Limited Editions by Pacific Play Tents

Pacific Play Tents - Limited Edition Line

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Pacific Play Tents - Limited Edition Line

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Limited Editions by Pacific Play Tents

Page 2: Pacific Play Tents - Limited Edition Line

Limited Editions

Limited Editions�LV�D�QHZ�ERXWLTXH�FROOHFWLRQ�IURP�3DFLÀF�3OD\�7HQWV��'HVLJQHG�IRU�WKH�PRVW�discerning consumer, Limited Editions is made from the highest-quality “organic” cotton canvas material and 100% natural bamboo poles. Every play tent produced for our Limited (GLWLRQV�FROOHFWLRQ�LV�PHWLFXORXVO\�KDQGPDGH�WR�RXU�H[DFWLQJ�VSHFLÀFDWLRQV��1R�GHWDLO�LV�OHIW�XQFKHFNHG��:H�IRFXV�RQ�PHWKRGLFDOO\�VHZLQJ�HDFK�VHDP�ZLWK�VSHFLDO�WKUHDG�DQG�KDQG�ÀQLVKLQJ�HYHU\�SROH�²�LQVXULQJ�D�VDIH�DQG�ORQJ�ODVWLQJ�´VHFUHW�KLGHDZD\µ�KHLUORRP��:KHQ�\RXU�special “little one” sees one of these extraordinary structures, their faces will light up with joy!

Staying true to our name, Limited Editions; when we sell out of an item, they will be gone IRUHYHU��(YHU\�VHDVRQ��ZH�ZLOO�EULQJ�QHZ�DQG�LPDJLQDWLYH�GHVLJQV�WR�WKH�PDUNHW��LQVXULQJ�WKH�distinctiveness of the collection. Each one is a labor of love and we sincerely hope you and \RXU�VSHFLDO�OLWWOH�RQHV�ZLOO�ORYH�SOD\LQJ�LQ�WKHP�DV�PXFK�DV�ZH�ORYH�PDNLQJ�WKHP�� We created Limited EditionV�WR�EH�WKH�EHVW�LQ�WKLV�PDUNHW�²�VHFRQG�WR�QRQH��:H�XVH������organic bamboo for our poles, as they have a zero carbon footprint, and the bamboo UHJURZV�ZLWKLQ�RQH�\HDU�²�KHOSLQJ�NHHS�RXU�HQYLURQPHQW�KHDOWK\��7KH�IDEULF�ZH�XVH�LV�VRIW��durable, and 100% organic cotton canvas. Our products are all-natural; we use no synthetics DQG�QR�DUWLÀFLDO�FRPSRQHQWV��%HFDXVH�RI�RXU�FUDIWLQJ�PHWKRGV��HDFK�RQH�LV�VOLJKWO\�GLIIHUHQW�DQG�XQLTXH��:H�KDYH�GHVLJQHG�WKHVH�WR�EH�´XVHU�IULHQGO\µ��PDNLQJ�VHW�XS�HDV\�DQG�IXQ��� -XVW�OLNH�RXU�3DFLÀF�3OD\�7HQWV�OLQH��RXU�Limited Editions collection offers an extra-large play area, but can easily be folded and stored when not being played in.

We invite you to experience the wonderful world of Limited Editions - a world of individuality and distinctiveness and available to those with an astute sense of style and quality.


Page 3: Pacific Play Tents - Limited Edition Line

Southwest Cotton Canvas Teepee

Item #39617Dimensions: 45” x 45” x 56” High

Carton of 2UPC: 785319125162

• Made with organic bamboo poles• Soft, durable 100% cotton canvas• Cotton canvas carry bag included• Flame retardant, meets CPSIA, CPAI-84 & ASTM F963-11, & Canadian safety standards.• Real, closable mesh window with velcro tabs��&RPHV�ZLWK�DQ�DWWDFKHG�ÁRRU


Page 4: Pacific Play Tents - Limited Edition Line

Pink StripedCotton Canvas

TeepeeItem #39611

Dimensions: 45” x 45” x 56” High Carton Of 2

UPC: 785319125124


• Made with organic

bamboo poles

• Soft, durable 100%

cotton canvas

• Cotton Canvas

Carry bag included

• Flame retardant,

meets CPSIA,


F963-11, & Canadian

safety standards.

• Real, closable mesh

window with velcro


• Comes with an


Page 5: Pacific Play Tents - Limited Edition Line

Blue StripedCotton Canvas

TeepeeItem #39618

Dimensions: 45” x 45” x 56” High Carton Of 2

UPC: 785319125148

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Authentic Cotton Canvas Teepee

Item #39614Dimensions: 45” x 45” x 56” High

Carton of 2UPC: 785319396142

Page 7: Pacific Play Tents - Limited Edition Line

Giant 8’ Authentic Cotton Canvas Tee pee

Item #39615

Carton of 2UPC: 785319124561


• Made with organic bamboo poles

• Soft, durable 100% cotton canvas

• Cotton Canvas Carry bag included

• Flame retardant, meets CPSIA,

CPAI-84 & ASTM F963-11, &

Canadian safety standards.

• Both teepees come with a

mesh window and 39614 comes


• The Giant 8’ Teepee does not come


play with their teepee indoor or outdoors

Dimensions: 46”per side x 84”highExterior Height: 96” To Top Of Pole

Page 8: Pacific Play Tents - Limited Edition Line

• Soft, durable 100% cotton canvas• Flame retardant, meets CPSIA, CPAI-84 & ASTM F963-11, & Canadian safety standards.• Cotton Canvas Carry Bag included• Mesh windows• Front doors can open and close with the use of velcro.• My Secret Garden Play House has curtains inside that can be opened and closed with the use of velcro.• Organic bamboo poles



My Secret Garden Play HouseItem #69612

Dimensions: 52.5” x 42” x 64.5” HighCarton of 2

UPC: 785319124073

Page 9: Pacific Play Tents - Limited Edition Line

My First GaragePlay House

Item #69613Dimensions:

52.5” x 42” x 64.5” HighCarton of 2

UPC: 785319124097

Page 10: Pacific Play Tents - Limited Edition Line

Item #68000

Dimensions: 32” Across x 94” High Carton of 4

UPC: 785319125896

Pink StripedHanging Canopy

• Soft, durable 100% cotton canvas

• Flame retardant, meets CPSIA,

CPAI-84 & ASTM F963-11, &

Canadian safety standards.


and ties.

• Front doors can open and close with

the use of ties

• Provides your little one with a special

space of their own

For Both Striped CanopiesFEATURES

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Tan StripedHanging Canopy

Item #68100Dimensions: 32” Across x 94” High

Carton of 4UPC: 785319125865

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Limited Editions• Soft, durable 100% cotton canvas

• Made with organic bamboo poles

• Cotton Canvas carry bag included


• Flame retardant, meets CPSIA, CPAI-84 &ASTM F963-11, &

Canadian safety standards.


• Teepee dimensions are 45” per side and 56” high 8’ Giant Teepee39615

39614 39617

39611 39618

:H�GHVLJQHG�WKLV�WHHSHH�ZLWKRXW�D�ÁRRU�VR�WKDW�D�FKLOG�FRXOG�EULQJ�WKHLU�OLWWOH�ELNHV�RU�IXUQLWXUH�LQ�DQG�RXW�ZLWKRXW�WKH�ÁRRU�JHWWLQJ�LQ�WKH�ZD\��7KLV�WHHSHH�FDQ�be used both indoors and outdoors. Cotton Canvas carry bag included.Dimensions: 46” per side x 84” high, Exterior Height: 96” to top of pole.

Authentic Cotton Canvas Teepee

3LQN�6WULSHG�&RWWRQ�&DQYDV�7HHSHH Blue Striped Cotton Canvas Teepee

Southwest Cotton Canvas Teepee

Page 13: Pacific Play Tents - Limited Edition Line

• Soft, durable 100% cotton canvas

• Cotton Canvas Carry bag included

• Mesh window curtains

• Organic bamboo poles

• Front doors can open and close with

the use of velcro ties

• My Secret Garden Play House has curtains that can be

opened and closed with the use of velcro ties


• Flame retardant, meets CPSIA, CPAI-84 & ASTM F963-11, &

Canadian safety standards.

Limited EditionsCotton CanvasPlay House Tent


Cotton CanvasHanging Canopy


Limited Editions • Comes with two windows and a shade

that has ties

• Cotton Canvas carry bag included

• Soft, durable 100% cotton canvas

• Front doors can open and close with the use of ties

• Provides your little ones with a special space of their own

• Flame retardant, meets CPSIA, CPAI-84 & ASTM F963-11, &

Canadian safety standards.


68000 68100

69613MY Secret Garden Play House

3LQN�6WULSHG�+DQJLQJ�&DQRS\ Tan Striped Hanging Canopy

MY First Garage Play House