1 page WiMAX Topic BeyondSpot Proprietary April. 2005 WiMAX: 4G or Never ? WiMAX: 4G or Never ? BeyondSpot Technology BeyondSpot Technology

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1pagepage WiMAX TopicWiMAX TopicBeyondSpot ProprietaryBeyondSpot Proprietary

April. 2005

WiMAX: 4G or Never ?WiMAX: 4G or Never ?

BeyondSpot TechnologyBeyondSpot Technology

2pagepage WiMAX TopicWiMAX TopicBeyondSpot ProprietaryBeyondSpot Proprietary


What is WiMAX? (or “Mobile WiMAX” more precisely) WiMAX is a marketing term, a certification body, or an industry ad-hoc

forum to complete IEEE 802.16 standard (marketing, regulatory, interoperability, test, certification, and high level protocol)

IEEE 802.16 also known as BWA or WirelessMAN WiFi IEEE 802.11 (WirelessLAN) = WiMAX IEEE 802.16

Why chose such topic? mobility extension started in late 2002 WiMAX is recognized as one of the new

competitions to CDMA based 3G Other competitions are proprietary

technologies, WiFi, Mesh, or IEEE 802.20

Can WiMAX be 4G or Never? OFDM/OFDMA based broadband mobile is

recognized as 4G (beyond 3G) This presentation shares our story


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Drivers from Two WorldsDrivers from Two Worlds Broadband Access is a merging process

Legacy Cellular, led by 3GPP and 3GPP2, extends bandwidth to support broadband data services, especially in IP format.

Fixed Wireless, led by IEEE, enhances techniques to support mobility. 3GPP (UMTS/WCDMA) and 3GPP2(CDMA2000) started from ITU IMT-2000.



19981998 20102010


200 Million 200 Million UsersUsers

200 Million 200 Million UsersUsers

300 Million 300 Million SubscriberSubscriber300 Million 300 Million SubscriberSubscriber

1 Billion 1 Billion UsersUsers

1 Billion 1 Billion UsersUsers

Broadband Broadband MobileMobileAccessAccess

Broadband Broadband MobileMobileAccessAccess

1 Billion 1 Billion SubscriberSubscriber1 Billion 1 Billion







t S


4pagepage WiMAX TopicWiMAX TopicBeyondSpot ProprietaryBeyondSpot Proprietary

Migration of WiMAXMigration of WiMAX

Data Rate


Fixed WiMAX IEEE 802.16d2005

Mobile WiMAX IEEE 802.16e2007?

SOC Available

Standard Maturing

Portable WiMAXNomadic WiMAX IEEE 802.16d/e2006?

Standard Maturing

5pagepage WiMAX TopicWiMAX TopicBeyondSpot ProprietaryBeyondSpot Proprietary

802.16e Compatibility with 16d802.16e Compatibility with 16d

Convergence Sub LayerConvergence Sub Layer

MAC LayerMAC Layer

PHY LayerPHY Layer

Security/Privacy Key, AES, EAP

Security/Privacy Key, AES, EAP HandoffHandoff

Bandwidth ManagementBandwidth




Power Mgnt Sleep/Idle

Power Mgnt Sleep/Idle



ClassifierEthernetEthernet ATMATM Header Suppression

Header Suppression


PDU Generation

PDU Generation

PDU Reassembly

PDU ReassemblyNet EntryNet Entry

PHY Burst SchedulingPHY Burst Scheduling

SC 10-66GHz

SC 10-66GHz

SCa 2-11GHz

SCa 2-11GHz



2-11GHz 2048FFTOFDMA

2-11GHz 2048FFTOFDMA 2-11GHz (PAR <6GHz)

128, 256, 512,1024, 2048

OFDMA 2-11GHz (PAR <6GHz) 128, 256,

512,1024, 2048

802.16d802.16d 802.16e802.16e WiMAXWiMAX

802.16e is the mobile extension from 802.16 Modification in PHY from OFDM to Scalable OFDMA Modification in MAC for security, handoff, roaming, & resource management

6pagepage WiMAX TopicWiMAX TopicBeyondSpot ProprietaryBeyondSpot Proprietary

Players in WiMAX ForumPlayers in WiMAX Forum WiMAX SOC/System Pairs (examples)

Intel Proxim, Alvarion, ZTE, Alcatel,… Fujitsu WiLAN, Aperto Wavesat ATMEL LG Nortel… and more

WiMAX Forum has >200 members Marketing, technical, interoperability and


And a lot more…..And a lot more….. IEEE802.16 2004 and TGe

Air Interface standard



7pagepage WiMAX TopicWiMAX TopicBeyondSpot ProprietaryBeyondSpot Proprietary

A Million Dollar QuestionA Million Dollar Question

Can WiMAX (16e) be the broadband candidate after 3G? WiMAX brings higher throughput and longer range, it is a growing threat to

the deployment of 3G and the promised ROI in every 3G business model

or just an idea that sounds great but never comes true? WiMAX inherits issues of 3G and has even more challenges in spectrum, the

following presentation provides a balanced view

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Advantages in MultipathAdvantages in Multipath

OFDMA carries advantages in “Multipath” CDMA uses the whole spectrum, wasting system resource to combat

frequency selective fading. CDMA also creates worse interference problem OFDMA only select subcarriers with less channel degradation, prevent

wasting system resource (power or throughput ) => achieving higher system capacity.

Signal Sent

Signal Received


9pagepage WiMAX TopicWiMAX TopicBeyondSpot ProprietaryBeyondSpot Proprietary

Spectral Efficiency WinsSpectral Efficiency Wins

2.5G TDMA: Very limited data rate and low spectral efficiency (1.0-1.5 bps/Hz)

500kHz500kHz 5MHz5MHz

3G WCDMA: Reasonable data rate, range, and mobility, improved spectral efficiency (1.5-2.5 bps/Hz)

WiFi: OFDM 64FFT, Reasonable data rate, limited range and mobility, improved spectral efficiency (2-3 bps/Hz)

WiMAX:OFDMA, Up to 2048FFT much improved range and mobility, potential for best spectral efficiency (3-4 bps/Hz)

15 MHz15 MHz 20 MHz20 MHz

Spectrum efficiency is an important factor for data service The scarce of available (or useful) spectrum makes efficiency a key

factor to approve spectrum and the success of business model. Regulatory bodies shall recycle spectrum for existing systems with low

spectral efficiency. Future systems with high spectrum re-use advantages or higher spectral

efficiency shall have favored allocation during application.

10pagepage WiMAX TopicWiMAX TopicBeyondSpot ProprietaryBeyondSpot Proprietary

Global HarmonizationGlobal Harmonization

WiMAX has global harmonization WiMAX forum pushes harmonization between IEEE and ETSI; there is only

one WiMAX standard (ETSI has not fully adopted Mobile WiMAX yet) WiMAX share one MAC for all, fixed, portable, and mobile

3G breaks into WCDMA (3GPP), CDMA2000 (3GPP2), and more Among WCDMA, venders has their own proprietary modes. China has TDS-CDMA, US has UWC-136, and Japan has DoCoMo 3G…


11pagepage WiMAX TopicWiMAX TopicBeyondSpot ProprietaryBeyondSpot Proprietary

Local Optimization is BetterLocal Optimization is Better

802.11 covers indoor users

802.16d covers fixed outdoor

802.16e covers moving vehiclesWiMAX


Future terminal can handover among multiple standards Thanks to high integration of silicon, dual-/tri- mode terminals are practical.

Each standard is optimized for a specific environment, saving resource.

Avoid sacrificing power to support indoor users.

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VoIP Changes TelecommVoIP Changes Telecomm

VoIP changes everything ! The growing popularity of VoIP triggers the demand for IP based access

and changes the landscape of telecomm 3G products are compatible with traditional circuit based PSTN and

PSMN, while 4G may only need to support VoIP with gateway and gatekeeper separately purchased

IP Based Voice Network

Circuit BasedVoice Network(PSTN)

VoIP To PSTN Gateway

POTS Phones Cellular Phones

Circuit BasedCellular Network(PSMN)

VoIP toPSMN Gateway

PC to Phones



VoIPFixed Phones

Circuit basedConnections

VoIPMobile Phones

IP Based Voice Network

Circuit BasedVoice Network(PSTN)

VoIP To PSTN Gateway

POTS Phones Cellular Phones

Circuit BasedCellular Network(PSMN)

VoIP toPSMN Gateway

PC to Phones



VoIPFixed Phones

Circuit basedConnections

VoIPMobile Phones

13pagepage WiMAX TopicWiMAX TopicBeyondSpot ProprietaryBeyondSpot Proprietary

Regulatory DifficultyRegulatory Difficulty

VoIP over WiMAX has no obligation to secure QoS From architecture point of View VoIP challenges Traditional Telecom

Regulatory Model. Is it an application or a telecomm service? When voice is no longer consider as telecommunication service, it is not

bounded for availability, emergency service (911), or voice quality of service It is a pure low cost application, not a telecom service

VoIP Can Not Address: 99.999% availability The high quality of

voice support as 3G The same level of

robustness as circuit

The same level of QoS as circuit TransportTransport

VoiceVoice VoiceVoice






14pagepage WiMAX TopicWiMAX TopicBeyondSpot ProprietaryBeyondSpot Proprietary

Power and RF Constraint Power and RF Constraint

Battery Life Challenge WiMAX standard was targeted to long range (high power), fixed (non-

battery based), or portability (recharged daily), not mobility. Higher data rate demands higher power transmission; battery

technology show difficulty to catch up with the such demand. Power consumption of WiMAX device could be a major problem.

802.16’s Effort in Power/RF Power-Saving mode

and Scalable OFDMA are added to 802.16e

But higher FFT has more severe PAPR (peak to average power ratio)

Challenge the RF design for WiMAX

Guard IntervalGuard Interval IFFT Symbol DurationIFFT Symbol Duration TimeTime

OFDM Symbol PowerOFDM Symbol PowerPeak PowerPeak Power

Average PowerAverage Power

15pagepage WiMAX TopicWiMAX TopicBeyondSpot ProprietaryBeyondSpot Proprietary

Hi Layer Protocol IntegrationHi Layer Protocol Integration

High Layer mobility is a challenge IEEE 802.16 by its mandate (PAR) only defines protocol stacks in the

PHY and MAC layer, 802.16e defines mobility support for MAC and PHY only

Lack of network layer mobility completion

WiMAX Forum is supposed to cover network mobility, but… WiMAX forum has weak experience in end-to-end protocol stack

development WiMAX is a pure industry ad-hoc group, like WiFi, which may not be the

appropriate place to deal with Network Mobility standards Integration with legacy network requires support from the carriers


3G Based Network 3G Based Network WiMAX Based NetworkWiMAX Based Network


16pagepage WiMAX TopicWiMAX TopicBeyondSpot ProprietaryBeyondSpot Proprietary

Market & Time Competition Market & Time Competition

Marketing HypeMarketing Hype


Rebuild Business ModelRebuild Business Model

Steady GrowthSteady Growth

Market takes time! Markets takes time to mature;

most new services will follow the letter “N” curve as below

Fixed WiMAX technology is far from mass adoption, mobile WiMAX would take even longer

WiMAX has risks too! Mobile WiMAX market is squeezed by

both 3G, Flash OFDM, and WiFi. 802.11e, 11r, and 11n are enhancing QoS,

handover, and throughput. HSDPA (of 3G) shorten the gap with

WiMAX in throughput. Flash OFDM (by Flarion) has

demonstrated end-to-end solution.

WiMAX Marketing GuyWiMAX Marketing Guy

17pagepage WiMAX TopicWiMAX TopicBeyondSpot ProprietaryBeyondSpot Proprietary

Global Spectrum AvailabilityGlobal Spectrum Availability Lack of Spectrum

most licensed spectrum for broadband are either for fix services or for 3G; hard to use license-exempt band to provide QoS guarantee mobile services WiMAX Forum is working on regulatory drawbacks, but progress is slow

2.4 - 2.485 GHz (WLAN, Indoor Only) 2.4 - 2.485 GHz (WLAN, Indoor Only) 3.5GHz (WLL) License bands3.5GHz (WLL) License bands

5.4 - 5.725 GHz (RLAN, Europe) 5.4 - 5.725 GHz (RLAN, Europe) 2.5-2.6GHz MDS, MMDS License bands ) 2.5-2.6GHz MDS, MMDS License bands )

5.725 - 5.825 GHz (U-NII) or 5.725-5.850 GHz (ISM)5.725 - 5.825 GHz (U-NII) or 5.725-5.850 GHz (ISM)

5.25 - 5.35 GHz (U-NII, Outdoor/Indoor)5.25 - 5.35 GHz (U-NII, Outdoor/Indoor)

18pagepage WiMAX TopicWiMAX TopicBeyondSpot ProprietaryBeyondSpot Proprietary

Back to Square OneBack to Square One

Recent Trend in IEEE Standard Body More members notice the challenge of WiMAX for 4G, and recognize the

value to demonstrate success of WiMAX first in Fix services, shown below. Progress in maintenance group is slow Worst case, WiMAX is back to square one (day one) as a pure fix standard!

19pagepage WiMAX TopicWiMAX TopicBeyondSpot ProprietaryBeyondSpot Proprietary

BeyondSpot White PapersBeyondSpot White Papers

BeyondSpot Offers White Papers for Selected Customers Fixed wireless based WiMAX and QoS Please find me to exchange business cards

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Most information on WiMAX comes from press releases or the campaign of WiMAX forum, not balanced.

It is equally important to see through the marketing smoke and understand the real challenges.

We provide view points from both ends;

Almost equal weight in YES and NO to become 4G by (Mobile) WiMAX.

Service providers should not make investment decision without knowing the risks;

But can not afford not to know about WiMAX.

WiMAX is a worth watching topic !

YesYes NoNo

Opportunity of WiMAX for 4G