Carnoustie Early Learning and Childcare Centre Parent Handbook

Parent Handbook - home | Angus Council

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Carnoustie Early Learning and

Childcare Centre



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Welcome to Carnoustie ELCC, we may not be in our new building but our team

of professionals are here to provide a warm nurturing learning environment for

your children. Your child will provided with exciting opportunities to develop their

skills, knowledge and understanding while learning through high quality play

and experiences.

Partnerships with parents

We love to involve Parents in the life of our centre, we value your thoughts,

opinions and feedback. To allow us to work together we hope to develop

a parent partnership group to give you the parents the opportunity to

have a voice to share their ideas and be involved in our learning


As part of our commitment to you we will ensure there is 2 way

communication, you will be kept up to date with your child’s learning and

progress. To ensure effective communication we will use a variety of

methods including email, newsletters and Twitter, follow us


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Meet the team

Mrs Davis


Mrs Rollo

Depute Manager

Mrs Robertson

Senior Early



Miss Simpson

Senior Early



Miss Scott

Senior Early



Miss Anderson

Early Years


Miss Clark

Early Years


Miss Deuchars

Early Years


Mrs Foote

Early Years


Mrs Getty

Early Years


Mrs Russell

Early Years


Ms Whyte

Early Years


Mrs McDonald

Early Years


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Mrs McGregor

Early Years


Mrs Forbes

Early Years


Mrs O’Neill

Early Years


Miss Fraser

Early Years


Mrs Watson

Early Years


Miss Muir

Early Years


Mrs Bisgrove

Early Years


Mrs Milne

Early Years


Mrs Duthie

Early Years


Mrs Cuthbert

Early Years


Mrs Rae

Early Years


Miss Allan

Early Years


Mrs Dunn

Early Years


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Settling in to the Centre

Prior to your child starting at the centre with us you will be invited in for a transition

visit. The transition visit is an opportunity for you and your child to meet the team

and your child’s keyworker.

During your transition visit your keyworker will spend some time getting to know you

and your child and complete a My World document.

This visit is the perfect opportunity for you to ask your child’s keyworker any

questions you may have and share any vital information about your child.

Due to current restrictions on physical distancing and the impact of Covid-19

unfortunately there will not be other children present during your child's induction

visit. This is to ensure the health and wellbeing of all families.

Drop off and Collection

Please adhere to social distancing and wear a face covering during drop off and


Each family will be allocated a drop off and collection time at staggered intervals

which must be strictly adhered to, this means that flexible drop off and pick up

times are not possible at the beginning and end of the session until Covid-19

restrictions are eased. This is to avoid too many people arriving at the centre at

once and to avoid families queuing. Please ensure you are on time as any

lateness will have an impact on the other families and possibly put people at risk.

We would ask that children are accompanied for drop off by only one adult, this

adult will be asked to remain outside where you will have a handover with a

member of the centre staff and you will be able to say goodbye. Staff will be

calm and attentive as we realise some children will be leaving their parents for the

first time in a while. We are always contactable by phone if you have any worries

about the drop off.

Upon collection we ask that only one adult per child comes to the door and

remains outside, a member of the centre staff will bring your child to you at your

allocated collection time. The staff will give you information on how your child’s

day has been.

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How we have planned for Covid-19 and your

child’s safety

To reduce the risk of transmission of Covid-19 we are minimising contact

between people as much as possible, this includes young children. However

Scottish Government state (2020, p18)

“it is not appropriate for young children to maintain the models of physical

distancing that would be suitable for older children, either practically or in

terms of child development. In particular, it is not desirable or possible to

implement strict physical distancing between young children or between a

young child and their keyworker”

We will be working with key groups with a small numbers of children and adults

consistently grouped together

During the day your child’s keygroup will be provided with engaging learning

experiences tailored to suit their needs and interests including water, sand and

playdough and have access to outdoor play. All resources, table tops and high

contact points will be washed using a suitable disinfectant that is active against

viruses and bacteria.

Enhanced Handwashing

All children and staff will regularly wash their hands with soap and water for 20

seconds frequently through the day and:

• Upon arrival at the centre

• When hands are visibly dirty

• After using the toilet

• After coughing or sneezing

• Before and after eating

• When going from one room to another

• After physical contact with others

It would benefit your child if you were to discuss frequent handwashing at

home before beginning with us at the centre. This will help them understand

their time at the centre and to make them feel safe about Covid-19.

Staff will only be wearing face masks or PPE during drop off and collection

times not at other times of the day to make the setting as welcoming and

friendly as possible for all the children.

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If your child is unwell

If your child is unwell please call the centre as soon as possible to inform us of their

absence, if your child is absent and we have not received a call from home we

will contact you.

If your child becomes unwell during a session we will call you to collect them, if

we are unable to contact you we will call your child’s emergency contacts,

please make sure all contact numbers are kept up to date.

To reduce the risk of infection for other children and staff we ask that you keep

your child at home until they are fit and well.

Covid –19 restrictions

If at anytime you , your child or someone in your household displays any

symptoms of Covid-19 we ask that you follow Government guidelines and self

isolate. Government guidance is that everyone who has symptoms should self

isolate for 10 days and people who live in the same household as a person with

symptoms should self isolate for 14 days and if during this 14 day isolation period

they become symptomatic they should isolate for 10 days from the onset of their


If at any time you are unsure if your child is able to attend the centre due to illness

please call us and we will advise based on health protection guidance.


Your child may at times require medication while at the centre. If this happens

you need to bring in the medication in the original box and instruction leaflet and

sign this in with a member of the management team. You will be required to take

the medication home when it is no longer required.

If your child requires emergency medication that needs to be kept on site we will

be happy to discuss this with you. We will review your child’s medical needs with

you at the start of each term.

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Snacks and Meals

During the session children will be provided with a well balanced healthy break-

fast if attending from 8am, AM snack and/or a PM snack. Children attending a full

day session will be provided with a hot bagged lunch from Tayside contracts

Children will be provided with drinking water throughout the day from an

individual drinks bottle labelled with your child’s name.

This is the hot bagged lunch provision. Lunch orders for the week should be

emailed to [email protected] by Monday morning. Further details will

be discussed at your transition visit.

2020-21 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Week 1

9th November

7th December

Breadsticks with Garlic Mayo

Chicken Burger in a Roll with diced potatoes and coleslaw

Broccoli pasta bake with mixed veg (V)

Crusty Bread

Steak Pie with boiled potatoes

Tomato Pasta (V)


Crusty Bread

Gingerbread Men with Fruit

Carrot and Cucumber sticks

Ham Roll with sweetcorn

Macaroni Cheese (V)


Crusty Bread

Chicken nuggets with potato wedges

Vegetable curry with rice (V)

Peas and Sweetcorn

Crusty Bread

Madeira Cake with Fruit

Fish Fingers with chips and beans

Baked potato with baked beans & mixed salad (V)

Crusty Bread

Ice Cream with Fruit

Week 2

19th October

16th November

14th December

Chicken Curry with Rice

Vegetable omelette with diced potatoes (V)


Crusty Bread

Banana Loaf with Fruit

Pork Sausage in gravy with mashed potatoes

Cheese roll with mixed salad (V)

Broccoli and cauliflower

Crusty Bread

Natural yoghurt with fruit

Mince filled Yorkshire pudding with boiled potatoes

Baked potato with baked beans & mixed salad


Crusty Bread

Cheese and Crackers with Fruit

Cheese Swirls

Beef burger in a roll with chips

Vegeballs in tomato sauce with pasta


Crusty Bread

Salmon fishcakes with diced potatoes

Cheese and tomato pizza with diced potatoes

Mixed Vegetables

Crusty Bread

Ice Cream with Fruit

Week 3

26th October

23rd November

21st December

BBQ Chicken with Pasta

Quorn dog roll with diced potatoes (V)


Crusty Bread

Gingerbread Men with Fruit

Ham roll with coleslaw

Cheese and tomato pizza with potato wedges and coleslaw


Crusty Bread

Natural Yoghurt with Fruit

Chicken nuggets with roast potatoes

Quorn fillet & gravy with Yorkshire pudding and roast

potatoes (V)


Crusty Bread

Madeira Cake with Fruit

Breadstick with garlic dip

Beef chilli with rice

Macaroni cheese (V)


Crusty Bread

Fish fingers with chips and baked beans

Baked potatoes with baked beans & mixed salad (V)

Crusty Bread

Ice Cream with Fruit

Week 4

2nd November

30th November

Chicken Sausages with gravy and diced potatoes

Cheese and tomato pizza with diced potatoes (V)


Crusty Bread

Banana Loaf with Fruit

Carrot and cucumber sticks

Pasta bolognaise with broccoli

Baked potato with cheese and coleslaw (V)

Crusty Bread

Chicken burger in a roll with diced potatoes

Vegetables in BBQ sauce with pasta (V)


Crusty Bread

Cheese and Crackers with Fruit

Melon Wedge

Chicken curry with rice

Quorn roll with diced potatoes (V)


Crusty Bread

Fish Fingers with chips

Tomato pasta

Mixed vegetables

Crusty Bread

Ice Cream with Fruit

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If you would prefer to supply your child’s own packed lunch you can do this, here

are some ideas for a well balanced lunch.

Lunch ideas

• Sandwiches

• Wraps

• Pitta breads

• Crackers

• Oatcakes

• Salad

Other items could include:

• Fruit– cut up in a box (grapes and tomatoes must be cut)

• Small box of crisps ( a full bag is often too much)

• Baby bel cheese

• Yoghurts

• Chopped veg and a dip

• Cous cous

Try and include normal portions that your child would eat at home, don’t give

them too much.

Staff will encourage your child to eat the contents of their packed lunch

We respectfully ask that you don’t include:

• Fizzy drinks

• Sweets/chocolate of any kind

• Drinks in glass bottles

• Food that has to be heated.

• Nuts or nut products such as peanut butter or Nutella

Children are welcome to bring a warm lunch in a thermos flask, please make sure

children have cutlery they may require in their lunch bags.

Sandwich fillings:

• Cheese

• Cheese spread

• Tuna

• Egg

• Ham

• Chicken

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Children love to get messy!

We will have lots of fun and possibly messy experiences in the centre and

outdoors. Your child will need to wear comfortable practical clothing that is

suitable for the weather, as the weather will not stop us playing outdoors.

We encourage children to be as independent as possible so please try to avoid

clothing that has complicated fastenings that may require assistance, why not

practice buttons, zips and studs at home so your child can dress themselves and

change their own shoes, this would be greatly appreciated.

Children will require a bag that has a spare 2x full change of clothes including

underwear and socks, a hat, scarf and gloves for winter and a sun hat for summer

along with their sun cream. If the weather is wet we would encourage you to

provide wellies for your child along with a full set of waterproofs.

Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name

this will assist staff in ensuring children wear and take home the correct items of


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Within Carnoustie ELCC children are active participants in their learning. We

achieve this through;

• An enabling environment, children have access to resources that are

appropriate, the adults support their play allowing the children time to

explore and engage.

• Leaders who love learning, all our staff love their jobs and develop the

children’s learning through questioning, co researching with the children

and encouraging the children’s curiosity.

• Respectful relationships, we have a shared ethos that everyone is actively

listened to and we all have a positive respectful relationship with each


• Play filled teaching and learning, all learning for the children should be full

of fun as well as challenging with support from the staff team

• Progression for all, we plan for every child’s learning in the centre and

ensure there is progression in their learning by considering the children next

steps regularly

• Flexible care and support, we adapt our practice to support the families

and children’s needs

Within the centre we use developmental milestones and Curriculum for

Excellence to plan and support our children’s learning.

Curriculum and Learning

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If you have any issues or complaints you wish to discuss regarding our Early Years

Service it would be good to talk to your child's key worker in the first instance. However

if you would like to discuss the matter further make contact in person, by phone or

email with a Senior Early Years Practitioner. If you are not satisfied with the outcome

you should then make contact with in person, by phone or email with the Depute

Manager or Manager. We would like to resolve your complaint with you at the earliest


If for any reason you are unhappy with the response we provide to your complaint you

can contact the care inspectorate ,Care Inspectorate, Compass House, Riverside

Drive ,Dundee, 0345 600 9527


[email protected]


01241 467400

How to contact us


How we keep you informed of your child’s progress

Staff use observations, notes, as well as conversations drawings etc. to document

your child’s learning in an individual online learning journey. Information on how

to access your child’s online journal will be discussed at your transition visit. We

involve the children in reflecting on their learning within their learning journey and

we actively encourage you to include your comments on the children’s progress.

We share feedback on your child’s progress through informal chats.

Written reports are completed in the final term, which will provide you with

detailed information about your child’s learning and achievements.

To keep you up to date with children’s learning and experiences while at the

centre we will post regular updates on our Twitter page @CarnoustieELCC

We are always happy to discuss any aspect of your child’s learning and progress

with you and if you have any queries or worries please speak to us.