P2 9 shot analysis

P2 9 shot analysis

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P2 9 shot analysis

Page 2: P2 9 shot analysis

Shot 1The slow movement of the camera and the fade to black transition which are both done at a slow pace suggests that something may lie beneath as the camera gradually makes its way down the column, this effect creates an enigma and a sense of anxiety and the urge to find out why the camera is taking longer than it usually would, what lies beneath and what is yet to come, engaging the audience.

Page 3: P2 9 shot analysis

Shot 2

As the scene progressed it came to a stop at what seemed like a significant figure, this focus on the object 'P2' makes the audience wonder why the camera took a pause there and as we see in the other shot, it set off again back to its original pace accompanied by unusual slow Christmas songs, that are usually sang with enthusiasm and joy. This adds to the enigma and creates a spookier environment as the lonesomeness becomes more significant whilst played alongside the out of tune music.

Page 4: P2 9 shot analysis

Shot 3 The continuous subtle movements of the camera suggest that something may be ahead, this aspect creates a feeling that there could be a sudden change in events, this keeps the audience anxious as the camera progresses further and further with minimal change in pace but with the music continuously playing as if it was a broken down record player, the supposedly jolly Christmas songs in a secluded dull area, which surroundings appear deserted creates a cloud of confusion to where this may lead on to.

The appearance of the text creeping in could add to the absurd nature of the empty parking lot which only contains one car, meaning that the way it appears could indicate there is more to it than what the eye can see, adding to the enigma of the scene

Page 5: P2 9 shot analysis

Shot 4 : in the distance a car is spotted, and the direction of the camera seems to be headed towards the stationed car. At this point we begin to realise that the camera is at first person view, this is show because of the nature in which the camera moves left to right, we gather that the man may be intoxicated or paranoid due to his surroundings this adds to the realism, making the viewer feel as if they are involved in the events.The way in which the opening credits text appears in each corner at this point could indicate to the viewer that danger lurks in all corners, enforcing the thoughts of a possible change of events, adding to the enigma and creating a real paranoia effect.

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Shot 5 the centre of focus remains on the car and how it appears to be the only one in the parking bay, the significance of the car increases as the camera approaches. It appears to be left for a purpose as no-one is spotted in the driver’s seat. As the person approaches the car, the music begins to mellow with the sound of jazz playing in the background; we see that the words also begin to flow slower with the tone of the jazz until there is a gradual fade, and no instrumental is heard. Becoming a sudden change in events as the anxiety builds as he gets the car, continuously keeping the audience engaged in why the figure seems to be approaching the car with such caution.

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Shot 6Again in this clip we see the relevance to the movie, as the sign P2 re-appears, this creates significance around the object as in to why it is constantly repeated and how it is relevant.

This keeps the audience thinking as to why “P2” is shown in distinct red/white colouring. How will this impact or what sort of revelation may occur as a result of this. Adding to the enigma as the signs begin to become stranger whilst the scene progresses making the audience ponder

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Shot 7As the car is approached we understand that the car belongs to this specific person, but the ambiguous nature of the scene still manages to build tension as to why it is being approached in a calm nature whilst being the final person to be leaving the parking bay

This effect makes us wonder what the persons job role is, and why he may be the last one leaving, or why he has become a figure of a strange departure from his “workplace”

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Shot 8

The fade to black which occurs when the camera is moved behind the pillar adds to the enigma because we are made to wait longer which delays the time of why the person is approaching the car and the overall significance of this event

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Shot 9 The insert shot of the key hole which opens the boot of the persons car gives us a clear indication that it belongs to him as he approaches.

As we see it open and the appearance of someone's eye is directly opposite we understand that there is something within the boot of the car and makes us wonder what a body is doing in the boot. Adding to the enigma reinforcing the strange situation