PAIN FROM INFIDELS? Pain of Muslims expressed and emphasised

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Page 1: PAIN FROM INFIDELS? Pain of Muslims expressed and emphasised
Page 2: PAIN FROM INFIDELS? Pain of Muslims expressed and emphasised


• Pain of Muslims expressed

• and emphasised

Page 3: PAIN FROM INFIDELS? Pain of Muslims expressed and emphasised


• Pain and destruction of others?

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Roman Catholic Church supporting Islam

• The Vatican deplored the violence but said certain provocative forms of criticism were unacceptable. - February 2006

• "The right to freedom of thought and expression ... cannot entail the right to offend the religious sentiment of believers," the Vatican said in its first statement on the controversy.

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Humanism and NWO

• The United States called the burnings "inexcusable" and blamed the Syrian government for security failures. – Feb 2006

• "Syria must act decisively to protect all foreign embassies and citizens in Damascus from attack," White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan said in a statement. "We will hold Syria responsible for such violent demonstrations since they do not take place in that country without government knowledge and support."

• British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, who has criticized European media for reprinting the caricatures, said there was no justification for the violence in Damascus.

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Western Understanding

• "It's horrible and totally unacceptable," Danish Foreign Minister Per Stig Moeller said on Danish public television Saturday. - Feb 4 2006

• No diplomats were injured in the Syrian violence, officials said. But Swedish Foreign Minister Laila Freivalds — whose country, along with Chile, has an embassy in the same building — said she would lodge a formal protest over the lack of security.

• In Santiago, the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the Chilean Embassy in Damascus was also torched but nobody was injured.

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Action of Islam and Muslims:

• Mahmoud Zahar, leader of the militant Palestinian group Hamas, told the Italian daily Il Giornale the cartoonists should be punished by death.

• We should have killed all those who offend the Prophet and instead here we are, protesting peacefully." he said.

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• "We have a right to defend our prophet," one protester told the BBC.

• • How?• By teaching and desire to kill others?• By insulting in all conceivable ways?• By forbidding all other opinion?• By forbidding all other expression?

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The Free World enjoys different Views - This is Freedom ?Islamic World enjoys Islamic View only – This is Totalitarianism ?

CARTOON ROW 2005 - 2006• 30 Sept: Danish paper publishes cartoons• 20 Oct: Muslim ambassadors complain to Danish PM• 10 Jan: Norwegian publication reprints cartoons• 26 Jan: Saudi Arabia recalls its ambassador• 30 Jan: Gunmen raid EU's Gaza office demanding apolo

gy• 31 Jan: Danish paper apologises• 1 Feb: Papers in France, Germany, Italy and Spain repri

nt cartoons• 4 Feb: Syrians attack Danish and Norwegian embassies

in Damascus

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Islamic Defence – Destroy, Hurt, Propaganda, Commotion

• We have a right to defend our prophet," one protester told the BBC. – 4 Feb 2006 Saturday

• "They should have respected our religion," said another.

• An Iraqi militant group in the insurgent stronghold of Ramadi calls for attacks on Danish and non-Muslim targets in Iraq

• Two tabloid editors in Jordan, arrested after publishing some of the cartoons, plead not guilty to charges of insulting religion.

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The Fact of World Order/Respect

• "The principle of diplomatic relations is that diplomats can work safely and the fact that this has been broken is extremely serious," Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere told a news conference in Oslo.

• The US also criticised Syria's approach, saying it was "inexcusable" for such damage to be inflicted on diplomatic missions.

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Islamic Treatment 2006

• In Iraq, the Islamic Army in Iraq, a Sunni Arab insurgent group, issued an Internet statement calling for attacks on Danish companies and nationals. The group asked followers to "catch some Danish people and cut them into pieces."

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Freedom of expression, a cornerstone of Western

democratic values Many Muslims cast it as another


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"Bush and his group have invaded and are fighting war by all means available," it added. "The goal: destroying

the Islamic nation ideologically, economically and existentially and stealing and looting its resources."

- Islamic expression in Iraq 2006

There are Western Muslims in USA and other Western Countries.

They chose to live in places other than Islamic nation.

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Hundreds of Muslims surged through nearby streets in Beirut, waving green religious flags

and shouting "God is greatest."

Notice that none follows the Bible declaring greatness of Yhwh God Almighty of Israel.

So much for telling the World they worship the God of Abraham and Moses.

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FRANCO FRATTINI, EU Justice Commissioner

• It should be crystal clear to all that violence, intimidation, and the calls for boycotts or for restraints on the freedom of the press are completely unacceptable.

• I can understand the feelings of indignation, frustration and sadness of the Muslim communities over the last few days. Such events do not facilitate dialogue between faiths and cultures.

» - Feb 2006

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HOSNI MUBARAK, Egyptian President

• Freedom of opinion, expression and of the press, which we guarantee and respect, cannot be used as an excuse to insult sanctities, beliefs and religions.

– Feb 2006

• In other words: There is no freedom of opinion, and expression of the press if they insult sanctities, beliefs and religions such as Islam.

• Worth noting that Christians have not been burning buildings of Islamic countries and issuing decree for the murdering/death of Muslims when Muslims and the Islamic World propagate words and ideas against the Christian Holy Faith, Yhwh Almighty God, the Jews/Israelites, and the Holy Bible.

• The Jews have not been rioting and burning Iranian and Arab buildings.

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HAMID KARZAI, Afghan President

• Any insult to the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, is an insult to more than one billion Muslims and an act like this must never be allowed to be repeated.

- Feb 2006

• Not allowed by force, murder, terrorism?• Why are Jesus Christ imitated and insulted?• Why is Yhwh God Almighty counterfeited and ig

nored and persecuted?• Why are Christians accused of rewriting the Bibl


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AHMED QUREIA, Outgoing Palestinian Prime Minister

• We hope that the concerned governments are attentive to the sensitivity of this issue. We warn that emotions may flare in this very sensitive issue.

- Feb 2006

• Why are Muslims and the Islamic World/nations allowing Muslims to be ruled and overpowered by Islamic emotions, and other people(accused to be infidels) to be enslaved or dictated by their Islamic emotions?

• Is emotion being used as a weapon of conquest? And as a justification to commit any violence ?

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Blair condemns cartoon protesters

• The behaviour of some Muslim protesters demonstrating in London over cartoons of Prophet Muhammad was "completely unacceptable", Downing Street has said. – - 6 Feb 2006

– Placards glorifying the 7 July bombings and calls for the enemies of Islam to be killed featured in Friday's demo.

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Omar Bakri Mohammed

• In Islam, whoever insulted a prophet must be "punished and executed".

• "We are not saying ourselves to go there and start to look to him and kill him, we are not talking about that. We are talking about Islamic rules. If anybody insults the prophet, he will have to take a punishment," Omar said.

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The other side of Islam

• Inayat Bunglawala, a spokesman for the Muslim Council of Britain, said there would be "no sympathy" among Muslims for those who waved "incendiary" placards or banners.

• "Those extremists who were inciting violence were trying to hijack genuine feelings amongst Muslims for a more violent agenda," he said.

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Flemming Rose, culture editor of Jyllands-Posten

• "We were not treating the Prophet any differently from anyone else in Denmark"

• D.Lim: Respect has to be earned.

• Violence, repression, and terrorism are not ways to earn or command genuine respect.

• Jesus Christ teaches cross-bearing.

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Munira Mizra, British journalist reporting on Islamophobia

• "Many Muslims want the same freedoms as everyone else to debate and criticise" - Feb 2006

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Dr Lam Akol, Sudanese foreign minister

• "In the Third World they hardly separate between the journalist's and the government's views" - Feb 2006

• D.Lim: The Third World is so-called because it does not warrant same level of respect as the First and Second World. The religious bubble has not developed them nor brought them development to be so affluent as the First and Second World. Their god is great!? Who is first to be third?

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Roger Koppel, editor of the German newspaper Die Welt

• "We think we are living in a secular society where even religion can be satirised" - Feb 2006

• D.Lim: Eastern Muslims see Germany as Christian country. Biblical Christians know that Germany is secular and non-Christian.

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Karen Armstrong, religious affairs commentator

• "We are seeing a clash of two different notions of what is sacred" - Feb 2006

• D.Lim: Western countries often see Secularisation and Humanism their sacred religions.

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Dr Yunes Teinaz is the spokesman for the London Mosque and Islamic Cultural Centre - 2006

• We respect the heroes of other religions and we would expect the same from the followers of other religions and ideologies. No Muslim, for example, is allowed to portray a picture of Jesus.

• D.Lim: The character of Jesus Christ is substituted by the character of Isa. No Muslim revere Christ as God the everlasting Father, The Way, The Truth.

• Self-imposing rule is not what other religions required. Christians can paint Christ, Moses, David, even Abraham freely. This is Freedom in Christianity, so lacking and twisted in Islam.

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Flemming Rose is the culture editor of Jyllands-Posten newspaper in Denmark, which originally published the cartoons

• I did not ask the illustrators to make the Prophet a laughing stock - I asked them to draw the Prophet as they see him.

• D.Lim: Muslims by large numbers do not allow or welcome this freedom of the mind and expression.

• In Christ, there is such freedom, and honesty.

• This is not division to communities. The communities have always been divided, ideologically, religiously, truthfully. When has there ever been a union? What union has Christ with anti-Christs?

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Stewart Lee is the creator of Jerry Springer - The Opera, which some Christians found offensive

• The cartoon in which the Prophet is trying to stop suicide bombers entering the afterlife because they have run out of virgins has a kind of political point behind it. But I don't think they really appreciated the massive taboo you cross by portraying the image of Muhammad. There is really no historical precedent for it.

• I'm sure the level of offence is far greater than would have been intended.

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Munira Mirza is a commentator on multicultural issues and Islamophobia

• Many Muslims want the same freedoms as everyone else to debate, criticise and challenge their religion. - Feb 2006

• Many don't want to be treated as a special group, seen as worthy of more protection from criticism than other groups because of their apparent victim status.

• There are a lot of British Muslims who I'm sure would not be offended by the cartoons. There are, of course, many who are upset and hurt, but that's the point of living in a free society.

• No matter the price, the principle of freedom must be defended. Unless we stand up for freedom of speech, we are unable to engage freely and hold belief systems - of all kinds - to account.

• In Denmark, there are counter-demonstrations by moderate Muslims saying they don't want the images banned.

• This idea that all Muslims have to hold the line against Islamophobia is just nonsense. We should not play the games of extremists and nor should we play into the very patronising assumptions of the British political elite about what Muslims are capable of listening to.

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Sayeed Nadeem Kazmi is a member of the Al-Khoei Foundation, an Islamic charitable

organisation based in London

• It is interesting that these cartoons were first published in Denmark, where there is an official Nazi party. – Feb 2006

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Karen Armstrong is a leading British commentator on religious affairs and author of Muhammad: A Biography of the Prophet

• - do we have a right to say whatever we want even if it is false and dangerous?

• More importantly, however, freedom is as sacred a value for us as the Prophet is to Muslims. – Feb 2006

• We are seeing here a clash of two different notions of what is sacred and this is part of the modernising process.

• Modernisation and secularisation has this bumpy ride where people at different levels of modernisation are clashing. In other parts of the world where modernisation is not yet complete it is not regarded as a crucial as other sacred realities.

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Roger Koppel is the editor of the German newspaper Die Welt, which reprinted

some of the cartoons • It's our cultural tradition. I think it is legitimate to publish pictures and

cartoons like this; I don't think they go too far. Of course, my personal opinion is that the reactions have gone way, way too far.

• We did it because it's a highly political event of course and we wanted to show what is the corpus delicti, the reason for all this uproar - that was the first thing. And the second thought was that we think that we are living in a secular society where even religion can be subjected to criticism and satire.

• It's not acceptable in a western country, if you publish a cartoon like this, that the newspaper has to apologise, or even the prime minister has to apologise.

• Also, Muslim spiritual leaders seem not to be doing much in order to calm the reaction of their people, in order to explain, for example, what it means in our tradition to publish cartoons like this.

• D.Lim: Do these Muslim spiritual leaders respect any others, any country that is not Islamic? In their teachings? In their lives?

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Dr Lam Akol the Sudanese foreign minister

• In the Third World they hardly separate between what is a journalist and what is the Danish government's point of view.

• Once a Danish paper has published something then it is concluded that this is the opinion of everybody in Denmark. So that is the kind of feeling that should have been understood from the beginning. – Feb 2006

• D.Lim: Seems that the thought to be Third World need some education to align with the Modern Industrialised West. This development was due to Christianity.

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Love in Islam?

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This Conflict Has Little To Do With Drawn Lines

• The difference in this instance is that tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of mainstream Muslims took to the streets of Denmark, Lebanon, Iran, Norway, Britain and countries all over the world demanding that the editorial cartoonists who drew the offending caricatures be put to death or at the very least demanding that their hands be cut off, literally. This lends credence to a growing perception that Muslims actively expect the world to conform to their ideals. - By Frank Salvato

February 10, 2006

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Action of Muslims



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In Halifax

• The professor who put the cartoons on his office door said he was merely trying to promote a reasoned debate. – 10 Feb 2006

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Who are the violent Mulsims rioting in the street?

• The most moderate Muslim will go to the street and talk against it because this hurts the sentiments of every Muslim

• Pervez Musharraf – 13 Feb 2006

• The rest who do not come out are less moderate? More violent? More wary?

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More fire than bonfire

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More evil than good

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More violence than tolerance• The most moderate Muslim will go to the street and talk against it because this hurts the sentiments of ev

ery Muslim - Pervez Musharraf – 13 Feb 2006

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Jesus teaches bearing the cross

• Christians allow enemies to tread on them and tread on the cross. - David Lim

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Muslims show little respect for the cross

• Enemies of the cross like to tread on people and tread on the cross. - David Lim

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Islamic tradition explicitly prohibits any depiction of Allah and the Prophet.

• Muslims have idolized the Qur’an

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Islamic tradition explicitly prohibits any depiction of Allah and the Prophet.

• However the author of Islam is depicted in words and worshipped in words.

• The leaders of Islam are revered and worshipped in photos and pictures.

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Hundreds of Palestinian students protest in the West Bank city of Hebron shouting "Death to Jews and Denmark".

The most moderate Muslim will go to the street and talk against it because this hurts the sentiments of every Muslim - Pervez Musharraf – 13 Feb 2006

• The most moderate Muslim advocating death to nations and people groups?

• Where is the love and desire for peace?

• Where is the love for enemies and neighbours?

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Chechen strongman Ramzan Kadyrov warns that members of Danish NGOs may be the victims of "revenge attacks" there

if Denmark does not apologise – Feb 2006

• Attacks by a people of peace?

• Victimized by a people of peace?

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The Practice of Love

6 If we say that we have fellowship with Him(God, Yesu) and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth;

7 but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus(Yeshua) His Son cleanses us from all sin. – 1John1vv6,7 Holy Bible

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"I don't see how any civilised person can take the issue of freedom of press to hurt the feelings of such a large population of the world," Presid

ent Pervez Musharraf told visiting journalists. - Feb 2006

• And such a large population of the world pour scorn on freedom of the press?

• Lie about Jesus Christ, and attack His Deity publicly and privately?• Pour scorn and insult against many national flags?• Rioted in the street and cause death and hurt again and again?• Burnt embassies in Islamic country and issue threat?• While wanting to differentiate groups of Muslims would not

differentiate a few reporters from a number of countries and millions of people in the World?

• Calling Denmark and Europe Christian? Hence declaring war and jihad against Christians and Christian countries Worldwide?

• Proclaim Islamic aggression that it will advance into countries and cultures and rule the World?

• Show no reference to the Bible to expectation that Christians should support their course or sympathize with them?

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The World is tolerating Anti-Christ

• v18 Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour.

• v19 They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out, so that it would be shown that they all are not of us. – Holy Bible

• 22v Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son. – 1John2vv18-23

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How Great is Allah?• 1 See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called

children of God; and such we are For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. – 1John3v1 The Holy Bible, The Word of God

• No freedom of expression in Islam, so as to have no Western Terrorism?

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Pakistani Pastor Kidnapped and Tortured

• At about 10:30 a.m. on February 16,2006, Rev. Joseph Praim was walking to his bank in Lahore, Pakistan to pay a bill when a car stopped near him. Islamic preachers jumped out and grabbed him. A handkerchief was placed over his mouth and he immediately lost consciousness. According to VOMC sources, the pastor of the Full Gospel Assemblies was robbed and woke up in a dark room where he was tied up, beaten and threatened with death.?His abductors told him, "You belong to Christianity and your Christian brothers made derogatory cartoons of Prophet Mohammad in Denmark; that's why we are going to kill you."?After five days without food or water, he was finally left on the road, tied up.?Pastor Praim is now in hiding as he recuperates from his captivity.

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Pakistan 2005

• On November 12 2005, over 1000 angry Muslims destroyed various churches and other buildings after Yousaf Masih was accused of setting fire to a room full of Islamic books, including copies of the Quran.?Masih was accused of blasphemy.