FORUM Sediment Transport Modeling Review—Current and Future Developments Athanasios N. Thanos Papanicolaou Associate Professor, Univ. of Iowa, IIHR-Hydroscience and Engineering, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Iowa City, IA 52241. E-mail: [email protected] Mohamed Elhakeem Research Associate Engineer, Univ. of Iowa, IIHR-Hydroscience and En- gineering, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Iowa City, IA 52241. E-mail: [email protected] George Krallis ERM Inc., Exton, PA. E-mail: [email protected] Shwet Prakash ERM Inc., Exton, PA John Edinger Faculty Research Associate, Bryn Mawr College, Dept. of Geology. E-mail: [email protected] Introduction The use of computational models for solving sediment transport and fate problems is relatively recent compared with the use of physical models. Several considerations govern the choice be- tween physical and computational models; namely, the nature of the problem that needs to be solved, the available resources, and the overall cost associated with the problem solution. In some specific problems, a combination of physical and computational models can be used to obtain a better understanding of the pro- cesses under investigation de Vries 1973. Using computational hydrodynamic/sediment transport models, in general, involves the numerical solution of one or more of the governing differential equations of continuity, momentum, and energy of fluid, along with the differential equation for sediment continuity. An advan- tage of computational models is that they can be adapted to dif- ferent physical domains more easily than physical models, which are typically constructed to represent site-specific conditions. An- other advantage of computational models is that they are not sub- ject to distortion effects of physical models when a solution can be obtained for the same flow conditions identical Reynolds and Froude numbers, same length scale in the three directions, etc. as those present in the field. With the rapid developments in numerical methods for fluid mechanics, computational modeling has become an attractive tool for studying flow/sediment transport and associated pollutant fate processes in such different environments as rivers, lakes, and coastal areas. Representative processes in these environments in- clude bed aggradation and degradation, bank failure, local scour around structures, formation of river bends, fining, coarsening and armoring of streambeds, transport of point source and nonpoint source pollutant attached to sediments, such sediment exchange processes as settling, deposition, and self-weight consolidation; coastal sedimentation; and beach processes under tidal currents and wave action. Over the past three decades, a large number of computational hydrodynamic/sediment transport models have been developed Fan 1988; Rodi 2006. Extensive reviews of different hydrodynamic/sediment transport models can be found in Nicollet 1988, Nakato 1989, Onishi 1994, Przedwojski et al. 1995, Spasojevic and Holly 2000, and the ASCE Sedimentation Engi- neering Manual no. 110 2007. Broadly speaking, these models can be classified on the basis of the range of their applications e.g., suspended load versus bed-load; physical versus chemical transport; and their formulation in the spatial and temporal con- tinua e.g., one-dimensional model 1D; two-dimensional model 2D; or three-dimensional model 3D; and steady versus un- steady. The choice of a certain model for solving a specific prob- lem depends on the nature and complexity of the problem itself, the chosen model capabilities to simulate the problem adequately, data availability for model calibration, data availability for model verification, and overall available time and budget for solving the problem. The objectives of this article are twofold. First, the article aims to trace the developmental stages of current representative 1D, 2D, and 3D models and describe their main applications, strengths, and limitations. The article is intended as a first guide to readers interested in immersing themselves in modeling and at the same time sets the stage for discussing current limitations and future needs. Second, the article provides insight about future trends and needs with respect to hydrodynamic/sediment transport models. In preparing this article, the authors may have uninten- tionally omitted some models, since including all the available models found in the literature is impossible. Finally, this article is mainly focused on multidimensional computational models 2D and 3D models; however, a brief overview of the 1D models is also included for providing a rational comparison of the 1D model features with the main features of the 2D and 3D models. Description of Models This section provides information about the model formulation, the spatial and temporal characteristics, the coupling/linkage of the hydrodynamic and sediment components, and the model’s predictive capabilities. Tables 1–3 complement this description by providing useful information about the model capabilities to handle unsteady flows, bed load and suspended load, sediment exchange processes, type of sediment cohesive versus cohesion- less, and multifractional sediment transport. Information about model acronyms, language, availability, and distribution is also provided in Tables 1–3. Tables 4–6 summarize examples of the different model applications. The reader can use these case stud- JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING © ASCE / JANUARY 2008 / 1 Downloaded 12 Jan 2010 to Redistribution subject to ASCE license or copyright; see http://pubs.asce.org/copyright

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Page 1: PAPANICOLOU (2008) - Sediment Transport Modeling Review—Current and Future Developments


Sediment Transport Modeling Review—Current andFuture Developments

Athanasios N. �Thanos� PapanicolaouAssociate Professor, Univ. of Iowa, IIHR-Hydroscience and Engineering,Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Iowa City, IA 52241.E-mail: [email protected]

Mohamed ElhakeemResearch Associate Engineer, Univ. of Iowa, IIHR-Hydroscience and En-gineering, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Iowa City, IA52241. E-mail: [email protected]

George KrallisERM Inc., Exton, PA. E-mail: [email protected]

Shwet PrakashERM Inc., Exton, PA

John EdingerFaculty Research Associate, Bryn Mawr College, Dept. of Geology.E-mail: [email protected]


The use of computational models for solving sediment transportand fate problems is relatively recent compared with the use ofphysical models. Several considerations govern the choice be-tween physical and computational models; namely, the nature ofthe problem that needs to be solved, the available resources, andthe overall cost associated with the problem solution. In somespecific problems, a combination of physical and computationalmodels can be used to obtain a better understanding of the pro-cesses under investigation �de Vries 1973�. Using computationalhydrodynamic/sediment transport models, in general, involves thenumerical solution of one or more of the governing differentialequations of continuity, momentum, and energy of fluid, alongwith the differential equation for sediment continuity. An advan-tage of computational models is that they can be adapted to dif-ferent physical domains more easily than physical models, whichare typically constructed to represent site-specific conditions. An-other advantage of computational models is that they are not sub-ject to distortion effects of physical models when a solution canbe obtained for the same flow conditions �identical Reynolds andFroude numbers, same length scale in the three directions, etc.� asthose present in the field.

With the rapid developments in numerical methods for fluidmechanics, computational modeling has become an attractive toolfor studying flow/sediment transport and associated pollutant fateprocesses in such different environments as rivers, lakes, andcoastal areas. Representative processes in these environments in-clude bed aggradation and degradation, bank failure, local scouraround structures, formation of river bends, fining, coarsening and

armoring of streambeds, transport of point source and nonpoint


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source pollutant attached to sediments, such sediment exchangeprocesses as settling, deposition, and self-weight consolidation;coastal sedimentation; and beach processes under tidal currentsand wave action.

Over the past three decades, a large number of computationalhydrodynamic/sediment transport models have been developed�Fan 1988; Rodi 2006�. Extensive reviews of differenthydrodynamic/sediment transport models can be found in Nicollet�1988�, Nakato �1989�, Onishi �1994�, Przedwojski et al. �1995�,Spasojevic and Holly �2000�, and the ASCE Sedimentation Engi-neering Manual no. 110 �2007�. Broadly speaking, these modelscan be classified on the basis of the range of their applications�e.g., suspended load versus bed-load; physical versus chemicaltransport�; and their formulation in the spatial and temporal con-tinua �e.g., one-dimensional model �1D�; two-dimensional model�2D�; or three-dimensional model �3D�; and steady versus un-steady�. The choice of a certain model for solving a specific prob-lem depends on the nature and complexity of the problem itself,the chosen model capabilities to simulate the problem adequately,data availability for model calibration, data availability for modelverification, and overall available time and budget for solving theproblem.

The objectives of this article are twofold. First, the article aimsto trace the developmental stages of current representative �1D,2D, and 3D� models and describe their main applications,strengths, and limitations. The article is intended as a first guideto readers interested in immersing themselves in modeling and atthe same time sets the stage for discussing current limitations andfuture needs. Second, the article provides insight about futuretrends and needs with respect to hydrodynamic/sediment transportmodels. In preparing this article, the authors may have uninten-tionally omitted some models, since including all the availablemodels found in the literature is impossible. Finally, this article ismainly focused on multidimensional computational models �2Dand 3D models�; however, a brief overview of the 1D models isalso included for providing a rational comparison of the 1Dmodel features with the main features of the 2D and 3D models.

Description of Models

This section provides information about the model formulation,the spatial and temporal characteristics, the coupling/linkage ofthe hydrodynamic and sediment components, and the model’spredictive capabilities. Tables 1–3 complement this description byproviding useful information about the model capabilities tohandle unsteady flows, bed load and suspended load, sedimentexchange processes, type of sediment �cohesive versus cohesion-less�, and multifractional sediment transport. Information aboutmodel acronyms, language, availability, and distribution is alsoprovided in Tables 1–3. Tables 4–6 summarize examples of the

different model applications. The reader can use these case stud-


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curve fluviali
Nota adesiva
rinforzamento dei letti fluviali
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cerca manuale ASCE
Page 2: PAPANICOLOU (2008) - Sediment Transport Modeling Review—Current and Future Developments

ies as a reference guide for model setup, calibration, and verifi-cation.

One-Dimensional Models

Since the early 1980s, 1D models have been used with somesuccess in research and engineering practice. Most of the 1Dmodels are formulated in a rectilinear coordinate system andsolve the differential conservation equations of mass and momen-tum of flow �the St. Venant flow equations� along with the sedi-ment mass continuity equation �the Exner equation� by usingfinite-difference schemes. Some representative models that aredeveloped on the basis of the previously mentioned equationsinclude MOBED by Krishnappan �1981�, IALLUVIAL by Karimand Kennedy �1982�, CHARIMA by Holly et al. �1990�, SEDI-COUP by Holly and Rahuel �1990�, 3ST1D by Papanicolaou etal. �2004�. The HEC-6 formulation by Thomas and Prashum�1977� is also presented in a rectilinear coordinate and is dis-cretized by using finite-difference schemes; but it solves thedifferential conservation equation of energy instead of the mo-mentum equation.

Among other 1D models that use different coordinate systems,equations or schemes of solution are FLUVIAL 11 by Chang�1984�, GSTARS by Molinas and Yang �1986�, and OTIS byRunkel and Broshears �1991�. Chang �1984� used a curvilinearcoordinate system to solve the governing equations of his model.Molinas and Yang �1986� implemented the theory of minimum

Table 1. Summary of Selected 1D Models

Model and referencesLast

update Flow



HEC-6: Hydraulic EngineeringCenter;Thomas and Prashum �1977�

V. 4.2�2004�

Steady Yes

MOBED: MObile BED;Krishnappan �1981�

— Unsteady Yes

IALLUVIAL: Iowa ALLUVIAL;Karim and Kennedy �1982�

— Quasi-steady Yes

FLUVIAL 11;Chang �1984�

— Unsteady Yes

GSTARS: Generalized sedimenttransport models for alluvial Riversimulation�Molinas and Yang, 1986�

V. 3�2002�

Unsteady Yes

CHARIMA: Acronym of the wordCHARiage which means bedload inFrenchHolly et al. �1990�

— Unsteady Yes

SEDICOUP: SEDIment COUPled;Holly and Rahuel �1990�

— Unsteady Yes

OTIS: One-dimensional transportwith inflow and storage;Runkel and Broshears �1991�

V. OTIS-P�1998�

Unsteady No

EFDC1D: Environmental fluiddynamics code;Hamrick �2001�

— Unsteady Yes

3STD1, steep stream sedimentTransport 1D model;Papanicolaou et al. �2004�

— Unsteady aYes

Note: V�version; C�copyrighted; LD�limited distribution; P�proprietaaTreated as a total load without separation.

stream power to determine the optimum channel width and ge-


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ometry for a given set of hydraulic and sediment conditions.Runkel and Broshears �1991� modified the 1D advection-diffusion equation with additional terms to account for lateralinflow, first-order decay, sorption of nonconservative solutes, andtransient storage of these solutes.

Most of the 1D models that are presented here can predict thebasic parameters of a particular channel, including the bulk-velocity, water surface elevation, bed-elevation variation, andsediment transport load. All of them, except OTIS, can also pre-dict the total sediment load and grain size distribution of nonuni-form sediment. 3ST1D by Papanicolaou et al. �2004� cannotdifferentiate the total sediment load into bed load and suspendedload. HEC-6 by Thomas and Prashum �1977� and IALLUVIALby Karim and Kennedy �1982� are not applicable to unsteady flowconditions. Table 1 contains the complete model reference andacronym explanation and summarizes the main features for eachmodel.

Some of these 1D models have additional specific features.HEC-6 by Thomas and Prashum �1977�, for example, decom-poses energy losses into form loss and skin friction loss. MOBEDby Krishnappan �1981� can predict the sediment characteristics ofa streambed as a function of time and distance for different flowhydrographs. FLUVIAL 11 by Chang �1984� accounts for thepresence of secondary currents in a curved channel by adjustingthe magnitude of the streamwise velocity. The same model canpredict changes in the channel bed profile, width, and lateral mi-




Sedimentexchangeprocesses Executable

Sourcecode Language

Yes No Entrainment anddeposition


Yes No Entrainment anddeposition

C C F90

Yes No Entrainment anddeposition


Yes No Entrainment anddeposition


Yes No Entrainment anddeposition

PD PD F90/95

Yes Yes Entrainment anddeposition

C C F 77

Yes No Entrainment anddeposition

C C F77

No No Advection-diffusion

PD PD F 77

Yes Yes Entrainment anddeposition


Yes No Entrainmentanddeposition

C P F90

�public domain; and F�FORTRAN.












ry; PD

gration in channel bends. CHARIMA by Holly et al. �1990� and

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OTIS by Runkel and Broshears �1991� can treat transport and fateof conservative contaminants and heat. EFDC1D by Hamrick�2001� can be applied to stream networks. 3ST1D by Papanico-laou et al. �2004� is capable of capturing hydraulic jumps andsimulating supercritical flows; therefore, it is applicable to un-steady flow conditions that occur over transcritical flow streamreaches, such as flows over step-pool sequences in mountainstreams.

Because of their low data, central processor unit �CPU� re-quirements, and simplicity of use, 1D models remain useful pre-dictive tools even today, especially in consulting, for rivers andstream ecological applications where 2D or 3D models may notbe needed and are computationally expensive. Table 4 presentsexamples of different 1D model applications.

Two-Dimensional Models

Since the early 1990s, there has been a shift in computationalresearch toward 2D models. Most of the 2D models are currentlyavailable to the hydraulic engineering community as interface-based software to allow easy data input and visualization of re-

Table 2. Summary of Selected 2D Model

Model and referencesLast

update Flow



SERATRA: SEdiment andRAdionuclide TRAnsport;Onishi and Wise �1982�

— Unsteady aYes aY

SUTRENCH- 2D: SUspendedsediment transport in TRENCHes;van Rijn and Tan �1985�

— Quasisteady

aYes aY

TABS-2;Thomas and McAnally �1985�

— Unsteady aYes aY

MOBED2: MObile BED;Spasojevic and Holly �1990a�

— Unsteady Yes Y

ADCIRC: ADvanced CIRCulation;Luettich et al. �1992�

— Unsteady aYes aY

MIKE 21: Danish acronym of theword microcomputer;Danish Hydraulic Institute �1993�

— Unsteady aYes aY

UNIBEST- TC: UNIform BEachSediment Transport—TransportCross-shore;Bosboom et al. �1997�

— Quasi-steady

aYes aY

USTARS: Unsteady SedimentTransport models for AlluvialRivers Simulations;Lee et al. �1997�

— Unsteady Yes Y

FAST2D: Flow Analysis SimulationTool;Minh Duc et al. �1998�

— Unsteady Yes Y

FLUVIAL 12;Chang �1998�

— Unsteady Yes Y

Delft 2D;Walstra et al. �1998�

— Unsteady Yes Y

CCHE2D: The National Center forComputational Hydroscience andEngineering;Jia and Wang �1999�

V. 2.1�2001�

Unsteady Yes Y

Note: V�version; C�copyrighted; LD�limited distribution; P�proprietaaTreated as a total load without separation.

sults. This added capability has made these models user-friendly


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and popular. 2D models are depth-averaged models that can pro-vide spatially varied information about water depth and bedelevation within rivers, lakes, and estuaries, as well as the mag-nitude of depth-averaged streamwise and transverse velocity com-ponents. Most 2-D models solve the depth-averaged continuityand Navier-Stokes equations along with the sediment mass bal-ance equation with the methods of finite difference, finiteelement, or finite volume. Table 2 shows the complete modelreference and explanation of the model acronym and summarizesthe characteristics of selected 2D hydrodynamic/sediment trans-port models. The main specific features of each model are de-scribed below:

SERATRA: A finite-element sediment-contaminant transportmodel developed by Onishi and Wise �1982�. The model includesgeneral advection-diffusion equations and incorporates sink/source terms. The model can predict overland �terrestrial� andin-stream pesticide migration and fate to assess the potentialshort- and long-term impacts on aquatic biota in receivingstreams.

SUTRENCH-2D: A finite-volume hydrodynamic and sediment



Sedimentexchangeprocesses Executable

Sourcecode Language

No Yes Advection-diffusion


No No Advection-diffusion

C LD F90

No Yes Entrainment anddeposition

C C F77

Yes No Entrainment anddeposition

C C F77

No Yes Advection-diffusion


No Yes Entrainment anddeposition

C P F90

No No Entrainment andadvection

C LD F90

Yes No Entrainment anddeposition

P P F90

No No Entrainment anddeposition

LD P F90

Yes No Entrainment anddeposition

C P F77

No Yes Advection-diffusion

C LD F90

Yes No Advection-diffusion

PD/C LD F77/F90

�public domain; F�FORTRAN.














ry; PD

transport model developed by van Rijn and Tan �1985� for simu-


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Page 4: PAPANICOLOU (2008) - Sediment Transport Modeling Review—Current and Future Developments

lating sediment transport and associated bed level change underconditions of combined quasi-steady currents and wind-inducedwaves over a sediment bed. The model solves the generaladvection-diffusion equations by incorporating a lag coefficient toaccount for the settling of sediments.

TABS-2: A group of finite-element based hydrodynamic andsediment transport computer codes developed by the USACE Wa-terways Experimental Station �Thomas and McAnally 1985� thatcurrently operates by using the SMS v.9.0 windows interface.These codes are applicable to rivers, reservoirs, and estuaries. Themain components of TABS-2 are the hydrodynamic component,RMA2; the sediment transport component, SED2D �formallySTUDH�; and the water quality component, RMA4.

MOBED2: A finite-difference hydrodynamic and sedimenttransport model used in a curvilinear coordinate system, devel-oped by Spasojevic and Holly �1990a�. The model can simulatewater flow, sediment transport, and bed evolution in natural wa-terways such as reservoirs, estuaries, and coastal environmentswhere depth averaging is appropriate.

ADCIRC-2D: A finite-element hydrodynamic and sedimenttransport model developed by Luettich et al. �1992� in a rectilin-ear coordinate system for simulating large-scale domains �e.g.,

Table 3. Summary of Selected 3D Models

Model and referencesLast

update Flow



ECOMSED: Estuarine, Coastal, andOcean Model—SEDiment transport;Blumberg and Mellor �1987�

V. 1.3�2002�

Unsteady aYes

RMA-10: Resource ManagementAssociates;King �1988�

— Unsteady aYes

GBTOXe: Green Bay TOXicenhancement;Bierman et al. �1992�

— Unsteady No

EFDC3D: Environmental FluidDynamics code;Hamrick �1992�

— Unsteady Yes

ROMS: Regional Ocean ModelingSystem;Song and Haidvogel �1994�

V. 1.7.2�2002�

Unsteady Yes

CH3D-SED: ComputationalHydraulics 3D-SEDiment;Spasojevic and Holly �1994�

— Unsteady Yes

SSIIM: Sediment Simulation InIntakes with Multiblock options;Olsen �1994�

V. 2.0�2006�

Steady Yes

MIKE 3: Danish acronym of theword Microcomputer;Jacobsen and Rasmussen �1997�

— Unsteady aYes

FAST3D: Flow AnalysisSimulation Tool;Landsberg et al. �1998�

V. Beta-1.1�1998�

Unsteady Yes

Delft 3D;Delft Hydraulics �1999�

V. 3.25.00�2005�

Unsteady Yes

TELEMAC;Hervouet and Bates �2000�

— Unsteady aYes

Zeng et al. �2005� — Unsteady Yes

Note: V�version; C�copyrighted; LD�limited distribution; P�proprietaaTreated as a total load without separation.

the entire East Coast of the United States� by using 2D equations


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for the “external mode” but using the “internal mode” for obtain-ing detailed velocity and stress at localized areas. The internalmode is achieved by specifying the momentum dispersion and thebottom shear stress in terms of the vertical velocity profile. Thewave-continuity formulation of the shallow-water equations isused to solve the time-dependent, free-surface circulation andtransport processes.

MIKE2: A finite-difference model in a rectilinear coordinatesystem developed by the Danish Hydraulic Institute �1993� forsimulating transport and fate of dissolved and suspended loadsdischarged or accidentally spilled in lakes, estuaries, coastalareas, or in the open sea. The system consists of four main modelgroups �modules�, namely, the hydrodynamic and wave models,the sediment process model, and the environmental hydrody-namic model groups. The hydrodynamic and wave models arerelevant to the types of physical processes considered in flood-plain mapping. The sediment process models are used to simulateshoreline change and sand transport, whereas the environmentalhydrodynamic models are used to examine water quality issues.

UNIBEST-TC2: A finite-difference hydrodynamic and sedi-ment transport model in a rectilinear coordinate system to de-scribe the hydrodynamic processes of waves and currents in the




Sedimentexchangeprocesses Executable

Sourcecode Language

No Yes Entrainment anddeposition


No Yes Entrainment anddeposition

C P F77

No Yes Entrainment anddeposition


Yes Yes Entrainment anddeposition

PD P F77

Yes No Entrainment anddeposition


Yes Yes Entrainment anddeposition

C C F90

Yes No Advection-diffusion

PD P C-Langua.

No Yes Entrainment anddeposition

C P F90

No No Entrainment anddeposition

LD P F90

No Yes Entrainment anddeposition

C LD F77

No Yes Entrainment anddeposition

C P F90

No No Entrainment anddeposition

P P F90

�public domain; F�FORTRAN.













ry; PD

cross-shore direction by assuming the presence of uniform mean

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Page 5: PAPANICOLOU (2008) - Sediment Transport Modeling Review—Current and Future Developments

longshore currents along the beach �Bosboom et al. 1997�. Thebed load and suspended load transport processes are modeled byassuming local equilibrium conditions �no lag effects are consid-ered between flow and sediment�.

USTARS: A modified form of �GSTARS� that is also based onthe stream tube concept �Lee et al. 1997�. The hydrodynamic andsediment equations are solved with a finite-difference scheme in arectilinear coordinate system. As in GSTARS, the theory of mini-mum stream power is used here to determine the optimum chan-nel width and geometry for a given set of hydraulic, geomorpho-logic, sediment, and man-made constraints.

FAST2D: A finite-volume hydrodynamic and sediment modelwith boundary-fitted grids in a curvilinear coordinate system tosimulate sediment transport and morphodynamic problems in al-luvial channels �Minh Duc et al. 1998�. The model accounts in-directly for secondary effects attributed to the complexity of thedomain.

FLUVIAL 12: A finite-difference hydrodynamic and sedimentmodel in a curvilinear coordinate system developed by Chang�1998�. The combined effects of flow hydraulics, sediment trans-port, and river channel changes can be simulated for a given flowperiod. The model is a mobile-bed model and simulates changesin the channel-bed profile, width, and sediment bed composition

Table 4. Applications for Selected 1D Models

Model and references

HEC-6;Thomas and Prashum �1977�

Prediction of the flow andbelow Gardiner Dam, Cana

Prediction of the bed profilDam, Washington �U.S. De

MOBED;Krishnappan �1981�

Comparison of MOBED rebed-level change for the Sa

Prediction of fine sediment

IALLUVIAL; Karim and Kennedy �1982� Simulation of flow and sed

Simulation of flow and sedNebraska �Karim 1985�

FLUVIAL 11;Chang �1984�

Simulation of flow and sed

Simulation of flow and sed

GSTARS;Molinas and Yang �1986�

Prediction of the scour depMississippi River, Illinois �

Prediction of the variationReservoir, New Mexico �Ya

CHARIMA;Holly et al. �1990�

Mobile-bed dynamics in thof Engineers�

Mobile-bed dynamics in thFoundation�

SEDICOUP;Holly and Rahuel �1990�

Modeling of long-term effeRiver, Germany �Otto 1999

Long-term modeling of the

OTIS;Runkel and Broshears �1991�

Simulation of field experimconcentration of the Uvas C

Estimation of the travel timof rhodamine data of Laene

EFDC1D;Hamrick �2001�

Simulation of the flow andWashington �Schock et al.

Development of a water qu

3STD1;Papanicolaou et al. �2004�

Prediction of the grain size�Papanicolaou et al. 2004�.

Prediction of the grain size2006�

induced by the channel curvature.


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DELFT-2D: A finite-difference hydrodynamic and sedimenttransport model simulating waves and currents �Walstra et al.1998�. The model couples the hydrodynamics with computed bot-tom morphological changes in a time-dependent way. The modelcan simulate bed-load and suspended load transport by using ei-ther a local equilibrium or a nonequilibrium �i.e., the lag effectsbetween flow and sediment� approach. The model can also showthe effects of wave motion on transport magnitude and direction.

CCHE2D: A finite-element hydrodynamic and sediment modeldeveloped by Jia and Wang �1999�. The model simulates the sus-pended sediment by solving the advection-diffusion equation andthe bed-load transport by empirical functions �e.g., Yalin 1972;van Rijn 1993�. The model accounts for the secondary flow effectin curved channels.

All the aforementioned models are applicable to unsteady flowconditions, except SUTRENCH-2D by van Rijn and Tan �1985�and UNIBEST-TC2 by Bosboom et al. �1997�. All models canpredict the total sediment transport load; but only MOBED2,USTARS, FLUVIAL 12, and CCHE2D can handle multifrac-tional sediment transport and can decompose the total sedimentload into bedload and suspended load. DELFT-2D and FAST2D


nt transport along with the bed level change of the Saskatchewan Riverishnappan 1985�

e eroded and redeposited delta sediment upstream from Glines Canyonnt of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation 1996�

ith HEC-6 results for the flow and sediment transport along with theewan River below Gardiner Dam, Canada �Krishnappan 1985�

ort under ice cover in the Hay River in Northwest Territories, Canada

processes in the Missouri River, Nebraska �Karim and Kennedy 1982�

processes downstream of the Gavins Point Dam on the Missouri River,

processes of the San Dieguito River, Southern California �Chang 1984�

processes of the San Lorenzo River, Northern California �Chang 1985�

pattern at the Lock and Dam No. 26 replacement site on thet al. 1989�

nel geometry for the unlined spillway downstream Lake Mescalerod Simões 2000�

ouri River from Ft. Randall to Gavins Point Dam, South Dakota �Corps

ouri River from Gavins Point Dam to Rulo, Nebraska �National Science

rehabilitation measures on bed-load transport at the Lower Salzach

ology of the Danube River, Germany �Belleudy 1992�

nducted by Bencala and Walters �1983� for the change in chlorideCalifornia.

mixing characteristics of the Clackamas River, Oregon, using the slugRisley �1997�

ent transport processes in the Duwamish River and Elliott Bay,

odel for the Christina River, Delaware �USEPA 2000�

ution and bed morphology of the Cocorotico River, Venezuela

ution and bed-load rate of the Alec River, Alaska �Papanicolaou et al.

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can also separate the total sediment load into bedload and sus-


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Page 6: PAPANICOLOU (2008) - Sediment Transport Modeling Review—Current and Future Developments

pended load, but they are limited to uniform sediment sizes. Ex-amples of the different 2D model applications are summarized inTable 5.

Three-Dimensional Models

In many hydraulic engineering applications, one has to resort to3D models when 2D models are not suitable for describing cer-tain hydrodynamic/sediment transport processes. Flows in the vi-cinity of piers and near hydraulic structures are examples inwhich 3D flow structures are ubiquitous and in which 2D modelsdo not adequately represent the physics. With the latest develop-ments in computing technology—such as computational speed,parallel computing, and data storage classification—3Dhydrodynamic/sediment transport models have become muchmore attractive to use. Most 3D models solve the continuity andthe Navier-Stokes equations, along with the sediment mass bal-

Table 5. Applications for Selected 2D Models

Model and references

SERATRA;Onishi and Wise �1982�

Investigation of the effects ofCreeks, New York �Walters et

Simulation of the hydrogeochefrom the Chernobyl Nuclear P

SUTRENCH-2D;van Rijn and Tan �1985�

Simulation of sand transport pthe lower Dutch coast, The Ne

Modeling sediment transport aMaraghei 2002�

TABS-2;Thomas and McAnally �1985�

Simulation of the flow and sed2006�

Evaluation of the hydraulic peshallow water habitat �Papanic

MOBED2;Spasojevic and Holly �1990a�

Simulation of mobile-bed dynaHolly 1990b�

ADCIRC;Luettich et al. �1992�

Simulation of the flow and sed�Edge 2004�

Simulation of sand transport p

MIKE 21;Danish Hydraulic Institute �1993�

Prediction of the spreading of

Prediction of sediment transpo

UNIBEST- TC;Bosboom et al. �1997�

Coastal study for the impacts o

Coastal study for shoreline pro

USTARS;Lee et al. �1997�

Simulation of sand transport pTaiwan �Lee et al. 1997�

Routing of flow and sediment

FAST2D;Minh Duc et al. �1998�

Simulation of sediment transpoDanube River, Germany �Minh

Flood analysis and mitigation

FLUVIAL 12;Chang �1998�

Simulation of flow and sedime

Simulation of flow and sedime

Delft 2D;Walstra et al. �1998�

Simulation of sand transport pthe lower Dutch coast, The Ne

Simulation of the flow field anbifurcations in the Rhine River

CCHE2D;Jia and Wang �1999�

Investigation of the effects of2 of the Red River Waterway,

Investigation of the effects ofCreek, Mississippi �Wu et al. 2

ance equation through the methods of finite difference, finite ele-


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ment, or finite-volume. The Reynolds average Navier-Stokes�RANS� approach has been employed to solve the governingequations.

The RANS models can be separated into hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic models. The hydrostatic models �e.g., Gessler et al.1999� are not able to accurately predict flow and transport phe-nomena in regions where the flow is strongly 3D and where largeadverse pressure gradients or massive separation are present �e.g.,river bends containing hydraulic structures�. On the contrary, non-hydrostatic RANS models have been shown to adequately de-scribe intricate features of secondary flows in complex domains�e.g., Wu et al. 2000; Ruther and Olsen 2005�.

Table 3 shows the complete model reference and explanationof the acronym and summarizes the characteristics of 12 selected3D hydrodynamic/sediment transport models. The main specificfeatures of each model are described below:

ECOMSED: A fully integrated 3D finite-difference hydrody-


nt on the transport of radionuclides in Cattaraugus and Buttermilk2�

behavior of radionuclides released to the Pripyat and Dnieper riverslant in Ukraine �Voitsekhovitch et al. 1994�

s and associated bed-level changes along dredged pits and trenches atds �Walstra et al. 1998�

stline development along the Iranian coast, Caspian Sea �Niyyati and

transport processes in the Black Lake, Alaska �Papanicolaou et al.

nce of different structures found in the Missouri River for creating newnd Elhakeem 2006�

n the Coralville Reservoir on the Iowa River, Iowa �Spasojevic and

transport processes of the natural cap in the Matagorda Bay, Texas

s at Scheveningen Trial Trench, The Netherlands �Edge 2004�

d spoils in the Øresund Link, Denmark-Sweden

at ebb flow in a tidal inlet, Grådyb, Denmark

tructing Kelantan Harbor, Malaysia

of Texel region, The Netherlands

s and associated bed-level changes of a reach in the Keelung River,

Shiemen Reservoir, upstream Tan-Hsui River, Taiwan �Lee et al.1997�

esses and associated bed level changes of a reach in the Bavariant al. 1998�

Orlice River, Poland �Beck et al. 2003�

esses of the San Dieguito River, Southern California �Chang 1994�

esses of the Feather River, Northern California �Chang et al. 1996�

s and associated bed-level changes along dredged pits and trenches atds �Walstra et al. 1998�

ent transport processes of the Pannerdense Kop and IJssel KopNetherlands �Sloff 2004�

k pile and the submerged dikes downstream of the Lock and Dam No.ana

oody debris structures on the fluvial processes in the Little Topashaw

sedimeal. 198

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namic, wave, and sediment transport model in an orthogonal cur-

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Page 7: PAPANICOLOU (2008) - Sediment Transport Modeling Review—Current and Future Developments

vilinear coordinate system developed by Blumberg and Mellor�1987�. The model uses the hydrostatic pressure distribution as-sumption and can predict fate and transport processes in largewater bodies such as lakes and oceans.

RMA10: A finite-element hydrodynamic model for computingwater-surface elevations and horizontal velocity components forstratified free-surface flow �King 1988�. It is designed for waterbodies in which vertical accelerations can be considered negli-gible �hydrostatic pressure assumption is considered�. The modelsolves the transport equation for salinity, temperature, and sus-pended sediment and incorporates the effect of these quantities ondensity. The model is suited for computing the hydrodynamics intidal flats and wetlands. The model is limited to uniform sedi-ment. RMA10 is a component of TABS-MD �multi-dimensional�.

GBTOXe: A finite-difference model that is formulated in arectilinear coordinate system and is developed for predictingtransport and fate of PCBs in riverine environments. The modelwas originally developed for addressing the fate and transportissues of PCBs in Green Bay, Wisconsin �Bierman et al. 1992�.The hydrodynamic component of the model �GBHYDRO� as-

Table 6. Applications for Selected 3D Models

Model and references

ECOMSED;Blumberg and Mellor �1987�

Simulation of the flow and sed

Simulation of the flow and sedbifurcation, Sweden �Admass 2

RMA-10;King �1988�

Modeling of the Nisqually Riv

Modeling the hydrodynamics o�Tetra Tech 2004�

GBTOXe;Bierman et al. �1992�

Simulation of fate and transpo

EFDC3D;Hamrick �1992�

Modeling of the hydrodynamic

Simulation of flow and sedimeCarolina and Georgia

ROMS;Song and Haidvogel �1994�

Modeling of sediment transpor

Simulation of flow and sedime

CH3D-SED,Spasojevic and Holly �1994�

Evaluation of the relative impaLake Erie, Ohio �Velissariou e

Simulation of sedimentation onAtchafalaya River, Lousiana

SSIIM;Olsen �1994�

Tested against experimental da

MIKE 3;Jacobsen and Rasmussen �1997�

Simulation of the flow, sedime

Simulation of the flow, sedime

FAST3D;Landsberg et al. �1998�

Tested against the experimenta

Simulation of contaminated regat Washington D.C., Maryland

Delft 3D;Delft Hydraulics �1999�

Simulation of the flow, sedimeKong �Delft Hydraulics 1999�

Morphodynamic modeling of t

TELEMAC;Hervouet and Bates �2000�

Development of a mesoscale hSoutheast Pacific Ocean �Zielk

Simulation of transport and Fa

Zeng et al. �2005� Tested against the experimenta

sumes hydrostatic pressure and accounts for water column circu-


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lation and mixing processes, whereas the sediment transport com-ponent �GBSED� accounts for the transport of cohesive sediment.

EFDC3D: A finite-difference hydrodynamic and water-qualityconstituent transport model in an orthogonal curvilinear or recti-linear coordinate system with a sigma or stretched approximationin the vertical direction �Hamrick 1992�. The model solves the3D, vertically hydrostatic, free surface, turbulent averaged equa-tions of motion for a variable density fluid. The model can simu-late complex water bodies, such as vertically mixed shallowestuaries, lakes, and coastal areas. The model has also capabilitiesto predict toxic contaminants and water quality state variables.Currently, there is an effort to incorporate the EFDC3D code intoBASINS, an EPA open-source watershed model that links terres-trial �i.e., uplands� and in-stream models.

ROMS: A finite-difference model in an orthogonal curvilinearcoordinate system with sigma-stretched approximation in the ver-tical direction �Song and Haidvogel 1994�. The model can simu-late free-surface hydrostatic ocean circulation and parameterizesthe effect of surface waves on bottom stresses and apparentroughness.


transport processes of Lavaca Bay, Texas �HydroQual 1998�

transport processes of the Klarälven River east and west channels at the

ta to evaluate habitat restoration alternatives, Washington

and sediment of the Los Angeles and Long Beach harbors California

Bs in Green Bay, Wisconsin

ediment processes in Moro Bay, California

sport of Lake Hartwell reservoir on the Savannah River between South

stuary turbidity maximum of the Hudson River Estuary, New York

lity of the Southern California Bight, California

ifferent sediment sources on the shore areas of the western basin of99�

, crossings, and distributaries on the lower Mississippi River and

Colorado State University �Olsen 2003�

sport processes, and water quality of Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon

sport processes, and water quality of Tampa Bay, Florida

of Odgaard and Bergs �1988�

esulting from hypothetical airborne agent releases in major urban areashicago, Illinois �Pullenet al. 2005�

sport processes and water quality of Tolo Harbor and Mirs Bay, Hong

man Wadden Sea and Duck, North Carolina �Delft Hydraulics 1999�

namic and sediment transport model for the Peru Basin in the. 1995�

oxic Chemicals in Shasta Reservoir, California �Gu and Chung 2003�

of Odgaard and Bergs �1988�



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CH3D-SED: A boundary-fitted finite-difference model in the


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nonorthogonal coordinate system with a sigma-stretched approxi-mation in the vertical direction �Spasojevic and Holly 1994�. Thesedimentation component is based on solving the sediment massbalance equation for bedload along with the advection-diffusionequation for suspended load transport.

SSIIM: A finite volume hydrodynamic and sediment transportmodel that is based on an unstructured grid system �Olsen 1994�.The model has the capability of simulating sediment transport ina movable riverbed with complex geometries. It includes themodeling of meandering and bed forms in rivers and bed load andsuspended load transport of nonuniform sediment and associatedsorting and armoring processes. The model has been extended tosuch other hydraulic engineering applications as spillway model-ing, head loss in tunnels, meandering in rivers, and turbidity cur-rents. The model has also been used for water quality and habitatstudies in rivers.

MIKE3: A finite-difference model in an orthogonal grid sys-tem developed by the Danish Hydraulic Institute �1993� for freesurface flows. It includes modeling components for advection-diffusion, water quality, heat exchange with the atmosphere,heavy metals, eutrophication, flooding and drying of intertidalareas, and sediment processes �Jacobsen and Rasmussen 1997�.The model can simulate the fate and transport of conservative orlinearly decaying constituents, including such processes as nutri-ent cycling; dissolved oxygen levels; exchange of metals betweenthe bed sediments and the water column; and sediment transport,deposition, and entrainment.

FAST3D: A fully nonhydrostatic 3D finite-volume hydrody-namic model �Landsberg et al. 1998�. The underlying fluid dy-namics algorithm used in FAST3D is the flux-corrected transport�FCT�, a high-order–high-resolution algorithm. The model canhandle complex geometric domains mainly because of the addedcapabilities that are provided by an efficient parallel implementa-tion of the virtual cell embedding �VCE� algorithms. The sedi-ment component of the model accounts for nonequilibriumbed-load rate and advection-diffusion–based suspended load rate�Wu et al. 2000�. A hydrogen-oxygen induction parameter �re-duced chemistry� model is also included in FAST3D. This modelallows multiple chemical species sharing a single velocity field.

DELFT3D: An integrated modeling system developed by theDelft Hydraulic Laboratory team that is solved through the finite-difference scheme �Delft Hydraulics 1999�. The modeling systemcontains several submodels that simulate the temporal and spatialvariation of six processes �flow, waves, water quality, morphol-ogy, sediment transport, and ecology�. The hydrodynamicsubmodel calculates nonsteady flow resulting from tidal and me-teorological forcing on a boundary-fitted curvilinear grid system.

TELEMAC-3D: A finite-element hydrodynamic and transportmodel for free-surface boundary condition to characterize the fateand transport in coastal zones �Hervouet and Bates 2000�. For thewater quality component, the model solves the advection-diffusion equation with additional terms to account for transientstorage, lateral inflow, first-order decay, and sorption.

Zeng et al. �2005� model: A nonhydrostatic fully 3D model ingeneralized curvilinear coordinates that is solved through thefinite-difference scheme. The model solves the governing equa-tions by integrating them up to the near-wall boundary to avoidany near-wall approximations. The solver uses movable grids inthe vertical direction to account for changes in the free-surfaceelevation. The proper kinematic and dynamic conditions are im-

posed to account for changes in the bathymetry because of ero-


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sion or deposition at the bed. The suspended sediment is modeledby using an advection-diffusion equation with a settling velocityterm.

Except for the SSIIM model by Olsen �1994�, all the afore-mentioned models are applicable to unsteady flow conditions. Ex-cept GBTOXe by Bierman et al. �1992�, all of them can predictthe total sediment load. Only EFDC3D by Hamrick �1992�,ROMS by Song and Haidvogel �1994�, CH3D-SED by Spa-sojevic and Holly �1994�, and SSIIM by Olsen �1994� have thecapabilities to predict the gradation of sediment mixtures;whereas the other models are applicable to uniform sedimentonly. ECOMSED by Blumberg and Mellor �1987�, RMA10 byKing �1988�, MIKE3 by the Danish Hydraulic Institute �1993�,and TELEMAC-3D by Hervouet and Bates �2000� cannot sepa-rate the total sediment load into bedload and suspended load. Afew examples of the different 3D model applications are summa-rized in Table 6.

Discussion and Future Research

Discrepancies between hydrodynamic/sediment transport modelpredictions and measurements can be attributed to differentcauses. They include oversimplification of the problem by usingan inappropriate model �1D versus 2D or 2D versus 3D�, the useof inappropriate input data, lack of appropriate data for modelcalibration, unfamiliarity with the limitations of the hydro-dynamic/sediment transport equations used in developing themodel, and computational errors in source codes because of ap-proximations in the numerical schemes used in solving the gov-erning equations �boundary condition problems/truncation errorsbecause of discretization�. The last reason is beyond the scope ofthis forum article, and techniques needed to minimize these com-putational errors can be found in computational fluid dynamicstextbooks �e.g., Chaudhry 1993; Anderson 1995; Tannehill et al.1997�. However, both hydrodynamic and sediment equations willinclude such computational errors.

In many applications, inherent model limitations do not allowaccurate simulation of a process independently of data input andmodel calibration. An explanation for this is that the eddy viscos-ity models that are frequently used in solving the governing hy-drodynamic equations of turbulent flows include some degree ofempiricism in their formulations. The problem is compounded forsediment transport models, which rely heavily on experimentaland field information and whose formulations involve a high de-gree of empiricism. As a consequence, at the present stage, noreliable and comprehensive theoretical formulas can describe thetwo-phase phenomenon of sediment and flow.

It is not surprising, therefore, that Dawdy and Vanoni �1986� intheir examination of some of the available 1D hydrodynamic/sediment transport models concluded that most of the movablebed models were found not to yield wholly satisfactory results.This study concluded that most of the 1D models assume that astage of equilibrium exists with respect to sediment transport andthat the nature of sediment entrainment is deterministic and not astochastic process. However, 2D and 3D hydrodynamic/sedimenttransport models typically encounter problems in determining thereference concentration of sediment near the bed and simulatingthe term for sediment diffusion because of turbulent motion. Also,the users of the multidimensional models experience difficultiesin determining the source term of the advection-diffusion equa-tion and the effects of sediment motion on near-bed turbulent flow


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In subsequent sections, the authors will attempt to provide aninsight for model users about model choice and also highlight thefuture research needs for improving available hydrodynamic/sediment transport models.

Model Choice

It should be accepted that sediment transport models incorporate acertain degree of simplification to be computationally feasible.Simplified models run into the risk of not obtaining a reliablesolution, whereas increasing the model complexity can compli-cate the problem formulation and incur more input data prepara-tion, calibration, and verification costs. Such a trade-off betweencomplexity and cost �Fig. 1�a�� has been discussed by Overtonand Meadows �1976� and Simons and Simons �1996�. One prac-tical question that model users typically face is the choice of theappropriate dimensional model. Although a definitive answer tothis question does not exist, users need to follow some rules ofthumb. In general, a model should be chosen in the way that themodel hydrodynamic/sediment components retain all relevantterms related to a specific problem. In addition, Fig. 1�b� givesa guideline for simulating processes of different spatial and tem-poral scales �Church 2006�. As Fig. 1�b� shows, a direct corre-spondence exists between the time scale and the length scale.Morphologic scale changes at the basin or catchment scale �lengthscale greater than 104 m� typically occur in a 1-year period orgreater. As a consequence, a 1D or 2D model may be sufficient tosimulate these changes. Dynamic scale processes, however, occurat smaller length scales such as channel reach and sediment par-ticle scale. A reference time scale for these processes ranges fromseconds to an hour. Figure 1�b� implies that, for simulation offlow at the reach scale or around an obstacle, the role of turbu-

Fig. 1. Factors governing model choice: �a� the model complexity traof spatial and temporal scales �adapted from Church 2006�

lence is important. As a result, 3D models should be used to


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simulate flow in smaller scales where detailed mapping of theturbulent microstructure is required. This finding goes hand inhand with the realization that the use of 3D models to simulatebasin-scale processes may not be realistic because it currently is avery costly endeavor at the present.

Model Input and Calibration

Model input and calibration give rise to new demands on fielddata. The following question arises: Do these data exist, or canthey be collected within the constraints of time and money? Al-though this question is a pragmatic one, the following discussionmay aid in an appropriate response. Transport of sediment is oneof the most important and difficult classes of processes encoun-tered by the hydraulic engineer. Despite the importance of thesubject, it is probable that a greater differential exists between theinformation needed and the information available than in almostany other practical engineering hydraulic field. Traditional mea-surement protocols of bed bathymetry, stages, grain size distribu-tion, bed morphology and velocity, and shear stress distributionsusing point or cross-sectional measurements are applicable to alimited spatial and temporal resolution and hinder adequate modelcalibration and verification. For example, point or cross-sectionalmeasurements in a riverine environment with mobile bed, ob-tained through acoustic Doppler velocimeter �ADV� or acousticDoppler current profiler �ADCP�, may not be sufficient for modelcalibration and verification because the flow distribution at a crosssection changes in time because of bed-form propagation. Also,calibration of mobile bed models on the basis of limited spatialdata can be questionable, especially in a dynamic mobile environ-ment. Thus far, traditional measurement protocols are adequateunder conditions that are closely represented by static conditions.

diagram �adapted from Overton and Meadows 1976�; �b� illustration


The recent boom in sensor technology for in-stream flow and


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sediment measurements, however, may alleviate some of the limi-tations regarding model data input, construction, calibration, andverification.

The absence of a symbiotic relationship between measure-ments and simulation is another important factor that needs fur-ther investigation and relates to model calibration, verification,and grid refinement. The novel capabilities to be sought inthe future are applications of simulations that can dynamicallyaccept responses to on-line field data and measurements and/orcontrol such measurements. This synergistic and symbiotic feed-back control loop between simulation and measurements is anovel technical direction that can open domains in the capabilitiesof simulations within riverine/estuarine environments and facili-tate capturing episodic and catastrophic events. This control loopis not currently available for simulating natural flows because ofthe limited data that can be obtained from traditional measure-ment protocols. As a result, many simulations work in the batchmode; an event is simulated on the basis of a static set of fielddata. For example, hydrodynamic/sediment transport models topredict morphodynamic changes within streams and the impact ofthese changes on aquatic life are conducted by considering a con-stant sediment input value from such terrestrial inputs as roads,flood plains, and other disturbance references. Hence, perturba-tions that exist in the system because of spatial and temporalvariability in the terrestrial environment are not accounted for.The recent boom in sensor technology can fill the gap betweensimulation and measurement needs. However, the riverine/estuarine community has to adopt the symbiotic existence of sen-sors and models to ensure adequate model calibration and verifi-cation. Then and only then can the calibration and verification ofmodels, occurring in a dynamic fashion, be fully realized.

Another issue that closely relates to the symbiotic relationshipbetween mobile bed models and sensors is the issue of grid re-finement and grid sensitivity. Several questions may be raised.For example, are grid-independent tests necessary and practical?Can a coarse grid lead to misleading results? What is the optimumgrid size for capturing turbulence-resolving scales? These ques-tions have no universal answers. Different grid refinement criteriato simulate flow and sediment dynamics may produce equallyviable mobile bed responses for a given problem. Ultimately, onemust rely on the known notion of good engineering judgment.

Since the early 1980s, 1D models have been used heavily forsimulating large spatial scales �covering the order of 100s of kms�over a long period of time �of the order of decades�. However,developments in computer capabilities have recently advanced theuse of 2D and 3D models in natural environments for simulatingflow/sediment transport processes and fate of their associated pol-lutants. Improved computing facilities significantly reduce com-putational requirements and at the same time allow better gridrefinement. As the discipline of computational fluid and mobilebed dynamics evolves at a time when computational and sensortechnologies are drastically improving, it is imperative that all ofus prepare the ground for incorporating multidimensional modelsinto engineering practice. Undoubtedly, multidimensional—andespecially 3D—models move closely approximate the complexprocesses occurring in waterways, and it is anticipated that theywill become the models of the near future.

Model Limitations

It has been pointed out that a mismatch exists in the theoreticalfoundations and performance of the hydrodynamic and sediment

components of models. The disparity that exists between the hy-


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drodynamic and sediment transport components is attributed tothe fact that the principles of hydrodynamics and the fundamen-tals of turbulence theory and modeling have been established overthe previous two decades, as compared with the fundamentals ofsediment transport �e.g., Tannehill et al. 1997; Raudkivi 1998;Parker et al. 2000; Rodi 2006�. Modeling of turbulence is prob-ably the weakest component in the hydrodynamic equations offlow. Although the RANS models are computationally effective,as all turbulent fluctuations are averaged out from the equationssolved, they are criticized as “postdiction” rather than “predic-tion” because of the loss of information occurring from averagingthe equations.

Both DNS and LES are principally better suited for simulatingcomplex turbulent flows. DNS requires enormous computing re-sources and thus is not a method that can be used for an everydayengineering problem �Rodi 2006�. DNS can be a valuable re-search resource for studying the transition between laminar andturbulent flow, considering that this method is limited to low Rey-nolds numbers.

On the contrary, LES can be used at low and high Reynoldsnumbers. At high Reynolds numbers, LES can capture the larger-scale turbulent structures �eddies� on a given grid by employingthe 3D unsteady Navier-Stokes equations. The smaller-scale co-herent structures that are believed to control the momentum andmass exchange directed from and to the riverbed cannot be re-solved directly with LES, and special near-wall treatment has tobe introduced to account for the smaller-scale structures. Despitethe limitations that LES may have especially for high Reynoldsnumbers, LES is the most advanced modeling tool currentlyavailable for modeling 3D complex flows �Mahesh et al. 2004�.Nevertheless, advances made in the DNS and LES arena allowthe realistic prediction of complex turbulent flows around struc-tures such as flow in fish ladders of hydroelectric dams, flowaround groynes, and flow around bridge structures �e.g., Lai et al.2003�.

Simulation of the sediment transport processes remains opento future research because sediment transport is not only con-trolled by randomness in flow but also by irregularities in land-form and bed surface geometry �e.g., Nino and Garcia 1996;Papanicolaou et al. 1999�. On account of these factors, the sedi-ment transport models developed thus far are not as universal as ahydraulic engineer would like them to be. Some of the limitationsthat most sediment transport models exhibit can be summarizedas follows:

One assumption is that sediment entrainment is not triggeredby the near bed flow turbulent characteristics but by the excessshear stress term ��−�c�. In most entrainment formulas, shearstress � is determined by assuming uniform flow conditions �e.g.,Gomez and Church 1989; Almadeij and Diplas 2005�. Recentstudies have shown that turbulent sweeps, outward interactions,and ejections are the primary triggering mechanisms of sedimententrainment �Papanicolaou et al. 2001�.

The traditional approach in sediment transport models �e.g.,excess shear stress models; settling velocity models� has been tocalculate the transport rate by using a single characteristic grainsize, such as the median �Raudkivi 1998�. Because this approachdoes not account for differential transport of sediment particleswith different size �or density�, it is likely to underpredict oroverpredict the transport rate of individual fractions when bimo-dal or multimodal distributions are present atop the surface bed�e.g., Holly and Usseglio-Polatera 1984; Usseglio-Polatera andCunge 1985; Pavlovic et al. 1985�. Furthermore, most multidi-

mensional models treat flow and sediment processes as entirely

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uncoupled or semicoupled within one computational time step �oreven during a sequence of time steps in some cases�, so that theinfluence of changes in bed elevation and surface bed materialsize distribution on the flow field can be taken into account onlyapproximately �e.g., Thomas and McAnally 1985; Onishi andTrent 1985�.

Recognition of the fact that a sediment particle of an certainsize or density can be transported at different rates has led to thedevelopment of formulations that predict multifractional transportrates �Raudkivi 1998�. Expressions developed for the travelingvelocity of particles �e.g., Sekine and Kikkawa 1992; Jain 1992;Papanicolaou et al. 2002; Ferguson et al. 2002; Parker et al. 2003;Francalanci and Solari 2007� provide the resting and moving pe-riods of particles of different sizes and the lag coefficient for themovement of different sediment fractions. These formulationsallow different sizes to move at different rates, and their inclusioninto future sediment transport modeling can perhaps improve thepredictive ability of these models.

The treatment of the dispersion and diffusion coefficients asfunctions of the inner and outer variables, respectively, namely,the friction velocity, depth-averaged velocity, width of channel,and mean flow depth is limited. It has been shown that the spa-tially averaged inner and outer quantities may not be good ap-proximations of the dispersion process in channel constrictions orexpansions and flows near submerged or unsubmerged obstacles�hydraulic structures�. Furthermore, the role of relative submer-gence on the estimation of the dispersion coefficient has not beenassessed �Tayfur and Singh 2005�.

In most cases, the source term in the advection-diffusion equa-tion does not account for the soil contributions from the bank orthe terrestrial contributions from the hill slopes and floodplains�Toda et al. 2005�. Attempts to connect sediment sources origi-nating from the hill slopes and floodplains with in-stream pro-cesses are of paramount importance for minimizing error in thepredictive ability of existing sediment transport models. The stud-ies of Collins et al. �1998�, Fox et al. �2005a,b�, Toda et al.�2005�, and others reveal that new technologies—such as Lidar,biogeochemical tracers, and remote sensing—need to be em-ployed to address the connectivity between hill slopes and flood-plains and instream processes.

The formulation of the sediment-flow interaction processesneeds further investigation �Lyn 1992�. Recent attempts to formu-late general mathematical models of sediment-flow interactionhave been inspired by the progress made in two-phase flow mod-eling in other fields �e.g., Ishii 1975; Drew 1983; Elghobashi1994; Crowe et al. 1996�. The basic idea behind the two-phaseflow approach �e.g., Villaret and Davies 1995; Ni et al. 1996; Caoet al. 1995; Greimann et al. 1999� is to formulate governing con-servation equations for both phases, which include terms defininginteraction between phases, such as the stress tensor attributableto phase interactions or the interfacial momentum transfer term.

However, even though the two-phase flow approach seemspromising, its use and even the formulation of the governingequations in flow-sediment problems are still in their infancy.Certain terms in the governing equations that are typically ne-glected in other fields may require quite a different treatment inthe flow-sediment field. The stress between fluid and sedimentparticles is usually neglected under the assumption that it is muchsmaller than the turbulent stress between fluid particles. The stresscoming from interactions among sediment particles is neglectedunder the assumption that sediment particles do not contact oneanother. Both of these assumptions are questionable in the case of

high sediment concentrations, especially near the bed. This prob-


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ably explains a lingering doubt about the use of the two-phaseflow approach in the near-bed areas. Furthermore, certain terms inthe two-phase flow governing equations, such as the inter-facial momentum transfer, require additional modeling to achievesystem closure. Such modeling has to be based on a detailedknowledge of turbulence and requires presently unavailable ex-perimental data. Finally, the two-phase flow solution of practicalsediment problems, which routinely requires long-term simula-tions, is likely to be CPU-time-prohibitive even in the not-so-nearfuture.

In parallel with the research in sediment transport, new mod-eling paradigms such as artificial neural networks fuzzy logic, andother related methods have emerged �Bhattacharya et al. 2007�.These methods offer an alternative to traditional sediment trans-port modeling, especially in cases where too little data are avail-able for calibrating traditional sediment transport models.

Future research should not only focus on the previously statedlimitations but also on other cross-cutting issues such as reconcil-ing different spatial and temporal scales and the capability ofdynamically simulating bed evolution and sediment exchangeprocesses between the sediment bed and the water column. Also,further investigation is required on the role of grid refinement andgrid sensitivity and the required amount of data for mobile bedmodel calibration and verification.


The writers would like to acknowledge the following individualsfor the guidance, input and assistance that they have provided:Professor Forrest Holly from the University of Iowa; ProfessorRick Luettich from the University of North Carolina; ProfessorWolfgang Rodi from the University of Karlsruhe; Professors Leovan Rijn and Dirk-Jan Walstra from WL/Delft Hydraulics; Pro-fessor Nils Olsen from the Norwegian University of Science andTechnology; Dr. Bommanna Krishnappan from the Aquatic Eco-system Impacts Research Branch; Pierre Lang from Sogreah/LHF; Charles Kirsty, Patrick Delaney, and Karen Edelvang fromthe DHI, Inc. support team; and the ECOMSED support team.


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