Pack Bobcat Meeting

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  • 8/4/2019 Pack Bobcat Meeting



    Table of ContentsPack 1051 Bobcat Meeting ........................................................................................................................... 2

    Requirements for the Bobcat Award ........................................................................................................ 2

    Agenda ...................................................................................................................................................... 2

    Breakout Sessions ..................................................................................................................................... 2

    Area 1. Cub Scout Motto & meaning of Webelos .................................................................................... 3

    Area 2. Scout Sign, Salute, and Handshake. ............................................................................................. 3

    Scout Sign, Salute, and Handshake. .......................................................................................................... 4

    Area 3. Law of the Pack ............................................................................................................................ 5

    Area 4. Cub Scout Promise. .......................................................................................................................... 6

    To be completed at home with Parents. .................................................................................................. 7

    Sign In Sheet .................................................................................................................................................. 9

    Activity Pages. ......................................................................................................................................... 11

    Scout Sign, Salute, and Handshake. ........................................................................................................ 14

  • 8/4/2019 Pack Bobcat Meeting



    Pack 1051 Bobcat MeetingThe purpose of this meeting is to get all of the new scouts to earn their Bobcat Badge Prior to their firstPack Meeting. This is usually held on a night where there is not typically a den meeting.

    This is the only rank Badge that can be earned at any Cub Scout Age Group

    Requirements for the Bobcat Award1. Learn and say the Cub Scout Promise and complete the Honesty Character Connection.2. Say the Law of the Pack . Tell what it means.3. Tell what Webelos means.4. Show the Cub Scout sign . Tell what it means.5. Show the Cub Scout handshake . Tell what it means.6. Say the Cub Scout motto . A motto is a guiding principle.7. Show the Cub Scout handshake . Tell what it means.8. With your adult partner, complete the exercises in the parent's guide.

    All Requirements, but Requirement 8. Will be completed at this meeting.

    AgendaSetup 6:00 PMRegistrationOpening Pledge of Allegiance.Jungle Book StoryBreak out Session 1. 10 minBreak out Session 2. 10 minBreak out Session 3. 10 minBreak out Session 4. 10 minParent talk.ClosingRegistration

    Breakout Sessions

    There will be 4 Breakout Sessions, each being 10 Minutes long.

    Area 1. Cub Scout Motto & meaning of Webelos

    Area 2. Cub Scout Sign, Salute, and Handshake

    Area 3. Law of the Pack

    Area 4. Cub Scout Promise

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    Area 1. Cub Scout Motto & meaning of WebelosWhen Complete have the Scout Color 2 Paw Prints

    Please take a sheet of paper, Cub Scout Emblem, and foam letters. Have the scoutPaste the Cub Scout Symbol on the Center of the Page.

    Have the Scouts attach the letters to spell out Do Your Best

    While the Scouts are attaching the letters, Ask questions regarding what Do your Bestmeans to them.

    DO YOUR BEST is the Cub Scout motto.It means:When you play a game, do your best to help your team.When you study in school, do your best to learn from your teacher.When you help at home, do your best to help your family.

    Whatever you do, do your best.Have them also take out the Arrow of Light Symbol and Paste it to the paper next to theWords Webelos. Explain to the Scouts what Webelos are and mean. Also explainabout the Arrow of Light.

    Webelos mean WE' ll BE LOyal S couts. Webelos are 4 th and 5 th graders who will bepreparing to join Boy Scouts.

    The Arrow of Light is the highest award in Cub Scouts. The Arrow of Light points theright way to go every day of the week. That is why the sun has seven rays - one for

    each day.

    Area 2. Scout Sign, Salute, and Handshake.

    When Complete have the Scout Color 3 Paw PrintsGive each Scout a Sheet of Colored Paper and the Activity Page for the Sign, Salute,and Handshake. Teach each Scout the Scout Sign, Salute, and Handshake using theGarfield Pictures. Explain the meanings. Have each Scout Shake each others handsas well as their Adult Partner. Have the Scouts glue or tape the Pictures and Meaningsto the Colored Paper.

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    Scout Sign, Salute, and Handshake.When Complete have the Scout Color 3 Paw Prints

    The Cub Scout Sign

    Make the sign like Garfield does. Use your righthand and hold your arm straight up.The two fingers stand for two parts of thePromise - " to help other people " and " to obey ."They look like a wolf's ears ready tolisten to Akela.

    Give the Cub Scout Sign when you say theCub Scout Promise or the Law of the Pack.

    The Cub Scout Salute .

    A salute is a way to show respect to your

    leaders. It shows that you look up to them andrespect them. We salute the flag to showrespect to our country. Scouts also salutewhen another Scout earns rank.

    The Cub Scout Handshake

    Here's how to shake hands with anotherCub Scout. Hold out your right hand justas you always do to shake hands. Putyour first two fingers along the inside ofthe other boy's wrist.This means that you HELP and that youOBEY the Law of the Pack.

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    Area 3. Law of the Pack When Complete have the Scout Color 1 Paw Print

    Give each Scout a Sheet of Colored Paper with the Law of the Pack on it.

    Explain to them what each part of the Law of the Pack is.Explain who Akela is. Referencing the Wolf on the Page. Have them draw a picture ofwho Akela is to them. It can be a Leader, Parent, Teacher, etc

    The Cub Scout follows Akela: Akela (Ah-KAY-la) is a good leader. Your mother or father is Akela. In the pack, yourCubmaster is Akela. Your den leader is Akela. At school, your teacher is Akela. Akelawas also the Leader of the Wolf Pack in Rudyard Kiplings Book The Jungle Book

    The Cub Scout Helps the Pack Go:

    Come to all the meetings. Do what you can to help. Think of others in the pack.The Pack Helps the Cub Scout Grow:You can have fun when you are a part of the pack. Learn things from others. Do thingswith them.

    The Cub Scout Gives Good Will:Smile. Be happy. Do things that make others happy. They don't have to be big things.Little things help, too.

    The Law of the Pack

    The Cub Scout follows Akela.The Cub Scout helps the pack go.The Pack helps the Cub Scout grow.The Cub Scout gives goodwill.

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    Area 4. Cub Scout Promise.When Complete have the Scout Color 1 Paw Print

    Give each Scout a Colored Sheet of Paper and cut outs of the Cub Scout Promise.

    As you explain each part of the promise, have them paste the part onto the paper.

    The Cub Scout Promise I ________________ promise to do my bestTo do my duty to God and my country,To help other people, andTo obey the Law of the Pack.

    Meaning of the Cub Scout Promise.Duty to God means: Put God first. Do what you know God wants you to do.And my country means: Do what you can for your country. Be proud that you arean American.To help other people means: Do things for others that would please them.Obey the Law of the Pack means: Be a good Cub Scout. Be proud that you areone.

    When completed, have them say the Cub Scout Promise with their Adult Partner.

    Also have them do the Honesty Character Connection.

    The Honesty Character Connection Know: Discuss these questions with your family. What is a promise? What doesit mean to "keep your word?" What does honesty mean? What does it mean to"do your best?"Commit: Discuss these questions with your family. Why is a promise important?Why is it important for people to trust you when you give your word? When mightit be difficult to keep your word? List examples.Practice: Discuss with family members why it is important to be trustworthy andhonest and how can you do your best to be honest when you are doing theactivities in Cub Scouting.

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    To be completed at home with Parents.When Complete have the Scout Color 1 Paw Print

    The following excerpts have been taken from How to Protect your Children from Child Abuse: A Parents Guide. Copies of thi s file can be found on the Packs website.

    Bobcat Requirements Helping your son learn to apply these personal safety rules can be approached in the same non-

    frightening way you teach him not to play with fire or to look both ways when he crosses the street.Discussing the following situations with your son offers an opportunity for you to help your child learnhow to apply the rules and to complete a requirement for his Bobcat award the first step in his CubScout advancement.

    Fulfilling these requirements completes requirement 8 on the Bobcat trail.

    What if . . . Situations and Applicable Safety Rules

    What if you are playing in your yard and your neighbor asks you to help carry groceries into hishouse? What should you do?

    Check first with a parent or other trusted adult before you change plans, go anywhere, or acceptanything from anyone.

    What if you are camping with a relative and he suggests that you allow him to take your picture whenyou are not wearing clothes? What do you do?

    Tell your relative that you do not want to have your picture taken. (It is your body and you have theright to say no to anyone who tries to touch you in places covered by your swimming suit or todo things that you think are wrong.)

    Tell your parents when you return home what happened. (Tell a trusted adult anytime you are hurt,

    scared, or made to feel uncomfortable.)

    What if you are playing at a friends house and his older brother and some of his friends invite you to join a club? To join the club you are expected to take off all your clothes and wrestle with them. Yourfriend wants to join.

    What do you do?

    Tell your friend its time for you to go home; leave immediately. (Its your body and you have theright to say no to anyone who wants to touch you in places covered by your swimming suit or todo things that you think are wrong.)

    When you get home, explain to your parents what happened. (Tell a trusted adult anytime you arehurt, scared, or made to feel uncomfortable.)

    What if a neighbor comes to you and says your mother is sick and you must go with him? Thisneighbor is not a person you have been told its OK to go with. What would you do?

    Check first with a parent or other trusted adult before you change plans, go anywhere, or acceptanything from anyone.

    If at school, go to the principal or your teacher for help and verification.

    If at home or somewhere else, call the emergency number parents employers, close relative forhelp and verification.

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    Dont go anywhere without checking with someone in authori ty whom you have been told to contact inthis kind of situation.

    What if you are in a public restroom and someone tries to touch your private parts? What do you do?

    Yell STOP THAT as loudly as you can and run out of the room as quickly as possible. (It s yourbody and you have the right to say no to anyone who tries to touch you in places covered byyour swimming suit or to do things that you think are wrong.)

    Tell your parent, a police officer, a security guard, or other adult (such as your teacher) what happened.(Tell a trusted adult anytime you are hurt, scared, or made to feel uncomfortable.)

    What if you are walking to school in the rain and a car stops and the driver asks if you want a ride? Whatdo you do?

    Stay away from the car; you do not need to go close to the car to answer.

    Unless you have your parents permission to ride with the person, say No, thank you. If the driver persists, say No! (Check first with a parent or other trusted adult before you change plans, goanywhere, or accept anything from anyone.)

    Tell your teacher when you get to school, and tell your parent when you get home. (Tell a trusted adult

    anytime you are hurt, scared, or made to feel uncomfortable.) What if you are playing on the playground and an adult comes up to you and asks you to help find his orher lost puppy? What do you do?

    Adults should ask other adults for help. Tell the person you have to ask for permission. (Check firstwith a parent or other trusted adult before you change plans, go anywhere, or accept anythingfrom anyone.)

    Tell your parent what happened. (Tell a trusted adult anytime you are hurt, scared, or made to feeluncomfortable.)

    What if your babysitter asks you to sit on her lap while she reads a story and shows you pictures of naked people?

    Tell her no. (You have the right to say no to anyone who wants you to do things that you think arewrong.)

    Tell your parent what happened. (Tell a trusted adult anytime you are hurt, scared, or made to feeluncomfortable.)

    What if youre using the Internet and a pop-up asks you to fill out a form with your name, address,birth date, and telephone number to win a prize? Do not give out personal information on the Internet. You never can tell how it will be used or even whowill get it. (Check first with a parent or other trusted adult before you change plans,

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    Activity Pages.

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  • 8/4/2019 Pack Bobcat Meeting



    Scout Sign, Salute, and Handshake.

    The Cub Scout Sign

    Make the sign like Garfield does. Use your righthand and hold your arm straight up.The two fingers stand for two parts of thePromise - " to help other people " and " to obey ."They look like a wolf's ears ready tolisten to Akela.

    Give the Cub Scout Sign when you say theCub Scout Promise or the Law of the Pack.

    The Cub Scout Salute .

    A salute is a way to show respect to yourleaders. It shows that you look up to them andrespect them. We salute the flag to showrespect to our country. Scouts also salute

    when another Scout earns rank.

    The Cub Scout Handshake

    Here's how to shake hands with anotherCub Scout. Hold out your right hand justas you always do to shake hands. Putyour first two fingers along the inside ofthe other boy's wrist.This means that you HELP and that youOBEY the Law of the Pack.

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  • 8/4/2019 Pack Bobcat Meeting



    The Cub Scout Promise I ________________ promise to do my best

    To do my duty to God and my country,

    To help other people, and

    To obey the Law of the Pack.

    The Cub Scout Promise I ________________ promise to do my best

    To do my duty to God and my country,To help other people, and

    To obey the Law of the Pack.

    The Cub Scout Promise I ________________ promise to do my best

    To do my duty to God and my country,

    To help other people, and

    To obey the Law of the Pack.

    The Cub Scout Promise

    I ________________ promise to do my bestTo do my duty to God and my country,

    To help other people, and

    To obey the Law of the Pack.