Paper 1 Nov 1999 Physics

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  • 8/14/2019 Paper 1 Nov 1999 Physics


    This question paper consists of 12 printed pages.

    SB (SLC/JB) QK94120/3 UCLES 1999 [Turn over


    Joint Examination for the School Certificateand General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level

    PHYSICS 5054/1PAPER 1 Multiple Choice

    Thursday 11 NOVEMBER 1999 1 hour

    Additional materials:Multiple Choice answer sheetSoft clean eraserSoft pencil (type B or HB is recommended)

    TIME 1 hour


    Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so.

    Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the answer sheet in the spaces providedunless this has already been done for you.

    There are forty questions in this paper. Answer all questions. For each question, there are fourpossible answers, A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in softpencil on the separate answer sheet.

    Read very carefully the instructions on the answer sheet.


    Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer.

    Any rough working should be done in this booklet.

  • 8/14/2019 Paper 1 Nov 1999 Physics



    5054/1 W99

    1 The diagram shows part of the vernier scale on a pair of calipers.

    Which reading is correct?

    A 2.74 cm B 3.10cm C 3.26 cm D 3.64 cm

    2 Why does an object falling in the Earths gravitational field reach a steady velocity?

    A Air resistance increases with increase of velocity.

    B The Earths gravitational field decreases as the object falls.

    C The mass of the object remains constant.

    D The weight of the object increases as it falls.

    3 A car starts from rest and is uniformly accelerated to a speed of 30m/s in 6 s.

    What is the distance travelled by the car?

    A 5 m B 30 m C 90 m D 180m

    4 What causes a moving body to resist a change in its state of motion?

    A its acceleration

    B its inertia

    C its speed

    D its weight




    00 1 2 3 4 5 6





    0 10

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    5054/1 W99 [Turn over

    5 The gravitational field strength on the surface of the Moon is 1.6N/kg.

    Which values of mass and weight are correct for an object placed on the Moons surface?

    mass / kg weight / N

    A 10 1.6B 10 16

    C 16 10

    D 16 160

    6 Which set of equipment could be used in an experiment to determine the density of an irregularlyshaped pebble?

    A mass balance and measuring cylinderB mass balance and micrometer

    C measuring cylinder and vernier calipers

    D newton-meter and vernier calipers

    7 The diagram shows a metre rule pivoted off-centre but kept in equilibrium by a suspended massof 240g.

    The centre of mass of the rule is at the 50 cm mark.

    What is the mass of the rule?

    A 12 g B 24 g C 45 g D 120g

    8 Which row correctly describes force, mass and acceleration as vector or scalar quantities?

    force mass acceleration

    A scalar scalar scalar

    B scalar vector scalar

    C vector scalar vector

    D vector vector vector


    0 5 20 50 100cm


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    5054/1 W99

    9 A tennis ball is dropped on to a horizontal surface. As the ball bounces up and down, the height ofeach bounce gradually decreases.

    During the motion of the ball,

    A the kinetic energy of the ball is constant.

    B the potential energy of the ball is constant.

    C the sum of the kinetic and potential energies of the ball is constant.

    D the total energy of the ball, ground and air is constant.

    10 The height of a mercury barometer is h when the atmospheric pressure is 100000 Pa.

    What is the pressure at X?

    A 20000 Pa B 80000Pa C 120000Pa D 180000Pa

    11 When the Brownian motion of smoke particles in air is observed with a microscope, moving pointsof light are seen.

    These points of light are reflections from

    A air particles only, moving randomly.

    B smoke particles only, moving randomly.

    C smoke particles only, vibrating.

    D both smoke and air particles, moving randomly.

    12 Why do people feel cool if they do not dry themselves after swimming in the sea?

    A Water evaporates and causes cooling.

    B Water insulates them from the warm air.

    C Water is a good conductor of heat.

    D Water is colder than the air.

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    5054/1 W99 [Turn over

    13 Which of the following expands most when its temperature is raised by 10K (C)?

    A 10cm3 of air

    B 10cm3 of copper

    C 10cm3 of ice

    D 10cm3 of water

    14 A thermometer reads 1C in pure melting ice and 101C in steam above boiling water. It is used tomeasure the temperature of water before and after it is heated.

    What is the error when the temperature rise is calculated?

    A 2C too low

    B 1C too low

    C zero

    D 1C too high

    15 Which material is the best absorber of infra-red radiation?

    A dark animal fur

    B shiny metal

    C window glass

    D white paper

    16 The diagram shows a metal saucepan containing water and placed on a hot plate. After sometime, the air at point X also becomes hot.

    What are the main ways by which heat travels from the hot plate through the base of the metalsaucepan, through the water and through the air to point X?

    through the baseof the saucepan through the water through the air

    A conduction convection convection

    B conduction radiation convectionC convection convection conduction

    D radiation convection conduction

    ; ; ;

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    hot plate

    metal saucepan

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    5054/1 W99

    17 Which of the following is a correct example of a transverse wave and of a longitudinal wave?

    transverse longitudinalwave wave

    A ripples on water light

    B ripples on water sound

    C sound light

    D sound ripples on water

    18 The diagram shows the waves in a ripple tank in which the water in parts P and Q is of different depths.

    How do the wavelengths and the speeds V1 and V2 of the waves compare in P and in Q?

    wavelength speed

    A greater in P V1 is greater

    B greater in P V2 is greater

    C greater in Q V1 is greater

    D greater in Q V2 is greater

    19 When a narrow beam of white light passes through a prism, it produces a spectrum.

    Which diagram correctly shows the refraction and dispersion produced by the prism?













    V = violetR = red

    V1 V2

    P Q

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    5054/1 W99 [Turn over

    20 The focal length of a thin converging lens is 10cm.

    What is the maximum distance from the lens that the object can be placed so that the lens acts asa magnifying glass?

    A 5 cm B 10cm C 15cm D 20cm

    21 A microphone is connected to an oscilloscope. The diagram shows the trace on the screen whenthe microphone receives a pure note.

    Which trace can be obtained when a musical instrument produces a note of the same pitch but ofa different quality?

    22 A piece of thin card is held against the teeth of a cog wheel.

    When the wheel is turned at high speed, a note is heard.

    How can the pitch of the note be raised?

    A by pressing the card against the teeth with a greater force

    B by turning the wheel more quickly

    C by using a thicker card

    D by using a wheel with fewer teeth


    cog wheel

    thin card in clamp




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    5054/1 W99

    23 Which of the following is the most effective way to demagnetise a magnetised steel needle?

    A Drop it on the floor.

    B Leave it inside a solenoid carrying direct current.

    C Leave it next to another strong magnet.

    D Slowly pull it out of a solenoid carrying alternating current.

    24 A length of copper wire, coiled around a core, is used as an electromagnet.

    Which combination produces the strongest electromagnet?

    number of turns core

    A few soft-iron

    B few steelC many copper

    D many soft-iron

    25 Which diagram correctly shows the forces F that act on two charged spheres suspended close toeach other?

    26 What is the current in a 5.0 resistor when the potential difference between the ends of the

    resistor is 2.5V?

    A 0.50A B 2.0A C 2.5A D 12.5A

    F F


    F F

    F F


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    5054/1 W99

    30 The diagram shows a resistor connected to a cell of e.m.f. 2 V.

    How much heat energy is produced in the resistor in six seconds?

    A 2.5J B 4.8J C 10 J D 60 J

    31 Why is the core of a transformer made of iron?

    A Iron is a good electrical conductor.

    B Iron is cheaper than copper.

    C Iron is easily magnetised and demagnetised.

    D Iron makes a good permanent magnet.

    32 A small coil is connected to a meter as shown.

    When a magnet is pushed into the coil, the pointer of the meter kicks to the right of zero.

    What happens to the pointer of the meter when the magnet is pulled back from the coil?

    A The pointer gives a continuous reading to the left.

    B The pointer gives a continuous reading to the right.

    C The pointer kicks to the left.

    D The pointer kicks to the right.

    33 What is emitted by the hot metal filament in a cathode-ray tube?

    A -particles

    B electrons

    C protons

    D X-rays

    S N




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    5054/1 W99 [Turn over

    34 The diagram shows how the e.m.f. of a simple generator varies with time.

    What is the frequency and the maximum value of the e.m.f.?

    35 An -particle is the same as

    A a helium nucleus.

    B a high speed electron.

    C a hydrogen nucleus.

    D electromagnetic radiation of short wavelength.

    36 The half-life of a given radioactive isotope is 10 years. The original mass of the isotope is 12 g.

    What mass of this isotope remains undecayed after 20 years?

    A 0.6g B 1.2g C 3.0g D 6.0g

    37 Geiger and Marsden performed an experiment in which they fired -particles at a thin sheet ofgold foil.

    What did the results of this experiment show about gold atoms?

    A They are mostly empty space but with a negative nucleus.

    B They are mostly empty space but with a positive nucleus.

    C They are spaced far apart.

    D They are smaller than -particles.








    frequency / Hz maximum e.m.f. / V

    A 200 2.0

    B 200 4.0

    C 400 2.0

    D 400 4.0

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    5054/1 W99

    38 The table shows the composition of the nuclei of three nuclides, X, Y and Z.

    Which nuclides are isotopes of the same element?

    A X and Y only B X and Z only C Y and Z only D X, Y and Z

    39 The path of a beam of electrons becomes circular as it enters the shaded region on the diagram.

    What does the shaded region contain?

    A a magnetic field at right-angles to the beam

    B an electric field in the plane of the beam

    C light waves in the plane of the beam

    D -rays at right-angles to the beam

    40 A quantity of gas in a sealed balloon is cooled down.

    No gas is allowed to enter or leave the balloon.

    How do the listed properties of the gas change?

    ; ;

    ; ;

    beam ofelectrons

    mass volume density

    A decreases stays the same increases

    B increases stays the same decreases

    C stays the same decreases increases

    D stays the same increases decreases

    nuclide number of protons number of neutrons

    X 12 12

    Y 13 12Z 13 13