PAGE TWO LONG ISLAND TRAVELER . MATTITUCK WATCHMAN THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1972 L I Mattituck Vamps' Annual Dinner-Dance Polish Hall in Riverhead was the scene of a really entertaining evening Saturday night as the Mattituck Fire Department held its annual dinner-dance and installation of officers. About 140 firemen, auxiliaries, wives and guests were treated to a roast beef dinner and fine dance music by Hank Kowalski's orchestra. Top — At the Fire Commissioners' table were; (1. to r.) Ml. and Mrs. William Chudiak, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bittner (honorary fireman), Mr. and Mrs. Irving Tuthill, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Boughlon and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tyler. Bottom, left — Mrs. James Cooper receives ex-Chief's bodge for her hu.sbond, absent on business, from Bill Chudiak. Right, New officers ore sworn in, again by Mr. Chudiak. Photos by Whitney Booth I Guitar Lessons • TRUMPET LESSONS Given In XP^r Home At Your Convenience Sonny LoRosa 765-9228 CARD OF THANKS I wish to extend my sincere thanks to Dr Kaplan, Dr Richards and the entire Eastern Long Island staff for the excellent care I received. Sincere, thanks to Father Dahm for his visits and prayers, to my friends, neighbors and all my relatives for their cheerful cards and gifts. God bless you all. Manuel Ferreira PICKWICK SHOPPE ANTIQUES-FURNITURE BRICABRACAN0 6 LASS WARE BOUGHT AND SOLO WE BUY CONTENTS OF HOMES XppraiMU Ruth & Htmian Hirini Propt Td. 516 765-3158 Wnt Main Road Soathold. L.I.. 11971 Relax Leavethe Gardening to Us The time has now come for a thorough Sfjrin(( Clean-llj) of your property. Lime. Fertilizer, Pre-Em ergenre W eed Killer, Rotilling of Lawns, Flower Beds and Vegetahle Gardens. If we can help you with any of your Horticulture problems . . . Please Call; East End Landscaping & Gardening Co. Mon. - Fri. 734-7365 Boh Rt-hin Sal. & Sun. 734-6703 Chris Rohm Local Taxpayors' Group Asks Opinions On Parkland Acting upon the statement of Sup- ervisor Albert Martocchia that the Southold Town Board wants to know how the public feels about the ac<)uis- ition of land by Suffolk County in Peconic and Orient, the North Pork Taxpayers Association, Inc. and the Council of Allied Associations has sent out a large mailing to a cross-section of Southold Town taxpayers. Included in the letter is a coupon which tht recipient can fill out and return to the association signifying his disap- proval of these planned acquisitions. The association will deliver these re- turned coupons to Supervisor Mart- occhia on May 17th together with a number of petitions whicli are also Diroulating. Returns from this mailing have passed the mark to date. In addition, the association Is contact- ing all the Southold Town Board members and Legislator B. Thomas Strong. Suffolk County has po.stponed the May 23rd meeting which was to be held in Riverhead to June 5th in Hauppauge. Although this action makes attendance at this hearing more dif- ficult, the association is going ahead with its plans to attend. Car pools will be arranged and all interested parties are urged to contact Mrs. Gladys Csajko at 477-1729 or Mrs. Mable Lytle at 765-3904 for details. Memorial Mass May 20 For Julius Gates A Memorial Mass will be celebrated at 11:00 A M, Saturday, May 20 at St Patrick's Church, Southold, for Juliu?; Gate.'. Mr Gates, formerly of Stcny Brook and Port Jefferson, died Satur- day, May 6 in Southold. The .seivicu is requested by his .«ister, Mrs Merklu, of Plainfield, N J out of re.spsut for the late Mr Gates' many friends. -M-t I Electrician I I New Insrallations Alterations & Repair Work 24 Hour Service PETER BOGOVIC Oaklawn Avenue Southold 765-1613 School Budgets I Continued ;i om r-age i » announced plans to construct an $855,000 addition to the Library. The proposed library budget of $298,922 (which included $30,000 for the ex- pansion) was defeated by a vote of 708 to 270. A spokesman for the Library Board of Trustees said it was ‘‘very doubtful” that the Board will have a proposed budget ready to resubmit to the voters on June 13. The speculation is that the $30,000 item for expansion in the budge may be eliminated. Moneys from previous budgets that now totals $175,000 is to be "saved” for ‘‘future expansion plans.” Had the school district budget been approved the tax rates iper $100 of assessed valuation) would have risen from $9.07 to $11.25 in Riverhead; $10.98 to $13.23 in Southampton, and $13.89 to $17.34 in Brookhaven. The Library budget if passed, would have caused tax hikes of 9 cents in Riverhead to 57 cents; 11 cents in Southampton to 68 cents and 15 cents in Brookhaven to 88 cents. Another casualty of the May 2 vote was the $1,000 Baiting Hollow Library budget, which was defeated by a vote of 560 to 416. Baiting Hollow Library trustees, were still undecided early this week on whether to resubmit the bud- get to the voters next monh. The Board of Education of the Dist- rict, in an effort to eliminate voter discomfort has scheduled the full day of June 13 for voting, and to insure voter turnout has scheduled June 6 and June 8 from 10 AM until 8 P M for voter registration — in the lobby of the Junior High School. Those per- sons who have voted within the pa.st two years do not have to register. The Board advises that anyone with questions about eligibility to vote, contact the District Clerk’s office a 727-8080. i # ‘^ . ARMSTRONG LINOLEUM • EXPERT INSTALLATION • SHOWROOM SAMPLES G. W. SMITH €l sons . Inc W. Main St. 765-3663 Southold John Dempsey INSURANCE * cm HOME • BOAT • LIFE HEALTH 765-5683 I I Island's End ^ t Golf Course I ; GREENPORT, N. Y.| OPEN An Artisan In Orient Charles Ryder begins turning a lamp base in his basement work- shop in Oriert. By Ruth Campbell It takes a vivid imagination to pic- ture a 120-acre farm in Brooklyn, but Charles Ryder spent his early child- hood on just such a farm. It was in the year 1926 that his father, finding buildings closing in and taxes too high in Brooklyn, sold his farm there and purchased land at Orient Point. When young Charles finished school he also bought a farm and lived there until 1957 farming in the summer and sup- plimenting his income with carpentry jobs In the winter. His interest in carpentry probably stemmed from ob- E-erving and assisting his matei-nal grandfather and his uncles, who were builders. Almost 37 years ago he was married to Laura Luce, the daughter of Mr and Mrs Alfred Luce, who had lived all her life on Village Lane in Orient. Laura, as was her mother, is a ijraci- ous housewife genuinely intere.sted in people, and in particular, her husband. They share a concern and feeliny; for each other that warms the observe;- and makes the visitor feel welcome. They speak lovingly of visits witli their three married children and of grand- children. When the Ryders first came to Or- ient, it was primarily a farming area with at lea.st thirty large farms. It was a pleasant and rewarding life. About 25 years ago when Charlie was dis- abled during the planting season due to calcification of the spine, the other farmers came down and did all his planting for him without even being asked. There was no big fanfare; their friend needed them and they did what had to be done. Later in the .summer he was gratefully able to resume hi.s own re.sponsibilities. By 1957, however, it .seemed advisable to leave farming for the carpentry trade. They sold their farm and pur- chased land near the village on a hill fContinued on Page 18) Stirling Historical Society To Discuss Warship "Ohio" At the next meeting of the Stirling Hi.'torlcal Society, being held von Thursday, May 25, some IntereslTng details on this fine ship will be iold. Your all invited, light refreshments will be served, meeting is at 8:00 P M in the Methodist Parish Hall in Green- port. P.S.—We've ju.st learned some- thing has turned up on the famou.s battleship, "Ohio”, only U S Navy vessel to blow up in Greenport Harbsr (1884). Wheeler^s Garage Day ?1B'5-3542 — Nfght 765-3906 GENERAL AUTO REPAIRS AAA — 24 Hour Towing SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Sunoco Service Stotion North Road, R. Joe Wheeler, Prop. North Fork Floor Service RUG SHAMPOOING FLOOR WAXING WINDOW WASHING 765-2117 i 2 Peter Dooley •••••e»e«#ee#eeeee#####eeee#ee#eeM#M# nQfls 2 0 8 BOOK AND RECORD SHOP, Ltd. THE FOXFIRE BOOK $3.95 GREENPORT, N. Y. 477 ■ 2350 where common banking terms are more than just words. gklORTHFQRK 1 ^ BANK C k tru s t CO. ^MATT.TUCK joUTHOLD CUTCMOOUt VOANK/ OREENPOHT JAMESPOBT SMtLTER ISLAND MtlGHTS If the paint on your house has failed, come to our store today to put a stop to your paint prob- lems. A factory representative will be demonstrat- ing an amazing house finishing product guaran- teed not to crack, peel or blister. Rally your friends and come. DEMONSTRATION SATURDAY MORNING MAY 20th Fleet Lumber Inc. GREENPORT, N. Y. 477-1906 OLYMPIC STAIN A division of CO M ERCO , INC


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Mattituck Vamps' Annual Dinner-DancePolish Hall in Riverhead was the scene of a really entertaining evening Saturday night as the M attituck Fire Department held its annual dinner-dance and installation of officers. About 140 firemen, auxiliaries, wives and guests were treated to a roast beef dinner and fine dance music by Hank Kowalski's orchestra. Top — At the Fire Commissioners' table were;

(1. to r.) Ml. and Mrs. William Chudiak, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bittner (honorary fireman), Mr. and Mrs. Irving Tuthill, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Boughlon and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tyler. Bottom, left — Mrs. James Cooper receives ex-Chief's bodge for her hu.sbond, absent on business, from Bill Chudiak. Right, New officers ore sworn in, again by Mr. Chudiak.

Photos by Whitney Booth


Given In XP^r Home At Your Convenience

Sonny LoRosa765-9228

CARD O F THANKSI wish to ex tend my sincere thanks

to D r K ap lan , D r R ichards an d th e en tire E as te rn Long Is land staff for the excellent care I received. Sincere, th a n k s to F a th e r D ahm for h is visits and prayers, to my friends, neighbors and a ll m y relatives for th e ir cheerful cards an d gifts.

G od bless you all.M anuel F e rre ira





Ruth & Htmian Hirini Propt

Td. 516 765-3158

Wnt Main RoadSoathold. L.I.. 11971

R e la xLeavethe

Gardening to Us

The time has now come for

a thorough Sfjrin(( Clean-llj)

of your property. Lime.

Fertilizer, Pre-Em er genre

W eed Killer, Rotilling of

Lawns, Flower Beds and Vegetahle Gardens. If

we can help you with any of your Horticulture

problems . . . Please Call;

East End Landscaping & Gardening Co.

Mon. - Fri. 734-7365 Boh Rt-hin

Sal. & Sun. 734-6703 Chris Rohm

Local Taxpayors' Group Asks Opinions On Parkland

Acting upon th e s ta tem en t of S up ­ervisor A lbert M artocchia th a t the Southo ld Tow n B oard w ants to know how th e public feels about th e ac<)uis- ition of lan d by Suffolk C ounty in Peconic an d O rient, the N orth Pork T axpayers Association, Inc. an d the Council of Allied Associations has sen t ou t a large m ailing to a cross-section of Sou tho ld T ow n taxpayers. Included in th e le tte r is a coupon w hich t h t rec ip ien t can fill ou t and re tu rn to th e association signifying his d isap ­proval of these p lanned acquisitions. The association will deliver these r e ­tu rned coupons to Supervisor M a r t ­occhia on May 17th toge ther with a num ber of petitions whicli a re also Diroulating. R e tu rn s from th is m ailing have passed the m ark to date. In addition, th e association Is co n tac t­ing all th e Southold Town B oard m em bers an d Legislator B. T hom as Strong.

Suffolk C ounty has po.stponed the May 23rd m eeting w hich was to be held in R iverhead to Ju n e 5 th in H auppauge. A lthough th is action makes a tten d an ce a t th is hearing m ore d if ­ficult, th e association is going ahead with its p lans to a ttend . C ar pools will be a rranged and all in teres ted parties a re urged to con tac t Mrs. G ladys Csajko a t 477-1729 or Mrs. M able Lytle a t 765-3904 for details.

Memorial Mass May 20 For Julius Gates

A M em orial Mass will be celebrated a t 11:00 A M, S atu rday , May 20 a t St P a tr ick 's C hurch, Southold, for Juliu?; Gate.'. M r G ates, formerly of S tcny Brook and P o rt Jefferson, died S a tu r ­day, May 6 in Southold. T he .seivicu is requested by h is .«ister, M rs Merklu, of P lainfield , N J ou t of re.spsut for th e la te M r G ates ' m any friends.


I ElectricianI


New Insrallations Alterations & Repair Work

24 Hour Service


Oaklawn Avenue

Southold 765-1613

School BudgetsI C ontinued ;i om r-age i »

announced p lans to construct an $855,000 add ition to th e Library. T he proposed library budget of $298,922 (w hich included $30,000 for th e ex ­pansion) was defeated by a vote of 708 to 270.

A spokesm an for th e L ibrary B oard of T rustees said it was ‘‘very doub tfu l” th a t th e B oard will have a proposed budget ready to resubm it to the voters on Ju n e 13. T he speculation is th a t th e $30,000 item for expansion in the budge m ay be elim inated. Moneys from previous budgets th a t now to tals $175,000 is to be "saved” for ‘‘fu ture expansion plans.”

H ad th e school d is tric t budget been approved the tax ra tes iper $100 of assessed valuation) would have risen from $9.07 to $11.25 in R iverhead ; $10.98 to $13.23 in Sou tham pton , and $13.89 to $17.34 in Brookhaven.

T he L ibrary budget if passed, would have caused tax hikes of 9 cen ts in R iverhead to 57 cents; 11 cen ts in S o u tham p ton to 68 cents and 15 cents in B rookhaven to 88 cents.

A nother casualty of th e May 2 vote was th e $1,000 B aiting Hollow Library budget, w hich was defeated by a vote of 560 to 416. B aiting Hollow L ibrary trustees, were still undecided early th is week on w hether to resubm it th e bud ­get to the voters nex t monh.

T he B oard of Education of th e D ist­rict, in a n e ffo rt to elim inate voter discom fort has scheduled th e full day of Ju n e 13 for voting, and to insure voter tu rn o u t h a s scheduled Ju n e 6 and Ju n e 8 from 10 AM un til 8 P M for voter reg is tra tion — in th e lobby of th e Ju n io r High School. Those p e r ­sons who have voted w ith in th e pa.st two years do no t have to register. T he B oard advises th a t anyone w ith questions abou t eligibility to vote, con tac t th e D istric t C lerk’s office a 727-8080.

i# ‘̂ .



G. W. SMITH €l s o n s . IncW. Main St. 765-3663 Southold

John Dempsey INSURANCE

* c m • HOME • BOAT



II Island's End ̂t Golf Course I; GREENPORT, N. Y .|


An Artisan In OrientCharles Ryder begins turning a lamp base in his basement work­shop in Oriert.

By R u th Campbell

I t takes a vivid im agination to pic­tu re a 120-acre fa rm in Brooklyn, but C harles R yder spen t his early ch ild ­hood on ju s t such a farm . I t was in th e year 1926 th a t h is fa ther, finding buildings closing in and taxes too h igh in Brooklyn, sold his farm th e re and purchased land a t O rien t Point. W hen young C harles finished school he also bought a fa rm and lived there un til 1957 farm ing in th e sum m er an d sup- p lim enting his income w ith carpen try jobs In the winter. His in te res t in ca rpen try probably stem m ed from ob- E-erving and assisting his matei-nal g ran d fa th e r and his uncles, who were builders.

Almost 37 years ago he was m arried to L aura Luce, th e daugh te r of M r and M rs Alfred Luce, who had lived all h e r life on Village Lane in O rient. L aura, as was h e r m other, is a ijraci- ous housewife genuinely intere.sted in people, and in particu lar, her husband.

T hey sh a re a concern and feeliny; for each o th e r th a t w arm s the observe;- and m akes th e visitor feel welcome. T hey speak lovingly of visits witli the ir th ree m arried children and of g rand ­children.

W hen th e R yders firs t cam e to O r­ient, it was prim arily a farm ing area w ith a t lea.st th ir ty large farms. I t was a p leasan t and rew arding life. About 25 years ago w hen C harlie was dis­abled during the p lan ting season due to calcification of the spine, th e other fa rm ers cam e down and did all his p lan tin g for him w ithout even being asked. T here was no big fan fare ; their fr iend needed th em and they did w hat h ad to be done. L ater in the .summer he w as gratefu lly able to resume hi.s own re.sponsibilities.

By 1957, however, it .seemed advisable to leave farm ing for th e carpentry trade. T hey sold th e ir farm and p u r­chased land n ea r th e village on a hill

fC ontinued on Page 18)

Stirling Historical Society To Discuss Warship "Ohio"

At the nex t m eeting of the S tirling Hi.'torlcal Society, being held v o n T hursday, May 25, some IntereslTng details on th is fine ship will be iold. Your all invited, light refreshm en ts will be served, meeting is a t 8:00 P M in th e M ethodist P arish Hall in G reen- port. P.S.—We've ju.st learned som e­th in g has tu rned up on the famou.s battleship , "O hio”, only U S Navy vessel to blow up in G reenport H arbsr (1884).

Wheeler^s GarageDay ?1B'5-3542 — N fght 765-3906


SO U TH O LD , N. Y.

Sunoco Service Stotion N orth Road, R. Jo e W h ee le r, Prop.

North Fork Floor Service




2 Peter Dooley•••••e»e«#ee#eeeee#####eeee#ee#eeM#M#


2 0 8






GREENPORT, N. Y. 477 ■ 2350

w here common banking terms are more than just w ords .

gk lO R TH FQ R K1 ^ B A N K Ck t r u s t CO. ■

^ M A T T .T U C K j o U T H O L D




If the pain t on your house has failed , come to

our store to d ay to put a stop to your pain t p rob ­

lems. A factory representative will be dem onstra t­

ing an am azing house finishing product g u a ra n ­

teed not to crack, peel or blister. Rally your friends

an d come.D E M O N S TR A TIO N S A T U R D A Y M O R N IN G M A Y 20th

Fleet Lumber Inc.GREENPORT, N. Y. 477-1906

OLYMPIC STAINA d i v i s i o n o f C O M E R C O , I N C