PA State Standards LANGUAGE ARTS Mood & Tone

PA State Standards LANGUAGE ARTS Mood & Tone. Mood Mood is the general atmosphere created by the author’s words. It is the feeling the reader gets from

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PA State StandardsLANGUAGE ARTSMood & Tone


Mood is the general atmosphere created by the author’s words. It is the feeling the reader gets from

reading those words.

It is shown through the setting or atmosphere.

Mood Words

Common Mood Words:

Fanciful Melancholy

Frightening Mysterious

Frustrating Romantic

Gloomy Sentimental

Happy Sorrowful

Joyful Suspenseful

Mood Words

Let’s practice!

How do the following movies and stories make you feel?

Explain in one-two sentences, using a word from the list of common words (or use your

own word)

Mood Exercise

How does this scene make you feel?

Mood Exercise

Describe the mood in this scene.

Mood Exercise

Describe the mood in this scene.


Tone is shown through dialogue and the authors voice and word choice.

Tone is the author’s attitude toward the writing (his

characters, the situation)

A work of writing can have more than one tone.

Tone Words


What is John Lennon’s tone in “Imagine?” How do we know this? What are the

context clues?


My annoying brother likes to drive me crazy.There is no other who is that lazy.

He whines to Mom and Dad night and dayUntil he eventually gets his way.

What is a sister to doWhen he screams 'til he's blue?

There is no way to win,For he gets under your skin.

He does his best to kill all joy.Oh, how my brother does annoy!

What is the tone of the poem? What are the context clues?


We’re contacting you today to let you know about the Special Olympics annual fund drive. You have been kind enough to support us generously in the past, and we’d like to ask for your help again, as we send our athletes with special needs to compete at the national level. Please fill out the form below and return it in the enclosed envelope with your donation. It will make a child’s day if you do.What is the tone of this request? What are the context


Tone vs. Mood

How are they similar?

How are they different?