cxpfcted V>flht tilW rtP»csr "TSTt Nisei CCDCPARIEY THIS WEEKEND AT FRESNO SET Wiihington Newflrtten Mike Masaoka American Assembly; U.S and Japan CHAPTERS NAME PRESIDENTS FOR Rep. Pet*y Mink to A«W«« Banquet On Sunday Evening enoufh to prifl! < gracfeui v!^KSr.„„aa„. > toll the .'Mttt h«.» been nebtema hirt watim P. BondTto toe Two » »to Amerlcaa A»«nb!y. toi, -tooth,, factor reESNO-Tremeodoui tale^ **«. «e askiiis toai toe *«*» ««f a*«t *5. has been nnnaesbni it- Bepon of ton 0«. 2»- SiUo"^DSJ.JiSS"'222S2: S.«i OIEGO-A siaeable *ato «» « f ~ =«. «oa.. I'PACIFIC CITIZEN Precis of Sen Diego JACL - tjon of Abe Hukju alter*, especially Rep. Pat- B»dy "^T 1- a____ 1__ __ to, arr.cot i««. iB Hamman. Jle* AU~dr-.-ee.n- tb, vi«. San ttefo JACL presldem ai a^ be reprinted to fuC, jLSS^ *3? the Sand* Hotel here Not. J3 Tbe teat of toe ipeecb by an oumaamt tb, tw^a ru^' Active JACLer and toriner ^tMertoe-MktJtoa JtaaaeM Awnut C-Un U«e US IMet Sc. Ua AieHes. Cl tMU (21}l UA b-4*ll tulMM Wtetb Uctft-un WM U M Yeir Sle-« Cta hR^ tie at Ua Aiftta, UR. VOL 61 NO. 28 FRIDAY. DECEMBER 8. 1965 T ^itlni,"to ^ ffieiAl attitude of our vide attootion. Ntoel from Loi weraaent ietraid Japan to- fT!*, -• daplts and San Joae have ^ aUo*te chapter nettileller editor. Mu- ka; asked for nattnued *«, port of toe n IDAHO NISEI G.I. . in toe aeerics auu oau rf«»c osve _ etovih of to, an chapters Uegevt under- aaajaaij. 1 avr^v -ouired about reaervaiiou Final Report not-only thw-Swu, wo«f Uktog. toe l»to bteohial JACI. AMONlllATrAT ccoveuuoo b.m,t« «> •>» »» Anunu lake^i jaday. ^oaloo* that toeae Ameri- nrB. t. to. aw-p,#, 1. t~rte 'in' llirru SJ IhP 1 Ih lb. imibMai. ™^»TOo.bb, . " 1^ b' VIETNAM DEAD Other* m uuiuijoiiaie ...JV * "o**- i,'i soil's,tbri'-S .•£SSi L .b. ...^.1 ; SWniion, to to. part, are ei^itoC lively interefl. ***' recotnmen _ ^c-Us Vega* room of toe '"1 United Sutei-Japaa Ra»u » mai SSSbiT^, Th, Uni, tomsblp U on, of u 5 rela- •« »•»«: T womaii to be K. poitucu. »a Rep-srjoursr,,sthan JantB to lit Atthoofti ah, u Ah-._. totten traain* partner. Washington land law repeal campaign in'66 underfire TACOUAAa the last state So It waa that toe SeaUl, 2D hn abcHitomt reatrict^i in toe UcuoB aito an archaic JACL loughl endoraemcet (or oe land oancr:lt;p apfiean on to. that was enacted to pec a third try at the 1*M Na- th, IDDB balbv - vent Ouneae and Japaneae banal J.ACL convention «hd In rrevwut rampatons, v»- ___________________________ from oa-niito land, toe Pacific toe Nattonal Couned ap- ter* manual explained a Yea KayOchi. conWnn queen, WASHINGTO.NAroacg toe »orth«»l Dutrirt Couneil proved, approprtolmc *5.0W vote would rej»al an out-s wai alao.preaent. <SAmerican soldier* killed in Ibis weekend at its biennial from the JACL-reserve fund, titadfd law and also make toe la Drang Valle?- oonventton here it expected . While there vu aome btsi- Washington's !and«wMrahip Cambodian border. *delermioe to course ol ution expresaed on the pan policy voesisienl with, toe been described •tramc' to ellmihale this ver- o( the Washmgtoo chapters to other atit^s. Voter* a The IKS president acknowl edged toe eflorts of the Worn- en's Auxiltan' during his term ,n^ Of Office for nuking the mo- " '* toe euccetk ttut Bnlieved (o 4th - KilM in Vintnntn . trwluc nlrui. th, tlaitod Suir Japan's moM tmportoni paniwr. and AnMcicB martr IIJ ef vacUjo 'tf Artaeat Rkettea kloig •d Su^ PHOENIXJohn SakaU- wab elected IMS preudem of the uiuud Ariaona. JACL. . auccccdtng Tom Okuma The new cabi net memben are to be awoni a* toe heaviest fighting of the li*' anti-OnentaU»m from solicit fund* and push a tl^ urged to exercise their aChae Soutoeast Asia war thus far. *be SUie of Waibington cno- time at a December meeting of fair play ' ______________ .1_____ 1 bV n-____.. c; Hawaii. r«elved her. A£. SSS* itiTuntS^L^i"??^ tne, - tie Unlv. of Hawaii and S^^,2SSa.?^,S,ieS o' Oueago. Sbe lerved 10 euiunr. that g«nuu» diffmoc- *t«n opposti, rads of Mrs in toe Hawaii state ■*! satkmai bums -hi -a n»P,- •tut is oi ms iersUture before winning her ar. t-„»d to Vijhingtoo port. . W b-h dc not mak, s »«1 ~nc«it -B« u»ua sT'ssg.sr.is srs JS-bihis •orfcisg (or tvorld peace and m^spOenUndtaa tbetr cumula-. r*'r rOT^s,,uM« -_______ ,.«««r.p.<wi„. •tot cause of brtter nlucatiao anuod-teto- tradittoat and pmo-tirei wrth ' b„.b b., id.^ .«i »b^.js:2c. ss st;,.t,'sf»?s;.ssrts . . ~^t,tS>' (Coatinued on Page 2) Japaaese American name -He. Jimmy D. Nakiyama. , , husbjfod of Mrs, Trudi. Naka- fj'clioo bilk.: stitutiOD. with Frank Cbilman. national Boto RepubUcan and Demo- - Already oa toe 1966 general legislative legal commitWt cratic parties, labor, church smbiboDS." Shimasaki gjcl toastmaster. The banquet will also honeir ttie CCDC chapter of toe year .atslanding JACL, Japanese understand'U.S. honoris at stake in Vietnam': Amb. Takeuchi n,^ r. toi,-.. Penugco on Nov. ** Washington EL CERRITO Ben Take- jaCL Office has been able sppmek A**** succeed Trfdy Ta- aneerialn. he *s the fourth ^mi naka as .Contra Costa JACL panese American to be ktUrd chapter pwsident for toe m Vietnam. AlWgetbcr. the Department of Defense lirts the total of Americans IdUed Orange Cemfya . fighting toe V«t Ooeg up to SANTA ANA-Ben Shimazu » as 1.0«. WM elecled IKA presideal of -------------------------------- Orange County, JACL. auc- . ISslory Project Jin. IS at toV Newporter Inn. » ».b, ..ubu, -I---------------------- ---- -- - Chairman, and National Di- and real esUto boards. Farm St. Anthony' Idaho result of kfulaUve actsoai rector Mas Satoa. toe PNW- Bucrau, the Grange, bar aaao- Natayama w listed *•*' ?«"• referendum DC meeting .toe foUoeing cialtoo.thb governor, mayor*. released br Sec. 3^ .ArUcle 11 month ended with Ecatde. OB senatori and congress- -- -imendad be repealed. PuvalJup Valley and White men were.in favor bf repeal le text of toe mnstitu- River Valiev chapters . Statute in quesUon record for a)l«ut support and Chanacr C^Mbeica Spokane opposing. However indivkhals in to s.. ™vibub, isD»tbi h... JSS»?lS Ow.iW.. CMMbuM. lOS..biW», U..n Uod »Tm.'2Slb, bBrulioo «■ wompl- l^- ™l-l *"»- wtOT ecoulied by mhm- ^ i,,. the reelizatioc that H *oHu-wi eJ* b Vca «uic tu------ -• the fourth Jb- 4s: s. s. Anx-i, n Ieti ,01: Alim Owwrshtp Tlv, o* would be NcwI.T elected DC and chip ■f officers srtll be installed en- ... iDte at cotetful ceremoniei. OMAHA - Japan s Ambassa- know that in atomic explo- Otter socialhighlighi.in. 4or to toe UnitedSuiet last sioo is one thing and toe caps- NISEI OUTNUMBERED ON dude toe faahkan ahowearlier shrugged off opinion city to deliver a a toe aftennee Sunday. . PoU* la lil* country showing on is quite az---------------------- Japanese people over- Nor. he continued, has Red REN0_a\i general meeting Mn.watrKFF _ p.k,. Wr..-. - ----------------in Chin., nuclear capacity Nov, 13, the Reno JACL elec;. of Milw.^oto. caused ^T Increas? to, mill- *d Tom Oki at pretidcailfor c*»h pnaa toparticipanu en- .1------------ 1-'. V--------- - tertaJntog at the annual Inter- to receive $400 < i_ 1, Dorn breweiy dlffic>iU to _____________________ -r-^ gain financial support from JACl to honor 1^-to.e. ■nval th, nosviuon. •* ,1'L e( lAts rtiMi WnOI not spt>ly sllam to JACL cODllmang lU c"'r»i*a third time was ir luT^k^r-totorw^' repealed. Ed Yamamoto. van be *nid __V,'- quarirriy meeimg, ow*>- ..»-b. -.1 bir-ni Juiloe Rosiman aT £^.-^ T. pnwdCconfab u«ofth,prao»ctsiheTTtit». draw-ImmedUtelr on grounds ■"•'VVWIIIBW -------------------------------- draImraedlateLv on grounds Ana prevw .further. Tbst^l^ of Vadent use of funds' TACOMA-Dr John Kanda. ---------------- .. -------------- Ryuji Takeu- laristic feeling to Japan. ibe coming year. Formal _________ national JACX togal «' indicated a eantradlctkm Asked to comment on the atalJatioo is planned for «arl.T u,,on,i (oitBiel. who wilh include ac- enkWd in sudi polli. recent leftist demoosUatkini January. Folk Fair of his Bogalusa. U . "PaelCsm is a basic philns. against Uk^ Korean treaty The ;»esid«t and offlcia: Institute Holiday talk Fair \ This year. ^s. ^yoko lay. wife of pasT'^Wwaukee K.^^'toe'^m^ but also with toe impb«l Sj ^ ^ ef^SSrt?' «**t>Mh:my to Use ,..n V.n,v jaiVihK trip; Jerry Enomaio. national ophy to Japan.' ___________ »5, aa toe War oo Poverty panese people regard war as keueht emphasized ___ _________________ ______ _______________________ pcogcam: .Joe Grant Maaao- lomethtog very uttforUinate." democstratioiu reflected chapter president, are toe on- -loeii -performed Japai-b b. History Project admtois- Titus, be said, polls showing more the fact that Japan Is ly two Nisei on the cabinet. <Uac' ,nd won fluid prize to tad' Masao Satow, strong opposition to toe war dgmocracyadtere freedom The oflier three elected ciOi- the small group entortain- tioa ntksisl director- aremerely a reOeetion oftoat «o demonstraw Is allosrod- cers are CaueasUn; category worto First business lessioe will philosophy. They dn not mean, rather than p-^wlar oppositioo WiBiam Spahr, v.p.: Grace Under the rule* of .•ait at « p.m. Saiurday. A Ambaamdor Takeuchi (iolated to the treaty. Fujii. aec-: and Ralph Weiss, a cash award, toe st a>bost supper precede. «ut. that toe Japanese peo- ^taMcraAe Oanirr* is that the amount be donated yesS64-2» Wtd AtSesDgS ikJ. "Ja- ratUieaiion. 'Ambassador Ta- detegile, Wilson Makabe. ex- Dav _ _ ___ war as keuehi emphasized that toe San Mat» and Placer Counu jaCL chairroaTDoilai'Diy ttoie^Utol' toV telng » 4eelar«d. .h. . ... , . submitted to voters to- the *** furtoer Beb Qkamura. COX ^fir- pie < nzB. will preside. to the American posiUoo to Vietnsto. to our actiVHy-aed pro- ,„r . rtlong tl^t to wel- U,i„l ^t of funds. Yamsme ba^ wlbe Nortoweit . _ Rumee Yoshiz^r-. nattonal ____ ____ ______ _ JACL presidenL of Oti^go of Washington for adop- fbouid not become tov<4vedYoshinari is a prewar . . w rtjecuon. In toe IKO ® acUviUes "wifleh are HoodRjverresklenL eleclxm. toe referendum <SJR **»in*t toe belter judgment <1 was reflected by e differ- of , large segment of toe of n.OOO votes: 4K.WS 'JACLi membership and Nik- '• HU. The agenda includes reports cB fornistioe of a PNW di^ These .J-,.ui,_ Flerla PzeeideX Sl^CRAMENTO-Percy Fuku- A ll j. Hoaer at Btake’ -Jaiun wm deimxn ahtina was dectod president History Proi^i .** 9-yebf-oW on disc . _ ^ '^c^tiy - hTwid^^l Florto JACL. succeed- Ntl^ira. 196 toe reduction of ««e ■raanto BOSOLULU - lr«to Isa. 9. pw'",^un?tS- «* the American ^ .to* been singing since she the United States Public nfust understand,' 4; has recorded her M posrtioo They know that . Ai^JadiF Thkeucto Some OO.OOO persons ettfil- i toe Puki Amenez's hoinr Is at slake." the i iKpal speaker ____________ ___________________ on binqu« _. n adapUlien ol Lon- that Japanese-Amerieao rela- MounUto Plaijd Jap^esi •In 39C. tor krt community*;. snese oooortunlttof to a favQrtto chanty. The lU- difference was trimased to ateunch JACLerw, xrho ere waukee JACL boaid this past 27,000 600JS9 ve,-i2t276 ao voicing their dissent as toe ^ w„k dA«,n>ie<T toe Japanese A thiid itlempt was. aug- •'loyal qpjtosUicB" may well **" i^oguag ;t as toe rec:- gcsled lor 19M :n view ot be peTf&rming a greater aerv- ^ ________ toe reduction of «Re TOargin of >ee to toe teneral member- - ^ comma wiU . difference being lowered from ship. NUkei community, sod --------------------- History Project 10 pet. to l.S pcL But egm- overaU JAO. ceure on the ^ t" taff. paigD strategists weighed toe •hole, Yamamoto added. eonwitlm b^uct Some ».000 persons eltdnd- probabilities oS success in t rtCJO WIKJ l> KUVe WIU1 me \A AWVITS* m A ^ St. Mark Uetbodist Church- «1 «>e three-day Folk Fair preiidenWI eleetton and de- 92SK0 Coal Seca- Mh lung in Japinesc. Holiday Issue [ that District Council misunderstanding the In aome areassuch as dis- -Mr*. ^ Ofcura of Omaha Stockton JAa in 'W JACL raised 924.000 in 1960 foa lufreme court iret.) eriD .. » « .acre were oiu.vpv more > *»•«» to 19C for toe ^ present toe Natiottl _ Institute andT tWK 3$ ethnic voting to toe 1960 preaidcntial r«»P»t«n No budget for toe JACL aeroll of apprreialiaa group. .tocZdmg%tcJiJ^tb!!l, to »»« have be« an- ''to. to^t d^t.^ in sociStMl With th, to«ttint, th„A wA, 70.000 fewer nounced but 93SjnO has been ^ Nimba Though the formal deadline expect such t ___________ wes re-elected Hountain-Ptotos TOCirn said "our coo- district couneil chairman. De- P^Mcox of Stockton JACL for the coming year at which' included and Pabst. Neuner to 1 McCourl. 9 deejanng toe 3 wide that 1 would uils next week.)' HISTORY PROJECT: S^rScd*”'N*v«^ evclVlhtog else. t^emiig of toe';i96S said ziaay chapter* have submiv ^rtement* ________________ ad what flsey have aolicited to„„nyes. This, because both •ad uKluded a brief note ask- ^„e* are derotod to lag addittooal space be re- skved. We appreciate this co- cpeaixa and trust that aU material' will 3ec. 7. Chapter reports should *hc ■smed In as soon as possible. Twin Falls Portal for 10,000Evacuees •To pour another *35.000 of Fofeign alien Und law u good moeicy down tor dfato stituliocal. especially for ex- canoot be jusufied in to, Ifauto this Uw fv what it light of the many worthwhile *^>-^utnght racial diacrim. between both Germany, was the first post- Headquarters for its hntk .... ------------------------- SScst to^ezre ^WIS FALU. Idaho - This the History Project ... ............... --- ------------ - .. . In the entire natkmal argani- through hive reto-ement bobbies of a democracy, be aart. -World Herald. i4g-p« wbitli more than 10.000 evac- variety of activities. LocalL'- _ , Referring to the disagree- ----------------------------------- -me chapter bad aa all-time ■*P»»»«i throufh Irpm toe reputed Is Isiei Henry H. Fi»- menu. Ambassador Takeuebi high of 637 members Uaya t«^ka Relocauon Center jii of Nampa. Idaho.-He U said these "other totogs are YOUNG ADULTS TAKE memberahip diairman, and gainful JACL projects nation against resideol Japa- that are going begging for neie,_prohibitod from beeem- the lark of funds" Yamamo- to( dtiien's of toe United to potoled out. SUtei by federal sutute". : "Even If SJB » were to Yoshinari wUl be toe bta- win. there would neither be quet sptafcer, Bnh Mtzukaml lie bene- toastrnastdr. except the NatMnal« Xouto Duwetor ~ A. U wwu •• _____ ^ diicussWi and tbe ttenfflto has tossed. ■Ne MlUury tnercaac' OVB REMS OF SOUTHWEST UL JAQ (iicujuviwuvH VMUiaAU. Dr. Kengo Terashita was 1984 ^ Tb* early Isaei who president. rallrond track shelves of three rooms ^workers to toe first years home devoted to this p M»wi. **** '•* eentwy. Hii searches to ques . LOS ANGELES - Definitely ___ After they led railrond netrk gemsi senu-preeious ' stooev. Ibe Nov. 29 aummnnes: wbetoer Red Cbint's showing a young trend with "to up farming at petrified wood, fossilized DtSPUT 60S postessioc of a nudewr device Hj nomtoatjon lUl* featuring *- - * ... (• hall Orton) ^.......................................... - - - - ' a r«k poSbed •* Kumamoto will nddres. ^ won to 1952 With Ba- tbc official luBchecn Sunday. «r ,kr„ I- wi. turallzalion. Dr, Kaada will be toastmas- I# II? - 3 Mie-CebinM 1 reidied: 2 - - ------- had had any d;sce«ihle psy- persons between toe ages ol e through toe irf sr zsit'z * Washington L™ la^d lawi he said. Japanese al«n.v have becn-buying homes by sign&g Joe Kosai is eonvenuui eifecl on toe Jsp»- » and 30. toe Southwest UA. twto-i^l people, the Ambassador jaCL has been, reorginlzed Buddhisl either tenants < sbarcicrep- include . = much. Tbe J Govenimeni and people cers: /f?- •writer.* to toe nearby. Then main, and various'mtoeril. oj sj^in, JACL^ becoming accuitomed to toe take him severd hundred Hanfanl SaVaHt »«>»ds they became miles from home. Hi* prizes Aafaill earns top award for eye research week^ and today «o Kinya p^r,, Aftaa accumulaung Bse slate of 1966 of- neeewsary down p>ayment toe crystaUized mineral* from Ja- Issei acquired property about .pan. fossil of a whale rib and His twizec *>'"*1 indicating seetuw^i *become a citizen. Ya- tusk frojr^ilc.. wbo thanked toe packed b ____ 1 enm«r wiui at Intermission for toe >up- y,, y,jy 'y,ok on wives ^ubfuUy polished sum ape- ^ •P" t»gan es- dmeni. ^ »» ublishing families. Tbl. - chairman, noted over 100 had n,j familiar In Twin Falls o June 3 . Further, tor 1965 srite legis lature has received « publicity on toe prospect ot | revising toe entire stole eon- I stitutton aito a bi-partuan com mittee has been oi-ganized. Re- CHiC.^GODr Jut K-noshita, 66 K *?0W a»^,„-A,-«• Nicn} « k*S5pc asu.'r^U? iuH- chairman, noted over 100 had miueeltosb^ Jin K'OOI 20 W^nroc ^ ^ f"** p *<>' ^ I*® C'> cU^T^uThout toe i^t todelete toe profevwu of. cm Ciu I iSr ALBUWERQUFL-Mr,. Ruto 'At'S^^sa'TeCe. to. cha,> Abe -nin, year zt to. 'vt jTSralrS; receiv^T'tiS tae-i ^ I pnSiW V Hzshimoto represented ter has apeed to bsndle toe »«* and their grawnig up children ,*ok, « discuss loeal Issei CoMlitottMal Kertotoa Friedrfiwai Uemoria: HaM OE-LOa GREnneS. New Mexico al the White ]»66 Nisei Week coronatian Hi*! - ... - - 5Y . *3 trsBm-Tr 15 Viy House Cooferctice on Interna- ball and earaivil. TmMtd AtuehM ^ « to Ohfweui IS Dtrue Cooperation here tbi» Monlhlv social events until SAN FIAnCISCO - Tbe -eiir. Nearby Twin Fall*. iHSwOU'-'fk summer ' have been ached- rent San Frandsee JACL P«~liar 6 Seoul* intm-iewa. Present were: ^be "loyal opposition", Ya- reiK^ed tn tor hj^ter* reeog- toaiAudi said, would prefer a mtlor In tbe field of oplhalznie -................. ihCL esmpaign favoring coo- research, a: a hsnquet tn bit , Mrs Ctwtt SnaZ okA. Pauv Kalo. wees ^ summer o»ve uwu Oviliin emplovee at zLrr- sunmg Dee. IS witb land AFB. sbe is Tby* for Kiddies dance; girls - - «V. __________ L _____ ,*AlH.A^.. A». TOTALS ofUnited Na- uxs tor admjna'nM. stapling a postcard ?!ew ot SSr» A? 1171 ..................... LOOT Asm. of America. She y, boy* paying a straight «~v~m. which rat •w-Lto Ctettito. ait............219 acuve 1000 Qubber to be a»- Newsletter has added some outpouring of water onto the 2?S cokir Mto its froof page by Snake River, wbieh is (be life- MklriiSf ibSSL i strearr. of toe agricultural MaiuOs. Gwua, amb* ana Dn. Which can be view- eeimomy of toe *tote. It is mthy jbrei________________ ed from toe Mark Hopkiai nUed Tbousaad Spr^. No: here Nov JACL bas regarded anti- Tbe award ;r made annual- Onenial laws in the statutes ty br toe Aisociaiiaa for Re as a "loaded gun Just lying search m Opbthsimology to around' and was successful an tovtistigator tram wv,..................... W Crreuap «Z) . SI aese p»«, to UL bvM^rtlBHoM sfMqr 1966 Membership Campaign^ *1 tie JACL one*. KsHMw tie 1966 ■**®**J^T'™ •toiim ehic* toe toes letarM hi tto PbcJw C-uw W »^ tto Oqtoiattoi will to sjellflhUfl b IM tot MRS. LILY ORURA. Omoho There ere many goals to be ichic^ »" JAO. so much to be done that we need iB the -4Umw Yw*r M«nbdrrf»ip Taaey_»*««. Mtoitbw- ... - ... V. n n- March. Nisei BeUys daiice in confluence and litcrallr droo Ciwznonlty Belaliocu Confer- , la Hi* studies lux* reasltad Miy and toe Mis* Switowest frnl* anmMr from sight into toe desen Southern California. JACL* cwpaign* ;n Wash- major coetrfbaUan Ljk dihce in June wind up WO** grOWff ^ of whldi toe JACL is a mem- "• »«»«* P«- on the eUtodat^ oTtBJ'iW' toe caltomaz- ^ ^ ber. is circulating a pebtito. »Ue t^t ^la. » Membership drive has aim S<^«». Dye. pUced at tbe «>>»«« for such a new r>v.f^^ KtooAi:* i, on toe cdL . commenced with chapter dt»« A^LRN^rge kintoto Sinks show the enimtnta: agency. miMtwe dtgnifted a* a ^ board of three madical being IS per perooo. watcr^ukw a five year joui*- The pnlUons are to be prw journaU. serves on nn ndvl. PI.,., r»,-,v. f.svt ,5,j„^rouad of miles , rented to tbe Oty CouacU committee of the Na- WW. * hearing on the raatzer * «> *>' tional tastitutr* of Hraftfa and Dec. U when toe coaaal t » *rowm* h». lectured a- ------------------------ toe n.wi:- k_Aivk r~ Loomis fruit grower, named PUeer County s Farmer of toe Y^ reoes'-ly It toe Placer Cbuoty chamber cv, ----------------------- _. _ p™.« ■visei i-ivu ».v - _______--- _______________________ - - .-permarkels is meetiM - Becauae aa orderly,d< i)r and Mrs. oWg* Miyake, ranchers to )he county. RusLv rtiff rompeiitioo Irom Japes process to uA> Taniguehi, Frofeaadr of Urauu. also a Loomis fruit exports. f * number or jAtier* at- aToog.. of the pari enits in ______________________ f------- --- is club adviaar. drawer, was emong toe run- Tbe Isae. most of t^-re- tending tbe tort PSWDC meev tbe Amencan form of govwra- ____ _ i.v---A- , stoB>>«- MtoWv urK «n beihg itoeniifltmtf by tog Nmr. U hatre aigiiad. Mtr-^-BWfHrc* aa MS New OatdUM TUBldqr niESNO - Ken Miyake of of comqieree banquet cele- Oore by Twm FalU to t Fowler was elected president hraling Farm-Oty Week world * torgert nr the Fresno Stale College Tbe Nisei was seleeted from wfaoee packaged Nisei Dub. He to toe son of five candidato*. all leading toe supermarkets i and abroad. FormeriT from San Fn»- Becaure «, i«l«rly,d6»> N.w'^tS JACL chapter. r r

PACIFIC CITIZEN · Fair of his Bogalusa. U «**t. ^ "PaelCsm is a basic philns. against Uk^ Korean treaty The ;»esid«t and offlcia: Institute Holiday talk Fair \ This year. ^s

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Page 1: PACIFIC CITIZEN · Fair of his Bogalusa. U «**t. ^ "PaelCsm is a basic philns. against Uk^ Korean treaty The ;»esid«t and offlcia: Institute Holiday talk Fair \ This year. ^s

cxpfcted V>flht tilW rtP»csr

"‘TSTt Nisei


Wiihington Newflrtten Mike MasaokaAmerican Assembly; U.S and Japan


Rep. Pet*y Mink to A«W«« Banquet On Sunday Evening •

enoufh to prifl!< gracfeui v!^KSr‘.„„aa„. > toll the .'Mttt h«.» been


hirt watim P. BondTto toe • Two »»to Amerlcaa A»«nb!y. toi, -tooth,, factor

reESNO-Tremeodoui tale^ **«. «e askiiis toai toe *«*» “ ««f a*«t*5. has been nnnaesbni it- Bepon of ton 0«. 2»- SiUo"^DSJ.JiSS"'222S2: S.«i OIEGO-A siaeable *ato«» « f ~ -« =«. «oa..


- tjon of Abe Hukju

—alter*, especially Rep. Pat- B“»dy"^T 1- a____ 1__ __ to, arr.cot

i««. iB Hamman. Jle* AU~dr-.-ee.n- tb, vi«. San ttefo JACL presldem ai a^ be reprinted to fuC, “jLSS *3? the Sand* Hotel here Not. J3

Tbe teat of toe ipeecb by an oumaamt tb, tw^a ru^' Active JACLer and toriner

^tMertoe-MktJtoa JtaaaeM Awnut C-Un U«e US IMet Sc. Ua AieHes. Cl tMU (21}l UA b-4*ll tulMM Wtetb Uctft-un WM U M Yeir —Sle-« Cta hR^ tie at Ua Aiftta, UR.

VOL 61 NO. 28 FRIDAY. DECEMBER 8. 1965 T

^‘itlni,"to ^ “ffieiAl attitude of ourvide attootion. Ntoel from Loi weraaent ietraid Japan to- fT!*, -• — daplts and San Joae have ^

aUo*te chapter nettileller editor. Mu- ka; asked for nattnued *«,port of toe n IDAHO NISEI G.I.

. in toeaeerics auu oau rf«»c osve _ etovih of to, —•— —an chapter’s Uegevt under- aaajaaij. 1 avr^v-ouired about reaervaiiou Final Report not-only thw-Swu, wo«f Uktog. toe l»to bteohial JACI. AMONlllATrATccoveuuoo b.m,t« «> •>“» »» Anunu lake^ijaday. ^oaloo* that toeae Ameri- nrB. t. to. aw-p,#, 1. t~rte ‘'“in' llirru • SJ IhP 1 Ih

■ lb. imibMai. ™^»TOo.bb, . " “1^ b”' VIETNAM DEADOther* m u— uiuijoiiaie ...JV * "o**- i,'isoil's,tbri'-S .•£SSiL .b. ...^.1 ;SWniion, to to. part, areei^itoC • lively interefl. ***“' recotnmen _^c-Us Vega* room of toe “'"“1 United Sutei-Japaa Ra»u » mai

SSSbiT^,Th, Uni,

tomsblp U on, of u 5 rela- •« »•»«: Twomaii to be K. poitucu. »a


than JantB to lit Atthoofti ah, u Ah-._. totten traain* partner.

Washington land law repeal campaign in'66 underfireTACOUA—Aa the last state So It waa that toe SeaUl, 2D hn abcHitomt reatrict iin toe UcuoB aito an archaic JACL loughl endoraemcet (or oe land oancr:lt;p apfiean onto. that was enacted to pec a third try at the 1*M Na- th, IDDB balbv - vent Ouneae and Japaneae banal J.ACL convention «hd In rrevwut rampatons, v»-

__________________ _________ from oa-niito land, toe Pacific toe Nattonal Couned ap- ter* manual explained a YeaKay Ochi. conWnn queen, WASHINGTO.N — Aroacg toe »orth«»l Dutrirt Couneil proved, approprtolmc *5.0W vote would rej»al an out-s

“wai alao.preaent. <S American soldier* killed in Ibis weekend at its biennial from the JACL-reserve fund, titadfd law and also maketoe la Drang Valle?- oonventton here it expected . While there vu aome btsi- Washington's !and«wMrahip

• Cambodian border. *“ delermioe to course ol ution expresaed on the pan policy voesisienl with, toe been described •tramc' to ellmihale this ver- o( the Washmgtoo chapters to other atit^s. Voter* a

The IKS president acknowl­edged toe eflorts of the Worn- en's Auxiltan' during his term

,n^ Of Office for nuking the mo- " '* toe euccetk ttut

Bnlieved (o B« 4th - KilM in Vintnntn

. trwluc nlrui. th, tlaitod Sui— r Japan's moM tmportoni paniwr. and AnMcicB

martr IIJ ef

vacUjo'tf Artaeat Rkettea kloig•d Su^ PHOENIX—John SakaU- wab „ elected IMS preudem of the

uiuud Ariaona. JACL. . auccccdtng Tom Okuma The new cabi­net memben are to be awoni

a* toe heaviest fighting of the li*' anti-OnentaU»m from solicit fund* and push a tl^ urged to exercise their aChae Soutoeast Asia war thus far. *be SUie of Waibington cno- time at a December meeting of fair play

• ' ______________ .1_____ 1 b—V n-____..

c; Hawaii. r«elved her. A£. SSS* itiTuntS^L^i"??^ tne, -tie Unlv. of Hawaii and S^^,2SSa.?“^,S,ieSo' Oueago. Sbe lerved 10 euiunr. that g«nuu» diffmoc- *t«n opposti, rads of Mrs in toe Hawaii state ■*! satkmai bums — -hi -a n»P,- •tut is oi msiersUture before winning her ar. t-„»d toVijhingtoo port. . W b-h dc not mak, s »«1 ~nc«it-B« u»ua sT'ssg.sr.is srs JS-bihis•orfcisg (or tvorld peace and m^spOenUndtaa tbetr cumula-. r*—'—r rOT^s,,uM« -_______ ,.«««—• r.p.<wi„.•tot cause of brtter nlucatiao anuod-teto- tradittoat and pmo-tirei wrth 'b„.b b., id.^ .«i »b^.js:2c. ss st;,.‘t,'sf»?s;.‘ssrts ‘ . .

~^t,tS>—' (Coatinued on Page 2)

Japaaese American name -He. Jimmy D. Nakiyama. , , „husbjfod of Mrs, Trudi. Naka- fj'clioo bilk.:

stitutiOD. with Frank Cbilman. national Boto RepubUcan and Demo- -Already oa toe 1966 general legislative • legal commitWt cratic parties, labor, church

smbiboDS."Shimasaki • gjcl toastmaster.

The banquet will also honeir ttie CCDC chapter of toe year

.atslanding JACL,Japanese understand'U.S. honoris at stake in Vietnam': Amb. Takeuchi

n,^ r—. toi,-.. Penugco on Nov.** Washington

EL CERRITO — Ben Take- jaCL Office has been able sppmek A**”** succeed Trfdy Ta- aneerialn. he *s the fourth ^mi naka as .Contra Costa JACL panese American to be ktUrd

chapter pwsident for toe m Vietnam. AlWgetbcr. the Department of Defense lirts the total of Americans IdUed

Orange Cemfya . fighting toe V«t Ooeg up to SANTA ANA-Ben Shimazu » as 1.0«.WM elecled IKA presideal of --------------------------------Orange County, JACL. auc- .

ISslory ProjectJin. IS at toV Newporter Inn.

» ».b, ..ubu, -I---------------------- ---- -- — - Chairman, and National Di- and real esUto boards. FarmSt. Anthony' Idaho ‘ result of kfulaUve actsoai rector Mas Satoa. toe PNW- Bucrau, the Grange, bar aaao-

Natayama w listed *•*' ?«"• referendum DC meeting .toe foUoeing cialtoo. thb governor, mayor*.released br Sec. 3^ .ArUcle 11 month ended • with Ecatde. OB senatori and congress-

-- -imendad be repealed. PuvalJup Valley and White men were.in favor bf repeal le text of toe mnstitu- River Valiev chapters <» .

Statute in quesUon record for a)l«ut support and Chanacr C^Mbeica Spokane opposing. However indivkhals in to

s.”. ““““ “ ™vibub, isD»tbih... JSS»?lS Ow.iW.. CMMbuM. l—OS..biW», U..n Uod

»”Tm.'2S’ lb, bBrulioo «■ wompl- l^- ™l-l *"»-—■ wtOT ecoulied by mhm- ^ i,,. the reelizatioc that H

*oHu—-w ieJ*

b V—ca «uic tu------ -•the fourth Jb- ™‘4s:

s—. s. Anx-i, n I— eti ,01: Alim Owwrshtp Tlv, o*

■ would be

NcwI.T elected DC and chip ■f officers srtll be installed en- ...iDte at cotetful ceremoniei. OMAHA - Japan s Ambassa- know that in atomic explo-Otter social highlighi. in. 4or to toe United Suiet last sioo is one thing and toe caps- NISEI OUTNUMBERED ON

dude toe faahkan ahow earlier shrugged off opinion city to deliver aa toe aftennee Sunday. . PoU* la lil* country showing on is quite az----------------------

Japanese people over- Nor. he continued, has Red REN0_a\i general meeting Mn.watrKFF _ p.k,. Wr..-.- ----------------in Chin.’, nuclear capacity Nov, 13, the Reno JACL elec;. of Milw.^ oto.

caused ^T Increas? to, mill- *d Tom Oki at pretidcail for c*»h pnaa to participanu en-.1------------ 1-'. V--------- - tertaJntog at the annual Inter-

to receive $400< i_ 1,Dorn breweiy

dlffic>iU to _____________________-r-^ gain financial support from

■“ JACl to honor1^-to.e. ■nval th, nosviuon. “ •* ,1'L

e( lAts —rtiMi WnOI not spt>ly sllam to JACL cODllmang lU c‘"'r»i*a • third time was

ir luT^k^r-totorw^' repealed. Ed Yamamoto.

van be *nid__V,'- quarirriy meeimg, ow*>-

..»-b. -.1 bir-ni Juiloe Rosiman aT£^.-^ T. pnwdCconfab ■u«ofth,prao»ctsiheTTtit». draw-ImmedUtelr on grounds ■ “■"•'VVWIIIBW-------------------------------- dra— ImraedlateLv on grounds

Ana prevw .further. Tbst^l^ of Vadent use of funds'TACOMA-Dr John Kanda.

— ---------------- .. -------------- Ryuji Takeu- laristic feeling to Japan. ibe coming year. Formal_________national JACX togal «' indicated a eantradlctkm Asked to comment on the atalJatioo is planned for «arl.T u,,on,i

(oitBiel. who wilh include ac- enkWd in sudi polli. recent leftist demoosUatkini January. Folk Fairof his Bogalusa. U . "PaelCsm is a basic philns. against Uk^ Korean treaty The ;»esid«t and offlcia:

Institute Holidaytalk Fair \This year. ^s. ^yoko lay. wife of pasT' Wwaukee

K.^^'toe'^m^ but also with toe impb«l Sj ^

^ ef^SSrt?' «**t‘>“Mh:my to Use ,..n V.n,v jaiVihK

trip; Jerry Enomaio. national ophy to Japan.' ________ ___»5, aa toe War oo Poverty panese people regard war as keueht emphasized ___ _________________ ______ ______________________ _pcogcam: .Joe Grant Maaao- lomethtog very uttforUinate." democstratioiu reflected chapter president, are toe on- -loeii -performed • Japai-bb. History Project admtois- Titus, be said, polls showing more the fact that Japan Is ly two Nisei on the cabinet. <Uac' ,nd won fluid prize to

tad' Masao Satow, strong opposition to toe war • dgmocracy—adtere freedom The oflier three elected ciOi- the small group entortain- tioantksisl director- aremerely a reOeetion oftoat «o demonstraw Is allosrod- cers are CaueasUn; category worto

First business lessioe will philosophy. They dn not mean, rather than p-^wlar oppositioo WiBiam Spahr, v.p.: Grace Under the rule* of.•ait at « p.m. Saiurday. A Ambaamdor Takeuchi (iolated to the treaty. Fujii. aec-: and Ralph Weiss, a cash award, toe sta>bost supper precede. «ut. that toe Japanese peo- ^taMcraAe Oanirr* • is that the amount be donated yes—S64-2»

Wtd AtSesDgSikJ. "Ja- ratUieaiion. 'Ambassador Ta- detegile, Wilson Makabe. ex- Dav _ _ ___war as keuehi emphasized that toe San Mat» and Placer Counu jaCL chairroaTDoilai'Diy ttoie^Utol' toV telng » 4eelar«d.

.h. . ... , . submitted to voters to- the *** furtoer

Beb Qkamura. COX ^fir- pie < nzB. will preside. to the American posiUoo to


to our actiVHy-aed pro- ,„r . rtlong tl^t to wel- U,i„l ^t u« of funds. Yamsme ba^ wlbe Nortoweit

. _ Rumee Yoshiz^r-. nattonal____ ____ ______ _ JACL presidenL of Oti^goof Washington for adop- fbouid not become tov<4ved Yoshinari is a prewar

. . w rtjecuon. In toe IKO ® acUviUes "wifleh are Hood Rjver resklenLeleclxm. toe referendum <SJR **»in*t toe belter judgment<1 was reflected by e differ- of , large segment of toe

of n.OOO votes: 4K.WS 'JACLi membership and Nik-

'• • HU.

The agenda includes reports cB fornistioe of a PNW di^

These .J-,.—ui,_

Flerla PzeeideXSl^CRAMENTO-Percy Fuku-

A ll j. ‘Hoaer at Btake’ -Jaiun i« ■ wm deimxn ahtina was dectod president History Proi^i „ .**9-yebf-oW on disc . _ ^ '^c^tiy - hTwid^^l Florto JACL. succeed- Ntl ira. 196 toe reduction of ««e ■raanto

BOSOLULU - lr«to Isa. 9. pw'",^un?’tS- «* the American ^.to* been singing since she the United States Public nfust understand,'™ 4; has recorded her M posrtioo They know that . Ai^JadiF Thkeucto Some OO.OOO persons ettfil-

i toe Puki Amenez's hoinr Is at slake." the i iKpal speaker____________ ___________________ on binqu« „ _.

n adapUlien ol Lon- that Japanese-Amerieao rela- MounUto Plaijd Jap^esi

•In 39C. tor krt community*;. snese oooortunlttofto a favQrtto chanty. The lU- difference was trimased to ateunch JACLerw, xrho ere waukee JACL boaid this past 27,000 600JS9 ve,-i2t276 ao voicing their dissent as toe ^ “w„k dA«,n>ie<T toe Japanese A thiid itlempt was. aug- •'loyal qpjtosUicB" may well **" i^oguag

;t as toe rec:- gcsled lor 19M :n view ot be peTf&rming a greater aerv- ^ ________toe reduction of «Re TOargin of >ee to toe teneral member- - ^ comma wiU

. difference being lowered from ship. NUkei community, sod--------------------- History Project 10 pet. to l.S pcL But egm- overaU JAO. ceure on the ^ t"taff. paigD strategists weighed toe •hole, Yamamoto added. eonwitlm b^uctSome ».000 persons eltdnd- probabilities oS success in trtCJO WIKJ l> KUVe WIU1 me —\A AWVITS* m A

^ St. Mark Uetbodist Church- «1 «>e three-day Folk Fair preiidenWI eleetton and de-92SK0 Coal Seca-

Mh lung in Japinesc.

Holiday Issue[ that District Council

misunderstanding theIn aome areas—such as dis- -Mr*. ^ Ofcura of Omaha

Stockton JAa in 'W

JACL raised 924.000 in 1960 foa lufreme court iret.) eriD .. » « .acre were oiu.vpv more ■“> *»•«» to 19C for toe ^ present toe Natiottl _

Institute andT tWK 3$ ethnic voting to toe 1960 preaidcntial r«»P»t«n No budget for toe JACL aeroll of apprreialiaa group. .tocZdmg%tcJiJ^tb!!l, to »»« have be« an- f« ''to. to^t d^t.^ insociStMl With th, to«ttint, th„A wA, 70.000 fewer nounced but 93SjnO has been ^ Nimba

Though the formal deadline expect such t

___________ wes re-elected Hountain-Ptotos “TOCirnsaid "our coo- district couneil chairman. De- P^Mcox of Stockton

JACL for the coming year at which' included

and Pabst. Neuner to 1McCourl.

9 deejanng toe

3 wide that 1 would uils next week.)' HISTORY PROJECT:S^rScd‘*”'N*v”«^ evclVlhtog else. t^emiig of toe';i96S

saidziaay chapter* have submiv ^rtement* ________________ad what flsey have aolicited to„„nyes. This, because both •ad uKluded a brief note ask- ^„e* are derotod to lag addittooal space be re- skved. We appreciate this co- cpeaixa and trust that aU material' will 3ec. 7.

Chapter reports should *hc ‘■smed In as soon as possible.

Twin Falls Portal for 10,000Evacuees

•To pour another *35.000 of Fofeign alien Und law u good moeicy down tor dfato stituliocal. especially for ex- canoot be jusufied in to, Ifauto this Uw fv what it light of the many worthwhile *^>-^utnght racial diacrim.

between both Germany, was the first post- Headquarters for itshntk .... ------------------------- SScst to^ezre ^WIS FALU. Idaho - This the History Project

... ............... --- ------------ - .. . In the entire natkmal argani- through hive reto-ement bobbies of ademocracy, be aart. -World Herald. i4g-p« wbitli more than 10.000 evac- variety of activities. LocalL'- _ ,

Referring to the disagree- ----------------------------------- -me chapter bad aa all-time ■*” P»»»«i throufh Irpm toe reputed Is Isiei Henry H. Fi»-menu. Ambassador Takeuebi high of 637 members Uaya “t«^ka Relocauon Center jii of Nampa. Idaho.-He Usaid these "other totogs are YOUNG ADULTS TAKE memberahip diairman,

and gainful JACL projects nation against resideol Japa- that are going begging for neie,_prohibitod from beeem- the lark of funds" Yamamo- to( dtiien's of toe United

„ to potoled out. SUtei by federal sutute".: "Even If SJB » were to Yoshinari wUl be toe bta-

win. there would neither be quet sptafcer, Bnh Mtzukaml lie bene- toastrnastdr.

except the NatMnal« Xouto Duwetor

~ A. U wwu •• _____ ^ diicussWi andtbe ttenfflto has

tossed. ■Ne MlUury tnercaac'


(iicujuviwuvH VMUiaAU.Dr. Kengo Terashita was 1984 ^ Tb* early Isaei who president. rallrond track shelves of three rooms

^workers to toe first years home devoted to this p M»wi. —**** '•* eentwy. Hii searches to ques .

LOS ANGELES - Definitely ___ After they led railrond netrk gemsi senu-preeious ' stooev.Ibe Nov. 29 aummnnes: wbetoer Red Cbint's showing a young trend with “"to up farming at petrified wood, fossilized

DtSPUT 60S postessioc of a nudewr device Hj nomtoatjon lUl* featuring *- - * ...(• hall Orton) .......................................... - - - - '

a r«k poSbed “•* Kumamoto will nddres.^ won to 1952 With Ba- tbc official luBchecn Sunday.

«r ,kr„ I- wi. turallzalion. Dr, Kaada will be toastmas-


- 3 Mie-CebinM

1 reidied:2 - - -------

pOStesSKXl Ol a uutjvAi US ouuiuia.»u • •

had had any d;sce«ihle psy- persons between toe ages ol

e through toe

irf sr zsit'z “*Washington ‘L™ la^d lawi he said. Japanese al«n.v have becn-buying homes by sign&g

Joe Kosai is eonvenuui

eifecl on toe Jsp»- » and 30. toe Southwest UA. twto-i l people, the Ambassador jaCL has been, reorginlzed Buddhisl either tenants < sbarcicrep- include .

= much. Tbe JGovenimeni and people cers:

“/“f?- •writer.* to toe nearby. Then main, and various'mtoeril. oj sj^in,JACL^ becoming accuitomed to toe take him severd hundred Hanfanl SaVaHt

»«>»ds they became miles from home. Hi* prizes Aafaill

earns top award for eye research

week^ and today «o Kinya p^r,, Aftaa accumulaung Bseslate of 1966 of- neeewsary down p>ayment toe crystaUized mineral* from Ja-

Issei acquired property about .pan. fossil of a whale rib and

His twizec *>'“"*“1 indicating seetuw^i *“ become a citizen. Ya-

tusk frojr^ilc..wbo thanked toe packed b ____

1 enm«r wiui at Intermission for toe >up- y,, y,jy 'y,ok on wives ^ubfuUy polished sum ape-^ ■’•P" t»gan es- dmeni.

^ »» ublishing families. Tbl.- • chairman, noted over 100 had n,j familiar

In Twin Falls o June 3 .

Further, tor 1965 srite legis­lature has received « publicity on toe prospect ot | revising toe entire stole eon- I stitutton aito a bi-partuan com­mittee has been oi-ganized. Re- CHiC.^GO—Dr Jut K-noshita,

66 K *?0W a»^,„-A,-«• Nicn}« k*S5pc asu.'r^U? iuH- chairman, noted over 100 had ‘miueeltosb^ Jin K'OOI20 W^nroc ^ ^ “f"** “p *<>' ^ I*® C'“‘> “cU^T^uThout toe i^t todelete toe profevwu of.

cm Ciu I iSr ALBUWERQUFL-Mr,. Ruto '“At'S^^sa'TeCe. to. cha,> Abe -nin, year zt to. 'vt “jTSralrS; receiv^T'tiStae-i ^ I pnSiW V Hzshimoto represented ter has apeed to bsndle toe »«“* and their grawnig up children ,*ok, « discuss loeal Issei CoMlitottMal Kertotoa Friedrfiwai Uemoria: HaMOE-LOa GREnneS. New Mexico al the White ]»66 Nisei Week coronatian Hi*! - ... - - —5Y .

*3 trsBm-Tr 15 Viy House Cooferctice on Interna- ball and earaivil. TmMtd AtuehM ^« to Ohfweui IS Dtrue Cooperation here tbi» Monlhlv social events until SAN FIAnCISCO - Tbe -eiir. Nearby Twin Fall*.

iHSwOU'-'fk ■ summer ' have been ached- rent San Frandsee JACL P«~liar

6 Seoul*

intm-iewa. Present were: ^be "loyal opposition", Ya- reiK^ed tn tor hj^ter* reeog-toaiAudi said, would prefer a mtlor In tbe field of oplhalznie

-.................ihCL esmpaign favoring coo- research, a: a hsnquet tn bit, Mrs Ctwtt SnaZ okA. Pauv Kalo.

wees ^ summer o»ve uwuOviliin emplovee at zLrr- sunmg Dee. IS witb

land AFB. sbe is Tby* for Kiddies dance; girls- - «V. __________L _____ ,*AlH.A^..—A». TOTALS ofUnited Na- uxs tor adm’jna'nM. stapling a postcard ?!ew ot

SSr» A? 1171 ..................... LOOT Asm. of America. She y, boy* paying a straight «~v~m. which rat•w-Lto Ctettito. ait............219 acuve 1000 Qubber to be a»-

Newsletter has added some outpouring of water onto the 2?Scokir Mto its froof page by Snake River, wbieh is (be life- “MklriiSf ibSSL “i

strearr. of toe agricultural MaiuOs. Gwua, amb* ana Dn.Which can be view- eeimomy of toe *tote. It is mthy jbrei________________

ed from toe Mark Hopkiai nUed Tbousaad Spr^. No:

here NovJACL bas regarded anti- Tbe award ;r made annual-

Onenial laws in the statutes ty br toe Aisociaiiaa for Re­as a "loaded gun Just lying search m Opbthsimology to around' and was successful an tovtistigator tram

— • wv,.....................W Crreuap «Z) . SI aese p»«, to ULbvM^rtlBHoM sfMqr

1966 Membership Campaign^*1 tie JACL one*. KsHMw tie 1966 ■**®**J^T'™

•toiim ehic* toe toes letarM hi tto PbcJw C-uw W "» »“” ^ tto Oqtoiattoi will to sjellflhUfl b IM tot


“There ere many goals to be ichic^ »" JAO. so much to be done that we need iB the

-4Umw Yw*r M«nbdrrf»ip Taaey— _»*««. Mtoitbw-

... - ... V. „ n n-

March. Nisei BeUys daiice in confluence and litcrallr droo Ciwznonlty Belaliocu Confer- , la Hi* studies lux* reasltadMiy and toe Mis* Switowest frnl* anmMr from sight into toe desen Southern California. JACL* cwpaign* ;n Wash- major coetrfbaUanLjk dihce in June wind up WO** grOWff ^ of whldi toe JACL is a mem- "• »«»«* “ P«- on the eUtodat oTtBJ'iW'toe caltomaz- ^ ^ ber. is circulating a pebtito. »Ue t^t ^la. » ‘

Membership drive has aim S<^«». Dye. pUced at tbe «>>»«« for such a new r>v.f ^“ ^ KtooAi:* i, on toe cdL .commenced with chapter dt»« A^LRN^rge “‘kintoto Sinks show the enimtnta: agency. miMtwe dtgnifted a* a ^ board of three madicalbeing IS per perooo. *« watcr^ukw a five year joui*- The pnlUons are to be prw journaU. serves on nn ndvl.

PI.,., r»,-,v. f.svt ,5,j„^rouad of J» miles , rented to tbe Oty CouacU committee of the Na-WW— . * hearing on the raatzer * b«“«> *>' tional tastitutr* of Hraftfa and

Dec. U when toe coaaal t » • *rowm* h». lectured a- ------------------------toe n.wi:- k_Aivk r~

Loomis fruit grower, named PUeer County s Farmer of toe Y^ reoes'-ly It toe Placer Cbuoty chambercv, ----------------------- „ _. _

p™.«■visei i-ivu ».v - —_______---______________— _________- - .-permarkels is meetiM - Becauae aa orderly,d<i)r and Mrs. oWg* Miyake, ranchers to )he county. RusLv rtiff rompeiitioo Irom Jape’s process to uA>

Taniguehi, Frofeaadr of Urauu. also a Loomis fruit exports. f * number or jAtier* at- aToog.. of the pari enits in ______________________f------- --- is club adviaar. drawer, was emong toe run- Tbe Isae. most of t^-re- tending tbe tort PSWDC meev tbe Amencan form of govwra- ____ _ i.v---A-

, U» stoB>>«- MtoWv urK «n beihg itoeniifltmtf by tog Nmr. U hatre aigiiad. Mtr-^-BWfHrc* aa MS New OatdUM TUBldqr

niESNO - Ken Miyake of of comqieree banquet cele- Oore by Twm FalU to t Fowler was elected president hraling Farm-Oty Week world * torgert nr the Fresno Stale College Tbe Nisei was seleeted from wfaoee packaged Nisei Dub. He to toe son of five candidato*. all leading toe supermarkets i

and abroad. FormeriT from San Fn»-

Becaure «, i«l«rly,d6»> N.w'^tS

JACL chapter.

r r

Page 2: PACIFIC CITIZEN · Fair of his Bogalusa. U «**t. ^ "PaelCsm is a basic philns. against Uk^ Korean treaty The ;»esid«t and offlcia: Institute Holiday talk Fair \ This year. ^s


MdHM *MUr by «I

Friday, December 3, 1965

Coiim0T KCatEO T<M8INAU «ouDdl U that Mike Mauoka

Lot Anaeie* came out of tbii backfrouad. It vaa lodeed an honor to We in «>e JACL ahudder to

have be«9 in>-tted tiila paat think what eur ercaalziUoD a I>iy weekend to miaW have been without

prearami Mlke't viilonanr faith in theparticlfAle in . . which ebterved the Silver An- objective pQuibOHiet of pw nlvenarytti^ Intermoun- cmufi. We arc areatjy tain District Counol and ol debled to hitn far hla the .boat

-JfalU. I have _hope of the day that 1 would aanlzational fooutepa thmiab be able to vlatt this area to meae many years. Thank

e atm diTKta

riel Counol and of debled to him far hla pro- chapter of Idaho phetie leadcrahlp by whi<A he

save kaa nursed the has (uldad much of eur or- Je day 0 visit

Masaoka —(CoitiDued from Ertol P»n)

amt tfmM b« 0 SSm ah potenual vSfS U>* bau*.ipt- S-'

-----rw^pk. «* .« ^

with cara- th« Umlu-

,S«tklni“for stmtatie and lose term credni. we mofalse tbal many ■

- BuiinfM wu \ Profwiiohal Gai

I* «ad- he.



•etf-fov- lelatloea iS! 2iSSlriSii &srtwsrt£

Flower View

- Letters from Our Readeis -pberd in the ^ ^ ^

N«v W IMT > ^ 1«« Clu*»- * COO"^ «»• “b-nov. au. HH. , wonderful aouree of ^slptioc to Pacibe Citlaen

raiding Otere.known of the tremendous eno- him be our shepherd in <h* tlibutlens these people have days ahead, seadt in susUtntng as well as It wai here

' giving aubiUnee to the that the Nationai 1000 Qub

snicr’ “.the Natioaal Prasdent George InagaU served as the

, first cbalrmin of

juciwi.M-wkv — aCTtPOOn so rausuc v,,irca ta.M..../and Ic^ to In- ,tase srorth the annual dua. , wJ'jJSTthi^e

Iate« great hdp is w«idv«l»»^

The nx: along with their ‘ •nergebe membership hate

• • I heroic rele whieb ]wmmwL^tire finanual as well as the ^ ^ annually! coablnaUan of the

came a subscriber. While I l.a. Times story. After read- work on the book about the in, ji, 1 promptly sent The Eteenation for W. W. Norton Ttma o dollar and requested urn > vlo * do. iJ em about halfway cof^ of those two MetropoU-

■ tan Sectlans. ^ pJa^ ^father and a«. mother and I might not have beard of aKa«

Inier-mUed this feiture except for

Ideas of die 'JACL. I dare say that la aU probability fcere would have <tte of the leal joys of being been no JACL today. » JACUr U in meeting people

at paper. It is Important to me work. This close harmony ol beeaute at the end ‘ the iatergenerattoo b a mar- book I plan to have

chapter oc ",1 have been i----------------------------- - niose rolatioaship that emsu Mwta”. 1 have been saving

We need to remember that « one knows a gral touching icene was cUpplngs from tbe Pacific Q-after May 30. 1M2. aU of tbe daal .b«t before be^ lotro- ibe tuen lor some time towaid

rfuJSTi.srsr” ......mberahip were spread friendship such as it is possl-

nwu vnb*lsBC*s Quantnativ* ivslrMi

their IDC this. I want to show bow tbe ,i„ n‘ “.xu-su-urt,. who Sim- Americans in general, have «s net impouns —

^naJ mevemcBt tote their

ALLAN R. BC6W0RTH ,.«??«»1-C t

t time of the WRA

ht^e'^n S*e« to ^ Vpi^^lTihfpC to W* «»i«rict ha in the’ fact that '''•»^ 'LV'r^ ^ iil^eftSThe secret strength erf this

I nucleus corp of ' ! their hard e

z zn.;and make iU postwar come tbe individui back. T3»se of us who are

... . Yuklo inouye. Mas Yane. Joe Ed.)become warm KUUSka. -Rupert Hachiya and

dyad'in the wod JACLeri wia *n«>ds with them. Such U the 0*e outgoing chairman. Riyo- new for^t that It was the »«lf satisfying reward of be- »bi ***"»^' ^6 cloSS rWhiOnIDC which provided toe haven »»» •«:»*'* in the ornnization. ^ LOS ANGELES - A 30-year.

to their husbands : participating on intUative. too.

rver forget that it was the self satisfying reward of - _■" ■ tch peot'lded toe haven *“» active in the organization. gentMen are

.u, organization and pre- ■ nt ,,aiiiae elation was to vented the death knell boom ^ young peode-earnest- ?tr»5ii befalling the JACL. ,y engrossed is matters «*- ^ „

• * • cerniag thamselva. Tbe can- ^It was a pleasant ezperi- did observation on my part ' '

Mcc to have witoetaed that Is that in San Diego oezt Tbe eo^ around Idaho FalU the Japa- year, the formal activation nl *'>ih empibon Bese Americans ea)oy a won- the NatJonal Junior JACL win plaudits' wet* irequeimy .o derful public relation rapport turelv become a reality.-The persad- .Tbe roost drama with the general public. Ibis National Youth Director Alan Incident was when toe ai is not only to be envied but Kumaroolo, is doing i superb Jfttre pin wii bulowed up certainly one to be mimicked Jpb in asaerttog tbe young the veteran Leo Hoaoda 1 by other diapteri every- people to realize the meriu *“» ?«"• of serviea. t where. Tbe down.to earth as- of such erganlzalion. Tbe out- composure was disrupted i

- • - — preseotatioa but it »


t ell going chairman of the Inter- «

. bo rails. Tbe cordiality of thenewa media was extraardi- much incentive to spearhead "Sayonara” the Uih BiennUI oary and it ia one that many tbe motwmeni a^ will be IDC Coaventtos came to chapters could well learn and be«rd of is the years ahead, close. Another memersUe cultivate. ^ Tbe imprasioe which gave chapter mi addad to the hls-

One of the roosi significant me much rfktisfaetioo was tory of tiis district council.shall remeber this excitingeontritutions of this district that in toe Hx: I noted a

l-tow Unlwd Statw and Japan . toouto took to a irdunion or

fccCT tnm basaa ea <• Th» tltnlDS of tht WRhdrvwsI epoOdtrabon Jipancsc and

i-Miitan- rrovt vdndW or-.lon. av.iUhfoclAss mmiesi of Roosevelt High School grpduetes 'win­ter sod summer clissa ol ]936> being pleaned forApril 23. 19W it Uie laimi- Uenal Airport, icooiding to Mrs. Toy (Ksuokai Kioegii. 18S7 hrocktoe, L05 Angeles S0Q2S.


Stf C\lB St. Lb A»9«« / «S-^.5T78

Proceeds from tbe dmner- dsBce will help ezubUsh 1 meroeriil seboisrthip fund in toe nime of Bea Stela, re-

—Ne. UWeniU OHce— 2270 Bntonr. OskM

7W S-4(M0

body presides*..

ezperieace aloog with toe aew found friends. My memory has been gresily eanebed and

. ru live to cberUh these »o- meats of «ciasy and be grate­ful to the people la the IDC for making it all posxlhle.


I OVK NATIONAl BANK !321 e. 2>d St. L.A. j

j UA 4-t59l [:

it takes one |Jp to imowy^

,.. And men who really Imowperform* ,.POE, Los Anfeles. plus aodert let-op ance know Yamaha. That’s b^use an ;and destination charges.Yamahas are race-bred; offsprings of For2-wbeelperformanee.theCobra the Ihmaha 250CC AVorid Grand Prix Ibams choose l^maba.Champion. There’a a bit of checkered &g in every Yamaha built

The Cobra pictured above, end tbe Yamaha Rota^ Jet 80 are both boni^ of competition and built for aafeti^.Couple this performance with l&ma- ha'g new oil injection ayitem, big dust and waterproof brakes, big bike styl­ing. and you've got a reel champion.

The price is a winner, too. Onlp^S50

m YammaIM4

kssir.O.SM »4S4a L« A*(Hn. Ct-------------Coma ImA: U.S. «n. to to* Uw. Dl CMS*- pKdK’SMpM'S e.C. Lnnilld.

M «0> An, VaacMW f, S.C.

Why Should I Fly Canadian Pacific?

•' tU mila zborter va Vtneouver thxx vU Mceolulu

" Ddjtig^t all toe WIT „ ■

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; The Sumitomo BankOFClUfOUNJA

CMKLAKO___ • StoSrthFSS?

JiM 'A>..' 11.

Page 3: PACIFIC CITIZEN · Fair of his Bogalusa. U «**t. ^ "PaelCsm is a basic philns. against Uk^ Korean treaty The ;»esid«t and offlcia: Institute Holiday talk Fair \ This year. ^s

t^AClFlC CrrtlEN

MJBUC KELAHONS-A rt«st ;mu» ofi> frirod *uh*cribM to ti and let'» nt ttt it fornfed i: is* Nov « meettni

^ tor Ne*ro pub le rel.iw* trm*. Tbt report '***“ -*•“ ud AU-^ fir™ .re bela, c.Ued on to pertorm^.<^'^*rt^ *«<« be reroaaended

w«. *• aw uv

-a rjtr voold pro-----------irtunge of odjiini

propenr to the re«^ tor thefuluvitin»»e«e*rom»rliet." ---------- letback.io«;fc B^er of I^delphi.. . pR pr^tbtiontr ^TRA .}«, re^iertrt

*jUres ttj». ^ of the advice border* on ih* obv^- K*f' •* >t* president>n poai out that la writa* the ward Ne*ro. don't u»e^, »*“ ««tlaj year.gu2 -a- ««l to prooouacint -Negro' mike s^.- ^.7.! . . .0Oi -NKre’- *11 remihd them thnt la uikiag beftee'e Neero ••■—iir o-h pi. ton-.

sHHK.vi« jijaB. ro.de ea expert by virtue widiag to Ksyo Vnmilo,fi. nr, E.«. im remaned to NUein, lo -your country"; “*'’»« men * club betog planaed

Stoce tbe Nwei doo-t have the buying poa-er of the A«e.t. “» Negro community, it doern't letmlLS' uiyon^wffl^ E. 2nd and Central Ave. :ptd^KreUtioa./>mtor«lt1ce..toour.^S^t«* liable to rata, the re-

• « . qulred fuMt la the time al-SECOND raOVCBB-Come to think about it «h» “** »*••'* •utboriti".same, or Nladre«n: being «ferr^;r^-^?ir" «>• lAC hoard uttoolmoualy

t beeau*. they don’t like to be eooatdexed fJk “«**' Proceedag,ither Amerioin*’ Or Ij it because of to. "I"™ momea to atoekaeurenaxto Implied la those two word*'* ^nd if th * „ « Ar, •'**=*“* record. Isaac

i*-"4Sr*to »ou!da t intentioaally offrod aavOoe and who crw..v rn “ ibooldered by lAC

IS 2iX.*“IHE CHINESS-Ust month the New York Timea auhiiih- Imumrrta vnIhWinWarT

«tre from the Uoiied Susei. repreaeaung tea beaewlent aaso- ' ctokBi. a nierchania' aaaociauoa. a Chiaue ciumbeT of eora- ,aerce. a Chiaeae AnU-Communisi League, aa! the iMricaa CtUacaa Alllaece of Kouatoa.

The advcrtiaetnen; said tat "ouuide of oun. there iais-j-s; r,Ts:;Acre are 16.0W.0t0 of ua acaitered la evew eornrr of the ^ We have a voice too ia the critical dSakut of Uie fate dOimi . . . Whde many of ut are proud aad krral citiieaa ^ cor eountnc* of rrsidence. noae of us can mtne»s what kwealag ia our cultural homeland with indifference

FrWoy, Ooe. J. 19&5By BUI Hosokowo

A - From the Frying Pa

Norituide of 1st SUnLi'IToldo spared seiiureLOS ANGELES _ Prcpeity owne*. oo the northside of E. 1st St. !n U1 T<*io have been auured the area will not be coodematf by the city.

’T fart, the UtUe Tokyo Jle- elojiment Asiii.

TIME MAGAZmi ASKS UBEL SUIT BE HEARD IN JAPANESE COURTSAN FRANCISCO-Tune lac. bat asked toe L’.S. Diatrier Court here to transfer of Nagataka .ad ra.'ama agaiaat I

Aloha From Hawaii: Richard Gima ^ *•plcttog work on his Pb.0. at

HO.>«>LUU;..- Mary Louise aged • yMra to I nMctos. Harvard. wiU beeomt Mtoat* HaU. daughter of Ur. and tn the family's bathtub. Mrs. aat curator of Oriental art at Mrs. Herbert T. H.U, 09 James Yoimg, U. U beag toe Honolulu Aeiidemy of Ana Oahu Ave.. has been aamed held for murder. in Septomber. US6.JHsei to Kqirire sr* 'SJ :

Cwdealenhip. took 9 months for

o ^cial hiring practices;

iava*iQB of privacy daroaga suit IB the US. court agiinit Tune lac.

Aa article ia the July S. I«6i iuue of Time described the power struggle within A*ahl bertveem the Muraya.

wntact, between Negro lector, toto ^p^v Ibe LTiCa alao *Siam* computles on partlcipatlro, to local that If Ftrit St. ■«»u;toterprettnftbetitoodoftheNegrocomSSiii-*^n'B, tor compwiy n.*^ coattaiion* atto^^ *"Bjdetermlae the M «lverti»tog aad merchaadlaiA », a, fuluvating the Negro market."

Baker nt PhlU<«el.u.i.

firm of Belli. Atoe andatkad tor *4 millton la

image* each for ‘»nbar> rassmeat and burailiation'* caused. b.T the article.


Award for outitanding March BURBANK - ProbablT the of Dune* teenogera. first .Vtaei on' the malnUsd Farrlagtofi High School’* to gala a new car traacfalte. Cevenari lootbill team woe Dick Y. Nakamura. 42. Jj the ISOS City league oham- preaideal of Gama Ijacola- pwwuhip by bealtog the Kam Mercury here Warrior*. IM. TbanksgiviBg

A native of Cokirada. he Da.s .at Honolulu Stadium, came to Loa Angetot in 1011 Their U*t cbtmpMa*bq> wat and opened hi* auto -T^pnir to 1044shop Dwr the General HelpL^^ Biggest news here last areek taL Three years lator. he was that of a demeeted wife turned to aeOtog real estau of an Air Force ciptai end not contont with a sue- drowned 1ce»aful business, he entered -----a---------UCLA at the age of'SI to CWBLE* CSASE tna)or in .real mate. SACRAMENTO *- Tom Higa-

Despite the rigor* of school duno dalmrd toe Ij .and operattog a buatoe**. be to Sagere Golf Oub found time to follow hi* first Chase at Bmg Mai

APPEAR IN LAS VEGa's PACHINKO game mayLAS VEC.AS-A variation on the popular Japanese piabaS game. Pachinko. may appear here under the name of Sil- t-crada. Because of the polic- lag problems which may arise., the Ne\-ada gaming board is rccommcndtog It eonditioiially-

TO play, ‘a customer buys Heel balls tram the bouse and injects ttiem iato the miehtoe. The bans lai: straight doiro through a network of s;dkea. If they drop to eertaia cra­dles. the ptoyer receivoa ei­ther more balls or mooey.

... . - .e to Saa-Fernando.

Hi* ownership of Cinema ' last September wii the cul-1 mtoatioB of Bine months of: bard work aad r^ tape. Witi' him are Lefty Kikkawa. parts ^ maaager. and Jira Kashtroa.' aervlee trranager.

Married to the former Grace Ito. Nakamura has two chOdrea.

VM of tb«e -aignto* from the Untied SUtea, Au'aU-aln Hd Canada bad Eaglisb first aames.'like Dick, Qiarles aad Dank. Many of tho*e from Latin tulioas have names likr

T»o of «»» from

the Nisei. If they r4£tlaraiioo obek?

hUy were earned Umberto and Mario.' ‘ ' ' toieresttof docomeat. Would


POTATO COUNCqOFFICEB - lag *1 Idaho Fall*

WTARIQ. Ore.—Roy Hirai of been a director for the past «.Yja « A* elected vice rreri- three year., and represented tei of the .National ' jmo’Ortgan poijflo interest*.

Crmshew Dodg* Inc.brt - Corenet • Psltfi • Ina - Doofe Tni*»i . . *i» l»KAY KURIMOTO

e«-4m. 2900 cy^hsw Bl

CORT FOX FQRD Kenny Yosbfmur^Fleet UA-iitt—Nrw i tJu* ' AfliidtM wi!" Hiwsii Oti

HD<511 KtliTwsM Blrt

For Bext 1906 Ch«vrol«t DmIiHENRY OHYE—ntCT SALEi—


the teuriag Ja- Paoese men's and women’s teams meet Anerlcaa all-star teams. Program opens at 7 p.m. with UCLA's . nauaeal champions meetiag cross- town rival USC.

Ibe Japaaesc aad Ameri- leama wiQ face off Dec. :30 p.m. at Cerritos Col-

. to Norwalk.Tbe Japanese are earoute

to HawaU after'a tour of Lalto Americi. The local matches are part of an Olympie de­velopment program for U.S. -nlleybalL

G^S's- Kodomo ShindigS.AN j3SE—'The Community Youth Service will present a musical varieiy show, the Ko- do mo Shindig, al the local Buddhist Church morrow from 7:3q p.m.. with

I Dr. Tom TakeU as general I chairman.

CYS dancers tutored Ijtan; Main arid a 30-pieee band directed by Mach Yoshl- mura wiJ bolster a program of .voung talent

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Gaitan! Guhanl•AH Kmdi • All PUCSS aClie-

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^emecost CerrMrotiep ef Americaaa«o ctiNMaw stvo.^ wi-------

tea ANCuii. CAUM to


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In a^vrin - UA B-8816

Cerdena — An Enjoyable Japanese CemmunifyPoinseHia Gardens Mofef Apts. !m 13921 So. Normandie Ave. |

(Cini u Ihe HarM. Frmj, — T*-.Si^>i Nsnh e* arimtnl IPhone; 324-58B3 I

Ds'if A Wrrt>> Riin M UM. , jHfitre Pad - Av Cd«'i:ie"i*9. • Ot Xitewn - Trlrrtjl** 1


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When in Elko . .. Stop .at tbe Friendly

Stcckmen^s.CAFE • BAR • CASINO

Elko, Nevada

ILB the new moon


47S cm Ltac WAT - IU’4-tl2$an CticMia.- - L« Atorlrs Bato^ *to« Iw *'■ Oect«*«*



,. Men u Mioniein iviewg iiei.ivLem’s CafeaUL CHINESE OISMES -

' 320 E. in St. Lm Anirto.Phone Orders Taken

MA 4-2953

KAWAFUKUS.«E — UiUMMiVt e. let Sl«


fD.IW et Sautorn. Cai^rMf* uAx Eiw-tot'SW’Wi-U *«"


Prtt*ie Pin*.,. Cncia't.. 8i«««3888 Crenshaw. Los Angeitt. AX 34243

Claesic CateringSi W«ar<nei — 2Scl< Aanlwni'r PMtn — Sserui CtoUAersucn U Or«anUiUMs —

AstkfMw cantentw C . UnctoMW OwMfi fiadr ■ Cackua Impl)r Swarttis ^

Simplicity and good taste beautifp%~presented

LI) Ttow'i Fawn CAP Sury HeatSAN KWO LOW> FaoM Ca-nr FM

228 E. 1st St. Los Angeles MA 4.2075,.

Family Gift Size28oz.can plus 3 62:. shaker

Special Gift Size 7 oz. can plus 302. shaker plus 3 Va 02. •AJI-SHIO'shaker

Regular Gift. Size14oz.can plus 3oz. shaker


Page 4: PACIFIC CITIZEN · Fair of his Bogalusa. U «**t. ^ "PaelCsm is a basic philns. against Uk^ Korean treaty The ;»esid«t and offlcia: Institute Holiday talk Fair \ This year. ^s

■PACIFIC CITIZEN D«.ui^gf „,jg| 200 honor Wahomnie Issel oMen, “ “ couple in double coniniunily also reaps high paiseCectn Co«t»—Ba Mu. s»o«iw>B-Snr y«»r» tr« Mrtr. ^

Xan«uu> tMm«. » p<n. ten KitM.

Thousand Club Notes

C^2,53ri*CLMU---------Dm. 4 (talattei')

• '<uim. S, bn rrani

WATSON'VILLE —«Uf JACL eoierSAined 66 Iv Alonmoto nod to Mr. JAa."*HM*3u«ters duiin*

.v..r* M«. S^ikiclu for jip^^nber *i {Sk-i«.g^tS3ST^_______ js,-^r&2o4s-'-fs“H-xSe: death tragedy

**' pSonrert. «»ch ni jr»n mi>- .— ,_>«« VMT'. tn OlfTARIO. Ore-A »pp«rem <dd or over, at a dclttflful ha\Tiu‘U«' f' |oUo*«T.^H^ Ck«»n«. homleid* aul .uickl* ended Ketto-Kai dinner Nm- 21 at 11 ea.^; and to tte Saduch. >

d«n^ tbe live* ol a prominent Nuei the Bod^t Chur^ ..............

s„. no *r.aft: Euhly-onelom Oub memOerihip* were „

Mr.'-aiaS'Mn. Jeichao ^

Utok. Mneuel ankr. lO-

...................... .......................... prominent Niaei the Buddhiit Church ^audK-Yamammua ■»•.■<couple at their farm home tonuro Two hundred attend- tbe mo»t *randAiMren pf ^ c^t r*nmaa:

n^n in Cairo JuncUm on Sov. 22 ed tbu. tradltiooil Japanese Talent from M^ter^ ^ Or Jt-m- T. Y«tatoncno. >.c^. ^ ^ „ Dead were Richard Onuri. cuitom to "rewect the ei- Witsonvifle coo<?haled theter“RSB®T Chapter Call Board ». and hi. wire Mar? as den" in reoogmuoo of their dmcer with a pro*ram em- y wiuk*. '1^. ■nnnmnHniMaMnMB eoroper .aid a appear- raiiins children to be sood eeed bj' Min Hamada. r— lot

W.«L»An^U.lACL fJS »«u .. .

- B»» Hiroio.

ru“S!iSSo.^SR■ Kay.au^Oko..^rn-Y«o^:

KsMbn. OMTia* T

ssai-Cardee: Atir.


Ses^Dr *"sm K vr a-. ^ «is -tiarheraelf. ley for having provided tbe valhST, *naYtr: Berf»J«y-Or Roy

educatioD. I m *{dte <i( mao E

, 20 at

on AnxUlary Flnate: Weft LOf on tbe bvmg iAngcle. JACL Women * Aim- and had then turned Uie iliary Cnaie for tbe year if gauge tbotgus on her. .

'con 'irtn'b'cS a potluek jupper being ferved Their three young chiidrw in Jiiiel_ . Dec. 12. P:» p.m.. it the the bedroom Of tbe bou« a code of ethictl-o«ATicrtn Vri^e *»“">« of,Dr. and Mrf. Robert he«d -tbe ibots and managed tbe infurmounUbl. ^

(maul Waunabe. 631 Teakwood Rd.. to te^ephooe ofCcer*. The ehil- the Uiei bad faced in their rant, tbe Japane« American■ according to Mrs. Helen Uhl- drpf are Becky 11, Steve'S, early d.js when antiJapa- commimiV -was tpeoallj _ _____________

kawa. event chairman. and Lori 6. oese discnroinalson and eco- ogmied tor lu all-out eupport- Gift e*cb««e. game, and -me coroner «id no plan* nomic dilLcullie, were of the campaign S„V" temwf eniertamraent are on tap. for an inquert have beim valent. v h JSSiySST'b” ?*•“' Hr. Cnet Mrs. Watauabe Is tbe incom- made since it appeared felf- Their ceasele** effons ,JP towkSbrW ^

would hive raUed <2 ***^


___ __ __ -rnju; H»—*'rd P: Pfmgst Nov. Su o«er>^":!l,Y. ^"*1;, aaa t-.--

rt _ .TadAEhl £^f0H*,-T|bU.i s,-,o CoutiU—yini 1,1 yurt

a_ Takenac*: fuj;

y‘s?-S2r^sx NiaeiAmerican citirens. 1

becemse atelr •

-nippT 'poUuck w4®S5t

____ ut'sJiSmemo—Torn.yti.-evident_ , .___^ oeenrred. Mr*. Oguri had good .................................................. --.Contra Coa^ JACL m-bealth and friends la dedaied. have reaalted In million.

Chrlttmb Party: A poUuek said she bad Been depressed, the high degree of respect Master ^ ^dinner, talent show and Santa Oguro was a 1000 Oub and acceplan« of Japanese the «vent, wWeb was attM^ ,for th* kiddies make up tbe member of .the' Snake River Amencaai in the focal com- by aliitost •”Contra Costa JACL Christmas chapter, a World War H vet- mnntty. " «“ »* foyer-

; SSl^:;

V.Rcr ruehia.- tolkc. md Tri- Oy»m»..W»n*r

Stn. Emi Somakawa; Dr._____ M T»ua»».

The month-end total of 1.66. Ike fwasaki of Portland is being credited for tbr yeo- jnan work ealisting^seven new


at Harry Ells I teru. MacDonald and 3Sth here.

St-. RjcduDond. according to —— Warren K Nobuwda

and active with the Com- Ben tTmcda, ciapter presi- tors and campaign drive rannity Methodist Church dent, presented gift* to Zeuo ™«ee_ membets,

Ura. tor bemg the eldest EH. Eiskamp. highly respect- "»«>*•

George Nakagawa, co-dnir-

fL-SS..* Wsel author oi Bonsai-Saikei dies. ed elder of the medical pro- Vahryi: M»mi-iU»-*oorgr

fcssion her*. twuoQte. Penw ,LA-a»Pfmgst acknowledged the nerES-DER


Tokyo-DoOriental Gifts

and Books 1M25 S Wester* Aw

ftsrtir*.. cm -fA l-fcSOa

rienrii o^p^^ChnpRM

SSn!l£.!f5; roST by TAMOIW Mt-BATAMA to mi’ ^ ' UiriNl I lnk/*l(4arinnmbtoWoto. to 2ito"'m2?T.n;'“it’’dS.^*'‘*tb going Was tough and there «' N S6 UphO SjeriflQ

•“ *“ >“*■« •>«»* sss^ draSm« pSts^ ■ ■U at ^ ^ Fred Nitu.

■ I»omiaeat for promoting .r« to«»« ih. joy of ^' Bt^ .Ontrrt'-lkaa. A ^ a<*»ai. how to bv

ISIL'S’I SJIL-TS "I* t.2‘rsi,".'?s,‘“ ““Uowed *y ■ Christmas pro- ,»i.Saikei", was one of the ■■”’• best aellen in Europe. "a

V*nle*-CulY#r JACL KuriEara was among tlx^e nem to r*.m to

SAN FBANCISCO-The Henri Venic^ver ”*

’ business. radlo-TV '

I Ak CoUnoM . u. H, j NISC! OhEUtED

' A542 W Slsiior lA ai j

Ctr.inpnu.. .

Soquol.-l^liitmM'ia . SfocKo

Oiarle* R.in.yUu-> horn ‘


s SiUman. PhU Qirfcin and red Nitu.Under the WatsonviUe JA-

1 CL. tbe focal J munity raUed

I gW.ODO for the bospfta] this


ncm to ream to —


1526 W.JgfferMit Blvd. Los Af)9tl*s • RE 44975

Slew.KfolU - Ter»r KaMU

With departments In jewelry, tbe Cockatoo Inn, laequerware. enamelware. perial. Hawthorne, it arai porcelain, antique Unsu and nouaced by George Isoda, art objects. chapter ,-«-f5iden!.

Make your Holidays, dazzling with beautiful

' Christmas Trimmings

JONES DECORATING CO.2807 S»on 81, (Nf »lwr Lafo Bl.l

Ln A«9tlei. Calf - DU 7-8327 One* Daar -ipi Xmu. 8 tir.. - 6 #.i*.

Shimatsu, Ogata and Kubota Mortuaiy

oil Vemet UrC Las Afigelcs

Three Ceseratleas af Eeaenena ...FUKUl/ Mortuary '


mtnUUire tree*, garden^and His elder sister. Mrs. Kawayo landscape). An eloquent Kawamoto, lives in Yamigu- speaker and a wonderful lec. chi-kcti. hirer in tbe an of Japan, be


it- a 5R I TOR E RLTV^o


a A N K A 4 ttmuK Q 2127 S^rin BM L


I a freque before tbe wives of the diplo­matic corps here in Tokyo.

He came to Japan after tbe war to help esUblUh democ­racy but Japan was not fciod to him He was ofies disap- pointed and discouraged. He was surprised to find £at Japanese could be disboncsl and insincere. Hoa-ever. he sel­dom complained, asked for.no mercy, ai^ kept on working.• In tbe precetsing of wn

« book oe Siikei.\bts last 1 oo Uie typewriter wers:


Classified Ads• EMPLOYMUa

Vlmlts EmelSrC'M Aw'ey Job Irwiiirm Wtleon*

Ret. 202. 312 E In Sl. LA HA 4-ZB21 • Nea OpcfiWp Dally

Ol IN-rr.RgST TO MEN M«a. ivc tto. wuih ....Ul«-k

MatM SUa. W1.A. ...............I.TSbrnac rih. m dertoal . ..«00ino

nttoe '■>* CTk, u» oto ... .foo-aakni1 Clretra T»eh. C'ltoa ........SJnnr

Imes I PtalulnaD n, can ___to SiOma^ - I OF INTUtgST to WOHEK ^

srs-5'"JurT’.-i£Caaatcr ClrL cleaner. tSS-I.SOhr Bain cut bakery, tw..........ItohrMas Yasuedo, 60

TOKYO Masakatsu Yai POtmON AVAILAIILg: Oenral. '

ate of Univ. of Washigton.;be worked in San FrancUeo! Junaet^?^ SSol tellevue^lK*:

trbngle/ C*MERH

REALTOR i14715 So Westurn .Av,

Gardena. CaUf 323-7545 - S21-S386