P El today clearing tomorrow u VOL LXYIIINO 253 NEW YORK SATURDAY MAY II 1001COPYRIGHT 1901 BY THE SUN PRINTING AND PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION TWO CENTS t 1 i I t JHt p o t Rain i T 1 I j 4 i I I I 4 1 iii I I i rICE MCORMICK BOY DROWNED JUS ttODl FOVXD IV CR03WKLVS- citKCK XKAR ins nour S EX- elnnatll nc Car ituburri- ff Or Chicago In Water Apparently Since the Mght lie Disappeared Six Week Ago No lutki of Violent on It He Sr m to Dare Strayed to a lirldce and Fallen From It The body of Wllllo McCormick the ten yearold boy who vanished from his par- ents homo In High Bridge six wcclu ago and for whoso return rewards to tim amount of several thousand dollnrs havo been offered under tho Impression that ho was kidnapped was round yesterday after noon In a shallow stream known as Crom wells Creek almost n quarter of a mite from the boys home The body from Its appearance Deemed to have been In the water nbout weeks just the length- of time that Wllllo has been missing marks of violence could bo discovered on It nor was there anything to refute the theory tho police propounded after fzaailnlnjj It that when Wllllo started for church on the evening on which he vanished ho wandered down to the crock ond was accidentally drowned The body WM discovered two young run who were fishing from a rowboat near thn Sew York Central Hallroad bridge About the same time It was seen John Garfleldwho tends tint railroad bridge Ho houtcd to Ihu mon In Iho boat who wero and IsidorWagner of HI West 150th street and they rowed to the body It was stuck in the mud and they were unable to drag It out Thoro were many people In the neighbor- hood and Onrllelds nhouts quickly called to the bridge Several men helped tho body osliqre and there the opinion was at once expressed that It was Wllllo- McCormlcks body Policeman hvcrett who mme along took charge of It was sure that It was becnusn ho had u dtwcrlp of tho missing boy In his note the description tallied exactly with the clothing of tho face from long Immersion in th water was almost unrecngniable Young Wngner folowod by a scorn of and ran to the news to tho parents melltaMrCormlck Willis met them ot tho door and Wagner tutu her bluntly that her brothers hud been Without waiting to speak to thn other members of the girl ran to the creek and thence to n brick to which tli drowned been carried She pushed through and took one glance at the body Thats the girl She knelt Iowa on the grass brsldo the body crying while th policemen searched They found a sknto key u pocket knife n cent and a mida of used merchants to adver tise their wares during Worlds Fair lit Chicago The sister at once recog- nized tho medal as nun her brother had curried In his Others remembered that when ln had just one cent In his pocket his mother having giveR him that as u for going on an errand that evening A few minutes later tide boys father ap- peared Me Identified body then led him weeping away The took tins Motion In a wagon The Coroners physician will probably make an autopsy on It to a whether or not drowning WM the cause th Ix o b b Boyd tom ton I lon the Car hod hat h j pocket t I 1 I tnhert I U ect a and ft thel datlon l3uffet Idepint tu I tts elanti ItiU okln tdib Shn r2d c Sdrft 15 the p u CiuJ I Ia4rlL U I M 1t eni preM y Iot M rLIC lrIot Of dathi ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I think those letters sent to me just nfter came from people who kidnapped linn 1 cannot say more nt all that Mr w mid say apt Titus of the Detective fiurcaii sent two his men to view the body They repotted there were no fiat thin death was undoubtedly duo to drowning They stead nf going to after hU sUtcr ho wandered in nnither direction to the bridge and toll from It Into the creek apt Titus said ln t there was nothing in tlm rase that changed the opinion lie nrlgitrilly held which was fiat was neither kidnapped nor to illv deilt with It Is an ordinary ISO of drowning Mid Capt Cromwell Criek is a inudih stream which empties Into tin Harlem Kiver At low creek Is almost dry A few years ago tin holy of a miniiig was thenafter sivenil week lias UHII miiislng since evitilng of April 1 He was to follow two sNtors to Me went to get his rap and that was last seen of Mm alive He never readied the church and next the police were asked to search for his parents received letters Indicating that been kid- napped and was brine held for ransom aggregating JIIIIIMI were of fered for his return The police have as- serted alt along thaI HUTU vas no founda tion for the kidnapping theory It was thought that away from home nrv orin iv 11i wsov wii- l II Irr From Mlehliiiin llnnncil Into a Ian lag Wagon In the lUln 1 51 ice n mnnufntiirer whoie is mid to bo In Mich w over by n delivery wagon m trunt of tint Fifth Avenui lintel yeMrrday afternoon mikini for the hotel wa a crush of velililes nt tlinii nnd tin In tlm rnn to tlm confuxlun- Siinniil of sa inju trfct who wis drlvllic tin wiiuon viy he veljoil to Mr lee to out of the way K ly HIVH heiiiiiie confused nnd ran Into hl lii r When ticked up ht nt nncon rlniH Ho revjvpil nt New Vork Hn ptnl nnd nn at Wall Mrcct II is no dmic- rrnr rininixa iv CART A Ilnrtnr a llriikrr unil ArtrrrtMIn Asm- lArmtnl Three willdre soil taco who Mid they were Dr Mi r nn Kel ey of S3 Thirty mirth triit Samuel 1riiiro a broker nf- Sinti MndiMti nvenue and Jt Carter ndveriixne nsent ofJIT West Ninety Vxlh Heel ire locked III the Ve t yhtli police nt 1210 ocln niirtiinir They were arreted nn i loJunilMi Ienne mr in S tyllflh Mreet if the m iirtor who ttaid they bid I n iiKlitlni Dr KuKey hail twi Iii llulh llinni it tnimenl- CLETIIAM ihi May o Mr M A Hannn this looming deiilel the report that hr daughter en iiiiil to t I an iiiiriiuf i iiM report said Mrs H1IIIIM Ilea ileny II i trnily H nill lire iibln gnite i tnatU al i lutily nut witlmit iR i found nt liKiklne fur an Anirrlrnn WASHINGTON 5l y n runt rrlacclcchl n riiwnlxT if the M x rtinrd who IVKVII the red ha ii Ciirdlnnl Marti inli il iied to n si s roM ri r tnntiit tilt i kin Ir ii wlfer w lirkonvlllri Meat I T n nbnin Sruiiba- MnrelsuMt ofthsruv ii- Mtf riiijr niunn f tt ir mf- w stilted Mhirrrprejrnl ll i di I f j fIt ormiok tit t lay h hOle lhr t lluIM add tie all 7 an not I I r I W 1 fnl Iu trllh 1 U t i It Illrirnl I nlln 01 I 01 t cbrul COI I 10 aIlrt NI- A N Lrets S 7S lOt Idnln 0 I 1 3N fig hI I Can b3 flriL wendy ItOMl I ultft 2 ta Vol Uftde 4111 l Id Met gent I lie U rr I Itifler liutXeL 1 Itrti lIuaL rum Ulto fliftet Itt IlL lIner I awr- Ittiet ilIPr ttrter- lJuiloL I ii tva IiI tntom a Vul IbUIY- litd1cS Will hem I lie Pt c I Vet lv III get UI 1 tt ClT1 P5 IlL ui rcim- tioe I per 4 oI- nt I r il- 4t t ear l- 4vdci it 1 lit lit d5flfl Iii rie nen- I lIcti 4 tip t ait- G llf tlfl i Medi It t I Clue ttt to- taitat t3tiIi 1111 tit i YOU Hg 0 dli tttornetl- itnee tInent IlUu iviti 10 ta ieti- fttIa iCe asth- efii 4 30 i rpilel uIta Irot t i TI t r lle Iced lo Ai1iiiteI aIiuter quite 4 iaTOphlcnlice- ut Itre lid dite 41fr hhn i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > < < > > > > ° is juvo rniMBD TO UK KILLKM Hoer Ant Saji a Ttnlblc Event for Great Drltaln I In XKW ILVEX Conn Slay H L do Ginsberg who for eight yearn was Chief of the Transvaal Secret Hervlce and who Is hereabouts raising money for tho Doer causo by lecturing mado n state- ment hero this afternoon In nn unguarded moment that may throw n score Into the officials of tho English Government Ho sold that Great Britain would bo shaken by n terrible event within a few days and conveyed tho Impression that nn attempt will bo mado to assassinate Ring Edward VII himself Tho Baron declared that there had been a meeting of leading Irishmen from nil over Connecticut lurIng the past few days men who had an Intimate connection with the plot he had in mind nnd that tho dark crime at which he mysteriously hinted would shako all England Ho declined to specify tho turn tho horror would take when he was asked If It meant the assassination of tho King by an Anarchist or If some high personage In England was doomed to die Ho added that his net receipts for the hoer cau o In four months past hart been 127240 Then ho said Thn are determined to stick to the they get the British out of South Africa Tho British would be glad to give the Boers the Transvaal if they would be satisfied with that but they will not accept It The British era bound to bo driven out of South Africa Our poor President Mr KrOgcr Is 76 years of and and blind Ho Is broken down over the misfortunes of his country irOJTJTV DK1IOIJS1I A the Wreckage Into a Rltcr Wai Dliorderl- rWnuruso W Va 10 Mrs Cora Iuca accompanied by half n dozen other women all armed with axes demolished Joseph Deck saloon at Olendale a suburb thIs afternoon nail after cleaning out the stock of liquors literally tore the bulldltifi a onestory frame to pieces and flung the timbers Into the Ohio Illver- Herks plnre hind been unusually disorderly of Into and the women determined to emu- late Mrs Nations methods and do away with It They had tho mpport of most of thin male population of the town and were not molested In their work Tim saloon on the bank and within three after the women took possessIon of It bar fixtures anti nil had been dumped Into the waters Decks bartenders offered no resistance Cilendale Is an aristocratic suburb anti the saloon was the only one In the villa go vo orrrmov ovrorvr novi lIt Ha1 AppendIcItIs In Mild FormMental Farullle Not AffrctfU Special CaM Vnpatth to PARIS May to Count Honl rte Cnstellone Is suffering from appendicitis in a mild form Dr Merger his physician that an operation Is tmneces ary facul- ties aro not affected POLICE LOCK IP W75 PAHE Or Cope or Johnjon Hoi Friend at thi Hol- land Home but Wouldnt Iljr fab Hire on noel ole den N Sit LO- Ot 1 ad Tow Food river TIP think pit 10 Baron e ¬ ¬ An expensively dressed woman who re- ferred to herself Mrs Page In front of the Holland House and changed the name to Maria Johnson when she was arrested two hours later was locked tip In thin Wet Thirtieth street police station Inct nIght on n charge of Intoxication and ilefraudlnc her cabman Tho woman Is very large end very blonde In the evening she was In Thirtyninth near Seventh avenue with a man who hailed a eat for her anti told the driver to take her to thn Holland house The didnt BO with tier The driver James slid that at the Holland HOUKU tboxyomnn culled the doorman- to told him H W Gage to fome out because Mrs Page wnntrd to him The doorman took the mosiaco Into the hotel and In a minute a man came out coil had A talk with the woman In the cib- As she drove a so the driver soul tu on eiirb totninu back 10 o She didnt 8he went to n restaurant for llnn r and thru to suvernl of Tender loin resorts Including the Uilro according to VNVIIs story that a ked for hH money Tho woman told hint to wall n while when ho inIM d told him to drive tier to the fald that he would drive to the ststlnn instead nnd tirted to do ho and Thirtieth street the attracted n crowd anti tevernl policemen by lumping from the cab ns It was rner full Site fell hut hurt Tlio iilimin appealed to the police- men the woman to cab unit go to the tatlon Sim Mid hu va Johnson but gin no nililren Itt her Uetbonh wero 113 in bill i csllltitf iiril Hearing the llamA Nn- thnnlil lenvitf nnil n of piper on whlcb was uddress Mrs o West sixtyninth street anti the of sevenl p rsounl ap for advertising purposes There is a J living at West street He was In Husion tiich- troisoxEit rivwr Heath nf Mllle Ttinmti Indlrj of New 10- ihrllc After Convulilon NEW ItociiKtlK May 10 Thomas Flndlny the rlghtyeariild MHI nt Sergt Thomas Klmlley late f the Thirteenth United States Infantry died today nt his horns in irnnd- ureet New Iloelielle Iti convulsion after having eaten cattily which It v believed con Inlned pnlmin He ntteniled the Sisters Srhnol In the I eln lyiiiiiuoliim On Wedne div morning when he set out with his books ladler arm his mother gave u rent and tnld him lie might Mnp on tho way buy fotrw cnndv When lie returned troni- schuil ut noon no wilt verv sick anti wa put to bed where lin taken with r ia uiN amid lnn- He told Dr thomfts that ho hail tnnped on his way to chi i and bought ten nf colored randy the lent which hi mother give Bni hit he wn eled with terrible pains In liU- Ktiiiniich Immediately nfter them r Miiniilng was nut rnlleij imriiitP hnve iinnl unj whnt store the ronilv- Wnlilnrf A tnila Cupllnl Inirrutnl In SHOOOOOO- AIDANT Mny 10 Tho Wildorfutorln Hotel Company tndar filed with thn jsecra tory of Stat n certificate of nn increase of Its cnpliiil stock from IIT to SJOMOO The company n paid In cnnitnl of i nnd- 1ms no debts or liabilities The stockholders mire I Itoldl share lieorce C llolilt Jr I hare Wllhnl A Mlteh i i The other live Khnren luive not been The rompnnv pnld u tax on increased i- Kat Straniet In the Orient Connect at San IrnnrUro with ih Tfil nrt Llmllnl the rirrydur taln tram ChIcago TJ Chlc o Union end Iacinc IWo Aiiilreii NorUi Westttn Line OOci l Bioadwty At n Earl mal O and nk mon loll to b hit HOI t lnt tile I 22 llol hip II hl IC nI fast Neil tbcnrriage to Mr etc tim her slirt woflt s Il rio I tin rinds rs Ill him nil was Culls ii M tinning h lit Iiittii until lit t hue tu t triO shire itt eu P t a k ¬ ¬ ¬ > ° ITS CAPITAL IMPAIRED trTiY or JIAKIXO A Innranc Department Hequrili Illitrlct At tornrr rhllbln to Itrgln Criminal rroceef- ln i Acalnit In omrenApplication for the Appointment of a AIDAXV May 10 District Attorney bin has been asked by Hupt Francis ricks of the State Insurance Department- to institute criminal proceedings against tho officers of the Manhattan Fire Insurance Company of York city for llllng n fraudulent return with the Insurance De- partment showing the condition of the company at tho end of last year This return and u subsequent report of the In- surance Department examiners who In- vestigated the condition of tho company havo been forwarded to tho District At- torney Tim examiners not only found the com panys report on Its condition to be fraudu- lent but that Its capital stock warm Im- paired to the extent of 4M 403 anti that last year 10500 In dividends hnd been de- clared anti paid when there were no funds available for that specific purpose Supt Hendricks directed the stockholders of the company which has a capital of ISOOWX to make good tho hit thoy refused the AttorneyGeneral Is to ask the court to appoint a receiver for the company In hits letter to the District Attorney Supt Hcmlrlcks says I havo to advlso you that In pursuance of law under date of April 17 1001 1 di- rected tho offleers of said company to ro qulro the stockholders to pay In the sum of 148040331 In money at ofllce of the company In the New York on or 17th day of June noi Under date of April 17 also directed the officers of said to require the stockholders receiving the to the amount of I to50o to repay the same In money at thn ofllce of company on or l the 17th of Mar dividends having been anti in law Pending the of time officers of company above named requisition department limo Attor of the Stato nppll- caiion to till courts for tho appointment of n receiver for the company From time reports of examination herewith It appears that the annual ilimncial the corn this department for tlm ending Dee was a fraudu- lent return It therefore becomes Incum- bent me to tall attention to sections Oil and Oil Penal Code and to request you as tho prosecuting ofllcor of the New tlm home ofllce of the company Is located- to commence proper proceed- ings against It Daniel is President of tho com- pany and J W Durbrow Secretary About n ago a somewhat similar condition of affairs was discovered by the Insurance Department In connection with another coin and the District Attorney of New York bronchi the matter before dram Juries which failed to millet Tho ofllcers and directors of this wero and influential Tho Insurance Department will watch with Interest Its present recommendation It that there apparently no pun- ishment law which could not ho blocked by persona of sulllclent Influence Men lade Phi ew f ow alton IU wOo FlIt dar 1151 paul o hit your lers tt ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ A ItOCfS ATTORXKrOFXKItAl Man Snppoied to lie Irom Illrhmond Va Sit With Indies at the Haitman Trial Mny 10 From Itlchtnond V comes thin report that a man representing himself to Mnntngun of that State had succeeded In swindling AttorneyHeneral Knnwlton of Misschtisctta- by Inducing him to rah a slg it draft nn tbn- Itlchinond Hiylnifs think Mr Knnwlton denies that he cashed A draft hut frankly admits that ho mutt the man at the Kutttniin trial one day week nnd Introduced him to tho two JuilRes hitting tho case Tlm Justices Invltod Mr MontaBuo to occupy a seat nn thn bench nnd utter li tenlng tn tutu testimony for a short time ho thanked them tid the court e- Mr Knnwlton still be the man In the corridor and when he received a cord hearing the name nf the Atlornwylitnernl of Vlr- clniti lie supposed be wns the man lin rep- resented hlm elf to be The despatch from Richmond nyn that tIme real Attornnyflenernl Is nt Ahtnedon attending the fulled States Court nHiXKKXXKsa rwszs 1 ruTofir Tuck Company In Indianapolis Hai to Shot Down lecami nf Drinking IxniASApntls MaY I Time StandnrdTaHt anti Ilrnd Company has been forced to shut- down nn account of tlm drunkenness of its employees nnd Manager lntty said today would not resume till h as ureil that hotter condition will prevail Ho said that his workmen are nil experto soil their places imnot be supplied except by- trlnuiiiif tacit iroin the Kant or frtim butt ho would have to nwort tn this at ones unless his employees gore evidences of re- form plant Is situated on forth avenuo today Manager lntty caused tho Saloonkeeper ieor Dudley on chnrtrn- nf telllnK lliuor to his employees when they nro drunk Tho work be BHd hive been cloKed twenty time first f thin year betnme thin employees were drunk und nut nroik- IMRIM ItKIIATERS HlV llrrhlon Front In Annual Inren sic Contest PlUNcrTO N J May 10 Harvard won the annual donate with Princeton in Alex under Hall tonight rime subject wns Rnatrnl That Congress was justified In Imposing terms embodied in the Plait amendment to the Army Appro huh n conditions precedent to leav- ing the government mirth control of ija JM the of Its people the provision regard m tin to We Mnei Princeton lind the unirmnilve- nnd vas by ln of Sew Jersey Walter llnpo nf xw York llnberts Steeti of Thu llnrvird teiim vi mpned 0in Fnekler litneM Scoit Henry er liitne W f Pir on of New tlm lion Thiunnn T Inmis Nvv nnd inn A very 1 of New York were the Twnln tnnd n lmrt ndilress during te Inter Intepti lln h IOM lean old UiriutoNP Ind Mny in loiiPh n fnrmrr of northern celebrnled- todnv his troth birthday onnlver nry Thn- rer nls In hits Indleaic iut bfirn In New Jersey thai in t vote was cnst fer Mniilkon In IMj Hush wns In In tsV nnd he Nettled In this vnnr MB He s the nni ehlldrin three i whom r llvlti l till 1llle cnod The llenee of lleartt It F Kenno 4 ts Adt MIChael Dun Diilltlnt aSS Cate llrcalway an4 al8 A ono 5 o lat hOI The ant lrn lon I 1111 n I I I f ork Ir Inrk 1jf 0 I ho- I r Hum Lit hilt era t ti anti the thtites unto mild Get I tiC triat tan s till flit t Wi Iii 1 tie etl cml tjl tin to ft It 11 4 S a lid han t York I Ii- I hush ilk Jtfl rtin lie r eli titter stilt heili ¬ ¬ > ¬ > iArsax 3JADK- llotlon Ilin Hent Short on Certain lines and Covered at the Ill ht Time ROSTOV May W Lawson Is credited with 300300 to JSoofirxM through the slump of yesterday Ho has been selling short on certain lines for the last two months awaiting the op- portunity which ho freely predicted was bound to come a time It Is said that he warned his friends of the Im disaster on several occasions prepared himself for tho fray Mr one or two merchants arms pointed out as responsible In a measuro for thp steadying of not only the Iloston but the Now York Like the Standard Oil people waiting for tho chance to cover their shorts and buy In everything that went Mow Its dividend paying price and It was the buy orders placed by these people which stopped the of tho caused n stow recovery When tho break came yesterday Mr IntV8O i sat In his private on street while Arnold his partner took notes tickers below When things began to slump Mr Iawson spread orders round In the various houses for the purchase of stocks In 5000 and 10000 share blocks Amalgamate Missouri Pacific and other railroads and thin steel stocks were some ho wished to cover on Hn ordered 6000 shares Amalgamated- at OX another 5000 shares at OS and still snottier Oow at 100 nnd when word that It was a physical Impossibility to some of Ids orders filled even though tho tape quoted theta at less price ho raised his bid five points at n tune and finally corralled what ho wanted as well M lift- ing the imrket On a rough estimate- It Is stated that thin Rorton copper mag- nnte dealt in about 251000 shares all of which had been sold At the top notch prices days previous DISOKltKR IX HKTKOITS STREETS Crowds Arnnnd Mnglr Tux Orator Clahhed und Sprinkled DninotT May 10 Detroits streets tonight have been In a condition border- ing on riot ever since early candlelight Thou new Police Commissioner Frank C Andrews announced that ho Intended to abolish the public nuisance of single tax Mlver anti antimonopoly talkers on the An Immense crowd gathered to watch developments When Tom Hauden the singe tux orator attempted to make a speech the mounted police rodn up and down the publie square and assisted by the patrolmen compelled the crowd to move on This was not enough nnd tIns employees of the Hoard of Public Works turned out anti proceeded to wash down the street with a solid stream of water regardless of whom the water hit Hauden drove from place to place trying to obtain quiet enough for a public hearing but everywhere ho lingered tho mounted police anti patrolmen were present and pre- vented people from gathering In There wore several Incipient riots were quelled by the free use of policemens IOOI 10 Tomas hlln pending market lan Ale f all the mob tl helm st reels clubs ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Mayor Maybury mounting wagon In tho driveway on the Post Office lot Informed time crowd that their rights were bring trampled upon anti that the police had no right to stop free speech Hauden was finally arrested nnd after 1m had boon balled out by the Mayor quiet settled down upon city ITS STOIKX STIfAII The Fatuous unit Violin Taken to Plerei In Court and Identifying Patches Ilbtloscd Tho famous Dolt Stradlvarius violin WAS taken to pieces yesterday before Hncorder lofT by order of Assistant District Attorney Schurmun after W Pezzonl of rlklmrt hail testified concerning n pitch which hu said he hat put on its Interior white It was in time possession of fiprlli er of llrnok lyn several years ago was brought to this city by the District Attorney After the violin was opened n patch cor- responding In nIl respects to tho ono de Hcrlbcd hy Pczzont was found on rIght Chile of limo of time Instrument looking m Its under Tho patch was nlonif tho hiss bar A Ilrooklyn Instrument maker named Kchetillch also described peculiar Itles of the violin which be said ho had ex- amined when time Springers hud It Thn violin was taken from thin Springers last August by Central Office Detectives Price and McCafferty who traced It from the day It wus stolen In isai from the rest deuce of Jean llolt to tho shop nf u Tenth iivenun pawnbroker mimed 1ox front them to tho shop of n journeyman tailor mimed Dooley who sold It In ISBi to Mrs Stringer Thn Central OOlcn tuna say Hint time violins whereabouts havo now hen uciomilccl for hum the time of Its dlsippeirunce to the nre ent day I Tom tie rllFIJ I nIl Ion bell htnuilens Till the ¬ ¬ Victor 8 Flcehter n New mark dealer In mti lcnl Instruments wn convicted before Hceorder loll In May 1SD1 of steillnif Unit Strnd valued at that J3000 which Hum Nlcollnl M former offered for It when be nnd Pnttl were ln t In this country The violin Flech- ter uys he hnd when he was arrested nnd which he said was a strnd Is now kept by a man nnmecl Ho who Is under bond to produce It when it U wanted lint owned II und gave It to Florhter to sell lime prosecutions claim Is that this Instrument wn substituted In pollen court for tho real llott Strad which He liter hint Austen i Fox line nn appeal pending be- fore the Court of Appeal from Flechters conviction ant sentence anti also n motion beforo Hocorder ioff to set ntdde thin con vlctlon on time ground of new evidence A number of violin expert were In court to look at the violin for which Mrs Springer paid J3l to Doolu- ym cuis niAtKn 70 Till uncx Atlanta WantS Tales on Them unit th- llnrshnl Is Attaching Theta ATLANTA Mny in The city of Atlanta- Is wnulnir a list wiir on the llntcarn of thn- Kxpress Coal Line ilniinlnn brick taxes nro due by tlm Southern Iron nnd Car line which operntes tIme Mrs Already l3 cars are chained to the tracks In the various railroad yards about town city Attorney James I Mnysnn ln Inve tl tnr Sledge Cnliler- ami Itv Mirnhal Hubert Itiley hive been levying on the curs und rhnlnliiK them to- tlir fur the lust week A Train Erery Hoar for MulHIn Maiara And the by the New Vork Central Twocent mlleait in cooj- A dr Whit Label GelatinS la splits plnu and nu ru Att lore 000 Stout tim hiul chin ad hack < i Vest ti ¬ < PIKERS OFF TO BED EARLY XOXK tier mo avxs or FIXACE vis- 1HIK VFTOWX LAST XICIIT- Tnan Three Mm It Seem and One Who Paid IIlOOO Nhare for That ilOOShare Lot of M P on Thnndoj John W MacUnj I Angry Ilecan onn Intrnlrw Jllirinnled Him I Tho pikers as the professional cam i bier would style the small fry In Wall Street were not to be In the uptown resorts last night tone home early to sleep off the effects of Thursdays crash or had gone to Turkish baths to get tho lameness rubbed out Up at the WaldorfAstoria whnw corri- dors have been packed ll u sardine boxes for two weeks one could mvlTato without any trouble The caf and the restaurant and tho corridors were left to the financiers of largo caliber and them wero several of these there to enjoy one anothers com- panionship Early In the evening tho financial con tingent was added to by the arrival of John W Mnchay who had just come In from the West Mr Nfackay was about the angriest man that has landed In New York In a long- time Not even the fellows who got caught In tho Northern Iaclflc squeeze showed so much tcmncras M Mackay did last night And It was till b cause he happened In n Now York evening paper which he hal plcutd up at thin station on his ar rival that ho was quoted ns saying that the panic of Thursday might have been cxpeco and that a worm ono was to follow As soon as Mr Mickay found nn Intimate fr end to talk to ho expressed hli opinion about Ihat Interview It seems that the interview should luve represented Mr Mackay assaying that tlero wa no good reason why tlwft I have tOni a panic and no reason why tlm effects of this one should not be quickly effaced owing to the groat pronperlty of tins country H Keene nnd President Mitchell of Trust Company were appar- ently In tho heist humor of any men In time hotel Mr Keeno wasnt saying ex- cept to express tho opinion tho market had righted Itself another era of good times anti good stock prices was at hand Mr Keeno took something mild about 9 oclock nail sold ho guessed hed bed President Mitchell who got to town on Thursday night said that his wa principally to lend money This tins plenty to and Mr Mitchell succeeded about foum 000 of It In Wall Street yesterday John W lates wore a pensive announced that li ar- ranged to sail for Kurope next Wednesday an stay Aftfr former king of American Stiv I and Wire had denial that ho had heiMi obliged to borrow tlJVt ono on Thursday to make good his losses In steel was linked Well Mr Gate now that the flurry over what do you think of tho financial situation Flurry I that what call It wjs tho Well If that was a excuse me from cyclones Mid tornadoes and typhoons If was only a flurry 1 dont want to caught In another was tho ring of genuine feeling In He with tho earnest- ness of a Galveston storm sufferer He left tho group of men with whom he had been hits friends fell to Hiking ot the happenings of Thursday In course of conversation it cnmoout that or rather buyers of 300sharesof Northern Pacific at tlooo a share about whose Iden there wus so much speculation on Thursday night hail been It was that Instead of the stock tiny been grabbed by one man It was taken in 100Miaro lots three men Two of them tire New Yorkers anti ono was from Chicago The experience of the e three men reminded ono of time crowd of tin experience of Itobert A Falrbuni n member of Kxchange on Thurs- day noon He wns simon loo shares nf A Hudson He bid 102 but lucre were tio offers Well Mr Fnlrbalrn Is reported to Imvo said probabilities are nre plenty morn stock anti Ill let go Ho walked around tin exchange floor onco nnd the stock on time was selling at iSO Then ho covered I nltdSti M Senator Thomas Kcarnsnf Utah who arrived here on tho Majestic on We to find out could at th Waldorf list night about the Northern PacIfic tight inasmuch in ho his a tight on with the Hnrrmwi Interests Senator KenrnH and Senator of Montana ur Interested In the San Pedro los Angeles and Salt I ke CTtv Killrnad which Is con- structing a line from los Angeles tusalt It will be nn road to tlio Ore- gon Short Line oomrHod by Harriman- nnd t e latter humus Hucceeilc in prevent ng the people running through certain IMIRSM on tho frontier It was this victory of Harrlmnn that brought Senator luiinm homo in a- Ha spout come time In Italy this spring Anti an audience the Senator Kearns wild that his Holiness PX pre without reserve Ills high opinion of statesmanship of President McKinley I ot fount to- sco JIm mill com There od lark iou 1 a s motl g- In I limes i voice tit I lie I at mi tla rk K ca men t a time Vmti ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ YKirroiTs inroHcv IHICKK- TVnrljlfcrff Interert to lie Heard Three Society Women tiring Suit XKwroliT 11 1 May in The diuket of thin Msy term of tho Supreme Court wn today nnd It t divorce cams In th hllory of Newport lit ono sp of time court There sri forty three Htich and many of them of Interest to the world at nid nm will furnish sonic Interesting testimony Among the society women who will nppear n klng legal neparntlon from their lm hnnds nro Mrs Sallle Ilnrgou whovo husband l serving In the Meutonint Mr Augii tn Floytl flowen who e hnthaml t Minister to Persia nnd Sirs Hopliln S St Hume is n wellknown Phlli- delphli s mini All three nk for dl votes on time ground nf de will be tried tl petition of r Charles Margin I H X who M HHI front hi wife in rjr- l Sloriran hi been nriiiht before tin publle of lute tlirough Adniliil Siiii ion K4i Ksriri IIIIHKKH 1 sf In III Health nnd Dnpomltnt ut iull through lilt lleuil- H Weithrook Myers a rent oitnto broker i years old committed Hiilcldi yekterdny- In bis room at 3ii Hast Fiftieth htreet by- uliootltiB himself through the bend III health and bijd ImMiiiis are nuppoxeil to cuiiied Ulcide w In a- io d Mime time ago from b0i io iuilnc nt the result of outline a i rn tm deeply II left llvi M Itielml- Ing one for Ids wife from whom I hn l been nnd one for ieorg M broker Wall who WK on f n fellow bonnIer lanr w Things Are Inrlnited In our lint Norfolk rolf nieycle SHIM ll y wand 4 Co NOMSII nd lnderb riUoon kanp nitltra- B al appetliir famoUS Sot 40 reauAi shows r- ot Ion art Eliot lot hen who I of u aleS ketch he casts large w Ii ttuii nil lout ii kt Npl rat ltlm rei di rl lti st ret A its N lar < > < > Jill iioitffiviv Toirii iiiri vjsir OHK I It l Nnld That In IaiU lerilnr UP Engaged a Cubic tar Ihei Whole ll r LONDON May 10 H Is salt thit Mr J Plerpont Morgan upon arriving 11 Paris this morning from AlxlesIlalns engaged a cable for the wholo day and th t IP was In- constant communication with Now York receiving Information anti giving orders Ho refused to see any interviewer IIKK XTK131EII BflfVEfi Five Women Pawrncrrs llrownrd In the He- itrurllun of the lion Vnyase- HofOHTOs Mich May 10 The steamer lion Voyage was burned on Su- perior today Five women were drowned Tho rest of the pawngers anti crew escaped ntouwtr IILOCK MILD UnronArmed Keport That Standard Oil Com- pany I the Pnrrhaier It was reported yesterday that exMayor Hugh J flrant and Henry Morgenthau hal sold the property fronting on time west- side of Ilrontiwny between Thirtythird anti Thirtyfourth streets which they recently purchased from time Thomas N Luwrem o estate for ItflOOOOX A syndicate representing the Standard Oil Intercuts It WOo sild was the purchaser This was denied la t evening however by a repre- sentative of the Standard Oil Company There was a report swo time nio that tho Standard Oil Company had bought land III tho rear of this Property CLnrnnrnsT KAII riTrsniKfiI- tallrnad Trades Awa h mind Inrti nf Then Curried A PiTTsanio May 10 A heavy rain of one hours duration rausod eon ldernble dnmngo tonight near Plltsburg South of pitt hung ut Carnegie n cloudburst up rainb- beHs lion sent n flood of water down hut carried nwnv brld o nail nnd barns Th water i lei up n foot high over the Panhnwlln tracks at Cnrnegio Time Hood Sltnld d In three hour At Tarentmn thirty mlle nnrthen of thn city tho heavy Hooded thin creek washed nwny 200 foil of this VMern IPtmsyl- vnnlart tracks carried ofT n county bridge nnd n tulle of fencing Xo lives wero list Nearly nil the creeks anti runs within twenty miles of IlttHburc becoinn bnnk full nnil were Hooded In several tovn old loins rvniv TRACK Iliilli llnntiTnn Tracks Thlnm IUptnreil Snltrh- WIIITK PLAINS X Y Mny the Lake Mahnjiae Rpeclnl dun hero nt R 03- wns stnnding below thus station tonight wnltlng fur lie 1lttxlleM express to pass the switchman turned thin switch between time forward and rear trucks of thin last car on tho express The car swung round on Its trucks and rolled along both tracks broad side Tho engineer nnd fireman on thin epochs saw It coming antI jumped It derailed the engine tore up the trnck for a hundred feet nnd ploughed Into three of tho specials conches before It stopped Nobody was hurt hut rallrond men hero consider the accident one of the queerest on record iris OX Story That Croker M In He unstilted to MaUnK Him Candidate for Mujor A Ktun was III circulation in polirical ctr- rles In Ilrooklyn yesterday to tbo effect that tho Democratic managers In the borough were BO much ImpreuMd with thin availability of time ibis Kdwanl M Shepard us a Mayor iiindiiiate that they were going to wml- nn nmbu ndor to croker nt hl- retrent in hnglatid to ICIIK time iUe tlon with him It was also said that Mr Jumes 8ln vlin Mr McLninrhllnt elder lleutvinint would f the ninbn nilor- No npoiipniiiii of th rtreet ninrbiiie would viiiicb fur HID and Mr iShevlin stud Hint h Imil tin Inten- tion of colng obmuil An II of fact thern n very few nf the Hronklyn liemo trail ljiti mrii wlm luive any expectation that Taiumiiiy imtnlniitlon to that luiruiivli this year nnil even If II did thit Mr Shipard the bill Illi fOlllOHATlOX iXltlHTKS- Innr Urn mert In Nurrred the llurhanan- Mlnthmp NEW HSVKN May 10 Tbe Iey An on Phelps blokes Secretary to the Vnle Cur pornlioli will coal out to the Yale ilumni tnmnrrow rnntnlnitii the iinmcH of the four nen who have been nominated nnd will continue in the race fr member of till Ilirporillon to Kiineed the Ilinhii in of York city who died r nnily Hit term would hae ex- pired t il June The inline lire KM Whit- ney Xe Tliniiini Tbncliei Tt New Y rk cltv Clmrles p Tuft V4 lana nil i ir ii WoudwnrO il t i ni THIKS TO- Illle an Artery In IU WtlM When Taken In lull In AH alt Sentence I I I I Lake lent tlrnadIp anti Ill r trill mill 1I11ulhh mrti ill ncsi flit lute lilt I 1 l1lluITOU fill was aim iota Il rut Shin Il Smash 10 While as mi r tI I tt hut t i st tilt mCs mil I iiht I Ii rio ii lies 1 ¬ ¬ < ¬ < > > ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ < > < Andrew 11 laydns II Pa nlr N J sulnnn keeper was convicted before luff yesterday nflenioon of nbdiiitlng 13yenr old Annie Feck on Sept IT n t nnd WHS re innnded till Tuesday foricnlence He jumped bit hail after Indictment limit was ciniuht III Chicago and lm been locked up in tlm Tombs After lie hnd hen liiken buick tn the Tnnibs- yesterdny it were cnvcred witb blcod bud bitten his left wrlt mid hnd eveied one of the nrterle The wound wus IMIIIIH nnd lie was put In n trailjacket in the hn pi tnl ward iri on- IWXn TIIKIIt IHtOHMATK UYIXtJ Women Students at Teiiinen CnlleRe Cuuldnl- Smr ITorenre Herd Mi Ilurence lonl yeiri oil wIn lakllii n pei Ill course nt the Teachers Cnllege died suddenly yeiterdny nf kidney troubli nt her hoarding hou e il3i llroud- wav She talus here lat Jctoher from Phlladelt Inn ti III herelf for n higher line nf wlmiii nwke tcrdny nail iuiuii- lier Ml I ril hn two in- Phllndelptil mn tim principal of a innnuH- lllrnrj Jl IUsler Sells lilt lion r Henry M Under re ldeni at south enl corner nf Fifth avenue and Flftyfnurlii direct wan rmveyeil yetirday to ChnrliM- W llnrUne K Tbe con Indicated INIIKII Ilie preinle nr- Iut Shefili llniie In luliled- lltKKU May to lit HheedyV gambling bniiM III lime old City I lull Iliilldln- by the llce till illertioon Sheedy hnd begun to iiitiiil the furniture nnd the tiollre iiiiiul lily one mulettn wheel and one fnro outilt No iirrel were The they did toil know owned the tin Mld It belonged tn him hut t admit it was gambling Tbe WORST COIDS e n he rumd with JAVNKS tlicIIfIt1 t lie rtkr I sit sPas I hut r s lie Iii II was ida It ii tuimr Sl toiiiamei i it it iuumr I rmmirmiimg elm Iltipi toil Itla- tlii Ilmiirimii I I tin thou simi s I s It a ni tiling flu ifait sius riltiiiui tit eI lii lit SbeiI Item > < < > WALL ST SMILES AGAIN1- FTIIVO TIIAT Till STOH31 IS PAST Axn HISK iv ifns STEAM Itrpreuntiillie nr liuhn Ineb A Co Stakes Statement m tn that Prerlpllatcd Mighty Contest ton orlhern 1iirlnca Con trnl S yi Mr Jlnrxnn hail Nothing to Do With II and WnnU Have Averted tbo dart Had lie Here Uaslt of Seltlrnicnt With the P Shorn llurllnRtnn Deal Through o Hatter What Happen Unrcaln Hunter Again In the Street Wnll Street cnmo up smiling yesterday morning anti began to do business at time same old stand just as If the whole dis- trict hadnt been shaken from centre tc circumference only twentyfour lacuna be- fore At the ojRnlng tho market was naturally feverish but there no traci of ianle conditions and there was that 111 the ntmospliero which swmed to convlnc everybody that thn worst was over Then was nn averagn alvanco of about 2 polnti all through the Hut of stocks The net result In disaster of Thurs- days cyclone when reckonings were takes at thin closn of business was seven emal- Jnllurei of Consolidated Kxclmngo houses Thorn won rumors that morn Consolidated houses would go by thin board hut they were only rumors and little attention wai paid to them Trading in Northern Pacific time stock which caused all the trouble 01- Thiirwlav was eitremely tame No sen- sational price was offered for It becaus of tho unlfrslanding that the shorts could settle at nn upset price Tlio highest quotation of thin day was 200 The news of time they that contained glngei was H statement made by Otto Kalm ol- Ktihn Ioeb t Co relative totho Northerr Pacific situation Mr Kalm expressed HOIIM doubt us to whether time tnlon Pacific people have grit control of Northern Pacific after nil Ho told how tho fight hum been brought on nnd made the additional state- ment that whoever controls time property this Kurllnglon deal will be carried througb just If timer hal been no fight nt nil Missouri Pnelfle was exceptionally strong opening 5 points lilgher than it closed on Thursday night and In a short tune It made n further ndvanre of morn titan 2 points Iliinn Pacific commoti was up 1 points ntth- oiienlng then lot about nil It hail gained and finally steadied about II oclock to i- llgiirn 2 points above Thursdays closing Atehlson Topeka nail Santo JV commor opened 3 points higher arid the preferred gained 4 points Delaware and Hudson arid Delaware Lackawauna nnd Westcrc gripped themselves right nt time opening recovered about in anti 10 points re- spectively of what they lost on Thunjday St Paul opened at nn advance of M points Chicago lliirlington and Cjulncy H and Rock Island 5 Of course them were some reactions from these opening figures but they wero not Important Toward tin close of business the tendency was all up- ward In the local traction stocks Metropolitan Street Hallway showed n gain of 6 points itt the opening Manhattan IV points and Brooklyn Hapld Transit 3 points United States Steel showed nn ndvanco of 4 points while this preferred gained 3 points Sugar opened with nn advance of 2 points ami In n short time went 4 points higher Amalgamated Copper was strong on a 4 point rise and ieneral ElectrIc showed a gain of 10 points All hone advances nt the opening hem had been preceded by heavy buying In London for the Now York account 1nder this buying tho London prices for American stocks yesterday morn- Ing showed a marked difference over the closing prices on Thursday night St Paul gained i j points on this other side of tIme ocean Ijilon Pacific sVf Atchison common a1 Atrhison preferred Oi and United States Steel 3 Immediately after tIme opening hero there was fairly heavy buying for wlmt was sup- posed to bo time accounts of J P Morgan A- Co Kiilm Lneb A Co arid outer Interests which have been Identified with the great consolidations and amalgamations An order for 2500 shares of Eric was sent In shortly alter 10 oclock nnd was executed at 11 13 and 31 A few niltiulm later 1300 shiircH were bought for Xl antI shortly before oclock 34HO shares were bought fur 33 The opening silk of St Paul In which unusual strength was shown all day was 4i00 slinrts nt IM to US Somebody was after tlm preferred stock of the Inlted- SUitcriSteelCorporationwithhot Irons Thee Stork Kxchangu gong laud hardly sounded when orders for i mihhnres wires dumped In on hoot and the slmreH were bought at trout Ito to 2 SomeboJy else vas lie lien > to- n 1 was us ann fr 4 11 I its ¬ > after 1nlon Pacific riu opening order for that was fur iKjo nlians rxecuted at from V1 to KIJ The trading in this stock was one of the days features This was n very satisfactory beginning but the Sloik Kxchangit yet heard from tint hooting House and until It could bo learned how tlm Udders hail settled their balance nobody miild tell just how solid tin Street wits It should be ex- plained that u Stock lilinngo house faiLs when it cant meet its obligations Tin rillif was grout therefore when it became known through the Street that nil tho Clear- ing HDIISO ImlnnccH had been settled at they should havw been and nobody was in default After had receivrsl this Injection of iiiiilldencn from the teporls from the Clenring House It began to talk of what had been nnd what was going to be anti to look for bargiiins lIme luirgain hunters wero out in forte and they bad a great day if it Thct worn the men with rash in their inside pockets who are always ready lo grid up stocks after Wall Street has passed through a prime or an unusually heavy i lui ui The buyers were after lb good ulnclis They wanted tlm article Hint ys the dividends and limy got it The purely speiulaiivi buying was limited In fart many of hue largest lirnkeragK h mcs diMouragiil II Indeed many houses would cxcciito Imying orders only when the Imyets were nlile to pay for ticks in full They H imply said they dulit want any margin Imtiiie for tha- pnvent In ntlier cases tlm margins required were so exccitslvo ns to greatly restrict time trading huts situation left Mjlet Slaadlib Ginger The club maaVcliuicc Ualkht 01 JM dilutlonjXd I iaui lit tims SI ret I I itt Ale 5 ¬ >

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1901-05-11/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · P El today clearing tomorrow u VOL LXYIIINO 253 NEW YORK SATURDAY MAY II 1001COPYRIGHT

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1901-05-11/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · P El today clearing tomorrow u VOL LXYIIINO 253 NEW YORK SATURDAY MAY II 1001COPYRIGHT


El today clearing tomorrow



t 1 i I t JHt p

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S EX-elnnatllnc Carituburri-ff OrChicago

In Water Apparently Since the Mght lieDisappeared Six Week Ago No lutkiof Violent on It He Sr m to DareStrayed to a lirldce and Fallen From It

The body of Wllllo McCormick the tenyearold boy who vanished from his par-ents homo In High Bridge six wcclu agoand for whoso return rewards to tim amountof several thousand dollnrs havo beenoffered under tho Impression that ho waskidnapped was round yesterday afternoon In a shallow stream known as Cromwells Creek almost n quarter of a mitefrom the boys home The body fromIts appearance Deemed to have been Inthe water nbout weeks just the length-of time that Wllllo has been missingmarks of violence could bo discoveredon It nor was there anything to refutethe theory tho police propounded afterfzaailnlnjj It that when Wllllo startedfor church on the evening on which hevanished ho wandered down to the crockond was accidentally drowned

The body WM discovered two youngrun who were fishing from a rowboat nearthn Sew York Central Hallroad bridgeAbout the same time It was seen JohnGarfleldwho tends tint railroad bridge Hohoutcd to Ihu mon In Iho boat who wero

and IsidorWagner of HI West150th street and they rowed to the bodyIt was stuck in the mud and they wereunable to drag It out

Thoro were many people In the neighbor-hood and Onrllelds nhouts quickly called

to the bridge Several men helpedtho body osliqre and there the opinion

was at once expressed that It was Wllllo-McCormlcks body Policeman hvcrettwho mme along took charge of It wassure that It was becnusn ho had u dtwcrlp

of tho missing boy In his notethe description tallied exactly with the

clothing of thoface from long Immersion in th waterwas almost unrecngniable

Young Wngner folowod by a scorn ofand ran to

the news to tho parentsmelltaMrCormlck Willis met themot tho door and Wagner tutu her bluntlythat her brothers hud beenWithout waiting to speak to thn othermembers of the girl ran to thecreek and thence to n brick to whichtli drowned been carried Shepushed through and took oneglance at the body

Thats the girlShe knelt Iowa on the grass brsldo the

body crying while th policemen searchedThey found a sknto key

u pocket knife n cent and a midaof used merchants to advertise their wares during Worlds Fairlit Chicago The sister at once recog-nized tho medal as nun her brother had

curried In his Othersremembered that whenln had just one cent In his pocket hismother having giveR him that as ufor going on an errand that evening Afew minutes later tide boys father ap-peared Me Identified body

then led him weeping awayThe took tins

Motion In a wagon The Coronersphysician will probably make an autopsyon It to awhether or not drowning WM the cause










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I think those letters sent to me justnfter came from peoplewho kidnapped linn 1 cannot say morent all that Mrw mid say

apt Titus of the Detective fiurcaii senttwo his men to view the body Theyrepotted there were no

fiat thin death was undoubtedlyduo to drowning Theystead nf going to after hU sUtcrho wandered in nnither direction to the

bridge and toll from It Into thecreek apt Titus said ln t

there was nothing in tlm rase that changedthe opinion lie nrlgitrilly held which wasfiat was neither kidnapped norto illv deilt with

It Is an ordinary ISO of drowningMid Capt

Cromwell Criek is a inudih stream whichempties Into tin Harlem Kiver At low

creek Is almost dry A few yearsago tin holy of a miniiig was

thenafter sivenil weeklias UHII miiislng since

evitilng of April 1 He was to followtwo sNtors to Me went to get

his rap and that was last seen of Mmalive He never readied the churchand next the police were asked tosearch for his parents receivedletters Indicating that been kid-napped and was brine held for ransom

aggregating JIIIIIMI were offered for his return The police have as-serted alt along thaI HUTU vas no foundation for the kidnapping theory It wasthought that awayfrom home

nrv orin iv 11i wsov wii-l II Irr From Mlehliiiin llnnncil Into a Ian

lag Wagon In the lUln1 51 ice n mnnufntiirer whoie

is mid to bo In Mich wover by n delivery wagon m trunt of tintFifth Avenui lintel yeMrrday afternoon

mikini for the hotel wa acrush of velililes nt tlinii nnd tin

In tlm rnn totlm confuxlun-

Siinniil of sa inju trfct whowis drlvllic tin wiiuon viy he veljoil toMr lee to out of the way K ly HIVH

heiiiiiie confused nnd ran Into hl lii rWhen ticked up ht nt nncon rlniH Horevjvpil nt New Vork Hn ptnl nnd

nn at Wall Mrcct II isno dmic-

rrnr rininixa iv CART

A Ilnrtnr a llriikrr unil ArtrrrtMIn Asm-lArmtnl

Three willdre soil taco who Mid theywere Dr Mi r nn Kel ey of S3 Thirtymirth triit Samuel 1riiiro a broker nf-

Sinti MndiMti nvenue and Jt Carterndveriixne nsent ofJIT West Ninety

Vxlh Heel ire locked III the Ve tyhtli police nt 1210 oclnniirtiinir They were arreted nn i

loJunilMi Ienne mr in S tyllflh Mreetif the m iirtor who ttaidthey bid I n iiKlitlni Dr KuKey hail twi

Iii llulh llinni it tnimenl-CLETIIAM ihi May o Mr M A

Hannn this looming deiilel the report thathr daughter en iiiiil to

t I an iiiiriiuf i iiM report said MrsH1IIIIM Ilea ileny II i trnily H nilllire iibln gnite i tnatU al ilutily nut witlmit iR i found

nt liKiklne fur an AnirrlrnnWASHINGTON 5l y n runt rrlacclcchl

n riiwnlxT if the M x rtinrd whoIVKVII the red ha ii Ciirdlnnl Marti

inli il iied to n si s roM ri r tnntiit tilti kin Ir ii wlfer w

lirkonvlllriMeat I T n nbnin Sruiiba-MnrelsuMt ofthsruv ii-

Mtf riiijr niunn f t t ir mf-

w stilted Mhirrrprejrnl ll i





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is juvo rniMBD TO UK KILLKM

Hoer Ant Saji a Ttnlblc Event for GreatDrltaln I In

XKW ILVEX Conn SlayH L do Ginsberg who for eight yearnwas Chief of the Transvaal Secret Hervlceand who Is hereabouts raising money fortho Doer causo by lecturing mado n state-ment hero this afternoon In nn unguardedmoment that may throw n score Into theofficials of tho English Government Hosold that Great Britain would bo shakenby n terrible event within a few days andconveyed tho Impression that nn attemptwill bo mado to assassinate Ring EdwardVII himself

Tho Baron declared that there had beena meeting of leading Irishmen from nilover Connecticut lurIng the past few daysmen who had an Intimate connection withthe plot he had in mind nnd that tho darkcrime at which he mysteriously hinted wouldshako all England Ho declined to specifytho turn tho horror would take when hewas asked If It meant the assassinationof tho King by an Anarchist or If somehigh personage In England was doomedto die Ho added that his net receipts forthe hoer cau o In four months past hartbeen 127240 Then ho said

Thn are determined to stick tothe they get the British out ofSouth Africa Tho British would be gladto give the Boers the Transvaal if theywould be satisfied with that but they willnot accept It The British era bound tobo driven out of South Africa Our poor

President Mr KrOgcr Is 76 years ofand and blind Ho Is broken

down over the misfortunes ofhis country


the Wreckage Into a RltcrWai Dliorderl-

rWnuruso W Va 10 Mrs CoraIuca accompanied by half n dozen otherwomen all armed with axes demolishedJoseph Deck saloon at Olendale a suburbthIs afternoon nail after cleaning out thestock of liquors literally tore the bulldltifia onestory frame to pieces and flung thetimbers Into the Ohio Illver-

Herks plnre hind been unusually disorderlyof Into and the women determined to emu-

late Mrs Nations methods and do awaywith It They had tho mpport of most ofthin male population of the town and werenot molested In their work Tim saloon

on the bank and within threeafter the women took possessIon of It

bar fixtures anti nil had been dumped Intothe waters Decks bartenders offered noresistance

Cilendale Is an aristocratic suburb anti thesaloon was the only one In the villa go

vo orrrmov ovrorvr novilIt Ha1 AppendIcItIs In Mild FormMental

Farullle Not AffrctfU

Special CaM Vnpatth to

PARIS May to Count Honl rte CnstelloneIs suffering from appendicitis in a mild formDr Merger his physician that anoperation Is tmneces ary facul-ties aro not affected


Or Cope or Johnjon Hoi Friend at thi Hol-

land Home but Wouldnt Iljr fab Hire





Sit LO-

Ot 1 ad Tow

Food river



pit10 Baron




An expensively dressed woman who re-

ferred to herself Mrs Page In front of theHolland House and changed the name toMaria Johnson when she was arrested

two hours later was locked tip In thin WetThirtieth street police station Inct nIght on ncharge of Intoxication and ilefraudlnc hercabman

Tho woman Is very large end very blondeIn the evening she was In Thirtyninthnear Seventh avenue with a man who

hailed a eat for her anti told the driver totake her to thn Holland house Thedidnt BO with tier

The driver James slid that at theHolland HOUKU tboxyomnn culled the doorman-to told him H WGage to fome out because Mrs Page wnntrdto him The doorman took the mosiacoInto the hotel and In a minute a man cameout coil had A talk with the woman In the cib-As she drove a so the driver soul tuon eiirb totninu back

10 oShe didnt 8he went to n restaurant

for llnn r and thru to suvernl of Tenderloin resorts Including the Uilro accordingto VNVIIs story thata ked for hH money Tho woman told hintto wall n while when ho inIM d told himto drive tier to the

fald that he would drive to theststlnn instead nnd tirted to do ho

and Thirtieth street theattracted n crowd anti tevernl policemen bylumping from the cab ns It was

rner full Site fell huthurt Tlio iilimin appealed to the police-men the woman to

cab unit go to the tatlonSim Mid hu va Johnson but gin

no nililren Itt her Uetbonh wero 113in bill i csllltitf iiril Hearing the llamA Nn-thnnlil lenvitf nnil n ofpiper on whlcb was uddress Mrs

o West sixtyninth street antithe of sevenl p rsounl ap

for advertising purposesThere is a J living at

West street He was InHusion tiich-

troisoxEit rivwrHeath nf Mllle Ttinmti Indlrj of New 10-

ihrllc After ConvulilonNEW ItociiKtlK May 10 Thomas Flndlny

the rlghtyeariild MHI nt Sergt ThomasKlmlley late f the Thirteenth United StatesInfantry died today nt his horns in irnnd-ureet New Iloelielle Iti convulsion afterhaving eaten cattily which It v believed conInlned pnlmin He ntteniled the SistersSrhnol In the I eln lyiiiiiuoliim On Wednediv morning when he set out with his booksladler arm his mother gave u rentand tnld him lie might Mnp on tho waybuy fotrw cnndv When lie returned troni-schuil ut noon no wilt verv sick anti wa putto bed where lin taken with r ia uiN amid


He told Dr thomfts that ho hailtnnped on his way to chi i and boughtten nf colored randy thelent which hi mother give Bnihit he wn eled with terrible pains In liU-Ktiiiniich Immediately nfter them

r Miiniilng was nut rnlleijimriiitP hnve iinnl unj

whnt store the ronilv-

Wnlilnrf A tnila Cupllnl Inirrutnl InSHOOOOOO-

AIDANT Mny 10 Tho WildorfutorlnHotel Company tndar filed with thn jsecratory of Stat n certificate of nn increase of Itscnpliiil stock from IIT to SJOMOO Thecompany n paid In cnnitnl of i nnd-1ms no debts or liabilities The stockholdersmire I Itoldl share lieorce Cllolilt Jr I hare Wllhnl A Mlteh i iThe other live Khnren luive not beenThe rompnnv pnld u tax on increased


Kat Straniet In the Orient Connect at SanIrnnrUrowith ih Tfil nrt Llmllnl the rirrydur talntram ChIcago TJ Chlc o Unionend Iacinc IWo Aiiilreii NorUiWestttn Line OOci l Bioadwty At




and nk

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Innranc Department Hequrili Illitrlct Attornrr rhllbln to Itrgln Criminal rroceef-ln i Acalnit In omrenApplicationfor the Appointment of a

AIDAXV May 10 District Attorneybin has been asked by Hupt Francisricks of the State Insurance Department-to institute criminal proceedings againsttho officers of the Manhattan Fire InsuranceCompany of York city for llllng nfraudulent return with the Insurance De-

partment showing the condition of thecompany at tho end of last year Thisreturn and u subsequent report of the In-

surance Department examiners who In-

vestigated the condition of tho companyhavo been forwarded to tho District At-

torneyTim examiners not only found the com

panys report on Its condition to be fraudu-lent but that Its capital stock warm Im-

paired to the extent of 4M 403 anti thatlast year 10500 In dividends hnd been de-

clared anti paid when there were no fundsavailable for that specific purpose SuptHendricks directed the stockholders ofthe company which has a capital of ISOOWX

to make good tho hit thoyrefused the AttorneyGeneral Isto ask the court to appoint a receiver forthe company In hits letter to the DistrictAttorney Supt Hcmlrlcks says

I havo to advlso you that In pursuanceof law under date of April 17 1001 1 di-

rected tho offleers of said company to roqulro the stockholders to pay In the sumof 148040331 In money at ofllce of thecompany In the New York on or

17th day of June noi Underdate of April 17 also directed the officersof said to require the stockholdersreceiving the to the amountof I to50o to repay the same In money atthn ofllce of company on or l the17th of Mar dividends havingbeen anti inlaw Pending the of time officersof company above namedrequisition department limo Attor

of the Stato nppll-caiion to till courts for tho appointmentof n receiver for the company

From time reports of examinationherewith It appears that theannual ilimncial the corn

this department for tlmending Dee was a fraudu-lent return It therefore becomes Incum-bent me to tall attention tosections Oil and Oil Penal Codeand to request you as tho prosecutingofllcor of the Newtlm home ofllce of the company Is located-to commence proper proceed-ings against It

Daniel is President of tho com-pany and J W Durbrow Secretary Aboutn ago a somewhat similar conditionof affairs was discovered by the InsuranceDepartment In connection with another

coin and the DistrictAttorney of New York bronchi the matterbefore dram Juries which failed tomillet Tho ofllcers and directors of this

wero and influentialTho Insurance Department will watchwith Interest Its presentrecommendation It

that there apparently no pun-ishmentlaw which could not ho blocked by personaof sulllclent Influence











dar 1151paul o





















Man Snppoied to lie Irom Illrhmond Va SitWith Indies at the Haitman Trial

Mny 10 From Itlchtnond V

comes thin report that a man representinghimself to Mnntngunof that State had succeeded In swindlingAttorneyHeneral Knnwlton of Misschtisctta-by Inducing him to rah a slg it draft nn tbn-

Itlchinond Hiylnifs think Mr Knnwltondenies that he cashed A draft hut franklyadmits that ho mutt the man at the Kutttniintrial one day week nnd Introduced himto tho two JuilRes hitting tho case TlmJustices Invltod Mr MontaBuo to occupya seat nn thn bench nnd utter li tenlng tntutu testimony for a short time ho thankedthem tid the court e-

Mr Knnwlton still be the man In thecorridor and when he received a cord hearingthe name nf the Atlornwylitnernl of Vlr-

clniti lie supposed be wns the man lin rep-

resented hlm elf to be The despatch fromRichmond nyn that tIme real AttornnyflenernlIs nt Ahtnedon attending the fulled StatesCourt

nHiXKKXXKsa rwszs 1 ruTofirTuck Company In Indianapolis Hai to Shot

Down lecami nf DrinkingIxniASApntls MaY I Time StandnrdTaHt

anti Ilrnd Company has been forced to shut-down nn account of tlm drunkenness of itsemployees nnd Manager lntty said today

would not resume till has ureil that hotter condition will prevailHo said that his workmen are nil experto soiltheir places imnot be supplied except by-

trlnuiiiif tacit iroin the Kant or frtimbutt ho would have to nwort tn this at onesunless his employees gore evidences of re-

formplant Is situated on forth avenuo

today Manager lntty caused thoSaloonkeeper ieor Dudley on chnrtrn-nf telllnK lliuor to his employees when theynro drunk Tho work be BHd hive beencloKed twenty time first f thin yearbetnme thin employees were drunk undnut nroik-


llrrhlon Front In Annual Inrensic Contest

PlUNcrTO N J May 10 Harvard wonthe annual donate with Princeton in Alexunder Hall tonight

rime subject wns Rnatrnl That Congresswas justified In Imposing terms embodiedin the Plait amendment to the Army Appro

huh n conditions precedent to leav-ing the government mirth control of ija JM

the of Its people the provisionregard m tin to We Mnei

Princeton lind the unirmnilve-nnd vas by

lnof Sew Jersey Walter llnpo nf xw York

llnberts Steeti of Thullnrvird teiim vi mpned 0inFnekler litneM Scoit Henryer liitne W fPir on of New tlm lion Thiunnn TInmis Nvv nnd inn A very 1

of New York were theTwnln tnnd n lmrt ndilress during te Inter

Intepti lln h IOM lean oldUiriutoNP Ind Mny in loiiPh

n fnrmrr of northern celebrnled-todnv his troth birthday onnlver nry Thn-rer nls In hits Indleaic iut

bfirn In New Jersey thai int vote was cnst fer Mniilkon In IMj

Hush wns InIn tsV nnd he Nettled In thisvnnr MB He s the nni ehlldrin

three i whom r llvltil till 1llle cnod

The llenee of llearttIt F Kenno 4 ts Adt

MIChael Dun DiilltlntaSS Cate llrcalway an4 al8 A

ono 5




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iArsax 3JADK-

llotlon Ilin Hent Short on Certain lines andCovered at the Ill ht Time

ROSTOV May W LawsonIs credited with 300300to JSoofirxM through the slump of yesterdayHo has been selling short on certain linesfor the last two months awaiting the op-

portunity which ho freely predicted wasbound to come a time It Issaid that he warned his friends of the Im

disaster on several occasionsprepared himself for tho fray

Mr one or two merchantsarms pointed out as responsible In a

measuro for thp steadying of not onlythe Iloston but the Now YorkLike the Standard Oil peoplewaiting for tho chance to cover their shortsand buy In everything that went MowIts dividend paying price and It was the buyorders placed by these people which stoppedthe of thocaused n stow recovery

When tho break came yesterday MrIntV8O i sat In his private onstreet while Arnold his partnertook notes tickers below Whenthings began to slump Mr Iawson spreadorders round In the various houses forthe purchase of stocks In 5000 and 10000share blocks Amalgamate MissouriPacific and other railroads and thin steelstocks were some ho wished to cover onHn ordered 6000 shares Amalgamated-at OX another 5000 shares at OS and stillsnottier Oow at 100 nnd when wordthat It was a physical Impossibility tosome of Ids orders filled even though thotape quoted theta at less price ho raisedhis bid five points at n tune and finallycorralled what ho wanted as well M lift-

ing the imrket On a rough estimate-It Is stated that thin Rorton copper mag-nnte dealt in about 251000 shares all of whichhad been sold At the top notch prices daysprevious


Crowds Arnnnd Mnglr Tux Orator Clahhedund Sprinkled

DninotT May 10 Detroits streetstonight have been In a condition border-ing on riot ever since early candlelightThou new Police Commissioner Frank CAndrews announced that ho Intended toabolish the public nuisance of single taxMlver anti antimonopoly talkers on the

An Immense crowd gathered to watchdevelopments When Tom Hauden thesinge tux orator attempted to make aspeech the mounted police rodn up anddown the publie square and assisted bythe patrolmen compelled the crowd tomove on This was not enough nnd tInsemployees of the Hoard of Public Worksturned out anti proceeded to wash downthe street with a solid streamof water regardless of whom the water hit

Hauden drove from place to place tryingto obtain quiet enough for a public hearingbut everywhere ho lingered tho mountedpolice anti patrolmen were present and pre-vented people from gathering InThere wore several Incipient riotswere quelled by the free use of policemens


10 Tomashlln







the mob

tl helm

st reels







Mayor Maybury mountingwagon In tho driveway on the Post Officelot Informed time crowd that their rightswere bring trampled upon anti that thepolice had no right to stop free speech

Hauden was finally arrested nnd after1m had boon balled out by the Mayor quietsettled down upon city


The Fatuous unit Violin Taken to Plerei InCourt and Identifying Patches Ilbtloscd

Tho famous Dolt Stradlvarius violin WAS

taken to pieces yesterday before HncorderlofT by order of Assistant District Attorney

Schurmun after W Pezzonl of rlklmrthail testified concerning n pitch which husaid he hat put on its Interior white It wasin time possession of fiprlli er of llrnoklyn several years ago was broughtto this city by the District Attorney

After the violin was opened n patch cor-responding In nIl respects to tho ono deHcrlbcd hy Pczzont was found on rIghtChile of limo of time Instrument lookingm Its under Tho patch was nlonif thohiss bar A Ilrooklyn Instrument makernamed Kchetillch also described peculiarItles of the violin which be said ho had ex-

amined when time Springers hud It

Thn violin was taken from thin Springerslast August by Central Office DetectivesPrice and McCafferty who traced It fromthe day It wus stolen In isai from the restdeuce of Jean llolt to tho shop nf u Tenthiivenun pawnbroker mimed 1ox front themto tho shop of n journeyman tailor mimedDooley who sold It In ISBi to Mrs StringerThn Central OOlcn tuna say Hint time violinswhereabouts havo now hen uciomilccl forhum the time of Its dlsippeirunce to thenre ent day I




I nIl








Victor 8 Flcehter n New mark dealer Inmti lcnl Instruments wn convicted beforeHceorder loll In May 1SD1 of steillnifUnit Strnd valued at that J3000which Hum Nlcollnl M former

offered for It when be nnd Pnttlwere ln t In this country The violin Flech-ter uys he hnd when he was arrested nndwhich he said was a strnd Is now keptby a man nnmecl Ho who Is underbond to produce It when it U wanted lintowned II und gave It to Florhter to sell limeprosecutions claim Is that this Instrumentwn substituted In pollen court for tho realllott Strad which He liter hint

Austen i Fox line nn appeal pending be-

fore the Court of Appeal from Flechtersconviction ant sentence anti also n motionbeforo Hocorder ioff to set ntdde thin convlctlon on time ground of new evidence Anumber of violin expert were In court tolook at the violin for which Mrs Springerpaid J3l to Doolu-

ym cuis niAtKn 70 Till uncxAtlanta WantS Tales on Them unit th-

llnrshnl Is Attaching Theta

ATLANTA Mny in The city of Atlanta-Is wnulnir a list wiir on the llntcarn of thn-Kxpress Coal Line ilniinlnn brick taxes nrodue by tlm Southern Iron nnd Car line whichoperntes tIme Mrs Already l3 cars arechained to the tracks In the various railroadyards about town city Attorney JamesI Mnysnn ln Inve tl tnr Sledge Cnliler-ami Itv Mirnhal Hubert Itiley hive beenlevying on the curs und rhnlnliiK them to-tlir fur the lust week

A Train Erery Hoarfor MulHIn Maiara And the by the NewVork Central Twocent mlleait in cooj-

A dr

Whit Label GelatinSla splits plnu and nu ru Att





hiul chin ad










Tnan Three Mm It Seem and One Who

Paid IIlOOO Nhare for That ilOOShareLot of M P on Thnndoj John W MacUnj

I Angry Ilecan onn Intrnlrw Jllirinnled Him

I Tho pikers as the professional cami bier would style the small fry In Wall

Street were not to be In the uptownresorts last nighttone home early to sleep off the effects ofThursdays crash or had gone to Turkishbaths to get tho lameness rubbed outUp at the WaldorfAstoria whnw corri-dors have been packed ll u sardine boxesfor two weeks one could mvlTato withoutany trouble

The caf and the restaurant and thocorridors were left to the financiers oflargo caliber and them wero several ofthese there to enjoy one anothers com-panionship

Early In the evening tho financial contingent was added to by the arrival of JohnW Mnchay who had just come In from theWest Mr Nfackay was about the angriestman that has landed In New York In a long-time Not even the fellows who got caughtIn tho Northern Iaclflc squeeze showed somuch tcmncras M Mackay did last night

And It was till b cause he happenedIn n Now York evening paper which he

hal plcutd up at thin station on his arrival that ho was quoted ns saying that thepanic of Thursday might have beencxpeco and that a worm ono was tofollow

As soon as Mr Mickay found nn Intimatefr end to talk to ho expressed hli opinionabout Ihat Interview It seems that theinterview should luve represented MrMackay assaying that tlero wa no goodreason why tlwft I have tOni apanic and no reason why tlm effects of thisone should not be quickly effaced owing tothe groat pronperlty of tins country

H Keene nnd President Mitchell ofTrust Company were appar-

ently In tho heist humor of any men In time

hotel Mr Keeno wasnt saying ex-

cept to express tho opinion thomarket had righted Itself another era ofgood times anti good stock prices was athand Mr Keeno took something mildabout 9 oclock nail sold ho guessed hed

bed President Mitchell who got to townon Thursday night said that his

wa principally to lend moneyThis tins plenty to and Mr

Mitchell succeeded about foum000 of It In Wall Street yesterday

John W lates wore a pensiveannounced that li ar-

ranged to sail for Kurope next Wednesdayan stay Aftfr former

king of American Stiv I and Wire had denialthat ho had heiMi obliged to borrow tlJVtono on Thursday to make good his lossesIn steel was linked

Well Mr Gate now that the flurryover what do you think of tho financialsituation

Flurry I that what call It wjstho Well If that was aexcuse me from cyclones Mid tornadoes andtyphoons If was only a flurry 1 dontwant to caught In another

was tho ring of genuine feeling InHe with tho earnest-

ness of a Galveston storm sufferer He lefttho group of men with whom he had been

hits friends fell to Hiking ot thehappenings of Thursday In course of

conversation it cnmoout thator rather buyers of 300sharesof NorthernPacific at tlooo a share about whose Iden

there wus so much speculation onThursday night hail been Itwas that Instead of the stock tiny

been grabbed by one man It wastaken in 100Miaro lots three men

Two of them tire New Yorkers anti onowas from Chicago The experience ofthe e three men reminded ono of time crowdof tin experience of Itobert A Falrbuni nmember of Kxchange on Thurs-day noon He wns simon loo shares nf

A Hudson He bid 102 but lucrewere tio offers

Well Mr Fnlrbalrn Is reported to Imvosaid probabilities are nreplenty morn stock anti Ill let

go Ho walked around tinexchange floor onco nnd the stock on time

was selling at iSO Then ho coveredI nltdSti M Senator Thomas Kcarnsnf

Utah who arrived here on tho Majestic onWe to find out couldat th Waldorf list night about the NorthernPacIfic tight inasmuch in ho his a tight onwith the Hnrrmwi Interests SenatorKenrnH and Senator of Montana urInterested In the San Pedro los Angelesand Salt I ke CTtv Killrnad which Is con-structing a line from los Angeles tusalt

It will be nn road to tlio Ore-gon Short Line oomrHod by Harriman-nnd t e latter humus Hucceeilc in prevent ngthe people runningthrough certain IMIRSM on thofrontier It was this victory of Harrlmnnthat brought Senator luiinm homo in a-

Ha spout come time In Italy this springAnti an audience theSenator Kearns wild that his Holiness PXpre without reserve Ills high opinion of

statesmanship of President McKinley


















InI limes i



I lie

I at mi

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YKirroiTs inroHcv IHICKK-

TVnrljlfcrff Interert to lie Heard ThreeSociety Women tiring Suit

XKwroliT 11 1 May in The diuket ofthin Msy term of tho Supreme Court wn

today nnd It tdivorce cams In th hllory of Newport

lit ono sp of time court There sri fortythree Htich and many of them ofInterest to the world at nid nm willfurnish sonic Interesting testimony Amongthe society women who will nppear n klnglegal neparntlon from their lm hnnds nroMrs Sallle Ilnrgou whovo husbandl serving In the Meutonint MrAugii tn Floytl flowen who e hnthaml tMinister to Persia nnd Sirs Hopliln S St

Hume is n wellknown Phlli-delphli s mini All three nk for dlvotes on time ground nf de

will be tried tl petition ofr Charles Margin I H X who M HHI

front hi wife in rjr-l Sloriran hi been nriiiht before tinpublle of lute tlirough Adniliil Siiii ion

K4i Ksriri IIIIHKKH 1 sf

In III Health nnd Dnpomltnt ut iullthrough lilt lleuil-

H Weithrook Myers a rent oitnto brokeri years old committed Hiilcldi yekterdny-

In bis room at 3ii Hast Fiftieth htreet by-

uliootltiB himself through the bend IIIhealth and bijd ImMiiiis are nuppoxeil to

cuiiied Ulcide w In a-

io d Mime time ago from b0iio iuilnc nt the result of outline a i rn tm

deeply II left llvi M Itielml-Ing one for Ids wife from whom I hn l been

nnd one for ieorg M

broker Wall who WK on f nfellow bonnIer

lanr w Things Are InrlnitedIn our lint Norfolk rolf nieycle SHIM ll ywand 4 Co NOMSII nd

lnderb riUoon kanp nitltra-B al appetliir famoUS Sot 40 reauAi

shows r-










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Jill iioitffiviv Toirii iiiri vjsir OHK

I It l Nnld That In IaiU lerilnr UP Engageda Cubic tar Ihei Whole ll r

LONDON May 10 H Is salt thit Mr JPlerpont Morgan upon arriving 11 Paristhis morning from AlxlesIlalns engaged acable for the wholo day and th t IP was In-

constant communication with Now Yorkreceiving Information anti giving ordersHo refused to see any interviewer


Five Women Pawrncrrs llrownrd In the He-

itrurllun of the lion Vnyase-

HofOHTOs Mich May 10 The steamerlion Voyage was burned on Su-

perior today Five women were drownedTho rest of the pawngers anti crewescaped


UnronArmed Keport That Standard Oil Com-pany I the Pnrrhaier

It was reported yesterday that exMayorHugh J flrant and Henry Morgenthauhal sold the property fronting on time west-side of Ilrontiwny between Thirtythirdanti Thirtyfourth streets which theyrecently purchased from time Thomas NLuwrem o estate for ItflOOOOX A syndicaterepresenting the Standard Oil IntercutsIt WOo sild was the purchaser This wasdenied la t evening however by a repre-sentative of the Standard Oil Company

There was a report swo time nio thattho Standard Oil Company had boughtland III tho rear of this Property

CLnrnnrnsT KAII riTrsniKfiI-

tallrnad Trades Awa h mind Inrti nf ThenCurried A

PiTTsanio May 10 A heavy rain of onehours duration rausod eon ldernble dnmngotonight near Plltsburg South of pitthung ut Carnegie n cloudburst up rainb-beHs lion sent n flood of water down hutcarried nwnv brld o nail nnd barnsTh water i lei up n foot high over thePanhnwlln tracks at Cnrnegio Time HoodSltnld d In three hour

At Tarentmn thirty mlle nnrthen ofthn city tho heavy Hooded thin creekwashed nwny 200 foil of this VMern IPtmsyl-vnnlart tracks carried ofT n county bridgennd n tulle of fencing Xo lives werolist

Nearly nil the creeks anti runs withintwenty miles of IlttHburc becoinn bnnkfull nnil were Hooded In severaltovn

old loins rvniv TRACK

Iliilli llnntiTnn TracksThlnm IUptnreil Snltrh-

WIIITK PLAINS X Y Mnythe Lake Mahnjiae Rpeclnl dun hero nt R 03-

wns stnnding below thus station tonightwnltlng fur lie 1lttxlleM express to passthe switchman turned thin switch betweentime forward and rear trucks of thin last caron tho express The car swung round onIts trucks and rolled along both tracks broadside

Tho engineer nnd fireman on thin epochssaw It coming antI jumped It derailed theengine tore up the trnck for a hundred feetnnd ploughed Into three of tho specialsconches before It stopped Nobody was hurthut rallrond men hero consider the accidentone of the queerest on record

iris OX

Story That Croker M In He unstilted toMaUnK Him Candidate for Mujor

A Ktun was III circulation in polirical ctr-rles In Ilrooklyn yesterday to tbo effect thattho Democratic managers In the boroughwere BO much ImpreuMd with thin availabilityof time ibis Kdwanl M Shepard us a Mayor

iiindiiiate that they were going to wml-nn nmbu ndor to croker nt hl-retrent in hnglatid to ICIIK time iUe tlonwith him

It was also said that Mr Jumes 8ln vlinMr McLninrhllnt elder lleutvinintwould f the ninbn nilor-

No npoiipniiiii of thrtreet ninrbiiie would viiiicb fur HIDand Mr iShevlin stud Hint h Imil tin Inten-tion of colng obmuil An II of factthern n very few nf the Hronklyn liemotrail ljiti mrii wlm luive any expectationthat Taiumiiiyimtnlniitlon to that luiruiivli this year nnileven If II did thit Mr Shipardthe bill

Illi fOlllOHATlOX iXltlHTKS-Innr Urn mert In Nurrred the llurhanan-

MlnthmpNEW HSVKN May 10 Tbe Iey An on

Phelps blokes Secretary to the Vnle Curpornlioli will coal out to the Yaleilumni tnmnrrow rnntnlnitii the iinmcHof the four nen who have been nominatednnd will continue in the race fr memberof till Ilirporillon to Kiineed theIlinhii in of York city whodied r nnily Hit term would hae ex-pired t il June The inline lire KM Whit-ney Xe Tliniiini Tbncliei TtNew Y rk cltv Clmrles p Tuft V4 lananil i ir ii WoudwnrO il

t i ni THIKS TO-

Illle an Artery In IU WtlM When TakenIn lull In AH alt Sentence







tlrnadIp anti

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Andrew 11 laydns II Pa nlr N J sulnnnkeeper was convicted before luffyesterday nflenioon of nbdiiitlng 13yenrold Annie Feck on Sept IT n t nnd WHS reinnnded till Tuesday foricnlence He jumpedbit hail after Indictment limit was ciniuht IIIChicago and lm been locked up in tlm Tombs

After lie hnd hen liiken buick tn the Tnnibs-yesterdny it

were cnvcred witb blcodbud bitten his left wrlt mid hnd eveied oneof the nrterle The wound wus IMIIIIHnnd lie was put In n trailjacket in the hn pitnl ward iri on-


Women Students at Teiiinen CnlleRe Cuuldnl-Smr ITorenre Herd

Mi Ilurence lonl yeiri oil wInlakllii n pei Ill course nt the Teachers

Cnllege died suddenly yeiterdny nf kidneytroubli nt her hoarding hou e il3i llroud-

wav She talus here lat Jctoher fromPhlladelt Inn ti III herelf for n higher

line nf wlmiii nwke tcrdny nail iuiuii-lier Ml I ril hn two in-Phllndelptil mn tim principal of a innnuH-

lllrnrj Jl IUsler Sells lilt lion rHenry M Under re ldeni at south

enl corner nf Fifth avenue and Flftyfnurliidirect wan rmveyeil yetirday to ChnrliM-W llnrUne K Tbe con Indicated

INIIKII Ilie preinle nr-

Iut Shefili llniie In luliled-

lltKKU May to lit HheedyV gamblingbniiM III lime old City I lull Iliilldln-by the llce till illertioon Sheedy hnd

begun to iiitiiil the furniture nnd thetiollre iiiiiul lily one mulettn wheel andone fnro outilt No iirrel wereThe they did toil knowowned the tin Mld It belongedtn him hut t admit it was gambling

Tbe WORST COIDS e n he rumd withJAVNKS

tlicIIfIt1 t

lie rtkr I


sPas I hut r slie




idaIt ii tuimr Sl toiiiamei i it it iuumr

I rmmirmiimg elm Iltipi toil Itla-tlii Ilmiirimii I

I tin


simi s I

s It a ni tiling flu ifait

sius riltiiiui


eI lii litSbeiI








Itrpreuntiillie nr liuhn Ineb A Co StakesStatement m tn that PrerlpllatcdMighty Contest ton orlhern 1iirlnca Contrnl S yi Mr Jlnrxnn hail Nothing to DoWith II and WnnU Have Averted tbo dartHad lie Here Uaslt of SeltlrnicntWith the P Shorn llurllnRtnn Deal

Through o Hatter What HappenUnrcaln Hunter Again In the Street

Wnll Street cnmo up smiling yesterdaymorning anti began to do business at time

same old stand just as If the whole dis-

trict hadnt been shaken from centre tccircumference only twentyfour lacuna be-

fore At the ojRnlng tho market wasnaturally feverish but there no traciof ianle conditions and there was that 111

the ntmospliero which swmed to convlnceverybody that thn worst was over Thenwas nn averagn alvanco of about 2 polntiall through the Hut of stocks

The net result In disaster of Thurs-days cyclone when reckonings were takesat thin closn of business was seven emal-Jnllurei of Consolidated Kxclmngo housesThorn won rumors that morn Consolidatedhouses would go by thin board hut theywere only rumors and little attention waipaid to them Trading in Northern Pacifictime stock which caused all the trouble 01-

Thiirwlav was eitremely tame No sen-sational price was offered for It becausof tho unlfrslanding that the shortscould settle at nn upset price Tlio highestquotation of thin day was 200

The news of time they that contained glngeiwas H statement made by Otto Kalm ol-

Ktihn Ioeb t Co relative totho NortherrPacific situation Mr Kalm expressedHOIIM doubt us to whether time tnlon Pacificpeople have grit control of Northern Pacificafter nil Ho told how tho fight hum beenbrought on nnd made the additional state-ment that whoever controls time propertythis Kurllnglon deal will be carried througbjust If timer hal been no fight nt nil

Missouri Pnelfle was exceptionally strongopening 5 points lilgher than it closed onThursday night and In a short tune It maden further ndvanre of morn titan 2 pointsIliinn Pacific commoti was up 1 points ntth-oiienlng then lot about nil It hail gainedand finally steadied about II oclock to i-

llgiirn 2 points above Thursdays closingAtehlson Topeka nail Santo JV commoropened 3 points higher arid the preferredgained 4 points Delaware and Hudsonarid Delaware Lackawauna nnd Westcrcgripped themselves right nt time opening

recovered about in anti 10 points re-spectively of what they lost on ThunjdaySt Paul opened at nn advance of M pointsChicago lliirlington and Cjulncy H andRock Island 5 Of course them were somereactions from these opening figures butthey wero not Important Toward tinclose of business the tendency was all up-


In the local traction stocks MetropolitanStreet Hallway showed n gain of 6 points ittthe opening Manhattan IV points andBrooklyn Hapld Transit 3 points UnitedStates Steel showed nn ndvanco of 4

points while this preferred gained 3 pointsSugar opened with nn advance of 2 pointsami In n short time went 4 points higherAmalgamated Copper was strong on a 4

point rise and ieneral ElectrIc showeda gain of 10 points All hone advances ntthe opening hem had been preceded byheavy buying In London for the Now Yorkaccount 1nder this buying tho Londonprices for American stocks yesterday morn-Ing showed a marked difference over theclosing prices on Thursday night StPaul gained i j points on this other sideof tIme ocean Ijilon Pacific sVf Atchisoncommon a1 Atrhison preferred Oi andUnited States Steel 3

Immediately after tIme opening hero therewas fairly heavy buying for wlmt was sup-posed to bo time accounts of J P Morgan A-

Co Kiilm Lneb A Co arid outer Interestswhich have been Identified with the greatconsolidations and amalgamations Anorder for 2500 shares of Eric was sent Inshortly alter 10 oclock nnd was executedat 11 13 and 31 A few niltiulm later 1300shiircH were bought for Xl antI shortlybefore oclock 34HO shares were boughtfur 33 The opening silk of St Paul Inwhich unusual strength was shown all daywas 4i00 slinrts nt IM to US Somebodywas after tlm preferred stock of the Inlted-SUitcriSteelCorporationwithhot Irons Thee

Stork Kxchangu gong laud hardly soundedwhen orders for i mihhnres wires dumpedIn on hoot and the slmreH were boughtat trout Ito to 2 SomeboJy else vas


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after 1nlon Pacific riu opening orderfor that was fur iKjo nlians rxecuted atfrom V1 to KIJ The trading in this stockwas one of the days features

This was n very satisfactory beginningbut the Sloik Kxchangit yet heardfrom tint hooting House and until It couldbo learned how tlm Udders hail settledtheir balance nobody miild tell just howsolid tin Street wits It should be ex-

plained that u Stock lilinngo house faiLs

when it cant meet its obligations Tinrillif was grout therefore when it becameknown through the Street that nil tho Clear-ing HDIISO ImlnnccH had been settled atthey should havw been and nobody was indefault

After had receivrsl this Injectionof iiiiilldencn from the teporls from theClenring House It began to talk of whathad been nnd what was going to be anti tolook for bargiiins lIme luirgain hunterswero out in forte and they bad a great dayif it Thct worn the men with rash in

their inside pockets who are always readylo grid up stocks after Wall Street haspassed through a prime or an unusuallyheavy i lui ui The buyers were afterlb good ulnclis They wanted tlm articleHint ys the dividends and limy got it

The purely speiulaiivi buying waslimited In fart many of hue largestlirnkeragK h mcs diMouragiil II Indeedmany houses would cxcciito Imying ordersonly when the Imyets were nlile to pay for

ticks in full They H imply said theydulit want any margin Imtiiie for tha-pnvent In ntlier cases tlm marginsrequired were so exccitslvo ns to greatlyrestrict time trading huts situation left

Mjlet Slaadlib GingerThe club maaVcliuicc Ualkht 01 JM dilutlonjXd

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