The first of these two pages is a copy of my appeal in C.A. 75-1996. The second is n page from the so-called "Murphy report" of the Civil Rights Division of DJ that was the basis for an int amal inveetigation by the so-called Office of ?rofessional Iteeponaibility. It identifies Whitson as a former SA and John Matter of the Lab who was in on the fabrication. Not attached but next is the less expurgated version of the letter to get Kim; to kill himself as disclosed to me by Qain Shea after my appeal. The earlier version is attached to the St van to Belmont memo of 1/3 or 0/64, File 77-56944-19. I do not now recall if it was att:ched as I received these records or if I attached it. In FBI file classifications 77 means "Applicants (Special Inquiry, Departmental and Other Government Agencies except those having special cloneifications)." It has an * in , :he FBI's list. This means "Applicant-Related Classification." As used here classification has nothing to do with security. It means the clasAfication of the file by its subject. You can eee for yourself if it has anything to do with any such application! The FBI knows how to hide its sensitive records! As I remember it, the file in which the original is noted is "Comeunist influence in racial matters." 100 = "Subvereive Matters," security-claseification. The notations b7c and b7d refer to claims to withhold under FOIA, c= personal stuff and d = claimed confidential source. I have not added any marks or nw:ations. The markings are probably Hoover's became they are exactly like so many of his I have. Note that he gave his OK for Sullivan and the Fel to promote its own black loader to replace Dr. King and that they proposer, to "take him off his pedestal." I have stapled all these togethe- beeemee they are FEI records. This is the famous or one of the famous Sullivan eat-crow memos after Hoover ostracized him because he reported, truthfully and accurately, that there was no Communist influence on Dr. Ling. Liter that year Sullivan cooked up the letter to get Ihing to kill himself. I believe that the Sullivan memo has been written about and I know Sullivan talked about his crow-eating.

pa attempt:* to - Harold Weisbergjfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/K...As I remember it, the file in which the original is noted is "Comeunist influence in racial

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Page 1: pa attempt:* to - Harold Weisbergjfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/K...As I remember it, the file in which the original is noted is "Comeunist influence in racial

The first of these two pages is a copy of my appeal in C.A. 75-1996. The second is n page from the so-called "Murphy report" of the Civil Rights Division of DJ that was the basis for an int amal inveetigation by the so-called Office of ?rofessional Iteeponaibility. It identifies Whitson as a former SA and John Matter of the Lab who was in on the fabrication. Not attached but next is the less expurgated version of the letter to get Kim; to kill himself as disclosed to me by Qain Shea after my appeal. The earlier version is attached to the St van to Belmont memo of 1/3 or 0/64, File 77-56944-19. I do not now recall if it was att:ched as I received these records or if I attached it. In FBI file classifications 77 means "Applicants (Special Inquiry, Departmental and Other Government Agencies except those having special cloneifications)." It has an * in ,:he FBI's list. This means "Applicant-Related Classification." As used here classification has nothing to do with security. It means the clasAfication of the file by its subject. You can eee for yourself if it has anything to do with any such application! The FBI knows how to hide its sensitive records! As I remember it, the file in which the original is noted is "Comeunist influence in racial matters." 100 = "Subvereive Matters," security-claseification. The notations b7c and b7d refer to claims to withhold under FOIA, c= personal stuff and d = claimed confidential source.

I have not added any marks or nw:ations. The markings are probably Hoover's became they are exactly like so many of his I have. Note that he gave his OK for Sullivan and the Fel to promote its own black loader to replace Dr. King and that they proposer, to "take him off his pedestal." I have stapled all these togethe- beeemee they are FEI records. This is the famous or one of the famous Sullivan eat-crow memos after Hoover ostracized him because he reported, truthfully and accurately, that there was no Communist influence on Dr. Ling. Liter that year Sullivan cooked up the letter to get Ihing to kill himself. I believe that the Sullivan memo has been written about and I know Sullivan talked about his crow-eating.

Page 2: pa attempt:* to - Harold Weisbergjfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/K...As I remember it, the file in which the original is noted is "Comeunist influence in racial

King and *TA neal-Asiaation roc orio appeals 4erlabora 7/23/80 aztrIk..;

Wader (b)(1) and (7) clalun

55Ace OE= a Um when you IA0=4 to di9:21.58 t4u mars of un Sk you said you were

satiafied should bu wit!-Ihad. It wao, said, an wiceptional neap. ilaforo you could

I ::.aid that hud to bo tho ....awe natter, that while I wan ontiray without

ayapathy fur the St who mould do ough a tlint; or be Art of it, I did have concorna

for bin fau14.

ov31 thine, Sor your iatormatLoa, mum thn Lab's ta.lhe a batch of the Fal'a

tmosc of Dr, Kinc and Prokl, thoux that uau sent to his wife, with a

lotto- nuagam-t1. that onl:/ muicido rowainod for him.

:Ivo often wondered hou a 1,1o.; t,a1; of al"- thio occ.coction

bad boon sat-I-Ina froi T'orkpu4

Now mat it man disclawd, ulnae with tho novo, Lich Mhitatio.

If you evur want the nunool' th6 34 in th• Lab who cn->atod. this to 4 careAll

aolectiona Irma other 'Lave°, that, too, hue boon ciLlul000d uad 1 can grcvide it.

At no tins and in no fecomal uny haD the rill ais7utea py ropreasatetion that tho

artanniVo disolomuram of na.-4on did not lend to hf.oxLazdsot marl that thorual =aeons

aro Coistelprotne roquoutorn, intiviaatin the ooltrts,on:A trying to avoid. anbarrasumout

to tha

If the-re la any one Batt' r e_TV137.' VWOh h41115,1Theat rilutt 1,10 ex;3aoted it in ovor this

pa attempt:* to driVe 1,1ing to at_ ieds1a are at leant rein his rarriami, 2ioY4 that I can,

ir:Darsa you that the r.x.-e;m era d3,;':/wate4 I oak ...-q)a to nheal VAT there wall ImenwEnnt.

Page 3: pa attempt:* to - Harold Weisbergjfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/K...As I remember it, the file in which the original is noted is "Comeunist influence in racial

1! - 46 -

SSIHED On January 5, 1965, Atlanta advised headquarters that

Kinp: wa.^ bneomilm uoro and more upset, that he blamed the FBI

and felt his phone was tanned. On the same day a report was

made rn t;le pre.rionsly ordered review of King's writings and

books in au effort to detect possible communist influence.

The conc1usion was that there were certain parallels but no

casual 1. ink. On January 6, New York was directed to dis-

creetly cover King, in New York by physical and electronic

survill.,Ince because he might meet a wGman there. The memo

indicated, "securi,:y is paramount". Also on the sixth the

SAC in Atlanta called the Bureau and reported that the.wire-

taps indicated tha.,: Xing was vary nervous and upset and was

not sleeping well. He believed the Bureau had his phone -

tapped. Xing :laid a tape and letter which referred .to. the

(0C-0a) • • • - ••• had been, • . . . . .

sent to his home and his wife had read the letter. King

sad: "They are out to break me". The SAC knew nothing of

the tape. Kin said in a tapped conversation that he needed

to talk with Hoover or DeLeachl

..o-called-60(*(C). had actually been mailed lat

late Ft.voTb,:.r M164 by n, t!hitcon, a formPr agent who flew

to rlor...n '.:.1t1T.vz.n'q instruntiouL% hai previously

tell [. . . (b)C-0 ke•-rt minrrohene tree n tc3ether.

told to glye.some of the gapes to Jo1't Matter of

the Ile now tniks (6)C-0a) • • - • •

. When Matter returnod tapaz, t'aere was a

composite added. Sullivan had [(0(7)(02 get him non-watermarked

statione-cy. S-Alli.van took the caneJ aa. the stationery and

later gavaROC71600 a package to deliver to Whitson. The tape

was accom,:autecl by a letter advisirg that " • "' "

• • • • • (W713(t) • • . . . • .

Apparently Kin?" did net listen to the tape until he returned

fro= Oslo. rds wife is supposed to have listened to it also.(S)


M r/9 (6(̀A) Thd;

Page 4: pa attempt:* to - Harold Weisbergjfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/K...As I remember it, the file in which the original is noted is "Comeunist influence in racial


t will no gnify yo w e er a Mr. or a •everend or

a Dr. And, your last name calls to mind onl the t o of King OUC a-King Henry the VIII

Ring, look into your heart. You know you are a complete

frsud and a tempt Liability to all of us Negroes. White people in this country have enough frauds of their own but I

dm pure they don't have one at this time that is any where near your equal. You are no clergyman and you know it. I repeat you

are a colossal freud and n evil vi sous e at that. You could not believe in Go Clearly you don't - believe in any personal moral principles.

icing, like ell frauds your end is an-roaching. You could have been our greatest leader. You, even at an early age have

turned out to be not a leader but a dissolute, abnormal moral

imbecile. We will now have to denend on our older leaders like Wilkins a man of character and thank God we have others like him. But you are done. Your "honorary" degrees, your Nobel

Prize (what a grim ferce) and other awards will not save you. King, I repeat you are done.

oerso n overcom

repeat - no

can ue au cessAully against facts. You are finis ed.

me o t am to preten the not do more. What inc edible evilness.

ng you are done.

The American public, the church organizations that have been

helping - Proltestant, Catholic and Jews will know you for what you are - an evil, Abnormal beast. So will others who have backed you. You are done.

Ring, there is only one thine left for you to do. You know what it is. You have just 34 days in which to do (this exact

number has been selected for a snccIfic reasont Ws definite b rractien1 siunffieent. You eve done. There is but one way out for

you. You better take it before your filthy,abnormal fraddelent self is bared to the nation.

m n stere

Page 5: pa attempt:* to - Harold Weisbergjfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/K...As I remember it, the file in which the original is noted is "Comeunist influence in racial

.1.4.•-".- •

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. . • Y ..:-. I ..;.-a• ..,;OVA.:.%. ' .....‹i t.. - =IN

NMI Ma. 0 . ■ : - -110.11116

41,,:7;• -'1.-' ••=1...A,IJN1TED STATES CI • Rirr ...,„ i .1.• '.. -• •

% . . . ...- e• •,1..)." 7:- f!"t' II . i;-' •

emoran..%4' I f.,i0,40.e..1.!._ • ,5" • m'.1••-es •ft • .. 11,,,;_ - . • ■ , 3' 1.f;;-imtf4..4.... • . r : ": - ' .....70 :17•.1.77- • • .. Illr. A. 1. Belmont ... T DAIS' •

." • •• .... -.. . • . . -:. r.r -1-v .trY. 11/.,•..- ' ft * • -- 1 ' • •

c.. -MICOAC:::;7::Y.7. Mi. I. C. Otally . -0-.. -=.;■--:" .6.- irk ,,-* • - . • •- • • - - '.• ,..- ::•• - - • 7771:..t!`g- .771 - • I f - . 4 ' '. • .... " . •

,-----1 TSUNliCT4i - • i • ••■,:'".''''..`' ''' .4,1-,,,ro ' • . .1 -1 - ....,...::,- of.

• Be lecatt-T"-.... DeLoaeli Sullivan.) J.A.NIzoo D.I.Zoo D.J.Drennas R.W.Smith


en •• rue acts concerning his activities are ■


presen ed, such should be enough, if handled properly, to take

his off his pedestal and to reduce his completely in influence so that

he will . . so longer be a security problem and no longer will be deceiving sod L4.. ''

-- .4 2: ' " ''•.1: i".i":..4„, ..z....: ,-4., - . :..

misleading the Negro people. 671(1...,1 :-. . ' 1 When this is done,fand it can be

and till be done, epvionsly...7%Al ICU CI coaftiploa_rill_silim.-11!rticularti LP,0111.._,t h•___N• CM_ PaQ12111. There will be embarrasmment, frustrat

ion, confusion, resentaent, ervelters...,1,1 Because of this and the emotion

al reaction that will set is it is not .i."' valikely that movements like th

e Nation of Islam could benefit great1N.,); Further, other ridiculous developments similar to the Old rath

er Divine and Daddy GraCe organizations nay appear. The Negroes will be

left mithoul a national Leader of sufficiently compelling personality to steer them

e is the proper direction. AAS-944__haPPen..._?kt,P!,4-

__Na_WVa the riakt kied_ot_s_eat onelfieicro les.der_could et_lhig_tisuuhe Cla - 7_4 polLfr4..sAute_ov•rshadcnr_Dr,_ruzz...041 be le the pogatlee t aqfUne L eqf the lelderf, of the NegrtAix401„..th■n Ling has belt

_ - completely redi44. •). ,

11;;;ITIFOC4.7:` ' Ilea, 3 et-65 ' 7 7--I6-699yj1 vtw ••••• 1121 JAN 22 196 •'''" • - ".-17 • •Iffr. • 00) • I 1 Wlit - ire 1 2 ii ..

A erti . : jAll 22 196h..., . 0 -I el/ L --.. - A -A "ASA

Page 6: pa attempt:* to - Harold Weisbergjfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/K...As I remember it, the file in which the original is noted is "Comeunist influence in racial

•-• • .%

•71 • • • .

orandum fo


• •■•

about this matter. GOO

•hilosophical and .

whoa I have knows for

a very able fellow,

a one os whom I can rely. I

ve a mat er sou attention and if he knew any

intelligence and ability let no know and we *gold

8 submitted to no the name of the above- _

his memorandum is an outline of

On scanning t.is biography, it will be seer' tha

ve a 1 the qualifications of the kind of a Negro I have

to advance to positions of national leadership. I won't ma into-

ll his acconplishments and qualifications in this nemorandun, for it

111 only take a 'Limits or two to scan the enclosed biography. toe_

• On first blush I know it can be said it is not the concern of • '

the Bureau what happens to the Negroes when Martin Luther Zing has

sees discredited. This cam, be said, bmt i_think_lrle a very short-

sighted vijx. Iirl_igQuimagern if large nuebers of azw-iii-vita-u.

kation of-Islan and other extremist groups with which we are concerned as

as investigative agency. kt is our_sonctgn if the Communist Party would

be able to capitalise upon this confusion. Further, from kpositivo

and cqustructive standpoint it would be of great advantage to have leading

the Negro people a truly brilliant, honorable and loyal Negro who would

sound sense this necessarily sumt reat interest to us. It would

AIS!E_Atte 101ailli.cin-NPIT.999_Awar_lroecs,ovieunlon. think in a very

be most helpful to have a man leading the Negroes to whom we

Could go, if necessary, and re po amitive natters over which this

Bureau has Jurisdiction.

1 I want to make it clear at once that 14914!t_propciem_imi_us

yBI la any way become involved openly_ae_theeponsor,of a.Negro leader

le oversbidbv taIttItler Zing. As far as as concerned, this is sot

further this ntire ma er -11441w1110; and any other person knows But I do ro ne that I be given pernsaion to explore

sr' issue • a 1.


to both and myself w .1 • . ul. If this thing can be

set up p without the Bureau in any way becoming directly involved,--!-

t,AjLah11wou_litbetpotpnLy_a_great help to the ?sic out_iVuld.bo..-a-fiss

thInitior_the country at_large While I m not -SP4Zifying at this Basest,-

Elie are various ways is which the FBI could give this entire setter lg7C.


e• • • :'••• ' •

: 4;#•

• *re:, T. • ••,,

V. a • A'. • . .1

.•••,. :4 ,

• • .75:*

•'• 4: • • - • '

• „ .,rclotetrrirroritr•••*.

.-4 • •• • • ; . .

".'ri Fes moms months I have been

r I had as opportunity to lore

cielogical standpoint with

vs are •rev • el

thinking a

to t

gro andin

vs a discussion.

kptloned person, 61C, 671b,

Page 7: pa attempt:* to - Harold Weisbergjfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/K...As I remember it, the file in which the original is noted is "Comeunist influence in racial

41,4c0:—.;•/:- -4 +-1;r: •

• ... . . „ . - "•- — .



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. . .. . .4,.... er ..-........! . _.......k o' .... :7.-- . • • ••• '-• - ••""•'"' .....":-: . .. '• "•%".■ .•: A • • Nemor um to Ir. Belmont

: III lo/C. ...- .._:.:;....:-..z,i_-_,;,'•.1.1......

:-' • -.....?4"..":"... — ---

:•;.:;,.. :.,k-J.,S.:7.;... — - . 7 • •

_ ::7d::::111 :011 is ::::laln:a:::::::.:t:av:h:::b::em:::ht:1::11:::oc:::ac'ts-7' ef the FBI who ght be very helpful to further such a step. These CLa.

) possibilities,


• .*.• 4‘.!"` • (B) That approval be gives for se to lore this whole matter is greater _detail, as set forth above.

. UCOKICOMAT10111: -

^45. Cl) For the information of the Director. • - • . •

441. !ft.

Zr'' g • 4' r It • •

Page 8: pa attempt:* to - Harold Weisbergjfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/K...As I remember it, the file in which the original is noted is "Comeunist influence in racial

King, look into your heart. You know you are • complete fraud and a treat Liability to all of us Negroes. White people in this country have enough frauds of their own but I dm sure they don't have one at this time that is any wbsre near your equal. You are no olergyman and you know it, I renest yo

u ore a colossal Freud and an evil, vicious one at that. ;reziir

(10\ () C)( Xing, like all frauds your end is an-roachin have been our greatest leader.

you are •one. 'our ary segrees, your 'o ze (what a grim farce) and other ayarda will not save you. King., I repeat you are done (L" (W)(t)

The American rublio, the church organizations that have beau helping - Pro/testant, Catholic and Jews will know you for what you are - an evil, abnormal beast. So will °there who have b

acked you. You are done.

Ting, there is only one thine left for you to do. You know what it is. You have just 34 days in which to do (thia exact number hes been selected for a snecific reason, it hill definite TraCtionl sirnff b Icrnt. You eve done. There is ut one way out for you, You better take it before your filthy,abnormal frstidaLont self • la bored to the nation. PA a- g- 74. AA, leATT7y7r7