THE DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. At His U THE TURRET. THE DAILY Excellency yir. Ciirwon" Old Home In America. CASTLE & COOKE ABOARD THE MONITOR .WHILE SHE FOUGHT THE MERRiMAC. Pacific Ccmercial Advertiser HAVE RECEIVED AND OFFE?. TOP. difficulty of transportation not stand aa a barrier in the way. Were the facilities equal to those available to intending emigrants to the United Stated there undoub edly vould be a large spontaneous Portuguese emi- gration to these Island'. These remarks are called for by the facta feet ut in a pamphlet published by Mr. Seeman, Hawaiian Consul, giving an account of the auras re- mitted by the Azorean immigrant in these Islands, to their "families in St. Michael during the year Novel Situation and a Desperate Com- bat Imperfect ions of th Machin- ery Shut Up In a EerolTing Dram Damage Done. IS PUBLISHED Ex. " MEND0TA," and Other Lnt ,. . - .him Froa Ne-- r Yorc aad Sua Frinclsc EVERY MORNING. Plantations, Country Stores and I'j This statement is in continuation of lil () if Con. S. D. Greene in. The Ceatnry.J The drawbacks to the position of tfca pilot-hous- e were soon realized. We could not fire ahead nor within several points of the bow, since the blast from our own guns would have injured the people in the pilot-hous- e, only a few yards ofL Keeler and To2ey passed the captains orders aud messages to me, and my in- quiries and answers to him, the speaking-tub- e from the niio; house to the turret -- CONSISTING IN PAUT OF. TERMS OF M'BM lUITIOX. Tbe Hon. oble I. Mott Smith, His Majesty's Commiasioner at the World's Exhibition at .New Or- leans, in traveling through the South- ern States on his return to Washing- ton, visited Anderson, in South Car- olina, the old home place of His Ex- cellency Walter M. Gibson, Premier of this Kingdom. Anderson is a flourishing little town in the upper part of the State, whose patriotic citizens like to speak of as the "Atlantic of South Caro- lina." In its vicinity John C Cal- houn, Senator Rusk, Admiral Strib-blin- g, Speaker James L. Orr, Chief Justice Langdon Cheves, Vice-Preside- nt Pinkney, Generals Waddy, Thompson and Wade Hampton, along witn Butler, t'rescott, Be?! and a hest of other prominent men in American history, had their homes, and were intimately connected with its history and development. Our Commissioner spent four day3 in Anderson, and in his letters to friends in Honolulu, referring to An- derson, speaks of a most "picturesque country and charming people, that Palace Kerosene Oil the highest test cil in tie market. V-- '.- - . sene Oils, Lard Oil in barrels and cases, Sperm an 1 Cvhnlcr 0 ' v urk Plumbago, etc.. Galvanized and Plain Cat and Wr..f t-- v-' ? vt sfi-;.- y5 .V:X ET.Of.ti.. 4 OC in the PT CE.OZ.tn Vtf. havinz been broken early rugated Iron, Plain Iron and Basket Fence Wire, Tlio and , . rtcihriptiftn f'Hjblealtt7 In work both - - ? ... action. I hey performed tneu with zeal and alacrity, bat. Galvanized Wire Cloth, Centrifugal Wire CIorLs, .f:; . A4 ranee. Co.'.aui .sroatior. from a;i part of the Kir'Jom win o very w.t-.ptYS,- being landsmen, our technical com- munications sometimes miscarried. The situation wa3 novel; a vessel of war was engaged in desperate combat with a powerful foe; the captain, commanding and gi iding all, was inclosed ia one place, and the executive officer, working and Pmo.-.- . r-- In aoy part of the United tri rr.'.: tifaraoint f;f viW-riptlo- die by Post former publications, and starts with the consecutive number 075, ending with l.CoO. The total amount re- mitted to their friends in the Azores last year, according to this statement, was $37,553, pi U3 a few cents. Now, this is a very large sum for people to remit in a single year out of their surplus earnings. It represents nearly $42 50 for each individual, and is an eloquent tribute to the thrift and natural affection of the Portuguese. Everything that can reasonably be accomplished to make them content with their surroundings here should be done; but the dry statement of faH made by us in thi3 connection shows conclusively that theae people are in- finitely better ofThere than ever they could have hoped to be in their na- tive islands. 'Jttcs x&osy orler. Matter inif "ed for piiLcauoa La the editorial ciiraoa sii? ivo ;,l'lr'rw3 to EoiTOit l.'OVMKRCTAt A9VKKTMBK." Bul&ei cohort jriloaraon arid adf-rt'.temn- aa;d b a i ir-V- ;'i mrr.piy "P. C. AlVARnAX. to ciWduA.:. Absolutely Pure. This powder nrr-- r varies A rrjirvel cf punty. EtrDth ar.d v. rl.olcsofness. More economical than the orlLnarv f.Is. and canr.ct bee.d La coa-petiti- o-i with the multitude ,f ly r'Xest, short weight, al'am or phosphate pd--r-:- . Sold ojrLTia CAS3. KOTAi LaX5S I'bTCZi -- U. 10Q Vf &urU t i -- i 15 H. Y. 20 d-- w tf are whole-soule- d and hospitable," a ho gave him abundant reasou to remember them kindly, and who, as he saya, hold their former fellow citi- zen, Mr. Gibson, in high esteem. The Commissioner wa3 the guest of Mr. Brock, the bankerof Anderson. This Blake Pamp Company Patent Eabber Valves aal s. Y': inch to 2 inch, 3 and i plr. Steam Packing, r V 1 .r V E i ' i styles, Anvils, Vises, Hydraulic Rams, Jack Screws. Petri- - vj u. i boss plow yet; Moliaoe Furrowing and Breaking Plows, all .;2r, c Hoes, Gang plows. Planter:,' Hoes, oar own make. ' ir.-.- c 7 r'' Planters Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Rakes, Forks, Scoops, Ba.-- h S.vtL vVt" Cane Knives, oar own mate and superior quality; Lawn Mo-ver- ; p- - j "'1 Cart Axles, Fairbank's Scales, three sizes; Grindstones, a'.i S;Z Pick and Ax ilattocks. Pick Ares, Horse Suoes, JlicLia L '' lengths, a full and superior line of Shelf Hardware, Builders' H-i- x. . ,! ' Locks, Bats, Screws, Hinges, Staples, Tacks, Brads, etc., PU.( cf V ' Bailey's Patents, etc., Machinists' tools of all kinds, Haain;:. and Glass. SVhite Lead and Zinc, Rubber Paint, Boiled and Raw Oil .. . , . ,. Tarpentine, Patent Dryers, a large varietv of small paints in Oi c vt ; , '" Lamps, Lanterns, a large variety, Stationery Inks, Tin and HJ:io-.- ' ' BLUE DENIMS, 8, 9 and 10 oz. at bottom rates. FIXE RED SALMON, in barrels. BENICIA MILLS Family Flour. CRUSHED and GRANULATED SUGAR, in Lnlf L,im:. GIANT POWDER. GELATINE POWDER, ,, 3Tew Goods Expected ikt .Steamship Alameda. THE AUSTRALIAN MAIL SERVICE. Special Credit Sale. Pacific Commercial Advertiser gentleman drove his guest to By ordtr of Mt-ssra- . G. W. MacfrLane &. Co., we SANDY SPRINGS FARM, The old home of our Premier. They met at the old homestead farm-hous- e two elderly ladies, Mis3 Jane and I no for P'tie Dif.v at the Pillowing Place: w ill sn at public auction, at our salesroom, on a li'-er- al credit;, od Thursday, Julv v 9. 1835, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., With reference to the news pub- lished by the Advertiser yesterday, regarding the probable diversion of the City of Sydney from the Austra- lian mail route, in consequence of the wreck f the City of Tokio, we have been requested by Messrs. Hackfeld & Co., local agents of the Pacific Mail Company, to state that they have positive advices that this vessel may be expected here on Sunday. She will not be withdrawn from the Aus Tbe following lot of nv consignments, Jriit re Mi 33 Eliza Lewis, the maiden aunt of Mrs. F. H. Hayselden of our city. Doctor Smith, in contemplating this old-fashion- homestead, situated in the backwoods of South Carolina, in- dulges in the following reflections: "I was much impressed as I sat in the parlor of that farm-hous- e, lonely J. M.OA'I & ij Merchant street T. fi. THRUM Merchant atreet cnYHTAL SODA WOl.K.S Hotel street X. F. fcl'f'.OMS Kin street WOLF fe ED RDS...Cor Kin and Nuuanu sts McCA RTNE Y Hotel street BLAKE BOILER, FEED, LIGHT SERVICE and VACUUM rr.MI S IK sTv. ceived from tfce manufacturers: India Iiubbcr Waterproof (.'oat-- . Hussy Aprons. Biaiiketa rassorted color iingli.-s- Leather Beltiri, C and 3 inr h. A Fiue Assortment of Gents' Hosiery. tf I'l if ntH jr Copy. tralian route. This will be satisfac- tory new? to all who have business us tr livthe whirl of the world, and so rar relations with the Colonies. istant from the pulsations and throb A GREAT NEWSPAPER. 14 bing centers of the activities of life, JOSEPH TILDEN. An invoice of Laced Bicycle Shirts, specially fighting the gun3, was shut up in another, and communication between them wa3 difficult and uncertain. It wa3 this ex- perience which caused Engineer Xewton, immediately after the engagement, to sug- gest the clever plan of putting the pilot- house on top of the turret, and making it cylindri al instead of square; and his sug- gestions were subsequently adopted in thii type of vessel. As the engagement continued the work- ing of the turret was not altogether satis- factory. It was difficult to start it re- volving, or, when once started, to stop it, on account of the imperfections of the novel mach;nery, which was now under- going it3 first triaL Stimers was an active, muscular man, and did his utmost to control th motion of the turret; but, in spite of his efforts, it was difficult if not impossible to secure accurate firing. The conditions were very different from those of an ordinary Jroadside gun, under which we had been trained oa wooden ships. My only view of the world outside of the tower was over the muzzles of the guns, which cleared the porta by .. few inches only. When tha guns were run in the port-hole- s were cov- ered by heavy iron pendulums, pierced with small holes to allow the iron rammer and sponge handles to protrude while they were in use. To hoist these pendu- lums required the entire gun's crew and vastly increased the work inside the turret. The effect upon one shut up in a re- volving drum is perplexing, and it is not a simpie matter to keep the bearings. White marks had been placed upon the stationary deck immediately below the turret to indicate the direction of the larboard and port sides, and the bow and stern; but these mark3 were oblitered early in the action. 1 would continually ask the captain, "How does the Merrimao bear?" He replied, "On the starboard-beam- , " or "On the port-quarter- , " as tho case might be. Then the difficulty was to determine the direction of the starbo- ard-beam, or port-quarte- r, or any other bearing. It finally resulted, that when a gun wa3 ready for'firing, the turret would be started on its revolving journey in search of the target, and when found it wa3 taken "on the fly, " because the turret could not be accurately controlled. Once the Merrimac tried to ram us; but Worden avoided the direct impact by the skillful use of the helm, and she struck a glancing blow, which did no damage. At the instant of collision I .planted a solid lfcO pound shot fair and square upon the forward part of her casemats. Had the gun been loaded with thirty pounds of powder, which was the charge subsequently used with similar run3, it is probably that this shot would have penetrated her armor, but the charge being limited to fifteen pounds, iu accord- ance with peremptory orders to that ellect from the navy department, the shot re- bound d without doing any more damage than possibly to start some of the beams manufactured for thi.i market. PACIFIC HAEDWAKE COMPAXI, t LIMITED, Successors to Dtllinsham A Co. ami Samuel oti. Funeral of tbe Late Manager of tbe Royal IlAwnl,an Hotel. The funeral of the late Joseph Til- - An invoice of Hardware, consisting of Mattocks, Hammers, Grubbing floes, Kegs Mitre aad Gal- vanised Hose NaiH, Carters', liuggy, llunting and Lanies' and Gents' Whips, Ladies' and ;nta' Bri'iles, Head tails, and an assortment of Bits with the contrast which showed themselves to my imagination be- tween its present occupants and those who had erstwhile sat within its domestic walls." Mr. Gibson had married here when there were five bright young girls and four stalwart den, manager of the Royal Hawaiian Thjc 'A'keklv I. . AL.vtr.Twia Li tbe het and most complete pnoer poblljbd In U. Kln(-(tor- n. Having thoroughly remodeled in all lt departments. It will he found to be uniformly right, oewnv and reliable. Rein intended speci- ally for the family circle, It will contain notblnr )ffniiv to morals or tait. Arrange- ment have b en perfected for giving a complete OlXatt fcf the world'. news up to latest date, !n addition to all the local and general news of the Kingdom, Correspondence, detailing facts, Is In- - htirrups, Spurs, Candlesticks and Meat !awa. Hotel, who died yesterday at 3:30 CHOICE HAVANA CIGARS. a. m., from the effect of injuries re ceived in the fire of Tuesday evening BREAKER. Double Furrovr ASD rfCGAli BAGS. Tweeds ,iiid Ca.-imer- last, took place from the Hawaiian ffed from all parts of the Island. Orders for ubvrlptlons should be addressed to the Manager. Thk Wkkki.t I. C. Advertimek la mailed to Bo.k-- of B.ue Mottled Jsoap, lite. Etc. Light Steel Plows. ubs--riber- at $5 p-- r annum, payable In advance, litrnittances may be made by I. O. Order. LYONS V LKVET, 317-jy- !) Auctioneers. Hotel yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The coffin containing the remains was placed in the sitting-roo- m of the cottage in which he died, and was covered with wreaths and crosses of flowers, the gifts of loving friends. The members of Geo. W. Fill DAY - July 10th. QUEEN STREET MARKET, They are the BEST DOUBLE FURROW PLOWS we ever ue-J.- C V CHAM Jf Kohala Plantation. "It Is the BEST BREAKING PLOW I ever used."' J. L. KICHARnsON, Mar.a?r Plantation. V?RY BET BRE-KL- N PLOW I ever used in this or any other couutrr."-- v IIORNER, lAhalna, Maui. :o: New Goods rcrttrwl nr Mnrnlnv kitor" n .f n.vn- - 1 - i t ; .,1 . .... i'l DeLong Post, 10. 45, O. A. R., of NO. 6 QUEEX STREET. TO-DAY- 'S SUPPLEMENT THE SPRECK-EL- S CASE. - - - - - "" ... oLivj j l n'. l iair arnaia; Silver I in u t. -- .r- Kanges and Tinware: Kefria-erato- ami Chotfa n,nc. rnikinn j.t PKICE LIST. and Lanterns; Soap and Candles. Balance of consignment of Clocks very low. The price of meat has been reduced at the above market as follows: OIL ! OIL ! OIL ! OIL ! POIL ! OIL ! OIL : bkideate. Genuine Alhanv Cv young men, every one of whom per- ished in the late Civil War." The Doctor, in continuing his reflections, remarks: "What a beautiful country it is, in the region of Mr. Gibson's old homestead! I do not wonder that as a young man, and an enthusiastic one, his dreams aud hopes anchored right there. A bucolic paradise i3 in that region, and I would, at twenty, have, like him, anchored there too." He then makes touching mention of a visit to a solitary little cemetery in the heart of the primal forest of that back country, in a lonely spot sur- rounded by ancient oaks, hickory, birch, sassafras and butternut treen, whose overhanging limbs overshadow a grassy mound, near which is to be seen a plain white marble slab with the inscription: "Sacred to the memory of RACHAEL, The wife of Walter M. Gibson. The dear wife of wy youth." Afterwards our observant Commis- sioner visited the ANCIENT SCIIOOL-IIOCS- E NEAR PEN- DLETON, Where young Gibson once adminis- - kids liojist Beef, per lb 12 cents Paint Oil, Turpentine, anlshe9. California Wind Mills, the best In ue. A rv owplrMfl " " ouuiifin-.uiiuii- u liupicuifuw. orresponaeiice soucitea. 5u2-aP7i- y PACIFIC HARDWARE COMPANY, HonoWn loin or iieti 12 y& No. 1 Steak ' ......10 Round Steak " 10 Bo:l Beef ) Corned Bref 10 r " Stew Beef J Veal l2"--i ' Breast or Stev Veal, per lb...!.!..'..!!!..!.."io'' Mutton . 15 322 Jyl6 M. W. McCBBSNET & so of her armor-backin- g. LOST. Mortgages on Farms. INew York Tribune. '"Do you know," he added, changing the immediate topic, "that it is a fact that the largest volume of money invested in securities of any one kind is in mortgages on farms?' I confessed to surprise. "1 he total is greater than the debt of England; several times greater than our own; and larger than the sum invested in railways. ON ALA KEA STREET, BETWEEN HOTEL and Kintf streets, a pair of gold glasses, with gold chain and pin attached. The finder will be HAVE RECEIVED May 8tli Per Mariposa, 1,754 Packages; May 22d-P- er Alameda, 1,922 Packages ; To Arrive Per Consuelo, 332 Packages, re waraea ty returning amc to residence of DR. .u iittm . 320 tf LOST. We continue our report of the argu- ments in the famous Spreckels trial at San Francisco, printing four full pages of thirty-tw- o columns reading matter as a supplement. The ref'ort breaks oiT to-d- ay very near the end of Mr. Campbell's closing argument for the prosecution, counsel for the Peo- ple, having the right of "last word." Mr. Campbell i a very able criminal lawyer, and although his fees are paid by M. II. DeYoung, together with those ;f Mr. Keuben Lloyd, who asbisied him during the trial, both Mr. Lloyd and himself were tempo- rarily appointed deputies by the Dis- trict Attorney, Mr. Wilson. In point of fact, therefore, although techically brought by the People against Adolph B. Spreckels, the prosecution was in essence and conduct a private prose- cution persecution would be the better word to use. But the point of to-da- y's report will be found in Mr. Henry High-ton- 's masterly and exhaustive analy- sis of evidence and the motives and course of the "Chronicle" In its ina-ligua- ut and sustaiued attacks upon the moral character, business integ- rity and honorable dealing of Colonel Ciaus Spreckels and his family. Foliowiug Mr. Hall McAllister's grand oration, it was a fitting windin- g-up to the defense, which then rested secure with the jury, despite the legal sophistry of Mr. Campbell, who wa9 to follow, because the Judge would surely bring them back to an impartial and calm review of the fact9 in evidence. To-morro- w we shall publish the conclusion of this most remarkable and instructive case, including the Judge's charge. ASSOETBD geoceeies 4 BLACK AND TAN BULL TERRIER 1 weighing about 20 pounds. Answers to the which the deceased was a member, were assembled, with a large number of his personal friends. An appropriate service was read by Pastor Cruzan, and the coffin was borne to the hearse by Messrs. Laine and Hartwell (representing the Mili- tary Order of the Loyal League of the United States, of which tbe deceased was a Companion); Messrs. Eldredge and Jones of the G. A. R.; Messrs. Tavernier and Clarence Macfarlane of the Bohemian Club of San Fran- cisco; and Messrs. Whitney, Dcering, Hayley and Cornwell. A number of carriages containing friends fol- lowed the hearse to the cemetery. At the grave the burial service of the Grand Army of the Republic was read, and the mortal remains of as true a man as ever breathed were laid to rest by the side of comrades in arms during the late rebellion in the United States. The deceased was born in Lowell, Mass., December 12, 1838, and conse- quently was forty-si- x and a half years old. His father was connected with the Merrimac Mills in that city, and oue of the streets is named after him. Wrh en young he was taken to. Bos- ton, Mas;?., and remained there for some time. He enlisted as private in Company 1, Fourty-fourt- h Massa- chusetts Volunteers; was promoted to be Sergeant and afterwards was a Captain in the Fifty-fift- h Massachu- setts Volunteers. He mustered out on account of disability July 13, 1863. At what time he came to Cali- fornia is not exactly known. He was a broker in San Francisco and a mem- ber of the well-know- n firm o Tilden & Breed. The deceased was also caller at the Pacific Board. He came to Honolulu about a year ago and was associate manager with the late George Fassett, and became sole manager at the death of tbe latter. He leaves three children, two daugh- ters and a son, to mourn his loss. Bis wife died in December, 1881. The three children were put to school in Sonoma, Cal., and at tbe present time are spending their vacation at Wat- - name 01 -- ip." The tinder will be rewarded by i'.iuiuins iue uug 10 me tern j. 1;. ai9 JylO T. II. GRIFFITH, Captain. WHICH pITY SHOEING SHOP, FORT STREET, -- rrr.n aV ftcrVXZ1! be Sold at tlle Lowest Market Rat Some years ago the farmers got prosper- ous and paid off some mortgages, and the totU was considerably reduced; but I notice that it is again annually in- creasing. " Tho Earth as a Magnet. Scientific Journal. Gau3, the illustrious German astrono- mer, has computed (taking as a unit a magnet 14 inches long, one inch wide, one-fourt- h inch thick, weighing one pound, made of the hardest steel and of the strongest magnetic force possible, (the earth's magnetic force as equal to such magnets.' The attracting or lifting power of such a magnet is about ten pounds, which would make the attractive power of the earth 42,310,000,000,000,000.000 tons. For Medicine-Taker- s. Exchange.! A New Orleans doctor caUs attention to a very simple fact which merits attention from medicine takers. If the medicine is mixed with very cold water, and a few swallows of the water be taken as a pre- paratory dose, the nerves of the organ of taste become sufficiently benumbed to make the medicine nearly tasteless. The method will not disguise bitter tastes, but acts well in oils and salines. specialty. MR MCDONALD received the di- ploma and highest ward at the Exhibition of -- a?, icrms reasonable. 241-je2-- ly ered pedagogic discipline, and the Doctor speaks humorously of his meeting with a Mr. Burns, a former pupil of our Premier, who indulged in a reminiscence of a thrashing he underwent at that school, and of his wrathful determination when he grew up and should be big enough to get even with that teacher by paying him back in tbe same way; but as the years have passed by, his resolu- tion has weakened, and he hardly thinks that he will seek tho oppor- tunity and traverse land and sea to repay our Premier with the thrash- ing he once contemplated. The Hon. Commissioner was strongly urged to deliver an address at Anderson about the Hawaiian Islands, in which such a lively interest is felt in all that ceuntry, but when he heard of the enthusiasm expressed in regard to public discourses delivered by Mr. Gibson at that place in 1870 and 1878, on that subject, he says he "wisely determined not to spoil a popular re- membrance, but let the Sandwich Islands float upon his (Mr. Gibson's) past exertions." The Hon. Com- missioner speaks in glowing terms of " M. "W. JVlcChesne v & Son. DATTriTlH I rv"riT"T VU.KJUU IX JXUUlTrj 20-my- 1y 42 aml 44 aeeu Mreet, L. B. K ERR, Ill MERCHANT TAIlOf WHERE THE MONEY GOES. this beautiful country designated as the "Piedmont region of the South i ern State," and expresses his pleas Wood TVill Sink. IChicago Herald. It U common to suppose that a ship loaded with wood cannot sink. Yet ac- cording to the latest returns of the British board of trade it appears that during the past three years no fewer 140 ships laden with timber were totally lost, with 457 human lives. A Profitable Paper. Chicago Herald. The London Daily Telegraph nets its owners $1,000,000 a year, and runs ten Hoe presses. Of the four original pro- prietors the sole survivor is tbe owner, of a country weekly and another died in a poorhousc ure for having been introduced to the GAZETTE BXJILDIT lias Jnst Returned from Europe WITH A LARGE STOCK OF "pleasant region in the South, and a sonville, with Mrs. Foard, a sister of EXTRA DRY class of people who represent the charming side of Southern character and Southern social conditions, and who, after a lapse of many vears. i Mrs. J. H. Congden, the latter being a relative of Mr. Tilden'n wife's family. The son is 19 years old, and the two daughters are 13 and 15 years respec- tively, all bright children. During his stay in these" Islands the New Goods and Materia1' H.lPnRTATinihNl m v 7 retain most kindly remembrances of their former fellow citizen, King Kalakaua's Minister of Foreign Affairs." iiniiuii deceased made a host of friends, who The scarcity of money in circula- tion has been frequently remarked upon by storekeepers and business men generally. The Chinese are charged with hoarding coin when they g3t it and sending it home to China, but there are others who hoard and send away money besides Chinese. The Portuguese are, as a rule, quite as thrifty as Mongolians, and quite as attached to their les9 fortu-mat- e relatives in their native homes. This trait is a good one, and when not carried to an extreme is to be commendedeven by the community V .Te from it. The same cnarac- rti3 were true of the Irish in Am . s, but their remittances were m j, as a rule, to enable rela- tives to In them in the "new and Letter i d.M In tbe majority of cases a e result would follow tbe rernittan- - of money from this coun- try by I rtuguese, did the cost ao4 will mourn his sudden death and Of the Latest Styles and Patterns, It is weU that the miUionalre's daugh-te- r' Yho marrie(i the coachman, and who sought a position upon the concert stage by virtue of the fact, should have failed, buch adventurers bring art into disrepute. A Man's Growth. sympathize with his relatives and friends in the United States over their Which is Prepared to Make up In the loss. InJsations made by a committee of e British association shnw that ft min 6. W. MACFARLANE & CO., LATEST FSHIEO' reauy grows m stature up to his 50 th is very slow j cui, aiuiuugn me growth after 20. CorFortIc QueenSSto., Major Bender has left at the Advthtiseb office a pair of the celebrated "seventeen-yea- r locusts" that made their appearance in the United States last month. There are but few of the older residents, whose early days wsre passed in the northern part of the United States, but will remember these curious insects when they appeared in 1831 and again in 18G8. An interesting descrip- tion of them has been given by Professor Riley, Entomologist of the Agricultural Bureau of the United States. -- AND FOR THE Another teat of tbe Hard as Hand Grenade will be giren Saturday ev at 7:30 o'clock on the vacant lot adjoining Dodd's stables, under the same conditions as last, before a eommittea. The draught horses adrertised to be sold at auction yesterday were withdrawn, no bidf coming to the upaet price. LOWEST PRICES POSSlBl Heavy Laden. The fully equipped Swiss infantry soldier is the most heavily loaded of any nation. He lugs enough on bis back to weary a camel HONOLULU, H. I. Sole A Rents for this Favorite Brand of CHAMPAGNE. 40 tf W 633 my II

Pacific Commercial Advertiser. (Honolulu, HI) 1885 …...facta feet ut in a pamphlet published by Mr. Seeman, Hawaiian Consul, giving an account of the auras re-mitted by the Azorean

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Page 1: Pacific Commercial Advertiser. (Honolulu, HI) 1885 …...facta feet ut in a pamphlet published by Mr. Seeman, Hawaiian Consul, giving an account of the auras re-mitted by the Azorean


At His U THE TURRET.THE DAILY Excellency yir. Ciirwon" OldHome In America.



difficulty of transportation not standaa a barrier in the way. Were thefacilities equal to those available tointending emigrants to the UnitedStated there undoub edly vould be alarge spontaneous Portuguese emi-gration to these Island'.

These remarks are called for by thefacta feet ut in a pamphlet publishedby Mr. Seeman, Hawaiian Consul,giving an account of the auras re-

mitted by the Azorean immigrantin these Islands, to their "families inSt. Michael during the year

Novel Situation and a Desperate Com-

bat Imperfect ions of th Machin-

ery Shut Up In a EerolTingDram Damage Done.

IS PUBLISHED Ex. " MEND0TA," and Other Lnt ,. .- .himFroa Ne-- r Yorc aad Sua Frinclsc

EVERY MORNING.Plantations, Country Stores and I'j

This statement is in continuation of lil () if

Con. S. D. Greene in. The Ceatnry.JThe drawbacks to the position of tfca

pilot-hous- e were soon realized. We couldnot fire ahead nor within several points ofthe bow, since the blast from our ownguns would have injured the people inthe pilot-hous- e, only a few yards ofLKeeler and To2ey passed the captainsorders aud messages to me, and my in-

quiries and answers to him, the speaking-tub- e

from the niio; house to the turret



Tbe Hon. oble I. Mott Smith,His Majesty's Commiasioner at theWorld's Exhibition at .New Or-

leans, in traveling through the South-ern States on his return to Washing-ton, visited Anderson, in South Car-olina, the old home place of His Ex-cellency Walter M. Gibson, Premierof this Kingdom.

Anderson is a flourishing littletown in the upper part of the State,whose patriotic citizens like to speakof as the "Atlantic of South Caro-lina." In its vicinity John C Cal-

houn, Senator Rusk, Admiral Strib-blin- g,

Speaker James L. Orr, ChiefJustice Langdon Cheves, Vice-Preside- nt

Pinkney, Generals Waddy,Thompson and Wade Hampton, alongwitn Butler, t'rescott, Be?! and a hestof other prominent men in Americanhistory, had their homes, and wereintimately connected with its historyand development.

Our Commissioner spent four day3in Anderson, and in his letters tofriends in Honolulu, referring to An-

derson, speaks of a most "picturesquecountry and charming people, that

Palace Kerosene Oil the highest test cil in tie market. V-- '.- - .

sene Oils, Lard Oil in barrels and cases, Sperm an 1 Cvhnlcr 0 ' v urk

Plumbago, etc.. Galvanized and Plain Cat and Wr..f t--v-'

?vt sfi-;.- y5

.V:X ET.Of.ti.. 4 OC

in thePT CE.OZ.tn Vtf. havinz been broken early rugated Iron, Plain Iron and Basket Fence Wire, Tlio and , .rtcihriptiftn f'Hjblealtt7 In workboth

- - ? ...action. I hey performed tneuwith zeal and alacrity, bat. Galvanized Wire Cloth, Centrifugal Wire CIorLs, .f:; .A4 ranee.

Co.'.aui .sroatior. from a;i part of the Kir'Jomwin o very w.t-.ptYS,-

being landsmen, our technical com-munications sometimes miscarried. Thesituation wa3 novel; a vessel of war wasengaged in desperate combat with apowerful foe; the captain, commandingand gi iding all, was inclosed ia one place,and the executive officer, working and

Pmo.-.-.r-- In aoy part of the United

tri rr.'.: tifaraoint f;f viW-riptlo- die by Post

former publications, and starts withthe consecutive number 075, endingwith l.CoO. The total amount re-

mitted to their friends in the Azoreslast year, according to this statement,was $37,553, pi U3 a few cents. Now,this is a very large sum for peopleto remit in a single year out of theirsurplus earnings. It represents nearly$42 50 for each individual, and is aneloquent tribute to the thrift andnatural affection of the Portuguese.Everything that can reasonably beaccomplished to make them contentwith their surroundings here shouldbe done; but the dry statement of faHmade by us in thi3 connection showsconclusively that theae people are in-

finitely better ofThere than ever theycould have hoped to be in their na-

tive islands.

'Jttcs x&osy orler.Matter inif "ed for piiLcauoa La the editorial

ciiraoa sii? ivo ;,l'lr'rw3 toEoiTOit l.'OVMKRCTAt A9VKKTMBK."

Bul&ei cohort jriloaraon arid adf-rt'.temn-

aa;d b a i ir-V- ;'i mrr.piy"P. C. AlVARnAX.

to ciWduA.:.

Absolutely Pure.This powder nrr-- r varies A rrjirvel c f punty.

EtrDth ar.d v.rl.olcsofness. More economicalthan the orlLnarv f.Is. and canr.ct bee.d La coa-petiti- o-i

with the multitude ,f ly r'Xest, shortweight, al'am or phosphate pd--r-:- . Sold ojrLTiaCAS3. KOTAi LaX5S I'bTCZi -- U. 10Q Vf &urUt i--i 15 H. Y.

20 d-- w tf

are whole-soule- d and hospitable,"a ho gave him abundant reasou toremember them kindly, and who, ashe saya, hold their former fellow citi-zen, Mr. Gibson, in high esteem. TheCommissioner wa3 the guest of Mr.Brock, the bankerof Anderson. This

Blake Pamp Company Patent Eabber Valves aal s. Y':inch to 2 inch, 3 and i plr. Steam Packing, r

V1 .r V E

i ' i

styles, Anvils, Vises, Hydraulic Rams, Jack Screws. Petri- - vj u. iboss plow yet; Moliaoe Furrowing and Breaking Plows, all .;2r, cHoes, Gang plows. Planter:,' Hoes, oar own make. ' ir.-.- c 7 r''

Planters Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Rakes, Forks, Scoops, Ba.--h S.vtL vVt"Cane Knives, oar own mate and superior quality; Lawn Mo-ver- ; p- - j


Cart Axles, Fairbank's Scales, three sizes; Grindstones, a'.i S;Z

Pick and Ax ilattocks. Pick Ares, Horse Suoes, JlicLia L ''lengths, a full and superior line of Shelf Hardware, Builders' H-i- x.

. ,! '

Locks, Bats, Screws, Hinges, Staples, Tacks, Brads, etc., PU.( cfV '

Bailey's Patents, etc., Machinists' tools of all kinds, Haain;:.and Glass.

SVhite Lead and Zinc, Rubber Paint, Boiled and Raw Oil .. . , . ,.

Tarpentine, Patent Dryers, a large varietv of small paints in Oi c vt ; ,'"

Lamps, Lanterns, a large variety, Stationery Inks, Tin and HJ:io-.-' '

BLUE DENIMS, 8, 9 and 10 oz. at bottom rates.

FIXE RED SALMON, in barrels.




3Tew Goods Expected ikt .Steamship Alameda.

THE AUSTRALIAN MAIL SERVICE. Special Credit Sale.Pacific Commercial Advertiser gentleman drove his guest to By ordtr of Mt-ssra- . G. W. MacfrLane &. Co., we

SANDY SPRINGS FARM,The old home of our Premier. Theymet at the old homestead farm-hous- e

two elderly ladies, Mis3 Jane andI no for P'tie Dif.v at the Pillowing Place:

w ill sn at public auction, at our salesroom,on a li'-er- al credit;, od

Thursday, Julvv 9. 1835,

AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,

With reference to the news pub-lished by the Advertiser yesterday,regarding the probable diversion ofthe City of Sydney from the Austra-lian mail route, in consequence of thewreck f the City of Tokio, we havebeen requested by Messrs. Hackfeld& Co., local agents of the Pacific MailCompany, to state that they havepositive advices that this vessel maybe expected here on Sunday. Shewill not be withdrawn from the Aus

Tbe following lot of nv consignments, Jriit re

Mi 33 Eliza Lewis, the maiden auntof Mrs. F. H. Hayselden of our city.Doctor Smith, in contemplating thisold-fashion- homestead, situated inthe backwoods of South Carolina, in-

dulges in the following reflections:"I was much impressed as I sat in

the parlor of that farm-hous- e, lonely

J. M.OA'I & ij Merchant streetT. fi. THRUM Merchant atreetcnYHTAL SODA WOl.K.S Hotel streetX. F. fcl'f'.OMS Kin streetWOLF fe ED RDS...Cor Kin and Nuuanu stsMcCA RTNE Y Hotel street BLAKE BOILER, FEED, LIGHT SERVICE and VACUUM rr.MI S IK sTv.

ceived from tfce manufacturers:

India Iiubbcr Waterproof (.'oat-- .

Hussy Aprons.Biaiiketa rassorted coloriingli.-s- Leather Beltiri, C and 3 inr h.A Fiue Assortment of Gents' Hosiery.

tfI'l if ntH jr Copy. tralian route. This will be satisfac-tory new? to all who have business us tr

livthe whirl of the world, and so rarrelations with the Colonies. istant from the pulsations and throbA GREAT NEWSPAPER. 14 bing centers of the activities of life,

JOSEPH TILDEN. An invoice of Laced Bicycle Shirts, specially

fighting the gun3, was shut up in another,and communication between them wa3difficult and uncertain. It wa3 this ex-

perience which caused Engineer Xewton,immediately after the engagement, to sug-gest the clever plan of putting the pilot-house on top of the turret, and making itcylindri al instead of square; and his sug-gestions were subsequently adopted in thiitype of vessel.

As the engagement continued the work-ing of the turret was not altogether satis-factory. It was difficult to start it re-volving, or, when once started, to stop it,on account of the imperfections of thenovel mach;nery, which was now under-going it3 first triaL Stimers was anactive, muscular man, and did his utmostto control th motion of the turret; but,in spite of his efforts, it was difficult ifnot impossible to secure accurate firing.The conditions were very different fromthose of an ordinary Jroadside gun,under which we had been trained oawooden ships. My only view of theworld outside of the tower was over themuzzles of the guns, which cleared theporta by .. few inches only. When thaguns were run in the port-hole- s were cov-ered by heavy iron pendulums, piercedwith small holes to allow the iron rammerand sponge handles to protrude whilethey were in use. To hoist these pendu-lums required the entire gun's crew andvastly increased the work inside theturret.

The effect upon one shut up in a re-volving drum is perplexing, and it is nota simpie matter to keep the bearings.White marks had been placed upon thestationary deck immediately below theturret to indicate the direction of thelarboard and port sides, and the bow andstern; but these mark3 were obliteredearly in the action. 1 would continuallyask the captain, "How does the Merrimaobear?" He replied, "On the starboard-beam- ,

" or "On the port-quarter- , " as thocase might be. Then the difficulty wasto determine the direction of the starbo-

ard-beam, or port-quarte- r, or any otherbearing. It finally resulted, that when a

gun wa3 ready for'firing, the turret wouldbe started on its revolving journey insearch of the target, and when found itwa3 taken "on the fly, " because theturret could not be accurately controlled.Once the Merrimac tried to ram us; butWorden avoided the direct impact by theskillful use of the helm, and she struck aglancing blow, which did no damage.At the instant of collision I .planted asolid lfcO pound shot fair and square uponthe forward part of her casemats.Had the gun been loaded with thirtypounds of powder, which was thecharge subsequently used with similarrun3, it is probably that this shot wouldhave penetrated her armor, but the chargebeing limited to fifteen pounds, iu accord-ance with peremptory orders to that ellectfrom the navy department, the shot re-bound d without doing any more damagethan possibly to start some of the beams

manufactured for thi.i market.



Successors to Dtllinsham A Co. ami Samuel oti.

Funeral of tbe Late Manager of tbeRoyal IlAwnl,an Hotel.

The funeral of the late Joseph Til- -

An invoice of Hardware, consisting of Mattocks,Hammers, Grubbing floes, Kegs Mitre aad Gal-vanised Hose NaiH, Carters', liuggy, llunting andLanies' and Gents' Whips, Ladies' and ;nta'Bri'iles, Head tails, and an assortment of Bits

with the contrast which showedthemselves to my imagination be-

tween its present occupants andthose who had erstwhile sat within itsdomestic walls." Mr. Gibson hadmarried here when there were fivebright young girls and four stalwart

den, manager of the Royal Hawaiian

Thjc 'A'keklv I. . AL.vtr.Twia Li tbe hetand most complete pnoer poblljbd In U. Kln(-(tor- n.

Having thoroughly remodeled in alllt departments. It will he found to be uniformly

right, oewnv and reliable. Rein intended speci-ally for the family circle, It will contain notblnr)ffniiv to morals or tait. Arrange-ment have b en perfected for giving a completeOlXatt fcf the world'. news up to latest date, !naddition to all the local and general news of theKingdom, Correspondence, detailing facts, Is In- -

htirrups, Spurs, Candlesticks and Meat !awa.Hotel, who died yesterday at 3:30CHOICE HAVANA CIGARS.a. m., from the effect of injuries re

ceived in the fire of Tuesday eveningBREAKER.

Double Furrovr


rfCGAli BAGS.Tweeds ,iiid Ca.-imer-

last, took place from the Hawaiianffed from all parts of the Island. Orders forubvrlptlons should be addressed to the Manager.Thk Wkkki.t I. C. Advertimek la mailed to

Bo.k-- of B.ue Mottled Jsoap, lite. Etc.

Light Steel Plows.ubs--riber- at $5 p-- r annum, payable In advance,litrnittances may be made by I. O. Order.

LYONS V LKVET,317-jy- !) Auctioneers.

Hotel yesterday afternoon at 4o'clock. The coffin containing theremains was placed in the sitting-roo- m

of the cottage in which he died,and was covered with wreaths andcrosses of flowers, the gifts of lovingfriends. The members of Geo. W.


They are the BEST DOUBLE FURROW PLOWS we ever ue-J.- C V CHAM JfKohala Plantation.

"It Is the BEST BREAKING PLOW I ever used."' J. L. KICHARnsON, Mar.a?rPlantation.V?RY BET BRE-KL-N PLOW I ever used in this or any other couutrr."-- vIIORNER, lAhalna, Maui.

:o:New Goods rcrttrwl nr Mnrnlnv kitor" n .f n.vn- - 1 - i t ; .,1 . .... i'l

DeLong Post, 10. 45, O. A. R., ofNO. 6 QUEEX STREET.


CASE. - - - - - " " ... oLivj j l n'. l iair arnaia; Silver I in u t. -- .r-

Kanges and Tinware: Kefria-erato- ami Chotfa n,nc. rnikinn j.tPKICE LIST. and Lanterns; Soap and Candles. Balance of consignment of Clocks very low.The price of meat has been reduced at the above

market as follows: OIL ! OIL ! OIL ! OIL ! POIL ! OIL ! OIL :

bkideate. Genuine Alhanv Cv

young men, every one of whom per-ished in the late Civil War." TheDoctor, in continuing his reflections,remarks: "What a beautiful countryit is, in the region of Mr. Gibson's oldhomestead! I do not wonder that asa young man, and an enthusiasticone, his dreams aud hopes anchoredright there. A bucolic paradise i3 inthat region, and I would, at twenty,have, like him, anchored there too."He then makes touching mention ofa visit to a solitary little cemetery inthe heart of the primal forest of thatback country, in a lonely spot sur-rounded by ancient oaks, hickory,birch, sassafras and butternut treen,whose overhanging limbs overshadowa grassy mound, near which is to beseen a plain white marble slab withthe inscription:

"Sacred to the memory ofRACHAEL,

The wife of Walter M. Gibson.The dear wife of wy youth."

Afterwards our observant Commis-sioner visited theANCIENT SCIIOOL-IIOCS- E NEAR PEN-


Where young Gibson once adminis- -

kids liojist Beef, per lb 12 cents Paint Oil, Turpentine, anlshe9. California Wind Mills, the best In ue. A rv owplrMfl" " ouuiifin-.uiiuii- u liupicuifuw. orresponaeiice soucitea.


loin or iieti 12 y&

No. 1 Steak ' ......10Round Steak " 10Bo:l Beef )Corned Bref 10r "Stew Beef JVeal l2"--i '

Breast or Stev Veal, per lb...!.!..'..!!!..!.."io''Mutton . 15

322 Jyl6 M. W. McCBBSNET & soof her armor-backin-g.


Mortgages on Farms.INew York Tribune.

'"Do you know," he added, changingthe immediate topic, "that it is a fact thatthe largest volume of money invested insecurities of any one kind is in mortgageson farms?' I confessed to surprise. "1 hetotal is greater than the debt of England;several times greater than our own; andlarger than the sum invested in railways.

ON ALA KEA STREET, BETWEEN HOTELand Kintf streets, a pair of gold glasses, withgold chain and pin attached. The finder will be


May 8tli Per Mariposa, 1,754 Packages;

May 22d-P-er Alameda, 1,922 Packages ;

To Arrive Per Consuelo, 332 Packages,

re waraea ty returning amc to residence of DR..u iittm . 320 tf


We continue our report of the argu-ments in the famous Spreckels trialat San Francisco, printing four fullpages of thirty-tw- o columns readingmatter as a supplement. The ref'ortbreaks oiT to-d- ay very near the end ofMr. Campbell's closing argument forthe prosecution, counsel for the Peo-

ple, having the right of "last word."Mr. Campbell i a very able criminallawyer, and although his fees arepaid by M. II. DeYoung, togetherwith those ;f Mr. Keuben Lloyd, whoasbisied him during the trial, bothMr. Lloyd and himself were tempo-rarily appointed deputies by the Dis-

trict Attorney, Mr. Wilson. In pointof fact, therefore, although techicallybrought by the People against AdolphB. Spreckels, the prosecution was inessence and conduct a private prose-

cution persecution would be thebetter word to use.

But the point of to-da- y's reportwill be found in Mr. Henry High-ton- 's

masterly and exhaustive analy-sis of evidence and the motives andcourse of the "Chronicle" In its ina-ligua- ut

and sustaiued attacks uponthe moral character, business integ-rity and honorable dealing of ColonelCiaus Spreckels and his family.Foliowiug Mr. Hall McAllister'sgrand oration, it was a fitting windin-

g-up to the defense, which thenrested secure with the jury, despitethe legal sophistry of Mr. Campbell,who wa9 to follow, because the Judgewould surely bring them back to animpartial and calm review of thefact9 in evidence.

To-morro- w we shall publish theconclusion of this most remarkableand instructive case, including theJudge's charge.

ASSOETBD geoceeies4 BLACK AND TAN BULL TERRIER1 weighing about 20 pounds. Answers to the

which the deceased was a member,were assembled, with a large numberof his personal friends.

An appropriate service was readby Pastor Cruzan, and the coffin wasborne to the hearse by Messrs. Laineand Hartwell (representing the Mili-tary Order of the Loyal League of theUnited States, of which tbe deceasedwas a Companion); Messrs. Eldredgeand Jones of the G. A. R.; Messrs.Tavernier and Clarence Macfarlaneof the Bohemian Club of San Fran-cisco; and Messrs. Whitney, Dcering,Hayley and Cornwell. A number ofcarriages containing friends fol-

lowed the hearse to the cemetery.At the grave the burial service of

the Grand Army of the Republic wasread, and the mortal remains of astrue a man as ever breathed werelaid to rest by the side of comrades inarms during the late rebellion in theUnited States.

The deceased was born in Lowell,Mass., December 12, 1838, and conse-quently was forty-si- x and a half yearsold. His father was connected withthe Merrimac Mills in that city, andoue of the streets is named after him.Wrh en young he was taken to. Bos-ton, Mas;?., and remained there forsome time. He enlisted as private inCompany 1, Fourty-fourt- h Massa-chusetts Volunteers; was promoted tobe Sergeant and afterwards was aCaptain in the Fifty-fift- h Massachu-setts Volunteers. He mustered outon account of disability July 13,1863. At what time he came to Cali-fornia is not exactly known. He wasa broker in San Francisco and a mem-ber of the well-know- n firm o Tilden& Breed. The deceased was alsocaller at the Pacific Board. He cameto Honolulu about a year ago andwas associate manager with the lateGeorge Fassett, and became solemanager at the death of tbe latter.He leaves three children, two daugh-ters and a son, to mourn his loss. Biswife died in December, 1881. Thethree children were put to school inSonoma, Cal., and at tbe present timeare spending their vacation at Wat- -

name 01 -- ip." The tinder will be rewarded byi'.iuiuins iue uug 10 me tern j. 1;.

ai9 JylO T. II. GRIFFITH, Captain.


pITY SHOEING SHOP, FORT STREET, --rrr.naV ftcrVXZ1! be Sold at tlle Lowest Market Rat

Some years ago the farmers got prosper-ous and paid off some mortgages, and thetotU was considerably reduced; but Inotice that it is again annually in-creasing. "

Tho Earth as a Magnet.Scientific Journal.

Gau3, the illustrious German astrono-mer, has computed (taking as a unit amagnet 14 inches long, one inch wide,one-fourt- h inch thick, weighing onepound, made of the hardest steel and ofthe strongest magnetic force possible, (theearth's magnetic force as equal to

such magnets.'The attracting or lifting power of such amagnet is about ten pounds, which wouldmake the attractive power of the earth42,310,000,000,000,000.000 tons.

For Medicine-Taker- s.

Exchange.!A New Orleans doctor caUs attention to

a very simple fact which merits attentionfrom medicine takers. If the medicine ismixed with very cold water, and a fewswallows of the water be taken as a pre-paratory dose, the nerves of the organ oftaste become sufficiently benumbed tomake the medicine nearly tasteless. Themethod will not disguise bitter tastes, butacts well in oils and salines.

specialty. MR MCDONALD received the di-ploma and highest ward at the Exhibition of-- a?, icrms reasonable. 241-je2-- ly

ered pedagogic discipline, and theDoctor speaks humorously of hismeeting with a Mr. Burns, a formerpupil of our Premier, who indulgedin a reminiscence of a thrashing heunderwent at that school, and of hiswrathful determination when hegrew up and should be big enough toget even with that teacher by payinghim back in tbe same way; but asthe years have passed by, his resolu-tion has weakened, and he hardlythinks that he will seek tho oppor-tunity and traverse land and sea torepay our Premier with the thrash-ing he once contemplated. The Hon.Commissioner was strongly urged todeliver an address at Anderson aboutthe Hawaiian Islands, in which sucha lively interest is felt in all thatceuntry, but when he heard of theenthusiasm expressed in regard topublic discourses delivered by Mr.Gibson at that place in 1870 and 1878,on that subject, he says he "wiselydetermined not to spoil a popular re-

membrance, but let the SandwichIslands float upon his (Mr. Gibson's)past exertions." The Hon. Com-missioner speaks in glowing terms of

" M. "W. JVlcChesnev & Son.DATTriTlH Irv"riT"TVU.KJUU IX JXUUlTrj 20-my- 1y 42 aml 44 aeeu Mreet,


WHERE THE MONEY GOES.this beautiful country designated asthe "Piedmont region of the South iern State," and expresses his pleas

Wood TVill Sink.IChicago Herald.

It U common to suppose that a shiploaded with wood cannot sink. Yet ac-cording to the latest returns of the Britishboard of trade it appears that during thepast three years no fewer 140 ships ladenwith timber were totally lost, with 457human lives.

A Profitable Paper.Chicago Herald.

The London Daily Telegraph nets itsowners $1,000,000 a year, and runs tenHoe presses. Of the four original pro-prietors the sole survivor is tbe owner, ofa country weekly and another died in apoorhousc

ure for having been introduced to the

GAZETTE BXJILDITlias Jnst Returned from Europe

WITH A LARGE STOCK OF"pleasant region in the South, and a

sonville, with Mrs. Foard, a sister of EXTRA DRYclass of people who represent thecharming side of Southern characterand Southern social conditions, andwho, after a lapse of many vears. i

Mrs. J. H. Congden, the latter being arelative of Mr. Tilden'n wife's family.The son is 19 years old, and the twodaughters are 13 and 15 years respec-tively, all bright children.

During his stay in these" Islands the

New Goods and Materia1'H.lPnRTATinihNl

m v 7

retain most kindly remembrances oftheir former fellow citizen, KingKalakaua's Minister of ForeignAffairs." iiniiuiideceased made a host of friends, who

The scarcity of money in circula-tion has been frequently remarkedupon by storekeepers and businessmen generally. The Chinese arecharged with hoarding coin whenthey g3t it and sending it home toChina, but there are others whohoard and send away money besidesChinese. The Portuguese are, as a rule,quite as thrifty as Mongolians, andquite as attached to their les9 fortu-mat- e

relatives in their native homes.This trait is a good one, and whennot carried to an extreme is to becommendedeven by the community

V .Te from it. The samecnarac- rti3 were true of the Irishin Am . s, but their remittanceswere m j, as a rule, to enable rela-tives to In them in the "new andLetter i d.M In tbe majority ofcases a e result would follow tberernittan- - of money from this coun-try by I rtuguese, did the cost ao4

will mourn his sudden death and Of the Latest Styles and Patterns,It is weU that the miUionalre's daugh-te- r'

Yho marrie(i the coachman, and whosought a position upon the concert stageby virtue of the fact, should have failed,buch adventurers bring art into disrepute.

A Man's Growth.

sympathize with his relatives andfriends in the United States over their

Which is Prepared to Make up In theloss.InJsations made by a committee ofe British association shnw that ft min 6. W. MACFARLANE & CO., LATEST FSHIEO'reauy grows m stature up to his 50 th

is very slowj cui, aiuiuugn me growthafter 20. CorFortIc QueenSSto.,

Major Bender has left at the Advthtiseboffice a pair of the celebrated "seventeen-yea- r

locusts" that made their appearance inthe United States last month. There arebut few of the older residents, whose earlydays wsre passed in the northern part of theUnited States, but will remember thesecurious insects when they appeared in 1831and again in 18G8. An interesting descrip-tion of them has been given by ProfessorRiley, Entomologist of the AgriculturalBureau of the United States.


Another teat of tbe Hard as Hand Grenadewill be giren Saturday ev at 7:30 o'clockon the vacant lot adjoining Dodd's stables,under the same conditions as last, before aeommittea.

The draught horses adrertised to be soldat auction yesterday were withdrawn, nobidf coming to the upaet price.


The fully equipped Swiss infantrysoldier is the most heavily loaded of anynation. He lugs enough on bis back toweary a camel


Sole A Rents for this Favorite Brand of

CHAMPAGNE.40 tf W 633 my II