Parad Workshops by Vihangam Paddhati & Kapalik Paddhati

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Workshops conducted by Vihangam Paddhati and Kapalik Paddhati. These workshops are in parad vingam.

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    First Workshop: 13 Parad Sanskars by Vihangam Paddhati


    NPRU conducted first Parad workshop in an ashram near Pali city of Rajasthan. Around about 500 persons applied for participation in this workshop. But after a thorough scrutiny of their horoscope, by judging their interest-level in this science and most importantly their trust in Sadgurudev, 15 persons were finally chosen for this workshop. Finally, this number was increased to 19. The participants were

    hailing from various corners of country, from Bengaluru in down south to Punjab in North. Moreover, they were from various spheres of life, from engineers to doctors. What united them was their keen

    interest towards this divine science and their trust in Sadgurudev.

    In this 40-days workshop, 13 sanskars were performed in accordance with Vihangam Paddhati. Since most of the participants were amateurs in the field of Parad Tantra, it was necessary to give preliminary knowledge to all the participants regarding it. NPRU and its supporting team daily organized sessions in order to impart theoretical knowledge along with ongoing practical


    There is strong and intimate connection between herbs and Parad Tantra. Some of the herbs play an important role in parad tantra. Thus there is need for any aspirant into this field to learn about these herbs and recognize the authentic herbs. With this purpose in mind, Participants visited Goram valley in order to collect these divine herbs. It was a 30km tedious journey but somehow we managed to do so.

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    During next 40 days, all the sanskars along with preliminary procedures like extraction of mercury from its ore cinnabar was done. Purification of mercury was done in first 8 sanskar to get rid of 8 types of impurities. These adds to qualities of mercury, makes it capable of withstanding heat and finally makes them inert to heat. This is what an alchemist dreams of as it open gates for divine things. Sanskars higher than 11th sanskar are very cumbersome and increase the appetite of mercury and then mica and Sulphur are fed to Mercury through Abhrak and Gandhak Jharan Sanskar respectively.

    This workshop was unparalleled in many respects. It was first time after independence era that such workshop on this subject was conducted. It has paved a new way for this subject and given a new direction to research in Parad Tantra. These efforts of NPRU were continued in subsequent workshops on this divine science and are supplemented by articles written in blog and e-magazine Tantra Kaumudi.

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    This workshop was conducted in one small village in Pali district of Rajasthan. In this workshop, sanskars were done through Kaapaalik Paddhati. This is precisely the reason why it took only 17 days to complete 13 sanskars as compared to 40 days taken in first workshop. Kaapaalik represent the most aggressive, powerful and most vibrant and most compassionate form of lord Shiva.

    NPRU team and participants gathered at Gurudham .After taking blessing and divine Diksha from Revered Mata Ji on first day of the year , next day ,we moved to our destination .A total of 18 person had made up their mind to devote their valuable material time to learn the divine science. Now coming next 17 days, we all had to spend time in learning in small house aloof from outside world, without any source of entertainment like television and radio.

    Day one was spent in making arrangements. In evening not only we did the complete poojan of Sadgurudev ji, Lord Rasheshwar, Maa Tara, Lord Swarnakarshan Bhairav Poojan but we also started first sanskar Swedan. Most of the participants were totally new to this science/ Tantra and some had basic knowledge about this field. So it was our responsibility to introduce them to this divine science.

    On the next day, second sanskar Mardan was done. For it Chandrodya water was prepared from ordinary water by chanting special mantra in a special manner. Sadgurudev has mentioned on so many instances that with this Chandrodya water, all 108 sanskars of Parad can be conducted. It was a remarkable and most amazing moment for participants when they witnessed metal transmutation through this

    exceptional Chandrodya water.

    Subsequently, third and fourth sanskar Murchhan and Uthaapan sanskars were done. Supporting team not only practically helped the participants but also removed their doubts and informed them about

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    necessary precautions to be followed while during the procedures. All the participants were amazed to see the changes appearing in Parad in its

    journey of sanskars.

    Next, fifth sanskar Paatan was performed. This sanskar is performed to remove the metallic impurities. It was told that Parad is most divine and conscious metal. Parad has got capability to understand our feelings and it can also understand our purpose of doing sanskars. Not only transformation takes place in mercury through the sanskars but also there is internal transformation taking place

    in person doing the sanskars. It is also quite surprising that although mercury is 13 times denser than water but still it manages to float on surface of water.

    Bodhan, Niyaman and Deepan Sanskar were completed through mantra Jap and involved little bit of herbs. As the 8th January evening came, we had already completed 8 Sanskar (very amazing that in previous workshop we

    were able to complete only first Sanskar in first 4 days now here ).

    After it, Gandhak (Sulphur) and Abhrak (Mica) purification procedure began so as to prepare them for subsequent sanskars. Both these procedures are various tedious and secretive. Even writer of great book like Parad Samhita was not able to witness this procedure in his life.

    Many disciples of Sadgurudev used to visit workshop. One of his disciples Jabbar Singh Ji taught participants about hypnotism and provided many practical tips which he had received from Sadgurudev Ji. To everyones astonishment, Arif Ji revealed one amazing fact that even mercury can be hypnotized.

    Participants were also told procedures to check whether sanskars have been done effectively or not. As a gift, Procedure to make RAS SIDDHA PRATYAKSH DARSHAN DARPAN was also told to participants. As the 19th January came to end, we were already done with 12th Sanskar, hoping positively that we will meet again for higher level Sanskar.

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    Third Parad workshop was conducted in Kamakhya. This workshop was based on Parad Swarna Anu Siddhi Golak and its use in various Tantra sadhnas.


    This gutika or golak has been created through some very specific mantras, through gold, through silver, and using the purest form of parad obtained after 11 th Sanskar of parad, and also using some divine herbs, after proper Mardan (mixing).After it, diamond or crystal are fed to Parad and thereafter, sthapan process of FIVE BAAN and NINE TATV (elements) through Anulom and Vilom manner is done. As a result of all these procedures, this golak achieve its very specific power.

    This gutika can only show his effect, when the specific number of mantra jap happened in front of it in the premises of mother Kamakhya temple. Kaam element has very specific relation to this gutika. Mother Kamakhya is the ruler of all the tantra, from where taking the help of mother Shakti, if anyone proceed on the path than the golden gate of tantras higher sadhna opens for him.

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    On the morning of 21st April, first of all complete poojan of Sadgurudev was done. Then after doing Lord Ganpati poojan, in the energizing procedure of golak, three forms of lord sun, Muntha, nine planets, Swarnakarshan Bhairav (ruler of parad tantra). White Tara, Nav Naths and Dattatrey, 108 forms of Lakshmi, Vaarahi goddess (needed for Stambhan), forms of goddess Mahakaali and Maa Jagdamba was established. All this procedure took nearly 4 hours. However it was all done orally without taking any help of book or scripture.

    An interesting fact was revealed in this workshop that our human body is keelit. Even our basic element, sperm is keelit. So how can a sadhak attain success under such circumstances? An Utkeelan procedure so as to get rid of this limitation was told which involved chanting of Paramba Stotra along with use of special herb in presence of this golak.

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    Procedures relating to attainment of wealth, to become invisible, to prepare oneself for shamshaan sadhna, to accomplish Chhaaya Purush, Dattatrey Darshan, to get rid of infertility can be done on this golak. All these procedures were elaborated in detail to participants.

    This Golak is also useful for accomplishing six basic karmas of Tantra field, better known as Shatkarmas in Tantra parlance. Out of these six karmas, use of golak for Stambhan, Vashikaran and Ucchatan was told.

    A special Mahamantra, representing 10 elements was given to participants and they were to chant this mantra 108 times at each of ten Mahavidyas peeth. This enables

    sadhaks to attain the blessings of all the ten forms of Aadya Shakti. In Tantra, this procedure is better known as Nischit Teevr Kay Rupen sadhna.

    WORKSHOPS CONDUCTED BY NPRU If Tantra and its amazing and high-order dimensions especially Parad Tantra are not put forward in practical form in front of common public then it does not carry any special meaning. No instances have come in light even after so many years after independence that anyone has been able to carry out sanskars of Parad Tantra practically rather the place where it is taught, they could also not do it. Keeping in mind this anomaly, under the divine blessing of Sadgurudev we conducted such workshops three times in which in first two, we did 13 sanskars of Parad successfully and in third we learnt and understood about higher dimension of Parad from sadhna point of view.

    We have future plans to conduct workshops relating to higher sanskars and Shamshaan Sadhnas, Sammohan Vigyan, Surya Vigyan, Kaal Vigyan, Kshan Vigyan; Chandra Vigyan .Entry into these workshops will be free but only and only for eligible and capable persons.


    Various Tantras come in to existence as result of mutual dialogue between various forms of Lord Aadi Shiva and various forms of Aadi Shakti. In the same manner, along with best procedures of Tantra knowledge, 64 types of tantra came into existence out of which Ras Vidya, Ras Tantra or Parad Tantra is called last Tantra. Our ancient Ras Acharyas and Tantra Acharyas appreciated and accepted the fruitfulness of this thinking and provided various types of Ras

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    procedures (full of secrets) to common public. This Vidya for supreme welfare of all and hidden subject related to Parad is called Ras Vidya. After Binding Parad through various special procedures and through blessing of Shiva, its benefits have been attained by humans.

    However, merely reading about this tantra and scriptures related to it will not yield success. It is necessary to learn practical application of this science under the guidance and direction of capable guide. To add to it, Choice of authentic material is crucial for attaining success in this science. Only a competent sadhak who has gone through this science in entirety can provide guidance regarding it.

    From long time, many of the new aspirants were facing a lot of obstructions/obstacles regarding complexity of this science , need of proper and correct procedure to be followed for this science and off course how to get/choose correct materials and follow correct procedure of parad sanskar to be followed . NPRU received many calls and mails from new aspirants regarding these problems.

    Considering this deplorable scenario, NPRU decided to conduct Parad workshops so that this divine science can be revived and revitalized. It also offers an opportunity for aspirants of this field to get both theoretical as well as hands on experience of this amazing science. In total, three workshops were organized by NPRU.

    First Workshop: 13 Parad Sanskars by Vihangam PaddhatiFIRST PARAD WORKSHOP (SEPTEMBER 2010- OCTOBER 2010)SECOND PARAD WORKSHOP (03 JANUARY 2011 TO 19 JANUARY 2011)