1 Parenting Programmes Quality Assurance Framework

Parenting Programmes Quality Assurance Framework · 3.0 Parent Programmes – Assess, Plan, Deliver Review Process 3.1 - Assessment & Identification Of Need 3.2 - Planning Programmes

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Page 1: Parenting Programmes Quality Assurance Framework · 3.0 Parent Programmes – Assess, Plan, Deliver Review Process 3.1 - Assessment & Identification Of Need 3.2 - Planning Programmes


Parenting Programmes Quality Assurance Framework

Page 2: Parenting Programmes Quality Assurance Framework · 3.0 Parent Programmes – Assess, Plan, Deliver Review Process 3.1 - Assessment & Identification Of Need 3.2 - Planning Programmes


August 2017





1.1 - Purpose of The Quality Assurance Framework


2.0 Evidenced Based Practice & Doncaster’s Parenting Programme Offer


3.0 Parent Programmes – Assess, Plan, Deliver Review Process

3.1 - Assessment & Identification Of Need

3.2 - Planning Programmes

3.3 - The Delivery of Programmes

3.4 - Review & Evaluation of Programmes

3.5 - Parenting Programmes – Quality Assurance Cycle







4.0 Table - Roles & Responsibilities of Professionals - Parent Programme Referrals 19-24


A Doncaster’s Children and Young People Parenting Menu

B Targeted Parent Programme Process

C Targeted Parent Programme Request Form

D Parenting Good Practice Checklist

E Measurement Tools – SDQ, DASS 21

F Parent Journey Booklet

G Practitioner Booklet

H Peer Support & Observational Feedback Forms

I Parent Programme – Referrer / Lead Practitioner Feedback Form

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J Example Parent Letters

1.0 Introduction

Research has shown that the majority of parents want the very best for their children and want to give them a good start in life and

throughout their life. We know that the quality of parenting impacts on children, families, communities and society as a whole.

The majority of Parents1 expect to need advice or help at some point. Parent education programmes can make a real difference to

families; they promote parents’ confidence and improve their parenting skills.

Our vision in Doncaster is to deliver good quality parenting programmes which are part of the support offered to families to help

them in their role as a parent.

1.1 Purpose of Quality Assurance Framework

The Aim of this Quality Assurance Framework is to ensure that any parent programme delivered in Doncaster is delivered

consistently by all practitioners. The framework provides the guidance and expectations of practice for practitioners to support them

in delivery of quality evidence based work, from the assessment stage through to review of work delivered and the impact this has

with families.

1 The term 'parents' is intended to include all those individuals of either gender or agencies in a parenting role. For instance, this may include birth parents,

parents of looked after children, adoptive parents, foster parents, carers and kinship carers.

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2.0 Evidenced Based Practice & Doncaster’s Parenting Programmes Offer

Research has shown that the use of parenting programmes with a proven theoretical base is an effective way to support the

development of parenting skills. Research has shown that parenting interventions and programmes are most effective when

delivered through a whole family approach. .For this reason programmes will be delivered in Doncaster in the early help arena or

known to social care as part of a package of support working alongside other services and agencies with the family.

Evidenced based Parenting programmes refer to structured interventions that are proven to work. We can expect programmes of

this nature to be founded on robust theories such as those associated with processes of attachment, human ecology and cognitive

social learning, and they have undergone rigorous, systematic and objective inquiry to test their impact. We can, therefore, be

confident that any benefits are derived from the programs rather than chance or any extraneous factors.

Doncaster’s children services have a menu of evidence based parent programmes that are available to families (Appendix

A: - Doncaster’s Children and Young People Parenting Menu)

This guide to parenting programmes is designed to help practitioners and managers make informed choices of which Evidenced

based Parenting Programme will best meet the needs of the families they are supporting.

The programmes have been carefully chosen because they have a strong evidence base and have been rigorously tested and

recognised by independent organisations and reports such as: NICE guidelines; ICAN;Parent Award and Early Intervention

Foundation Report (2016).

The programmes selected cover a range of child and young person ages and offer support to parents where there are additional

and complex needs.

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3.0 Parent Programme – Assess, Plan, Deliver and Review Process

3.1 Assessment & Identification of Need

It is important that parenting support and interventions are targeted at those with greatest need and who are likely to benefit most

from them. It is essential that parents, children and young people’s needs are holistically assessed to ensure appropriate evidence

based services and practice are deployed to support the whole family, individually and collectively and address any risks identified.

Where the needs of a child or young person are being assessed, professionals working with them should routinely consider

whether parenting support is required.

To access any of the structured parenting programmes available through Doncaster’s children’s services follow the Targeted

Parenting Programme Process (Appendix C). An Enquiry can be made either through the Early Help Hub using the online form -

Doncaster Children’s Trust Website http://www.doncasterchildrenstrust.co.uk) – Click on Red Button – Report a Concern about a

Child. For Open Pathways refer using the Targeted Parenting Programme Request Form – (Appendix B).

Requests for Targeted parenting programmes should be supported with an up to date assessment identifying the need for the

family to attend a Targeted parent programme and be part of the families plan. The Early Help Assessment (All Agencies) and

Child and Family Assessment (Children’s Social Care) are the only two primary assessments used in Doncaster to assess the

holistic needs of children and families. Self-referrals can be made by families through The Early Help Hub.

It is important that practitioners adopt a Whole Family Approach to engaging parents with the assessment process and where

there is an assessed need for a programme there will be an expectation that all main care givers will be encouraged to attend.

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All Parenting Programmes will be monitored, reviewed and evaluated as part of the family plan using the Team around the child

process (either within the early help or children’s social care arenas.

3.2 Planning For Programmes

Planning and good preparation is essential for any success when engaging families and delivering quality parenting programmes.

Parenting Practitioners in Doncaster will follow a standardised process for the recording, planning, delivery and evaluation of


An aide memoire checklist has been produced to support practitioners with the steps to follow. Appendix D - Parenting Good

Practice Checklist with Example Parent Letters – (Appendix J)

Key Considerations for Successful Planning:

Meet with Co-facilitators Well In Advance of Group Starting.

Allocate roles, delegate tasks, plan in dates to contact families and confirm everyone is available for all delivery dates.

Meeting Parents before the first session.

Intensive, preparatory outreach work is essential to:

recruit the right people to the right courses – matching needs with intervention

engaging the whole family

reassuring parents that they won’t be stigmatized or labeled ‘a bad parent’

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assess parents’ readiness to engage with a programme

identify whether parents have any additional needs to facilitate attendance

Ensure parents will receive the appropriate support to attend a course and fully participate/engage with the course materials.

It is important that the lead practitioner supports the intervention and is reviewed as part of the Team around the Child


Start developing a relationship of trust and respect.

Complete required paperwork, parent journey booklets, and appropriate pre measurement tools.

These steps will make a big difference to getting people through the door and paves the way for successful engagement.

Choose your Venue Carefully.

Choose a venue that will give you a safe space for parents to get the most out of the programme. Consider transport links the IT

equipment you might need, building access, refreshment/break out facilities.

Make sure the venue is welcoming for parents and the group won’t be disturbed once in progress.

Know the fire/ first aid and safety arrangements.

Overcoming Practical Barriers

The barriers to access and take-up of parenting programmes relate not only to the programme itself, but also getting parents there

and keeping them engaged. Different groups of parents tend to experience different kinds of barriers. It is important to meet your

parents well in advance of the group starting so you can think about any potential barriers such as child care, transport,

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accessibility, literacy issues. Completing your Group Profile (Practitioner Booklet) will help you in your planning for potential


Remember to consider if any of your families meet the Stronger Families Criteria as additional support and funding can be

accessed if required for families. The Stronger Families programme is based on 6 family themes, families have to meet two of the

following criteria to be eligible:-

Parents and children involved in crime or anti-social behaviour.

Children who have not been attending school regularly.

Children who need help.

Adults out of work or at risk of financial exclusion and young people at risk of worklessness.

Families affected by domestic violence and abuse.

Parents and children with a range of health problems.

Evidence of where families have met the criteria will be recorded on the enquiry form into the hub.

Tailoring the programme to different parent groups

You may have to consider adapting the style of delivery to make the program more suitable for the individual parents in the room.

This is particularly important for parents who:

are young

whose first language is not English

are from BME communities

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have additional learning needs.

are under child protection arrangements or other statutory interventions

Ensuring parents do not have to read large amounts of text benefits a wide range of parents. Using parents’ own experiences as

material for group discussion helps parents closely identify with the programme content.

Parent & Practitioner Paperwork:-

Practitioners will support all parents attending programmes to complete a Parent Journey Booklet (Appendix F), this will gather

and record information to ensure Practitioners can better support parents and evidence a parent’s journey through the programme

and evidence the impact made. Parent Journey Booklets are to be held by the practitioners delivering the programmes and not to

be taken home by parents.

For each programme delivered practitioners will also complete a Practitioner Booklet - (Appendix G), this will hold the group

register, group profile, numbers of parents starting and completing programmes, Session evaluation sheets, Referrer Feedback

Sheet. The Parent and Practitioner booklets are to be submitted to the area parent lead at the end of the programme for data

analysis. Practitioners will be expected to feedback to referrer regarding parental engagement and attendance at the end of the

programmes. A Template for Referrer Feedback can be found in the parent journey booklet (Appendix I) .It is important to be

open and honest with parents about what you will feed back to the referrer.

The Parent Journey Booklet, Referrer Feedback and Measurement Tools –SDQ, DASS 21, (Appendix E) will be uploaded

onto the EHM/ Liquid Logic system at the end of the programme.

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Parent practitioners must be trained in the evidence based programme they are required to deliver (See Training Requirements

Table Below).


A desirable but not essential criterion would be for facilitators to also have a teaching qualification such as the PTTLS

Facilitators will be expected to deliver the programmes in line with the course requirements ensuring the fidelity and integrity of the programmes

are maintained.

Parent Facilitator Training Requirements:-

•Facilitators will have attended the 2 Day Solihull Approach Course and be using the approach in practice with families. Facilitators will then be able to attend the Solihull Parent Group Training.

•For first time delivering the programme the practitioner will be a 3rd Facilitator allowing them the opportunity to observe the programme and good practice.

Sollihull Parent Group – Understanding Your Childs Behaviour – 3 Day Training

•Facilitators will have been trained by the Triple P Organisation and will have completed the accreditation process. This will allow them to deliver the specific programme which they will be licensed to deliver.

Triple P Group & Teen Programmes – 5 Day Training

•Facilitators will have been trained by the Incredible Years Organisation. This will allow them to deliver the specific programme which they will be licensed to deliver.

Incredible Years Programme – 3 Days

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3.3 Delivery of Programmes

Skilled and knowledgeable practitioners are at the heart of all successful parent education programmes. The best practitioners are

good communicators and able to support and empower parents to identify their own problems and solutions. Practitioners will work

in partnership with parents, recognising their strengths and expertise and will work with parents with ‘where parents are at’ and, as

far as possible, at their pace.

Course Fidelity

The Parent Courses run will be delivered using the specific programme manuals and employ all of the necessary materials to

ensure consistent implementation of the programme.

Practitioners will be supported by Parenting Support Workers and the Borough wide Parenting Coordinator to ensure the quality

assurance mechanisms put in place for all parent programmes are implemented, monitored and evaluated.


Co-facilitation is a particularly successful model of delivery and support as two/three facilitators are better able to share the load,

manage the dynamics of the group and support each other between sessions.

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Facilitators First Session Reminder’s:-

Practitioners will be expected to have planned and prepared before each session, good practice is to be at the venue on the

first session one hour before parents arrive to ensure the room is set up, refreshments are prepared and you are ready to

welcome the parents.

Practitioners to be mindful that parents may be leaving their children with child care for the first time.

Practitioners will have all materials to hand and will support parents to start their parent booklets and identify their personal

goals during the first session.

Practitioners will take the group register and submit this to Parenting Team after the first session.

Practitioners will inform parents of the fire/safety arrangements and general housekeeping.

Practitioners will support the parents to produce a set of group rules which will be used through the duration of the course.

Practitioners will come together at the end of each session to evaluate the session and reflect on practice and give each

other peer review and support.

Practitioners will record attendance on EHM or Liquid Logic after each session and follow up on any actions/absences.

Practitioner’s s will send a copy of the group signing in sheet to their children center locality hub for recording one start.

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Practitioner Mid-Way Reminders:-

Practitioners will support parents to complete the midway review in parent booklets and complete the mid-way review in Practitioner


Update referrer on parent progress

Plan for group ending, think about next steps for parents for example arrange for Adult Family Community Learning to come

and talk to parents about further course.

Prepare information for parents about other courses/services that might be suitable.

Prepare Certificates and Post evaluation measurement tools for last session.

Practitioner Course Ending Reminders:-

Ask parents to complete Parent Journey Booklets and complete post measurement tools.

Review programme with parents and discuss feedback to be shared with referrer using Referrer Feedback Form.

Score Post measurement tools – upload onto ehm or Liquid Logic system.

Complete and submit Practitioner Booklet, Parent Journey Booklets, pre / post questionnaires to Parenting Team.

Update EHM/Liquid Logic on parental attendance and engagement with course.

Send feedback to referrer using Template in Appendix I.

Evaluate programme and reflect on practice.

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The effectiveness of programmes needs to be regularly assessed and reviewed. Practitioners also need opportunities to reflect on

practice to ensure they can make any necessary improvements to programme delivery and continue to develop themselves.

Peer Support and Observations of practice will be given to allow practitioners to receive wellbeing support, have an opportunity

for reflection on practice, support with identifying personal and professional development.

Supervision is particularly important for practitioners working with parents with more complex needs and where there are high

levels of risk and safeguarding issues, practitioners will be expected to reflect with each other after each session and will have

access to supervision as part of their usual line management arrangement but can also request additional supervision from the

Parent Support Workers and Borough Wide Parent Coordinator.

Doncaster recognises the importance of ensuring its Parenting Course practitioners are highly skilled and will ensure staff are:-

Adequately trained

Have opportunities for continuing professional development

Receive high-quality supervision

Receive practical and wellbeing support and have opportunities for peer support, self-reflection and observations on

practice. (Appendix H – Peer Support / Session Observation Feedback Form)

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Data Analysis

The Parent Programme Process and Data Analysis systems in place will ensure that all parent enquiries are recorded and tracked

on the EHM/Liquid Logic systems from entry through the Early Help Hub to completion of the course. The Data Analysis systems

will report on numbers of parents requesting, attending and completing programmes. The parent journey booklets and

measurement tools will record impact and parent evaluations will show satisfaction and areas for development of the programmes

content and delivery.

All enquires for parent programmes will be tracked and recorded using the EHM/liquid Logic system; practitioners are required to

keep these systems up to date throughout the duration of the programmes to record on attendance and parental engagement.

Measurement Tools

To measure the impact of the programmes we deliver, both pre and post standardised measures will be used for all parent

programmes run by Doncaster Children’s Service. These tools will allow practitioners to measure progress and ensure this is

reflected with the Parents participating in the course and the referring service.

The different questionnaires we have selected to use address different domains of family functioning, and behaviour, and

successes can be clearly seen and celebrated.

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Whenever a questionnaire is introduced, it is not just a matter of considering its appropriateness, but explaining its purpose and

potential relevance to the parents. Practitioners need to feel confident in the use of these tools and share with parents the results.

For programmes in Doncaster will use three different measurement tools; DASS 21 and SDQ (Appendix E for Tools & Scoring)


The DASS 21 measurement tool measures Parental Stress, Anxiety and Depression. There are 21 questions for parents to

complete. The tool takes about 3 minutes to complete. Scoring can be done online at serene.me.uk/tests/dass-score-guide.pdf.

Strength & Difficulties Questionnaires - SDQ

The SDQ is a short behavioural screening questionnaire which the parent/carer completes about their child. It has five sections that

cover details of emotional difficulties; conduct problems; hyperactivity or inattention; friendships and peer groups; and also positive

behaviour, plus an “impact supplement” to assist in the prediction of emotional health problems.

The SDQ requires parents/carers to read a series of statements and judge how well it describes the young person by ticking one of

three or four boxes for each question. Completion should take between 5 to 10 minutes.

There are SDQ for children aged 2-4 years and 4-17 years.

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Scoring & Data Recording

The measures will be scored by the parent practitioner’s before and after the programmes, these are to be uploaded onto the

systems. The Measurement Data will be held in the Parent Journey Booklets and collated by the area parenting support workers

and coordinator at the end of the programme.

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Pages 15-18



Page 5



Pages 6-11



Pages 12-14

ASSESS • Enquiry Form & Consent or Request


• Screening & Letter Sent To Parent c.c

referrer from hub.

• Parent Team Contact Family via

phone/letter within 2 week of alert - Parent

allocated onto a course or placed on wait

list. Letter sent to parent and referrer with


Systems & Parenting Spreadsheet updated

by Business Support /Parenting Team

REVIEW Programme Quality / Parent Progress & Outcomes • Score SDQ/DASS/

• Complete Practitioner Booklet and submit

to Parenting Team

• Take part in Peer Review / Reflection on

Practice Feedback

• Update EHM / Liquid Logic

• Feedback to Referrer.

DELIVER • Arrive at venue 1 hour before group to ensure room

/ refreshments and session is planned.

• Day 1 complete group register in Practitioner

Booklet & ask parents to start parent journey

booklets, submit register to parent team.

• Deliver programme as required ensuring

evaluations take place after each session.

• Follow up non-attendance and actions arising from


• Take part in peer review and reflection on practice

sessions with parent lead and coordinator.

• Update EHM/Liquid Logic after each session on


• Complete Midway review with parents, update

referrer on progress and plan for group ending and

next steps for parents.

• Prepare certificates and Post evaluation

measurement tools for last session.

• Parents complete course evaluations , parent

booklets, Post SDQ, DASS

PLAN • Parent Practitioners Identified for delivery 2

months before group.

• Practitioners meet to plan group at least 4

weeks prior to group starting and delegate

roles/tasks. Refer to Good Practice


• List of parent names given to Practitioners to Contact parents via telephone to arrange home visits before group starts

• Undertake home visits / complete pre course

measurement tools.

• Update EHM/ Liquid Logic

• Complete group profile and confirm venue.

• Score SDQ/DASS

• Week/Day before group send out reminder

texts or telephone parents.

3.5 Parenting Programmes – Quality Assurance Cycle

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Roles & Responsibilities of Professionals - Parent Programmes

Referrer Parenting Team

(Business Support, Parent

Support Workers, Parenting


Parent Group Practitioner Parenting


(Borough wide)

Assessment Identification of parenting need

highlighted through

assessment & family plan.

Referrer to use Doncaster’s

Parenting Menu for information

about programmes and

discuss with Parents.

Stronger Families Criteria to be

considered and highlighted if


Support Family with Childcare /

transport if required.

Enquiry Form and Consent to

be Completed and submitted

to Early Help Hub or if open

Pathway Request Form to be

sent to Parenting Inbox.

Referrer will keep pathway

open so intervention can be

Screened Parent Enquiry or

request received into area –

Recorded on Parenting Spread

sheet & Systems

Families Contacted via telephone

or letter within 2 week of


Parents allocated onto a course or

notified of wait list – letter sent out

to parents with course information

with a copy to refer.

Stronger Families Criteria

evidenced and recorded.

Parenting Officer coordinates all

programmes with Borough wide

Coordinator for year ahead,

Facilitator’s s are identified to

deliver programmes throughout the


Facilitators will promote

programmes to families and


Parent Lead &

Coordinator plans

area programmes for

year ahead.

On-going of

promotion of

programmes to


Provide on-going

support and training

of parent facilitators.

Review Quality



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monitored and reviewed as

part of family plan.

Referrer to support parents

with any identified barriers to

accessing programmes such

as child care, transport,

parental engagement

Referrer to check EHM/Liquid

Logic for updates on request.

Referrer must update parent

facilitators about any issues

/risks in family home.

Plan Support Practitioners with engaging Families with programme. Review EHM / Systems for updates. Review referral and progress at family meetings.

Parent Practitioners Identified for

delivery 2 months before group

start date and List parent names

given to Practitioners.

Support Practitioners to ensure

adequate planning is made in

preparation of groups.

Update Parent Spreadsheet after

contact by parent practitioners.

Practitioners meet to plan group at

least 4 weeks prior to group start


Practitioners refer to Good Practice Checklist and plan for group. Delegate roles/tasks.

Confirm & Familiarise with venue,

organise I.T/resources – order

work books, parent journey

booklets, start to complete

practitioner booklet, order

Provide practitioners

with workbooks /

manuals as required

to deliver


Support with IT if


Provide support to

practitioners, to

ensure processes are


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refreshments, Photocopying,

Decide who will undertake

EHM/system Recording, plan

delivery of course.

Practitioners receive list of parent

names from central business

support, review EHM /l.l

information prior to contact.

Contact parents via telephone to

arrange home visits.

Undertake home visits – complete pre course measurement tools. Children Centre Registration

checked and universal timetable to

be given to family.

Update Parent Team & Referrer

after visits / phone calls if parents

cannot attend, require a different

course or have


Update EHM/ Liquid Logic systems after contact with family. Complete group profile, address and action barriers for parents in

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accessing courses. Consider Stronger Families. Score SDQ/DASS Week/Day before group send out reminder texts or telephone parents.

Deliver Support Families to engage with programme. Review EHM / Systems for updates. Review progress at family meetings. Support practitioners to address any issues which may arise throughout group.

Check Group Register has been


Support practitioners with support

/supervision of area delivery.

Be planned and prepared before

each session, good practice is to

be at the venue on the first session

one hour before parents arrive to

ensure the room is set up,

refreshments are prepared and

you are ready to welcome the


Have all course materials to hand.

Support parents to start their

parent booklets, identifying their

personal goals.

Complete group register and

submit this to parent team after the

first session and end of


Inform parents of the fire/safety

arrangements and general

Check Group

Register has been


Support practitioners

with ensuring quality


mechanisms are


Quality Assure

Practitioner Booklets

and Parent Journey


Observe practitioner

practice and provide

opportunities for

feedback /reflection

on practice.

Provide on-going

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Support the parents to produce a

set of group rules which will be

used through the duration of the


Evaluate with co practitioners after

each session to reflect on practice

give peer support and identifying

actions to follow up.

Update attendance on EHM after

each session and follow up on any


Send copy of group signing in

sheet to children centre locality


Take part in peer review and reflection on practice sessions with parent lead and coordinator. Complete Midway review with parents, and update referrer on progress. Complete Mid Way Review. Plan for group ending and next

Training/ peer support

for facilitators.

Support Parent

Support Workers and

practitioners to

ensure programmes

are delivered well.

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steps for parents. Prepare certificates and Post evaluation measurement tools for last session. Parents complete course evaluations, parent booklets/evaluations, Post SDQ, DASS

Review Liaise with facilitator’s r to

receive feedback from

programme / parental


Review EHM/Liquid Logic for


Update Family Plan.

Discuss and evaluate

intervention with family.

Collect area delivery information.


Update Parenting Spread sheet.

Score SDQ/DASS/Parenting Scale – upload onto EHM / Systems as required. Complete Practitioner Booklet and submit along with register to Parenting Team Submit Parent Journey Booklets to Parenting Team Take part in Peer Review / Reflection on Practice Feedback Update EHM / Liquid Logic system Discuss and review course with families. Feedback to referrer.

Collate and analyse

area delivery data.

Ensure Booklets

/registers are

submitted completed


Dip Sample/Audit

Parent Programme


Undertake peer


reviews/reflection on

practice sessions with


Provide on-going

training to facilitators.

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Doncaster’s Children’s and Young

Peoples Parenting Menu

A guide to Evidenced Based Parenting programmes for Practitioners

and Managers.

This guide is designed to give an understanding of the role of parenting programmes in Doncaster. It provides information about

specific Evidenced Based Parenting programmes that are being delivered by Doncaster’s Children’s Service Trust & Associated


APPENDIX A – Parenting Menu

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This guide will help practitioners and managers make informed choices of which Evidenced Based Parenting Programme will meet

the needs of the families that they are supporting.

Parents are the most influential factor in a child and young person’s life. All children from time to time will test the limits and get

angry; it’s an inevitable part of growing up. It is not always easy for parents; ‘Kids don’t come with an instruction manual’! Most

parents will welcome support and advice at these times.

What are Evidenced Based Parenting Programmes?

Evidenced Based Parenting programmes refer to structured interventions that have been proven to work. This definition indicates

that we can expect programmes of this nature to be founded on robust theories such as those associated with processes of

attachment, human ecology and cognitive social learning, and we can be sure they have undergone rigorous, systematic and

objective scientific procedures to test their impact. We can, therefore, be confident that any beneficial effects are linked to the

intervention rather than to chance or to other extraneous factors.

Evidenced Based Parenting Programmes are structured and will run for a set number of weeks, for a set number of hours per week

Who are Evidenced Based Parenting Programmes for?

Parents who have identified they need additional parenting support.

Parents who have been identified through assessment to be in need of additional parenting support.

How can you access an Evidenced Based Parenting Programme for a family you are working with?

You can access an Evidenced Based Parenting Programme by completing an Enquiry & Consent Form and sending this through to

the Early Help Hub or if there is an assessment in place that has identifies the need for Evidenced Based Parenting Programme

you can complete a request form and send to the parenting inbox [email protected].

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How to use this Guide

This guide is designed to offer a menu of evidenced based parenting programmes; each programme has a description of what is

offered, what the expected benefits will be for children and families and how you can access the programme.

Programme Title

Description of Service/Activity Benefits for Children and Families

How to access the service

Which Parents would benefit from this programme

Solihull Approach Parenting Programme Addendums to programme available *Parents of children on the autistic spectrum *Parents of children with disabilities Some of the Awards & Recognition

The Solihull Approach Parenting Group has been developed using theories of containment, reciprocity and behaviour management.

The Parenting Group emphasises the need for emotional containment and the presence of a reciprocal relationship, it is designed to help parents develop a way of relating to their child that promotes child development and effective behaviour management. The facilitators help parents to think about what is being communicated through the child’s behaviour and their relationship with the child. To support this approach the group programme does not start with behaviour management techniques, but rather sets them within the context of learning about the parent/child relationship.

The programme is designed to run for 2 hours per week over 10 weeks, with some flexibility, and is facilitated by professionals who have previously received the Solihull Approach Foundation Training

Parents and Children to have an improved relationship and improved attachment

Parents to have an improved understanding of the child’s development

An increase in self- esteem in both Parents and Children

Parents will have an increased understanding on how to repair relationships when they go wrong

Both Parents and Children will have lifelong skills on how to build and maintain relationships

Parents will have a greater understanding on how to be reflective, sensitive and effective when parenting.

Follow the Targeted Parent Programmes Process. Complete Enquiry to help help hub or submit request form to Parenting Inbox.




Parents who have a poor relationship with their children.

Parents who are struggling to implement behaviour management strategies

Parents of children with attachment behaviours.

Parents who are struggling to understand their children’s behaviour

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of evidence base: Government CAN Parent Quality Award Mark Recognised in Early Intervention Foundation Report 2016

and attended the Solihull Approach Parenting Group Facilitators Training.

The group has also been adapted for parents with children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder & Disabilities.

This Programme will meet the needs of Parents of Children from the age of 0 – 18.

Universal / Additional needs / Complex Need

For further information about Programme contact Lisa Peacock - 01302 737593 / Emma Marsden 01302 735083 .

Programme Title

Description of Service/Activity

Benefits for Children and Families

How to access the service

Which Parents would benefit from this programme

Antenatal Solihull

5 week antenatal group ‘Understanding pregnancy, labour, birth and your baby’. This group is for mothers, fathers, partners, grandparents and birth partners. 1.Helping you and your baby through pregnancy and birth 2.Getting to know your baby in the womb 3.You, your baby and the stages of labour 4.Helping you and your baby through labour and birth 5.Feeding your baby 6.Optional sixth session: Caring for your baby

Improved relationship & attachment between parents and baby. Parents will have improved understanding about pregnancy, labour, birth and baby. Parents will learn about midwifery support available.

Access through Midwifes & Health Teams Single Point Contact 01302 566776.

Universal - Available to all parents

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Programme Title

Description of Service/Activity Benefits for Children and Families

How to access the service

Which Parents would benefit from this programme

Triple P Group Level 4 - 0-12Yrs & Triple P Teen Group – Level 4 13Yrs + Awards & Recognition of evidence base: Recognised in Early Intervention Foundation Report 2016

The Triple P – Positive Parenting programme is a parenting and family support system designed to prevent as well as treat behavioural and emotional problems in children and teenagers. It aims to prevent problems in the family, school and community before they arise and to create family environments that encourage children to realise their potential. Triple P draws on social learning, cognitive behavioural and developmental theory as well as research into risk factors associated with the development of social and behavioural problems. It aims to equip parents with the skills and confidence they need to be self-sufficient and able to manage family issues without on-going support. Whilst it is almost universally successful in improving behavioral problems, more than half of Triple P's 17 parenting strategies focus on developing positive relationships, attitudes and conduct.

This Programme will meet the needs of Parents of Children and young people with additional and complex needs from the age of 0 – 18.

Improved family relationship

Safe and Engaging Environment - A protective environment that is safe, supervised, and provides opportunities to explore, play, and learn promotes healthy child development at all ages

Positive Learning Environment - This principle involves teaching parents to be their children’s first teacher. This means that parents must learn to respond to their children’s requests in a positive and constructive manner while also helping them learn to solve problems on their own

Assertive Discipline - The program teaches parents how to change from using ineffective and coercive discipline such as physical punishment, shouting, and threatening to use effective strategies in specific situations. Effective strategies include selecting ground rules for specific situations, discussing

Follow the Targeted Parent Programmes Process. Complete Enquiry to help help hub or submit request form to Parenting Inbox.




For further information about Programme contact Lisa

Parents who are struggling to implement behaviour management strategies

Parents who are in need of practical behaviour management strategies

Parents who want to develop a healthy relationship with their children

Parents to be more consistent in their approach to behaviour management.

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rules with children, giving clear, calm, and age-appropriate directions and requests, presenting logical consequences, using quiet time and time out, and using planned ignoring

Realistic Expectations - This helps parents change expectations and goals for child behavior to be developmentally appropriate for the child and realistic for the parent. Parents who have more realistic expectations of this child’s capabilities are less likely to engage in physical chastisement

Parental Self-Care - This principle aims at teaching parents practical skills so that they may view parenting as part of a larger context related to self-care, resourcefulness, and well-being and maintain a sense self esteem

Peacock - 01302 737593 / Emma Marsden 01302 735083

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Programme Title

Description of Service/Activity Benefits for Children and Families

How to access the service

Which Parents would benefit from this programme

Incredible Years Parenting Programme Awards & Recognition of evidence base: National Institute of Health and Care (NICE) National Registry of Effective Prevention Programs (NREPP) Recognised in Early Intervention

The Incredible Years: Parents, Teachers, and Children Training Series is a comprehensive set of curricula designed to promote social competence and prevent, reduce, and treat aggression and related conduct problems in young children (ages 2 to 12 years). The interventions that make up this series—parent training, teacher training, and child training programs are guided by developmental theory concerning the role of multiple interacting risk and protective factors (child, family, and school) in the development of conduct problem. The programmes are delivered usually over 14 weeks. The programme has been trialled with children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and showed to be an effective intervention.

Improved parent-child interactions, building positive relationships and attachment

Improved parental functioning, less harsh and more nurturing parenting, and increased parental social support and problem solving

Prevention, reduction and treatment of early onset conduct behaviours and emotional problems

Promotion of child social competence, emotional regulation, positive attributions, academic readiness and problem solving

Long Term Goals:

Prevention of conduct disorders

Academic underachievement,



Drug abuse

Available from September 2017 Follow the Targeted Parent Programmes Process. Complete Enquiry to help help hub or submit request form to Parenting Inbox.




For further

Parents who are struggling to implement behaviour management strategies

Parents who are in need of practical behaviour management strategies

Parents who want to develop a healthy relationship with their children

Parents to be more consistent in their approach to behaviour management

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Foundation Report 2016

information about Programme contact Lisa Peacock - 01302 737593 / Emma Marsden 01302 735083

Programme Title

Description of Service/Activity Benefits for Children and Families

How to access the service

Which Parents would benefit from this programme

Early Bird/Early Bird Plus

Early Bird is for parents whose child has received a diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and is of pre-school age (not yet of statutory school age).

The programme lasts for three months and combines group training sessions with individual home visits, when video feedback is used to help parents apply what they've learnt. Parents will have a weekly commitment of a two-and-a-half hour training session or home visit and to on-going work with their child at home.

The programme aims to support parents in the period between diagnosis and school placement, empowering and helping them facilitate their child's social communication and appropriate behaviour in their natural environment. It also helps parents to establish good practice in handling their child at an early age, so as to pre-empt the development of inappropriate behaviours

Children who have been on the pathway would be offered a place on this programme.

Parents who children have had a diagnosis of Autism

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Programme Title

Description of Service/Activity Benefits for Children and Families

How to access the service

Which Parents would benefit from this programme

Cygnet Parenting Programme

This programme is designed for parents and carers of children and young people aged 7-18 with an autistic spectrum condition.

This is a core Cygnet programme which is delivered over six, two and a half - three hour sessions which sequentially work towards behaviour management and covers a number of topics:

Autism & diagnosis


Sensory Issues

Understanding behaviour

Managing behaviour

To increase parents understanding of autistic spectrum conditions

To help parents develop their knowledge on how a child on the autistic spectrum experiences the world and what drives their behaviour

To guide parents through practical strategies they can use with children

To direct parents to relevant ASC resources

To give parents the opportunity to meet with other parents who have had similar experiences and to gain support and learn from each other.

Referral Form to Sent To: Specialist Educational & Development Team (SPEDT) Floor 3, Civic Office, Waterdale Doncaster, DN1 3BU Contact: 01302 737291

Parents of Children with a diagnosis of Autism

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Programme Title

Description of Service/Activity Benefits for Children and Families

How to access the service

Which Parents would benefit from this programme

Getting On Programme

The Getting On Programmes primary aim is to increase safety within families; support positive relationships and reduce domestic abuse from young people towards parents. The programme has been designed to help young people to identify and challenge their violent/abusive behaviours and adopt non-violent/non-abusive alternative ways of interacting in close relationships. It also works with parents/carers to recognise the abuse they/their family is experiencing and enable to implement plans to increase safety. It teaches parenting strategies to promote non abusive behaviour in children and restore damaged relationships within families. There is a strong restorative practice element to the programmes with a focus on enabling families to come out of survival mode into repair mode. The programmes run over 9 weeks with two groups run parallel; one for the parents and one for the child. The programme is for parents and young people aged 11-17yrs

Decrease in young people’s domestic abuse towards parents.

Contact Emma Palframan 01302 736165

Parents experiencing Domestic Abuse from their children aged 11-17 years.

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Yes No




APPENDIX B – Parenting Referral Pathway

DCST Online Enquiry & Consent Form submitted to

Early Help Hub - 734110

Early Help Hub Screening

Borough Wide Parenting Coordinator will ensure Initial contact is made with family to

acknowledge the request for parenting, referrer to be cc’d into all correspondence.

EHM / LL to be updated

Professional who made request or most appropriate professional to be informed that an Assessment is to be completed as other issues

have been identified. To also inform the Early Help Co-ordinator of this

decision via e-mail so that they can make sure the Assessment has been


EHM/Liquid Logic System will be updated with Parent Engagement and attendance

records to keep the referrer updated.

Lead Professional to be made aware of request and if appropriate make/support a direct request for parenting programme to

Parenting Programme (Targeted) email inbox.

[email protected]

Early Help Hub will

Progress as single

agency to Parenting Team:- Emma

Marsden Work tray

Self-Request for Parent Programme Request by Professional for Parent

Programme Does the child / children have up to date assessment and a current open pathway with Lead Professional on EHM or Liquid


Business Support to pick up the request and check the following

Early Help Assessment (completed

within the last 6 months)

Identified parenting need is part of the

family plan / Assessment

It is clear on the referral form that the

pathway will be kept open

Add to parenting spreadsheet

Once Assessment has been completed if a need for

Parenting Programme has been identified.

Lead professional to make a direct request to Parenting

Programme (Targeted) email inbox.

[email protected]

Professional Route

Self-Referral Route

Are Family Open To Social Care or have

Lead Practitioner Involved ?

Is there a need for Early Help Assessment ?

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Appendix C – Targeted Parenting Request Form

Request for Targeted Parenting Programme

Family Details

All Parent / Carers Names to be invited to Group With Contact Numbers & Addresses :-

Parent Carer Name 1:

Address: Contact Number:

Parent Carer Name 2:

Address: Contact Number:

Children Names: Age: EHM / LL Identifier

Referrer Details Additional Information Required

Date of latest Assessment:

Date the request was discussed as part of family plan with the family:

Are there any risks / concerns you feel the facilitator needs to be aware of?


Job Title:

Contact Email & Phone Number:

Family Lead Practitioner Name & Contact Details (if different to referrer): ** Please Note Lead Practitioner Must support and be aware of this request.

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Has the parent/carer done any parent courses previously?

Preferred Course if known (** please refer to timetable for planned groups)

Are there any additional needs the family would like the facilitator to be aware of? (i.e Physical difficulties / dyslexia / access support / reading etc.)

What areas are parents able to get to? (Please circle all that apply) North Area: Bentley Adwick Woodlands Carcroft Tollbar Askern South Area: Rossington Mexborough Edlington Cantley Denaby East Area: Stainforth Thorne Moorends Barnby Dun Armthorpe Hatfield Central Area: Balby Intake Town Centre Wheatley

Would parents prefer a Day time or Evening Course? Daytime □ Evening □ Could Attend Either □

Are there any days/times parents are not available?

What would parents method of travel be? Car □ - Bus □ - Taxi □ - Walk □ - Bike □ - Scooter □

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Will Support with Childcare be required? YES □ NO □ **If families require support with childcare it is the referrer’s responsibility to support families to arrange this. Child care vouchers can be issued from children’s centres for parents attending programmes. Up to date lists of approved child care providers can be obtained from the Doncaster Families Information Service.

Progress of your referral can be tracked on EHM / Liquid Logic Systems

Please send completed forms to [email protected]

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Parent Programs Good Practice –Checklist Request for Targeted Parent Programme received into parenting Inbox. Request screened and recorded on EHM/Liquid Logic & Spread sheet updated.

Contact made with family via telephone or offer letter within two weeks of request received. Parenting spread sheet & EHM/L.L to be updated - by

Parenting Lead /Business support.

Offer Letter sent out to Parents / CC Refer - letter sets out dates/times, course information & contact details Or informing parent of wait list. Letter will

explain a practitioner will contact them by telephone 3-4 weeks before the course starts.

Course will be planned for the year ahead and facilitators will be identified at least 2 months prior to course starting.

Two months prior to start date Individual facilitators will come together to confirm day, times for delivery, venue. Request list of parent names from

parenting business support.

List of parents allocated onto programmes sent to parent practitioners two months prior to start date and then as and when alerts arrive after initial lists

have been sent. Facilitators to make contact with families make introductions and discuss programme, update business support/referrer if parent cannot

attend/declined so spread sheet /plans can be updated. If parent needs support with childcare notify referrer to support – stronger families funding and

child care vouchers are available for those eligible.

Four/Five Weeks before Course start – practitioners meet to plan course & delegate tasks:-Confirm list of parents who have been invited onto the course.

Check EHM/Liquid Logic for overview of case, identify any risks.

Photocopying & organise course materials – organise technology, flip chart, pens, badges, signing sheet, print copies of SDQ/DASS/ Order workbooks

if required from Parenting Coordinator; Start to complete Parent Practitioner Booklet, produce group profile.

Agree who will organise refreshments/ biscuits for duration of programme

Agree on who is delivering which part of the course, what time you will meet before course starts, agree on time to be set aside for evaluation.

APPENDIX D – Good Practice –Checklist

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Good practice is to be at the venue an hour before the start on the first day, ensure you are planned and prepared and have refreshments available

and ready at least 30 minutes before parents are due to arrive. Ensure you have 30/45 minutes after parents leave to sort room/pack up and sit

together to write up evaluation and address any issues which have arose in group/action for following week, plan for following week.

Contact parents via telephone to arrange your home visits to take place in the 2 to 3 weeks before course starts.

Start to gather information about services/agencies that might be relevant to your group i.e DANS poster, children centre timetables etc.

Agree who will update EHM/Liquid Logic on attendance after each session.

Two/three weeks before course – Undertake Home Visits, complete pre evaluation tools, give further information about course, confirm venue,

times, travel arrangements,, home visits are an opportunities to reduce parental anxiety, identify any potential barriers for parents, check children

centre registrations, give out universal timetable.

Update EHM/ Liquid Logic.

Week Before – Contact any parents who you feel need extra encouragement/ Reminder Texts about course / Score your SDQ, s, DASS, Parenting Scale.

Day Before Course – send out reminder texts or call parents you feel need extra encouragement to attend

Day 1 of Course - Complete Group Register; complete Pre measurement tools with parents who didn’t have home visit. Support Parents to start Parent

Journey Booklets, Submit register to Parenting Team

Throughout Delivery of programme - ensure evaluations and practitioner booklet is completed after each session. Chase up none attendance. Update

EHM/liquid Logic on attendance on child record.

Mid-way through course review and think about parents next steps i.e. arrange for AFCL talk to parents, provide parents with information about other

courses /services.

Week before last session, prepare group certificates. Prepare for celebration, think about information for parents for next steps, link into adult family

learning and have information about other courses that will support a parent’s further learning.

Last session – Ensure post evaluation tools are completed – SDQ, DASS, & parent journey Booklets are complete and signed. Parents complete Course

evaluation. After course has ended: - Practitioners evaluate course, submit practitioner booklet to Parent Lead. Register group information evaluations /

post measures online – either Triple /Solihull. Update Referrer & EHM/ Liquid Logic. Parent evaluation follow up - 3 months after course completion.

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Parent Journey Booklet


Parent Name:

Course Title:

Course Code:

Facilitators Name:

Facilitators Name:

Facilitators Name:


Start Date:

End Date:


APPENDIX F – Parent Journey Booklet

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Parenting Journey Checklist Well done for attending today. Your Facilitators are: __________________________________________________________________ There contact details are: ______________________________________________________________ If you are unable to attend any week please ring and let them know. The course is ____ weeks. The times are: ______________________________ By the end of week 1 You will have been asked to complete:

SDQ, DASS 21 (These help us evaluate the programmes)

Started your Parent Journey Booklet and identified your personal goals.

• Completed a Family Hub Registration Form

You will have been given a copy of the Parenting & Family Support Service Booklet which will explain about our service, our data protection, confidentiality, child protection and compliments / complaints procedures.

Please Sign To confirm you have been given a copy and had these explained: ______________________________

Health and Safety

Your Facilitators will let you know about:

The Fire Safety arrangements - please know where your fire exits are and where to assemble.

No smoking policy – No smoking in permitted on any DMBC/Doncaster Children’s Trust premises. Your facilitator will let you know about break times and where smoking is allowed.

First Aid arrangements – You will be informed where the nearest First Aid box is kept and who is a First Aider.

What we expect from you:

Show respect for each other and your facilitators.

Show commitment to the programme by attending and being on time.

Let us know about your learning support needs and if you have any problems

Take responsibility for your own Health and Safety and that of others.

Complete all the paperwork required for this course (We will support if required)

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Personal Goals

What do you hope to achieve by the end of the course? (1 = Low 10 = High) (For each personal goal place a circle around the number for your starting point and put the date beneath it. Do the same at any review points and at the end of the course to show how you have progressed – the tutor can help you with this): A: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

B: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

C: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Parents Comments:

Facilitator Feedback:

Learner Signature: Date: Facilitator Signature: Date:

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Mid-Course Review Do you feel that you are on track with meeting your personal goals?

Yes □ No □

Is there any part of the course or its contents that you are finding difficult? If yes, what is it?

Yes □ No □

Learner Comments:

Facilitator Feedback:

Learner Signature: Date: Facilitator Signature: Date:

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Course Evaluation

Overall, how would you rate your course?

Outstanding □ Good □ Requires Improvement □ Unsatisfactory □ Additional comments can be recorded on the Compliment, Comment or Complaint Form

1. Do you feel that this course has increased your confidence? Yes □ No □

2. Do you feel that you were treated fairly and with respect Yes □ No □

throughout your course?

3. Did we look after your health and safety during the course? Yes □ No □

4. Did you feel that your facilitator had enough experience and Yes □ No □

knowledge to meet your needs?

5. Did your course support you with any additional needs you Yes □ No □

may have had?

6. Was the venue suitable? Yes □ No □

7. Would you recommend the course to others? Yes □ No □

Any other comment/s:

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My Story in my words Having just finished your course, please tell us about your experience. What impact has it made to you, your family or your community? What would you say to other parents to encourage them to enrol on a course like this?

Learner Name: Facilitator: Course: I give my permission to use this story and any photographs taken during the course in publicity material.

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Signature: Date: POST SDQ 2 -4 YRS

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Next Steps

Are you interested in finding out about any other adult family learning courses available in Doncaster? YES/NO

If Yes, what courses may interest you?

Do you require any further information about other services available to families in Doncaster? YES/NO

If Yes, please let us know which services you would like information about

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*Please discuss with parents the feedback that will be shared with referrers

Parent Name: Child Name:-

Referrer / Lead Practitioner Name:

Parent Programme Attended: Practitioner Names:

Programme Dates: Venue:

Programme Length -


No of Weeks Parent


Practitioner Comment & Analysis:-

(SDQ & DASS 21 Pre & Post Measurement Scores / Parent Journey Book / Parental Engagement / Analysis :

Signed: _____________________________________________ Practitioner Name: _________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________________

Parent Programme - Referrer / Lead Practitioner Feedback Form

*Please discuss with parents the feedback that will be shared with referrers

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** Please Provide Parents with a Copy of Your Parenting & Family Support Service Booklet **Please encourage parents to register with Family Hubs **SDQ & DASS to be completed for one child pre & post (please ask parents to complete for child who perhaps presents with the most difficulties – There are SDQ’s for the 2-4 yrs & 4-17yrs.

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Parent Practitioner Booklet


Course Title:

Facilitators Name:

Facilitators Name:

Facilitators Name:


Start Date:

End Date:

Course Code:

APPENDIX G – Practitioner Booklet

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First Session Checklist Have You:

Introduced yourself to the group and helped the group to get to know each other

Given each parent / carer a Parent Journey Booklet to start to complete, identify personal goals.

Ensured every parent / carer has completed a Pre SDQ & DASS 21

Ensure parents/carers been given a copy of The PAFSS Booklet which explains about the service, data protection, confidentiality, compliments and complaints process.

Have you informed the learners about the following?

Explained the times/sessions/structure and aims of the course

Housekeeping including no smoking policy, procedure in the case of Fire and Emergency First Aid

What to do if you have any concerns

What to do if you unable to attend

Explained the feedback that is given to referrers.

Agreed Group rules – make sure they cover things like:

o Respect each other

o Punctuality and commitment to the course

o Confidentiality

o Mobile phones

o Talk one at a time and listen Signed:…………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………………..

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After the First session:

Check parents have started Parent Journey booklets and identified personal goals.

Completed pre group questionnaires (SDQ, DASS 21)

Email Group registers to Parenting Inbox so we know who has started.

Start to complete Parent Facilitator booklet – Group profile, register.#

Follow up on non-attendance with parent & referrers.

After Every Session:

Review and evaluate session with co facilitators, discuss individual parental engagement and complete weekly review sheet.

Agree actions to be followed up before next session and by whom.

Ensure parents notes, attendance, non-attendance are recorded on relevant system with 24 hours.

Provide copy of signing in sheet to children centre locality hub for recording on E Start.

Ask parents to complete session evaluation form

Midway through the course:

Ask parents to review personal goals and complete midway review – parent and facilitator to sign

Practitioners to complete mid-way review.

After final session:

Ask parents to complete final evaluations in journey booklets, ensuring everything is completed and signed.

Review progress with parents and discuss the feedback that will be shared with referrer.

Ask parents to complete post course questionnaires (SDQ, DASS21)

Complete Course End Evaluations.

Within Two of Group Ending:-

Score post group questionnaires

Ensure Practitioner booklet is fully completed.

Complete Feedback To Referrers Forms – Email to Referrers and add general note on system.

Upload Parent Journey Booklets into Documents against children’s names.

Ensure EHM / Liquid Logic is up to date with Parent notes, attendance,

& all documents are uploaded.

Submit all paperwork - copies of Parent Journey booklets and practitioner booklets to Parenting Team at Wheatley Children Centre.

Take part in peer support/self-reflection sessions as required

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EXAMPLE Group Profile

Practitioner Names:

Venue: Course :

Number of Parents: Dates/Times

Group cohesion: Include whether male or female, ethnicity and age range

Details: 8 White British Females, 1 Female from Lithuanian (speaks English well), 1 Asian Male (speaks English) Mixed aged group from 18 up to 50 years

Group Composition/Level of need: How many families at TAC, CIN, CP How many families meet B.S.F Potential risks to consider:-

Details: 5 Families at TAC 2 CIN 3 at C.P – P1******1 Family (Children live with maternal aunt, parents have weekly contact) P1*****2, P1******3 All meet BSF

Accessibility requirements / Additional Need requirements:

Details: No Specific access requirements – all parents arriving by public transport Parent S.B – EHM 101*** - Requires print outs to be on Yellow paper to assist with visual dyslexia Parents T.B & L.B – Will require support with any reading or written tasks

Any Other Comments:- Children’s ages range from 18 months – 17 yrs. 4 Parents have children on Pathway

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Group Profile

Practitioner Names:

Venue: Course :

Number of Parents: Dates/Times

Group cohesion: Include whether male or female, ethnicity and age range


Group Composition/Level of need: How many families at TAC, CIN, CP How many families meet B.S.F Potential risks to consider:-


Accessibility requirements / Additional Need requirements:


Any Other Comments:-

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Group Register Course title: Code: Start Date: Days/Times: Finish Date: Venue: Facilitators: Date:






Q (
















Adults Full Name: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14













Tutor Initials:

I confirm that this is a true record of attendance. Signed (facilitator)…………………………………

Group Register

/ = Present L = Late (Time) A = Absent (no reason Known) N = Notified Absence W = Withdrawn

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Course title: Code: Start Date: Days/Times: Finish Date: Venue: Facilitators: Date:






Q (
















Adults Full Name: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14









Tutor Initials:

I confirm that this is a true record of attendance. Signed (facilitator)…………………………………

(This document should be completed as part of every session)

/ = Present L = Late (Time) A = Absent (no reason Known) N = Notified Absence W = Withdrawn

Date: _______________________ Session:


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Weekly Group Evaluation

What are we worried about? (do you have any worries from today’s session, say

specifically what they are, is there anything you could have done differently, are there any current challenges

that you need deal with next week)

What is working well? (What went well in today’s session, was there a

challenge/difficulty that you overcame, what do you feel confident about)

What needs to happen? (Consider what you need to organise / do to prepare for the next session, what do you need to do more of, what

do you need to do differently)

Date …………………

•To be completed each week - please photocopy for the number of weeks you require.

Scaling Question; On a scale of 0-10, how well do you think the sessions went? 10 being really positive, all parents attended and engaging well, we felt confident in what we were delivering, 0 being there were a lot of difficulties this week, we need to get support, had a safeguarding issue to deal with, was difficult to keep control of the group (Please provide a number and a reason why this number, and then what you would need to see to increase this number). Facilitator 1: Name: Facilitator 2: Name: Facilitator 3: Name:

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What are we worried about? Do you have any worries about how the course is

going? Reflecting back is there anything you could have done differently, are there any current challenges?

What is working well? What is going well with the programme, what

challenges/difficulties have you overcome, what do you feel confident about?

What needs to happen? Consider what you need to do to organise /prepare for

the next session/ending of group, if delivering the course again, what do you need to do differently?

Scaling Question; On a scale of 0-10, how well do you think the sessions went? 10 being really positive, all parents attended and engaging well, we felt confident in what we were delivering, 0 being there were a lot of difficulties this week, we need to get support, had a safeguarding issue to deal with, was difficult to keep control of the group (Please provide a number and a reason why this number, and then what you would need to see to increase this number). Facilitator 1: Name: Facilitator 2: Name: Facilitator 3: Name:

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Complete after reviewing parents completed course evaluations, parent Journey booklets. Date: Course End Evaluation

Number of parents started

Number of parents who have successfully completed (e.g. 8 out of 10 Solihull, 6 out of 8 Triple P)

What are we worried about? (do you have any worries from today’s session, say

specifically what they are, is there anything you could have done differently, are there any current challenges

that you need deal with next week)

What is working well? (What went well in today’s session, was there a

challenge/difficulty that you overcame, what do you feel confident about)

What needs to happen? (Consider what you need to organise / do to prepare for the next session, what do you need to do more of, what

do you need to do differently)

Scaling Question; On a scale of 0-10, how well do you think the sessions went? 10 being really positive, all parents attended and engaging well, we felt confident in what we were delivering, 0 being there were a lot of difficulties this week, we need to get support, had a safeguarding issue to deal with, was difficult to keep control of the group (Please provide a number and a reason why this number, and then what you would need to see to increase this number). Facilitator 1: Name: Facilitator 2: Name: Facilitator 3: Name:

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Parent Programme - Referrer / Lead Practitioner Feedback Form

Please discuss with parents the feedback that will be shared with referrers

Parent Name: Child Name:-

Referrer / Lead Practitioner Name:

Parent Programme Attended: Practitioner Names:

Programme Dates: Venue:

Programme Length -


No of Weeks Parent


Comment & Analysis:-

(SDQ & DASS Pre and Post Measurements Scores / Parent Journey Book / Parental Engagement / Analysis

Signed: ___________________________________________ Practitioner Name _________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________________

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Course End Checklist

After final session:

Ask parents to complete final evaluations in journey booklets, ensuring everything is completed and signed.

Review progress with parents and discuss the feedback that will be shared with referrer.

Ask parents to complete post course questionnaires (SDQ, DASS21)

Complete Course End Evaluations.

Within Two of Group Ending:-

Score post group questionnaires

Ensure Practitioner booklet is fully completed.

Complete Feedback To Referrers Forms – Email to Referrers and add general note on system.

Upload Parent Journey Booklets into Documents against children’s names with a general note.

Ensure EHM / Liquid Logic is up to date with Parent notes, attendance,

& all documents are uploaded.

Submit all paperwork - copies of Parent Journey booklets and practitioner booklets to Parenting Team at Wheatley Children Centre within 2 weeks of course end.

Take part in peer support/self-reflection sessions as required

Date Books Submitted to Parent Team - Name & Signature :

Parent Journey Books Received

1 8

2 9

3 10

4 11

5 12

6 13

7 14

Received By/Date/Signature:-

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For Data /Q.A use: Course Code:- Course End Date: Date group booklets received: Parent Booklets Yes No

Are all booklets dated and signed? □ □

Have parents completed Pre and Post questionnaires? □ □

Have Parents completed journey booklets? □ □ Are documents uploaded on system? □ □ Has feedback been given to referrers? □ □ Facilitator Booklets Yes No

Is the group register complete? □ □

Was the group profile completed? □ □

Is EHM/L.L Up to date □ □ Have facilitators completed weekly evaluations? □ □ Have facilitators completed the mid-course review? □ □

Have facilitators completed the End evaluations? □ □ Have facilitators taken part in the peer

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support/observation exercise? □ □ Is spread sheet Up To Date □ □

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Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire Each subscale of the SDQ has been colour coded below to make scoring quicker and easier. Simply add the figures corresponding to the boxes ticked by the parent for each subscale and write the in the provided space on your triplicate form. REMEMBER, the Total Difficulties score is the sum of the 4 problem scales and DOESN’T include the Prosocial score. Somewhat Certainly Not True True True

1 Considerate of other people’s feelings 0 1 2 2 Restless, overactive, cannot stay still for long 0 1 2 3 Often complains of headaches, stomach-aches or sickness 0 1 2 4 Shares readily with other children (treats, toys, pencils etc) 0 1 2 5 Often has temper tantrums or hot tempers 0 1 2 6 Rather solitary, tends to play alone 0 1 2 7 Generally obedient, usually does what adults request 2 1 0 8 Many worries, often seems worried 0 1 2 9 Helpful if someone is hurt, upset or feeling ill 0 1 2 10 Constantly fidgeting or squirming 0 1 2 11 Has at least one good friend 2 1 0 12 Often fights with other children or bullies them 0 1 2 13 Often unhappy, down-hearted or tearful 0 1 2 14 Generally liked by other children 2 1 0 15 Easily distracted, concentration wanders 0 1 2 16 Nervous or clingy in new situations, easily loses confidence 0 1 2 17 Kind to younger children 0 1 2 18 Often lies or cheats 0 1 2 19 Picked on or bullied by other children 0 1 2 20 Often volunteers to help others (parents, teachers, other children) 0 1 2 21 Thinks things out before acting 2 1 0 22 Steals from home, school or elsewhere 0 1 2 23 Gets on better with adults than with other children 0 1 2 24 Many fears, easily scared 0 1 2 25 Sees tasks through to the end, good attention span 2 0 1

Emotional Symptoms N = 0-3 B = 4 AB = 5-10 Conduct Problems N = 0-2 B = 3 AB = 4-10 Hyperactivity N = 0-5 B = 6 AB = 7-10 Peer Problems N = 0-2 B = 3 AB = 4-10 Total Difficulties Score N = 0-13 B = 14-16 AB = 17-40 Prosocial N = 6-10 B = 5 AB = 0-4

Here are the score ranges for ‘Normal’ (N), ‘Borderline’ (B) and ‘Abnormal’ (AB) scores. When reviewing with parents remind them this is only an indication of possible problems and not a diagnostic test.

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Peer Support / Session Observation Feedback


Observer: Date & Time


Length of Observation

Topic/Week No.

Number on Register

Number in attendance


What are we worried about? (consider in here any key areas for

development, give specific examples of this to enable the facilitators to


What is working well? (consider in here any key strengths of the facilitators practice, how they managed

the group well, how they are moving parents forward / dealt with difficult


What needs to happen? (Consider the goals for future sessions,

what do the facilitators need to do more of, what can they do different next time?

You would put your actions in here)

Scaling Question; On a scale of 0-10, how well do you think the session was facilitated? 10 being there were continuous elements of good practice from the QA guide, parents were open in the group, facilitators managed difficult situations well, 0 being there are lots of areas for development, further training or support is required, the practitioners did not follow the practice guide? (Please provide a number and a reason why this number, and then what you would need to see to increase this number.) Observer: 0 10 Facilitator:

0 10 1

APPENDIX H – Peer Support / Session Observation Feedback

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Parent Name: Child Name:-

Referrer / Lead Practitioner Name:

Parent Programme Attended: Practitioner Names:

Programme Dates: Venue:

Programme Length -


No of Weeks Parent


Practitioner Comment & Analysis:-

(SDQ & DASS 21 Pre & Post Measurement Scores / Parent Journey Book / Parental Engagement / Analysis :

APPENDIX I – REFERRER FEEDBACK FORM Please discuss with parents the feedback that will be shared with referrers

Signed: _____________________________________________ Practitioner Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________________________________________

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Name Address Address Town Post Code

Contact: Emma Marsden

Office Telephone: 01302 862680

Email: [email protected] Your Ref: Parenting Programme Invite


Dear #####

RE: Parenting Programme Request

Following our conversation we have received a request for you to attend our

Parenting Programme from [REFERRER NAME OR SERVICE].

We would like to offer you a place on the following group:-

Programme Name:

Start Date:

Couse Duration:



We look forward to seeing you. If you have any questions, queries or this is

inconvenient for you to attend please do not hesitate to contact us on the above

number where we will be more than happy to help you.

The course facilitators will be in contact with you before the course is due to start

Yours faithfully,

Emma Marsden Parenting Officer

Appendix J Example Letters

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Name Address Address Town Post Code

Contact: Emma Marsden

Office Telephone: 01302 862680

Email: [email protected] Your Ref: Parenting Programme Invite


Dear #####

RE: Parenting Programme Request

We have received a request for you to attend our Parenting Programme from

[REFERRER NAME OR SERVICE]. Following our telephone conversation on

####### I write to confirm that at present you do not wish to attend any of the


Group Offered:

1st Date Offered:

2nd Date Offered:

Should you require a parent group in the future please let your worker know and they

will make another request.

Yours faithfully,

Emma Marsden

Parenting Officer

Doncaster Children’s Services Trust

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Name Address Address Town Post Code

Contact: Emma Marsden

Office Telephone: 01302 862680

Email: [email protected] Your Ref: Parenting Programme Invite


Dear ##### RE: /////// Following your telephone conversation with the course facilitator, we are writing to confirm your place on the upcoming /////// Group: Programme Name: Start Date: Course Duration: Venue: Time: If you are unable to attend or would like to discuss anything before the course starts please contact ///// or //// on the above number. Yours faithfully, /////// Family Support Worker Doncaster Children’s Services Trust

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Contact: Emma Marsden Office Telephone: 01302 862680 Email: [email protected] Your Ref: Parenting Programme Invite

Date: Dear ##### RE: Parenting Programme Request We have received a request informing us that you are interested in attending a Solihull parenting programme. We have a group starting at : Venue ######## in Date :#######. The group facilitators will be in touch with you to discuss the programme. In the meantime if you have any queries or questions please contact us on the above number. Yours faithfully, Emma Marsden Parenting Officer Doncaster Children’s Services Trust

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Contact: Emma Marsden

Office Telephone: 01302 862680

Email: [email protected] Your Ref: Parenting Programme Waiting List Date:


RE: Parenting Programme Request

We have received a request for you to attend our Parenting Programme from ####.

We have added you to our parenting programme waiting list, we will be in contact

with you shortly to discuss what parenting courses we have to offer.

Yours faithfully,

Emma Marsden Parenting Officer Doncaster Children’s Services Trust