1 FROM THE DESK Happy Mother’s day to all of you and do not forget to call mum. In this issue we are also including a flyer regarding investment opportunities in Pakistan on page 5. Lately there has been a campaign against Muslim Australians especially in certain areas of Perth which is a matter of concern and a discussion forum is organized on 21 st May, 2014. Please remember in your prayers Dr. Sattar Edhi, the Pride of Pakistan who has spent all his life serving Pakistani nation. He is currently hospitalized. Finally WAAR movie is here making headlines as the first Pakistani movie to be screened Australia wide, thanks to the distributor Vivikas Paul. Another movie ‘Good morning Karachi’ was also screened on 9 th May in Melbourne. We are currently working on three grant applications and as per feedback from a member we will include a section on consumer affairs from next issue. If there are any areas that you want to cover do let us know. 11 th May 2014 Contents: Page 1: From the Desk Page 2: Forgotten mothers Page 3: Australia goes to WAAR ICWA Discussion Forum Page 4: CMSS Seminar WA Police competition for youth Page 5: Opportunity for Investment Page 6: Seminar at Curtin University Page 7: Dinner by MWSC Page 8: Ghazal night in Perth Adnan Sami in Perth 46 Kanangra Crescent, Greenwood WA 6024. Ph. 0434841705, [email protected] Office bearers President: Dr. Zarrin Siddiqui Secretary: Ms. Fatima Khushnud [email protected] Treasurer: Ms. Maria Farooq [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/groups/paki stanisinaustralia/ Twitter @piainc Vol.4 Issue 10 Pakistanis in Australia Inc. is an incorporated group to support students and migrants in their settlement and to initiate projects in Australia and Pakistan that promote mutual collaboration between two countries and promote a positive image of Pakistan and Australia. For membership, please submit your details at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/YM66H9Q

Pakistanis in Australia Vol 4 Issue 10 2014

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Page 1: Pakistanis in Australia Vol 4 Issue 10 2014



Happy Mother’s day to all of you and do not forget to call

mum. In this issue we are also including a flyer regarding

investment opportunities in Pakistan on page 5.

Lately there has been a campaign against Muslim Australians

especially in certain areas of Perth which is a matter of concern

and a discussion forum is organized on 21st May, 2014.

Please remember in your prayers Dr. Sattar Edhi, the Pride of

Pakistan who has spent all his life serving Pakistani nation. He

is currently hospitalized.

Finally WAAR movie is here making headlines as the first

Pakistani movie to be screened Australia wide, thanks to the

distributor Vivikas Paul. Another movie ‘Good morning

Karachi’ was also screened on 9th May in Melbourne.

We are currently working on three grant applications and as

per feedback from a member we will include a section on

consumer affairs from next issue. If there are any areas that

you want to cover do let us know.

11th May 2014


Page 1: From the Desk

Page 2: Forgotten mothers

Page 3: Australia goes to WAAR

ICWA Discussion Forum

Page 4: CMSS Seminar

WA Police competition for youth

Page 5: Opportunity for Investment

Page 6: Seminar at Curtin University

Page 7: Dinner by MWSC

Page 8: Ghazal night in Perth

Adnan Sami in Perth

46 Kanangra Crescent, Greenwood WA 6024. Ph. 0434841705, [email protected]

Office bearers

President: Dr. Zarrin Siddiqui

Secretary: Ms. Fatima Khushnud

[email protected]

Treasurer: Ms. Maria Farooq

[email protected]



Twitter @piainc

Vol.4 Issue 10

Pakistanis in Australia Inc. is an incorporated group to support students and migrants in their settlement and to initiate projects

in Australia and Pakistan that promote mutual collaboration between two countries and promote a positive image of Pakistan

and Australia. For membership, please submit your details at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/YM66H9Q

Page 2: Pakistanis in Australia Vol 4 Issue 10 2014

It is not unusual to receive feedback on our newsletter however last week someone contacted me from

Pakistan reminding of a mother from homeland. This was about a mother infact parents that I got to

know in 2013 and was in response to our last issue where we included news about Youme Shuhadae

Pakistan and mother’s day. I think their story needs to be told as there are many like them bereaving

in silence.

This Pakistani boy in Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa province was the youngest and brightest kid in an

educated family of an armed officer and somehow got involved with terrorists. He will not come to

home for days and when inquired will clearly told the family that he has found the right path to life.

He will also explain to them how a pressure cooker can be used to make bomb. Despite family’s best

efforts nothing changed. This was the most difficult time for parents who do not know what to do

except that they decided to go for Umrah for prayers. All they prayed was that the homeland is safe

from enemies and their son really finds the right path. Soon after their return, a message was

conveyed to the family that their beloved son has passed away. They tried to get the body but have

been unsuccesful. Tthey still thank Allah the Great who has answered their prayers and Pakistan is

safe. This is not the story of just one family but there are hundreds of such families who wonder where

they have gone wrong in raising their kids. When we remember the mothers of those who have

sacrificed their loved ones to save the country, please do think of those unrecognised mothers who

may be in bereavement but with every breath pray for the safety of Pakistan. Noone goes and

sympathises with them, nobody offers them any words of comfort or condolence yet we should feel

proud of these mothers for whom Pakistan is always the first priority. Remember them when you

celebrate Mother’s day.

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The much awaited movie is now here and is getting full houses in Melbourne. It will be screened next

week in Perth at Event Cinema, Morley so buy tickets as soon as they are available or you may miss out.

It is our attendance at the screening that will motivate distributors to bring more Pakistani movies to

Australia so support the efforts.

On 21st May, Islamic Council of Western Australia in collaboration with Ethnic Communities

Council of WA will be holding a joint forum which will be attended by the various stakeholders so

do attend that. The time is 5.30 pm and the venue is Multicultural House, 20 View Street, North

Perth. Please take time to attend the discussion.

Page 4: Pakistanis in Australia Vol 4 Issue 10 2014

CMSS Public Lecture: India-Pakistan Relations: An

Overview with Dr. Sanu Kainikara Dr. Sanu Kainikara is the Air Power Strategist at the Air Power Development Centre of the RAAF, and a visiting fellow at the UNSW. Tuesday May 20, 1pm in the Law Moot Court Room, UWAYouth project—make a movie, make a stand and make a difference!

Competition for young ones

Western Australian high school aged students are invited to produce a short film about making their

community “drug free and drug aware” and have the opportunity to win $1000 and an all-expenses paid

trip for them and a guardian to fly to Canberra, attend parliament and present their film to a

government representative. Three finalists will each win $1000.

WA Police is calling on students to become active Community Safety Champions, as part of the

innovative Students Advising Youth (SAY) Project for 2014.

Research an anti-drug topic and produce a 90–105 second film showing how you can make your

community drug free and drug aware.

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Final tickets are now up for Grab

An evening to enjoy melodious ghazals and classics sung by locally renowned singers and professional

instrument players. It's sure to be a memorable night! Popular ghazals and songs by Mehdi Hassan,

Jagjit Singh, Ghulam Ali & Old Classics to be performed. Tea and Refreshments will be served.

Be sure not to miss it. Tickets are $21.50ea and can be booked at http://www.trybooking.com/ERHS