Page Two THE MT. VERNON SIGNAL Thursday. July 3, 1941 The Brodhead Booster MISS LILLIAN WALLIN, Editor Devoted to The Interest of Brodhead and Community Number 20 — Volume Burgess Bobbins Now In Air Corps - Preliminary flight training as an Army Aviation Cadet at the Pine Bluff School of Aviation. Pine Bluff, Ark., has been started by Burgess Bobbins, Brodhead, Ky., it was dis- closed today at Fifth Corps Area Headquarters. Fort Hayes, Colum- bus,. Ohio. Robbins- is one of the more than 250 Aviation Cadets from Ohio, Kentucky. Indiana and West Virginia who started' training 'this month at initial pilot training centers. Upon graduation he will receive a com- mission in the Army Air Corps re- serve and go on active duty with a salary of $245 a month plus. $500 yearly bonus. Robbins graduated from Brodhead 'High School and from Morehead State Teachers College. Morehead, Ky. Before his enlistment he was principal of the McRoberts Grade school in Jenkins, Ky. Army Aviation Cadet-scholarships are awarded to single young jnen at least'20 not yet 27 who can. pass an' education examination or who have .^^v'al^n'tjg^jcgyci-gd^t. t BRIDGE PARTY . - Mrs. Byron Oweh9.^Jr.-cntcrtaincd. with a fridge party Monday evening at Eight O'clock-. Mr. Lester Cass re- ceived Men's high score prize and Mrs. Lester Cass received Women's high score prize. - •NAPER-J.EE WEDDING :— Last Saturday afternoon Miss Goldie Napier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Napier of Ottawa, be- came the bride of Mr. Delbert Lee. son of 'Mr and Mrs.- Carson Lee of this city. the City Hall at Mt. Vernon with only a few close friends present. We wish to join their many friends' in t wishing them-a happy marriage. Christian Church Harold L. Newlan. minister Bible School—10 a. m. O. R. Cass, Supt." Where were you last Sunday? We didn't _see you. at Sunday School. We missed you and we want you to come tbis Sunday. So Ple&se COME. Morning Worship—Eleven O'clock. Subject—"The Holy Spirit". ' Do you. understand about .WQrk and purpose of' the Holy Spirit? If not hear this message. Evening Service—Eight O'clock. Subject— 'To Hell With The Church. We cordially invite you to at.tend our services. GREATEST My greatest loss—to lose my soul. My greatest gain—Christ my Sav- iour. .My greatest object—to glorify God. My greatestpride—a crown of glory. My greatest work—To win souls ;for Christ. ' My greatest joy—The joy of God's salvation.'. My greatest inheritance—Heaven . and its glories. My greatest victory—Over death . - through Christ "neglect—To negletfSf; gpaat salvation, M£,_ercatest Crime—To reject Christ the only "Savior: My greatest privilege—Power to become a son of God. My greatest bargain—The loss of all things to win Christ. My greatest profits-Godliness in Jhis life andtha.t.to come. "My"greatest peace—That peace that passeth understanding. My greatest knowledge—T6 know , Cod ahd Jesus Christ whom He hath sent. —Dinger. < i «"< - nwnt MVA son Billy Hopkins of Middletown, Ohio are the guests of Mrs. Blount's daughter Mrs. Herbert Mpberly and Mr. Moberly. •• •• Brodhead Local Items:-: Mr. Jess Wallin was taken to Berea Hospital Monday. Mr. Paul Clark is here from Mary- ville. Tennessee visiting his. aunt, Mrs. Emma Frith. •"'The Vacation Bible School at the Baptist Church started Monday. Mrs. Henry . Lafevers" spent the Week end in Pinevillo with relatives. Dr. and Mrs. Johrw-D.. Henderson were recent visitors of "Mr and Mrs. E. Everett Watson. Mrs. Walter Robins and Mr. Al- bert Albright Jr. were volunteer -workers for the Local Draft Board at the City-Hall July 1. Mr. John Roberts was -here from Chanute Field . Illinois with parents Mr. and Mrs. Guy Roberts last week. Mr. Charles Shivel left for Fort Thomas last Wedifesday for a year Military Service.. Mr. an.d Mrs. John Sowder and daughter,. Diane were.in .Elizabeth- town. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hysinger and new daughter Sharon Ray. C.""acton returned- home with them after a visit with Mr., qnd Mrs. Hysinger. - Messrs Richard Riddle andfid- ward Brooks were at Red Hill Mon- day evening to a speaking. Mrs. E.* P»-Sturgeon bas returned from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Robert. Smith and son Mr. Marvin Sturgeon at Anderson, Indiana. She was ,accompanied home by her grandchildren Bobby and Mary Frances. Little Miss Janet Albright was the guest of Carrie Louise Shivel Wed- nesday night and saw. "Tom Saw- yer^' at the Gray Theatre. Mrs. W. i t An a orson and 'daughter' Rosemary accompanied Mr! Ander- son on his trip to Hazard af«j Whites- burg. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Gaines have returned from a visit with Mr. .and Mrs. Clarence Frith. - Mrs. Bobby Davis Wallin, of Louis- ville, was the guest of Mr. and. Mrs. Eniest Wallin. Thursday. A group from the Christian Church went to Livingston Tuesday evening to attend the Revival held-by Rev. Hargrave. Mrs. Syntha Black is reported with the sick. Friends of Miss Becky Lou Las- well will be glad to know "she was brought home from St. Joseph Hos- pital Saturday. Mr. and Mrs; Henry Owens vis- ited relatives-at Roundstone Sunday. Mrs. Betty Gregory of Tampa, Florida and Mrs. Bob Hicks of Louis- ville were' here last week visiting-. relatives and friends. Mr Billy Roberts has accepted a position- in Chattanooga, Tenn. and left Sunday. : 'J. Mr. Warren Filkin, Sr. left for his home in Kansas. City afU-r* a visit with his_son Rev.-Warren Filkin, Jr. and Mrs.^j^ij). Mr. Lee Norton of Illinois spent last week with Mr. -and Mrs.* Edd Brown. Friday gupsts. of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hasty were Mrs. Joe Brown;-Mrs. Swannie Brown, Mrs. George Hasty and Mrs. Lewis Hasty. Mr. Norman DeBorde is. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DeBorde and Mr. and Mrs. ' Frank ' Harrison in Lockland, Ohio this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Lathim and family, Mrs. B. Lathim were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Lathr im at Dahl: Mr. and Mrs. Jeff DeBorde, Mrs. Maggie DeBorde visited Mrs. Rebec- ca DeBorde Sunday, Mrs. DeBorde has not been so well lately. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond O'Neal are announcing the arrival of a son born June 28th and named Charles Denver. Negro Creek By Mrs. Ro<« Chandler Brown Profitt was wjth his fam-. fly here over the week end, from Lockland, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Geprge Hasty and children Barbara Jean'and Lois werp, Jfe, Dow.Phillips has returned, ' rom - 7 h " r t £ J " " " - * to her horrte in Pikeville after a visit' hcr tiihct S ' E ' Chandlor and with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave ! ? ' s paren,s ' Mr ' and Mrs ' ^ lberl Riddle. T" ~ " jUasty T-from Colo; North Carolina: ~~ Mr. and Mrs. H. Cramer of South! MrRa >' mond Layne of Celo, N. C. Newport arrived'Monday for a visit! f ? e d ^ !*** " nr ° U,C with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Murphy I'° Louisv,llc - K >' He P lans to move Mrs. Sam Whittakcr and children t ?, C r e S O ? n ' Ottawa By Mrs. Albert Hayes' of Harlan County are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lige Saylor. Mr. arid Mrs. Henry Anchirson and Rosemary. Mrs. R. C. Anderson and Betty Lou were in Paint Lick with relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gill were here -Tuesday moving their furniture to -tawisviHe, whpre -Unjv make their home'. Mr. and. Mrs. Joe Shelton and children, Norris Lynn and Jimmie Neal of Cincinnati are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Moberly and family.' Mis'. Dora. Niceley. of Rowland was the iuest./of Misses Virginia and Lucille Owens last week. i Mr. and Mrs. . Hope Cox of Pine- Ted Chandler and daughter, Helen were down from Corbin over the week end and visited at the home of Chas. Lewis. S. E. Chandier accompanied his daughter Mrs. Hasty home. .He ex- pects to stay in North Carolina two or three weeks. Visitors at the home of- D. B. Sunday weru, Mr. and Mrs. George Hasty and children, Mrs! R.'" H. Atkinson and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Scoggins and Mrs. Mar- shal Scoggins and baby, Gertrude Atkinson and baby, Gus Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. Brov.-n Profitt and Vir- «2 n i a -aad . Joyn jBtcvens and Mrs. Chas. Lewis. The revival at the Holiness church Mrs.- J. S. Cash attended the funeral of her brother-in-lav? W. B. Warren at Pittsburg one* day last week. v Mrs.. Mamie Smith of- Shelbyville spent .last week with 1 Mrs. W- P- Hayes and Dr. C. W. Hayes and Stanley Smith came Sunday and to«k her home. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Owen, Mr. and Mrs. George Owens of Ohio visited Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Owens. Mrs. Amanda Tyree returned from Cincinnati, Ohio, her grandson Earl Frisby Came with her. Mr. and Mrs. Russet Stephen and daughter Barbara Jane , of Bee Lick spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Praetor. . Bettie Gene Johnson of Lexington is visiting Mnry and Bettie Farris. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Adams of Quail spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scoggins. Mr. and Mrs'. Bee Reynolds have moved .to Louisville where M r . . R ^ - . nolds has work. . Mr. and Mrs. Vernice "Hayes and daughter came last week taking Mrs. Albert Hayes to Middletown for a w t e ^ - ^ y -wringer daughter. Herrnan Jones w h o is' ill. Mr. arid Mrs. Delbert-Lasw<-» nnd son spent part of last week with Mm. Ben Livesay at Maretburg. Mrs. Minnie Carmachcat of Miami Fla. has boen a recent visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Clafence 'Howard, -she' is going- "ifl'Ffam,7(on to visit another brother before returning home. Mrs-. S a m Snyers and daughter of Spiro spent last Saturday night with Mrs. Devert'Hamms . and children and Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Del- bert Laswell and son. Miss Ethel Jones is in Middletown with Mr. and Mrs. Hormon Jones Remember revival at Ottawa be- gins August -3r CITIZENS BANK 1 Brodhead. Kentucky j j ville were the- week *nd" guests of hMC C S C d S u " day night ' j he* mother. Mrs. Katie K„:A-rts. I 1 Mrs. Elsie Mays is reported ser-' * SK55£88£iSg Beauty Aboundsm Historic r vtow from tower is "Sublimity For- •' * point in 1 Another\ ... ^ . MtCommuntjr" of U . 8. ForeufServjcc with X T 1 H J J 1 Levi Jackson State rark roatom Brlndingr of touriitA. '-•telling Ken(uckians of Kentucky" jiously ill. I Rev. Harold New-ian was in Rich- ond on'Surfd'ay. The Buds of Promise Class "oT t h e Christian Church will go on a picnic Thursday evening. Rev. Harold Newjan \<ras"ih' Lex- ington Thursday, calling upon relar tives who are in the St. Joseph hos- pital. Willailla By Russell Dyche, The 8enttnrf-Bcho, London, Ky. 'Established "to perpetuate the memory, of the pioneers whose struggles made possible the settle- ment and development of- Kentucky and the West," the Levi Jackson Wilderness Road State Park Is situated on U. S. 25, three miles south of London, northern entrance to "The Valley of Parks." Around the "Defeated Camps," the scene of the worst Indian massacre in Kentucky, were the first developments •• of this through which Boone had blazed his fa- mous Trace and Gov. Shelby built the Wilderness Road, the first "waggon road" from Infant Kentucky to Mother Virginia. Beauty and magnificence combine with the his- toric to make this, as- a distinguished visitor recent- ly exclaimed, one of the most interesting spots tn Kentucky, in the museum, which had been a-pio- neer log cabin home, and about it are gathered'relics representative of early home arts and Industries of the Mountains. The Wilderness Road Weavers pro- cess cloth from wool and flax, while McHargue's Water Mill on the banks of Little Laurel grind com meal and Graham flour. One may see both in full op- eration most seasons of the year. Developments also include group camps, picnic grounds, marking of in- . terestlng points and miles of roads, paths and trails. .Laurel County Homecomings Bring in Thousands Each "Weeli! End of Frill Moon in Aogust" The Laurel County Homecom- ing, held each year since the Levi Jackson was officially opened in 1935, has made famous "The Week . End of the Full Moon in August" This three-day event begins with a "•Youth Day" on Friday and winds Up on Sunday with the "So.uth- ' eastern Kentucky Singing Conven- tion" which In 1940 attracted thlr- . ty quartets from ten- counties l- two states, and crowds tota'Jr^ more than 10,000 persons. Enter- taining programs of music aoi dancing are held in the wonderful natural amphitheatre Friday and .Saturday nights under the spell ol the "Full Moon." Saturdays are given over to special events, which this year will be. the "Sixtieth An. . nlversary Celebratlor of the. Swis* Colony Bernstadt." The dates aw —1— — — l e d Bt*u Park. Aug. 8, 9 and 10, 1041. I pert sf tts cnrflow, H«M »•<» •« Come t o Me Johnny Gaines Accepts Position Mr, Johnny Gaines, former Coach and teacher of Brodhead, has ac- cepted a position with the Govern- ment as immigrant inspector. He will leave Sunday for Detroit' Michigai to take up his new duties. Level Green By Jewell DeBorde Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hasty and son Walter spent from Friday till Sun- day with Mr., and Mrs. Wallace- Hasty at.Louisville. • • / Mr. Everett Broyles spent last week with his father, Mr. .W! O. Broyles who is working in Indiana. Miss Edith Hurst spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. Curtis Cummins and Mr. Cummins at Crab Orchar^. Mr. Harold Lathim whs guest of his uncle. Bum Srtiith at Sugar Hil> from Saturday till Tuesday. Thoso^o.attend the Pulaski coun- ty singing at Somerset Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. R. L, Shepherd-.antT family. Misses Dess and Opal Mink. Mr. and Mrs. Cal Bingham and daughter were in Spmersct Saturday. Mrs. Curtis Bullock and daughter Sue of Wabd spent Friday with hcr parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hasty. " Mr. and Mrs. Hill McMullins are announcing the-arrival of;.a girl, born June 26th, named Amy'Jewel I. Mr. W. F. DeBorde was in Somer- set Saturday. Mr. B. Cress of Bridgeport, Ind., is visiting his brother Mr. Charles Cress, ahd Mrs. Cress this week. Mr. William T. Brown and Walter Brown Jr. of Bandy spent Saturday night with Mr. Marvin Brown.- - Miss Sallye Hasty was Sunday guest of Miss Lena Hurst. Mr. Claude DeBorde is in Camp- bellsbille this week. By Mrs. Leonard McClure" Mrs. Sam Ping of Indianapolis. I Ind. is spending this week with.-her j «aadlathpr, J. J. Cummins who is very ill. | Mrs. Loveila Owen? and daughters. Misses Cleta and Norma of Louisville spent last week here with their par- ents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Taylor, Carl and Russell Thompson of Cincinnati spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. "Cay Thompson. » Mrs. Murrell Miller of Somerset spent^lic^week end with her grand- vB3*£nts, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Taylor. Mr. ana Mrs. Ernest Cummins of Detioit who was' called home on the account pf his father has returned home. Mrs. John Brown spent Sunday with her brother J. J. 'Cummins. f Thursday night guests ol' Mrs. Joe Herrin were Mrs. Louc-Oa Owens daughters of Louisville, Mrs. urrel Miller of Somerset, Miss Elva Willie J. TayloT. *" and Mrs. Ondes Stevens and Idren spent Saturday nighf with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas tevens. Bcuiah Denney spent Sunday with Miss Lena Hurst. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Russoll Brown wcnrMr. and Mrs. D. M. Cress and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Swannie Brown. Misses Verla and Alice Albright spent one night last week with their grandmother, Mrs. Kate Maper'. Walker Hurst spent Saturday night with J. S. and Jackie Brown. Mrs. Sallie Buckner and sops of Harlan spent, week before last with her aunt, Mrs. J. S. Cummins and Mr. Cummins. Member Federal Deposit Insoranco Corporation PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE Raising of vetch has increased in Perry county .during the past two years, with prospects of its being the leading fall cover crop. In Johnson county, poultry rais- ing was increased until a local hatchery could not supply the de- mand for chicks. GRAY THEATRE BRODHEAD, KENTUCKY Sun- July 6 Mon.. July 7 Tyrone Power—Linda Darnell Rita "Hayworth •" — IN — "BLOOD AND. SAND" (Technicolor) - Added: "Arctic Springtime" Wed.. July Tues™ J u l y 8 139 Famed Stars 1000 .Explosive Thrills .///'•• •— IN — "LAND OF LIBERTY" (A Historical Picture) Every American Should Se« It' Sponsored by Brodhead P. T. A. Tfcurs., July 10 Fri., July 11 Bring The Children. To See "THE THIEF OF BAGDAD" (Technicolor) ADVfNTURE SPECTACLE Also: "World News" Saturday July 12 Eddie Foy, Jrl-;—June Clyde "Big Boy" Williams LULA BELLE and S&OTTY WHITEY FORD — IN — "COUNTRY FAIR" Added: "Good Old Irish Tunes" Sun.. July 13 Mon., July 14 Martha Scott—William Gargan Sterling IJolloway — IN — "CHEERS FOR MISS BISHOP" (An Unforgettable Love Story) Show Starts SLOW TIME Saturday afternoon 2 o'clock. Sunday afternoon 2 o'clock Week Nights 7:30 o'clock- Sunday Nights 8 o'clock Admission: 10c — 19c

Page Tw Tho e Brodhea THE MT. VERNON SIGNAdL … LILLIAN WALLIN, Editor Devoted to The Interest of Brodhead and Community Number 20 — Volume ... Mr .and Mrs Johnny Gaines have

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Page Two THE MT. VERNON SIGNAL Thursday. July 3, 1941

The Brodhead Booster MISS LILLIAN WALLIN, Editor Devoted to The Interest of Brodhead and Community Number 20 — Volume

Burgess Bobbins Now In Air Corps - P re l iminary f l ight t r a in ing as an A r m y Aviation Cade t a t t h e P ine Bluff School of Aviat ion. P ine Bluf f , Ark . , has been s ta r ted b y Burgess Bobbins , Brodhead, Ky., i t was dis-closed today at F i f t h Corps A r e a Headquar te rs . For t Hayes, Colum-bus,. Ohio.

Robbins- is one of t h e m o r e t h a n 250 Aviation Cadets f r o m Ohio, Ken tucky . Ind iana and West Virgin ia w h o s t a r t ed ' t ra in ing ' th i s mon th a t in i t ia l pilot t ra in ing centers . Upon graduat ion he will rece ive a com-mission in the A r m y Ai r Corps re -s e rve and go on act ive d u t y wi th a salary of $245 a m o n t h plus. $500 year ly bonus.

Robbins g radua ted f r o m Brodhead 'High School and f r o m Morehead S ta te Teachers College. Morehead , Ky. Before his en l i s tment he was pr inc ipa l of t he McRoberts Grade school in Jenk ins , Ky .

A r m y Aviation Cadet -scholarships a re awarded to single young j n e n a t l e a s t ' 20 not ye t 27 w h o can. pass a n ' educat ion examinat ion o r w h o h a v e

. ^ ^ v ' a l ^ n ' t j g ^ j c g y c i - g d ^ t . t

BRIDGE P A R T Y . - Mrs . Byron Oweh9.^Jr.-cntcrtaincd. w i t h a f r i d g e pa r ty Monday even ing at Eight O'clock-. Mr. Les te r Cass re -ceived Men 's high score p r i z e and Mrs. Les te r Cass received Women ' s high score prize. -

•NAPER-J.EE WEDDING :— Last Sa tu rday a f t e r n o o n Miss

Goldie Napier, d a u g h t e r of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Nap ie r of Ot t awa , be-came the br ide of Mr. Delber t Lee. son of 'Mr and Mrs.- Carson Lee of th is ci ty.

t he Ci ty Hall a t Mt. Vernon wi th only a few close f r i ends p resen t .

W e wish to join the i r m a n y f r i e n d s ' in t wishing t h e m - a h a p p y mar r i age .

Christian Church Haro ld L . Newlan . min i s t e r

Bible School—10 a. m . O. R. Cass, Supt ."

Where w e r e you last Sunday? W e d idn ' t _see you . a t S u n d a y School. W e missed y o u and w e w a n t y o u to come tb i s S u n d a y . So Ple&se C O M E .

Morn ing Worsh ip—Eleven O'clock. S u b j e c t — " T h e Holy Spi r i t " .

' Do y o u . u n d e r s t a n d abou t .WQrk and pu rpose o f ' t h e Holy Spir i t? If no t h e a r th is message.

E v e n i n g Serv ice—Eight O'clock. Sub jec t— ' T o Hel l With The

Church . W e cordial ly invi te you to at.tend

our services. G R E A T E S T My grea tes t loss—to lose m y soul. My grea tes t ga in—Chr is t m y Sav -

iour . .My grea tes t ob jec t—to g lo r i fy God. My g r e a t e s t p r i d e — a c rown of glory. My grea tes t w o r k — T o w i n souls ;for

Chr is t . ' My grea tes t j oy—The joy of God's

salvation. ' . My g rea tes t i nhe r i t ance—Heaven

. and i ts g lor ies . M y grea tes t v ic to ry—Over dea th . - t h rough C h r i s t

"neglect—To n e g l e t f S f ; gpaat sa lvat ion,

M£,_ercatest Cr ime—To re jec t Chris t t h e on ly "Savior: —

My grea tes t p r iv i l ege—Power to become a son of God.

My grea tes t ba rga in—The loss of all th ings t o w i n Chris t .

My grea tes t p ro f i t s -Godl iness in Jhis l i fe a n d t h a . t . t o come.

"My"greates t peace—That peace t h a t passeth unde r s t and ing .

My g r e a t e s t knowledge—T6 k n o w , Cod ahd J e sus Chris t whom H e

h a t h sen t . —Dinger . <

i «"< - n w n t MVA son Bil ly Hopk ins of Middle town, Ohio a re t h e gues ts of Mrs. B loun t ' s d a u g h t e r Mrs. He rbe r t Mpber ly and Mr . Moberly.

• • • • Brodhead Local Items:-: Mr. Jess Wall in w a s t aken t o

Berea Hospital Monday. Mr . Pau l Clark is he re f r o m Mary-

ville. Tennessee vis i t ing h i s . aunt , Mrs. E m m a Fr i th . •" 'The Vacat ion Bible School at t h e Bapt is t C h u r c h s tar ted Monday .

Mrs. H e n r y . L a f e v e r s " spen t t h e Week end in Pinevil lo w i t h re la t ives .

Dr . and Mrs. Johrw-D.. Henderson w e r e recent visi tors of "Mr and Mrs. E. Evere t t Watson.

Mrs. Wal t e r Robins and Mr. Al-be r t Albright J r . w e r e vo lun tee r

-workers f o r t he Local D r a f t Board a t t he Ci ty-Hal l J u l y 1.

Mr. J o h n Roberts w a s -here f r o m C h a n u t e Field . I l l inois w i t h pa ren t s Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rober t s las t week.

Mr . Char les Shivel l e f t f o r For t T h o m a s last Wedifesday f o r a yea r Mil i tary S e r v i c e . .

Mr . an.d Mrs. John S o w d e r and daughte r , . Diane w e r e . i n .Elizabeth-town. S u n d a y wi th Mr. and Mrs . Ray Hys inger and new d a u g h t e r Sha ron Ray.

C.""acton returned- home with t h e m a f t e r a visit wi th Mr., qnd Mrs. Hys inger . - Messrs Richard R idd le a n d f i d -ward Brooks w e r e a t Red Hill Mon-d a y even ing to a speaking .

Mrs. E.* P»-Sturgeon bas r e t u r n e d f r o m a vis i t wi th her d a u g h t e r , Mrs. Rober t . Smi th and son Mr. Marvin S turgeon at Anderson , Ind iana . She was , accompan ied h o m e by her g r andch i ld r en Bobby and M a r y Frances .

L i t t l e Miss J a n e t Albr igh t was the guest of Car r i e Louise Shivel Wed-nesday n igh t and saw. "Tom Saw-yer^' at t h e G r a y Thea t re .

M r s . W. i t An a orson and ' d a u g h t e r ' Rosemary accompanied Mr! A n d e r -son on his t r ip to Hazard af«j Whi tes -burg .

Mr. and Mrs. J o h n n y Gaines h a v e r e tu rned f r o m a visit w i t h Mr. . and Mrs. Clarence F r i th . - Mrs. Bobby Davis Wall in , of Louis-

ville, was t h e gues t of Mr. and . Mrs. En ie s t Wal l in . T h u r s d a y .

A g roup f r o m the Chr is t ian Church wen t to Livingston Tuesday evening to a t tend the Rev iva l h e l d - b y Rev. H a r g r a v e .

Mrs. S y n t h a Black is r epor ted wi th t h e sick.

F r i ends of Miss Becky Lou Las-well will be g lad to know "she was b rought h o m e f r o m St. Joseph Hos-pi ta l Sa tu rday .

Mr. and Mrs; H e n r y O w e n s vis-i ted re la t ives -a t Rounds tone Sunday .

Mrs. Bet ty Gregory of Tampa , F lor ida and Mrs. B o b Hicks of Louis -vi l le w e r e ' h e r e last w e e k visiting-. r e la t ives and f r i ends .

M r Billy Rober ts has accepted a position- in Cha t tanooga , Tenn. and le f t Sunday . — : 'J.

Mr. W a r r e n F i lk in , S r . left for his h o m e in Kansas . City afU-r* a visit w i t h his_son Rev . -War ren Filkin, J r . and M r s . ^ j ^ i j ) .

Mr . Lee Norton of I l l inois spen t last week w i t h Mr. -and Mrs.* Edd Brown.

F r i d a y gupsts. of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Has ty w e r e Mrs. J o e Brown;-Mrs . S w a n n i e Brown , Mrs . George Has ty and Mrs. L e w i s Has ty .

Mr. N o r m a n DeBorde is. v is i t ing Mr . and Mrs. T h o m a s DeBorde and Mr. and Mrs. ' F r a n k ' Har r i son in Lockland, Ohio th is week .

Mr. and Mrs. S. G. L a t h i m and fami ly , Mrs. B. L a t h i m w e r e S u n d a y gues ts of Mr. and Mrs. Char ley L a t h r im a t Dahl :

Mr. and Mrs . J e f f DeBorde, Mrs. Maggie DeBorde visi ted Mrs. Rebec-ca DeBorde S u n d a y , Mrs. DeBorde has no t been so wel l la te ly.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond O 'Neal a re announc ing the a r r iva l of a son born J u n e 28th and n a m e d Char le s Denver .

Negro Creek B y Mrs . Ro<« Chand le r

B r o w n Prof i t t was w j t h h i s fam-. fly h e r e over the week end , f r o m Lockland, Ohio.

Mr. and Mrs. Geprge Hasty and ch i ld ren B a r b a r a J e a n ' a n d Lois werp,

J f e , D o w . P h i l l i p s has r e t u r n e d , 'rom- 7h"rt £ J " " " - * to h e r horrte in P ikevi l le a f t e r a v i s i t ' h c r t i i h c t S ' E ' C h a n d l o r a n d

with her paren ts , Mr. and Mrs. Dave ! ? ' s p a r e n , s ' M r ' a n d M r s ' ^ l b e r l

Riddle . T" ~ " j U a s t y T - f r o m Colo; North Caro l ina : ~~ Mr. and M r s . H. C r a m e r of S o u t h ! M r R a > ' m o n d L a y n e of Celo, N. C.

Newpor t a r r i v e d ' M o n d a y for a v i s i t ! f ? e d ^ !*** " n r ° U , C

with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Murphy I ' ° L o u i s v , l l c - K >' H e P l a n s to m o v e Mrs. S a m W h i t t a k c r and chi ldren t ? , C r e S O ? n '

Ottawa By Mrs . Alber t H a y e s '

of H a r l a n C o u n t y a re visi t ing h e r paren ts , Mr. and Mrs. Lige Saylor .

Mr. arid Mrs. H e n r y Anchirson and Rosemary. Mrs. R. C. Anderson and Bet ty Lou w e r e in P a i n t Lick wi th re la t ives S u n d a y .

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gill w e r e he re -Tuesday mov ing the i r f u r n i t u r e to -tawisviHe, w h p r e -Unjv m a k e thei r home'.

Mr. and . Mrs. J o e Shel ton and chi ldren, Norr i s L y n n and J i m m i e Neal of Cinc inna t i a r e the gues ts of Mr. and Mrs. Herber t Mober ly and f ami ly . '

M i s ' . Dora . Niceley. of R o w l a n d was the i u e s t . / o f Misses Virginia and Lucille O w e n s last week. i

Mr. and Mrs. . Hope Cox of P ine-

Ted Chand le r and daugh te r , He len w e r e down f r o m Corbin o v e r the w e e k end and visi ted a t t he h o m e of Chas . Lewis .

S . E . Chand ie r accompanied his d a u g h t e r Mrs. Has ty home. .He e x -pects to s tay in Nor th Carol ina two o r t h r e e weeks .

Visitors a t t h e h o m e of- D. B. S u n d a y weru, Mr. a n d Mrs.

George Has ty and chi ldren , Mrs! R.'" H. Atk inson and daugh te r s , Mr. and Mrs. J . O. Scoggins and Mrs. Mar -sha l Scoggins and baby , G e r t r u d e A tk in son and baby, G u s Chand l e r , Mr. and Mrs. Brov.-n Pro f i t t and Vir-«2 n i a - aad . Joyn jBtcvens and Mrs. Chas . Lewis.

T h e reviva l a t t he Holiness chu rch

Mrs.- J . S . Cash a t t ended t h e fune ra l of h e r brother- in-lav? W. B. War ren a t P i t t sbu rg one* d a y last week. v

Mrs.. Mamie Smi th of- She lbyv i l l e spent . last week w i t h 1 Mrs. W- P-H a y e s and Dr. C. W. H a y e s and S tan ley Smi th came S u n d a y and to«k h e r home.

Mr. and Mrs. S t an ley Owen , Mr. and Mrs. George O w e n s of Ohio visited Mr. and Mrs. A n d r e w Owens .

Mrs. A m a n d a T y r e e r e tu rned f r o m Cincinnat i , Ohio, h e r g randson Ear l F r i s b y Came wi th her.

Mr. and Mrs. Russet S tephen and d a u g h t e r B a r b a r a J a n e , of Bee Lick spen t S a t u r d a y night wi th Mr. and Mrs. Wal lace Praetor .

. Bet t ie G e n e Johnson of Lexing ton is visi t ing Mnry and Bet t ie Farr is .

Mr. and Mrs. Mat A d a m s of Quai l spent last S u n d a y wi th Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scoggins.

Mr. and Mrs'. Bee Reynolds h a v e moved .to Louisvi l le w h e r e Mr . . R ^ - . nolds has work . .

Mr. and Mrs. Vern ice "Hayes and d a u g h t e r came last week tak ing Mrs. A lbe r t Hayes to Middle town for a w t e ^ - ^ y - w r i n g e r daugh te r . Her rnan J o n e s w h o is' ill.

Mr. arid Mrs. Delbert-Lasw<-» nnd son spent par t of last week wi th Mm. Ben Livesay at Mare tburg .

Mrs. Minnie C a r m a c h c a t of Miami Fla. has boen a recent visi tor of Mr. and Mrs. C la fence ' H o w a r d , -she' is going- "ifl'Ffam,7(on to visit a n o t h e r b ro the r be fo re r e tu rn ing home.

Mrs-. Sam Snyers and d a u g h t e r of Sp i ro spen t last S a t u r d a y night wi th Mrs. D e v e r t ' H a m m s . and chi ldren and Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Del-ber t Laswell and son.

Miss Ethel J o n e s is in Middle town wi th Mr. and Mrs. Hormon J o n e s

R e m e m b e r revival at O t t a w a be-gins August -3r

CITIZENS BANK 1 Brodhead. Kentucky j

j v i l le w e r e the- w e e k * n d " gues ts of h M C C ' ° S C d S u " d a y n i g h t ' j he* m o t h e r . Mrs. K a t i e K„:A-rts. I 1 Mrs. Elsie Mays is r epor ted s e r - ' *

SK55£88£iSg Beauty Aboundsm Historic r vtow from tower is "Sublimity For- • ' *

point in 1 Another\ — . . . ^ . MtCommuntjr" of U . 8. ForeufServjcc with X • T 1 H J J 1 Levi Jackson State rark

roatom Brlndingr of touriitA.

'-•telling Ken(uckians of Kentucky"

j i ous ly ill. I Rev. Harold New-ian w a s in Rich-

ond on'Surfd 'ay. T h e Buds of Promise Class "oT the

Chr is t ian Church will go on a picnic T h u r s d a y evening.

Rev. Harold Newjan \<ras"ih' L e x -ington Thursday , cal l ing upon re lar t ives w h o a re in the St. Joseph hos-pital .


By Russell Dyche, The 8enttnrf-Bcho, London, Ky. 'Established " to perpetuate the memory, of the

pioneers whose s truggles made possible the settle-men t and development of- Kentucky and the West," t he Levi Jackson Wilderness Road S ta te P a r k Is s i tuated on U. S . 25, three miles south of London, northern entrance to "The Valley of Parks ." Around the "Defeated Camps," the scene of the wors t Indian massacre in Kentucky, were the first developments •• of t h i s through which Boone had blazed his fa -mous Trace and Gov. Shelby buil t the Wilderness Road, the first "waggon road" f r o m Infant Kentucky t o Mother Virginia.

Beauty and magnificence combine wi th the his-tor ic to make this, as- a distinguished visitor recent-ly exclaimed, one of the most interest ing spots tn Kentucky, in the museum, which had been a-pio-neer log cabin home, and about i t a r e gathered'rel ics representative of ear ly home a r t s and Industries of t he Mountains. The Wilderness Road Weavers pro-cess cloth f r o m wool and flax, while McHargue's W a t e r Mill on the b a n k s of Lit t le Laurel grind com meal and Graham flour. One may see both in full op-eration most seasons of the year . Developments also include group camps, picnic grounds, marking of in-

. terestlng points and miles of roads, pa th s and trails.

.Laure l County Homecomings Bring in Thousands Each "Weeli! End of Frill Moon in Aogust"

The Laurel County Homecom-ing, held each year since the Levi Jackson was officially opened in 1935, has made famous "The Week

. E n d of the Full Moon in A u g u s t " This three-day event begins with a "•Youth Day" on Friday and winds Up on Sunday with the "So.uth-

' eastern Kentucky Singing Conven-tion" which In 1940 a t t rac ted thlr-

. t y quar te ts f r o m ten- counties l -two states, and crowds to ta ' J r^ more t h a n 10,000 persons. Enter-taining programs of music a o i dancing are held in the wonderful na tu ra l amphi theat re Fr iday and

.Sa turday nights under the spell ol the "Ful l Moon." Saturdays are given over to special events, which this year will be. t he "Sixtieth An.

. nlversary Celebratlor of the. Swis* Colony Berns tadt ." The da tes a w

—1— — — l e d Bt*u Park. Aug. 8, 9 and 10, 1041. I pert sf tts cnrflow, H«M »•<» •« Come t o Me

J o h n n y Gaines Accepts Posi t ion Mr , J o h n n y Gaines, f o r m e r Coach

and t eacher of Brodhead , h a s ac-cep ted a position wi th the G o v e r n -m e n t as immigran t inspector. H e will l eave S u n d a y f o r Det ro i t ' Michigai to t a k e u p his n e w dut ies .

Level Green By Jewel l DeBorde

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Has ty and son Wal t e r s p e n t f r o m Fr iday t i l l S u n -d a y w i t h Mr. , and Mrs. Wallace-H a s t y a t .Lou i sv i l l e . • • /

Mr. E v e r e t t Broyles spen t las t w e e k wi th his fa ther , Mr. .W! O. Broyles w h o is work ing in Indiana .

Miss Edi th Hurs t spen t last week wi th h e r aun t , Mrs. Cur t i s C u m m i n s and Mr. C u m m i n s at C r a b Orcha r^ .

Mr. Harold La th im whs guest of his uncle . B u m Srtiith a t S u g a r Hil> f r o m S a t u r d a y till T u e s d a y .

T h o s o ^ o . a t t e n d the Pu la sk i coun-ty s inging a t Somerse t S u n d a y w e r e Mr. and Mrs. R . L, Shepherd- .antT f ami ly . Misses Dess and Opal Mink.

Mr. and Mrs. Cal B ingham and d a u g h t e r w e r e in Spmersc t Sa tu rday .

Mrs. C u r t i s Bullock a n d d a u g h t e r Sue of Wabd spen t F r i d a y wi th h c r paren ts , Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Has ty . "

Mr. and Mrs. Hi l l McMull ins a r e announc ing t h e - a r r i v a l o f ; . a girl , born J u n e 26th, n a m e d A m y ' J e w e l I.

Mr . W. F. DeBorde was in Somer -set S a t u r d a y .

Mr. B. Cress of Br idgepor t , Ind., is v is i t ing h i s b ro the r Mr . Char l e s C re s s , ahd Mrs. Cress th is week.

Mr. Wi l l iam T. B r o w n and Wal t e r B r o w n J r . of B a n d y s p e n t S a t u r d a y n igh t w i t h Mr. Marv in Brown.- -

Miss Sa l lye H a s t y w a s S u n d a y guest of Miss L e n a H u r s t .

Mr. C l a u d e DeBorde is in Camp-bellsbil le t h i s week .

B y Mrs. L e o n a r d McClure"

Mrs. S a m Ping of Indianapolis . I Ind. is spend ing this week with.-her j « a a d l a t h p r , J . J . C u m m i n s w h o is v e r y ill. • |

Mrs. Lovei la Owen? and daugh te r s . Misses Cleta and N o r m a of Louisvi l le s p e n t last week h e r e wi th thei r pa r -en ts and g r a n d p a r e n t s , Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Taylor ,

Car l and Russel l Thompson of Cinc inna t i spen t t h e week end wi th the i r paren ts , Mr. and Mrs. "Cay Thompson. »

M r s . Murre l l Mil ler of Somerse t spen t^ l i c^week end wi th h e r g r and -

vB3*£nts, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tay lor . Mr. ana Mrs . E rnes t C u m m i n s of

Det io i t w h o was ' cal led h o m e on the account pf h i s f a t h e r h a s r e t u r n e d h o m e .

Mrs . J o h n B r o w n s p e n t S u n d a y w i t h h e r b r o t h e r J . J . 'Cummins .

f T h u r s d a y n igh t gues t s ol' Mrs. J o e H e r r i n w e r e Mrs. Louc-Oa O w e n s

d a u g h t e r s of Louisvil le, Mrs. u r re l Mil ler of Somerse t , Miss Elva

Will ie J . TayloT. *"

and Mrs. Ondes S tevens and Idren spen t S a t u r d a y n ighf wi th

pa ren t s , Mr. and Mrs. J o n a s tevens. Bcuiah Denney spen t S u n d a y w i t h

Miss L e n a Hurs t . S u n d a y vis i tors of Mr. and Mrs.

Russol l Brown w c n r M r . and Mrs. D. M. Cress and fami ly , Mr. and Mrs. J o e Brown , Mr. and Mrs. S w a n n i e Brown .

Misses Ver la and Alice A lb r igh t spen t one n igh t last week wi th thei r g r andmothe r , Mrs . K a t e Maper'.

W a l k e r Hurs t spen t S a t u r d a y n igh t wi th J . S . and J a c k i e Brown .

Mrs . Sal l ie B u c k n e r and sops of Har l an spent , w e e k be fo re last wi th h e r aun t , Mrs. J . S . C u m m i n s and Mr. C u m m i n s .

Member Federa l Deposit

Insoranco Corpora t ion



Rais ing of ve tch has increased in P e r r y coun ty .dur ing the past two years , w i t h prospects of its be ing t h e lead ing fa l l cover crop.

I n J o h n s o n county , pou l t ry rais-ing w a s increased un t i l a local h a t c h e r y could no t supp ly t h e de-m a n d f o r chicks .


S u n - J u l y 6 Mon.. J u l y 7 T y r o n e P o w e r — L i n d a Darnel l

Ri ta "Haywor th •" — IN — "BLOOD AND. S A N D "

(Technicolor) -Added : "Arc t ic Sp r ing t ime"

Wed.. J u l y Tues™ J u l y 8 139 F a m e d S ta r s

1000 .Explosive Thr i l l s .///'•• •— IN —

" L A N D OF L I B E R T Y " (A Historical P ic ture)

E v e r y Amer i can Should Se« It' Sponsored by Brodhead P . T . A.

Tfcurs., J u l y 10 Fri., J u l y 11 B r i n g T h e Ch i ld r en . T o S e e " T H E T H I E F O F B A G D A D "

(Technicolor) A D V f N T U R E S P E C T A C L E

Also: "Wor ld N e w s "

S a t u r d a y J u l y 12 Edd ie Foy, Jrl-;—June C l y d e

"Big Boy" Wil l iams L U L A BELLE and S&OTTY


"COUNTRY F A I R " Added : "Good Old I r i sh T u n e s "

Sun. . J u l y 13 Mon., J u l y 14 M a r t h a Scot t—Wil l iam G a r g a n

S te r l ing IJolloway — IN —

" C H E E R S FOR MISS B I S H O P " (An Unfo rge t t ab l e Love Story)

Show Star t s SLOW TIME S a t u r d a y a f t e rnoon 2 o 'clock. S u n d a y a f t e rnoon 2 o 'clock Week Nights 7:30 o 'clock-S u n d a y Nights 8 o'clock

Admiss ion : 10c — 19c