Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination.

Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination. History

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Page 1: Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination. History

Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination

in today’s world of technological

wonders, there is no substitute for a proper

history and physical examination.

Page 2: Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination. History


• Listen

• Clarification

Page 3: Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination. History


• The child’s parents are usually the primary source or, at the very least, important contributors to the history.

• Useful information may be obtained from children as young as 3 years of age and from the age of 8 years, the child should be the principal source of the history

• Privacy of older children and adolescents must be respected

• Patient history is focused on the respiratory system and is adapted to patient circumstances (emergency situation, chief complaint, chronic problem, age, etc.); however, other pertinent organ systems should not be neglected and structure is important in order to avoid missing helpful clues.

Page 4: Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination. History

Chief complaint

• the major concern that prompted consultation

• a chronological description of the problem

• Clarification of its:• onset – age of onset

• frequency,

• timing,

• duration

• severity,

• relation to specific circumstances, and

• response to medication

Page 5: Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination. History

Noisy breathing

Page 6: Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination. History
Page 7: Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination. History


• Cough is the most common symptom of airway lung disease

• Cough is an important physiological protective reflex that clears airways of secretions and inhaled or aspirated material

• Characteristics:• moist or dry

• paroxysmal – symptoms between intervals

• early morning – disturbs sleep

• seal bark, throat clearing

Page 8: Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination. History

General history

• growth and development

• birth history and neonatal events

• weight loss, diarrhoea, constipation

• atopy – hay fever, eczema, asthma

• previous illness, operations

• family history

• environmental exposure – cigarette smoke

• social history

Page 9: Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination. History



Page 10: Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination. History

Upper Airway

• Face• micrognathia, retrognathia, depressed nasal bridge

• palate, uvula and tonsils

• nasal polyps in cystic fibrosis, allergic rhinitis

• allergic salute and rabbit twitching

• mouth breathing

Page 11: Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination. History

Chest shape

• Asymmetry

• Hyperinflation

• Pectus excavatum

• Pectus carinatum

• Harrison’s sulci

• Chest expansion

• kyphoscoliosis

Page 12: Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination. History


• respiratory rate • newborn 40-60

• 1 week to 3 months 30-50

• 3 months to 2 years 20-40

• 2 years to 10 years 14-24

• > 10 years 12-20

South, Isaacs Practical Paediatrics, 2012

Page 13: Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination. History

Work of Breathing - Respiratory rate

Bonafide PEDIATRICS 2013

Page 14: Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination. History

Work of breathing

• Accessory muscles• Inspiration: sternomastoids, scalene

• Expiration: rectus abdominus and other abdominal muscles, internal intercostals

• Recession• supraglottic – tracheal tug

• sternal

• intercostal

• Hoover sign

• paradoxical chest wall ovement

Page 15: Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination. History

Respiratory cycle

• prolonged inspiration – extra thoracic obstruction

• prolonged expiration – intra thoracic obstruction

• tachypnoea with normal cycle – parenchymal disease

Page 16: Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination. History


• cervical and axillary lymph nodes

• asymmetrical chest wall expansion

• tactile fremitus - pneumothorax, consolidation

Percussion dull - pleural fluid, resonant - pneomothorax

Page 17: Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination. History

Lung sounds• vesicular

• low frequency, non-musical sound, barely audible at rest

• bronchial / tracheal breath sounds• harsh sounds like those heard over the trachea – consolidation

• wheeze• high pitched, musical sound in expiration – intra-thoracic airway obstruction

• flow dependent

• crackles (crepitations)• high pitched short duration –

• movement of thin secretions, explosive opening of collapse small airways

• aegophony and whispered pectoriloquy

Page 18: Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination. History


Cyanosis requires at least 4-6g/dl desaturated Hb in capillary, 3g/dl in art blood• Hb 8 SaO2 <65%

• Hb 14 SaO2 <78%

• Hb 20 SaO2 <85%

• central cyanosis• ear lobes, retinal, mouth

• peripheral cyanosis• increased O2 consumption or decreased blood flow

Page 19: Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination. History
Page 20: Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination. History

Finger clubbing - Schamroth’s sign

Page 21: Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination. History

Finger clubbing

• suppurative lung disease

• cyanotic congenital heart disease

• liver disease

• inflammatory bowel disease

• also• hypothyroidism, chronic pylenonephritis, toxins, Raynaud’s, Fabry’s

Page 22: Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination. History

End of the bed examination

• adequate oxygenation

• respiratory rate

• respiratory cycle

• accessory muscle use

• recession

• clinical history

Page 23: Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination. History
Page 24: Paediatric Respiratory History and Examination and Examination in today’s world of technological wonders, there is no substitute for a proper history and physical examination. History