Packed and Unpacked Milk Product

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  • 8/4/2019 Packed and Unpacked Milk Product



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    Literature Review

    Milk Market in Pakistan

    Milk market consists of highly sensitive market because milk is a food item. The packed

    and unpacked milk come under perishable food market. In Pakistan 20 billion litre of

    milk is produced out of which only 0.6% is packed milk and 99.4% is unpacked milk,

    which is sold by gawalas. So there great potential exists in our country for packed milk.

    In the urban areas of Pakistan, pack milk has 2.6% share as compared to 97.4% share

    of open/unpacked milk.

    As compared to whole world, only in Sub Continent and in some African countries

    unprocessed milk is sold. In rest of the world only process milk is allowed to sell.

    Main Features of Milk Market in Pakistan

    Pakistan is the seventh largest producer of milk in the world.

    It produces 20 billion liter of liquid milk every year.

    3 billion liter of milk is processed while 17 billion liters of milk is used in the country in

    unprocessed form.

    3 billion liters of milk (15%) processed is used in preparation of sweets, yogurt, butter,

    cheese & pasteurized (milk sterilization) packed milk.

    among this 3 billion liter of processed milk only 250 million liters milk is processed and

    packed in Tetra packaging.

    Annual yield of milk per animal is 1150 liters which is 1/5th of that in Western Europe
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    Total animal production is 21 million which is more than North America but milk

    production is low

    It should be noted that only 100,000 of the total 9 million dairies in the country have

    more than 10 animals.

    Out of 20 billion liters only 5 billion-liter milk goes to urban areas in which only 0,194

    billion is used by dairies for processing. It shows a great scope for the processed milk in

    the country.

    Packed Milk

    Packed Milk is actually the processed milk. The companies in the business of packed

    milk collect milk from the approved dairy farms and then process it. So the packed milkis not made from chemicals or synthetically.

    In order to be converted to packed milk, the simple milk has to undergo the following





    The brief detail of each process is given below.


    Pasteurization is the process of boiling milk and then immediately cooling it to a lower a

    very low temperature

    The milk is pasteurized at 78o C killing 98% germs/bacteria. The milk afterpasteurization is then standardized.


    Standardization is the process in which the excess Fats and SNFs are removed from

    the milk.
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    The Pakistan Pure Food Laws are there for standardization. According to the law, 35%

    Fats and 8.9% SNF (solid non- fats) must be there in the milk.

    The milk is then homogenized.


    Homogenization is a process in which all thecream in the milk is mixed into the milk.

    In this process the milk is passed through 200 Bars of pressure, which in turn breaks

    each cell to 0.5 microns that is 200 times smaller than its actual size. By applying this

    enormous pressure the entire cream mixes in the total milk. This is the reason that on

    boiling packed milk, cream does not accumulate on the top like ordinary milk.

    Homogenized milk is then passed through the UHT.

    UHT Treatment

    In this process, the milk passes through 140C in 3 seconds and then immediately

    cooled to 20C in the next 5 seconds, which in turn kills all the bacteria. This is the

    most sophisticated and advanced process in the world.

    Some of the issues regarding the use of packed milk in Pakistan are:

    The Pakistan society is very complex society. People like show off. Higher classes

    think prestigious for them to buy and use packed milk. So it is a favorable Social

    indicator for this industry.

    The Literacy rate in Pakistan is increasing so people are becoming aware and

    conscious about the hygienic conditions of milk.

    In Urban Areas the number of working women is increasing so they prefer to use

    packed milk.

    Recently Government had taken a decision that selling of unprocessed milk should be

    banned in urban areas and at-least pasteurized milk should be sold. SMEDA and Local

    Government were to implement this program. However, it is unlikely now that this

    program is going to be implemented due to change of the government.

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    24 plants have been registered for Processed milk and they have taken Heavy loans

    from banks for this purpose but they have not utilized them fairly. All this is due to

    Political pressure on banks.

    No new Foreign investment due to Non uniform policies and unstable political situationin the country

    Previous Researches Conducted

    We tried to find if there was any previous research conducted on this topic, but we could

    find no such research in local libraries.

    Theoretical Framework

    Problem Statement

    To what extent are people responding towards the packed milk? The superiority of

    packed milk is in the areas of hygiene, convenience, taste, nourishment and economy.

    Price of packed milk is higher (almost double than fresh milk), but it is economical in the

    sense that its quantity required to make a certain number of tea cups is half of that of

    fresh milk.

    We have observed that in spite of these advantages, most families prefer fresh milk. So

    this problem is defined above and research was conducted as to whether fresh milk is

    really preferred over packed milk and what could be the possible reasons for it.


    H0 = Fresh milk is preferred over packed milk.

    H1 = Fresh milk is not preferred over packed milk.

    Theoretical Framework

    The theoretical framework was developed as follows:

    People want to use that milk, which is easily available to them, which is low in price,

    which is free of germs, which tastes better and is more healthy. Based on these

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    observations, the most important variables regarding comparison of fresh and packed

    milk are convenience, economy, hygiene, taste and nourishment.

    The variable of primary interest or the dependent variable is preference for a type of

    milk. The variables influencing this are independent variables:


    The more the milk is convenient in availability and usage, the more preference for it.


    The more economical the milk, higher will be preference for it.


    More hygienic the milk, higher the preference for it.


    Better the taste of the milk, higher the preference for it.


    The more nourishment the milk gives, the higher will be the preference for it.


    It can be one of the influential factor in buying decision of milk. Mostly people prefer

    fresh milk because it is available at doorstep and they have to pay the price in form of

    monthly payments.

    The moderating variable is the income of families. Certain families might strongly

    believe that the independent variables are in favor of a certain kind of milk, but they will

    prefer the one they can afford.

    Objectives of the Research

    The objectives of the research were:

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    1) To find whether the consumers prefer fresh milk over packed milk, and find the

    possible causes for it.

    2) To find whether the advertisement affects the preference of people regarding the

    packed milk.

    Research Design

    Research Tools

    Tool of research used for the data collection were personal interviewing and

    questionnaire. These questionnaires were distributed to the families residing in different

    localities of Multan. These families covered almost all income groups.

    Type of Study

    Aim of this research was to study the influence of the independent variables that is

    hygiene, taste, convenience, nourishment and economy in use over the dependent

    variable, which is preference of milk. This study was correlational type of study. The

    research was analytical in nature. This was an ex post facto research because variables

    were neither controlled nor manipulated and no artificial setting was created for the

    study. The research was a cross-sectional study. The time to complete the research

    was about one and a half months. All of the data was primary in nature.

    Unit of Analysis

    The research was conducted to examine peoples reference of a type of milk regarding

    their considerations of convenience, economy, hygiene, taste and nourishment. As milk

    is a product relating to household consumption, therefore, the unit of analysis for this

    research study was families of different localities belonging to different income groups.

    Population and Sample

    Population of the research undertaken comprised of the people of different localities of

    Multan. Unstructured and structured interviews were conducted using a sample of 60

    respondents, taking 10 sub-samples from each of the 6 areas. These areas were:


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    New Multan


    Walled City (Qadeer abad, Harm gate/Pak gate)

    Nishtar Road/Chungi No. 1


    The whole population was equally divided into the relevant income groups so that

    opinion of every income group family with reference to their milk preference could be

    registered. The sampling procedure was, thus, judgement sampling.

    Analysis and Results


    For finding any relationship between the use of packed milk and the region/area of the

    city, the city was divided into 6 regions, and a sub-sample of 10 was taken from each

    area. A cross tabulation of location with use of packed milk is shown below.


    The table shows that there is not much relation between the location and the usage of

    packed milk, except areas like Gulgasht and Nishtar, where the usage is relatively

    higher, but not much significant.

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    No. of Family Members

    The table shows that the average number of members in a family is about 6, and a

    standard deviation of 2.14, so the members vary from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of


    Usage of Various Types of Milk

    The question we asked from the respondents was that whether they use packed milk,

    open milk or both. The results are shown in the graph below.

    This graph shows that mostly people (57%) use only open milk; about 40% people use

    both packed and open milk, and only 3% of the people use only packed milk.


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    Educational qualification of a particular family is quite difficult to calculate, so we

    devised a different scale to measure the educational qualification. For this purpose, in

    the questionnaire, a question was put to the respondents to specify the number of

    members having different levels of education like M.A./M.Sc./MBA, B.A./B.Sc./B.Com.,

    F.A./F.Sc., etc. and then points were allocated to each category. Their sum was divided

    by the total family members of the family. In this way, the score was normalized, and the

    net score was taken as Educational Score. This score ranges from 1 to 7, and this

    score was further divided into three categories, which are:

    Grade Score

    Low Educated Family 0.01 1.99

    Medium Educated Family 2.00 3.99

    Highly Educated Family 4.00 above

    The result shows that there is not much relationship between the usage of packed milk

    and the educational score of the families, however, in high education grade category,

    there seems to be some preference of packed milk, but the sample size in not large

    enough to support the proposition.


    a) Awareness of Advertisement

    Following table summarizes the awareness of advertisement that is to what extent, thepeople are aware of the advertisement of packed milk.

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    The table above shows that families are aware of the advertisement of the packed milk

    to a greatest extent. Out of 26 families, who use packed milk; only one family replied

    that they have not seen the advertisement.

    b) Recalling of the Advertisement

    When families were asked whether they can recall the advertisement of their favorite

    packed milk or not? The answer we get, that about 86% of the families can recall theadvertisement of their favorite packed milk easily.

    c) Liking of the advertisement

    Similarly, during the interviews, when the families were asked about liking or disliking of

    the advertisement of their favorite packed milk in a general sense, most of the families

    replied that they like the advertisement of their favorite packed milk. But they also want

    further improvements in the advertisements.

    d) Advertisement & Quality of Packed Milk

    The opinion of people about companies who advertise for packed milk, whether the

    qualities they claim in their packed milk, are actually there in the milk or not? The

    following table summarizes the responses.

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    The responses regarding the qualities of the packed milk that are claimed in the

    advertisement are somewhat equal. The answers are on the both ends (i.e., Yes or No).

    Hence we are unable to make any strong inference from the responses that families are

    able or unable to find all the qualities of packed milk, that are claimed in the


    e) Influence of Advertisement

    In order to see the influence of advertisement of the packed milk, following table

    summarizes the findings

    From table, it is obvious that out of the total 59 families, 51 families have seen the

    advertisement of the packed milk and out of the total families, 27 families have

    purchased the packed milk, while 24 families have not purchased the packed milk.

    Hence the influence of the advertisements are not so strong.

    People Purchasing Open Milk

    Usage Rate

    The following table summarizes the frequency distribution of the usage of the open milk.

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    The frequency table shows that most of the families (48%) use 1-2 Litres of open milk in

    a day. while 34% families use 3-4 Litres in a day.

    Average Daily Expense on Open Milk

    The average rate/Litre of open milk is Rs 15. If we multiply the average price with

    quantity purchased in a day, then we find that the average daily, most families spend Rs

    15 to Rs 30 on the consumption of the open milk.

    Place of Purchase

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    The graph shows that most of the people buy at the doorstep, from Gawalas, and

    usually these gawalas provide milk on credit. Later we will see that what importance do

    the people give to the credit factor. So, it may be the case that people prefer open milk,

    because it is easily available at doorstep and on credit.

    Various Uses of Open Milk

    Following are various frequencies regarding the use of open milk

    For Infants

    The following table summarizes the findings regarding use of open milk as a food for



    From table, it is obvious that most of the families (67%) do not use open milk for their

    infants as a food for them.

    For Drinking

    The following table summarizes the findings regarding use of open milk as drinking.

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    From table, it is obvious that most of the families (77%) use open milk for drinking


    For Tea

    The following table summarizes the findings regarding use of open milk , for making tea.


    From table, it is obvious 92% families use open milk for making tea. Hence tea is the

    most important use of the open milk.

    Importance of Various Factors in Considering the Purchase of Open Milk

    The effect of each variable behind the purchase of open milk is described separately



    The following table shows the importance of availability factor in the purchase of open


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    Among 69% families, the availability factor is important regarding the purchase of the

    open milk

    Credit factor

    The following table shows the importance of credit factor in the purchase of open milk.


    Among 65% families, the credit factor is not important regarding the purchase of the

    open milk. Hence it is a weak variable. So what we had presumed previously; the

    analysis of this factor doesnt support our assumption.

    Economic Factor

    The following table shows the importance of economic factor in the purchase of open



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    From the above table, it is clear that the economic variable is very important in the

    context of purchase of the open milk. Majority of families (71%) use open milk because

    it is economical.

    Hygienic Factor

    The following table shows the importance of hygienic factor in the purchase of open



    In the use context of open milk, the hygienic is an insignificant variable. Only 13%

    families consider the hygienic factor to be important.

    Purity Factor

    The following table shows the importance of hygienic factor in the purchase of open



    Among 67% families, the purity factor is not important regarding the purchase of the

    open milk. Hence it is a weak variable.

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    Taste Factor

    The following table shows the importance of taste factor in the purchase of open milk.


    In the use context of open milk, the taste factor is less significant variable. 67% families

    do not consider the taste factor to be important.

    Ranking of Various Factors Considered Important While Purchasing

    Open Milk

    Ranking for convenience

    The following table shows the ranking of the availability/convenience factor in the

    context of the open milk

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    Among 63% of the families, the availability factor is very important. Hence it is an

    important variable.


    The following table shows the ranking of the Economic/Price factor in the context of the

    open milk

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    The economic factor is very important because 46% families and 40% consider it be

    very important and important respectively.

    Credit Factor

    The following table shows the ranking of the credit factor in the context of the open milk

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    For credit factor, the results are somewhat mixed. 40% families consider it to be not

    important at all, While 30% and 28% families consider this factor to be important and

    very important respectively.

    Hygiene Factor

    The following table shows the ranking of the hygiene factor in the context of the open


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    The following table shows the ranking of the taste factor in the context of the open milk


    Taste is also an important factor from ranking point of view because 46% families

    consider it to be very important while 30% families consider it to be an important one.


    The following table shows the ranking of the taste factor in the context of the open milk

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    46% families rank the purity factor as an important one, while 36% families rank it as

    very important.

    Summary of Ranking factors

    Following is the summary of the ranking factors in the context of the purchase of the

    open milk

    Availability is the most important factor

    Price it also the most important factor

    People Purchasing Packed Milk

    Preference of Brand

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    The graph shows that mostly people prefer Haleeb, MilkPak is No. 2. This is probably

    due to aggressive advertising of Haleeb, because the results of advertisement section

    show that people who see advertisement of packed milk, usually they are influenced,

    and go for purchasing that brand of milk.

    The relation of each variable behind the purchase of packed milk is described

    separately below


    The following table shows the importance of availability factor in the purchase of packed


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    The table shows that about 56% people consider it an important factor, because packed

    milk is easily available, whenever and wherever people need it, easily portable.

    Economic Factor

    The following table shows the importance of economic factor in the purchase of packed


    From the above table, it is clear that the economic variable it is not very important in the

    context of purchase of the open milk. Though it is used in less quantity while making the

    tea, and is more dense and concentrated, but people usually dont realize it. The same

    question was asked differently, i.e., preference because it is used in less quantity in

    making of tea, but the results were again the same.

    Use of Less Quantity in Making Tea

    Only 36% consider that it is used in less quantity and is thus, more economical.

    Hygienic Factor

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    The following table shows the importance of hygienic factor in the purchase of packed


    In the use context of open milk, the hygienic is an insignificant variable. Only 32%

    families consider the hygienic factor to be important.

    Nourishment Factor

    The result shows that it is a weak variable.

    Purity Factor

    The following table shows the importance of purity factor in the purchase of packed


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    Among 40% families, the purity factor is important regarding the purchase of the open

    milk. Hence it is a weak variable.

    Taste Factor

    The following table shows the importance of taste factor in the purchase of packed milk.

    In the use context of open milk, the taste factor is less significant variable. 52% families

    do not consider the taste factor to be important.

    So out of all these variables, the availability factor seem to be more stronger than the

    other variables.

    Ranking of Various Factors Considered Important While Purchasing

    packed Milk


    The following table shows the ranking of the availability/convenience factor in the

    context of the packed milk

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    The results in the table and graph show that people consider this factor quite important.

    Thus it is a strong variable and explains the cause of purchase of packed milk.


    The following table shows the ranking of the Economic/Price factor in the context of the

    packed milk

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    The result of the table and graph show that people dont consider it very important, but

    yet, moderately important for purchasing the milk.


    The following table shows the ranking of the hygiene factor in the context of the packed


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    The hygiene factor is also important because 59% families replied that this factor is very

    important while 28% families replied that this factor is very important. Hence the most of

    the families go for the purchase of open milk because they consider the hygiene factor

    as important one. But this result is quite contradictory to the previous finding, where just

    considering of this factor was identified.


    The following tables shows the ranking of nourishment factor in context of packed milk.

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    The table shows that the ranking this variable got is quite less than other variables, so it

    seems quite a weak variable to explain the purchasing behavior of people while

    considering this variable.


    The following table shows the ranking of the taste factor in the context of the packed


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    63% families rank the purity factor as very important, while 27% families rank it as

    important, while only for 9%, its an unimportant factor.


    The following table shows the ranking of the taste factor in the context of the packed


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    Taste is also an important factor from ranking point of view because 63% families rank it

    as very important, while 27% families rank it as important, while only for 9%, its an

    unimportant factor.


    From the research, we have found out the following things:

    1) There was no significant relation found between the use of packed milk with different

    areas of the city.

    2) About 55% people use only open/unpacked milk, whereas only 3% people use

    packed milk. The rest of the people use both packed and open milk. Therefore, the

    hypothesis stated earlier, i.e., packed milk is preferred over unpacked/open milk is

    rejected on the basis of results.

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    3) Also, the relationship of education with use of packed milk is not very strong.

    However, it cant be stated on solid grounds, because its difficult to determine how

    educated a family is, and the method used by us to calculate the educational score is

    quite tricky and may have flaws in it.

    4) Out of total families, about 86% families are aware of the advertisement of packed

    milk. Out of those families, who dont use packed milk at all, 78% families have seen the

    advertisement of packed milk.

    5) The influence on purchasing decision of the people after watching the advertisement

    is not much, just around 45-50%.

    6) Usage pattern of the people does not seem to affect the purchasing decision in case

    of packed milk. The following table summarizes the usage rate for people who useunpacked milk alone, and people who use packed milk alone or with unpacked milk.

    Usage People using open milk alonePeople using packed milk

    alone or along with open


    < 1 Liter 5.8% 13.6%

    12 Liter 48.1% 50.0%

    34 Liter 34.6% 27.3%

    > 4 Liters 11.5% 9.1%

    7) Those people, who purchase open milk, mostly they purchase it from doorstep

    (46.2%), or Bhana (32.7%). About same is the case with those people who use both

    open and packed milk. Therefore, this variable is also cant be taken as an explanatory


    8) In case of those people, who use open milk, 32% use it for infants, 76% use for

    drinking and 92% use it for making tea. Whereas in case of those people, who use

    packed milk as well, 13% use it for infants, just 22% use it for drinking, and 96% use it

    for making tea. Therefore, we conclude that basically it is the taste, or the high cost,

    which makes the packed milk undesirable for drinking. Whereas, it is more desirable for

    the purpose of making tea.

    9) While considering the importance of various factors, following table summarizes the

    results and it is easy to conclude from the following table that those people who use

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    unpacked/open milk, is the major factor influencing their purchasing decision, whereas

    for people using packed milk, its the availability which is the most important.

    Availability Credit Eco/Price Hygiene Purity Taste

    Open 69.2% 34.6% 71.2% 13.5% 32.7% 32.7%

    Packed 56.0% 16.0% 32.0% 40.0% 48.0%

    Flaws in research

    When we conducted research, we had not much time to review and refine the research

    design, so afterwards, during the research and conducting analysis, it was found out

    that there are two major flaws in this research, which needed to be taken care of:

    1) Proper sampling: sampling should have been done in order to clearly identify the

    distinct areas in the city, which are different from each other in buying decisions and

    habits, i.e., people from Officers Colony and people from Walled City must be quite

    different from each other. Also, proper clusters of various income levels should have

    been made to identify more clearly the buying pattern of packed milk.

    2) The last question of the questionnaire, regarding ranking the various factors while

    purchasing the milk, we were unable to analyze it properly during the analysis stage.

    Perhaps, if some different scale were used, the results could have been more reliable.

    However, it was our first (properly conducted) research, and we learnt a lot from it.