Parent Perusals January 4, 2018 Parent Leadership Opportunity

Parent Perusals - esc20.net · The Parent Leadership Academy is free and ... To learn more about the Parent Leadership Academy, download ... with my girls when I had to wake them

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Parent PerusalsJanuary 4, 2018

Parent Leadership Opportunity

What is the Parent Leadership Academy?The Parent Leadership Academy is a collaborative partnership of the Alamo Colleges, SanAntonio College, Education Service Center, Region 20 Family Engagement Program, andSan Antonio ISD Family Engagement Department, to enhance family engagement in theeducation of their families. The Parent Leadership Academy is free and open to parents/caregivers in the Region 20 areawho are interested in becoming a parent leader and advocate for the family and community.

APPLY here.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Parent LeadershipAcademy1. Who can apply to participate in the Parent Leadership Academy (PLA)?The Parent Leadership Academy is open for any parent/grandparent/caregiver/fosterparent/family member that would like to develop more leadership skills to become a strongerparent leader in your home, in the school, and in the community. 2. San Antonio ISD and San Antonio College are partners in this program. Does this meanmy child has to attend SAISD and/or I have to be a part of Alamo Colleges?

No. SAISD, San Antonio College and Region 20 all share the �nancial responsibilities of theprogram AND each entity contributes to the development of the program. Each entitycontributes the strengths of their program to the Parent Leadership Academy that make it a veryunique learning opportunity.The Parent Leadership Academy is open to anyone that resides within the Region 20 area(counties include Bexar, Comal, Atascosa, Dimmitt, Bandera, Frio, Guadalupe, Kinney, Kendall,Kerr, LaSalle, Maverick, Medina, Real, Uvalde, Wilson and Zavala).Each cohort has representation of multiple school districts that participate. 3. Is participation in the Parent Leadership Academy free?Yes it is! 4. What are the requirements to be able to graduate in the Parent Leadership Academy?For more detailed information, including dates, locations and description of courses, pleasedownload the application packet below.Requirements:

Attend the orientation sessionAttend the mid-point sessionAttend the required closing sessionAttend 6 other required coursesAttend 2 electives classes of your choiceDevelop a portfolio that showcases your learningAttend required graduation ceremony

5. What happens if I can't attend all the courses?We know life happens and sometimes that causes you to miss a course. All courses are soimportant and we want you to attend them all.We allow one "free" absence of a course with no make-up. If you miss a 2nd course, we allow amake-up. If you miss a 3rd course, we ask that you continue in the program and you canparticipate in graduation, but you will receive a participation certi�cate. You will have theopportunity to complete your missed courses in the next cohort and receive your completioncerti�cate at that time. 6. I work and can't attend the classes in the day. Does this mean I can't participate?We work really hard to o�er the classes in a variety of time frames to try to accommodate all thedi�erent schedules. We will never be able to get it perfect for everybody. We hope that knowingthe dates/times in advance will allow you to make the plans needed to be able to attend. Theelective courses are also o�ered via webinar that allow you to participate via computer atanother location. 7. I don't have childcare. Can I bring my children to the classes?At this time, we do not o�er childcare at any of the locations that the courses are held. Childrenare not allowed due to safety precautions and we do not want to take away the learning fromothers by having children in the courses. We want you to be able to participate fully withoutdistractions! 8. Can Spanish speaking families participate?

Parent Leadership Academy Applications are Ready!Parent Leadership Academy Applications are Ready!

Applications are now being accepted for the 2018 spring cohort for the Parent LeadershipAcademy! To learn more about the Parent Leadership Academy, download the application

packet below.

Deadline to Apply is Wednesday, January 17th.

2018 TAPPestry Conference: Saturday, February 17th2018 TAPPestry Conference: Saturday, February 17th

TAPPestry is an annual conference that brings together Parents/Caregivers, Teachers,Administrators, and other Professionals that have or work with children with special needs.

Yes! If we know in advance, we can provide an interpreter at each of the courses. At this time,our materials are not translated in Spanish, but we hope to accommodate this in the future. 9. Have other questions?Email or call Kimberly Baumgardner at [email protected] or 210-370-5431

pdfSpring 2018 APPLICATION Packet.pdf

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TAPPestry Registration is OPEN!Download the �yers below!

Conference information is posted at www.esc20.net/tappestry!

pdf2018 TAPPestry Flyer.pdf

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Community Events & ResourcesCommunity Events & Resources

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New Year Begins with Community Meetings for the StateBoard of Education (SBOE)A community meeting is scheduled this month in San Antonio to gather public input for the newLong-Range Plan for Public Education that is now being developed. The State Board of Education, with assistance from an 18-member steering committee, plans toadopt goals for the public education system through the year 2030. To determine what these speci�c goals should be, the board is collecting commentsaround four broad topics:

Educator preparation, recruitment, and retentionEquity and access to funding, technology, and advanced coursesStudent engagement and empowerment to provide e�ective support systems for studentsand prepare them for life after high schoolFamily engagement and empowerment to help parents become strong advocates for theirchildren in the education system.

To gather information about these topics, the board is hosting nine meetings around the stateand will soon release an online survey.

The San Antonio meeting will be:

Jan. 9 – 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Region 20 Education Service Center located at 1314 Hines Ave.

To register, go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/community-conversation-san-antonio-january-9th-tickets-39529430591 .

Reaching the Wounded StudentBexar CARES invites parents, foster parents, school employees, mental health/medicalprofessionals, case managers & others to attend a FREE training featuring:

Dr. Joe HendershottParent, Foster Parent, Educator and Author of "Reaching the Wounded Student"

The training will focus on: e�ects of trauma, how to encourage students to succeed, buildingempathetic connections, and cultivating community. When: Monday, January 22ndTime: 8:30 a.m.--4:00 p.m.Location: Tri-Point Event Center Continental Breakfast and Lunch included with Registration. Limited childcare is available on a �rst-come basis for children ages 0-5. To reserve childcareemail: [email protected] or call Leanne at 210-261-3539

REGISTER for Reaching the Wounded Student!

Download the �yer below for more information!


Reaching the Wounded Student.pdfMore event details

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HealthRHYTHMS®HealthRHYTHMS® is a research-based life enhancement tool. It is a group drummingrecreational music-making (RMM) protocol based upon published studies by a research team ledby Barry Bittman, M.D., a neurologist. Studies have demonstrated a boost to the immune system, improved mood states, and reducedstress and burnout. No previous musical experience is needed and all instruments will be provided.HealthRhythms ® is NOT a drumming lesson or performance-based class. It promotescommunication and self-expression through drums and percussion. Your instructor, JorgeOchoa, is a trained REMO HealthRhythms Facilitator. Adults 18 and over please. Class Dates: Mondays, 1/22/2018- 2/26/2018Time: 7:15-8:15 PMCost: $49 Register at 210-397-8100 (option2) orgoo.gl/4LzUct Class location:

Northside Independent School District Learning CenterRoom: C116NLC-Building C6632 Bandera RoadSan Antonio, TX 78238

Download the �yer below!

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TamboFUNction Drumming for ALL kids in Pre-K/Kinder andolder children with special needs starts 1/22Class addresses pre-academic, sensory-motor, and social-emotional skills. Class is limited to 10 students.All instruments provided. No previous musical required.Examples of skills addressed using drums and percussion include:• Attention/focus• Impulse/self-control• Taking turns• Sharing• Communication reinforcement• Creative self-expression• Leadership• Con�dence/self-esteem• Basic color/shape identi�cation• Prepositional/positional concepts • Sensory-motor skills• Numbers• Left/ right discrimination... and FUN!More info/registration: goo.gl/dhDgr2 Note: These are not drum lesson classes & you do not have to be a resident of Northside ISD toparticipate. For more information contact:Jorge Ochoa, OTROccupational Therapist TamboRhythms.com Group Drumming [email protected]

Click here to read the Newsletter!

Educational & Parenting ResourcesEducational & Parenting Resources

210-289-7100 Facebook & YouTube: TamboRhythms

Download the �yer below!

pdfKids TamboFUNction.pdf

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Get Your Family Routine Back on TrackPersonally speaking as nice as it was to have an extended break, I dreaded getting back in ourroutine, but I quickly realized that our ROUTINE is what made my household feel somewhatnormal (whatever normal is)! Some of you started back to school this week while others get back to school next week. Regardless of the time of year, we all go through periods where our family routine is simply outof whack! These tips shared by WebMD are easy and practical!

I totally agree with #1 and #2. It sure felt good last night to have a meal together with just myfamily and talk about our break and go through our nighttime routine! It also made a di�erencewith my girls when I had to wake them up this morning! I hope these help you as much as they helped me!__________________________________________________________________________________________ Routines are fragile things. Switch up the structure of your day because of a trip, school break,or daylight saving time, and your family can veer o� course. True, it’s good for kids to learn to go with the �ow. But “we all thrive on predictability androutine,” says Jeanette Sawyer Cohen, PhD, a clinical psychologist and child developmentconsultant in New York City. “Knowing what to expect helps us feel safe and secure.”Plus, when your kids stick to a routine, they’re more likely to eat wisely and sleep soundly --healthy choices that you'll want to become lifelong habits. How can you get your family back on a schedule? Focus on a few key moments in every day tomake healthy choices. Start With Bedtime The �rst piece of the puzzle is the last part of your day. “Sleep a�ects our ability to concentrate,helps us avoid mistakes, and keeps our immune system in top shape,” explains Susan Newman,PhD, a social psychologist in Sergeantsville, NJ, and author of Little Things Long Remembered:Making Your Children Feel Special Every Day.Start slowly by getting kids to bed 10 minutes earlier each night until you reach their idealbedtime. Younger kids can make a chart that lets them track their progress. Older kids may bemore likely to cooperate if you set an example and stick to an early bedtime for yourself.You might describe how you didn’t do well at work one day because you stayed up too late thenight before, Newman suggests. Then, “announce that you’re going to bed early too so you don’thave another terrible, awful day.” Put Family Mealtime on the ScheduleAs often as you can, get your family to sit down for meals together. With hectic work schedulesand after-school events, sticking to the same mealtime can be a challenge. Still, �nd a way tolabel your dinner routines -- even if it changes day by day, Cohen suggests.For instance, maybe the days your kids have soccer and will eat dinner earlier than usual are“sandwich days.” The evenings you work late are “babysitter days,” and nights you’re all togetherare “family dinner nights.” “Naming these di�erent experiences makes the variety feel moreroutine,” Cohen says. Be a Good Role Model Your kids take cues from what YOU do. (Yes, even teens who pretend they don’t.) If your day’s allover the place, you eat your meals in the car, and sometimes don’t go to bed until the wee hoursof the morning, “your child is absorbing that ‘push to the limit’ attitude and the habits that gowith it,” Newman says. The more you set healthy limits for yourself, the more likely your childwill be to follow suit. Get Moving

January Math Problem of the Day Calendars(Grades K-2, 3-5 & 6-8)These math calendars are a great way to bring math in your home inan engaging and FUN way! I keep mine on my refrigerator and �ndthat my daughter gravitates toward it and works on it without meeven prompting her! AND it's easy for you---each day the solution to the problem is equalto the date! :-) How to Use the Problem of the Day Calendars: This could make it a fun addition to your daily calendar time if youteach younger ones.But this can also mean that older kids simply write the solution without actually doing any math.

One of the best things you can do for your kids’ health? Show them that staying active should bea part of everyday life. Once homework is done, limit their screen time to no more than 2 hoursa day. Then, schedule a set time when your whole family moves together. Swim at the pool, playtag outside, or take a family hike. “Make it normal to take the stairs, walk from a farther parkingspot, or rake leaves together,” Newman says. Plan Ahead for Next TimeDon’t put o� a family trip just because it will upset your schedule. Some kids are �exible andadjust easily. Others will get better at handling change the more they practice.But to make your time away -- and return home -- smoother, “�nd a way to maintain some senseof continuity,” Cohen says. Even away from home, younger kids can be tucked in with theirfavorite stu�ed animal and sung their usual good-night song. Older kids can follow their usualdinner and bedtime routines, even if they don’t happen at the same time as they do at home.But remember: Don’t go overboard.“As parents, you’re not running a training camp,” Newman says. “Nothing horrible will happen ifyou’re �exible from time to time.” Taken from WebMD's Raising Fit Kids Series.

Your Kid Just Learned to Read. WhatBooks Come Next?I love this! I have a kindergartner who is a pre-reader and as amom I often wonder what are good books that I should exposeto my daughter that can be engaging and at her level. The books in this list have given me some ideas to check out atthe library! I hope you �nd it helpful too!

Check out the list!

If you combine the daily math problem with a math journal, you can give a variety of prompts toextend their thinking and learning to help resist this temptation.For example, ask them to draw a picture of how they solved it. Or ask them to explain how theysolved it and then write a problem of their own with that solution. Another idea is to cut the calendar up like a puzzle and then have kids solve all the problemsat once and glue them into a blank calendar.

Download the January calendars below! Thank you to Math Geek Mama for making January's calendar FREE!Learn more about the math problem calendars from Math Geek Mama here.

A New Year Means New Parent Trainings! Check them out &

Plan to Attend!

pdfJanuary Math Problem of the Day.pdf

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Upcoming ESC-20 FREE Parent Trainingsin January 2018Tuesday, January 9, 2018, 9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Grandparents who are raising grandchildren began to takenotice of the lack of resources and lack of knowledge that manygrandparents are facing. This training will be led by a group ofgrandparents who will share information on how to become anadvocate for your grandchildren, how to �nd and/or start asupport group and ways to educate yourself on legal, health and�nancial issues and how to reach out to community resources. **Interpreter provided by request. Call 210-370-5466 by12:00 p.m. on Friday, January 5th. Wednesday, January 10, 2018, 9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Graduation Requirements for Students Receiving SpecialEducation Services

Parents will learn requirements needed for students receivingspecial education services in Texas to graduate. In this training,we will take an in-depth look at the law and cover the graduationplans Texas currently has in place to graduate from high school. **Interpreter provided by request. Call 210-370-5466 by12:00 p.m. on Monday, January 8th. Tuesday, January 16, 2018, 9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. It’s a Whole New World Out There…And Success Starts Here! This fun, energetic and interactive session is designed to updateparents about the 21st Century workplace needs of theemployer and the future employability needs of their child(ren).Using data from the Texas Workforce Commission, The UnitedStates Census, Department of Labor Statistics, and more,parents will walk away with a better understanding of how theycan empower their child(ren) to be the very best they can be andto build the skill sets to “sell” themselves as the best “products”on the market for any and all employers in the world. **Interpreter provided by request. Call 210-370-5466 by12:00 p.m. on Friday, January 12th. Tuesday, January 23, 2018, 9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Parenting in the Digital AgeOur children's access to technology can both empower andendanger them. Come to this training to learn what to look outfor as parents in your child's digital interactions. What isreasonable in usage? How do you �nd out about apps, gamesand websites? Should children and teens have social mediaaccounts? How should you handle cyberbullying? You will leave this training with practical advice and tools toassist you in your role as a 21st Century parent! **Interpreter provided by request. Call 210-370-5466 by12:00 p.m. on Friday, January 19th. Wednesday, January 24, 2018, 9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Texas Transition 101

Parents will receive an in-depth look at the transition processand understand how to use the TEA Transition & EmploymentGuide, as an informative resource tool. This training will coverthe importance of the transition process, self-determination,and the importance of your child’s transition plan to help thembe successful after public school.**Interpreter provided by request. Call 210-370-5466 by12:00 p.m. on Monday, January 22nd. Saturday, January 27, 2018, 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. The 7 Habits of Successful FamiliesIt’s no secret that many families today are in trouble. The 7Habits of Successful Families training o�ers a much-neededframework for applying universal, self-evident principles thatenable family members to communicate their challenges andovercome them successfully together. In this training, parentswill learn to:· Apply an “Inside-Out Approach” to problem solving and goalcreation;· Resolve di�erences in marriage and family relationships bycreatively cooperating together;· Establish a better work/life balance;· Become more e�ective in raising emotionally healthy andempowered children;· Employ the skills of Empathic Listening and synergy; and · Learn to e�ectively discipline and motivate children.**Interpreter provided by request. Call 210-370-5466 by12:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 25th. Wednesday, January 31, 2018, 9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Bridging the Math Gap Between School and Home(Kindergarten—Grade 2) In this training, participants will learn how to help their child bybridging the math concepts taught in school to home life.Hands-on activities will be used to show how math is beinglearned in the classroom. The math will focus on developingnumber sense. **Interpreter provided by request. Call 210-370-5466 by12:00 p.m. on Monday, January 29th.

To Register for Parent Trainings:

Parent Trainings are also offered viawebinar!To participate in the parent trainings via webinar, [email protected] to receive the webinar link andelectronic handouts the day before the training. Please note: Webinars are not o�ered for evening or Saturdaytrainings.

Call or email Lori Williams at (210) 370-5466 or [email protected].

Facebook @ESCRegion20

Family Engagement Program Manager,Education Service Center, Region 20

1314 Hines, San Antonio, TX, … kimberly.baumgardner@esc2…

210-370-5431 esc20.net/parentresources