2AG 540086 Email: gary.deighton@hotmail.co.uk

A Prayer for Homeless People

Heavenly Father,

Hear our prayer today for all

women and men, boys and girls

who are homeless this day.

For those sleeping under bridges,

on park benches, in doorways or

bus stations.

For those who can only find shelter

for the night but must wander in

the daytime.

For families broken because they could not afford to pay the rent.

For those who have no relatives or friends who can take them in.

For those who have no place to keep possessions that remind them

who they are.

For those who are afraid and hopeless.

For those who have been betrayed by our social safety net.

For all these people, we pray that you will provide shelter, security and hope.

We pray for those of us with warm houses and comfortable beds

that we not be lulled into complacency and forgetfulness.

Jesus, help us to see your face in the eyes of every homeless person we meet

so that we may be empowered through word and deed,

and through the political means we have,

to bring justice and peace to those who are homeless. Amen.

(A Mennonite prayer)

God of compassion,

your love for humanity was revealed in Jesus,

whose earthly life began in the poverty of a stable

and ended in the pain and isolation of the cross:

we hold before you those who are homeless and cold

especially in this winter weather.

Draw near and comfort them in spirit

and bless those who work to provide them

with shelter, food and friendship.

We ask this in Jesus' name.

Amen (C of E website)

Page 10: PARISH OF PAIGNTON MAGAZINE · Paignton TQ3 3AQ 551866 Email: roger.carlton@btinternet.com Assistant Curate: Revd Gary Deighton 133 Torquay Road Paignton TQ3 2AG 540086 Email: gary.deighton@hotmail.co.uk

The Greatest Gift

I recently attended a service at

Southfield Methodist Church, Paignton,

where an Anglican Priest, Rev. Pauline

Lewis from Berry Pomeroy Church, gave

an interesting sermon, in which she

related this story.

The name of the young man involved

and a few incidental trimmings may

have been changed but the story is true.

And with her consent I pass it on to you.

John was brought up by his parents to attend Sunday school each week and later

to also regularly attend the local Church.

Eventually as he grew older, he left home to go to university, there he did very well

but started doing other things on a Sunday; thinking he could be a Christian without

attending any church.

In due course he obtained a good position in London in the financial market, where

he was very well paid and became a wealthy man.

One evening whilst on the train going home from his business, he was reading a

newspaper that contained an article about the wonderful work being carried out in

Calcutta, by Mother Theresa.

He was so impressed, that he decided to raise funds to help her, and eventually, with

the helpful donations from his many contacts, a very large sum of money was


He then decided that he would take a break, and go to Calcutta to present the

cheque personally to Mother Theresa.

When he arrived he soon found where she was located and there explained why he

had called. He gave the cheque to Mother Theresa and at this, she gestured for him

to follow her.

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Without a word she walked up to the altar and placed the cheque at the foot of The

Cross and went back to John.

He was quite taken aback and asked “Are you not going to say, thank you?”

She then led him into a large hall where there were rows of mattresses on the floor,

the curtains were partially drawn to keep out the heat of the sun. When they reached

the far end he looked around at the people who were laying there.

Mother Theresa then, pointing to one young man, and simply said, “Love him.” John

saw this young man, laying there with wide eyes staring up; his face eaten away by

disease, no eye-brows, nose nor lips.

John could say nothing and did not know what he could do, so he just knelt down,

held him in his arms and started to sing some of the hymns that he remembered

from his Sunday-school days.

John was still holding him when Mother Theresa said “It’s over now, lay him down.”

Then added “He has died contented, for you are the first to have held and loved him

since he was a child, thank you for that gift of love.”

This story brought home to me so clearly, that it matters not about the size of the

gift or the monetary value, it is the warmth of the love with which it is given that is


John had gone Calcutta having understood the financial implications of Mother

Theresa’s mission.

He returned, understanding and feeling the plight of those she was helping, which

she had passed on to him.

May we also learn something and keep this story in mind, not just now as Christmas

approaches, but whenever we see a need for help.

Ron B

Page 12: PARISH OF PAIGNTON MAGAZINE · Paignton TQ3 3AQ 551866 Email: roger.carlton@btinternet.com Assistant Curate: Revd Gary Deighton 133 Torquay Road Paignton TQ3 2AG 540086 Email: gary.deighton@hotmail.co.uk

Parish Christingle 2015

The word "Christingle" comes from the German Christkindl, and Christingle is

originally a German custom.

At Christmas 1747 in Germany, Bishop Johannes de Watteville in Marienborn

thought about how he could explain the love of the Jesus the Christ child

(Christkindl in German) and what Christmas really means to the children in the


He decided to make a simple symbol to express the message of Christmas in a fresh

and lively way. He gave each child a lighted candle wrapped in a red ribbon, with a

prayer that said "Lord Jesus, kindle a flame in these dear children's hearts”.

In 1968, John Pensom of The Children's Society adapted Christingle and introduced

it to the Church of England. Christingle celebrations have been taking place all over

the country for the past 47 years.

In that time, Christingle has grown to become an incredibly popular event,

embraced by people from all areas of society. The Christingles we have comprise of:

* An orange, which represents the earth

* A red ribbon around it representing the blood of Christ

* Dried fruits skewered on cocktail sticks pushed into the orange, representing the

fruits of the earth and the four seasons

* A candle pushed into the centre of the orange, representing Jesus Christ as the

light of the world

Altogether a new visual representation of Christ, the light of the world, celebrated

by the lighting of the Christingle candles

Most Christingle celebrations include songs, prayers and performances, as well as a

collection to help support the work of The Children’s Society, so that it can keep

working with some of the country’s most disadvantaged children.

Page 13: PARISH OF PAIGNTON MAGAZINE · Paignton TQ3 3AQ 551866 Email: roger.carlton@btinternet.com Assistant Curate: Revd Gary Deighton 133 Torquay Road Paignton TQ3 2AG 540086 Email: gary.deighton@hotmail.co.uk

The highlight of most Christingle celebrations usually involves the lighting of the

Christingle candles under dimmed lights - a moment filled with awe and wonder for


Although each church and school celebrates Christingle in its own way, the spirit of

Christingle remains the same: coming together as a community to celebrate, whilst

helping children who are in desperate need of support.

By taking part in Christingle this year, you too can enjoy the warmth and vibrancy

of this wonderful celebration and play a key part in transforming the lives of

thousands of children.

We are holding the Parish Church Christingle Service on Sunday 6th December

at 4pm and on Sunday 20th December at St Boniface, 4pm.

This service is an open service for all

ages so please invite family and

friends to this celebration. And, of

course, Christingles need to be made

in advance and help with the

preparation is appreciated. Please get

in touch with me on 01803 526034 if

you can assist with the making of


Moira Devonport

A Christmas prayer

"May the forgiving spirit of Him to whom we dedicate this season prevail

again on earth. May hunger disappear and terrorists cease their senseless acts.

May people live in freedom, worshiping as they see fit, loving others.

May the sanctity of the home be ever preserved. May peace, everlasting peace,

reign supreme."

St Boniface News

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'Bread of friendship' taken to residents

This term has seen the tentative beginnings of a visitation programme on Foxhole.

The home group which meets with Geoff and Jeff for Bible study in the area have

made bread on three separate occasions which has been taken out as a gift to bless

neighbours and friends in Foxhole.

After three attempts, we have hit upon the right quantity and quality of bread

although, because it does not contain preservatives has to be delivered and

consumed within 48 hours otherwise it is for the ducks.

The bread is made on Tuesday evenings (next being 8 December) at St Boniface

Church hall and “the two Geoff’s (or Jeff’s) then enjoy visiting folk in their homes.

Some visits are to people known to the church or people that come to the

community lunch but we have also asked for ‘nominations’.

So a person who we know tells us an address of someone they would like to bless

or ‘nominate’ and we deliver the bread. Although we have only had two visiting

sessions, it has been great to be met with friendly and grateful responses and

already new people have made their way to the lunch and relationships between

neighbours has grown even deeper.

Bread is being used to bring people together and to bring Christian people closer

to their community

In our last visiting session, the two Geoff’s (or Jeff’s) knocked at a door expecting to

meet someone who attends the lunch but in fact it was somebody quite different.

However the offer of bread led to an invitation to go in and pray for this person who

was feeling troubled.

Most people were out that morning, but God had led us to minister and the bread

was the gift given which said: ‘the church is interested in you and has come to meet

you where you are’.

As the person was agoraphobic it was probably the only mechanism by which we

could’ve communicated that. I forget who said it, but ‘Evangelism is no more than

one beggar showing another beggar where to find bread’.

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That is what we humbly seek to do.

How can you be part of this idea? You can simply come and make some rolls on one

of our Tuesday bread making sessions, during which we also enjoy evening prayer

from the IONA community and refreshments.

Or you can join the two Jeff’s (Geoff’s) in the visiting which is very life giving. Or you

can think of any friends or family in the Foxhole area who you would like to receive

the Bread of Friendship. Who knows, perhaps they may also receive the Bread of


Capt Jeff

Important dates in St Boniface calendar

Hot Pot Community Lunch

12.15 pm on Dec 8,

Dec 22 (special free Christmas lunch).

Stay and Play Toddler Group Thursday morning 9.30 am -11.30.

Children dress up nativity Dec 10 Christmas party Dec 17

Weekly Eucharist with coffee morning

Tuesday’s 9.30am

Messy Church 2nd Sunday 10 am-12 noon Dec 13

4:taste Cafe Church 4th Sunday 4 pm-5.15 pm

Dec 20 with Christingles

Christmas Sing-a-Long-event

Thursday 17 Dec 7.00 pm. Get in tune for Christmas by singing along to popular

Christmas songs and traditional carols and enjoying Christmas refreshments.

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St Andrew's raises £105 for Children in Need

Children in Need benefitted to the

tune of £105 after the fundraiser at St


Pictured left to right having fun are:

Joyce Cappello, Jeff Hill, Sue Biles and

Becky Poat.

Parish Ladies Group

At our October meeting Colin Vosper, through photographs and an accompanying

talk, gave us a tour of the route from Shaldon to Labrador Bay.

Even though this is so near to home most of us were still amazed about our lack of

knowledge of such an interesting and historical area.

As you know our charity this year is Purple Angels which aids those who suffer from


So please come at 2.30pm on December 7th when we aim to raise money for this


Tickets are £4 to include tea, mince pies, and a talk by Julia Turner who was a store

detective. You will be amazed! This is an event for the whole parish, male and

female, relatives and friends.

On December 21st our Snack and Chat Lunch will be 12.30pm at the Redcliffe Hotel.

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As this magazine covers both December and January, I include our programme for


On January 18th our Snack and Chat Lunch will be at the Palace Hotel at 12.30pm.

On January 25th we shall enjoy a talk by the National Coastwatch Institution. This

will be at 7.30pm in the Hall.

We do need supplies for our gift stall at the Christmas Fayre on December 12th.

Please bring your generous offers to church on Friday mornings at the 10am service

or on Sunday mornings when we are there to collect them.

Please check your Sunday bulletins for any further information. Thank you.

Audrey Smith

Nativity scene on Christmas stamps

This year's Christmas stamps will feature scenes from the nativity story, Royal Mail

has announced.

The stamps feature scenes from the Biblical story of the nativity from the

Annunciation and the birth of Christ.

London-born artist David Holmes illustrated the stamps and Andrew Hammond, of

the Royal Mail, said: "Christmas is a stamp issue we particularly look forward to. The

charming style of these designs sets the perfect tone for the festive season."

Recommended posting dates this year are December 19 for second-class mail,

December 21 for first-class and December 23 for special delivery.

There will be no deliveries from Christmas Day until December 29, as Monday

December 28 is a bank holiday.

Meanwhile MPs have called for a special Christmas stamp costing 25p to be

introduced to encourage people to send cards.

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One of the "great traditions of the festive season" is under threat as rising postage

prices cause people to consider using e-cards and social media, the cross-party

group of MPs say.

They want the cheaper rate to be offered from December 1st and to guarantee

delivery before Christmas Day.

Christmas card sales hit 900 million in the UK each year although they have dropped

from 1.02 billion in 2005, the MPs warn.

Politically correct...No! Biblically correct YES

It's easy to become over stressed and burdened in a world – it often seems – gone


We all find ourselves increasingly staggered by situations and a social ethic which

runs totally at odds to everything we were brought up to believe and accept.

It's incredibly difficult to get a handle on how we are expected to react and fall into

a trap of what is considered un-politically correct behaviour.

It's so incredibly easy to become angry at what we know instinctively is wrong yet

has somehow become acceptable.

At such times let's take the Biblical advice of taking these thoughts captive by

reminding ourselves of some key scriptures.

Philippians 4:6-7

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with

thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which

surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

John 14:27

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives.

Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

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John 16:33

"These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world

you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

Matthew 11:28-30

"Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my

yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will

find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Did you sleep well last night?

First a big thank you to you, our

congregations, for your generous

response to last month’s article

about the growing needs of the

Haven. As a result Wendy the

Haven treasurer has been busy

with your donations (nearly £300),

and standing order forms which

will bring in about £500 in a year.

This is a great encouragement to

the whole team.

More is still needed, and various

people have told me they still have

the Standing Order form but have

not got round to filling it in!

This is your reminder! If I am not around, put it in the K pigeon hole, or give it to

Gary or Elaine Hooper.

You can also help in other ways - we are on the lookout for a new trustee, as well as

volunteers to do one day a week in the centre. Above all, we are looking for your

prayers, through which God does mighty things.

(If you lost your Standing Order form, there is one printed at the end of article)

Page 20: PARISH OF PAIGNTON MAGAZINE · Paignton TQ3 3AQ 551866 Email: roger.carlton@btinternet.com Assistant Curate: Revd Gary Deighton 133 Torquay Road Paignton TQ3 2AG 540086 Email: gary.deighton@hotmail.co.uk

People have also been asking me about

the Night shelter which Paignton

churches ran last winter for a month.

This winter it will run for two months,

one in Paignton, and a second in

Torquay churches.

Our parish is offering St. Andrew’s one

night a week as part of this, and possibly

the parish hall.

I was talking to a volunteer with the Julian Trust in Bristol this weekend. He said that

the Council reckoned the city had about nine rough sleepers, but they knew of at

least a thousand.

Our numbers are smaller – we reckon that 30-40 people sleep rough in Torbay each

night – some in doorways, some in multi-storey carparks, or on benches in the town.

One street pastor bumped into six on one night recently. Some were asking advice

on the safest place to be, as some of our less worthy citizens think such people need

a good kicking!

The Haven does not just see those who sleep rough. There are others who, while

not out in the open, are living in marginal accommodation, sofa-surfing in the

lounges of friends, in temporary bed and breakfast or in the most basic hostel and

bedsit accommodation.

Some are there as a result of drug or alcohol issues, others through stress,

depression, relationship breakdown, unemployment, or repossession of their home.

Gill and I had nearly six months of this kind of homelessness when we left Romania.

Although we were in the comparative luxury of a student hostel, sharing kitchen and

bathroom with up to eight strangers was not easy. It gave us a glimpse of what it

might feel like to be homeless.

Pray especially for families with children living in bedsits – all in one room. I am

reliably informed that a leading firm of landlords is seeking to convert properties to

create more bedsits for families. They are expecting more poor families to need

such accommodation and are investing in meeting this need. We need to pray for

such people.

Page 21: PARISH OF PAIGNTON MAGAZINE · Paignton TQ3 3AQ 551866 Email: roger.carlton@btinternet.com Assistant Curate: Revd Gary Deighton 133 Torquay Road Paignton TQ3 2AG 540086 Email: gary.deighton@hotmail.co.uk

We should also pray about the kind of economic policies which produce such


In his famous judgment parable of the sheep and the goats, Jesus says to those he

commends, “I was a stranger and you took me in.” You can be one of those by

helping with our church projects here, which do that for others.

Did you sleep well last night? If so, before you sleep tonight say a prayer for those

who will not sleep so well, and for those who offer support to them.

Geoff Kimber

I / we wish to make a regular gift by Standing Order to The Haven – Torbay


Title Surname


Post code:

Phone (optional)

Email (optional)

Standing Order Authority

To (name of Bank)

Address of Bank)

Post code

Sort code

Account name

Account number

Amount £ monthly/ quarterly


The Haven, 1 Parkside Road, Paignton, TQ4 6AE. 01803 558 727

[email protected] http://www.haven-torbay.org.uk

Company 07832748 Charity 1145052

Page 22: PARISH OF PAIGNTON MAGAZINE · Paignton TQ3 3AQ 551866 Email: roger.carlton@btinternet.com Assistant Curate: Revd Gary Deighton 133 Torquay Road Paignton TQ3 2AG 540086 Email: gary.deighton@hotmail.co.uk

The Dismissal

In my lifetime so many words have slipped out of common usage – new ones have

appeared, and others have changed their meaning beyond all recognition.

Today the word DISMISSAL, especially in the workplace, can press the button of

emotional upset. My Oxford Dictionary Thesaurus and Word Power Guide explain

that dismissal (derived from dismiss) is to discharge, lay off, make redundant or

give someone the sack; to send away, or to disband. Very negative sounding to


However, all is not lost! In the words of our present Bishop of Exeter, Robert

Atwell, in his book “The Good Worship Guide,” he describes a much more positive

approach. The Dismissal is the conclusion of the Service of Holy Communion

making the sign of the cross over the people.

The “sending out” of the people of God is one of the great acts of the Eucharist,

indeed the word “Mass” comes from the Latin words that concluded the medieval

right “Ite Missa Est” meaning Go, be sent into the world.

The force of this was encapsulated for me in the text printed on the bottom of

Order of Service.

The Worship Is Ended. Now The Service Begins.

Very positive – and quite the opposite of the dictionary definition.

Joyce Cappello

News from the Diocese

CofE film can make 'A Lasting Difference

A new short film produced by the Church of England shows how gifts in wills can

help to transform the lives of churches and communities.

Page 23: PARISH OF PAIGNTON MAGAZINE · Paignton TQ3 3AQ 551866 Email: roger.carlton@btinternet.com Assistant Curate: Revd Gary Deighton 133 Torquay Road Paignton TQ3 2AG 540086 Email: gary.deighton@hotmail.co.uk

‘A Lasting Difference’ features three inspiring case studies from parish churches

where gifts have enabled opportunities for mission from new church halls, to hiring

a youth worker and improving disabled access. It was launched last week as part of

Christian Legacy Week.

Mission Resources Adviser for our diocese Katie Stevenson, who recently ran a

legacy day with 45 people attending, said: “This is an excellent resource because it

highlights the wonderful lasting benefits that a legacy gift can have upon the life of

the Christian church.”

The film can be shown in parishes as a way of encouraging discussion in churches

about gifts in wills.

Night of a Thousand Voices

Christian Aid hosts their annual Christmas celebration featuring music and stories

that inspire hope at Exeter Cathedral. On Friday December 11 at 7.30 pm.

Join in with a thousand voices to sing your favourite carols and enjoy performances

from some of the region's most beautiful choirs. With free admission the event

raises thousands of pounds through donations alone.

The Christmas Appeal will be match funded by the UK government to provide

malaria prevention for new mothers in Nigeria.

Mother’s Union ready for Christmas

The Totnes Deanery meeting at the Parish Church on 9th November was an

opportunity for Branch and Diocesan members to exchange news, discuss the

various events of the past few months and to report on projects for the New Year.

The Deanery Carol Service will take place on Friday, 11th December, at Harberton

Parish Church at 2.30 p.m. This will be followed by a Bring and Share Tea at a nearby

venue and will be a joyful and enjoyable Advent occasion as we prepare for


Page 24: PARISH OF PAIGNTON MAGAZINE · Paignton TQ3 3AQ 551866 Email: roger.carlton@btinternet.com Assistant Curate: Revd Gary Deighton 133 Torquay Road Paignton TQ3 2AG 540086 Email: gary.deighton@hotmail.co.uk

The December Corporate Communion will take place at the Parish Church on

Wednesday, 2nd December at 10 a.m., and looking ahead to 2016, the first Corporate

Communion of the New Year will be held on Wednesday, 6th January. All are

welcome at these services.

Further information can be obtained from our Branch Leader, Jennie Litt and our

Treasurer, Sue O’Brien. Look out for the Families First Magazine at the back of the

church – the next edition will be full of ideas for Christmas.

May we at the Paignton Branch wish everyone a Blessed Advent, Joy at Christmas

and Peace in the New Year.


Branch Secretary

Time Out - The last session of time of 2015 will be on the 14th December.

It will re-start on the 11th January 2016.

On Wednesday 16th December we will be Carol singing

in Paignton, meeting at the Devonport Arms, Elmbank


We are joining with the congregations of the Baptist

Church, Methodist Church and Salvation Army.

The singing will end with Hot Chocolate and Mince

Pies. All welcome. See leaflet for details.

Annual Parish Lunch

Riviera Centre. Torquay

Sunday January 31st

£21 (first price increase for 3 years)

Lunch, Entertainment, Quiz

All Welcome

Page 25: PARISH OF PAIGNTON MAGAZINE · Paignton TQ3 3AQ 551866 Email: roger.carlton@btinternet.com Assistant Curate: Revd Gary Deighton 133 Torquay Road Paignton TQ3 2AG 540086 Email: gary.deighton@hotmail.co.uk

Loving God, Help us remember the birth of Jesus,

that we may share in the song of the angels,

the gladness of the shepherds,

and worship of the wise men.

Close the door of hate

and open the door of love all over the world.

Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting.

Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings,

and teach us to be merry with clear hearts.

May the Christmas morning make us happy to be thy children,

and Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts,

forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus' sake. Amen.

-- Robert Louis Stevenson

Missing jigsaw pieces? – you can help!

Outlook Shop, 22 Palace Avenue, Paignton. Please can anyone help us with checking

jigsaw puzzles – even if only to count the pieces? If so please call in to the shop.

Thank you.

Visit the Parish Facebook page

Love it or hate it Facebook is very much a part of our lives these days and represents

an exciting way for Christians to reach out to those who don't know our Saviour with

the love of Christ.

The Parish now has its own page on the Social Network which can be found at


We update regularly with notices of upcoming events, uplifting scriptures and

images plus stories of faith and matters of general interest. We are called to win the

lost by all means and Facebook presents another opportunity to do just that. In a

hurting world lets being good news and start reaching those whose only contact

with Christ may be through us. Come and join us.


Page 26: PARISH OF PAIGNTON MAGAZINE · Paignton TQ3 3AQ 551866 Email: roger.carlton@btinternet.com Assistant Curate: Revd Gary Deighton 133 Torquay Road Paignton TQ3 2AG 540086 Email: gary.deighton@hotmail.co.uk
Page 27: PARISH OF PAIGNTON MAGAZINE · Paignton TQ3 3AQ 551866 Email: roger.carlton@btinternet.com Assistant Curate: Revd Gary Deighton 133 Torquay Road Paignton TQ3 2AG 540086 Email: gary.deighton@hotmail.co.uk

Parish Registers

In Memorium 16 October 2015 Janet Rousay

29 October 2015 Muriel Norwell

29 October 2015 Ronald Knights

30 October 2015 Velma Friend

5 November 2015 Kathleen Williams

8 November 2015 Thora Coell

Calendar for December

1 Tue 7.00pm Home Study Group: Fernicombe Road

7.30pm Bible Study Group: The Vicarage

2 Wed 10.00am Mothers’ Union Corporate Communion: Parish Church

11.00am Mass followed by lunch: St Andrew

3 Thu 10.30am Coffee, Chat & Creativity: St Andrew’s CC

4 Fri 9.30am Stay & Play: St Andrew’s CC

10.45am Bereavement Coffee Morning: Coverdale Centre

6 Sun 9.30am Breakfast Service: St Andrew

4.00pm Christingle: Parish Church

6.30pm Wholeness & Healing

7 Mon 12.30pm Soup and Advent Meditation: Parish Church

2.30pm Parish Ladies Group Charity Afternoon Tea: Parish Hall

7.30pm Advent Meditation and Compline: Parish Church

8 Tue 12.15pm Hot Pot Lunch: St Boniface

6.30pm Prayer & Bread Making Group: St Boniface

9 Wed 11.00am Mass followed by lunch: St Andrew

3.00pm The Rosary Group: St Andrew

10 Thu 9.30am Stay & Play: St Boniface – Children’s dress up Nativity

10.00am Bible Study Group: The Vicarage

10.30am Coffee, Chat & Creativity: St Andrew’s CC

11 Fri 11.00am FOPPC Christmas Tree Festival: Parish Church

9.30am Stay & Play: St Andrew’s CC

7.30pm FOPPC Christmas Quiz Night: Parish Church

12 Sat 11.00am FOPPC Christmas Fayre: Parish Church

7.30pm FOPPC Christmas Variety Concert: Parish Church

7.00pm Rejoice – A Christmas Chorus: St Andrew

13 Sun 10.00am Messy Church

6.30pm Advent Service: Parish Church

Page 28: PARISH OF PAIGNTON MAGAZINE · Paignton TQ3 3AQ 551866 Email: roger.carlton@btinternet.com Assistant Curate: Revd Gary Deighton 133 Torquay Road Paignton TQ3 2AG 540086 Email: gary.deighton@hotmail.co.uk

14 Mon 9.00am Time Out – last session of 2015

12.30pm Soup and Advent Meditation: Parish Church

7.30pm Advent Meditation and Compline: Parish Church

15 Tue 7.30pm Bible Study Group: The Vicarage

16 Wed 11.00am Mass followed by lunch: St Andrew

17 Thu 9.30am Stay & Play: St Boniface – Christmas Party

7.00pm Christmas-sing-a-long: St Boniface

10.30am Coffee, Chat & Creativity: St Andrew’s CC

18 Fri 9.30am Stay & Play: St Andrew’s CC

20 Sun 9.30am Breakfast Service: St Andrew

4.00pm 4:taste Café Church with Christingles: St Boniface

6.30pm Carols by Candlelight: Parish Church

21 Mon 12.30pm Soup and Advent Meditation: Parish Church

12.30pm Parish Ladies Group Snack & Chat Lunch: Redcliffe Hotel

2.30pm Parish Prayer Group: Parish Church

7.30pm Advent Meditation and Compline: Parish Church

22 Tue 12.15pm Hot Pot Lunch: St Boniface

23 Wed 11.00am Mass followed by lunch: St Andrew

24 Thu 4.00pm Crib Service with Carols: Parish Church

7.30pm Carols by Candlelight

11.30pm The Midnight Mass: Parish Church

25 Fri Christmas Day

8.00am Holy Communion

10.00am Family Communion with Carols

11.00am Sung Mass: St Andrew

12.30pm Christmas Day Lunch: St Andrew’s Community Centre

26 Sat Gary’s Boxing Day Swim: Paignton Beach

27 Sun 6.30pm Evening Prayer (said)

30 Wed 11.00am Mass followed by lunch: St Andrew

31 Thu 9.30am Stay & Play: St Boniface

10.30am Coffee, Chat & Creativity: St Andrew’s CC

***Advance Notice – Wednesday 6th January Epiphany Eucharist, 7.30pm at the

Parish Church followed by a parish party at the Vicarage.

Magazine subscriptions for 2016 are now due. Please use the envelope

attached to enclose the annual payment of £7.00. Thank you.

All contributors please be aware that all articles must be with the Editor, Hugh

Southon by the 12th of each month.