Primavera Project Management Tutorial Basic Usage

P6 Basic User Guide

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Primavera Project Management TutorialBasic Usage. EPS Enterprise Project StructureCreate the ProjectCalculating the Critical PathAssign Resources to ActivitiesUpdating the progressEarned Value Method – Tables and DiagramsReports and Printing Layouts

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Project Management




Project management software usage 101 Part I Primavera Project Management

© D. Fotopoulou for Train the Trainer IPMA LD, Athens, Greece 2009 Page | 2

EPS Enterprise Project Structure

The Enterprise Project Structure (EPS) is a hierarchical structure used to depict the

organization’s structure on the software. It consists of roots and nodes. EPS is used

to organize and categorize the projects based on the organizational structure like

departments, divisions or discrete organizational activities.

OBS Organizational Breakdown Structure

OBS depicts the organizational structure in terms of hierarchy, roles and

responsibilities, just like the organizational chart.



Project management software usage 101

© D. Fotopoulou for Train the Trainer

1.1. Create the Project

To create a new project select from the main menu:

File > New > Create New Project Wizard

Follow the wizard’s instructions to add all the initial information like

Name, Responsible Manager

Finish By.

• The must finish by date is not obligatory to add from the beginning

On Projects view, select the

selected on the table above. You can the initial information from this tab as well like

the Planned Start and Must

Planned Start – the date agreed to start the project

Must Finish By – the date the project must be delivered

Data Date – the date you update the project’s data (changes during the project’s life


Project management software usage 101 Part I Primavera Project Management

rain the Trainer IPMA LD, Athens, Greece 2009


ect select from the main menu:

Create New Project Wizard

Follow the wizard’s instructions to add all the initial information like Project

Manager, and the starting and ending project dates

must finish by date is not obligatory to add from the beginning

the ‘Dates’ Tab to modify the information of the project

selected on the table above. You can the initial information from this tab as well like

Must Finish By dates.

the date agreed to start the project

the date the project must be delivered

the date you update the project’s data (changes during the project’s life

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Project ID and

and the starting and ending project dates Start & Must

must finish by date is not obligatory to add from the beginning

to modify the information of the project

selected on the table above. You can the initial information from this tab as well like

the date you update the project’s data (changes during the project’s life

Project management software usage 101

© D. Fotopoulou for Train the Trainer

Finish – for better understanding of the Finish cell you can come back later after the

end of the planning phase. The cell is not editable and contains the project’s earliest

finish date calculated by the software.

Actual Start and Actual Finish

and finish project dates once updated by the person that uses the software.

1.2. Creating the WBS

Click on the WBS view to

project’s scope and objectives

The first level on hierarchy is the project itself created automatically with the project.

Select Add from the command

new level on the WBS. Use

Type the WBS Code and Description

You may also add the Responsible manager for each WBS level.

Project management software usage 101 Part I Primavera Project Management

rain the Trainer IPMA LD, Athens, Greece 2009

erstanding of the Finish cell you can come back later after the

end of the planning phase. The cell is not editable and contains the project’s earliest

finish date calculated by the software.

Finish – the cells are editable. They contain the actual start

and finish project dates once updated by the person that uses the software.


create the project’s hierarchical structure decomposing


erarchy is the project itself created automatically with the project.

command bar, or right click or insert from the keyboard to add a

new level on the WBS. Use the indentation keys on the right to make adjustments.

Description by clicking in the cell or on the WBS

You may also add the Responsible manager for each WBS level.

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erstanding of the Finish cell you can come back later after the

end of the planning phase. The cell is not editable and contains the project’s earliest

ntain the actual start

and finish project dates once updated by the person that uses the software.

decomposing the

erarchy is the project itself created automatically with the project.

from the keyboard to add a

on the right to make adjustments.

WBS tree.

Project management software usage 101

© D. Fotopoulou for Train the Trainer

1.3. Adding Activities

Select the Activities view and before adding any activities, you can modify the current

view to show the WBS you just created.

Click on Group & Sort icon and select

column’s cell. You will see a variety of selections to group the activities from drop

down menu. Select the WBS.

To add an activity click Insert

command bar at the right.


Project management software usage 101 Part I Primavera Project Management

rain the Trainer IPMA LD, Athens, Greece 2009


view and before adding any activities, you can modify the current

S you just created.

icon and select Group by WBS by clicking inside the first

You will see a variety of selections to group the activities from drop

down menu. Select the WBS.

Insert from the clipboard, or right click Add, ή Add

command bar at the right.

Activity type


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view and before adding any activities, you can modify the current

by clicking inside the first

You will see a variety of selections to group the activities from drop

Add from the


Project management software usage 101 Part I Primavera Project Management

© D. Fotopoulou for Train the Trainer IPMA LD, Athens, Greece 2009 Page | 6

From the bottom layout, select the General tab to assign the activity type and

calendar for each activity.

From ‘Status’ tab assign the activity’s original duration.

Original duration

1.4. Adding Relationships

The ‘Relationships’ enables to assign predecessors and successors to an activity. By

clicking the Assign button a window with all the project’s activities is available.

Double click on the activity you want to assign.

Use the Relationship type column to select the type of relationship the activities have.

On Lag column type the delay or the offset the activity may has from its predecessor

or successor.

Relationship type Lag


*Lag expressed in days

*Each activity may have many predecessors or successors

Project management software usage 101 Part I Primavera Project Management

© D. Fotopoulou for Train the Trainer IPMA LD, Athens, Greece 2009 Page | 7

Calculating the Critical Path

Once you have all the activities linked you can calculate the critical path.

From the main menu select Tools, Schedule or click F9 from the clipboard.

The scheduling is automatic, what you’ll see, will be only the results.

1.5. Activity Network

To view the schedule on another format, select the icon Activity Network, as shown

below. Don’t confuse the Activity Network with PERT Diagram. PERT is used to

estimate risks and is not supported by the majority of project management software.

Project management software usage 101

© D. Fotopoulou for Train the Trainer

1.6. Create and Assign Resources

Select the Resources view

the organization’s resources available to work for the projects.

Select Add from the command

Primavera P6 supports 3 different type of resources

Resource Type

Labor Human Resources

Non Labor Equipment and Machinery


Once the resource is created click on

Default Units / Time is used to define the standard resource’s availability (e.g. 8h/d)

Marking on the checkbox

assign the resource to an activit

calculated based on the

The Units & Prices tab is used

unit ($25/h), the maximum

to the cost during time.

Project management software usage 101 Part I Primavera Project Management

rain the Trainer IPMA LD, Athens, Greece 2009

Create and Assign Resources

view to access the library (the pool) where you can create

resources available to work for the projects.

command bar, or right click and Add, to create a new resource.

Primavera P6 supports 3 different type of resources

Unit of Measure Price / Unit

Units / Time hr/d, d/m e.t.c.

Price (€,$) / Unit of Time e.g. 50 €/hr

Equipment and Machinery Units / Time hr/d, d/m e.t.c.

Price (€,$) / Unit of Time e.g. 180 €/d

User Defined Units of Measure

Price (€,$) / Unit of Measure e.g. 70 €/m3

created click on Details tab to define the resource type. The

is used to define the standard resource’s availability (e.g. 8h/d)

checkbox ‘Calculate costs from units’ then every time you

assign the resource to an activity the budgeted cost will be automatically

calculated based on the Units/Time.

used to assign the standard resource’s cost per

maximum limit of working time (10h/d) and to add raises or changes

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(the pool) where you can create all

to create a new resource.

€,$) / Unit of Time

€,$) / Unit of Time €/d

€,$) / Unit of


tab to define the resource type. The

is used to define the standard resource’s availability (e.g. 8h/d)

then every time you

y the budgeted cost will be automatically

per working

to add raises or changes


Project management software usage 101 Part I Primavera Project Management

© D. Fotopoulou for Train the Trainer IPMA LD, Athens, Greece 2009 Page | 9

The Resources view is the library where you create resources. The resources

assigned to activities via the Activities view.

Assign Resources to Activities

From the Activities view, click on the activity you want to assign a resource and from

the bottom layout select on Resources tab. Clicking on Add Resource button from

the bottom left, select the resource you want to assign by double clicking on its


Project management software usage 101 Part I Primavera Project Management

© D. Fotopoulou for Train the Trainer IPMA LD, Athens, Greece 2009 Page | 10

1.7. Create the Baseline

If all project data have been assigned –appropriate durations, resources and costs

then you can create the project’s baseline.

Step 1 Step 2

From the main menu select

Project > Maintain Baseline > Add

The baseline created. the next step is

to assign the baseline to the project

From the main menu select

Project > Assign Baselines

Assign as the Primary Baseline the

one already created.

To view the baseline bars on the Gantt Chart, select the icon Bars and click on the

checkbox Display of the Primary Baseline.

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© D. Fotopoulou for Train the Trainer IPMA LD, Athens, Greece 2009 Page | 11

Planned Bars Baseline Bars

Project management software usage 101 Part I Primavera Project Management

© D. Fotopoulou for Train the Trainer IPMA LD, Athens, Greece 2009 Page | 12

1.8. Updating the progress

To update quick and easy the project’s progress select the icon Progress

Spootlight to mark on the Gantt Chart the time period you want to update.

• For the completed activities mark the Started & Finished checkboxes FIRST

and THEN select to replace the planned start and end date to the actual.

Progress Spootlight

Project management software usage 101 Part I Primavera Project Management

© D. Fotopoulou for Train the Trainer IPMA LD, Athens, Greece 2009 Page | 13

• For activities that are on progress (actual started without having an actual end

date yet), select the Started checkbox only, select the actual date and fill the

duration percent complete or the remaining duration of the activity.

• To update resources usage, select the Resources and fill Actual Units cell.

The actual resource’s cost is automatically updated.

Fill the Remaining Duration or

the Duration percent complete.

Fill in the actual resources usage

Project management software usage 101 Part I Primavera Project Management

© D. Fotopoulou for Train the Trainer IPMA LD, Athens, Greece 2009 Page | 14

After all actual data have been updated then re-schedule the project to view the

variances from the original plan.

re-schedule the project:

• Tools Schedule or

• F9 or

• Click on the icon

Don’t forget

to change the


Variances from the Baseline!!!

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© D. Fotopoulou for Train the Trainer IPMA LD, Athens, Greece 2009 Page | 15

1.9. Earned Value Method – Tables and Diagrams

To view the Earned Value curve select the icon Activity Usage Profile.

Right click on the curve space (bottom layout) to display the Activity Usage Profile


To display in detail all Earned Value related costs select the icon Activity Usage


Activity Usage Profile

Activity Usage Spreadsheet

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© D. Fotopoulou for Train the Trainer IPMA LD, Athens, Greece 2009 Page | 16

1.10. Reports and Printing Layouts

All data and views are printable on P6. You can print the layouts or create and print

specific reports.

To print views like the Activities view select from the main menu File> Print Preview

and click on the Page Setup icon to modify the screen before printing.

Project management software usage 101

© D. Fotopoulou for Train the Trainer

Reports are available to use for the projects of the organization.

view to display many reporting

Click Add to create a new report through the Report Wizard.

Project management software usage 101 Part I Primavera Project Management

rain the Trainer IPMA LD, Athens, Greece 2009

are available to use for the projects of the organization. Click on Reports

reporting templates and create yours.

to create a new report through the Report Wizard.

Use the wizard to select the data

you want to include on the report.

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on Reports



you want to include on the report.

Project management software usage 101 Part I Primavera Project Management

© D. Fotopoulou for Train the Trainer IPMA LD, Athens, Greece 2009 Page | 18

After typing the report’s title click on the Finish button and then click Run to view the


Project management software usage 101 Part I Primavera Project Management

© D. Fotopoulou for Train the Trainer IPMA LD, Athens, Greece 2009 Page | 19

A Few, last details

You probably noticed that the ‘Save’ command never motioned so far. This is because P6

saves data automatically.

Whenever the button is there, click to view the options you got. Most of the times a

calendar is available to change the dates.

Right click to all white spaces in all views to explore the options you have.

In order to assign a relationship or a resource to an activity from a pop up window, you can

either double click on the selection or click on the Assign or Select button.

In the begging when updating an activity, verify that you have selected the right one.

Take your time, to learn P6 needs patient. Make mistakes and write them down. Don’t be

afraid to test it, it will not crash down!