PARCC Field Test NY schools 2014

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  • 8/13/2019 PARCC Field Test NY schools 2014


    The SAS System

    Full District Name Full School Name Grade/Course Subject

    Achievement First East New York Charter School 3 Mathematics

    Achievement First East New York Charter School 5 Mathematics

    Achievement First Endeavor Charter School Achievement First Endeavor Charter School 7 Mathematics

    Achievement First Endeavor Charter School Achievement First Endeavor Charter School 8 MathematicsAddison Central School istrict T!scarora Elementary School " E#A

    Addison Central School istrict T!scarora Elementary School $ E#A

    Addison Central School istrict Addison %i&h School 7 Mathematics

    Addison Central School istrict Addison %i&h School 8 E#A

    Ale'ander Central School istrict Ale'ander Middle School(%i&h School )eometry Mathematics

    Ale'ander Central School istrict Ale'ander Middle School(%i&h School Al&e*ra ++ Mathematics

    Ale'andria Central School istrict Ale'andria Central %i&h School 7 E#A

    Ale'andria Central School istrict Ale'andria Central %i&h School 8 E#A

    Amityville ,nion Free School istrict Amityville Memorial %i&h School )eometry MathematicsAmityville ,nion Free School istrict Amityville Memorial %i&h School Al&e*ra ++ Mathematics

    Arlin&ton Central School istrict -ail Farm Elementary School " E#A

    Arlin&ton Central School istrict -ail Farm Elementary School 5 Mathematics

    Attica Central School istrict Attica Senior %i&h School Mathematics

    Attica Central School istrict Attica Elementary School 3 E#A

    Attica Central School istrict Attica Elementary School " E#A

    Avoca Central School istrict Avoca Central School . E#A

    Avoca Central School istrict Avoca Central School /0 E#A

    1aldwinsville Central School istrict Theodore 2 !r&ee !nior %i&h School . E#A

    1allston S4a Central School istrict 1allston S4a Middle School $ E#A

    1allston S4a Central School istrict 1allston S4a Middle School Al&e*ra + Mathematics

    1allston S4a Central School istrict Milton Terrace North Elementary School 3 Mathematics

    1allston S4a Central School istrict Milton Terrace North Elementary School 5 E#A

    1edord Central School istrict Fo' #ane Middle School 8 Mathematics

    1r!nswick Central School istrict 61rittonkill Tamarac Middle School %i&h School 7 E#A

    1!alo City School istrict r Martin #!ther in&9 r M!ltic!lt!ral +nstit!te " Mathematics

    1!alo City School istrict r Martin #!ther in&9 r M!ltic!lt!ral +nstit!te 5 Mathematics

    Achievement First East New York Charter

    Achievement First East New York Charter

  • 8/13/2019 PARCC Field Test NY schools 2014


    The SAS System

    1!alo City School istrict +nternational School " E#A

    1!alo City School istrict +nternational School 5 Mathematics

    1!alo City School istrict Frederick ;lmsted

  • 8/13/2019 PARCC Field Test NY schools 2014


    The SAS System

    Charter School For A44lied Technolo&ies Charter School For A44lied Technolo&ies 5 E#A

    Chenan&o Forks Central School istrict Chenan&o Forks Elementary School " Mathematics

    Chenan&o Forks Central School istrict Chenan&o Forks Elementary School 5 E#A

    Ch!rchville(Chili Central School istrict Ch!rchville(Chili Senior %i&h School Al&e*ra + Mathematics

    Ch!rchville(Chili Central School istrict Ch!rchville(Chili Senior %i&h School Al&e*ra ++ MathematicsClarkstown Central School istrict Feli' Festa Character Middle School 7 Mathematics

    Clarkstown Central School istrict Feli' Festa Character Middle School 8 E#A

    Clinton Central School istrict Clinton Senior %i&h School . E#A

    Clinton Central School istrict Clinton Senior %i&h School /0 E#A

    Clymer Central School istrict Clymer Central School Mathematics

    Co4enha&en Central School istrict Co4enha&en Central School 7 E#A

    Co4enha&en Central School istrict Co4enha&en Central School 8 Mathematics

    Cortland City School istrict 2andall School 3 Mathematics

    Cortland City School istrict 2andall School $ E#ACortland City School istrict Cortland !nior(Senior %i&h School /0 E#A

    Cortland City School istrict Cortland !nior(Senior %i&h School Al&e*ra ++ Mathematics

    Co'sackie(Athens Central School istrict Co'sackie(Athens Middle School $ Mathematics

    Co'sackie(Athens Central School istrict Co'sackie(Athens Middle School 7 Mathematics

    !nkirk City Schools School 3 3 Mathematics

    !nkirk City Schools School 3 " Mathematics

    East 1loomield Central School istrict 1loomield Elementary School 3 E#A

    East 1loomield Central School istrict 1loomield Elementary School 5 Mathematics

    East +ronde?!oit Central School istrict #a!relton(=ardee +ntermediate School " Mathematics

    East +ronde?!oit Central School istrict Eastrid&e Senior %i&h School . E#A

    East +ronde?!oit Central School istrict Eastrid&e Senior %i&h School )eometry Mathematics

    =omona Middle School 7 E#A

    =omona Middle School 8 E#A

    2ama4o %i&h School /0 E#A

    2ama4o %i&h School Al&e*ra ++ Mathematics

    Eldorado Elementary School 5 Mathematics

    Eldorado Elementary School $ Mathematics

    Mathematics /

    East 2ama4o Central School istrict 6S4rin&

    East 2ama4o Central School istrict 6S4rin&

    East 2ama4o Central School istrict 6S4rin&

    East 2ama4o Central School istrict 6S4rin&

    East 2ama4o Central School istrict 6S4rin&

    East 2ama4o Central School istrict 6S4rin&

  • 8/13/2019 PARCC Field Test NY schools 2014


    The SAS System

    El*a Central School istrict El*a Elementary School 3 Mathematics

    El*a Central School istrict El*a Elementary School " E#A

    El*a Central School istrict El*a !nior(Senior %i&h School 7 E#A

    El*a Central School istrict El*a !nior(Senior %i&h School 8 Mathematics

    E?!ity =ro@ect Charter School 6The E?!ity =ro@ect Charter School 6The 8 MathematicsFalconer Central School istrict Falconer Middle%i&h School Al&e*ra + Mathematics

    Falconer Central School istrict Falconer Middle%i&h School Al&e*ra ++ Mathematics

    Forestville Central School istrict Forestville Central %i&h School /0 E#A

    Forestville Central School istrict Forestville Central %i&h School // E#A

    Frankort(Sch!yler Central School istrict Frankort(Sch!yler Elementary School 3 E#A

    Frankort(Sch!yler Central School istrict Frankort(Sch!yler Elementary School 5 E#A

    F!lton City School istrict )ran*y Elementary School 3 Mathematics

    F!lton City School istrict )ran*y Elementary School $ E#A

    )eneva City School istrict )eneva %i&h School . E#A)eneva City School istrict )eneva %i&h School /0 E#A

    $ E#A

    8 Mathematics

    . E#A

    /0 E#A

    )irls =re4aratory Charter School ; New York 8 Mathematics

    )lens Falls City School istrict )lens Falls Middle School $ E#A

    )owanda Central School istrict )owanda Middle School $ Mathematics

    )owanda Central School istrict )owanda Middle School 7 Mathematics

    )owanda Central School istrict )owanda %i&h School . E#A

    )owanda Central School istrict )owanda %i&h School )eometry Mathematics

    )rand +sland Central School istrict %!th 2oad School 3 E#A

    )rand +sland Central School istrict %!th 2oad School 5 E#A

    )ranville Central School istrict Mary Tanner =rimary School 3 E#A

    )ranville Central School istrict )ranville !nior(Senior %i&h School 7 E#A

    )ranville Central School istrict )ranville !nior(Senior %i&h School 8 E#A

    )reece Central School istrict #on&rid&e School 3 Mathematics

    )il*ertsville(Mo!nt ,4ton Central School School

    )il*ertsville(Mo!nt ,4ton Central School School

    )il*ertsville(Mo!nt ,4ton Central School School

    )il*ertsville(Mo!nt ,4ton Central School School

    )irls =re4aratory Charter School ; New

  • 8/13/2019 PARCC Field Test NY schools 2014


    The SAS System

    )reece Central School istrict #on&rid&e School 5 Mathematics

    )reece Central School istrict ;lym4ia %i&h School 7 E#A

    )reece Central School istrict ;lym4ia %i&h School 8 Mathematics

    )reece Central School istrict 1!ckman %ei&hts Elementary School " E#A

    )reece Central School istrict 1!ckman %ei&hts Elementary School 5 Mathematics)reece Central School istrict =ine 1rook Elementary School " E#A

    )reece Central School istrict =ine 1rook Elementary School 5 Mathematics

    )reen4ort ,nion Free School istrict )reen4ort %i&h School /0 E#A

    )reen4ort ,nion Free School istrict )reen4ort %i&h School Al&e*ra ++ Mathematics

    )!ilderland Central School istrict )!ilderland %i&h School )eometry Mathematics

    %am*!r& Central School istrict 1oston -alley Elementary School " Mathematics

    %am*!r& Central School istrict 1oston -alley Elementary School 5 E#A

    %arlem S!ccess Academy Charter School %arlem S!ccess Academy Charter School $ Mathematics

    >illow )rove Elementary School " E#A>illow )rove Elementary School 5 Mathematics

    %ermon(ekal* Central School istrict %ermon(ekal* Central School 5 Mathematics

    %ermon(ekal* Central School istrict %ermon(ekal* Central School $ Mathematics

    %icksville ,nion Free School istrict >oodland Aven!e School " E#A

    %icksville ,nion Free School istrict >oodland Aven!e School 5 E#A

    %icksville ,nion Free School istrict East Street School " E#A

    %icksville ,nion Free School istrict East Street School 5 Mathematics

    %i&hland Falls Central School istrict %i&hland Falls +ntermediate School 3 E#A

    %i&hland Falls Central School istrict %i&hland Falls +ntermediate School $ Mathematics

    %insdale Central School istrict %insdale Central School . E#A

    %insdale Central School istrict %insdale Central School Al&e*ra ++ Mathematics

    %olley Central School istrict %olley !nior Senior %i&h School /0 E#A

    %olley Central School istrict %olley !nior Senior %i&h School Al&e*ra ++ Mathematics

    %olley Central School istrict %olley Elementary School 3 Mathematics

    %olley Central School istrict %olley Elementary School $ Mathematics

    %oneoye Central School istrict %oneoye Middle%i&h School $ Mathematics

    %oneoye Central School istrict %oneoye Middle%i&h School 7 Mathematics

    %averstraw(Stony =oint Csd 6North%averstraw(Stony =oint Csd 6North

  • 8/13/2019 PARCC Field Test NY schools 2014


    The SAS System

    %orseheads Central School istrict %orseheads Senior %i&h School )eometry Mathematics

    %orseheads Central School istrict %orseheads Senior %i&h School Al&e*ra ++ Mathematics

    %!dson City School istrict %!dson !niorSenior %i&h School /0 E#A

    %!dson City School istrict %!dson !niorSenior %i&h School // E#A

    %!dson City School istrict Mont&omery C Smith +ntermediate School 3 Mathematics%!dson City School istrict Mont&omery C Smith +ntermediate School $ Mathematics

    +ndian 2iver Central School istrict +ndian 2iver %i&h School Al&e*ra ++ Mathematics

    +ndian 2iver Central School istrict +ndian 2iver Middle School 7 Mathematics

    +ndian 2iver Central School istrict +ndian 2iver Middle School 8 Mathematics

    +nwood Academy For #eadershi4 Charter School $ E#A

    +sland Trees ,nion Free School istrict +sland Trees %i&h School . E#A

    ohn - #indsay >ildcat Academy Charter School . E#A

    ohn - #indsay >ildcat Academy Charter School // E#A

    i44 Academy Charter School i44 Academy Charter School 3 E#Ai44 Academy Charter School i44 Academy Charter School 8 Mathematics

    #ackawanna City School istrict Martin 2oad Elementary School 3 E#A

    #ackawanna City School istrict Martin 2oad Elementary School $ E#A

    #awrence ,nion Free School istrict #awrence Senior %i&h School )eometry Mathematics

    #awrence ,nion Free School istrict #awrence Senior %i&h School Al&e*ra ++ Mathematics

    #iver4ool Central School istrict Chestn!t %ill Elementary School 3 Mathematics

    #iver4ool Central School istrict Chestn!t %ill Elementary School 5 Mathematics

    #iver4ool Central School istrict #iver4ool Elementary School $ Mathematics

    #yn*rook ,nion Free School istrict Marion Street School " Mathematics

    #yn*rook ,nion Free School istrict Marion Street School 5 E#A

    #yndonville Central School istrict # A >e**er Middle(%i&h School 7 Mathematics

    #yndonville Central School istrict # A >e**er Middle(%i&h School 8 E#A

    Maho4ac Central School istrict Maho4ac %i&h School . E#A

    Maho4ac Central School istrict Maho4ac %i&h School Al&e*ra ++ Mathematics

    Maine(Endwell Central School istrict Maine(Endwell Senior %i&h School . E#A

    Maine(Endwell Central School istrict Maine(Endwell Senior %i&h School /0 E#A

    Marcell!s Central School istrict Marcell!s %i&h School )eometry Mathematics

    +nwood Academy For #eadershi4 Charter

    ohn - #indsay >ildcat Academy Charter

    ohn - #indsay >ildcat Academy Charter

  • 8/13/2019 PARCC Field Test NY schools 2014


    The SAS System

    Marcell!s Central School istrict Marcell!s %i&h School Al&e*ra ++ Mathematics

    Mo!nt Morris Central School istrict Mo!nt Morris MiddleSenior %i&h School )eometry Mathematics

    Mo!nt Morris Central School istrict Mo!nt Morris MiddleSenior %i&h School Al&e*ra ++ Mathematics

    New >orld =re4aratory Charter School New >orld =re4aratory Charter School 7 Mathematics

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < / =s /88 The +sland School " MathematicsNew York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < / =s /88 The +sland School $ E#A

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < : =s //$ Mary #indley M!rray 5 Mathematics

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < : 1attery =ark City School " E#A

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < : 1attery =ark City School 8 E#A

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < : =BSB /:5 2al4h 1!nche " E#A

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < : =BSB /:5 2al4h 1!nche 5 E#A

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < : Yo!n& >omens #eadershi4 School9 D!eens $ E#A

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < : Yo!n& >omens #eadershi4 School9 D!eens 7 E#A

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < 3 =s /". So@o!rner Tr!th $ E#ANew York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < 3 =s /". So@o!rner Tr!th 8 E#A

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < 3 Stem +nstit!te ; Manhattan 3 E#A

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < 3 Stem +nstit!te ; Manhattan 5 E#A

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < " =s 50 -ito Marcantonio 5 Mathematics

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < " =s 50 -ito Marcantonio 8 E#A

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < " =s 83 #!is M!no 2ivera 3 Mathematics

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < " =s 83 #!is M!no 2ivera " E#A

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < " =s /0: ac?!es Cartier 3 Mathematics

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < " =s /0: ac?!es Cartier " Mathematics

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < " )lo*al Technolo&y =re4aratory $ E#A

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < " )lo*al Technolo&y =re4aratory 8 E#A

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < " Yo!n& >omenS #eadershi4 School . E#A

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < " Yo!n& >omenS #eadershi4 School /0 E#A

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < " #i*erty Aven!e Middle School $ E#A

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < 5 =s .: Mary Mcleod 1eth!ne 3 Mathematics

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < 5 =s .: Mary Mcleod 1eth!ne " Mathematics

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < 5 =s /.7 ohn 1 2!ssw!rm " Mathematics

  • 8/13/2019 PARCC Field Test NY schools 2014


    The SAS System

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < 5 =s /.7 ohn 1 2!ssw!rm 5 E#A

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < $ City Colle&e Academy ; The Arts 7 Mathematics

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < $ City Colle&e Academy ; The Arts /0 E#A

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < 7 =sMs 3/ The >illiam #loyd )arrison 5 Mathematics

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < 7 =sMs 3/ The >illiam #loyd )arrison 7 MathematicsNew York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < 7 Academy o =!*lic 2elations 7 Mathematics

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < 7 Academy o =!*lic 2elations 8 Mathematics

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < 7 %ostos(#incoln Academy ; Science $ E#A

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < 7 %ostos(#incoln Academy ; Science 8 E#A

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < 8 =s "8 ose4h 2 rake 3 Mathematics

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < 8 =s /07 5 E#A

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < 8 =s /07 3 E#A

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict < 8 =s "8 ose4h 2 rake " E#A

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict

  • 8/13/2019 PARCC Field Test NY schools 2014


    The SAS System

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict omens #eadershi4 School ; 1rooklyn 7 Mathematics

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict

  • 8/13/2019 PARCC Field Test NY schools 2014


    The SAS System

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict eaver 5 E#A

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict

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    The SAS System

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict

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  • 8/13/2019 PARCC Field Test NY schools 2014


    The SAS System

    New York City )eo&ra4hic istrict

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    The SAS System

    ;&dens*!r& City School istrict ohn F ennedy School 5 E#A

    ;&dens*!r& City School istrict Madill School $ Mathematics

    ;&dens*!r& City School istrict ;&dens*!r& Free Academy 7 Mathematics

    ;&dens*!r& City School istrict ;&dens*!r& Free Academy Al&e*ra + Mathematics

    ;lean City School istrict ;lean Senior %i&h School 8 E#A;nteora Central School istrict 2e&inald 1ennett Elementary School " E#A

    ;nteora Central School istrict 2e&inald 1ennett Elementary School 5 Mathematics

    ;racle Charter School ;racle Charter School // E#A

    ;racle Charter School ;racle Charter School )eometry Mathematics

    =em*roke Central School istrict =em*roke +ntermediate School " Mathematics

    =em*roke Central School istrict =em*roke +ntermediate School 5 E#A

    =em*roke Central School istrict =em*roke !nior(Senior %i&h School 7 E#A

    =em*roke Central School istrict =em*roke !nior(Senior %i&h School )eometry Mathematics

    =enn Yan Central School istrict =enn Yan Elementary School " Mathematics=enn Yan Central School istrict =enn Yan Elementary School 5 E#A

    =erry Central School istrict =erry Middle School 7 Mathematics

    =erry Central School istrict =erry Middle School 8 Mathematics

    =hel4s(Cliton S4rin&s Central School istrict Midlakes +ntermediate School 3 Mathematics

    =hel4s(Cliton S4rin&s Central School istrict Midlakes +ntermediate School $ E#A

    =ittsord Central School istrict =ark 2oad School 3 E#A

    =ittsord Central School istrict =ark 2oad School 5 Mathematics

    =ittsord Central School istrict =ittsord(Mendon %i&h School /0 E#A

    =ortville Central School istrict =ortville Elementary School " Mathematics

    =ortville Central School istrict =ortville Elementary School 5 Mathematics

    =ortville Central School istrict =ortville !nior(Senior %i&h School 7 Mathematics

    =ortville Central School istrict =ortville !nior(Senior %i&h School 8 Mathematics

    =o!&hkee4sie City School istrict )ov )eor&e Clinton School 3 Mathematics

    =o!&hkee4sie City School istrict )ov )eor&e Clinton School 5 Mathematics

    =o!&hkee4sie City School istrict ) > rie&er School 3 Mathematics

    =o!&hkee4sie City School istrict ) > rie&er School " E#A

    =o!&hkee4sie City School istrict =o!&hkee4sie %i&h School /0 E#A

  • 8/13/2019 PARCC Field Test NY schools 2014


    The SAS System

    =o!&hkee4sie City School istrict =o!&hkee4sie %i&h School Al&e*ra ++ Mathematics

    2ama4o Central School istrict 6S!ern S!ern Senior %i&h School /0 E#A

    2ama4o Central School istrict 6S!ern S!ern Senior %i&h School Al&e*ra ++ Mathematics

    2ensselaer City School istrict -an 2ensselaer Elementary School 3 Mathematics

    2ensselaer City School istrict -an 2ensselaer Elementary School $ Mathematics=inewood Elementary School " E#A

    =inewood Elementary School 5 Mathematics

    Sa!?!oit -alley Central School istrict Sa!?!oit -alley Middle School 7 Mathematics

    Sa!?!oit -alley Central School istrict Sa!?!oit -alley Middle School 8 E#A

    Schalmont Central School istrict Schalmont Middle School $ E#A

    Schalmont Central School istrict Schalmont Middle School 7 E#A

    Schenectady City School istrict Martin #!ther in& School $ Mathematics

    Schenectady City School istrict Martin #!ther in& School 7 E#A

    Schenectady City School istrict =leasant -alley School 5 MathematicsSchenectady City School istrict =leasant -alley School $ E#A

    Schenectady City School istrict essie T Goller School " E#A

    Schenectady City School istrict essie T Goller School 7 Mathematics

    Schenectady City School istrict Schenectady %i&h School . E#A

    Schenectady City School istrict Schenectady %i&h School Al&e*ra ++ Mathematics

    Shenendehowa Central School istrict oda Middle School $ E#A

    Shenendehowa Central School istrict oda Middle School 8 Mathematics

    Shenendehowa Central School istrict )owana Middle School $ Mathematics

    Shenendehowa Central School istrict )owana Middle School 7 E#A

    Sher*!rne(Earlville Central School istrict Sher*!rne(Earlville Senior %i&h School /0 E#A

    Silver Creek Central School istrict Silver Creek Middle School $ E#A

    Silver Creek Central School istrict Silver Creek Middle School 7 Mathematics

    Sod!s Central School istrict Sod!s Middle School 5 Mathematics

    Sod!s Central School istrict Sod!s Middle School 7 Mathematics

    So!thwestern Senior %i&h School . E#A

    So!thwestern Senior %i&h School Al&e*ra ++ Mathematics

    So!thwestern Middle School 7 Mathematics

    2otterdam(Mohonasen Central School

    2otterdam(Mohonasen Central School

    So!thwestern Central School istrict At

    So!thwestern Central School istrict At

    So!thwestern Central School istrict At

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  • 8/13/2019 PARCC Field Test NY schools 2014


    The SAS System

  • 8/13/2019 PARCC Field Test NY schools 2014


    The SAS System



  • 8/13/2019 PARCC Field Test NY schools 2014


    The SAS System

  • 8/13/2019 PARCC Field Test NY schools 2014


    The SAS System

  • 8/13/2019 PARCC Field Test NY schools 2014


    The SAS System

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    The SAS System

  • 8/13/2019 PARCC Field Test NY schools 2014


    The SAS System

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    The SAS System

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  • 8/13/2019 PARCC Field Test NY schools 2014


    The SAS System

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    The SAS System

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    The SAS System

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  • 8/13/2019 PARCC Field Test NY schools 2014


    The SAS System

  • 8/13/2019 PARCC Field Test NY schools 2014


    The SAS System

  • 8/13/2019 PARCC Field Test NY schools 2014


    The SAS System