11308 16AC/168C/16HC/ 16BC/16NC/16WC/16DC-08 Semester B.A./B.Sc./B.Sc.(Hs)/B.C.A./B.8.A. /B.S.W./B.F.D. Degree Examination, November/December 2018 (New Scheme) (New Syllabus) (CBCS Scheme 2016-17) ENGLISH LANGUAGE Paper 1l1Texts: Literary Inspirations and Writing Skills Tinme : 3 Hours Max. Marks 80 Note Ansuer all the questions. SECTION - A (POETRY) Annotate any two of the following: (2x 5 10) She is everywhere, intrusive as the smells That bulge in under my doorsill; a) (b) Before a frowning providence He hides a smiling face. (c) In secret we met- In silence I grieve. Write a short note on any one of the following in about a page: (1x5 5) (a) The speaker' threatening in If You Forget Me. (b) Answer any one of the following in about 2 pages each (a) Discuss the poem, Delight in Disorder, as a protest against social II. The theme of love in When We Two Parted. III. (1x 10= 10) conventions. (b) Describe God's mysterious ways of presenting Himselr before his devotees. P.T.O.

Paper 1l1Texts: Literary Inspirations and Writing Skills

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11308 16AC/168C/16HC/16BC/16NC/16WC/16DC-08

Semester B.A./B.Sc./B.Sc.(Hs)/B.C.A./B.8.A. /B.S.W./B.F.D. Degree Examination, November/December 2018

(New Scheme) (New Syllabus)

(CBCS Scheme 2016-17)


Paper 1l1Texts: Literary Inspirations and Writing Skills

Tinme : 3 Hours Max. Marks 80

Note Ansuer all the questions.



Annotate any two of the following: (2x 5 10)

She is everywhere, intrusive as the smells

That bulge in under my doorsill;


(b) Before a frowning providence

He hides a smiling face.

(c) In secret we met-

In silence I grieve.

Write a short note on any one of the following in about a page: (1x5 5) (a) The speaker' threatening in If You Forget Me.


Answer any one of the following in about 2 pages each

(a) Discuss the poem, Delight in Disorder, as a protest against social


The theme of love in When We Two Parted.

III. (1x 10= 10)


(b) Describe God's mysterious ways of presenting Himselr before his



11308 16AC/16SC/16HC/ 16BC/16NC/16WC/ 16DC-08



Wnte short notes on any three f he iwra in ztn z P





The idea of Histor according to Carye

Nehru's iews on freedom. power. end resyrsislistse The life and death of the moth. Rehabilitation of Hearts Committee

1 . Answer any one of the following in about 2 pages

a How does Behrman produce his ge sjer s The Last Leaf?

Describe the relationship beteen Sunder l end eari Lr w

abduction and after her rehablitation. (b)



(15 5 Write a paragraph on any one oí the following in bot a pa


b) All that glitters is not gold.


College life is a golden ife.

VII. Write a letter to the Principal of your college with a rqaes ir a 2arr (1 5 cum-merit certificate which you need to apply sor a jo

VIII. Draft a welcome speech for the Valedictory Function of yor rileg: 11 5 5

51 5 Explain the meaning of any five of the following :

(a) Agenda

(b) Bibliography

(c) Celluloid world

(d) Decentralization



11308 16AC/168C/16HC/

16BC/16NC/ 16WC/16DC-08


( Mass Media

(g Overseas

(h) Preface


Read the following passage and prepare notes on it (1 5 5) Success in life depends largely on good health. Keep your body fit by

cleanliness, fresh air, regular habits, and proper recreations; make yoursell

strong to play the game, and do it in every sense of the word. Avo1d anything

that wil sap your strength. Smoking in your youth stunts the body and

clouds the brain. Be temperate in all things and beware of drinks. It is the

deadly enemy of health and efficiency.

Above all, remember that your character is a priceless possession.

Therefore, keep it untarnished. Be truthful in all things; courteous and

considerate to everybody; fair to your rivals; and kind and helpful to all who

are weak and suffering. Don't be afraid to have the courage to stand for what

1s good, pure, and noble. Avoid gambling in any form; it is a mean game,

trying to get something for nothing at other people's expense.

Make provisions for hard times. In your leisure hours, avoid mere idling.

Fill such hours with interesting hobbies, good books, and companionships

and associations calculated to exercise over you an influence for good. To

large extent, you will be known by the company you keep.

XI. Use any five of the following phrasal verbs and idiomatic expressions XI. (5x 1

sentences of your own:

(a) abide by

(b) bring about

(c) break down

(d) call off

(e) give in

( (g) knock down

(h) stand by

g0 on