Jtftte&l if« j'jifipmMj ,IJ*. %f ^ : E.V3 2 ~ i - f * V ^ I- f. ,4r IV •ii? m ^.t? m> •Vf * f ^ 4 E> > ^ +•*» -,4*' j -? <%4X ^ ^ tf „"l-. •»'*r 6 " ..^ -Jt i ^ " ^ 4* *y i i 1 ***- H«: '4 ^ ^ 1 - f J I 'A "W** TIE PLKnSBURGB PRI WfJFW&'r** mm SATURDAY, NOVEMBER H *SWL Exes« 8ss»*v. SttST »At TERM* OF THI K.AKSSWSGH FMSSS. Tee Paris wBl be delirerea to ADVAfccr *i*a*8 SEBSWUBKRStoMatMbntgh, ctfwwardv «afeymen, postage free, as fellows: <^y**r,.. "^S ,fp nw%. fg !ria*»moirtt» *i» ©il* : moia*u . itftwertpttoas not M 3 * n * advance will be estleeteaat the end of each month at 80 cents per month. the sabscrlbei* who make snrh monMy payment are requested to be prepared Upon in* call of the collector. If the montlily pay- ment li not made promptly the paper will be dlscontlnaed. There will be no deviation from this rule. 3. B. WHITE, ttauager. WBflR ATTACKS OW MATT. ^itDeraocmttc Albany Argus makes the following editorial comments: How ammiiDg it is to see the New York World oafling Mr. Thomas C. Ratt "a traitor." \ A * Whom or what is Mr, Piatt a traitor to? He evidently cannot be a, traitor to Mi party because he has done what he could to put his party in power. It is the highest praise to him as to any other man to be accused and abiiaed by the newspaper which is a ttigma on journal- ism and whose prosperity is the harshest crisicism that can be made upon the people of New York city and this state. There Is in the foregoing much food for reflection for all fatt-mmded cfti* tens, especially for those weak-kneed and weak-back Republicans Who have paid heed to the attacks of the opposi- tion press against Mr, Piatt. In the main these attacks have come from that fain newspaper who the Argus correctly characterizes as a "stigma on journalism." As the Argui point* out Mir. Piatt's greatest crime has been his persistent attempt to get his party into power, To gym* pathize with the unprincipled attacks of the World and its echoes to to d V courage leadership and any kind of prominence in behalf of a party. If a political activity which begets promin- ence is to be followed by charactertea tions Bhch as "boss," "traitor" and •triekstor," then the Republican party, or any other party which Countenances the outrage and injustice, will look for enlightened leadership in vain. f«rtun«oftliJ*cottnti7*r« SUKV fh* ! lotal chans? UHHI was 1U. ' "fhe chanjre»Weeka|g , 0l**tMon(% «ni$tt, lfyout«ke<>ff50^ittcre«*f ' «f the house, yoti stiftMvemsiiaagt of 1S& ,A'«hange of 2»ln.niodyfl«#fi Is Unpffilleled m th« history of Uiis courxtry. and so far as Inow recall, of afiylegiilatn^body-ittany free govern- ment in this world. Ii would mean ft change of 600 in the British house of commons. If 250 members of the hmise of commons had been knocked out at one election, I wonder if any British statesman, still in the air^ would have ventured to say, even 500 miles from his district, that there were ho brains behind the 'heels' which set' hiin in motion! "But I do not desire to waste your time in exultation, though lam obeying scripture when I rejoice With those Who do rejoice. Nevertheless, we hate got something else to do besides rejoice. Victories bring responsibilities, and, as I have pointed out to you, our victory is so great that it probably means re- Bponsibility for many years, "Of those many years X shall not now speak. If we have wisdom for two years we will be trnsted for more, and tiie Wisdom tor the next "two year* seems to be easy. We have neither the president nor the senate, and all we can do is to let the country try the results of the foily of 18»S. It is a poor prospect, but It is all there is. I hate to say this. I wish it, were not so, and that we bad such possession of the government as would enable us at once to devise such remedies as the country heeds. But the constitution of this country *as so made that the will of the people must become fixed before It can be effective. "What the Gohnan bill meansfor the industries of this country, we have yet to see. That It favors Canada and gives it at leas? *5,ooo.QOO J we already know. That it deefcrbya sheep husbandry is all to probable. That many small woollen manufactories must'go tinder aeems unavoidable, ahd thkt --wages must coinenearer the'Suropean standard seems inevitable.* But this,need not 1* All ILtCTBtCAL C O f l a i m jrM« w—m iBset^k^jjjgiMiiit dtfcti Iriayt)jimiitte •aafetMMtiisfeftafefr ~f«w weia aa4 &m**dkmii*m*i* * iturtsli»ats •nit hmbt*fowHitnrt U*r by N*w T « A WOMHNa, Witli the utmM tbat tttMi fcf Aft ttt ifraw wo In Iwla^Kfefikliaati 4nl£lbC«k«eBcl(r atenc Wl* «MiMte aWh lonhi*ft«l*uHutfe i' " able eicmhfctaiibaywHUt« Uomtk «r»t* j*Mt "Us stthrtiiat ItItkfsMMlKtwits ojpjjxjdlte, ttM laltimte, Mtafe sad^MUisM, vrhllo Hie vtMt is only, to quota an old 4ttkr, "pow'ltut .HtmirJaUTft." Ooa Maail*)ii*lstii*ri«litaort«oi«t. Wmm U J[ Wttifc flaking down In ilia !>BiaWat» who iH adop^ag Uieth apply *** mtnmi bayoM «umro«r with hire, aad Uw boa* > tta m»*)** U lb*ftos, tubbtag tbe made a landing at ttoaof tt* faWaS<Mi. ^ o o f w I r m l y o*«r cbtMttaBdfnwibMdt. aMUifci llaiitt •••••! f Tn iran II nil Ua<4^avf'la«htUa4 vftia\M-'9iMHrtt«r« fz ^Tbafsli^aairivttbtaiilMbMstfjMkfit yotioaty knowtke «u<«#ita«.aot Mmt,-*' •aM L. T. M i M M M Pbil*Wa*4a, » t e l ta« 4Mi#HiMto oisotii»ia«t» j«a« W]MHI tbattlWHi is, tl*raalrliwiwa«iwa4«k »Mliertri^ r K>Maaw,c*^M«M«at4a« toisfortunt n»tW« baa »«it tt»o« bl», btkl a«-Was ««wtinitalty waking tuiatakea^JBa- iag a jaaUUcUfl, a* aay of tbatkiakaeWttr lMPte«ff With jaiMaiy of itwtaaeai W|M» S% wasMtlaiWsjiottoiHwr^ Jly frtaad «•( togoTatnoiotMaryiaJbiOttc^ and,WaU« hi was dtfsatedf be was owwtaely popa- lar and well known all ot*if the stats, froas tb^iaMtiln t* lb*gUtt«r la the militaaali* ih ktepalaoe. COSTLY DEMOCKAC1*. A dispatch from Washington shows that the deficit in the national revenues • since July 1 exceeds twenty-two millions of dollars. At this rate the fifty million --'?HWfe which Mr. Clevelanfi and Mr, 1 Carlisle have asked for will soon be ex- hausted, and tiie administration will bate to borrow more money to pay the expenses of the government. Under Benjamin .Harrison the Republican party paid off the national debt at the lateolT^OOD.OOOayear. In lesfthan two years Gxover Cleveland and the Democratic party have increased the national debt $100,000,000, and there is every prospect that the process of bor-' rowing will continue so long as the Cleveland administration is in power and the present deficit-creating Demo- cratic tariff remains on the statute books. The people are learning the difference between Republicanism and .Democracy so thoroughly that the lesson will not have to be repeated dur- ing the lifetime of this generation.— New York Press. THOMA8 B. REED SPEAKS. last more than three years'if ^he Ameri can people are steadfast .and wise and determiuedt , "How, theh, can we utilize this victory, make it permanent and give to this country a return of the prosperity of paBt times? There Is only on* way^ We must educate the people of this country t p to the full measure of wis- dom in this matter, or rather the people jflust educate themselves. And there never was a better Opportunity. Men's minds are now receptive, "During the hext two years this country heeds the help of eyerjr man v who has the slightest morsel of truth in his possession Why do 1 insist on this? Because the stream cannot rise higher than the source If we bad an absolute despotic monarch, could we hope for laws which would be better than he knew? Who is our ruler? Thesoverlgn people of the United States, more des- potic than any monarch that ever sat on a throne* Bow is it possible to have laws more sensible than the people are? ••We have had a mighty victory, the greatestjn the history of the country. "It was won, not by our organization, but by our principles. But great as ou: victory is, there is a greater which must Win. By our wisdom, moderate and good sense, we must so govern this country that the great questions of the next six years may have as noble a solution as the great questions of their day had at the hands of those .great Republicans who preserved the union, and gave the people 30 years of peace, prosperity and progress " The banquet of the Home Market' • Club of Boston, held on Thursday night, was' an immense success in point of numbers and enthusiam. Thirteen hundred Republicans cheered them- selves hoarse over the Republican triumph. Ex-Speaker Thomas B. Ree4 was the guest of honor and the great central figure of the occasion. The re- ception accorded the great leader from Maine was tumultous. In the course of bis great speech Mr. Reed said: "Perhaps some of this great audience will recollect that I cast a slight shad<tf of soberness over your dinner of last year, and I am afraid it may\be the same this evening. And yet, I have just one little reason more than the rest " of you for rejoicing. , "The result shows that there is in me tiie prophetic instinct; not so fully de- veloped as I could wish, but still valu- . able, Once during the last session of congress, when the plans of the Demo- cracy bad become developed, t. Textur- ed to say to the leaders that when the people of the country got at them, to/ November of this year, they wouJ* bury them in trenches. This was neifr* ly taie, but there was a slight inac* curacy. I should have said that we wouldburyHiem intrenches^tmtil the supply of trenches, gave out, "$e couldn't bury tbeV all* ?M I notice some ghosts of unburied bodies "to and fro flitting burialless, save in the vul- ture's craw?' have even, reach Boston' and are still audible, hoarsely murmur- ing about "free raw materials" and "foreign markets," and such like topics , of the under world. "; "Well, the retribution has certainly been tremendous. You don't half 'Malta tow Immense it wa*. "When, in iW 4 the people rose in inch wrgth that 18M has been in American politic* the symbol of an Alpine,, avalanche, the boose of lepresjpurlTsa only changed fnont If Detnocrattc lb IT Whig, M dMMUt of4», s«d«T6B vibes yon add JT—half for lacresM ©fsiae f yon bare onlyMforatotaL "Whs* npOdta Ptapat s>wept the eotatry in i t * , the WW«s lost t » U ! Ia tae great •pbirai ptm% THE solemn announcement is made that the tails of President Cleveland's carriage horses have not been "docked" but simply "banged." THE election of ex-Secretary Elkins, as Senator from West Virginia is assur- ed. This will give West Virginia_j representative of commanding ability. , * r SENATOR HXLL has gone south, where he will remain until the reconvening of congress. In the chivalrie shades of the no Jonger solid south the late candi- date for governor, who was shrewd enough not to resign as senator, will ponder on how to get even for the presidential failure to write or vote, tt is. safe to say that the senior senator from Hew York willgive'spioetothe approaching session, of congress. .. Xtoath'Wandafk.X V. ' -Oliver Wendell r Holmes xecordod Mi protest against the custom of telling m person Who does not actually aak toknow that he cannot jteoorer. As that loving observer of mankind asserted, somas* ev- ery one who knows whereof bespeaks aa- aert thafepeople almost alwaysoomeio nn- deratand that «ecovery la iinpoaaihle. Ik U rarely heedful to trll any one t h a t tfabs is the oaae- When nattize givea tbe warning 4e^h;:apl)ears tobe as little fearedas sleepy our! way down. tTa was lso aooadrawn task a cbortta greeted klnirorathe whatf with *£*lk>, govatttorl' BCa aekttoWlaaged the «ompUaa«ttt with a graoefal tip of the bkl! A*w» walked eewktbe gangplaak otMifettow, a UMl«nM«*ob«Rislr«tbaii tbe rest. puabadbU way *p to the aid* of toy friend and ballowsdoot, kaewiag the Jail- ing !ih kia bearing, 'Bay, gnv'net, oldntaa, can't yen loan BM a quarter^ u OfcOttmtkUWMoc»o<theoooask>aMl npata whfcib n>y friend's aurloular Manas failed to psrtqraitbair duty. Hewalkast ones If lie had not beard a word, walle to my inviMtion to take a drink, givan in a moderate ton* of votee, be anteaiaady assent As we walked on a llttla farther the knan parsisted. ThiathMheoaaMUp to lay friend, and shonSed at thetopof Ida voice la bis ear, 'Say, guv'nor, oan*tyou loanmaJWeentat' My friend tamed, and in aj quiet, dignified inannersety witboat asull<vaabs tossedhiln the balf dollar: 'Confound your imnertlnencel I should hat* heerdyotttbeijs* ibae/*'—Mtks- DnrgDispatoh. - ^ ~ WOMEN AND MEN. ~ : i ^_ - Cakatoal rotate «t Xtisnsaesraa. | twean tae gsatsa. i I ' Women always show by ibcltUetkwl that they enjoy going to church; iatja are: lass; demensttattve. Whetta wotnaa bai eonusfiurried, saafeak for a faniuwbann man heootnes fiurried, be feels fotia oigar. Woman jum^ at ooneluaioas and general* »y Wt{ men »es*^thuwtn;t}QgfeeUyeiid genetallymlas ska ttntM, BonMjwonieii can't naia a uillinety abop Wlfbont leek- Jna- |int atotte men eantt pass a nublldhones without going In,' A WOpaan never seas a baby without wanting tomn to it} a m a n neftc sees a baby witboat wantingtorua awayftotttii ' ' j x 'Women lots admiration^ ipprobatloii, Self Idnrnolation en the part ofr others, are oftah Weak, valU atttt friyolons; ditto mefiL. A Woman always carries her pane In We hand, n that othe* women Will, lea it} a man carries hi* in hfa inatde poeke*,, sotbat bis^wlfe'Wen't see i t A woman ean alt in a theater foe three kottrawithoat getting all cramped up, catching the totitb- aehe.or becoming fatot for Want et fraak B1T$'a maa can't. ' A Woman, from he* sex and character, haata elalm to many-thinga besldeaher. shelter, food and clothing. She Is not less a woman fo* being wedded, and the man Who, la fit to ba trusted with a good wife reooileoti allwhieb this Implies and shows himself at all times chivalrous, sweet spekeni oottsiaecete. and deferentiaL—New r CoMll>ww ^ !* I Mefebss and Oeeaaetry, Hobbea was no* yet IS when he wentto Oxford., "H* did not much eareioriogltt. yet he learned It and thought htuaelf a good disputant" There Is no reason to think he" learned anything else-at Oxford save a strong dislike of aoadwnie institu- tions and methods. Ha turned from the official studies to amuse himself with geog- raphy and voyages., As to matimntUke, there waa no official recognition of them at all while Hobbea was at tbe unlrersUr. Bo than Is nothing Improbable la the statement thatflobbeabad never opened a copy of fcacUd until he waa near middle age.t The story b) beat told in Aubrey's own words: . « years old before, be looked on which, happenod^aooidentally. a gantleman'j library, 'JSudld's lay open, and It was the 47- "Prop. lib. I. BoheTeadsthapropoeiHon. •By GU-,' says he, 'this la imposslblet' So be reads the demonstration of it, wbiob referredhlm backtoanother, which healso read) *et slqdelnoeps,' that at last he was demtmstratlrely convinced of that truth. This made him in love with geometry/'— National Review. > ,? - Ta* same treatment is anplhdtothe throat endsaonlden. Tbetttttaclesbegin to en- ktfge and harden, tbelfaoe alia ont, lines diaaptMar, and afine,tia^ural btoota abews naaVtaeakln. ' T T ^ - %Ms is what the adrooate* eiaim far Ik I kaeW'Ooe woman whii was very alehder, and she kas gained JO^aadsTin tbies tsjanlbsMneaneing he^battery., Women who have thin ncekslfaad shoulders am trying <^toiridtytodaifeiep the latter !&» to a oonditkm that wUl pstmli Of an leto gown this wtaiet at social affaire, l e t sfect la keaithie* tbatt any oil, ooM Iratm-ef tab mataafacttirers* evila that ate tat aontiinotta urn by alender woanende- slreMoftaeahoUshiaa<W!prombMntb»na* aadwrihklss. Then it la k* anpeaaive, the batterteacoattngenlrl? and fit. Mora expensive "on*e cab bir botfght Of annise, hntthbseat this price ani adequately keen efletali Tbe amoutit at ourraat to, bs tuned on can be learned from any physi' olan, and there an not sufltojeat volts to » should ba applied at tbe two aatrsjaes of the day. ti * * r Ksw York wessea, **|t«ebuly tbaat wbtt have any nervona straln r stMh -as giaatse- olat resnonslbUltyj writing or lUiMtilllii. ate eauaaiamto over the effect., It tp mores all tired lines, they say, restores the nervous eqaUlbrium, end* batter than alL fiesbeiM one Up, ' I asked a nbyatoian about the t n t b o f the womeB's elaiiaa^wbtthef the ratal* i t in* Jane Wa* from actoatlfie xsssoai at obance. HspnMaa toeteaMotassbfxatn this famdlo emirantwas m^akmbtadlytrntv and that he would advias Say tmn wMaan to uea it, "x'on know,' # Jk* eontlntiaa, "1U efiert on the »uacW, T » and bt Ulos- trated to in* pra*tksJirhW its appUea^ ttobonthemtteoltofilM'tibem but,*ia [sallwnen the Wind aWketflSTlrhk bob! •stent moretnehtmakelitbeta enMM "The neah,*' he aald, "la not gained W mem contest with the eleetrl* •omnt, is the, laity stlppoaa, bnt.ona'e ayetam la oharged ahd stimulatod, the l«pUtltie<.of the akin are thrown off, tha-eppeUte U- imiam, abd tbk paraatt'qklekly takes en Bash.'* '"'i , "Its eta* effect on the musolet is not "No. The^tonothlriginjttrionaateak eW^dtyexoepttoonittckoflki Theflesk ia gained by sound matbod*. Any woman ean bava a fhlLfaoa end throat If she Uses bar wires syatomatloaUr.''-Detroit Ires ^P•*a^. ^ _ A« the fork* dreaty clouds«f depressiofo &m Hfting. ^ad tint t W t of prosp«Hty o*«r us glows, , tla^suifaM*tfm<? to look oirer yottf wardrobe, And seHott»Iy 3: <faiftk about utotting new eiotbm giYing the matter due consid t'rnii'M (feai naMMr Trhfei law baft' Hit •Ha- w Indignant Souaeholder—Just took at this, will yoaT Waterworks Offiolal-~lt looks to me like a small eel. "That is just what It la. I got It out of the hydrant this morning." , r "Ah, James, charge Mr. Smith with ona smaU' eel—lQ oen^a."—CineinnaU Trib- ane. .< » BUSINESS NOTICES. Yermoot, Qoblan Ttile and flia^latatia Jr. *x» the kmflinga cent cigara, Henry echeiet, nianuia«tarer, , ^—a> Wright's, Lnbine, Londborg's, and •RickrSker^ pnrfaj^a^^trs^Tff^ Breakmst *<* All Waaaen, „ 1 Breakfast .depends upon the {point of, view. Occupation and temperament haW much to do with the bill-of fare. The business wo^nan', likes her ebop, cutlet or bite of eteek, b^wLof oaten-meal,<hot bis- cuit*, hot coffee and a taste of fruit She may or maynot hare ihemnaonlar energy to digest that quantity of food, but she eats it because her people ate i% because It i s her habit. > > The housewife takes thefirstcup of oof- fee made. When hacbwbandajppears, she has coffee with an egg on toast, and when her grown son eomes down she has more eoffee and-pesfeaps a ^pancake with jelly. The woman In art, whether mnslo, paint- ing Or the drama, Is satisfied with a roll, a cube of sweet batter and ooffee and milk. The student finds'bread-and mllksuffi-? clenfc. ,Tho society girl craves dry toast and tee,»*nd the woman of the world has an. appetite for tea and lemon jnioe.—SK Louis Star-*Seyinge. ,^< . v _ i * f *• i ~~ "' >qtlaiaehlp C—yUsaUaaa. "There are eompUoationa aometlmas la having women to take their dtiaenship from their husbands, as illustrated la 1*e recent oase of Mis. Brown-Ssonard, the wife,of tb* Paris phyakian. AHaengkof Khglish birth, she had become, aooording to JEngllsk laWj a Irenohwoman, bat by the Trench law she ranislhsd an Knglish woman; eonsaqnantly her wUlwsamet in seeordanoawith tbe laws of either country, lb* JKngUak klgh court, howavar, admit. ted 'the will to probata, and itwasemratsd aecordlngtoXnglishlaw. Itwonld thara- forejbe regarded by the Atoeh court as "Id, though one tribunalwould bt bound to eonsider her an Xagiiek woman and the other a yrenchwoanan.—PilladabAta Ledger. ' * WHEN Hilt COAL QIVI8 OUT. i • Inea Kaglaad Whl m. jLadyto Caeae. *aa« Tai.rr.ai ••<••• r.^..». Tbe ^opuiar Boiebce-Moathly containi an article describing a proposed lsthmu% or dam, across the northern hart of the Irish channel, the main object being to' utilise the current through tfala channel for mechanical purposes. + The channel ia 100 feet deep on the eYetagei 1* talk* wide, and the tidal currentfrom the north H eight miles an hour. A* a result, ft cubic miles, o*evafc *00,000,000,000 tons of water, pass tbe poifat Where It I* pro- posed to build the dam *ntf day. The rata at whloh the watormovet gives seek of thee* tons of water the power of ton . foottosta/jandthe power developed Is there- for* between 1*0,000,000 and »00,«»,OaO horsepower. There are hills near at hand from which the materials forth* data ean be taken, and shlpping-niay ba provided for bylocksor bytnlargingoartaln cenak. It tbe p1*n should be soooesafuL It wouldmake ICngland practically itiriepand ent of her seal supply, but there are ob- stacles la tbe way, For lattaeos, etyi the Brooklyn Ci tinea, it would be impos- sible to transmit the electrical power pro' duoed without leas, and transferring It fet more than 100 mils* i* at present imprac- ticable. It would nevertheless be possible to use it In the Uncaahlr*-cotton mUkV gad perhaps in tb« SBwittog works of northern-kinghusav JOeetrwlty may ales be used In cooking, ahd if the price ot ooaLroae aotnewhat it could k* employed for beating.» As en engiit* requires about one ton of ooale year par jMmepowar tc keep It running day and/night, it will bt seen that England woeld in thl* .new •ouro* of powerbavtasusbtituto foChei entire eoai.outBuk Tha.cost of the under- taking U eatimatod at ?l«,0O0,00«. Beck onlng interest at IT per cent, thla would be about tesnts a year for every borsspowet prodoosd, or equal to leants atonfor ev+ ery ton of eoal displaced.^ |Bnt the Oost ot utilising the force would ba anormoua. It. is doubtful whether tMs«toa lanreettoa- bl« at -yet. but it abows bow s^ronndkae are the fears of those who think that dv- ilisatlon must cease When the world's eoal supply gtyee o u t Here la an opportunity to asonre horsepower enough town all the mills and furnaces In Great Britain; '/ i ' **— - ', KEEPJHQ THE OEVtU AT lAY. ic^oc aawtaacsOent <|ti ., nrw bar* sett from other dealer*, n e e * gk^gyaaawOo«ptttatkm t aBdyoe WW ; ; IWaakoMyat \ ~ STUDHOLMt'S, iammmmmmmmV mm amttsammmffl M* sM • sam ill am all ATLOBDELL'S. MALAGA ORAPXS, I FLORIDA ORAM**, rLokibA L&tom , APPLKs, -';- fc «f - CRANBSHRIE3, .- MERCHANT TAILOR, pMTSSS&llCiS, N, Y He carries in itock v a large line of Foreign and Domestic Cloths, His garments are fashionable and perfeci in ootii ciit and make. With all their excellence, however, our prices arc <m. We save yott money»«>lotyi of it Metropolitan Stock Exchange OF BOSTON. t- NOW IS THE T i n g -*D- took Orcr yotr Sleigls. It TrllBY ' NEED •' <uA "H[#- Wi / J > 1 V*~i»I **5*j nt» v-- Y- BHANCH t O^tffi—Over Pike ^^ -^ . ^ Store, M-ai*graret Sii^t. Randal l's zl&fi [, - PAINTING TAKE THEM TO " " BROWN & BORDE, MIIXIB BTmrrr, Tfdm City Pharmacy, Red Spruce Gum Eniubuon, -a pleasant and efficackw* remedy for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, and - aUaffectkms of thethjx^ and lungs. Chamois, Elder Down,. Common Sense, - FeltandBnwSilkCb^atPj^tectora, Smith's Emoltent Bahn, for chapped hands, face, and all roughness of ' theskin. . Flannel Covered and Plato Rubber • Water Bags. Also Combination Water Bag and Fountain Syringe; - Smith's Hair Tonic, an agreeable pre- i-, paration to prevent the kair from t Jailingou^; _>, . diamond Toilet Paper;, « large double " irolte^,000sheeta in each roll) and fixtureinhpx,-for 11.00. ^ , >. - * SMITH dt luROCQUE, " -. •• - aty Pharmacy, _*-*• ' Ptattafturgh, HrY. Stockjs, Graid^, anjd Provisioi|$ feaght and ""sold; or^eme per cent. tnif|ptt and up- Qorfiispohdence solicited. Village Ordiance. J . XvejTJMMMHt resMisg is the vuPge of flattabaraii owningsor harboring- In uM TIK lege anyoog -or ottch,<rrer three months.old, ahaU aeneaDy on or before the first day of Jamjary, laeachi year, eaaaethe same to be regkavretin a book kept /or that purpose in tStcgtee ofthe Clerk efm* vfllage, aedto be by such clerk numbered, and ncensed forone ^n* "Ha* . Lpwert3alifbrnials thehasneof espe- CMS of limrd which appears to be a* toast a second eonsfn to the famed "OUamoa- stor." It is of a mottUd yellow and brown sojor and only about U Inches loag, Tbe natives of that region have given It the torribie nameef "maneater," bsepuMtt kasaaabitof attackincarery hnsaaabe- ingJ^e*sa,jroto*;ea Utemoeaa i iill t, sVawestlssninials -The mansatss/abody kalsaottaabrittta " ^ rrr - TV ' <<kdnt ^aka " £tt«wm|r oyntan tfe a ^ ^^W^^"^^ ^s*W "mi T^^smm^na* fam^^^aa *^ quart,stowingctasaw etc ai neck oysters 18c a^i lismeiiasjusne: 'SamiiV'ta Maw me thimmm Clreeaavia* the •rXCaaktad Met^jrjaaera^ atonpf efforts to cheat the deril, who to strpposed to be )yin*.ln-waitto eaptnm theaonlof taedanarted. Be tongas the body rsmausia the home fli* epulis sass, forthedevUcennoteoma^ Theriskbe-- gin* when the foneral protoss!on starts,; Wlwn ready toeeareh* great quantHtosof flrecrseaer* and pytutoshaioa that emit, much smoke am sat off in front of the door, aad'under covee of tbe smoke the pallbearer* 'start la a- llraly trot, run to the nearmteorner, tarn H mquickljras they ean and atop short. {This I* done for tkenaupsseof throwtngthedevUoff tbe traok,sm*ettfeweUka«wn tbathecan- aot easily turn eeorner.sod to aid In she deception wbanevee a eorner is tamed mew fireworks are burned. By dint of inning qntokly and trotting a*, fast a* thayean tbjftissiiammWarrive at the *m*m1ary,bnedeno<entoyltMgsm*j,bot gemeeogh a bole la thesamonBdlag ln- earilwlU ba waiting for them at thaaa-i a^anawemre v^sj nSmmi ^^^ammm^am)^ ^^^& •a^anaV .mV '"••"J paretrraly asm, thosmk to*maiw the mat-' smm> j^^avmia^mat,* mmmmmmy -mmmy m m m m H a m e nam •smT^i W kept npantifiaU tee ataetlv aroundtteneok a collar which shall be aJatuyUr marked wtthenca peraooa'sname aad itangaaeredaambar/t •• ^ 1 Jtvery sach person who shall neglect to edbrum.ret1steieras aformsld. shattpsya panattr ofjaSle* than two doUars nor more tnsnJV* ecUaramr the DM ot sakt rmsge^ S. Anydog or bitch rannlng at Targe In said vmaga, and not wearing a collar marked ai aformsld, maybe Mwfafiykttled *y any pollc* aa^Wmei^orthe dths awn of fifty oenU for >kUted« t ' 4. TsaVnetsaalltakeeffact January l.less. We*- 'L. j wj&^jrwaraxi^ciettt j 1ST or JURORS. ^ / - ^ ^"^^S5^StP WM B h * *»w» atibecjinton Ooenty Cterk's Oflfee, Tfar. JSth, IBM, pursuant *p notfoe* to aerre aa TrJal Jurorrat a County S? q SS»li ! r Jt ot SsssJoaato pebeM at the K^Jfarmer" 3 ^^ f««^ «OBU» ^Beakemmewa-rMcaolaa HoUand, farmer; f^amplato~ammrj»Beln^ SenST^^srhir*^ *—*. BSSS^S^ a 1Bdr * dr UtmKi **** C. ft ftitttUL JewSl?; It will over pur- Our i*ie> is the 1^1"; ever shdWn, pay you to ft our stoefc .chasinglHatere. . - SpeqS|^^e-at $4, $5 and fid. Our sale in Drell Goods and Housekeeping Goods will continue few days longer. , Complete line Her Majesty's Corsets at %2*7$> $3-75 and $4- Trefousse Kid Gloves, the best glove in the world, new Fall assortment. pharriplain Sewing Machine, equal t< any $45 machine on the market; our price, $19, fully warranted'. A. SHARRON, (Successor to Tieraey & Sharron), Pittsburgh, N. V. PARKHURST & TAYLOR, Insurance Agency, (Successors toA.11, PLATT & Co.) Insurance, Mariot Block, Clinton street, PLATTSBURGH, N. V Proaipt ScttlCaaeot of LosstSt ~ lowest Rates, Highest Staadara, Eigtislaid Awcrican Companies Represented. Orders by mafl or t e l ^ b o e womptiy atteiided to M. F PABXBTJRtT. TATI.' H liiiffiilf- -iMt^A-i*M#ififli--riliMfatifeHiffini n '#' Ski^te^ffi-^^ Lh. . *#%\'° ^.m0.{*i®%m*&<?# l P»*-

PAINTINGnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1894-11-24/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · 4nl£lbC«k«eBcl(r atenc Wl* «MiMte aWh ... 'Malta tow Immense it wa*. "When, in iW4 the people rose

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Exes« 8ss»*v. SttST »At

TERM* OF THI K.AKSSWSGH FMSSS. Tee Paris wBl be delirerea to ADVAfccr

*i*a*8 SEBSWUBKRS to MatMbntgh, ctfwwardv « a fey men, postage free, as fellows: <^y**r,.. • " ^ S ,fp nw%. fg !ria*»moirtt» *i» ©il*:moia*u • *» . itftwertpttoas not M 3 *n* advance will be

estleeteaat the end of each month at 80 cents per month.

the sabscrlbei* who make snrh monMy payment are requested to be prepared Upon in* call of the collector. If the montlily pay­ment li not made promptly the paper will be dlscontlnaed. There will be no deviation from this rule.

3. B. WHITE, ttauager. WBflR ATTACKS OW MATT.

^itDeraocmttc Albany Argus makes the following editorial comments:

How ammiiDg it is to see the New York World oafling Mr. Thomas C. Ratt "a traitor." • \ A * Whom or what is Mr, Piatt a traitor to? He evidently cannot be a, traitor to Mi party because he has done what he could to put his party in power. It is the highest praise to him as to any other man to be accused and abiiaed by the newspaper which is a ttigma on journal­ism and whose prosperity is the harshest crisicism that can be made upon the people of New York city and this state.

There Is in the foregoing much food for reflection for all fatt-mmded cfti* tens, especially for those weak-kneed and weak-back Republicans Who have paid heed to the attacks of the opposi­tion press against Mr, Piatt. In the main these attacks have come from that fain newspaper who the A r g u s correctly characterizes a s a " s t i g m a o n journalism." A s the Argui point* out Mir. Piatt's greatest crime has been his persistent attempt to get his party into power, To gym* pathize with the unprincipled attacks of the World and its echoes to to d V courage leadership and any kind of prominence in behalf of a party. If a political activity which begets promin­ence is to be followed by charactertea tions Bhch as "boss," "traitor" and •triekstor," then the Republican party, or any other party which Countenances the outrage and injustice, will look for enlightened leadership in vain.

f«rtun«oftliJ*cottnti7*r« SUKV fh* ! lotal chans? UHHI was 1U.

' "fhe chanjre»Weeka|g,0l**tMon(% « n i $ t t , lfyout«ke<>ff50^ittcre«*f

' «f the house, yoti stiftMvemsiiaagt of 1S& ,A'«hange of 2» ln .n iodyf l«#f i Is Unpffilleled m th« history of Uiis courxtry. and so far as Inow recall, of afiylegiilatn^body-ittany free govern-ment in this world. I i would mean ft change of 600 in the British house of commons. If 250 members of the hmise of commons had been knocked out at one election, I wonder if any British statesman, still in the air^ would have ventured to say, even 500 miles from his district, that there were ho brains behind the 'heels' which set' hiin in motion!

"But I do not desire to waste your time in exultation, though lam obeying scripture when I rejoice With those Who do rejoice. Nevertheless, we hate got something else to do besides rejoice. Victories bring responsibilities, and, as I have pointed out to you, our victory is so great that it probably means re-Bponsibility for many years,

"Of those many years X shall not now speak. If we have wisdom for two years we will be trnsted for more, and tiie Wisdom tor the next "two year* seems to be easy. We have neither the president nor the senate, and all we can do is to let the country try the results of the f oily of 18»S. It is a poor prospect, but It is all there is. I hate to say this. I wish it, were not so, and that we bad such possession of the government as would enable us at once to devise such remedies as the country heeds. But the constitution of this country *as so made that the will of the people must become fixed before It can be effective.

"What the Gohnan bill meansfor the industries of this country, we have yet to see. That It favors Canada and gives it at leas? *5,ooo.QOOJ we already know. That it deefcrbya sheep husbandry is all to probable. That many small woollen manufactories must'go tinder aeems unavoidable, ahd thkt --wages must coinenearer the'Suropean standard seems inevitable.* But this,need not

1* All ILtCTBtCAL C O f l a i m

jrM« w — m iBset^k^jjjgiMiiit dtfcti Iriayt)jimiitte

•aa fetMMtiisfe ft afefr ~f«w weia aa4 &m**dkmii*m*i* * iturtsli»ats

•nit hmbt* fowHi tnrt U*r by N*w T « A WOMHNa, Witli the utmM tbat tttMi fcf Aft ttt ifraw wo In Iwla^Kfefikliaati 4nl£lbC«k«eBcl(r a tenc W l * «MiMte aWh lonhi*ft«l*uHutfe i' " able eicmhfctaiibaywHUt« Uomtk «r»t* j*Mt "Us stthrtiiat I t I t k f s M M l K t w i t s ojpjjxjdlte, ttM la l t imte , Mtafe sad^MUisM, vrhllo Hie v t M t i s only, to quota a n old 4ttkr, "pow'ltut .HtmirJaUTft." Ooa v£ Maail*)ii*lstii*ri«litaort«oi«t. Wmm

UJ[ Wttifc flaking down In ilia !>BiaWat» who i H adop^ag Uieth apply *** mtnmi bayoM «umro«r with hire, aad Uw boa* > tta m»*)** U lb*ftos, tubbtag tbe made a landing a t ttoaof tt* faWaS<Mi. ^oofwIrmly o*«r cbtMttaBdfnwibMdt.

aMUifci l l a i i t t • • • • • ! f Tn i r a n I I ni l Ua<4^avf'la«htUa4

vftia\M-'9iMHrtt«r« fz ^Tbafsli^aairivttbtaiilMbMstfjMkfit

yotioaty knowtke «u<«#ita«.aot Mmt,-*' •aM L. T. MiMMM Pbil*Wa*4a, » t e l ta« 4Mi#HiMto oisotii»ia«t» j«a« W]MHI tbattlWHi is, tl*raalrliwiwa«iwa4«k »Mliertri^rK>Maaw,c*^M«M«at4a« toisfortunt n»tW« baa »«it tt»o« bl», btkl a«-Was ««wtinitalty waking tuiatakea^JBa-iag a jaaUUcUfl, a* aay of tbatkiakaeWttr lMPte«ff With jaiMaiy of itwtaaeai W|M» S% wasMtlaiWsjiottoiHwr^ Jly frtaad «•( togoTatnoiotMaryiaJbiOttc^ and,WaU« hi was dtfsatedf be was owwtaely popa-lar and well known all ot*if the stats, froas tb^iaMtiln t* lb*gUtt«r la the militaaali* ih ktepalaoe.


A dispatch from Washington shows that the deficit in the national revenues

• since July 1 exceeds twenty-two millions of dollars. At this rate the fifty million

--'?HWfe which Mr. Clevelanfi and Mr, 1 Carlisle have asked for will soon be ex­hausted, and tiie administration will bate to borrow more money to pay the expenses of the government. Under Benjamin .Harrison the Republican party paid off the national debt at the lateolT^OOD.OOOayear. In lesfthan two years Gxover Cleveland and the Democratic party have increased the national debt $100,000,000, and there is every prospect that the process of bor-' rowing will continue so long as the Cleveland administration is in power and the present deficit-creating Demo­cratic tariff remains on the statute books. The people are learning the difference between Republicanism and .Democracy so thoroughly that the lesson will not have to be repeated dur­ing the lifetime of this generation.— New York Press.


last more than three years'if ^he Ameri can people are steadfast .and wise and determiuedt ,

"How, theh, can we utilize this victory, make it permanent and give to this country a return of the prosperity of paBt times? There Is only on* way^ We must educate the people of this country t p to the full measure of wis­dom in this matter, or rather the people jflust educate themselves. And there never was a better Opportunity. Men's minds are now receptive,

"During the hext two years this country heeds the help of eyerjr manv

who has the slightest morsel of truth in his possession Why do 1 insist on this? Because the stream cannot rise higher than the source If we bad an absolute despotic monarch, could we hope for laws which would be better than he knew? Who is our ruler? Thesoverlgn people of the United States, more des­potic than any monarch that ever sat on a throne* Bow is it possible to have laws more sensible than the people are?

••We have had a mighty victory, the greatestjn the history of the country.

"It was won, not by our organization, but by our principles. But great as ou: victory is, there is a greater which must Win. By our wisdom, moderate and good sense, we must so govern this country that the great questions of the next six years may have as noble a solution as the great questions of their day had at the hands of those .great Republicans who preserved the union, and gave the people 30 years of peace, prosperity and progress "

The banquet of the Home Market' • Club of Boston, held on Thursday night,

was' an immense success in point of numbers and enthusiam. Thirteen hundred Republicans cheered them­selves hoarse over the Republican triumph. Ex-Speaker Thomas B. Ree4 was the guest of honor and the great central figure of the occasion. The re­ception accorded the great leader from Maine was tumultous. In the course of bis great speech Mr. Reed said:

"Perhaps some of this great audience will recollect that I cast a slight shad<tf of soberness over your dinner of last year, and I am afraid it may\be the same this evening. And yet, I have just one little reason more than the rest

" of you for rejoicing. , "The result shows that there is in me

tiie prophetic instinct; not so fully de­veloped as I could wish, but still valu-

. able, Once during the last session of congress, when the plans of the Demo­cracy bad become developed, t. Textur­ed to say to the leaders that when the people of the country got at them, to/ November of this year, they wouJ* bury them in trenches. This was neifr* ly taie, but there was a slight inac* curacy. I should have said that we wouldburyHiem intrenches^tmtil the supply of trenches, gave out, "$e couldn't bury tbeV all* ?M I notice some ghosts of unburied bodies "to and fro flitting burialless, save i n the vul­ture's craw?' have even, reach Boston' and are still audible, hoarsely murmur­ing about "free raw materials" and "foreign markets," and such like topics

, of the under world. "; "Well, the retribution has certainly

been tremendous. You don't half 'Malta tow Immense it wa*. "When, in iW4 the people rose in inch wrgth that 18M has been in American politic* the symbol of an Alpine,, avalanche, the boose of lepresjpurlTsa only changed fnont If Detnocrattc lb IT Whig, M dMMUt of4», s«d«T6B vibes yon add

JT—half for lacresM ©fsiaef yon bare onlyMforatotaL

"Whs* npOdta Ptapat s>wept the eotatry in i t * , the WW«s lost t » U !

Ia tae great • p b i r a i ptm%

THE solemn announcement is made that the tails of President Cleveland's carriage horses have not been "docked" but simply "banged."

THE election of ex-Secretary Elkins, as Senator from West Virginia is assur­ed. This will give West Virginia_j representative of commanding ability.

, * r

SENATOR HXLL has gone south, where he will remain until the reconvening of congress. In the chivalrie shades of the no Jonger solid south the late candi­date for governor, who was shrewd enough not to resign as senator, will ponder on how to get even for the presidential failure to write or vote, tt is. safe to say that the senior senator from Hew York willgive'spioetothe approaching session, of congress.

.. Xtoath'Wandafk.X V. ' -Oliver WendellrHolmes xecordod Mi

protest against the custom o f telling m person Who does not actually aak t o k n o w that he cannot jteoorer. A s that lov ing observer of mankind asserted, s o m a s * ev­ery one who knows whereof bespeaks aa-aert thafepeople almost a lwaysoomeio nn-deratand that «ecovery la iinpoaaihle. I k U rarely heedful to trll any one that tfabs is the oaae- When nattize givea tbe warning 4e^h;:apl)ears tobe as l ittle fearedas sleepy

our! w a y down. tTa was l s o aooadrawn t a s k a cbortta greeted k l n i r o r a t h e whatf with *£*lk>, govatttorl' BCa aekttoWlaaged the «ompUaa«ttt w i th a graoefal tip of the bkl! A * w » walked e e w k t b e gangplaak otMifettow, a UMl«nM«*ob«Rislr«tbaii tbe rest. puabadbU way * p to the aid* of toy friend and ballowsdoot, k a e w i a g the Jail­ing !ih kia bearing, 'Bay, gnv'net, oldntaa, can't yen loan B M a quarter^

uOfcOttmtkUWMoc»o<theoooask>aMl npata whfcib n>y friend's aurloular Manas failed to psrtqraitbair duty. Hewalkast o n e s If lie had not beard a word, wal le to my inviMtion to take a drink, givan in a moderate ton* of votee, be anteaiaady assent As we walked on a llttla farther the knan parsisted. ThiathMheoaaMUp to lay friend, and shonSed a t the top of Ida voice la bis ear, 'Say, guv'nor, oan*tyou loanmaJWeentat' My friend tamed, and in aj quiet, dignified inannersety witboat asull<vaabs tossedhiln the balf dollar: 'Confound your imnertlnencel I should hat* heerdyotttbeijs* ibae/*'—Mtks-DnrgDispatoh. - ^ ~


i — ^ _ -Cakatoal rotate « t Xt i snsaesraa .

| twean tae gsatsa. i I ' Women always show by i b c l t U e t k w l

that they enjoy going to church; iatja are: lass; demensttattve. Whetta wotnaa bai eonusfiurried, s a a f e a k for a faniuwbann man heootnes fiurried, be feels fotia oigar. Woman jum^ at ooneluaioas and general* »y Wt{ men »es*^thuwtn;t}QgfeeUyei id genetallymlas ska ttntM, BonMjwonieii can't na ia a u i l l ine ty abop Wlfbont leek-Jna- |int atotte men eantt pass a nublldhones without going I n , ' A WOpaan never seas a baby without wanting t o m n to it} a m a n neftc sees a baby witboat wanting to rua awayftotttii ' ' j x

'Women lots admiration^ ipprobatloii, Self Idnrnolation e n the part ofr others, are oftah Weak, valU atttt friyolons; ditto mefiL. A Woman always carries her p a n e In We hand, n that othe* women Will, lea it} a man carries hi* i n hfa inatde poeke*,, sotbat bis^wlfe'Wen't see i t A woman ean alt in a theater foe three kottrawithoat getting all cramped up, catching the totitb-aehe.or becoming fatot for Want e t fraak B1T$'a m a a can't. '

A Woman, from he* sex and character, haata elalm to many-thinga besldeaher. shelter, food and clothing. She Is not less a woman fo* being wedded, and the man Who, la fit to ba trusted wi th a good wife reooileoti a l lwhieb this Implies and shows himself a t a l l times chivalrous, sweet spekeni oottsiaecete. and deferentiaL—New

r C o M l l > w w ^ !* I Mefebss and Oeeaaetry,

Hobbea was no* ye t IS when he w e n t t o Oxford., " H * did not much eareioriogltt. yet he learned It and thought htuaelf a good disputant" There Is no reason to think he" learned anything else-at Oxford save a strong dislike of aoadwnie institu­tions and methods. Ha turned from the official studies to amuse himself with geog­raphy and voyages., As to matimntUke, there waa no official recognition of them at all while Hobbea was at tbe unlrersUr. Bo than Is nothing Improbable la the statement that flobbea bad never opened a copy of fcacUd until he waa near middle age.t The story b) beat told in Aubrey's own words: .

« years old before, be looked on which, happenod^aooidentally.

a gantleman'j library, 'JSudld's lay open, and It was the 47-

"Prop. l ib. I. BoheTeadsthapropoeiHon. •By GU-,' says he, 'this la imposslblet' So be reads the demonstration of it, wbiob referredhlm back to another, which healso read) *et slqdelnoeps,' that at last he was demtmstratlrely convinced of that truth. This made him in love with geometry/'— National Review. > ,? -

Ta* same treatment is anplhd to the throat endsaonlden. Tbe tttttacles begin to en-ktfge and harden, tbelfaoe alia ont, lines diaaptMar, and a fine, tia^ural btoota abews naaVtaeakln. ' T T ^ -

%Ms is what the adrooate* eiaim far Ik I kaeW'Ooe woman whii was very alehder, and she kas gained JO^aadsTin tbies tsjanlbsMneaneing he^battery., Women who have thin ncekslfaad shoulders am trying <^toiridty to daifeiep the latter !&» to a oonditkm that wUl pstmli Of an leto gown this wtaiet at social affaire,

l e t sfect la keaithie* tbatt any oil, ooM Iratm-ef tab mataafacttirers* evila that ate tat aontiinotta urn by alender woanende-slreMoftaeahoUshiaa<W!prombMntb»na* aadwrihklss. Then it la k * anpeaaive, the batterteacoattngenlrl? and fit . Mora expensive "on*e cab bir botfght Of annise, hntthbseat this price ani adequately keen efletali Tbe amoutit at ourraat to, bs tuned on can be learned from any physi' olan, and there an not sufltojeat volts to

» should ba applied at tbe two aatrsjaes of the day. ti * * r

Ksw York wessea, **|t«ebuly tbaat wbtt have any nervona stralnrstMh -as giaatse-olat resnonslbUltyj writing or lUiMtilllii. ate eauaaiamto over the effect., It t p mores all tired lines, they say, restores the nervous eqaUlbrium, end* batter than alL fiesbeiM one Up, ' I asked a nbyatoian about the tntbof

the womeB's elaiiaa^wbtthef the ratal* i t in* Jane Wa* from actoatlfie xsssoai at obance. HspnMaa toeteaMotassbfxatn this famdlo emirantwas m^akmbtadlytrntv and that he would advias Say tmn wMaan to uea it, "x'on know,'#Jk* eontlntiaa, "1U efiert on the »uacW,T» and bt Ulos-trated to in* pra*tksJirhW its appUea ttobonthemtteoltofilM'tibem but ,* ia [sallwnen the Wind aWketflSTlrhk bob! •stent moretnehtmakelitbeta enMM "The neah,*' he aald, "la not gained W mem contest with the eleetrl* •omnt, i s the, laity stlppoaa, bnt.ona'e ayetam la oharged ahd stimulatod, the l«pUtltie<.of the akin are thrown off, tha-eppeUte U-imiam, abd tbk paraatt'qklekly takes en Bash.'* '"'i , "Its eta* effect on the musolet is not

"No. The^tonothlriginjttrionaateak eW^dtyexoepttoonittckoflki Theflesk ia gained by sound matbod*. Any woman ean bava a fhlLfaoa end throat If she Uses bar wires syatomatloaUr.''-Detroit Ires P•*a . ^ _

A« the fork* dreaty clouds«f depressiofo &m Hfting. ^ a d tint t W t of prosp«Hty o*«r us glows,

,tla^suifaM*tfm<? to look oirer yottf wardrobe, And seHott»Iy3:<faiftk about utotting new eiotbm

giYing the matter due consid t ' r n i i ' M

(feai naMMr Trhfei law baft' Hit •Ha-w

Indignant Souaeholder—Just took at this, will yoaT

Waterworks Offiolal-~lt looks to me like a small eel.

"That is just what It la. I got It out of the hydrant this morning." , r "Ah, James, charge Mr. Smith with ona smaU' eel—lQ oen^a."—CineinnaU Trib-ane. .<


Yermoot, Qoblan Ttile and flia^latatia Jr. *x» the kmflinga cent cigara, Henry echeiet, nianuia«tarer, ,

^—a> Wright's, Lnbine, Londborg's, and

•RickrSker^ pnrfaj^a^^trs^Tff^

Breakmst *<* All Waaaen, „ 1 Breakfast .depends upon the {point of,

view. Occupation and temperament haW much to do with the bill-of fare. The business wo^nan', likes her ebop, cutlet or bite of eteek, b^wLof oaten-meal,<hot bis­cuit*, hot coffee and a taste of fruit She may or maynot hare ihemnaonlar energy to digest that quantity of food, but she eats it because her people ate i% because It is her habit. > >

The housewife takes the first cup of oof-fee made. When hacbwbandajppears, she has coffee with an egg on toast, and when her grown son eomes down she has more eoffee and-pesfeaps a ^pancake with jelly. The woman In art, whether mnslo, paint­ing Or the drama, Is satisfied with a roll, a cube of sweet batter and ooffee and milk. The student finds'bread-and mllksuffi-? clenfc. ,Tho society girl craves dry toast and tee,»*nd the woman of the world has an. appetite for tea and lemon jnioe.—SK Louis Star-*Seyinge. , < . v _

i * f *• i ~~

"' >qtlaiaehlp C—yUsaUaaa. "There are eompUoationa aometlmas l a

having women to take their dtiaenship from their husbands, as illustrated l a 1*e recent oase of Mis . Brown-Ssonard, t h e wife,of tb* Paris phyakian. A H a e n g k o f Khglish birth, s h e had become, aooording to JEngllsk laWj a Irenohwoman, b a t by the Trench law she ranislhsd a n Knglish woman; eonsaqnantly her w U l w s a m e t i n seeordanoawith tbe laws of either country, l b * JKngUak k lgh court, howavar, admit. ted 'the wi l l to probata, and i t w a s e m r a t s d aecordlngtoXngl i sh law. I twonld thara-forejbe regarded by the A t o e h court a s

"Id, though one tribunal would bt bound to eonsider her a n Xagiiek woman and the other a yrenchwoanan.—PilladabAta Ledger. '

* WHEN H i l t COAL QIVI8 OUT. i •

I n e a Kaglaad W h l m. j L a d y t o Caeae. *aa« T a i . r r . a i • • < • • • r . ^ . . » .

Tbe ^opuiar Boiebce-Moathly containi an article describing a proposed lsthmu% or dam, across the northern hart of the Irish channel, the main object being to' utilise the current through tfala channel for mechanical purposes. + The channel ia 100 feet deep on the eYetagei 1 * talk* wide, and the tidal currentfrom the north H e ight mi les an hour. A * a result, ft cubic miles, o*evafc *00,000,000,000 tons o f water, pass tbe poifat Where It I* pro­posed to build the dam *ntf day. The rata a t whloh t h e watormovet gives seek of thee* tons of water the power of ton

. foottosta/jandthe power developed Is there­for* between 1*0,000,000 and »00,«»,OaO horsepower. There are hills near a t hand from which the materials for th* data ean be taken, and shlpping-niay ba provided for bylocksor bytnlargingoartaln cenak.

I t tbe p1*n should b e soooesafuL It wouldmake ICngland practically itiriepand ent of her seal supply, but there are ob­stacles l a tbe way, For lattaeos, e ty i the Brooklyn Ci tinea, i t would be impos­sible to transmit the electrical power pro' duoed without leas, and transferring It fet more than 100 m i l s * i* a t present imprac­ticable. I t would nevertheless be possible to use i t In the Uncaahlr*-cotton mUkV g a d perhaps i n tb« SBwittog works of northern-kinghusav JOeetrwlty may ales be used In cooking, ahd if the price ot ooaLroae aotnewhat i t could k* employed for beating.» As en engiit* requires about one ton of ooale year par jMmepowar tc keep It running day and/night, it will bt seen that England woeld in thl* .new •ouro* of powerbavtasusbtituto foChei entire eoai.outBuk Tha.cost of the under-taking U eatimatod at ?l«,0O0,00«. Beck onlng interest at IT per cent, thla would be about tesnts a year for every borsspowet prodoosd, or equal to leants a ton for ev+ ery ton of eoal displaced.^ |Bnt the Oost ot utilising the force would ba anormoua. It. is doubtful whether tMs«toa lanreettoa-bl« at -yet. but it abows bow s ronndkae are the fears of those who think that dv-ilisatlon must cease When the world's eoal supply gtyee out Here la an opportunity to asonre horsepower enough town all the mills and furnaces In Great Britain; '/ i ' **— -', KEEPJHQ THE OEVtU AT lAY.

ic^oc aawtaacsOent <|ti . ,

n r w bar* sett from other dealer*, n e e * gk^gyaaawOo«ptttatkm taBdyoe WW

; ; IWaakoMyat \ ~

STUDHOLMt'S, • iammmmmmmmV mm amttsammmffl M* sM • sam i l l am all


APPLKs, - ';- f c«f -



He carries in itock va large line of Foreign and Domestic Cloths, His garments are fashionable and perfeci in ootii ciit and make.

With all their excellence, however, our prices arc <m. We save yott money»«>lotyi of i t

Metropolitan Stock Exchange OF BOSTON.


NOW IS THE T i n g - * D -

took Orcr yotr Sleigls. It TrllBY ' N E E D

•' < u A

"H[#- W i /J>1V*~i»I **5*j nt»


BHANCH t O^tffi—Over Pike ^ ^ - • . Store, M-ai*graret S i i ^ t .

Randal l's


[ , -



City Pharmacy, Red Spruce G u m Eniubuon, - a pleasant

a n d efficackw* remedy for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, and

- aUaffectkms of thethjx^ and lungs. Chamois, Elder Down,. Common Sense, - FeltandBnwSilkCb^atPj^tectora,

Smith's Emoltent Bahn, for chapped hands, face, and all roughness of

' theskin. . Flannel Covered and Plato Rubber

• Water Bags. Also Combination Water Bag and Fountain Syringe; -

Smith's Hair Tonic, an agreeable pre-i-, paration to prevent the kair from t Jailingou^; _>, . diamond Toilet Paper;, « large double " irolte^,000sheeta in each roll) and

fixtureinhpx,-for 11.00. „ ^ , >. - * SMITH dt l u R O C Q U E , "

-. •• - a t y Pharmacy, _ * - * • ' Ptattafturgh, H r Y .

Stockjs, Graid^, anjd Provisioi|$ feaght and ""sold; or^eme per cent. tnif|ptt and up-

Qorfiispohdence solicited.

Village Ordiance.

J . XvejTJMMMHt resMisg is the vuPge of flattabaraii owningsor harboring- In uM TIK lege anyoog -or ottch,<rrer three months.old, ahaU aeneaDy on or before the first day of Jamjary, laeachi year, eaaaethe same to be regkavretin a book kept /or that purpose in tStcgtee ofthe Clerk efm* vfllage, aedto be by such clerk numbered, and ncensed forone

^ n * "Ha* . Lpwert3alifbrnials thehasneof espe-

CMS of limrd which appears to be a* toast a second eonsfn to the famed "OUamoa-stor." It is of a mottUd yellow and brown sojor and only about U Inches loag, Tbe natives of that region have given It the torribie nameef "maneater," bsepuMtt kasaaabitof attackincarery hnsaaabe-ingJ^e*sa,jroto*;ea Utemoeaa i iill t,

sVawestlssninials -The mansatss/abody kalsaottaabrittta " ^rrr-TV' <<kdnt aka "

£tt«wm|r oyntan tfe a ^^W^^"^^ ^s*W "mi T^ smm^na* fam^^^aa *^

quart,stowingctasaw etc ai neck oysters 18c a i


' S a m i i V ' t a

Maw me thimmm Clreeaavia* the •rXCaaktad Met^jrjaaera^

atonpf efforts to cheat the deril, who to strpposed to be )yin*.ln-waitto eaptnm theaonlof taedanarted. Be tongas the body rsmausia the home fli* epulis sass, forthedevUcennoteoma^ The risk be--gin* when the foneral pro toss! on starts,; Wlwn ready toeeareh* great quantHtosof flrecrseaer* and pytutoshaioa that emit, much smoke am sat off in front of the door, aad'under covee of tbe smoke the pallbearer* 'start la a- llraly trot, run to the nearmteorner, tarn H mquickljras they ean and atop short. {This I* done for tkenaupsseof throwtngthedevUoff tbe traok,sm*ettfeweUka«wn tbathecan-aot easily turn eeorner.sod to aid In she deception wbanevee a eorner i s tamed mew fireworks are burned. By dint of inning qntokly and trotting a*, fast a* thayean tbjftissiiammWarrive at the *m*m1ary,bnedeno<entoyltMgsm*j,bot gemeeogh a bole la thesamonBdlag ln-

earilwlU ba waiting for them at thaaa-i a^anawemre v^sj nSmmi ^^^ammm^am)^ ^^^& •a^anaV .mV ' " • • " J

paretrraly asm, thosmk to*maiw t h e mat-' smm> j^^avmia^mat,* mmmmmmy -mmmy m m m m H a m e nam •smT^i

W kept npantifiaU tee

ataetlv aroundtteneok a collar which shall be aJatuyUr marked wtthenca peraooa'sname aad itangaaeredaambar/t •• ^ 1 Jtvery sach person who shall neglect to edbrum.ret1steieras aformsld. shattpsya panattr ofjaSle* than two doUars nor more tnsnJV* ecUaramr the DM ot sakt rmsge^

S. Anydog or bitch rannlng at Targe In said vmaga, and not wearing a collar marked ai aformsld, maybe Mwfafiykttled *y any pollc*

a a ^ W m e i ^ o r t h e dths awn of fifty oenU for >kUted« t '

4. TsaVnetsaalltakeeffact January l.less. W e * - 'L. j wj&^jrwaraxi^ciettt

j 1ST o r JURORS. ^ / - ^

^"^^S5^StPWMBh* *»w» atibecjinton Ooenty Cterk's Oflfee, Tfar. JSth, IBM, pursuant *p notfoe* to aerre aa TrJal Jurorrat a County S?qSS»li!9«rJtot SsssJoaato pebeM at the K ^ J f a r m e r " 3 ^ ^ f « « ^ « O B U » ^Beakemmewa-rMcaolaa HoUand, farmer;

f^amplato~ammrj»Beln^ S e n S T ^ ^ s r h i r * ^ * — * .

BSSS^S^ a 1Bdr*dr UtmKi ****

C. ft ftitttUL JewSl?;

It will over pur-

Our i*ie> is the 1^1"; ever shdWn, pay you to ft our stoefc . chas ing lHa te re . . - S p e q S | ^ ^ e - a t $4, $5 and f id . Our sale in Drel l Goods and Housekeeping Goods will continue few days longer. ,

Complete line Her Majesty's Corsets at %2*7$> $3-75 a n d $4-

T r e f o u s s e Kid Gloves, the best glove in the world, new Fall assortment.

pharriplain Sewing Machine, equal t< any $45 machine on the market; our price, $19, fully warranted'.

A . S H A R R O N , (Successor to Tieraey & Sharron), Pittsburgh, N. V.

PARKHURST & TAYLOR, Insurance Agency,

(Successors toA.11, PLATT & Co.)

Insurance, Mariot Block, Clinton street, PLATTSBURGH, N. V

Proaipt ScttlCaaeot of LosstSt ~ lowest Rates, Highest Staadara,

Eigtislaid Awcrican Companies Represented.

Orders by mafl or t e l ^ b o e womptiy atteiided to


liiiffiilf- -iMt^A-i*M#ififli--riliMfatifeHiffini n '#' S k i ^ t e ^ f f i - ^ ^ Lh. .

