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OBJECTIVES1. What is creative Advertising ? a) b) c) 2. The big idea The creative leap. Creative thinking.

What is creativity ? d) e) f) A major source of innovation and competitive Advantage. Creativity and change Creative Process.


Business turns to Artist : g) h) i) j) Way of doing, thinking ? Role of context. What are some major Traits of creative people ? Do ever wonder you are creative ?


Strategies and execution ? k) l) m) Head and start creative and strategies Structural Analysis How it can help in showing general problem with a message ?


The creative brief : n) o) p) Focus : the source of creativity. Message approach. Message execution.


Categories of effectiveness : How creative Advertising relates to Advertising effectiveness ? q) r) s) t) perception Learning Persuasion Behavior.


Evaluation : u) v) 12 Tested creative hot buttons. Case : Cadbury India Targets the adult segment with Cadburys Dairy milk. w) Is advertising all about creativity ?


What is creative Advertising ? According to Jewler and Drewniary an advertising needs to contain a persuasive message that convinces people to take action . Originally, any idea can seem creative to you, if you have never thought of it before, but the essence of a creative idea is that no one else has thought of it either. There are three characteristics which helps to explain what makes ideas creative in advertising are an advertise is Relevant, original and has impact.


Advertising tries to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time. Thats what means by relevance. An advertising idea is considered creative when it is novel, fresh, unexpected, and unusual. Thats originality. An idea with impact helps people see themselves or the world in new way.

The Big Idea :-

According to advertising legend James webb Young an idea is a new combination of thoughts. Behind every effective advertisement is BIG IDEA A CREATIVE CONCEPT that implements the advertising strategy so that the message is grabbing attention and memorable. A Big idea that express an original advertising though involves a mindshift. Instead of seeing the obvious, a creative idea look at something in a different way from a different angle. For Example : Surf Excel Dag Acche hote Hain !

The idea that some moments such as for somebodys betterment we should spoil our cloth- is a creative concept, the Big idea for surf excel Daag Acche hote Hai ! campaign. b) The creative Leap :There is big difference between the strategic language used in the marketing plan and the language of the creative concept. The use of a street phrase like dhund te reh ja ooge!/dhoo dala! to catch attention. A highly successful advertising campaign for SURF EXCEL. It demonstrates the difference between the formality of strategy statement language and the clever phrase that becomes a cultural catchword. To come up with the Big Idea, you have to move beyond the safety of the strategy Statement and leap into the creative unknown. Advertisers take a risk every time they come up with a new idea may be it wont make sense to others. Yet those are the risks they must face when they try to find new ideas. For example : SURF EXCEL c) Creative Thinking : Creativity is a special form of problem solving and everyone is born with some talent in that area. In advertising as in all areas of business, creativity is not limited to the writers and art directors. Media planners and market researchers are just as creative in searching for new ideas and innovated solutions.


What is creativity ? If we talk about creativity the creative concept is the advertising central

idea that grabs your attention and sticks in your memory. A concern for creative thinking drives the entire field of advertising. d) A major source of innovation competitive advantage Getting good ideas from every one and every where :Asking once is rarely effective, you have to ask many times in ways. Look at all possible sources of good ideas : your customers, your competition, your peers, the literature, patents and your own subconscious. Tell them also what (you believe) you dont want and which solutions (you believe) wont work. Remember that breakthrough innovations often come from the outside. Search for multiple solutions :-

Nothing is more dangerous than an idea when it is the only one we have . The first solution found is usually inadequate or non-optimum. There is usually more than one acceptable solution. Studying multiple problems jointly often generate unique solutions. Look for solutions using combinations of ideas from different or evolving technologies. Even if you have one optimum solution it may be necessary to get patent coverage for all other effective solutions so as to protect your market. Team up with others in applying these techniques. e) Creativity and Change : Client do not always have clearly defined objectives or ideal budgets. To succeed in this world one has to learn 2 key things : creativity and an appetite for change.

Creativity :

In Creativity everyone on the tem needs to come up with new ideas and approaches that positively impact the clients business. Being creative means changing your perspective looking at the problem from every possible angle. being creative means asking yourself How can we? instead of in filtrate secretly and gradually gain access to a group etc. Can we ? Being creative also means constantly exploring experimenting with new technologies discovering new ways to use traditional options, anticipating new trends. Appetite for change : The advertising world has exploded with options over the past 20 yrs. advertising is no longer just a 30 second TV ad . They are more skeptical, more hurried and will generally find a way to avoid ad messages that bore them or waste their time advertise needs to be on their toes to infiltrate those screens. Todays leading companies are not afraid to go beyond the expected and the traditional For some that means experimenting with new technologies that delivers finer targeted messages. Other are exploring new venues that better link the brand with the creative concept and the targets interests.


Creative process ;People tend to think of creative person as someone who sits around

waiting for an idea to strike but people who are good at thinking up new idea will tell your that it is hard work The creative process usually is portrayed as a series of steps. Stages in the creative process are shown below.

Immersion Read, Research, and learn everything you can about the problem

Ideation look at the problem from every angle develop ideas generate as

Brain fog you may hit a blank wall and want to give up

Incubation Illumination Try to put your Read, conscious mind to Research, and rest to let your learn subconscious take everything you over. can about the

Brainstorming : As part of the creative process, some agencies use a thinking technique known as simply brainstorming. In brainstorming a group of 6 to 10 people work together to come up with ideas. One persons ideas stimulate someone elses and the combined power of the group associations stimulates far more ides than any one person could think of alone. The secret to brainstorming is to remain positive and defer judgment. Negative thinking during a brain storming session can destroy the informal atmosphere necessary to achieve a novel idea.


The Creative Brief :-

The creative brief is a document that summarizes the key strategic decisions of and gives guidance to the execution of the creative strategy. The brief begins with the basic advertising strategy questions (the problem to solved, the objectives, the target market and the positioning strategy). and the critical elements of the message strategy (the selling premise the creative strategy, and detail of the ads execution). The briefs typically are in outline form to be filled in by account planners and given to the creative team, as you can see from the examples as follows. Creative strategy Briefs :Leo Brunet : Convince re That Because Support : Target audience - current belief : brand / category : Desired belief (benefit) : Focus of sale or proposition key drama). : Reasons why.

n) Focus The source of creativity Start with the customer or end user The customer is always your first and most important creative challenge. Listen ! Try to see the customers problems and needs from his point of view Restate the problem and the customers needs in his terms and until a consensus is reached. Use fictitious product descriptions to stimulate ideas and discussion. Remember that effective market research and sales strategy requires just as much creativity, enthusiasm and perfection as does product development.


Importance of asking right question and making a proper problem statement :

The problem as first stated is rarely the true problem. Ask at least five times, Always restate the problem as many ways as you can change the wording take different viewpoints, try it in graphical form Describe the problem to laymen and also to experts in different fields Dont try to learn all the details before deciding on a first approach. Make the second assault on a problem from a different direction. Transforming one problem into another or studying the inverse problem often offers new insights. if you dont understand a problem try explaining it to others and listening to yourself . Test the extremes If you cant make it better, try making it worse and analyzing what happens. Develop the proper tool and procedure; Creative problem solving depends on using the right tools, tricks, procedures or methods of analysis. In some cases new tools and methods of analysis must be developed from scratch by the inventor before a problem can be solved and in other cases special tools and procedures must be developed to take the final critical step of enabling successful commercial applications. value of Experimentation, Play, Exaggeration & Persistence Get your hands dirty. Spend some time trying things you know wont work or dont know how they will work If you dont fail frequently you arent trying hard enough and may be missing a lot of good opportunities .


Case : Cadbury India Targets the Adult Segment with Cadburys Diary Milk. Introduction : Cadburys Dairy Milk (CDM) is its flagship brand, having a market share of 30% and average daily sales of 1 million bars. Till the mid-nineties, CILs marketing communication campaigns for CDM were targeted at kids. The advertisements focused on the relationship between he parents and their children, where parents expressed their love by gifting the child a Diary milk. However, in 1994, CIL changed its tack and the communication campaigns were targeted at adults, to expand the chocolate market and increase sales. Questions for Discussion : 1. While the central proposition of the brand has not changed, the communication focus has evolved over time to appeal to different consideration sets. How did CIL use its ad campaigns to make chocolate eating a habit among the consumers, Issues : = = = Use of emotional appeals in advertising Customer surveys as a means to align the advertisement with evolving consideration sets of customers. Packaging as a tool to communicate quality O & M, Consideration set, Consumer Behavior.


Is advertising all about creativity ? It is not totally proved that advertising is effective only due to creativity. We can see this with the help of following example. E.g. : The advertise of Hutch which is presented by Irfan Khan is only informative and there is no use of creativity in the add. Hence We cant say that, advertising is all about creativity.


Categories of effectiveness :A simplified model of a set of typical effects that advertisers hope to achieve is given below Perception

LearningThink (Cognitive) Feel (Emotion)


Do (Action)

Behavior Explanation : = = In this model, the first level is perception, which means the advertiser hopes the ad will be noticed & remembered. Then there are two categories of effects that are either focused an learning, which means the audience will understand the message. or persuasion which means the advertiser hopes to create or change attitude and touch emotions. = The last major category of effects is behavior getting the audience to try or buy the product, or perform some other action.

BIBLIOGRAPHY1. 2. 3. 4. Advertising (Book by Principles practices by Wells Burnett Morality). Fundamental Ad. by Chunawala. WWW.