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  • 8/12/2019 pal157rtwrfg




    Kate Nivison

    If you are the sort of person who firmly resists having your palm read by the local

    Madame Zsa Zsa, you could be in for a surprise if one day your GP tries it. You might

    even be asked for your fingerprints.

    about to move back into the surgery from the fair ground where 19th

    century medical

    ecent discoveries

    can be a highly effective, non-


    Behind this claim is the idea that the hand itself is a kind of living computer

    - -up and personality. It starts

    with the most obvious signs, like hand gestures, general appearance, texture, shape and

    flexibility. Then it moves on to the nails (already a recognised barometer of health in their

    own right) and into the complex business of palm lines and ridge patterns. The idea is not

    to foretell the future, but to pick up what the hand might show about certain health

    tendencies, which can then be worked on and overcome.

    The best known aspect of hand reading is chiroglyphicsthe study of lines on the


    g your general zest for living.

  • 8/12/2019 pal157rtwrfg



    -image and learning to enjoy life

    more will soon be reflected in a s tronger life line.

    A newer development is the study of dermatoglyphsliterally, skin carvingsthe

    are unique, but prints for the whole hand are now being studied by doctors as well as

    detectives. The Department of Genetics at the University of Hawaii is just one of many

    institutions world-wide researching the connection between skin ridge patterns and

    Our skin ridges are formed in the first four months in the womb, and never change,

    except in size or through injury. Dozens of major physical and mental problems can be

    linked to skin ridge patterns alone. A proper reading of all aspects of the hand could give

    clinical information or early warning of at least 50 different diseases, and lead to a better

    understanding of the vital interplay between our personality, genetic make-up and general
