PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY PERSONNEL INDEPENDENCE STRENGTH FREEDOM U.S. Air Force: Staff Sgt. Andrew D. Simpson Master Sergeant Scott Moller Tech. Sgt. Francisco J. Velasquez Master Sgt. Jeremy Salaver U.S. Army: Private Angelique J. Rosado Master Sergeant Jill Agront Sgt. Hisnard Cadet, Jr. Staff Sgt. Misael Exantus PFC Zaymery Villalobos Special Force Kareem Inniss Spc. Richard Aquilar Captain Gavin Campbell McMahon LTC Douglas Boltuc Sgt. Andrew Gandolfo PFC Francisco Fuentes Melinium PFC Stefan Saindoux PFC Luc-Ambert Saindoux, Jr. PFC Betty Piquion U.S. Marines: 1 st Battalion Carlos Fuentes CPL Daniel C. Monroe RCT Eric Joel Vazquez Sergeant W. Jason Ferris L. Cpl. Alfonso Rodriquez U.S. Navy: Airman Herbert J. Alvarado JE-4/CS3 Jesus Ron Chief Petty Officer John V. Sparkowski Lt. Joseph A. Baugh Cpl. Eric Omar Matos Lt. John R. Esposito AG2/Petty Officer 2 nd Class Michael McGee Fr. Christopher Costigan, Pastor ........ Ext. 302 Cheryl Nicholson ....................................... Ext. 301 Parish Assistant Mrs. Kathy Day ......................................... Ext. 304 Bookkeeper Mrs. Marlene Jean-Baptiste Co-Director of Social Ministry 292-1603 or 481-2550, Ext. 320 Ms. Barbara Powell Co-Director of Social Ministry 292-1603 or 481-2550, Ext. 321 Cheryl Nicholson ....................................... Ext. 312 Bulletin Editor Voice Mail Only: Must Leave a Message Deacon Hernst Bellevue ............................ Ext. 346 Director of Adult Faith Formation English/Creole Baptismal Program Mr. Alvin Ingram ....................................... Ext. 347 Liturgy Chairperson Mr. Tom Gould ......................................... Ext. 348 Plant Manager Mrs. Dulce Sepulveda ................................ Ext. 349 Spanish Baptism Program Elissa Hanson ............................................ Ext.350 Choir Director & Organist Ms. Lisette Joachim.................................... Ext 351 Ministry of Consolation Deacon Evenou Saint-Louis Parochial Archivist ..................................... Ext. 352 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Deacon Trevor Mathurin, Director of Religious Education ........................ Ext. 311 Mrs. Imogene Regan, RCIA Director ................................................. Ext. 314 PALM SUNDAY OF THE LORD’S PASSION—APRIL 9, 2017 “Christ Jesus, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped.”

PALM SUNDAY OF THE LORD’S PASSION—APRIL … · Asistir (o ver en la teleasistencia) la misa Crismal en la catedral de St. Agnes el jueves por la mañana. Esta misa, por primera

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Page 1: PALM SUNDAY OF THE LORD’S PASSION—APRIL … · Asistir (o ver en la teleasistencia) la misa Crismal en la catedral de St. Agnes el jueves por la mañana. Esta misa, por primera




U.S. Air Force:

Staff Sgt. Andrew D. Simpson

Master Sergeant Scott Moller

Tech. Sgt. Francisco J. Velasquez

Master Sgt. Jeremy Salaver

U.S. Army:

Private Angelique J. Rosado

Master Sergeant Jill Agront

Sgt. Hisnard Cadet, Jr.

Staff Sgt. Misael Exantus

PFC Zaymery Villalobos

Special Force Kareem Inniss

Spc. Richard Aquilar

Captain Gavin Campbell McMahon

LTC Douglas Boltuc

Sgt. Andrew Gandolfo

PFC Francisco Fuentes Melinium

PFC Stefan Saindoux

PFC Luc-Ambert Saindoux, Jr.

PFC Betty Piquion

U.S. Marines:

1st Battalion Carlos Fuentes

CPL Daniel C. Monroe

RCT Eric Joel Vazquez

Sergeant W. Jason Ferris

L. Cpl. Alfonso Rodriquez

U.S. Navy:

Airman Herbert J. Alvarado

JE-4/CS3 Jesus Ron

Chief Petty Officer John V. Sparkowski

Lt. Joseph A. Baugh

Cpl. Eric Omar Matos

Lt. John R. Esposito

AG2/Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael McGee

Fr. Christopher Costigan, Pastor ........ Ext. 302

Cheryl Nicholson ....................................... Ext. 301 Parish Assistant

Mrs. Kathy Day ......................................... Ext. 304 Bookkeeper

Mrs. Marlene Jean-Baptiste Co-Director of Social Ministry 292-1603 or 481-2550, Ext. 320

Ms. Barbara Powell Co-Director of Social Ministry 292-1603 or 481-2550, Ext. 321

Cheryl Nicholson ....................................... Ext. 312 Bulletin Editor

Voice Mail Only: Must Leave a Message

Deacon Hernst Bellevue ............................ Ext. 346 Director of Adult Faith Formation English/Creole Baptismal Program

Mr. Alvin Ingram ....................................... Ext. 347 Liturgy Chairperson

Mr. Tom Gould ......................................... Ext. 348 Plant Manager

Mrs. Dulce Sepulveda ................................ Ext. 349 Spanish Baptism Program

Elissa Hanson ............................................ Ext.350 Choir Director & Organist

Ms. Lisette Joachim .................................... Ext 351 Ministry of Consolation

Deacon Evenou Saint-Louis Parochial Archivist ..................................... Ext. 352


Deacon Trevor Mathurin, Director of Religious Education ........................ Ext. 311 Mrs. Imogene Regan, RCIA Director ................................................. Ext. 314


“Christ Jesus, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped.”

Page 2: PALM SUNDAY OF THE LORD’S PASSION—APRIL … · Asistir (o ver en la teleasistencia) la misa Crismal en la catedral de St. Agnes el jueves por la mañana. Esta misa, por primera


Saint Martha Roman Catholic Church 546 GREENGROVE AVENUE, UNIONDALE, NEW YORK 11553-2145

Phone: (516) 481-2550 [email protected]



~ Passion of the Lord Sunday ~

Holy Week

Today we begin the holiest period of the Church Year. A week from now, gathered on Holy Saturday evening,

we will hear Saint Paul remind us that through our baptism we participate in the events of this week in a real

way. We were baptized into the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. As we observe these days, we

shouldn’t look at the events as something that is simply part of the past (like we would the anniversary of the

signing of the Declaration of Independence or other historical anniversaries). Let’s all make time this week to

truly participate in the mysteries we observe this week. How can we do that?

Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Monday, in our parish and in every church in the Diocese of

Rockville Centre, the Diocese of Brooklyn, and the Archdiocese of New York, priests will be available for

confession from 3:00 PM-9:00 PM. I will be in the confessional from 3:00 PM-9:00 PM, Fr. Rony will be

here from 5:00 PM-9:00 PM, and Fr. Miguel will be here from 6:00 PM-9:00 PM. I have also added extra

confession times on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday (see elsewhere in the bulletin).

Take extra time for silence, private prayer, and reading of Sacred Scripture.

Attend daily Mass Monday through Wednesday at 8:30 AM in the chapel.

Pray Morning Prayer with our parish community (and the Church around the world) Thursday, Friday, and

Saturday at 8:30 AM in the chapel.

Attend (or watch on Telecare) the Chrism Mass at St. Agnes Cathedral Thursday morning. At this Mass,

for the first time as our bishop, Bishop Barres joins with all the priests of the Diocese to renew our promis-

es. He will bless the sacramental oils which are distributed to the parishes (and solemnly received at the

Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Thursday evening).

Participate in the liturgies of the Paschal Triduum. These are the most important liturgies of the year.

They are also the most symbolic and moving liturgies we have. See the schedule elsewhere in the bulletin.

Live what we celebrate throughout the year! Next week we will all renew our baptismal promises. We are

reminded that we all have a vocation to witness to Christ in the world. This year, let’s take seriously our

duty to be missionary disciples.

Fr. Chris

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Saint Martha Roman Catholic Church 546 GREENGROVE AVENUE, UNIONDALE, NEW YORK 11553-2145

Phone: (516) 481-2550 [email protected]



~ Passion of the Lord Sunday ~

Semaine Sainte

Nous entrons aujourd'hui dans la période la plus sacrée de l’année liturgique. Dans une semaine, quand nous

serons réunis le soir du Samedi Saint, nous entendrons Saint Paul nous rappeler que par notre baptême, nous

participons de façon réelle aux événements de cette semaine. Nous avons été baptisés dans la mort et la résur-

rection de Jésus-Christ. Alors que nous célébrons ces jours, nous ne devrions pas les regarder comme faisant

tout simplement partie du passé (comme l’anniversaire de la signature de la déclaration de l’indépendance ou

d’autres anniversaires historiques). Prenons tous le temps de participer pleinement aux mystères que nous

observons cette semaine. Comment pouvons nous faire cela?

Célébrer le Sacrement de la Réconciliation. Lundi, dans notre paroisse, dans toutes les églises des Diocèses

de Rockville Centre et de Brooklyn, ainsi que dans l’Archidiocèse de New York, des prêtres seront dispo-

nibles pour la confession de 3 heures de l’après-midi à 9 heures du soir. Je serai au confessionnal de 3h à

9h. Le Père Rony sera ici de 5h à 9h et le Père Miguel sera ici de 6h à 9h. J’ai également prévu des heures

supplémentaire pour les confessions mardi, mercredi, vendredi et samedi (voir l’horaire dans ce bulletin).

Consacrer plus de temps au silence, à la prière privée et à la lecture de la Bible.

Assister à la messe de 8h30 a.m. tous les jours dans la chapelle, du Lundi au Mercredi.

Participer à la Prière du Matin avec la paroisse et l’Église à travers le monde) Jeudi, Vendredi et Samedi à

8h30 a.m. dans la chapelle.

Assister à (ou regarder sur Telecare) la Messe Chrismale à la Cathédrale Ste. Agnès jeudi matin. A cette

messe, Monseigneur Barres, pour la première fois en tant que notre Evêque, se joindra à tous les prêtres du

Diocèse pour renouveler nos promesses. Il bénira les saintes huiles qui seront distribuées aux paroisses (et

solennellement reçues à la Messe de la Cène du Jeudi Saint.

Participer aux liturgies du Triduum Pascal. Ce sont les plus importantes liturgies de l’année. Elles sont aus-

si les liturgies les plus symboliques et les plus émouvantes que nous ayons. Vous trouverez l’horaire dans

ce bulletin.

Vivre ce que nous célébrons tout au long de l’année! La semaine prochaine, nous renouvellerons tous nos

promesses baptismales. L’Eglise nous rappelle que nous avons tous une vocation d’être des témoins du

Christ dans le monde. Cette année, prenons au sérieux notre devoir d’être des disciples missionnaires.

Père Chris

Page 4: PALM SUNDAY OF THE LORD’S PASSION—APRIL … · Asistir (o ver en la teleasistencia) la misa Crismal en la catedral de St. Agnes el jueves por la mañana. Esta misa, por primera


Saint Martha Roman Catholic Church 546 GREENGROVE AVENUE, UNIONDALE, NEW YORK 11553-2145

Phone: (516) 481-2550 [email protected]



~ Passion of the Lord Sunday ~

Semana Santa

Hoy comienza el período más sagrado del Año Litúrgico. Dentro de una semana, reuniéndonos el Sábado San-

to por la noche, vamos a escuchar a San Pablo el cual nos recuerda que a través de nuestro bautismo partici-

pamos en los eventos de esta semana en una forma real. Fuimos bautizados en la muerte y resurrección de

Jesucristo. Como se observa en estos días, no hay que mirar estos acontecimientos como algo que simplemente

forma parte del pasado (como lo haría el aniversario de la firma de la Declaración de la Independencia u otros

aniversarios históricos). Todos hagamos un tiempo para verdaderamente participar en los misterios que ob-

servaremos en esta semana. ¿Cómo podemos hacer eso?

Celebrar el Sacramento de la Reconciliación. El Lunes, en nuestra parroquia y en todas las iglesias de

la Diócesis de Rockville Centre, la Diócesis de Brooklyn, y la Arquidiócesis de Nueva York, sacer-

dotes estarán disponibles para la confesión de 3:00 a 9:00 PM. Voy a estar en el confesionario de 3:00

a 9:00 PM, P. Rony estará aquí de 5:00 a 9:00 PM, y el P. Miguel estará aquí desde 6:00 a 9:00 PM.

También he añadido tiempos de confesión adicionales el Martes, Miércoles, Viernes y Sábado (ver en

otros lugares en el boletín).

Tomar más tiempo para el silencio, la oración privada, y la lectura de la Sagrada Escritura.

Asistir a la misa diaria de lunes a miércoles a las 8:30 AM en la capilla.

Rezar la oración de la mañana con nuestra comunidad parroquial (y la Iglesia en todo el mundo) Jue-

ves, Viernes y Sábado a las 8:30 de la capilla.

Asistir (o ver en la teleasistencia) la misa Crismal en la catedral de St. Agnes el jueves por la mañana.

Esta misa, por primera vez, como nuestro Obispo, El Obispo Barres se une a todos los sacerdotes de la

Diócesis para renovar nuestras promesas. El bendecirá a los aceites sacramentales que se distribuyen a

las parroquias (y recibieron solemnemente en la misa de la Cena del Señor el Jueves por la noche).

Participar en las liturgias del Triduo Pascual. Estas son las liturgias más importantes del año. Son

también las liturgias más simbólicos y móviles que tenemos. Vea el horario en otra parte del boletín.

Vivimos lo que celebramos durante todo el año! La próxima semana vamos a renovar todas las

promesas bautismales. Se nos recuerda que todos tenemos una vocación de dar testimonio de Cristo en

el mundo. Este año, vamos a tomar en serio nuestro deber de ser discípulos misioneros.

Padre Chris

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Good Friday Collection A Pontifical Collection Pope Francis has asked our parish to support Christians in the Holy Land.

We are called to join with Catholics around the world to stand in solidarity with the Church in the Holy Land. This

means fervent prayer for those who are persecuted; for those who suffer in poverty or violence and those who are ill. It

also includes concrete material support. When you contribute to the Pontifical Good Friday Collection, you become in

instrument of peace in a troubled land.

In these challenging times in the Middle East, your support means that our church will conduct parish ministry, provide

Catholic education, feed the hungry, build housing for Christians, maintain shrines and operate refugee centers in the

Holy Land.

Christians, along with all of the clergy and religious who serve in the Holy Land, will deeply appreciate your prayers and

financial help! The political, religious and military challenges in the Holy Land are more complex than ever. The wars,

unrest and instability have been especially hard on Christians.

Our parish will support Christians in the Holy Land through the Good Friday Collection, as requested by Pope Francis.

Like Simon of Cyrene, you can help carry the cross under very difficult circumstances in the Holy Land.

PLEASE BE GENEROUS! For more information about Christians in the Holy Land, visit www.myfranciscan.org/good-friday.

Colecta del Viernes Santo Una Colecta Pontificia

El Papa Francisco ha pedido a nuestra parroquia que apoye a los cristianos en Tierra Santa.

Estamos llamados a unirnos con los católicos de todo el mundo en solidaridad con la Iglesia en Tierra Santa. Esto signi-

fica ferviente oración por los que son perseguidos; Por aquellos que sufren a consecuencia de la pobreza, la violencia y

por los que están enfermos. También incluye apoyo material. Cuando usted contribuye a la Colecta Pontificia del Vier-

nes Santo, usted se convierte en un instrumento de paz en una tierra con problemas.

En estos tiempos difíciles en el Medio Oriente, su apoyo significa que nuestra iglesia llevará a cabo el ministerio parro-

quial, proveerá educación católica, alimentará a los hambrientos, construirá viviendas para los cristianos, mantendrá san-

tuarios y operará centros de refugiados en Tierra Santa.

¡Los cristianos, junto con todo el clero y los religiosos que sirven en Tierra Santa, apreciarán profundamente sus oracio-

nes y ayuda financiera! Los desafíos políticos, religiosos y militares en Tierra Santa son más complejos que nunca. Las

guerras, la violencia y la inestabilidad han sido especialmente difíciles para los cristianos.

Nuestra parroquia apoyará a los cristianos en Tierra Santa a través de la Colección del Viernes Santo, tal como ha pedi-

do el Papa Francisco. Como Simón de Cirene, usted puede ayudar a llevar la cruz bajo circunstancias muy difíciles en

Tierra Santa.


Para más información sobre los cristianos en Tierra Santa, visite www.myfranciscan.org/good-friday.

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By Karleine Graham

In the morning prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours’ for Holy Saturday, the antiphon reminds us that “though sinless, the

Lord has been put to death. The world is in mourning as for an only Son.” Indeed the Only Begotten Son of God, Jesus,

has been put to death at thirty three (33) years old in “the noontime of life” ( Isaiah 38:10). He lies in a new tomb bor-

rowed from Joseph of Arimathea. In a little while Jesus’ mortal body was cold.

The disciples are hiding in fear for their lives. Our Blessed Mother Mary and the other women are anxiously waiting for

the Sabbath to be over. They can then continue to perform, on Jesus’ body, the Jewish burial customs which was inter-

rupted at sundown on Good Friday.

The Orthodox Church calls today the “Great Saturday” and their meditation is this, “Great Saturday is the day of pre-

eminent rest. Christ observes a Sabbath rest in the tomb. His rest however is not inactivity but the fulfillment of divine

will.” And what is this will? “He (Christ) has opened a path for all flesh to the resurrection from the dead, since it was

not possible that the Author of Life would be dominated by corruption.”

Roman Catholics have this dogma about Jesus’ activity on Holy Saturday. In the Apostles Creed, we proclaim that Je-

sus “descended into hell”. Hell or Sheol is the place where the Old Testament righteous who died was staying. In the

parable of the selfish rich man and the poor Lazarus, Jesus called the place where the righteous Lazarus went

“Abraham’s Bosom” ( Luke 16:22-23). Jesus would now preach to the righteous to let them know that He is the Messiah

that they yearned for, that salvation comes through Him and He opens the gates of heaven. See Hebrews 7:25 and Ro-

mans 10:9-10.

The Catholic Church does not want us to wallow in a dark place where death is our ultimate fear. The Church continues

to call us to sincere contrition of sin and conversion to God. We are invited to return to the Lord who will “heal us”,

“bind our wounds”, “revive us” and “raise us up to live in His presence”. See Hosea 6:1-2. Let us contemplate these

wonderful truths of how Jesus won us our salvation and then bask in the Easter Joy.

How Not to Die in Our Sins

The following short considerations...you can use with advantage at the moment of temptation. They were among the

writings of a man of great sanctity, who had himself experienced their efficacy.

In temptations to pride he would say: When I reflect upon the depth of humility to which the Son of God, the second

Person of the Blessed Trinity, descended for love of me, I feel that, however profound a contempt people may have for

me, I yet deserve to be still more humbled and despised.

When attacked by covetousness he would think: Having once understood that nothing but God can satisfy the heart,

I am convinced of the folly of seeking anything but this supreme good.

In assaults against purity he would reflect: To what a dignity has my body been raised by the reception of the Holy

Eucharist! I tremble, therefore, at the sacrilege I would commit by profaning with carnal pleasures this temple in which

God has chosen to dwell.

Against anger he would defend himself by saying: No injury should be capable of moving me to anger when I reflect

upon the outrages I have offered my God.

When assailed by temptations to hatred he would answer the enemy: Knowing the mercy with which God has

received me and pardoned my sins, I cannot refuse to forgive my greatest enemy.

When attacked by gluttony he would say: I call to mind the vinegar and gall which were offered to our Savior on the

cross, and shall I not blush if I do not deny my appetite or endure something for the expiation of my sins?

In temptations to sloth he would arouse himself by the thought: Eternal happiness can be purchased by a few years

of labor here below; shall I, then, shrink from any toil for so great a reward?

VENERABLE FATHER LOUIS OF GRANADA (+1588) was a Spanish Dominican priest who preached and wrote spiritual works primarily

for the laity.

Page 10: PALM SUNDAY OF THE LORD’S PASSION—APRIL … · Asistir (o ver en la teleasistencia) la misa Crismal en la catedral de St. Agnes el jueves por la mañana. Esta misa, por primera


5:00PM - Lector: Nativita St. Louis

Altar Server: David LeBlanc

Eucharistic Ministers: Yolande Augustin, Hermine Lydia Charles, Leandre Magloire

Ushers: Rosemarie Allen, Thomas Maddox, Jennifer King, Mario Cadavid, Alejandro Apresa

7:30AM - Lector: Audric Mathurin

Eucharistic Ministers: Carol Bargeron, Francesca Delle, Paul Delle

Ushers: Jim Capriotti, Carmen Charles, Anton Brown, Genevieve Charles, Joseph Gedeon, Alex Apresa

11:00AM - Lector: Serge Napoleon

Altar Servers: Cassandra Fleurmont, Jules Ayroso

Eucharistic Minister: Yanick Bellevue, Solange Bricourt, Pat Edwards, Marie Jiha, Lisette Joachim, Marie Lucie Lebon

Ushers: Bennett Paul, Agnes Duclairon, Wilner Nestor, Frantz Denis

If thou love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength, thou shall serve Him well.

April 9, 2017

Monday April 10

8:30 AM ............. Jack Pagano

Tuesday April 11

8:30 AM ............. In Thanksgiving for

Jose Patrick Michel

Wednesday April 12 8:30 AM ............. John Prutzman



4-9-2017 - Passion of the Lord Sunday


April 16, 2017

Acts 10:34, 37-43 Psalm 118

Colossians 3:1-4 John 20:1-9

Thank you for your generosity to St. Martha’s Parish!

April 2, 2017

5:00 PM Mass ....................................................................... $960.00 7:30 AM Mass .................................................................... $1,638.00 8:45 AM Mass .................................................................... $3,456.00 11:00 AM Mass .................................................................. $2,489.00 12:30 PM Mass .................................................................. $1,442.00 Poor Box ................................................................................. $50.00

(Does not reflect donations made by Faith Direct)

This information does not reflect the Faith Direct weekly/monthly deposits.

This is NOT a substitute for your schedule! Please refer to the schedule

you received from the head of your ministry!

Page 11: PALM SUNDAY OF THE LORD’S PASSION—APRIL … · Asistir (o ver en la teleasistencia) la misa Crismal en la catedral de St. Agnes el jueves por la mañana. Esta misa, por primera


Scripture Readings

April 10—April 15

Monday, April 10 Isa iah 42:1 -7

Psa lm 27 John 12:1 -11

Tuesday, April 11 Isa iah 49:1 -6

Psa lm 71 John 13:21-33, 36-38

Wednesday, April 12 Isa iah 50:4 -9

Psa lm 69 Mat thew 26:14 -25

Thursday, April 13 Isa iah 61:1 -3, 6 , 8 -9

Psa lm 89 Revela t ion 1 :5 -8

Luke 4:16-21

Friday, April 14 Isa iah 52:13 -53:12

Psalm 31 Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7 -9

John 18:1 -19:42

Saturday , Apr i l 15 Genesis 1 :1 -2 :2

Psa lm 104 Mat thew 28:1 -10

Vocation Prayer

Merciful Father, you sent your Son into the world to free us from the power of sin and evil. Grant that, through the intercession of

the Virgin Mary, our Mother of Mercy, many young men will respond to your call to give of themselves in imitation of Christ the Redeemer. Fill them with the light of your Holy Spirit that they may renounce the power of the world, proclaim truth and freedom, and bring consolation and relief to oppressed Chris-tians. Bless our family of Mercy with numerous holy priests and brothers who will offer our world the testimony of your faith and love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN

Any baptized adult (18 years or older), who would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at Pentecost, please contact Mrs. Imogene Regan at (516) 481-2550, Ext. 314. Instruction will be offered in English, Spanish and Creole.

Classes will begin soon!


In the past years Olive Garden and Apollo Diner

graciously and generously donated the soup for our

Annual Soup Supper.

Last year there were suggestions we have the Span-

ish and Creole communities contribute their native


Now we are looking for new volunteers with ideas,

and suggestions and TIME to help on Monday,

April 10th , from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM.

Please call the parish center and leave your name

and phone number. (516) 481-2550, Ext. 301

Page 12: PALM SUNDAY OF THE LORD’S PASSION—APRIL … · Asistir (o ver en la teleasistencia) la misa Crismal en la catedral de St. Agnes el jueves por la mañana. Esta misa, por primera



E-mail: [email protected] - Cada martes, de 7:30PM a 10:30PM en el Centro Parroquial, al cos-

tado de la Iglesia, el Padre Miguel se encuentra disponible para dirección espiritual y confesiones. Con-

sulten con el Padre después de la misa..

LA EUCARISTÍA SE OFRECE: Por el eterno descanso de Eugenia Br iones de Cabañez.

GRUPO DE ORACION: Miércoles, 7:00 PM, en el gimnasio.

ULTREYA: Domingo, 11:00 AM en la Capilla.

JUVENTUD SIN FRONTERAS: Jueves, 7:30 PM, Salón Betania.

CORO HISPANO: Ensayo en la iglesia, los viernes a las 8:00 PM.

MINISTERIO DE ACOGIDA: Son los que extienden la bienvenida y entregan

las hojas de canto a los que llegan a la Misa.

MOVIMIENTO FAMILIAR CATÓLICO: Se reúne cada 15 días. Para informarse,

llamar al 516- 554-4503 o al 965-7311..

CENACULO DIVINA MISERICORDIA: Pr imer mar tes, 7:00 PM en la Capilla.

MISA DE NIÑOS Y JOVENES: Cada segundo domingo del mes.

LOS NIÑOS: Cada domingo los niños se reúnen en el Salón Betania para escuchar y compar tir las lec-

turas dominicales.

ESCUELA DE LA PALABRA: Cada mar tes, a las 7:30 PM en San Ladislaus.


domingos del mes.

EL SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO: El tercer domingo de cada mes, a las 2:30 PM en la iglesia.

Los interesados consulten con la Sra. Dulce Sepúlveda después de la Misa.


Después de la reforma de Pío XII en 1955, y de otras reformas realizadas por el Concilio Vaticano II, el Domingo de la Pasión ha

vuelto a adquirir su carácter litúrgico, sin dejar de utilizar los símbolos conocidos por los fieles a través de los años.. En este caso,

la Palabra ilumina los gestos y símbolos que acompañan el primer día de esta semana gloriosa. La bendición de las palmas, durante

el Rito Introductoria de la Misa, puede ir acompañada por una procesión que conmemora la entrada gloriosa de Jesús en Jerusalén.

Tanto estos gestos como la proclamación de las primeras dos lecturas y el canto de las Antífonas apuntan hacia el tema del Evange-

lio según san Mateo, que anuncia la Pasión de Nuestro Señor. Este es el motivo principal de este domingo. Los ramos han de repre-

sentar siempre a los fieles discípulos que se disponen a caminar con Jesús hacia el Calvario y que esperan participar en resurrección


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Bulletin Reflection

“Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!”

shout the crowds in today’s Gospel. May we always be

ready to share our blessings when we are sent in His


Living Stewardship

We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish

who aspire to greatness by humbly serving the needs of

all, especially through our various parish ministries.

Darkness covered the earth, on this day the sun refused to shine over the Crucifixion. If the soul of God is in

darkness, so should the sun which He had made. Truly, all was darkness. He had given up His Mother and His

beloved disciple, and now God seemingly abandons Him.

Jesus uttered “Eli, Eli, lamma sabactheni?” “My God! My God! Why has Thou forsaken Me?” The tremen-

dous mystery of a God abandoned by God, the Son calls His Father, God. What a contrast with a prayer He

once taught “Our Father, Who art in Heaven!” In a mysterious way His human nature seemed separated from

His Heavenly Father and yet not separated. It is as the sun’s light and heat can be withdrawn from us by inter-

vening clouds even though the sun remains in the sky. There was a kind of withdrawal of His Father’s Face in

this terrible moment in which He takes upon Himself the sins of the world. The pain He suffered for each of

us, so that we might know what a terrible thing it is for human nature to be without God, to be deprived of a

Divine Remedy and Consolation. It is at this same moment in which He was forgotten, that He purchased for

us the grace of never being forgotten by God.

This, the shortest of the seven cries does not curse those who crucified Him, the Roman soldiers, nor is it a

word of hope to Mary Magdalene or a word of love to John. Not even a word of farewell to His own Mother.

Jesus did not even petition God. Through parched lips and from the depths of His Sacred Heart wells an awful

word “I Thirst!” He asked man, His own creation, to help Him. He asked man for a drink! Not a drink of

earthly water but a drink of love for He thirsted for love. This word was a revelation of the sufferings of a God

without man. In the fourth word, it was a man without God and now it is a God without man. A Shepherd

without His sheep. The thirst of Christ’s love without the soul-water of Christians.

“Love” is a word so often used and so little understood. Love first of all means to give, and that is Creation.

Love means to tell secrets to the one loved and that is Revelation. It is to suffer for the one loved, and that is

Redemption. Love also means to become one with the one loved, not only in the unity of the flesh but the uni-

ty of the spirit and that is the Eucharist. Love also wishes to be internally untied with the one loved, and that is

Heaven. There is nothing more that Christ could do for the vineyard that He hasn’t already done. Having

poured forth all the waters of his everlasting love on our poor parched hearts, it is no wonder that He thirsts for


Dear Jesus you have given all for me and I give nothing in return. You have come to gather the vintage of the

vineyard of my soul and found nothing. Knocked and the door of my soul was closed to you and you asked for

a drink and I gave you only vinegar and gall.

The first three words from the Pulpit of the Christ were addressed to enemies, sinners and saints. The fourth

and the fifth portrays the suffering of Jesus on the Cross. The fourth symbolizes the suffering of man aban-

doned by God. While the fifth is the suffering of God abandoned by man.

By Beverly Gray

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Our path toward understanding continues with The Seven Last Sayings as told by Venerable Fulton Sheen.

God painted the heavens with blue and the earth with green. God then made a beautiful garden and in it placed

man made to conform to the image of His Divine Son. In some mysterious way, the revolt of Lucifer echoed

the earth, and the image of God in man was blurred and ruined.

The Heavenly Father, in His Divine Mercy, willed to restore man to his pristine glory. Three things that coop-

erated in our fall, shared in our Redemption. For the disobedient man, Adam, there was the obedient man,

Christ; for the proud woman, Eve , there was the humble virgin, Mary; for the tree of the garden, there was the

tree of the Cross. The Redemption was now complete. The work which His Father had given Him to do was

accomplished. We were bought and paid for. We were won in a battle fought not with five stones when David

slew Goliath, but with five wounds, hideous scars, on hands and feet and side. Not in a battle fought with ar-

mor glistening under a noon day sun, but with flesh hanging like purple rags under a darkened sky. Not in a

battle where the cry was to “crush and kill,” but “Father forgive.” Not in a battle fought with spitting steel, but

with dripping blood. Now the battle is over. For the last three hours, He has been about His Father’s business

and now with the joy of the strong, He utters the song of triumph, “It is Finished.”

Yes, the work is finished, but is ours? He has finished the foundation, now we must build upon it.

Finally, we are privileged to reflect on the Last Saying of Our Lord, “Father into Thy Hands I Commend My

Spirit” . It takes Him back to the beginning. The Word Incarnate has completed His earthly career and now

goes back to His Heavenly Father who sent Him on the journey of the world’s redemption. He looks longing-

ly back to the Father’s house, and with a loud cry throws His Spirit into His Father’s arms, not with an attitude

of one who was taking a plunge into the darkness, but as one who knew where He was going – to a homecom-

ing with His Father.

He appears to give back His Body to His Blessed Mother at the foot of the Cross. The end is the beginning, for

at the beginning of His earthly life, He was nestled on her lap in Bethlehem, and now, on Calvary, He will

take His place there, once again. He loved her above all the creatures on earth, for she was His Mother and the

mother of us all. He saw her first on coming to earth and He shall see her last on leaving it. Earth had been

cruel to Him. His feet wandered after lost sheep and we dug them with steel. His hands stretched out in the

Bread of Everlasting Life and we fastened them with nails. His lips spoke the Truth and we sealed them with

dust. He came to give us Life and we took His away. That was our fatal mistake. We really did not take it

away, we only tried to take it away. He laid it down of Himself. Nowhere do the Evangelists say that He died.

They say, “He gave up the ghost”. It was a willing, self- determined relinquishment of life. It was not death

which approached Him, it was He who approached death.

Mary Magdalene, the penitent, as usual clings to His feet and there she will be again on Easter morn. John, the

priest, with a face like a cast molded out of love, listens to the beating of a Heart, whose secrets he learned,

loved, and mastered. Mary thinks of how different Calvary is from Bethlehem. Thirty- three years ago, she

looked down at His Sacred Face and now, He looks down to her.

Venerable Fulton Sheen offers this message to us. Our thoughts, words and deeds are recorded for the Final

Judgement. If we live in the shadow of the Cross, death will not be an ending, but a beginning of Eternal Life.

Instead of parting, it will be a meeting. Instead of a going away, it will be an arriving. Perhaps the Father’s

voice will whisper, “You must leave the earth, My child come unto Me”. Then, may we with humble and tri-

umphant faith re-echo the Last Saying of Christ: “Father, into Thy Hands, I commend my spirit”.

By Beverly Gray

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The Mass Intentions Book...

is now open until the end of July. 2017


The Bread and Wine Calendar...

is now open until the end of Dec. 2017

he list of names that will appear under this column will reflect ONLY those who are CRITICALLY ILL. The

individual or family member must contact the Parish Cen-ter in order to be placed on the Sick List. Please note the new email address the Parish Center at [email protected] (“PRAY FOR THE SICK” MUST APPEAR IN YOUR EMAIL’S SUBJECT LINE); or come by the Parish Center with your request in writing, no later than Monday. This list will be updated on a monthly basis.

Omnipotent and Eternal God, the everlasting Salvation of those who believe, hear us on behalf of Thy pitying mercy, that, with their bodily health restored, they may give thanks to Thee in Thy church. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Helen Zeiser Edith Lucchi

Mary Barbarito

Carolyn Maffettone

John Mueller

Sophia Kyriakaksis

Julienne Jacques

Mercia Edwards

Leopold Johnson

Ryenne Chelsea Albert ............................................... +March 6, 2017

Hilda I. Compere ....................................................... +March 13, 2017

Marie Therese Ferdinand Hilaire Louis .................... +March 24, 2017

Veronique Toulon ..................................................... +March 28, 2017

For everything you need to know in faith formation,


Memorialize a loved one with a leaf on

our parish’s Tree of Life, located in

the Church Lobby. If you would like more infor-mation about this lovely memorial, please contact the

Parish Office at (516) 481-2550 Ext 301

THANK YOU to everyone who has donated to my medical fund thus far. I found out my initial campaign (not run by me) has been shut down for an unknown reason. The first campaign helped cover my household bills from missed work, as well as smaller hospital bills. This new campaign is set up in hopes of paying back some of the $90k+ I owe as of now. (This is only one of the two surgeries I have had so far.) It is very possible I will have to claim bankruptcy if I can-not make a good dent. That is a very frightening thought as a single parent. For those of you who either have donated already, or cannot afford to, please do not feel obligated. I ask for prayers for myself and for my family. It has been a very rough couple of months. The new link is www.gofundme.com/lishanson. You can also leave donations at the Parish Center. Every little bit helps, and has helped. God bless and thank you so much. St. Martha’s has been incredible with your generosity.

~Elissa Hanson, Music Director

Dear Lord, As my life declines and my energies decrease,

more than ever hold me by

Your Power, that I may not offend You, but daily increase in Your Love.

Give me strength to work in Your Service till the last day of my life.

Help me to ever have an increasing dread of venial sin,

or whatever would cause the

slightest withdrawal of Your Love; all day long,

and at night keep me close to Your Heart; and should I die, ere the morning breaks,

may I go rejoicing

in that vision of Your entrancing beauty, never to be separated from You. Amen.

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Good Friday

Fr. Ron Rolheiser—Week of April 2, 2017

Good Friday was bad long before it was good, at least from outward appearances. God was being crucified by all that can go

bad in the world: pride, jealousy, distrust, wound, self-interest, sin. It’s no accident the Gospels tell us that, as Jesus was dying,

it grew dark in the middle of the day. Few images are more telling. As Jesus hung upon the cross, seemingly, light gave way to

darkness, love to hatred, and life to death. How can that be good?

Moreover, as he was dying, Jesus no longer seemed divine, powerful, and in control of things, both in terms of what was hap-

pening in the world and in what was happening inside of himself. The world was sinking into distrust and, if the Gospels are to

be believed, Jesus, the incarnate God, seemed to be sinking into a personal doubt, one so gripping that it triggered the words:

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me!” What’s happening here? How can this be good?

To understand what happened on Good Friday we need to separate what was happening on the surface from what was happen-

ing at some deeper place.

The surface event was bad and can never by any imaginary be called good. Sincere religious people, good though weak, out of

fear and weakness were selling out what was best in them and either helping incite the execution of Jesus or standing passively

by and letting it happen. In effect, other than a few strong women who were not succumbing to fear or group-hysteria but who

are too disempowered to practically do anything about it, everyone was aiding in the crucifixion of God, either out of ignorance,

jealousy, or weakness. In Jesus’ own words, darkness was having its hour. The human, social, and political drama that played

out on Good Friday was not good. It showed humanity at its worst before God’s seeming silence.

But there was something deeper happening on Good Friday, a drama was playing out inside the recesses of Jesus’ private soul

and conscience the result of which was antithetical to all that was happening on the surface, in the crowd. Inside his struggle to

accept what was happening in that situation and to accept what was being asked of him, we see the ultimate moral and religious

drama: love struggling with and them triumphing over hate, trust struggling with and then triumphing over paranoia, and for-

giveness struggling with and then triumphing over bitterness.

We see that epic struggle, first, playing itself out in his agony in the garden of Gethsemane where Jesus literally sweats blood in

the face of his options, that is, standing before every form of opposition, hatred, ignorance, and misunderstanding he must de-

cide to either give himself over in trust or to flee in self-preservation. He chooses the former and, we are told, he is then

strengthened by a divine presence.

But acceptance is not exactly full surrender and the next day, on Good Friday, the final test takes place. The angel who strength-

ened him in Gethsemane seems to disappear when he is on the cross and a crushing dark night of doubt now racks him to the

point of making him cry out with what seemingly sounds like despair: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me!” His

acceptance, given to his Father the night before, at this crucial moment, is made infinitely more difficult by the seeming absence

of his Father who had, up to now, had been his very breath. In the face of that seeming abandonment, Jesus had to make a

choice for faith, love, and trust at the rawest level, in ultimate darkness. What’s the choice? What does Jesus do?

In the words of Karl Rahner, Jesus lets himself “sink into the incomprehensibility of God.” He surrenders to God whom he

cannot at that moment feel or understand but only trust. Here’s where Good Friday turns from bad to good, Jesus surrenders

himself not in bitterness, grasping, or anger, but in trust, gratitude, and forgiveness. In that surrender, the struggle between good

and evil, the most epic of all battles, is won.

Ultimately, all that’s wrong in our world will not be vanquished by a morally superior violence, no matter how virtuous are

those who are doing the vanquishing. Good violence will never rid the world of bad violence. We will rid our world of those

powers that perennially crucify God only when each of us, like Jesus, can let our bitterness, grasping, and anger give way to

trust, gratitude, and forgiveness. And, barring being extraordinarily gifted by special grace, we will all, like Jesus, have to let

ourselves sink into the incomprehensibility of God, that is, by trusting even when we don’t understand, by loving even when we

are hated, and by forgiving even when we are being hurt.

All of us will have our Good Fridays, not least in our experience of death. By every appearance, they will look bad, but if we

give ourselves over in trust they will be good.

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Social Ministry/Outreach Office Hours

Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10:00AM—2:00PM (516) 292-1603 or (516) 481-2550, Ext. 320


An Immigration Consultant...

will be available at the Parish Social Ministry the second Wednesday of each month.

The next date will be on:

Wednesday, April 12, 2017 10:00AM - 1:00PM

Give us our daily bread

We are currently in need of volunteers, who can as-

sist with in-takes and in the kitchen/food pantry. If

you feel you can donate some of your time to either

one of these positions, between the hours of 10:00

AM and 2:00 PM, Monday through Friday (except on

Tuesdays), please contact the Outreach office at

(516) 481-2550, Ext. 320 (Marlene Jean Baptiste) or

Ext. 321 (Barbara Powell) or call (516) 292-1603.

Representatives from Island Harvest will be at St.

Martha’s to assist with SNAP program (Food

Stamps) registration on the following days:

April 6, April 13, May 4, May 18, June 8, June 22