Chipter protests effective n fuelling use of 'Japon TV Soutbk-efL Tge fiopulacioa o! Axnts^ of J*p«Br»e wmcbT fti-FC Direcku- a real o{]portuDitr U fields of leaderAip. pubUe re- 10S aod Qitaniaatlai. j:m H;«8stu.bu ablf.KUed thi: PACIFIC CITIZEN VOL -55 NO. 22 PKIDAY. NOVejMEIt W. 1963 m ac. amm m Let A^de* U. CaUf. KiViitoa i-aan <Speciat to Paafic CiUzeol FTl.OfC3SCO--The fir« pwl- retponte to JACL't pu^ rt- «: to eiimmaie^c use •J»p''^^A^ie ABC-TT comedy U«U bad directed bis protest apofoeiej «»d m. at 3 the saucers of tbe »h.-r«. t.he never. »•. ao'v iii levue Studnt.'at Umvenal Cuy. di»n;.pe,-t It wa> an tmu-iTi t:i ent.-nain - Stadit Eiipiadi altensie Lvdim James Lydoo. roordiaator for rwi-o'.lv uamii chairraa McHalr's Navy ', promised tlmre *«• ?»► Merced Jc Collesc win be "DO" such ditcnmlnat.w «f irusiees, to forsrardlo* word uaed. in t^v to Ivata's Lydoa letter to Xaliaual Hrad- V'vt____ __ ... OUilf..Ti r ' . letter "Let me li^ien to tay tbe commi ----------- used prev»u*!v auliout comedy week ilsiDal JXrector Mat Satow t-d It wa» "ihe'Tlrst pc*iti.. ooie aaywoe has been able to and prolcxts bad been di- malice or loteat and we. here al •ed to vartbus TV sUtMBi »h5w- «ud». a- well ae tb-. network. ■'>the weekly ahow ai^ the mad careful m the future ,,n„Tican .Qsadcasuiia Co "Plcaw sccei); CBy tk "3oud MCIFIC SOUTHWEST AT YEARS END Colfcty Will host the first quarterly meeUae m Fi-hruary In conjunc- lion n-itb this mertnid tbe annual Chapter Clime ktII be staged All newly elected Oiaptor officer.' liego f reeUng.s the Parific newly elected Chapter officer.' hwest As the year IW draws be sure to'tign up for thi- rlo.se It IS lime to thank the meeUng dbers of toe Dirtnct Cojneii Los Angeles is busr work- d of the year who bate left im ontbe ramoig distnn conven r pasitlov to the newly elected t»o to beheld in May. and they Tibers. TVir work a^ insmra- ,.,ureus they will have a busy- e given me a tot to htok and eventful time foe aU to this coming year. The district is working hard ink you. tor a wonderful year- a«e matter of membership and It ten will members couple ot 1 be heard from A; Betty Yumort VewieeJ^il- *nd i bring out the rat Any help ou sho.^ld b<- offr-io Tflgmber Kay Xakagin potcntail of ibcir i San Fenande that wr can give le news that Regional Director asked for through the Regional Higashi will leave the distnci office We wiU be there to give e. ccrtatnly leaves open a yiUl you that help in the Southan California _____ « of the JAcTYbe role ol ADWTIOhiAt OUITEBS chapter u Wigast^^ aoiy.Ruec ^ presMtont. and and I w1to'^Jtoink him aS^1« e earnest work be. has done mis ik>r-n S -neTi-w' - timely contributi»s uuid , another in tbe posi tive for the coming year Regionai Director Higashi. Ma> Sblmatru SWLiA. Frank Chuman. pas* Na- PreiMjeivL and many others orgaaiae the. - _n> ivvariv. chapter. The mer^rs fo; a chai 1. aod should help in bringing Southwest District >.jncil. Jim. t wish you every - - n your new venture Tiiere Los Angeles area. SuU other areas to be coosidered seem to be tbe San Gabriel Valley 11 i.r.1 .. •"» «a*tward fre^ East Los An- ill JACLoa to provide toe ^ through C.-nina, Pomona. Rh - ...tH . O.F..VH mi .K„ rY«t ^ ^ Bemaitono. the II. as chairman of the Person-^|S,,.j_ n, /-________ ___ iA ... _i.:j wnitjer. .. - **^?®^~Ehiitier. Downey and Niu-waik Committee, would be glad tc mssibb' toe SoutowvsJ r Ipom you Just drop him a ^ ^.A county-San Peri.-v. Tor- •* ranee, and Redooda Beaati Mem- 1 as possWe. . beta in these areas who would like BEVKSl. I «nmg eve*ti in toe distriei sure wc wii; be there , to get it } be ahaping up Orange statjed._______ ' Idahoans Are Thankful 'McHak'i Minry' proJucfi rtsMt tp rapBts ii ataw* ■ni.L'SA - The [•101031 action aken b.v J.tCL r.haplers to pco;e»; .-e of.the der.Tgatorv word "Jap" n ABC-T\". -McHale-f Navy" in mid-October played a major role I the success of .the campaign. According to Ataj; Yoshimura. national chairman of top poblie rclabons committee, chapters had submitted prolesU to the spemsors. producers, TV slatioBs and tbe net work. American Bniadrasiing Co Beyocid.i Tobacco Co . tponiorf of toe weekly eantedy series, in a .-eply to the Berkeley- JACL. intfi- eated no derogatuo wa< intended Asparenily the network aod tbe studios received sufficient tom- plaiKs to warrant's miaipogrsphed r to all as' an acknowledge- r. Yoshimura added, lo doubt, each of these pro tests played an tmponant part in tor rmal diterminatioo by t-V sto- diu> ii diictin'dnuc the use <d Yodiimuri concluded IDC RETAINS SAME CABINET TO ASSIST RUPERT ilACHIYA Idaho SJR 1 Victory « Criobrotion in Offing, -Consign Bi>d£-it Short •r AUCE KA&Al SALT LAKE cm- - The Inter mountain Oirtnrt Couned haodod their current cabinet officers 0 "vole of cDDfidence" at ilk- week end meeting here and IDC Oiair- man Rupert Hschiya wiB hove the same hoard assisting him in IlB The post of chairman is for two years However the two nee chaSr- manshjps and toe treasurer . p»tt are fjt a .vear only 0*Jwr board Okura installed the foL.i______ board at the Prudential Federal Bldg Seiich: Kayasbldk -Boise Valleyl. Ut v c . Ronnie Yohoto Pocatello'. 2nd V c . Leo Hosods 'Idaho Fails . were Sue fCaneka. yoiffb; Hero &i- osaki recog . Abe Saito. IgMChto: and Abcc Kasai, hist. The acclamatue bv delegates came when the aominstkBs eon- romee, chaired by Hera Shiosaki. announced toe current oHicers bad served weil and would be avoil- abie to remain in the same capB' citiesvfor' another term SJR I OoMMiga Joe NishiOka and George SiBl. ca-ehairmen for Idaho's soweSShii SJR 1 amendment repeal commo)6ed by. National Director ,Ma< Satow Nishuka reported f»- . numerable campaign ' 'CoB*anued oc Page y* WBshington Newsletter: by Mike Meseoke JACL welcomes Kennedy order banning housing bias standing an- that is tnwis if Japa oe>e ance.'try in th:.- cu ntry «i- pcvrunti-f today ouirv ia"'ai di-*- .-rimmataon-tbrtmgh.vut toe land tn to< field of bou.-mg than in aay other We are told that in many communities qualified Xisei may -ent or purchase homes wher- tocy desire and ere able to pay toe price. Such dUcriminaiion. w<- uadersuod. i' partirularW op. taceable in tor so<8Ued new tracts, where a nnile developer builds a number of homes in . a suburban tubdivuKsi Accordingly. JACL and Japanese Americans welcomr toe Ececalivc .Order stgiMd by toe'Presideitt on Tuesday, November JD. prbvidiag (ot "Equality m Hevmg Oiniorto miy Wnh '*B xlrofct- of a pen' . Ptcm- dear-Kenaedy redeemed his cam paign prceni'r of two years ago that, if cleclcd. he'world bring about tbe elimioam racial and .WHILE rmurBHNC thal tbe presjdeniial act** was an itn p Ttapi first step, toe Wsb;n*»dr JACL ORice obsened that toe Ea- e.niiive Order dal not'gwj«t fat as its iJACLsI request preSE^tial order requires ur.iy taOJEiag built or sold tor fcatr* that nuiidets and deswkiprrs usjii uator coeventiMl Onaanag «a» Federal Hooking Afutcr or Vet banks, sasmg. and loen aiaaeta- eraas AdaimisiraiK* guaeameaJ tuns, and ocher Ming Mte- loan> or lands rlcared by uruaa tmns. evao though many auHt »- renewa: w II fw frreed to fallow stoatlahs have toeir dqaMSts -open occupancy poUciei Penal- guaranteed by tor Frderei Oov- ues are prouiddd rangnag frten tot EaMcM cancelUtiqn of loan agreements tn posa^ 1 --------------- houFing nil be cssvered by toe'or dividual was noted that several cstagoRea cJ hMsuag aJlte ■waatli ft to tor raaate al^jwtvato himea ^ W r uTsgg fail not affected by toe Wtotr House hanae^-eveo i directtve. guaranteed to F--W one Ouai, It does not req-Jin f >»' ' . As viewed by x*he JACL. tot For aKttter. it does not aflect- iCihftniia eg Page gJ Equal Opportunity in Housing established WASHINGTON - Presldeet Ken- (migrem. ceBege fiousiag, the fed- i ntdy. at his Nov S news confer- eral community (acliiuet cragram. t res%aird the itauancv of an and bousing ndmlaistered by the i c order pri&ibiUiig i " * n of the eemmltnmi The order goes cfle.-| with toe t____ Presideofs Comaiittae Yisil with Eleanor Roosevelt mailed, inay have stopped Evacuation ot Hawaii Nisei HONOLlLLX Mrs Eleanw temment camps where Wes*. Coast ^scvc:''s intarcsi m the rwople Japanese were con/med was Mr. Hawaii may^bevf tire»d tot Rocaeveil'i oe« caLer The meet- baUnrr against mas.s internment iiig took place May 10. IM2 of local Japaneae aliens during World War II. the Star-BuUrtm re- poned after news a) bet death reached toe isUnd. HeeU TlW Runtori Subsequently, when Mrs RiXMe- T , ... veil paiacd tomugh Howaii in Si^ tember. IMS. she met with toe man ' '■■■ ■" *■ wbo had been inairumenul a ar- ranging for Cbmg's trip On anatoer oceaaicB. tbe same group sent Oung to see Mrs Roowrit to ititerredr for the t'of Shivers as coOeetnr a reward tor hb Hawaii during toe was aent as an emissary then fTrst l^y is May, i*c. ai toe behest of the Society of Prtendi 'Cuakers- to argue that Hawaii could handle lU own "race prob lems." '. Oiiog was engaged the ' moraie commit- years lee" which was w: up by tbe war- ____ _ earlv dectuon not to order mass &3 and FBI inggirt internmcBt asas the SonnatioB ol ^ fS. the lOKh Battsiun aod later the Chiag's lAishQn had tbe support 442nd Reginfental Combat T^am of to.' ihei (iknc! Keodau J It *ai this, in part, wtoica moti- Fielder. be>ad of dniitnrr-iategi- valcd toe 44&id's inviutionjo Mes genre and toe late Robert Slivers. Rooscveh to at'-end it. 20to ann - toen head o/ to. Federal Bureau vrrsary cclcbratino neat March of Invest^aiioe in Hawaii, and it _____________________ various civic, lann. frateniai. and religious organizaiiims lo dissemi nate iaftwmalias and to gain then «. Sud Morishit* wort- --------- _ . „„„ Bar Assona'-mn aAd Idaho on November 6 was in- ggg^ remits. Sam Sakaguctk' ed gratilyiBg to persons of Japs- the sramcn anp se ancestry for tor passage of supawt the Legion R I by a 3 to 1 margin now AujuUjry and tbe League <rf Worn- lures natoraUred Japanese and Voters unese the rigtn to vole. *e--ve Veterans of Foreign War. jurors and bold civil office. pijjbled Americnn Veterans us prefect ot "Yes on SJR 1' »ad tbe Idaho Catlie Feeders tich was underuken by toe In- - District Council start- ____-JTO years ago as 1 re- and I was a.'ked to sfMr- Jaek-af.AR Trades Ronue Yokota, IDC 2nd conirol tor siuiatihn in Chuig scught toe ear uf Mrs Roosevelt aod. threu^ her. toe President, Fraaklm D Roosevelt Arrangements for the trip were made to- a group mcliding £me.t Murat Masa Kaiagin. Shlgco Vo-' sDida. Y Baron Goto and Uasaji Manimola Mrs Rooscvall greeted Ching srmly and listened with interest 1 hi.< argument She arranged to. meetiljt wnlh the Preiidcnt. and king was able to present to him irectly toe case agaiiuo mass in- lemment oi "enemy aliens" is Haw-aii Coiscidentolly. the man toe Pres- idect had chnMro to head the m- ilmbct two years ago as was a.ked to t. .. . drive to get a job dope which 1 had no knowledge (- Associatiee pledged their .support o Jamie Stununi. t should be I chairn I jack</-aU trades spoke ' of publicity and eve behwd With toe esurespot^cner i rodiy. our rarvnu. toe Ouiiese Uabo. and aeveral soldier brides *»*« nx the OrieBt are able to enjoy *** pr«sii* their citaenship Oehr. hard wh« to^ interviews with tbe newspaper. TV fortunate to have »d» sU'uons m Iday.o Fi " s like George Siigai. part r Mike and also. arranged tws^ eo-chair- women tea panics with tbe Rep'-toUcar. nus! nitional K.'rv-gti Han, cur.veoum wu ta' held ht-re. Feb 8 to.M undei tor chairmanship of Sh.i Doiwcfti The Ol.T-mpian Bkitel ha' been sel.-clod 4' headquarter ous acliviiies have bee ei'ewlK're The meetings ate expertod to draw upwards of SOD delegW-e* from 14 VFW pasts in toe sUte -as wel! as ton.'ie from Sait Lake City and Hawaii chamngB and Vice Pmideci. Comm___ - - . . .. . , wbo c<mduc*jd an effi- ty toe last toree and effective campaign in of tbe campai» by •tie^mg the kiterti Idaho and the nortoem plstfegm ermveottmif of batt powi iBhapdie M> cronies and 1 cal partus, speaking to people be- kked toe Sortbeasterr. and /outo- oeath toe bngbi lighU m tbe cities ' tan of the siBto tor tbe repeal to toe looely cowtoy m » v*«n his ineafe aqd to a sheeidwidrt in a sheep camp in the remote mountainous OkbadBtato Ba¥ tr^S-ttying not to leave an? ^jheut to, help of our irnniyd.- untw^.____ _ P«Mdent.Fr«tk.Otunton. Uid tbe ground work campaign rolling. 4-- ^togtoo iItgwesenuUve Mike e vi^ied tbeM nali ____ _____________ ______ii-<d4be-wa.v places roqktosdng tsaoka wte made three trips support re to g.« us^murtTne^ I*" *2 srthau*. toings couJl have were gruetihg but retearc^ », tt, N.- Si >i th. gjgqn erani tiooal oegamtattoit has paid rtl- d to ^ Ng^wl lor Anottm- the* piishments Tveoro to suT^ict B The Gnancial gid botn th . chaptors and indivtoual "dtout tte oaUMk boodtfd sumolMad cmwgb UU«t*I oe this Thanksgiving Day. it b *3 our meeabm to lauaeb an man appeopriate tiJbe 10 catD»*i to toe bope that •ekaowlo^ tbe afiimiife tooai .^be_etotort«. Expect 500 MegotRS «t Nisei VFW coMvegtiM Nbei lieads new grai^ te fester werU tiWc OAKLA.VD The Oakland Chain- ber of Coir.mcrfe aptiouitcd one of lU duvetor.. Frank Ocawa, to chair the newly formed world trade commiliec, which win co- deavor to gam. a greater share of the foreign trade activity 00 toe West Coast and help pjtdinrr toe toon of Oakland to foreigo -countries Ogaws's new committae wii! hold its first -meeting or Dec f The Nisei bustoessmsp the Oafcli active in iklaad Part brt of e&er board- tortiidiBg the OakUnd JACL. YMCA; Intertu- tional Institute. CoWeo Otoe Ov.- tr.isU and the Japai of Commerre Wy-i n«nrtiw« W DETTtOrr Toi-h; Sn mourn, pm of Ibi- untiring Detroit J.ACLers ,r Chapter and comm, nity projects Jsrssj2s..-srs«5 Hi.;cvi,-a; Museum Lack of racial pride by American Negro holding down Iheir progress, leader says O.AKI-AND Negr.i lawyer Dcm Wi, be said Bisi.................. Warden ol toe .A-'t-o-.A.'tu-rii an A.sso- ^te every seboo! m *ie ctnintr:-' ciaUto. addre'ssing a program of and it won't do a thing uilbn the American Negni leadership here students want to leara." Sundav. urged tbe Negm audience Tbe rate of dnp-ouU amang of abut 400 to have rwcial pridr Negro studats u very high. h< nils IS not racial rupcemacy '. sart be said 'Twj is not racial dis- The meeti^ wrai orgnniand by rnmmatKui Ibis a mcrelv what Waidcn as the cLTnaz of a day- ewery oth./ racial group in the iaag*rie*.rt wtrtshops eogdortnd .Lnfted Stales hgs " under the Btic *16* Mind « the He cited tbe maiiBeftaiie* of <3be«n ' About one <ng rt Bwe fter- s Uck of pride amaid NOgroes Th# sf»ak«s at tb« mertwg to toeir African heritoge that be were to dwcaas tbe future of tbe fn.«d demimrtrsted by tte fart NMn> to ABcrica toat - We boa« of our Indian taras^tatiwto frt*B or our Chinewe hu-wt - or tbe'Bsck Mualtoi* also evervthwc m the rt rid e*«^ tbe Aenencgn - {rf twr ffiocbcr cAntiBeot " and m.wt A prrte h«b« »*»■ ---------- prreode eveev gain ttasA *e.A»«ri OM Negro b to n. rave togr cqi^>y. o actoirt*. Warden be baadtd ta toem Tbe XM wws torttnd to sMd a niiaift.l ediaie progra»i_ ^ ^ The order was rRective iinmedi- ----------- .... ------ _ Equal ,ie!» The Federal Housisg Ad- Oppor^iy ta Housi^ to coordi- mmirtrituto sent irtegrami to aD field oMras dlrertiiig (hem ' the effort! 'Tlicy amutig tbe t tients and agenfies s neilber proper nor med toe braefils of bcusing b^ tor federal government Danced thrai^h tbe federal afsisi-. an^ on the basts of their c.*wd or national origin. ' •deni I- - - s depart- put the fbvsidsWs poUry into ef- bousing owrf»y^^,^ , apeelfying toat creed, color or aaiioul origin. I If vulstioos oeeuT. tbe fovern- ' meet mriu fim try to obtain valun- ; tary eampttonre. If that fails. Ibe PrestoenVs oettor dan art go »o Tar a* to cover hourtag credit tnrtofuU.* bv all banks and a Immedate effects of faeosiiig order not to be drasttc ■tiuag *ueb a {iwietibw, er totragaids a raegto- dectored "Our natiasal policy < opportunity lor all. a^ 'toe__ ,, s:i as It way to achievr toe realisa- tkn of tots fOal " wim cRTtn tS% te pragraa «d« coven bousing fi- WASKLNGTGN - Prcsulent Kra- tay direct federal loans or nfdy's aider bkitainf <fa«#nRiiaa- grams, and by private mortgages tion u houstog b ilt ee purchased guarantood.or insured by toe Fed- with federal assistance covers poe- eral Hounng Admimstralioa. the sisiy asout 2S twr cent, of new Veterans Atoinl.'-traDna and Uw huusing ctmsmictson Farmers Home .Administratian.' as Accordatg to tbe rerordt. toe well as praperty' owiwd by the FHA aid VA last year financed federal goveraroem some m.OOe taoDitoig units mil of This includes low-ren! public a total of l^&.oee roaslru.'tiee bousihg projects, himsing ran- starts ds pnvat, imtfarip dwreUmg be toe iwerinng older againrt ractai and religious discriminattoc m hoos- Ing- There is mors than oee answei tu toll questkat. But graeraRy. ei- pertf ■» toe Wwislag AeM. wbatow they favor toe order or not. antl- rtpate an drastic immediatt rt- lest* Aniibias measures » boustog have been put oB toe booki Is II sutas acid tore, cities to tbe pan tour years, a distinct ptottM* whicb preceded the todaral mB*i and doubtlesi tocreasad the fw«* sure tor -taking-it.' aavtogs a*d loan asaociattou Rwt carry lideral uuurahce oa to«g depoMtt This wouU have agBa toe bn rinuafiy a9-«chteve «Nb ragSTd to tutore caanruettod. ncarW gfl grtraw MaAiag tka ttaas rarry ststo ( »y * % " ■tradHina made last year ^ tbe FMlersI Cii'il Rigbt> CueamasHaa Rea^saheili CWcageentiegsiiig .enH-bis order auCACO - Freasdent Kanne^ s csec. tivc order hanug rW'At aai reiigijus discriminauan la bottoilto lopporud b' lede-a; fmanctog bd mixed resetiw ui Chiragi- lu '-ripact here may taa waattir thaa oar tmgbl expect to a eSB •fWTc nrarty a miU«n NigM tnw IS remdcbtu: pocksto as ^ raartt W laag prevailing rank qa- tste gtb^i*# TWe IS law PHA aad VA'«- aanciag here than 0 mav glbto uto 9wtr saw roeied under the urban reoewal untu CaRtenia's fair housing sfatute s^d fo be lengthened by Kennedy's order 1 New York, (mm s It to sort ly assisird hou-Mng Doe of Califarma's public policy appears to have been sub-tantialiy reel, lease atrengtoraed by President Ken- witoboM H from ned.v's rxrrutira order on the na- group because of tkinai lei-el ' gorie.- Assemblyman AugastuY F The owner ts, aim -yaars, aw those miwe ctman-i-attveinind ed. tncIndiAg ml mate gmups. expect toat tor situalato will be It makes it unlswiu: for the alfected n any apeetaeular way - - - of any surti b..u'ing accom-. .you don't get a m-okrtk* oaer- 1^.0- night." sad on, of toe lea^i k.'Kmi.-dgt- to puo- «to on, of to* leaden a to jreluse to sell, effort to toduc, Pivaidem Km- otherwiie deny or ^ ^ executive order any prason <x Ubr that rf the laws the inted cate- we hare had bet* far abtoe yean. will be prfatorily cer of ovwal 'O Los jng by terms ran- sutoor of tor stole tUluW. said dituas or pnvtlegvs atUcbMi last «t*k President Kesnady's or- furaiabtog fanlltief or servi der prahibumg discnmlnatioq in conoeMioe with toe hi.u«ng federaBy asaisted taousiag broadens FinaHy, toe owner catmot make * ualfy. this morai force aflecta peopfa s toakmg and practices. Wc have ma^ uadem- recrat yean Gov Brown previously haiM toe oral laquirfas concerning race, ' Pder because, it "extends to to# rotor, relgioo. naianal ongm or «««»« » ----- policy a^iM ^ aacestry of a person aeekiaf tor .Tto^w also provides any person rJLi e wbo (eeU be 1 tbe CsUfornia 6Ute ^ signed into law toactTcr of divCTunlnatam because a sum not less than SSM. exotiag tawsber, which ar, to* of race color. reUglcn. ttottonai TV Uw doc* nut apply » prv moet stnngeat in toe aatton. If it crtgie or ancestry in any pjUirty- vately oanied bousing which I* bad affected buuaess In an unfa* assistEtl ItouEing to be against pub- not publicly asiisted. definrd In varable way Uc poUcy detail . Van) >J it V added. V bad fU traru w^cto Ckicxgn On Om other bead a good drai a# wnesftainty mav f,t is to* bowvetouUdiBC martm her* t*«Q* coDiEtruetne wwnparue* wait to age bo* toe eader a to V tdtoefiil ro-ft>« dewf vN have a (art toMM- Mg law aitoougb etrC rtgtats to*sa- mraVve ben ralluf far eaa far Leon M Desyres. fifto wairt nl- darataa aad w «< six Nagraai far SB opes ocouwnet toBlaihr* V to* city eoancU V «rti tot Frertdani order drt nd go tor enough « mrtvrte sarmgs a^ toat! s.Fsoetatfaa* aad banks toat oe, totals aeured by toe gufa meet TV Ooefe Cousty rnmtt at to- iwrcd savings aasoegtioB says toe ttvmas and hiaa grasp* arcaaat te toupee raw of bnen* fiaanctog B the Ours* area TV Oirajn Coatin:s«fan on Ru- aia* Rclanaas experts to* oidar to be very valusbie a rj-a^B^ coDditiona a# gmier public ac- ccpianc* of f* r bousi.ag poiicto* ' , awfindiww-w Mrs. Dan 'lnouye anticipates working harder upon return Mrs. Matsunaga, five children wHI go with Sparky RCEDLES' -Hrarv- HasMm Was eiacied UO prestoem of BaadOay J.4CI. n, «9d toe m*CTV>ieT> 4# to* , rabanet ar, 1 . - . . - life will b, a great deal difft-mit getb»-r in Wastrtngwm.'' sa<d Mrs Dame; by.' m K. laouye the morning afler ber "We huybwnd woe tn toe Nov C elec- Hawaii "W, coositk-r avtotag involvmg jh, fatruiT^^'^^^^B'^w" .........................................WasbmgUB. DC over inviiatloos to- ' We'll s-a>- herr until th.s tci have criteria to go i.- fiaisbcd.' ibetr mother said she raiAamed -,r anything mvolvuig ImportaiH, and next W.shmgton. DC T jnrt begw . tmrai functuB TVn tan gef even an aparttVai." sV wile of a raagreswnen aad Will we d want to accept an inviutsoo laughed return a> toe wdr of a 'aenator tram a felkm eongrrunvas wte -Sggrb agg i really bavea'* ds*.- After a q^efii's tbougbi, sV Vs been good to Hawaii or go6d cussed tV m-jvW part o# it." she laughed andSald 1 aatirtpMe to us. she said . expSaaad.. -Be t Oara too bwsy wurkiag. Vrder' bin S'enfay Much c# ber itme a Washington esfopaw^ to toato of toa: part' ly hfe Yet. < really da. i* spent with "our peopie bam "We'll fcrapour apnrtmenl." she Hawaii." eiqwcfaUT with wtve* rt said, and I crrtamly asanl to see ^ who apooiWm*^ wift Ur. u.t«t..» cm. w ... my oU frleads there Vr husband T Oka Leo O-Brtoa. wife tw, - - _____ - tor New York raaraasman who She fcven m Cto^wwlgr Mast toe met! twee; _ Dec « at to* CCDC at Fre. Cr: K:rah.rs jrt tn charge «f bairawt prograwi Ki.to Kewan- to, fmaarcY. Mtolu laevSa end CV jo Huaeka. f»sh« .how pn«raB Mdnr: Niditoa tad Hidirt IwwM- L are modeis hunt tbe far ite latbicat thaw a IDT new TOTS raarawasmBD wno ^ calkd Sraator Saouye. After tor " BCB bad caagratulatrt eae an- ----------- ------------- ---- two wives loi* over to, ^ . . Harvard Law SeVrt. aad fart* tots *£? w***» ■*" rtrating tmr E?*'

PACIFIC CITIZEN · 1' »ad 1 tbe wbo Idaho Catlie Feeders tich was underuken by toe In- — - • District Council start-____-JTO years ago toactTcr as 1 re-and I was a.'ked to sfMr-o

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Page 1: PACIFIC CITIZEN · 1' »ad 1 tbe wbo Idaho Catlie Feeders tich was underuken by toe In- — - • District Council start-____-JTO years ago toactTcr as 1 re-and I was a.'ked to sfMr-o

Chipter protests effective n fuelling use of 'Jap’ on TV

Soutbk-efLTge fiopulacioa o! Axnts^

• of J*p«Br»e wmcbT fti-FC Direcku- a real o{]portuDitr U fields of leaderAip. pubUe re- 10S aod Qitaniaatlai.

j:m H;«8stu.bu ablf.KUed thi:


m ac. amm mLet A^de* U. CaUf.

KiViitoa i-aan

<Speciat to Paafic CiUzeol FTl.OfC3SCO--The fir« pwl- retponte to JACL't pu^ rt- «: to eiimmaie^c use•J»p''^^A^ie ABC-TT comedy

U«U bad directed bis protest apofoeiej «»d m. at 3 the saucers of tbe »h.-r«. t.he never. »•. ao'v iii levue Studnt.'at Umvenal Cuy. di»n;.pe,-t It wa> an

tmu-iTi t:i ent.-nain - Stadit Eiipiadi altensie Lvdim

James Lydoo. roordiaator for rwi-o'.lv uamii chairraaMcHalr's Navy ', promised tlmre ’*«• “?»► Merced Jc Collesc

win be "DO" such ditcnmlnat.w «f irusiees, to forsrardlo*word uaed. in t^v to Ivata's Lydoa letter to Xaliaual Hrad-

V'vt____ __ ... OUilf..Ti r '. letter "Let me li^ien to tay tbe commi----------- used prev»u*!v auliout comedy

weekilsiDal JXrector Mat Satow t-d It wa» "ihe'Tlrst pc*iti.. ooie aaywoe has been able toand prolcxts bad been di- malice or loteat and we. here al ■

•ed to vartbus TV sUtMBi »h5w- «ud». a- well ae tb-. network. ■'>“the weekly ahow ai^ the mad careful m the future

,,n„Tican .Qsadcasuiia Co "Plcaw sccei);


Colfcty Will host the first quarterly meeUae m Fi-hruary In conjunc- lion n-itb this mertnid tbe annual Chapter Clime ktII be staged All newly elected Oiaptor officer.'

liegof reeUng.s the Parific newly elected Chapter officer.'hwest As the year IW draws be sure to'tign up for thi-rlo.se It IS lime to thank the meeUng

dbers of toe Dirtnct Cojneii Los Angeles is busr work-d of the year who bate left im on tbe ramoig distnn convenr pasitlov to the newly elected t»o to be held in May. and theyTibers. TVir work a^ insmra- ,.,ure us they will have a busy-

e given me a tot to htok and eventful time foe aU to this coming year. The district is working hard

ink you. tor a wonderful year- a«e matter of membership and It ten will members couple ot

1 be heard fromA; Betty Yumort VewieeJ^il- *nd i

bring out the rat Any help ou sho.^ld b<-

offr-io Tflgmber Kay Xakagin potcntail of ibcir i San Fenande that wr can givele news that Regional Director asked for through the Regional Higashi will leave the distnci office We wiU be there to give e. ccrtatnly leaves open a yiUl you that helpin the Southan California _____

« of the JAcTYbe role ol ADWTIOhiAt OUITEBS

chapter uWigast^^ aoiy.Ruec ^ presMtont. andand I w1to’'^Jtoink him aS^1«e earnest work be. has done mis ik>r-n S -neTi-w'

- timely contributi»s uuid ,

another in tbe posi­

tive for the coming year Regionai Director Higashi. Ma> Sblmatru SWLiA. Frank Chuman. pas* Na-

PreiMjeivL and many others orgaaiae the.

- _n> ivvariv. chapter. The mer^rs fo; a chai

1. aod should help in bringingSouthwest District

>.jncil. Jim. t wish you every - - n your new venture


Los Angeles area.SuU other areas to be coosidered

seem to be tbe San Gabriel Valley 11 i.r.1 ” .. •"» «a*tward fre^ East Los An-ill JACLoa to provide toe ^ through C.-nina, Pomona. Rh- ...tH . O.F..VH mi .K„ rY«t ^ ^ Bemaitono. theII. as chairman of the Person-^|S,,.j_ n, /-________ ___ iA ... _i.:j — wnitjer... - *’*^?®^‘~Ehiitier. Downey and Niu-waikCommittee, would be glad tc mssibb' toe SoutowvsJ r Ipom you Just drop him a ^ ^.A county-San Peri.-v. Tor-

•* ranee, and Redooda Beaati Mem- 1 as possWe. . beta in these areas who would like

BEVKSl.I «nmg eve*ti in toe distriei sure wc wii; be there , to get it

} be ahaping up Orange statjed._______ '

Idahoans Are Thankful

'McHak'i Minry' proJucfi rtsMt tp rapBts ii ataw*■ni.L'SA - The [•101031 action aken b.v J.tCL r.haplers to pco;e»; .-e of.the der.Tgatorv word "Jap" n ABC-T\". -McHale-f Navy" in mid-October played a major role

I the success of .the campaign. According to Ataj; Yoshimura.

national chairman of top poblie rclabons committee, chapters had submitted prolesU to the spemsors. producers, TV slatioBs and tbe net­work. American Bniadrasiing Co Beyocid.i Tobacco Co . tponiorf

of toe weekly eantedy series, in a .-eply to the Berkeley- JACL. intfi- eated no derogatuo wa< intended Asparenily the network aod tbe

studios received sufficient tom- plaiKs to warrant's miaipogrsphed — r to all as' an acknowledge-

r. Yoshimura added, lo doubt, each of these pro­

tests played an tmponant part in tor rmal diterminatioo by t-V sto- diu> ii diictin'dnuc the use <d

Yodiimuri concluded


Idaho SJR 1 Victory « Criobrotion in Offing, -Consign Bi>d£-it Short

•r AUCE KA&AlSALT LAKE cm- - The Inter mountain Oirtnrt Couned haodod their current cabinet officers 0 "vole of cDDfidence" at ilk- week­end meeting here and IDC Oiair- man Rupert Hschiya wiB hove the same hoard assisting him in IlB The post of chairman is for two

years However the two nee chaSr- manshjps and toe treasurer . p»tt are fjt a .vear only 0*Jwr boardOkura installed the foL.i______board at the Prudential Federal Bldg Seiich: Kayasbldk -Boise Valleyl. Ut v c . Ronnie Yohoto Pocatello'. 2nd V c . Leo Hosods'Idaho Fails .were Sue fCaneka. yoiffb; Hero &i- osaki recog . Abe Saito. IgMChto: and Abcc Kasai, hist.The acclamatue bv delegates

came when the aominstkBs eon- romee, chaired by Hera Shiosaki. announced toe current oHicers bad served weil and would be avoil- abie to remain in the same capB' citiesvfor' another term

SJR I OoMMigaJoe NishiOka and George SiBl.

ca-ehairmen for Idaho's soweSShii SJR 1 amendment repeal commo)6ed by. National Director ,Ma< Satow Nishuka reported f»- . numerable campaign ' 'CoB*anued oc Page

y* WBshington Newsletter: by Mike Meseoke

JACL welcomes Kennedy

order banning housing biasstanding an- that is tnwis if Japa oe>e ance.'try in th:.- cu ntry «i- pcvrunti-f today ouirv ia"'ai di-*- .-rimmataon-tbrtmgh.vut toe land tn to< field of bou.-mg than in aay other We are told that in many communities qualified Xisei may

-ent or purchase homes wher- tocy desire and ere able to

pay toe price. Such dUcriminaiion. w<- uadersuod. i' partirularW op. taceable in tor so<8Ued new tracts, where a nnile developer builds a number of homes in . a suburban tubdivuKsiAccordingly. JACL and Japanese

Americans welcomr toe Ececalivc .Order stgiMd by toe'Presideitt on Tuesday, November JD. prbvidiag

(ot "Equality m Hevmg Oiniorto miyWnh '*B xlrofct- of a pen' . Ptcm-

dear-Kenaedy redeemed his cam paign prceni'r of two years ago that, if cleclcd. he'world bring about tbe elimioam racial and.WHILE rmurBHNC thal tbe presjdeniial act** was an itn p Ttapi first step, toe Ws‘b;n*»dr JACL ORice obsened that toe Ea- e.niiive Order dal not“'gwj«t fat as its iJACLsI request

preSE^tial order requires ur.iy taOJEiag built or sold • tor fcatr* that nuiidets and deswkiprrs usjii uator coeventiMl Onaanag «a» Federal Hooking Afutcr or Vet banks, sasmg. and loen aiaaeta- eraas AdaimisiraiK* guaeameaJ tuns, and ocher Ming Mte- loan> or lands rlcared by uruaa tmns. evao though many auHt »- renewa: w II fw frreed to fallow stoatlahs have toeir dqaMSts -open occupancy poUciei Penal- guaranteed by tor Frderei Oov- ues are prouiddd rang nag frten tot EaMcM cancelUtiqn of loan agreements tn posa^ 1 • ---------------

houFingnil be cssvered by toe'or dividual was noted that several

cstagoRea cJ hMsuag

aJlte ■waatli ft to tor raaate al^jwtvato himea ^ W

r uTsgg fail not affected by toe Wtotr House hanae^-eveo i directtve. guaranteed to

F--W one Ouai, It does not req-Jin f >»' '

. As viewed by x*he JACL. tot For aKttter. it does not aflect- iCihftniia eg Page gJ

Equal Opportunity in Housing establishedWASHINGTON - Presldeet Ken- (migrem. ceBege fiousiag, the fed- i ntdy. at his Nov S news confer- eral community (acliiuet cragram. t

res%aird the itauancv of an and bousing ndmlaistered by the i c order pri&ibiUiig i " *

n of the eemmltnmi

The order goescfle.-| with toe t____Presideofs Comaiittae

Yisil with Eleanor Roosevelt mailed, inay have stopped Evacuation ot Hawaii Nisei

HONOLl’LL’X — Mrs Eleanw temment camps where Wes*. Coast ^scvc:''s intarcsi m the rwople Japanese were con/med was Mr. Hawaii may^bevf tire»d tot Rocaeveil'i oe« caLer The meet-

baUnrr against mas.s internment iiig took place May 10. IM2 of local Japaneae aliens during World War II. the Star-BuUrtm re- poned after news a) bet death reached toe isUnd.

HeeU TlW RuntoriSubsequently, when Mrs RiXMe-

“T , „ ... veil paiacd tomugh Howaii in Si^tember. IMS. she met with toe man

' '■■■ ■" *■ wbo had been inairumenul a ar-™ ranging for Cbmg's trip

On anatoer oceaaicB. tbe same group sent Oung to see Mrs Roowrit to ititerredr for the

t'of Shivers as coOeetnr ■ a reward tor hb Hawaii during toe

was aent as an emissary then fTrst l^y is May, i*c. ai toe behest of the Society of Prtendi 'Cuakers- to argue that Hawaii could handle lU own "race prob­lems."

'. Oiiog was engaged the ' moraie commit- years

lee" which was w: up by tbe war- ____ _

■ earlv dectuon not to order mass&3 and FBI inggirt internmcBt asas the SonnatioB ol

^ fS. the lOKh Battsiun aod later theChiag's lAishQn had tbe support 442nd Reginfental Combat T^am

of to.' ihei (iknc! Keodau J It *ai this, in part, wtoica moti- Fielder. be>ad of dniitnrr-iategi- valcd toe 44&id's inviutionjo Mes genre and toe late Robert Slivers. Rooscveh to at'-end it. 20to ann - toen head o/ to. Federal Bureau vrrsary cclcbratino neat March of Invest^aiioe in Hawaii, and it _____________________

various civic, lann. frateniai. and religious organizaiiims lo dissemi­nate iaftwmalias and to gain then

«. Sud Morishit* wort---------- _ — — . „ „ „„„ Bar Assona'-mn aAdIdaho on November 6 was in- ggg^ remits. Sam Sakaguctk' ed gratilyiBg to persons of Japs- the sramcn anpse ancestry for tor passage of supawt the LegionR I by a 3 to 1 margin now AujuUjry and tbe League <rf Worn-

‘lures natoraUred Japanese and Votersunese the rigtn to vole. *e--ve Veterans of Foreign War.jurors and bold civil office. pijjbled Americnn Veterans

us prefect ot "Yes on SJR 1' »ad tbe Idaho Catlie Feeders tich was underuken by toe In- — - • District Council start-

____-JTO years ago as 1 re-and I was a.'ked to sfMr- Jaek-af.AR Trades

Ronue Yokota, IDC 2nd

conirol tor siuiatihn in Chuig scught toe ear uf Mrs Roosevelt aod. threu^ her. toe President, Fraaklm D Roosevelt Arrangements for the trip were

made to- a group mcliding £me.t Murat Masa Kaiagin. Shlgco Vo-' sDida. Y Baron Goto and Uasaji ManimolaMrs Rooscvall greeted Ching srmly and listened with interest 1 hi.< argument She arranged to. meetiljt wnlh the Preiidcnt. and king was able to present to him irectly toe case agaiiuo mass in-

lemment oi "enemy aliens" is Haw-aiiCoiscidentolly. the man toe Pres-

idect had chnMro to head the m-

ilmbct two years ago as was a.‘ked to t.

.. . drive to get a job dope which 1 had no knowledge (-

Associatiee pledged their .support o Jamie Stununi.

t should be I chairn I jack</-aU tradesspoke 'of publicity and eve

behwd With toe esurespot^cner i

rodiy. our rarvnu. toe Ouiiese ‘Uabo. and aeveral soldier brides *»*« nx the OrieBt are able to enjoy ***

pr«sii* their citaenship Oehr. hardwh« to^ interviews with tbe newspaper. TV

fortunate to have »d» sU'uons m Iday.o Fi "s like George Siigai. part r Mike and also. arranged tws^

eo-chair- womentea panics with tbe Rep'-toUcar.

nus! nitional K.'rv-gti Han, cur.veoum wu ta' held ht-re. Feb 8 to.M undei tor chairmanship of Sh.i DoiwcftiThe Ol.T-mpian Bkitel ha' been

sel.-clod 4' headquarter ous acliviiies have bee ei'ewlK'reThe meetings ate expertod to

draw upwards of SOD delegW-e* from 14 VFW pasts in toe sUte -as wel! as ton.'ie from Sait Lake City and Hawaii

chamngB and Vice Pmideci.

• Comm___ - - . ... . , wbo c<mduc*jd an effi- ty toe last toree and effective campaign in of tbe campai» by •tie^mg the

kiterti Idaho and the nortoem plstfegm ermveottmif of batt powi iBhapdie M> cronies and 1 cal partus, speaking to people be- kked toe Sortbeasterr. and /outo- oeath toe bngbi lighU m tbe cities ' tan of the siBto tor tbe repeal to toe looely cowtoy m » v*«n his ineafe aqd to a sheeidwidrt in a sheep

camp in the remote mountainous OkbadBtato Ba¥ tr^S-ttying not to leave an?

^jheut to, help of our irnniyd.- untw^.____ _P«Mdent.Fr«tk.Otunton.

Uid tbe ground work campaign rolling. 4--

^togtoo iItgwesenuUve Mikee vi^ied tbeM nali

____ _____________ ______ ii-<d4be-wa.v places roqktosdngtsaoka wte made three trips supportre to g.« us^murtTne^ ’I*" *2srthau*. toings couJl have were gruetihg but retearc^

», tt, N.- Si—>i th. gjgqn erani tiooal oegamtattoit has paid rtl-d to ^ Ng^wl lor g» Anottm-

the* piishmentsTveoro to suT^ictB The Gnancial gid botn th

. chaptors and indivtoual ‘"dtout tte oaUMk boodtfd

sumolMad cmwgb UU«t*I oe this Thanksgiving Day. it b *3 our meeabm to lauaeb an man appeopriate tiJbe 10

catD»*i to toe bope that •ekaowlo^ tbe afiimiife tooai .^be_etotort«.

Expect 500 MegotRS «t Nisei VFW coMvegtiM

Nbei lieads new grai^ te fester werU tiWc

OAKLA.VD — The Oakland Chain- ber of Coir.mcrfe aptiouitcd one of lU duvetor.. Frank Ocawa, to chair the newly formed world trade commiliec, which win co- deavor to gam. a greater share of the foreign trade activity 00 toe West Coast and help pjtdinrr toe toon of Oakland to foreigo -countriesOgaws's new committae wii!

hold its first -meeting or Dec f The Nisei bustoessmsp

the Oafcli active iniklaad Part

brt of e&er board- tortiidiBg the OakUnd JACL. YMCA; Intertu- tional Institute. CoWeo Otoe Ov.- tr.isU and the Japai of Commerre

Wy-i n«nrtiw« WDETTtOrr —Toi-h; Sn mourn, pm of Ibi- untiring Detroit J.ACLers ,r Chapter and comm, nity projectsJsrssj2‘s..-srs«5Hi.;cvi,-a; Museum

Lack of racial pride by American Negro holding down Iheir progress, leader says

O.AKI-AND — Negr.i lawyer Dcm Wi, be said Bisi..................Warden ol toe .A-'t-o-.A.'tu-rii an A.sso- ^te every seboo! m *ie ctnintr:-' ciaUto. addre'ssing a program of and it won't do a thing uilbn the American Negni leadership here students want to leara."Sundav. urged tbe Negm audience Tbe rate of dnp-ouU amang of abut 400 to have rwcial pridr Negro studats u very high. h<

•“nils IS not racial rupcemacy '. sart be said 'Twj is not racial dis- The meeti^ wrai orgnniand by rnmmatKui Ibis a mcrelv what Waidcn as the cLTnaz of a day- ewery oth./ racial group in the iaag*rie*.rt wtrtshops eogdortnd .Lnfted Stales hgs " under the Btic *16* Mind « theHe cited tbe maiiBeftaiie* of <3be«n ' About one <ng rt Bwe fter-

s Uck of pride amaid NOgroes Th# sf»ak«s at tb« mertwg to toeir African heritoge that be were to dwcaas tbe future of tbe fn.«d demimrtrsted by tte fart NMn> to ABcrica toat - We boa« of our Indian taras^tatiwto frt*B

or our Chinewe hu-wt - or tbe'Bsck Mualtoi* also evervthwc m the rt rid e*«^ tbe Aenencgn -

{rf twr ffiocbcr cAntiBeot " and m.wtA prrte ■ h«b« »*»■ ---------- “

prreode eveev gain ttasA *e.A»«ri OM Negro b to n.

rave togr cqi^>y.o actoirt*. Warden be baadtd ta toem Tbe XM

wws torttnd to sMd a niiaift.l

ediaie progra»i_^ ^ The order was rRective iinmedi-

----------- .... ------ _ Equal ,ie!» The Federal Housisg Ad-Oppor^iy ta Housi^ to coordi- mmirtrituto sent irtegrami to aD

field oMras dlrertiiig (hem 'the effort!'Tlicy amutig tbe t tients and agenfies

s neilber proper normed toe braefils of bcusing b^ tor federal government Danced thrai^h tbe federal afsisi-. an^ on the basts of their c.*wd or national origin. '•deni I- - -

s depart- put the fbvsidsWs poUry into ef- bousing owrf»y^^,^ , apeelfying toat

creed, color or aaiioul origin.I If vulstioos oeeuT. tbe fovern- ' meet mriu fim try to obtain valun- ; tary eampttonre. If that fails.

Ibe PrestoenVs oettor dan art go »o Tar a* to cover hourtag credit tnrtofuU.* bv all banks and

• a

Immedate effects of faeosiiig order not to be drasttc

■tiuag *ueb a {iwietibw, er totragaids a raegto-

dectored"Our natiasal policy i« <

opportunity lor all. a^ 'toe__ ,,

s:ias It way to achievr toe realisa- tkn of tots fOal " wim

cRTtn tS% te pragraa«d« coven bousing fi- WASKLNGTGN - Prcsulent Kra- tay direct federal loans or nfdy's aider bkitainf <fa«#nRiiaa-

grams, and by private mortgages tion u houstog b ilt ee purchased guarantood.or insured by toe Fed- with federal assistance covers poe- eral Hounng Admimstralioa. the sisiy asout 2S twr cent, of new Veterans Atoinl.'-traDna and Uw huusing ctmsmictson Farmers Home .Administratian.' as Accordatg to tbe rerordt. toe well as praperty' owiwd by the FHA aid VA last year financed federal goveraroem some m.OOe taoDitoig units mil ofThis includes low-ren! public a total of l^&.oee roaslru.'tiee

bousihg projects, himsing ran- starts ds pnvat, imtfarip dwreUmg

be toe

iwerinng older againrt ractai and religious discriminattoc m hoos-Ing-There is mors than oee answei

tu toll questkat. But graeraRy. ei- pertf ■» toe Wwislag AeM. wbatow they favor toe order or not. antl- rtpate an drastic immediatt rt- lest*Aniibias measures » boustog

have been put oB toe booki Is II sutas acid tore, cities to tbe pan tour years, a distinct ptottM* whicb preceded the todaral mB*i and doubtlesi tocreasad the fw«* sure tor -taking-it.'

aavtogs a*d loan asaociattou Rwt carry lideral uuurahce oa to«g depoMtt This wouU have agBa toe bn rinuafiy a9-«chteve «Nb ragSTd to tutore caanruettod. ncarW gfl grtraw MaAiag —tka ttaas rarry ststo (»y *% "

■tradHina made last year ^ tbeFMlersI Cii'il Rigbt> CueamasHaa

Rea^saheili CWcageentiegsiiig .enH-bis orderauCACO - Freasdent Kanne^ s csec. tivc order hanug rW'At aai reiigijus discriminauan la bottoilto lopporud b' lede-a; fmanctog bd mixed resetiw ui Chiragi- lu '-ripact here may taa waattir

thaa oar tmgbl expect to a eSB •fWTc nrarty a miU«n NigM tnw IS remdcbtu: pocksto as ^ raartt W laag prevailing rank qa- tste gtb^i*#TWe IS law PHA aad VA'«-

aanciag here than 0 mav glbtouto 9wtr saw

roeied under the urban reoewal untuCaRtenia's fair housing sfatute s^d fo be lengthened by Kennedy's order

1 New York, (mm sIt to sort

ly assisird hou-Mng Doe of Califarma's public policy appears to have been sub-tantialiy reel, lease atrengtoraed by President Ken- witoboM H from ned.v's rxrrutira order on the na- group because of tkinai lei-el ' gorie.-Assemblyman AugastuY F The owner ts, aim

-yaars,aw those miwe ctman-i-attveinind ed. tncIndiAg ml mate gmups. expect toat tor situalato will be

It makes it unlswiu: for the alfected n any apeetaeular way- - - of any surti b..u'ing accom-. .you don't get a m-okrtk* oaer-

1^.0- night." sad on, of toe lea^ik.'Kmi.-dgt- to puo- «to on, of to* leaden ato jreluse to sell, effort to toduc, Pivaidem Km-otherwiie deny or ^ ^ executive order

any prason <x Ubr that rf the lawsthe inted cate- we hare had bet* far abtoe yean.

will be prfatorily cer of ovwal'O Los jng by terms ran-

sutoor of tor stole tUluW. said dituas or pnvtlegvs atUcbMi last «t*k President Kesnady's or- furaiabtog fanlltief or servi der prahibumg discnmlnatioq in conoeMioe with toe hi.u«ng federaBy asaisted taousiag broadens FinaHy, toe owner catmot make ■”*

ualfy. this morai force aflecta peopfa s toakmg and practices. Wc have ma^ uadem-

recrat yeanGov Brown previously haiM toe oral laquirfas concerning race, 'Pder because, it "extends to to# rotor, relgioo. naianal ongm or • «««»« » —‘----- policy a^iM ^ aacestry of a person aeekiaf tor

.Tto^w also provides any person rJLi e wbo (eeU be 1

tbe CsUfornia 6Ute ^ signed into lawtoactTcr of divCTunlnatam because a sum not less than SSM. exotiag taws ber, which ar, to*of race color. reUglcn. ttottonai TV Uw doc* nut apply » prv moet stnngeat in toe aatton. If itcrtgie or ancestry in any pjUirty- vately oanied bousing which I* bad affected buuaess In an unfa*assistEtl ItouEing to be against pub- not publicly asiisted. definrd In varable wayUc poUcy detail . Van) >J it V added. V bad fU

traru w^cto Ckicxgn On Om other bead a good drai

a# wnesftainty mav f,t is to* bowvetouUdiBC martm her* t*«Q* coDiEtruetne wwnparue* wait to age bo* toe eader a to V tdtoefiil ro-ft>« dewf vN have a (art toMM- Mg law aitoougb etrC rtgtats to*sa- mraVve ben ralluf far eaa farLeon M Desyres. fifto wairt nl-

darataa aad w «< six Nagraaifar SB opes ocouwnet toBlaihr* V to* city eoancU V «rti tot Frertdani • order drt nd go tor enough « mrtvrte sarmgs a^toat! s.Fsoetatfaa* aad banks toat oe, totals aeured by toe gufameetTV Ooefe Cousty rnmtt at to-

iwrcd savings aasoegtioB says toe ttvmas and hiaa grasp* arcaaat te toupee raw of bnen* fiaanctog B the Ours* area TV Oirajn Coatin:s«fan on Ru-

aia* Rclanaas experts to* oidar to be very valusbie a rj-a^B^ coDditiona a# gmier public ac- ccpianc* of f* r bousi.ag poiicto* '

, awfindiww-w

Mrs. Dan 'lnouye anticipates working harder upon return Mrs. Matsunaga, five children wHI go with Sparky

RCEDLES' -Hrarv- HasMm Was eiacied UO prestoem of BaadOay J.4CI. n, «9d toe m*CTV>ieT> 4# to*

, rabanet ar, 1 . - . . -

life will b, a great deal difft-mit getb»-r in Wastrtngwm.'' sa<d Mrs Dame; by.' m K. laouye the morning afler ber "We huybwnd woe tn toe Nov C elec- Hawaii

"W, coositk-r avtotag involvmg jh, fatruiT^^'^^^^B'^w" .........................................WasbmgUB. DC ■

over inviiatloos to- ' We'll s-a>- herr until th.s tci have criteria to go i.- fiaisbcd.' ibetr mother said

she raiAamed-,r anything mvolvuigImportaiH, and next W.shmgton. DC T jnrt begw w»

. tmrai functuB TVn tan gef even an aparttVai." sV wile of a raagreswnen aad Will we d want to accept an inviutsoo laughedreturn a> toe wdr of a 'aenator tram a felkm eongrrunvas wte -Sggrb agg i really bavea'* ds*.- After a q^efii's tbougbi, sV Vs been good to Hawaii or go6d cussed tV m-jvW part o# it." she

laughed andSald 1 aatirtpMe to us. she said . expSaaad.. -Be t Oara too bwsywurkiag. Vrder' bin S'enfay Much c# ber itme a Washington esfopaw^ to toato of toa: part'ly hfe Yet. < really da. i* spent with "our peopie bam"We'll fcrapour apnrtmenl." she Hawaii." eiqwcfaUT with wtve* rt

said, and I crrtamly asanl to see ^ who apooiWm*^ wift Ur. u.t«t..» cm. w ...my oU frleads there “ Vr husband T Oka

Leo O-Brtoa. wife tw, - - _____-tor New York raaraasman who She fcven m Cto^wwlgr Mast

toe met! twee; _ Dec « at to* CCDC

at Fre.Cr: K:rah.rs jrt tn charge «f bairawt prograwi Ki.to Kewan- to, fmaarcY. Mtolu laevSa end CV jo Huaeka. f»sh« .how pn«raB Mdnr: Niditoa tad Hidirt IwwM- L are modeis hunt tbe far ite latbicat thaw

a IDT new TOTS raarawasmBD wno ^calkd Sraator Saouye. After tor "BCB bad caagratulatrt eae an- —-----------— ------------- ----

two wives loi* over to, ^ . . Harvard Law SeVrt. aad fart* tots

*£? w***» ■*" rtrating tmr E?*'

Page 2: PACIFIC CITIZEN · 1' »ad 1 tbe wbo Idaho Catlie Feeders tich was underuken by toe In- — - • District Council start-____-JTO years ago toactTcr as 1 re-and I was a.'ked to sfMr-o

1_PAC1WC CITIZEN ErWn. » r M, mi

PACIFIC CITIZENPuMiibcd vmU7 ncept «M Utt o( tbe

.US Weller Su Bm. >02, Uie Anfelcx 11. Cellf.. MA *4171JICL r"-*!---- -— UM PoA Si-. Sen rraACitco U. Cniit.Wastuaitca OCice. >11 • Utk 8l NW. WeAiaitaD ft. DC E»«tlw>lbe Otreel«r-..E^Mt, epMee. «Mfeee.ft hr uleanliii ft* eMeMertU. rWWl JACL peHer.

SubKTlpUan Rale M per year 'peyable w edvaoc*).(K •< lACl. fb'rreMp «Mi k fw a rew^ ^aerWW* k FC.)

AirmaU » aciaitKiBal per j«r. Fbrricn ** pa ?**'' Enured as 2nd Class Matter ta Poet OArc. Uic Anilw. Cnlif.

l Patnc* Okyra. NaUaaal JACL PiinenH

MasaokatCcBltatMft from Freid Past) '

Aiirtrnrnaig.^ barauu tkr wftert w.b hare their greai^ impart wo'.a iD-lrtWB apartment prr.Je.-t- the imUai reacUUl frasn vanau-AOtownnATiOK . f*

tkir ne« orim aseinn.fUt ot a i-»« a'*’ *r»l paifD to retninr racial disertiBina-tan frum tar bouiau Aebl Ike obiertiv-es <rf ftnl ftireetlve.

auUMlcd. were ftelfceraulr

Cft SMtii T)c4knanrid a FMA. VA. I

PROOftESS m HOUSING tHousiag ducrinujiaUon is probably the most huiAing of

prejodices against pmons of Japanese ancesti? . Hence, the artier by PreaWenl Kennedy of last w«g to esUbUsh a 0»m- Bittae on £quat Opportunity in Housiag and prohibiting

' ndal and reUgtous discrlinination in bousing built «- (ur- chased aitb federal assisUnce is vey welcome.

The local papers say iu effect on Southern California will be ibght since California has a law already—the Hawkins and Unnih Acts, winch outlaw discriminaUon in bousing. One builder was cpKited as stating the order "could dehrer a sev« blow to the efforts of the buUding industry to pro­vide lo»<oB boosing ... If buym show a reluctance U> parduse homes in bousing deveiopmenU which have sold lo a jninority family as has reportedly beer the case where tUt siunUon has occurred, builders may find the financia] rtt so grest that they will be foreed to forego buikhn| the lower cost bousing. Unfortunately. it is in the lower cost boosbig bracket, that the need is by far the greatesf '.

Of course, the Preddeot b» said the home-buiklmg indnstn mav fa&ve been exaggerating4be feah of a pentiUe shimp' » • • •

And we re inctined W believe theVresideiil, when you pause to think about the forecasts that have been made in recent yearn, which predict the United SUtes popul^ will nse a good SO million b) 1970—in excess of 210 mOlton The I960 census t^Uled m maiton.

.And these'forecasters suggest 80 per cent of the 210 miilioR in 1970 wiU be living in urban centers And more hous­ing will be required The housing outlook should also con­sider the increase in the number of persons over 65 years of age: more teenagers and young adults, thus many more

f families.V A business economist estimates personal income can be expecled to jperease from the 84 500 average to $5,500- $8,006 befa'e 1970 with inflati^ included to restrict real income gain. •— '

Such prospcct-t can only mean greater productwn of housing Since the 1950s. it has become a habit for a mUlioo- plus boasing units to bi- built aanuallv More impMUnt is

• the fact that poSwar bcMismg boom, hugc^as it was. made little imt>ad on the elimination of millions ot substandard

uniU. now up foiyidacemenl There arc other com­plexities involved on meeting future housing demands, su^ ns material, manpower and money, but our optimism calls fortwo millioa housing units a year bv the end of .this decade.

The K»nedy order for equal opportunity in houmng may be the stimulus The fedml government, it might be recalled, got into the home-financing field dii^ the De­pression of the 19S0s. as an iavigorator of the ecaxmiy.

• • • •And m a democracy, people gel emenUSlly what they

want frtan their gov’eromem. And If it is to. survive politically, no admimstaiioii tan resist the continued pressure of needs which must be met.

Former Federal Public Housing Authority Conmdss^r ► Philip-M KluUnick expects the inflationary apiral wiliynd

to increase the rost of housing production Need for ro^ Wfli tend to keep financing high. And with prospects oTevea greater bousing prodnchwi, he sees no escape from increas­ed govermneol participstmn

To close the gap between the aKUtV of people to boy homes and the prices at which houses can be produced, as fClDtxgick puu it. is the meat obvious problem whkh govern- ment can be expected to Uckle. He ciies kmger tern mort- fige and lower down paymeol as a farorite poesfbllily. Real conc^. w this instant, m the hope that the boute is still in good shape bv 4he-ume it's paid for.

Hence, the practice today is for substantial down pay meol measured by the life of a family to the economic life of the house ^■et the modem trend » ihat^ one family pays off the mortgage but a soccessive number of families, ei-idait bv the fact that families move

' So l^tznmk feels the no-down payment and 50-year mortgage will become the rule rather tlwn the exception and goveniBKnl s role in mortgage insurance will increase He also sett coopenUve bousing to reduce famUy costs ptt units berom»ng more popular On public housing, he suggests a pro^amwhidrwould peniil thbse who live in it to become its 9w**» »s iheir economic positmi improved.

Tht pressure of growlh in the coming decade will prod ly urtwn centers Mo full scale urban renewal {Mognms

HiglHlae structures and careful planning will <haw many {amihet into wban ceJrtere Soaste of Iheve urban centers need not be in central town bat in the suburbs Rapid transii win hr connecting these Some genius mUl emoe.«ww.g to convert the beikt^M as a hutt trandt medimn. thtt permit greater utiliiattoe'of laiid farther away from ceotnl towo '

Added to this dream ta houftag. of «-oiirae, are Urn re- Uted probleme of I«k) acqtasiliao. utjliIjM. stitwU .vhh improved methods of boiii2l« prodoclion ipre-iabsi poeh- huiumtf ta tb4 air-cdadilMMd dust proof home, belter Bghtteg-ete

It wa> cusaMlcd. wm < llmilrt IB crrdrr ki'nie - , ..OB mbich ^«ler hut*' couJ i» basedTiw order wUt attMl pvrrhasr

•Bd of uAiU a»d fi-[nitd;; bcuiag. w>b>^ Farmen ffamr AS-

roinisirs’j* l«m». Federal’-v »\-colkwr b»»«ift bousm*

for iSr r.dfrl,«. s-tnirturri buiU unirr Uir Cwnmurulv Faritua.- A--.'aad tae Caw-hart hDustnl f-« Umnirs «f .'DsUtar? parKaw-l I: «Ul »l*n a«l» to Cos-eramwn o«wd booriat—rtuefl.r ttie MS* Ukni <n-rt bv the FHA cB Isas drteuli»-a»d t-j panperiy built last H.-B.-t-d b.r the »luir riMranx aad urtisB wnewal insr*n>IF A r -wolaint ot dwmoiaiau iii

U fM Mttu- ■ buOdvr. de- vclopef or opr-rawr of any of tliear talefwias of hous»« the atitinxwsato PoikrsI a(Hto> »01

The presidewial orirr mru rw that (he maltor be aattlad jl pos-

bv inlannal ewdUahon U mat taDs. fhr ftaanciBf afrMmvnt maT be caawled or fjturT Fedrral auistaan nrittteld Uliimatrir. the casr may be relWTrf w the Dqmrtmenl of Junx* for civil w iTimiaal prsMccution Tkr rjrss.

1. rather thaa hu-

X- Youtli Spulu:

Approach Toward World Forces

fa, EImn OtM


«. S» 11 »•«*•

tmt BoMaaa Catt Mamaaamm-narMalTor

Up to lath hw ftU| wsXScan-x GroaStt Los


^ cent a*a»»f >» A wrpr.M rvt-ni oo ^SJB « carried but oor ^ rraan Cbelan Owe

aaiTc mjm itrtmiim, o

ua«y ft hw.w - *a ».«7^ RnsBcul 4nduAn^

isu Saame. tt \m. y. ^'.Wich

wn- . ISJm iciSvesd 2^SpQlume. wbK-h hMV&n thr ad- anj ,a Mi te IL* «■

ditiS^wv.-lACUsb^ ----- -.......................1S« -*ba*«d a raw iWiisr m the boa scon. SS.im v

H.«W EBtttatttoyai'Cwr^ialtwSia-.r-

«n <w Aar Occaaas - Ik^'rFlotrer View Gardem

t tbr ^ Ktallv *1

'’JTtrZ In 'a»e disinci «nbr»cB« islak. att

>. *‘g“'r SJ2S*l^l«d«t anih thr htghri It because propooeBls of laramc cP-,nQeK» which it bayms

a concentrated and orn< Soskaw .*WW "

re*t o! the « AI! lhl< would ant have been pw- affcW .aiUtooi \ var. eapaiuioa


•nized oji>o*U=e in the SpAaoe s P.f» <W the o-jibciw--------------------- --------------------- duTic tJ»e tact mai there

> raiadly rowt»* ,rt flf the d-.«»rtion

a” many new wnWerrad rtfirtranu to thii rai^y nt wtTtwry-b«it m this oP y»a. dactxto Otor tarwd out neai->

A. far .1. «'<UIH hoiffine b ^ ^ the the .eduratwna^ ..vWeto If jlhfl -----coocareed- the orter direcl. Fe* nd Tr»B By, an* quaaClauve sundart IVOIIU«rai offtoiau to "u» their e-».vd A^7v CaarfUiroko the ArpancaB pwolat** ij .Cbsmmtod from FVont Pi«p>

='3f.]r" r to. ihe fact that »r hava elcctca .the dj wift atl* ther-e Cotinc:! their toa-heaned metnb^ put betoie the tw«ic to a

hiaa hrat 42-yc«r-oki Pre»idrat and h« There a a very real d*^' *• pad to ewetraie who played a pan nays, u ^prartscaliy fcnaott^ • ■ ■ havf rerentty the coaapse <d all c^laatn* jor toeo- fuunan old law wtaub prttihilad,

a «ib- throuSh woclear war botyomfhsw ^ ^ rroeal trf this matetatkaal sred .Asians from volia*. bd*dineIt isNonilar to laws and ordi- eaten anee- «r«dv ib e-nerl la 17 »tanti Slates an^iDore than m^mies wiu e Calrfwaia. ‘ -

enterednanee- hirradv ib efTerl li

VtDore than m^rOregon anA Wa*' — .. ---------- -

are antoM the SUte inhibit- a M-year-edd of toda.v n .J be only racial discnrruBaUaa m public Si at the ea.i of thr cen'.iirv

-t of their ar- peojide fromin thr foture.

_____ _ It IS -p.-Mftile thattury wiU beeA-ia.rarterired- oy i«- ^e .Amerxan sociai «t ..

rat. GOA-EaWMEVTa toa hvos-- ture bistartes as opr of the nto <|eveh^>D>«it that I should like lac oflutoi. Robert C Weayrr. ad- -omr. of turmoil and iransi:;*. It a> consster the piutuc of Ameri-miBistrator ,if the Housin* and ,f ai.o likely, koowier. that ii will ̂ Cootrarr ft. prevailmtH.-xnr Finance Ajenry. in answer to 'jodged n> cBc ^f Ihe greai that tnainlv s»re<s the rmiuto charge, mat the presMcntia] to- creative eeatimes. in which major aattard of Itvaw and the asdui-der would result m a mayor alow- lUges of achievement «SI bare i mitt thr gecwraldasm IS the mstnirUtt Uttfustry- occurred - tr^ of sacirtv has bees and .wtUone of the ecoeemu.- barometers— — . ------------ — ...stated that la SutA that have • adopted anti-bias laws "rhe n ■npart has town imperceptihir Ike top Negro administrator i

toe Nasimal Govemmttt f

tor**e 'to this e uttliifkinal saed .Asianslaw in the state to Idaho giving ofTice. or srrvmg ev«rv nuraci without rtthid K j came an: a ft w • >>,— - rnce'. theu full citaerulup prisT the toectwaiiecet Thit uauc wa< simplr and dra— matjc Tke isaue on WaslUBgton_ia a« Taa

wia"*S to'caem coo^to ytwUdul diaaa a sigh of a heal

__ _ ___ asdustrees. to­gether with the ksBg scries to revtoutte wdli be toW to the pmmi

achicwTncn'js-rf Bir cent ry•has h.-eri '

• eagentoss a

would no: line iwttoptthh- ad- , .ieoury^to'turin^^tow to hi* prede^ywsrs neyar »«emp^ a.effect.1 complete i»»eef-ilne<s. bto -to chai To aucreed in what he aOWBpls. Ip work tte »»«*«

lengc kod danger '■

___cause itogh.s-.iacs . more rrmpatheAu « tto beaita to te vmcrw

3ul artuaflT there are, no more iJthy ■■ataa* mehgJile to eawttftip -ir me tbn State nor is a -drclarw ioc be to tatoDt' the cicmBi practice „ Oor pnible* here m Wattmgvw

wa* to try to a ethie* Aad Siat is Oh sea -B the srartd Were we able


Royal FloratWtoa a I km s a« a wiB mn

2221 - IM

Frye Drivc i,c Hoteltews M ttsMmU i Asmte M ft vehw wm ttu- jam

Ifflpenai uana im-Uto Aw ^ s-Mlotcrnational R«aHy ClteM U Whltet A AsmteMb ft -Utoias ■* y-a<Ktaonroto Travel Sertm

««* r. KMsama sn «a» Sc «a Mrmrft rvomi moShach B<e t,.. s**m emus s> n-v Acc-ssM

Ub07 - 111 Aw S.: >r-s. |.X»

«A - :eui Si ■

verse iwK»oin;r effect.i .Of |siiarfican.-r are his

memsl tbirsatule an antstoi natioil aw '---- - not

sh 4l> higher level* to rompetttce some to the probien-.'vTu-h. ■< ftc her

t our f-iturc! srien- dlffictoti.

It iiDi't law versus in the law as an instrii- the UB

"Ks;',. tecHtHBS If in edueais.^ Thr

■aoraiuy.rrartniinT to raaUermasd an appeal

cmotBes or mwet a .UKle ^riou: Bin the SJB V appeal, the results would very Ukrly have been mu.-t

The bftuf* to the US aad the ddterect Portum * well timed

course to th:* mitury us emerged at ihe ton- *tv*i ;

to advanced de- <

) by the Prrel- w**jui and palhinnot oBi-r t poliuca] p

m UKTieM to formal la

•td^! thittUw future to wise

t$d btott 111 Hit

ftH« CttMela. L.A.. B HT

.-------- -------------- tbe.fcturf .-. . , denied During the last 2D nor% • ««« ^^e Amenran' eaiai has beenthe benefit.! of housing owted bv mg and ccjipetihg vtt?“ apwtbetii- pohbcalh Bw trend hasthe Federal GovertimeBl ar fi- am. emerged in the etonm.-nist one of bmited/lnv41reme«nanced tbn>uto> Ffderal auistancc «iriet>es. it is ikK vurprumg that {tpceBtlv tlwre s««ms *u have been oo the basis to ihcir race.' cohK, there is b.-h tension *t brth , kmd 'to resirtt«3e to ptortiealcreed, nr natunal <wig» ca! and afteotogiral levtos^ ^ aci.vyty

•Our nauanal poUcy is oo al Obviously th» meaning to Amen- ^ however, taken theopportunity for all aad the Fed- <ma society precenb a wortd-wiil* jonn to any radicwl cor-mAmem eral C-ivrrnraent will rootinuc to problmi.' not iea-C b. mir cilireg. r*iner tKry hare -xnded to focustake such legal and prtgwr stops aad in liwti ' -----^-----------as it may U- atbi'evc the realaa- are the enw lion to tku. goal

PC Letter BoxnMNks


n b. our cilireg. .j(,y ,r .voutii since wt ^ «>cnfie h___ ___________ -eaentJCB. peoblnnS are sharply defined: BO-Tad.. MLv 1.0 race reia’joew and the

"***^ prt**em« to nurtear warBt-furv 1 lake lip the fpeciflr trend has been m accurd

dtuatBB to VbuSi, It wOl be better with the generbl political chan to tteicti Mme to me ream *ea- ae^u.- tothe Amcraan sooevv tores to our stegty witt special which has bren a reisUiely sUbf, rcfrtvncr to their effect on youth, ayv?" chirar-erTruN the Ctb-ted Slates has de- The ma* feature to the rout? vetoped industrial o:g*Daatk)B dtoatioa is tte cu att fani tKin- to government cArret^dyttOwe

To fita. Hcri. V Wprvtattoo to rr.y approach tow Broadly .speaCtng. .w.oh e. a

■ to;th thr e*. coafUc!

• TOSVO-Daie.Fli-.i-ittiytopro-

We vnjo' the Pacific Cit-arei as « itoW a;gieir> ai its iww tartti giving a craliBirad brand and ncTviting coveragr to vattoas chap-

and other ouWanding news ................ ..............._ ...i y.iu far the .cneragi Ckvan ic Ml The \-t>iagcr ha* sttaptag society to thr Amccican

given our SiR I campaign in Unho. wbsch 1 am wane «u renoaublc fur dutns! chapters oamat through flpan<9aB.r.Thanks, and fc««|- up die g«tt

•pipe chontrwng* week.ABE S.A1TO

Snake River JACl.a a •

'&imr readers, am dte hntt. have sugges-xd th revert to its engnaal uhlmd mat. ntocb smuld allrw fur lar cocnpartmenulixam



was initiated » V s^pace fcw nes using, as much a-


1. It liM the Itffeot peid dmibtien of «>y JapaaoM Amttioa Dewspgper ta the coDUneoUJ United SUdex. (Estimated readeMiip: 70,000)

AHiftt. . I


2 II hu a selected aad ns is linked with c enhipk


BhkeNMflf Hw-Bk I Htaoru Yama- I WM ta be^

TALK ON JAPAMeSE SAKE - T»ts TOtmUSIBI CUPSStiMA - YiiAhii. Yamad. » b the hr»t plare »}»skew trerihi tean the Selirw T4as»ma*ter *Oto) at :(> rreeni meettoc Hin toptr «a> "Sakv. thrffVnndUiuzcr to Japan ' '

T(»c cither spea^ wa> Oorge Abr whe sisdriha f'lw^ Pomu uf ftaWman-to'i/' Bs> Nobuhire ttv b.' <tms .an evaiutiin. tmwt ten Ftancu-d. Vwte 11. _ —..................... ............ ......

---------------------------- nwMl CtetoB hrW Nav\ tl She OBmurta presewU a am U.&______ L _ . . » ae-teto It. -taCW to « ASiMgp tend. Watt Md

Prntott to •» toal tee. ynnre. Yttto Wta* ettoteai cMhnkMtt.

5AN FBANC15CO TOOTH WINS ORATORICALHsi Ovrr.( T-- . ,, ii.wiBg in- Wadu left el Tr,»*. 12 Parenl. Wttta Kusru-r.. Mr,,,.,.-..; Tr- Asfa i- n.-i f:r.=

rtohth «i- tekvte^i tr.,Bc Wb.w Dt Ka- tka- att fiiu to thr lAitoen Ga4e

,} in the Jftpeaese Americ$n CUfittM Leacoe. the only aathttally orfxidged cro«^ of Japeaese Aawrtouu ta the United SUto. (86 ten ta S5 states)

8. {(reaches most of the “stahk wcobk ' nd better estah- tktaed Japftsese AaMriOBt who cm «ffocd yw pch- d^eb end aervkM

C Year fndiui or services wfll reeeh* «b cstra hosta MfK oor membership at their cb^itcr meettnet amd distnet end nalktael cmiveRliaa will be asimd to sqp- pert the adverttsen ta The Pacific Citixea.

5. AR o( <rar Bembrnread The Peeifir Othwo. bat m^iy o< tboD file iheir^cQfMg (or futare nteoace. Tbk ghre* your ad extra dnwta{ pdfeer.

A We -be^ that the aelertm lod «dqw Mtara tf ald^vertiaiit ta our paper is worth tv man tbaa the usual adnrtistac.-bat oor odrathmin ntaHrestata competitHc Becaose of the tacreesii^ deasad for

^ sdvertistag qiace. we reserve the to procces your ad (tt a first CHoe. tat eervod hoM.


Write te cut Tl. Ptellfc OHb. l»Shll.Slnte.ltetei(UteU.IUII. MUte_*4*n.

I ....," lilOSMKBBJAPMB CMMin •KWIkl


a mi setS im Prte «M S-W®

«U »-M7S VO 7-'

Ue?A SfWaw ____ _

un mi ftCVri M E u A «H« lA2ft ve»-*^’ _


IT* Eoto FirtoLtt am— «

Page 3: PACIFIC CITIZEN · 1' »ad 1 tbe wbo Idaho Catlie Feeders tich was underuken by toe In- — - • District Council start-____-JTO years ago toactTcr as 1 re-and I was a.'ked to sfMr-o

pacific 3DTIIEN

IFrkUF, Mw«nL»r 10, 1M1

BylinHosokmWriter Beuiief Hyi Japaese werken 'iHderpiid', bal *’ kpM drim its labw'net daip'; mie ceniaiseH

From the Frying Pan

! und«*v*«l t«OHF»r<-d ______! Irrpans is Europe ud Utr UnUd deruke joutt Audio •ooa ,S!»le$. aceirdins to W«lto •r >usr .

> JapuLiau from Under tte rrrt.ancrexpKtod to Id- pdiwe oT norkers in matodecAir

nt «• laAiStnee in ue. the average the hoarty raraugi were » ccaU lor

r NM CkaarJa»M. BJi for the Uiuwd Steto n ceMs foe and O ceac-hr Wot Germaay

1 aajrs JaTV gav.Denver, CoJo.

SAD TtDWiOS .The telephoite. bearer erf good tiri»ng« bad. rang'd few minutes ago and brought word that ftn MechW was dead. He had suffered a heart attack ni«li on suD-«eared coast of Lfbya where bis )ob me Unit^ States Agei^ for International 'Deveio|>- had lak* him. There were no other details imraediate-

raiiahle., “Twenty years ago Vaughn Uechau counted thousands ipancse Americans among his friends He was rqwrU er at the Heart Miuintain War Relocation Center in traog. and be was without doubt the best-liM man on idmiaistn^ve staff He was outraged by the evacuatwn. did evetilfhing possiUe to mahe the lives of the evac-

3 bit more comfortaUe. a bit more toleraUe. a bit hopeful, a bit less bleak

.After the var he went into newspapering for a while, tu.': experience in the WRA program bad done some-

him. l^e felt the need to help people, and the people needed help most were in oUw countries. So be iofaied foreign aid program and served tn Paraguay. Braxil,

and finally Ubya M-berc time caught up wtth him. • • • »•

FIKST MEETING—Vaughn Mechau was one <rf the first net when the powers that be shipped me off to Heart

nfain. 1 rcmeml^ the meeting w^. He was hauling nto the.barracks we would occupy, drenched miih und grimy vinth Wyoming dust, and grinning to make hit more at ease. He could have sat in his office, but i? out working where it would do the most good. tv<' started the camp newspaper, the Heart Mountain nel. togethff. It became a good newspaper that helped

amp morale, and he was proud of fTT*•knator B.V. Robertson of Wyoming took a particular tit in attacking the Heart Mountain camp. But he bad taken the trouble to visit Heart Mountain'bnd didn’t what he was ulking about We sent him a tejegrwn, the Senator ignored, and printed the story of the in­to The'Sentinel. The wire services picked it up and

lated it a^ound the .country.There were no fundWvailable to pay for the telegram, cost a Udy sum. Mechau paid for it out of hk own

SENTINeI STORY-~Last winter, before Mecluu and -jfe. Pat. cet out for the Ubya assignment,.be said he ed to write a book about tbe Sentinel, about the people orked o*3 iT'and ^ role it pUyed in the community.

Hild be an insptri ̂story, he said characteristic isiasm. iivthe greatest traditions of a^fm-ead militanT

few months ago I dug through tbe mass of stuff piled garage/^hig out my files of the Sentinel and sent

Id newspapers on to Mechau so be owld work on the Now it will never be written, for he knew more’about nlinel Uun anyone. '-p

I ■

MORE THAN A BOSS—Over the years of our associ- Mechau became more than boss and mentor. He be- friend~who Uu^t me many things, like

I 'vc oT nnmkind and lolerence in its- fullest sense., I pawng Meeting him and getting to know him

lie of th^ioest things to come oufof the wb<rfe sorry •icnce ofjfte evacuation. And many another Nisei can ’ ‘ same'^ing 1 hope this tbou^t will make Pat's little easier to bear.

with Confidence—Honesty ft ^ncerity is our E['OOrK.WAKflJIFvlA.lNC.

THE OONN realty CO.—REALTORS 14715 So. Wostom Avo.. Gardena, Calif.

OAvts 3-7545, FAcwIty 1-3336; (ReO DA 34S53THE


41 Now you can give an exquisitely designed gift check from The Sumitomo Bank of California on any special occasion. £ 114

The Sumitomo BankOF CALIFORNIA •^ ** 'Se«lM<rfr Fanhlift


to* iBd till: JtpaacM waikmtnnot KFUoa ttaMr (ar »h«rt of Tbr cmntariinn <rf w*«e> bj . laftoMn Taiy fruiu of pro*r««," ftembrr eount-i« oa tbr bMU <rf a«fjal ^aad varn^ that ezfhsMF —•— - wktel* «a- Wixrs U> rorn moons, ttrge

•am.s>poliCT <rf tte SovKi polic>' u tail 70U csB': cooperau 1 wilb an.voot wSo puu tradi.- t •imt bebud otttor afeiu. "

DOYLESTOWN. P» - Dcfwtod bad ever «n«en. sad *im Conamtoosal caabdato Jame» pubtished several mUUoe. XLcfaeber apparenity felt that mak- oufbt to wianow out some ->t Qw race wai «tb tbe rffort ‘ -j beawra. »lway»The Ful.tter Pnte-s-uibiiix au- been naamst tbe reeofnma

thor of "Hawaii ' aod tamet Oabti Red CSuna. m fawr «4 atronc reiidenl tost br wane tt.«W vote* Communist menWei, and ib tbe Praaiylvaata rason and re- ablid oc tbe quettioa of .nw treat dWrirt of Bucks and Lebi*h J Couaiie*.Before etectMO day be peMied

an aructe lor tte Nea- York Thnes titled "Wtat Every Caodldatc 'touid Raow."

Views t4audA tew o( tha Hukeoer observa--s•There ate treroeadous. satisfac- '"You pdy tor I

ttoaa jn moaliM tor oCfice. tanes. bts teli"I have bad me at tbe creat- aidizmc yeor on wor« aaainy

cel coDvenaOBBa of a»- hk. some and sometimes it hurt*9f tbe best feltowtbip. • •You worry .far more aboi•To batUr with one's oexUvrs »»»wy «***» <«tooocoi'a votes IS an *—oenma- votm« rerord im aid men who have not dobe "CurtouUy. t would aol cbaa«c

•‘I entered 'poltUcs.tt help clean ap mrsaei and I fmd the strucgle exciliax. Brawbac u an meacapa-

of toe Ama^s^ politicalFace ta Fa^ ' ,

•There U iw subftitote for meet- an voters face to lace-ITnr aihan > man Mek after

roe Vice atove- “ *“ ‘***^ **■ *

What Every Candidate Should Know

weak nerves, you'd beKer not tryfreaaman. because our strati are rijxed m favor o< tbe atm who -u alraady u.

I to syctem '■Pvblic indiflercbce to politics

ayttem is burned aa«y. He comes ta know wbat be deepl.v bclievcs."Wben word broke that 2 was

fOinc to run for Congress, the opposiljao served BO'ace aewspapers that toey to fine-tooth comb e'

'lUlBr^w'WUtirwi Taky* aMrta^by AKtiM

SYDNEY’. .Australia -Bars a*tinsi Japanese tmnu^nts .are bem( lifted m Australia with news this jtait seeefc that Uu Izawa. a S- vear^ld "mail order bride" from TiWyo. disembarked from tbe liner Iberia to marry a man she bad ne\er seen.She started <

ValenUB Patreoko 4wo * after he advertised to newspaper lor a Japoni Patmke. RusftaiHbaRi employee, is

I Uan bvtox nTokyo

^ wife rattway

ire «o-Ji|l r word I


Marshall M. Sumida Watstoip&fo.

MeOwt New Yoi

•sacks —FredFnakKhi

Beparu and StuCM Ariiunw as Banuaal

RotiMT* J*efcwi ft Gny

‘=^r‘- — MA 0-1030 —

sveradrleveb in tbooe mdustrtes

ptoducioc roawitodrtivs wbicb fotSn the mam item at Japanese exports to the Untied States. Canada aad Western Europe are osC uufeom iMl diSer from Industry to ladua- try . . ."la comrwat to Ibe neel aad ship-

buikfaai. ladustnea. tbe ave------" ' ’.lie.

as xi\«f]moototy wafe itbe report notes that toe lo* scale was because a larfe per cent of tbe worker* are w«aen with abort service tuneReinher also befaeved cstabiUb-

e ^lahet party has called(nr a basic..........................month and i . . emi^yees now 'work < bjura.

Oricafo JAQ sintasiPk-1

CHICAGO —Dr kbrumee Brow-n. eacrijtive asAi-stanl to tbe dmecmr d health. Stole at UUams. willapeak on toe "CStancjis Rcswoo.-i- bUillrs in a Japanese ‘Amcncan CMmn-uaity toe Individua! Family aad toe Axescy" at toe annua! meetiax of tbe Japanese Arneneac Serticr Comiair.ee Dec. 1. 7 SO p.m . at the Palmer Hau-se Dan Kuauhara. onetime Cbicaco

JAO. vice-president, aod currrnJ JACS bserd presidei*,- w ill preside at tbe busiaeas sesaioo. which in­cludes toe ^uon and a r*7>Jrt (rexn Ketyi Nakane. JACS execu- live director. A social penod coo- cludc; the evenme

STOCIfTON WSfl VCT MMOftUU. RaOUTOSTtXKTON -The Nisei veterans metnorAl laonumeat was from Uw Riockwn Buddhist Oiurch to toe .Parkviewi. Ceme­tery IS a special ceretnoop Sun­day nasductod by toe Ntsei VeVStpcktcta^Aid, »raa Nisei killed a actun durtni Wcwld Var II and tW Koican cunflict loUowad.Tbe pkH was ifoortad br toe ^

ValUce Funeral Ifome aui (oit of meumij -toe moo^enl was - ---—•--* Stofklon O.R.

•I „ ^ n,„

- lakeu

Ikge study of bias ta child care tmnes bywetiarebeaid

U36 ANOEUS~Tbe Jewwk La- CommiUee has or«ed ibe Stole Al VeUafe Board to m;' "

.lapBbese (amiiies Tbe aneual “ Churrb Suitaa} ' for Cheer was tir Dee. •GrocoAM. stoidoB azol fojic br le baaketi . should remain ua-



B* for the A “Children's msutwCoMU forthromin*.hranb»s discnminatno in borne* for

Mont, area repceaentato tor toe Jewish ffoop. poiated to . boUetui circulated by tbe LA VeHare naaniag Council in 1*U

i evidence -—^"In toe baHetto -is a bst of

childree's lasbtutsao. " Mao: sa<, "Boaole the list IS a column beaded —Racial Groups to Whom Senicc is Offered Provt*n» u made a Uta bulletin for an "a" taan<*ade of each Ibsututwn. under Wv bead-

Caucssiaa. MmcanAfnan Oriaaiat. Newo. to mdKato

which at these tooups - -servioes h> each uuti The Jewish Labor C^rnmittee

teeU a full inreaUCattao aad puMte beans** by tbe atota board is vital , end daentmaaliae in chiMren't

Cr.i-rT.tiSlk -SuwMr VBA. runner. Club.Cl- Kr* Kat V«km*» W1.A iAO,

..jwatvy awwBel T lltlMW,- **-----

'-o-toto.ro___________BiUto Buarou M rra-Sl—Vf* O-ten OWM«o K ttl

.auitn rein, Vutun l Ntoamr.

'i5a«Cro '"'ttl

miiax Bty fund*Uccsu*.Hike Skuaiki. Shonin torectar.

dretartf a (toil^-aecepaed for care at. Shfltoen is directed by the child s nlatfooabip ta the Japa­nese Asnericen commuatty—aot bu

■f Japanese desceat bd( ccaptod by Sbocuen. if i:

•Jw sotml-i- an‘ ira wowld be 1^ ae • saw a po*.Mbcli:y

h the Japanese American cTITLES rartTV At OUEEN

FOtVLEni — Loeraiae Mtyake, dau^ter of Dr. aad Mrs Ceorfe Miyake, was tbe UK rtswler /b!] Festival queen.


CAUGHTSHORT?Whether it is to finance

a new auto, home furniture, or a vacation

ask your friend!/■ Bank of Tokyo Reprei^ntative

TOKYO .OF Cklirofihl*

Slocb - Bonds • hnestnert SeevHes

nEPMTs nsE upok bctuest . . . uu. mY. CLIFFORD TANAKA

suet and AntlyvtSHEARSON. HAMMILL t CO

3324 Wibhira Bird-, Lm Ang^ 5, CaW. Dunkirk I43SS

Wentam e( We ke. Ywt Suo Ettowiar and etbet Wsdi'ia tetimir and umraaiii eanataa

Fvkui Mortuary

For JOBS >■ Los Angaias

•VAMATO• oosfa " r *• Taebaical *• loduatrtol 4

S CcHUtoNon to Servo Yob 312 E. FM SI.

IwArgMaell «U 44tn

Chrisimas Cheer SaameriMreas•PHrihiiiclKhLonaBeacbcaieiesIuwe BEACH -Tbe vunta* 8ta-

rrpeawjjkit tbe Sanwmeata JM ' > Boobta wito '

WLA quintet, akan. aad Rjcbsrd 9aa

dotoc must <rf Uw damafe. <“ - • « at toe <' ta B k-ad •iited to for to aw Cinr. ms-waa

toe Cmats I V'entfe<Wawr JAO. T

Ml* \umko I iira*rnS?T K

Mrs. Ho Aoyomo, 8tLAN FRA.NOSCO — Mr*. Aoyama d t NobraakJ St, d Nov IS A,nati%w ol HOtoAi preferture ihe was «.-Mrs Anyama is v - • •

children Hasso Caivia Aryama od Los Anielet. ex-Raao JACL pre*i «ent Frod Aor.ma. Mrs. Tota'i Manitani of Redwood C;kT. Un Miyaki Kebayasbi of Su macts. o. aad lour «raaffohildrtdt.Mrs.TokeBabo

©AXLAND- Mrs Take Baba a arven-vear 1000 Clubber of Oak- laad. died of a heart attack owNov XI aRer a lor* illness A nauvi d Tbkyw. tbe to survtwed by bn

ton* Or Grortt H . MM Dub life member at Sequoia. Yoeo.


S» E U SL. Us AdOito

nmto .Orftm TMcm MA 44953

Loac Bcaeb la- _to(l TJiraiaiat Wedi LA. JACL

C. Satnrtey n*«

acM% ta M to

toratoad Gaidana. to to m to«RodMtort toppdd tbe Oarato wflbI voDta. iKOai ton d-Ip (rum SitaiUkv. Satn

taa. aad «a*cr : for M, » and 11 I ly. Oaaa Kataak cafer biltu* for I«er bidtu* for Me I

be led bii w

Raejt Kodakan'-n# todVLA euitaiwtOi 17.

K^ »Moat Valuable Player of tbe two- day cafefnt -wAina h» team snatotauraMnw all stays wbicta alao m- cfcitod. CbBaed Tbaaka wte ato

cntMotoi tioci end of toe touraey . Lee* Bcaeta pacad by toe senrii* toicatt «f Kdn)i Tatai who roped toe coeds for U

cmcan mmr mm7» C 1« Si. Ltat Owdk OM.

.csitoe Stas any

Cto HC 4-0724 Iw ATBytFrMiaCft

■m . UBwwra ■ LtoaooW M<.SdRFMn.

L8S fWtoCLES UWdtaab-tm

Whan in Efko . . .Stop at th? Frie^ly Stockmen's

CAFE-BAR. CASINOStackmm't, Elko. NevsBa

111*1 Oir»-fir-~lNEW «(NZA

Tfr,penal GardensStihiyahi Rd^^tourant

3225 SoiioW Blv<U HoUrwPod - OL 6-1750HOM JMLJB — mm m^: amm navr*. i«aaM

.IJM ■ O^ClLY'w 'B^h^o/uka


sun covers


better than

I^nAmTm Wot S fttoti H cWtM ktoi

I breexe to a toa PrtsBt to a kwryr

Toicyo over Fan Am** cntounve Great CIrcli •alifanta. lb toe Oneae etoawe aitoer ol Pra Am'a ■ Pacific Jet ni^ ... via Hawaii a via ttaaati aad Mato

JPab ABMrietoB ptwvldes cae-carriB'Jet Clipper* lernea BitaC Ko*. Satosp. Sin^pere aad Etoarkana %To toe aoutoftt! Pacific. Pra Aa Jets take yau ru toaoMi nji aad Aaatralia. or vta ptotoa Obtawr from rui to lato •todtoewgaatoad-Etapiny wtoamr*y«iuatob aaiawft

Past Am adds toe Pr-.eetea Baba at .Fnw la e to mm toinz it dam for you. Ymt Or wito ass-urtaro aa toa Veto

*MwiS«»cnatosad Atrliba.

Page 4: PACIFIC CITIZEN · 1' »ad 1 tbe wbo Idaho Catlie Feeders tich was underuken by toe In- — - • District Council start-____-JTO years ago toactTcr as 1 re-and I was a.'ked to sfMr-o



IHJ UdEMMRSMIPS—Close oh the heels of Mooterey Chapter and com|dejUng the bulk of iU 1963 nembership

-^TfcETt comes a fine first re^ of 365 membm from Ted KomeUni of Ctiica^ We aiao have first remittances from Contra Costa <Joe Oishii, Sonoma County (Frank Odai. and Washington. D C. (Paul OkamotoK Ben Lomond reports 80 ■Hmbers already ngned up ao please send in the member­ship cards. • • •

l^f^ALE'S NAVY—'nianks to our Oiaplen and in­dividual JACLers who took Ume to get our message across to James Lydon. coordinator for ‘‘Mdiale's Navy- TV pro­gram. and credit to Akiji Voshimura. our NaUonal J>ublic Relatmiis Committee Chairman, -for being on the ball, we «re relieved lo find that we will not have to monitor this broadcast Thursday evenings

■ • • • '

GEN. DeWITT CONTINUES TO PLAGUE US—‘The GoMen Road" b>- Felix Heisenberg. Jr., the story of the Califorma Spanish kl^on ‘Trail, repeats the ridiculous charges of Gen DeWitt in his “Hnal ReptHt. Japanese evacuation From The West Coast. 1942" by a-hicb be tried to ratkmalia his evacuation order. "Japanese u

d their number from 10.000 to ISO.OOO." "... the Bwu farmers had been seiecttve in pkfcing out acreage" - c.g. adjacent to air fields, utilities and power lines, oil fields, etc. *TBI uncovered 60.000 rounds of ammunition cached at HMdtfey together wftb rifte. shotguns, and maps".

JOINTLY WITH YOUTH—Ifigbli^t of the recent NC- WNDC meeting wu the jmnt panel discussion uilh JACLers and Junior JACLers participating. With our groeing youth pro^m. more such joint p^icipation should be encourag­ed. The young people have a definite contributioo to make. Tim candid expressions of their viewpoinU and their search­ing questtons are stimulating and refreshing Attention most aUo be given to assunflJtTuito our regular chapter programs ftnse yiwng pecple who have outgrown the Junior program to order that they might carry oi-er their enthusiasm and yxperiences. ^

tNTERMOUNTAIN MEETING—We have just had an inqiinng weekend in Salt Lake City where National Presi- ^nt Pat Okura installed in joint ceremony the ne» oflVers

the ML Olympus Chapter. ML Olympus Junior JACL ahd Salt Lake, followed by a good IDC meeting pervaded with ^ aucces of the Idato campaign Pat Okura's message was to the point and held the attention ^ the good crowd despite eompeUtkm from the orchotra of the adjoining public ball­room.

. IDC Historian Alice Kasai has just about completed the _Snal draft of the IDC 20 year history This tremendous job involved delving tofo the minutes of meetings. District cor­respondence. pers^Bal-centacts wttK former IDC and chapter Officers, and umpteen revisions of the written record A tag hand to ‘Toshike Odow of Salt Lake for t)*ping copies of the present draft for all the cbaplers.

4E WA't J^-&


NC-WNOCchaiilen accept new q^« to raise $34,M

YUBi.'S c:t> —N\» iJOWi Ji}> tot SSSW -NoCaW-Wc^t. rt. S- \bOi CouBTi! idun of U>r .national JA a.-. tlS.flOO jjm-ja! iRMlx. ': »b> quwklj aOupud « »» Irai^gaar iTTly trtaxip tavU bertAftrr tnw wb fijtu.'ej *vr»- tJr'

aentad bj .Norman Mii»at»- diWif. Vaasavr aad fmaac* committet «Oa>rman. wtoo aU> e*pUn,»-d tb« formula uaed by tte dialnc-l board k- amv* al the ntorea ► m«»oo to areij* the altaaUau .wa, laaaed »:lhatit diacaaakw or de­bate.Tha «ai in sharp renvaat tc

the leagth.'' detmte at the pn dmr>ct owetwe at Salimi < achwh a number <if prtdrvl.' made on Ow tr;tiftai altocatxpo* made tot »e IS04M4 budset CesMTaOv. the Bllo.-atianv

out 2S siacreaae .r. itM; annua' naliooa!

4ACL bud«f. frjm «•-' SimaM voted 41 tJ« Bean t-eaUMt thii i^it (urnmer.

HaMato ■« ra«*Ki thr oatKmal leasue's

ot chapter duet went up from S> per member U> St. :t ax pomtod 3ul that mart ebaptert will be aUe to lake care of mon of the m- ereaae Just by macntainuis tbcp ISEZ memberatup U>talt.San Pranciaco wat astyoted the

larspst turn. SSJll. «ttle Sacra- mmlo's share niU 'be S4.KS. Next

■St alioeatam u lor Saa JoaeAlamecta. mV Berheley. SlJTl-

iO: Contra Corta. SIA. Carta STS*; Bdeo TOwnehU., S1.«S FMw- Wl. ST3t.se. rremceit. $«17; French Camp, PU.S0. Gilroy. SMS. ‘ oursSfewMerrad. MSI Mar> •• ---------- ■

l». O________-.................■aSD. Reno im Baluus. SSK. Sao Bemto. S3SS. Su Mmao. SI.- XO. Sequoia. «.*»». Sonoma. ll.fSSiO. Stocksoto S1.4BJB; Wat- «BviUr. S7K. <Lftnct ainhUa neous. MM.The newly adaqiad n»urea can

for a total dirtrirt mmnberahip «W .S.4U plus 3W eomrajutaw ' lOub

Sinl vin f*r ifttm hMMHRlSdEMiiiMrf •

‘SA-NGEIt -Sane«.r JAd. «iU »«* PaUi KiAin-.kira as iis cand^ r fiir ihe'Seouaia Bowl queen

. tnmorrvw betwp-n -------- .. .Motilerey JC al San*ef Umoc Hi«b stadium

AMd Lane hrwe; Caielr lakirc is IS ftorr for Ortroi; MOas on Sew Year s £Xe at Warree Valley GoU hnd Country nub^«nrdi«

dfe Fluivara. chaimaa.^B^ Fosters Quintet witl render^ dance mu»ic from *:• p m. till *- As an added feature »-ill be the- Japanesc buStt.

brought Jo?-Salo to the IDC meeting with the *He's going to be mir new E>rwsidenL but he hwn' Ijected yet". liKidenUlly. he's the pmnnul top bowler in

. idAbo. and has just again won the ri^t to represent the State at the BPAA nationab at Kansas City in January. Says tos Pocatello Electi^cal Suf^y team will be on hand at the JACL National Nbei Tournament in March to defend its national title.

a • •NISEI SQUAD AT 1964 ABC—If our plans ve are work­

ing on with Frank Baker of ABC pan out for the first time to ABC Toumamenl history a squad of Nbei teams will te participating at the 1964 ABC T<KU7iament in Oakland Just prior to or immedbtely following our National JACL Nbei Tournament in SacramMilo.

rMUlwji Tbr aaeual Ortrat for thr Placer County j.sci.JACL CJimanas party far ctiddren annual goodwill dinner tomorroa r,;l br brkJ at Inlerwitaimal in- evoung at Johaapa Hall - •*“

HEADQUARTERS HUMMING—Our office k in tunnoU as we are runmng 300 copies of the iSO-page Naikmal Convention minutes plus a three year supfdy of the Chapter President's Notebook, in addition to keeping up with the ^'-to-day stuff. Anyoiw dropiiing in at Hearlquarters gets ^ to work or win wind up getting ccdlated >ith-lbe Con­vention minutes or the Prestdent's Notrtook.

U» tSCSSJS — T»l.»'vik> Tra­vel Servior U ««atng tc> mamberf

r Its fifth al1-awU»h apeaktag iH-i Fun Tbur to Japan depan- £ Mar 31. MB. v»a Pan Amen

can WuHd Airwayx. under ewort of Ftrd T Thkata.The tour ha» be«o.-BC a i>:^iar

affab. many, of tu memberj bemf thoM who received reewnmenda- I—. of me tour front persmt who had piTVtouslj' iuiBad t-*w Nisei FUB Tbur kkhphaau is oe "hin;' aad Takata » *'v-« a fiee-haad

Mdting up the itawrarr utilu-

asr 5.^ ««..iSSSS.irs,.'2S2.!2:


Chlraow—Yawn warkaTiew wriaa. wai- t>raaa Ouiwy Baa’d niianiig. kanw

IWr • maiiMjg•-■sr.’sst.a «uia»m :toatwuw >to pn. B*r. a cawwrWt

, kiikJTt:..*?.'."".Lm waaen - tw.uiut«a

M.WMvy — daMMa dnaaar. Ml Ouck M^rKiSan

Ipn riwnriKu—AaiUuey ilarnaB aM "'uTSkuaar*: j pm *'

Dnr u (f<Mday>

tnv.nuto. s-ar. s-a pm.

W..»lrrrv-Nra YavrV tor Ownca

Pmonal^ Seerke for Your Trivel N«ediYAMATO TRAVEL BUREAU

312 Em» 1s» Suits 204 L« Awpslii 12, CMH.

■ 44011

SEQUOIA JR. JACL PRESIOCNTSeqtPMa Jr JACL prraileet Dick adriaer . Hr and Mn Hid Sa-Nakamura <at lef.i aadhi* cabi- ahtasa. Dr and Mri Dw. Mrnet members were loitalied by and Mrt Jun *Kavaac aad Se-Natuhal- Dtrertor Mas Salow quota JACL fVesidewt Jay Sa-ingbti tn nud.O.-tober al Mel- aagawa wad hu wife There wereaod's Sato, apokr <a> Why the 4S in attasdaaa, despite theJACL " Amoog honored guat* heavy doanpnur YoA JCamaghi

, Ehomoto i.- r JACL was'loaaiiBasta.

Chapter Call BoardSen Jess JACL

Fbr Dae. S; Paul dr Angelo' -cheatra will play tor the San

J<xe JACL New Year's Eve dawee at the Hawaiian Gardee from » p m through lam. accodiag to party chairman Henry L’ywda


Ct- lomormw mgh! from I at the Grace Social HaU will be fallowed by aonsl hour wnh GJben Tanji as program chairmaa

Aliwmil JACL Baa OaeWy: The annual ba'u

derby of the Alameda JACL win be held on Sunday Dec I B a*, anmneed by Ma VaoDun. chap­ter preiident "Open to chapter member* aad

Isaet rettoRiw of Uu» erty. they Will be charged a » fee

iFla^ County Pairgiwubds. Rote- vUle. accord:^ to Rusty Uratau

. tbr titov. of theFhciRc and nabeataSy knows au- Omrtty on Latin Amcncaa aflatrx. win be the main speaker

C«H»rw CMta JACL

duidren tt .i C:

Christina- potiuck supper - • - -I. S.JW

Weigh-in wlii take place at Tak's Gai-age. 2333 Buena Vivta Avc.. between f aul S m Entry feet are being accepted by Akagi aad two ottaci membm of thr eotnmih tee. Mit Ikeda and Tat, H-—-

TrotStia a, well a* cash aad meiThandiae pruet will te award-

' PiMsr C«M»y JACL

Swoct Oor 1

Emphasis on Fun for TourisfsNisei would enloy while \-t»itag JapanIt u no; restneted to Niaei Moe Uses atM Caucasians haveecn joiwhig the group in the pa»t ImproVenvcnU haw been made a codaequence of each tour

Being added thi, tpr»S t' •<d. Sltirahama n SThfeayama

I the 'most scenic !ipot.«

u ar

Suing Grtyhound tintsEJ. CENTRO - Harry Kodanh. S. of £1 Centm who ,u,1uted ipmal fractures last year in an lUio-biw roUwaaa on Da<* Ranch Ad and VS 80 i, suing Western Grt-vhovB.d June, the biw driwr(ISO.MO general damagas and SL- in lor medical aad other expenses

civU suit hM bete Uu, past

■a-ken.... _ ...........................wt.« inJapan The group wtn stay newly opanad Paodic Hotel, ited atop a hill wdh a breatb- panoraattc view of the- >

roundimg areaBrochure-, detailutg the Wor.ng

Nisei Fun Tour are availal^- at Taivo-Do Trard te'vlce S3T E

.51. Los Aiwrirs 12. U.4 S-ISM.. r ito Japaaae aiyiking tourist aad prnnarilj the Uae. Taiyo-Do is aim oAenng Me Hiro-h-yta StMPit Tour dapotme Apr 3 This will enable families ptanoag a

Jagwa to eventual!.* mrei ahima. the eldcn. on the

HirasfaRia tour and the children OP ttf Nisei Fun Tour, I

•n’iSSr'jT/.?" ■

h a z m o r estadia

of dress

loderAd. ________ , -.

program m Sunday. Dec- U. S.SW 8:80 pm., at tM Harry £Bs Hiib Seboed Slrd aad MaoDooald Ave

lACLert are m chargeSwi DiPf* JACL

Kew Tear's Ere: A limited her of reeervaliont was anne

r the San Piegu JACL 1 lar't Eve partv at the Hiy Dec 31 Mas Hu-tmaka

Harry Kaw-amato arc ha ~ ble reserva&ms at 86 p until Dec 10. TYte admehade, the Mjynko special 4 On- estal buflet ptale and favor* The dance wii; t-.an al 0 pm

t%3JACt0ffice5VhBe me Fnciflc CSaana to

auguratn Ihw new coiomn. taBjSSTWaa" ter cw»F*««

of Mticers ft u our h^ S dopors ^ owee onutoc of thi* c-*—- " tattomtee fl with a


“~ti =UKU>5S...‘=~

ysr-sr-rgiwl Matwusaieu. Kaywe IkiUn M ■uawWe


5"S*4Si-’'sScir/SanrHa JACL

ZS, « a. TO Vever, plans arc being laM las a u^, ^ v.r»ry celebration soon • Budget altoraoa *w. ftepisaad «• 'length as meant the IDC qu> ta' would be raised acmrdaglj

Most Cbonaa U- , they had rearbag the atmaaa •P«“« . .

Hnni eMta -(Ckomd trora Fi«nt Page)

« Matrmnga ctoldreB ABed reactioo* to dw pewsiw lueb a matot change is their live, -nie older two rewhae that we

will be gone a katg time.' Matsimaga aaM. "Xai the one* think K's gosag to be a••You know, tbr imie frjad-. of

our «oa«er chiMon roaland that a spark won. mm wentJd —" me Matsanaga* would nove. rMated••So they told ttwir parent.

MM 4NNITEMARTLOB ANQELB - Matao L'wate active fEwntown J.SCLer *.! won celoMte t»e IVlh aaniver aary of his Japuear radio danw The Eamo LiT Tokio For. Ctub n —atoag plaM f3T a diBBCT^arsrr Dec 22 at me BJwnoee Ballraxr.

FROGRMI SENLOB A.MOELIS - The Jipai America Secirtv has' uiwiad lur MB TVrney <d the Pasadeiu Cit> Golkdf Carully. to (fe>eni maible image pmeectno lectui •Zen « Japanrae Gardaa tamgtii at me Lyttito C««ia of Visual Arts. 8138 Sunset Blvd . tre



DMM'rfiftg Mnrcft 31. 1963 Rgn Amaricnn WoeM AirwafvE

•■Yto: nMS rxr»f!«r«v*! Airline-

rtED T TAKATA* The fuiest English Speakaig guMa available. ,* Enyiiy Famous Night Oubs. Re*tauran-.s atf 8Im^ h Viui sceoK wonder, and bistoncal piaic* of JagUn. gr Geisha Party aad Miyaho Odon foP your enjoymeat.gt Ask those who have traveled with the Muei Fun TWi H

the past and .rau'li fmd it leetantDandad as one of toe bvst Uair, available to Japan

HoKdayAdsPounngWand *e' sladf « W

HOLIDAYHC-AU-Y itThe ads rcaUy

just to $swc*a*- ' 'vtoti

taghian Mr juk i*.^'t check faem Mux, -good Oi advene* of at toast W *dHPlay_agb_M


mspiay ad* and aa t PMil m«, TW I«S •

• rSr,Ipf * ban rn

• hew V.

Other matters a the agewds dla- *SM«»an rsqueM era Califarnia as *«e «f National

,M« —WThe IDVC youth »«

funds for ns treasury ^ Man be fimmed by “

Tularea aottw

. S Sr-'B fwtniM nulwlh r t>r

t F


Jaouai-i The piao » oameiT af- H a motorcyrie of me same About • delegale, frsoi eigW

IHIHIW'tnke ry<>

arms, Vuiu...

=aaAbout • delegale, irsoi eim" chapter- attended Bdb (hapeer and •r JACL se»»Mtt,Vitow, Inouje. 1MB rbaina ^ e—__

jent of Mt Olympus. «n*«dad * cw^ C^wwa, welcome and arranged ter the its«oi»»u

a,a. Bob SAuhai. outgou^- “the rivtl ri^ jwoblam jTi'-itt

would be preanted Naiional Convennpn la MM

»st CRRStrvcfiM C6.

csawiw Cad - W 2-gf38

TAIYOOO TRAVEL SERVICE 32> EmI Pint St. UA. 11 Cniif. MA S-1569


91IKKP lASAlSECsimis CO.235 E. 2n4, Lm dwfilM

MUDiin 6^163

130 MaiH,an>nr Snn FrotodM* 4 YUkan 14120

_ K» nm smet — tmta aacOTTu cl its•am UU » tesM at. ta *nn cm A. 81 A-mg


J^MS* NoM• rattM-w «f -K-. ram aui-uu •*» 1-a«ui Ml

lr«m Sinsnp 4 Cnnk 3ir Sn Spring


m B. M Sto. Us h



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FOT"' ChPlstma*'




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COAOOCRCIAL and SOCIAL PAJJIUNtt .niwuurn. L>*...u.ir aiwa

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lm l8|8lii ISCAt-VITA fItODUCE CO.* INCted ComnusBoo Mercb«Bt»—Tnm AMerch*Ht»—Rniaa _ . .

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