V t Til 13 PACIFIC rOMMEKCIAT. A HVERTISER, I lbliohfl Errry Thar .day Maraiag. ClTT ASD LsLAXD SfUCUTTIO .(, (4.00 A TSAB- - The snhscrlpTfcwi price f"T all (Mtpmforwr4n tororei?neoan-vV- . I (!M perannura, which Includes the and II wiiait pnuf A II paper for A mericaa or European ti, will hT United Stale pvitai(e stamp on them. Xr vi Patablb Alwiii is Aonw-- t XT" Coannanicatvibf frjm all parti of the Pacific will always be very acceptable-- COMMERCIAL. I'KIVTING OFFICE. PLAIN AN D FANCY HOOK AND JO II I'KIXTIXC trrn as BOOK. EIt-- l V EXCHANGE, WTJUWrt', DILI--"- !" UMX'l. UII.Mir.tDS. CONSULAR BUNK?, BLANK DEEDS. A LCTI M r.T f.l- -. II AN I h I LLS. PAMFII Lr.Ti, SHOP BILLS TT TISITINO. BUSINESS AND ADDRESS CARDS print! na a " Yankee Cord I'reM," in the highest it yle of the art. Commercial Advertiser. The Uirlh f Ike- - Year. r rauKirK tet. Let o peak low ; the infant ! ailcep ; The frtj hn srow aharp j the day is near, Ami Phosphor with hi tnptr eoroes to peep Into the eri'lle of the new-ljo- rn year Hush ! the intuit If asleep Monarch of the Pay and Night t Whimper yet it ia not light-Tb- a infant ia asleep. Those arm shall crmh rreat serent9 ere j Ilia cloae.1 eye shall vake to Uosh and wr p ; His Hps shall carl with mirth and writhe with sorrow, And charm op Truth and Ueaaty from the deep : Softly softly let ns keep Oar vigil ; visions cross his rest ) Pr'kphetie palies stir his breast, A (though he be aileep. How. Life and Death, armM In his presence wait ; Genii with lamps are starHlinjr at the door ; Oh ! he shall sing sweet song ; lie shall relate W'orwlr, ana rVwy. and hopes nntotd before ; Murmur metidies that may creep Into his ears, of old suhlims ; Let tha joanKeat born of Time Hear music ia bis sleep. Quickly he shall awake: the Eaxt to bright. Am! the hot flow of the nnriaen son Hath kivaed hi brow with prnaiie of ks light ; JIu cheek to red with victory to be won. itk;kly shall oar kins; awake, Ptrotis; as giants and arise ; Pager than the old and wise The infant shall awake. His ehiVIUood shall be Ccwanl, wild and thwart ; Ilia rtadoen fitful, and his angr I4inl Rut !cmler spirit shall o'ertake h! heart S v4 tears and roUVn mocoents, bland and kind ! lie shall cira deb'gbt and take. Charm, enchant, dismay and sooth i RaUe the dead, and tooch. with youth ; Ob ! aiog that ha may wake t Where la the sword ta gird arpoo his thigh t Where to his armor, and his laorel crown ? Fur be shall be a conqueror ere he die. Ami win bio kingdoms wider than his own ! Like the earthquake be shall hake Cities down, ant wate like fir ; Then boild them trocger, pile them higher. When be shall wake. Ia the dark ieres of hto oocVed eyea The sheeted lizhurings fie, and clouded stars. That shall glaoca softly, aa bt sauasner skies. Or stream o'rr thirsty deserta. winged with wars : For ia to paaaes of dread boors lie shall fiiog his armor air. And like a reveller sing and tangh. And dance in bvllea' bower. Oftt fanes lo his midsammer he shall torn To look on the dead bloom with weeping eyes Cer ashes of frail beaut; stand and anm, And kiss the Uier of auickea Dope with sigba. Ofttimea, Kke Bght of onward seas, lie shall hail great days to come. Or hear the first dread Bote sf doom. Like torrents oa the breese. Ills mabbood slall be U:sful and suMime, WiUt sbarmy sorrows, and sereswst ptraaores, And his crew ued age upon the lop of Time Ehali throne blta great in glories, rich lo treasures. The sun to op the day to breaking Sing ye sweetly draw anear Immortal be the new-bor- n year, And Messed be Ua waking. Chakactek Mobk Valcabutbaii Wbaltii. Amid tbe inteoie competition of active life, one of the most important leseons to be impressed upon all, is a, sober estimate of tbe value of character above wealth. It is natural to men to create nrtiticiil dis:ioctkos ia society. Ia every form of political soc.etj, except tbe republican, sucb dietioctiooa exist by birth or in pernanent civil and ecclesiastical orders. Pride is nurtured and vanity gratified by blood, or family, or title, or inherited rank. But such distinctions are prevented ia s republic, by its very constitution, ifeoce tbera remains bat one basis of social duitinc-tio- a, namely, wealth. In limited circles indetal there may be aa aristocracy of talent, of education and refinement, of literature or science, but in society at large, gradations of social position are measured by stock certificates, rent rolls, and bank accounts. Ia t'le old world a patent of nobility holds good, tbough there is no income adequate to sustain it, and a pen- niless Count stands higher ia tbe social scale than the untitled millionaire. Here the passport from circle to circle is tbe appearance of wealth. Office is uncertain and does not always dignify the holder. It C inaot be retained for life, much less transmitted to descendants. Hence wealth has gained an import- ance far beyond that which belongs to it, where it is used only to keep up an estate, to display rank, to enjoy life, to procure the advantages of education and of travel. Here it creates rank; it gives social position, even without antecedent, respectability or correct education ; and hence pride and vanity, that in other countries have so many and various outlets, here eto vd into this one channel, and either fill it to i's utmost level, or aeitate it with eddies and conten tious waves. Amonw oar people tbe feeling is univer sal, tbat to be anybody or to do anything, one must have wealth. With wealth in view as the one great oNjct of life, upon which everything else depends, it is not stranze tbnt many erasp at the prize without any scruple a. to the mtans. Ia the apper circles of ftshiooable life, no questions are asked bow one came by bis money, if be only shows that he has money, or appears 10 have it. If he lives in a fine house, keeps s good carriage, gives splendid parties, no qaesiions are asked as to whether all this is honestly pul for. With such a standard before them, it is n t surprising that aspiring men who fee. themselves tbe eq-- a N. if not the superiors of their we klthy neigh- bors, should find some short road to wealth. The tvion for richer, the idea that success in life depends mainly upon wealth, is fruitful io temptations to dis- honor. This is the maelstrom of character in our city. Uen will be rich, men must be rich; they put firth oa the sea of speculation, they reach alter every fluting straw of prosperity, they give themselves to the giddy pasxoo of money getting, and are whirled very way by its power. Smoothly they ride at first oa the giddy outskirts of dishonesty, till infatuated with the pursuit, they dive deeper and deeper, and are sucked into the mighty vortex, a wreck of char- acter, fortane. nope and life. Tbe only safeguard is to bag tbe shore of honesty, and to make character supreme. The wealth of character should be esteem ed above all other wealth, and be who possesses such is clothed with a panoply, than which nothing can be stronger, and conscious of this be cao rise alove tbe imputed disgrace of poverty, and ia bis bonest en deavors to accumulate the wealth which confers bo much rower, be will never have cause to reflect that character has beea sacrifice! to the infatuation for morjry getting, which is so strong among men. THE XtVr DEPOT WHERE METERS' BITTER iS SOLD. Froh Molokai Dutier! " ." FROM MEYERS' DAIRY ! Rra-wlaarl- y received mm rwMtaatly for Mile by J. STEWARD, Grocer. Hotel street. IVoticc ! AXI AFTER THIS DATE. THE FROM herroy rirea nttc. that be will not be lor or ray any debt or bills whatever contracted in hi name without hia written order. O. W ILIIaXM. Honolulu, Oct-- 7. IsoL 2 1- -3 01 Wrapping Paper. CBOWX STRAW GROCER'S Grocer's lVuble Crown Wrapping Paper. Iwuinciat's Manila Wrapping Paper. White " SSI-Ot- a For sale low by II. M. WniTNEY. Irsiwingr Paper VARIOUS SIZES. RRISTOI, BOARD OFand Card Hoard, White, Ked Yellow and Urecn. For sale by osi.fc, n.M. wnrrxET. 15 American LACKSMITH'S BELLOWS-f- or sale by (i4T-l- ) C. BKEWER CU. urn n.ii I, j a I a a. . aa aai bbm u bbw aa a a FCIII.ISIIKO WKKKI.V H V tlK.NKi M. WlIir.VKV. 5asinfss forte. j. 11. com:, ATJonoruiari, VO A. P. EVSHKTT.) At hi late rooms. Queen Street. C. II. LEW KKS, Lumber ani huil linr materiaU.Fort st. Ilonolula. c. nunwER 2d, Oeneral Merchant and Aji-D- t for Uie sale of the products of Uie Brewer Plantation. 2.o-l- y K. VOS BOLT. Von HOLT At HEUCK, General Commissinn Honolulu, Oahu, S. I. 2G7-l- y ALEX. J. CARTH'RICllT, CommiAsion Mirchaut and General Shipping Oahu, II. I. CEOHCE C.. HOWE, C. BKCCK. Aget.L, Lumber Yard on Corar Hocs Slcaa,Now Es- - planaile. 'JJbl-- lj E. O. IIAL.I Importer and Dealer in Hardware, 1tt G.ioil, PainU, (His, and Keneral MKrcbanJiae. corner of Fort aiwl King streets 2)7-l- y ITAI At A II EE, TS. Honolulu. Merchant Agents fur the uar Plantations of Aiko, at Papakoa, and Iwo at Pulo, llilo; Imifrt.T and Wholesale and Retail Ieal- - ers in China Ooodi ; have on hand, for sale, at their etab. ments on Kmir street, IIfioluJa, and at L:uiaina, .Vuu usir, MoIa....-s- , Syrup, Tea, ConV-e- , and a large and varied assortment of r'neral merclianilise Honolulu, Auxunt li, 1,57. 271-- 1 y A. ALDRICII, Imnorter and liealer In Oeneral Merehanilise ; Commission Airent for tlie gae ofSuirar. Molaues and Coffee, and other Island Produce. A rent for the Lines and Mm'nr Plasi- - TATioS. Consignments of all kinds of Island Pro. luce solicited. Unlera for Merchandise promptly attended to. Jo7-l- y W. IIOLLES Ac :o., Chip Chandlers and Cotnmlasiuo Merchants and Dealers in General Merchandise, Labaina, Maui. Whalers fut islied with recruits at the shortest notice, in exchange for or Mils. OT-l- y GEORGE CLARK. Dealer in Dry and Fancy Goods, IIel Street, between ana and Mauna Kea streets. HONOLULU STEAM FLOUR 31 ILL Proprietors. O. P. JUDD, 8. SAVIDUK, and C. U. LEWEU3 O. P. Jno, Pnrchasin; Agent. . S iritM.s, SePing C. U. Lawaa.4, Treasurer. 2C2-l- y 207-l- y Co. Arent. 20-l- y A. S. & M. S. CRINBAUM, Importers and Wholesale Dealers In Fashionable CWhinr, Hats, Caps, Root an. I Sh. and every vari-t- of Gentle. men Euprrior Furnisliinc Good, btnre, 'rmcrly occa. pied by W. A. AMricb, Kl-- , in Makee' block. Queen Street. Ilonolula, Oalta. 278-l- y oas. a. suaur. DISIIOP At CO., A. ALDBICB. Banker. Office In the east corner of MMakec's Block, on Kaaiamana street, Honolulu. Draw Biils of fcxrhaii; on 3Iers. UiJSKi.u,MisTrav fs Co., New York. Ilixar A. Piaara, Kj., - Iloston. Messrs. Mono a, ST'isa St C't, - San Francisco. Will receive dewos.ta, discount nrst-cla- as business paier, and attend to col lectin;, etc y AI L. S. CAJTLC AOS. a. COOKS. CASTLE Ac COOKE, Inporters and Wholesale and Retail dealers in General at the old stand, of and School streets, near Uie fairre Suine Church. Also at the New Fireproof Store In Kin strc-t- , the Hesuaea's Cha-pe- L Agents for UK. JAY. TITS MEUlCiXES. 2C7-l- y "IcCOLCAN At CAMPBELL, MEPOHAST TAILORS, on Fort Street, next door to Odd Fellows' nail, between Kin? ami Hotel streets. Cloths, Cassimere an.l Vestine atvays on hand, and cloth, ins niad up in the best styl. 2"i'J--ly O II IV It T Dkalks WINES, SPIRITS, ALE Axn PORT EE, Hoaolulo). VI. O IV 257-- 1 Nuu 267-- 1 272-l-y WILCOX, RICHARDS & CO., Ship Chandlers and Commission Merchants, dealers General Merchandise. Keep constantly hand a full assortment of merchandise, for the supply of Whalers aud Merchant vessel. AGENTS FOR THE Regular Dispatch Line of Packets, BETWEEN Alt HONOLULU & SAN FRANCISCO. Bark t'siarl," Capl. John I'aty. Spredvrrll. Capl. Jan. Smith. "Vaakrr," Cnpl. G. V. Claxtsa. One of the above vessels will be dispatched regularly every three weeks, oftencr. Freight and Passengers taken at the lowest rates. All of the above vessels hare raperior accommodations for Passengers, Ar whom every comfort will be a Horded. Through Bills Lailimr, will be Honolulu, fr merchan dise New l ork or lloston, the freight being reshippol San Francisco, board first class clipiicrs without extra expense to shipiwrs. I is in on or at to at on Shipers can also procure at Boston or New York, through Bills Ladinr. Or freight shipped via San Francisco, of Messrs. ;iid.l- - n k Williams, Hton and Messrs. W. T. Coleman ; Co., New York. Messrs. McRuer If Merrill, Agents lor Retrular Dispatch Line, at San Francisco. 22-3m-. tiios. SHIP CHANDLER! Dealer in General Merchandise, Inland Produce, SfC, and Commission .Merchant. Byron's Bay, llilo, S. I., Will keep constantly on hand an extensive assortment of every descri4ioa goods required by ships and others. The highest price given fur Island Pnnluce. Money advanced for Bills of Exchange at reasonable rates. UUo, February 3. 1S61. 240-l-y JIHIN THOMAS AVATERHOirsE, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Honolulu, II. I. REFERENCES His Fx. R. C. Wrt.ua, ... Honolulu. B. F. Sow, Esq., .... " C. A. Co., ... " Chas. Bbswsb. Esq., .... w WlUX. RlCHABDS A CO.. ... 14 Ihaoxn A Six, .... " Taos. Srsscaa. E., .... Ili'o. II. Dickixso, Es .... Lahaina. It. PivMAS, Esq., .... San Fraucisco. MrKt KB a Mbbbill, ... " C. W. Baooas Co, ... " Kvsbstt a Pora, .... " O. T. Lawtos, Esq., .... " Tosix, Uaoa. a Co., .... " 276-l- y y 207-l- y King given MEI.CHERS &. CO., Importer ami Coniiniiioii Jlercliaiifs, ST0NS STORE, ST., CORNER MERC II A N'T. A0ENTS FOR THE If AHarmnn-BBESK- S Fibs Issraasrs Co. I'l..x::a FLot a Mills, San Francisco.. S.ile of Asa.rT a Ukishabdt's Mir Heev, Sole of SioAK, M')Uis axd Otbeb Uivinn Pbodccb. Consignment re' pert fully aolic.ted, and ail orjers from the other ts'aiKls and abroad, promptly executed. Grs-ra- r C. Maxmaas, 1. D. Wicas, g. A. SmtErcB, Bremen. Honolulu. Honolulu. 270-- 1 y .taajiAS rsrw: chas. a. lcxt. C. BREWER & CO., Corimission &, Shipping Merchants, Haawlata. Osks, II. I. REFER TO Jobs. M. Hood, IUi. ........ ......New York. James Hi xsewkll, E., j Chals Bbewfb, Esq., .....Boston. II. A. Pkibcb. Ei , ) MBsa. McHrsa c Mibull, I Sn franciseo. Chas. WoLcorr Bbooils, Ei., f Ms.viaa.Wa. Ptstac a Co--,. ........ Hongkong. MasBd. Pkelb, HiBBkLL a Co.,.. ..Manila. 274-l-y A L Ii K a Sc it Ia 11 III I I , src"EsK TO Greorero W. Macy, KAWAIIIAB. HAWAII. Will eooUiiae the General Jlerclutrallse and Shipping business at the above port, where they are prepared to furnish Uie justly celebrated Kawaihae PotaW, and such other re emit as are required by whale ships at the shortest notice, and on the roost reasonable terms. 27-l- y ml Office -- ; 1 gj 1 71 " HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, DECEMBER 1SG1. V.u:intss Carte. I)H. J. 3IOTT SJIIT1I, corner of Fort awl Hotel Streets. E. IIOFF-MAN- 31. D., Physician and Surgeon, Makee's Block, comer Queen and Kaa humanu streets. 2j.-l- y W1LLIA3I HU3IPIIREYS, Notary Public, Office at the Court House, up stair. 272-l- y J. W. AITSTI.V, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT Office in Honolulu over the Post 267-l- y II. HACKFELD At CO. General Commission Agents, and Oahu, S. I. I House, Ilonolula, CHAS. F. GUILLOU, 31. I Late Surgeon United Navy, late Consular Physician American seamen and pencral practitioner. Of&ce corner Kaalimnanu and Merchant streets, and residence at Ur. Wood's .Mansion, Hotel street. sol- - ly to Medical and Surgical in English, French, Spanish, and Italian. 2S0-l- y LAW. OiBce. Ship StaM advice Office hours from 11 a. M. to 2 r. at other hours inquire at his residence. 2ni-J- y II. STASCEXWALI), 31. I., PHYSICIAN AND Late New York City Pisensary Physician. niemler of the Melico College and of the Pathological Society of New lork. Offic- - at Ir. Ju l.l's Dru- - Store, on Fort Street. Residence in Nuuanu Valley, opposite that of E. O. Hall, Esq. 27 7- -1 y J ANION. GKEEX Ac C'O., Commission Merchants File-Pro- of Buildings, Queen street. Ilonolula, April 1, 1H69. FISCHER, Cabinet Maker and French Polisher, Street, opposite to Uuvernment House. 'JOT-l- y B. F. SNOW, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN OENERAL MERCHANDISE, Honolulu. II. I. 207-- ly W. N. LA DO, Importer ami Dealer in Hakowark, Cctlfbt, Mcn.rnc3 imiu aiMl auuiciltubal. ixriixniin, r ortaircei, Hono lulu, soi-i- y J. WORTH, Dealer in General Merchandise, llilo, Hawaii. Ships supplied with recruit at Uie shortest notice, on reasonaiiie terms Bills of exchange wantel. 267-l- y J. S. WALKER, Euirriao ad Commiasios Agksct, (Anthon's Block.) Corner Qsers ssd Knahumaaa atreeta. 210-l- y HONOLULU, H. I. I. N. FLITNER, Continues his old business in the Ureproof buildinfr, Kaahuma DU street. Chronometers rated by observations of the sun and stars with a transit Instrument accurately adjusted to the meridian of Honolulu. Particular attention given to fine watch reairiiig. Sextant and quadrant glasses silvered and adjusted. Charts aud nautical instruments constantly on hand and fr sale. 207-l- y I. C. WATERMAN Si. CO., COMMISSIOX MERCHANTS. Especial attention paid to the interest of the Whaling Fleet, by Uie ruriiisliing oi lumis, purcnase ana saie oi t.xtnanee, nil, Bone, General Merchandise, awl the procuring of Freight REFERENCES. Messrs. Isaac Howlasd, Ja., & Co., New Bedford W. G. K. Porn, Esq., do. Moan as, Stosjb Ac Co., San Francisco. McKces & Mcrbill, do - gfl7-- ly jiiwdoi, Manofacturer, Importer ami Dealer in Boot and Shoe of every descrtition. Mi ciuilinirs, rump, Sole, Kijrmnir, Harness, and Patent lieathers. Calf, Goat, Hog, and Buck Skins, Trunks. Valises, Simrring Gloves, Foils, and Masks, Black Inc. 11 rushes. Hosiery, fcc. &c. Brick Shoe store, of Fort and Merchant st.. Honolulu, II. I. 207-l- y II. W. SEVERANCE, Ship and Commission Merchant, Honolulu, S. I REFERS TO Captain B. F. Ssnw, - Honolulu. Messrs. D. C. Watfrm av & Co.. - " Williams A- - Hates, - New London. McKckb K Mkbrill, - San Swift t Alles, - . New Itetlfon). Hexbt A. Pkibck. - - Boston. II. W. SEVERANCE will continue the Ship Chandlery and Commission business at the Old Stand. Every description of Shin Chandlery ami Merchandise required by Slnppinp. will lie on hand anil for sale at low rates. 258-- 1 y DUDLEY C. BATES, MERCHANT, Mrrrhnnl Street. Ilonolaln. Agent for the sale of Sugar and Molasses from Titcomb's Plan tation. Agent for the New England Roofing and Manufacturing Com pany. a.o-i- y J. C. SPAIiDINl.', Importer aud Commission Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu, S. I. AGENT FOR Nirmt Iits. Co Boston. Bostojc Iss. Co., Boston. Povl-STO- " Ali.iamcb Wasuisi.tos " u N. E. MtTraL 1st. Co., KlltlTABLK Safett Its. Co., - - - -- Salem Maiu.sk Iss. Co., - - - - - REFERENCES Messrs. Wm. Tnwisn, k Co., - Boston A. A. Fhazkb, Esq., ... J. A. CixstsfiiiAM, Esq.. J. Spaldim;, H-q- ., Messrs. Pkelk, Hi bukll A: Co., - Fbazkb a Co., - - - " C. W. Bkhosj k Co., - A. P. EVKItBTT. EllQ., - Messrs. J. Jkfvbkv a Co., Manila. - San It. It. llTA.-- , Ksq., ... J. C. - - - - Messrs. Kckll Ic Co., ItT Store in Co.s Fire Proof Block. msURA.HCE CA.R.PS, SAN Ilonolula, Oct.ll.lS57. CAliIFORNIA 'V"-Vl::.f- - SURGEON, COMMISSION Shanghac. Yokalmma. Francisco. MOSTBKO, Robinson Edinburgh. Canton. 279-- 1 y Mutual Marine Insurance Company, FRANCISCO. riMIK IMIERSIGXEI) HAVING BEEN m. aMinted t- -t tlie above company, leg leave to inform tbe the public, that tney are now reareu to issue MARINE INSURANCE POLICIES on Cargo, Freight and Treasure. Aug. 21, ISol. 27l-6- I 1 Salem. Agent II. t CO. FLORENS STAPENIIORST, Agent for the Bremen and Board of Underwriters. All average claims against tlie said l uderwriters, occurring in tar about this Kingdom, will have lo be certified before htm. HAMBURGH -- BREMEN FI11E INSURANCE COMPANY. rwiIIE UN PERSIC NEB. of tl.e above Com al pany, are prepared to risks against fire in and about Honolulu. W. Hotel Oahu. corner Chandler Francisco kept For particulars apply at the office. nonmalu h Chandlers, 4'hirurgical 2G7-l- y Salem London. Dresden 2t57-l- y Agents insure MELCIIERS CO. 267-l- y Honolulu Soap Works! w. J. RAVVLINS. fflllE PROPRIETOR HAVING MADE considerable improvement in the above Establishment, begs leave to announce to his Customers and the Public in genera!, that he is prciaml to supply them with genuine TELLOW SOAP! equal, if not superior to the N-s- t imported. 7r Onlers rpu the other nun.is punctually attcn.te.1 to. N. II. SOAP GREASE WANTED. 24-l- y IIAWA1IA. SOAP FACTORY ! BY WIVJ. H. HUDDY! AT LELEO ! RECEIVED A LARO E AND FULL nAVINIS material, is prepared supply his customer, and the pnMic, wiih the ?rat Yrllaw, Brawn itud White SOAP. ALtrO koit vrvi OIIi HOAP, In large or small quantities to suit. P. S. Soap grease always wanted. 279-l- y Sngar and Syrup Kes. AND S GAL.. EMPTV 3 Fraleby (0-- l HACKFELD fc M. to KEGS. C. l:ll KWK.lt k CO. illftbauital d'arte. BENNETT & lYTKENNEY, JBoot and Shoe Makers, sfi St., west side, above Hotel Su t4fcL All Orders entrusted to us will t attended to with neatness and dispatch. NEW SHOEMAKERS SHOP! fll TIIK l.M)EKSIU.ED WOL'LU lly inform bis frieiiiis a;id the pu'ilic, that he I.... ......I i.tm..ir maker, one door North-We- st of the Dry Goo.ls Store, on Hotel Street, where he hop"4 to m.rit a sliare of public pat- - roiiaw. GEOKuE CLARK. P. S. Mre. V. will sell off the good in the dry goods store, at a very treat reduction of prices. (25-3m- ) G. C LOCK AND GUNSMITH. THE UNOERS1GNKD BEGS LEAVE to that he lias tue shop formerly occupied by U. SiiUrs, and is ready to execute all orders in bis line withneatness and dispatch. P. S. Particular attention paid to repf irin? Sewintr Inchlncs JAMt.S A. llOt'l'EK, 2S5-l- y Kaahumanu street. NEW CARPENTER SHOP JO II X POM EKO V (MRl'KXTER AXD V'.l Cabinet Maker, leijs resectrully to iuform the inliabit-fC- I ants of Honolulu aud vicinity, that huving opened a 'T I iu the line, near tl.e corner of Nuuanu and Chanlain Streets, he is now prepared to do all such work with neatness and dispatch and at greatly reduced prices. Ji bbing done, furniture made ami repaired, cotliU made to DrJ r, paper hangings, etc., at reasonaiiie rates. All work done by me warranted. Persons wishing to dispose of furniture by private sale, will do will to give ine a call. 37 The smallest favors thankfully received. far tu O ii K THOMAS, wT ' .. . . . I. - . ,i i. ... slate, Uiken slup aiwve IS TVTJ a. s oxi. . CALL THE ATTENTION OF the public to his stock oi material, uo'isistiiii: of llawa'i ian and American Lime. Uricks, Cement, Fire Clay, Fire l'ricks, PlasU-- r of Paris, California Sand, (Jerman Tiles, Try Vote. Composition nnd Grrtvel Roolinsr. TRY WORKS reiiaired at lowest rates. COM POSITION and GRAVEL ROOFING put on buildimrs and warrantol ticht. TT Onlers to lie kit at tbo Lime House, on M.u M Kt.tr, or with P. U. Jos as, at Messrs. lliciiani & to. sua ly HENRY ALLEN, Carpenter, Builder ami Undertaker! rail IK rl)EKSICNEI) BEGS LEAVE re- st nectfnllv to inform hi friemls and the public generally. that having recently enlarged his premises, be is now prepared to do all work in the above liue, with dispatch and ia a work- manlike manner. Koa and Pine Coffins always on hand. FURNITURE REPAIRED. Jobbing done ou reasonable terms. HENRY ALLEN, Fort st. Opposite tbe Family Grocery and Feed Store. NEW AND SECOND-HAN- D low prices. F1 U XINTT UI IK. NEW AND SECONB haud Furniture of every description. constantly on hand, aud for sale at ALSO Second-han- d Furniture Bonsrht at II. ALLEN'S CARPENTER SHOP, Fort St., opposite A. D. Cartwright's Feed Store. TT KOA B V R E A US always on hand. 2S2-6- m HONOLULU IRON WORKS rmmiE UNDERSIGNED is prepared TO B furiush IRON and ItltASS CASTINUd, and all kinds of Machinery and Smith's Work at the biiortest Aotlce and ClIKAJ'KST RATK8. STEAM ENGINES AXD BOILERS MADE TO ORUEU. rr CONSTANTLY ON HAND A supply of Anvils, Cart Boxes, Forge Backs, Chain Stoi.iH.rs, Sash Weights, Stove Plates and Linings, Dumb Hells, tc, Jtc, ic. WM. H. WRIGHT, OF KOLOA, KlXJVI, RESPECTFULLY INFORM THE T public that he is prepared to Manufacture Turbine or nny titer kind of Water Wheel, and warrant them, at reasonable rates. Orders for any kind o. Millwriprlit Work solicited and promptly attended to. 201y KoLOA, OCU 1C, lbbl. -- ly f. ii. v a. sjegi:l,ki:x, Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS In Tin, Sheet Iron, CopH?r and Zinc Ware. ALSO SlioAvcr ISatli.s LEAD PIPES LAID AXD REPAIRED. C7 Sliip Work promptly executed. 27?-l- y .TA.1II2S LUChWOOl), MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN 33 Tin, Sheet Iron & Copper Ware KAA1IUMANU STREET, HONOLULU, II. I. Summer Bakers, Tin and Coper Pumps, Bathing Tubs, Foot and Miower Uaths, liu an.l .inc ILiojIIdk', and a penerjil assortment of Tin Ware, c. Ship Work rxremrd with Nesxtneaa a aid 2'-- ly Iipwleki. C. K. Wl 111 AIi Cabinet Maker and Turner. rviHE OLD STAND, HOTEL STREET, NEAJt M the corner of Fort. Furniture of all kimls msule and repaired. On haud and for sale, READY MADE FURNITURE, Koa Boards. Joist and Plank; Cedar, Black Walnut and Cherry Boards; Rosewood and Mahoeany Veneering. A larze assortment of Uilt Mouldins, and lartre sized Glass. A variety of R.icfcinr, Dining, Office and Children's Chairs. Polished Cot&ns on hand and mau to order. 267-l- y C2o op erin JAMES A. BIRDICIi IN REMOVING HIS BUSINESS to his new COOPERAGE on the Esplanade, Fort street, takes this opportunity of return-in- ? his sincere thanks to his friemls and the public in reneral, for the support and patron aire which they have been pleased to Brant him fir the past tea years, and hopes that by attention to nusi-ne- ss and promptness In the execution of all onlers intrusted to him, he will merit a continuance of tneir favors. He has on hand for sale upwards of 4UOO bblatof Casks of all sorts and sizes. 2o-l- y Coopers and dangers. Corner of Bethel and King Streets, ASD FORT ST., TWO DOOR3 BELOW DR. JUDD'S DRUG STORE, -- v ARE NOW PREPARED TO EX- - .1, ccuie mu oruers iu uieir tine promptly anu at V ; V reasonable rat. s. Thankful for past patronage, they confidently rely utxn tnetr old customers for a coatinuance of their favors, and trust that their endeavors to please, and extreme low rates of charges, will insure to them a fair share of business in their line. N. B. New anil second hand ca.-k- s and shook always on and, which they will at the lowest market rales. 2tl-l- y JOHN PATY, COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, ETC., FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, At Honolulu. Oflloe of D. C. Watermnn X Co. riLL ATTEND TO TAKING OF DKPOSI- - TIONS, AcknowleIgmenU, and all other Instrument of Writing to be used iu this State. Honolulu, Dec. :t, 237-A-- m &EfIIin$s arw ileal (tstalf. A Tenant Wanted. FOR THE ROGERS HOUSE. Water will m l.r on .nil t? nl2 not in thtiruuph rVTknir. Honolulu, Nov. 21. 1SC1. 2S7-3- m Guanlian. A Chance Seldom met with. V?v THE UNDERSIGNED WISHING TO I""' leave this kingdom, on acconnt of ill health. otTers to iiLyL lea (or disiioiie of.) the Restaurant, Billiard, and Bowling Saloons, on Fort Street. They are titled aud complete with everything that can possibly be itnuired. It is now doin, and always has done a very good, respecta- ble an.l lucrative business. Full particulars will be given by applvins; to the rroprietor in the premises. 2so-- 7t E. BURGESS. To be Sold Cheap ! 2 HOUSES. EACH 25 ft. LONG, SO ft. wide 9 feet high, built of one inch matched redwood U.ar.ls and painted inside and out. Apply to S.JOHN SON, House Carpenter, King St., who will rebuild them on any nart of this Islatid or any of the other Islands, at a reasonable rate. 2S0-3- T Waikahalulu Water Lots ! UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN appoiuted agent for the sale and lease of the Wuiknhaluln Lots betrs to call the attention of Merchants, Ship Owners, Speculators anil others to thi finely situated tract of land which is now of fered in lots at reduced rates and on liberal and convenient terms. Plans may be seen anil all particulars learned by application to the understand at Kotivrt C J anion s r ire-p- nl liuiiiiings. N. B. Early application should be made for choice Lots. W. L. GREEN, Arent for the Sale of Waikahalulu lots. Tlono'ulu. Oct. 21. 185S. 2JJ0-3-m tUfviEJER, Doors, Window Sash, Blinds. O Afa sfa DOORS. ASSORTED SIZES, WITH VF r mouldings and msel panel. 50 Sash Doors, assorted sixes. 300 pair Window Sash, assorted sixes. 25o pair Blinds, with and without swivels, ass d sixes. Selected cxnressly for this market, and f sale low by 2M)-- q GE0RGK Q HOWE. Just Received, OWa M SHAVED WHITE EASTERN O P W shingles, warranted to cover 1U0 sijuare ieet to the M. A new lot of the favorite cottage siding boards. Pine clapboards, 12 feet long and 7 inches wide extra thick- - cess. ALSO A small lot of panelled ceiling boards, 1 inch, a new and very desirable article. II7A an assortment of White and Col'd Paints. 2S0-- q " For sale by C. II. LKWER8. DOORS, WINDOW SASH, BLINDS. LATE ARRIVALS EX Doors, all sixes ami kinds, 200 Window Sash, all kinds, 100 pair Blinds, all sires, 12 Glass lioorsand Ulinds, etc., complete. For sale at the lowest market prices, by 230 q C. II. LEWERS. Lumber! Lumber! nnilE UNDERSIGNED WOULD HEREBY JL give notice to bis customers, and the public generally, that he is prepared to sell every description of ftorth est lumber in quantity, or by small lots, as cheap or cheaper than any other person in the market. In other words, be wants to sell, and won't be beaten. U0-q-) C. H. LKWEK8. Views of Honolulu ! A LI' PERSONS VISITING OU RESIDING ft on these islands, should not fail to send aswtof G. II. BurseHH V im s of" Honolulu to their friends nbroail. as they will convey by far a better idea of the Scenery, Habits, customs, etc., ot tins place man any works or prints ever pub lished. To be had of E. BURGEES, 1 18-C- Fort street HAWASS AIM BEEF! Packed by JAMES MAKEE, On hand and for sale by 282-3- m : Enat Maui. 1 1 C. BREWER & CO. SHftflR & MniASSFS! JaJLa JCZl. -- ii. Wa XX CJ JL. CItOI OF 1SG1. For sale by (2S2-3- C. BREWER k CO. TO CAPTAINS. THE UNDERSICNED FOR SALE, the following articles from wrecked bark vht Chain-cabl- e, in. cir., 101 fathoms. 1 do 1 in. cir., 97 fathoms. 118 fathoms 1 in. and 1 in. old chain, 1 Anchor wooden stock, 10 H 1700 lbs., 1 pair Hawsepies for cable, 2 ft. long, diam. 10 in., 1 Pie for fluke chain, diam. 8) in., 2 Chain Stoppers, patent, lsii, 1 pair Catheads, complete. 1 Bowsprit and Cap, 29 ft. long, 1 lot Hak;natak Knees, 1 RuiMerstock, diam. 13 in., 20 ft. 3 in. long, 1 lot com p. 1 Skylight Top, 8 ft. U in. x 2 ft. 7 ia., 1 lot old Iron, 1 lot old Lead. 22 wrought iron Knees, 1 Camboose. Lahaina, Oct. 14, 1861. 2S2-1- A.UNNA. HONOLULU Steam Biscuit Bakcrv. IMI E VND ER GX E D WOULD R FS;. pectfully inform his friemls and the public (renerally that, the Honolulu Steam Biscuit Bakery being now in full operation, he prepared furnish Pilot and Navy Bread, Water Crack- ers and other description of FANCY BISCUITS, All of superior quality and at Prices to defy Competition ! Partus their own flour for ship bread, will have made up the lowest possible rates. SHIP BREAD REBAKED. Orders from the other islands promptly attended to B0BEKT LOVE, Nuuanu Street. TT Orders in Honolulu for shipping to be left with Messrs. Wjlcox, Richards Co., Queen Street. 270-o- g SALE. BV RECENT VALS.TII E Cf follOW! undersigned, Preserves, Freeh Fresh quinces. Fresh peaches, Fresh pears. Raspberry j Cranberry j!m. I OFFER Paulina, Sidelights, sm BJBSA J S I L is to furnishing it at k H ARR1 apples. nc choice assortment of Groceries, at the store of viz.: im. the Strawlerry jam, &c, fcc, tc, Mince meats. Sage, Sweet savory, Fresh raisins. Tins vikr crackers. Tins sugar crackers. Tins soda crackers. Fresh oysters, Sardines, Ensrlish pie fruits, caiirlisn sauces. Summer savory, Carry powder, Ground cassia. Ground black pepper, Whole do do. Pimento, Ground cloves, Ground ginger, Cream tartar, S. C. soda, Haxall flour, Fresh currants, in tins. Tins butter crackers. Tins oyster crackers, Tins wine crackers, Fresh lobsters, French capers, Enntish pickles, Endish mustard. trench mustard, cmoked hams Smoked herrings. Green corn, Best Oolong tea. Hops, Crushed and loaf suTar, Soap, ke y. P. Fresh Island butter and ground coffee always on hand 2i0-I- y H. McINTVHK. For Sale. JUST undersigned RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BV 75 Bbls, Hawaiian Beef, Warranted, Packed and Cured in Turk's Island Salt-2&0-- CUA3. BREWER, 2d SEWING MACHINES! A FEW ONLV LEFT. WILLIAMS' double W. thrca.1. new patent Sewing Machines, simple io construe- - eion. ornamenul, light and t, not liable to get out of order . . .. .: i .. v i i i t i ... . . ' iij iiiiiiij nji"iui nuppiicu il!l one. ror saie oy 2S-- I C. BREWFJt CO. lKR VOI. V I. XV IIOI.K TJKXtr CXJIOIilT SMAtt PROHTC.t JOHK THDS. WATSIOISE'S Iaj- 4 J ) AND Will be from the 2S2-3i- n THE a mi. i Dry Goods, .tc. 234-S- ocean. SIX DOLLARS 4I'M. No. tits. N. 12. BEE HIVE S T O Ii E LARGE VARIED ASSORTMENT mm OK GOODS HAWAIIAN PLAG Suspended Front. NEW GOODS!! BV BRITISH CLIPPER BARK rrv From Liverpool. Clothing, Hardware, iVC, JAN ION, GREEN ft CO. SUGAR AND MOLASSES! CBOP 1861. From the BREWER PLANTATION, - Koa aamiDg ia, nd tor cala by . C. 2d. July 1. 1SC1. 270-6r-a Book aud Job I'rinliii". OFFICE. COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER ES- TABLISHMENT has recently added to its supply of ma chinery, one of COMBINATION PRESSES, capable of printing one thousand sheets Iter hour, for small jobs of any kind, but more ex pressly for T3IljiXj.xXX;iV.T3g, which can now be executed in a style of unsurpassed ele gauce and beauty, on the finest of paper, and at lower prices than the same can be at San Francisco or else in this The office is also supplied with one of the celebrated capable of printing cards with a beauty on crfection rhich excited the admiration and amazement ot both their Imperial Highnesses the Ambassadors, during their visit here in March last, who condescended to min utely examine its and their artUU to take sketches of this and our other presses for the of the Emperor of Japan. Iron, Boiler Plate, Ilice, BREWER noDolulu, RUOGLES1 IMPROVED PRINTING designed procured anywhere bordering nnrmalified Japanese operation, commanded information For Book-wor- k, Pamphlets, Tracts, Newspapers, etc., etc., we are also furnished with one of Adams' Imperial Rook Presses. on which the world-renown- Harper's llluminatrd Bible was printed, and which is capable of doing the finest printing known. In this branch of our business we are repared to execute all work which may be offered, in Hawaiian, Eng lish, or any other language, on the lowest terms. Seed, For all other kiwis of work, ordinary and extraordinary, from tl.e smallest druggist's labels to the most lengthy state ap- pendices that may be issued from the portfolio of the Foreign Office, we have tlie fullest and most complete assortment of Print- - ng Materials ever collected in this kingdom, and the best work men to be found anywhere in the Pacific Ocean. Cotton To be brief, we have recently added, at considerable expense, over fifty varieties of new type to our already extensive collec tion, and a large assortment of plain and fancy wedding, busi ness, ball and other cards and note papers, with choice cap, bill-hea- d, letter and other papers, of all sizes and colors, large and small, and are thus prepared, at the shortest notice and on the lowest terms, to print anything and everything that may be wanted, whether ADDRESS CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, BALL TICKETS, BILLETS OF ALL KINDS, CIRCULARS OF EVERT DESCRIPTION, DRUGGIST'S LABELS, BILL-HEAD- S, AUCTION POSTERS, BUSINESS POSTERS, CARGO POSTERS, SHIP AND SCHOONER POSTERS, PAMPHLETS AND BOOK 3, BY-LA- AND CONSTITUTIONS, ENVELOPE LETTER ADDRESSES, 2Q4 tf LEGAL AND OTHEi BLANKS. Xcav Sal ill on. RECEIVED EX TANK EE." JUST 150 bbls. extra new Salmon. ALSO FOR FAMILY CUE, 100 half bbls Salmon. 2S0-- q tVC. For sale by C. BREWER k CO, Agricultural Implements. RON PLOWS, IIAV CUTTERS, Ox Yokes, Seed Planters, Ox Bows, Cane Cutters, Grain Cradle. Garden Rollers, Planters Hoes, Wheelbarrows, Cultivators' Teeih, Grindstones, Garden Rakes. For sale by 2S0q C. BREWER & CO Piano Tortcs. 1 Fancy case Piano Forte, f oct., 1 Half-roun- d " " 64 " from the manufactory of Messrs. nallett Cumston, whose In- struments have an unequalled reputation for sweetness of tone, elegance and perfection of mechanical construction. C. BREWER CO., 2S0- - A genu, rr All adrrnhirairBla nr"le aaraar.! I irl'. 3x1. lata 3o. Cm. 1J..S riwUiKf $ .W fluu 125 fil ftOO faOV Ten Line........ I M l.0 SOI aW S.UO Fifteen Lines.... 1 M 8 W '2.60 4 00 SOO 10.00 Twenty Um... 2 00 S SO S.d0 SOU 0 00 14.00 Thirty 3 00 4 00 6 00 li.00 14.00 Ouarter CjJu.uo. 0.00 11.00 24 00 4 00 Half Column.... 15 00 2u.ny 40 00 fro.00 Whole Column. . 20.00 37. SO TS 00 IW.00 Allt:aaiiont advertisement (urt insertion) 1er Une....10 ct (each subsequent do. 44 ... let Business oanl, (nit csnmlinx line.) pe annum. .....I X (Kach addilMMial hue,) " WcH Jjr PityaWe alaayi In a.lanee, XI ?Mr adrta.,(no( cvcwJiog 10 ttim (pace,) drat huertiun.f 1 00 Kach uh4ieiit iurrl.u.. ............. .60 eta lniTUiT Arrrnnsitw will be charftvd at the MWwiDf rate pajllr at the end of each quarter : For one kD, (or the (pace of 20 line,) per quarter... f J 00 Fnr otnvfiirU of a column, per quarter.............. .f 11 OO Fr one-hm- lf a elumn, per quarter. .$"i0 OO For a whole coturan, per quarter.. ...... M 3ibtrlistmHifs. THE lJiI)EKSIUtED HAVE ON 1I.VND AND FOR SALE AT MODERATE RATES, A LARGE STOCK OF MERCHANDISE ! AMONG.! WHICH ARK Dry mmIs. Fancy Printsof aproatTarictyorstvlesnndcolorii, Iouming lTinw, Two-Mu-o Prints, Indigo Blue Cottons, Dyed Cottona, Dcniuit Minute I'attorn Turkey rod rind yellow PrinU White ground Muslins, small pattemf, t medium Brilliants wnall and medium patterns. Illack and White tajyj cliexk Muslin", Plain Turkey Red Cloth, Cotton Sheeting, Victoria Lawnn, Drab Moleskin. Fancy figured Bilks, Cotton llaudkerchiefo. While Cotton Drilla, Bedtifk", . A great variety ot Cotton Trowneringa, Plain Black Silk ! Pure Bilk Handkerchiefs. SevialSflk, Embroidered silk flsrwred jtljiaca Fine hUck Alpacas, . Black and colored Spared I mires. Plain colored Lastrea, Paperflo Mack aud blae Ctotfc, Faperfine black CaMianerw, Plaiu blue Flanaei, Biack SatiaeU, Common black and blue Cloth, Black and fancy Doeskins and mixed Trowscrings White Blanket., all sixes. Blue Blanket, all sixes, Scarlet Blankets, all tisea. Common Blankets, lor horse cloth, Brussels and velvet Carpeting; Hallway Boft, -- Velvet Bugs, Woollen Plaids, Huckaback Towels and Toweling, linen Handkerchiefs, Plain while and fancy tinea Drill, Brown Holland. Clothing, Shirts, Shoes, &c. Black Cloth Pant. bct Pilot Jackets, cemmou do.. Blue serge Shirts of all qualities. Woollen Undershirts, worsted Stockings White Shirts, assorted; Regatta Shirts. Assorted qualities of Felt Hats, Ladies Riding Hats, Oxford tie Shoes, Children's Boots and Shoes, Crimean Boots, Sup. cotton half hose, embr. cotton Ovcrshirts. Groceries. Brown Soap, Pickles, Pie Fruits, Sauces, Mustard, Salad Oil, Scotch Oatmeal, fancy Biscuits, Olive, Cet, Jams, Caudies, candied Peel, Bloater Paste, table Bait, Curri Powder, Currant, Blue, Starch, Marking Ink, Stkllitx Powder. Sundries. Best English Baddies, com man do- -, Pel loo Bart, Boiled Linseed Oil, cotton Umbrellas, Bilk Umbrellas, Hughes & Jones' Perfumery. Musk, Etseooe of Sandal Wood, Windsor Soap, Sarsaparilla, ocsta Tubs, Fencing; Wire, Hoop Iron, Anchors and Chains, Bar Iron, assorted Boiler Plate, Iron Safes, Crow Bars, Tin Plate, IC and IX, bright Iron Wire, &hoet Lead Sets Sugar Pans, Nobles It Hoare's assorted Varnishes, BOSK ELL'S WATCH E3, golJ and silver. I, KIL O KS. Bottled Ale arid Porter, various brands. JB , Draught Ale in bhds., MarteH's Brandy, in qr. casks, HennoHsy's Brandy, in qr. casks, Otard's Brandy, in qr. casks. Common Brandy, in qr. casks. Cases Cognac, Cases Ginger Brandy, Cases Scotch Whisky, Cs Royal Highland Whisky, Cases Old Tom Gin, Cases Clenlivet Whisky, The celebrated PALE ORANGE BITTERS, Cases Duff Gordon Sherry, Cases Super. Pale Sherry, Cases Sandcman's Port, Cases Champagne, Foreetier Fila, Cases Claret, Chateaux Margaux, Cases Claret, St. Julicn, Cases Abeynth. Earthenware. White Granite Dinner sets, Dishes, Plates, Jugs, Mugs, Breakfast Cure and Sancers, White Granite Tea seta- - Metal covered Jags, uowis, cnamoers, Ewers and Basins, Cover Dishes, Yellow Iappies. Teapots, N. B. This Earthenware, is now open, and is offered in lots to suit families, at unprecedented ly low rates, to close shipments. Janion, Green & Co. Honolulu April 4, 18C1 280 q It if i: f t $ i J I !i m i.t t it- J" .5

Pacific Commercial Advertiser. (Honolulu, HI) 1861-12-26 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 11. · the untitled millionaire. Here the passport from circle to circle is tbe appearance of wealth

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Page 1: Pacific Commercial Advertiser. (Honolulu, HI) 1861-12-26 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 11. · the untitled millionaire. Here the passport from circle to circle is tbe appearance of wealth




I lbliohfl Errry Thar .day Maraiag.ClTT ASD LsLAXD SfUCUTTIO .(, (4.00 A TSAB- -

The snhscrlpTfcwi price f"T all (Mtpmforwr4n tororei?neoan-vV- .I (!M perannura, which Includes the and

II wiiait pnuf A II paper for A mericaa or European ti,will hT United Stale pvitai(e stamp on them.

Xr vi Patablb Alwiii is Aonw-- t

XT" Coannanicatvibf frjm all parti of the Pacific will alwaysbe very acceptable--






TT TISITINO. BUSINESS AND ADDRESS CARDS print!na a " Yankee Cord I'reM," in the highest ityle of the art.

Commercial Advertiser.

The Uirlh f Ike-- Year.r rauKirK tet.

Let o peak low ; the infant ! ailcep ;The frtj hn srow aharp j the day is near,

Ami Phosphor with hi tnptr eoroes to peepInto the eri'lle of the new-ljo- rn year

Hush ! the intuit If asleepMonarch of the Pay and Night tWhimper yet it ia not light-Tb- a

infant ia asleep.

Those arm shall crmh rreat serent9 ere jIlia cloae.1 eye shall vake to Uosh and wr p ;

His Hps shall carl with mirth and writhe with sorrow,And charm op Truth and Ueaaty from the deep :

Softly softly let ns keepOar vigil ; visions cross his rest )Pr'kphetie palies stir his breast,A (though he be aileep.

How. Life and Death, armM In his presence wait ;Genii with lamps are starHlinjr at the door ;

Oh ! he shall sing sweet song ; lie shall relateW'orwlr, ana rVwy. and hopes nntotd before ;

Murmur metidies that may creepInto his ears, of old suhlims ;Let tha joanKeat born of TimeHear music ia bis sleep.

Quickly he shall awake: the Eaxt to bright.Am! the hot flow of the nnriaen son

Hath kivaed hi brow with prnaiie of ks light ;JIu cheek to red with victory to be won.

itk;kly shall oar kins; awake,Ptrotis; as giants and arise ;Pager than the old and wiseThe infant shall awake.

His ehiVIUood shall be Ccwanl, wild and thwart ;Ilia rtadoen fitful, and his angr I4inl

Rut !cmler spirit shall o'ertake h! heartSv4 tears and roUVn mocoents, bland and kind !

lie shall cira deb'gbt and take.Charm, enchant, dismay and sooth iRaUe the dead, and tooch. with youth ;Ob ! aiog that ha may wake t

Where la the sword ta gird arpoo his thigh tWhere to his armor, and his laorel crown ?

Fur be shall be a conqueror ere he die.Ami win bio kingdoms wider than his own !

Like the earthquake be shall hakeCities down, ant wate like fir ;Then boild them trocger, pile them higher.When be shall wake.

Ia the dark ieres of hto oocVed eyeaThe sheeted lizhurings fie, and clouded stars.

That shall glaoca softly, aa bt sauasner skies.Or stream o'rr thirsty deserta. winged with wars :

For ia to paaaes of dread boorslie shall fiiog his armor air.And like a reveller sing and tangh.And dance in bvllea' bower.

Oftt fanes lo his midsammer he shall tornTo look on the dead bloom with weeping eyes

Cer ashes of frail beaut; stand and anm,And kiss the Uier of auickea Dope with sigba.

Ofttimea, Kke Bght of onward seas,lie shall hail great days to come.Or hear the first dread Bote sf doom.Like torrents oa the breese.

Ills mabbood slall be U:sful and suMime,WiUt sbarmy sorrows, and sereswst ptraaores,

And his crew ued age upon the lop of TimeEhali throne blta great in glories, rich lo treasures.

The sun to op the day to breakingSing ye sweetly draw anearImmortal be the new-bor- n year,And Messed be Ua waking.

Chakactek Mobk Valcabutbaii Wbaltii. Amidtbe inteoie competition of active life, one of the mostimportant leseons to be impressed upon all, is a, soberestimate of tbe value of character above wealth. Itis natural to men to create nrtiticiil dis:ioctkos iasociety. Ia every form of political soc.etj, excepttbe republican, sucb dietioctiooa exist by birth or inpernanent civil and ecclesiastical orders. Pride isnurtured and vanity gratified by blood, or family, ortitle, or inherited rank. But such distinctions areprevented ia s republic, by its very constitution,ifeoce tbera remains bat one basis of social duitinc-tio- a,

namely, wealth. In limited circles indetal theremay be aa aristocracy of talent, of education andrefinement, of literature or science, but in society atlarge, gradations of social position are measured bystock certificates, rent rolls, and bank accounts. Iat'le old world a patent of nobility holds good, tboughthere is no income adequate to sustain it, and a pen-

niless Count stands higher ia tbe social scale thanthe untitled millionaire. Here the passport fromcircle to circle is tbe appearance of wealth. Office isuncertain and does not always dignify the holder. ItC inaot be retained for life, much less transmitted todescendants. Hence wealth has gained an import-ance far beyond that which belongs to it, where it isused only to keep up an estate, to display rank, toenjoy life, to procure the advantages of educationand of travel. Here it creates rank; it gives socialposition, even without antecedent, respectability orcorrect education ; and hence pride and vanity, thatin other countries have so many and various outlets,here eto vd into this one channel, and either fill it toi's utmost level, or aeitate it with eddies and contentious waves. Amonw oar people tbe feeling is universal, tbat to be anybody or to do anything, one musthave wealth. With wealth in view as the one greatoNjct of life, upon which everything else depends, itis not stranze tbnt many erasp at the prize withoutany scruple a. to the mtans. Ia the apper circles offtshiooable life, no questions are asked bow one cameby bis money, if be only shows that he has money,or appears 10 have it. If he lives in a fine house,keeps s good carriage, gives splendid parties, noqaesiions are asked as to whether all this is honestlypul for. With such a standard before them, it isn t surprising that aspiring men who fee. themselvestbe eq-- a N. if not the superiors of their we klthy neigh-bors, should find some short road to wealth. Thetvion for richer, the idea that success in life dependsmainly upon wealth, is fruitful io temptations to dis-honor. This is the maelstrom of character in ourcity. Uen will be rich, men must be rich; they putfirth oa the sea of speculation, they reach alter everyfluting straw of prosperity, they give themselves tothe giddy pasxoo of money getting, and are whirledvery way by its power. Smoothly they ride at first

oa the giddy outskirts of dishonesty, till infatuatedwith the pursuit, they dive deeper and deeper, andare sucked into the mighty vortex, a wreck of char-acter, fortane. nope and life. Tbe only safeguard isto bag tbe shore of honesty, and to make charactersupreme. The wealth of character should be esteemed above all other wealth, and be who possesses suchis clothed with a panoply, than which nothing can bestronger, and conscious of this be cao rise alove tbeimputed disgrace of poverty, and ia bis bonest endeavors to accumulate the wealth which confers bomuch rower, be will never have cause to reflect thatcharacter has beea sacrifice! to the infatuation formorjry getting, which is so strong among men.


Froh Molokai Dutier!" ."



Rra-wlaarl-y received mm rwMtaatly for Mile byJ. STEWARD, Grocer. Hotel street.

IVoticc !AXI AFTER THIS DATE. THEFROM herroy rirea nttc. that be will not be

lor or ray any debt or bills whatever contracted inhi name without hia written order. O. W ILIIaXM.

Honolulu, Oct-- 7. IsoL 2 1- -3 01


Grocer's lVuble Crown Wrapping Paper.Iwuinciat's Manila Wrapping Paper.

White "

SSI-Ot- a

For sale low byII. M. WniTNEY.

Irsiwingr PaperVARIOUS SIZES. RRISTOI, BOARDOFand Card Hoard, White, Ked Yellow and Urecn.

For sale byosi.fc, n.M. wnrrxET.



LACKSMITH'S BELLOWS-f-orsale by (i4T-l- ) C. BKEWER CU.

urn n.ii I,

j a I a a. . aa aai bbm u bbw aa a a


5asinfss forte.j. 11. com:,

ATJonoruiari,VO A. P. EVSHKTT.)

At hi late rooms. Queen Street.

C. II. LEW KKS,Lumber ani huil linr materiaU.Fort st. Ilonolula.

c. nunwER 2d,Oeneral Merchant and Aji-D- t for Uie sale of the products of Uie

Brewer Plantation. 2.o-l- y


Von HOLT At HEUCK,General Commissinn Honolulu, Oahu, S. I. 2G7-l- y

ALEX. J. CARTH'RICllT,CommiAsion Mirchaut and General Shipping

Oahu, II. I.




Lumber Yard on Corar Hocs Slcaa,Now Es--planaile. 'JJbl-- lj

E. O. IIAL.IImporter and Dealer in Hardware, 1tt G.ioil, PainU, (His, and

Keneral MKrcbanJiae. corner of Fort aiwl King streets 2)7-l- y





Agents fur the uar Plantations of Aiko, at Papakoa, and Iwoat Pulo, llilo; Imifrt.T and Wholesale and Retail Ieal--ers in China Ooodi ; have on hand, for sale, at their etab.ments on Kmir street, IIfioluJa, and at L:uiaina, .Vuuusir, MoIa....-s- , Syrup, Tea, ConV-e- , and a large and

varied assortment of r'neral merclianiliseHonolulu, Auxunt li, 1,57. 271-- 1 y

A. ALDRICII,Imnorter and liealer In Oeneral Merehanilise ; Commission

Airent for tlie gae ofSuirar. Molaues and Coffee, and otherIsland Produce. A rent for the Lines and Mm'nr Plasi- -TATioS. Consignments of all kinds of Island Pro. lucesolicited. Unlera for Merchandise promptly attended to.

Jo7-l- y


IIOLLES Ac :o.,Chip Chandlers and Cotnmlasiuo Merchants and Dealers in

General Merchandise, Labaina, Maui. Whalers fut isliedwith recruits at the shortest notice, in exchange foror Mils. OT-l- y

GEORGE CLARK.Dealer in Dry and Fancy Goods, IIel Street, between

ana and Mauna Kea streets.


O. P. Jno, Pnrchasin; Agent.. S iritM.s, SePing

C. U. Lawaa.4, Treasurer.

2C2-l- y

207-l- y


Arent.20-l- y

A. S. & M. S. CRINBAUM,Importers and Wholesale Dealers In Fashionable CWhinr,

Hats, Caps, Root an. I Sh. and every vari-t- of Gentle.men Euprrior Furnisliinc Good, btnre, 'rmcrly occa.pied by W. A. AMricb, Kl-- , in Makee' block. QueenStreet. Ilonolula, Oalta. 278-l- y

oas. a. suaur.DISIIOP At CO.,


Banker. Office In the east corner of MMakec's Block, onKaaiamana street, Honolulu.

Draw Biils of fcxrhaii; on3Iers. UiJSKi.u,MisTrav fs Co., New York.

Ilixar A. Piaara, Kj., - Iloston.Messrs. Monoa, ST'isa St C't, - San Francisco.

Will receive dewos.ta, discount nrst-cla- as business paier, andattend to col lectin;, etc y


CASTLE Ac COOKE,Inporters and Wholesale and Retail dealers in General

at the old stand, of and Schoolstreets, near Uie fairre Suine Church. Also at the NewFireproof Store In Kin strc-t- , the Hesuaea's Cha-pe- L

Agents for UK. JAY.TITS MEUlCiXES.2C7-l- y

"IcCOLCAN At CAMPBELL,MEPOHAST TAILORS, on Fort Street, next door to Odd

Fellows' nail, between Kin? ami Hotel streets.Cloths, Cassimere an.l Vestine atvays on hand, and cloth,

ins niad up in the best styl. 2"i'J--ly

O II IV It TDkalks





257-- 1




WILCOX, RICHARDS & CO.,Ship Chandlers and Commission Merchants, dealers General

Merchandise. Keep constantly hand a full assortmentof merchandise, for the supply of Whalers aud Merchantvessel.

AGENTS FOR THERegular Dispatch Line of Packets,


HONOLULU & SAN FRANCISCO.Bark t'siarl," Capl. John I'aty.

Spredvrrll. Capl. Jan. Smith."Vaakrr," Cnpl. G. V. Claxtsa.One of the above vessels will be dispatched regularly every

three weeks, oftencr.Freight and Passengers taken at the lowest rates.All of the above vessels hare raperior accommodations for

Passengers, Ar whom every comfort will be aHorded.Through Bills Lailimr, will be Honolulu, fr merchan

dise New l ork or lloston, the freight being reshippol SanFrancisco, board first class clipiicrs without extra expenseto shipiwrs.




atto at


Shipers can also procure at Boston or New York, throughBills Ladinr. Or freight shipped via San Francisco, of Messrs.;iid.l- - n k Williams, Hton and Messrs. W. T. Coleman ; Co.,

New York. Messrs. McRuer If Merrill, Agents lor RetrularDispatch Line, at San Francisco. 22-3m-.

tiios.SHIP CHANDLER!Dealer in General Merchandise, Inland Produce,

SfC, and Commission .Merchant.Byron's Bay, llilo, S. I.,

Will keep constantly on hand an extensive assortment of everydescri4ioa goods required by ships and others. Thehighest price given fur Island Pnnluce.

Money advanced for Bills of Exchange at reasonable rates.UUo, February 3. 1S61. 240-l-y

JIHIN THOMAS AVATERHOirsE,Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Honolulu, II. I.

REFERENCESHis Fx. R. C. Wrt.ua, ... Honolulu.B. F. Sow, Esq., .... "C. A. Co., ... "Chas. Bbswsb. Esq., .... w

WlUX. RlCHABDS A CO.. ... 14

Ihaoxn A Six, .... "Taos. Srsscaa. E., .... Ili'o.II. Dickixso, Es .... Lahaina.It. PivMAS, Esq., .... San Fraucisco.MrKt KB a Mbbbill, ... "C. W. Baooas Co, ... "Kvsbstt a Pora, .... "O. T. Lawtos, Esq., .... "Tosix, Uaoa. a Co., .... "

276-l- y


207-l- y



MEI.CHERS &. CO.,Importer ami Coniiniiioii


A0ENTS FOR THEIf AHarmnn-BBESK- S Fibs Issraasrs Co.I'l..x::a FLot a Mills, San Francisco..S.ile of Asa.rT a Ukishabdt's Mir Heev,Sole of SioAK, M')Uis axd Otbeb Uivinn Pbodccb.

Consignment re'pert fully aolic.ted, and ail orjers from theother ts'aiKls and abroad, promptly executed.

Grs-ra- r C. Maxmaas, 1. D. Wicas, g. A. SmtErcB,Bremen. Honolulu. Honolulu.

270-- 1 y

.taajiAS rsrw: chas. a. lcxt.C. BREWER & CO.,

Corimission &, Shipping Merchants,Haawlata. Osks, II. I.

REFER TOJobs. M. Hood, IUi. ........ ......New York.James Hi xsewkll, E., jChals Bbewfb, Esq., .....Boston.II. A. Pkibcb. Ei , )MBsa. McHrsa c Mibull, I Sn franciseo.Chas. WoLcorr Bbooils, Ei., fMs.viaa.Wa. Ptstac a Co--,. ........ Hongkong.MasBd. Pkelb, HiBBkLL a Co.,.. ..Manila.


A L Ii K a Sc it Ia 11 III I I ,src"EsK TO


Will eooUiiae the General Jlerclutrallse and Shipping businessat the above port, where they are prepared to furnish Uiejustly celebrated Kawaihae PotaW, and such other reemit as are required by whale ships at the shortest notice,and on the roost reasonable terms. 27-l- y




; 1 gj 1 71



V.u:intss Carte.


corner of Fort awl Hotel Streets.

E. IIOFF-MAN- 31. D.,Physician and Surgeon, Makee's Block, comer Queen and Kaa

humanu streets. 2j.-l- y

W1LLIA3I HU3IPIIREYS,Notary Public, Office at the Court House, up stair. 272-l- y


Office in Honolulu over the Post 267-l- y

II. HACKFELD At CO.General Commission Agents, and

Oahu, S. I.




CHAS. F. GUILLOU, 31. ILate Surgeon United Navy, late Consular Physician

American seamen and pencral practitioner.Of&ce corner Kaalimnanu and Merchant streets, and residence

at Ur. Wood's .Mansion, Hotel street.

sol- - ly


Medical and Surgical in English, French, Spanish, andItalian.

2S0-l- y





Office hours from 11 a. M. to 2 r. at other hours inquire athis residence. 2ni-J- y


Late New York City Pisensary Physician. niemler of theMelico College and of the Pathological Societyof New lork.

Offic- - at Ir. Ju l.l's Dru- - Store, on Fort Street. Residence inNuuanu Valley, opposite that of E. O. Hall, Esq. 27 7- -1 y

J ANION. GKEEX Ac C'O.,Commission Merchants File-Pro- of Buildings, Queen street.Ilonolula, April 1, 1H69.

FISCHER,Cabinet Maker and French Polisher, Street, opposite to

Uuvernment House. 'JOT-l- y


Honolulu. II. I. 207-- ly

W. N. LA DO,Importer ami Dealer in Hakowark, Cctlfbt, Mcn.rnc3

imiu aiMl auuiciltubal. ixriixniin, r ortaircei, Honolulu, soi-i- y

J. WORTH,Dealer in General Merchandise, llilo, Hawaii. Ships supplied

with recruit at Uie shortest notice, on reasonaiiie termsBills of exchange wantel. 267-l- y

J. S. WALKER,Euirriao ad Commiasios Agksct,

(Anthon's Block.)Corner Qsers ssd Knahumaaa atreeta.

210-l-y HONOLULU, H. I.

I. N. FLITNER,Continues his old business in the Ureproof buildinfr, Kaahuma

DU street.Chronometers rated by observations of the sun and stars

with a transit Instrument accurately adjusted to themeridian of Honolulu. Particular attention given to finewatch reairiiig. Sextant and quadrant glasses silveredand adjusted. Charts aud nautical instruments constantlyon hand and fr sale. 207-l- y


Especial attention paid to the interest of the Whaling Fleet, byUie ruriiisliing oi lumis, purcnase ana saie oi t.xtnanee, nil,Bone, General Merchandise, awl the procuring of Freight

REFERENCES.Messrs. Isaac Howlasd, Ja., & Co., New Bedford

W. G. K. Porn, Esq., do.Moan as, Stosjb Ac Co., San Francisco.McKces & Mcrbill, do - gfl7-- ly

jiiwdoi,Manofacturer, Importer ami Dealer in Boot and Shoe of every

descrtition. Mi ciuilinirs, rump, Sole, Kijrmnir, Harness,and Patent lieathers. Calf, Goat, Hog, and Buck Skins,Trunks. Valises, Simrring Gloves, Foils, and Masks, BlackInc. 11 rushes. Hosiery, fcc. &c. Brick Shoe store, ofFort and Merchant st.. Honolulu, II. I. 207-l- y

II. W. SEVERANCE,Ship and Commission Merchant, Honolulu, S. I

REFERS TOCaptain B. F. Ssnw, - Honolulu.Messrs. D. C. Watfrm av & Co.. - "

Williams A-- Hates, - New London.McKckb K Mkbrill, - SanSwift t Alles, - . New Itetlfon).Hexbt A. Pkibck. - - Boston.

II. W. SEVERANCE will continue the Ship Chandlery andCommission business at the Old Stand. Every description ofShin Chandlery ami Merchandise required by Slnppinp. will lie

on hand anil for sale at low rates. 258-- 1 y


Mrrrhnnl Street. Ilonolaln.Agent for the sale of Sugar and Molasses from Titcomb's Plan

tation.Agent for the New England Roofing and Manufacturing Com

pany. a.o-i- y

J. C. SPAIiDINl.',Importer aud Commission Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu, S. I.

AGENT FORNirmt Iits. Co Boston. Bostojc Iss. Co., Boston.Povl-STO- " Ali.iamcbWasuisi.tos " u N. E. MtTraL 1st. Co.,KlltlTABLK Safett Its. Co., - - - --

Salem Maiu.sk Iss. Co., - - - - -

REFERENCESMessrs. Wm. Tnwisn, k Co., - Boston

A. A. Fhazkb, Esq., ...J. A. CixstsfiiiAM, Esq..J. Spaldim;, H-q-.,

Messrs. Pkelk, Hi bukll A: Co.,- Fbazkb a Co., - - -

" C. W. Bkhosj k Co., -A. P. EVKItBTT. EllQ., -

Messrs. J. Jkfvbkv a Co.,



It. It. llTA.--, Ksq., ...J. C. - - - -

Messrs. Kckll Ic Co.,ItT Store in Co.s Fire Proof Block.






'V"-Vl::.f- -









279-- 1 y

Mutual Marine Insurance Company,FRANCISCO.

riMIK IMIERSIGXEI) HAVING BEENm. aMinted t--t tlie above company, leg leave to

inform tbe the public, that tney are now reareu to issueMARINE INSURANCE POLICIESon Cargo, Freight and Treasure.

Aug. 21, ISol. 27l-6-

I 1



II. t CO.

FLORENS STAPENIIORST,Agent for the Bremen and Board of Underwriters. All

average claims against tlie said l uderwriters, occurring intar about this Kingdom, will have lo be certified before htm.

HAMBURGH -- BREMENFI11E INSURANCE COMPANY.rwiIIE UN PERSIC NEB. of tl.e above Comal pany, are prepared to risks against fire in and

about Honolulu.







For particulars apply at the office.





2G7-l- y




2t57-l- y



Honolulu Soap Works!w. J. RAVVLINS.

fflllE PROPRIETOR HAVING MADEconsiderable improvement in the above Establishment,

begs leave to announce to his Customers and the Public ingenera!, that he is prciaml to supply them with genuine

TELLOW SOAP!equal, if not superior to the N-s- t imported.

7r Onlers rpu the other nun.is punctually attcn.te.1 to.N. II. SOAP GREASE WANTED. 24-l- y



LELEO !RECEIVED A LARO E AND FULLnAVINIS material, is prepared supply his customer,

and the pnMic, wiih the ?rat Yrllaw, Brawn itudWhite SOAP. ALtrO

koit vrvi OIIi HOAP,In large or small quantities to suit.P. S. Soap grease always wanted. 279-l- y

Sngar and Syrup Kes.AND S GAL.. EMPTV3 Fraleby (0--l





KEGS.C. l:ll KWK.lt k CO.

illftbauital d'arte.

BENNETT & lYTKENNEY,JBoot and Shoe Makers, sfi

St., west side, above Hotel Su t4fcLAll Orders entrusted to us will t attended to with neatness

and dispatch.



inform bis frieiiiis a;id the pu'ilic, that heI.... ......I i.tm..irmaker, one door North-We- st of the Dry Goo.ls Store,

on Hotel Street, where he hop"4 to m.rit a sliare of public pat- -roiiaw. GEOKuE CLARK.

P. S. Mre. V. will sell off the good in the dry goods store, ata very treat reduction of prices. (25-3m- ) G. C


to that he lias tue shop formerly occupiedby U. SiiUrs, and is ready to execute all orders in

bis line withneatness and dispatch.P. S. Particular attention paid to repf irin? Sewintr Inchlncs

JAMt.S A. llOt'l'EK,2S5-l- y Kaahumanu street.


JO II X POM EKO V (MRl'KXTER AXDV'.l Cabinet Maker, leijs resectrully to iuform the inliabit-fC- I

ants of Honolulu aud vicinity, that huving opened a'T I iu the line, near tl.e corner of Nuuanu and

Chanlain Streets, he is now prepared to do all such work withneatness and dispatch and at greatly reduced prices.

Ji bbing done, furniture made ami repaired, cotliU made toDrJ r, paper hangings, etc., at reasonaiiie rates.

All work done by me warranted.Persons wishing to dispose of furniture by private sale, will

do will to give ine a call.37 The smallest favors thankfully received.

far tu O ii K THOMAS,wT '

.. . . . I. - . ,i i. ...

slate, Uiken

slup aiwve

ISTVTJ a. s oxi. .

CALL THE ATTENTION OFthe public to his stock oi material, uo'isistiiii: of

llawa'i ian and American Lime.Uricks,

Cement,Fire Clay,

Fire l'ricks,PlasU-- r of Paris,

California Sand,(Jerman Tiles,

Try Vote.Composition nnd Grrtvel Roolinsr.

TRY WORKS reiiaired at lowest rates. COM POSITION andGRAVEL ROOFING put on buildimrs and warrantol ticht.

TT Onlers to lie kit at tbo Lime House, on M.u M Kt.tr,or with P. U. Jos as, at Messrs. lliciiani & to. sua ly

HENRY ALLEN,Carpenter, Builder ami Undertaker!rail IK rl)EKSICNEI) BEGS LEAVE re-st nectfnllv to inform hi friemls and the public generally.

that having recently enlarged his premises, be is now preparedto do all work in the above liue, with dispatch and ia a work-

manlike manner.

Koa and Pine Coffins always on hand.FURNITURE REPAIRED.

Jobbing done ou reasonable terms.HENRY ALLEN, Fort st.

Opposite tbe Family Grocery and Feed Store.


low prices.


haud Furniture of every description.constantly on hand, aud for sale at


Second-han- d Furniture Bonsrht atII. ALLEN'S CARPENTER SHOP,

Fort St., opposite A. D. Cartwright's Feed Store.

TT KOA B V R E A US always on hand. 2S2-6- m


B furiush IRON and ItltASS CASTINUd, and all kinds ofMachinery and Smith's Work at the biiortest Aotlce andClIKAJ'KST RATK8.


rr CONSTANTLY ON HAND A supply of Anvils, CartBoxes, Forge Backs, Chain Stoi.iH.rs, Sash Weights, Stove Platesand Linings, Dumb Hells, tc, Jtc, ic.



T public that he is prepared to ManufactureTurbine or nny titer kind of Water Wheel,and warrant them, at reasonable rates. Orders for any kind o.

Millwriprlit Worksolicited and promptly attended to.


KoLOA, OCU 1C, lbbl. -- ly

f. ii. v a. sjegi:l,ki:x,Nuuanu Street, Honolulu,MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERSIn Tin, Sheet Iron, CopH?r and Zinc Ware.



C7 Sliip Work promptly executed.27?-l- y


33 Tin, Sheet Iron & Copper WareKAA1IUMANU STREET, HONOLULU, II. I.

Summer Bakers, Tin and Coper Pumps, Bathing Tubs, Footand Miower Uaths, liu an.l .inc ILiojIIdk', and a

penerjil assortment of Tin Ware, c.Ship Work rxremrd with Nesxtneaa aaid

2'-- ly Iipwleki.C. K. Wl 111 AIi

Cabinet Maker and Turner.rviHE OLD STAND, HOTEL STREET, NEAJt

M the corner of Fort.Furniture of all kimls msule and repaired.On haud and for sale, READY MADE FURNITURE, Koa

Boards. Joist and Plank; Cedar, Black Walnut and CherryBoards; Rosewood and Mahoeany Veneering.

A larze assortment of Uilt Mouldins, and lartre sized Glass.A variety of R.icfcinr, Dining, Office and Children's Chairs.Polished Cot&ns on hand and mau to order. 267-l- y


IN REMOVING HIS BUSINESSto his new COOPERAGE on the Esplanade,Fort street, takes this opportunity of return-in- ?

his sincere thanks to his friemls and thepublic in reneral, for the support and patronaire which they have been pleased to Brant

him fir the past tea years, and hopes that by attention to nusi-ne- ss

and promptness In the execution of all onlers intrusted tohim, he will merit a continuance of tneir favors.

He has on hand for sale upwards of 4UOO bblatof Casksof all sorts and sizes. 2o-l- y

Coopers and dangers.Corner of Bethel and King Streets,


--v ARE NOW PREPARED TO EX- -.1, ccuie mu oruers iu uieir tine promptly anu at

V ; V reasonable rat. s.Thankful for past patronage, they confidently rely utxn tnetr

old customers for a coatinuance of their favors, and trust thattheir endeavors to please, and extreme low rates of charges, willinsure to them a fair share of business in their line.

N. B. New anil second hand ca.-k- s and shook always onand, which they will at the lowest market rales. 2tl-l- y


FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA,At Honolulu. Oflloe of D. C. Watermnn X Co.

riLL ATTEND TO TAKING OF DKPOSI- -TIONS, AcknowleIgmenU, and all other Instrument

of Writing to be used iu this State.Honolulu, Dec. :t, 237-A-- m

&EfIIin$s arw ileal (tstalf.

A Tenant Wanted.FOR THE ROGERS HOUSE. Water willm l.r on .nil t? nl2 not in thtiruuph rVTknir.

Honolulu, Nov. 21. 1SC1. 2S7-3- m Guanlian.

A Chance Seldom met with.V?v THE UNDERSIGNED WISHING TOI""' leave this kingdom, on acconnt of ill health. otTers toiiLyL lea (or disiioiie of.) the Restaurant, Billiard, andBowling Saloons, on Fort Street. They are titled aud completewith everything that can possibly be itnuired.

It is now doin, and always has done a very good, respecta-ble an.l lucrative business. Full particulars will be given byapplvins; to the rroprietor in the premises.

2so-- 7t E. BURGESS.

To be Sold Cheap !2 HOUSES. EACH 25 ft. LONG, SO ft.wide 9 feet high, built of one inch matched redwoodU.ar.ls and painted inside and out. Apply to S.JOHN

SON, House Carpenter, King St., who will rebuild them on anynart of this Islatid or any of the other Islands, at a reasonablerate. 2S0-3-

TWaikahalulu Water Lots !

UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEENappoiuted agent for the sale and lease of the

Wuiknhaluln Lotsbetrs to call the attention of Merchants, Ship Owners, Speculatorsanil others to thi finely situated tract of land which is now offered in lots at reduced rates and on liberal and convenientterms.

Plans may be seen anil all particulars learned by applicationto the understand at Kotivrt C J anion s r ire-p- nl liuiiiiings.

N. B. Early application should be made for choice Lots.W. L. GREEN,

Arent for the Sale of Waikahalulu lots.Tlono'ulu. Oct. 21. 185S. 2JJ0-3-m


Doors, Window Sash, Blinds.O Afa sfa DOORS. ASSORTED SIZES, WITH

VF r mouldings and msel panel.50 Sash Doors, assorted sixes.

300 pair Window Sash, assorted sixes.25o pair Blinds, with and without swivels, ass d sixes.

Selected cxnressly for this market, and f sale low by2M)-- q GE0RGK Q HOWE.

Just Received,OWa M SHAVED WHITE EASTERNO P W shingles, warranted to cover 1U0 sijuare ieet to

the M.A new lot of the favorite cottage siding boards.Pine clapboards, 12 feet long and 7 inches wide extra thick- -


A small lot of panelled ceiling boards, 1 inch, a new and verydesirable article.

II7A an assortment of White and Col'd Paints.2S0-- q

" For sale by C. II. LKWER8.


200 Window Sash, all kinds,100 pair Blinds, all sires,

12 Glass lioorsand Ulinds, etc., complete.For sale at the lowest market prices, by

230 q C. II. LEWERS.

Lumber! Lumber!nnilE UNDERSIGNED WOULD HEREBYJL give notice to bis customers, and the public generally, that

he is prepared to sell every description of ftorth est lumber inquantity, or by small lots, as cheap or cheaper than any otherperson in the market. In other words, be wants to sell, andwon't be beaten. U0-q-) C. H. LKWEK8.

Views of Honolulu !

A LI' PERSONS VISITING OU RESIDINGft on these islands, should not fail to send aswtof G. II.

BurseHH V im s of" Honolulu to their friends nbroail.as they will convey by far a better idea of the Scenery, Habits,customs, etc., ot tins place man any works or prints ever published. To be had of E. BURGEES,

1 18-C- Fort street


JAMES MAKEE,On hand and for sale by

282-3- m


Enat Maui.

1 1


SHftflR & MniASSFS!JaJLa JCZl. --ii. Wa XX CJ JL.

CItOI OF 1SG1.For sale by (2S2-3- C. BREWER k CO.


SALE, the following articles from wrecked barkvht

Chain-cabl- e, in. cir., 101 fathoms.1 do 1 in. cir., 97 fathoms.118 fathoms 1 in. and 1 in. old chain,1 Anchor wooden stock, 10 H 1700 lbs.,1 pair Hawsepies for cable, 2 ft. long, diam. 10 in.,1 Pie for fluke chain, diam. 8) in.,2 Chain Stoppers, patent, lsii,1 pair Catheads, complete.1 Bowsprit and Cap, 29 ft. long,1 lot Hak;natak Knees,1 RuiMerstock, diam. 13 in., 20 ft. 3 in. long,1 lot com p.1 Skylight Top, 8 ft. U in. x 2 ft. 7 ia.,1 lot old Iron,1 lot old Lead.22 wrought iron Knees,1 Camboose.

Lahaina, Oct. 14, 1861. 2S2-1- A.UNNA.

HONOLULUSteam Biscuit Bakcrv.

IMI E V N D E R G X E D WOULD R FS;.pectfully inform his friemls and the public (renerally that,

the Honolulu Steam Biscuit Bakery being now in full operation,he prepared furnish Pilot and Navy Bread, Water Crack-ers and other description of

FANCY BISCUITS,All of superior quality and at

Prices to defy Competition !

Partus their own flour for ship bread, will havemade up the lowest possible rates.

SHIP BREAD REBAKED.Orders from the other islands promptly attended to

B0BEKT LOVE,Nuuanu Street.

TT Orders in Honolulu for shipping to be left with Messrs.Wjlcox, Richards Co., Queen Street. 270-o-


undersigned,Preserves,FreehFresh quinces.Fresh peaches,Fresh pears.Raspberry jCranberry j!m.






is to

furnishing itat




nc choice assortment of Groceries, at the store ofviz.:



Strawlerry jam, &c, fcc, tc,Mince meats.Sage,Sweet savory,Fresh raisins.

Tins vikr crackers.Tins sugar crackers.

Tins soda crackers.Fresh oysters,

Sardines,Ensrlish pie fruits,

caiirlisn sauces.

Summer savory,Carry powder,Ground cassia.Ground black pepper,Whole do do.Pimento,Ground cloves,Ground ginger,Cream tartar,S. C. soda,Haxall flour,Fresh currants, in tins.

Tins butter crackers.Tins oyster crackers,

Tins wine crackers,Fresh lobsters,

French capers,Enntish pickles,

Endish mustard.trench mustard, cmoked hams

Smoked herrings. Green corn,Best Oolong tea. Hops,

Crushed and loaf suTar, Soap, key. P. Fresh Island butter and ground coffee always on hand2i0-I- y H. McINTVHK.

For Sale.JUST undersigned


75 Bbls, Hawaiian Beef,Warranted, Packed and Cured in Turk's Island Salt-2&0--


SEWING MACHINES!A FEW ONLV LEFT. WILLIAMS' doubleW. thrca.1. new patent Sewing Machines, simple io construe- -

eion. ornamenul, light and t, not liable to get out of order. . .. . : i .. v i i i t i ... . . 'iij iiiiiiij nji"iui nuppiicu il!l one. ror saie oy2S-- I C. BREWFJt CO.








Will be from the2S2-3i- n

THEa mi. i

Dry Goods,



SIX DOLLARS 4I'M.No. tits. N. 12.


S T O Ii E




Suspended Front.



From Liverpool.




From the BREWER PLANTATION,- Koa aamiDg ia, nd tor cala by .

C. 2d.July 1. 1SC1. 270-6r-a

Book aud Job I'rinliii".


TABLISHMENT has recently added to its supply of machinery, one of COMBINATION

PRESSES, capable of printing one thousand sheetsIter hour, for small jobs of any kind, but more expressly for

T3IljiXj.xXX;iV.T3g,which can now be executed in a style of unsurpassed elegauce and beauty, on the finest of paper, and at lower pricesthan the same can be at San Francisco or elsein this

The office is also supplied with one of the celebrated

capable of printing cards with a beauty on crfectionrhich excited the admiration and amazement ot

both their Imperial Highnesses the Ambassadors,during their visit here in March last, who condescended to minutely examine its and their artUU totake sketches of this and our other presses for theof the Emperor of Japan.

Iron,Boiler Plate,





procured anywhere



operation, commandedinformation

For Book-wor- k, Pamphlets, Tracts, Newspapers, etc., etc., weare also furnished with one of

Adams' Imperial Rook Presses.on which the world-renown- Harper's llluminatrdBible was printed, and which is capable of doing the finestprinting known. In this branch of our business we are reparedto execute all work which may be offered, in Hawaiian, English, or any other language, on the lowest terms.


For all other kiwis of work, ordinary and extraordinary,from tl.e smallest druggist's labels to the most lengthy state ap-

pendices that may be issued from the portfolio of the ForeignOffice, we have tlie fullest and most complete assortment of Print- -ng Materials ever collected in this kingdom, and the best workmen to be found anywhere in the Pacific Ocean.


To be brief, we have recently added, at considerable expense,over fifty varieties of new type to our already extensive collec

tion, and a large assortment of plain and fancy wedding, business, ball and other cards and note papers, with choice cap,bill-hea- d, letter and other papers, of all sizes and colors, largeand small, and are thus prepared, at the shortest notice and onthe lowest terms, to print anything and everything that may bewanted, whether









Xcav Sal ill on.RECEIVED EX TANK EE."JUST150 bbls. extra new Salmon.


FOR FAMILY CUE,100 half bbls Salmon.

2S0-- q


For sale byC. BREWER k CO,

Agricultural Implements.RON PLOWS, IIAV CUTTERS,

Ox Yokes, Seed Planters,Ox Bows, Cane Cutters,

Grain Cradle. Garden Rollers,Planters Hoes, Wheelbarrows,

Cultivators' Teeih, Grindstones,Garden Rakes. For sale by


Piano Tortcs.1 Fancy case Piano Forte, f oct.,1 Half-roun-d " " 64 "

from the manufactory of Messrs. nallett Cumston, whose In-

struments have an unequalled reputation for sweetness of tone,elegance and perfection of mechanical construction.

C. BREWER CO.,2S0-- A genu,

rr All adrrnhirairBla nr"le aaraar.!I irl'. 3x1. lata 3o. Cm. 1J..S

riwUiKf $ .W fluu 125 fil ftOO faOVTen Line........ I M l.0 SOI aW S.UOFifteen Lines.... 1 M 8 W '2.60 4 00 SOO 10.00Twenty Um... 2 00 S SO S.d0 SOU 0 00 14.00Thirty 3 00 4 00 6 00 li.00 14.00Ouarter CjJu.uo. 0.00 11.00 24 00 4 00Half Column.... 15 00 2u.ny 40 00 fro.00Whole Column. . 20.00 37. SO TS 00 IW.00Allt:aaiiont advertisement (urt insertion) 1er Une....10 ct

(each subsequent do. 44 ... letBusiness oanl, (nit csnmlinx line.) pe annum. .....I X

(Kach addilMMial hue,) " WcHJjr PityaWe alaayi In a.lanee, XI

?Mr adrta.,(no( cvcwJiog 10 ttim (pace,) drat huertiun.f 1 00Kach uh4ieiit iurrl.u.. ............. .60 eta

lniTUiT Arrrnnsitw will be charftvd at the MWwiDf ratepajllr at the end of each quarter :

For one kD, (or the (pace of 20 line,) per quarter... f J 00Fnr otnvfiirU of a column, per quarter.............. .f 11 OO

Fr one-hm- lf a elumn, per quarter. .$"i0 OO

For a whole coturan, per quarter.. ...... M






Dry mmIs.

Fancy Printsof aproatTarictyorstvlesnndcolorii,Iouming lTinw,

Two-Mu-o Prints,Indigo Blue Cottons,

Dyed Cottona,Dcniuit

Minute I'attorn Turkey rod rind yellow PrinU

White ground Muslins, small pattemf,t medium

Brilliants wnall and medium patterns.

Illack and White tajyj cliexk Muslin",

Plain Turkey Red Cloth,

Cotton Sheeting,

Victoria Lawnn,

Drab Moleskin.

Fancy figured Bilks,

Cotton llaudkerchiefo.

While Cotton Drilla,

Bedtifk", .

A great variety ot Cotton Trowneringa,

Plain Black Silk !

Pure Bilk Handkerchiefs.


Embroidered silk flsrwred jtljiaca

Fine hUck Alpacas, .

Black and colored Spared I mires.

Plain colored Lastrea,

Paperflo Mack aud blae Ctotfc,

Faperfine black CaMianerw,

Plaiu blue Flanaei,

Biack SatiaeU,Common black and blue Cloth,

Black and fancy Doeskins and mixed Trowscrings

White Blanket., all sixes.

Blue Blanket, all sixes,

Scarlet Blankets, all tisea.

Common Blankets, lor horse cloth,

Brussels and velvet Carpeting;

Hallway Boft, --

Velvet Bugs,

Woollen Plaids,

Huckaback Towels and Toweling,

linen Handkerchiefs,

Plain while and fancy tinea Drill,

Brown Holland.

Clothing, Shirts, Shoes, &c.Black Cloth Pant. bct Pilot Jackets, cemmou do..Blue serge Shirts of all qualities.Woollen Undershirts, worsted StockingsWhite Shirts, assorted; Regatta Shirts.Assorted qualities of Felt Hats,Ladies Riding Hats, Oxford tie Shoes,Children's Boots and Shoes, Crimean Boots,Sup. cotton half hose, embr. cotton Ovcrshirts.

Groceries.Brown Soap, Pickles, Pie Fruits, Sauces, Mustard, Salad Oil,

Scotch Oatmeal, fancy Biscuits, Olive, Cet, Jams,

Caudies, candied Peel, Bloater Paste, table Bait, Curri Powder,

Currant, Blue, Starch, Marking Ink, Stkllitx Powder.

Sundries.Best English Baddies, com man do- -, Pel loo Bart,Boiled Linseed Oil, cotton Umbrellas, Bilk Umbrellas,

Hughes & Jones' Perfumery.Musk, Etseooe of Sandal Wood, Windsor Soap,

Sarsaparilla, ocsta Tubs, Fencing; Wire, Hoop Iron,

Anchors and Chains,Bar Iron, assorted Boiler Plate, Iron Safes, Crow Bars,

Tin Plate, IC and IX, bright Iron Wire, &hoet Lead

Sets Sugar Pans,Nobles It Hoare's assorted Varnishes,

BOSK ELL'S WATCH E3, golJ and silver.

I, KIL O KS.Bottled Ale arid Porter, various brands.



Draught Ale in bhds.,

MarteH's Brandy, in qr. casks,

HennoHsy's Brandy, in qr. casks,

Otard's Brandy, in qr. casks.

Common Brandy, in qr. casks.

Cases Cognac,

Cases Ginger Brandy,

Cases Scotch Whisky,

Cs Royal Highland Whisky,

Cases Old Tom Gin,

Cases Clenlivet Whisky,


Cases Duff Gordon Sherry,

Cases Super. Pale Sherry,

Cases Sandcman's Port,Cases Champagne, Foreetier Fila,

Cases Claret, Chateaux Margaux,

Cases Claret, St. Julicn,Cases Abeynth.

Earthenware.White Granite Dinner sets,

Dishes, Plates, Jugs, Mugs,

Breakfast Cure and Sancers,

White Granite Tea seta- -

Metal covered Jags,

uowis, cnamoers,Ewers and Basins, Cover Dishes,

Yellow Iappies. Teapots,

N. B. This Earthenware, is now open, and isoffered in lots to suit families, at unprecedentedly low rates, to close shipments.

Janion, Green & Co.

Honolulu April 4, 18C1 280 q










