Parish News December 2017 11 Temperance St. / Telephone (905) 623-2460 St. John’s Anglican Church Bowmanville INSIDE... Wardens Announce Interim Priest for St. John’s - See page 4 Special Vestry Meeting Dec. 10 To Appoint Selection Committee - Page 4 Priest Reflects on Elvis Presley’s Gospel Music Heritage - Page 7 A Festival of Nativity Scenes Plus Advent and Christmas Schedule See Notice on Back Page Farewell And May God Bless “I pray St. John’s will soar to greater heights for God’s great glory. We are all leaders because we all have influence. And so remember: The Great Command: to love God with all you’ve got and to love others as yourself (Matthew 22:37) The Great Commission: to go make dis- ciples of all nations (Dream BIG! - Matthew 28:16-19) The Great Promise: God is with us al- ways, no matter what and no matter where. (Matthew 28:20).” With love, and deep thanks, The Reverend Christopher (Kit) Greaves This is an excerpt from Pastor Kit’s farewell column in The Parish News. See page 3 for more reflections on his 13 years as incumbent of St. John’s Anglican Church. FAREWELL RECEPTION - Kit and Dianne Greaves are joined by their son, Nicholas, and daughter, Clarissa, along with Melody, Gibson, and Camden Ball, from the Sunday School, to cut a cake following Nov. 19 services. More photos on page 11.

Parish News e-edition - St. Johns Bowmanville...farewell column in The Parish News. See page 3 for more reflections on his 13 years as incumbent of St. John’s Anglican Church. FAREWELL

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Parish NewsDecember 2017 11 Temperance St. / Telephone (905) 623-2460

St. John’s Anglican ChurchBowmanville

INSIDE...Wardens Announce Interim Priest

for St. John’s - See page 4

Special Vestry Meeting Dec. 10To Appoint Selection Committee - Page 4

Priest Reflects on Elvis Presley’sGospel Music Heritage - Page 7

A Festival of Nativity ScenesPlus Advent and Christmas Schedule

See Notice on Back Page

FarewellAnd MayGod Bless“I pray St. John’s will soar to greater

heights for God’s great glory. We are allleaders because we all have influence. Andso remember:

The Great Command: to love God with allyou’ve got and to love others as yourself(Matthew 22:37)

The Great Commission: to go make dis-ciples of all nations (Dream BIG! - Matthew28:16-19)

The Great Promise: God is with us al-ways, no matter what and no matter where.(Matthew 28:20).”

With love, and deep thanks, The Reverend Christopher

(Kit) Greaves

This is an excerpt from Pastor Kit’sfarewell column in The Parish News. Seepage 3 for more reflections on his 13years as incumbent of St. John’s AnglicanChurch.

FAREWELL RECEPTION - Kit and Dianne Greaves are joined bytheir son, Nicholas, and daughter,Clarissa, along with Melody, Gibson,and Camden Ball, from the SundaySchool, to cut a cake following Nov.19 services. More photos on page 11.

Info PageChurch Office: (905) 623-246011 Temperance St. Bowmanville ON L1C 3A3E-mail: [email protected] site: www.stjohnsbowmanville.com“LIKE” us on Facebook

INCUMBENT: The Reverend Christopher GreavesIncumbent (Interim) - Commencing Dec. 1 - The Reverend Canon Timothy Foley

Retired Clergy: The Reverend Canon Susan Sheen (905) 623-4386 e-mail: [email protected] Reverend Shirley Shouldice (613) 848 - 8684 e-mail; Shirley [email protected]

Incumbent’s Warden: Cathie McCabe (905) 623-1961 e-mail: [email protected] Incumbent’s Warden: William Spotton e-mail William [email protected]’s Warden: David Crowe (905) 623-4332 e-mail: [email protected] Warden: Elspeth Theriault (905) 434-3609 e-mail: [email protected] Warden: Williette Gardner (905) 419-1520 e-mail: [email protected]

PARKING -Available at the Funeral Home lot, corner of Division and Queen St. Please leave spaces closest to thechurch on Temperance St. for newcomers and those who have difficulty walking extended distances or families with babystrollers.

SUNDAY SERVICES 8 a.m. - Holy Communion, a traditional service of Holy Communion from the 1962

Book of Common Prayer is celebrated. All are welcome.10 a.m. - Holy Eucharist from the 1985 Book of Alternative Services is celebrated, with programs for

children and teens. A nursery is available. Coffee Hour follows 10 a.m. service.

Wednesdays: 10:00 a.m. - Holy Communion

Messy Church - 4th Saturday of Each Month at 3:30 p.m.Kids’ and family program includes story-telling, crafts, music, games, and a simple family meal.Dates for 2017 & 2018 - Dec. 2, January 27, February 24, March 24, April 28 and May 26.

Open Circle - Each month at St. John’s - 4:30 p.m., with meal following at 5:30A gathering of seekers captured by the warmth and wonder of God.

FIRST OPEN CIRCLE IN 2018 - Sunday, January 21 at 4:30 pm, with supper to follow.

Page 2, St. John’s Parish News, December 2017

Incumbent’s Pageby The Reverend Christopher Greaves

Advent/Christmas 2017

Page 3, St. John’s Parish News, December 2017

Thanks, thanks and ever thanks: for the trust you have given me as your pastor since2004; for the privilege of being a leader among leaders, who would sometimes crack thewhip to keep us on track! Thank you for loving God, one another and my wife Dianne andour three living children whom you have helped grow into maturing young adults.

As you know at St. John’s is making Jesus known, intentionally through worship, learningand faithful community engagement. As I write my final Incumbent’s Page, here are somerecent ways we have sought to make Jesus known:

WORSHIP: I coordinated the funeral for our former Incumbent the Rev Canon ByronYates (Incumbent of St. John’s, 1981-2003). We said good-bye to several migrant farmworkers after an Open Circle contemporary worship service. At Lakeridge Health Bow-manville, I attended the 60th wedding anniversary of Kelvin and Faye Jones, then, a week later, Faye who had been lived with cancerfor years, died peacefully. I continued my Sunday preaching series on Making Jesus Known, celebrated communion each Wednesdayat 9:30 am, led two Open Circle contemporary worship services, played guitar and taught with our team at Messy Church, led a spir-itual gathering at Bowmanville Creek Retirement Community. I commend Rev Shirley who has led communion services there sinceSeptember.

LEARNING: I met with the Incumbent’s Council, Pastoral Visitors, and the Vision team offering teaching from God’s word andencouragement as leaders. I taught a weekly Confirmation class and met Baptism families. I attended the Trent-Durham Area ClergyConference in Barrie and the Global Leadership Summit in Oshawa, the latter event with four leaders from St John’s. I attended,with our lay member of Synod, Pat Passmore and Canon Susan Sheen, the Area Pre-Synod event in Brooklin. I attended the Durham-Northumberland Clericus in Grafton and Diocesan Council meeting in Toronto. I announced my appointment of William Spotton asa new Deputy Incumbent’s Church Warden (being a warden is a learning experience!), enjoyed Book Club having read The RosieProject (a funny read) by Graeme Simsion and Two by Two by Nicholas Sparks (didn’t finish reading it) and Lawrence Hill’s TheIllegal (winner or Canada Reads 2016).

FAITHFUL COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: I coordinated a tour with a dozen students from Durham Christian High Schoolof Algoma Farms and their Cider plant, biked 10 km with Rev Augusto and volunteer Julia McCrea and Williette Gardner (whowalked 5 km) in the Ride for Refuge raising over $2000.00 for the migrant worker ministry. I said good-bye and prayed with long-time parishioners David and Sheila Rempel who moved to Wellington Ontario, acted in a community theatre show which raisedfunds for the Back Door Street Mission in Oshawa, visited parishioners at home and in hospital, including Mary Fletcher and CynthiaHenry at the new Bowmanville Creek Retirement Community and Bill and Nonie Paterson living in Lindsay. I met with Rev AugustoNunez weekly and the Migrant Worker’s Network, the Bowmanville Ministerial Association. I kept one hour per week availablewith the “Church Open” sign on the Temperance Street sidewalk for walk-in appointments during which a number of people droppedby. I enjoyed the fun and good food of the Ham and Scallop Potato supper with excellent musical entertainment by Emily Rochaand her mother Joanne Averill-Rocha accompanied by Robert Phillips on keyboard. My role in supervision of the migrant farmworker ministry will be on-going into 2018.

NEWS: On Sunday October 15, I announced my accepting the Bishop’s appointment as Priest in Charge of Christ Church AnglicanChurch in Oshawa (Mary and Hillcroft Streets) beginning Sunday December 3, 2017. My last Sunday preaching at St. John’s wasSun Nov 19, with thanks to the Martha’s and the Wardens who made the Farewell Reception a joy to for the 100 + parishioners andGreaves family members who attended. My last Sunday as Incumbent was Sun Nov 26, the day of the first visit by our Trent DurhamArea Bishop Riscylla Shaw to St. John’s as preacher and celebrant at 8 and at the 10 am eucharist and baptism of two infant girls

Continued on Page 10

The Wardens of St. John’s are pleased to advise that the Bishop has appointedthe Reverend Canon Tim Foley to be the “interim” Rector for the next year, oruntil the Parish Selection Process is completed and a new incumbent has beenchosen to lead us at St. John’s.

The Wardens met with Trent-Durham Area Bishop Riscylla Shaw November14th to discuss the future plans relative to the selection of an Incumbent to re-place Christopher.

We are very pleased with the appointment of Canon Foley to lead us duringthe next year. Canon Foley resides in Port Hope and led worship at St. John’sduring the summer of 2016. Bishop Shaw advised that Canon Foley is very ex-cited to be coming to St. John’s and is looking forward his time with us.

Canon Foley begins his duties at St. John’s Dec. 1. You are invited to meetFr. Foley on Advent Sunday, Dec. 3, at the 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. services.

The Wardens will be implementing immediately the Parish Selection Process. Initially, this necessitates thescheduling of a Special Vestry Meeting to elect members to the Parish Selection Committee. Therefore, pleasebe advised that a Special Vestry has been scheduled following the Morning Service on December 10, 2017 toformalize the election of members to the Committee. The Committee will include two Wardens and 3-4 parish-ioners. If you are interested in possibly being involved, please speak to one of the Wardens. More details tofollow. Your prayers would be appreciated as we search for the future leader at St. John’s. -- The Wardens.

Around St. John’s

Page 4, St. John’s Parish News, December 2017

Canon Tim Foley is St. John’s Interim Incumbent


SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2017Immediately Following the 10:AM Service

- PURPOSE OF MEETING - To formally elect members of the Parish Selection Committee,

which will lead in the selection of St. John’s next Incumbent Priest.

If you are interested in being a member of this committee, please speak to one of the Wardens.

The Reverend Canon Tim Foley

Page 5, St. John’s Parish News, December 2017

Teaching Garden Put to Bed for SeasonSubmitted by Pauline Garvey, B.A.Sc.

and Master Gardener

After a successful growing season with perhaps a littletoo much rain, the teaching garden has been put to bedfor the season. The garlic, planted by the Sunday School,have been tucked in andmulched with straw. Moth-erwort plants and sorrelhave been transplanted tothe garden with the hopethey survive the wintermonths. The sock gardenplanted by Messy Churchmembers in the spring pro-duced wild flowers and sun-flowers all summer and thearea is now ready for thenext growing season. Thetoad abode and clay pot irri-gation system along with thewatering cans have beenplaced in the garage for safekeeping. Seeds were col-

lected from the marigolds and zucchini to plant in thespring. The memorial garden which incorporates thegrave of Mr. Edward Pethick, our Napoleonic war vet-eran, has been brushed off and cleared of all leaves.Tulip bulbs have been planted in buckets and stored inthe garage happily awaiting the February Workshop

where youth will replant themin containers. And yes, a fewparsnips were harvested fromthe garden after a few frosts.

If you have a green thumband would like to help in thegarden planting and wateringor offering ideas please contactPauline at [email protected]. Your assistance willbe happily received as we helpchildren and youth learn aboutsustainable ecology knowingGod is at the heart of all ourteaching.

A Christmas PrayerO GOD, who makes us glad with the yearly remembrance of the birth of thy only Son Jesus Christ: Grantthat as we joyfully receive Him as our Redeemer, we may with sure confidence behold Him when He shallcome again to be our Judge; who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, now and ever. Amen.

Christmas Hampers Help Those in NeedPlease join St. John's helping those in need this Christmas by financially contributing to our Hamper Program.See our display in the Parish Hall after the 10 am services, Sundays December 3rd, 10th and 17th and prayerfullyconsider your support. We serve 15 or so local families with fully complemented Christmas Dinner hampers aswell as the 90 to 100 women who've used the services of Bethesda House women's shelter in recent months. Forthese women, we are able to supply an assortment of fresh foods such as fruit, vegetables, eggs and/or bread. Weeven do all the shopping, packing and delivering! Looking forward to meeting YOU at the display in December.

ROOF REPAIRS COMPLETE -- St. John’s is ready for winter with a brand new south-facing roof. The repairswere finished by mid-November. Many thanks to all who contributed to roofing fund-raiser, which has coveredvirtually all of the approximately $10,000 cost.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD -- St. John’s parishioners have filled 33 “shoeboxes” for OperationChristmas Child this year. Thanks again for your generosity and support.

Page 6, St. John’s Parish News, December 2017

Upcoming Events

St. John’s ChurchMaking Jesus Known

11 Temperance St., Bowmanville(905) 623-2460


SNOWFLAKE BAZAAR - Saturday, Nov. 2510 a.m. - 2 p.m. - Including silent auction, white elephant table, baked goodies, gently used books,

attic treasures, small novelties and more. Lunchroom: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.


Join in song, and rest as you enjoy instrumental and vocal music from the Christmas Circle music team

MESSY CHURCH - Saturday, Dec. 2 at 3:30 p.m.Family event featuring kids’ crafts, story-telling, music and games, followed by kid-friendly dinner.

Introducing “The Workshop” Dec. 2 at 3:30 p.m. - Regular Messy Church eventincludes Creative Craft Project for grades 6-8

Meet Our Bishop Sunday, Nov. 26 - The Rt. Rev. Riscylla Shaw, Area Bishop for Trent-Durham, preaches and leads in the baptism and confirmation service.Poinsettia Campaign - Poinsettias ordered at St. John’s may be picked up Sunday, Dec. 10th. Orders may be placed in the Parish Hall after 10 a.m. Sunday services until Nov. 26.Christmas Hampers - Please see our display in the Parish Hall after the 10 am services, SundaysDecember 3rd, 10th and 17th and prayerfully consider your support.

LADIES’ POT LUCK DINNER - Monday, Dec. 11REBECCA’S LADIES Christmas Pot Luck Dinner will take place

December 11, 2017 @ 6:30 in the Parish Hall.

OPEN CIRCLE 2018 - Sunday, Jan. 21 at 4:30 p.m.

Sunday Services8 a.m. Quiet Communion10 a.m. Family Eucharist - With music, message, and activities for childrenand youth. Refreshments following service.

Wednesday Midweek Service - 9:30 a.m.


Page 7, St. John’s Parish News, December 2017

A Day With “The King” for the Kingdom of GodI thoroughly enjoyed the Quiet Saturday at SSJD (Sisterhood of St. John the Divine) although it wasn't particularly quiet.Sister Doreen, SSJD Prioress, and The Reverend Matthew (Matt) Martin, Priest in the Diocese of Huron, Holy TrinityAnglican Lucan, joined together to highlight the influence of Elvis Presley's gospel music to the world.

A Service of Morning Prayer focussed on Ephesians 3:14-19, and the message of the fullness of God's Love dwellingwithin each of us. Matt sang "Stand by Me" and "Love Me Tender" and we reflected on how we truly can be 'Love in theWorld'.

We had a 'song fest' and reflections were shared on Elvis and his life and values. Both Sister Doreen and Reverend Matthad been introduced to the music of Elvis at an early age. Sister Doreen dreamed and longed for a workshop like this tooffer hope, compassion and peace for all, through the tenacious love of God - the Rapture of Radical Love that changeseveryone and everything!

Reverend Martin could easilyhave been tempted to go in an-other direction. While in the Sem-inary, he won the Elvis ConcertYears Non-Professional categoryat the Collingwood Elvis Festival.The following year he did a two-week stint as the lead in the St.Jacob's Schoolhouse Theatre'sproduction of Blue Suede Shoes:Memories of the King. But, thatshort theatre role, though exciting,was enough to convince him thatit was a life he didn't want to lead.He still discerned his 'call' was tothe Priesthood, and he only useshis Elvis gifts when they arecalled upon.

At the noon Eucharist, Rev-erend Martin presided and gavethe Homily; the chosen hymnswere also ones sung by Elvis.Rev. Matt’s Bishop, LindaNicholls, was also present at theService, and he invited her to givethe final Blessing.

We resumed, after lunch, and were invited into the garden with Elvis' song "Come to the Garden". We were encouragedto enjoy the guest garden and water focus, the Labyrinth and the Stations of the Cross.

When we came back together, Matt had put his Elvis 'jumpsuit' back on and invited us to have pictures taken with him,after the session was completed. I'm sure Sister Doreen will be sharing some of these with individuals and in various ven-ues. By the end of the afternoon, many were clapping, singing and dancing to Matt's closing song choices, creating a verycelebratory and joyful atmosphere. - by Judy Pearce

Priest Reflects on Elvis Presley’sGospel Music Heritage During

“Quiet Saturday” at Anglican Convent

The Reverend Matthew (Matt) Martin, a Priest in the Diocese of Huron (HolyTrinity Anglican, in Lucan), is sometimes asked to combine his gifts as an Elvis trib-ute artist with his priestly calling. He’s pictured here at the SSJD Convent.

Page 8, St. John’s Parish News, December 2017

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO PLAY CHIMES -During Advent, volunteers are needed to spend anhour, playing the chimes on the Saturdays leading upto Christmas. (Dec. 3, 10, 17 and 24) Hours are ap-proximately 10:00 am to 3:00 p.m. Easy to play musicsheets of familiar Christmas Carols are in the binderat the keyboard. Please sign up by including yourname and time slot on the sheets provided in theFoyer. Instruction is available. No experience neces-sary. For information, call (905) 623-2460.

INTRODUCING DAYZEE - SusanSheen's 7th poodle puppy in trainingwith the Lions Foundation of Canada, ar-rived at the beginning of September.“Dayzee” was born July 14th. Thanks toall the congregation who help with herpreliminary training in good mannersand socialization! Locket, who was withus over last winter, is expected to gradu-ate in the autism assistance program atthe end of November.

Approximately $1,000Raised at St. John’sBuffet Dinner Nov. 4Ham and scalloped potatoes with all

the trimmings were enjoyed at St. John’sSaturday, November 4.

The work of the Martha’s Group andall volunteers in organizing the eveningand serving the meal is very much appre-ciated.

A program of classical music was pro-vided by Emily Rocha - soprano (First-year voice performance major at theUniversity of Toronto); Joanne Averill-Rocha - flute; and Robert Phillips - key-board (Organist and choir director fromSimcoe Street United Church, Oshawa)

Skating Party in 2018Submitted by Lydia Young, Youth Parish Council Representative

Members of St. John’s will be pleased to know that the Parish Council and Wardens approved my proposalto celebrate Thinking Day, a day set aside to promote Guiding and Scouting in Canada, by hosting a specialchurch service and party. A skating party is being planned by St. John’s, 1st Courtice Pathfinder Ranger Unitand the Clarington Trefoil unit, to introduce our sponsored Syrian family to skating. St. John’s Senior SundaySchool are also hard at work helping to organize a pot luck super following our activities. We currently havetwo high school students who are learning how to make pumpkin soup that they will offer at the supper. Theevent will take place on a Sunday in February in 2018.

We are now seeking equipment for our Syrian family and are putting out a request for men’s skate size 10,women’s skate size 8.5 child size 8.5, and child 4 or 5. We also require skate guards, helmets, mittens andwarm scarfs. Donations can be dropped off at the church at any time. Williette Gardner is hard at work makingsure the family will have everything in place before the event. Details about our event still need to be firmedup so stay posted for my updates in the Sunday bulletins.

Page 9, St. John’s Parish News, December 2017

CHRISTMAS IN MEMORIAMSChristmas time brings memories of loved ones no longer with us. If you would liketo remember a special someone by having a floral In Memoriam plant placed in thechurch over the Christmas season, please contact Mary Tillcock no later than De-cember 18 at 905-623-4326 or email to [email protected].

Messy Church is off and running! We are making Jesus known with stories,song, crafts and dinner. Our theme this year is Fruits of the Spirit from Gala-tians:22-23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness,goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there isno law.” Each Messy Church will focus on specific ‘fruits of the spirit’.

We start at 3:30 pm on Saturdays. Our first Messy Church was October 28. Wehad approximately 25 folks join us.

Your favourite meals are back including ham, tacos, and mac and cheese.

If you can help out, we need help with crafts. Commitment is reading our email trails and 3 hours a month.God Bless, William Spotton, co-ordinator, [email protected].

Upcoming Messy Churches will be held:December 2, January 27, February 24, March 24, April 28 and May 26.

Prepared by: Judy Pearce

For over a year now, Rev. Kit has been meeting with retired Rev. Shirley Shouldice and Lay Pastoral Visitor, JudyPearce, about every six weeks, in order to pray together and share our visiting experiences. We text Kit when weplan to visit someone, so he is aware, and we hand in statistics when our visiting sheet is full.

Rev. Shirley has added to her pastoral visits by scheduling two services a month for the new Bowmanville CreekRetirement Community. She met with staff, when BCRC opened, and agreed to offering a non-denominationalSpiritual Gathering on the first Thursday of September at 10 a.m. This time-slot is available for others and Kit hasinformed the Ministerial Association. The last Wednesday of the month Communion Service at St. John’s is nowheld at BCRC, for their residents and any St. John’s parishioners who would like to join them.

This team approach has worked well, in order to share the workload with the Incumbent and to provide growingopportunities in pastoral care. Whenever one of us is away, either due to medical or vacation time, someone elsehas been able to step in and help out. Another change in ministry occurred when Judy received her licence for LayAnointing at St. John’s. On Sunday October 29, Rev. Kit tried a different approach, where he offered anointingwith a prayer partner and Judy did likewise in another area of the Church. More people came forward than before,and it delighted our Incumbent when some people offered prayer for him.

We will miss Rev. Kit when he moves on to his new Parish and await next steps at St. John’s.

Update from Pastoral Visitor Team

Messy Church Theme is “Fruits of the Spirit”

Page 10, St. John’s Parish News, December 2017

Allison Andruss, daughter of Erica and Paul Andruss and sister to Julia and Eleanor and two young men to be confirmed Nolan Clarkeson of Kim and Shawn Clarke and brother of Dillan and Gregory Jourard, son of Andrew and Charlynne Jourard and grandson of Maryand David Tillcock. My first Sunday at Christ Church Oshawa will be Advent Sunday December 3rd, 2017.

The interim priest for St. John’s beginning Dec 1, will be Canon Tim Foley from Port Hope. Fr. Tim is excited to be the Priest in Chargeat St. John’s, where he has led services for us in the summer, and attended at the 8 am service with his wife Janet. Fr Tim is available toserve as Interim for up to a year. I hope you will support him and support the ongoing ministries of our parish with your tithes, offeringsand most importantly your prayers. Retired and active clergy the Rev Canon Susan Sheen, the Rev Shirley Shouldice and the Rev AugustoNunez, will continue to be available to serve. The Bishop met recently with the Church Wardens to discuss next steps for the selection ofa new Incumbent. St. John’s will be assigned a coach to assist the committee. A very brief Special Vestry meeting will be held immediatelyafter the 10 am service on Sun Dec 10 to elect a Parish Selection committee. Speak to the wardens if you are interested in serving on thecommittee. Please pray for the parish and committee to discern God’s choice as St John’s next Incumbent.

FAREWELL:As this is my last Incumbent’s Page in the Parish News, may I say how great a privilege it has been to serve with you asfellow leaders in the ministry of Jesus in Bowmanville and beyond. It’s amazing to look back on old copies of the Parish News. I amgrateful to all those who make worship happen each week: the Chancel Guild, Church Wardens, Treasurer, Envelope Secretary, Sidespeople,Accompanists Sharon Kosloski, Joanne Averill-Rocha, Peter Parrott, with Chantel Hickey playing postludes on the piano, the Servers in-cluding our long-time Server Claire Brownlee, the Readers, Intercessors, Chalice Bearers, Prayer Ministry teams, Coffee Hour coordinatorand providers, Pastoral visitors who reach out re: worship to those not able to join us, Parish Administrative Assistant, Power Point andProjectionist and A/V team, Website and Facebook coordinators, Grounds keepers, janitor Nelson and Kim Gaspar, Peter Parrott andElspeth Theriault re the Parish News, Patty Kingsley and the Open Circle team, William Spotton and the Messy Church team, and all thefaithful people who worship, pray, give, serve in their own way. We marvel at the growth of families and the evolution of ministry overthe years. God is faithful. Work in God’s orchard has been completed. Work in God’s orchard is continuing (John 15, Galatians 5:22, 23).

After thirteen years, I leave with wonderful memories and peace in my heart. I am grateful that I can commute all the way (LOL) to Os-hawa, stay in our home in Bowmanville, and Dianne can keep her job at Community Care. The love you have shown my family and meand each other, has left an indelible mark.

As testimony to God, I feel I am in a better place spiritually and emotionally as I leave Bowmanville parish compared to when I left Hal-iburton. It’s not been without struggle, nor without recognizing my own vulnerabilities and need for repentance and faith. “If we say wehave no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us, but if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sin andcleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). Psalm 73:26 says, “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heartand my portion forever.” To paraphrase St. Paul, I remember each morning that I am the masterpiece of God, as you are, created in ChristJesus to do good works that he prepared for us to do (Ephesians 2:10). You have been part of my healing and growth as a man and as aleader. I thank you.

May our endings and beginnings be an intentional part of our growing as disciples and disciple-makers, leaning into the grief of whateverendings you are facing and leaning into God who has promised to be with us in the depths (Ephesians 3:18) in making known the risenLord Jesus, providing a way forward. May you continue to grow deeper with Jesus (read the Bible readings BEFORE coming to church!Say “Family Graces” at meal-time, and the “Prayer before Opening Presents” at Christmas!). I pray St. John’s will soar to greater heightsfor God’s great glory: salvation, restoration, revival and renewal. We are all leaders because we all have influence. And so remember:

The Great Command: to love God with all you’ve got and to love others as yourself (Matthew 22:37)

The Great Commission: to go make disciples of all nations (Dream BIG! - Matthew 28:16-19)

The Great Promise: God is with us always, no matter what and no matter where. (Matthew 28:20)

With love, and deep thanks, on behalf of Dianne, Nicholas (his girlfriend Alex), Justin (his girlfriend Tina) and Clarissa, respectfullysubmitted,

The Reverend Christopher (Kit) Greaves Incumbent of St. John’s Anglican Church, Bowmanville 905-623-2460 [email protected]

Incumbent’s Page - Continued from Page 3

GallerySCENES FROM FAREWELL RECEP-TION AND SERVICE -About 100 St.John’s parishioners attended the receptionfor Pastor Kit and his family November 19. At right, the wardens present Pastor Kit witha canoe paddle signed by the congregation.Other photos include: Rev. Kit and Diannesinging one of Kit’s original songs, entitled 12Words to Live By; a photo from the conclu-sion of the 10 a.m. service; a hand-made cardfrom the Sunday School; and just a few of themany parishioners who enjoyed cake, refresh-ments, and memories from the past13 years at St. John’s.

Page 11, St. John’s Parish News, December 2017

Open House...

Featuring Our Annual

Festival of Nativity Scenes

Friday Evening 7-9 p.m.

Dec. 1stVisit St. John’s After CommunityTree-lighting

Enjoy dozens of Christmas Nativity Scenes from around home andaround the world.

• Nativity Scenes are loan for the exhibit from members of the congregationand friends in the Clarington community.• Join in song, and relax as you enjoy Christmas instrumental and vocal

music by “Christmas Circle.” Hear the chimes from our carillon.• Free refreshments.

Celebrate the “Reason for the Season.” Everyone Welcome!

Continues Saturday, Dec. 2 (10 a.m. - 2 p.m ) & Sunday, Dec. 3, ( 8 a.m. to noon)

Dec. 1st

Advent & Christmas at St. John’sAdvent Sundays - Dec. 3, 10, 17, and 24

Sunday Services: 8 a.m. Quiet Communion • 10 a.m. Family Eucharist

Christmas Eve - Sunday, Dec. 248 a.m. - Quiet Communion

3:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Family Service7:30 p.m. Candlelight Service

CHRISTMAS DAY - Quiet Communion at 10:00 a.m.Sunday, Dec. 31 - Holy Communion at 10:00 a.m.


Hot Chocolate


Apple Cider a


